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Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research on Sustainable Careers
What is a sustainable career? And how can individuals and organizations develop pathways that lead to them? With current levels of global unemployment and the need for life-long learning and employability enhancement, these questions assume a pressing significance. Offering twenty-eight chapters from leading scholars, the Handbook of Research on Sustainable Careers makes an important contribution to our understanding of sustainable careers and lays the foundation for the direction of future research.With the aim of advancing existing knowledge surrounding the meaning, antecedents and outcomes of sustainable careers, this book discusses the topic from several different angles combining both theoretical and empirical as well as practical insights. Topics include crafting sustainable careers in organizations, merits and challenges of career adaptability, psychological mobility during unemployment and the role of employee adaptability.Students and academics of varied disciplines looking for multidimensional perspectives on sustainable careers will find this to be a worthwhile read. HR professionals, career counsellors and public policy makers will find use in the practical guidance offered in this book.Contributors: T. Aalbers, M.B. Arthur, P.M. Bal, Y. Baruch, C. Bernhard-Oettel, T. Bipp, N. Bozionelos, J.P. Briscoe, M.B.W. Buyken, A. De Coen, N. De Cuyper, S. De Hauw, A.H. De Lange, P. De Prins, A. De Vos, H. De Witte, N. Dries, N. Egold, C. Fleisher, A. Forrier, F. Fraccaroli, A. Froidevaux, J.H. Greenhaus, D.E Guest, D.T. Hall, A. Hirschi, I.M. Jawahar, C. Kelliher, S.N. Khapova, U. Kinnunen, U.-C. Klehe, D. Kooij, M. Latzke, B.S. Lawrence, A. Mäkikangas, S. Mauno, W. Mayrhofer, A. Milissen, K. Näswall, K. Pernkopf, P.Peters, J. Rantanen, J. Richardson, R. Rodrigues, C. Rohr, R. Schalk, M.M. Schipper, T.M. Schneidhofer, J. Segers, L. Sels, J.H. Semeijn, T.H. Stone, D.M. Truxillo, M. Valcour, L. Van Beirendonck, K. Van Dam, A. Van den Broeck, B. Van der Heijden, R. Van Dick, M. van Engen, J. van Ruysseveldt, S. Vansteenkiste, A.E.M. Van Vianen, T. Van Vuuren, M. Verbruggen, C.J. Vinkenburg, S. Zaniboni, J. Zikic
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research on Sustainable Careers
What is a sustainable career? And how can individuals and organizations develop pathways that lead to them? With current levels of global unemployment and the need for life-long learning and employability enhancement, these questions assume a pressing significance. Offering twenty-eight chapters from leading scholars, the Handbook of Research on Sustainable Careers makes an important contribution to our understanding of sustainable careers and lays the foundation for the direction of future research.With the aim of advancing existing knowledge surrounding the meaning, antecedents and outcomes of sustainable careers, this book discusses the topic from several different angles combining both theoretical and empirical as well as practical insights. Topics include crafting sustainable careers in organizations, merits and challenges of career adaptability, psychological mobility during unemployment and the role of employee adaptability.Students and academics of varied disciplines looking for multidimensional perspectives on sustainable careers will find this to be a worthwhile read. HR professionals, career counsellors and public policy makers will find use in the practical guidance offered in this book.Contributors: T. Aalbers, M.B. Arthur, P.M. Bal, Y. Baruch, C. Bernhard-Oettel, T. Bipp, N. Bozionelos, J.P. Briscoe, M.B.W. Buyken, A. De Coen, N. De Cuyper, S. De Hauw, A.H. De Lange, P. De Prins, A. De Vos, H. De Witte, N. Dries, N. Egold, C. Fleisher, A. Forrier, F. Fraccaroli, A. Froidevaux, J.H. Greenhaus, D.E Guest, D.T. Hall, A. Hirschi, I.M. Jawahar, C. Kelliher, S.N. Khapova, U. Kinnunen, U.-C. Klehe, D. Kooij, M. Latzke, B.S. Lawrence, A. Mäkikangas, S. Mauno, W. Mayrhofer, A. Milissen, K. Näswall, K. Pernkopf, P.Peters, J. Rantanen, J. Richardson, R. Rodrigues, C. Rohr, R. Schalk, M.M. Schipper, T.M. Schneidhofer, J. Segers, L. Sels, J.H. Semeijn, T.H. Stone, D.M. Truxillo, M. Valcour, L. Van Beirendonck, K. Van Dam, A. Van den Broeck, B. Van der Heijden, R. Van Dick, M. van Engen, J. van Ruysseveldt, S. Vansteenkiste, A.E.M. Van Vianen, T. Van Vuuren, M. Verbruggen, C.J. Vinkenburg, S. Zaniboni, J. Zikic
Lo que decimos cuando estamos diciendo algo análisis enunciativo del operador estar gerundio
Tendemos a considerar que cuando hablamos estamos hablando de la realidad que nos rodea, y no nos percatamos del carácter subordinado que tiene este valor referencial del uso del lenguaje, de que hablamos no tanto para comunicar sino para comunicarnos, para mantenernos en contacto con los demás, para incidir en nuestros interlocutores, para lograr cosas o dejarlas como están, para establecer, alimentar o incluso destruir relaciones. Desde esta perspectiva enunciativista, en cuanto toma a los enunciadores como centro y meta de la producción lingüística, realizamos un recorrido por distintos operadores de la lengua, de la mano principalmente de la llamada perífrasis progresiva. El objetivo es mostrar cómo construimos el discurso, de dónde tomamos sus piezas componentes, y en función de qué adoptamos determinadas estrategias comunicativas, para así terminar demostrando la mentada función primordial del lenguaje de servir de puente entre quienes lo obran.Por el camino habremos descubierto
Ediciones Jaguar Los mejores relatos de terror
Nuestros sentidos se agudizan, percibimos lo que nos rodea de una manera especial, distinta a la de nuestras experiencias cotidianas, es el terror, el pánico, el miedo. Estos seis relatos consiguen que se nos pongan los pelos de punta y que nos atemorice la oscuridad.Edgar Allan Poe describe en El corazón delator uno de esos espeluznantes procesos que revelan la fragilidad de la mente y nos muestran el límite sutil que puede existir entre razón y locura. La cabellera, de Guy de Maupassant, nos envuelve con una onírica mescolanza de malsano refinamiento y necrofilia, que surgen de una romántica nostalgia de tiempos pasados. El relato de Robert Louis Stevenson, El ladrón de cadáveres, resulta ser una pesadilla en la que lo natural y lo sobrenatural se vinculan en una atmósfera siniestra, pero real. La Casa del Juez, de Bram Stoker, es uno de los relatos más sobrecogedores y horripilantes que se hayan escrito jamas, ideal para ser leído en una noche tormentosa... si hacemos acopio del
