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Peeters Publishers Modern Times. Literary Change
Modern Times. Literary Change seeks to redefine what we mean by “literature” and “history” in European modernism studies. This book develops a new functionalist approach for modern literary historiography and introduces alternative methods for dealing with European writings and their multiple mediatizations, histories and functions. Modern Times. Literary Change illustrates these new insights in chapters dealing with canonized figures (such as Robert Musil, André Breton, Man Ray and Denis de Rougemont) as well as internationally less known writers (such as Belgian avant-gardists Louis Scutenaire and Paul van Ostaijen and Italian novelist Enrico Emanuelli). For both its theoretical argument and its subtle readings this book will be of interest to all those who study European literature from the modernist period. MDRN is a research-group based at the University of Leuven (Belgium) and supervised by Jan Baetens, Sascha Bru, Dirk de Geest, David Martens and Bart Van den Bossche.
Random House USA Inc Puppy Love
Preserve your favorite memories with your four-legged friend in this fun dog keepsake journal!This playful spin on a traditional baby book provides your family with plenty of space to record your pup's special moments. Document your dog's first days at home and then keep track of their growth and milestones over the years using this adorable book’s writing prompts and journaling pages. Plus plenty of space for all your favorite pup-a-razzi photos! The perfect gift for new pup parents and family and friends of dog lovers. Sections include: Before the First Bark: What was life even like before you? Love at First Lick: All about the day we met Best Dog Ever: Everything there is to know about you Bone Sweet Bone: Adjusting to life in your new home Barking Up the Family Tree: Your human and four-legged fam Look at the Size of Those Paws!: A height/weight growth chart Your Pawsinality: Discovering all your cute qualities and quirks Chewing Chronicles: All my attempts to train you Tail Waggers: Our adventures together The Bark Side: Your mischief and mayhem Hot Dog: Your greatest achievements Quite Fetching: Compliments people give you Howlidays: Birthdays, Halloween costumes, and other celebrations Together Fur-Ever: How you've changed my life
Elsevier Science Encyclopedia of Adolescence
Aspekt B.V., Uitgeverij Star Mountains Expedition to Dutch New Guinea in 1959: Person Experiences & Impressions
B Jain Publishers Pvt Ltd Guide to Obstetrics & Gynecology: Including Neonatology with Homoeopathic Therapeutics
B Jain Publishers Pvt Ltd Time Modalities
Les Belles Lettres Diodore de Sicile, Bibliotheque Historique: Tome III: Livre III
Broadman & Holman Publishers Diccionario Bíblico Ilustrado Holman
Broadman & Holman Publishers Qué dice la Biblia sobre el perdón: Principales versículos bíblicos sobre el perdón
Broadman & Holman Publishers Promesas Bíblicas de Esperanza y Valor: Promesas de Dios para Tiempos de Dolor, Miedo y Desesperanza
Broadman & Holman Publishers Atributos de Dios: Aspectos fundamentales sobre quién es Dios
Broadman & Holman Publishers El Bautismo
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Interpretation of Financial Statements
Deep & Deep Publications Trade, Finance and Development
Institute for Justice and Reconciliation Peace in the balance: The crisis in Sudan
The ongoing crisis in Sudan is characteristic of the many challenges of nation-building on the African continent. Yet it has unique dynamics. The legacy of exploitative colonial rule, racialised marginalisation of the majority of its people, ethnic and religious divisions, and a state with a high capacity for repression but little propensity for extending protection and consensual rule to the majority of its population, has resulted in extended conflict. Current attempts to end half a century of war, instability and state repression have led to a fragile peace. Sustaining this peace will demand all the efforts of national, regional and international actors. This title is an attempt to trace the origins of the problems, the ongoing conflicts and the huge challenges confronting the efforts to bring peace and reconciliation to Sudan.
