Search results for ""author elizabeth"
Arizona Center for Medieval & Renaissance Studies,US Patron to Painter: Elizabethan Programs for Five Allegorical Paintings
For more than two centuries the group of early modern English manuscripts presented in this volume sat mostly ignored on the shelves of the British Library, known only to the librarians who catalogued them. Six of them, for four different elaborate allegorical paintings, appear in the manuscript catalog of the Sloane Collection as “Instructions to painters.” A seventh, from the Harley collection in the same library, has more recently been added to the group. On art historical, iconographic, and historical grounds the manuscripts add significantly to our knowledge of Elizabethan visual allegory, and reveal a provocative new contribution to the evolution of English political thought. And the development across three of the programs of a warm personal relationship between the patron and the artist opens a unique window into early modern relationships of this kind. Unlike most other surviving artistic programs, this one reveals its author’s personality and interests in a rich and beguiling way, and although as a writer he is no Sidney or Nashe, the naïve yet widely informed enthusiasm with which he addresses his readers has considerable force and charm.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Citation and Authority in Medieval and Renaissance Musical Culture: Learning from the Learned. Essays in Honour of Margaret Bent
Essays - collected in honour of Margaret Bent - examining how medieval and Renaissance composers responded to the tradition in which they worked through a process of citation of and commentary on earlier authors. Essays in honour of Margaret Bent. The chapters of this book probe the varied functions of citation and allusion in medieval and renaissance musical culture. At its most fundamental level musical culture relied on shared models for musical practice, used by singers and composers as they learned their craft. Several contributors to this volume investigate general models, which often drew on earlier musical works, internalized in the process of composers' own training as singers. In written theoretical musical pedagogy, conversely, citation of authority is deliberate and intentional. The adaptation of accepted wisdom in theoretical treatises was the means by which newer authors stamped their own authority. Further kinds of citation occur in specific musical texts, either within the words set to music or in the music itself. The diverse functions of citation and allusion for the creator, reader, scribe, performer and listener are here given due consideration. In doing so, this volume is a fitting tribute to Margaret Bent, whose pedagogy, publications, and presence are honoured in this Festschrift. Contributors: SUSAN RANKIN, GILLES RICO, CHRISTIAN THOMAS LEITMEIR, BARBARA HAGGH, LEOFRANC HOLFORD-STREVENS, ANDREW WATHEY, KEVIN BROWNLEE, ALICE V. CLARK, LAWRENCE M. EARP, VIRGINIA NEWES, JOHN MILSOM, DAVID HOWLETT, REINHARD STROHM, THEODOR DUMITRESCU, CRISTLE COLLINS JUDD, BONNIE J. BLACKBURN
Pennsylvania State University Press Defending the Faith: John Jewel and the Elizabethan Church
This volume brings together a diverse group of Reformation scholars to examine the life, work, and enduring significance of John Jewel, bishop of Salisbury from 1560 to 1571.A theologian and scholar who worked with early reformers in England such as Peter Martyr Vermigli, Martin Bucer, and Thomas Cranmer, Jewel had a long-lasting influence over religious culture and identity. The essays included in this book shed light on often-neglected aspects of Jewel’s work, as well as his standing in Elizabethan culture not only as a priest but as a leader whose work as a polemicist and apologist played an important role in establishing the authority and legitimacy of the Elizabethan Church of England. The contributors also place Jewel in the wider context of gender studies, material culture, and social history. With its inclusion of a short biography of Jewel’s early life and a complete list of his works published between 1560 and 1640, Defending the Faith is a fresh and robust look at an important Reformation figure who was recognized as a champion of the English Church, both by his enemies and by his fellow reformers.In addition to the editors, contributors to this volume are Andrew Atherstone, Ian Atherton, Paul Dominiak, Alice Ferron, Paul A. Hartog, Torrance Kirby, W. Bradford Littlejohn, Aislinn Muller, Joshua Rodda, and Lucy Wooding.