Libros de Ruta El afilador 3
Llega el vol. 3 de la colección de libros de bolsillo El Afilador, tras los primeros números publicados en 2016 y 2017.Luis Román Mendoza debuta con una historia sobre el biker Pablo Rodríguez, apodado El Afilador y la Escola José Antonio Hermida de Maceda en la que se formó.Daniel Burgui, por su parte, visitó en su domicilio al recordman de la hora Robert Marchand, después de completar 22,547 kilómetros con 105 años.Otra deportista ejemplar, la extremeña María del Mar Solera, es la protagonista del texto de Juanfran de la Cruz, en la que repasa su trayectoria deportiva.Juanma Garate y su gran victoria en el mítico Ventoux, son el centro de la historia que nos trae Jesús Gómez Peña.Gabriel Zapata nos descubre la Vuelta a México de la década de los 50 y un curioso encuentro de algunos ciclistas con el Che Guevara.Óscar Falagán, por su parte, viaja a la Toscana para contarnos cómo se gestó la primera selección albanesa de ciclismo.Por último, Luis Guinea asciende el duro puerto de Larrau
Katz Editores / Katz Barpal S.L. Por qué la traducción importa
En este pequeño e incisivo ensayo, la eminente traductora Edith Grossman reflexiona acerca de la importancia cultural de la traducción, no sólo como el medio que nos permite acceder a la literatura escrita originalmente en uno de los incontables idiomas que no podemos leer, sino como una presencia literaria concreta que nos ayuda a conocer, a percibir desde un ángulo distinto y a atribuir nuevo valor a lo que hasta entonces era desconocido.Grossman explicita asimismo su concepción del trabajo del traductor como un acto de interpretación crítica, un acto creativo, en suma, que requiere "desarrollar un agudo sentido del estilo en ambos idiomas, afilando y ampliando nuestra conciencia crítica del impacto emocional de las palabras, el aura social que las rodea, el escenario y el clima que las informan, la atmósfera que crean". Y lo fundamenta con dos ejemplos bellos y elocuentes presentados en los últimos capítulos: su propia experiencia como traductora del 'Quijote' (que llevó a Harol
Punto de Lectura La mujer es una isla
Una historia profunda, esperanzadora y divertida, por la autora de Rosa candida, la multipremiada novela islandesa que conquistó el mundo, traducida a 20 idiomas y ganadora de 7 premios literarios.La protagonista de esta pequeña gran historia es una mujer de treinta y tres años cuyo marido acaba de pedirle el divorcio. Decidida a dar un giro radical en su vida, y tras la profecía de una médium que le asegura que en una distancia de 300 kilómetros ganará la lotería y conocerá a tres hombres -uno de los cuales será el amor de su vida-, emprende un viaje siguiendo la ruta que rodea Islandia. No irá sola: Tumi, el hijo de una amiga en apuros, dos muñecos de peluche, y una caja de libros y de cedés la acompañarán en el camino.La crítica ha dicho:Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir dibuja una feminidad atípica y chispeante... Esta crónica de los días posteriores a una separación es una divertida celebración de la vida, y aborda temas como el amor, la ternura, el sexo...X
El Ao de las Brujas Fantasa Spanish Edition
En las tierras de Bethel, donde la palabra del Profeta es ley, la misma existencia de Immanuelle Moore es una blasfemia. La unión de su madre con un extranjero de piel oscura provocó la desgracia de su antaño orgullosa familia. Para reparar su ofensa Immanuelle hace todo lo posible para honrar al Padre, seguir las Sagradas Escrituras y llevar una vida de sumisión, devoción y obediencia absoluta, como el resto de mujeres del asentamiento.Pero la casualidad llevará a Immanuelle a entrar en el bosque prohibido que rodea Bethel, donde el primer profeta dio caza y mató a cuatro poderosas brujas. Sus espíritus aún acechan allí y le concederán un extraordinario obsequio: el diario de su madre muerta, quien para sorpresa de Immanuelle buscó refugio en el bosque al final de su vida.Fascinada por los secretos del diario, Immanuelle lucha por comprender cómo pudo acabar su madre teniendo tratos con las brujas. Pero cuando empiece a descubrir la escalofriante verdad sobre la Iglesia y su pas
Ediciones Pirámide Cómo mejorar la atención del niño
Encuadernación: RústicaColección: Ojos SolaresLa vida del niño es un ejercicio de atención permanente al mundo que le rodea. Desde los primeros momentos de su vida debe centrarse en lo que está viendo u oyendo, en las tareas que debe realizar y en no distraerse. Esta capacidad no es innata, sino que puede aprenderse y mejorarse.En esta obra se ofrece información a padres, profesores y especialistas sobre cómo estimular la capacidad atencional de los niños, especialmente durante los seis primeros años de vida. Tras definir qué es la atención y cuáles son sus componentes o dimensiones, se proponen numerosas actividades, juegos y ejercicios mentales que el niño, según su edad y nivel de desarrollo evolutivo, puede realizar con el adulto o con los compañeros y amigos para estimular su capacidad atencional. Asimismo, se ofrecen estrategias concretas que el adulto debe tener en cuenta a la hora de estimularle y ayudarle. Uno de los capítulos se dedica a dar a conocer las particula
Irene de Atenas
Cuando la joven Irene llega a Constantinopla desde Atenas no conoce su futuro, pero pronto sabrá encauzarlo: no fue sólo esposa y madre de emperadores, sino que ella misma llegaría a convertirse en la única e indiscutible emperatriz de un Imperio romano de Oriente que, aun en decadencia, todavía conservaba el esplendor de su pasado. Desde Constantinopla y rodeada de un pequeño grupo de fieles, fue capaz de gobernar en solitario y con mano férrea el destino de hombres y tierras, pese a ser mujer. Para ello tuvo que enfrentarse a las conspiraciones y traiciones que una vez tras otra trataron de arrebatarle el poder. Sin embargo, en no pocas ocasiones tuvo que mancharse las manos con la sangre de sus enemigos, e incluso, tal vez, con la de su propio hijo?Con gran pulso narrativo y un estilo reflexivo y pausado, pero a la vez potente, merecedor de los mejores ecos de Memorias de Adriano, Irene de Atenas es el relato en primera persona de uno de los emperadores más poderosos del Imperio.