Kon Acad Wetenschappen Letteren Een proces van bloed, zweet en tranen! Juridisering van arbeidsongevallen in de negentiende eeuw in België
Peeters Publishers Coiffures et parures de tête en Égée à l'Âge du Bronze
Les coiffures et les parures de tête, en tant qu’éléments forts de communication, permettent d’aborder des champs d’investigation sur l’appartenance culturelle et identitaire de leurs porteurs. Cette recherche, à travers ce nouvel angle d’approche, vise à éclairer la place et le rôle de la chevelure et des coiffes dans les civilisations égéennes de l’ ge du Bronze. L’étude se fonde principalement sur deux types de sources complémentaires : les sources directes (bandeaux métalliques) et les sources indirectes (iconographie). La démarche conduit à proposer une nouvelle typologie morpho-stylistique des coiffures et parures de tête visibles dans l’iconographie. Ces diverses représentations montrent que certaines coiffures et parures de tête sont des marqueurs sexuels, chrono-culturels et sociaux. Grâce à un double examen visuel (observation macroscopique et microscopique) des bandeaux métalliques, on peut reconstituer leur chaîne opératoire. L’étude met en évidence des différences techniques (fabrication et décoration) et des traces d’usure intimement liées aux contextes chrono-culturels. La recherche tend également à montrer que le bandeau devait être porté en association avec un tissu. Par l’étude des traces immatérielles et grâce à la mobilisation de diverses sources (iconographiques, archéologiques, textuelles et comparatives), on a tenté d’appréhender les outils et la gestuelle associés au traitement de la chevelure, mais aussi les matériaux pouvant composer les parures de tête représentées en iconographie. Des reconstitutions du port du bandeau ont enfin montré le vaste champ de possibilités du port de cet artefact.
Peeters Publishers 'Ornamenta Sacra': Late Medieval and Early Modern Liturgical Objects in a European Context
This volume is dedicated to the study of late medieval and early modern liturgical objects, once known as ornamenta sacra. It encompasses a wide range of objects made of various materials and techniques which are not only essential for the rites, but also hold a central position in the religious and artistic production of the past. The contributions to this volume understand them at the heart of a system of complex relationships which make them contribute to their religious functions, but also to their aesthetic, symbolic and social ones: relationships with the men who commissioned, produced and manipulated them, but also with liturgical time and space; relationships too between these different objects, as also with the prescriptive and spiritual frameworks which dictate or accompany their uses. It is the life of these objects that is here recounted, objects invested with value at one and the same time religious, financial and aesthetic.
Peeters Publishers Déchiffrer le passé d'un empire: Hommage à Nicolas Vatin et aux humanités ottomanes
Nicolas Vatin est l’auteur d’une œuvre importante sur l’histoire de l’Empire ottoman, tout particulièrement aux XVe-XVIe siècles. Au lendemain de son entrée à l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, 34 de ses amis et collègues travaillant dans neuf pays différents ont souhaité lui rendre hommage. Leurs travaux, en français et en anglais (un texte est en allemand), ont été réunis par Elisabetta Borromeo, Frédéric Hitzel et Benjamin Lellouch. Organisés en huit parties thématiques, ils reprennent les nombreux domaines d’étude de Nicolas Vatin: l’historiographie ottomane, la conquête ottomane, les relations diplomatiques entre Orient et Occident, les élites ottomanes, l’identité ottomane, la piraterie en Méditerranée, l’épigraphie funéraire… Nicolas Vatin is the author of a major work on the history of the Ottoman Empire, especially during the 15th and 16th centuries. Following his nomination to the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, thirty-four of his friends and colleagues from nine different countries wished to pay tribute to him. Their contributions, written in French and English (and one in German), are edited by Elisabetta Borromeo, Frédéric Hitzel, and Benjamin Lellouch. Organized around eight themes, they touch on Nicolas Vatin’s numerous areas of study: Ottoman historiography, the Ottoman conquest, diplomatic relations between East and West, the Ottoman elites, Ottoman identity, piracy in the Mediterranean, funerary epigraphy…
Peeters Publishers 'Locus amoenus' and the Sleeping Nymph: 'Ekphrasis', Silence, and 'Genius Loci'
In his late 15th century chronicle (ca 1477-1484), Michael Fabricius Ferrarinus (died between 1488-1493), prior of the Carmelite cloister in Reggio Emilia, introduced the rumour that an ancient fountain had been found super ripam Danuvii (on the banks of the Danube) with the sculpted figure of a sleeping nymph. According to Ferrarinus, the fountain bore a peculiar epigram: HVIVS NYMPHA LOCI, SACRI CVSTODIA FONTIS, DORMIO, DVM BLANDAE SENTIO MVRMVR AQVAE. PARCE MEVM, QVISQVIS TANGIS CAVA MARMORA, SOMNVM RVMPERE. SIVE BIBAS SIVE LAVERE TACE. Many scholars have discussed the impact of the rumour as creating a prototype for Renaissance sculptures of the sleeping nymph in Rome and for the development of the well-known genre of the sleeping Venus in painting. Building upon the previous studies, this essay contextualizes the phenomenon of the sleeping nymph and its textual and artistic Nachleben from the point of view of the locus amoenus as silence. This study combines iconological, aesthetical-philosophical and anthropological approaches, and contributes to a better understanding of sleep, voyeurism, water and silence within the context of the nymph's particular genius loci.
