Search results for ""author andreas""
C.H. Beck Stiftungsrecht
C.H. Beck Bayerisches Baurecht
C.H. Beck Zeit der Aussteiger
C.H. Beck Bundesbesoldungsgesetz
C.H. Beck Konservativ 21.0
Lübbe Exponentialdrift
Persen Verlag i.d. AAP Globale Zusammenhänge einfach klar
Arena Verlag GmbH ZAP. Für die einen ist es Vergnügen. Für ihn ein Albtraum.
Arena Verlag GmbH Das Marsprojekt 02 Die blauen Trme
Arena Verlag GmbH Das Marsprojekt 03 Die glsernen Hhlen
Arena Verlag GmbH Das Marsprojekt 01 Das ferne Leuchten
Hinstorff Verlag GmbH Rostock tanzt
Hinstorff Verlag GmbH RügenHiddensee INSIDE 2024
Tredition Gmbh Sieg und Niederlage - so gibst du dich zu erkennen: Gedichte
Müller Rüschlikon Jagen für Jungjäger
Hueber Verlag GmbH Ritter Winzig Kinderbuch DeutschSpanisch mit mehrsprachiger AudioCD
Hueber Verlag GmbH Yeti Jo. DeutschFranzösisch
Hueber Verlag GmbH Ritter Winzig Kinderbuch DeutschFranzsisch mit mehrsprachiger AudioCD
Reclam Philipp Jun. Gedichte
Westermann Berufl.Bildung Der Gast ich 1 Ausbildungsjahr KochKchin Arbeitsheft
Westermann Schulbuch Gelungene Unterrichtseinstiege Aller Anfang ist leicht
Westermann Schulbuch Einsteigen und durchstarten Medienbildung 3. Arbeitsheft
Westermann Schulbuch Einsteigen und durchstarten Praktikum und Berufswahl
Westermann Schulbuch Elemente der Mathematik SII. Qualifikationsphase Leistungskurs Schulbuch. NordrheinWestfalen
Schoeningh Verlag Beschtzer der Diebe EinFach Deutsch Unterrichtsmodelle Klassen 5 7
Thieme Publishing Group Dr. Vodders Manual Lymph Drainage
Fully updated guide to the theory and practice of Dr. Vodder''s Manual Lymph DrainageWritten by the world''s leading authorities on Dr. Emil Vodder''s techniques for manual lymph drainage (MLD), this lavishly illustrated guide provides step-by-step descriptions of how to massage the lymph vessels to stimulate smooth lymphatic flow.A concise text describing the basic anatomy and physiology of the circulatory and lymphatic systems is supplemented by full-color photographs and revelatory schematic drawings. The authors discuss indications and contraindications for the treatment techniques, based on the various types of swelling caused by lymphedema, as well as the ways in which Dr. Vodder''s method affects different regions of the body.Key Features:The latest information on complete decongestive therapy (CDT), including coverage of compression therapy, taping, respiratory treatment, and other complemen
Klett Sprachen GmbH Der doppelte Leo
FISCHER, S. Die Moskauer
S Fischer Verlag GmbH Ein Herz und eine Seele
Volk u. Wissen Vlg GmbH Songbuch Allgemeine Ausgabe Schlerbuch
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Fundamente der Mathematik 10. Schuljahr. NordrheinWestfalen Schülerbuch
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Fundamente der Mathematik 8 Schuljahr Arbeitsheft mit Lsungen Gymnasium Niedersachsen
Weber Verlag Verborgene Schönheit
Edition Moderne IN NY
Springer International Publishing AG Famous Composers – Diseases Reloaded
The life and death, but also the creative work of famous musicians is closely linked to their personal medical histories. In "Famous Composers – Diseases Reloaded" these case histories are vividly reconstructed on the basis of authentic biographical testimonies and closely linked to the personalities of the musicians. The latest research findings on the pathophysiology of these composers will be woven into the overall picture. Was Paganini's "devilishness" caused by a hereditary disease? Did Scarlatti have strange signs of illness on his fingers? What did Bach really die of? How did "Christel" from a dubious milieu change Schumann's entire life? What aggravated Ravel's underlying illness so that he did not complete a single composition in the last five years before his death? How did Tárrega manage to play the guitar again after his stroke with hemiplegia? Did the Brazilian Villa-Lobos' worldwide reputation help him live longer thanks to the best treatment available to him? Andreas Otte, physician and musician, has incorporated the latest medical history research into the composers' pathographies. This book is an exciting and "well-tempered" reading experience not only for physicians, music lovers, musicologists and musicians, but for all readers who want to develop a basic understanding of the pathophysiology and life scores of these great masters under current conditions from today's perspective.
