Search results for ""edward elgar publishing ltd""
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Rise and Fall of Capitalism
This engaging and intelligent book argues that the unbridled impact of deregulated market forces will lead to social polarization and ultimately to the destruction of capitalist society as we know it today. After providing a lucid and accessible overview of the development of capitalism, Professor Brenner explains how human greed was confined within legal boundaries and shows how ingenuity rather than brute force ultimately became the source of wealth. He explores the interaction between ideas, behaviour and economic change and points out comparisons between scientific ideas and the phases of economic development. He warns that, by an inner logic, deregulated capitalism must necessarily lead to increased inequality and to the waning of those elements in bourgeois culture which are necessary for the proper functioning of a technologically advanced industrial economy.Written in a lively and non-technical style, the book will appeal not only to economists but also to other social scientists and historians concerned with the history and development of modern capitalist society.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd THE RIGHT TO JUSTICE: The Political Economy of Legal Services in the United States
'They have built a dam across the rivers of justice and then they complain of the drought in the field below.' - With these stinging words W. Clarke Durrant III, then Chairman of the Legal Services Corporation, admonished the American Bar Association in 1987 for its use of monopoly prices to exclude less affluent Americans from access to civil justice.The Right to Justice reviews the history of legal services in the US from its origins in the 1890s to the multi-million dollar Federal program of the late 20th century. But this is no ordinary text. Charles Rowley skilfully shows how government transfers tend to be dissipated in competitive rent-seeking by special interest groups, that much of what is left tends to be subverted to the agendas of the more powerful groups and that the residuals tend to be inefficiently managed by a poorly monitored and ideologically motivated supply bureaucracy. The upshot is that customer preferences play little or no role in the allocation of resources within the legal services budget.In a veritable tour de force, Charles Rowley places the US Federal legal services program on the scholarly rack of public choice - which analyses individual behaviour in terms of universal self-seeking motivations in a political market. He offers a convincing unique explanation of the forces that have subverted a well meaning attempt to assist poor Americans into a co ordinated attack on the central institutions of the family, capitalism and of Madisonian Republicanism which together constitute the essence of the American dream.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd A MODERN COMPANION TO THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY: A Guide to Key Facts, Institutions and Terms
A Modern Companion to the European Community provides in-depth practical information on the European Community in a single, accessible volume. An introductory chapter provides a brief historical overview of the development of the EC in the post-war period and a description of the major Directorates and policy making functions within the Community. The book includes basic statistics on population, GNP, trade performance as well as an assessment of each member country's economic potential. This useful book also provides authoritative explanations of over 1,000 commonly used acronyms and abbreviations which are essential to an understanding of the workings of the EC. It will be an indispensable acquisition for international businesses, academic and public libraries, embassies, government departments, universities and colleges throughout the world.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Bertil Ohlin (1899–1979)
The eighth volume in the final section of the "Pioneers in Economics" series. This section of the series offers an assessment of significant economists of the 20th century, and this volume deals with Bertil Ohlin.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Harry Johnson (1923–1977)
The seventh volume in the final section of the "Pioneers in Economics" series. This section of the series offers an assessment of significant economists of the 20th century, and this volume deals with Harry Johnson.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Arthur Pigou (1877–1959)
The first volume in the final section of the "Pioneers in Economics" series. This section of the series offers an assessment of significant economists of the 20th century, and this volume deals with Arthur Pigou.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Vilfredo Pareto (1848–1923)
Part of a series presenting critical appraisals of influential economists from the age of Aristotle to the present. The individuals examined have shaped both the theory and practice of modern economics. Each volume combines classic statements by economists with the most recent research.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Edward Chamberlin (1899–1967)
The third volume in the final section of the "Pioneers in Economics" series. This section of the series offers an assessment of significant economists of the 20th century, and this volume deals with Edward Chamberlin.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Thomas Tooke (1774–1858), Mountifort Longfield (1802–1884) and Richard Jones (1790–1855)
Thomas Tooke was the founder of the contra-quantity theory of money - the view that monetary policy is powerless to influence prices because the supply of money depends on the flow of money expenditure and hence is the result and not the cause of price change. Yet his prominence within economic circles was also derived from his work as a lobbyist for free trade and the principal spokesman of the banking school, arguing against statutory control of the currency. Long neglected, Mountifort Longfield has now attracted the attention of modern economists who have praised him for, amongst other things, the discovery of the modern factor proportions theory of international trade and a theory of distribution which was a genuine alternative to Ricardo's. Modern readers have been amazed by his Lectures, a path-breaking book which sketches out a subjective theory of value and a marginal productivity theory of distribution - all this in 1834, only 11 years after the death of Ricardo. Richard Jones was the first institutionalist critic of Ricardo and a historically-minded economist years before the emergence of the British and German Schools. He launched himself into the task of reconstructing the whole of economics on historical and evolutionary grounds. However, not being able to carry this ambitious programme beyond the field of rent theory, and his great reluctance to make unsupported generalizations, caused his work to fall into oblivion. Only recently has modern scholarship begun to reassess his importance.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Ramsay McCulloch (1789–1864), Nassau Senior (1790–1864) and Robert Torrens (1780–1864)
