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STAR BOOK SALES Assaltatori ed Aerei Da Attacco Al
John Wiley & Sons Contemporary Debates in Epistemology Third Edition
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Textbook of Oral Embryology & Histology
Jaico Publishing House Credit Risk Management
Blue Star Press Stickers for Days
Nova Science Publishers Inc State-of-the-Art Imaging in Stroke, Volume 1
Nova Science Publishers Inc Generalized Lattices
John Wiley & Sons Inc Bank 4.0 – Banking Everywhere, Never at a Bank
Nra Publishing 8: it's only eight letters...
Olympia Publishers The Bloodlines
Sourcebooks, Inc Lose You to Find Me
From the fan-favorite author of Underneath the Sycamore Tree comes the next installment in a raw, real romance series following the lives of the Lindon U football players and the complicated girls who change their lives forever.After Raine Michelson turns down her long-time boyfriend Caleb Anders's marriage proposal, the two are barely co-existing as they enter graduate school at Lindon University. However, that quickly turns upside down following an emotional hookup after devastating news, leading to an unexpected pregnancy.Now the high school sweethearts turned college exes must heal from the damage caused by their broken relationship, while also preparing to become parents. Despite the unanswered questions Caleb has about why Raine broke up with him, he suggests moving in as co-parenting friends and working together at his father's hardware store. When their close proximity feeds into old feelings, the pair must figure out if their love for each other ever ended, and must learn how to face their uncertain future on their own terms, without outside influences-like grief, loss, and fear-getting in the way.
Austin Macauley Publishers Caring for the Elderly and Those with Dementia
Inter-Varsity Press The Bible and the flag: Protestant Mission And British Imperialism In The 19Th And 20Th Centuries
A well-researched and scholarly examination of the relationship between Protestant missions and imperialism in the past 200 years.
GMC Publications Woodlander
Woodlander is a complete and comprehensive guide to managing a small woodland, incorporating nearly 30 years of knowledge and experience from woodsman Ben Law and his unique home in Prickly Nut Wood. Woodlander contains everything you need to know if you are managing, or intend to manage, a small woodland. Ben's inspiring, forest-dwelling life has allowed him to put together a complete package of detailed information and practical examples based on his personal experience, giving this beautiful book an entirely authentic voice. Every page is infused with a deep respect for the traditions of the past while also embracing new ideas, methods and creative thinking. This is a holistic approach to woodland management, which looks at the entire place - the wildlife it supports, the natural cycles of growth and life, the precious products it creates and the communities that inhabit and surround it. All the while, understanding and emphasising that it is a balance of all these things that makes a healthy, biodiverse, resilient ecosystem. Detailed sections cover different types of woodland, the rich history behind them, how to assess what you've got, practical maintenance, planning for the future, promoting wildlife and biodiversity, harvesting and extracting timber, the tools you will need, crafts, social forestry and an in-depth resources section. Dotted throughout are personal snippets, observations and insights from Ben's life at Prickly Nut Wood. AUTHOR: Ben Law, woodsman, craftsman, eco-builder, teacher and writer, lives and works in Prickly Nut Wood in West Sussex, UK. The building of his unique woodland home was featured on Grand Designs in the UK and was voted by viewers as the most popular episode ever. Ben runs courses on sustainable woodland management and permaculture, runs a specialist eco-building company and trains apprentices. Ben Law is the author of several books, including The Woodland House (Permanent Publications, 2005). The Woodland Year (Permanent Publications, 2008), and Woodsman: Living in a Wood in the 21st Century and Woodland Craft (GMC Publications, 2015). 300 photographs, 100 illustrations
GMC Publications Woodland Craft Handbook
The Woodland Craft Handbook is an inspirational yet practical guide to traditional crafts, woodland coppice products and forest permaculture. Step into the shoes of woodsman Ben Law as he explores this diverse collection of crafts made from materials sourced directly from the woods. Brooms, rakes, pegs, spoons, chairs, baskets, fencing and walking sticks the items are one-off and unique hewn and shaped by hand, infused with a simple, rustic beauty. With fascinating information on the history and traditions of the crafts, coppice management, tree species and the tools and devices used, we learn about all aspects of the low-impact woodland way of life. Much as the traditional techniques associated with the woods were passed down through families, this book aims to help secure their relevance and adapt them for future generations. AUTHOR: Ben Law, woodsman, craftsman, eco-builder, teacher and writer, lives and works in Prickly Nut Wood in West Sussex, UK. The building of his unique woodland home was featured on Grand Designs in the UK and was voted by viewers as the most popular episode ever. Ben runs courses on sustainable woodland management and permaculture, runs a specialist eco-building company and trains apprentices. Ben Law is the author of several books, including The Woodland House (Permanent Publications, 2005). The Woodland Year (Permanent Publications, 2008), and Woodsman: Living in a Wood in the 21st Century and Woodland Craft (GMC Publications, 2015). SELLING POINTS: . 