Search results for ""author rod"
El limn
Abdeslam tiene 12 años, recita el Corán en la mezquita, lee "Las mil y una noches" y sueña con vivir sus propias aventuras. A veces tiene visiones donde ocurren cosas terribles. Un día se pelea con su profesor y su padre lo echa de casa. Se instalaen la medina de Tánger con Bachir, un estibador del puerto, y siente que protagoniza uno de esos relatos que leía. Rodeado del ambiente corrupto y decadente de la ciudad internacional, lucha por conservar su inocencia infantil. Ni siquiera se da cuenta de que se ha convertido en el objeto de deseos ajenos. Podrá Abdeslam evitar la degradación de esa inocencia o se volverá un instrumento más de la violencia?"El limón" se publicó en 1969 y fue el segundo libro surgido de la colaboración literaria entre Paul Bowles y Mohamed Mrabet, tras "Amor por un puñado de pelos".
Dejé de pronunciar tu nombre la vida prohibida de Carmen Díez de Rivera
Carmen Díez de Rivera fue una mujer única. Hija de la marquesa de Llanzol, a los diecisiete años tuvo que renunciar a un amor prohibido. Esa herida profunda marcó el resto de su vida. Tuvo una gran relevancia en la Transición, fue jefa de Gabinete de la Presidencia del Gobierno durante el primer mandato de Adolfo Suárez e influyó decisivamente en la legalización del Partido Comunista. Antes de morir de cáncer dictó sus memorias, pero omitió numerosos detalles que han permanecido ocultos.En esta novela, Luis Herrero ha tratado de rellenar los vacíos de su testimonio. El resultado es un relato tan fascinante como su protagonista, en el que su vida y todas las circunstancias personales y políticas que la rodearon salen a la luz por primera vez.
Editora y Distribuidora Hispano Americana, S.A. (EDHASA) El águila abandona Britania Centurión en Britania
En lo que parece ser el ataque definitivo contra las hordas de Carataco, la tercera cohorte debe desempeñar un papel de primer orden, cortando una posible retirada. Sin embargo, el fracaso en el cumplimiento de esta misión, la desbandada que éste provoca y las luchas internas en el seno de la propia cohorte van a desencadenar una situación crítica. En su búsqueda de un cabeza de turco, el nuevo centurión superior se fija en los centuriones Macro y Cato, que se ven así ante la disyuntiva de desertar o morir. Encadenando escenas sumamente divertidas, espléndidas recreaciones de batallas y una acertada reproducción de la vida en un campamento romano rodeado de bárbaros britanos, Simon Scarrow ha dado una de las mejores novelas del ciclo que gana en interés y emoción con cada nueva entrega.
La revista 'Bar&Beer', referente informativo en castellano de todo aquello que rodee a la escena de la cerveza, cumple veinte años. Para celebrar este aniversario, Astiberri coedita con ella este tomo recopilatorio de todas las tiras de humor que Mauro Entrialgo ha ido dibujando en sus páginas a lo largo de la existencia de la publicación.Del coleccionismo de etiquetas, botellas y latas a las costumbres de sus consumidores, de los problemas de convivencia que supone tener un frigorífico demasiado ocupado por esta bebida a las diferentes formas de denominar a una cerveza con limón en diferentes ciudades. Chistes con referencias a la historia de la cerveza, su composición, sus tipos de fabricación, sus propiedades saludables, los distintos vasos en los que se sirve, su industria o el nuevo gran ímpetu de la fabricación artesanal.
Derrydale Press Foxhunting with Meadow Brook
Foxhunting with Meadow Brook on Long Island, New York, was always about more than the fox, the hounds, or the horses. Meadow Brook was about its people—some powerful, some idle, many wealthy—and their shared joy in galloping across beautiful country, only minutes outside New York City. Doomed from its 1881 conception, the Meadow Brook hunt managed to survive for ninety years in spite of poor scenting, sandy soil, angry farmers, quirky millionaires, trolleys, trains, automobiles, and airplanes. Foxhunting with Meadow Brook tells the story of the people who, for almost a century, rode behind the Meadow Brook hounds.
Stackpole Books Basic Kayaking: All the Skills and Gear You Need to Get Started
Packed with information and featuring hundreds of full-colour photographs and illustrations, this title provides clear, easy-to-follow instructions on selecting gear, getting your boat on the river, and mastering fundamental moves. Also covered are the ferries, peel-outs, and turns required to manoeuvre a kayak in moving water. For would-be day-trippers, river-runners, creekboaters, and even those aspiring to the world of extreme rodeo playboating, "Basic Kayaking" is where the journey begins. It includes step-by-step instruction on essential techniques, including all major stokes and rolls, a full-colour gear guide, and chapters on safety and reading the water.