Dewi Lewis Publishing Bikers
James Currey The Economics of Ethnic Conflict: The Case of Burkina Faso
Investigates development practice, civil organization formation and the increase of ethnically motivated conflicts over the past two decades in Western Africa. Through richly detailed anthropological case studies of the rural economics and administrative policies in Burkina Faso, and reassessment of current models of conflict, resource management and modern administration, this book explores the current political, economic and social transformation of Western Africa. Ethnic tensions, the case studies suggest, are a strategic part of social and economic local relations - a pattern that is repeated whenethnic stereotyping finds its way into the higher echelons of national administration and of international development cooperation. Conflicts are shown to be ethnicized by local and administrative elites, creating screens impenetrable to those involved in the states' formal administration, and behind which informal local economies thrive. In these 'concealed economies' individuals exploit the ethnic divide by hiding friendly and profitable inter-ethnic relations behind a rhetoric of ethnic tensions and staged conflict. Cultivating ties across ethnic divides is not limited, however, to rural relations but becomes common practice at almost all levels of national and civil administration. Andreas Dafinger is Associate Professor of Social Anthropology at the Central European University, Budapest. He has worked on Burkina Faso for almost twenty years.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Managing Tourism Destinations
This title offers a wide-ranging selection of the most significant previously published papers on the management of tourism destinations. The volume covers four major themes: managing tourism destinations and the determinants of travel choice; planning and policy making; development and evolution; and the impacts of tourism management on the society and the environment. In his scholarly introduction, the editor briefly discusses each article and identifies its contribution to the academic literature. The book is intended for researchers and students interested in a thorough compilation and critical review of key articles in the area. It may also act as a useful reference benchmark for consultants and tourism policymakers.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Concepts of Music and Copyright: How Music Perceives Itself and How Copyright Perceives Music
I've long known that musicians understand copyright law as little as copyright lawyers understand music, but this book shows brilliantly that such mutual ignorance is deeply rooted in historical, philosophical and practical arguments about music making. In persuading both musicologists and legal theorists to address issues of authorship, creativity, property and performance, Andreas Rahmatian has put together a collection that is essential reading for anyone concerned with the uneasy relationship of music and law. This is a sophisticated, instructive and stimulating book.'- Simon Frith, University of Edinburgh, UK'Rahmatian's edited collection in ''Concepts of Music and Copyright' is provoking and revelatory. It is an elegant colloquy between four musicologists and four lawyers. The resultant discourse reveals a rich seam of amazing stories and judicial decisions on authorship, creativity and the law in the sphere of musical composition and performance. The book is not only for music scholars and copyright lawyers, but is ideal for any scholar who professes to enjoy socio-legal philosophy, music lore, or the history of ideas. Needless to add, it is a must-have for copyright judges.'- Uma Suthersanen, University of London, UK'This collection considers the blurred lines between copyright law and music - from early musicology to the Golden Age of MTV and the rise of YouTube and mash-ups. It explores key concepts such as copyright works, subject matter, authorship, originality, copyright infringement, safe harbours, and takedown notices. This collection also examines the clash between legal theories of music, and perceptions of copyright law in musical communities.'- Matthew Rimmer, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), AustraliaCopyright specialists have often focused on the exploitation of copyright of music and on infringement, but not on the question of how copyright conceptualises music. This highly topical volume brings together specialists in music, musicology and copyright law, providing a genuinely interdisciplinary research approach. It compares and contrasts the concepts of copyright law with those of music and musical performance. Several tensions emerge between the ideas of music as a living art and of the musical work as a basis for copyright protection.The expert contributors discuss the notions of the musical work, performance, originality, authorship in music and in copyright, and co-ownership from the disciplinary perspectives of music, musicology and copyright law. The book also examines the role of the Musicians' Union in the evolution of performers' rights in UK copyright law, and, in an empirical study, the transaction costs theory for notice-and-takedown regimes in relation to songs uploaded on YouTube.This unique study offers an interdisciplinary perspective for academics, policymakers and legal practitioners seeking a state-of-the-art understanding of music and copyright law.Contributors: J. Butt, M. Parker Dixon, A. Firth, P.J. Heald, B. Heile, A. Rahmatian, C. Waelde, J. Williamson