Search results for ""author manus"
Harvard University Press Śṛṅgāraprakāśa of Bhoja: Part 2
This edition is based on new manuscripts of this important treatise on classical Sanskrit poetics. It was composed by the famous eleventh-century King Bhoja of Malwa (West India), a patron of traditional learning.The text has never received a complete critical edition. It is important not only because of the theoretical treatment of the erotic sentiment (śṛṅgāra) in classical Sanskrit texts. It is also a mine of quotations from extant and also from lost Sanskrit and Prakrit poetical texts.
Royal Botanic Gardens James Sowerby: The Enlightenment's Natual Historian
James Sowerby (1757-1822) was an outstanding artist and natural historian, renowned for his discoveries and prodigious output of beautiful, scientific books of plants, fungi, animals, fossils and minerals, all at a key historical time; the age of Enlightenment in Great Britain. Beautifully illustrated with artwork and letter and manuscript extracts, this first full biography of Sowerby is a fascinating artistic and historical account, which extends beyond that of one key player.
Yale University Press Twentieth Century: Art and Architecture of Ireland
ART AND ARCHITECTURE OF IRELAND is an authoritative and fully illustrated survey that encompasses the period from the early Middle Ages to the end of the 20th century. The five volumes explore all aspects of Irish art – from high crosses to installation art, from illuminated manuscripts to Georgian houses and Modernist churches, from tapestries and sculptures to oil paintings, photographs and video art. This monumental project provides new insights into every facet of the strength, depth and variety of Ireland’s artistic and architectural heritage. TWENTIETH CENTURY An examination of the works of art created in twentieth-century Ireland and the critical contexts from which they came. Focusing on painting, photography and new media, rather than on sculpture, this volume considers the work of conceptual and digital artists as well as those who have used more traditional approaches. Definitive biographies of many of the key artist of the era are included, and the volume also addresses the main political and social issues that lay behind twentieth century Irish art. Through its many fine illustrations, it recreates the vibrancy of the art world of the period.Published for the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art in association with the Royal Irish Academy
Columbia University Press Spreading Buddha's Word in East Asia: The Formation and Transformation of the Chinese Buddhist Canon
A monumental work in the history of religion, the history of the book, the study of politics, and bibliographical research, this volume follows the making of the Chinese Buddhist canon from the fourth century to the digital era. Approaching the subject from a historical perspective, it ties the religious, social, and textual practices of canon formation to the development of East Asian Buddhist culture and enlivens Chinese Buddhist texts for readers interested in the evolution of Chinese writing and the Confucian and Daoist traditions.The collection undertakes extensive readings of major scriptural catalogs from the early manuscript era as well as major printed editions, including the Kaibao Canon, Qisha Canon, Goryeo Canon, and Taisho Canon. Contributors add fascinating depth to such understudied issues as the historical process of compilation, textual manipulation, physical production and management, sponsorship, the dissemination of various editions, cultic activities surrounding the canon, and the canon's reception in different East Asian societies. The Chinese Buddhist canon is one of the most enduring textual traditions in East Asian religion and culture, and through this exhaustive, multifaceted effort, an essential body of work becomes part of a new, versatile narrative of East Asian Buddhism that has far-reaching implications for world history.
Penguin Books Ltd The Travels
A sparkling new translation of one of the greatest travel books ever written: Marco Polo's seminal account of his journeys in the east.Marco Polo was the most famous traveller of his time. His voyages began in 1271 with a visit to China, after which he served the Kublai Khan on numerous diplomatic missions. On his return to the West he was made a prisoner of war and met Rustichello of Pisa, with whom he collaborated on this book. His account of his travels offers a fascinating glimpse of what he encountered abroad: unfamiliar religions, customs and societies; the spices and silks of the East; the precious gems, exotic vegetation and wild beasts of faraway lands. Evoking a remote and long-vanished world with colour and immediacy, Marco's book revolutionized western ideas about the then unknown East and is still one of the greatest travel accounts of all time.For this edition - the first completely new English translation of the Travels in over fifty years - Nigel Cliff has gone back to the original manuscript sources to produce a fresh, authoritative new version. The volume also contains invaluable editorial materials, including an introduction describing the world as it stood on the eve of Polo's departure, and examining the fantastical notions the West had developed of the East.
University of Washington Press Breaking News: Renaissance Journalism and the Birth of the Newspaper
The first newspaper arrived in England in 1620 and sparked a huge demand for up-to-the minute reports on domestic and world events. Men and women in Renaissance England were addicted to news, whether from the battlefields of Europe, or the scandal-filled salons of its courtiers. Newspapers commented on politics, crime, omens, bad weather, natural disasters, and strange apparitions.Breaking News traces the development of the newspaper in England, from its origins in manuscript letters and imported corantos in Shakespeare’s England, to the introduction of daily newspapers, regional journals, and specialist magazines around 1700, as well as the first stirrings of American journalism. The examples of early journalism illustrated here reveal the indelible mark the early English newspaper has left on modern news culture.