Scholastic US Thea Stilton and the Ghost of the Shipwreck (Thea Stilton #3)
What is Jasmine's Heart?There's a haunted shipwreck off Whale Island and a rare diamond was lost when the ship sank. When the Thea Sisters' biology professor disappears, the mice have to dive deep into the ocean to find him — and hopefully recover the priceless jewel! And just when they think their adventures are over, the five mice are invited to China to search for another lost treasure!Meet the Thea Sisters!Nicky is always in a good mood when she's outdoors.Colette is energetic and full of great ideas.Pamela is a peacemaker who can't stand arguments.Paulina loves travelling and helping other rodents.Violet is detail-oriented and always open to new things.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Carmen Sandiego: Need for Speed Caper
Adventure awaits in this full-colour graphic novel, based on the Netflix series starring Gina Rodriguez. Take in all the action and excitement of Dubai and get a taste of geography, culture, and history with Carmen Sandiego - the world's greatest thief! Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? Zooming off to Dubai for her next caper! It's up to Carmen and her crew to stop VILE from stealing a high-speed supercar to use for their evil exploits. But when an old rivalry gets in the way, can Carmen and the gang make a new plan before it's too late? High speeds and high stakes await in the City of Gold! AGES: 8 to 12
Pushkin Children's Books Swordswoman!: The Queen of Jhansi in the Indian Uprising of 1857
Queen Lakshmibai of of Jhansi was an unconventional queen. She could read and write; she rode a horse and wielded a sword; she trained other women to ride and fight alongside her. When the East India Trading Company, who ruled India in the 19th century, demanded that she hand over control of Jhansi, she refused. And when an uprising began to stir in 1857, and the British laid siege to her fortress, the warrior queen tied her infant son to her back, mounted her favourite horse, and escaped to raise an army. This is the story of a woman who defied all conventions to become an icon of resistance in colonial-era India
Quercus Publishing The Borgias: History's Most Notorious Dynasty
The Borgias have become a byword for pride, lust, cruelty, avarice, splendour and venomous intrigue. An inspiration for many works of fiction, most famously Mario Puzo's The Godfather, they have aroused abomination and fascination in almost equal measure, while their patronage of the arts created some of the great masterpieces of the Renaissance. From the powerful, merciless Rodrigo Borgia, better known as Pope Alexander VI, to the beautiful Lucrezia and the debauched and murderous Cesare, Mary Hollingsworth's account of the dynasty's dramatic rise from its Spanish roots to the heights of Renaissance society forms a compelling tale of brutality, incest, unparalleled corruption and extortionate greed.
Little, Brown Book Group Scruples
Scruples is a temple of high fashion where the rich and the super-chic can sip champagne, browse, gossip - and buy the most beautiful and expensive clothes in the world. Its owner Billy Ikehorn is stylish, beautiful and rich and her ruthless search for fulfilment leads her from lover to lover. Then she meets the one man who can match her ambition and her passion ...From the romance of Paris and the streets of New York to the staggering luxury and wealth of Beverly Hills' Rodeo Drive, Scruples is the cult classic that everyone remembers: the original sexy read is back.
Cornerstone Citizen
William Jefferson Clinton, the first Democratic president in six decades to be elected twice, led the US to the longest economic expansion in American history, including the creation of more than 22 million jobs. After leaving the White House, President Clinton established the Clinton Foundation; its flagship programmes include the Clinton Global Initiative, the Clinton Health Access Initiative, the Clinton School of Public Service and the Clinton Presidential Center and Library. President Clinton and Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton live in Chappaqua, New York.
Cartas a las novias perdidas
Pablo está fuera de España redactando su última guía de viaje cuando recibe una nota explícita de su hermano Fran en la que le dice que su madre ha desaparecido sin dejar huella y piensa que se ha ido con un amante, por lo visto un amigo de su hermano Pablo, por eso le pide que sea él quien vaya a buscarlo y a hablar con él. En la nota también le refiere la situación en la que se encuentra su padre, está mal, sufre una enfermedad neuronal que lo hace olvidarse, entre otras cosas, de quién es la gente que lo rodea.Novela sentimental, tierna, divertida y a ratos muy dura.
Editorial Gustavo Gili, S.L. Album ilustrado
Álbum ilustrado presenta las fantásticas aventuras de Doña Prisas, El Insatisfecto y Pelochiribitas, entre otros personajes, inventados por la artista alemana Hannah Höch para recrear una especie de sueño en un jardín zoológico con animales híbridos rodeados de flores y plantas de cuento de hadas.Las mágicas criaturas de este libro son un buen ejemplo del arte de Hannah Höch para descubrir nuevas imágenes en las ya existentes.Acompañadas de rimas breves e ingeniosas, escritas también por Hannah Höch, sus ilustraciones sugieren historias que nos trasladan a un mundo fantástico, donde reina la alegría y la despreocupación.
Brief Ediciones El da que Marina atraves el mapa Historias con Miga Spanish Edition
Marina vive con su tío Rodolfo, que nunca va a recogerla a la salida del colegio. Un día, al llegar a casa, se encuentra con que su tío ha desaparecido y descubre una habitación misteriosa que no había visto hasta ese momento.Será entonces cuando Marina entre en un mundo mágico en el que vivirá un sinfín de aventuras y donde conocerá hadas y duendes, un poeta maniático, una bruja que dice ser cruel y malvada y otros muchos personajes estrafalarios.El día que Marina atravesó el mapa es un historia llena de fantasía en la que se reflexiona sobre el poder de la imaginación, la amistad, el consumismo o la buena alimentación.
El viaje de Castor
Con un fuerte componente onírico, el álbum nos narra el recorrido que realiza Castor a casa de su abuelo, un fascinante viaje en el que va observando lo que le rodea y planteándose preguntas: nos va haciendo partícipes del encanto de la naturaleza y su poder generador de vida, nos va desentrañando los misterios de ese bosque en el camino que lleva hasta el mundo de todas las cosas posibles.
