Search results for ""TAYLOR FRANCIS""
Taylor & Francis Ltd Perspectives on Palliative Care for Children and Young People: A Global Discourse
Advances in medical science and technology are saving the lives of more children worldwide than ever. Some survive and live out a normal life expectancy, others have a life-limiting/life-threatening diagnosis where death may come early, and still others will live on well past projected life trajectories into adulthood. With so many different care pathways, children, parents and communities often find themselves facing challenges for which neither they nor their healthcare systems are prepared. This book opens a global discussion of these issues. Extending Rita Pfund's text Palliative Care Nursing of Children and Young People, it invites paediatric palliative care professionals, parents and children from around the globe to share their knowledge and experience. This book is of vital interest to palliative care professionals, parents, policy makers and academics. It is an important move towards ensuring that all children and their families, regardless of geographical location, gender, ethnicity or socio-economic class have equal and guaranteed access to comprehensive paediatric palliative care services.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Primary Child and Adolescent Mental Health: A Practical Guide, 3 Volume Set
Rewritten with the new primary care environment in mind, this greatly expanded and updated edition of Child Mental Health in Primary Care extends the structured approach of the first edition to adoelscent mental health. As in the first edition, Primary Child and Adolescent Mental Health covers each problem in a uniform way, offering definitions, assessment outlines, detailed management options and indications for referral. Numerous case examples further illuminate aspects of many conditions. Comprehensive and practical, the forty-four chapters of Primary Child and Adolescent Mental Health cover the full range of difficulties and disabilities affecting the mental health of children and young people. The book is divided into three volumes, and can either be read from cover to cover or used as a resource to be consulted for guidance on specific problems. This book is vital for all healthcare professionals including general practitioners, health visitors and other staff working in primary care to assess, manage and refer children and adolescents with mental health problems. School medical officers, social workers and educational psychologists, many of whom are in the front line of mental health provision for children and young people, will also find it extremely useful. Reviews of the first edition: 'This very comprehensive and detailed book provides the tools for primary care health professionals not only to assess a child's needs but in many cases also to implement an initial package of care.' JUST FOR NURSES 'I have no reservation in recommending the book to all people working with children and families in any capacity. An important training text for a variety of professions. A very effective text to be used in daily practice for quick reference.' CHILD AND ADOLESCENT MENTAL HEALTH 'This book is well produced and clearly written. A useful book for anyone interested or involved with children.' FAMILY PRACTICE 'I looked through the book again and again but could not find anything missing.' NURSING TIMES
Taylor & Francis Ltd Depression - A Nurse's Experience: Shadows of Life
Veronica Burton's first experience of depression came as a teenager. Following a ten year remission, during which she gained her general nursing qualification and completed her Special and Intensive Nursing of the Newborn course, work-related events precipitated a depressive relapse that has lasted to the present day. Since her retirement on medical grounds, she has campaigned against prejudice by nurses toward other nurses - including mental health nurses - who need psychological support of any kind. This book recounts the author's experiences of major depression, hospital admissions and treatments including medication, ECT and 'talking treatments'. It discusses the care given by medical and nursing staff and social and medical prejudices against those with psychiatric illnesses from a medical practitioner's perspective. Like stumbling on a secret room in a familiar building. In illuminating these previously inaccessible corners of her illness experience, she forces me to challenge my own taken-for-granted version of her history. Familiar territory seen from another perspective suddenly seems perturbing. As psychiatrists, too often we are drawn into seeing people through a lens of illness, as if this was their only identity.A" Veronica Burton's Psychiatrist Nick Rose in his Postscript
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Finalists Guide to Passing the OSCE: Clinical Examinations and Procedures
Performing well in the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) requires sound medical knowledge and a systematic approach to clinical examination. It is the most daunting assessment for medical students - they are expected to take full and accurate medical histories, perform structured and comprehensive clinical examinations, and display competence and dexterity when performing procedures. They must also demonstrate interest and enthusiasm towards their patients, and show empathy when appropriate. This book will help you to focus on key point scoring areas, learn golden rules for each examination and avoid pitfalls, potential disasters and common mistakes. It provides essential details on structure and approach, without weighing you down - its handy size means you can use it at the bedside, on the ward, or whilst observing other students examining a patient. The best practice methods for approaching patients at each station will ensure that you'll have the confidence to impress examiners.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Integrating Healthcare with Information and Communications Technology
This book sets out to answer the key question of how healthcare providers can move from a fragmented to an integrated provision, including how ICT be used to develop a market approach - variety and choice of service providers for patients - against a background of institutionalised and ingrained practices. A team of academic and practitioner experts with many years' healthcare and research experience considers the broad issues of transforming healthcare using ICTs, electronic health records (EHRs), and approaches taken internationally to the healthcare integration challenge. The book will be essential reading for those involved in ICTs at a strategic or managerial level, and for contractors and developers implementing solutions on their behalf. The book will also be of interest for all those concerned with integrating healthcare and ICT at every level throughout the world.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Skills Training in Communication and Related Topics: Pt. 2
Quality communication contributes to smoother running practices, better care and services, greater efficiencies, fewer unhealthy conflicts, more satisfied staff and patients, and an improved ability to meet the challenges of an evolving and increasingly complex health care environment - With packed curricula in most health care training institutions, and hectic schedules in practices and administrative offices, time for teaching vital communication and interpersonal skills is often at a premium. This book equips trainees with the skills needed to communicate effectively with patients, colleagues and the community, employing a 'learning by doing' approach for effective and engaging learning. It is designed for practice leaders, hospital leaders and public health professionals helping health care professionals upgrade their skills, and especially for faculty members who teach students and residents. Featuring more than 100 exercises ideal for use in a variety of training situations, this book takes into consideration the often limited training time available for non-clinical topics. Exercises range in length from minutes to over an hour, whilst a selection grid allows trainers and educators to select the right exercises to cover topics in the available time.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Nature of Health: How America Lost, and Can Regain, a Basic Human Value
