Search results for ""edward elgar publishing ltd""
The Economics of the Environment is a working collection of the leading papers in the field of environmental economics. It presents within the compass of a single volume the two central issues in environmental economics: the theory and practice of economic regulation and the valuation of environmental amenities. Wallace E. Oates has included both the classics, the seminal papers in the field, and some of the recent work that is making an important contribution to the economic analysis of environmental problems.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Rationalism and Anti-Rationalism in the Origins of Economics: The Philosophical Roots of 18th Century Economic Thought
This major new study of the philosophical roots of economics examines the impact on eighteenth century economic thought of the rivalry between two opposing philosophical outlooks: rationalism and anti-rationalism. The economic thought of this period, William Coleman argues, was a synthesis of these two outlooks.Rationalism and Anti-Rationalism in the Origins of Economics examines the history of this key intellectual debate from Locke, Leibniz and Mandeville, to Hume, Condillac, Turgot and Smith. This authoritative study offers new insights on the work of the eighteenth century rationalists and anti-rationalists and the impact they had on the development of economic thought and analysis.Dr Coleman’s book addresses an intellectual conflict which remains relevant today. Neoclassical economics is frequently criticized because some of its assumptions, such as those concerning optimization, rationality and equilibrium, are rationalist in character. This important book explores the intellectual archaeology of this continuing controversy over neoclassical economics, and offers new perspectives drawn from the lessons of the past.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Debt Market
This three-volume collection - prepared by a leading scholar and practitioner - presents the subject through a collection of important published articles on the debt market. It focuses first on the classical bond market and moves on to a discussion of rational expectations, estimation and the term structure. This is followed by the modern theory of the term structure derived from modelling the stochastic movements of interest rates. The third section discusses implementation and related subtopics including taxation and the management of interest rate risk. The final section extends the discussion to corporate bonds and mortgages.
The Historical Evolution of the International Political Economy focusses on the role of intersocietal and interstate relations in the evolution of human societies from hunter-gatherer bands to the contemporary global system. The essays and research articles included are by ethnographers, archaeologists, political scientists, economists, historians, geographers and sociologists. The emphasis is on long run, large scale structural change and the historical evolution of human institutions.
New Approaches to Welfare Theory draws on recent work from the sociology of social action, feminist literature and critical social theory, to counter the current impasse in social policy. Interdisciplinary in scope and including work by economists, psychologists, philosophers and social workers, it offer insights into the meaning and dynamics of claimsmaking in modern society.The introduction examines the claims which groups - especially groups of marginalised people - make against institutions, the problems they have in articulating their aspirations and needs, and the structured institutional responses to their claims. This is followed by a series of papers on the problem of establishing the moral justifiability of claims, including contributions from both the contractarian and utilitarian approaches. Later sections concentrate on the constraining and enabling effects of social structures on claimsmaking - including the various excluding and filtering institutional responses - and the interactions both of claimsmakers with political institutions and of social groups with institutional patterns. The volume concludes with an afterword by the editors discussing the relationship between the universalist and particularist approaches, the two perspectives on the moral dimensions of welfare which feature most prominently in the book. The essays and papers in this book draw upon a broad background of research, teaching and practical experience by a distinguished group of scholars. New Approaches to Welfare Theory will be welcomed by students and researchers, as well as by social workers and policymakers, as an enlightening and instructive discussion of the problems and implications of an approach to welfare from the perspective of social action.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd THE ECONOMICS OF GROWTH AND TECHNICAL CHANGE: Technologies, Nations, Agents
Technical change and its relationship to economic growth are now at the forefront of research in economics. This important book - which contains contributions from leading economists - provides an invaluable state-of-the-art survey and analysis of the most recent work in this area. The book sheds new light on such major themes and issues as: the sources of technological knowledge and growth and time patterns in the growth and innovation process. It also addresses the role of national institutions and social infrastructure in growth, convergence and divergence in the world economy from both the modelling and the empirical perspectives, and the microfoundations of technology diffusion and learning by doing.The Economics of Growth and Technical Change will be essential reading for all economists with an interest in the economics of innovation and economic growth.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd CONTESTED TERRITORY: Border Disputes at the Edge of the Former Soviet Empire