The Library of America John Steinbeck: Travels with Charley and Later Novels 1947-1962 (LOA #170): The Wayward Bus / Burning Bright / Sweet Thursday / The Winter of Our Discontent / Travels with Charley in Search of America
John Steinbeck was never content to repeat himself, and his restless search for new forms and fresh subject matter is fully evident in the books of his later years. This volume collects four novels that exhibit the full range of his gift, along with a travel book that has become one of his most enduringly popular works.In The Wayward Bus (1947), Steinbeck leads a group of ill-matched passengers representing a spectrum of social types and classes, stranded by a washed-out bridge, on a circuitous journey that exposes cruelties, self-deceptions, and unsuspected moral strengths. The tone ranges from boisterous comedy to trenchant satirical observation of postwar America. Burning Bright (1950), an allegory set against shifting backgrounds (circus, sea, farm) and revolving around the fear of sterility and the desire for self-perpetuation, marks Steinbeck’s involvement with the drama in its fusion of the forms of novel and play.Sweet Thursday (1954) marks Steinbeck’s return, in a mood of sometimes frothy comedy, to the characters and milieu of his earlier Cannery Row. A love story set against the background of the local brothel, the Bear Flag, Sweet Thursday is for all its intimations of melancholy one of the most lighthearted of Steinbeck’s books. It was subsequently adapted by Rodgers and Hammerstein into their musical Pipe Dream. Steinbeck’s final novel, The Winter of Our Discontent (1961) is set in an old Long Island whaling town modeled on Sag Harbor, where he had been spending time since 1953. The book breaks new ground in its depiction of the crass commercialism of contemporary America, and its impact on a protagonist with traditionalist values who is appalled but finally tempted by the encroaching sleaziness.Travels with Charley in Search of America (1962) was Steinbeck’s last published book. A record of his experiences and observations as he drove around America in a pickup truck, accompanied by his standard poodle Charley, it is filled with engaging, often humorous description and comes to a powerful climax in an encounter with racist demonstrators in New Orleans.LIBRARY OF AMERICA is an independent nonprofit cultural organization founded in 1979 to preserve our nation’s literary heritage by publishing, and keeping permanently in print, America’s best and most significant writing. The Library of America series includes more than 300 volumes to date, authoritative editions that average 1,000 pages in length, feature cloth covers, sewn bindings, and ribbon markers, and are printed on premium acid-free paper that will last for centuries.
Harvard Business Review Press HBR's 10 Must Reads on Mental Toughness (with bonus interview "Post-Traumatic Growth and Building Resilience" with Martin Seligman) (HBR's 10 Must Reads)
Come back from every setback a stronger and better leader.If you read nothing else on mental toughness, read these ten articles by experts in the field. We've combed through hundreds of articles in the Harvard Business Review archive and selected the most important ones to help you build your emotional strength and resilience--and to achieve high performance.This book will inspire you to: Thrive on pressure like an Olympic athlete Manage and overcome negative emotions by acknowledging them Plan short-term goals to achieve long-term aspirations Surround yourself with the people who will push you the hardest Use challenges to become a better leader Use creativity to move past trauma Understand the tools your mind uses to recover from setbacks This collection of articles includes "How the Best of the Best Get Better and Better," by Graham Jones; "Crucibles of Leadership," by Warren G. Bennis and Robert J. Thomas; "Building Resilience," by Martin E.P. Seligman; "Cognitive Fitness," by Roderick Gilkey and Clint Kilts; "The Making of a Corporate Athlete," by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz; "Stress Can Be a Good Thing If You Know How to Use It," by Alla Crum and Thomas Crum; "How to Bounce Back from Adversity," by Joshua D. Margolis and Paul G. Stoltz; "Rebounding from Career Setbacks," by Mitchell Lee Marks, Philip Mirvis, and Ron Ashkenas; "Realizing What You're Made Of," by Glenn E. Mangurian; "Extreme Negotiations," by Jeff Weiss, Aram Donigian, and Jonathan Hughes; and "Post-Traumatic Growth and Building Resilience," by Martin Seligman and Sarah Green Carmichael.HBR's 10 Must Reads paperback series is the definitive collection of books for new and experienced leaders alike. Leaders looking for the inspiration that big ideas provide, both to accelerate their own growth and that of their companies, should look no further. HBR's 10 Must Reads series focuses on the core topics that every ambitious manager needs to know: leadership, strategy, change, managing people, and managing yourself. Harvard Business Review has sorted through hundreds of articles and selected only the most essential reading on each topic. Each title includes timeless advice that will be relevant regardless of an ever‐changing business environment.
Duke University Press Queer Fire: Liberation and Abolition
This special issue brings together scholars, artists, and activists working at the intersections of queer theory, critical race studies, and radical movements to consider prison abolition as a project of queer liberation and queer liberation as an abolitionist project. Pushing beyond observations that prisons disproportionately harm queer people, the contributors demonstrate that gender itself is a carceral system and demand that gender and sexuality, too, be subject to abolition. The contributors offer fresh analytical lenses, personal reflections, and unequivocal calls to action to the ongoing work of constructing liberatory futures without prisons, police, or the tyranny of colonial gender systems. In the essays collected here, they explore trans identity and community across prison walls, consider how gentrification functions as a carceral mechanism, meditate on the importance and ethics of queer art, and argue for the necessity of anticarceral queer politics that do not look to punishment for justice. Contributors. Marquis Bey, Caia Maria Coelho, Stephen Dillon, Nadja Eisenberg-Guyot, Jesse A. Goldberg, Jaden Janak, Alexandre Martins, Alison Rose Reed, S. M. Rodriguez, Kitty Rotolo, Lorenzo Triburgo, Sarah Van Dyck
University of Washington Press Mouse vs. Cat in Chinese Literature: Tales and Commentary
In literatures worldwide, animal fables have been analyzed for their revealingly anthropomorphic views, but until now little attention has been given to the animal tales of China. The complex, competitive relationship between rodents (vilified as thieves of grain) and the felines with whom they are perennially at war is explored in this presentation of Chinese tales about cats and mice. Master translator Wilt Idema situates them in an overview of animal tales in world literature, in the Chinese literary tradition as a whole, and within Chinese imaginative depictions of animals. The tales demonstrate the animals’ symbolism and their unusually prominent—and verbal—role in the stories. These readings depict cats and mice in conflict, in marital bonds, and in litigation—most centrally in a legal case of a mouse against a cat in the underworld court of King Yama. Many of the stories adopt the perspective of the mice as animals merely trying to survive, while also recognizing that cats are natural hunters. This entertaining volume will appeal to readers interested in Chinese literature and society, comparative literature, and posthumanist consideration of human-animal relations.
