Search results for ""TAYLOR FRANCIS""
Taylor & Francis Ltd Understanding Youth Offending: Risk Factor Reserach, Policy and Practice
This book aims to provide an understanding of youth offending and policy and practice responses, particularly the risk-focused approaches that have underpinned much recent academic research, youth justice policy and interventions designed to reduce and prevent problem behaviour. There has been growing concern, however, on the part of critical criminologists and others, about the theoretical, epistemological, methodological and ethical bases of risk-focused research with young people. They have pointed particularly to the overly-deterministic and prescriptive nature of the risk factor paradigm. This book aims to meet the need for an exploration of youth justice and youth offending which takes account of the origins and contemporary manifestations of risk-focused work with young people. It analyses the influence of concepts of risk upon policy development in both England and Wales as well as internationally, highlighting tensions between the proponents of risk factor research and methodological and ethical criticisms of the risk factor paradigm. It will be essential reading for anybody wishing to understand risk factor explanation of crime, contemporary youth justice policy and responses to offending behaviour.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Dictionary of Youth Justice
This Dictionary explicitly addresses the historical, legal, theoretical, organisational, policy, practice, research and evidential contexts within which 'modern' youth justice in the UK and beyond is located. The entries cover a spectrum of theoretical orientations and conceptual perspectives and engage explicitly with the key statutory provisions and policy and practice imperatives within each of the three UK jurisdictions. This book is a key resource for those teaching and studying under-graduate and post-graduate courses in criminology, criminal justice, sociology, social policy, law, socio-legal studies, community justice, social work, youth and community work and police studies, together with policy-makers, managers and practitioners working within the youth justice sphere (including staff training officers, youth justice officers, social workers, probation officers, police officers, teachers and education workers, health professionals, youth workers, drug and alcohol workers and juvenile secure estate staff).The Dictionary of Youth Justice: is designed to meet the needs of researchers, policy-makers, managers, practitioners and students; begins with an introductory chapter that maps the key shifts in contemporary national and international youth justice systems; contains over 300 alphabetically arranged entries - written by almost 100 experts in the respective fields - that explicitly address the core components of youth justice in England and Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland; Provides specifically tailored recommended key texts and sources in respect of each entry; is closely cross-referenced and contains a detailed index to assist readers to make connections between and across entries; includes a detailed 'Directory of Agencies' that relate to youth justice in each of the three UK jurisdictions; is compiled and edited by one of the UK's leading authorities in youth justice.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Pathways and Crime Prevention
This book is concerned with the development of prevention policies and approaches that involve intervention 'early' in the lives of children, young people and their families, and explores new evidence that has been emerging from longitudinal and developmental prevention research. It addresses a number of key challenges, arguing that by broadening the research questions and exploring contributions from a wider range of disciplines our understanding of both the pathways into and out of crime and the type of interventions that might work will be greatly enhanced.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Policing, Race and Racism
Over recent years race has become one of the most important issues faced by the police. This book seeks to analyse the context and background to these changes, to assess the impact of the Lawrence Inquiry and the MacPherson Report, and to trace the growing emphasis on policing as an 'antiracist' activity, proactively confronting racism in both crime and non-crime situations. Whilst this change has not been wholly or consistently applied, it does represent an important change in the discourse that surrounds police relations with the public since it changes the traditional role of the police as 'neutral arbiters of the law'. This book shows why race has become the most significant issue facing the British police, and argues that the police response to race has led to a consideration of fundamental issues about the relation of the police to society as a whole and not just minority groups who might be most directly affected.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Water
This exciting topic-based series offers early years practitioners collections of activities based on familiar themes. The activities can be easily implemented and readily incorporated into curriculum planning through links made to the Foundation Stage curriculum.Each book includes: activities that can be used on their own or as part of a themed program ideas for enjoying an all round curriculum approach guidance on expanding existing ideas and resources linked ideas to be carried out at home. The activities in Water provide a good foundation for science awareness. The theme is popular with boys and girls and is particularly good for motivation. Because of the no-fail activities, it's particularly useful for SEN teaching.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Sea
This exciting topic-based series offers early years practitioners collections of activities based on familiar themes. The activities can be easily implemented and readily incorporated into curriculum planning through links made to the Foundation Stage curriculum.Each book includes: activities that can be used on their own or as part of a themed program ideas for enjoying an all round curriculum approach guidance on expanding existing ideas and resources linked ideas to be carried out at home. The Sea includes themes of seasides, beaches, fish and boats. It provides a wonderful topic for room nursery displays and is a positive theme for boys and girls.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Food and Cooking
Exploring how play in this area can develop children's understanding of world cultures and healthy eating. Use Food and Cooking to help children understand how and where everyday foods come from, obtain valuable information on a variety of diets, and demonstrates how preparing and exploring food contrbutes to learning.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Compendium of Insurance Law
The Compendium of Insurance Law consolidates diverse insurance law sources, statutes and codes of practice in one comprehensive volume. Each piece of legislation is supplemented by detailed annotations, which explain the operation and relationship of the legislation with other sources of insurance law. The book is filled with comprehensive coverage of legislation relating to the following areas: regulation, reinsurance, life assurance, property insurance, marine insurance, liability insurance, motor insurance, insurance intermediaries, insurance contracts and competition.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Freight Forwarding and Multi Modal Transport Contracts