In Contested Territory a distinguished group of scholars analyses border issues stemming from the expansion of the former Soviet Union at the end of the Second World War. This important book offers detailed discussion and comparative analysis of eight potential or actual world politics border disputes at a time of great upheaval for the former Soviet Union when territorial issues are reemerging on the political agendas. The authors offer explanations for the rise of border disputes which emphasize the normative dimension rather than power politics. They also show how annexed border regions with their own distinct histories have developed regional identities within the former Soviet Union. The book's extensive coverage includes the most systematic expert analysis presently available on territorial disputes concerning Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina, Carpatho-Ukraine, Eastern Poland, East Prussia, Abrene, the East of Narva and Petserimaa, Karelia and the Kurile Islands. No other volume provides such a wealth of information on boundary and territorial disputes in Europe and the former Soviet Union within a theorectical framework. Contested Territory will be welcomed as a major contribution to our understanding of the recent history of the Soviet Union and the long-term problems raised by outstanding disputes over its boundaries.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd MONETARISM AND THE METHODOLOGY OF ECONOMICS: Essays in Honour of Thomas Mayer
Monetarism and the Methodology of Economics is a collection of 14 original essays in honour of Thomas Mayer focusing on the themes of monetarism, the transmission mechanism for monetary policy, the political economy of monetary policy and the methodology of empirical economics.This volume addresses the many areas where Thomas Mayer has made a major contribution and brings together a distinguished group of contributors including King Banaian, Mark Blaug, Martin Bronfenbrenner, Richard C.K. Burdekin, Thomas F. Cargill, Milton Friedman, C.A.E. Goodhart, D. Wade Hands, Abraham Hirsch, Kevin D. Hoover, David Laidler, Thomas Mayer, James L. Pierce, Steven M. Sheffrin, Richard J. Sweeney, Thomas D. Willett, Wing Thye Woo. An autobiographical essay by Thomas Mayer and a short appreciation by Kevin Hoover and Steven Sheffrin are included in this volume, together with a bibliography of Mayer's economic writings.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The New Democracies in Eastern Europe: Party Systems and Political Cleavages
Now fully revised and updated for the second edition, this unique and authoritative account of the party systems in Eastern Europe examines their development from the revolutions of the late 1980s to the present day. The New Democracies in Eastern Europe presents a genuinely comparative perspective on the old and new party systems. Featuring detailed assessment and analysis of the situation in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria, the volume draws upon research and opinion from a distinguished group of European scholars. Recognising that many of the social and political problems of the inter-war period continue to make themselves felt, the authors contend that the breakdown of the old authoritarian system was a by-product of a built-in and progressively worsening legitimacy crisis. Despite the great progress made by some East European countries, recent events confirm the view that authoritarianism has not lost its appeal.As an up-to-date and comprehensive survey of political change and development in Eastern Europe - rapidly produced to present the most recent information - this book will be welcomed by researchers, teachers and students.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Globalisation, Convergence and European Telecommunications Regulation
This book provides a comprehensive and up-to-date account of the complex interrelationship between technological change, globalisation, 'Europeanisation', national institutional structures, and the transfer of ideas in the reform of European telecommunications regulation.Globalisation, Convergence and European Telecommunications Regulation analyses the achievements and limitations of over twenty years of EU efforts to liberalise markets and to harmonise regulation. A key feature is the author's treatment of the EU's regulatory policy response to technological convergence in the information and communications sector, through its new Electronic Communications Regulatory Framework. The book explores in detail the dynamics of the complex relationship between technological and globalisation pressures, economic interests and European and national policy responses. A key finding is persistent Member State diversity in regulatory implementation alongside remarkable policy convergence on a new institutional model for the telecommunications sector. An overarching trend is the emergence of distinct features of a 'regulatory state', at national and EU level, in the telecommunications sector.Contributing to the ongoing debate on the role of the EC and the extent to which EU telecommunications policy can be described as 'supranational', this book will strongly appeal to academics, researchers, students and practitioners involved in the fields of technology, public policy and European studies.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Autos, Smog and Pollution Control: The Politics of Air Quality Management in California
California has a worldwide reputation as a pioneer of innovative policies for the control of air pollution by motor vehicles. Autos, Smog and Pollution Control analyses the difficulties which have been encountered in developing and implementing these policies. Professor Grant uses an analytical framework drawn from the leading theories of public policy formation, such as policy communities, to address the issues raised by California's policy making experience. This study shows how an ambitious attempt to encourage the use of electrically powered vehicles has faced technological constraints, consumer resistance and political opposition. Other policies developed in the state such as dealing with 'gross emitters', trip reduction programmes and the construction of light rail and subway systems are also critically examined. The concluding chapter relates Californian experience to the developing debate in Britain and the European Union about air pollution from motor vehicles.Autos, Smog and Pollution Control will be welcomed for its critical analysis of California's air pollution control policies as well as for the light which it sheds on contemporary theories of policy formation and the changing forces affecting environmental policymaking.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Anatomy of the New Poland: Post-Communist Politics in its First Phase
