Search results for ""author rod"
Delitos contra la seguridad vial y siniestralidad de los nuevos tipos de vehículo
Las nuevas formas de movilidad personal ?VMP? han supuesto la ruptura del binomio peatón-acera y vehículo-calzada, mediante su irrupción en toda clase de espacios ?propios o no? para su circulación.Su reciente despliegue en el ámbito de la seguridad vial, con el consiguiente aumento del peligro para la vida e integridad del resto de partícipes en el tráfico rodado, se encuentra carente de una acompasada regulación a nivel estatal, motivo por el que la presente monografía pretende ofrecer una serie de claves sobre las inseguridades que conlleva el uso inadecuado de VMP, como la posible comisión de determinados delitos.Del mismo modo, nos encontramos ante una nueva etapa de expansionismo del derecho penal de la seguridad vial, tras la reciente promulgación de la Ley Orgánica 2/2019, de 1 de marzo, que obliga a plantearnos mecanismos que, bajo el criterio del peligro para bienes jurídicos personales, permita deferir al derecho administrativo sancionador conducciones a velocidad in
Editorial Sufi Manifestaciones de la belleza
Najmudin Kubra, maestro sufí del siglo XII nacido en Uzbekistán y fundador de la orden Kubrawiya o de los Hermanos Mayores, reunió, bajo el nombre "Manifestaciones de la belleza y aromas de la Majestad" diversos escritos místicos dirigidos al viajero que recorre el camino espiritual: sus etapas, los elementos sensibles y característicos que va a encontrar, algunas experiencias contemplativas y las explicaciones, siempre singulares, de sus significados."Las palabras están en el corazónLa lengua es, solamente, el instrumentocon el que aquél atestigua".Najmudin Kubra"Una de las principales características de este gran maestro sufí es que tenía una misteriosa influencia sobre los animales.Los grabados le representan rodeado de pájaros. Domesticó a un perro salvaje sólo con la mirada, del mismo modo que san Francisco de Asís se dice que domó a un lobo en un conocido relato.Los milagros de Najmudin eran muy famosos en todo el Oriente, sesenta años antes del nacimiento
Tusquets Editores Paseos con mi madre Walking with my Mother Andanzas Adventures
Este libro es un emocionante homenaje a los bloques de edificios que rodean Barcelona, y a los que la ciudad ha dado la espalda. A través de un paisaje autobiográfico, pero intercambiable con el de todas las ciudades del mundo, el autor descubre escenas de sí mismo, e historias épicas y conmovedoras. Para ello recorre sus calles, la orilla del río Besòs y la playa al pie de la central térmica paseando con su madre. Le salen al encuentro los fantasmas de los antiguos amigos y vecinos, las colas del paro, el impacto de las primeras superficies comerciales, los conciertos en los campos de fútbol, las luchas vecinales y las huelgas obreras. Las conquistas y las derrotas de una generación que llegó a Barcelona venida de mil sitios. Memoria personal y crónica de urgencia con su hermosísima aleación de humor y poesía, este libro es también un ajuste de cuentas y una indagación en busca de una identidad que, al final, el autor va a descubrir en la voz de su madre.
Ra-Ma S.A. Editorial y Publicaciones El ABC de la energa solar fotovoltaica en Espaa
Nos encontramos en un contexto histórico, político y económico único para redescubrir una verdad científica e irrefutable: que el Sol es la fuente de toda la vida, y que, actualmente, con los nuevos materiales y la tecnología disponible, es posible coincidir en una idea: nuestro futuro depende cada vez más de él.Esta es la premisa que ha originado este libro: despejar la oscuridad y las tinieblas de conocimiento que rodean al público no especializado, que oye cada vez más hablar de la energía solar fotovoltaica y que desconoce cuáles son los conceptos fundamentales que sustentan esta realidad energética.Es por ello que este libro ha sido concebido como un compendio coordinado de todos los conocimientos disponibles y actualizados que, en torno a los diferentes aspectos científicos, técnicos, legislativos, económicos, medioambientales, etc., configuran toda la realidad compleja y poliédrica que es la energía solar fotovoltaica.Es nuestra intención que este libro sirva de guía
Ciencias de la Educación Preescolar y Especial Hacer amigos
Colección: Cuento contigoEdad/Nivel: 5-13 añosLibro indicado para: Niños con déficit de atención e hiperctividad (TDAH) o Asperger.Este cuento está dedicado tanto a los niños como a su familia, especialmente a aquellos más inquietos, desatentos, impulsivos, que tienen más dificultades para controlar sus emociones, a los que les resulta más difícil ponerse en la perspectiva de los demás y que necesitan entrenamiento en habilidades sociales.El cuento Hacer amigos está especialmente pensado para enseñar a los niños y niñas que las relaciones de amistad nacen de la empatía, la confianza, la comunicación y los intereses comunes. Está especialmente indicado para aquellos niños cariñosos, sensibles y despiertos que necesitan estar rodeados de sus amigos constantemente y que, en su afán por agradecerles, los retienen y los quieren sólo para sí, algo que puede acabar haciendo que empeore su comportamiento y generando en los demás una respuesta de evitación o rechazo, que es precis
EUNSA. Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, S.A. Poesía amorosa Erato sección Primera
Rodrigo de Arriaga Mendo, filósofo y teólogo jesuita, nació en Logroño en 1592, el 17 de enero, y falleció en Praga, el 7 de junio de 1662; fue considerado un académico brillante y piadoso. En el curso 1624-25, aceptó su nombramiento como profesor de la Universidad de Praga, de la que llegó a ser Gran Canciller convirtiéndose en uno de los más destacados filósofos jesuitas checos de su época. Sus Cursus philosophicus se publicaron en 1632, reeditándose nueve veces. En Hannover se encuentra un ejemplar del Curso que solía utilizar y citar Leibniz también Descartes fue lector de Arriaga, tuvo una gran influencia en la cultura checa a lo largo del siglo XVII, en autores como el capuchino Valeriano Magni y el cisterciense Juan Caramuel de Lobkowitz. Tuvo una actitud positiva respecto a Galileo, cuyas teorías defendió hasta después de su condena oficial. En este trabajo se ofrecen los textos que exponen los principios de interpretación de la ley: las disputaciones V, VI, VII, VIII, XXVI, XX