Between the death of Ricardo in 1823 and the publication of J.S. Mill's Principles of Political Economy (1848) there flourished a generation of minor but occasionally highly original English economists. Chief amongst these were Ramsay McCulloch, Nassau Senior and Robert Torrens. McCulloch was Ricardo's most zealous disciple and was perhaps more responsible than anyone for Ricardo's enormous influence, which he propagated through a series of newspaper articles and pamphlets. He was also the originator of much new and important research about the British Economy and his Discourse on the Rise of Political Economy (1824) was virtually the first attempt in any language to project a formal history of Economic Doctrines. Robert Torrens was to produce almost 100 books and pamphlets in a lifespan of 84 years. In his own time he was renowned for his work on banking and currency, but he is also notable for discovering the law of diminishing returns at the same time as Ricardo, Malthus and West. Nassau Senior, twice Drummond Professor of Political Economy at Oxford, made significant, if highly individualistic, contributions to the theories of value, rent, population, money and international trade. Throughout the 1830s he was active as a policy maker on behalf of the Whig Party and served on four Royal Commissions, including the Poor Laws 1834 and the Factory Acts 1837.This careful selection of articles brings home the central place that these thinkers occupy within English Classical Political Economy.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Later Mercantilists: Josiah Child (1603–1699) and John Locke (1632–1704)
This volume presents critical writings on the work of the later mercantilists. Sir Josiah Child was elected a governor of the East India Company in 1681. His reputation as an economist rests on his book 'A New Discourse of Trade' published in 1693. His work stimulated a wide range of discussion of such topics as interest rates, population, wage policy, poor relief and colonization. Despite many liberal elements in his thinking, he was a typical Mercantilist in his preference for administrative solutions to economic problems. John Locke, best known for his work on political philosophy, made a major contribution to the debate on the rate of interest in his essay 'Some Considerations of the Consequences of the Lowering of Interest and Raising the Value of Money' (1692). The central theme of that pamphlet was that the rate of interest, being the price for the hire of money, is determined by the demand for and supply of money, which Parliament is powerless to affect. Locke's other major contribution to economic thought was the so called labour theory of private property contained in the 'Two Treaties on Government' (1690), a classic in the history of political philosophy.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd PERSPECTIVES ON THE HISTORY OF ECONOMIC THOUGHT: Volume VII: Perspectives on the Administrative Tradition: from Antiquity to the Twentieth Century
Volume VII illustrates the administrative aspects that are an on-going component of most economic theory. It demonstrates that before the birth of political economy as a formal discipline, public and private administrators were formulating theories about economic processes as guidelines for administrative decisions. The main theme of this volume revolves around the influence of administrative considerations on the development of economic theory.
The impact of transport on the global environment is an issue attracting world-wide attention in the 1990s. This important book sheds new light on the environmental costs of transport. It discusses all modes of transport and their effects of major problems such as greenhouse gases, depletion of non-renewable resources, urban sprawl, acid rain, oil spillage etc. Drawing on the most recent research in environmental economics, it discusses problems of regulation and the implications for economic policy. This genuinely international and comparative book will be essential reading for economists, transport planners, policymakers and environmental scientists.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Socialist Economies in Transition: Appraisals of the Market Mechanism
Socialist Economies in Transition provides a coherent critique of economic reform in Eastern Europe which, it is argued, will create not prosperity but high levels of unemployment and severe economic dislocation. The authors show how the application of neoclassical economic theory will, in reality, prove unsuccessful and explain why, despite the revolutionary upheavals of 1989 and the immense effort to discard the restraints of planning, the intuitive mechanisms and practices of the free market have been so slow to appear.This volume offers an alternative route to economic reform, based on post Keynesian and Kaleckian traditions that combine individual diversity with control over the key sectors of the economy to maintain an acceptable level of stability and growth.This exciting and provocative book will be essential reading for all those concerned with the political economy of Eastern Europe.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Price Controls
Black markets, rationing, shortages - these and other issues are covered in this important collection which presents a selection of the best literature on the impact of price controls on wages, investment and real output in the short and long runs.The book covers a wide range of episodes ranging from the controls imposed by the Emperor Diocletian in the year 301 A.D. to recent experiments in Sweden. Several essays deal with controls during the two world wars, when some form of control was adopted by most of the industrialized countries. It includes articles by both critics of controls such as Milton Friedman to defenders such as John Kenneth Galbraith. Several are written by scholars who worked as high-level administrators of the programs they discuss.The book will be an essential reference source for both economists and economic historians with an interest in the price system and the functioning of a market economy.