Peeters Publishers The Homiliae Toletanae and the Theology of Lent and Easter
This book takes seriously the need for a two-fold shift in methodology within the field of liturgical studies and serves as a model for future historical work. The first shift necessary in liturgical studies is a shift to sources other than the central liturgical texts, i.e. the Missal, breviary, lectionary, and books of rites. The second shift necessary in the field is a greater appreciation of the diversity of liturgical celebrations within the Church. In order to engage in such a study, this book analyzes a non-traditional liturgical source within a little-studied liturgical tradition. The source that provides the basis for this study is the Homiliae Toletanae (British Library, Add. 30853), a homiliary for Mass found in the Hispano-Mozarabic Rite. The Homiliae Toletanae dates to circa the seventh/eighth centuries and survives in one tenth/eleventh-century manuscript. It contains homilies for every major temporal and sanctoral feast in the calendar of Toledo. The Homiliae Toletanae is a valuable manuscript for reconstructing and understanding the liturgical practices of seventh/eighth-century Toledo. This study looks only at the Lenten homilies found within the Homiliae Toletanae in order to supplement what is already known about the Lenten practices of late Visigothic and early Mozarabic Spain. In reconstructing the practices of Lent in seventh/eighth-century Spain, this study explores the two major themes of Lent, penance and initiation, and their relationship to one another. It reflects on what some scholars consider a crisis in the thematic understanding of Lent in the seventh/eighth centuries. Coupled with this crisis is a shift from adult initiation to infant initiation in this period. This study argues that this crisis of meaning and the subsequent shift to a more penitential understanding of Lent was a direct result of the decline in adult initiation in this period. The dominant role that fasting and almsgiving played in the Lenten life of late Visigothic and early Mozarabic Spain is also analyzed. In order to conduct this study, this volume utilizes textual criticism as well as the comparative method in liturgical studies. The comparative method is based on the work of Anton Baumstark, the Mateos School, and Paul Bradshaw. This method is used to reconstruct liturgical practices based on the manuscript evidence. The first part of this book contextualizes the Homiliae Toletanae within the larger Hispano-Mozarabic and Christian tradition, and discusses its origin, dating, composition, and general content. The second part of this book is an in-depth look at the twenty-three homilies of Lent found within the Homiliae Toletanae. The goal of this volume is to show that liturgical traditions, like the Hispano-Mozarabic Rite, have a profound creativity and uniqueness. Their patrimony is rich, and they contain many liturgical insights, both historically and pastorally.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Reisebriefe: 1877-1914. Ausgewählte Briefe I
Hiermit liegt der erste Band einer Auswahl von Briefen Max Webers auf der Grundlage der Max Weber-Gesamtausgabe vor. Dieser erste Band Reisebriefe enthält mehr als siebzig Briefe und Karten, die Max Weber auf seinen zahlreichen Reisen innerhalb Europas und in Nordamerika geschrieben hat. Der Band setzt mit Webers Jugendbriefen ein, denn er war früh eingeübt in die Kulturpraxis des Bürgertums, Anderen von seinen Reiseerfahrungen ausführlich und anschaulich Mitteilung zu machen.Schon von den Reisen mit Vater und Brüdern berichtete der junge Max lebhaft seiner Mutter. Über die ausgedehnten, mit Marianne Weber unternommenen Reisen nach Schottland und Irland 1895, Frankreich und Spanien 1897 und die berühmte Reise quer durch die Vereinigten Staaten 1904 erhielt Helene Weber eingehende Berichte. Es sind kulturhistorische Momentaufnahmen mit dem Blick auf Clans und Sozialstrukturen in Schottland und Irland, auf den Erzabbau im Baskenland, den "Brutstätten des Capitalismus", oder die amerikanischen Sekten. Wir können Max Weber, stets mit Manuskripten und Lektüre unterwegs, bei seinem Besuch des Rijksmuseums in Amsterdam und in den mediterranen Süden begleiten. Der Band endet 1914 mit der letzten Reise in den Süden, wenige Monate vor Ausbruch des 1. Weltkriegs.Eingeleitet wird die Auswahl der Reisebriefe durch einen Essay von Hinnerk Bruhns (Paris); ein biografisches Personenregister erschließt die Briefe, die gegenüber der zugrundeliegenden Max Weber-Gesamtausgabe vereinfacht zum Abdruck gelangen. Die Briefauswahl wird durch einen weiteren Band Gelehrtenbriefe fortgeführt.
Edinburgh University Press Thomas Reid on Practical Ethics
The pervasiveness of Protestant natural law in the early modern period and its significance in the Scottish Enlightenment have long been recognised. This book reveals that Thomas Reid (1710-1796) -- the great contemporary of David Hume and Adam Smith -- also worked in this tradition. When Reid succeeded Adam Smith as professor of moral philosophy in Glasgow in 1764, he taught a course covering pneumatology, practical ethics, and politics. This section on practical ethics took its starting point from the system of natural law and rights published by Francis Hutcheson. Knud Haakonssen has reconstructed it here for the first time from Reid's manuscript lectures and papers, and it provides a considerable addition to our understanding not only of Reid but of the thought of the Scottish Enlightenment and of the education system of the time. The present work is a revised version of a work first published by Princeton University Press in 1990 which has long been out of print.
Reaktion Books Who Killed Cock Robin?: British Folk Songs of Crime and Punishment: 2021
At the heart of traditional song rest the concerns of ordinary people - the folk. And folk throughout the centuries have found themselves entangled with the law: abiding by it, breaking it, and being caught and punished by it. Who Killed Cock Robin? is an anthology of just such songs compiled by one of Britain's senior judges, Stephen Sedley, and most respected and best-loved folk singers, Martin Carthy. The songs collected here are drawn from manuscripts, broadsides and oral tradition. They are grouped according to the various categories of crime and punishment, from Poaching to The Gallows. Each section contains a historical introduction, and every song is presented with a melody, its lyrics and an illuminating commentary that explores its origins and sources. Together, they present a unique, sometimes comic, often tragic, and always colourful insight into the past, while preserving an important body of song for the pleasure and performance of future generations.
Indiana University Press Animal Tales from the Caribbean
These twenty-one animal tales from the Colombian Caribbean coast represent a sampling of the traditional stories that are told during all-night funerary wakes. The tales are told in the semi-sacred space of the patio (backyard) of homes as part of the funerary ritual that includes other aesthetic and expressive practices such as jokes, song games, board games, and prayer. In this volume these stories are situated within their performance contexts and represent a highly ritualized corpus of oral knowledge that for centuries has been preserved and cultivated by African-descendant populations in the Americas. Ethnomusicologist George List collected these tales throughout his decades-long fieldwork amongst the rural costeños, a chiefly African-descendent population, in the mid-20th century and, with the help of a research team, transcribed and translated them into English before his death in 2008. In this volume, John Holmes McDowell and Juan Sebastián Rojas E. have worked to bring this previously unpublished manuscript to light, providing commentary on the transcriptions and translations, additional cultural context through a new introduction, and further typological and cultural analysis by Hasan M. El-Shamy. Supplementing the transcribed and translated texts are links to the original Spanish recordings of the stories, allowing readers to follow along and experience the traditional telling of the tales for themselves.
