Search results for ""edward elgar publishing ltd""
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on the Economics of Crime
While few economists analyzed criminal behaviour and the criminal justice process before Gary Becker's seminal 1968 paper, an enormous body of economic research on crime has since been produced. This insightful and comprehensive Handbook reviews and extends much of this important resulting research. The Handbook on the Economics of Crime provides cutting-edge and specially commissioned contributions dealing with theoretical and empirical modeling of criminal choice and behavior, including Isaac Ehrlich's exposition of what he labels the `market, or equilibrium, model of crime'. The public production and allocation of various criminal justice services is also examined, as are significant components of the costs and consequences of crime. Finally, current debates and controversies in the economics of crime literature are considered, with the expert contributors offering suggestions and guidance for future research. With a broad set of crime-related topics examined from an economic perspective, this extensive Handbook will be welcomed by academic researchers and graduate students of the economics of crime and criminology as well as legal scholars focusing on criminal law.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Cash-for-Childcare: The Consequences for Caring Mothers
This insightful book examines the meaning of, and impacts on, cash-for-care systems for mothers of small children. The contributors present a comprehensive overview of the major political and economic contradictions, theoretical debates concerning cash-for-care, and explore the possibility of implementing it into the social policy system. In social research, cash-for-care is often described as a reactionary benefit that operates against the women's interests. Economists, in turn, ask why the state should pay for reducing female employment and for care that is given anyway. Nevertheless, `woman-friendly' Nordic countries have introduced cash-for-childcare schemes and many parents are willing to use them. The book examines the payment schemes as a complex whole, where on the one hand the scheme responds to the parents' desires, but on the other, produces some questionable consequences. The authors highlight conditions in which cash-for-childcare schemes would not reflect any anachronism but instead will function as a useful tool of contemporary social policy.This unique book provides a broad theoretical and empirical view on cash-for-childcare. It will prove invaluable for academics of social work and policy. Politicians, social policy administrators and labour market researchers interested in family issues will also find this important resource an enriching read.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Power of Networks: Organizing the Global Politics of the Internet
With an ever-growing number of users, the Internet is central to the processes of globalization, cultural formations, social encounters and economic development. These aside, it is also fast becoming an important political domain. Struggles over disclosure, access and governance are only the most visible signs that the Internet is quickly becoming a site of fierce political conflict involving states, technical groups, business and civil society. As the debate over the global politics of the Internet intensifies, this book will be a valuable guide to anyone seeking to understand the emergence, organization and shape of this new issue. In this vivid study, Mikkel Flyverbom captures how questions about the digital divide and the information revolution, dialogues with stakeholders, and networked forms of organization have become key features of the global politics of the Internet. Tracing the making and stabilization of this transnational issue in and around the United Nations over almost a decade, this book demonstrates how multi-stakeholder networks make new political domains accessible and unsettle established ways of organizing transnational governance. The Power of Networks offers a rich account of the practices and effects of organizing global politics and governance through dialogues and collaborations among governments, business and societies the world over. Offering a novel analytical vocabulary for the study of ordering, governance and organization in global politics, and its relationship to the growth of the Internet, this innovative ethnographic study of hybrid organizations and entangled forms of power in global politics shows how insights from actor-network theory and the Foucauldian governmentality literature can reinvigorate studies of transnational governance and organizational processes. It will appeal to anyone interested in emergent network issues in global politics, as well as practitioners and researchers focusing on multi-stakeholder processes, and students and scholars searching for a fresh perspective on organization, power and global politics.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, Second Edition
Containing newly updated versions of existing entries and adding several important new entries, this second edition of the Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law takes stock of present-day comparative law scholarship. Written by leading authorities in their respective fields, the contributions in this accessible book cover and combine not only questions regarding the methodology of comparative law, but also specific areas of law (such as administrative law and criminal law) and specific topics (such as accident compensation and consideration). In addition, the Encyclopedia contains reports on a selected set of countries' legal systems and, as a whole, presents an overview of the current state of affairs. Providing its readers with a unique point of reference, as well as stimulus for further research, this volume is an indispensable tool for anyone interested in comparative law, especially academics, students and practitioners. Contributors: M. Abe, D. Bradley, W. Bull, W.E. Butler, R. Caterina, M. Claes, H. Cousy, E. Dacoronia, G.-R. de Groot, M.J. de Waal, H. Dedek, M. Deturbide, R. Dotevall, J.E. du Plessis, M.G. Faure, B. Fauvarque-Cosson, J. Fedtke, F. Ferrari, A. Fournier, J. Fu, D. Geradin, H.P. Glenn, M. Gondek, J. Gordley, J. Hage, B. Havel, J.H. Herbots, V. Heutger, G. Howells, E.J. Hughes, M. Hunter-Henin, J. Husa, N. Jansen, M.T. Kamminga, A.J. Kanning, S.M. Kroll, P. Letto-Vanamo, S.D. Lindenbergh, G. Lubbe, B. Lurger, L. Macgregor, H.L. MacQueen, U. Magnus, K. Mayer, R. Michaels, J.M. Milo, H. Muir Watt, J. Neethling, H.P. Nehl, D. Nelken, L. Nottage, C. O'Cinneide, A.E. Orucu, V.V. Palmer, F. Pennings, P. Pichonnaz, B. Pozzo, L. Rademacher, G. Samuel, M.J. Schermaier, M. Schmidt-Kessel, E. Schrage, G. Shalev, L. Slepaite, D. Smith, J.M. Smits, Z.D. Tarman, V. Thuronyi, M. Torsello, J.H.M. van Erp, N. Van Leuven, C.H. van Rhee, L. van Vliet, A. Vaquer, R. Verhagen, R. Verkerk, D. Visser, S. Vogenauer, M. Vranken, S. Weatherill, T. Weigend, B. Wessels, C.A. Williams, J. Ziller, P. Zumbansen
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Secured Credit and the Harmonisation of Law: The UNCITRAL Experience
This is a discerning analysis of international harmonization efforts for secured credit law and examines the role of globalization and finance capital in shaping such efforts.Gerard McCormack reveals how an 'efficient' law is often seen to increase the availability, and lower the cost, of credit, thereby contributing to international development. He considers whether the most comprehensive international standard the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Legislative Guide (2008) is actually suitable for adoption at the national level. In particular, he examines the hypothesis that American law and lawyers have shaped the content of the guide to the extent that it is not suitable for translation into other laws.This book will be of great interest to practitioners, policy makers and academics, as well as students, particularly postgraduate students, of law and business throughout the world.Contents: Preface 1. Introduction 2. The Case for Harmonising and Modernising the Law of International Trade 3. Harmonising and Modernising Secured Transactions Law 4. National Models and Replication Across International Frontiers Article 9 of the American Uniform Commercial Law and the English Common Law 5. International Harmonisation Efforts Before the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide 6. The UNCITRAL Secured Transactions Guide 7. The Insolvency Legislative Guide 8. Conclusion Index
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Financial Risk Measurement and Management
This authoritative volume charts the origins, development, and current frontiers of financial risk management. It emphasizes the role for risk management created by real-world market imperfections, and progresses to consider stochastic financial modeling, the failure of 'normality', and time-varying volatility. Professor Diebold has selected seminal papers by leading academics which cover multiple markets (equities, bonds, etc.), univariate and multivariate perspectives, connectedness and systemic risks, and stress testing. The collection, along with an original introduction by the editor, will be of interest to academics, market participants, and policy-makers, particularly as we chart a new course following the financial crisis of 2007-2008.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Dictionary of International Human Rights Law