This pioneering work addresses a key issue that confronts all industrialised nations: How do we organise healthcare services in accordance with fundamental human rights, whilst competing with scientific and technological advances, powerful commercial interests and widespread public ignorance? "The Nature of Health" presents a coherent, affordable and logical way to build a healthcare system. It argues against a health system fixated on the pursuit of longevity and suggests an alternative where the ability of an individual to function in worthwhile relationships is a better, more human goal. By reviewing the etymology, sociology and anthropology of health, this controversial guide examines the meaning of health, and proves how a community-centred healthcare system improves local economy, creates social capital and is affordable, rational, personal, and just. "This is badly needed nourishment for a medical system glutted on technology, individualism, profit and the pursuit of longevity. Read and be fed." - Christopher Koller, Health Insurance Commissioner, The State of Rhode Island, USA. "Unique. Surprising. A real eye-opener. Just about everyone who doesn't have a vested financial interest in maintaining the status quo will agree that U.S. healthcare is badly broken. [This book] is making it possible for us to refocus from how to provide healthcare to how to achieve health. Their description of health as successful functioning in community, rather than as a measure of longevity is a definition that can make a reader feel healthier as they take gradually appreciate the power of the concept. On this foundation, it is not as hard as one might think to outline a healthcare system that is equitable, affordable and achievable." - Alexander Blount EdD, Professor of Family Medicine, University of Massacusetts Medical Center.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Changing Clinical Care: Experiences and Lessons of Systematisation
"Changing Clinical Care" adopts a fresh, nursing and patient-centred approach to systemisation to aid patients and their carers. The evidence-based methodology outlines real-world experiences in various sectors of healthcare including primary care, cardiac services, general surgery, and care of long term conditions. It sheds light on possible difficulties and examines the key lessons learnt in providing effective systemisation including common problems, pit-falls and effective solutions. It includes high profile prologues by Dame Carol Black, (Past President, Royal College of Physicians of England) Dr David Colin-Thome (National Clinical Director for Primary Care, Department of Health, England) and Professor Alison Kitson (Executive Director, Royal College of Nursing). This book is ideal for all healthcare professionals interested in systemising the delivery of care. It is also of great interest to healthcare policy makers and shapers, and academics and researchers.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Advanced Consulting in Family Medicine: The Consultation Expertise Model
What distinguishes the consulting of experienced family doctors from their newly qualified colleagues? The question is often frustratingly hard answer clearly or objectively: unlike many professions, family doctors face a dearth of clear expectations of what constitutes advanced practice, a lack of defined standards against which to evaluate it, and an absence of expertise-related professional training in which to develop it post-certification. The model of consultation excellence outlined in this book illustrates in practical terms how advanced consulting can be nurtured. It avoids tantalising value judgement such as 'excellence'. Instead, it describes behaviours in terms that can be observed day to day, providing a detailed picture of what constitutes advanced consulting behaviour, how family doctors can be helped to acquire these higher levels of expertise, and how changes in behaviour can be identified and evaluated. "Advanced Consulting in Family Medicine" is written in handbook form for easy access and use, and provides a vital vision of higher order family doctor consulting.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Annual Review of Eating Disorders: Pt. 1
This title contains foreword by Eric Van Furth, President, American Academy of Eating Disorders. This guide draws together the latest developments in eating disorders. Together with its companion volume "Annual Review of Eating Disorders Part 2", this resource covers the twenty key topics including binge eating, trauma, self-help, assessment and negative body image. It is a compilation of reviews from leading scientists and clinicians, and is the essential update for busy professionals and health researchers, with a clear emphasis on clinical implications. It also provides invaluable information for psychologists, psychiatrists, dieticians, family doctors, pediatricians, counsellors and educators. 'Very important. Successful. Well respected. Comprehensive. Appropriate for all clinicians, researchers, and trainees who work in the area of eating disorders. A great reference for those needing direction on the current available treatments.' - Shiela M Dowd, PhD, Rush University Medical Center, Illinois, USA. 'Presents information in manageable chunks which are easy to digest. Research is clearly linked to clinical practice. Easy to read. Helpful. Comprehensive. A valuable resource for new as well as experienced clinicians.' - Primary Care and Community Psychiatry. "Last year's Review was very well received, by researchers and clinicians alike, and I am confident that the same will be true this year. Keeping track of the latest developments in the research on eating disorders is a major challenge for all of us. The abundant information that is now available via journals, online reference web sites, university databases, and individualized e-alerts can be so overwhelming that it is difficult to see the forest trough the trees. Integrating results from various sources and translating these findings into day-to-day clinical practice is not easily done. The "Annual Review" truly is the best way to stay up to date!" - Eric F van Furth, in the Foreword.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Better Physician Writing and Speaking Skills: Improving Communication, Grant Writing and Chances for Publication
This book covers the theory and practice of writing and speaking in professional settings for practitioners, educators and researchers in healthcare. A thought-provoking work, written by John J. Gartland, MD, Medical Editor at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia and past president of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, it will stimulate readers and change their perspectives on all forms of communication with their patients and colleagues. Uniquely, it also shows how to prepare an interesting, well-organized and well-written grant proposal to maximize the chances of obtaining funding. An essential resource for physicians and residents in all specialties, medical students, and educators and researchers, particularly those applying for research grants or wanting to publish articles. "Developing acceptable writing and speaking skills should be major goals for all physicians to attain because the very nature of the medical profession is such that few physicians can escape the need to speak and write in their professional careers. I share with you concepts and strategies about medical writing, medical speaking, and patient communication skills that have worked well for me over a long medical career. My hope is that these suggested communication and writing strategies will work as well for you as they have for me." - John Gartland, in the foreword.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Creative Engagement in Palliative Care: New Perspectives on User Involvement
This book offers an extensive range of ideas and practical developing service users' creativity including songmaking, drama, dance, creative writing, music, video and visual arts. It promotes innovation and encourages a fresh and enthusiastic approach to care that will appeal to anyone with a love of creative arts as a means of expression. The wide-ranging approach encompasses many different voices from patients, artists and healthcare professionals. "Creative Engagement in Palliative Care" is highly recommended for all palliative health and social care professionals and volunteers, including occupational therapists, and art and music therapists. It is a wonderful resource for health and social care educators, teachers and trainers and will be a immense source of inspiration for patients and their families.'This book is about user involvement. It is concerned with sharing knowledge and experience about user involvement in palliative care and making it more real for the future. In modern times, the importance of 'end of life care' was highlighted by the pioneers of the voluntary hospice movement. They emphasised the importance of palliative care being based on an holistic approach that took account of all aspects of people's lives and deaths; medical, social, spiritual and material. More recently the work of the independent hospice movement has been complemented by the development and expansion of specialist palliative care in state provision. The aim has been to enable people to be able to 'do it their way' with a real sense of control and to be able to communicate their unique words, voices and experience. This is and will always be a key potential of user involvement.' - Suzy Croft and Peter Beresford, in the Preface.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Research Degrees for Health Professionals