Peeters Publishers In Response to Echo: Beyond Mimesis or Dissolution as Scopic Regime (with Special Attention to Camouflage)
In his Metamorphoses, Ovid (43 BC - AD 17) tells the story of Echo and Narcissus. Echo's love for Narcissus ended in a cruel twist of fate. Already punished with an echo for a voice, the nymph suffered further as she petrified and her bones became stones. The study of art has long focused on the Narcissus-mirror syndrome as a paradigm for painting (Leon Battista Alberti (1404-1472)). Echo had no place in this masculine scopic discipline. Recent approaches have rehabilitated Echo from a visual, cultural and gendered point of view. Echo cries; she cries for an alternative to the mirror paradigm and oculocentrism. She helps us break free from Narcissus in favour of visual modalities such as dissolution, camouflage and contamination, in short, disappearance as an alternative to the scopic regime. In this essay I treat the impact of Echo on art history through the lenses of: gender, speech and hearing; Echo as textilisation and sacrifice; Echo as chthonic art; and, finally, Echo and le désir mimétique. With this approach, I develop a new hermeneutic to reintegrate the sonoric senses, camouflage theory, gender epistemology, and the anthropological substrata of nature, love and death into our Western obsession for mimetic thinking.
Peeters Publishers Pneuma and the Visual Medium in the Middle Ages and Early Modernity: Essays on Wind, Ruach, Incarnation, Odour, Stains, Movement, Kairos, Web and Silence
The focus of these essays is the impact of wind, pneuma, and movement in medieval and early modern iconography on art historical hermeneutics. What can wind, pneuma, and movement tell us about the visual medium as such? Wind joins, flows, links, changes direction – in short, the wind is capricious. In its capriciousness wind embodies a particular hermeneutics of association, of freedom and the unexpected. Is an iconography of this caprice possible? How does one capture in pictorial form a natural phenomenon that envelops and penetrates us, even escapes from our own bodies? The dynamics of wind are after all only indirectly visible: swaying trees, waving grass, fluttering textile. How has wind impregnated the theory of the image? Is it a question of visual pneuma? And is wind in the arts a question of content, or rather a matter of formal affect?
Peeters Publishers Nymph. Motif, Phantom, Affect: A Contribution to the Study of Aby Warburg (1866-1929)
Behind them, close to the open door, there runs - no, that is not the word, there flies, or rather there hovers - the object of my dreams, which slowly assumes the proportion of a harming nightmare. A fantastic figure - should I call her a servant girl, or rather a classical nymph? (...) This lively, light-footed and rapid gait, this striding step, which contrasts with the aloof distance of all other figures, what is the meaning of it all? (...) My condition varied between a bad dream and a fairy tale (...). I lost my reason. It was always she who brought life and movement into an otherwise calm scene. Indeed, she appeared to be the embodiment of movement (...) but is it very unpleasant to be her lover? (...) Who is she? Where does she come from? Have I encountered her before? I mean one and a half millennia earlier? Does she come from a noble Greek lineage, and did her great-grandmother have an affair with people from Asia Minor, Egypt or Mesopotamia? pAby Warburg (1866-1929)
Peeters Publishers Jacques Rhetore: La Versification En Soureth (Arameen Contemporain)
La premiere partie de ce livre consiste en l'edition d'un manuscrit du missionnaire dominicain, le P. Jacques Rhetore, mort a Mossoul en 1921. Il s'agit d'un traite de poetique en soureth, c'est-a-dire en l'arameen vernaculaire encore parle de nos jours par les chretiens du nord de la Mesopotamie : ce n'est pas seulement un ouvrage d'erudition, mais aussi un manuel pratique devant assister les missionnaires ayant appris le soureth dans la composition d'hymnes et de cantiques utiles a leur ministere. Et en effet le P. Rhetore est lui-meme auteur d'une ouvre abondante de ce type, qu'il signait du pseudonyme de Jacques l'Etranger. La deuxieme partie contient les notes de l'editeur (Bruno Poizat), en particulier sur la provenance des exemples cites dans le texte, sur ce qu'on sait par ailleurs des auteurs mentionnes par le P. Rhetore, sur les editions savantes dont leurs compositions ont fait l'objet, ainsi que sur les diverses collections de manuscrits ou on peut trouver des poesies en soureth. L'edition de ce traite est un utile complement aux deux volumes de poesies en soureth publies dernierement par Alessandro Mengozzi dans le CSCO (589-590 et 627-628).