Editorial Ariel Asesinos múltiples y otros depredadores sociales las respuestas a la gran paradoja del mal
La atractiva fascinación del mal.Los asesinos múltiples actúan creyendo firmemente que hacen lo correcto: Debéis morir todos, gritó Anders Breivik mientras masacraba a 69 jóvenes en una isla noruega en el verano de 2011; se lo merecen, escribió Elliot Rodger en el manifiesto que había redactado antes de acuchillar y tirotear a varias personas cerca de la Universidad de California en Santa Bárbara, en 2014.Qué motiva a un asesino múltiple? Qué lo diferencia del asesino en serie? Por qué en España no tenemos casos de tiroteos masivos en lugares donde se concentra mucha gente? Un terrorista es un homicida múltiple? Con un estilo claro y ameno, Vicente Garrido, autor de libros tan esclarecedores como Cara a cara con el psicópata y Perfiles criminales, se aproxima en esta obra a la psicología y el modus operandi que caracterizan a los asesinos múltiples, criminales con perfiles muy diversos, que gozan además de una enorme repercusión en los medios de comuni
Qu bello ser vivir sin cultura La cultura como antdoto frente a los peligros de la idiotizacin Imago Mundi Spanish Edition
El mundo digital, las nuevas tecnologías y las redes sociales están transformando nuestra vida cotidiana, y estos cambios se reflejan en áreas tan importantes como el trabajo, la enseñanza, las relaciones sociales o la economía. Cada vez vivimos más conectados, lo que provoca que nos sintamos atados y vigilados y que el deseo de consumir algoritmos aumente, mermando nuestro poder de decisión y nuestro espíritu crítico. Al mismo tiempo, somos adictos a esta tecnología y sentimos angustia y confusión cuando nos desconectamos del continuo torrente de estímulos e información que recibimos a través de las pantallas.Pero cómo podemos protegernos de las redes sociales en la nueva realidad? Y en medio de esta gran transformación social y cultural, cuál es el papel del arte, la literatura, la lectura, las bibliotecas, la escritura, las ideologías o las creencias? Cómo podemos saber la verdad cuando estamos rodeados de tantas noticias falsas, de populismos políticos o de la ficticia sensación
El estilita
La historia tiene lugar en el pequeño pueblo francés Gyors de la Montagne, y podría suceder ayer, hoy o mañana. Todo se centra en una pequeña plaza mayor, sobre todo, en lo alto de una columna.La columna sustenta la estatua ecuestre del Conde Italo Rodari, un prohombre de la zona y reclamo turístico del pueblo. Después de que durante una tormenta un rayo parta la estatua en mil pedazos, el pueblo ya se preparaba para enfrentarse a una involuntaria travesía por el desierto, despojados de su mayor fuente de ingresos.Pero un hecho insólito sorprenderá a todos sus habitantes: un desconocido se instala en lo alto de la columna para quedarse, dice, todo el tiempo que le dejen.El alcalde de Gyors de la Montagne, Pierre Laville, y su asesor Serge deberán decidir qué hacer con su extraña y excepcional petición.Ésta es una historia sobre la libertad, la confianza y la responsabilidad de gobernar de las personas. Sobre el mundo de hoy en día y su velocidad. Y sobre la aventura int
Alianza Editorial El rey Arturo El guerrero de Occidente
Encuadernación: RústicaColección: Alianza LiterariaHan pasado doce largos y sangrientos años. ...desde que Artor fue coronado rey de los britones. Targo ha envejecido, Niniana ya es una doncella y Perce, el niño de las cocinas, se ha transformado en Percival. Infeliz por la pérdida de Gallia, Artor centra todos sus esfuerzos en la construcción de la fortaleza de Cadbury Tor, donde... Empieza la leyenda de Camelot Artor se halla en la cumbre de su reinado. Ha logrado en estos años, no sin derrochar un gran esfuerzo, unificar a las tribus de la Britania celta y poner fin en su última campaña al azote sajón. Pero empieza a ver cómo su poder empieza a debilitarse y a descomponerse su reino. Ha elegido a Wenhaver (Ginebra) como su segunda esposa y la ha convertido en reina, pero tampoco le ha traerá la paz que busca. La nueva reina quiere lo que no puede tener y posee lo que no quiere. La amargura que esta actitud le genera amenaza con contagiar a todos los que la rodean. Artor no só
Llamadas de mam Spanish Edition
Carole Fives da voz a las sin voz y lo consigue de manera memorable con esta inolvidable madre reptiliana, a quien conoceremos a través de su parloteo sin filtro, inscribiéndose en el más que necesario nuevo catálogo de madres, junto a las de Irène Némirovsky, Jamaica Kincaid, Annie Ernaux o Vivian Gornick, entre muchas otras. Eider RodríguezLa voz de Charlène es la protagonista absoluta de esta novela inteligente, tragicómica e inolvidable. Una voz omnipresente y carismática que nos atrapa y nos arrastra desde la primera página a través de las constantes llamadas y los continuos mensajes en el contestador con los que esta madre, que ya pasa de los sesenta, obsequia diariamente a su hija.De este modo, llamada a llamada, se va perfilando la personalidad arrolladora de una mujer tan maravillosamente corriente como poco convencional, así como la particular relación que mantiene con su hija. Pero pronto, más allá de esa cotidianidad llena de entrañables exabruptos, manías y re
Jovellanos 17441811 biografía breve
De muy pocas personalidades, y menos de pensadores españoles, se puede decir que transcurridos más de doscientos años de su muerte su obra haya sido tan influyente y tan poco discutida como la de Jovellanos. En efecto, ha logrado tanto respeto como honra y ha merecido estudio en momentos tan distintos como los reinados de Fernando VII, Isabel y las regencias de María Cristina de Borbón y Espartero, Amadeo de Saboya, Alfonso XII y la la regencia de María Cristina de Habsburgo, Alfonso XII, Alfonso XIII (incluida la Dictadura de Primo de Rivera), Juan Carlos I y Felipe VI o los períodos del gobierno provisional posterior a la revolución de 1868, la I República, la II República, Franco y la democracia actual. No obstante sus ideas, tan fecundas, no fueron aplicadas de igual manera en todos los momentos. De hecho, algunas de ellas, especialmente relevantes, esperan todavía una aplicación para mayor sosiego y felicidad en la vida de los ciudadanos. En este libro Jesús Jerónimo Rodríguez des
Siruela La reina Cristina de Suecia
La reina Cristina de Suecia, una de las figuras más fascinantes y provocadoras de la historia europea, protagoniza la magistral novela póstuma del Premio Nobel italiano.Culta y rebelde, impredecible y valerosa, Cristina de Suecia fue una reina irrepetible. Nacida en una Europa asolada por la guerra de los Treinta Años, se vio enfrentada a trascendentales cuestiones religiosas, de poder y de género, demostrando ser una de las figuras clave de su tiempo. Educada por su padre para soportar el peso y las responsabilidades de la corona, Cristina optó por asumir actitudes y ropas de varón, pero amaría por encima de todo a las mujeres. Se rodeó de filósofos y escritores, desde Descartes hasta Molière, y tras abandonar el trono se trasladó a Roma, donde se convertiría al catolicismo e impulsaría decisivamente el panorama artístico italiano.Como ya hiciera en la imprescindible Lucrecia Borgia, la hija del Papa, Dario Fo concentra su siempre original mirada sobre otro excepcional y controv