Freight Forwarding and Multimodal Transport Contracts, 2nd Edition, is a comprehensive guide to the law in relation to contract forms and terms created by operators, trade associations or international bodies such as the UN and used as a basis for trading conditions by freight forwarders, logistics suppliers, combined or multimodal transport operators and container operators.This second edition examines the latest editions of contract forms and terms, both where their object is the supply or procurement of multimodal carriage, as well as where they are directed to the use of combined transport equipment (ie containers, swap bodies). Of particular prominence will be a detailed examination of the latest versions of conditions used by the principal UK forwarding, logistics, intermodal and container operators such as the British International Freight Association (BIFA) conditions 2005A and the current Freightliner Conditions as well as updates on many of the conditions in use and legal developments relevant to them, eg Road Haulage Association Conditions 2009, Maersk Conditions of Carriage, TT Club Conditions.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Urolithiasis: Medical and Surgical Management of Stone Disease
Urolithiasis, or stone disease occurs in 7% of women and 12% of men at some point, and these statistics are rising. Furthermore, for those who form a stone, the likelihood of a recurrence is nearly 50% within 5 years of initial diagnosis. Therefore, the need for effective, minimally invasive alternatives for stone eradication and prevention is critical. Because stone disease comprises a large part of any urologist’s practice, a thorough knowledge of the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of stone disease is critical in order to understand and implement treatment strategies to prevent stone formation. Likewise, a working knowledge of the surgical treatments, instrumentation and outcomes is necessary to arm patients with sufficient information to make an informed decision and to provide the appropriate treatment modality for a given stone situation. In Urolithiasis: Medical and Surgical Management, the authors provide a complete guide to the management of stone disease from both a medical and surgical prospective. This book should be an invaluable resource for those who treat stone disease in any capacity, whether surgically or medically, acutely or long-term.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Vitreoretinal Surgical Techniques, Second Edition
Vitreoretinal Surgical Techniques, Second Edition provides basic and comprehensive coverage of all aspects of surgery for the vitreous and retina. It provides an array of techniques useful not only to ophthalmologist in training but also to the practicing vitreoretinal specialist. This superb and invaluable text is both authoritative and practical as experienced practitioners explain their surgical approach in step-by-step illustrations of operative techniques.This new edition, contains 87 chapters with almost 900 illustrations, most of which are in color. Vitreoretinal Surgical Techniques, Second Edition will be essential for vitreoretinal specialists, comprehensive ophthalmologists, residents, and fellows, as well as in training programs and libraries.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Textbook of Epilepsy Surgery
Textbook of Epilepsy Surgery covers all of the latest advances in the surgical management of epilepsy. The book provides a thorough understanding of epileptogenic mechanisms in etiologically different types of epilepsy and explains neuronavigation systems. It discusses new neuroimaging techniques, new surgical strategies, and more aggressive surgical approaches in cases with catastrophic epilepsies. The contributors also analyze the improved statistics of surgical outcome in different epilepsy types.The book follows a systematic approach to the diagnostic evaluation of patients who are candidates for epilepsy surgery. It first discusses the general principles of surgery, and then describes the presurgical evaluation according to the six zones (symptomatogenic, irritative, ictal onset, epileptic lesion, functional deficit, and epileptogenic zone). This series of chapters concludes with the description of the Epilepsy Surgery Management Meeting, an essential and indispensable part of the surgical evaluation.The book next incorporates detailed discussions of the cortical mapping techniques and the numerous surgical techniques. This is followed by the post-surgical medical management and a discussion of the surgical outcome. Finally, selected case studies are presented, along with protocols for the storage and processing of brain tissue for molecular studies. This definitive textbook is an invaluable reference for neurologists, neurosurgeons, epilepsy specialists, and those interested in epilepsy and its surgical treatment.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Real World Scene Perception: A Special Issue of Visual Cognition
The current volume, a special issue of Visual Cognition, brings together an eclectic group of investigators, all of whom study critical issues in the perception of true real-world scenes. Topics include the rapid acquisition of scene gist; scene recognition; spatial layout and spatial scale; distance perception in scenes; updating of scene views over time; visual search for meaningful objects in scenes; scene context effects on object perception; scene representation in memory; the allocation of attention including eye fixations during scene viewing; and the neural implementation of these representations and processes in the brain. Because the study of real-world scene perception benefits from an interdisciplinary approach, contributors to the volume use a variety of research methods including psychophysical and behavioral techniques, eyetracking, functional neuroimaging (including fMRI and ERP), and mathematical and computational modeling. While much has been learned from studying simplified visual stimuli, many of the articles in this volume make the important point that understanding the functional and neural architectures of the visual system requires studying how that system operates when faced with the types of real-world stimuli that evolution crafted it to handle.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Words and Things: Cognitive Neuropsychological Studies in Tribute to Eleanor M. Saffran: A Special Issue of Cognitive Neuropsychology
To understand mental function, we need to uncover the representations and processes underlying our ability to comprehend and to produce words, sentences,numbers and objects (or pictures of them). The unique contribution of the field of cognitive neuropsychology is the investigation of these representations and processes in individuals who have sustained selective brain damage. Indeed, studies of such individuals provide a window into the mental system and allow us to explore the functional architecture that is necessary and sufficient for cognition. This special issue of Cognitive Neuropsychology is a collection of papers that exemplifies this type of cognitive neuropsychology research. The special issue is designed to honour and pay tribute to Eleanor M. Saffran, one of the pioneers of this discipline, who adopted this approach in her wide-ranging investigations of individuals with cognitive impairment following brain damage.The papers included in this collection all explore issues concerning behavioural and neural mechanisms mediating cognition and are divided into four separate sections. Two of these focus on language, with the emphasis of the first on single word recognition and the second on processes that are invoked beyond the single word level. Conceptual and semantic processes are covered in a third section and the final section is concerned with issues related to more peripheral processes, which, when impaired, give rise to alexia, agnosia and/or agraphia. This extensive collection of papers represents a comprehensive overview of the current state of the field and the papers elucidate the most recent findings in the domain of cognitive neuropsychology.