This one-of-a-kind dictionary provides a comprehensive breakdown of terms employed in the discussion of international human rights law. In addition to a list of definitions, this innovative volume also includes an appendix featuring descriptions of major treaties, documents, and other important human rights instruments, along with references on how to locate them.Students and professors of international, human rights and humanitarian law will find this volume an indispensable resource, as will government officials and other practitioners working with human rights issues.Contents: Acknowledgements Guide to the Dictionary List of Abbreviations Definitions Appendix
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Aging Populations, Globalization and the Labor Market: Comparing Late Working Life and Retirement in Modern Societies
This topical and timely analysis of late career and retirement within nine European societies and the USA examines how social inequality structures have developed in an era of globalization and aging populations. For several decades, many European societies relied on pushing and luring older workers out of employment by using generous early retirement programs in order to relieve national labor markets in times of globalization. However, as this book argues, one of the major challenges facing European and Northern American societies today is their severe demographic aging, which in turn places pension systems under substantial pressure due to the rising imbalance between those claiming pensions and those contributing to the pension system. Indeed, it is observed herein that in the recent past, governments have tried to increase the labor market attachment of older employees by retrenching early retirement benefits. This study investigates how these developments have impacted on the situation of older workers and retirees in nine European societies and the USA. In particular, the book looks at how social inequalities in later life have developed in the light of recent pension reforms.This informative book will appeal to sociologists, demographers, political scientists and economists interested in many different aspects of research including: international comparative research, globalization, labor market, welfare state, social inequality and research on aging. Researchers in the field of retirement and globalization studies will also find this book helpful, as will academics in labor market research and comparative political studies.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Economy and Society in Europe: A Relationship in Crisis
'Drawing on the development of economic sociology over the past 40 years, this book brings together leading scholars to explore the relationship between social institutions on economic processes. Inspired in particular by the innovative and creative dimensions of Colin Crouch's work, they signpost directions for future research. It will be an important reader for international scholars exploring the unfolding dimensions of contemporary relations in economy and society.'- Jacqueline O'Reilly, University of Brighton Business School, UK While an economy is always 'embedded' in society, the relationship between the two is undergoing profound changes in Europe, resulting in widespread instability which is emphasised by the current crisis. This book analyzes these changes, and in particular pressures of intensifying international competition, globalization and financialization within Europe. Combining the perspectives of economic sociology, political economy and political science, the expert contributors offer an in-depth, multidisciplinary insight to the functioning of a number of institutional arenas around which European economies and societies are organized. Areas explored include the state and public policy at European national and regional level, the welfare state, industrial relations systems, education systems and the family. This challenging and thought provoking book will be of great interest to a wide-ranging audience across a number of disciplines, including European studies, political science, comparative political economy, economic sociology, industrial relations and social policy. Contributors: L. Burroni, R. Erne, H. Farrell, U. Glassmann, A. Hemerijck, S. Jong, M. Jose Gonzalez Lopez, T. Jurado-Guerrero, M. Keune, P. Le Gales, G. Meardi, M. Naldini
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Reinventing the Postal Sector in an Electronic Age
This compilation of original essays by an international cast of economists, regulators and industry practitioners analyzes some of the major issues now facing postal and delivery services throughout the world as competition from information and communication technologies (ICT) has increased. Competition has become increasingly important in the postal sector for some time in the form of alternative entrants providing mail delivery. However, the competition from ICT in the form of email and instant messaging, the Internet, Facebook and other forms of social networking and portable wireless devices such as the iPad and Kindle may be even more significant. Mail volumes are falling and the economies of scale that have made possible daily deliveries to every address are being eroded. This book assesses volume these declines resulting from this so-called `eSubstituion' and looks at the ways the postal sector can adapt to the rapid changes resulting from ICT. The impact of electronic invoicing on transactions mail, and the impact on bulk mail of electronic forms of advertising are examined. Strategies, including pricing and access policies, are discussed in the context of the increasing impact of ICT. A rethinking of the role of mail in an electronic age is taking place and this book provides the cutting-edge of this rethinking and the attempts of POs to reinvent themselves while continuing to meet the public's expectation of continuing ubiquitous daily deliveries of traditional mail products. Undergraduate and postgraduate students and researchers in regulation, competition law, innovation and public sector economics along with institutional libraries and industry professionals will find this volume informative and useful.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Global Privacy Protection: The First Generation
Global Privacy Protection reviews the origins and history of national privacy codes as social, political and legal phenomena in Australia, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, South Korea and the United States. The first chapter reviews key international statements on privacy rights, such as the OECD, EU and APEC principles. In the following chapters, the seven national case studies present and analyze the widest variety of 'privacy stories' in an equally varied array of countries. They look beyond the details of what current national data-protection laws allow and prohibit to examine the origins of public concern about privacy; the forces promoting or opposing privacy codes; the roles of media, grassroots activists and elite intervention; and a host of other considerations shaping the present state of privacy protection in each country.Providing a rich description of the interweaving of national traditions, legal institutions, and power relations, this book will be of great interest to scholars engaged in the study of comparative law, information law and policy, civil liberties, and international law. It will also appeal to policy-makers in the many countries now contemplating the adoption of privacy codes, as well as to privacy activists.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Cooperative Enterprise: Facing the Challenge of Globalization
This eloquent book analyses the theory of the cooperative form of enterprise from an historic perspective, whilst assessing its appeal in the current economic environment.The authors show that cooperatives are enterprises acting in harmony in the market economy, and explore the following questions: How do cooperatives achieve solidarity in keeping together elements normally considered in conflict? Why is the cooperative enterprise not as widespread as the capitalist enterprise? What is its appeal in the present conditions of crisis of the world economy? Alongside other related issues, the volume also discusses the theoretical foundations of the cooperative enterprise and offers an overview of the historical development of the cooperative movement around the world. Special reference is made to the Italian case, which is scarcely known within the international milieu. Broad in scope whilst concise in elucidation, this book will be invaluable to students enrolled in economic, social, historical and political curricula, as well as leaders of the cooperative movement. People interested in finding a practical alternative to the capitalist form of enterprise will also find this book enriching.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd A Handbook of Globalisation and Environmental Policy, Second Edition: National Government Interventions in a Global Arena