Editorial Almuzara La tierra de Álvar Fáñez
Siglo XI, frontera del Reino de Castilla, es tiempo de héroes. La mejor novela histórica de una época convulsa que marcaría nuestra historia.Fan Fáñez, sobrino y protegido de Álvar Fáñez, protagoniza esta historia ambientada en la España del siglo xi y principios del xii, cuando Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, el Cid Campeador, lideraba gestas y combates tanto con musulmanes como con cristianos; mientras el rey Alfonso VI, acompañado de sus servidores Pedro Ansúrez y García Ordóñez, movía las piezas de su reino como si fuera un maestro de ajedrez. Pero eran tiempos convulsos, y en el reino de Castilla ?convertido en un lugar fronterizo? cada bastión jugaba un papel crucial en la política, el poder y la guerra.El joven Fan es rescatado a los diecisiete años de un monasterio y formado por su tío Álvar en el arte de la espada y la guerra. Junto a él cabalgará defendiendo la frontera del Tajo y del Henares, desde Zorita, por Guadalajara, hasta la ciudad de Toledo, frente a los sucesiv
La madre del cordero
Hacemos turismo cultural, visitamos iglesias y catedrales, nos arrobamos ante la belleza de los frescos románicos, de los lienzos renacentistas, de los retablos barrocos, de las imágenes de bulto talladas en sillerías, canecillos y retablos, de las prodigiosas arquitecturas que conforman el edificio, pero no entendemos lo que representan.Qué diferencia una iglesia de una catedral? Por qué se representa el Espíritu Santo mediante una paloma? Por qué al evangelista san Juan se le muestra unas veces imberbe y otras con barba? Cómo distinguimos a san Judas Tadeo de Judas Iscariote? Hubo una santa tutelar de las prostitutas? Qué determina el grado de santidad de una reliquia? Con la inmensa capacidad divulgativa y el refinadísimo sentido del humor que lo caracterizan, Juan Eslava Galán nos guía por el arte religioso español más importante y nos enseña a interpretarlo y a disfrutarlo.El autor nos ayudará a descifrar el arte religioso que nos rodea a través de su historia y sus repres
The University of Chicago Press Custom and Confrontation: The Kwaio Struggle for Cultural Autonomy
"Anthropologists and students of anthropology may read this book because it is a superior ethnography, detailed and enriched by theoretical insights. But at the heart of this book is a moral take, a simple but powerful story about an indigenous people who were wronged, who resisted for more than 100 years, and who may yet prevail. This message, ultimately, lends the book its true meaning and value."—William Rodman, Anthropologica"A major contribution to the ethnography and history of Malaita and Melanesia, and to the growing literature on cultural resistance. But above all, his humane and painful analysis of the meeting of peoples living in different worlds and constructing their agendas and moralities on incommensurate—and apparently equally arbitrary—principles, represents a major contribution and challenge to anthropological thought, addressing the basic issue of what it is to be human."—Fredrik Barth
Milkweed Editions Feverland: A Memoir in Shards
“Alex Lemon is a brave, headlong writer, and he captures the life of the body with vivid and memorable intensity.”—Mark DotyBrain surgery. Assault weapons in the bed of a pickup truck. Sophia Loren at the Oscars. Rilke, Rodin, and the craters of the moon. Recovery and disintegration. Monkeys stealing an egg outside a temple in Kathmandu. Brushing teeth bloody on long car rides under blue skies. Pain, ours and what we bring to others. Wildfires in southern California. Rats in Texas. Childhood abuse. Dreams of tigers and blackout nights. The sweetness of mangoes. A son born into a shadowy hospital room. Love. Joy.In Feverland, Alex Lemon has created a fragmented exploration of what it means to be a man in the tumult of twenty-first-century America—and a harrowing, associative memoir about how we live with the beauties and horrors of our pasts. How to move forward, Lemon asks, when trapped between the demons of one’s history and the angels of one’s better nature? How to live in kindness—to become a caring partner and parent—when one can muster very little such tenderness for oneself? How to be here, now? How to be here, good?Immersed in darkness but shot through with light, Feverland is a thrillingly experimental memoir from one of our most heartfelt and inventive writers.
Skyhorse Publishing The Fisher King: A Jack McBride Mystery
When the dust settles in this Texas town, who will be left standing?It’s been six weeks since Jack McBride’s life went to hell: the resolution of his first case as chief sparked a countywide drug war, his brother Eddie rode into town with a pocket full of cocaine and trouble on his mind, his estranged wife returned from her one-year sabbatical determined to win him back, and Ellie Martin ended their brief affair.To the Stillwater natives, the increase in local crime can be traced directly back to the day the outsider McBride took the job, and they’re gunning to get rid of him. One particular group is led by Joe Doyle, a successful local businessman who’s running for city council against Ellie and her plan to revitalize downtown. Now Jack has discovered proof Doyle is the biggest crime lord in the county, and, with murders piling up and the drug war intensifying, Jack suspects the crimes aren’t business, but personaland he’s the target.The bitter election and Jack’s investigation spark old rivalries and new jealousies, making Ellie and those who love Stillwater most wonder if it’s even worth saving.
Andrews McMeel Publishing Beyond 3D: Improve Your Vision with Magic Eye
When Magic Eye images hit the publishing world in the 1990s, the response was as magical as the 3D images popping from their colourful backgrounds. Viewers couldn't get these best-selling books fast enough. In fact, Magic Eye I, II, and III rode the New York Times best-seller list for 34 weeks and eventually sold more than 20 million copies. Now Beyond 3D: Improve Your Vision with Magic Eye takes this phenomenon to another level. Beyond 3D examines the medical benefits and scientific possibilities related to viewing these remarkable images. Clearly explained in lay terms and through the use of numerous Magic Eye illustrations, the book not only helps readers "see" the images, it identifies and demonstrates the many physical and performance-related enrichments that may result. Magic Eye has long been a worldwide hit. Besides North America, Japan has been a highly receptive market for the Magic Eye way of seeing. Magic Eye Inc. has already produced a similar scientific-based book for that market - with a notable reception. Beyond 3D promises to bring its benefits to a wider audience, a group eager to experience results ranging from reduced computer eyestrain and diminished stress levels to improved overall vision and lengthened attention spans. Magic Eye continues its fascinating run!