Taylor & Francis Ltd European Review of Social Psychology: Volume 15
The European Review of Social Psychology is an annual series that reflects the dynamism of social psychology in Europe and has been widely accepted as one of the most important international series in social psychology. The series is open to authors from all nations and its primary purpose is to further the international exchange of ideas by providing an outlet for substantial accounts of theoretical and empirical work. With the help of an editorial board consisting of senior scholars from various European countries, Australasia and North America, the editors invite outstanding researchers to contribute to these volumes. Invitations are based either on suggestions from editorial board members or made in response to proposals submitted to the editors. The emphasis of these contributions is on critical assessment of major areas of research and of substantial individual programmes of research as well as on topics and initiatives of contemporary interest and originality.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Emotional Memory Failures: A Special Issue of Cognition and Emotion
The beginning of the 1990's saw a partisan debate about the nature of recovered memories for highly emotional events. Some authors claimed that recovered memories of trauma always referred to veridical memories that had been inaccessible for years. Others argued that such memories were false by definition and that they were created by therapeutic attempts to uncover trauma that was believed to lie at the root of anxiety or depression. Although the debate soon moved to a middle ground, both sides fuelled the development of relevant experimental paradigms to explore the mechanisms for how false memories might be created and also how true memories might be forgotten. Examples are studies looking at memory implanting, false word memory, and retrieval-induced forgetting in the mid-1990's. Many studies using such paradigms, however, relied on emotionally neutral material. Studies relating to trauma were less readily available. Now more and more researchers are bridging this gap, testing whether emotive material can be implanted and forgotten and whether there are special populations more susceptible to these effects. This special issue brings together papers examining emotion and memory malleability, both providing a picture of the state-of-the-art research and pushing the field forward.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Binding: A Special Issue of Visual Cognition
Visual processing acts as a prism, splitting visual information from the retinal image into separately processed features such as color, shape, and orientation. Binding refers to the set of cognitive and neural mechanisms that re-integrate these features to create a holistic representation of the objects in the visual field. The binding problem in vision refers to how this integration is achieved. The binding problem, however, isn’t a singular problem, but a constellation of interrelated problems. The articles in this special issue of Visual Cognition cover three major types of binding, each of which may require a unique solution: The binding of features within objects, the relational binding among objects, and the binding between temporally related events. Within these broad topics, articles consider the role of attention in feature binding, the representation of static and moving multi-feature objects, the binding of objects to scenes, binding processes involved in learning and long-term memory, the development of binding abilities, and binding of information between visual and non-visual memory systems. Rather than disseminate conclusive solutions to these various instantiations of the binding problem, this collection of work describes the current state-of-the science, highlights the interconnections between the binding problems and the approaches taken to solve them, and outlines the critical issues that have yet to be resolved. In this single volume readers will confront work with children, young adults, and patients, and work that uses traditional behavioural measures, eye movement recording, functional imaging, and transcranial magnetic stimulation.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Attentional Capture: A Special Issue of Visual Cognition
The notion that certain mental or physical events can capture attention has been one of the most enduring topics in the study of attention owing to the importance of understanding how goal-directed and stimulus-driven processes interact in perception and cognition. Despite the clear theoretical and applied importance of attentional capture, a broad survey of this field suggests that the term "capture" means different things to different people. In some cases, it refers to covert shifts of spatial attention, in others involuntary saccades, and in still others general disruption of processing by irrelevant stimuli. The properties that elicit "capture" can also range from abruptly onset or moving lights, to discontinuities in textures, to unexpected tones, to emotionally valenced words or pictures, to directional signs and symbols. Attentional capture has been explored in both the spatial and temporal domains as well as the visual and auditory modalities. There are also a number of different theoretical perspectives on the mechanisms underlying "capture" (both functional and neurophysiological) and the level of cognitive control over capture. This special issue provides a sampling of the diversity of approaches, domains, and theoretical perspectives that currently exist in the study of attentional capture. Together, these contributions should help evaluate the degree to which attentional capture represents a unitary construct that reflects fundamental theoretical principles and mechanisms of the mind.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Interpersonal Sensitivity: Entering Others’ Worlds: A Special Issue of Social Neuroscience
Interpersonal sensitivity refers to our ability to perceive and respond with care to the internal states of other people, understand the antecedents of those states, and predict the subsequent events that will result. Guest editors neuroscientist Jean Decety and social psychologist Dan Batson bring together in this special issue of Social Neuroscience new research findings from empirical studies, including work with adults and children, genetics, functional neuroimaging, individual differences, and behavioral measures, which examine how we process and respond to information about our fellow individuals. By combining biological and psychological approaches, this special issue of Social Neuroscience sheds new light on the complex and multi-faceted phenomenon of interpersonal sensitivity, including empathy and sympathy.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Social Cognition During Infancy: A Special Issue of the European Journal of Developmental Psychology
From the fundamental processing of human movement, through to the ability to interpret actions, infancy research is only now taking up the challenge of social cognition over a variety of cognitive areas. This special issue covers broad areas of social-cognitive development and builds a cohesive picture of the diversity within this thriving area of developmental psychology. This issue outlines and discusses changes in early development in terms of infant behaviour that may suggest how an infant with limited experience may nonetheless identify and attribute to other humans a privileged social-cognitive status.