'The Handbook of Globalisation and Environmental Policy is a very important book. More than 40 experienced authors, including some of the most important international thought leaders of our time, have confronted a crucial question: How can and should national governments come to grips with the need for global action on a wide range of increasingly urgent environmental challenges that exceed their authority and capability? Through close examination of numerous case studies, a balanced perspective that takes government, business and civil society into account, and fresh interdisciplinary thinking about a range of policy tools, the Handbook offers a treasure-trove of new concepts and new perspectives. The authors conclude that by acknowledging the ongoing erosion of national sovereignty and accepting the growing need to work together in supranational forums, national governments can, in fact, increase their capacity to shape their own destiny.'- Lawrence Susskind, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US 'In an increasingly interdependent world, global forces affect both the design and effectiveness of environmental policy. This Handbook provides an unusually creative and comprehensive guide, not only to the nature of these forces and their impacts, but also to how a better understanding of these forces can provide a foundation for improving the effectiveness of environmental policy.' - Tom Tietenberg, Colby College, US In the current era of globalization, national governments are increasingly exposed to international influences that present new constraints and opportunities for domestic environmental policies. This comprehensive, revised Handbook pushes the frontiers of theoretical and empirical knowledge, and provides a state-of-the-art examination of the multifaceted effects of globalization on environmental governance. Including substantially revised as well as new contributions from leading authorities, the Handbook offers an insightful overview of recent developments at the intersection of globalization and national environmental policy. It covers themes including national regimes, trade rules, types of goods, federalism, innovation, standards, citizen-consumers, developing countries, policy networks, partnerships, and carbon trading. The Handbook's depth and scope will appeal to a broad and varied readership, across academics, students, and policy makers interested in public and private governance, environmental economics, international relations, environmental politics and law, sociology, and political science. Contributors: T. Chagas, P. Conceicao, E. Dellas, D. Esty, M. Flaherty, P. Glasbergen, E. Harkink, J. Hontelez, M. Ivanova, M. Jansen, N. Johnstone, M. Kalamova, I. Kaul, A. Keck, R. Kemp, W. Kersten, A. Kolliker, L. Kramer, D. Liefferink, A. Mol, H. Mowat, H. Opschoor, S. Ozinga, J. Pieters, D. Post, L. Soete, G. Spaargaren, B. Stigson, C. Streck, M. Toffel, N. Uludere Aragon, J. van Kasteren, P. van Seters, S. Veenman, J. Verschuuren, R. Visser, D. Vogel, K. von Moltke, M. von Unger, R. Weehuizen, F. Wijen, K. Zoeteman
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Challenges for European Innovation Policy: Cohesion and Excellence from a Schumpeterian Perspective
This book uniquely applies the Schumpeterian innovation policy perspective to the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). A broadly defined framework of the science, technology, innovation and growth system underpins the empirical and conceptual analysis of the critical issues including demand, FDI, finance and education.Specifically, the expert contributors address the (in)capacity of CEE to play a more significant role in the knowledge-based competitiveness of the EU. They question whether it is possible to bolster this capacity with innovation/technology/industry-specific policies, and discuss the changes required at EU and individual country levels to remove sector and industry specific obstacles to greater competitiveness based on innovation. Policies are analyzed from the perspective of growth, and the conclusions drawn are relevant to education, the labor market and competition policy.This highly original, explicit and systematic study will prove an illuminating read for academics, researchers, students and policy makers focusing on a range of areas including economics, heterodox economics, European studies, technology and innovation. Contributors include: P. Aghion, J. Edler, H. Harmgart, A. Kaderabkova, R. Narula, S. Radosevic, A. Reid, A. Reinstaller, F. Unterlass, N. Weisshaar
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research in International Marketing, Second Edition
The global expansion of business has generated a tremendous interest among scholars, but there remains a strong need for theoretical insights into conducting marketing operations abroad. This thoroughly revised edition addresses this lack in the extant literature. The book consists of insights from leading scholars in international marketing, working not only to advance the theoretical underpinnings of today's most important international marketing issues, but also to provide insights for how the field of scholarship and practice of international marketing might develop in the future. The authors, top scholars from around the world, provide useful theoretical insights designed to stimulate contemplation and discussion, and to provide guidelines for future research on international marketing. The volume includes coverage of topics in four main areas: Part I looks at global branding while Part II examines issues of marketing strategy on a world stage. Part III offers chapters on cultural issues and the book closes with a more detailed look at marketing at the bottom of the pyramid in Part IV. Scholars and students in marketing and international business will find much of value in this comprehensive volume. Contributors: Y. Bao, E. Berger, S.T. Cavusgil, C.S. Craig, S.P. Douglas, A. el Banna, J. Evans, F. Fastoso, E. Gencturk, D.A. Griffith, S.C. Jain, J.K. Johansson, D. Kandemir, L.C. Leonidou, P. Magnusson, P. Matthyssens, S.A. Murphy, C.C. Nakata, N. Papadopoulos, P. Pauwels, J.I. Rojas-Mendez, E. Ruzo, S. Samiee, R. Sarathy, J.T. Simpson, C.M.P. Sousa, R. Varadarajan, S.A. Westjohn, J. Whitelock, S. Xu, G. Yalcinkaya, A. Yaprak, C. Yeo, S. Zhang
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Smart Leadership for Higher Education in Difficult Times
As the US economy emerges from the severest recession in a generation, large questions regarding its long-term ramifications for higher education remain unanswered. In fact, the harshest effects of the economic downturn are likely ahead as campus leadership focuses on enrollment, affordability and fundraising. This volume of essays examines the challenges and opportunities for advancing higher education's core missions of education, research and service in a resource-constrained environment. Many parties will wish to return to the old normal, but fulfilling the mission of higher education will require implementing change in the face of opposition, gaining support from key stakeholders, and maintaining morale in the process. The new normal entails innovating to meet the needs for higher education among a growing population of potential students from disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds, many of whom are ill-prepared for a college education and unaware of how to access it, and a population of mid-career students seeking to retool or reinvent themselves for the labor market. The economic success of both individuals and the US economy are directly dependent upon increasing the share of the population receiving a higher education. Chapter authors include college and university presidents and chancellors, and other senior administrators and thought leaders from the higher education community. They provide new and actionable information to enhance decision-making and inform strategic planning as well as a contemporary examination of the business of higher education and areas of potential new research.This book is an excellent resource for academic administrators, as well as for researchers and students in business, management, economics, education and public sector economics.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Strategic Value of Social Capital: How Firms Capitalize on Social Assets
This groundbreaking book explores whether, how and why firms may generate value from social assets. Based on original empirical evidence, this is the first book that systematically integrates different approaches to social capital and develops a new and more comprehensive framework that relates social capital to various firm s strategies.The author delves deeply into the nature, dimensions and dynamics of social capital deploying research and analytical techniques from a wide variety of disciplines including, the theory of the firm, entrepreneurship, regional studies, strategic management, international business and innovation studies. Francesca Masciarelli provides insights into a new multilevel configuration of social capital and supports this with an abundance of empirical evidence.Making a step towards the development of a more comprehensive theory of social capital this book will prove essential for graduate students and scholars in business strategy, the social sciences, technology strategy, industrial organization, political science, economics of innovation, economics of technological change, internationalization and regional studies. Practitioners, leading consultancies, business advisers and policymakers operating in the field of business strategy and management of innovation will also find plenty of stimulating information in this valuable study. Contents: Foreword by Helena Yli-Renko 1. Introduction and Overview Part I: The Strategic Value of Geographically Bound Social Capital 2. The Regional Determinants of Firms Innovation: The Role of Social Capital and Regional Creativity 3. The Impact of Social Capital on Firm Bank Relationships Part II: The Strategic Value of Individual Social Capital 4. Turning Public into Private: How Geographically Bound Social Capital Amplifies Entrepreneurs Network for Innovation 5. International Social Capital and the Offshoring of Intangibles 6. The Role of Social and Human Capital in the Succession Process in Family Firms 7. Conclusions References Index
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Payments for Environmental Services, Forest Conservation and Climate Change: Livelihoods in the REDD?