Quijote Welles Ficciones Band 11
Una joven periodista, Barbara Galway, se propone la ambiciosa y quizá imposible misión de escribir la biografía en forma de entrevistas de uno de los directores y actores más famosos del siglo XX, Orson Welles, por aquel entonces un genio en horas bajas. A lo largo de sus encuentros descubre en él una creatividad desbordante, minada por un trasfondo autodestructivo.Pero, más allá de los tópicos ?fumador empedernido de puros, afición a las narices postizas, los buenos hoteles, el alcohol, el sexo o los atracones gastronómicos?, Barbara queda hechizada por dos asuntos recurrentes que vertebran sus conversaciones desde el principio: una película siempre inconclusa sobre el Quijote y el amor a España, donde rivalizó con su compatriota Ernest Hemingway y rodó Mr. Arkadin y Campanadas a medianoche.A cuenta de aquella cinta en fragmentos ?il suo bambino, cuyos miles de metros andan desparramados en latas, laboratorios o guardamuebles, y que Welles, el hombre de la Gran Sombra, transpo
Editorial Almuzara El hombre que esculpi a Dios
En los albores del siglo XVII, Juan de Mesa, uno de los más grandes escultores e imagineros del Barroco, está concluyendo la que será, con el paso de las centurias, su obra culmen: la imagen del Jesús del Gran Poder. La personalidad de Juan es totalmente contrapuesta a la de su insigne maestro, Martínez Montañés, que observa con recelo cómo su discípulo más dilecto le ha sobrepasado.Cuatro siglos más tarde, la joven Laura Moreno, experta restauradora, ve requeridos sus servicios al denunciarse que la imagen de un portentoso Crucificado del Barroco ?que procesiona, rodeada de gran fervor, en la Semana Santa de Sevilla? no es la original y ha podido ser sustituida fraudulentamente. A partir de ese instante, y tras recabar la ayuda de Lucas, un avezado periodista, se verá envuelta en una turbia conspiración en torno al origen de una serie de tallas; un secreto y un juramento que se han mantenido ocultos desde entonces, y que pondrán en serio riesgo su vida.Fernando Carrasco nos mue
Acantilado Hormigas salvajes y suicidas
A mediados de diciembre de 2007 Gustavo Braudel y su hija Albertine, a quienes ya conocemos por anteriores obras de A. G. Porta, participan en la operación hsys (Hormigas Salvajes y Suicidas), según se desprende del relato que ésta ofrecerá al coronel Francisco Resano: A veces una no sabe, querido coronel, por qué echa de menos una época que en su momento no le pareció mejor que cualquier otra,pero a la que, sin embargo, le tiene un aprecio especial, posiblemente debido a las circunstancias que concurrieron en ella, a las personas que me rodeaban y, tal vez, a que pronto vayan a cumplirse cinco años y todavía no haya podido pasar página. Entonces le prometí un informe de la operación [?] en la que participaron el inspector de policía José Blaya y el también policía Lalo Lucena, ambos jubilados, sinque durante este tiempo haya conseguido escribir una sola palabra. La impresionante trama de personajes, construida minuciosamente con un profundo sentido narrativo, y el estilo depur
Editorial Universidad de Almería Influencia de los discursos sobre salud y obesidad en los escolares de secundaria obligatoria
El discurso público en España mantiene una gran preocupación en torno a los temas relacionados con la salud. Dentro del campo de la salud existe un discurso preocupado por la relación entre la falta de actividad física, los desordenes en la dieta y un supuesto aumento en los niveles de obesidad (OMS, 2004, 2006). Sin embargo, hoy en día conocemos por medio de diferentes campos de investigación y disciplinas que las relaciones entre la dieta, la actividad física, la salud y la obesidad son muy problemáticas y mucho más complejas e inciertas que la relación directa que se propone (Gard y Wright, 2005; Campos, 2005; Evans, Rich y Davies, 2008; Wright y Harwood, 2009; Gard, 2011). Paralelamente al aumento de la preocupación social por la salud y la obesidad, cada vez más se está empezando a poner de relieve, que un gran número de niños y jóvenes están experimentando sentimientos de insatisfacción corporal y una relación problemática con la alimentación y la actividad física (Goñi y Rodrígu
Tiro de larga distancia Triunfos y luchas de un activista negro en la NBA
Como miembro de los Chicago Bulls campeones de la NBA en 1991, un Hodges vestido de dashiki entregaba una carta escrita a mano al presidente George H. W. Bush exigiéndole que hiciera más para abordar el racismo y la desigualdad económica. Hodges también fue activista y portavoz sindical, impulsó un boicot contra Nike y denunció enérgicamente la brutalidad policial a raíz de las imágenes de la paliza a Rodney King que dieron la vuelta al mundo. Pero su franqueza le salió cara: en el mejor momento de su carrera, tras diez temporadas en la NBA, fue excluido de la competición por usar su condición de atleta profesional para defender causas justas. En estas poderosas, apasionadas y cautivadoras memorias, el dos veces campeón de la NBA y triplista insuperable comparte las experiencias de toda una vida dedicada a mejorar las condiciones de la comunidad negra en Estados Unidos: desde los encuentros con otros destacados activistas negros como Nelson Mandela, Coretta Scott King o Jim Brown, hast
The University Press of Kentucky Old-Time Kentucky Fiddle Tunes
" For years fiddlers and folklorists have prized the old-time fiddle tunes from Kentucky. Many of the most outstanding country music artists hail from the state, including Bill Monroe, widely regarded as the founder of bluegrass music. Even Aaron Copland lifted, note-for-note, a Kentucky fiddler's performance of "Bonaparte's Retreat" for the "Hoedown" section of his ballet Rodeo. That tune and nearly 200 others are transcribed here, most for the first time. They are taken from recordings of Kentucky fiddlers, many of whom were born before 1900, practitioners of a style of playing now extremely rare. Jeff Todd Titon places the tunes in their historical context, provides biographical sketches of the performers, and offers suggestions for contemporary fiddlers who want to use the book for performance. A compact disc of recordings is also included.