General Equilibrium Theory has been one of the major intellectual developments in economics during the past half-century. The theory of general equilibrium is centred on an inquiry about human societies which has several of the characteristics of a fundamental scientific question. In an economy, a multitude of agents produce, exchange, and consume a large number of commodities. Their decisions are independent of each other and dictated by self-interest. Attempting to answer the question 'Why is social chaos not the result?' has required an intensive research effort by several generations of leading economists.This important three volume set gathers together many of the articles that have played an influential role in the history of ideas in the general equilibrium area in the contemporary period.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Controversies in Post Keynesian Economics
Controversies in Post Keynesian Economics proves that it is possible to meet the most exacting scholarly standards while also managing to make economics enjoyable to read. Professor Davidson provides a lucid review of the debates between neoclassical Keynesians, monetarists and post Keynesians. These debates have been rekindled as a result of the revitalisation of the post Keynesian tradition coupled with the failure of the monetarist approach to explain economic developments in the 1980s. He develops this history of the struggle for the minds of economists, as well as explaining in intelligible language, the different roles assigned to money, contracts and the uncertainty of the inflationary process. In conclusion, he discusses which of these theories is likely to be most relevant to the economic problems that will be facing the free world in the 21st century.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Perspectives on the History of Economic Thought: Volume VI: Themes in Keynesian Criticism and Supplementary Modern Topics
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Constitution, Democracy and State Power: Institutions of Justice
A just society guarantees its members rights to basic civil liberties protecting the political liberties associated with democratic governance, while ensuring state accountability and responsiveness to citizens. Despite broad agreement on these abstract requirements, the conditions that foster justice, thus understood, are a matter of long-standing controversy in political theory.This important collection addresses these controversies with over fifty articles on basic political institutions such as the rule of law, judicial review, federalism, separation of powers, freedom of speech, elections and parties, direct democracy, organized social groups, and administrative agencies.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd World Security and Equity
This book provides a quantitative foundation for evaluating the conflicting aims of security and equality. Professor Tinbergen presents a number of econometric models which overturn many long-held beliefs about the relationship between military policy and development co-operation. His findings demonstrate that in order to achieve reasonable targets of welfare and security, military expenditure should be considerably reduced with development assistance being increased by amounts of the same order.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd THE ECONOMICS OF TRANSPORT
This major two volume set presents the most important articles and papers in transportation economics. Professor Herbert Mohring has made a careful selection of the most significant work at the frontiers of the subject, covering major issues such as demand and supply, pricing and investment in all forms of transport.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Investment
This important volume presents the key articles which illuminate the history and development of international investment during the past 100 years. It examines theoretical approaches to both direct and portfolio foreign investment. The final section takes a comparative perspective and pays attention to Japanese foreign investment and to direct investment from less developed countries.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Monetary Scenarios: A Modern Approach to Financial Systems
Monetary Scenarios is an original synthesis of post Keynesian macroeconomic and monetary theory with the new microeconomics of the behavioural, transaction cost and public choice theorists. These theoretical ideas are integrated with recent historical and institutional material from the United Kingdom, the United States and Australasia.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Economics of Defence, Disarmament and Peace: An Annotated Bibliography of English Language Sources since 1960
This major reference work is a comprehensive critical guide to the large and growing literature on the economics of defence, disarmament and peace. It covers the cost of defence spending and its effects on growth, investment, unemployment, technical change and other aspects of a nation's economic performance. It includes material on the determinants of defence spending namely defence budgets, programme budgeting and procurement policy. It also deals with the economic impact of arms limitation, disarmament and the conversion from military production to products with peaceful uses.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd New Directions in Post-Keynesian Economics
This innovative book is an important attempt to develop a positive alternative to economic orthodoxy in major areas such as economic policy, monetary theory and methodology. Written by a group of internationally renowned scholars, it addresses Post-Keynesianism in terms of some of the most important and challenging issues facing economics today.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Terrorism and Human Rights
Terrorism and human rights has been the subject of increased attention since the events of 11th September 2001. Drawing on works that were originally published between 2002 and 2011, this authoritative collection covers a variety of topics, including detention and extraordinary rendition, targeted killings, freedom of expression, privacy and terrorist listings.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd China’s Economy in the Post-WTO Environment: Stock Markets, FDI and Challenges of Sustainability