Hodder Education Engaging with Pearson Edexcel GCSE 91 History Early Elizabethan England 155888
Trust the power of cognitive science to help students to understand more, remember more and feel more confident about their exams.This textbook is guaranteed to make learning more effective. The approach was created by author and teacher Dale Banham, who has amazing knowledge of the best teaching methods and over 30 years'' classroom experience.> Simplify each topic. The text is broken down into bullet points and boxes. Tasks are structured around the ''steps to success'', teaching students how to Connect & Engage, Research & Record, Summarise, Apply and Review their learning> Make learning stick. Cognitive science techniques such as ''interleaving'', ''retrieval practice'' and ''spaced practice'' support students with processing and remembering the course content> Strengthen memory through ''dual coding''. The book contains memory aids that visually summarise key knowledge. Research proves that we remember something better
Reaktion Books Thomas Nashe and Late Elizabethan Writing
A critical biography of one of the most celebrated prose stylists in early modern English.This book provides an overview of the life and work of the scandalous Renaissance writer Thomas Nashe (1567–c.1600), whose writings led to the closure of theaters and widespread book bans. Famous for his scurrilous novel, The Unfortunate Traveller (1594), Nashe also played a central role in early English theater, collaborating with Ben Jonson, Christopher Marlowe, and William Shakespeare. Through religious controversies, pornographic poetry, and the bubonic plague, Andrew Hadfield traces the uproarious history of this celebrated English writer. 'Thomas Nashe was a bright, fierce light in Elizabethan literature, whose work was banned by the church authorities. From secretly circulated pornography to the herrings of East Anglia, and from Puritan propaganda to the first English novel, Nashe is always productive and provocative. Andrew Hadfield’s lucid new life opens up these funny, savage, deeply topical works for a new readership, emphasizing their range, verve, and specificity. Hadfield’s skill is in contextualizing without overshadowing the literary brio of the writing, and in recovering the Nashe whom all his contemporaries — including Shakespeare — wanted to emulate.' — Emma Smith, Hertford College, Oxford (UK)
Hodder Education AQA GCSE History: Elizabethan England, c1568-1603
Exam Board: AQALevel: GCSESubject: HistoryFirst Teaching: September 2016First Exam: June 2018AQA approvedCreate a stimulating, well-paced teaching route through the 2016 GCSE History specification using this tailor-made series that draws on a legacy of market-leading history textbooks and the individual subject specialisms of the author team to inspire student success.- Motivate your students to deepen their subject knowledge through an engaging and thought-provoking narrative that makes historical concepts accessible and interesting to today's learners- Embed progressive skills development in every lesson with carefully designed Focus Tasks that encourage students to question, analyse and interpret key topics- Take students' historical understanding to the next level by using a wealth of original contemporary source material to encourage wider reflection on different periods- Help your students achieve their potential at GCSE with revision tips and practice questions geared towards the changed assessment model, plus useful advice to aid exam preparation- Confidently navigate the new AQA specification using the expert insight of experienced authors and teachers with examining experience
The History Press Ltd An Elizabethan Assassin: Theodore Paleologus: Seducer, Spy and Killer
In this first biography of Theodore Paleologus, new documentary evidence exposes him as a hardened mercenary and killer in the pay of the wicked Earl of Lincoln but also supports his imperial pretensions – long dismissed by historians. Yet despite his black record, memorial services are still conducted with imperial honours at Theodore’s grave in Cornwall and he now enjoys a new lease of life in fantasy fiction. Award-winning author John Hall traces the extraordinary real lives of Theodore Paleologus and his three sons – from contract killings throughout Europe to fighting one another in the English Civil War, and from buccaneering on the Spanish Main to a pioneering role in the Caribbean slave trade. Their true story is contrasted with parallel lives on the wilder shores of literature which link Theodore to the bloodline of Christ, the biblical End of Days, and a claim to the throne of England. Here, Hall finally separates fact from fable in the patchy history of this legendary but elusive villain.
Oxford University Press An Anthology of Elizabethan Prose Fiction
These five works - George Gascoigne's The Adventures of Master F. J; John Lyly's Euphues: The Anatomy of Wit; Robert Greene's Pandosto. The Triumph of Time; Thomas Nashe's The Unfortunate Traveller and Thomas Deloney's Jack of Newbury - represent Elizabethan fiction at its best. The Adventures of Master F. J. is a comedy of manners with a sting in its tail. In Euphues John Lyly invented a new, elaborate rhetorical style which delighted its Elizabethan audience and has been praised or parodied ever since. Pandosto was Shakespeare's source for The Winter's Tale, but Greene's is a darker story designed to shock the reader accustomed to romantic conventions. The Unfortunate Traveller marks the peak of Nashe's gift for literary pastiche, mixing picaresque narrative with mock-historical fantasy. Jack of Newbury dedicated to 'All famous cloth Workers in England', sums up important social contradictions in sharply observed comic scenes and brisk, witty dialogue. ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
Arcadia Publishing Elizabethtown
McGill-Queen's University Press A People’s Reformation: Building the English Church in the Elizabethan Parish
The Elizabethan settlement, and the Church of England that emerged from it, made way for a theological reformation, an institutional reformation, and a high political reformation. It was a reformation that changed history, birthed an Anglican communion, and would eventually launch new wars, new language, and even a new national identity. A People’s Reformation offers a fundamental reinterpretation of the English Reformation and the roots of the Church of England. Drawing on archival material from across the United States and Britain, Lucy Kaufman examines the growing influence of state authority and the slow building of a robust state church from the bottom up in post-Reformation England. Situating the people of England at the heart of this story, the book argues that while the Reformation shaped everyday lives, it was also profoundly shaped by them in turn. England became a Protestant nation not in spite of its people but through their active social, political, and religious participation in creating a new church in England.A People’s Reformation explores this world from the pews, reimagining the lived experience and fierce negotiation of church and state in the parishes of Elizabethan England. It places ordinary people at the centre of the local, cultural, and political history of the Reformation and its remarkable, transformative effect on the world.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Making of the Elizabethan Navy 1540-1590: From the Solent to the Armada
An account of the development of the English navy showing how the formidable force which beat the Spanish Armada was created. When Henry VIII came to the throne in 1509 the English Navy was rather ad hoc: there were no warships as such, rather just merchant ships, hired when needed by the king, and converted for military purposes, which involved mostly the transport of troops and the support of land armies. There were no permanent dockyards and no admiralty or other standing institutions to organise naval affairs. Throughout the reigns of Henry VIII, Edward VI and Mary, and theearly part of the reign of Elizabeth, all this changed, so that by the 1580s England had permanent dockyards, and permanent naval administrative institutions, and was able to send warships capable of fighting at sea to attack theSpanish in the Caribbean and in Spain itself, and able to confront the Spanish Armada with a formidable fleet. This book provides a thorough account of the development of the English navy in this period, showing how the formidableforce which beat the Spanish Armada was created. It covers technological, administrative and operational developments, in peace and war, and provides full accounts of the various battles and other naval actions. David Loadesis Honorary Research Professor, University of Sheffield, Professor Emeritus, University of Wales, Bangor, and a member of the Centre for British and Irish Studies, University of Oxford. He has published over 20 books, including"The Tudor Navy" (1992).