The University of Chicago Press The Next Supercontinent: Solving the Puzzle of a Future Pangea
An internationally recognized scientist shows that Earth’s separate continents, once together in Pangea, are again on a collision course. You’ve heard of Pangea, the single landmass that broke apart some 175 million years ago to give us our current continents, but what about its predecessors, Rodinia or Columbia? These “supercontinents” from Earth’s past provide evidence that land repeatedly joins and separates. While scientists debate what that next supercontinent will look like—and what to name it—they all agree: one is coming. In this engaging work, geophysicist Ross Mitchell invites readers to remote (and sometimes treacherous) lands for evidence of past supercontinents, delves into the phenomena that will birth the next, and presents the case for the future supercontinent of Amasia, defined by the merging of North America and Asia. Introducing readers to plate tectonic theory through fieldwork adventures and accessible scientific descriptions, Mitchell considers flows deep in the Earth’s mantle to explain Amasia’s future formation and shows how this developing theory can illuminate other planetary mysteries. He then poses the inevitable question: how can humanity survive the intervening 200 million years necessary to see Amasia? An expert on the supercontinent cycle, Mitchell offers readers a front-row seat to a slow-motion mystery and an ongoing scientific debate.
Little, Brown & Company Comeback Cowboy
Lucas Cortez was never planning on coming back to Topaz Falls. To everyone in town, he's the hoodlum who set fire to the stables on the rodeo grounds when he was eighteen years old. Little do they know, he took the fall to protect his little brother. But now his father is battling Parkinson's disease and Lucas must come home. As a single mom, Naomi Sullivan keeps her beloved daughter's world perfectly organized. As the finance manager at the Cortez Ranch, she reconciles the books to the penny. Everything is wonderful until Lucas Cortez, her disgraced high school sweetheart, comes back to Topaz Falls. She was heartbroken when he was sent to prison at the end of their senior year. In her grief she made a mistake and slept with his friend, Mark. But, she never knew for sure if she was carrying Mark's baby or Lucas's. But now Lucas is back and her perfectly ordered world starts to unravel. As she spends time with him, she forgets about her boundaries and sees the man she'd once loved. But things get complicated when her ex comes back to town and wants to be a part of their daughter's life. Suddenly, Naomi finds herself facing the secrets of her past head on.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Warrior Trading: Inside the Mind of an Elite Currency Trader
Today's global financial markets are every bit as vicious psychologically, and sometimes even physically, as the battles the great warriors throughout history have faced. Just as the warriors of old rode out to battle with the confidence and knowledge to conquer new lands and foes, so do the warriors of the market who thrive on the battleground of the trading floor. In Warrior Trading, Clifford Bennett, one of today's leading currency forecasters, outlines a path to trading success by highlighting the characteristics, the knowledge and skills, and the psychological state of mind required to be a true warrior trader. You'll be introduced to some fresh and unique perspectives regarding the markets, by looking at fundamental and technical analysis, as well as discovering how best to trade within the markets as an individual. Most importantly, you'll learn how to take advantage of those moments when the perceptions of most traders (the herd) are at odds with the underlying reality-moments when fear, greed, and other emotions wreak havoc on the ordinary trader's ability to operate objectively. Divided into three comprehensive parts, Warrior Trading will show you how to develop the focus, attitude, and mental discipline of a top trader so that you can make the most out of your time in the markets.
Pennsylvania State University Press Soviet Salvage: Imperial Debris, Revolutionary Reuse, and Russian Constructivism
In Soviet Salvage, Catherine Walworth explores how artists on the margins of the Constructivist movement of the 1920s rejected “elitist” media and imagined a new world, knitting together avant-garde art, imperial castoffs, and everyday life.Applying anthropological models borrowed from Claude Lévi-Strauss, Walworth shows that his mythmaker typologies—the “engineer” and “bricoleur”—illustrate, respectively, the canonical Constructivists and artists on the movement’s margins who deployed a wide range of clever make-do tactics. Walworth explores the relationships of Nadezhda Lamanova, Esfir Shub, and others with Constructivists such as Aleksei Gan, Varvara Stepanova, and Aleksandr Rodchenko. Together, the work of these artists reflected the chaotic and often contradictory zeitgeist of the decade from 1918 to 1929 and redefined the concept of mass production. Reappropriated fragments of a former enemy era provided a wide range of play and possibility for these artists, and the resulting propaganda porcelain, film, fashion, and architecture tell a broader story of the unique political and economic pressures felt by their makers.An engaging multidisciplinary study of objects and their makers during the Soviet Union’s early years, this volume highlights a group of artists who hover like free radicals at the border of existing art-historical discussions of Constructivism and deepens our knowledge of Soviet art and material culture.
Cornerstone Cross My Heart: (Alex Cross 21)
SOON TO BE AN ORIGINAL AMAZON PRIME SERIES____________________________________'No one gets this big without amazing natural storytelling talent - which is what Jim has, in spades. The Alex Cross series proves it.' LEE CHILD______________________________________The Sunday Times BestsellerAlex Cross is being hunted.Now his predator is priming himself for the kill.As a police detective, Alex Cross has devoted his life to protecting others. His only refuge from the horrors of his job is his family - something his enemies have noticed.He's never faced a foe like this before. One by one, everyone he loves is being taken from him.If Alex doesn't act fast, he'll have no one left...'Alex Cross is a legend.' HARLAN COBEN_________________________________________'Alex Cross is a legend' HARLAN COBEN'The master storyteller of our times' HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON'It's no mystery why James Patterson is the world's most popular thriller writer . . . Simply put: nobody does it better.' JEFFERY DEAVER'Patterson boils a scene down to the single, telling detail, the element that defines a character or moves a plot along. It's what fires off the movie projector in the reader's mind.' MICHAEL CONNELLY'One of the greatest storytellers of all time' PATRICIA CORNWELL'A writer with an unusual skill at thriller plotting.' MARK LAWSON, GUARDIAN'James Patterson is The Boss. End of.' IAN RANKIN
Thames River Press Gestapo Lodge
The real-life world of espionage can, it appears, be every bit as glamorous, perilous, duplicitous and erotically charged as the most sensational fiction. Elaborating his father’s unfinished memoirs, Carlos Mundy had crafted an unforgettable account of a career in MI6 during the most dangerous period of recent European history: the years of the Second World War and its aftermath. After escaping from a Gestapo internment camp in France and illegally entering Spain, Rodney Mundy found himself imprisoned again. But the British Embassy secured his release and recruited him as a spy for MI6. Entering high society Madrid, Mundy soon met prominent Fascists, Nazis, agents and double agents, film stars and exotic dancers as well as the nobility and royal families of much of Europe. What followed was a series of thrilling adventures that took him to Cairo and Jerusalem, eventually leading to a violent showdown in Costa Rica. With his good looks making him irresistible to all, Mundy seems to have had more dangerous liaisons than even James Bond. To protect the innocent and bridge the gaps in his father’s writings, Carlos Mundy has blurred the line between fact and fiction, presenting the story as a novel. But in a world where deception is the name of the deadly game, nothing could be stranger than the truth.