The Anatomy of the New Poland examines the nature and scope of political change in the first years of post-communist politics in Poland. Poland is significant not only because events there triggered the downfall of Communism throughout the region, but also because of the bold economic experiments of the new Polish leadership. Covering the period from the Round table negotiations of 1989 to the second free parliamentary elections in September 1993, the book blends an examination of the general features of communist systems and the challenges for democratic development in Eastern Europe with a specific analysis of the situation in Poland. In an authoritative analysis, Frances Millard discusses the shaping of the new constitutional framework and the interplay of political institutions in Poland while highlighting the influences upon the development of political parties and the emergence of a new party system. The dilemmas and achievements of post-communist politics are illustrated with reference to topical issues of decommunization and privatization. Written in a clear, accessible style, this book links developments in Poland to general themes in political science. As an assessment of the factors that undermine, and those that further, the emergence of democratic politics, it will be welcomed by scholars and students of the development and transformation of post-communist societies.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Sociology of the Environment
In The Sociology of the Environment, Michael Redclift and Graham Woodgate have brought together a diverse collection of writings from within the human sciences. These papers chart the progress which sociology has made in addressing the environment. Although they are not all written by sociologists, they do illuminate a number of largely unresolved issues for sociology, which mark important departures for the discipline and which necessitate a radical rethink of inherited assumptions.The readings are organized under a number of different themes, ranging from the theoretical foundations of the discipline to post-industrial Utopianism. Other areas covered include Marxism and the environment, neo-Malthusianism and environmental determination, biocentric theories, radical ecology, scientific enquiry and the environment, international perspection, and social movement and the environment. The editors conclude that sociology still has much to do in rising to the challenge of interpreting environmental change, indicating that this must be done by forging relationships with other disciplines, in which the contribution that sociology can make is underlined rather than lost.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd THE RUSSIAN PRESS FROM BREZHNEV TO YELTSIN: Behind the Paper Curtain
In The Russian Press from Brezhnev to Yeltsin, John Murray charts and examines the main changes in the content and language of the Russian press over the last decade. This is the most up-to-date book covering the evolution of the post-Soviet press and makes an important contribution to scholarship through the inclusion of much original contemporary source material and a series of extensive interviews with leading Russian journalists. Following a general survey of the Russian press since 1917, the book examines in detail the workings of the press before Perestroika, during Gorbachev's period in office, and under Boris Yeltsin's presidency. The author looks in particular at the changing relationship between the press and politicians, the emergence of Western-style newspapers and the economic problems facing the post-Soviet newspaper world. The book also examines separately how the language of the press changed as a result of the political liberalization of the late 1980s and continues to change in the 1990s. Included in the book are twelve interviews with Russian journalists taken between 1987 and 1993 that illustrate the changing self-perception of journalists during that period.An award-winning journalist in his own right, Dr Murray has written a book that will be of interest both to academic researchers and working journalists concerned with analysing the language of political discourse in Soviet and Russian journalism.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd THE SPIRIT OF CAPITALISM AND THE PROTESTANT ETHIC: An Enquiry into the Weber Thesis
Max Weber, recognized as one of the world's most important sociologists, saw his life's work as nothing less than the comparative analysis of world civilizations. Above all, he was fascinated by the differing historical paths traced by Western civilization and the civilizations of the East. In his famous essay, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, he addressed the forces behind that dramatic and enormous transformation of human life and society known as the Industrial Revolution. Weber's thesis proposes a causal link between the forces of the 'protestant ethic' and the 'spirit of capitalism' that lay behind the Industrial Revolution.This important book offers a sophisticated analysis of Weber's key concepts and an in-depth study as to their formulation in the early modern period. Michael Lessnoff proposes an original and essential distinction between the protestant 'work' and 'profit' ethics and examines the logical relation between them. He looks at Adam Smith's work on the relation between morals and capitalism, comparing Smith's 'spirit of capitalism' to Weber's. Lessnoff also considers the significance of the 'protestant ethic' in the modern world. As one of the first books of its kind to offer a complex analysis of the Weber thesis and using a large body of previously neglected evidence, The Spirit of Capitalism and the Protestant Ethic will be welcomed by historians of religion and economics and by all sociologists.
This important two volume set provides the main contributions to product differentiation theory, starting from early works to recent advances. A taxonomy based on modern economic theory puts the papers into a new perspective. The resulting collection of papers gives the reader the fundamental results in the field and an introduction provides a general overview of the topic.