Oxford University Press The Oxford Handbook of Early Modern Women's Writing in English, 1540-1700
The Oxford Handbook of Early Modern Women's Writing in English, 1540-1700 brings together new work by scholars across the globe, from some of the founding figures in early modern women's writing to those early in their careers and defining the field now. It investigates how and where women gained access to education, how they developed their literary voice through varied genres including poetry, drama, and letters, and how women cultivated domestic and technical forms of knowledge from recipes and needlework to medicines and secret codes. Chapters investigate the ways in which women's writing was an integral part of the intellectual culture of the period, engaging with male writers and traditions, while also revealing the ways in which women's lives and writings were often distinctly different, from women prophetesses to queens, widows, and servants. It explores the intersections of women writing in English with those writing in French, Spanish, Latin, and Greek, in Europe and in New England, and argues for an archipelagic understanding of women's writing in Scotland, Wales, Ireland, and England. Finally, it reflects on--and challenges--the methodologies which have developed in, and with, the field: book and manuscript history, editing, digital analysis, premodern critical race studies, network theory, queer theory, and feminist theory. The Oxford Handbook of Early Modern Women's Writing in English, 1540-1700 captures the most innovative work on early modern women's writing in English at present.
Little, Brown Book Group Guarded by Dragons: Encounters with Rare Books and Rare People
The Times Best Literary Non-fiction Books 2021 - 'a super yarn' 'Rick Gekoski's encyclopaedic knowledge of rare books is matched only by the enthusiasm and brio with which he writes about them' Ian Rankin Rick Gekoski has been traversing the rocky terrain of the rare book trade for over fifty years. The treasure he seeks is scarce, carefully buried and often jealously guarded, knowledge of its hiding place shared through word of mouth like the myths of old. In Guarded by Dragons, Gekoski invites readers into this enchanted world as he reflects on the gems he has unearthed throughout his career. He takes us back to where his love of collecting began - perusing D.H. Lawrence first editions in a slightly suspect Birmingham carpark. What follows are dizzying encounters with literary giants as Gekoski publishes William Golding, plays ping-pong with Salman Rushdie and lunches with Graham Greene. A brilliant stroke of luck sees Sylvia Plath's personal copy of The Great Gatsby fall into Gekoski's lap, only for him to discover the perils of upsetting a Poet Laureate when Ted Hughes demands its return. Hunting for literary treasure is not without its battles and Gekoski boldly breaks the cardinal rule never to engage in a lawsuit with someone much richer than yourself, while also guarding his bookshop from the most unlikely of thieves. The result is an unparalleled insight into an almost mythical world where priceless first editions of Ulysses can vanish, and billionaires will spend as much gold as it takes to own the manuscript of J.K. Rowling's Tales of Beedle the Bard. Engaging, funny and shrewd, Guarded by Dragons is a fascinating discussion on value and worth. At the same time, Gekoski artfully reveals how a manuscript can tell a thousand stories.
Broadview Press Ltd The Alexandreis: A Twelfth-Century Epic
Walter of Châtillon’s Latin epic on the life of Alexander the Great was a twelfth- and thirteenth-century “best-seller:” scribes produced over two hundred manuscripts. The poem follows Alexander from his first successes in Asia Minor, through his conquest of Persia and India, to his progressive moral degeneration and his poisoning by a disaffected lieutenant. The Alexandreis exemplifies twelfth-century discourses of world domination and the exoticism of the East. But at the same time it calls such dreams of mastery into question, repeatedly undercutting as it does Alexander’s claims to heroism and virtue and by extension, similar claims by the great men of Walter’s own generation. This extraordinarily layered and subtle poem stands as a high-water mark of the medieval tradition of Latin narrative literature.Along with David Townsend’s revised translation, this edition provides a rich selection of historical documents, including other writings by Walter of Châtillon, excerpts from other medieval Latin epics, and contemporary accounts of the foreign and “exotic.”
The University of Chicago Press Aristotle's Art of Rhetoric
For more than two thousand years. Aristotle’s “Art of Rhetoric” has shaped thought on the theory and practice of rhetoric, the art of persuasive speech. In three sections, Aristotle discusses what rhetoric is, as well as the three kinds of rhetoric (deliberative, judicial, and epideictic), the three rhetorical modes of persuasion, and the diction, style, and necessary parts of a successful speech. Throughout, Aristotle defends rhetoric as an art and a crucial tool for deliberative politics while also recognizing its capacity to be misused by unscrupulous politicians to mislead or illegitimately persuade others. Here Robert C. Bartlett offers a literal, yet easily readable, new translation of Aristotle’s “Art of Rhetoric,” one that takes into account important alternatives in the manuscript and is fully annotated to explain historical, literary, and other allusions. Bartlett’s translation is also accompanied by an outline of the argument of each book; copious indexes, including subjects, proper names, and literary citations; a glossary of key terms; and a substantial interpretive essay.
Studio Orientalia Visible Heritage: Essays on the Art and Architecture of Greater Ladakh
Selected papers from the 16th Conference of the InternationalAssociation for Ladakh Studies (Heidelberg 17-20 April, 2013)1. Alchi Tsatsapuri: Notes on the History of an Early Monumentby Andre Alexander;2. Lost and Gone Forever: Notes on the Demolition of the Red Temple of Hunderby Noor Jahan Chunka and Gerald Kozicz;3. Fortifications of Ladakh: A Brief Chrono-Typology by Quentin Devers;4. The Munshi House in Leh: A Building History by John Harrison;5. Castles and Defensive Architecture in Purig: An Introduction, Survey andPreliminary Analysis by Neil Howard;6. The Old Stupa of Matho by Gerald Kozicz;7. Visual Representation of Ladakh and Zangskar in the British Library's WiseCollection by Diana Lange;8. Siddhas and Sociality: A Seventeenth-Century Lay Illustrated; Buddhist Manuscriptin Kumik Village, Zangskar (A Preliminary Report) by Rob Linrothe;9. Trees-of-Life, Aquatic Creatures and Other Enigmatic Motifs on Ladakhi WoodArt: What They Tell Us About Art History by Heinrich Poll;10. The Life of Buddha Sakyamuni in the Byams pa lha khang of Basgo, Ladakh byVerena Ziegler.