Pennsylvania State University Press Defending the Faith: John Jewel and the Elizabethan Church
This volume brings together a diverse group of Reformation scholars to examine the life, work, and enduring significance of John Jewel, bishop of Salisbury from 1560 to 1571.A theologian and scholar who worked with early reformers in England such as Peter Martyr Vermigli, Martin Bucer, and Thomas Cranmer, Jewel had a long-lasting influence over religious culture and identity. The essays included in this book shed light on often-neglected aspects of Jewel’s work, as well as his standing in Elizabethan culture not only as a priest but as a leader whose work as a polemicist and apologist played an important role in establishing the authority and legitimacy of the Elizabethan Church of England. The contributors also place Jewel in the wider context of gender studies, material culture, and social history. With its inclusion of a short biography of Jewel’s early life and a complete list of his works published between 1560 and 1640, Defending the Faith is a fresh and robust look at an important Reformation figure who was recognized as a champion of the English Church, both by his enemies and by his fellow reformers.In addition to the editors, contributors to this volume are Andrew Atherstone, Ian Atherton, Paul Dominiak, Alice Ferron, Paul A. Hartog, Torrance Kirby, W. Bradford Littlejohn, Aislinn Muller, Joshua Rodda, and Lucy Wooding.
Archaeopress The Archaeology of Kenilworth Castle’s Elizabethan Garden: Excavation and Investigation 2004–2008
As part of the Property Development Programme for Kenilworth Castle in Warwickshire, English Heritage created an ambitious reconstruction of the Elizabethan garden which formerly stood on the north side of the castle keep. In order to achieve a reliable representation of the original garden, a programme of archaeological trenching, open area excavation and watching brief was carried out by Northamptonshire Archaeology (now MOLA) from 2004 to 2008. This report discusses the results of the excavations which uncovered for the first time the foundation and culverts of an octagonal fountain basin, described by Robert Langham in a contemporary letter relating to Queen Elizabeth I’s visit in 1575. The results of the excavation also clarified to some extent the original dimensions of the garden and the foundation level upon which the fine surfacing detail would have been applied. Contributions to understanding the geometry of the garden’s architectural features are made by the identification of a series of rubble-and-mortar-filled pits, which probably formed bases for plinths for structures or other structural elements. The terrace which formed a viewing promenade over the garden was shown to have undergone substantial alteration. The impact of Civil War defences and slighting on the north of the keep and outer bailey wall were investigated. Following this, the area was subsequently cultivated as a kitchen garden and orchard from at least the beginning of the eighteenth century. Twentieth-century activity included consolidation of the castle fabric, the construction of paths and the remodelling of the terrace, and the remains of an ornamental knotwork garden created in 1975. The archaeology of the garden and its surroundings are discussed from the remnants of medieval features through to the present day.
Katelyn Jayne Elizabeth Feltmate Love in the Age of Quarantine: Poetry
University of Nebraska Press Gentry Rhetoric: Literacies, Letters, and Writing in an Elizabethan Community
Gentry Rhetoric examines the full range of influences on the Elizabethan and Jacobean genteel classes’ practice of English rhetoric in daily life. Daniel Ellis surveys how the gentry of late sixteenth- and early seventeenth-century Norfolk wrote to and negotiated with each other by employing Renaissance humanist rhetoric, both to solidify their identity and authority in resisting absolutism and authoritarianism, and to transform the political and social state. The rhetorical training that formed the basis of their formal education was one obvious influence. Yet to focus on this training exclusively allows only a limited understanding of the way this class developed the strategies that enabled them to negotiate, argue, and conciliate with one another to such an extent that they could both form themselves as a coherent entity and become the primary shapers of written English’s style, arrangement, and invention.Gentry Rhetoric deeply and inductively examines archival materials in which members of the gentry discuss, debate, and negotiate matters relating to their class interests and political aspirations. Humanist rhetoric provided the bedrock of address, argumentation, and negotiation that allowed the gentry to instigate a political and educational revolution in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century England.