Increasing international competition has put improvements in vocational training at the top of many nations' political agendas. This important book explores the economic analysis of training and relates it to the differing systems found in Western Europe and the United States. After an examination of the theoretical basis for increased emphasis on training the authors present a comparative analysis of the different systems employed in Germany, France, the United Kingdom and the United States. A number of common issues and problems are discussed, such as the relationship between schooling and training, the role of continuing training, retraining for the unemployed, and the position of women and disadvantaged groups in the labour market. A central theme is the differing policies pursued by governments. While recognizing the common concern with potential market failure in training, the authors also draw attention to the poor record of government-funded training in practice and to the dangers of excessive intervention as a result of pressure group activity. Although primarily aimed at students and teachers of economics, business studies and industrial relations, Training for Employment in Western Europe and the United States will be of interest to practitioners and all those concerned with policy issues arising in the training field.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd THE ECONOMICS OF LOCATION
The Economics of Location traces developments in location theory, the economics of space and value and spatial microeconomics from its early beginnings in the work of von Thunen to the most recent applications in modern industrial organization and international trade.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Economic Forecasting
This authoritative and wide-ranging collection presents over fifty of the most important articles on forecasting - a technique that lies at the heart of economic policy and decision-making.This comprehensive two volume set presents the major papers in macroeconomic forecasting and policy making; time series forecasting; the econometrics of forecasting; forecast evaluation; forecasting with leading indicators; forecasting in finance and economic forecasting using surveys.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd MARKETS AND SOCIALISM
What is the best way to organize an economy to satisfy demands for efficiency, compassion and freedom? These political, economic, social and philosophical concerns underpin what has been the most important issue of the twentieth-century, that of the relationship between market and plan. Markets and Socialism consists of extracts drawn from the most important contributors to the debate started by Karl Marx. In six thematic sections the reader can follow the vicissitudes of the non-market, market and mixed market models. The range of countries and historical sweep covered in this volume are impressive: from the 'socialist calculation' debate to the experiences of Russia, East-Central Europe, Sweden, America and China. A combination of theoretical analyses and practical case studies makes this volume essential reading for teachers, students and anyone interested in a clear and concise introduction to the central dilemma of our times.
Issues of race and ethnicity in Europe have been brought to the fore by the recent electoral successes of extreme right-wing parties, while immigration and refugee policies are exposing deep uncertainties across the political spectrum. The politicization of 'race', ethnicity and immigration is a key feature of contemporary European society. In this important new volume, leading specialists explore the political mediation of racism across western Europe, examining its causes, character and consequences. Racism, Ethnicity and Politics in Contemporary Europe includes an overview of contemporary racism, investigations into its socio-economic and ideological roots, analyses of its role in party politics and studies of multilateral and non-governmental initiatives designed to promote anti-racism. The contributors provide case studies of Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain and Italy. They consider both the experience of racism in specific countries and common issues thrown up by the resurgence of racism at a time of profound socio-economic restructuring and political uncertainty. The rich insights offered by this book will be of interest to students and scholars active in many disciplines ranging from politics and sociology to discourse analysis and social psychology.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd TIME SERIES ANALYSIS AND MACROECONOMETRIC MODELLING: The Collected Papers of Kenneth F. Wallis
This major volume of essays by Kenneth F. Wallis features 28 articles published over a quarter of a century on the statistical analysis of economic time series, large-scale macroeconometric modelling, and the interface between them.The first part deals with time-series econometrics and includes significant early contributions to the development of the LSE tradition in time-series econometrics, which is the dominant British tradition and has considerable influence worldwide. Later sections discuss theoretical and practical issues in modelling seasonality and forecasting with applications in both large-scale and small-scale models. The final section summarizes the research programme of the ESRC Macroeconomic Modelling Bureau, a unique comparison project among economy-wide macroeconometric models.Professor Wallis has written a detailed introduction to the papers in this volume in which he explains the background to these papers and comments on subsequent developments.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd PERSPECTIVES ON THE HISTORY OF ECONOMIC THOUGHT: Volume X: Method, Competition, Conflict and Measurement in the Twentieth Century
This important book features some of the most original and interesting new work by an internationally acclaimed group of authors on the history and development of economic thought.A range of important issues in twentieth century economics are addressed including the current state of methodological investigation, early modes of conflict and Wicksell's concept of capital. The economics of the inter-war period are examined as they pertain to Dutch Marxism, mainstream theories of uncertainty and the origin of the theory of imperfect competition. A series of papers on Keynes includes perspectives on issues ranging from his philosophical thinking to the relationship between his ideas on the limits of measurement and uncertainty. The final section explores the measurement of economic constructs both as a practical problem in the development of national income accounts after the Second World War, and as a theoretical issue in the work of Farrell and Leibenstein.Featuring important contributions from the 19th annual meeting of the History of Economics society, this book will be welcomed because it makes available to a wider audience a series of innovative essays on the history of intellectual and economic thought.