Octopus Publishing Group Your Daily Veg: Modern, fuss-free vegetarian food
'I absolutely adore the food in this beautiful book.' - Nigella Lawson'One of the most inventive vegetable cooks.'- Anna Jones'Joe just makes the most delicious food that happens to have no meat or fish in it - I think this and his knack for bringing out flavour is his superpower.' - Rachel Roddy'One of those cookbooks that you can tell will go into heavy rotation in your kitchen. Each chapter is given over to a different, common vegetable and how you can turn it into a satisfying and straightforward meal.' - Tim Lewis, Observer Food MonthlySwapping just one meat dish for a plant-based one saves greenhouse gas emissions that are equivalent to the energy used to charge your phone for two years. Your small change can make a big difference.Deliciously simple cooking that just happens to be vegetarian, Your Daily Veg celebrates everyday vegetables in a fresh and modern way. Chapters focus either on one core vegetable or on a group of similar vegetables, celebrating seasonality and encouraging you to experiment. Joe Woodhouse blends textures, spices and flavours to create satisfying meals that use minimal ingredients but achieve maximum flavour. With tips on how best to prep dishes and advice on minimising stress and time in the kitchen, each recipe is as straightforward as possible.
Penguin Books Ltd Fever Pitch
The Twentieth Anniversary Edition*WINNER OF THE WILLIAM HILL SPORTS BOOK OF THE YEAR*Fever Pitch is Nick Hornby's million-copy-selling, award-winnning football classic'A spanking 7-0 away win of a football book. . . inventive, honest, funny, heroic, charming' IndependentFor many people watching football is mere entertainment, to some it's more like a ritual; but to others, its highs and lows provide a narrative to life itself. But, for Nick Hornby, his devotion to the game has provided one of few constants in a life where the meaningful things - like growing up, leaving home and forming relationships, both parental and romantic - have rarely been as simple or as uncomplicated as his love for Arsenal.'Hornby has put his finger on truths that have been unspoken for generations' Irish TimesBrimming with wit and honesty, Fever Pitch, catches perfectly what it really means to be a football fan - and in doing so, what it means to be a man. It sits side by side with the very finest football classics of the last twenty five years, from The Damned United by David Peace to A Life Too Short by Ronald Reng, but it is ultimately a book that defies categorization and can be enjoyed by all.'Funny, wise and true' Roddy Doyle
Orion Publishing Co Riding Through The Storm: My Fight Back to Fitness on the Tour de France
Geoff Thomas's heroic battle to overcome leukaemia, and then take on the toughest sporting challenge: to ride the Tour de France'A wonderfully compelling read' INDEPENDENT'RIDING THROUGH THE STORM details movingly and eloquently how Thomas fought cancer and then took on the Tour de France to prove how alive he was ... All human life graces Thomas' outstanding book' DAILY TELEGRAPHWhen Geoff Thomas struggled to play a friendly game of tennis while on holiday in Mallorca in May 2003, he thought little of it. Recently retired as a footballer, he believed it was a sign of ageing and perhaps a pulled muscle. But when the pain wouldn't go away, his wife Julie persuaded him to go to a doctor. He was diagnosed as having leukaemia.RIDING THROUGH THE STORM focuses on his journey round the Tour de France in the summer of 2005, riding the 2,240-mile course in the 21 days it takes Lance Armstrong and all the top cyclists, despite never having cycled much before. Despite the odds against him achieving it, he rode the course and raised nearly £200,000 for charity. As he rides, he looks back on his successful career as a footballer, and the bone-marrow transplant that saved his life. This is a powerful, moving and inspirational story of extraordinary achievement.
Te Herenga Waka University Press Bats Plays
Six seminal plays from Ken Duncum and Rebecca Rodden, whose playwriting partnership powered the vibrant theatre scene round Wellington’s BATS Theatre in the 1980s and 90s. Boldly inventive, darkly comic and ceaselessly imaginative, the plays collected here present a chilling one-woman vision of alienation (Polythene Pam); the comic and tragic impossibility of human connection (Truelove); an irresponsible punk couple horrified to find they’ve become parents to the Messiah (Flybaby); conjoined twins plunged into an off-kilter world of rampant advertising, animal terrorism and a perfume made from monkey semen (cult-classic JISM); a real-life 20th-century martyr tested to his limits in the afterlife by a vengeful gang of defrocked saints (The Temptations of St Max); and the not-so-quiet desperation of a fearful hoarder fighting to survive the night hours (Panic!). Supporting the plays are introductions and selected images from the writers and other BATS practitioners which vividly recapture a crucial time and place in New Zealand’s theatre history.
WW Norton & Co Listening for America: Inside the Great American Songbook from Gershwin to Sondheim
Few people in recent memory have dedicated themselves as devotedly to the story of twentieth- century American music as Rob Kapilow, the composer, conductor, and host of the hit NPR music radio program, What Makes It Great? Now, in Listening for America, he turns his keen ear to the Great American Songbook, bringing many of our favorite classics to life through the songs and stories of eight of the twentieth century’s most treasured American composers—Kern, Porter, Gershwin, Arlen, Berlin, Rodgers, Bernstein, and Sondheim. Hardly confi ning himself to celebrating what makes these catchy melodies so unforgettable, Kapilow delves deeply into how issues of race, immigration, sexuality, and appropriation intertwine in masterpieces like Show Boat and West Side Story. A book not just about musical theater but about America itself, Listening for America is equally for the devotee, the singer, the music student, or for anyone intrigued by how popular music has shaped the larger culture, and promises to be the ideal gift book for years to come.
Hal Leonard Corporation Second Act Trouble: Behind the Scenes at Broadway's Big Musical Bombs
If Broadway's triumphant musical hits are exhilarating the backstage tales of Broadway failures are tantalizing soap operas in miniature. ÊSecond Act TroubleÊ puts you with the creators in the rehearsal halls at out-of-town tryouts in late-night hotel-room production meetings and at after-the-fact recriminatory gripe fests. Suskin has compiled and annotated long-forgotten first-person accounts of 25 Broadway musicals that stubbornly went awry. Contributions come from such respected writers as Patricia Bosworth Mel Gussow Lehman Engel William Gibson Lewis H. Lapham and John Gruen. No mere vanity productions these; you can't have a big blockbuster of failure it seems without the participation of Broadway's biggest talents. Caught in the stranglehold of tryout turmoil are Richard Rodgers Jule Styne Jerry Herman Cy Coleman Charles Strouse John Kander Mel Brooks and even Edward Albee. The infamous shows featured include ÊMack & Mabel; Breakfast at Tiffany's; The Act; Dude; Golden Boy; Hellzapoppin'; Nick and Nora; Seesaw; Kelly; and How Now Dow JonesÊ.