15 rustic projects (including green wood) with detailed how-to instructions, photos and illustrations . Many projects are made with green wood . Includes sections on crafts for the farm and garden, crafts for the home and wood fuel, plus handy directories of tree species, tools and devices . Caters for all levels of ability: from simple woven panels and carving spoons to making a steam-bent lounger . Includes fascinating historical snippets that reveal the rich traditions behind the crafts from the era before industrialized mass-production . Will appeal to people with an interest in traditional crafts, woodland management, sustainability, permaculture and the countryside 220 photographs, 123 illustrations
Peeters Publishers Moussyllanea: Melanges De Linguistique Et De Litterature Anciennes
Ce livre de Melanges rassemble 44 contributions de savants europeens (Francais, Belges, Luxembourgeois, Espagnols, Italiens) et portant sur l'ensemble de la latinite. Differentes sections composent le volume, par themes: etudes d'etymologie, de morphologie, de syntaxe, de semantique, d'onomastique, de pragmatique, de litterature. L'ensemble, ecrit par ses collegues et amis et coordonne par deux de ses eleves, temoigne de la richesse et de la curiosite de Claude Moussy, a qui le livre est dedie. Contributions de Mmes et MM. Andre, Bader, Bratin, Biville, Bodelot, Boels, Bonnet, Brachet, Briquel, Bureau, Calboli, Capdeville, Chollet, Colombat, Colot, Conso, Croisille, Dangel, Desbordes, Dobias-Lalou, Ducos, Duret, Flobert, Fruyt, Gaide, Garcia-Hernandez, E. Gavoille, L. Gavoille, Grandazzi, Hellegouarc'h, Joffre, Kircher, Lavency, Liou, Nadjo, Nicolas, Orlandini, Pinault, Serbat, Skoda, Thomas, Touratier, Wolff et Zehnacker.
B&H Publishing Group Rvr 1960 Biblia MIS Quince Amatista Con Mariposas Símil Piel
Broadman & Holman Publishers Consuelo en las pérdidas: Cómo hallar esperanza en Jesús
Broadman & Holman Publishers Dones espirituales: Qué dice la Biblia sobre los dones espirituales
Lifeway Christian Resources RVR 1960 Biblia de apuntes negro smil piel
La RVR 1960 Biblia de Apuntes, ha sido diseñada para mejorar el estudio personal de la Biblia y la preparación de clases y predicaciones. Esta Biblia contiene la popular versión Reina-Valera del 1960. Provee espacio de casi 5 centímetros para tomar notas en cada página, observaciones, anotar pensamientos, formular preguntas y sugerencias para exploración adicional en el texto. La Biblia está hermosamente encuadernada con piel genuina y tela impresa. Esta incluye una página de presentación, un plan para leer la Biblia en un año y un resumen de cada libro de la Biblia. Con una garantía vitalicia, usted podrá dejar a sus hijos un tesoro al registrar sus reflexiones y pensamientos en esta Biblia. Características: Palabra de Cristo en rojo Texto en una sola columna Espacio para notas de 4.75 - 5 cms Página de presentación Plan de lectura bíblica de un año Resumen de introdu
Cengage Learning, Inc Guía Ilustrada del Templo
El Monte del Templo en Jerusalén es uno de los lugares mà s asombrosos en el mundo. Este fue el sitio del gran Templo de Salomón, una "casa de oración para todos los pueblos"- el centro de adoración y celebración. El Templo es importante, tanto como una obra maestra histórica y arquitectónica, como un sÃ-mbolo espiritual del deseo de Dios de habitar en su pueblo. Este libro viene con là minas transparentes, mà s de 100 imà genes, graficas, diagramas, fotos e ilustraciones, muchas de las cuales nunca han sido publicadas. Abarca el lapso de tiempo desde Abraham hasta nuestros dÃ-as. The Temple Mount in Jerusalem is one of the most breathtaking places in the world. This was the site of Solomon's great Temple, a "house of prayer for all people" - the center of worship and celebration. The Temple is important, both as a historical and architectural masterpiece, and as a spiritual symbol of God's desire to dwell with his people. Now you can see what the Temple looked like more than 3000 years ago. This full-color book gives a complete easy-to-understand overview of the history of the Temple in Jerusalem. People who enjoy Bible study will love the fact that it answers many questions about how the Temple looked during biblical times. Bible scholars and professors will enjoy the well-annotated text. The author is archaeologist and professor Dr. Randall Price. He has spent more than 30 years exploring the Holy Land studying the Temple. This book comes with a clear overlay, more than 100 images, charts, diagrams, photos, and illustrations, many of which have never published before. It covers the span of time from Abraham to modern day.