Orion Publishing Co Toffee Apples and Quail Feathers: New Stories From Call the Midwife
Following the death of her beloved mother Jennifer Worth in 2011, Suzannah Worth discovered amongst her manuscripts a folder simply labelled 'Fifth Book'. Imagine her excitement when she sat down to read and her mother's distinctive voice came flooding back. She found herself once again immersed in the world of the 1950s East End of London. The voices of much loved, familiar characters spoke loud and clear, particularly that of Fred the boiler man, who features extensively in this joyful collection.From Fred and Maisie's romance, to Fred's little earners including boat tours on the Thames, a fledgling singing career and raising pigs on the allotment, these new stories are as heart-warming and funny as the originals.Published here for the first time and accompanied by a selection of Suzannah's favourite chapters from the original memoirs, featuring Chummy and Sister Monica Joan, this is a very special addition to the Call the Midwife family.
Ediciones Beascoa Peppa Pig. Un cuento para cada letra p m l s
Los cuentos de Peppa Pig para aprender a leer.Leo con Peppa es un sistema divertido y muy accesible para que los más pequeños empiecen a dar sus primeros pasitos en el mundo de la lectura.La colección está formada por 6 libros y cada uno contiene diversas historias: una para cada letra, para que sea muy muy fácil:Leo con Peppa n 1: a, e, i, o, uLeo con Peppa n 2: p, m, l, sLeo con Peppa n 3: t, d, n, f, r/rr, hLeo con Peppa n 4: c, q, g, gu, r (sonido suave), b, v, z, ce-ciLeo con Peppa n 5: j, ge-gi, ll, ñ, y, ch, x, k, w, güe-güiLeo con Peppa n 6: grupos consonánticosAdemás, los cuentos incluyen el texto en letra manuscrita y en letra mayúscula para que el niño practique la lectura con el tipo de letra con el que se sienta más cómodo. Esta Peppa está en todo...
University of Wales Press An Introduction to the 'Glossa Ordinaria' as Medieval Hypertext
The Glossa Ordinaria, the medieval glossed Bible first printed in 1480/81, has been a rich source of biblical commentary for centuries. Circulated first in manuscript, the text is the Latin Vulgate Bible of St. Jerome with patristic commentary both in the margins and within the text itself.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Fifteenth Century IX: English and Continental Perspectives
This series [pushes] the boundaries of knowledge and [develops] new trends in approach and understanding. ENGLISH HISTORICAL REVIEW The essays here provide a series of unusual, varying and complex perspectives on late-medieval society, with a particular focus on the European context. They show how in the north of England the Cliffords and tenants of the honourof Pontefract were forced to weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of their conflicting loyalties to local lords and distant kings; how in East Anglia the growing cult of St Margaret was reinforced by dissemination of her life-story [published here from a manuscript in the British Library]; how at Westminster the court of Henry IV was enhanced by his purchase of luxury items, and how the inept rule of his grandson Henry VI led to the "de-skilling" ofhitherto competent bureaucracies in the exchequer and chancery; how in Normandy a fine line was drawn between brigandage and movements for independence; how in Burgundy the classic ideals of chivalry, as presented in the duchy's literature, contrasted with the grim reality of military and political confrontations; and how in Florence infants were nurtured. Contributors: Frederik Buylaert, Christine Carpenter, Vincent Challet, Juliana Dresvina, Jan Dumolyn, Andy King, Jessica Lutkin, Alessia Meneghin, Sarah Rose
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The New Beethoven: Evolution, Analysis, Interpretation
Marking the 250th anniversary of the composer's birth, this volume presents twenty-one completely new essays on aspects of Beethoven's personal life, his composing process, his manuscripts, and his greatest works. Beethoven's music stands as a universal symbol of personal and artistic achievement. As we reach and then surpass the 250th anniversary of the composer's birth, Jeremy Yudkin has commissioned a collection of new essays from some of the most insightful writers on Beethoven's accomplishments and brought them together in this remarkable volume. Filled with careful explanations, this book gives us completely new insights into music known and loved by people around the world. Ordinary music lovers as well as scholars will find countless new discoveries about Beethoven and his music. Listeners will hear his compositions afresh, and scholars will find new results of research and analysis and new avenues for discovery. Topics include Beethoven's cultural milieu, his personal life, his friends, his publishers, his instruments, his working methods, his own handwritten scores, and, of course, his music. Many works are carefully discussed and explained in ways that reveal fascinating and previously unknown aspects of compositions that we thought we knew well. A landmark publication for all who admire some of the greatest music of our civilization.
Penguin Books Ltd The Unwomanly Face of War
'A must read' - Margaret Atwood'It would be hard to find a book that feels more important or original' - Viv Groskop, ObserverExtraordinary stories from Soviet women who fought in the Second World War - from the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature"Why, having stood up for and held their own place in a once absolutely male world, have women not stood up for their history? Their words and feelings? A whole world is hidden from us. Their war remains unknown... I want to write the history of that war. A women's history."In the late 1970s, Svetlana Alexievich set out to write her first book, The Unwomanly Face of War, when she realized that she grew up surrounded by women who had fought in the Second World War but whose stories were absent from official narratives. Travelling thousands of miles, she spent years interviewing hundreds of Soviet women - captains, tank drivers, snipers, pilots, nurses and doctors - who had experienced the war on the front lines, on the home front and in occupied territories. As it brings to light their most harrowing memories, this symphony of voices reveals a different side of war, a new range of feelings, smells and colours.After completing the manuscript in 1983, Alexievich was not allowed to publish it because it went against the state-sanctioned history of the war. With the dawn of Perestroika, a heavily censored edition came out in 1985 and it became a huge bestseller in the Soviet Union - the first in five books that have established her as the conscience of the twentieth century.
