Search results for ""author andreas""
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Werte: Warum man sie braucht, obwohl es sie nicht gibt
Werte sind selbstverständlich. Über sie redet jeder. Und jeder nimmt sie für sich in Anspruch. Häufig für Widersprüchliches: beispielsweise ebenso dafür, sich für Flüchtlinge einzusetzen, wie dafür, sie abzuweisen. Werte scheinen allgegenwärtig und alternativlos. Und doch sind Werte eine moderne Erfindung und näher besehen gar nicht selbstverständlich. Dieses Buch fragt, worüber wir reden, wenn wir über Werte reden und sie in Anspruch nehmen. Vielleicht gibt es keine Werte. Vielleicht sind Werte Fiktionen. Vielleicht aber nützliche Fiktionen.
Auer Verlag i.d.AAP LW 55 Methoden Chemie einfach kreativ motivierend 5 bis 13 Klasse
Arena Verlag GmbH Tilda Apfelkern. Festliche Weihnacht im Heckenrosenweg. 24 AdventskalenderGeschichten
Arena Verlag GmbH Tilda Apfelkern Freundschaftsgeschichten
Arena Verlag GmbH Snfrid aus dem Wiesental 02 Die ganz und gar abenteuerliche Reise zu den Nebelinseln
John Wiley & Sons Inc Wireless Communications: From Fundamentals to Beyond 5G
An in-depth and comprehensive treatment of wireless communication technology ranging from the fundamentals to the newest research results The expanded and completely revised Third Edition of Wireless Communications delivers an essential text in wireless communication technology that combines mathematical descriptions with intuitive explanations of the physical facts that enable readers to acquire a deep understanding of the subject. This latest edition includes brand-new sections on cutting edge research topics such as massive MIMO, polar codes, heterogeneous networks, non-orthogonal multiple access, as well as 5G cellular standards, WiFi 6, and Bluetooth Low Energy. Together with the re-designed descriptions of fundamentals such as fading, OFDM, and multiple access, it provides a thorough treatment of all the technologies that underlie fifth-generation and beyond systems. A complimentary companion website provides readers with a wealth of old and new material, including instructor resources available upon request. Readers will also find: A thorough introduction to the applications and requirements of modern wireless services, including video streaming, virtual reality, and Internet of Things. Comprehensive explorations of wireless propagation mechanisms and channel models, ranging from Rayleigh fading to advanced models for MIMO communications. Detailed discussions of single-user communications fundamentals, including modern coding techniques, multi-carrier communications, and single-user MIMO. Extensive description of multi-user communications, including packet radio systems, CDMA, scheduling, admission control, cellular and ad-hoc network design, and multi-user MIMO. In-depth examinations of advanced topics in wireless communication, like speech and video coding, cognitive radio, NOMA, network coding, and wireless localization. A comprehensive description of the key wireless standards, including LTE, 5G, WiFi, Bluetooth, and an outlook to Beyond 5G systems. Perfect for advanced undergraduate and graduate students with a basic knowledge of standard communications, Wireless Communications will also earn a place in the libraries of researchers and system designers seeking a one-stop resource on wireless communication technology.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Technological Change & the Growth of Health Care Spending
Melissa Greek Painting The 19th Century
Ediciones Omega, S.A. Plantas tropicales ornamentales y útiles
Institut f.Astromedizin MondAstrologie 01 Die Wiederentdeckung eines der ltesten astrologischen Systeme der Menschheit Die 27 Nakshatras oder Mondstationen
Ancient Mail Verlag Menschen spurlos verschwunden
Sandstein Verlag Wloski Pejzaz Romantyzmu: Malarstwo I Literatura
Consult Media Verlag Happy Food statt Burnout Wie wir uns glücklich stressresistent und geistig fit essen. Stress Müdigkeit Konzentration Depressionen mit Ernährung verbessern. Superfoods für Gehirn Psyche.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG FrC 10.11 Aristophanes fr. 821--976
This volume is the last of three with Aristophanes fragments that have survived without specifying a comedy title (Incertarum fabularum fragmenta) or whose authenticity was doubted (Dubia). The mostly very short fragments handed down in lexicographic works often provide unique insights into disparate topics of Greek literature, history, culture and society, which go far beyond the purely formal level. All fragments and also the texts of the bearers of tradition are discussed critically.