Alianza Editorial Cuentos al amor de la lumbre II
La fortuna que han alcanzado las recopilaciones de cuentos populares provenientes de otros ámbitos culturales -como las hechas en su día por los hermanos Grimm o, en menor medida, Perrault o Andersen- a menudo ha venido a oscurecer, de rechazo, el maravilloso acervo de relatos pertenecientes a la tradición de nuestro país. Antonio Rodríguez Almodóvar ha reunido en ?Cuentos al amor de la lumbre? una muestra significativa de los cuentos populares españoles. Este segundo volumen recoge los cuentos de costumbres (entre ellos los referentes a niños en peligro -Garbancito o La casita de turrón-, pícaros, pobres y ricos, tontos, mujeres difíciles, así como cuentos de miedo) y los cuentos de animales, protagonizados por lobos, zorras y otras muchas criaturas.
Blackie Books Signatura 400
Ni siquiera tiene nombre. Y es que nadie habla con ella, como no sea para pedir libros en préstamo. Su consuelo: las buenas lecturas (siempre de autores muertos) y estar rodeada de seres incluso más tristes que ella. Se pasa los días ordenando, clasificando, poniendo signaturas. No pensaba ser bibliotecaria, pero abandonó las oposiciones por un hombre. Ahora el amor le parece una pérdida de tiempo, un trastorno infantil. Claro que el deseo es muy traicionero, y ella guarda unos pendientes en el cajón. Preferiría la sección de historia a la de geografía, allí en el sótano de una biblioteca de provincias, donde lleva la mitad de la vida, donde ya empieza a ser vieja, pero el anonimato al menos le concede pequeñas venganzas. De las que quizás solo ella se percata. Porque, además, en el orden de la biblioteca se cifran las jerarquías de la vida: la de los ricos y los pobres, los privilegiados y los subalternos, los que tienen un amor y los que no. Pero cuando no hay nadie, cuando la biblio
El mar blanco AdN
Nadie puede estar solo en una isla... Sin embargo, Ingrid está sola en Barrøy, la isla que lleva su nombre, mientras la guerra de su infancia ha sido sustituida por una guerra aún más terrible y Noruega se encuentra bajo el dominio de los nazis.Cuando el mar arrastra a la orilla los cuerpos de los soldados de un buque bombardeado, Ingrid no se imagina que uno de ellos aún tendrá vida suficiente para borrar toda una existencia de soledad.Tampoco se imagina lo que sufrirá para proteger a su amante de los alemanes y de los colaboradores noruegos ni el periplo al que se enfrentará para volver a casa tras ser arrancada de su isla. Ni que, durante los estragos de la guerra, rodeada de refugiados que huyen de la hambruna por tierra quemada, recibirá un regalo de valor inconmensurable.Roy Jacobsen retoma a los personajes de Los invisibles y nos sumerge con mayor profundidad en sus vidas al tiempo que hace un poderoso retrato de un año decisivo en la historia de Noruega.
Un caos bonito relato de una década de la SpanishRevolution
Diez años atrás, prácticamente sin saberlo, abrimos un vórtice temporal hacia no-sé-cuándo. Una época que ya llegó antes y que está aún por venir. Un momentohistórico, marcado por las urgencias, donde logra imponerse lo importante. Una revolución científica, de esas que, decía Kuhn, dejan obsoleto el paradigmapresente. Un caos, pero un caos bonito, estético, sin órdenes pero con métodos, equilibrado solo a través de su propia entropía.Este libro es el relato de diez años de política cambiante y frenética en España, desde el 15M hasta nuestros días. A través de su experiencia personal y directa en los distintos movimientos e iniciativas que jalonan esta década (Democracia Real Ya, #15MPaRato, Rodea el Congreso, Partido X, Podemos, Más País), el autor aporta el conocimiento y las conclusiones necesarias para comprender no solo qué ha sucedido en este ciclo político de cambio y parálisis sino, quizá lo más importante, cómo afrontar el devenir, apuntando líneas de acción que pue
Ediciones Paidós Ibérica Mi dieta ya no cojea la guía práctica para comer sano sin complicaciones
Alimentarse de forma correcta es muy complicado, más aun teniendo en cuenta que vivimos rodeados de mitos y pequeños engaños relacionados con la nutrición que lo convierten en una tarea más ardua si cabe. En Mi dieta cojea, Aitor Sánchez nos demostró que desmontar estos mitos no es tan difícil y que dejar de comer tan mal como lo hacemos es posible. Pero cómo?En este nuevo libro, el nutricionista de moda nos propone diez sencillos pasos para recuperar el control y conseguir que nuestra dieta deje por fin de cojear. Dividido en tres niveles y un bonus track especial para nutrifrikis, aprenderemos no solo a reorganizar nuestra despensa o a leer etiquetas, sino que además descubriremos recetas muy útiles y consejos prácticos para ordenar el caos nutricional en el que nos ha sumido la industria. Los más atrevidos, además, tendrán la oportunidad de aprender cómo conseguir que sus necesidades nutricionales vayan de la mano de sus más profundas convicciones políticas, sociales y med
Ediciones Cátedra Diez novelas y un discurso