Interested in undertaking research training? More health professionals are considering enrolling in a postgraduate degree that includes research training, and many are choosing to do this part-time within already busy personal and professional lives. Many are also choosing to conduct research in areas that involve more than one traditional discipline or are closely linked to their professional practice. The challenges they will face are quite different to those of typical full-time students moving on from a first degree. This practical book guides health professionals, and the academic faculty who supervise them, through developing research ideas based on professional practice to successful completion and graduation with either masters or doctoral level degrees. Research training can be a complex process. It is daunting trying to juggle a personal and professional life, and help and advice on this is otherwise hard to find. This book is ideal for healthcare professionals undertaking, or considering undertaking part-time research training. It is also invaluable for full-time research students, and will be a great source of information for academic supervisors and course organisers. 'This book is written for all those poor souls who feel an inclination to undertake further education in a way that answers questions relevant to their work. Research training does not need to be seen as daunting. There is a wide range of research training available, from lower level coursework modules through to higher level, research project-based programmes, many of them designed for full-time study. Few practicing health professionals have the time or the inclination to suspend professional work and study full-time, and so embark on complex pathways that combine research and professional practice. The choice of pathways is potentially confusing and there are numerous challenges to reaching a satisfactory outcome and maintaining sanity. With careful planning, prediction of potential pressure points, and early detection of challenges and intervention, research training even amidst complex lives, can be very rewarding and even life-changing.' - Richard Hays, in the Preface.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Develop Your Interpersonal and Self-Management Skills: A Practical Resource for Healthcare Administrative and Clerical Staff
This work contains forewords by Richard Mcdonough and Mari Robbins, respectively, a Member of Council, The Association of Medical Secretaries, Practice Managers, Administrators and Receptionists (AMSPAR); and, a former college lecturer in health studies, and a management and training consultant. "I wrote this book to help you in your work role, to provide information and practical suggestions. A large part of what you do involves communicating with other people: colleagues, patients, relatives, carers and the general public. Given the complexities, vulnerabilities and sometimes 'demanding behaviour' of other people, this may at times be an arduous task. Healthcare jobs take their toll on people, and being able to manage the various demands without being ground down is a great challenge. This book will help to affirm and build upon what you already know in a way that supports both you and your work." - Karen Stainsby, in the Preface.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Art of Presenting: Getting It Right in the Post-Modern World
This informal, fun guide is ideal for anyone involved in public speaking; addressing a group of people in a wide range of situations including lecturing as part of your day job, presenting research findings to your academic peers, and presenting to potential future colleagues as part of an interview process. These situations are all different, and as with many things, context is everything. Whether you’re working with large or small audiences, there are basic rules for speaking that should never be overshadowed by bewildering presentation technology.
Taylor & Francis Ltd A Guide to General Dental Practice: v. 1, Relationships and Responses
This work includes a foreword By Hew Mathewson, President, General Dental Council. This book is an excellent ready reference for every dental practice to have on hand. Full of practical advice and helpful tips, it offers independent and impartial guidance, especially for new dentists and other staff. It assists competence and provides a thorough understanding of all areas needed for good patient care and professional responsibility. It covers aspects of care including history taking and prescribing, and topics including law, ethics and clinical governance. This completely up to date resource is an essential handbook for all dentistry students and recent vocational training graduates, as well as dental vocational trainers. "Leaving VT to move into practice is an exciting and challenging step and this guide is one of those things you will never know you needed until you cannot find it. It is an incredibly useful collection of information produced by a small group of your colleagues. Until such time as you really need it why not look through it, you will find it helpful and reassuring." - Hew Mathewson, in the Foreword.
Taylor & Francis Ltd There's a Lot of it About: v. 2, Private Life
This book contains forewords by Chris Del Mar and James Hutchinson respectively - Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine, Bond University, Australia; Chief of Infectious Diseases Control, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada. Acute respiratory infections make up a quarter of all primary care consultations. This book is the ideal quick reference and teaching aid. In presenting best evidence on the epidemiology, causes and management of the most common acute respiratory infections, this book gathers together a wealth of previously scattered original research and information and offers solutions for practical application. It is concise, clear and easy to use. Primary care professionals, including doctors, nurses and health visitors will find it invaluable, as will general practitioners in training. 'There is much more to these diseases than most of us realise. It will not take you long to find fascinating and useful material here. It makes for a very interesting read. The evidence about management, as well as diagnosis, is very important. Acute respiratory infection is one of the famously important areas in which mistaken beliefs by not only our patients, but also us doctors, of the benefits of antibiotics makes to the contribution of bacterial resistance. Graham Worrall has highlighted new forms of treatment we often forget when we reach for the pad to write another 'safety' prescription for antibiotic. There is a wealth of information here.' - Chris Del Mar, in his Foreword. 'An objective, thoughtful treatment of a subject that accounts for a large part of a primary care physician's working life but inexplicably little of his or her training. Thorough evaluation of the literature, often exposing huge gaps in the study of these extremely common conditions, will serve as an impetus for study and a guide to rational decision-making. The straightforward approach with excellent practical distillations of the evidence and resulting recommendations is perfect for the busy physician or busy student. As someone who teaches medical students about infections I have longed for a concise resource to support my efforts at encouraging prudent antibiotic prescription for respiratory tract infections. I long no more.' - James Hutchinson, in his Foreword.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Today's Students, Tomorrow's Doctors: Bk.2, Further Detection and Management of Physical Disease