This resourceful book draws on several case studies to derive implications for the design of Payment for Environmental Services (PES) schemes that are very relevant to current climate change negotiations and the implementation of Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD) schemes at the national level. With its focus on livelihoods, the book also provides important lessons that are relevant to the design of PES schemes focusing on environmental services other than carbon conservation. Drawing practical lessons for the design of activities aimed at reducing deforestation and forest degradation while benefiting rural people, this book will appeal to academics, practitioners and students involved in the fields of environment and natural resource management, forestry and development studies. This insightful study is accessible also to non-experts in presenting the key issues faced in avoiding deforestation and benefiting livelihoods.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Climate Change Liability
This book sheds new light on the growing issue of using liability as a tool for both preventing and compensating for the damage caused by climate change. Michael Faure and Marjan Peeters have brought together a selection of expert contributors who explore a variety of both national and European perspectives on the topic. Climate change liability is no longer only a theoretical idea since climate change litigation has become so hotly debated and this book examines to what extent it can be used for mitigation and adaptation issues. Chapters discuss the potential role of liability within various legal systems, like the national systems of the USA and The Netherlands, but also EU and ECHR law. Liability is outlined in a broad perspective since not only compensation for damage suffered by plaintiffs is discussed, but also the need for prevention in order to obtain a reduction of greenhouse gases. This well-documented work will be invaluable to law and environmental science students, researchers, lawyers and civil servants.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Forests and Climate Change: The Social Dimensions of REDD in Latin America
Controlling deforestation, which is responsible for about one-fifth of the world's greenhouse gas emissions, has become a major tool in the battle against global warming. An important new international initiative - Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) - provides economic incentives to forest users to encourage preservation of trees. Nearly all Latin American countries are introducing national REDD strategies and pilot schemes. This insightful book raises questions over some of the basic assumptions that underpin REDD policies in Latin America. It raises doubts about whether sufficient account is being taken of the complex social, economic, cultural and governance dimensions involved, advocating a comprehensive 'social development' approach to REDD planning. Forests and Climate Change is the first book to comprehensively examine REDD policies across Latin America, including a focus on social aspects. It will prove invaluable for academics and postgraduate students in the fields of environmental studies, environmental politics, geography, social planning, social and environmental impact assessment, development studies, and Latin American area studies. Policy makers, planners and practitioners working on REDD at national and international levels (both official and NGO sectors) will also find plenty of refreshing data in this much-needed resource.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Intellectual Property and Sustainable Development: Development Agendas in a Changing World
Intellectual property (IP) has gained an unprecedented importance in the new world of globalization and the knowledge economy. However, experience, as well as cyclical attitudes toward IP, show that there is no universal model of IP protection.This comprehensive book considers new and emerging IP issues from a development perspective, examining recent trends and developments in this area. Presenting an overview of the IP landscape in general, the contributing authors subsequently narrow their focus, providing wide-ranging case studies from countries across Africa, Asia and Latin America on topical issues in the current IP discourse. These include the impact of IP on the pharmaceutical sector, the protection of life forms and traditional knowledge, geographical indications, access to knowledge and public research institutes, and the role of competition policy. The challenges developing countries face in the TRIPS-Plus world are also explored in detail. The diverse range of contributions to this thought-provoking book offer a wide variety of alternative perspectives on and solutions for the controversial issues surrounding the role of IP within sustainable development. As such, it will prove a stimulating read for government policy-makers, trade negotiators, academics, lawyers and IP practitioners in general, UN and other intergovernmental agencies, development campaigners and aid agencies, environmentalist groups and university students.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Many Concepts of Social Justice in European Private Law
This insightful book, with contributions from leading international scholars, examines the European model of social justice in private law that has developed over the 20th century. The first set of articles is devoted to the relationship between corrective, commutative, procedural and social justice, more particularly the role and function of commutative justice in contrast to social justice. The second section brings together scholars who discuss the relationship between constitutional order, the values enshrined in the constitutional order and the impact of constitutional values on private law relations. The third section focuses on the impact of socio-economic developments within the EU and within selected Member States on the proprietary order of the EU, on the role and function of the emerging welfare state and the judiciary, as well as on nation state specific patterns of social justice. The final section tests the hypothesis to what extent patterns of social justice are context related and differ in-between labor, consumer and competition law. The Many Concepts of Social Justice in European Private Law will prove to be of great interest to academics of law, as well as to private lawyers and European policy makers. Contributors include: C. Chwaszcza, H. Collins, K.J. Cseres, A. Dyevre, P. Letto-Vanamo, U. Mattei, H.-W. Micklitz, M.-A. Moreau, E.-U. Petersmann, H. Rosler, W. Sadurski, B. Schuller, R. Sefton-Green, A. Somma, C. Torp, C. Willett
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Transforming European Employment Policy: Labour Market Transitions and the Promotion of Capability
Since the mid 1990s, the focus of European employment and social policy has shifted from protection to promotion. This book provides a timely analysis of this new form of governance, and the new forms of policy delivery and audit which accompany it. The limitations of the current approach became particularly apparent during the financial crisis of 2008, and it has now reached a turning point. The book offers a new coherent European reform agenda that views easing transitions in employment and promoting the development of individual and collective capabilities as cornerstones. The contributing authors focus on vocational training, life course policies, reflexive labor law and social insurance, from theoretical, empirical and practical perspectives. Transforming European Employment Policy will be of great benefit to policy makers as well as those researching or studying European law, labor law, industrial relations, political science, social policy or international business. Contributors: P. Auer, J.-M. Bonvin, C. Crouch, S. Deakin, C. Didry, B. Gazier, P. Kaps, R. Rogowski, R. Salais, G. Schmid, H. Schutz, N. Whiteside, P. Wotschack, B. Zimmermann
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Intellectual Property and Emerging Technologies: The New Biology
This unique and comprehensive collection investigates the challenges posed to intellectual property by recent paradigm shifts in biology. It explores the legal ramifications of emerging technologies, such as genomics, synthetic biology, stem cell research, nanotechnology, and biodiscovery. Extensive contributions examine recent controversial court decisions in patent law - such as Bilski v. Kappos, and the litigation over Myriad's patents in respect of BRCA1 and BRCA2 - while other papers explore sui generis fields, such as access to genetic resources, plant breeders' rights, and traditional knowledge. The collection considers the potential and the risks of the new biology for global challenges - such as access to health-care, the protection of the environment and biodiversity, climate change, and food security. It also considers Big Science projects - such as biobanks, the 1000 Genomes Project, and the Doomsday Vault. The inter-disciplinary research brings together the work of scholars from Australia, Canada, Europe, the UK, and the US and involves not only legal analysis of case law and policy developments, but also historical, comparative, sociological, and ethical methodologies. Intellectual Property and Emerging Technologies will appeal to policy makers, legal practitioners, business managers, inventors, scientists, and researchers. Contributors include: A. Agovic, A. Bostanci, J. Calvert, G. Dutfield, D.M. Gitter, R. Gold, F. Hemmings, E. Hemmungs Wirten, S. Holcombe, T. Janke, P.-B. Joly, Y. Joly, A. McLennan, D. Nicol, M. Rimmer, J.D. Sarnoff