Aunque la obra de Benito Pérez Galdós es variada y extensa, sus pilares básicos resultan siempre los del humanismo progresista. Por eso, quizás, en la acelerada era presente, la seguridad de su visión de España y el retrato de sus ciudadanos sean la mejor razón para afirmar que sus novelas sirven para iluminar con perenne brillantez esa oscuridad que nos rodea. Hay en ellas un sentido de la propiedad, de la medida, de la decencia, que poco a poco ha ido desapareciendo del dominio público, pero que seguimos necesitando para mantener una convivencia ciudadana con calidad moral.Este volumen que recoge diez novelas y un discurso pretende ofrecer al lector una variedad de tipos de novela, tanto desde el punto de vista temático (novelas ideológicas o de tesis, contemporáneas), como desde el formal (formato tradicional, novela dialogada y la epistolar), que den muestra del talento novelesco de Galdós. La edición corre a cargo de German Gullón y Francisco Estévez. Incluye:Discurso de e
Editorial Ariel Emociones corrosivas cmo afrontar la envidia la codicia la culpabilidad la vergenza el odio y la vanidad
El libro definitivo para entender y combatir, desde la neurociencia, las emociones nocivas que nos dominan.Ignacio Morgado, el mayor especialista en neurociencia de este país, nos regala las claves para aprender a combatir aquellas emociones que provocan un enorme desgaste de nuestra mente y nuestra personalidad: las emociones corrosivas.Todos hemos sido víctimas alguna vez de esas emociones que deterioran nuestra forma de relacionarnos con los demás, nuestra salud y nuestro bienestar: cuando nos dejamos llevar por la envidia, la culpabilidad ?y su asociada vergüenza-, el odio o la vanidad, no somos dueños de nosotros mismos, pues se han despertado emociones fuertemente dominantes que nos provocan comportamientos muy difíciles de gestionar. Muchas veces, incluso intentando afrontar o superar estas emociones, caemos en graves errores que nos encierran todavía más en ese bucle dañino para nosotros y para los que nos rodean.Basándose en los más recientes experimentos y est
Explicamho tot més preguntes fetes per nenes i nens sobre un tema apassionant
Després de la publicació d?Explica-m?ho, seria molt fàcil pensar que les preguntes sobre el cos, la pubertat, l?amor i la sexualitat que es fan tots els nens i nenes ja tenen la seva resposta. Però no és així: els alumnes de primària que participen en els tallers de la pedagoga sexual i autora d?aquest aclamat llibre encara tenen moltes preguntes.Quina diferència hi ha entre estar pillat i estar enamorat?El penis es pot trencar?Com ho fa la gent que va amb cadira de rodes?Moltes de les qüestions que plantegen deixen clar que internet és la seva principal font d?informació quan tenen algun dubte, i que la informació que hi troben sovint no és la més adient. Explica-m'ho tot és, doncs, un llibre tan necessari com ho va ser el seu antecessor.En aquest segon volum ?fet també a partir de les preguntes que els i les joves deixen de manera anònima a la bústia de la pedagoga? trobaran més respostes escrites amb claredat i honestedat. Les magnífiques illustracions d?Anke Kuhl
ESIC Editorial Guía de supervivencia para aspirantes a directivos
A pesar de lo que uno pudiera pensar, las empresas valoran más la actitud que la aptitud del empleado. En la mayoría de las ocasiones, sin tan siquiera caer en la cuenta de este paradigma, casi todos creen que lo único importante son los conocimientos y la experiencia previa; sin embargo a la hora de la verdad, una vez atravesada la puerta de una nueva empresa por primera vez, serán las diferentes actitudes del recién incorporado a la hora de afrontar los diversos desafíos que se le plantearán, lo que le hará avanzar, permanecer o desaparecer.Este libro-guía trata de explicar cuales son las actitudes mejor valoradas, cómo adentrarse en la espesa selva, cargado con aptitudes y conocimientos; sobre todo, ayudará al lector a explotar sus actitudes positivas ante los demás, por su propio bien, el de los que le rodean y la empresa que le ha contratado.Todas esas actitudes y aptitudes se conjugan durante este libro-guía en las situaciones y tareas más habituales en una empresa. Por e
Johns Hopkins University Press Segregated Species
A timely history of the connections between science, segregation, and species in twentieth-century South Africa.Throughout the twentieth century, rural South Africa was dominated by systems of racial segregation and apartheid that brutally oppressed its Black population. At the same time, the countryside was defined by a related settler obsession: the control of animals that farmers, scientists, and state officials considered pests. Elephants rampaged on farmlands, trampling fences, crops, and occasionally humans. Grain-eating birds flocked on plantations, devouring harvests. Bubonic plague crept across the veld in the bodies of burrowing and crop-devouring rodents.In Segregated Species, Jules Skotnes-Brown argues that racial segregation and pest control were closely connected in early twentieth-century South Africa. Strategies for the containment of pests were redeployed for the management of humans and vice versa. Settlers blamed racialized populations
Desclée De Brouwer Ética del profesional de la comunicación
El protagonismo de los medios de comunicación en nuestra sociedad es innegable, y también su poder. Además, son muchos los condicionantes y las especificidades que rodean a los medios. Son numerosas las llamadas a la ética profesional. La misma sociedad a la que sirven los medios en ocasiones desconfía de ellos. Por eso es importante, imprescindible casi, hablar de principios y de límites en el ejercicio del profesional de la comunicación.Este libro está dirigido tanto a estudiantes como a profesionales de la comunicación y pretende señalar aquellos principios, derechos y deberes que deben orientar e inspirar el quehacer del profesional, así como las áreas más sensibles de dicho quehacer.