Sounds True Inc The Illuminated Hafiz: Love Poems for the Journey to Light
Experience the immortal poetry of the great Persian master paired with luminous illustrations “There is this matter of the light in my eyes. If you want to know the Friend, don’t expect elegant arguments! Demand a blessing from one who gives you joy.” —Hafiz (tr. Barks) “Hafiz is without peer!” exclaimed Goethe. Known as “The Tongue of the Hidden Mysteries,” Shams al-Din Muhammad Hafiz of Shiraz is the most revered of Persian poets. When the Sun of Infinite Reality dawned in his being, he poured forth mystic verse so sublime it touched the hearts of kings and commoners alike. Hafiz’s poems of intimate divine love spread through the East in his lifetime, then into the West, influencing such luminaries as Emerson, Brahms, Queen Victoria, Nietzsche, and Garcia Lorca. Today, nearly 700 years after his death, the unmatched genius and bold wit of Hafiz continues to ignite hearts and intoxicate souls everywhere. The Illuminated Hafiz brings together vivid translations by Coleman Barks, Robert Bly, Omid Safi, Meher Baba, Peter Booth, and others with the luminous art of Michael and Saliha Green, weaving them into a stunning contemporary presentation in the tradition of classical Persian illuminated manuscripts and unveiling the mysteries of the path of love. Come, raise a cup! Join with Hafiz and his incomparable love poems in a holy revel on the journey into light.
Medieval Institute Publications The Book of John Mandeville
The Book of John Mandeville has tended to be neglected by modern teachers and scholars, yet this intriguing and copious work has much to offer the student of medieval literature, history, and culture. [It] was a contemporary bestseller, providing readers with exotic information about locales from Constantinople to China and about the social and religious practices of peoples such as the Greeks, Muslims, and Brahmins. The Book first appeared in the middle of the fourteenth century and by the next century could be found in an extraordinary range of European languages: not only Latin, French, German, English, and Italian, but also Czech, Danish, and Irish. Its wide readership is also attested by the two hundred fifty to three hundred medieval manuscripts that still survive today. Chaucer borrowed from it, as did the Gawain-poet in the Middle English Cleanness, and its popularity continued long after the Middle Ages.
Scala Arts & Heritage Publishers Ltd Experience Oregon
For more than a century The Oregon Historical Society (OHS) has served as the state’s collective memory, gathering and preserving a vast collection of artefacts, photographs, films, manuscripts, books and oral histories. This vivid selection illuminates the depth of Oregon’s history; a history too rich to be contained within a single story or point of view. Published in conjunction with OHS’s permanent exhibit, Experience Oregon, this illustrated companion provides a glimpse of the countless people, places and events that have made the state of Oregon what it is today.
DeVorss & Co ,U.S. Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East: Volume 6
Thirty-five years after the appearance of Volume 5 of Life & Teaching of the Masters of the Far East, ten dusty cartons were discovered in the DeVorss warehouse, some of which held Spalding manuscripts, paper, letters, photographs, and other materials related to this man whose name has been a legend in metaphysical and truth circles. The New Volume 6 includes: Articles previously omitted from Vol.5, Photographs, The 1935 India Tour and correspondence, Rare letters, Personal recollections of BTS, Spalding's last days, Spalding biography and memorabilia.
University of Texas Press Gondal's Queen: A Novel in Verse
In Gondal’s Queen, Fannie Elizabeth Ratchford presents a cycle of eighty-four poems by Emily Jane Brontë, for the first time arranged in logical sequence, to re-create the “novel in verse” which Emily wrote about their beloved mystical kingdom of Gondal and its ruler, Augusta Geraldine Almeda, who brought tragedy to those who loved her. Thanks to previous publications by Ratchford, the imaginative world of Gondal is well known not only to Brontë scholars but also to general readers. Only in the present book, however, with Emily’s lovely poems restored to the setting which gave them being, can the full impact of this extraordinary literary creation be realized. The life story of Gondal’s Queen, from portentous birth to tragic death, is set in a world compounded of dark Gothic romance and Byronic extravagance; yet out of it emerges not only a real country of wild moor sheep and piercingly beautiful nights but also the portrait of a real woman, whose doom was wrought not by the stars but by the clashing complications of her own nature. In A.G.A. (the appellation most usually applied to the Queen), Emily Brontë created a personality, not a puppet reciting lovely lines. And Ratchford, in reconstructing her story, has re-affirmed the dignity, beauty, and richness of Emily’s poetry. Gondal’s Queen is the end of a long trail of research and literary detection which has led Ratchford to all known Brontë documentary sources. This quest was originally stimulated by curiosity over a tiny booklet signed, “C. Brontë, June 29th, 1837,” in the Wrenn Library at the University of Texas at Austin. Ratchford’s intense and astonishingly fruitful interest in the Brontës had its origin in her attempt to unravel the fascinating puzzle presented by this little book, which seemed to be merely a series of childish vignettes held together by “a shadow of a common character” and a “tendency toward a unified plot.” Bit by bit, Ratchford assembled clues from manuscripts and obscure publications until the significance of the play world of the Brontë children began to emerge. In spite of the fact that the Brontës had been the subject of the liveliest literary speculation since their deaths, it remained for Ratchford to establish the importance of their juvenile writings to the later writings of Charlotte. In successive publications she presented the accumulating evidence. For a time her curiosity was centered on Charlotte and the group, but it finally became focused on Emily through a manuscript journal fragment which fortunately came to hand. Unlike Charlotte, Emily left no prose works from her childhood. But it is apparent from journal entries and birthday notes written by Emily and Anne (whose shared creation Gondal was) not only that the two younger Brontës lived in and sustained daily an imaginary world which had evolved from the earlier play of the four children together, but also that they had written separately voluminous histories and “novels” about it. Of Emily’s vast Gondal literature, only a small body of verse has survived, poems originally intended for no eye but her own and possibly Anne’s. But it is clear that Gondal was not only Emily Brontë’s childhood dream world but also the major preoccupation of her adult creative life.