Cengage Learning, Inc Libro de Líneas de Tiempo Bíblicas y de la Historia del Cristianismo
¡El Libro de Líneas de Tiempo de la Biblia y de la Historia del Cristianismo revela 6000 años de historia, desde Adán hasta nuestros días! Este cronograma desplegable de 20 pies (6 m) incluye cientos de datos históricos, personajes clave y fechas importantes de la Biblia y la historia del cristianismo, juntamente con sucesos destacados y protagonistas de la historia universal y del Oriente Medio. Esta publicación, que incluye docenas de ilustraciones coloridas y fotografías, puede leerse como un libro o desplegarse fuera de su encuadernación para exhibirse sobre una pared en un salón de clases o el hogar. Este panorama histórico organizado de una manera tan singular revela los eventos de la historia del cristianismo en forma paralela a los sucesos contemporáneos de la historia universal. Es fácil observar cómo la historia bíblica se relaciona con los sucesos que tuvieron lugar simultáneamente en todo el Oriente Medio y alrededor del mundo. Por ejemplo: ; Los primeros juegos olímpicos de la historia se celebraron en el tiempo del profeta Jonás (776 a.C.), ; El monte Vesubio entró en erupción y sepultó la ciudad de Pompeya durante el tiempo del apóstol Juan, ; El historiador griego Plutarco nació en 46 d.C., el mismo año en que a los seguidores de Cristo se los llamó por primera vez "cristianos" en Antioquía, ; Los hunos invadieron Europa en 360 d.C., el mismo año en que los libros reemplazaron a los rollos. Esta indispensable herramienta de estudio bíblico constituye un excelente agregado para la biblioteca de recursos de cualquier iglesia, escuela cristiana o sala de clases hogareña. The Book of Bible and Christian History Time Lines reveals 6000 years of history from Adam to today! This 20-foot foldout time line includes hundreds of historical facts, key people, and important dates from Bible and Christian history, alongside key events and people from world and Middle Eastern history. This resource can be read like a book or slipped out of its binding to display on a wall in a classroom or home and includes dozens of colorful illustrations and photographs. This uniquely arranged view of history shows Christian historical events unfolding next to their world history counterparts. It's easy to see how biblical history relates to events that were happening throughout the Middle East and around the world at the same time. For example:; Jonah lived during the time of the first recorded Olympic games (776 BC),; Mount Vesuvius erupted and buried Pompeii during the Apostle John's lifetime,; Plutarch the Greek historian was born AD 46, the same year that followers of Christ were first called "Christians" in Antioch, ; The Huns invaded Europe in 360, the same year that books replaced scrolls. This indispensable Bible study tool is a great addition for any church resource library, Christian school, or homeschool classroom.
Emerald Publishing Limited The New Institutionalism in Strategic Management
These papers explore the contemporary strategic management field. They examine how firms behave, why they are different, what limits their scope and what determines success and failure in international competition.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd First Course In Probability And Statistics, A
Explanation of the basic concepts and methods of statistics requires a reasonably good mathematical background, at least at a first-year-level knowledge of calculus. Most of the statistical software explain how to conduct data analysis, but do not explain when to apply and when not to apply it. Keeping this in view, we try to explain the basic concepts of probability and statistics for students with an understanding of a first course in calculus at the undergraduate level.Designed as a textbook for undergraduate and first-year graduate students in statistics, bio-statistics, social sciences and business administration programs as well as undergraduates in engineering sciences and computer science programs, it provides a clear exposition of the theory of probability along with applications in statistics. The book contains a large number of solved examples and chapter-end exercises designed to reinforce the probability theory and emphasize statistical applications.
New Age International (UK) Ltd Heterogeneous Catalysis
Nova Science Publishers Inc Molecular Genetics of Chronic Pancreatitis: Implications in Diagnosis & Prognosis
Dodo Pad Ltd Dodo Address Book (Looseleaf): A Companion Refillable Address Book to the famous Dodo Pad diary
Les Belles Lettres Diodore de Sicile, Bibliotheque Historique: Tome III: Livre III
Broadman & Holman Publishers Diccionario Bíblico Ilustrado Holman
Broadman & Holman Publishers Qué dice la Biblia sobre el perdón: Principales versículos bíblicos sobre el perdón
Broadman & Holman Publishers Promesas Bíblicas de Esperanza y Valor: Promesas de Dios para Tiempos de Dolor, Miedo y Desesperanza
Broadman & Holman Publishers Atributos de Dios: Aspectos fundamentales sobre quién es Dios
Broadman & Holman Publishers El Bautismo
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Interpretation of Financial Statements
Deep & Deep Publications Trade, Finance and Development
Institute for Justice and Reconciliation Peace in the balance: The crisis in Sudan
The ongoing crisis in Sudan is characteristic of the many challenges of nation-building on the African continent. Yet it has unique dynamics. The legacy of exploitative colonial rule, racialised marginalisation of the majority of its people, ethnic and religious divisions, and a state with a high capacity for repression but little propensity for extending protection and consensual rule to the majority of its population, has resulted in extended conflict. Current attempts to end half a century of war, instability and state repression have led to a fragile peace. Sustaining this peace will demand all the efforts of national, regional and international actors. This title is an attempt to trace the origins of the problems, the ongoing conflicts and the huge challenges confronting the efforts to bring peace and reconciliation to Sudan.