Scheidegger und Spiess AG, Verlag Carole A. Feuerman: Fifty Years of Looking Good
Carole A. Feuerman is celebrated as one of America's major hyper-realistic sculptors, alongside Duane Hanson and John De Andrea. Born 1945, she was educated in New York and Philadelphia and began as an illustrator before turning to sculpture in the 1970s, which soon earned her much recognition and early success. A pioneer of hyper-realism in sculpture, her work has been displayed in many group shows and solo exhibitions at private galleries and public museums, as well as at the major art fairs, in America, Europe, and Asia. Over five decades, Feuerman has created visual manifestations of stories telling of strength, survival, and balance. She works in marble, bronze, vinyl, painted resins, and stainless steel. Her work is marked by her thorough understanding of materials' characteristics and her ability to control them in the studio. Her subject matter is the human figure, most often a woman in an introspective moment of exuberant self-consciousness shaded by erotic lassitude. Feuerman's works represent a state of female mind rather that an alluring body meant to attract the male gaze. They suggest that women look at themselves differently from men looking at them, that a woman is more innately creative than a man. Many of Feuerman's figures have a fragmented quality, recalling those by Auguste Rodin, and the aesthetics of Surrealism. This is the most comprehensive survey of Feuerman's work in sculpture to date. Lavishly illustrated in colour throughout, it demonstrates the variety of materials and media she uses and highlights the specific qualities of her figures.
Editorial Planeta, S.A. Los alimentos
Encuadernación: Cartoné.Colección: Mis primeras palabras.Edad recomendada: A partir de 1 año.Estos libros están confeccionados combinando imágenes y palabras básicas del vocabulario infantil para ayudar a que el niño dé nombre a los objetos que lo rodean. El libro funciona como un pequeño diccionario. La colección se centra en cuatro aspectos básicos que conforman la cotidianidad del niño: juguetes, animales, alimentos y el parque. Con ellos, los niños disfrutarán reconociendo objetos familiares y aprendiendo como se llaman.
Editorial Planeta, S.A. El parque
Encuadernación: Cartoné.Colección: Mis primeras palabras.Edad recomendada: A partir de 1 año.Estos libros están confeccionados combinando imágenes y palabras básicas del vocabulario infantil para ayudar a que el niño dé nombre a los objetos que lo rodean. El libro funciona como un pequeño diccionario. La colección se centra en cuatro aspectos básicos que conforman la cotidianidad del niño: juguetes, animales, alimentos y el parque. Con ellos, los niños disfrutarán reconociendo objetos familiares y aprendiendo como se llaman.
Cinebook Ltd Lucky Luke 11 - Western Circus
Mulligan's Western circus - his troop, lion and elephant - arrive in town under the escort of Lucky Luke. Zilch, a rich businessman and organizer of the annual grand rodeo, thinks the circus is going to compete with his business and does everything to prevent it from putting on a show. He even engages killer-for-hire Rattlesnake Joe, but in the end his attempts will provide unexpected publicity for the circus. On with the show!
Editorial CCS Repensar los funerales notas para revisar la pastoral y celebración de las exequias
Notas para revisar la pastoral y celebracion de las exequias. Cada difunto es una historia y está rodeado de una familia muy concreta. Los cristianos estamos llamados a abrirnos a otras formas de celebración de la muerte, no para minimizar el patrimonio de la tradición cristiana de las exequias, sino para adaptarlo y para ser, donde se nos demande, fermento de una celebración de la muerte de personas no cristianas.
Bucknell University Press,U.S. Exemplary Violence: Rewriting History in Colonial Colombia
Exemplary Violence explores the violent colonial history of the New Kingdom of Granada (modern-day Colombia and Venezuela) by examining three seventeenth-century historical accounts—Pedro Simón’s Noticias historiales, Juan Rodríguez Freile’s El carnero, and Lucas Fernández de Piedrahita’s Historia general—each of which reveals the colonizer’s reliance on the threat of violence to sustain order.