Titan Books Ltd The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes The Giant Rat of Sumatra
Everyone’s favorite detective finds himself embroiled in two related investigations—one with a connection to a giant rat—in this clever Sherlock Holmes pastiche In deference to Sherlock Holmes’ wishes, Dr. Watson kept the details of “The Giant Rat of Sumatra” a secret. However, before he died, he arranged that the bizarre story of the giant rat should be held in the vaults of a London bank until all the protagonists were dead . . . At long last, discover the tale “for which the world is not yet prepared”—a thrilling mystery involving murder, adventure, and a frightening rodent aboard Matilda Briggs. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s timeless creation returns in this handsomely designed detective story that finally brings to life a tale first mentioned in the 1924 story, “The Adventure of the Sussex Vampire”. The Further Adventures series encapsulates the most varied and
Verso Books Red Africa: Reclaiming Revolutionary Black Politics
Red Africa makes the case for a revolutionary Black politics inspired by Marxist anticolonial struggles in Africa. Contemporary debates on Black radicalism and decolonisation have lost sight of the concerns that animated their twentieth-century intellectual forebears. Okoth responds, challenging the claim that Marxism and Black radicalism are incompatible and showing that both are embraced in the anti-imperialist tradition he calls 'Red Africa'. The politics of Black revolutionary writers Eduardo Mondlane, Amílcar Cabral, Walter Rodney and Andrée Blouin gesture toward a decolonised future that never materialised - instead it was betrayed, violently sup- pressed, or erased. We might yet build something new from the ruins of national liberation, something which sustains the utopian promise of freedom and refuses to surrender. Red Africa is a political project that hopes to salvage what remains of this tradition.
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Counterrevolution: The Global Rise of the Far Right
The far right is on the rise. The rhetoric of anger and resentment is emanating from personalities like Donald Trump, Marine Le Pen, Rodrigo Duterte and Viktor Orban and is captivating and mobilizing large numbers of people. In an increasing number of countries, the extreme right has already captured the government or is on the threshold of power.While this swift turn of events has shocked or surprised many in the North, the extreme right's seizure of power is not an uncommon event in the South. In Counterrevolution, Walden Bello deconstructs the challenge from the far right by deploying what he calls the dialectic of revolution and counterrevolution and harnesses the methods of comparative history and comparative sociology. Using case studies from Italy in the 1920s, Indonesia in the 1960s, Chile in the 1970s and contemporary Thailand, India and the Philippines, Bello lays bare the origins, dynamics and consequences of counterrevolutionary movements. Reflections on the rise of the right in the United States, Europe and Brazil round out this remarkable and timely study by one of the premier intellectuals of the South.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Globalisation, Development and Transition: Conversations with Eminent Economists
This unique book provides a comprehensive survey of the major economic issues that have helped shape the modern world. It includes discussions of the latest research findings in the international economic development literature and scrutinises some of the most important debates in contemporary economics. Brian Snowdon examines the many controversies relating to long-run growth and development, problems of transitions from socialism to capitalism, international competitiveness and the impacts of globalisation.To shed light on these critical issues Brian Snowdon interviewed eleven leading economists who are featured in this book: Daron Acemoglu, Alberto Alesina, Padma Desai, William Easterly, Stanley Fischer, Janos Kornai, Michael Porter, Dani Rodrik, Jeffrey Sachs, Xavier Sala-i-Martin and Jeffrey Williamson.Globalisation, Development and Transition provides an all-encompassing guide to the contemporary literature on economic development and related fields, as well as an extensive and up-to-date list of references. It will be an essential resource for all scholars and students of economics, especially those with an interest in economic growth and development, economic history, trade and globalisation, and the economics of transition.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Globalisation, Development and Transition: Conversations with Eminent Economists
This unique book provides a comprehensive survey of the major economic issues that have helped shape the modern world. It includes discussions of the latest research findings in the international economic development literature and scrutinises some of the most important debates in contemporary economics. Brian Snowdon examines the many controversies relating to long-run growth and development, problems of transitions from socialism to capitalism, international competitiveness and the impacts of globalisation.To shed light on these critical issues Brian Snowdon interviewed eleven leading economists who are featured in this book: Daron Acemoglu, Alberto Alesina, Padma Desai, William Easterly, Stanley Fischer, Janos Kornai, Michael Porter, Dani Rodrik, Jeffrey Sachs, Xavier Sala-i-Martin and Jeffrey Williamson.Globalisation, Development and Transition provides an all-encompassing guide to the contemporary literature on economic development and related fields, as well as an extensive and up-to-date list of references. It will be an essential resource for all scholars and students of economics, especially those with an interest in economic growth and development, economic history, trade and globalisation, and the economics of transition.
Amber Books Ltd California
America’s most populous state is often seen as a west coast paradise by those who live there – and those who desire to live there. Anchored around the urban centres of Los Angeles in the south and San Francisco in the north, California is a place of idyllic beaches, cutting-edge architecture, spectacular national parks and Hollywood dazzle. In the pages of California, find out about the Big Sur, the precipitous, beautiful windy drive along Route 1 in the central coast; Yosemite National Park, home to the imposing Half Dome and El Capitan mountains, and offering stunning views from Glacier Point; San Jose and Silicon Valley, centre of the world’s tech industry; Santa Monica Beach, a mecca for sun seekers; Rodeo Drive, the home of luxury goods stores in Beverley Hills; and Death Valley in the Mojave Desert, one of the hottest, driest places on Earth. Presented in a handy, pocket-sized landscape format and with captions explaining the story behind each photo, California is a stunning collection of images that brings to life the vitality of this iconic west coast American state.
Pitch Publishing Ltd Power & Glory: NFL, 1970-2020
Power & Glory is a visual homage to the NFL, which takes us on a hard-hitting journey from the pre-Super Bowl era to the present day. Using stunning images, it's a celebration of a uniquely American sporting culture, featuring the greatest stars, teams, games and stadiums. From Terry Bradshaw to Tom Brady, Jim Brown to Joe Montana, from the Green Bay Packers who won the first ever Super Bowl to Aaron Rodgers winning the Super Bowl for Green Bay decades later, it covers all 32 teams that have competed in the NFL. Whether the photos are from the era of muddy pitches or modern-day indoor arenas, Power & Glory projects a physicality and toughness that defines the NFL's players. From the harshness of playing the game in freezing and wet conditions to the glamour and pageantry of the Super Bowl, this eye-catching photographic collection showcases the game in all its glory. Alongside these beautiful and breathtaking images are stats, records and write-ups on the teams that bring the NFL's rich history to life.