This work includes forewords by Sir Kenneth Calman, Lynn Calman, and Rita Charon. Respectively Vice-Chancellor and Warden, University of Durham and former Chief Medical Officer for England; Research Associate, School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, University of Manchester; Professor of Clinical Medicine, College of Physicians and Surgeons, University of Columbia, New York, USA. "Today's Students, Tomorrow's Doctors" offers actual accounts of life as a trainee junior doctor in the health service today. It is an intriguing read which includes student contributions that are witty, humorous, poignant and sometimes harrowing. With a strong focus on the personal, powerful and emotional experiences of trainee and junior doctors, this unique book challenges medical educators to understand the demands placed on graduates and will stimulate change and curriculum development. The book is also a great reference for medical students - preparing them for the realities of ward life. It aids in developing an understanding of the skills and experience required to survive and thrive in the healthcare environment. This is an invaluable resource for medical educators in both work-based and university roles. It will also be of great interest to healthcare managers and curriculum developers and shapers. 'A joy to read, full of hope. We were delighted, surprised and at times concerned. Delighted because of the issues raised and the sophisticated ways in which students responded to the challenges; surprised at the range of issues raised and the obvious importance of relationships in the clinical setting; finally concerned at some of the attitudes which were commented on, especially of senior staff, and on the adequacy of preparation for house officer posts. This book is inspirational and should be read by all who have any part to play in the education of doctors.' - Sir Kenneth Calman and Lynne Calman, in their Foreword. 'Extraordinary. This is autobiographical insight at its most powerful, for it leads to transformative growth and true learning. I am first of all impressed with the emotional valence of these writings. They reflect the students' interior states of sadness, empathy, and awe as they bear witness to patients' suffering. The essays reflect a fresh calculus of sickness and duty [and] give me great and glad hope that our doctors of the future will be efficient with the forms of medicine as well as courageous in braving their contact with the ill, with the dying, with the humans who confront them evermore seeking care, seeking comfort, seeking their full capacity to heal.' - Rita Charon, in her Foreword.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Innovations in Cancer and Palliative Care Education: v. 4, Prognosis
This work includes Foreword by Nigel Sykes, Medical Director, St Christopher's Hospice, London. This practical, evidence-based guide has been specifically designed for teachers in cancer and palliative care. It is completely up-to-date and covers the recent complex changes in cancer and palliative care delivery, offering a range of different, creative approaches. Ideal for training, the text includes highlighted key points, self help questions for reflection, and references where applicable. It provides invaluable guidance for all healthcare professionals with palliative care teaching responsibilities, including undergraduate and postgraduate healthcare educators and Macmillan lecturers. '[This] book gives us a three-dimensional view of how to respond to the demands on cancer and palliative care education today, set particularly in a British context but, of course, capable of extrapolation to other settings. These three dimensions of innovation can be summarised as: What do you teach? How do you teach it? To whom do you teach it? Innovation in all three aspects simultaneously may be difficult to achieve, but all who have a responsibility for education are faced with the challenges of making their teaching more effective (and demonstrating that they have done so), keeping abreast of advancing knowledge and clinical practice, and of reaching out to groups of learners who hitherto have been neglected. Of significant help to anyone in this field whose concern is the delivery of effective and appropriate education.' - Nigel Sykes, in the Foreword.
Taylor & Francis Ltd MRCS Picture Questions: A Practical Guide, v. 3
'It gives me immense personal pleasure to see this publication come to fruition - edited by two very committed young teachers, ably supported by several up and coming young surgeons who are setting out on the road to a surgical vocation. 'A picture is equal to a thousand words' - this adage is exemplified by the excellent pictures in this volume generously contributed by many young surgeons. The reader will find the following pages a compelling read. This book is the outcome of the painstaking collection of clinical material over many years by the two editors, aided by colleagues who have contributed much towards this very worthwhile publication.' Pradip K. Datta, in the Foreword from "Book 1".
Taylor & Francis Ltd Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: With Explanatory Answers, Part 2 , Best of Five Practice Questions
'...finding my baby that day shattered my life ...nothing would ever, ever be the same way again...' This insightful guide is based on real life accounts from mothers who have experienced Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Focusing on grief, motherhood and maternal identity, the book is an intriguing read - often upsetting, yet desperately compelling. The stories and poignant memories bring the subject to life. Health and social care professionals will find a wealth of emotional and practical insights to improve professional practice, as will psychiatrists, psychologists, counsellors and therapists. 'This book has been written primarily to enable others to reflect on some of the stories which circulate around SIDS. They are not always easy stories to write or easy stories to read - but they are stories that need to be told and heard so that we can increase understanding of SIDS.' - Dawne J Gurbutt, in the Preface.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Women's Health: Medical Masterclass Questions and Explanatory Answers, Pt. 1
This is a highly practical symptom-based manual of common women's conditions. The patient-centred approach provides invaluable guidance on diagnosis, treatment and further investigation. Conditions are grouped as menstrual, hormonal, sexual, breast, urinary, pregnancy, or weight related, and within these areas each symptom is listed alphabetically for ease of reference. A helpful summary of each condition is included where possible to provide an overview, in non-technical language, for the patient. Concise and easy-to read, it is the ideal ready reference for any busy healthcare professional, especially doctors and nurses in primary care hospital emergency departments. 'Despite brilliant advances in science, women's health needs are still mainly focused around their unique reproductive role: contraception, unplanned pregnancy, pregnancy, infertility, the loss of fertility, body image and self esteem. I wanted to bring together information that could be used across these and other areas where women seek health advice: general practice, accident and emergency, etc. in a simple quick reference format.' - Sarah Bekaert, in the Introduction.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Currency of Justice: Fines and Damages in Consumer Societies
Fines and monetary damages account for the majority of legal sanctions across the whole spectrum of legal governance. Money is, in key respects, the primary tool law has to achieve compliance. Yet money has largely been ignored by social analyses of law, and especially by social theory.The Currency of Justice examines the differing rationalities, aims and assumptions built into money’s deployment in diverse legal fields and sanctions. This raises major questions about the extent to which money appears as an abstract universal or whether it takes on more particular meanings when deployed in various areas of law. Indeed, money may be unique in that it can take on the meanings of punishment, compensation, denunciation or regulation. The Currency of Justice examines the implications of the ‘monetization of justice’ as life is increasingly regulated through this single medium. Money not only links diverse domains of law; it also links legal sanctions to other monetary techniques which govern everyday life. Like these, the concern with monetary sanctions is not who pays, but that money is paid. Money is perhaps the only form of legal sanction where the burden need not be borne by the wrongdoer. In this respect, this book explores the view that contemporary governance is less concerned with disciplining individuals and more concerned with regulating distributions and flows of behaviours and the harms and costs linked with these.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Governance and Regulation in Social Life: Essays in Honour of W.G. Carson
Comprising fourteen articles by leading international contributors, including some of the most prominent socio-legal and criminological scholars working in the field, this volume is currently the only work available that critically examines W.G. Carson and his crucial influence in the turn towards sociological approaches to criminology and a criminological interest in governance and social control.The 1970s witnessed an epiphany in the sociological understanding of crime in Britain. The correctional perspective, which assumed crimes had inherent or essential qualities that distinguished them from other acts, was superseded by the analysis of how social events came to be defined as so harmful and repugnant as to require criminalization. This shift in perspectives was exemplified in W.G. Carson’s work, which combines a Marxist acknowledgement of the imperative for profit with a symbolic interactionist attention to the restraining effect of prestige and status among producers and regulators. This key work is an essential read for postgraduates and researchers studying and researching in the areas of criminology and law.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Arguments with Ethnography: Comparative Approaches to History, Politics and Religion Volume 70