The 25 classic articles in this volume deal with the role of technological change in economic growth, the extent of social and private returns from research and development, the relationship between market structure and technological change, the controversies over intellectual property rights, the processes by which innovations spread, and the management of technology. This volume will prove invaluable to economists, managers and government policymakers.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd REFLECTIONS ON MONETARISM: Britain’s Vain Search for a Successful Economic Strategy
The last 20 years have seen severe macroeconomic instability in Britain, with three extreme and highly damaging boom-bust cycles. Professor Tim Congdon, one of the City’s most well-known commentators, has been an influential critic of successive governments’ failures in economic policy throughout this period. Reflections on Monetarism brings together his most important academic papers and journalism, including his remarkably prescient series of articles in The Times from 1985 to 1988 forecasting that the Lawson credit boom would wreck the Thatcher Government’s reputation for sound financial management. He presents a powerful argument that the root cause of Britain’s economic instability has been the volatile growth of credit and the money supply.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Economics of Institutions
The Economics of Institutions is a collection of key essays in the field of both 'new' and 'old' institutional economics. Featuring articles from the most important scholars in this field, it covers: individuals, institutions and institutionalism; rules and norms; institutions, knowledge and uncertainty; institutional change and economic growth, and markets and firms as institutions.
This two volume set brings together the key research articles and papers on our basic attentional limitations when listening to two messages spoken at once and the major opposing theories which have sought to account for these limitations. It also includes the evidence which has been used to attempt to distinguish between these theories as well as contemporary analyses of the role of attention in the regulation of verbal and non-verbal behaviour.In addition to milestone research papers which set out our attentional limitations and the major explanations of these limitations, the articles in these two volumes represent contemporary investigations of attention and consciousness by experimental psychologists.
This volume contains a selection of the most influential literature on the historical evolution of collaborative agreements in international business. Strategic alliances and other forms of collaboration are prominent features of contemporary business life, but it is seldom realized that such strategies have been extensively employed by firms throughout the twentieth century. This collection of papers - drawn from all periods of the last hundred years to the present day - seeks to explore this rich experience and highlight its importance to present-day debates and to consider the strategies of a wide range of American, Japanese and European firms and industries.
Written in response to violent conflict in many of the former socialist countries and unease about European integration in the West, this informative and contemporary book presents a multi-sectoral assessment of the future of the nation state in Europe.The 13 articles included in The Future of the Nation State in Europe offer a wide-ranging, insightful analysis by an international group of distinguished scholars who argue that the question of the nation state in Europe will remain one of the foremost issues confronting social scientists. Contributions by Paavo Vayrynen, Ernst Gellner, Aira Kemilainen and Jyrki Iivonen on the concept of ‘nation state’ and its definition, are followed by two historical articles by Giovanni Arrighi and Erik Allardt, the former discussing the development of historical capitalism while the later connects the question of the nation state to different forms of technology. Later essays deal with various contexts of the nation state, including articles by Jaan Kaplinski on the future of national cultures in Europe, by Ali Kazancigil on the effects of unification on the national state, by Allan Rosas on the decline of sovereignty in international law and by Raimo Vayrynen on the relationship between territory and nation state. The volume concludes by examining the effects of regional changes on ethnic developments in Europe with articles by Thomas Henschel on German unification, Risto Alapuro on Russian civil society and Mate Szabo on East European Political development. Offering perspectives drawn from history, sociology, anthropology, law and political science, this major volume will be welcomed by political scientists, commentators and all those concerned with questions of European statehood.