Peeters Publishers Between Rome and Jerusalem: Herod the Great and His Sons in Their Struggle for Recognition: A Chronological Investigation of the Period 40 BC - 39 AD, with a Time Setting of New Testament Events
The present study proposes a challenging new chronological framework for the Herodian age, a critical period in Jewish history. Not only do the rules of Herod the Great and his sons receive altered time settings, but the birth and death of Jesus are also placed several years later than is generally accepted. As a consequence of this the dates of Paul's apostolate are reexamined. Ostensibly narrow in scope, these modifications entail far-reaching implications for our understanding of the Syro-Palestinian region at the beginning of the present era. Interconnections between numerous events are established and tensions within and between the Herodian and Hasmonean dynasties are laid bare. It is shown that Roman impact on the East was substantial, with a strong Hellenistic influence exerted on local cultures. Several customs of the Jewish and early Christian communities, hitherto unknown, are also brought to light. Both in its details and in its overall sweep this important work sets up a stimulating reference point for future historical investigations of the Herodian and New Testament worlds.
Peeters Publishers Iran: Questions Et Connaissances. Vol. III: Cultures Et Societes Contemporaines
Ce troisieme volume des Actes du IVe Congres Europeen des Etudes Iraniennes (Paris 1999) comprend vingt sept contributions qui posent des questions et apportent des connaissances nouvelles sur les cultures et les societes du monde iranien au XXe siecle. Une premiere serie d'etudes porte sur la linguistique, les langues, les dialectes et les litteratures contemporaines (persan, kurde, baloutche). La seconde, consacree aux etudes d'ethnologie et de geographie, traite notamment des changements culturels et des territoires urbains. La troisieme partie de l'ouvrage analyse les dynamiques de la societe et la vie politique iraniennes, dans le contexte des ruptures de l'histoire contemporaine de ce pays.
Peeters Publishers "Le Rire Inextinguible Des Dieux"
Platon condamnait Homere pour avoir ose parler du "rire inextinguible des dieux". Au-dela de la reprobation morale de la raillerie, il devait bien avoir percu dans le rire une puissance d'exces capable d'ebranler la serenite du sage. Les modernes, philosophes (Descartes, Schopenhauer, Kant) et - davantage encore - psychanalystes (Freud, Lacan), ont traque dans l'esprit meme les sources de cette puissance transgressive. Mais le rire comme tel leur est reste une enigme. Pourtant, a suivre l'entrecroisement de leurs explications, il est possible d'approcher le mystere de cette voix "inarticulee et eclatante" qui s'exalte dans le rire et que Nietzsche, Baudelaire et, surtout, Bataille ont reconnu comme la part essentielle de ce que l'homme y joue de son etre meme.