A critique of the globalisation of the culture principle, arguing that theory is dependent on the actual study of peoples.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Figuring Out Figurative Art: Contemporary Philosophers on Contemporary Paintings
In 1797 Friedrich Schlegel wrote that "philosophy of art usually lacks one of two things: either the philosophy, or the art." This collection of essays contains both the philosophy and the art. It brings together an international team of leading philosophers to address diverse philosophical issues raised by recent works of art. Each essay engages with a specific artwork and explores the connection between the image and the philosophical content. Thirteen contemporary philosophers demonstrate how philosophy can aid interpretation of the work of ten contemporary artists, including: Jesse Prinz on John Currin Barry C. Smith and Edward Winters on Dexter Dalwood Lydia Goehr and Sam Rose on Tom de Freston Raymond Geuss on Adrian Ghenie and Chantal Joffe Hallvard Lillehammer on Paul Noble M. M. McCabe and Alexis Papazoglou on Ged Quinn Noël Carroll on Paula Rego Simon Blackburn and Jerrold Levinson on George Shaw Sondra Bacharach on Yue Minjun. The discussion ranges over ethical, political, psychological and religious concepts, such as irony, disgust, apathy, inequality, physiognomy and wonder, to historical experiences of war, Marx-inspired political movements and Thatcherism, and standard problems in the philosophy of art, such as expression, style, depiction and ontology of art, as well as major topics in art history, such as vanitas painting, photography, pornography, and Dadaism. Many of the contributors are distinguished in areas of philosophy other than aesthetics and are writing about art for the first time. All show how productive the engagement can be between philosophy, more generally, and art.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Emerging Trends in Continental Philosophy
"Emerging Trends in Continental Philosophy" presents a comprehensive and accessible analysis of the most recent developments in European thought. From feminist thought to environmental philosophy to analytic themes in Continental philosophy to recent discussions of citizenship, "Emerging Trends" offers an overview of the currents animating contemporary Continental philosophy. The volume focuses on thematic developments rather than individual figures, allowing the reader to follow the threads that weave different thinkers together. Each essay is written by an expert in the area covered, displaying the passion of these experts for the fields they discuss without lapsing into jargon. The volume provides a broad map of the landscape of recent European thought as well as the latest thinking from leading scholars on key themes.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Creating a New Consensus on Population: The Politics of Reproductive Health, Reproductive Rights, and Women's Empowerment
Population growth, reproductive health and reproductive rights are amongst the most pressing issues facing governments and the international community. Since the world's governments agreed for the first time on far-reaching and enlightened population policies at the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in Cairo, a good deal of progress has been made on these issues, but major challenges remain. This fully updated edition of Creating a New Consensus on Population charts international progress on efforts to address population and development, reproductive health, reproductive rights, religion, contraception and the empowerment of women. Historical coverage includes the lead up process to the ICPD, the conference itself and the global consensus and the ICPD Programme of Action that resulted. The book then turns to how population issues have developed over the past decade and a half including follow-up and implementation at the international level by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and other UN agencies and organizations. Key international events are covered including the 1999 ICPD+5, Millennium Summit 2000, ICPD+10 and the 2005 MDG+5 as well as relevant regional events. The book also examines the reorientation of policies and programmes and implementation at national levels across the world. Crucially, it looks at emerging issues and partnerships including the increasing role of NGOs, women's groups, youth groups, foundations, public-private partnerships and other non-state stakeholders. Written by Jyoti Shankar Singh, former ICPD Executive Coordinator, this is the definitive account of how the international community has engaged with population issues and policies and it offers insight into both the ongoing challenges as well as how an international consensus can be forged on crucial global issues. It is essential reading for all those involved in population, health and development issues and policies world-wide.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Post-Disaster Reconstruction: Lessons from Aceh
On Sunday 26 December 2004, a tsunami of up to 30 metres high hit the northern tip of Sumatera in Indonesia, causing immediate destruction and the deaths of at least 130,000 in Indonesia alone. The scale of the devastation and ensuing human suffering prompted the biggest response endeavour to any natural disaster in history. Post-Disaster Reconstruction will be the first major book that analyses the different perspectives and experiences of the enormous post-tsunami reconstruction effort. It looks specifically at the reconstruction efforts in Aceh, one of the regions most heavily-hit by the tsunami and a province that has until recently suffered nearly three decades of armed conflict. Positioning the reconstruction efforts within Aceh's multi-layered historical, cultural, socio-political and religious contexts, the authors explore diverse experiences and assessments of the reconstruction. It considers the importance of the political and religious settings of the reconstruction, the roles of communities and local non-government organisations and the challenges faced by Indonesian and international agencies. From the in-depth examination of this important case study of disaster reconstruction - significant not only because of the huge scale of the natural disaster and response but also the post-conflict issues - the editors draw together the lessons learned for the future of Aceh and make general recommendations for post-disaster and post-conflict reconstruction-making.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Renewable Energy: Four Volume Set
This four-volume set, edited by a leading expert in the field, brings together in one collection a series of papers that have been fundamental to the development of renewable energy as a defined discipline. Some of the papers were first published many years ago, but they remain classics in their fields and retain their relevance to the understanding of current issues. The papers have been selected with the assistance of an eminent international editorial board. The set includes a general introduction and each volume is introduced by a new overview essay, placing the selected papers in context. The range of subject matter is considerable, including coverage of all the main renewable technologies, the fundamental principles by which they function, and the issues around their deployment such as planning, integration and socio-economic assessment. Overall, the set provides students, teachers and researchers, confronted with thousands of journal articles, book chapters and grey literature stretching back decades, with a ready-made selection of and commentary on the most important key writings in renewable energy. It will be an essential reference for libraries concerned with energy, technology and the environment.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Debating Climate Change: Pathways through Argument to Agreement
As greenhouse gas emissions continue unabated and contentious voices fill the air, the question gains urgency: How can people with widely varying viewpoints agree to address climate change? Each participant in the debate seems to have a different agenda, from protecting economic growth in developing countries to protecting the energy industry in industrialized countries, from those aghast at the damage done to the Earth to optimists who think we just need to adjust our technological approach. Debating Climate Change sorts through the tangle of arguments surrounding climate change to find paths to unexpected sites of agreement. Using an innovative sociological approach – combined discourse and social network analyses – Elizabeth L. Malone analyzes 100 documents representing a range of players in this high-stakes debate. Through this she shows how even the most implacable adversaries can find common ground - and how this common ground can be used to build agreement. Written in a clear, accessible style, this original research and insightful use of communication analysis will help advance understanding and negotiation on climate change throughout the pivotal times to come. Published with Science in Society