China's Economy in the Post-WTO Environment comprises a set of concise and comprehensive chapters by leading specialists on the Chinese economy.The book explores the implications of both the extension of the market into key parts of the Chinese economy and the integration of China into the global economy. The main focus of the book is on the role and nature of China's financial system and its ability to transform enterprise and household behavior and the performance of investment finance, notably in the context of a two-way flow of foreign direct investment. All the extensive chapters highlight the issue of sustainability - some see the incompleteness of market reform as a problem; others are more willing to accept a pragmatic blending of the operation of the free market and government intervention.Containing up-to-the-minute data, this book will appeal to academic researchers who are engaged in research, as well as teaching and learning, in the fields of business studies, the Chinese economy, international business and Asia-Pacific economies. Academics and students in economics and business and business people who have an interest in China will also find much to interest them in this unique book. Contributors include: S. Ardekani, C. Chen, H. Chen, X. Chen, P. Drysdale, G.R. Durden, N. El-Haber, J. Li, K.B. Oh, C. Pang, L. Song, S. Sun, W.-M. Tian, J. Wang, Y. Wu, L. Xu, Y. Xu, J.X. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Y. Zheng, Z.-Y. Zhou, H. Zhu
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Costs of Economic Growth
This book is a convenient and comprehensive collection of seminal papers on the costs of economic growth. The papers are grouped in 6 sections covering: the origins of the debate, the limits to growth, measurement, international and global dimensions, developing countries, and looking ahead. The original introduction, written by the editor, draws out the main themes that run through this extensive and thought provoking literature. This timely collection is is intended for academics, students, researchers and anyone interested in this controversial topic.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Smart Technologies and the End(s) of Law: Novel Entanglements of Law and Technology
Do conceptions of the Rule of Law reflect timeless truths, or are they in fact contingent on a particular information and communications infrastructure - one that we are fast leaving behind? Hildebrandt has engineered a provocative encounter between law and networked digital technologies that cuts to the heart of the dilemma confronting legal institutions in a networked world.'- Julie E. Cohen, Georgetown University, US'Many contemporary authors are wrestling with two technological developments which will change our society beyond recognition: big data analytics and smart technologies. Few though understand, or can explain, these developments in the way Mireille Hildebrandt does. In ambitiously bringing together legal theory, psychology, social ethnology and of course smart agency and ambient intelligence, Hildebrandt gives the most complete study of these vitally important developments. Books are often described as 'must read' though few actually are; this one genuinely is.'- Andrew Murray, London School of Economics, UKThis timely book tells the story of the smart technologies that reconstruct our world, by provoking their most salient functionality: the prediction and preemption of our day-to-day activities, preferences, health and credit risks, criminal intent and spending capacity.Mireille Hildebrandt claims that we are in transit between an information society and a data-driven society, which has far reaching consequences for the world we depend on. She highlights how the pervasive employment of machine-learning technologies that inform so-called 'data-driven agency' threaten privacy, identity, autonomy, non-discrimination, due process and the presumption of innocence. The author argues how smart technologies undermine, reconfigure and overrule the ends of the law in a constitutional democracy, jeopardizing law as an instrument of justice, legal certainty and the public good. Nevertheless, the book calls on lawyers, computer scientists and civil society not to reject smart technologies, explaining how further engaging these technologies may help to reinvent the effective protection of the Rule of Law.Academics and researchers interested in the philosophy of law and technology will find this book both discerning and relevant. Practitioners and policy makers in the areas of law, computer science and engineering will benefit from the insight into smart technologies and their impact today.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Elgar Companion to the Chicago School of Economics
Many know the Chicago School of Economics and its association with Milton Friedman, George Stigler, Ronald Coase and Gary Becker. But few know the School's history and the full scope of its scholarship. In this Companion, leading scholars examine its history and key figures, and provide surveys of the School's contributions to central aspects of economics, including: price theory, monetary theory, labor and economic history. The volume examines the School's traditions of applied welfare theory and law and economics while providing a glimpse into emerging research on Chicago's role in the development of neoliberalism.A companion in the true sense of the word, this volume surveys a wide body of Chicago economic studies and guides readers carefully through each. The Companion offers biographies of leading Chicago economists and evaluations of the School's connection to approaches to economics that draw from and complement the School, including the Virginia School and the work of Armen Alchian and Edward Lazear. Moreover, this book is a first in many respects as it analyzes the interconnections of the Chicago School's theory, methodology, and policy, and considers by what means and ideas the School's policy framework is driven.The breadth and depth of the insights presented here will appeal especially to students and scholars of economics and historians interested in economics, social science and applied public policy.Ross B. Emmett is Professor of Political Economy and Political Theory and Constitutional Democracy, and Co-Director of the Michigan Center for Innovation and Economic Prosperity at James Madison College, Michigan State University, USA.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Migration and Climate Change