Peeters Publishers Coptic Gnostic Chrestomathy: A Selection of Coptic Texts with Grammatical Analysis and Glossary
Layton's "Coptic Gnostic Chrestomathy" is an essential tool for scholars and students of the Gnostic corpus. This useful and accurate text edition contains a large, representative selection of works in Coptic, ranging from Sethian Gnostic classics such as the "Apocryphon of John" to Valentinian works like the "Gospel of Truth" and "Gospel of Philip" to the Mesopotamian "Gospel of Thomas the Contender", all but one from the Nag Hammadi manuscript hoard. Laid out in a readable literary format, the Coptic text is discreetly analyzed into its component morphs, clarifying the grammatical structure at every point. Greek words are annotated in footnotes, and esoteric Gnostic vocabulary in Egyptian Coptic is covered in a separate glossary. A brief introduction to each work points to information on problems of dialect, grammar, manuscript, and scholarly bibliography. Prepared by a leading expert on Gnosticism and the Coptic language, this is the ideal Gnostic text collection, in a single volume, for the use of scholars of religion, Egyptologists, Coptologists, teachers, and students. Contents (in Coptic): Apocryphon of John, Apocalypse of Adam, Hypostasis of the Archons, Thunder-Perfect Mind, Trimorphic Protennoia, Gospel of the Egyptians, Zostrianos, Allogenes, Three Steles of Seth, Gospel of Truth, Prayer of the Apostle Paul, Treatise on Resurrection, Gospel of Philip, Gospel of Thomas, Book of Thomas the Contender. Corresponding English translations of all these works can be found in Bentley Layton, "The Gnostic Scriptures".
Peeters Publishers Topicalisation Et Focalisation Dans Les Langues Africaines
La pratique des linguistes africanistes fait qu'ils sont necessairement aux problemes qui surgissent des rapports entre structure grammaticale, structure syntaxique, et organisation discursive. Les langues d'Afrique subsaharienne ont au moins en commun d'etre depourvues d'ecriture et de tradition grammaticale, et, une fois depasse le stade des questionnaires d'enquete lexicale, morphologique et syntaxique qui generalement se limitent a la phrase simple, une des missions des linguistes est de recueillir, transcrire et traduire des textes de tradition orale (contes, chroniques, recits historiques, epopees, etc.). La se posent concretement le probleme de la ponctuation. La ponctuation est en fait la manifestation des decisions du linguiste concernant, enter autres:- la delimitation des enonces;- l'apparition d'unites linguistiques qui, au-dela des hesitations, repetitions, ruptures de syntaxe, echappent a l'analyse en fonctions syntaxiques (predicat, sujet, complement);- l'articulations entre discours et syntaxe;- l'ordre des mots (linearisation) et la structure des enonces (hierarchie).Depuis cinq ans, le groupe " Hierarchie et linearisation" du Llacan (UMR Langage, Langues et Cultures d'Afrique Noire) etudie, dans le cadre de la theorie de l'enonciation, les phenomenes de focalisation et topicalisation dans les langues africaines, en mettant en avant le role essentiel des concepts d'assertion et de preconstruit. L'ouvrage commence par un article de synthese qui fait le point sur les concepts de la linguistique de l'enonciation en syntaxe, puis cerne la specificite du traitement de la focalisation et topicalisastion dans les langues africaines. Cette partie souligne, grace a la grande diversite, tant typologique que genetique, des langues representees dans notre groupe de travail, que les langues d'Afrique sont un lieu de grande variation, mais revelent egalement des regularites d'ordre areal, qui coupent au travers des familles linguistiques. Si la topicalisation revele une grande homogeneite, fondee sur la partie lineaire du langage, la focalisation, du fait de sa complexite fonctionnelle, est un lieu de grande variabilite, qui ne recoupe pas les familles genetiques.La suite de l'ouvrage presente une serie d'etudes de cas de langues africaines. Les langues representees sont parlees dans l'ensemble de l'Afrique subsaharienne : Guinee Bissau, Senegal, Burkina-Faso, Niger, Nigeria, Tchad, Cameroun, Republique Centrafricaine, Afrique de l'Est (Erythree, Ethiopie, Djiboutie). Elles representent diverses familles: langues atlantiques: bijogo, peul, wolof; couchitiques: afar; tchadiques: haoussa; gur: dagara et moore; Benoue-Congo: ikwere (langue igboide); Adamawa: tupuri; oubanguiennes: banda-linda, gbaya. L'interet de ces etudes tient au fait que leurs auteurs font appel a une profonde connaissance de premiere main, resultat d'une longue familiarite avec les langues qu'ils decrivent. Ils s'appuient dans ces presentations sur l'analyse minitieuse de corpus de langue orale. Toutes ont en commun, au-dela de la prise en compte des phenomenes de structure generalement privilegies dans les etudes typologiques, de mettre en avant une etude des valeurs d'emploi, contextualisees, des phenomenes de la topicalisation et de la focalisation.