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Economical Environmentalist: My Attempt to Live a Low-Carbon Life and What it Cost
Reducing your carbon emissions in an economic down-turn can be challenging, but saving the planet doesn't have to cost you more. Tough economic times need not relegate concerns for the planet to the back burner. The author is an environmental economist trying to live a low-carbon life in London. He worked for 15 years in the UK's Office of Climate Change, the Prime Minister's Strategy Unit and the Department of the Environment. So far so good. But he has kids. A family to visit in India. A hectic job. In distilling and building on his own experience of trying to live a low carbon life, he helps us navigate the choices that confront us all - families, singletons, pensioners - when making decisions about what to eat, what to buy, how to travel and how to keep warm in the era of climate change and economic turmoil. He works out the sums and lets us know which choices will make the biggest difference, and which are false savings. His book is an irreverent but seriously rigorous reference guide to low-cost, low-carbon living for everyone - in any location - in tough times. It's brimming with up-to-date information on current and future technologies, tips and ideas for every budget on how to spend the least for the biggest carbon reduction gain and insight from the experiences of people trying to live low-carbon lives.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Transboundary Risk Governance
Governing environmental risk, particularly large-scale transboundary risks associated with climate change and pollution, is one of the most pressing problems facing society . This book focuses on a set of key questions relating to environmental regulation: How are activities regulated in a fragmented world - a world of nation states, regulators, domestic and international law and political contests - and one in which a range of actors, such as governments, corporations and NGOs act in order to influence regulations in specific policy areas? How are complex and trans-boundary environmental issues managed? What role does expert knowledge play in regulating this kind of issues? What give rules authority? In short, how do actors try to render an issue governable? Drawing on regulation theory, discourse theory and science and technology studies, and employing original research, the authors analyse the regulation of four kinds of complex and trans-boundary environmental issues: oil protection in the Baltic Sea, mobile phones and radiation protection, climate change adaptation and genetically modified crops. The outcomes include insights for policymakers, regulators and researchers into how dominant frames are constructed, legitimate actors are configured and authority is established. This in turn exposes the conditions for, and possibility of, developing regulation, making authoritative rules and shaping relevant knowledge in order to govern complex environmental risks.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Seed Trade in Rural Markets: Implications for Crop Diversity and Agricultural Development
Markets have been found to be an increasingly important source of the seeds of crops and varieties low income farmers need to improve their livelihoods, encompassing both the formal and informal seed sector. Markets also have major impacts on agricultural biodiversity, by affecting farmers' choice of crops and varieties to grow. They are not, however, a homogenous institution, although all too frequently policies and regulations are developed as though they were. Markets vary considerably depending on the participants, on the institutions that govern how and what they exchange, and on local agricultural, economic and social conditions. Developing effective strategies to improve the way agricultural markets work, including how farmers use crop genetic resources, requires understanding of these variations. Seed Trade in Rural Markets presents a unique set of case studies from Bolivia, India, Kenya, Mali and Mexico on agricultural seed and product markets that describe three important market characteristics expected to affect farmers' access to seeds and varieties: the range of varieties on offer, the information provided about them, and relative prices. The case studies - all based around a common framework to aid comparability - also provide information on social, agricultural and economic factors which may be affecting the market availability, information, and cost of crop genetic resources, and ultimately the capacity to stimulate agricultural development Published with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations
Taylor & Francis Ltd Reforming Institutions in Water Resource Management: Policy and Performance for Sustainable Development
As water scarcities increase, nations throughout the world are in search of better institutions to manage water resources. India has been making substantial efforts to develop its water management systems since independence and significant increases in irrigated agriculture have taken place through both public and private initiatives. However, scarcities are increasing and major problems presently confront the management of water resources and irrigated agriculture. Resolving these problems is crucial for the future. The main purpose of this book is to provide a new approach for the analysis and design of water institutions that govern the use and development of water resources, particularly for agriculture which is the largest user. Drawing on the theory of New Institutional Economics and comparisons with Australia (as a developed country) and other less developed nations in Africa and Asia, the authors present original empirical data from three Indian states. Detailed analysis of these data is used to identify and recommend attributes and features of water management institutions that are conducive to effective resource management, its long-term success, and its best contribution to development.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Making the Most of the Water We Have: The Soft Path Approach to Water Management
Based on the 'soft path' approach to the energy sector, a transition is now under way to a soft path for water. This approach starts by ensuring that ecosystem needs for water are satisfied and then undertakes a radical approach to reducing human uses of water by economic and social incentives, including open decision-making, water markets and equitable pricing, and the application of super-efficient technology, all applied in ways that avoid jeopardizing quality of life. The soft path for water is therefore a management strategy that frees up water by curbing water waste. Making the Most of the Water We Have is the first to present and apply the water soft path approach. It has three aims: to bring to a wider audience the concept and the potential of water soft paths to demonstrate that soft path analysis is analytical and practical, and not just 'eco-dreaming' to indicate that soft paths are not only conceptually attractive but that they can be made economically and politically feasible. Includes a tool kit for planners and other practitioners. Published with POLIS Project and Friends of the Earth
Taylor & Francis Ltd Capacity Development in Practice
The international development community invests billions of dollars to improve organisational capacity. But real-life practice is poorly understood and undervalued as a distinct professional domain. Written by practitioners, this innovative publication is designed to make capacity development more professional and increasingly effective in achieving development goals. Practical illustrations draw on experiences from the civic, government and private sectors. A central theme is to understand capacity as more than something internal to organisations. This book shows how capacity also stems from connections between different types of actor and the levels in society at which they operate. The content is crafted for a broad audience of practitioners in capacity development: consultants, managers, front-line workers, trainers, facilitators, leaders, advisors, programme staff, activists, and funding agencies. Published with SNV
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Management of Water Quality and Irrigation Technologies