Houghton Library of the Harvard College Library A Garland of Satire, Wisdom, and History: Latin Verse from Twelfth-Century France (Carmina Houghtoniensia)
This book brings into print editions, translations, and commentaries for more than two dozen unique poems (in Latin) from the late eleventh and early twelfth century, preserved in Houghton Library's anthology known as MS Lat 300. This book offers unparalleled access to the anthology, previously unavailable in English.From a literary point of view, those interested in lyric poetry composed in Old French and Old Provençal have paid increasing attention to Latin poetry that circulated in France, and of course those wishing to trace the background of the Carmina Burana have reason to study this kind of collection, but many poems remain unedited and even more cry out for translation and contextualization. With the publication of the accompanying facsimiles, palaeographers may now be able to solve the puzzle of where the manuscript originated--its story between the Napoleonic wars and 1965, when it was purchased by Harvard. All told, this volume opens the way to advances in medieval studies.
University of Nebraska Press Works on Paper from the Collection of the Sheldon Museum of Art
As the first serious study and presentation of the Sheldon Museum of Art’s collection of works on paper, this catalog introduces students and art lovers alike to the largest, most international area of the museum’s holdings, which includes prints and drawings from the European Renaissance to the present. Like the other collection catalogs in the American Transnationalism series, this publication draws together a team of distinguished scholars and features some of the museum’s most iconic works. These include rarely seen yet important objects such as medieval manuscript illuminations and Renaissance prints; nineteenth-century drawings and prints by such artists as Mary Cassatt, Winslow Homer, and James McNeill Whistler; twentieth-century works by Peggy Bacon, George Bellows, Charles Demuth, Marjorie Organ Henri, John Marin, Georgia O’Keeffe, Diego Rivera, and Charles White; and contemporary works by Robert Colescott, Vija Celmins, Roy Lichtenstein, Judy Pfaff, and Kara Walker.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd A Critical Companion to John Skelton
Introduces Skelton and his work to readers unfamiliar with the poet, gathers together the vibrant strands of existing research, and opens up new avenues for future studies. John Skelton is a central literary figure and the leading poet during the first thirty years of Tudor rule. Nevertheless, he remains challenging and even contradictory for modern audiences. This book aims to provide an authoritative guide to this complex poet and his works, setting him in his historical, religious, and social contexts. Beginning with an exploration of his life and career, it goes on to cover all the major aspects of his poetry, from the literary traditions in which he wrote and the form of his compositions to the manuscript contexts and later reception. SEBASTIAN SOBECKI is Professor of Medieval English Literature and Culture at the University of Groningen; JOHN SCATTERGOOD is Professor (Emeritus) of Medieval and Renaissance English at Trinity College, Dublin. Contributors: Tom Betteridge, Julia Boffey, John Burrow, David Carlson, Helen Cooper, Elisabeth Dutton,A.S.G. Edwards, Jane Griffiths, Nadine Kuipers, Carol Meale, John Scattergood, Sebastian Sobecki, Greg Waite
Henry Bradshaw Society Missale Gothicum I: A Gallican Sacramentary, MS. Vatican. Regin. Lat. 317
This manuscript, of disputed provenance, possibly dates from the beginning of the eighth century and was for use in Eastern France, probably at Autun. It was written in some important centre where Luxeuil script was used.
Diaphanes AG Leibniz, or The Best of All Possible Worlds
Vienna, 1714: Late in life, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, the universal genius of his time, puts down his pen and declares his description of the universe to be complete. In the evening, he sits in his study room among letters, books, and manuscripts as his young friend Theodor comes for a visit. Theodor is bothered by one question: Why is there evil? And why do people commit crimes? With an example from ancient Greek mythology, Leibniz develops his theory about the best of all possible worlds. With this vivid “story within a story” Jean Paul Mongin successfully imparts the complex philosophical ideas of Leibniz to young readers. At its most basic, philosophy is about learning how to think about the world around us. It should come as no surprise, then, that children make excellent philosophers! Naturally inquisitive, pint-size scholars need little prompting before being willing to consider life’s “big questions,” however strange or impractical. Plato & Co. introduces children—and curious grown-ups—to the lives and work of famous philosophers, from Socrates to Descartes, Einstein, Marx, and Wittgenstein. Each book in the series features an engaging—and often funny—story that presents basic tenets of philosophical thought alongside vibrant color illustrations.
Harvard University Press Collected Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson: Volume VI: The Conduct of Life
The essays in this book, first published in 1860, were developed from a series of lectures on "The Conduct of Life" delivered by Emerson during the early 1850s. Some of the original lectures were dropped and the rest were considerably revised, with new topics introduced. The published essays, on "Fate," "Power," "Wealth," "Culture," "Behavior," "Worship," "Considerations by the Way," "Beauty," and "Illusions," show Emerson's interest in many practical aspects of human life, and reflect his increasing involvement in politics--chiefly in the antislavery movement--during the decade before the Civil War.This edition is based on Emerson's holograph manuscripts and published sources. The text incorporates Emerson's later corrections and revisions, and shows us what he actually wrote (or, perhaps in some cases, intended to write).The historical introduction traces the book's development and its relation to Emerson's own personal growth and political awareness. Joseph Slater's explanatory notes help the modern reader to understand many of Emerson's references and allusions that may not be readily apparent. Historical Introduction by Barbara L. PackerNotes by Joseph SlaterText Established and Textual Introduction and Apparatus by Douglas Emory Wilson
Brill Inscribed Objects and the Development of Literature in Early Japan
The introduction of writing enables new forms of literature, but these can be invisible in works that survive as manuscripts. Through looking at inscriptions of poetry on garbage and as graffiti, we can glimpse how literature spread along with writing. This study uses these lesser-studied sources, including inscriptions on pottery, architecture, and especially wooden tablets known as mokkan, to uncover how poetry, and literature more broadly, was used, shared and thrown away in early Japan. Through looking at these disposable and informal sources, we explore the development of early Japanese literature, and even propose parallels to similar developments in other societies across space and time.