In this important collection, Professor Hugo draws together key articles and papers by leading scholars and agencies which investigate the current and future effects of climate change on migration. Topics covered include the impact of climate change on the movement of people within and across countries, the economic and social effects of the forced displacement and resettlement of migrants, the flows of migration resulting from environmental disasters, the risks of conflict and the implications of climate change for vulnerable areas e.g deltas, atolls and coastal regions. The title concludes with an examination of what the policy responses of governments and international agencies are and should be.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Global Entrepreneurship and Development Index 2011
`If the key to future global economic growth is the spread of innovation and entrepreneurship in the developing world, how can that spread be encouraged? The first steps are to determine the conditions that favor entrepreneurship, devise a way to measure them, and then assess the gaps and improvements needed in each country. That is what the Global Entrepreneurship and Development Index can now provide for the developing world.'- From the foreword by Jack GoldstoneThe Global Entrepreneurship and Development Index both captures the context features of entrepreneurship and fills a gap in the measurement of development. Building on recent advances in entrepreneurship and economic development, the authors have created an index that offers a measure of the quality of the business formation process in 71 of the most important countries in the world.Zoltan J. Acs and László Szerb expertly capture the contextual feature of entrepreneurship by focusing on entrepreneurial attitudes, entrepreneurial activity and entrepreneurial aspirations. The data and their contribution to the business formation process are supported by three decades of research into entrepreneurship across a host of countries. The unique index construction of individual and institutional measures integrates 31 variables from various data sources into 14 pillars, three sub-indexes and a `super index'. The relationship between entrepreneurship and economic development appears to be more or less mildly S-shaped. The findings suggest moving away from simple measures of entrepreneurship across countries illustrating a U-shaped or L-shaped relationship to more complex measures, which are positively related to development. The model has important implications for development policy.This unique book will be invaluable for researchers, policymakers and entrepreneurs themselves keen to expand their understanding of entrepreneurship and development.Contents: Foreword: Entrepreneurship and Global Growth by Jack Goldstone; Preface; Introduction; 1. The Global Entrepreneurship and Development Index; 2. Entrepreneurship and Economic Development; 3. Methodology and Data Description; 4. Country Standings
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Climate Change Policies: Global Challenges and Future Prospects
`This book sheds helpful light on the options individual countries and the world community face in the wake of the Copenhagen climate conference. Not only academics, but policymakers and journalists will find it useful reading as they prepare for domestic climate policy debates and the international negotiations scheduled for December 2010 in Cancun, Mexico.' - Robert N. Stavins, Harvard University, US `If you want to know the latest thinking about the economics of climate change, then this timely book is the best compendium currently out there.' - Martin Weitzman, Harvard University, US Written by leading international experts in the field, this book reveals the various economic effects from climate change policies introduced at national and international levels. They describe actual applications of climate change policies in the main emitting countries. After the Copenhagen climate change summit, it was clear that there was a requirement for a comprehensive analysis of climate change policies - costs and benefits. Climate Change Policies is an eloquent insight into the foundations, design and effects of climate change policies. It includes chapters on public policies and climate change impacts, adaptation, mitigation, effects on competitiveness, new technologies, distributional concerns and the international dimension. With an emphasis on the economic aspects associated with climate change policies, this book will be invaluable for academics and researchers of environment economics and climate change policy. Policymakers, journalists and scientists will also find much to interest them in this enlightening resource.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd European Entrepreneurship in the Globalizing Economy
What role can entrepreneurship play in a European economy that is more and more open to the rest of the world? In this European Union construction, what is the place of the nation states and economies that have only recently converted to a free market economy? It is these questions, among others, that the book explores and discusses in particular. The future steps required in developing European entrepreneurship in a dynamic and international context are also analyzed and synthesized. The expert contributors reveal both the macro and micro factors that influence European entrepreneurial development, with an emphasis on high-tech firms. The particular topics addressed include: SME research and innovation policy issues; starting and growing a new venture; innovation, marketing and entrepreneurial networks; entrepreneurship and regional (cross-border) development; building competitive advantage of SMEs; and social and cultural aspects of entrepreneurship. This comprehensive work will provide a timely and important basis for academics, researchers, students, and policy-makers in the fields of entrepreneurship and European studies. Contributors: K. Arhio, J. Ateljevic, O. Basso, V. Bouchard, A. Fayolle, A. Haahti, M.-L. Kaakko, I. Kereziev, J. Klaesson, M. Merlino, O. Pesämaa, H. Pichler, R. Saner, S. Testa, K. Todorov, D. Tolstoy, D. Watkins, L. Yiu