Taylor & Francis Ltd 36th Clinical Aphasiology Conference: A Special Issue of Aphasiology
This is the annual published proceedings of the 36th Clinical Aphasiology Conference (CAC). It was held in Ghent, Belgium, and was the first CAC meeting to be held outside North America. As a result, the 2006 CAC attracted a substantial number of submissions from European researchers and clinicians, many of whom had never attended CAC before. Included in this issue are papers that have been peer reviewed and selected from among the papers and posters presented at CAC. Both theoretical and clinical papers relevant to the provision of clinical services to people with aphasia are included.
Taylor & Francis Ltd European Review of Social Psychology: Volume 17
The European Review of Social Psychology is an annual series that reflects the dynamism of social psychology in Europe and has been widely accepted as one of the major international series in social psychology.The series is open to authors from all nations and its major purpose is to further the international exchange of ideas by providing an outlet for substantial accounts of theoretical and empirical work. However, even though the series is worldwide in terms of the nationality of the authors, it is European in terms of the nationality of the editors who select the contributions and shape the editorial policies.With the help of an editorial board consisting of senior scholars from various European countries, Australasia, and North America, the editors invite outstanding researchers to contribute to these volumes. Invitations are based either on suggestions from editorial board members or made in response to proposals submitted to the editors.The emphasis of these contributions is on critical assessment of major areas of research and of substantial individual programmes of research as well as on topics and initiatives of contemporary interest and originality.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Integrative Views on Dual-task Costs: A Special Issue of the European Journal of Cognitive Psychology
It is well known that the capacity for both simultaneous and rapid sequential information processing is limited. In the past two decades, at least four different approaches for the investigation and explanation of dual-task interference have developed. Surprisingly, these developments have taken place largely independent of each other. For example, working memory theories explain the inability to memorize combinations of data with the existence of modality-specific memory storage. Task switching models attribute switch costs to a combination of task reconfiguration costs and interference between competing task sets. Research with the refractory period paradigm suggests that a second of two responses is slowed because demanding processes such as response decisions defy parallel processing. Finally, attentional blink research shows that limited awareness of the second of two masked visual targets is caused by storage difficulties during the identification of the first target. The rare attempts at finding bridges between dual-task models attribute the costs to a mixture of shared and unique mechanisms. The ten papers gathered in this issue address questions such as: What is the relationship between working memory storage, retrieval, and cognitive operations? Can control processes account for the attentional blink and the refractory period effect? Are capacity limitations modality specific, and are they triggered by bottom-up or top-down processes? The authors argue that goal adjustments and episodic encoding of events qualify as shared mechanisms underlying dual-task limitations across multiple paradigms.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Mental Health and Emerging Adulthood among Homeless Young People
What happens to homeless and runaway adolescents when they become adults? This is the first study that follows homeless youth into young adulthood and reviews the mental health consequences of runaway episodes and street life. The adolescents were interviewed every three months for three years from their mid teens to their early twenties. The study documents the psychological consequences associated with becoming adults when missing the critical developmental tasks of adolescence. The authors report high levels of psychological problems associated with victimization prior to and after running away. These victimization experiences shape the behaviors of these young people, affecting their relationships with others and their chances of conventional adjustment. Across time, the more successful their adaptation to street life and the street economy, the more barriers to conventional adult life emerge. The distress, including self-mutilation and suicidal behaviors, among this population is examined, as well as the impact street life has on future relationships, education, and employment. Nutritional and health problems are also explored, along with the social and economic impact of this population on society. As such, the book provides insight about why the current prevention and treatment programs are failing in an effort to help policy makers modify approaches to adolescent runaways.Intended as a supplementary text for undergraduate and/or graduate courses on homelessness, high risk youth, social deviance, adolescence and/or emerging adulthood taught in departments of psychology, human development, sociology, social work, and public health, this compelling book will also appeal to anyone who works with homeless adolescents.