Tecklenborg Verlag Nepal Leben wo die Berge den Himmel berhren
Verlag-Antike Odyssee-Rezeptionen
De Gruyter DETAIL kids- A green home for Sophie and Henry: A short story about energy, carbon dioxide and architecture
Exploring and understanding architecture and sustainability “DETAIL kids – A green home for Sophie and Henry” begins at a primary school age. It aims to give children an awareness of the dual issues of energy and environmental protection and how they are closely related to architecture and construction. Because even today, the construction and maintenance of buildings comprises around 40% of total energy consumption. It contributes to an optimistic vision of the future – while raising society's awareness for responsible environmental behaviour already from a young age. Using colourful and humorous drawings, children can learn about the origins of climate change and resource depletion, and how they are connected to our man-made environment: What are the links between energy efficiency and sustainability, and what is the life cycle concept of construction materials about? All by themselves, children will discover that each individual can help contain the “monster” of catastrophic climate change via simple, everyday actions. At the same time, a good example of implementation will also raise their awareness of high quality architecture. Sophie and Henry, the young heroes of the story, lead a brave journey through time across the earth while giving detailed instructions on how to complete simple, practical experiments. With scientific curiosity thus awakened, the whole family will be enthused with the latest developments in architecture and construction, for modern methods energy conservation and for renewable energies. The book is perfect not just for home use, but also in kindergartens or schools where it can be used as a practical basis for exciting project work on the topic of architecture and the environment, revealing connections between the two that are often overlooked in everyday life..."
V&R unipress GmbH Verwandlung: Mythologische Ansichten, Technologische Absichten
Dr Ludwig Reichert Nomadische Ressourcennutzung Und Existenzsicherung Im Umbruch: Die Osttibetische Region Yushu (Qinghai, VR China)
Dr Ludwig Reichert Gegenwelten: Zur Literaturtheorie Idwar Al-Harrats
Laaber Verlag Anton Webern und seine Zeit
Dr Ludwig Reichert Vorderer Orient. Der Imperialismus in Der Ersten Halfte Des 20. Jahrhunderts. B X 1: 1: 8 Mio.
Pearson Studium Statistik macchiato Cartoonkurs fr Schler und Studenten
Tulipan Verlag City Crime Pelzjagd in Paris
Metropol Verlag Deutsche in der Tschechoslowakei
Weber Verlag Intellekt mich Der Kaiser ist trotzdem nackt
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Medien ALS Akteure in Der Politischen Transition: Bolivien Im Autonomiekonflikt
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Zwingende Soziale Mindeststandards Bei Der Vergabe Offentlicher Auftrage: Pflichten Der Mitgliedstaaten Bei Der Umsetzung Der Neuen Eu-Vergaberichtlinie
Logos Verlag Berlin Holz Und Holzwerkstoffe: Prufung - Struktur - Eigenschaften
Logos Verlag Berlin Die Bajkal-Amur-Magistrale: Geschichte Eines Sibirischen Raumerschliessungsprojektes
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH Between Presidential Power and Legislative Veto: The Impact of Polity and Politics on Economic Reforms in Brazil
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH Agent Coordination Mechanisms for Solving a Partitioning Task
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH Chemical Orientation of European Cockchafers, Melolontha Melolontha L.
Limpert Verlag GmbH Einfhrung in die Trainingswissenschaft
Stocker Leopold Verlag Craft Wine selbst gemacht Das groe Buch der Fruchtweinbereitung
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Inscriptions in Byzantium and Beyond: Methods - Projects - Case Studies
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Das Sog. Lukasgrab in Ephesos: Eine Fallstudie Zur Adaption Antiker Monumente in Byzantinischer Zeit
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Kirchenlied und Gesangbuch: Einführung in die Hymnologie
Until now, hymnological representations were mostly conceived historically, as the history of hymns and hymns. There is a risk that attention will be shifted from the songs to their historical context, even if this is indispensable for understanding. This book takes a different approach in that it first takes a look at the songs themselves and examines them on the basis of their various design aspects: according to the linguistic form, according to the relationship between language and music on the formal and content level, according to melody types and musical elements linguistic, literary and theological criteria of linguistic form. The book is the result of many years of teaching. It refers to the German-language hymn repertoire with an emphasis on that of the Protestant churches, whereby, in contrast to earlier representations, both the Lutheran and the Reformed are dealt with in detail. The Catholic hymn tradition is included, so that the book can be used in the entire German-speaking area for teaching and studying.
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Gelehrsamkeit Und Geschlecht: Das Frauenstudium Zwischen Deutscher Universitatsidee Und Burgerlicher Geschlechterordnung (1865-1918)
Piper Verlag GmbH Bren Lachse wilde Wasser Als junge Familie durch Kanada und Alaska
Heyne Taschenbuch Zeta
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Der Christliche Neubau Der Sittlichkeit: Ethik in Der Kirchengeschichte
Neues Leben, Verlag Ost Places Vom Verschwinden und Wiederfinden der DDR
Tvz - Theologischer Verlag Zurich Schriften / Huldrych Zwingli Schriften: Band I: Pestlied/Die Freie Wahl Der Speisen/Eine Gottliche Ermahnung Der Schwyzer/Die Klarheit Und Gewissheit Des Wortes Gottes/Gottliche Und Menschliche Gerechtigkeit/U. A. M./Register