Astra Publishing House The Secret Life of the Flying Squirrel
The Secret Life of the Flying Squirrel Follow a year in the life of Volans, a flying squirrel, as she glides in the night air to hunt for food, deftly avoids danger from a raccoon, and gives birth to three tiny pups before preparing once again for the coming winter. Emerging at night from a cosy nest high in a tree, Volans the flying squirrel glides down. Although called a “flying” squirrel, she doesn’t fly—she glides using fur-covered flaps. Her instincts lead her to her hidden cache of food. She is also looking for a roomier hiding place because she is ready to give birth. When her pups are born, she stays close to home, giving them milk and keeping them safe from predators until they can venture out on their own. Filled with intriguing facts and gorgeous illustrations, readers will be fascinated by the story of these remarkable rodents. This latest title in the Secret Life series has been vetted by a flying squirrel expert and includes back matter with more in-depth information, a glossary, and further resources.
Little, Brown & Company Throw Like a Girl
When softball star Liv Rodinsky throws one ill-advised punch during the most important game of the year, she loses her scholarship to her fancy private school, her boyfriend, and her teammates all in one fell swoop. With no other options, Liv is forced to transfer to the nearest public school, Northland, where she'll have to convince its coach she deserves a spot on the softball team, all while facing both her ex and the teammates of the girl she punched... Every. Single. Day.Enter Grey, the injured star quarterback with amazing hair and a foolproof plan: if Liv joins the football team as his temporary replacement, he'll make sure she gets a spot on the softball team in the spring. But it will take more than just a flawless spiral for Liv to find acceptance in Northland's halls, and behind that charismatic smile, Grey may not be so perfect after all.With lovable characters and a charming quarterback love interest, Throw Like a Girl will have readers swooning from the very first page.
Little, Brown Book Group The Forgotten Family of Liverpool
It's 1951 and rationing is finally coming to an end. But while Liverpool is recovering from the ferocity of war, a family is about to be torn apart...Dora Rodgers is adjusting to a new life in Liverpool with her young daughters Carol and Jackie. After the fear of the war years and a difficult break up with her husband Joe, Dora is finally building a future with her children.But then an unexpected knock at the door rips her family in two. To Dora's horror, Carol is taken away by a welfare officer to live with Joe. She is determined to fight for her child, but when a tragic accident leaves her mother in hospital, and shocking news from Joe breaks her heart again, she struggles to cope. With her family in pieces and her marriage over for good, will Dora ever manage to get her daughter Carol home where she belongs?The Forgotten Family of Liverpool is a brave and tear-jerking story of one woman's quest to protect her family. Perfect for fans of Nadine Dorries, Annie Murray and Kitty Neale.
Sonicbond Publishing Metallica On Track: Every Album, Every Song
From humble beginnings, as they emerged pimple-popped and sweaty out of a global New Wave of British Heavy Metal scene infiltrating California in the early 80s, through to almost complete world domination, sell out tours and Billboard chart success, Metallica's story is like few others. With an insatiable hunger andhell-for-leatherr attitude, they helped to forge a new direction for metal music across the world, combining progressive anger with, at times, sweeping ballads. In the space of just a few album,s they transformed from thrashing wannabes (Kill 'Em All) into real heavy rock contenders (...And Justice for All) - before unleashing a new blend of chart-topping heavy metal on the masses (Black Album). A band of dogged workers, with twists and turns, heartbreak and line-up changes peppering their more than 40-year career, if they aren't on the road, it seems they're in the recording studio, with an incessant hunt for the next loudest, ground-breaking sound, spurring them on. They rode a wave, then started a tsunami, so prepare to be blown away. Metallica give you 'heavy baby!'
Penguin Books Ltd What a Carve Up!: ‘Everything a novel ought to be: courageous, challenging, funny, sad’ The Times
The hilarious 1980s political satire by Jonathan Coe, published as a Penguin Essential for the first time.It is the 1980s and the Winshaw family are getting richer and crueller by the year: Newspaper-columnist Hilary gets thousands for telling it like it isn't; Henry's turning hospitals into car parks; Roddy's selling art in return for sex; down on the farm Dorothy's squeezing every last pound from her livestock; Thomas is making a killing on the stock exchange; and Mark is selling arms to dictators.But once their hapless biographer Michael Owen starts investigating the family's trail of greed, corruption and immoral doings, the time growing ripe for the Winshaws to receive their comeuppance. . . This wickedly funny take on life under the Thatcher government was the winner of the 1995 John Llewellyn Rhys Prize'A sustained feat of humour, suspense and polemic, full of twists and ironies' Hilary Mantel, Sunday Times'A riveting social satire on the chattering and all-powerful upper classes' Time Out'Big, hilarious, intricate, furious, moving' Guardian
Little, Brown & Company Inside Camp David: The Private World of the Presidential Retreat
Camp David is American diplomacy's secret weapon. The home of the 2015 GCC and 2012 G8 summits, the 2000 Peace Summit, and the 1978 Peace Accords, the camp has played a vital role in American history over the past century, inviting Presidents and international leaders alike to converge, converse, and, perhaps most importantly, relax. A peaceful mountaintop setting, crucially removed from the constant scrutiny of the press, Camp David has served as both a site of critical diplomacy and unparalleled tranquility. It is where President and Mrs. Reagan rode horses through the mountains, where Gerald Ford could take a moment to jump on a trampoline with his daughter, where Nixon rode shotgun with Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev, and where Jimmy Carter could find the ultimate flight-sledding-only to break his clavicle two weeks before the end of his tenure. Under the pressure and stress, it is easy to forget that those occupying the highest seat in the land are, at the end of the day, human but at Camp David, we finally get to see these leaders at their most vulnerable, their most unguarded, and as their most true selves.