Yale University Press The Jewel House: Elizabethan London and the Scientific Revolution
Not just a few elite scientists, but Londoners from all walks of life--lawyers, prisoners, midwives, merchants--participated in the scientific community of Elizabethan times Bestselling author Deborah Harkness (A Discovery of Witches, Shadow of Night) explores the streets, shops, back alleys, and gardens of Elizabethan London, where a boisterous and diverse group of men and women shared a keen interest in the study of nature. These assorted merchants, gardeners, barber-surgeons, midwives, instrument makers, mathematics teachers, engineers, alchemists, and other experimenters, she contends, formed a patchwork scientific community whose practices set the stage for the Scientific Revolution. While Francis Bacon has been widely regarded as the father of modern science, scores of his London contemporaries also deserve a share in this distinction. It was their collaborative, yet often contentious, ethos that helped to develop the ideals of modern scientific research.The book examines six particularly fascinating episodes of scientific inquiry and dispute in sixteenth-century London, bringing to life the individuals involved and the challenges they faced. These men and women experimented and invented, argued and competed, waged wars in the press, and struggled to understand the complexities of the natural world. Together their stories illuminate the blind alleys and surprising twists and turns taken as medieval philosophy gave way to the empirical, experimental culture that became a hallmark of the Scientific Revolution.
Dover Publications Inc. Elizabethan Poetry
Yale University Press Elizabethan Architecture
Elizabethan and Jacobean architecture— the uniquely strange and exciting buildings built by the great and powerful, ranging from huge houses to gem-like pavilions and lodges designed for feasting and hunting—is a phenomenon as remarkable as the literature that accompanied it, the literature of Shakespeare, Spenser, Sidney, Marlow, and others. In this beautiful and fascinating book, Mark Girouard discusses social structure and the way of life behind it, the evolution of the house plan, the excitement of English patrons and craftsmen as they learned not only about the classic Five Orders and the buildings of Ancient Rome, the surprising wealth of architectural drawings that survive from the period, the inroads of foreign craftsmen who brought new fashions in ornament, but also the strength of the native tradition that was creatively integrated with the “antique” style. Behind the book is a vivid consciousness of the European scene: Italy, France, central Europe and above all the Low Countries and their influence on England. But the principal argument of the book is the unique individuality of the English achievement. The result of new research and fieldwork, as well as a lifetime’s observation and scholarship, this remarkable book displays Girouard’s unique sense of style and his enduring excitement for the architecture of the period.Published for the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art
American Numismatic Society Roman Coins Money and Society in Elizabethan England Sir Thomas Smiths On the Wages of the Roman Footsoldier 36 Numismatic Studies
Sir Thomas Smith was one of the most important politicians and intellectuals of the day; a brilliant academic career at Cambridge was followed by his active participation in politics under Edward VI, Mary, and Elizabeth. He played a leading role in the controversial reform of Greek pronunciation; he introduced a new style of continental architecture to England; and he wrote analyses of the politics of his day, including his views on the relations between the monarch and parliament, views which were to be seized on in the crisis of the 17th century in a way which would no doubt have startled Smith, had he lived to see it. For this reason the publication of the ORWF is accompanied by Richard Simpson's personal and intellectual biography of this most important of the missing persons' of the 16th century. The biography is intended partly to remedy some of the misconceptions about Smith, but, more importantly to set OWRF and his other writings in a coherent biographical framework Deborah T
The University of Chicago Press The Purpose of Playing: Shakespeare and the Cultural Politics of the Elizabethan Theatre
Part of a larger project to examine the Elizabethan politics of representation, this work refigures the social and cultural context within which Elizabethan drama was created. The author first locates the public and professional theatre within the ideological and material framework of Elizabethan culture. He considers the role of the professional theatre and theatricality in the cultural transformation that was concurrent with religious and socio-political change, and then concentrates upon the formal means by which Shakespeare's Elizabethan plays called into question the absolutist assertions of the Elizabethan state. Drawing dramatic examples from the genres of tragedy and history, Montrose finally focuses his cultural-historical perspective on "A Midsummer Night's Dream". The book demonstrates how language and literary imagination shape cultural value, belief and understanding including social distinction and interaction, and political control and contestation.