Teton NewMedia Metabolic and Endocrine Physiology
This book is intended to give readers a “quick look” at metabolic and endocrine physiology. Emphasis is placed on instructional figures, flow diagrams and tables, while text material has been held to a minimum. In general, the endocrine system is first defined and described, and then each endocrine gland is discussed separately. Where appropriate, common endocrine disorders have also been included. This text concisely elucidates the endocrine mechanisms responsible for maintaining homeostatic control of important physiologic variables, and to assist the reader in understanding common pathophysiologic deviations from normal. Over 360 multiple-choice questions gauge the reader’s capacity to effectively understand the subject material.This new edition contains six new chapters covering: hormone disposition, measurement and secretion; bovine, equine and rodent estrus cycles; primate menstrual cycle; male reproductive system; testosterone, estrogen and progesterone; comparative aspects of endocrinology. Learning objectives have been added at the beginning of each chapter and all of the questions are new.
Pan Macmillan Shotgun Lovesongs
Henry, Lee, Kip and Ronny grew up together in rural Wisconsin. Friends since childhood, their lives all began the same way, but have since taken different paths. Henry stayed on the family farm and married his first love, whilst the others left in search of something more. Ronnie became a rodeo star, Kip made his fortune in the city, and musician Lee found fame – but heartbreak, too. Now all four are back in town for a wedding, each of them hoping to recapture their old closeness but unable to escape how much has changed. Amid the happiness of reunion and celebration, old rivalries resurface and a wife’s secret threatens to tear both a marriage and a friendship apart . . . This is a novel about the things that matter – love and loyalty, the power of music and the beauty of nature – told in a uniquely beautiful, warm-hearted and profound way and exploring the age-old question of whether we can ever truly come home.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd At War With Wellington
The Napier family are famous for their military exploits in the Peninsular War. Charles served in the 50th and 102nd Foot, George in the 52nd and 71st Foot and William (the famous historian of the Peninsular War) who served with the 43rd Foot. Two or three of them were always serving in the Peninsula at any given time and all suffered a number of severe wounds. William has a basic biography written of him and his famous _History of the Peninsular War_is littered with his personal and professional prejudices; Charles wrote a form of autobiography, mostly dealing with his later India campaigns; and virtually nothing has been written on poor George, despite the fact that he commanded the storming party at Ciudad Rodrigo, where he was severely wounded. However, much of this writing emanates from decades after they fought, when memories and changing political attitudes had clearly affected their writing. _At War With Wellington_ focuses on their private letters penned immediately from t
Editions Norma L'Œil en rut
Nudity, lasciviousness, sensuality, provocation, shamelessness, or obscenity. During the 19th century, eroticism takes on a new place in Western visual culture, in particular thanks to the development of reproduction such as photography, press or lithography. Result of long and meticulous research, this book reviews the major reflections carried out on the theme of nudity in the field of art history and the history of sensibilities. It studies the reception of nudity in France, based on documentary and iconographic sources renewed (little-known works, drawings and photographs, newspapers, archives, texts of laws) and allows us to better understand this history of erotic art of the nineteenth century, long perpetuated by the sole taste of description. By placing the works in their context, by comparing expressions and aesthetics, and studying visual culture of time, Claire Maingon opens up new fields of reflection, while allowing to discover unknown or forgotten artists such as Broc, Gavarni, Dubufe, Galimard, Ranft, Eakins, alongside the big names in the history of 19th century, David, Ingres, Delacroix, Courbet, Manet, Rodin. Text in French.
Penguin Books Ltd Kellie
WINNER OF THE AN POST SPORTS BOOK OF THE YEAR AWARD 2022The bestselling memoir of an Olympic championAfter Kellie Harrington won gold at the Tokyo Olympics, the Irish public recognized her as not merely a sporting hero, but a deeply inspirational human being. Now, Kellie tells the story of her unlikely journey to the top, and of the many obstacles and setbacks she overcame along the way.Growing up in Dublin''s north inner city, Kellie was in danger of going down the wrong path in life before she discovered boxing. The local boxing club was all-male and initially wouldn''t let her join, but she persisted.She was not an overnight success. For years she struggled in international competition. At times she felt unsupported by the national boxing set-up. More than once she considered giving up the sport. But some spark of ambition and love for boxing kept her going, and gradually she made herself world class.Writing with Roddy Doyle, the awa
Vintage Publishing As You Were
WINNER OF THE KATE O'BRIEN AWARD 2021SHORTLISTED FOR THE RATHBONES FOLIO PRIZE 2021SHORTLISTED FOR THE IRISH BOOK AWARDS NOVEL OF THE YEAR 2020AN OBSERVER BEST DEBUT 2020'Riveting... I was exhilarated reading this' Roddy DoyleSinead Hynes is a tough, driven, funny young property developer with a terrifying secret. No-one knows it: not her fellow patients in a failing hospital, and certainly not her family. She has confided only in Google and a shiny magpie. But she can't go on like this, tirelessly trying to outstrip her past and in mortal fear of her future. Across the ward, Margaret Rose is running her chaotic family from her rose-gold Nokia. In the neighbouring bed, Jane, rarely but piercingly lucid, is searching for a decent bra and for someone to listen. Sinead needs them both. As You Were is about intimate histories, institutional failures, the kindness of strangers, and the darkly present past of modern Ireland. It is about women's stories and women's struggles. It is about se
Pitch Publishing Ltd Celtic Minute by Minute: Covering More Than 500 Goals, Penalties, Red Cards and Other Intriguing Facts
In a unique first, Celtic Minute by Minute takes you through the Hoops' matchday history and records the historic goals, penalty saves, sendings off and any other memorable moment and crucially, the minute it happened in. From Celtic's early beginnings and successes to the days of Scottish and European trophies; from the Jock Stein and Billy McNeill era through to the domestic domination of more recent times under Martin O'Neill, Brendan Rodgers and Neil Lennon, learn about the club's most historic moments or simply relive some truly unforgettable moments from Celtic's glorious past. You will also discover just how many times a crucial goal has been scored in the same minute over the years. From goals scored in the opening few seconds to the last-gasp extra time winners that have thrilled generation of fans at Parkhead or around the world. Celtic Minute by Minute has it all with countless goals from Dalglish to Larsson and from Nicholas to Petrov.