Mi felicidad en la zona de la muerte
Ver a un ser humano que cumple su sueño es algo maravilloso. Como ir a la Luna o descubrir América: este es el motivo por el que estamos aquí. Son palabras de Tamara Lunger, la joven y fuerte alpinista italiana que en febrero de 2016 intentó la cumbre del Nanga Parbat junto a Simone Moro en invierno. Moro alcanzó la cumbre junto a Alex Txikon y Ali Sadpara. Ella renunció cuando estaba a solo setenta metros de la cima de la montaña. Se sentía mal, y escuchó su voz interior que le instaba a descender, consciente de que, si por afán de gloria hubiera continuado subiendo, después habría necesitado ayuda para descender, poniendo quizás en peligro a sus compañeros de cordada. Pero quién es esta mujer y qué es lo que empuja a Tamara a esos desafíos extremos? En este libro, la alpinista relata su aventura en el Nanga Parbat, pero también profundiza en el mundo que la rodea y en el interior de sí misma. Se desvela así una personalidad explosiva, la de una persona que, habiendo crecido en estrec
Harlequin Ibérica Una mujer poco convencional Mujer prohibida
Una mujer poco convencionalJuliet LandonLa señorita Letitia Boyce no envidiaba a sus hermanas por divertirse tanto con el soltero más codiciado de Londres. Ella había elegido su camino y sabía que el estudio y el matrimonio no solían compaginar. Lord Rayne era la demostración y había dejado muy claro que no le interesaba una maestra soltera, por muy bien relacionada que estuviera.Seton, rico, noble y uno de los libertinos más conocidos de la ciudad, estaba rodeado por todas las herederas que pudiera desear. Por eso, hasta él se quedó estupefacto cuando besó repentinamente a la cautivadora y poco convencional Letitia.Mujer prohibidaDiane GastonLos campos de batalla de Badajoz no eran nada comparados con las lenguas viperinas de la alta sociedad, pero Jack Vernon nunca había sido muy sociable. La compañía preferida de un pintor es su lienzo. Y su arte, que fue en otro tiempo el modo de expresar el horror que presenció en la guerra, era ahora
Abehsera Davó, Carlos La Gran Mentira de la Nutricin Derribando los mitos que nos han llevado a la obesidad la diabetes y la enfermedad degenerativa
En este nuevo libro sobre nutrición, Carlos Abehsera nos desvela, uno por uno, una serie de mitos acerca de la nutrición tradicional. El autor nos explica como se aprovecha la industria alimenticia del consumidor introduciendo alimentos de bajo valor nutricional a altos precios y qué efectos tienen estos alimentos en nuestra salud. Se trata sin duda de una obra orientada a la nutrición familiar, pues se tocan todo tipo de alimentos orientados tanto a bebés, como niños, adultos y ancianos.Este libro expone, aportando todo lujo de datos y detalles, la desgarradora realidad de nuestra pésima nutrición, poniendo el dedo en la llaga con los problemas que las industrias alimenticias y farmacéuticas han creado para nuestra salud.El autor analiza, una a una, todas las grandes mentiras que rodean la nutrición, haciendo un repaso generalizado de la industria alimenticia, de los productos que diseña y de los motivos realesque tiene para incluir una serie de alimentos como ingredientes d
Editorial Universidad de Sevilla-Secretariado de Publicaciones No se hace pueblo sin ellas mujeres españolas en el virreinato del Perú emigración y movilidad social siglos XVIXVII
Eugenio de Salazar, oidor de Santo Domingo que atravesó el Atlántico con su familia en 1573, hacía referencia a las mujeres que iban en su flota quejándose por las duras condiciones del viaje y señalaba que no se hace pueblo sin ellas. A lo largo del siglo XVI, más de diez mil mujeres españolas emigraron hacia América, según los registros de pasajeros conservados en el Archivo General de Indias, aunque muchas más pasaron sin registrar. Al menos un tercio de estas mujeres se dirigieron al Virreinato de Perú y se establecieron en su mayoría en la capital virreinal, la Ciudad de los Reyes (Lima).El viaje americano suponía una travesía de dimensiones épicas. Las emigrantes, que en muchos casos viajaron acompañadas por sus maridos, hijos, hermanos y padres, tuvieron que atravesar el océano Atlántico, el istmo de Panamá y bordear la costa pacífica, en un trayecto de más de once mil kilómetros rodeado de peligros durante el cual muchas de ellas perecieron. Este libro explica por qué estas
La ciudad de la lluvia
En el Bilbao de principios de los años ochenta, tres misteriosas muertes unirán los destinos de varios personajes sin conexión aparente. Alain Lara, un joven y prometedor jugador del Athletic, descubre una vieja fotografía de los años cuarenta que su abuelo Rodrigo había mantenido siempre oculta. De todos los personajes que aparecen en ella Alain reconoce a su abuelo, junto a un también joven Ignacio Aberasturi, el gran empresario bilbaíno y actual candidato a la presidencia del Banco del Norte. La repentina y extraña coincidente desaparición de ambos, junto con otros sucesos, lo llevará a una investigación que se remontará a un pasado oculto.En un intento por entender lo que sucede, Alain contactará con María, la hija y heredera del imperio Aberasturi, y junto a ella tejerán los hilos del pasado que unieron a sus familias en los años del Berlín nazi, en busca de respuestas. Pero lo que obtendrán serán más preguntas, más dudas, más sospechas.Qué pudo unir hace más de cuarenta a
Neo Person Otis Redding la biografía una vida inacabada
LA ESPERADA Y DEFINITIVA BIOGRAFÍA DEL REY DEL SOULOTIS REDDING sigue siendo una figura fundamental de la música estadounidense gracias a grandes clásicos como (Sittin? on) The dock of the bay, I?ve been loving you too long, Try a little tenderness y Respect, una canción que él compuso y grabó antes de que Aretha Franklin la hiciera suya. Como artífce del distintivo estilo sureño de rhythm and blues con tintes góspel asociado al sello de Memphis StaxRecords, Redding creó una música que se convirtió en el referente principal del soul de la década de los sesenta del siglo pasado. A pesar de ello, su vida, abruptamente interrumpida en diciembre de 1967 por un trágico accidente aéreo en pleno apogeo de su carrera, siempre ha estado rodeada de un aura quimérica y misteriosa.En este recorrido por la vida y la música de Otis Redding, Gould nos ofrece también una descripción social de la época y la tierra natal del artista. Su libro nos recuerda que los muros que separaban la músic
Qué esconden en su interior los cuentos de la tradición occidental? Por qué durante generaciones se les ha leído y enseñado a los niños? Son meramente ejemplos "morales" o "lecciones de vida" para encauzar el comportamiento de los niños? "Quizá nunca nos hemos tomado en serio los cuentos de hadas. Tal vez porque no hemos comprendido que son las herramientas que, de forma inmemorial, ha utilizado el ser humano para captar los destellos de Dios en la creación e intentar comprender lo que le rodeaba". Diego Blanco ha sabido, a través de este libro sencillo, encantador y bellamente ilustrado, hacer ver al lector aquello que, con un poco de atención, podemos descubir en el interior de los cuentos: que son ecos del Evangelio. "El mundo de los cuentos está más cerca de ti de lo que crees, porque su significado toca la raíz de tu existencia por medio de una fantasía que es más real que la propia realidad". Adentrémonos, pues, en un mundo de castillos, gigantes, madrastras, hadas, zapatos de cr
Taylor Trade Publishing Exploring Dallas with Children: A Guide for Family Activities
Grab the kids and come on down to Dallas/Fort Worth where there are tons of fun places to visit and activities for families to enjoy together. From Six Flags Over Texas to the Mesquite Rodeo, Exploring Dallas with Children is the most complete and up-to-date guide to the fascinating places and unique activities that make the metroplex the perfect place for family fun. Highlights include: - Parks, museums, farms, and other fun places to go - Animals, science, shopping, transportation, and restaurants - Performing arts and concerts for kids - Sports and recreation parks, camps, and playgrounds - Festivals and special events for families Exploring Dallas with Children also includes rainy weather ideas, birthday party ideas, and lists of free activities. Whatever activity you and your family are looking for, you are bound to find it in the pages of this essential guide to family fun in Dallas!