Universe Publishing Tres Riches Heures 2025 Wall Calendar
The Très Riches Heures is one of the most famous examples of Gothic manuscript illumination and the International Gothic style. Commissioned by Jean de Berry in the early 15th century, this masterpiece was executed by the three Limbourg brothershighly skilled miniature painters who created some of the most beautiful illuminated books of the time. Enjoy twelve months of these fantastically detailed artworks with this beautiful 2025 wall calendar. Featuring 12 full-color photographs Bonus spread for SeptemberDecember 2024 Generous grids for adding appointments and reminders Includes major official world holidays Features metallic gold details Opens to 12 x 24 inches
Atlantic Books Nocturnal Animals: Film tie-in originally published as Tony and Susan
The novel that inspired the 2016 major motion picture Nocturnal Animals, starring Jake Gyllenhaal and Amy Adams, is a dazzling, eerie, riveting thriller of fear and regret, blood and revenge.Many years after their divorce, Susan Morrow receives a strange gift from her ex-husband. A manuscript that tells the story of a terrible crime: an ambush on the highway, a secluded cabin in the woods; a thrilling chiller of death and corruption. How could such a harrowing story be told by the man she once loved? And why, after so long, has he sent her such a disturbing and personal message...?Originally published as Tony and Susan.
Augurios de inocencia
Los poemas que William Blake reunió en el manuscrito que se publica en este volumen constituyen sin duda el mejor resumen posible de su producción literaria. Siguiendo la tradición de nombrar un poemario con el título de su texto más célebre, hemos optado aquí por llamar "Augurios de inocencia" a este importante conjunto de obras blakeanas.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Taxation
Advances in Taxation publishes relevant, high-quality manuscripts from around the world addressing problems arising from federal, state, local and international taxation. The series uses a wide variety of research methods, including archival, experimental, survey, qualitative and legal approaches to address the problems and issues associated with taxation. Volume 22 of Advances in Taxation continues this approach to taxation, looking at issues concerning challenges in tax administration, taxpayer decisions, ethical issues in taxation, and college savings plans.
Sally Milner Publishing Pty Ltd Stumpwork & Goldwork Embroidery: Inspired by Turkish, Syrian & Persian Tiles
The research and embroidery involved in creating the designs for this book has been a joy for Jane Nicholas. She has revelled in the opportunity to indulge a passion of hers since childhood – combining jewel-like colours, gold metallic threads and glittering beads. Sixteen projects are presented in this book, varying both in size and complexity. Each has been inspired by an example of Islamic art – pottery, textiles, manuscripts or jewellery – from Turkey, Syria, Persia, Arabia or India.
Medieval Institute Publications The Play of Daniel: Critical Essays
The Play of Daniel from Beauvais was the first medieval music-drama to be staged in a popular modern production by the legendary Noah Greenberg's New York Pro Musica. This book provides for the first time a critical introduction to the staging and production, music, and setting of the play in its architectural and historical context. It also reproduces the pages in the manuscript which contain the play in facsimile, and it provides a new and faithful transcription of the music as well as a fresh translation of the text by A. Marcel J. Zijlstra of the Schola Cantorum "Quem Quaeritis" of the Netherlands, a group which performs regularly at the Utrecht Festival.
Salish Kootenai College We All Believed Indian: The Life and Prosperity of a Mixed Blood Tribal Elder on the Flathead Indian Reservation, Montana, 1897–1995
This book is a window into the Flathead Indian Reservation of western Montana in the twentieth century. The manuscript has been taken from the transcripts of a series of thirteen audio and video interviews conducted with Charles Duncan McDonald between 1982 and 1991. He tells much about his life, experiences, and the Flathead Reservation ordeal during the twentieth century. McDonald was a widely respected elder of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes. During his long life (1897–1995), he was an eyewitness to almost a century of economic and political change on the reservation. He experienced the loss of his allotment and the hard times of the second decade of the last century and the Depression years in the 1920s and the 1930s. As a tribal councilman and later as a tribal employee, he witnessed the slow growth of the economic and political power of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes between 1935 and the end of the twentieth century. In his later years his excellent memory and willingness to share his experiences made him a frequent source of reservation history.
Princeton University Press Corrupted into Song: The Complete Poems of Alvin Feinman
According to Harold Bloom, "The best of Alvin Feinman's poetry is as good as anything by a twentieth-century American. His work achieves the greatness of the American sublime." Yet, in part because he published so sparsely, Feinman remained little-read and largely unknown when he died in 2008. This definitive edition of Feinman's complete work, which includes fifty-seven previously published poems and thirty-nine unpublished poems discovered among his manuscripts, introduces a new generation of readers to the lyrical intensity and philosophical ambition of this major American poet. Harold Bloom, a lifelong friend of Feinman, provides a preface in which he examines Feinman's work in the context of the strongest poets of his generation--John Ashbery, James Merrill, and A. R. Ammons--while the introduction by James Geary, who studied with Feinman at Bennington College, presents a biographical and critical sketch of this remarkable poet and teacher. Corrupted into Song restores Feinman's work to its rightful place alongside that of poets like Hart Crane and Wallace Stevens, with whom his poetry and poetics have so much in common.