Taylor & Francis Ltd AS Level Psychology Workbook
AS Level Psychology Workbook includes structured worksheets for students to fill in as they progress through their AS psychology course. The resulting notes are aimed to provide a useful resource bank for revision purposes. In addition to outlining a structure for note-taking, the workbook also gives supported guidance on everything students need to know in order to do well in the exams. The content is directly relevant to the AQA Specification A and can be used in conjunction with any AS psychology textbook. To integrate with the rest of the learning materials in the Psychology Press A-Level Programme, cross-references are provided throughout to the appropriate pages in Eysenck’s AS Level Psychology, and Brody and Dwyer’s Revise AS Level Psychology. AS Level Psychology Workbook includes the following features: Learning objectives that condense the vast amount of specification content into focused and manageable chunks for each topic Structured worksheets that map on to each of the learning objectives and consist of cues for note-taking, opportunities to fill in the blanks, and activities to enrich learning “Using this in the exam” sections that consider possible exam questions, along with guidance on how to answer them. This workbook will be invaluable for all students tackling AS psychology. It enables them to navigate through the wealth of material linked to the subject, and encourages active learning to promote enjoyment of study.The AS workbook has been fully revised for the new specification for teaching from September 2008.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Memory, Aging and the Brain: A Festschrift in Honour of Lars-Göran Nilsson
This book brings together some of the best known experts in their fields to offer a cross-disciplinary summary of current research on human memory. More than this however, the book pays tribute to the work of Lars-Göran Nilsson and his many contributions to the psychology of human memory.The book is divided into three subsections: General Issues in Human Memory, Memory and Aging, and Memory and the Brain. These sections represent the three cornerstones in Lars-Göran's scientific career and comprise contributions from senior collaborators, colleagues and former students.Areas of discussion include: long-term and working memory: how do they interact? an epidemiological approach to cognitive health in aging the cognitive neuroscience of signed language Covering a broad range of topics, Memory, Aging and the Brain will be of great interest to all those involved in the study and research of human memory.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Infant EEG and Event-Related Potentials
Infancy is a time of rapid growth, when brain plasticity is at a maximum. Event-related potentials (ERPs) are one of the few methods that can easily and safely be used to study this process, and have led to exciting discoveries about human brain functioning and the neural basis of cognition. Over recent years, there has been a massive rise in the level of interest in ERPs and this book considers the advantages which they offer to researchers and clinicians. In particular, it looks at the benefits of this form of neuroimaging as a non-invasive tool for detecting impairments in brain and cognitive development very early in life. The potential use of ERPs for clinical settings is also explored in detail. The contributions are all from eminent researchers in the field and represent the latest thought on the topic.Infant EEG and Event-Related Potentials explains the basics of event-related potentials for those less familiar with the procedures and terminology, as well as offering a valuable handbook of the latest theories and empirical findings for those working in the field. This will be a valuable source for those interested in developmental psychology and neuropsychology, and for clinicians interested in application of ERPs.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Culture and Human Development: The Importance of Cross-Cultural Research for the Social Sciences
As intercultural encounters between people in the modern world become more common, important questions have been raised about the nature of culture-specific differences and similarities. Focusing on the relationship between culture and human development, this timely book offers an interdisciplinary exploration of key developmental processes. It combines psychological and sociological approaches with cross-cultural research to examine phenomena such as the transfer of culture between generations and the universality of attachment theory.Drawing on detailed research from a range of cultural groups, leading international researchers consider the impact of social change and modernization on the development of the individual and at the societal level. Theoretical and methodological issues are presented in terms of how to apply the results of cross-cultural research as well as recent empirical research done in specialized areas of the field. Finally, short-term intercultural exchanges are examined and used to suggest some of the potential practical uses of cross-cultural research for the future.This book will be essential reading for anyone studying or researching in cultural psychology, cross-cultural psychology, acculturation or behavioral development. It will also prove an invaluable source of information for anyone interested in sociology and the social sciences in general.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Mild Cognitive Impairment: International Perspectives
Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) has been identified as an important clinical transition between normal aging and the early stages of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Since treatments for AD are most likely to be most effective early in the course of the disease, MCI has become a topic of great importance and has been investigated in different populations of interest in many countries. This book brings together these differing perspectives on MCI for the first time. This volume provides a comprehensive resource for clinicians, researchers, and students involved in the study, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of people with MCI. Clinical investigators initially defined mild cognitive impairment (MCI) as a transitional condition between normal aging and the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Because the prevalence of AD increases with age and very large numbers of older adults are affected worldwide, these clinicians saw a pressing need to identify AD as early as possible. It is at this very early stage in the disease course that treatments to slow the progress and control symptoms are likely to be most effective.Since the first introduction of MCI, research interest has grown exponentially, and the utility of the concept has been investigated from a variety of perspectives in different populations of interest (e.g., clinical samples, volunteers, population-based screening) in many different countries. Much variability in findings has resulted. Although it has been acknowledged that the differences observed between samples may be ‘legitimate variations’, there has been no attempt to understand what it is we have learned about MCI (i.e., common features and differences) from each of these perspectives.This book brings together information about MCI in different populations from around the world. Mild Cognitive Impairment will be an important resource for any clinician, researcher, or student involved in the study, detection, treatment, and rehabilitation of people with MCI.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Shape of Reason: Essays in Honour of Paolo Legrenzi
Over the past three decades, there has been a rapid development of research on human thinking and reasoning. This volume provides a comprehensive review of this topic by looking at the important contributions Paolo Legrenzi has made to the field, by bridging the gap from Gestalt ideas to modern cognitive psychology. The contributors, including some of the most distinguished scholars of reasoning and thinking in Europe and the USA, reflect upon the ways in which he has influenced and inspired their own research, and contributed to modern approaches to human inference.This volume draws on both traditional and new topics in reasoning and thinking to provide a wide-ranging survey of human thought. It covers creativity, problem-solving, the linguistic and social aspects of reasoning and judgement, and the social and emotional aspects of decision making through telling examples, such as the cognitive mechanisms underlying consumers' attitudes towards herbal medicines. It considers a series of key questions, such as how do individuals who are unfamiliar with logic reason? And how do they make choices if they are unfamiliar with the probability calculus and decision theory?The discussions are placed throughout within a wider research context and the contributors consider the implications of their research for the field as a whole, making the volume an essential reference for anyone investigating the processes that underlies our thinking, reasoning, and decision-making in everyday life.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Evolution and the Psychology of Thinking: The Debate