Princeton University Press Shakespearean Representation: Mimesis and Modernity in Elizabethan Tragedy
We are often told that Shakespeare is our contemporary, yet we insist just as often on the Elizabethan quality of his work as it reflects a culture remote from our own. Beginning with this paradox, Howard Felperin explores the question of modernity in literature. He directs his attention toward several older poets and examines Shakespeare in particular to show how literary modernity depends, not on chronological considerations, but on the process of mimesis, or imitation, that art has traditionally claimed for itself. In analyzing Shakespeare's major tragedies, Professor Felperin notes that each carries within it a model of its dramatic prototypes, and therefore requires a conservative response from its interpreters. In the interest of being truer to life than its model, however, each play departs from that model and so requires a Romantic or modernist response as well. The author contends that Shakespeare's meaning arises from this ambivalent relation to the forms of the past. Originally published in 1978. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Lee & Low Books Inc Mama Elizabeti
Ave Maria University Press Elizabethan Shakespeare
To know Shakespeare is to know his plays, not just one by one but all together—or what T. S. Eliot calls ""the pattern in his carpet”.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Conferences and Combination Lectures in the Elizabethan Church: Dedham and Bury St Edmunds, 1582-1590
Insight into the minds and methods of 'godly' ministers - early nonconformists - who sought to modify the Elizabethan settlement of religion. At the heart of Elizabeth I's reign, a secret conference of clergymen met in and around Dedham, Essex, on a monthly basis in order to discuss matters of local and national interest. Their collected papers, a unique survival from the clandestine world of early English nonconformity, are here printed in full for the first time, together with a hitherto unpublished narrative by the Suffolk minister, Thomas Rogers, which throws a flood of light on similar, ifmore public, clerical activity in and around Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, during the same period. Taken together, the two texts provide an unrivalled insight into the minds and the methods of that network of 'godly' ministers whose professed aim was to modify the strict provisions of the Elizabethan settlement of religion, both by ceaseless lobbying and by practical example. The editors' introduction accordingly emphasizes the complex nature of the English protestant tradition between the Tudor mid-century and the accession of James I, as well as attempting to plot the politico-ecclesiastical developments of the 1580s in some detail. A comprehensive biographical register of the members of the Dedham conference, of the Bury St Edmunds lecturers, and of many other important names mentioned in the texts, completes the volume. PATRICK COLLINSON is Regius Professor of Modern History, University of Cambridge;JOHN CRAIG is associate professor at Simon Fraser University; BRETT USHER is an expert on Elizabethan clergy.
Hodder Education WJEC Eduqas GCSE History: The Elizabethan Age, 1558-1603
Exam Board: EduqasLevel: GCSESubject: HistoryFirst teaching: September 2016First exams: Summer 2018Endorsed by EduqasBring out the best in every student, enabling them to develop in-depth subject knowledge and historical skills with the market-leading series for Eduqas, fully updated to help you navigate the content and assessment requirements for the 9-1 GCSE.> Maps the content against the key questions in the 2016 specification, with thorough and reliable course coverage written by a team of experienced authors, teachers and examiners> Motivates students to increase their subject knowledge by following a clear, detailed narrative that leads learners topic by topic through the important issues, events and concepts> Progressively builds historical understanding and skills as students work through a range of engaging classroom activities with structured support at every stage> Boosts students' confidence approaching assessment, providing numerous opportunities to practise different types of exam-style questions> Captures learners' interest by offering a rich variety of source material that brings historical periods to life, enhancing understanding and enjoyment throughout the course
Faber Music Ltd Two Elizabethan Quintets. recorders
Hodder Education My Revision Notes: Edexcel GCSE (9-1) History: Early Elizabethan England, 1558–88
Exam Board: Pearson EdexcelLevel: GCSESubject: HistoryFirst teaching: September 2016First exams: Summer 2018Endorsed for EdexcelTarget success in Edexcel GCSE (9-1) History with this proven formula for effective, structured revision.Key content coverage is combined with exam-style questions, revision tasks and practical tips to create a revision guide that students can rely on to review, strengthen and test their knowledge.With My Revision Notes every student can:> Plan and manage a successful revision programme using the topic-by-topic planner> Enjoy an interactive approach to revision, with clear topic summaries that consolidate knowledge and related activities that put the content into context> Build, practise and enhance exam skills by progressing through activities set at different levels> Improve exam technique through exam-style questions and model answers with commentary from expert authors and teachers> Get exam ready with extra quick quizzes and answers to the activities available online
Alfred Music Elizabethan Dance: Conductor Score
Shree Publishers & Distributors History of Elizabethan Literature
Manchester University Press Five Elizabethan Progress Entertainments
Designed to introduce the student or general reader to a largely unfamiliar area of Elizabethan theatrical activity, Five Elizabethan progress entertainments focuses on a group of entertainments mounted for the monarch in the closing years of her reign. Richly annotated, and prefaced by a substantial introduction, the texts enable an understanding of the motives underlying not only the progress itself, but the choice of locations the monarch elected to visit and the personal and political preoccupations of those with whom she determined to stay. Selected for their diversity, the entertainments exhibit the tensions underlying some royal visits, the lavish expenditure entailed for the monarch’s hosts and the overlap in terms of both material and authorship between the progress entertainments and the more widely studied products of the sixteenth-century stage.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Elizabethan Costume Design and Construction
Learn how to create historically accurate costumes for Elizabethan period productions with Elizabethan Costume Design and Construction! Extensive coverage of a variety of costumes for both men and women of all social classes will allow you to be prepared for any costuming need, and step-by-step instructions will ensure you have the know-how to design and construct your garments. Get inspired by stunning, hand-drawn renderings of costumes used in real life productions like Mary Stuart as you’re led through the design process. Detailed instructions will allow you to bring your designs to life and create a meticulously constructed costume.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Being Elizabethan: Understanding Shakespeare's Neighbors