Arizona Center for Medieval & Renaissance Studies,US The Romance of Thebes (Roman de Thèbes)
The romans d’antiquité, medieval re-makings in French of the stories of Troy, Thebes, Greece, and Rome, first appeared in the reign of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine in the twelfth century and continued to be read in England throughout the Middle Ages. Among them, the Romance of Thebes medievalizes the stories of Oedipus and Jocasta; Polynices and Etiocles; Antigone, Creon, and Theseus; and the Siege of Thebes. The medieval French re-working also complicates Trojan-based accounts of European identity by adding African and Muslim allies for Thebes to the narrative’s classical source in Statius’ Thebaid, thus suggesting that Europe is not forged simply in opposition to Islam. This new translation and introduction by two distinguished scholars of comparative literature is the first in English for thirty years. It is based on the late fourteenth-century manuscript text owned by ‘battling’ Bishop Henry Despenser, notorious for his harsh suppression of the 1381 rebels in Norwich and for his failed continental crusade. The translation can be read both for itself and to facilitate study of the original poem by scholars and students of the literary culture of England and North West Europe. Volume 11 in The French of England Translation Series (FRETS)
Yale University Press Louis I. Kahn in Conversation: Interviews with John W. Cook and Heinrich Klotz, 1969–70
In 1969 and 1970, Louis I. Kahn (1901–1974)—one of America’s greatest 20th-century architects—participated in a series of interviews with a young German architectural historian, Heinrich Klotz, then a visiting professor at Yale University, and John W. Cook, who was teaching architecture at the Yale Divinity School. Louis I. Kahn in Conversation provides the first full edited transcript of these candid, illuminating interviews, which provide remarkable insights into Kahn’s philosophy of architecture. The conversations touch on many of his iconic works, including the unbuilt City Tower Project for Philadelphia, the Yale University Art Gallery, the First Unitarian Church in Rochester, and major international projects then under construction, as well as the Yale Center for British Art, Kahn’s final building, on which he was beginning work at the time. Illustrated with dozens of plans, drawings, and photographs, the book also features an introduction by Jules David Prown, the first director of the Yale Center for British Art, who recommended Kahn as its architect. Distributed for the Yale Center for British Art, in association with Manuscripts and Archives, Sterling Memorial Library, Yale University and the Architectural Archives of the University of Pennsylvania
Houghton Library of the Harvard College Library Italian Ballet, 1637–1977
For the second catalogue of materials from the John Milton and Ruth Neils Ward Collection of the Harvard Theatre Collection, Professor John Milton Ward has selected over 2,100 items relating to Italian ballet from the seventeenth through the twentieth century. Italian Ballet, 1637–1977 includes published materials (printed scores, librettos, treatises on ballet) as well as hundreds of manuscript scores (many autograph), letters, contracts, choreographic notes, and costume and set designs. Like its predecessor The King’s Theatre Collection, Italian Ballet, 1637–1977 was designed to be a useful scholarly resource, with descriptive citations for each ballet and detailed indexes for titles, choreographers, composers, and theaters. Arranged chronologically, Italian Ballet, 1637–1977 allows the researcher to follow the development of Italian ballet from unnamed comic dances performed between the acts of eighteenth-century opera to the large-scale nineteenth-century ballets choreographed by Antonio Pallerini and Luigi Manzotti. The catalogue is meant not only as a reference to the collection at Harvard, but also as an entryway for scholars to delve into this unexplored area of musicology and dance history.
Princeton University Press Kierkegaard's Journals and Notebooks, Volume 1: Journals AA-DD
I would like to write a novel in which the main character would be a man who got a pair of glasses, one lens of which reduced images as powerfully as an oxyhydrogen microscope, and the other of which magnified on the same scale, so that he perceived everything relatively. A flight of fancy by an aspiring science fiction writer? While it may sound as such, this wistful musing is one of the little-discussed personal reflections of nineteenth-century philosopher Soren Kierkegaard, whose remarkable journals and notebooks, unpublished during his lifetime, are presented here. The first of an eleven-volume series produced by Copenhagen's Soren Kierkegaard Research Centre, this volume is the first English translation and commentary of Kierkegaard's journals based on up-to-date scholarship. It offers new insight into Kierkegaard's inner life. In addition to early drafts of his published works, the journals contain his thoughts on current events and philosophical and theological matters, notes on books he was reading, miscellaneous jottings, and ideas for future literary projects. Kierkegaard wrote his journals in a two-column format, one for his initial entries and the second for the marginal comments he added later. The new edition of the journals reproduces this format and contains photographs of original manuscript pages, as well as extensive scholarly commentary. Translated by leading experts on Kierkegaard, Journals and Notebooks will become the benchmark for all future Kierkegaard scholarship.
Princeton University Press The Writings of Henry David Thoreau: Journal, Volume 7: 1853-1854
From 1837 to 1861, Henry D. Thoreau kept a Journal that would become the principal imaginative work of his career. The source of much of his published writing, the Journal is also a record of his interior life and of his monumental studies of the natural history of his native Concord, Massachusetts. Unlike earlier editions, the Princeton edition reproduces Thoreau's Journal in its original and complete form, in a text free of editorial interpolations and keyed to a comprehensive scholarly apparatus. This seventh volume of the Journal is edited from the 454-page manuscript that Thoreau kept from August 19, 1853, through February 12, 1854. During the six months covered here, Thoreau continued to add to his store of observations about local animals, plants, and weather. Most of the Journal is dedicated to describing natural phenomena, such as changes in leaf color and the ripening of berries, in the context of seasonal cycles. His observations create a detailed portrait of Concord and the surrounding areas that will be of interest to ecologists and others who study phenological patterns and variations. In addition, Thoreau integrates these observations with ethical reflections about living in harmony with nature, following the model of the Roman agricultural writers. The volume also includes Thoreau's account of a September 1853 trip to the Maine woods that appeared in 1858 as "Chesuncook"; the draft is published here for the first time.
Medieval Institute Publications Word, Picture, and Spectacle
Each of these diverse essays confronts important issues in the study of medieval art, literature, and drama. The topics covered include the symbolism of scatological illustration in Gothic manuscripts (Karl Wentersdorf), connections between word and picture in religious art (Roger Ellis), and the relationship perceived between divine and human creativity (R. W. Hanning), while Clifford Davidson provides an exploration in the phenomenology of space and time in medieval theater.