Duke University Press Beyond Constraint
In Beyond Constraint, Shona N. Jackson offers a new approach to labour and its analysis by demonstrating the fundamental relation between black and Indigenous People’s sovereign, free, and coerced labour in the Americas. Through the writings of Cedric Robinson, Walter Rodney, C. L. R. James, and Sylvia Wynter, Jackson confronts the elision of Indigenous People’s labour in the black radical tradition. She argues that this elision is an effect of the structural relation of antiblackness to anti-indigeneity through which native and black bodies are arranged on either side of a split between unproductive labour and productive work necessary for capital accumulation and for how we read capital in political economic critique. This division between labour and work forces the radical tradition to sustain the break between black and Indigenous peoples as part of its critical strategies of liberation. To address this impasse, Jackson reads the tradition against the grai
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Strahan's Mammals of Australia
Fully updated and with completely reworked text and images, this is the Fourth Edition of the acclaimed The Mammals of Australia. Strahan’s Mammals of Australia is the best book available on the subject, being the most definitive, comprehensive and up-to-date. It provides a written account of every species of native mammal known to have existed in Australia since European settlement, with 403 species covered in total. It is beautifully illustrated with more than 1,500 colour photographs, while each species account includes a detailed description of the animal and its behaviour. Species covered range from marsupials, monotremes and rodents through to bats, seals and whales. The new edition sees the addition of 14 newly described species and includes all the latest taxonomic treatments and many changes to names (common and scientific) and other features that have been accepted in the 14 years that have passed since the publication of the Third Edition.
University of Pennsylvania Press Historic Landmarks of Philadelphia
Architectural historian Roger W. Moss and photographer Tom Crane set out to celebrate the surviving accessible historic architecture of Philadelphia, envisioning a series of books that would provide much more than the snapshots found in guidebooks. They began with Historic Houses of Philadelphia, bringing the region's most impressive museum homes to life. Historic Sacred Places of Philadelphia followed, an exclusive tour of fifty hallowed sites. In Historic Landmarks of Philadelphia, Moss and Crane feature prominent, memorable structures that reflect stages in Philadelphia's growth. There are sixty-five National Historic Landmarks in Philadelphia, structures that have been identified as being "nationally significant" and having "meaning to all Americans." This newest addition to Moss and Crane's trilogy includes a wide array of historic sites, ranging from concert halls to prisons, train stations to museums, banks to libraries. The buildings are arranged chronologically rather than geographically, to emphasize Philadelphia's evolution from modest mercantile outpost of a colonial power, to capital of a proud new nation, to a robust world-renowned cosmopolitan city. Historic Landmarks of Philadelphia presents such notable attractions as Fort Mifflin, Independence Hall, the Fairmount Water Works, the Athenaeum of Philadelphia, Boathouse Row, Laurel Hill Cemetery, Eastern State Penitentiary, the Academy of Music, the Union League of Philadelphia, Memorial Hall, the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, the Masonic Temple, and the sights that line the Benjamin Franklin Parkway, including the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Free Library of Philadelphia, and the Rodin Museum, in more than two hundred color illustrations. It celebrates master builders and their influence on the course of American architecture while identifying the distinctive qualities that embody Philadelphia's history and spirit. A Barra Foundation Book
Milkweed Editions Feverland: A Memoir in Shards
“Alex Lemon is a brave, headlong writer, and he captures the life of the body with vivid and memorable intensity.”—Mark DotyBrain surgery. Assault weapons in the bed of a pickup truck. Sophia Loren at the Oscars. Rilke, Rodin, and the craters of the moon. Recovery and disintegration. Monkeys stealing an egg outside a temple in Kathmandu. Brushing teeth bloody on long car rides under blue skies. Pain, ours and what we bring to others. Wildfires in southern California. Rats in Texas. Childhood abuse. Dreams of tigers and blackout nights. The sweetness of mangoes. A son born into a shadowy hospital room. Love. Joy.In Feverland, Alex Lemon has created a fragmented exploration of what it means to be a man in the tumult of twenty-first-century America—and a harrowing, associative memoir about how we live with the beauties and horrors of our pasts. How to move forward, Lemon asks, when trapped between the demons of one’s history and the angels of one’s better nature? How to live in kindness—to become a caring partner and parent—when one can muster very little such tenderness for oneself? How to be here, now? How to be here, good?Immersed in darkness but shot through with light, Feverland is a thrillingly experimental memoir from one of our most heartfelt and inventive writers.