Captures the worldviews, concerns, joys, and experiences of people living through the cultural changes in the second half of the sixteenth century and the early seventeenth century, Shakespeare’s age. Elizabethans lived through a time of cultural collapse and rejuvenation as the impacts of globalization, the religious Reformation, economic and scientific revolutions, wars, and religious dissent forced them to reformulate their ideas of God, nation, society and self. This well-written, accessible book depicting how Elizabethans perceived reality and acted on their perceptions illustrates Elizabethan life, offering readers well-told stories about the Elizabethan people and the world around them. It defines the older ideas of pre-Elizabethan culture and shows how they were shattered and replaced by a new culture based on the emergence of individual conscience. The book posits that post-Reformation English culture, emphasizing the internalization of religious certainties, embraced skepticism in ways that valued individualism over older communal values. Being Elizabethan portrays how people’s lives were shaped and changed by the tension between a received belief in divine stability and new, destabilizing, ideas about physical and metaphysical truth. It begins with a chapter that examines how idealized virtues in a divinely governed universe were encapsulated in funeral sermons and epitaphs, exploring how they perceived the Divine Order. Other chapters discuss Elizabethan social stations, community, economics, self-expression, and more. Illustrates how early modern culture was born by exposing readers to events, artistic expressions, and personal experiences Provides an understanding of Elizabethan people by summarizing momentous events with which they grew up Appeals to students, scholars, and laymen interested in history and literature of the Elizabethan era Shows how a new cultural era, the age of Shakespeare, grew from collapsing late Medieval worldviews. Being Elizabethan is a captivating read for anyone interested in early modern English culture and society. It is an excellent source of information for those studying Tudor and early Stuart history and/or literature.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Being Elizabethan: Understanding Shakespeare's Neighbors
Captures the worldviews, concerns, joys, and experiences of people living through the cultural changes in the second half of the sixteenth century and the early seventeenth century, Shakespeare’s age. Elizabethans lived through a time of cultural collapse and rejuvenation as the impacts of globalization, the religious Reformation, economic and scientific revolutions, wars, and religious dissent forced them to reformulate their ideas of God, nation, society and self. This well-written, accessible book depicting how Elizabethans perceived reality and acted on their perceptions illustrates Elizabethan life, offering readers well-told stories about the Elizabethan people and the world around them. It defines the older ideas of pre-Elizabethan culture and shows how they were shattered and replaced by a new culture based on the emergence of individual conscience. The book posits that post-Reformation English culture, emphasizing the internalization of religious certainties, embraced skepticism in ways that valued individualism over older communal values. Being Elizabethan portrays how people’s lives were shaped and changed by the tension between a received belief in divine stability and new, destabilizing, ideas about physical and metaphysical truth. It begins with a chapter that examines how idealized virtues in a divinely governed universe were encapsulated in funeral sermons and epitaphs, exploring how they perceived the Divine Order. Other chapters discuss Elizabethan social stations, community, economics, self-expression, and more. Illustrates how early modern culture was born by exposing readers to events, artistic expressions, and personal experiences Provides an understanding of Elizabethan people by summarizing momentous events with which they grew up Appeals to students, scholars, and laymen interested in history and literature of the Elizabethan era Shows how a new cultural era, the age of Shakespeare, grew from collapsing late Medieval worldviews. Being Elizabethan is a captivating read for anyone interested in early modern English culture and society. It is an excellent source of information for those studying Tudor and early Stuart history and/or literature.
Alfred Music Elizabethan Dance: Conductor Score & Parts
McGill-Queen's University Press A People’s Reformation: Building the English Church in the Elizabethan Parish
The Elizabethan settlement, and the Church of England that emerged from it, made way for a theological reformation, an institutional reformation, and a high political reformation. It was a reformation that changed history, birthed an Anglican communion, and would eventually launch new wars, new language, and even a new national identity. A People’s Reformation offers a fundamental reinterpretation of the English Reformation and the roots of the Church of England. Drawing on archival material from across the United States and Britain, Lucy Kaufman examines the growing influence of state authority and the slow building of a robust state church from the bottom up in post-Reformation England. Situating the people of England at the heart of this story, the book argues that while the Reformation shaped everyday lives, it was also profoundly shaped by them in turn. England became a Protestant nation not in spite of its people but through their active social, political, and religious participation in creating a new church in England.A People’s Reformation explores this world from the pews, reimagining the lived experience and fierce negotiation of church and state in the parishes of Elizabethan England. It places ordinary people at the centre of the local, cultural, and political history of the Reformation and its remarkable, transformative effect on the world.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Thomas Morley: Elizabethan Music Publisher
An essential book for scholars and students of renaissance music, as well as the history of music publishing and print. The Renaissance composer and organist Thomas Morley (c.1557-1602) is best known as a leading member of the English Madrigal School, but he also built a significant business as a music publisher. This book looks at Morley's pioneering contribution to music publishing in England, inspired by an established music printing culture in continental Europe. A student of William Byrd, Morley had a conventional education and early career as a cathedral musician both in Norwich and at St Paul's cathedral. Morley lived amongst the traders, artisans and gentry of England's major cities at a time when a market for recreational music was beginning to emerge. His entrepreneurial drive combinedwith an astute assessment of his market resulted in a successful and influential publishing business. The turning point came with a visit to the Low Countries in 1591, which gave him the opportunity to see a thriving music printpublication business at first hand. Contemporary records provide a detailed picture of the processes involved in early modern music publishing and enable the construction of a financial model of Morley's business. Morley died too young to reap the full rewards of his enterprise, but his success inspired the publication by his contemporaries of a significant corpus of readily available recreational music for the public. Critical to Morley's successwas his identification of the sort of music, notably the Italianate lighter style of madrigal, that would appeal to amateur musicians. Surviving copies of the original prints show that this music continued to be used for severalgenerations: new editions in modern notation started to appear from the mid eighteenth century onwards, suggesting that Morley truly had the measure of the market for recreational music. Thomas Morley: Elizabethan Music Publisher will be of particular interest to scholars and students of renaissance music, as well as the history of music publishing and print. Tessa Murray is an honorary research fellow at the University of Birmingham.