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Cartels and Economic Collusion: The Persistence of Corporate Conspiracies
Adam Smith warned of the prevalence of corporate conspiracies more than two hundred years ago. Since then, interest in cartels has sometimes intensified (during the Great Depression, for example) and sometimes diminished, but the need for control has always remained on the antitrust agenda. This well-documented book reviews the economic case against corporate collusion, as well as the arguments made for a more permissive attitude. A survey of recent empirical research reveals not only the prevalence of a wide range of international cartels but also the size of the inefficiencies and costs that they impose on customers and consumers. The antitrust reaction has therefore intensified with greatly increased fines being imposed by the US, the EU and other authorities. At the same time, they have developed sophisticated leniency polices with the aim of destabilizing the illegal conspiracies. After reviewing these measures, the author concludes with the hope that this toughened approach is not modified or reversed during periods of recession. This insightful book will appeal to undergraduates in economics, business and law studying antitrust and law and economics.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Social Capital in Business
`Koput and Broschak have brought together in one place the key resources with which anyone interested in social capital, in all of its varieties, should be familiar. The introductory chapter is a comprehensive yet accessible primer on the formation, deployment, and consequences of social capital at multiple levels of analysis and also provides a clear agenda for future research. This volume is a "must have" for anyone working on social capital or related topics.' - Alison Davis-Blake, University of Minnesota, US `This volume collects foundational empirical papers that develop the concept of social capital, including studies of job search, team composition and inter-organizational collaboration. The collection is graced by a thoughtful introductory essay that explores both the strengths and limitations of the social capital concept.' - Walter W. Powell, Stanford University, US Innovative social investments are key to succeeding in the increasingly connected business environment. Within this authoritative volume, the editors have brought together seminal works which will help managers and entrepreneurs to better understand how to forge investments in social relationships to match the unique needs and circumstances of their business. Rather than comprising a social capital menu from which businesses can order by mimicking others, the selected articles in this volume provide a foundation to grasp the social mechanisms at work in the generation and use of social capital. This important collection provides both scholarly and lay readers an opportunity to weigh the evidence of social capital's limits as well as its promise.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Trade Costs and Facilitation: Open Trade and Economic Development
The need for countries to facilitate trade and to reduce the transactions costs plaguing trade is receiving a lot of interest in policy circles, and in particular in the WTO, where trade facilitation has been one of the few good stories in recent multilateral negotiations. Is this interest justified? What have economic theory and empirical findings to contribute to our understanding of the value of free trade? This authoritative two-volume set, edited by two leading scholars in the field, offers a collection of seminal articles that have led our economic thinking on these issues and encouraged a new and growing literature. This important work, along with an original introduction by the editors, will be of immense value to scholars and practitioners interested in the topic of trade costs and facilitation.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Combating Money Laundering and Terrorism Finance: Past and Current Challenges
This important book addresses the broader legal, policy and regulatory issues confronting the international community in its search for effective methodologies to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. New threats must always be met with new regulatory and compliance approaches. Alongside an original introduction to the area, which critically examines the 2012 revision to the Financial Action Task Force, the editor has selected key papers that focus on compliance perspectives, in assessing the task, including work examining the recent shift from a rule-based to a risk-based approach. This book is an essential source of reference for anyone interested in this dynamic field.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Technology, Natural Resources and Economic Growth: Improving the Environment for a Greener Future
Through a combination of global data analysis and focused country level analysis, this timely book provides answers to the most pertinent country and industry specific questions defining the current relationship between technology, natural resources and economic growth. Shunsuke Managi takes a distinctive approach by focusing on the design and implementation of environmental regulations that encourage technological progress and, in doing so, looks at ways to ensure productivity improvements in the face of increasingly stringent environmental regulations and natural resource depletion. The findings in this important book demonstrate how successful environmental policies can contribute to efficiency by encouraging, rather than inhibiting, technological innovation. Technology, Natural Resources and Economic Growth will provide a valuable resource for a wide readership including postgraduate students, researchers, academics and policy makers working in the fields of environmental and ecological economics.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Companion to Green International Management Studies: A Guide for Future Research, Collaboration and Review Writing