The field of evolutionary cognitive psychology has stimulated considerable interest and debate among cognitive psychologists and those working in related areas. In this collection, leading experts evaluate the status of this new field, providing a critical analysis of its most controversial hypotheses. These hypotheses have far reaching implications for cognition, including a modular view of the mind, which rejects, in its extreme form, any general learning or reasoning abilities. Some evolutionary psychologists have also proposed content-dependent accounts of conditional reasoning and probability judgements, which in turn have significant, and equally controversial, implications about the nature of human reasoning and decision making.The contributions range from those that are highly critical of the hypotheses to those that support and develop them. The result is a uniquely balanced, cutting-edge evaluation of the field that will be of interest to psychologists, philosophers and those in related subjects who wish to find out what evolutionary considerations can, and cannot, tell us about the human mind.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Category Specificity in Brain and Mind
Some of the most fascinating deficits in neuropsychology concern the failure to recognise common objects from one semantic category, such as living things, when there is no such difficulty with objects from another, such as non-living things. Over the past twenty years, numerous cases of these 'category specific' recognition and naming problems have been documented and several competing theories have been developed to account for the patients' disorders.Category Specificity in Brain and Mind draws together the neuropsychological literature on category-specific impairments, with research on how children develop knowledge about different categories, functional brain imaging work and computational models of object recognition and semantic memory. The chapters are written by internationally leading psychologists and neuroscientists and the result is a review of the most up-to-date thinking on how knowledge about different categories is acquired and organized in the mind, and where it is represented in the human brain. The text will be essential reading for advanced undergraduates and researchers in the field of category specificity and a rich source of information for neuropsychologists, experimental and developmental psychologists, cognitive scientists and philosophers.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Stress and Trauma
Stress and Trauma provides a well-written, accessible overview of traumatic stress studies. It reviews the full range of clinical disorders that may result from extreme stress, with particular emphasis on the most common disorder - post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).The book reviews research on the prevalence of trauma and the prevalence of relevant disorders following trauma. It goes on to look at psychological theories of stress and trauma, the biology of stress and trauma reactions, and the factors prior to, during and after traumatic events that place people at particular risk for the development of psychological problems.The book goes on to look at treatment of trauma-related psychological problems, and covers the use of medication and a range of psychological treatments. Different types of therapy are described and research findings on these approaches are reviewed.Stress and Trauma will provide a valuable overview of the area for advanced undergraduates, early post-graduate training, and mental health professionals seeking an update of recent developments.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Standards and Expectancies: Contrast and Assimilation in Judgments of Self and Others
This book examines how standards and expectancies affect judgments of others and the self. Standards are points of comparison, expectancies are beliefs about the future, and both serve as frames of reference against which current events and people (including the self) are experienced. The central theme of the book is that judgments can be characterized as either assimilative or contrastive in nature. Assimilation occurs when the target of evaluation (another person, the self) is pulled toward or judged consistently with the standard or expectation, and contrast occurs when the target is differentiated from (judged in a direction opposite) the comparative frame. The book considers factors that determine whether assimilation versus contrast occurs, and focuses on the roles of contextual cues, the self, and stereotypes as standards for judging others, and the roles of internalized guides, stereotypes, and other people for judging the self.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Middle East and North Africa: Governance, Democratization, Human Rights
This collection contains articles by highly regarded scholars assessing governance, democratisation and human rights in the contemporary Middle East and North Africa. It also assesses the role that Islam plays in these areas. In the spirit of the 50th anniversary year of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, the authors examine the interrelationships among Islam, politics and human rights and evaluate each country’s contemporary record. The book contains in-depth articles on Islam and politics, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, the Gulf States, Turkey, Egypt and the Maghreb (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Mauritania). The authors discuss recent political developments in each of these countries and point out their accomplishments and shortcomings in the area of human rights.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Social Exclusion in Europe: Problems and Paradigms
Exclusion has come to hold a prominent place in the political discourse of all governments in the European Union and in the European Commission itself. As such, it figures importantly in various research agencies’ funding priorities attracting academics to develop and conduct major research programmes. But what does it mean? This book analyzes the different meanings the term exclusion has come to convey and surveys a wide variety of actual applications in different European countries.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Taxing Culture: Towards a Theory of Tax Collection Law
The introduction of self-assessment for income tax collection in the late 1990s marked a striking moment of cultural convergence between the UK and the US. This book analyses the socio-political factors leading to and resulting from this fundamental change in the relationship between taxpayers and the Inland Revenue, using perspectives in comparative law and the new outlooks of modern tax and cultural theory. It will be of interest to those studying theories of compliance, cultural legal studies, and law and society.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Red Light, Blue Light: Prostitutes, Punters and the Police
Based on extensive interviews with forty women working as prostitutes, Red Light, Blue Light examines a variety of personal developmental experiences and socio-situational factors that can combine to make prostitution neither an inevitable nor inescapable circumstance but a rational occupational choice. This book attempts to analyze why women enter the world of prostitution, how the skills and values of the business are transmitted and how the individuals themselves subjectively define, perceive and rationalise their activity. As opposed to the traditional stereotypical depiction of prostitutes as hopeless, downtrodden victims of male exploitation living lives of poverty, misery and wretchedness, the picture that emerges in this study is of an independent occupational group organizing and controlling the business in which they work. The book also presents a profile of clients of prostitutes and discusses the role of the police. Written in accessible style, the resulting monograph presents a fascinating, unique and comprehensive account of street prostitution in a northern city.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Corporate Citizenship in Latin America: New Challenges for Business: A special theme issue of The Journal of Corporate Citizenship (Issue 21)
Corporate citizenship and corporate social responsibility have become hot topics of debate for business, academia and organised civil society in Latin America. However, although there is a lot of material in Spanish and Portuguese, there are few publications available in English. This special issue of JCC opens the discussion in English across different countries in the region.