Lonely Planet Global Limited Lonely Planet Mauritius, Reunion & Seychelles
Lonely Planet's Mauritius, Reunion and Seychelles is our most comprehensive guide that extensively covers all the country has to offer, with recommendations for both popular and lesser-known experiences. Hike through Cirque de Mafate, relax in waters off Denis Island, dive to the rock formations off Mauritius; all with your trusted travel companion. Inside Lonely Planet's Mauritius, Reunion and Seychelles Travel Guide: Lonely Planet's Top Picks - a visually inspiring collection of the destination's best experiences and where to have them Itineraries help you build the ultimate trip based on your personal needs and interestsLocal insights give you a richer, more rewarding travel experience - whether it's history, people, music, landscapes, wildlife, politics Eating and drinking - get the most out of your gastronomic experience as we reveal the regional dishes and drinks you have to try Diving and Hiking in Réunion Toolkit - all of the planning tools for solo travellers, LGBTQIA+ travellers, family travellers and accessible travel Colour maps and images throughoutLanguage - essential phrases and language tips Insider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spots Covers Port Louis, Central Plateau, Grand Baie, Flic en Flac, Rodrigues, St-Denis, the Cirques, St-Pierre, Mahe, Praslin, La Digue and more About Lonely Planet: Lonely Planet, a Red Ventures Company, is the world's number one travel guidebook brand. Providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveler since 1973, Lonely Planet reaches hundreds of millions of travelers each year online and in print and helps them unlock amazing experiences. Visit us at and join our community of followers on Facebook (, Twitter (@lonelyplanet), Instagram (, and TikTok (@lonelyplanet). 'Lonely Planet. It's on everyone's bookshelves; it's in every traveler's hands. It's on mobile phones. It's on the Internet. It's everywhere, and it's telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.' Fairfax Media (Australia)
Peeters Publishers Il vangelo di Marco: Seconda edizione rivista
Diversi autori si erano concentrati sulla composizione del secondo vangelo: soprattutto Jean Radermakers, Benoît Standaert e Bastiaan van Iersel. Il loro lavoro pionieristico meritava di essere ripreso, con una metodologia più rigorosa, ormai ben rodata: l’analisi retorica semitica. La composizione di Marco si rivela di una meravigliosa regolarità, nel dettaglio come nell’architettura globale. Due grandi sezioni comprendono sette sequenze focalizzate su un grande discorso di Gesù: il discorso dell’inizio al capitolo 4 e il discorso del compimento al capitolo 13. Tra queste due sezioni, una terza sezione, ambientata fuori delle frontiere di Israele, è composta intorno al discorso di Gesù sul discepolo. Al centro di questo discorso centrale — e dunque al centro di tutto il vangelo — risuona la duplice domanda: «A cosa servirebbe a un uomo guadagnare il mondo intero e rovinare la sua vita? Che cosa potrebbe dare un uomo in cambio della sua vita?» (8,36-37). In modo sorprendente, dunque, il vangelo di Marco è focalizzato direttamente non su Gesù, ma sul suo discepolo. È ciò che ha ben intuito l’autore della finale lunga che chiude il libro: Gesù lascia totalmente il posto ai suoi discepoli per la proclamazione del Vangelo di Dio.
NewSouth, Incorporated Working the Dirt: An Anthology of Southern Poets
Finalist for the SIBA Book AwardA loamy volume of verse thematically inspired, Working the Dirt celebrates Southerners' connections to the land. The selected poems share themes of gardening, farming, and the rich Southern soil. The approximately one hundred poets, known and lesser-known, living and dead, include: Fred Chappell, Walter McDonald, A. R. Ammons, Robert Morgan, Wendell Berry, Henry Taylor, Tom Dent, Jesse Stuart, Jim Wayne Miller, Ellen Bryant Voigt, Marion Montgomery, James Whitehead, C. D. Wright, George Scarbrough, Ahmos Zu-Bolton II, Thad Stem, Jr., William Sprunt, Donald Justice, Thomas Rabbitt, James Dickey, Rick Lott, John Allison, Edwin Godsey, Richard Jackson, Nikki Giovanni, Alvin Aubert, Margaret Walker, Emily Hiestand, Robert Gibbons, John Stone, Coppie Green, Bonnie Roberts, Coleman Barks, Anne George, Edward Eaton, Margaret Gibson, Naomi Shihab Nye, Jack Butler, R. H. W. Dillard, Jane Gentry, Rodney Jones, Dannye Romine, Miller Williams, George Garrett, Sandra Agricola, Patricia Hooper, Gerald Berrax, Gibbons Ruark, Catherine Savage Brosman, Loretta Cobb, and Pattiann Rogers.
Green Writers Press Longleaf
Longleaf is a chapbook of poems deeply rooted in place and the landscape of John Saad's native coastal Alabama. This wide-ranging and wise collection shows the poet's bone-deep connection to home that stems from childhood through early adulthood. With finely wrought images and specialized yet lyrical language that recall the best of Rodney Jones and Philip Levine, Saad brings us into his world of the Deep South, where 'the fumbled light of live oaks' mingles with 'the ferrous / howls / of valley dogs.' In these pages, memories of family are woven with observations of a natural world in constant conversation with civilization and the machines that encroach upon it. Still, Saad's poems prove that his environment can and will endure, no matter how marked with freeways and 'smokestacks belching black.' Windows still give us views of an 'anvil sky' dissolving 'over the purple pulse / of switchgrass,' and we can—like the guitar he once abandoned on a riverbank—lose ourselves in 'the cutbank's slow refrains,' at last redeemed by 'the water's dark applause.'
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd The Addis Ababa Massacre: Italy's National Shame
In February 1937, following an abortive attack by a handful of insurgents on Mussolini's High Command in Italian-occupied Ethiopia, 'repression squads' of armed Blackshirts and Fascist civilians were unleashed on the defenceless residents of Addis Ababa. In three terror-filled days and nights of arson, murder and looting, thousands of innocent and unsuspecting men, women and children were roasted alive, shot, bludgeoned, stabbed to death, or blown to pieces with hand-grenades. Meanwhile the notorious Viceroy Rodolfo Graziani, infamous for his atrocities in Libya, took the opportunity to add to the carnage by eliminating the intelligentsia and nobility of the ancient Ethiopian empire in a pogrom that swept across the land. In a richly illustrated and ground-breaking work backed up by meticulous and scholarly research, Ian Campbell reconstructs and analyses one of Fascist Italy's least known atrocities, which he estimates eliminated 19-20 per cent of the capital's population.He exposes the hitherto little known cover-up conducted at the highest levels of the British government, which enabled the facts of one of the most hideous civilian massacres of all time to be concealed, and the perpetrators to walk free.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd "Tails" of the Afterlife: True Stories of Ghost Pets
Learn how departed animals communicate with their owners with either "Postcards" or "Kisses" from heaven and other heartwarming and funny stories. This book highlights true "tails" about animals that have visited their owners from the afterlife. For anyone who has ever loved an animal, these stories will produce a roller coaster of emotions and the belief that their "heart animal" will always be there for them—even after leaving this world. Harrison the Greyhound refused to leave the van he rode in, even after he passed away; Boo Boo, the long-deceased Boston Terrier, reappears any time another pet needs to cross to the other side, and Coco's barking from beyond saved her family from a fire. Do pets return from the dead to contact their owners? Can pets actually see spirits that exist in your home? Does your pet have the drive to protect you from spirits that appear at your bedside? Decide for yourself as you read these ghostly stories.