The Research Companion to Green International Management Studies comprehensively covers the field of sustainability and the environment in business and management. Its emphasis on international topics makes it widely applicable and highly relevant in today's globalized world. Researchers will find the volume useful in stimulating new ideas and ensuring that their contributions enrich the field. A critical addition to every scholar's collection and a vital guide for PhD students as they develop their abilities to critique, review and write for academic journals, this book codifies and makes consistent important aspects of PhD education in sustainability and international management.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Creating Wealth from Knowledge: Meeting the Innovation Challenge
This book illustrates that, although innovation has always mattered in economic development, simply increasing expenditure in creating knowledge may not be the answer: we need to look at the whole system through which such knowledge translates to value creation. The contributors explore the implications of the changing twenty-first century context of networked, global and increasingly open innovation - a world in which knowledge flows become as important as knowledge creation. In so doing, they address four key questions: what is the context within which innovation occurs in the UK? How do new firms form on the basis of knowledge and its deployment? How do established firms access and use knowledge to improve their current activities and generate new directions? What technical and organizational infrastructures enable these activities?Drawing out lessons for future research, this book will be of great interest to academics concerned with science and innovation policy and its implementation. Managers and policy makers involved in innovation and technology strategy, and with developing responses to new challenges such as 'open innovation', will also find much to interest them within this book.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Financial Crisis and Developing Countries: A Global Multidisciplinary Perspective
The Financial Crisis and Developing Countries is an invaluable discussion and analysis of the regional and country specific impacts of the financial crisis in both emerging markets and developing countries. Using heterodox and mainstream methodologies, the book develops a multidisciplinary perspective on the crisis, showing empirical impacts on the poor and vulnerable. It examines how the crisis continues to change our concepts of development, critically discusses mainstream approaches, and analyses (global) governance responses including of the G20. The contributors critically assess the measures taken to deal with the crisis, and reveal that many elements that have led to crisis (inequality, inappropriate international financial architecture, structural imbalances) have not been dealt sufficiently, and as a result new crises will continue to emerge. Exploring a global and inter-disciplinary view, this timely book provides accessible information on the impact of the crisis that will prove relevant for students of development studies and international economics. Researchers and policymakers including in foreign and economic affairs, development cooperation, and international institutions interested in understanding the impact of the global economy will also find much to learn from this important book. Contributors: F. Cheru, H. Clemens, A. de Haan, A.M. Fischer, J. Ghosh, S. Gong, D. Green, K. Jansen, A. Kapoor, R. King, R. Marconi, M. Messkoub, S.M. Murshed, F.B. Schiphorst, K.A. Siegmann, M. Spoor, P.A.G. van Bergeijk, R. van der Hoeven, I. van Staveren, R. Vos, B. White
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Private Enforcement of Antitrust: Regulating Corporate Behaviour through Collective Claims in the EU and US
Based on general concepts of collective action, Private Enforcement of Antitrust analyzes how collective litigation mechanisms can be designed to encourage victims of anti-competitive conduct to access justice.Through the expert assessment of the US Federal Courts' case on competition law, alongside that of domestic Europe, Arianna Andreangeli provides a fresh response to the issues surrounding collective litigation. The discussion is skillfully placed in the wider context of competition enforcement, whilst at the same time exploring both past and present trends. The book concludes that collective litigation of competition claims must strike a 'fair balance' between respecting rules of due process and ensuring fuller access to justice.An enlightening perspective, this book will be an invaluable resource for academics and competition civil justice experts. It will also be of interest to practitioners active in competition cases and policy makers concerned with human rights issues.Contents: 1. Setting the scene: European debates on collective Redress in competition law 2. Rule 23 FRCP: 'aggregating' individual antitrust claimants in diffuse injury cases-the certification criteria of commonality , predominance and superiority and the obligation to serve notice 3. 'Managing' antitrust class actions under Rule 23(b)(3) FRCP: who 'plays the pipe'? And who pays the piper? 4. The EU Commission agenda on collective redress: from a 'sector specific' to a mainstream discussion of group justice questions 5. Collective litigation in competition cases in the United Kingdom: between personal autonomy in civil litigation and effective judicial protection 6. Collective litigation and collective redress in competition claims: continental solutions-the case of Italy and of the Netherlands 7. Access to justice, diffuse torts and competition litigation in the EU: where do we go from here? Index
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Endogenous Regional Development: Perspectives, Measurement and Empirical Investigation