Taylor & Francis Ltd First Steps
Therapeutic Approaches for Babies and Young Children in Care: Observation and Attention is about the value of observation and close attention for babies and young children who may be vulnerable to psychological and attachment difficulties. Case studies explore the potential for observation-based therapeutic approaches to support caregivers, social workers, and professional networks. A third theme in the book is the roots of observation-based approaches in psychoanalytic infant observation and the contribution of these ways of working to professional training and continuing development.Using case examples, Jenifer Wakelyn illustrates observational ways of working that can be practised by professionals and family members to help children express themselves and feel understood. The interventions focus on the early stages of life in care and on the "golden thread" of relationships with caregivers. The book explores contemporary neuroscience and child development research alongside psychoanalytic theory to explore the role of attention in helping children to develop the internal continuity that sustains the personality and protects against the fragmenting impact of trauma. Therapeutic Approaches for Babies and Young Children in Care is written for social workers, teachers, medical staff, and other professionals whose work brings them in contact with the youngest children in care; it will also be relevant for commissioners, managers, and trainers as well as mental health clinicians who are starting to work with children in care. It will provide a valuable insight into the lives of infants and young children in the care system and the applications of psychoanalytic infant observation.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Analysing Patients with Traumas: Separation, Illness, Violence
The focus of this book is on detailed case histories of patients with severe traumas. The author takes us through the successive stages of analysis and gives us a graphic impression of the progress of her diagnostic and therapeutic insights into traumatic processes and their treatment. Her main interest is in the development of the transference/countertransference relationship. Traumatic experience has to be actualised within that relationship if it is to be treated successfully, only in this way can therapeutic change become a feasible proposition. Traumatic micro-processes and trauma-sequel phenomena in transference and countertransference are described and conceptualized. The author demonstrates her point with examples taken from clinical practice: illnesses experienced as traumatic; separation traumas; childhood experiences of violence; adult experiences of violence: war, torture, and displacement that can engender PTSD. This book is a genuinely original contribution to psychoanalytic treatment of traumas.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Conjunctions: Between Social Work, Psychoanalysis, and Society
Conjunctions engages separately and connectively with therapeutic social work practice, psychoanalytically informed research methods and philosophy, as well as contemporary human service organisational cultures and predicaments, and the societal dynamics affecting social work and psychoanalysis. The chapters are gathered into several thematic sections: Practice, Organisations, Politics Policy and Culture, Research and a final chapter on death, dying and social work. The writing on each topic uses a blend of psychoanalysis, social theory and philosophy to illuminate and develop a psycho-social account of individual, organisational and social processes and dynamics. The author draws directly upon his own and others lived experience of clinical work, organisational stresses and strains, social processes, and research to generate conceptualised accounts of inner and outer experiential worlds in the hope of mobilising emotional and thinking responses in his readership. Conjunctions is therefore intended to be an intervention in modern professional, therapeutic and social life, as well as a contribution to understanding it.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Surviving and Thriving in Care and Beyond: Personal and Professional Perspectives
This is a book about children who have to grow up apart from their biological parents, the impact of this on their lives and on those who look after them, and how we can respond to the challenges this poses in order that they can grow and develop in healthy directions. It provides a systemic framework to describe working with children and adults who are or have been in care or adopted, as well as working with their adoptive parents and carers, highlighting their own narratives and those of professionals working with them. The authors have tried to make space for multiple voices to speak and describe aspects of the care system and life beyond. There are contributions from those who have been brought up away from their biological parents, their adoptive parents and foster or kinship carers. There are also contributions from researchers and professionals with expertise in working with children in substitute care, who describe their theoretical and clinical approaches, privileging the voices of those with whom they work.This book seeks to highlight the possibilities and opportunities that can be offered and taken by people who were not able to grow up in their biological families. Combining a mixture of insider knowledge, realism, creativity and hope, it is essential reading for all working and living in this field.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Children of Refugees: Torture, Human Rights, and Psychological Consequences
There is a wide gap between the psychological needs of the children of refugees and the services provided. Refugees' home countries, cultures, and social make-up are widely diversified, and their needs cannot be readily consolidated. This diversity of interest and need goes unacknowledged by the service-providers who may treat them as a single, homogenous group. Some refugees' needs are exaggerated, while others are ignored. This approach often ignores the justifiable and legitimate interest of refugees' psychological wellbeing. Many children of refugees may struggle with questions of race, ethnicity, language barriers, and other socio-political and economic issues that can influence their mental health and psychological wellbeing. Preoccupations of the child's emotions with those issues therefore have effects on child personality formations. Apart from having an overview of the relevant processes involved in therapeutic work and possible challenges therein, it is also important for the therapist to have an overview of the child's situation in the past and any current issues, which this book provides. In order to provide effective therapeutic intervention to children and young people, whether they are unaccompanied or with family, knowing the legal framework and human right issues is vital.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Potential Not Pathology: Helping Your Clients Transform Using Ericksonian Psychotherapy