This succinct volume of previously published articles and papers is aimed at those interested in particular problems of Austrian economic and social history. It clearly emerges from the volume that much of Austria's economic history remains the subject of dispute and there is still much research-work to be done. The Economic Development of Austria since 1870 is intended to shed further light upon the interaction of economic, social and political factors in Austria's development. The volume begins with a comprehensive new introduction written by the editor and follows with important contributions on The Habsburg Monarchy, 1870-1918, The Interwar Period, 1918-1938, Austria after Anschluss, 1938-1945 and Austria's Economy, 1945-1990.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS: by W. Launhardt
This is the first English translation of Launhardt’s Mathematische Begrundung der Volkswirtschaftslehre (1885), a major contribution to neoclassical economic theory which contains many important and original analyses. This edition will provide the basis for a re-evaluation of Launhardt’s outstanding, but undervalued, contribution to economics. Taking the neoclassical emphasis on exchange as the central economic problem, Laundardt begins with a thorough treatment of the pure exchange model, then goes on to extend the treatment to the production of goods and the supply of labour, with a sophisticated general equilibrium perspective. It contains important analyses of savings and the role of capital goods, as well as an outstanding study of transport and the location of industry. Launhardt’s book can, with justice, with be described as the first comprehensive treatise on welfare economics.Mathematical Principles of Economics will prove stimulating reading for economic theorists as well as those interested in the history of economics thought.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Economic Development of Germany since 1870
This major collection presents the most important articles and papers tracing the growth and development of Germany = the most powerful economy in Europe = since 1870.It begins with a general overview of German economic development including an exploration of trends, cycles and structural change; the place of the German economy in the world economy and its performance in comparison with other countries; and an investigation of its economic development from a microeconomic perspective, with studies on the rise of German enterprises. It also investigates particular problems of certain periods in German history. Topics covered include: industrialization, growth and the role of agriculture in Imperial Germany; the inflation, hyper-inflation and depression of the inter-war years, the end of the Weimar Republic and the War economy of the Nazi period; and the separate developments of East and West Germany after World War II.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd THE THEORY OF THE FIRM
The theory of the firm is one of the most exciting fields of current economic research. Transaction cost theory, agency theory, contract theory and competency-based theories have all made important contributions. Both the classic and key contemporary papers are included hence The Theory of the Firm gathers together in one volume the major key thinking within the literature.The main topics covered are the scope and boundaries of the firm, international organization and information costs, vertical integration, growth competence and flexibility, the employment relation, inter-firm collaboration and networking. A substantial analytical introduction by Mark Casson provides a state-of-the-art review of current thinking in the area.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Economics and Psychology
Landmark papers by prominent scholars in the field of economic psychology are drawn together in this authoritative reference collection which demonstrates the varied ways in which the insights of psychology have been applied to the understanding of economic behaviour. This illuminating volume reveals how the application of psychology to economics restores its vigour and veracity, demonstrating the relevance of economics to the human condition and to efforts to improve it. This selection was made in consultation with nearly 40 leading figures in the field. It will prove an invaluable reference tool for the student and researcher alike.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd THE ECONOMICS OF SOLID WASTE REDUCTION: The Impact of User Fees
As communities in the United States and Europe confront shortages of disposal capacity, the growing solid waste stream increasingly threatens the environment.This important new book addresses a major policy question regarding the solid waste crisis: should municipalities charge households user fees for solid waste services? In her study of this issue, Professor Jenkins draws on a unique data set which relates the quantities of waste discarded and the prices charged to households for waste services in nine US communities. She thoroughly analyses the relationship between the quantity of waste that individuals discard and such socio-economic variables as household income, the age of individuals and the population density of the community. In addition she develops a utility maximization model that suggests that user fees do encourage people to recycle waste. Finally she provides simple instructions for forecasting the quantity of waste discarded by a particular community.This unique book will be essential reading not only for social scientists with an interest in the environment but also for government officials and community activists concerned with the solid waste crisis.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd THE CAPITALIST REVOLUTION IN EASTERN EUROPE: A Contribution to the Economic Theory of Systemic Change
In The Capitalist Revolution in Eastern Europe, Laszlo Csaba offers an applied economics interpretation of the modernization attempts which followed the collapse of the Soviet empire and of the state socialist experiment. This important book presents a comprehensive overview of empirical and theoretical developments in order to analyse and interpret what common factors or trends are discernible in the transformation process. From 1989 to 1994 a loss of employment and production was recorded in Eastern Europe which exceeded that of the great depression of the 1930s. This book questions why conventional economic doctrines seem to have failed in some countries but have been more successful in others. What - if anything - went wrong with an experiment which involved some of the most prominent economists in the world? Why did shock therapy fail in Russia and why is gradualism reaching its outer most limits in Hungary? In attempting to build a bridge between abstract economic theory and the empirical material available in Eastern Europe, the author adopts a broad framework of analysis making use of data and theories drawn from sociology, history and political science. In developing an analytical framework, and through its application by a single author, this book presents a unique, authoritative perspective on the transformation of Eastern Europe. Students, academic researchers, journalists and policymakers will welcome this decisive assessment of the empirical and theoretical insights resulting from the transformation of Eastern Europe.