Hodder Education Engaging with AQA GCSE (9–1) History Revision Guide: Elizabethan England, c1568–1603
This is not your average revision guide. It doesn't just tell you what to revise. It teaches you how to revise, too, which is the key to exam success.Based on the latest cognitive science principles and illustrated by lots of visual memory aids, this book makes it much easier to remember everything you need to know and avoid feeling overwhelmed.> Start revising the right way. Testing yourself is proven to boost memory, so you will start each chapter by answering a Knowledge Test, to see what you know and where you have gaps.> Spend time on what matters. Having completed the Knowledge Tests, you can plan a really efficient revision programme, which focuses on your weaker topics and will make the biggest difference to your grade.> Close the gaps. The 'Core Content' pages improve your knowledge of the topics that you need to revise. Research proves that we remember something better if it's presented through text and images, so these pages use bullet points and cartoon memory aids to summarise the important knowledge 'takeaways'.> Show what you know. The 'Exam Practice' pages explain what to do with the knowledge you have gained and how to apply it in the exams. Practice questions and exam tips help you to feel confident answering each question type. Compare your answers to the model answers provided, which highlight the features of excellent responses.> Trust the Dale Banham method. Dale is a highly creative History author and a teacher with over 30 years' experience. Building upon the thinking behind his popular 'Engaging with AQA GCSE History' textbooks, the 'steps to success' in this book give students more support than any other revision guide.
Arcadia Publishing Elizabethtown Images of America Arcadia Publishing
Novello & Co Ltd Eight Madrigals By Elizabethan Composers
WW Norton & Co How to Behave Badly in Elizabethan England: A Guide for Knaves, Fools, Harlots, Cuckolds, Drunkards, Liars, Thieves, and Braggarts
Every age and social strata has its bad eggs, rule-breakers, and nose-thumbers. As acclaimed popular historian and author of How to Be a Victorian Ruth Goodman shows in her madcap chronicle, Elizabethan England was particularly rank with troublemakers, from snooty needlers who took aim with a cutting “thee,” to lowbrow drunkards with revolting table manners. Goodman draws on advice manuals, court cases, and sermons to offer this colorfully crude portrait of offenses most foul. Mischievous readers will delight in learning how to time your impressions for the biggest laugh, why quoting Shakespeare was poor form, and why curses hurled at women were almost always about sex (and why we shouldn’t be surprised). Bringing her signature “exhilarating and contagious” enthusiasm (Boston Globe), this is a celebration of one of history’s naughtiest periods, when derision was an art form.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Ghost Theatre: Utterly transporting historical fiction, Elizabethan London as you've never seen it
BOOK OF THE YEAR - EVENING STANDARD, THE OBSERVER and THE TIMES ‘Beautifully written and completely convincing’ Observer ‘An excellent novel – riotous and abundant, full of vivid, dirty life’ Guardian 'Osman brings the underworld of Elizabethan London to life' Sandra Newman, author of Julia On a rooftop in Elizabethan London two worlds collide. Shay is a messenger-girl and trainer of hawks who sees the future in the patterns of birds. Nonesuch is the dark star of the city's fabled child theatre scene, as famous as royalty yet lowly as a beggar. Together they create The Ghost Theatre: a troupe staging magical plays in London's hidden corners. As their hallucinatory performances incite rebellion among the city's outcasts, the pair's relationship sparks and burns against a backdrop of the plague and a London in flames. Their growing fame sweeps them up into the black web of the Elizabethan court, where Shay and Nonesuch discover that if they fly too high, a fall is sure to come… Fantastical and captivating, The Ghost Theatre charts the rise and dramatic destruction of a dream born from love and torn apart by betrayal. 'Wildly inventive and full of fantastical elements jostling alongside gritty realism’ The Times 'Rich and evocative with shades of Angela Carter' Ever Dundas 'A story of rebellion and magic, of mysticism and broken love in the streets and theatres and rooftops of Elizabethan London. Beautifully written, delicate and sad. I'm still haunted by it' Mariana Enriquez 'Brings the underworld of Elizabethan London to life with its child theatres, rioting apprentices and anarchic world, its jumble of squalor and glamour... larger-than-life heroes raise child rebellions; pursue exalted, treacherous love affairs... Glorious!' Sandra Newman ‘Hauntingly beautiful … Thrilling and thought-provoking’ Independent
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Ghost Theatre: Utterly transporting historical fiction, Elizabethan London as you've never seen it