This book is designed to assist counsellors who would like to use and understand the psychotherapeutic strategies of Milton Erickson but often find it confusing, intimidating or unrealistic. Using colourful case studies and stories told in everyday language, this work will educate and help professionals in being able to understand how to adapt and apply creative and resourceful therapy interventions based on the concepts of Ericksonian psychotherapy. It will also assist clinicians and therapists in easily implementing the concepts of Ericksonian psychotherapy into their work in order to energise and revitalise their therapy sessions. Subjects explored include client resistance and client potential, the role of imagination and playfulness in the therapeutic work, and the healing possibilities hidden within stories and metaphors.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Death and Identity
Michel de M'Uzan has derived several innovative notions from his clinical experience that are relevant not only for the psychoanalyst's status of identity, which is sometimes dramatically shaken by his or her patient's unconscious, but also for the artist who is deeply destabilized by his act of creation, as well as for the caring person who lets him/herself be caught in the nets, as it were, of someone who is dying.Such are the extreme examples of the precarious nature of the boundaries of being in which the author discerns, not necessarily a pathological disposition, but rather an opportunity for the mind to construct itself and achieve authenticity.Through this invigorating recognition of the unconscious with the emergence, at the heart of analysis, of 'paradoxical thoughts', the experience of 'blurred frontiers' characteristic of a vacillating sense of identity, the perception of an 'every man's land' in which the analytic treatment unfolds, and the elaboration of an 'original grammar' specific to the formulation of the intervention/interpretation of the analyst during the session, Michel de M'Uzan leads us along a path that is in keeping with the purist tradition of Freudian thought, that of 'the uncanny' and its creative powers. And in so doing, he opens the way to a 'permanent sense of disquiet': 'Where ego/I is, there id/it shall be'.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Psychic Reality in Context: Perspectives on Psychoanalysis, Personal History, and Trauma
This book skillfully combines autobiographical stories with clear psychoanalytical theories. During her childhood, the author experienced the Holocaust and was left understandly traumatised by it. It was her desire to confront this trauma that led her to psychoanalysis. For decades, the coherence of psychoanalysis seemed to be threatened by the conflicting thinking of many psychoanalytical colleagues about trauma and trauma affect, and also about the influence of external reality on the psychic reality discovered by Freud. However, Marion Oliner counters this potential conflict with her innovative theoretical integration, combined with remarkable conceptual outcomes and treatment techniques.This book spans the author's work over the last fifteen years on the impact of external reality on psychic reality. During this period many analysts, especially in the English-speaking countries and Germany, where historic events loomed large in the lives of their patients, have turned from the exclusive emphasis on psychic reality to greater attention to the traumatic impact of external reality. Considering that this has led to a body of psychoanalytic writings in which events are used to give a name to the pathology, incest survivor, Holocaust survivor, transmission of trauma, to name a few, it has implicitly created two categories of patients: patients who, because of their failed solutions for conflict, are regarded as active agents in their own suffering, and those who are victimized by events they endured passively; thus implicitly taking away from the second group the focus on conflicting motivations. This in turn has led to the adoption of some of Freud's concepts that lack a dynamic dimension. First among those is the repetition compulsion which supposedly causes events to be repeated because they happened. The concept has its place, but, if not properly understood, risks by-passing the analysis of unconscious guilt as a motivating factor in repetition. These factors have not been sufficiently explored in the analytic literature, and over the years the author has written a number of articles that try to distinguish important elements that contribute to the psychoanalytic exploration of trauma. This book is an important summation and further development of that work.
Taylor & Francis Inc Doing Social Justice Education: A Practitioner's Guide for Workshops and Structured Conversations
This book is principally written for entry-level student affairs and non-profit staff who develop and facilitate social justice education workshops and structured conversations, as well as for student peer educators who are often employed to assist in the facilitation of such workshops for their peers. It is suitable for anyone starting out to do such work.It provides readers with a practical framework and hands-on tools to craft effective and positive interventions and workshops that are relevant to context and are true to the facilitator’s own circumstances.It offers a succinct but comprehensive introduction to the planning, design, and facilitation of social justice experiences, grounding readers in relevant theory, taking into account participants’ prior understandings of issues of race and privilege, institutional environment and campus climate, and the facilitator’s positionality. It provides guidance on defining outcomes and developing content and exercises to achieve workshop goals.Starting from the premise that the facilitation and delivery of social justice education experiences should be grounded in scholarship and that such experiences can only achieve their ends if crafted to meet the unique characteristics and circumstances of the institution and workshop participants, the authors begin by synthesizing current theory on social justice education and cultural competence, and then guiding readers on analyzing the context and purpose of their workshop. They provide readers with an easy to follow five-part framework to systematically design social justice education workshops and structured conversations and to assess the resulting learning. Particularly valuable for those starting out in this work is guidance on facilitation and on the use and selection of exercises to align with goals and participants' characteristics and social identities.