Skyhorse Publishing The Fisher King: A Jack McBride Mystery
When the dust settles in this Texas town, who will be left standing?It’s been six weeks since Jack McBride’s life went to hell: the resolution of his first case as chief sparked a countywide drug war, his brother Eddie rode into town with a pocket full of cocaine and trouble on his mind, his estranged wife returned from her one-year sabbatical determined to win him back, and Ellie Martin ended their brief affair.To the Stillwater natives, the increase in local crime can be traced directly back to the day the outsider McBride took the job, and they’re gunning to get rid of him. One particular group is led by Joe Doyle, a successful local businessman who’s running for city council against Ellie and her plan to revitalize downtown. Now Jack has discovered proof Doyle is the biggest crime lord in the county, and, with murders piling up and the drug war intensifying, Jack suspects the crimes aren’t business, but personaland he’s the target.The bitter election and Jack’s investigation spark old rivalries and new jealousies, making Ellie and those who love Stillwater most wonder if it’s even worth saving.
Andrews McMeel Publishing Beyond 3D: Improve Your Vision with Magic Eye
When Magic Eye images hit the publishing world in the 1990s, the response was as magical as the 3D images popping from their colourful backgrounds. Viewers couldn't get these best-selling books fast enough. In fact, Magic Eye I, II, and III rode the New York Times best-seller list for 34 weeks and eventually sold more than 20 million copies. Now Beyond 3D: Improve Your Vision with Magic Eye takes this phenomenon to another level. Beyond 3D examines the medical benefits and scientific possibilities related to viewing these remarkable images. Clearly explained in lay terms and through the use of numerous Magic Eye illustrations, the book not only helps readers "see" the images, it identifies and demonstrates the many physical and performance-related enrichments that may result. Magic Eye has long been a worldwide hit. Besides North America, Japan has been a highly receptive market for the Magic Eye way of seeing. Magic Eye Inc. has already produced a similar scientific-based book for that market - with a notable reception. Beyond 3D promises to bring its benefits to a wider audience, a group eager to experience results ranging from reduced computer eyestrain and diminished stress levels to improved overall vision and lengthened attention spans. Magic Eye continues its fascinating run!
The University of Chicago Press The Next Supercontinent: Solving the Puzzle of a Future Pangea
An internationally recognized scientist shows that Earth’s separate continents, once together in Pangea, are again on a collision course. You’ve heard of Pangea, the single landmass that broke apart some 175 million years ago to give us our current continents, but what about its predecessors, Rodinia or Columbia? These “supercontinents” from Earth’s past provide evidence that land repeatedly joins and separates. While scientists debate what that next supercontinent will look like—and what to name it—they all agree: one is coming. In this engaging work, geophysicist Ross Mitchell invites readers to remote (and sometimes treacherous) lands for evidence of past supercontinents, delves into the phenomena that will birth the next, and presents the case for the future supercontinent of Amasia, defined by the merging of North America and Asia. Introducing readers to plate tectonic theory through fieldwork adventures and accessible scientific descriptions, Mitchell considers flows deep in the Earth’s mantle to explain Amasia’s future formation and shows how this developing theory can illuminate other planetary mysteries. He then poses the inevitable question: how can humanity survive the intervening 200 million years necessary to see Amasia? An expert on the supercontinent cycle, Mitchell offers readers a front-row seat to a slow-motion mystery and an ongoing scientific debate.
Little, Brown & Company Comeback Cowboy
Lucas Cortez was never planning on coming back to Topaz Falls. To everyone in town, he's the hoodlum who set fire to the stables on the rodeo grounds when he was eighteen years old. Little do they know, he took the fall to protect his little brother. But now his father is battling Parkinson's disease and Lucas must come home. As a single mom, Naomi Sullivan keeps her beloved daughter's world perfectly organized. As the finance manager at the Cortez Ranch, she reconciles the books to the penny. Everything is wonderful until Lucas Cortez, her disgraced high school sweetheart, comes back to Topaz Falls. She was heartbroken when he was sent to prison at the end of their senior year. In her grief she made a mistake and slept with his friend, Mark. But, she never knew for sure if she was carrying Mark's baby or Lucas's. But now Lucas is back and her perfectly ordered world starts to unravel. As she spends time with him, she forgets about her boundaries and sees the man she'd once loved. But things get complicated when her ex comes back to town and wants to be a part of their daughter's life. Suddenly, Naomi finds herself facing the secrets of her past head on.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Warrior Trading: Inside the Mind of an Elite Currency Trader
Today's global financial markets are every bit as vicious psychologically, and sometimes even physically, as the battles the great warriors throughout history have faced. Just as the warriors of old rode out to battle with the confidence and knowledge to conquer new lands and foes, so do the warriors of the market who thrive on the battleground of the trading floor. In Warrior Trading, Clifford Bennett, one of today's leading currency forecasters, outlines a path to trading success by highlighting the characteristics, the knowledge and skills, and the psychological state of mind required to be a true warrior trader. You'll be introduced to some fresh and unique perspectives regarding the markets, by looking at fundamental and technical analysis, as well as discovering how best to trade within the markets as an individual. Most importantly, you'll learn how to take advantage of those moments when the perceptions of most traders (the herd) are at odds with the underlying reality-moments when fear, greed, and other emotions wreak havoc on the ordinary trader's ability to operate objectively. Divided into three comprehensive parts, Warrior Trading will show you how to develop the focus, attitude, and mental discipline of a top trader so that you can make the most out of your time in the markets.
Pennsylvania State University Press Soviet Salvage: Imperial Debris, Revolutionary Reuse, and Russian Constructivism
In Soviet Salvage, Catherine Walworth explores how artists on the margins of the Constructivist movement of the 1920s rejected “elitist” media and imagined a new world, knitting together avant-garde art, imperial castoffs, and everyday life.Applying anthropological models borrowed from Claude Lévi-Strauss, Walworth shows that his mythmaker typologies—the “engineer” and “bricoleur”—illustrate, respectively, the canonical Constructivists and artists on the movement’s margins who deployed a wide range of clever make-do tactics. Walworth explores the relationships of Nadezhda Lamanova, Esfir Shub, and others with Constructivists such as Aleksei Gan, Varvara Stepanova, and Aleksandr Rodchenko. Together, the work of these artists reflected the chaotic and often contradictory zeitgeist of the decade from 1918 to 1929 and redefined the concept of mass production. Reappropriated fragments of a former enemy era provided a wide range of play and possibility for these artists, and the resulting propaganda porcelain, film, fashion, and architecture tell a broader story of the unique political and economic pressures felt by their makers.An engaging multidisciplinary study of objects and their makers during the Soviet Union’s early years, this volume highlights a group of artists who hover like free radicals at the border of existing art-historical discussions of Constructivism and deepens our knowledge of Soviet art and material culture.