This book is an outcome from the International Expo 'Water and Sustainable Development' held in Zaragoza (Spain) in 2008. Support from the Spanish Ministry of Environment, Caja Rioja, Government of Aragon, and the World Bank is acknowledged. 'Few resources will play a more important role in shaping our economic future, or face more daunting challenges, than water. This internationally acclaimed team of experts has produced a first-rate volume that is full of intriguing, practical ideas for meeting those challenges in a rich variety of institutional settings.' Tom Tietenberg, Mitchell Family Professor of Economics, Emeritus, Colby College, USA 'This volume brings together two critical but interrelated dimensions of water challenge, i.e. water pollution, particularly from non-point sources, and water conservation. The editors are well known experts on the subject as are the contributors.' R. Maria Saleth, International Water Management Institute, Sri Lanka and Associate Editor, Water Policy 'The profound contribution of this volume is that it brings together various economic concepts and policy dilemmas regarding water shortages, non-point source pollution, efficiency of water use and irrigation technology. Recommended reading for anyone working in the area of water management.' Henk Folmer, University of Groningen and Wageningen University, The Netherlands As countries face deteriorating water and environmental quality as well as water shortages, pollution control and the efficiency of water use become of paramount importance. Agriculture is one of the main non-point polluters of water bodies and irrigation for agriculture is one of the main consumers of water. While it is very hard to regulate pollution from agriculture, attempts have been made via economic and command and control instruments, and also through investments in technologies and ecosystems recovery. Coping with non-point pollution takes the form of both policy intervention and technology development. Likewise it is recognized that irrigation efficiency varies across countries, influenced by both technology and supporting adoption policies. Countries that lead in irrigation technology and supporting policies have certain traits in common. They face very high scarcity and are pushed to find innovative solutions, both technical and policy related. The recent multibillion investments in irrigation technologies in Spain, and similar proposals in Australia, for example, highlight the potential of irrigation technologies to cope with scarcity and water quality degradation. This book reviews all of the above issues, presents experiences in selected countries, and assesses the degree of success of alternative policies for coping with non-point water pollution and improving irrigation efficiency.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Water and Sanitation Services: Public Policy and Management
Substantially reducing the number of human beings who lack access to clean water and safe sanitation is one of the key Millennium Development Goals. This book argues and demonstrates that this can only be achieved by a better integration of the technical and social science approaches in the search for improved organization and delivery of these essential services. It presents a historical analysis of the development of water and sanitation services in both developed and developing countries, which provides valuable lessons for overcoming the obstacles facing the universalization of these services. Among the key lessons emerging from the historical analysis are the organizational and institutional diversity characterizing the development of water and sanitation internationally, and the central role played by the public sector, particularly local authorities, in such development. It also explores the historical role played by cooperatives and other non-profit institutions in reaching rural and peri-urban areas, as well as the emergence of new forms of organization and provision, particularly in poor countries, where aid and development agencies have been promoting the self-organization of water systems by local communities. The book provides a critical exploration of these different institutional options, including the interaction between the public and private sectors, and the irreplaceable role of public funding as a condition for success. The book is divided into two parts: the first reviews theoretical and conceptual issues such as the political economy of water services, financing, the interfaces between water and sanitation services and public health, and the systemic conditions that influence the provision of these services, including the diversity of organizational and institutional options characterizing the governance and management of water and sanitation services. The second section presents a number of country or regional case studies, each one chosen to highlight a particular problem, approach or strategy. These case studies are drawn from Africa, the Americas, Asia and Europe, covering a wide range of socio-economic and political contexts. The book will be of great interest to advanced students, researchers, professionals and NGOs in many disciplines, including public policy and planning, environmental sciences, environmental sociology, history of technology, civil and environmental engineering, public health and development studies.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Ethics of Technological Risk
'A comprehensive and important collection that includes essays by some of the leading figures in the field. ...Essential reading for anyone interested in risk assessment.' Professor Kristin Shrader-Frechette, University of Notre Dame 'The editors are to be congratulated for bringing together a distinguished international group of theorists to reflect on the issues. This volume will be sure to raise the level of debate while at the same time showing the importance of philosophical reflection in approaches to the problems of the age.' Professor Jonathan Wolff, University College London This volume brings together top authors from the fields of risk, philosophy, social sciences and psychology to address the issue of how we should decide how far technological risks are morally acceptable or not. The underlying principles are examined, along with methodological challenges, public involvement and instruments for democratization. A strong theoretical basis is complemented by a range of case studies from some of the most contentious areas, including medical ethics and GM crops. This book is a vital new resource for researchers, students and anyone concerned that traditional approaches to risk management don't adequately address ethical considerations.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Fiscal Space: Policy Options for Financing Human Development
With the deadline for achieving the 2015 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) less than a decade away, the uneven progress is raising important questions about the ability of the international community to 'scale up' its efforts to finance the goals. Securing adequate financing for development has thus become the most pressing issue of the development agenda. This groundbreaking volume, by leading development economists and practitioners, addresses the central concern for policymakers involved in long term planning for the MDGs: how to create 'fiscal space' for the MDGs and strengthen domestic resource mobilization for human development, while ensuring long-term sustainability and freedom from reliance on aid. By looking at the evidence with fresh perspectives, the authors present a novel approach by which fiscal policy can be made to work for the poor, for the long term. Published with UNDP and Revenue Watch.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Wild Product Governance: Finding Policies that Work for Non-Timber Forest Products
Products from the wild, also known as non-timber forest products (NTFPs), are used as medicines, foods, spices, and a multitude of other purposes. They contribute substantially to rural livelihoods, generate revenue for companies and governments, and have a range of impacts on biodiversity conservation. However, there is little information available for those seeking to develop effective policy frameworks and regulation. This book addresses that shortage with information and recommendations on the drafting, content and implementation of NTFP policies, and the broader issues of governance associated with these products. It reviews the diverse elements that combine to create laws and policies that promote sustainable and equitable management, trade and use of species. Drawing on a wealth of unique case studies from around the world, this volume examines experiences with NTFP regulation, including its sometimes unintended consequences. It looks at economic factors, the interface between traditional and western knowledge and legal systems, and relationships between NTFP regulation, land tenure and resource rights, as well as power and equity imbalances. The volume includes a review of available literature and resources, plus an annotated bibliography linked to the People and Plants International website ( Published with People and Plants International
Taylor & Francis Ltd Sudden and Disruptive Climate Change: Exploring the Real Risks and How We Can Avoid Them