Peeters Publishers Expositio Et Questiones En Aristotelis 'Physicam' Ad Albertum De Saxonia Attributae
Peeters Publishers Textes Armeniens Relatifs a S. Ephrem: V.
Peeters Publishers Vitae Sanctorum Indigenarum, I. Acta S. Eustathii: (Aeth. II, 21), V.
Lgrimas de fuego Triloga Lgrimas
Dabria necesita el calor de su hogar para sanar las heridas que ha dejado su paso por San Petersburgo. Curarse no será fácil, pero los brazos que la arroparán la obligarán a seguir adelante. Pasará de vivir por ella a vivir por ellos.Por otro lado, Miki no se acostumbrará al paso del tiempo sin ella. Sus días transcurrirán en reuniones con las otras familias e intentará evitar con todas sus fuerzas que la encuentren para acabar asesinándola. Sin embargo, eso es inevitable, pues muchos desean su cabeza.Como toda guerra, esta conlleva pérdidas. Pérdidas que Dabria no se imaginará y que obligarán a Miki a preguntarse cuánto más aguantará su pequeña, temiendo que sea demasiado para lidiar con una persona que acaba de recomponerse y cuyos pilares están todavía muy frágiles.
Societe d'etudes latines de Bruxelles-Latomus Le latin dans le monde grec: Recherches sur la diffusion de la langue et des lettres latines dans les provinces hellénophones de l'Empire romain
Sourcebooks, Inc Beg You to Trust Me
Orbis Books (USA) Racial Justice and the Catholic Church
St Vladimir's Seminary Press,U.S. Sweeter than Honey: Orthodox Think
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. Vocalises 20 Daily Exercises VOL 1 Kalmus Edition
John Wiley & Sons Treating Adolescent Substance Abuse Using Family Behavior Therapy
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Morris Goes to School
Aspire Publishing Hub, LLC Hamlet
Avery Hill Publishing Limited Disciples of the Soil
When the Prime Minister announces a new rail line in Ismyre, there are protests: from the wizards, who are concerned about the country''s magic, from the naturalists, who fear the damage to the soil, plants, and animals, and from the Sisters of Our Lady Who Slumbers Under the Earth, who would prefer their giant serpent deity to rest peacefully. As the railway proceeds, the worries of the wizards and the naturalists come to pass... and the earth has begun to shake... A new book in the creative, fantastical Ismyre series drawn in pencil and watercolour by Nottingham-based creator B. Mure who continues to expand the Ismyre universe, this time with a story of industry and ecology.
Avery Hill Publishing Limited The Tower In The Sea
Off the coast of Ismyre, a group of illicit magicians have built a school for orphans, educating them in the ways of long forgotten divinations. From high up in this forbidden home, a young scholar keeps dreaming visions of a terrible future and looks out across the ocean for answers. As her dreams become more frequent, and more terrible, she must figure out how to act herself. B. Mure returns to the world of Ismyre for another quiet and fantastical mystery tale, set in an old world of ordinary magic.
Astra Publishing House 7 Days Till Ice Cream
It's Sunday—ice cream day! But sometimes the ice cream truck turns down a different street. Can Jerron, A.J., and Cha crack the ice cream man's code? They want him to come their way! This story explores the Makers theme of Coding and includes explanatory sidebars and a computer coding-related activity for young makers to try themselves! Coding is the process of writing instructions for a computer in a way—or code—that it understands. A computer reads the code and follows the coder’s instructions.Tying into the popular Makers Movement, Makers Make It Work is a series of fun easy-to-read stories that focus on problem-solving and hands-on action! This series was specifically developed to support STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) learning. Each book is inspired by a specific topic of the Makers Movement—from robots, to woodworking, to 3D printing and baking. *Bonus Activity in the Book: Use coding logic to get a friend from one point to another. All you need is paper in three different colors. Arrange the papers on the ground to guide your friends. If they follow the code, then they will reach the red paper at the end.