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Managing Organizational Behavior: Individuals, Teams, Organization and Management
This newly and completely revised edition of Managing Organizational Behaviour covers the field of organizational behavior in a theoretical and applied way that both students and instructors will find engaging and informative. For use in introductory and advanced undergraduate courses, the book covers a broad range of topics in the field, including: personality, motivation, groups, power and leadership. It integrates the most current research in a clear and accessible manner and incorporates new thinking in the field with tried and true practices. At its heart, this book is a comprehensive introduction to the present state of knowledge in the field of organizational behavior. The authors treat a relevant and critical theme and organizational studies: the systematic and scientific analysis of individual behavior in different organized context. The book is structured in three parts, corresponding to three perspectives of distinct analysis, all of which are interdependent. In the first part, the book analyzes organizational behavior from the perspective of the individual actor, focusing on themes such as the differences in personality and their manifestations in the organization environment, attitudes, perceptions, and the evaluation of performance and problem solving, motivation to work, stress, emotions and organizational well-being. In part two, the authors focus on the relationships among actors. They analyze the conditions of effectiveness of work groups, decisions, communications, and conflict, and conclude with themes tied to power and leadership. Lastly, the authors focus their attention on the wider organization and management structures, people, culture and change. The book will be welcomed by instructors and students of organizational behavior around the world, as previous editions have been since the first edition appeared in 1977.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Gene Cartels: Biotech Patents in the Age of Free Trade
Starting with the 13th century, this book explores how patents have been used as an economic protectionist tool, developing and evolving to the point where thousands of patents have been ultimately granted not over inventions, but over isolated or purified biological materials. DNA, invented by no man and once thought to be 'free to all men and reserved exclusively to none', has become cartelised in the hands of multinational corporations. The author questions whether the continuing grant of patents can be justified when they are now used to suppress, rather than promote, research and development in the life sciences.Luigi Palombi demonstrates that patents are about inventions and not isolated biological materials, which consequently have no bona fide purpose in the innovations of biotechnological science. This book will be important reading for anyone who has an interest in the role that patents have played in economic development - particularly historians, economists and scientists. It will also be of great interest to law academics, lawyers, judges and policymakers.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Tax Free Trade Zones of the World and in the United States
This definitive and comprehensive book, with contributions from world-renowned foreign trade zone expert, the late Walter Diamond, provides an up-to-date guide to the free trade zones and subzones in the United States and around the world. Economic reasons for using free trade zones are explored, encompassing the benefits gained and profits earned, such as exemptions, reductions from customs duties, proximity to foreign export markets, and low-cost processing and packaging of goods designed to lower duties or freight charges. Practical, hard-to-locate data and contact details are provided on every free trade zone in the US, as well as information on the history, growth and types of users in each zone, storage space, transportation access, the cost of user facilities, utilities, communications, labor availability, warehousing features, and enterprise zones within the free trade zone. Tax Free Trade Zones of the World and in the United States will be an invaluable reference tool for a wide-ranging professional audience including: international, multinational and business law firms, tax advisory and finance firms, international sales and marketing executives, import, export and shipping companies, customs brokers and insurance agencies. In addition, it will prove a useful, practical resource for law students focusing on international business and international trade.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Cultural Mythology and Global Leadership
This ground-breaking book explains how deep-seated cultural mythologies shape contemporary global leaders and provides insights into navigating the dynamics and complexities in today's era of globalization. The authors use myths to uncover core characteristics and values from 20 different cultural contexts spanning all major regions of the world - the Americas, Europe, Africa and the Middle East, and Asia and the Pacific Rim - that have evolved over generations and continue to shape global leadership models. Commentaries are included from practicing managers and leaders to provide real world insights on the implications of the ideas discussed. International managers and executives, public officials, business consultants and corporate trainers will welcome the insights on cross-cultural leadership styles. The book will also find interest from researchers and students across a broad array of professional and social science disciplines.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Medical Patent Law – The Challenges of Medical Treatment
This book provides a detailed and comparative examination of medical patent law and the issues at the heart of the medical treatment exclusion for therapeutic treatments, surgical treatments and diagnostic methods. It first considers the historical basis for exclusion and the development of law and policy in Europe, the United States and other commonwealth countries. The book goes on to provide a detailed analysis of the issues related to new medical technologies, such as gene therapy, dosage regimes, and medical diagnostics, in light of the medical treatment exclusion. Medical Patent Law will strongly appeal to patent agents and attorneys, solicitors and barristers working in patent and intellectual property law and medical law worldwide, as well as medical practitioners and healthcare professionals; scientists, researchers and managers in the chemicals, medical; pharmaceuticals and biotechnology industries. Postgraduates on LLM medical law and intellectual property courses and academics specializing in medical law or patent law, will also find much to interest them.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Twenty-First Century Macroeconomics: Responding to the Climate Challenge
The authors and editors of this book challenge traditional assumptions about economic growth, and develop the elements of a reoriented macroeconomics that takes account both of environmental impacts and social equity. Policies including carbon trading, revenue recycling, and reorientation of private and social investment are analyzed, providing insight into new paths for economic development with flat or negative carbon emissions. These issues will be crucial to macroeconomic and development policies in the twenty-first century.What are the likely economic effects of climate change? What are the costs of substantial action to avert climate change? What economic policies can be effective in responding to climate change? The debate has broad implications for public policy. However, it also raises fundamental questions about economic analysis itself, and moves issues of environmental policy from the microeconomic to the macroeconomic level. Taking global climate change seriously requires a re-examination of macroeconomic goals. Economic growth has been closely linked to expanded use of energy, primarily fossil fuels. The assumption of continuing economic growth, in turn, leads economists to discount future costs, including the generational impacts of climate change. Challenging conventional concepts of growth implies different development paths both for rich and poor nations. This volume brings together contributions from scholars around the world to address these issues. Scholars, researchers and students of economics and development studies along with policymakers and non-governmental organizations will find this insightful book of great interest.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Politics and Aesthetics of Entrepreneurship: A Fourth Movements in Entrepreneurship Book