'An impressive accomplishment. Al Gore, Former Vice President of the US, co-recipient of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize, and author of An Inconvenient Truth Offers positive solutions that no rational person, organization or government can ignore - except at their peril. Stephen H. Schneider, Professor for Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies, Stanford University, and author of The Genesis Strategy: Climate and Global Survival The science is clear and the message of this book is that there is no more time for delay. Rosina M. Bierbaum, Dean, University of Michigan While changes in emissions and atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases are projected to be slow and smooth, the intensity and impacts of climate change on the environment and society could be abrupt and erratic. Surprising and nonlinear responses are likely to occur as warming exceeds certain thresholds, inducing relatively rapid and disruptive changes in the Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets, precipitation intensity and patterns, coastal inundation, the occurrence of wildfire, the ranges of plant and animal species and more. Written by a transdisciplinary group of internationally respected researchers, this book explores the possibilities of such changes, their significance for society and efforts to move more rapidly to limit climate change than current government measures.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Enhancing Urban Safety and Security: Global Report on Human Settlements 2007
Enhancing Urban Safety and Security addresses three major threats to the safety and security of cities: crime and violence; insecurity of tenure and forced evictions; and natural and human-made disasters. It analyses worldwide trends with respect to each of these threats, paying particular attention to their underlying causes and impacts, as well as to the good policies and best practices that have been adopted at the city, national and international levels in order to address these threats. The report adopts a human security perspective, concerned with the safety and security of people rather than of states, and highlights issues that can be addressed through appropriate urban policy, planning, design and governance.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Trade, Aid and Security: An Agenda for Peace and Development
'A compelling contribution to our evolving understanding of the links between trade, aid and security � and what the international community needs to do to ensure peace and development in the world.' Achim Steiner, Executive Director, United Nations Environment Programme 'For far too long the international community ahs stood by while countries around the world descend into conflict and anarchy. We need to understand how we can engage more effectively with fragile and failing states. Trade, Aid and Security is an important step in this direction.' Jan Pronk, Special Representative of the UN General Secretary in Sudan and Former Minister of Development and the Environment, The Netherlands. 'As we begin to contemplate what the post-Iraq world will look like it is vital that we reflect on the limits of the utility of hard power and the importance that development can play in avoiding failed states before they fail, preventing conflicts and more successfully re-building states. This timely book makes a most important contribution to that process.' Lord Paddy Ashdown, UN High Representative for Boznia and Herzegovina, 2002 � 2006 Leader of UK Liberal Democrat Party, 1988 � 1999 'As UN Special Representative to the Great Lakes Region of Africa I have seen the devastating impact of the trade in �conflict resources� with my own eyes. Amongst much else, this book shows how different trade and aid politics can tackle the trade in conflict resources and make a real contribution to secure societies. It is essential reading.' Mohamed Sahnoun, Special Representative of the UN Secretary General in Central and East Africa. Iraq, Afghanistan, Darfur. All resonate loudly on the international stage, exposing and illustrating the intractable links between global security, control over naturals resources � be it oil, water, timber or 'conflict diamonds' � and the manipulation of foreign aid and international trade policy. This volume, written by leading authorities from across the globe, introduces the linkages between trade, aid and security, and exposes how inappropriate or misused trade and aid policy can and do undermine security and contribute to violence and the disintegration of national states. On a practical level they demonstrate how six key areas of trade and aid policy can be used to help forge stability and security, reduce the likelihood of armed conflict, and assist economic and political recovery in our war-torn world.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Tolerability of Risk: A New Framework for Risk Management
There is an increasing dissatisfaction about how risk is regulated, leading to vivid debates about the use of 'risk assessment' and 'precaution'. As a result, academics, government officials and industry leaders are calling for new approaches and fresh ideas. This book provides a historical and topical perspective on the alternative concept of 'Tolerability of Risk' and its concrete regulatory applications. In the UK, Tolerability of Risk has been developed into a sophisticated framework, particularly within the health and safety sectors. It is expected to guide decision-makers when applying their legal obligation of keeping risks as low as practically reasonable. Could Tolerability of Risk become a wider source of inspiration across the full scope of risk analysis and management? Written by leading academics and risk practitioners from industry and government, The Tolerability of Risk presents a summary of theoretical perspectives on risk approaches, providing a detailed elicitation of the methods and approaches used to build the Tolerability of Risk framework and examining the prospect of universal application of that framework. From nuclear power to environmental pollution, climate change and drug testing, the Tolerability of Risk framework may offer a workable, pragmatic solution for balancing risks against the costs involved in controlling them, as well as developing the institutional capacity to make effective decisions in all jurisdictions worldwide.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Power of Labelling: How People are Categorized and Why It Matters
What does it mean to be part of the mass known as 'The Poor'? What visions are conjured up in our minds when someone is labelled 'Muslim'? What assumptions do we make about their needs, values and politics? How do we react individually and as a society? Who develops the labels, what power do they carry and how do such labels affect how people are treated? This timely book tackles the critical and controversial issue of how people are labelled and categorized, and how their problems are framed and dealt with. Drawing on vast international experience and current theory, the authors examine how labels are constituted and applied by a variety of actors, including development policy makers, practitioners and researchers. The book exposes the intense and complex politics involved in processes of labelling, and highlights how the outcomes of labelling can undermine stated development goals. Importantly, one of the book's principal objectives is to suggest how policy makers and professionals can tackle negative forms of labelling and encourage processes of 'counter-labelling', to enhance poverty reduction and human rights, and to tackle issues of race relations and global security. The Afterword encapsulates these ideas ands provides a good basis for reflection, further debate and action.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Negotiating Health: Intellectual Property and Access to Medicines
In developing countries, access to affordable medicines for the treatment of diseases such as AIDS and malaria remains a matter of life or death. In Africa, for instance, more than one million children die each year from malaria alone, a figure which could soon be far higher with the extension of patent rules for pharmaceuticals. Previously, access to essential medicines was made possible by the supply of much cheaper generics, manufactured largely by India; from 2005, however, the availability of these drugs is threatened as new WTO rules take effect. Halting the spread of malaria and HIV/AIDS is one of the eight Millennium Goals adopted at the UN Millennium Summit, which makes this a timely and topical book. Informed analysis is provided by internationally renowned contributors who look at the post-2005 world and discuss how action may be taken to ensure that intellectual property regimes are interpreted and implemented in a manner supportive to the right to protect public health and, in particular, to promote access to medicines for all.