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Babes in Toyland’s Fontanelle
Babes in Toyland was one of the most influential and underrated bands of the 1990s. They rode the wave of the Minneapolis grunge scene crafting a unique sound composed of self-taught instrumentation and unabashed banshee raging vocals. Their stage presence was enigmatic, their lyrics vitriolic, and their Kinderwhore fashion ironic and easy to emulate. But what made them most inspiring was their ethos and a unique brand of sisterhood that inspired fans to create Riot Grrl and form legendary bands such as 7 year Bitch, Bikini Kill, and Hole. Despite the media's politicization of them as an "all-female" band, the Babes insisted their music wasn't a political statement but about personal expression. They would dismiss labeling their act as feminist, but their actions sent a positive message of what a female space within music could look like. Now, almost 30 years after their most seminal record, Fontanelle, was released, the legend of the band is being resurrected and re-spun to reclaim their proper space and context in the history of music and women in rock.
University of California Press A Moment's Monument: Medardo Rosso and the International Origins of Modern Sculpture
Medardo Rosso (1858-1928) is one of the most original and influential figures in the history of modern art, and this book is the first historically substantiated critical account of his life and work. An innovative sculptor, photographer, and draftsman, Rosso was vital in paving the way for the transition from the academic forms of sculpture that persisted in the nineteenth century to the development of new and experimental forms in the twentieth. His antimonumental, antiheroic work reflected alienation in the modern experience yet showed deep feeling for interactions between self and other. Rosso's art was transnational: he refused allegiance to a single culture or artistic heritage and declared himself both a citizen of the world and a maker of art without national limits. In this book, Sharon Hecker develops a narrative that is an alternative to the dominant Franco-centered perspective on the origin of modern sculpture in which Rodin plays the role of lone heroic innovator. Offering an original way to comprehend Rosso, A Moment's Monument negotiates the competing cultural imperatives of nationalism and internationalism that shaped the European art world at the fin de siecle.
Editorial Luis Vives (Edelvives) Miralejos
Cuando tiene 7 años Julio recibe un curioso regalo que marcará su existencia: un catalejo (o miralejos, como él lo llama) con el que otea el horizonte y con el que imagina que es el vigilante de Gorgos, el pueblo costero en el que veranea. A partir de ese momento, junto a su amiga Irene, una niña de la localidad, descubrirá el mundo que lo rodea, verá cerca lo que está lejos y percibirá cosas que no están, o que no deberían estar, donde él las ve. Al tiempo que la relación entre ellos se intensifica, aflorarán amores no consumados, un crimen sin resolver, personas desaparecidas y el rostro de un monstruo, conocido como el Señor de los Bosques.
Lockwood Press Emperors in Images, Architecture and Ritual: Augustus to Fausta
This volume presents current research on a variety of questions related to Roman emperors' uses of images and architecture. Drawing mainly on sculpture, coinage, and architecture, the papers consider topics ranging from the beard of Nero to Antonine funeral pyres to the roles of arches in shaping urban landscapes. Chronologically, the volume covers the reigns of Augustus through Constantine, and it examines the use of imagery by empresses as well as emperors. The contributors are Fae Amiro, Steven Burges, Laura L. Garofalo, Evan Jewell, Lillian Joyce, Jacob A. Latham, and Rosa Maria Motta, Gretel Rodriguez.
Globe Pequot Press The Jordanaires: The Story of the World's Greatest Backup Vocal Group
The greatest backup group in the history of recorded music undoubtedly was the Jordanaires, a gospel group of mostly Tennessee boys, formed in the 1940s, that set the standard for studio vocal groups in the '50s, '60s, '70s, and beyond. In their sixty-five-year career, from 1948 through 2013, the recordings they sang on have sold an estimated eight billion copies.They sang on more than 200 of Elvis's recordings, including most of his biggest hits. They were in three of his best-known movies, appeared with him on most of his early nation-wide TV shows, and toured with him for many years. Throughout Elvis's early career, they were his most trusted friends and probably his most positive influence. "No telling how many thousands of miles we rode together over those fourteen years," remembered Gordon Stoker, the group's manager and high tenor, "and most of those miles were good miles, with lots of laughs, and lots of talk about life."While the Jordanaires' bread and butter may have been Nashville's burgeoning recording industry, it seemed that there was always a plane waiting to take them cross country to the pop sessions in L.A. They sang on most of Ricky Nelson's biggest hits and over the years backed up Andy Williams, Fats Domino, Willie Nelson, Dolly Parton, Dinah Shore, The Everly Brothers, Glen Campbell, Patti Page, Neil Young, Perry Como, Loretta Lynn, Ringo Starr, Tom Jones, Andy Griffith, Bobby Vinton, Brenda Lee, Patsy Cline, Billy Ray Cyrus, Clyde McPhatter, and about 2,100 other recording acts.