Cornerstone Cross My Heart: (Alex Cross 21)
SOON TO BE AN ORIGINAL AMAZON PRIME SERIES____________________________________'No one gets this big without amazing natural storytelling talent - which is what Jim has, in spades. The Alex Cross series proves it.' LEE CHILD______________________________________The Sunday Times BestsellerAlex Cross is being hunted.Now his predator is priming himself for the kill.As a police detective, Alex Cross has devoted his life to protecting others. His only refuge from the horrors of his job is his family - something his enemies have noticed.He's never faced a foe like this before. One by one, everyone he loves is being taken from him.If Alex doesn't act fast, he'll have no one left...'Alex Cross is a legend.' HARLAN COBEN_________________________________________'Alex Cross is a legend' HARLAN COBEN'The master storyteller of our times' HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON'It's no mystery why James Patterson is the world's most popular thriller writer . . . Simply put: nobody does it better.' JEFFERY DEAVER'Patterson boils a scene down to the single, telling detail, the element that defines a character or moves a plot along. It's what fires off the movie projector in the reader's mind.' MICHAEL CONNELLY'One of the greatest storytellers of all time' PATRICIA CORNWELL'A writer with an unusual skill at thriller plotting.' MARK LAWSON, GUARDIAN'James Patterson is The Boss. End of.' IAN RANKIN
Thames River Press Gestapo Lodge
The real-life world of espionage can, it appears, be every bit as glamorous, perilous, duplicitous and erotically charged as the most sensational fiction. Elaborating his father’s unfinished memoirs, Carlos Mundy had crafted an unforgettable account of a career in MI6 during the most dangerous period of recent European history: the years of the Second World War and its aftermath. After escaping from a Gestapo internment camp in France and illegally entering Spain, Rodney Mundy found himself imprisoned again. But the British Embassy secured his release and recruited him as a spy for MI6. Entering high society Madrid, Mundy soon met prominent Fascists, Nazis, agents and double agents, film stars and exotic dancers as well as the nobility and royal families of much of Europe. What followed was a series of thrilling adventures that took him to Cairo and Jerusalem, eventually leading to a violent showdown in Costa Rica. With his good looks making him irresistible to all, Mundy seems to have had more dangerous liaisons than even James Bond. To protect the innocent and bridge the gaps in his father’s writings, Carlos Mundy has blurred the line between fact and fiction, presenting the story as a novel. But in a world where deception is the name of the deadly game, nothing could be stranger than the truth.
Octopus Publishing Group Your Daily Veg: Modern, fuss-free vegetarian food
'I absolutely adore the food in this beautiful book.' - Nigella Lawson'One of the most inventive vegetable cooks.'- Anna Jones'Joe just makes the most delicious food that happens to have no meat or fish in it - I think this and his knack for bringing out flavour is his superpower.' - Rachel Roddy'One of those cookbooks that you can tell will go into heavy rotation in your kitchen. Each chapter is given over to a different, common vegetable and how you can turn it into a satisfying and straightforward meal.' - Tim Lewis, Observer Food MonthlySwapping just one meat dish for a plant-based one saves greenhouse gas emissions that are equivalent to the energy used to charge your phone for two years. Your small change can make a big difference.Deliciously simple cooking that just happens to be vegetarian, Your Daily Veg celebrates everyday vegetables in a fresh and modern way. Chapters focus either on one core vegetable or on a group of similar vegetables, celebrating seasonality and encouraging you to experiment. Joe Woodhouse blends textures, spices and flavours to create satisfying meals that use minimal ingredients but achieve maximum flavour. With tips on how best to prep dishes and advice on minimising stress and time in the kitchen, each recipe is as straightforward as possible.
Penguin Books Ltd Fever Pitch
The Twentieth Anniversary Edition*WINNER OF THE WILLIAM HILL SPORTS BOOK OF THE YEAR*Fever Pitch is Nick Hornby's million-copy-selling, award-winnning football classic'A spanking 7-0 away win of a football book. . . inventive, honest, funny, heroic, charming' IndependentFor many people watching football is mere entertainment, to some it's more like a ritual; but to others, its highs and lows provide a narrative to life itself. But, for Nick Hornby, his devotion to the game has provided one of few constants in a life where the meaningful things - like growing up, leaving home and forming relationships, both parental and romantic - have rarely been as simple or as uncomplicated as his love for Arsenal.'Hornby has put his finger on truths that have been unspoken for generations' Irish TimesBrimming with wit and honesty, Fever Pitch, catches perfectly what it really means to be a football fan - and in doing so, what it means to be a man. It sits side by side with the very finest football classics of the last twenty five years, from The Damned United by David Peace to A Life Too Short by Ronald Reng, but it is ultimately a book that defies categorization and can be enjoyed by all.'Funny, wise and true' Roddy Doyle
Orion Publishing Co Riding Through The Storm: My Fight Back to Fitness on the Tour de France
Geoff Thomas's heroic battle to overcome leukaemia, and then take on the toughest sporting challenge: to ride the Tour de France'A wonderfully compelling read' INDEPENDENT'RIDING THROUGH THE STORM details movingly and eloquently how Thomas fought cancer and then took on the Tour de France to prove how alive he was ... All human life graces Thomas' outstanding book' DAILY TELEGRAPHWhen Geoff Thomas struggled to play a friendly game of tennis while on holiday in Mallorca in May 2003, he thought little of it. Recently retired as a footballer, he believed it was a sign of ageing and perhaps a pulled muscle. But when the pain wouldn't go away, his wife Julie persuaded him to go to a doctor. He was diagnosed as having leukaemia.RIDING THROUGH THE STORM focuses on his journey round the Tour de France in the summer of 2005, riding the 2,240-mile course in the 21 days it takes Lance Armstrong and all the top cyclists, despite never having cycled much before. Despite the odds against him achieving it, he rode the course and raised nearly £200,000 for charity. As he rides, he looks back on his successful career as a footballer, and the bone-marrow transplant that saved his life. This is a powerful, moving and inspirational story of extraordinary achievement.