In The Economic Development of Ireland since 1870 Cormac O'Grada presents a carefully chosen set of articles and papers which assess the economic history of Ireland from the after effects of the Great Famine to protectionism in the 1930s and Ireland's membership of the European Monetary System in the 1980s. The set includes a comprehensive introduction specially written by the editor which surveys the literature and indicates key themes and trends.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd ECONOMIC THOUGHT SINCE KEYNES: A History and Dictionary of Major Economists
Economic Thought since Keynes outlines the evolution of economic thought since the publication of The General Theory, putting into perspective the trends, issues and developments in economics over the last half century. The book begins with an historical account of the schools, debates and issues that have characterised economic thought over the past 50 years, and the authors who have played major or significant roles. This is followed by a dictionary in which 150 economists are featured with biographical details, a bibliography of their major published works, an analysis of their contributions to economic thought and a guide to the secondary literature. An important feature of the volume is a detailed and comprehensive index which will make it an invaluable source for both teaching and research.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd PRACTIcING ECONOMETRICS: Essays in Method and Application
Zvi Griliches has made many seminal contributions to econometrics during the course of a long and distinguished career. His work has focused primarily on the economics of technological change and the econometric problems that arise in trying to study it. This major collection presents Professor Griliches's most important essays and papers on method, applied econometrics and specification problems. It reflects his interests in data-instigated contributions to econometric methodology, developments in and exposition of specification analysis, statistical aggregation, distributed lag models, sample selection bias and measurement error and other unobservable variance component models. These methods are applied to important substantive questions such as the estimation of the returns to education, the measurement of quality change, and productivity and economies of scale.Practicing Econometrics provides an essential reference source to the work of one of the most influential econometricians of the late 20th century.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Handbook of Industrial Innovation
Industrial innovation is essential for national and corporate competitiveness. Understanding the nature, determinants and consequences of innovation is a key task of managers, public policymakers and all students of industry and business. This major new reference book brings together specially commissioned contributions by many leading world experts on a wide range of issues concerning innovation. The first section provides an introduction to the significance and process of industrial innovation, and to the contexts or 'systems' within which it occurs. A series of sectoral and industrial studies is followed by assessments of the key issues affecting innovation. Another section examines one of the main constraints on successful innovation: the strategic management of technology in both products and processes. As well as the benefits of innovation, the problems and challenges of the processes, management and outcomes of innovation are raised throughout the book. Select bibliographies chosen by international experts are included to ensure that this comprehensive reference tool is an indispensable guide for students, scholars, innovators and policymakers.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd INDUSTRIAL CONCENTRATION AND ECONOMIC INEQUALITY: Essays in Honour of Peter Hart
How far can efficiency be pursued without sacrificing equity? Do fiscal changes designed to improve incentives necessarily lead to greater inequality of incomes? Does the profitability of ‘big business’ really reflect economies of scale and scope or is it also a reflection of market power? In addressing these and other key questions, a group of internationally acclaimed economists demonstrates why issues of concentration and inequality in economic life are moving to the top of the political agenda in the 1990s. Drawing upon the pioneering work of Peter Hart, this volume reflects the range of his influence from theoretical examinations of measures of industrial concentration and income inequality, to detailed empirical explorations of changes in concentration over time. The volume includes essays on, among other issues, the Hart measure of income mobility, income distribution in Eastern Europe, the UK state pension scheme, trends in the concentration of UK manufacturing in the 1980s, the EC Merger Control Regulation, corporate research and development strategies and corporate technological specialization in international industries.Industrial Concentration and Economic Inequality will be particularly relevant for government policy makers, social analysts and economists concerned with income distribution and industrial policy.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd EXPLAINING THE ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE OF NATIONS: Essays in Time and Space
Angus Maddison has made a major contribution to our understanding of the comparative, historical and quantitative aspects of economic growth. This important collection of his work - including a number of original new essays - offers an authoritative analysis of the economic performance of nations. Drawing extensively on quantitative and qualitative evidence, Professor Maddison provides a clear view of why growth rates differ, why real income and productivity spreads are so wide, and why the pace of growth has varied over time. The first section features essays which provide an analytical framework for causal analysis of growth performance, this is followed by papers on investment and capital stock estimation, savings behaviour and measurement of economic performance levels. There are three essays on the roots of economic 'backwardness' and the final section deals with the effect of economic and social policy on the performance of advanced capitalist countries. These essays offer a depth of historical and interspatial perspective which is unrivalled. In addition to focusing on the influences of institutions, ideology and colonialism, Professor Maddison's analysis makes sophisticated use of the growth accounting approach. A specially-written autobiographical essay has also been included.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Innovation in Environmental Policy: Economic and Legal Aspects of Recent Developments in Environmental Enforcement and Liability