`The region-specific nature of economic success matters in urban and rural regions alike, as this volume illustrates with a wide-ranging set of theoretical perspectives and empirical studies. The authors in this collection provide fresh ideas and new insights into a concept "endogenous development" that remains central to understading regional development.'---Ed Malecki, The Ohio State University, USAIncreasingly, endogenous factors and processes are being emphasized as drivers in regional economic development and growth. This 15 chapter book is unique in that it commences by presenting five disciplinary takes on endogenous development from the perspectives of economics, geography, sociology, planning and organizational management.Several chapters demonstrate how researchers have developed operational models to investigate the roles played by endogenous factors in regional ecocnomic development, including the role of entrepreneurial rents. Further chapters provide empirical investigations of endogenous factors in regional development at various levesl of spatial scale - from the supra-region to the nation, city and small town - and in a variety of situational settings, including the European Union, Asia and Australia.The book is an invaluable up-to-date resources for researchers and students in regional science, and regional economic development and planning.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Financial Globalization and Economic Performance
The past decade has witnessed a surge in interest in the area of financial globalization and economic performance. This was stimulated by the 1997-1998 Asian financial crisis after plans to adopt full capital account liberalization by IMF member states failed. Scholars have since focused on the dangers that may result from foreign-exchange crises and increased market volatility. This essential volume brings together the seminal contributions to this important field and will be of great value to lectures and students, as well as politicians and officials involved in international economic policy making.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Contemporary Issues in Sports Economics: Participation and Professional Team Sports
'Written by some of the most prominent scholars in sports economics, this book focuses on issues that have been less investigated in the traditional literature so far. The covered topics range from specific questions of sport governance and sport finance to sport betting. In my view, the collection is a 'must' for all readers seeking to overstep the beaten track.' - Egon Franck, University of Zurich, SwitzerlandThe development of sports economics has exploded in recent years, and this well-researched and relevant book explores some of the most critical themes.Contemporary Issues in Sports Economics examines topics that have previously received little attention in the literature, such as the determinants and social impacts of sports participation including the link to crime levels. The distinguished authors also discuss some of the less investigated aspects of professional team sports, including:* sports betting, financing and governance * the impact of low scoring matches on competitive balance and fan appeal in European football* the effect on player transfers of a luxury tax on club payrolls in Major League Baseball.This invaluable book will appeal to graduate and postgraduate students in sports economics, sport management and sport sciences, as well as managers and coaches involved with clubs, leagues and federations. Sports participants, fans, bookmakers and bettors will also find much to interest them in this unique and insightful study.Contributors: W. Andreff, M. Breuer, R. Caruso, F. Daumann, P. Dawson, P. Downward, J. García, J.G. Maxcy, L. Pérez, G. Raballand, P. Rodríguez, S. Szymanski
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Promoting New Telecom Infrastructures: Markets, Policies and Pricing
Promoting New Telecom Infrastructures examines how current telecom infrastructures are transforming from dedicated networks supporting either voice, data or broadcasting services to converged networks that support a wide variety of communication services, often denoted as Next Generation Networks (NGN). A current key challenge is therefore to define strategies, which can stimulate demand and investments in NGN in order to ensure development of adequate information infrastructures. With contributions from leading authorities in the field, this innovative book explores the three key themes related to this challenge and to strategies for the stimulation of demand and supply for NGN: strategies for expansion of broadband, pricing in NGN and development and pricing of mobile services. This exciting work will be warmly welcomed by academics and researchers of telecommunications policy, innovation and technology studies, as well as those concerned with regulation and governance.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Learning to Compete in European Universities: From Social Institution to Knowledge Business
This book addresses the critical issue of how and why European universities are changing and learning to compete. Anglo-Saxon universities particularly in the US, the UK and Australia have long been subject to, and responded to, market-based competition in higher education. The authors argue that Continental and Nordic universities and higher education institutes are now facing similar pressures that are leading to a structural transformation of the university sector.Four important themes are addressed, namely 'Emergent Strategies', 'Diversification and Specialization', 'Rethinking University-Industry Relations' and 'Reflections'. Contributors include Luke Georghiou writing about the merger between The Victoria University of Manchester and UMIST; Andrea Bonaccorsi writing about differentiation in higher education; and Maryann Feldman writing about American technology transfer. Thus, the book provides a timely and critical reflection on what happens, as European universities transform from government-funded social institutions to become knowledge businesses operating in a competitive regime.This study will appeal to a broad audience of researchers, academics and policymakers with an interest in understanding the major transformations universities are currently undergoing. Regardless of whether one believes that increasing competition has positive or negative effects, the changes will undoubtedly affect both academics and students. These transformations will also influence the ability of nations to compete in the global knowledge society.