Peeters Publishers Luristan Excavation Documents Vol. VIII: Early Bronze Age Graveyards to the West of the Kabir Kuh (Pusht-i Kuh, Luristan)
This volume is the final report on the 1965-1979 excavations by Ghent University and the Royal Museums of Art and History, Brussels, in sub-region I, the most western part of Pusht-i Kuh in Luristan (W-Iran), which is the closest to Mesopotamia. The volume is divided into two parts. The first part discusses tombs at nine sites from the Early Bronze Age I to III period (early and middle third millennium B.C.). Most of these were collective tombs; some of them were even re-used in later periods. Two Sasanian interments with exceptional burial goods are also documented. The second part of the book deals with tombs from the late third and the early second millennium (Early Bronze Age IV), or the so called 'Gutian'-tombs. These small individual tombs were documented at six sites. Usually they have three walls only, but occasional reuse of earlier tombs was attested as well. Burial goods include plain and painted pottery, metal weapons and utensils, seals and personal ornaments, some of it of Mesopotamian origin or at least related to it. All the finds are illustrated in line drawings, with the tombs and most objects also in photographs. Metal analyses of objects were performed and the results are included in the volume.
Peeters Publishers (In)site Sagalassos
(In)site Sagalassos is het eerste fotoboek dat verschijnt over de archeologische site van Sagalassos. Al 18 jaar onderzoekt een interdisciplinair-archeologisch team van de KULeuven onder leiding van Prof. Marc Waelkens de antieke stad in zuidwest Turkije. Sinds 2003 fotgraferen Bruno Vandermeulen en Danny Veys de vondsten en structuren van de stad. Als fotografen bekijken zij de site met andere ogen dan de archeoloog. Dit boek is een fotografische impressie van de opgraving met haar monumenten en wijken. Zij toont de stad op een andere, verrassende manier. Door de combinatie van grote en kleine foto's, details en overzichten, architectuur en landschap wordt dit boek tot een boeiend geheel verweven. Het fotoboek wordt ingeleid door Marc Waelkens en bevat een historisch overzicht van de opgraving en de site. Meer informatie is beschikbaar op de website
Peeters Publishers Metalangage Et Terminologie Linguistique: Actes Du Colloque De Grenoble (Universite Stendhal-Grenoble III, 14-16 Mai 1998)
This volume contains the proceedings of an international conference held in 1998 ("Metalangage et terminologie linguistique", Universite Stendhal - Grenoble III, 14-16 May 1998). The first section contains 18 contributions dealing with foundational issues in linguistic terminology (its status, its constitution, the relationship between metalanguage and terminology, the adequacy of linguistic terminology, etc.). The second section, devoted to the history of linguistic terminology, contains 18 papers dealing with particular stages in the history of linguistic terminology in the West, and 8 papers on the history of linguistic terminology in non-Western traditions (Mesapotamia, Caucasia, Arab tradition, Jewish tradition, Japan). The third section is devoted to applicational fields of linguistic terminology. Its first subsection contains 10 papers on linguistic terminology and language teaching, whereas the second subsection contains 8 papers on specialized linguistic terminologies and on the metalanguage of adjacent fields. The third subsection contains 6 papers on contrasts and convergences between (nationally) diversified linguistic terminologies. The proceedings are rounded off with the transcription of the round table discussion that took place at the end of the conference.All contributions are followed by bibliographies. The volume is written in French and contains English summaries of all the papers, an index of personal names and of concepts.The editors of the volume teach at the Universite Stendhal - Grenoble II.
Les Belles Lettres Gargilius Martialis, Les Remedes Tires Des Legumes Et Des Fruits
Broadman & Holman Publishers Qué Dice la Biblia sobre la Oración
Broadman & Holman Publishers RVR 1960 Biblia para Regalos y Premios, negro imitación piel
Broadman & Holman Publishers Biblia de Estudio de Apologética, tapa dura
Chiron Publications How to Say No to the One You Love
Broadman & Holman Publishers Nombres de Jesús
HarperCollins Publishers Inc What You Know First