This fourth book in the New Movements in Entrepreneurship series focuses on the politics and aesthetics of entrepreneurial processes, in order to shed light on entrepreneurial creation itself.Presenting original empirical material, the eminent contributors examine control and entrepreneurship in various organizational contexts. They go on to demonstrate how control can be exercised entrepreneurially, how art brings an entrepreneurial force into society, and how entrepreneurship operates by aesthetic moves. The need to move beyond the traditional focus on the economic and business implications of entrepreneurship is also discussed, as is the relevance of political and aesthetic theory to our understanding of entrepreneurship as a creative force.The book provides entrepreneurship studies with a new language, that in itself is an aesthetic effort with political implications, resulting in new theoretical, empirical and practical possibilities. It will prove a fascinating read for students, academics and researchers with an interest in entrepreneurship and management and creativity and aesthetics.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Institutions and Development
A landmark contribution to our understanding of economic development.This significant book argues that fundamental changes in deeply rooted institutions do not happen because of outsiders' money, advice, pressures, or even physical force; which explains why foreign aid has not, and can not, improve institutions. The impetus for changing institutions must come from within a society, and the author shows how groups of local scholars contribute to institutional change and development when the political opportunity presents itself. Both economic research and the history of foreign aid suggest that the largest barriers to development arise from a society's institutions - its norms and rules. The author draws on 35 years experience to explain how institutions drive economic development. She goes beyond the abstractions usually used to define institutions, providing numerous examples to illustrate the complex, interlocking, and persistent nature of real world rules and norms. This significant book argues that fundamental changes in deeply rooted institutions do not happen because of outsiders' money, advice, pressures, or even physical force; which explains why foreign aid has not, and can not, improve institutions. The impetus for changing institutions must come from within a society, and the author shows how groups of local scholars contribute to institutional change and development when the political opportunity presents itself. Providing an overview of how market supporting institutions evolved in Europe and why these institutions are weak or absent in most countries of the world, this book will be of interest to a wide audience of aid and development policymakers, academics, and students of economics, political science, management, and law.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Regulatory Response to the Financial Crisis
There are already many papers and books on the causes and course of the current financial crisis, but this is the first and, for the moment, only such book to focus on the regulatory response to it. There are two main attributes that a bank needs to remain in business during a period of turmoil, liquidity to enable it to pay its debts when due, and capital, to absorb losses. Both have been insufficient. Charles Goodhart describes what went wrong and what needs to be done, alongside discussions of deposit insurance, credit rating agencies, prompt corrective action, etc.Charles Goodhart is the senior British economist specialising in financial stability issues. As the turmoil began, continued and exploded into crisis, he has kept up a series of commentaries, all since September 2007. These have been brought together, plus some new and additional material, to provide the reader with an overview of what went wrong in the regulatory framework for the financial system, and what now needs to be done to put that right. This will be required reading for financial regulators, practitioners in banking and finance, academics and students of finance, and those just wanting to know what went wrong and what to do now.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Entrepreneurial Strategic Decision-Making: A Cognitive Perspective
Strategic choices made by entrepreneurs have major consequences for SME performance. This book explores the factors that influence entrepreneurial strategic decisions using a cognitive theoretical framework.The proposed model, based on a dual processing approach, integrates motivation, emotions and information processing modes and is tested in several empirical studies. The results show the model's potential for furthering interesting research agendas in entrepreneurial cognition research. The authors also reveal that entrepreneurial cognitions can be elicited and represented in the form of cognitive maps. The structural complexity of the cognitive maps (cognitive complexity) is an important prerequisite of effective strategic decisions and is a core concept for the advancement of our knowledge in entrepreneurial cognition. The book is an informed and interesting exploration of entrepreneurial cognition with both theoretical and methodological contributions to this field of research.Entrepreneurial Strategic Decision-Making will be of great interest to undergraduate students and academics in the field of entrepreneurship. Policymakers will learn from this book to understand the distinctions between various types of entrepreneurial decision-makers and the way they make strategic decisions.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Academic Entrepreneurship and Community Engagement: Scholarship in Action and the Syracuse Miracle
This poignant study presents a collection of research on entrepreneurship and community engagement. The context of this book is Syracuse University s award winning model of Scholarship in Action with its emphasis on sustainable campus community entrepreneurial partnerships and its resultant 'Syracuse Miracle', the transformation that has occurred in the Central New York community thanks to the university s partnership with the community to drive social, environmental, and economic development. Broken into three engaging sections, this book introduces appraisals of technology entrepreneurship and community engagement; community engagement and entrepreneurship; and entrepreneurship, engagement, and new models of education. The first section includes chapters that focus on successful corporate university partnerships, programs to champion student technology companies, and new models for supporting technology transfer. Section two concentrates on topics including transforming a community law clinic to aid community entrepreneurs, supporting successful entrepreneurs in distressed communities, and engineering a community newspaper in partnership with local residents. The final section includes analyses of services for entrepreneurs with disabilities and an innovative program that connects university students to provide assistance, factors that contribute to innovation and entrepreneurship among adults, and a new entrepreneurial program that provides teacher education.Academic Entrepreneurship and Community Engagement is well suited for both students and scholars, as well as for all those invested in pursuing innovative, progressive avenues of community engagement.Contributors: N. Ali, S. Branagan, M.R. Costa, S. Davis, M.A. D'Eredita, B. Dotger, T. Hagelin, J.M. Haynie, R. Heckman, J. Hurst-Wahl, D.S. Kenn, B. Kingma, S.L. Rothwell, J. Saltz, G. Shaheen, R.V. Small
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Economic Geographies of Globalisation: A Short Introduction
'. . . provides a good overview of the issues in economic geography both in terms of theory and applications. This is a good book for starters, who want to find a direction within economic geography, and are looking for a book that provides a brief, but interesting, outlook of the main topics investigated in economic geography.'- Vítor Braga, Economic Geography Research GroupThis well-researched book provides a concise contribution to a large-scale debate on economic globalization. Martin Sokol introduces key theoretical approaches that help us to understand how economies work, why they suffer recessions and crises, and why economic inequalities at various levels are growing in the context of globalization. He introduces key economic geography concepts and theories, demonstrating their application to our contemporary globalizing world. The role that economic geography may play in informing policy making is highlighted, and debates surrounding the recent global financial and economic crisis are expounded. This highly accessible book will prove an essential reference tool for academics, students and researchers focusing on geography, economics, planning and regional development, development studies, international politics and international business. Policy makers and practitioners in local, regional and national authorities, international bodies and non-governmental organizations will also find this book to be an invaluable resource. Contents: Introduction 1. Economic Globalisation, Inequality and Instability 2. What is Economic Geography About? 3. Key Approaches in Economic Geography 4. Neo-classical Approach, Location Theory and Beyond 5. Marxist-inspired Approaches and Uneven Development 6. Alternative Approaches and New Economic Geography 7. Economic Geographies of the Contemporary World 8. Economic Geography and Policy Challenges Appendix: Useful Journals and Internet Sources Bibliography Index