BOOK OF THE YEAR - EVENING STANDARD, THE OBSERVER and THE TIMES ‘Beautifully written and completely convincing’ Observer ‘An excellent novel – riotous and abundant, full of vivid, dirty life’ Guardian 'Osman brings the underworld of Elizabethan London to life' Sandra Newman, author of Julia On a rooftop in Elizabethan London two worlds collide. Shay is a messenger-girl and trainer of hawks who sees the future in the patterns of birds. Nonesuch is the dark star of the city's fabled child theatre scene, as famous as royalty yet lowly as a beggar. Together they create The Ghost Theatre: a troupe staging magical plays in London's hidden corners. As their hallucinatory performances incite rebellion among the city's outcasts, the pair's relationship sparks and burns against a backdrop of the plague and a London in flames. Their growing fame sweeps them up into the black web of the Elizabethan court, where Shay and Nonesuch discover that if they fly too high, a fall is sure to come… Fantastical and captivating, The Ghost Theatre charts the rise and dramatic destruction of a dream born from love and torn apart by betrayal. 'Wildly inventive and full of fantastical elements jostling alongside gritty realism’ The Times 'Rich and evocative with shades of Angela Carter' Ever Dundas 'A story of rebellion and magic, of mysticism and broken love in the streets and theatres and rooftops of Elizabethan London. Beautifully written, delicate and sad. I'm still haunted by it' Mariana Enriquez 'Brings the underworld of Elizabethan London to life with its child theatres, rioting apprentices and anarchic world, its jumble of squalor and glamour... larger-than-life heroes raise child rebellions; pursue exalted, treacherous love affairs... Glorious!' Sandra Newman ‘Hauntingly beautiful … Thrilling and thought-provoking’ Independent
Allison & Busby The Silent Woman: The dramatic Elizabethan whodunnit
When fire destroys their London theatre, Lord Westfield's players must seek out humbler venues in the countryside. But company manager Nicholas Bracewell is distracted by a shocking tragedy: a mysterious messenger from his native Devon is murdered by poison. Though the messenger is silenced, Nicholas understands what he must do: return to his birthplace and reconcile some unfinished business of the past. The rest of Westfield's Men, penniless and dejected, ride forth with him on a nightmare tour that will perhaps become their valedictory, dogged as they are by plague, poverty, rogues, and thieves. And among the sinister shadows that glide silently with them toward Devon is one who means Nicholas never to arrive . . .
Allison & Busby The Merry Devils: The dramatic Elizabethan whodunnit
He had the power to assume a pleasing shape, but would he take to the stage . . . ? The audience was merry indeed when a third devilish imp bounded onstage to join the two that had been written into the script. But backstage all was uproar. The third demon seemed too much like the real thing. Even Nicholas Bracewell, the company mainstay, was shaken when, next time the play was given, only one devil appeared. The second, poor fellow, was now only a little red heap backstage. Murdered. Before the curtain rose again, Lord Westfield's Men would suffer the sermons of a puritan fanatic, the enchantment of passion, the terror of a London madhouse, prophecies of a famous alchemist, and danger as they'd never known it before . . .
University of Toronto Press Sexuality and Citizenship: Metamorphosis in Elizabethan Erotic Verse
Based for the most part on Ovid's Metamorphoses, epyllia retell stories of the dalliances of gods and mortals, most often concerning the transformation of beautiful youths. This short-lived genre flourished and died in England in the 1590s. It was produced mainly by and for the young men of the Inns of Court, where the ambitious came to study law and to sample the pleasures London had to offer. Jim Ellis provides detailed readings of fifteen examples of the epyllion, considering the poems in their cultural milieu and arguing that these myths of the transformations of young men are at the same time stories of sexual, social, and political metamorphoses. Examining both the most famous (Shakespeare's Venus and Adonis and Marlowe's Hero and Leander) and some of the more obscure examples of the genre (Hiren, the Fair Greek and The Metamorphosis of Tabacco), Ellis moves from considering fantasies of selfhood, through erotic relations with others, to literary affiliation, political relations, and finally to international issues such as exploration, settlement, and trade. Offering a revisionist account of the genre of the epyllion, Ellis transforms theories of sexuality, literature, and politics of the Elizabethan age, making an erudite and intriguing contribution to the field.
Trustees of the Royal Armouries Arms and Armour of the Elizabethan Court
The Elizabethan court was a vibrant and colourful place, where the inherited traditions and technological skill that had characterised the Middle Ages came face to face with the decorative techniques of the Renaissance. The book includes fascinating background about the court, government and armies of the age (including the main protagonists of the Spanish Armada) together with information about the individual owners of many pieces. It features beautiful photographs of key objects from the Royal Armouries’ collection including the Lion Armour, the ‘Forget-me-not’ Gun and the Burgonet of Smyth armour.
New Amsterdam Books Elizabethan Jacobean Drama: The Theatre in Its Time
Treats, through excerpts from contemporary opinion and official documents, various aspects of the little world of theatre in the full context of Elizabethan-Jacobean life and times.
Boydell and Brewer Coastal Trade and Maritime Communities in Elizabethan England