This important new book is an indispensable guide to the development and implementation of environmental policy. It presents authoritative analyses and state-of-the-art summaries which will be essential both to scholars and practitioners trying to keep abreast of the most recent developments in this fast changing field.The book sheds new light on two areas of environmental policy - liability law and enforcement - which are experiencing dramatic change. It shows how economic analysis can provide useful and meaningful insights about subjects such as criminal penalties, private enforcement, liability for oil spills, tort remedies, and lender liability which have hitherto only been considered by lawyers. Drawing on the latest advances in both economics and law, it critically assesses how the most recent innovations in liability law and enforcement are actually working in practice.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd THE FUTURE OF EUROPE
This provocative and thoughtful book critically examines the major issues facing Europe today and makes policy proposals for the future.The Future of Europe focuses on the main policy areas where European leaders must take decisions over the coming years. The issues discussed include the EC’s policies for enlargement, greater depth, economic and monetary integration, foreign affairs, defence and citizenship rights. The author, Peter Coffey, offers a considered assessment of the move towards European integration, praising the achievements but also expressing concern about the lack of democratic control in the EC and its inability to co-ordinate its economic, monetary and foreign policies. European union, he argues, must be a selective coming together ‘a Europe a la carte‘ if the rights of the individual are to be reconciled with the necessity of creating a common front in selected critically important areas.Written in an accessible and informative style, this key policy book introduces students, teachers and others to the central economic, social and political issues facing present-day Europe.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd STUDIES IN HUMAN CAPITAL: Collected Essays of Jacob Mincer, Volume 1
Studies in Human Capital, the first volume of Jacob Mincer's essays to be published in this series, assesses the impact of education and job training on wage growth. It offers an authoritative study of the effects of human capital investments on labor turnover and the impact of technological change on human capital formation.Jacob Mincer's research reveals a rare combination of imaginative empirical analysis guided by a command of theory. His work and professional style have set the standard for empirical economics, especially in the field of labor economics where he has made major contributions to the understanding of the determinants of earnings.This is the first of two volumes containing carefully edited selections of professor Mincer's most important essays, some of which are published here for the first time. Introductions to each volume provide overviews of the interconnections of the topics discussed, their conceptual coherence and empirical significance. Studies in Labor Supply, the second volume of Professor Mincer's essays, is also available as part of this series.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Microeconomic Policy: A New Perspective
This thoroughly accessible textbook shows students how microeconomic theory can be used and applied to major issues of public policy. In this way, it will improve their understanding of both microeconomic theory and policy and also develop their ability to critically assess them.>Clem Tisdell and Keith Hartley have expanded upon their previous successful work on microeconomics. As a result, this new book is considerably updated with substantial chapter revisions, as well as new chapters dealing with business management, ownership, environmental issues, public choice, defence, conflict and terrorism.Promoting a thorough understanding of this complex yet fundamental topic, Microeconomic Policy: A New Perspective will undoubtedly prove an invaluable textbook for all students, academics and researchers of economics and public policy.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd THE ECONOMIC EMERGENCE OF A NEW EUROPE?: The Political Economy of Cooperation and Competition in the 1990s
Questions of European economic and political integration have been placed firmly on the policy agenda as we enter the late 1990s. The Economic Emergence of a New Europe? explores the arguments and forms of analysis deployed by those who have been pressing for closer integration since the early 1980s.Although events in Denmark and the United Kingdom have thrown the future of the post-Maastricht European Community into some confusion, the agreements already reached will propel the Community along a path of ever closer economic co-operation. Casting a sceptical eye over much of the economic analysis used to explore the effects and implications of the integration process, this book critically examines the reasons behind the contemporary imperative for greater integration among the European states, and assesses the likely limits of this programme.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Truth versus precision in economics
This engaging and intelligent book provides an accessible, down to earth assessment of the role of formalism and rigour in economics.Professor Mayer argues that there is room in economics for both highly formalised theory and for the less formal theory that predominates in the natural sciences. But economists generally fail to distinguish between these two types of theory. As a result, they often act as if the strength of an argument depends on the strength of its strongest link. They misallocate effort, polishing those parts of the argument that tend to be formalised, while paying insufficient attention to the others. Drawing on public choice theory, Mayer shows how this emphasis on the strongest link has distorted research particularly in new classical theory. He advocates stricter econometric testing, showing that many procedures currently used are only soft tests.