Lannoo Publishers ROA Codex
"Although the street art is generally conveyed in a very natural matter, even his dead animal paintings seem at peace." - "Detached from the artist's identity, his detailed, illustrative animal paintings have brought him back to the world. With local species of animals as his main focus, ROA inevitably starts a dialogue about human interaction with nature and the environment, whether it is painting on the walls of a museum or in an abandoned rural factory." - Hi Fructose - The New Contemporary Magazine "One of the most influential acts of street art around the world." - The Huffington Post Fascinated by nature, the anonymous muralist and street artist ROA is inspired by the beauty of its non-human inhabitants. With great attention to detail, ROA draws over-sized black and white creatures of endemic or endangered species on buildings around the world, from Moscow to Mexico City, and from Los Angeles to London. His subjects are frequently survivors; scavengers, rodents, and unusual animals that thrive in their particular milieu.
HarperCollins Publishers Stoats Weasels Martens and Polecats
A definitive account of the bright-eyed assassins of the British countryside.Stoats, weasels, martens and polecats belong to the mustelid family, along with badgers and otters, and feral American mink, which are a recent addition to the UK countryside, following escapes and releases from fur farms.This new volume in the New Naturalist Library focuses on the four small mustelids', all highly specialised predators, ubiquitous assassins to be marvelled at. There is a family likeness, the rather pointed snout, powerful jaws and sharp fangs and the long sinuous slender body with short legs. These small mustelids are also possessed of dense fur, which once led to their being hunted nearly to extinction. Some can kill prey larger than themselves, in some cases much larger, and they are uniquely adapted to hunt their rodent prey. They also have extraordinary lives some in total seclusion, some in large, related groups now brought into the light by one of the UK's leading small mustelid exper
Orion Publishing Co The Grand National: A Celebration of the World's Most Famous Horse Race
Every year the Grand National produces very different stories from jockeys and horses alike; uplifting scenes from a victor and heartbreak when a mere inch divides the loser from the winner at the end of nearly four-and-a-half miles and thirty challenging fences. In 1839 the first winner was aptly named Lottery. Back then, huge crowds rode to Aintree by horseback, in carriages, carts or on foot. Today the Grand National is probably the world's most famous horse race, with a global television audience of some 600 million in 140 countries.This richly informed book focuses on the race's various record-breakers, rather than being a purely chronological history of this greatest of all steeplechases. Many records have stood the test of time: in 2019, Tiger Roll's second consecutive victory was the first time that the feat had been achieved since Red Rum in 1973-74. Anne Holland's authoritative history celebrates one of the world's greatest sporting spectacles.'A well-organised and cheerily anecdotal volume' Spectator
Little, Brown Book Group The 10 Commandments: The Rock Star's Guide to Life
Now that the nation's favourite music magazine is no more, The 10 Commandments draws on the finest selections of Q Magazine's archives, as well as never-before-seen material, to create the ultimate, outrageous guide to life from the world's most famous rock stars. This newly expanded edition of The 10 Commandments presents sixty musicians giving their rules to live by - from Noel Gallagher to 50 Cent. 'Thou shalt not play golf' BONO 'Painting is good for the soul' IGGY POP 'I'm trying to go back to old-school England with fisticuffs at your local football pitch' BIG NARSTIE'What makes a perfect gentleman? Leave big tips, baby!' WYCLEF JEAN 'Make like a boy scout' STEVIE NICKS 'Do as Madonna says' NILE RODGERS'A woman should always carry at least $75 on her. You need emergency exit money' AZEALIA BANKS 'Always be honest to your wife' JOHN LYDON'Even if you're set up for life, always have a total left-turn dream just in case' CHARLIE XCX 'Check the caffeine content' JOHNNY MARR
Cornerstone 23 ½ Lies: (A Women’s Murder Club Novella)
The thrilling new novella in the globally bestselling series plus two gripping new stories from the master of suspense. 23 ½ LiesWhen SFPD Sergeant Lindsay Boxer is called to investigate a crime scene, nothing can prepare her for what she finds: her estranged father gunned down execution style. The case will soon reveal to Lindsay a series life-altering truths . . .Fallen RangerA series of armed robberies are linked to a gang of motorcycle bandits. Rory Yates, the hero of Texas Ranger, is tasked with hunting them down.Watch Your BackA starving artist is paid to expose his client's cheating wife. But no amount of money can protect him from a world of corruption . . ._____________________________Praise for James Patterson'The master storyteller of our times' Hillary Rodham Clinton'James Patterson is the gold standard by which all others are judged' Steve Berry'No one gets this big without natural storytelling talent' Lee Child'Nobody does it better' Jeffrey Deaver'James Patterson is The Boss. End of.' Ian Rankin
Duke University Press Terrorizing Women: Feminicide in the Americas
More than 600 women and girls have been murdered and more than 1,000 have disappeared in the Mexican state of Chihuahua since 1993. Violence against women has increased throughout Mexico and in other countries, including Argentina, Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Peru. Law enforcement officials have often failed or refused to undertake investigations and prosecutions, creating a climate of impunity for perpetrators and denying truth and justice to survivors of violence and victims’ relatives. Terrorizing Women is an impassioned yet rigorously analytical response to the escalation in violence against women in Latin America during the past two decades. It is part of a feminist effort to categorize violence rooted in gendered power structures as a violation of human rights. The analytical framework of feminicide is crucial to that effort, as the editors explain in their introduction. They define feminicide as gender-based violence that implicates both the state (directly or indirectly) and individual perpetrators. It is structural violence rooted in social, political, economic, and cultural inequalities. Terrorizing Women brings together essays by feminist and human rights activists, attorneys, and scholars from Latin America and the United States, as well as testimonios by relatives of women who were disappeared or murdered. In addition to investigating egregious violations of women’s human rights, the contributors consider feminicide in relation to neoliberal economic policies, the violent legacies of military regimes, and the sexual fetishization of women’s bodies. They suggest strategies for confronting feminicide; propose legal, political, and social routes for redressing injustices; and track alternative remedies generated by the communities affected by gender-based violence. In a photo essay portraying the justice movement in Chihuahua, relatives of disappeared and murdered women bear witness to feminicide and demand accountability. Contributors: Pascha Bueno-Hansen, Adriana Carmona López, Ana Carcedo Cabañas, Jennifer Casey, Lucha Castro Rodríguez , Angélica Cházaro, Rebecca Coplan, Héctor Domínguez-Ruvalcaba, Marta Fontenla, Alma Gomez Caballero, Christina Iturralde, Marcela Lagarde y de los Ríos, Julia Estela Monárrez Fragoso, Hilda Morales Trujillo, Mercedes Olivera, Patricia Ravelo Blancas, Katherine Ruhl, Montserrat Sagot, Rita Laura Segato, Alicia Schmidt Camacho, William Paul Simmons, Deborah M. Weissman, Melissa W. Wright