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Human Rights and the Environment
In this topical collection, Professor Dinah Shelton brings together seminal articles published since the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment that discuss and debate the linkages between human rights and environmental protection. This comprehensive research review successfully encompasses the various approaches and thinking of the leading scholars in the field. This authoritative and timely book will be of great interest to lawyers, policy-makers, advocates and academics and will serve as an excellent reference tool for anyone with an interest in human rights and the environment.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Debt Management for Development: Protection of the Poor and the Millennium Development Goals
This book exposes intolerable global double standards in the treatment of debtors and argues that fairness, economic efficiency and principles common to all civilized legal systems, must and can be applied to so-called `developing countries', or Southern sovereign debtors.Tracing the history of Southern sovereign debts, describing the critical role of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in enforcing improvements, and discussing technical debt issues, this book presents a solution incorporating the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) as an appropriate form of debtor protection. Although most multilateral claims are statutorily subordinated to development needs, multilateral institutions wrongly claim preferred creditor status. They routinely violate their own statutes. Kunibert Raffer discusses grants and loans as alternative ways to finance the MDGs and development and necessary caveats on widely used debt statistics and indicators are made. The effects of the present US crisis are also discussed, making solving the never-ending debt problem particularly urgent.With innovative and never-before discussed topics, this book will appeal to NGO employees, academics and students in development or international relations and political studies. Overseas development institutions and development co-operation ministries and departments will also find this a very useful reference tool.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Money Laundering in the Real Estate Sector: Suspicious Properties
In many countries, the real estate sector is vulnerable to money laundering due to a high number of factors including; the high value of assets, price fluctuations and speculation within the market, difficulties in assessing the true value of a house, and the fact that the legal owner is not necessarily the economic owner. In this book, the authors identify a total of 25 characteristics which render a property susceptible to money laundering. The more such characteristics a property exhibits, the more suspicious it becomes. The authors also discover that some of these characteristics weigh heavier than others. Combining economic, econometric and criminological analysis, this multidisciplinary approach shows how to detect criminal investment in the real estate sector. This well-researched book will appeal to government authorities responsible for combating money laundering, international organizations such as the IMF, the UN, the Worldbank and the EU, as well as financial intelligence units in all countries. Real estate associations, real estate research centers, criminologists and economists will also find this book invaluable.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Competition Law, Technology Transfer and the TRIPS Agreement: Implications for Developing Countries
The book investigates competition law and international technology transfer in the light of the TRIPS Agreement and the experience of both developed and developing countries. On that basis, it draws relevant implications for developing countries.Tu Thanh Nguyen argues that technology transfer-related competition law should be ‘glocalized’ appropriately for the needs of local contexts, while intellectual property rights (IPR) are globalized. The book reveals that developing countries, according to the TRIPS Agreement, have the right to use domestic competition law to promote access to technology in order to protect national interests and consumer welfare. However, competition law is antitrust. It is neither anti-IPR nor anti-trade. The author finds that developing countries with limited competition law resources should set realistic priorities for the control of technology transfer-related anti-competitive practices. They can reasonably apply and adapt relevant regulations, decisions and judgments from developed country jurisdictions to their own circumstances.Competition Law, Technology Transfer and the TRIPs Agreement is a timely resource for postgraduate students, practitioners, and scholars in international competition law, IPR, and technology transfer. Policymakers in the field of technology transfer-related competition law/policy, especially in developing countries, will also find this book invaluable.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on the History of Economic Analysis Volume III: Developments in Major Fields of Economics
This unique troika of Handbooks provide indispensable coverage of the history of economic analysis. Edited by two of the foremost academics in the field, they gather together insightful and original contributions from scholars across the world. The encyclopaedic breadth and scope of the original entries will make these Handbooks an invaluable source of knowledge for all serious students and scholars of the history of economic thought.Each Handbook can be read individually and acts as a self-contained volume in its own right. They can be purchased separately or as part of a three-volume set.Volume III contains entries on the development of major fields in economics from the inception of systematic analysis until modern times. The reader is provided with succinct summary accounts of the main problems, the methods used and the results obtained across time. The emphasis is on both the continuity and major changes that have occurred in the economic analysis of problematic issues such as economic growth, income distribution, employment, inflation, business cycles and financial instability.Contributors: M. Assous, A. Baccini, Jr., A. Baujard, É. Bertrand, M. Boumans, J.L. Cardoso, M. Dal Pont-Legrand, J. De Boyer Des Roches, M. De Vroey, S. Di Rizzello, S. Diatkine, K. Dopfer, A.K. Dutt, R. Ege, G. Erreygers, D. Foley, R. Gómez Betancourt, D. Haas, H. Hagemann, E. Hosoda, H. Igersheim, A. Kirman, J. Kleinert, H. Kliemt, H.D. Kurz, R. Leonard, P. Malgrange, A. Maneschi, P. Mehrling, S. Mohun, M. Mosca, S. Noto, A. Opocher, N. Palan, F. Petri, A. Rainer, S. Rizzello, J.B. Rosser, M. Salles, N. Salvadori, M. Schütz, R. Signorino, A. Spada, P. Steiner, A. Stirati, R. Strohmaier, R. Sturn, C. Sunna, J.-F. Thisse, P. Tubaro, K. Watarai
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Corporate Governance and Complexity Theory
This multidisciplinary book takes an innovative approach to corporate governance by linking governance and complexity theory. It provides important new insights into why governance systems are failing and what may be done to improve this situation.A key issue that scholars, practitioners and regulators of corporate governance face is the complexity of the relationships between a company and its shareholders, as well as its stakeholders and gatekeepers. The authors, who are corporate governance specialists from a variety of disciplines including law, finance and economics, propose an innovative approach and key insights on corporate governance. In the process they also address some significant gaps in the literature and deal with methodological limitations. This new approach uses concepts from complexity theory to deal with the frequently complex relationships between the corporation and its stakeholders and gatekeepers.The holistic approach to the study of corporate governance will prove invaluable to academics and postgraduate students in accounting, economics, finance, law or complexity theory with an interest in corporate governance. This book will be also prove to be an essential resource for regulators and practitioners interested in corporate governance issues.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The International Handbook of Gender and Poverty: Concepts, Research, Policy
'With its breadth and depth, The International Handbook of Gender and Poverty certainly deserves a place on the bookshelves of university libraries and of every academic and development professional with a specific interest in gender and development.' Gender in Management: An International Journal 'I recommend this book to be a staple of reference libraries.' British Politics and Policy 'These diverse, thoughtful essays go far beyond a mere summary of international scholarship. They outline a fascinating and provocative agenda for future policy-relevant research. This book will help redefine and revitalise the field of gender and development.'- Professor Nancy Folbre, Department of Economics, University of Massachusetts, AmherstIn the interests of contextualizing (and nuancing) the multiple interrelations between gender and poverty, Sylvia Chant has gathered writings on diverse aspects of the subject from a range of disciplinary and professional perspectives, achieving extensive thematic as well as geographical coverage. This benchmark volume presents women's and men's experiences of gendered poverty with respect to a vast spectrum of intersecting issues including local to global economic transformations, family, age, 'race', migration, assets, paid and unpaid work, health, sexuality, human rights, and conflict and violence.The handbook also provides up-to-the-minute reflections on how to theorize, measure and represent the connections between gender and poverty, and to contemplate how gendered poverty is affected - and potentially redressed - by policy and grassroots interventions. An unprecedented and ambitious blend of conceptual, methodological, empirical and practical offerings from a host of established as well as upcoming scholars and professionals from across the globe lends the volume a distinctive and critical edge. Notwithstanding the broad scope of The International Handbook of Gender and Poverty, one theme in common to most of its 100-plus chapters is the need to 'en-gender' analysis and initiatives to combat poverty and inequality at local, national and international levels. As such, the volume will inspire its readers not only to reflect deeply on poverty and gender injustice, but also to consider what to do about it.This book will be essential reading for all with academic, professional or personal interests in gender, poverty, inequality, development, and social, political and economic change in the contemporary world.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Managing Cultural Diversity in Asia: A Research Companion
This Companion provides an authoritative overview of how cultural diversity is managed in Asia. Although the Asian context appears at first sight to be irreconcilably divergent in terms of diversity management approaches, the contributing authors seek to explore thematic and geographical demarcations of the notions of cultural diversity and equality at work.Managing Cultural Diversity in Asia not only examines cultural diversity management in a particular geography but also makes a distinct contribution to the wider theory of managing diversity and equality by revealing the significance of context, time and place in framing policies and practices of management. With empirical and conceptual contributions from eminent scholars from across the Asian continent as well as the Asian diaspora, this volume highlights practices of equality and diversity management in settings across Asia and reveals the key drivers and implications of such practices.This important and path-breaking Companion will be an invaluable resource for both undergraduate and research-based postgraduate students on international and comparative human resource management, employment relations and industrial relations courses.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Rural Transformations and Development – China in Context: The Everyday Lives of Policies and People
This unique book explores the varied perspectives on contemporary processes of rural transformation and policy intervention in China. The expert contributors combine a critical review of current theoretical viewpoints and global debates with a series of case studies that document the specificities of China?s pathways to change. Central issues focus on the dynamics of state?peasant encounters; the diversification of labour and livelihoods; out-migration and the blurring of rural and urban scenarios; the significance of issues of ?value? and ?capital? and their gender implications; land ownership and sustainable resource management; struggles between administrative cadres and local actors; and the dilemmas of ?participatory? development.Rural Transformations and Development ? China in Context will prove a fascinating and stimulating read for academics and researchers in the areas of Asian studies, development and agriculture, and public policy.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The International Handbook of Environmental Sociology, Second Edition
This thoroughly revised Handbook provides an assessment of the scope and content of environmental sociology, and sets out the intellectual and practical challenges posed by the urgent need for policy and action to address accelerating environmental change. More than a decade has passed since the first edition of the Handbook was published to considerable acclaim, and environmental sociology has since become firmly established as a critical social science discipline. This second edition is a major interdisciplinary reference work comprising more than 25 original essays authored by leading scholars, many of whom are intimately involved in national, regional or global environmental policy processes. It marks some of the changes and continuities in the field of environmental sociology, and highlights today?s substantive concerns and theoretical debates. The Handbook is divided into three parts covering concepts and theories, critical issues and international perspectives, each with an introduction outlining the content of the constituent chapters and cross-referencing some of the more significant themes that link them together.Authoritative and comprehensive, this Handbook will prove to be essential reading for academics, researchers and students across the social sciences who are interested in the environment. It will also be enthusiastically received by sustainable development policy-makers and practitioners.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Elgar Companion to Social Economics
As this comprehensive Companion demonstrates, social economics is a dynamic and growing field that emphasizes the key role that values play in the economy and in economic life. Social economics treats the economy and economics as being embedded in the larger web of social and ethical relationships. It also regards economics and ethics as essentially connected, and adds values such as justice, fairness, dignity, well-being, freedom and equality to the standard emphasis on efficiency. The Elgar Companion to Social Economics brings together the leading contributors in the field to elucidate a wide range of recent developments across different subject areas and topics. In so doing the contributors also map the likely trends and directions of future research. This Companion will undoubtedly become a leading reference source and guide to social economics for many years to come.Providing concise discussion and an indication of what to expect in future decades, this interdisciplinary Companion will be of great interest to students and academics of social economics and socio-economics, as well as institutional, evolutionary and heterodox economics. It will also appeal to management scholars and those concerned with business ethics.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Competition Policy and Regulation: Recent Developments in China, the US and Europe
This unique book considers competition policy and regulation in light of the recent introduction of the anti-monopoly law in China. It addresses the relevance of competition policy for China from a broad theoretical and practical perspective, bringing together lawyers and economists from China, Europe and the US to provide an integrated law and economics approach. Given that the development of the Chinese anti-monopoly law in China was heavily reliant on a comparative approach, the contributors analyze how its text and practice actually compare to European and US legislation. The first cases in which Chinese anti-monopoly law were applied are explored, and both competition law and competition policy are discussed in detail. Topics include: industrial and professional regulation and their relationship to competition law, merger control, substantive competition law issues, cartels, and abuse of dominance and predation.This unique book will prove a fascinating read for competition lawyers, economists with a special interest in regulation and competition, and for practitioners concerned with competition policy and regulation. Contributors include: L.A. Andres, F.-L. Chen, M. Faure, R. Gilbert, J.L. Guasch, Y. Huang, R. Pardolesi, N. Philipsen, D. Rubinfeld, T. Ulen, R. Van den Bergh, S. Weishaar, D. Yu, L. Yu, V. Zhang, X. Zhang, Z. Zhang