Search results for ""author gerhard""
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Challenges to Law at the End of the 20th Century: Rights.: Proceedings of the 17th World Congress of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, Bologna, 16th-21th June 1995. Vol. 1
Re Di Roma-Verlag Stille Wege Silent Paths
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Zell- und Gewebekultur: Allgemeine Grundlagen und spezielle Anwendungen
Dieses Lehr- und Methodenbuch soll Studierenden der Biologie, Medizin, Pharmazie oder Biotechnologie wie auch Wissenschaftler*innen und technischen Assistent*innen einen umfassenden Einblick in die Zell- und Gewebekultur vermitteln. Praktische Tipps und Tricks in einer labor- und leserfreundlichen Aufmachung dienen dazu, die tägliche Routine im Zellkulturlabor zu erleichtern. Es sind vor allem die leicht nachvollziehbaren "Man-nehme"-Vorschriften, die den praktischen Wert des Buches ausmachen und zu weiterführenden experimentellen Ansätzen anregen. Exemplarisch werden die wichtigsten Grundoperationen in der Zellkultur behandelt, sodass sich auch Anfänger bei der Kultivierung tierischer und pflanzlicher Zellen gut mithilfe des Buches einarbeiten und informieren können. Der Info-Anhang enthält stöchiometrische Rechenbeispiele, ein umfangreiches Glossar, weiterführende Literaturhinweise und Adressen von Lieferfirmen mit Internetadressen. Die 8. Auflage wurde wieder gründlich überarbeitet und auf den letzten Stand von Wissen und Technik gebracht. Die neuesten Entwicklungen in der Zell- und Gewebekultur, die dreidimensionale Zellkultur, die Kultivierung von Organoiden und Miniorganen wie auch mikrophysiologische Systeme "on Chips" werden in einem neu gestalteten Kapitel ausführlich beschrieben. Ebenfalls neu gestaltet und aktualisiert wurde der Abschnitt zur Kultivierung von Stammzellen. Der Abschnitt über die in vitro-toxikologischen Ansätze wurde ergänzt und aktualisiert. Sie finden ausführliche praktische Anleitungen zum einen zur Authentifizierung humaner Zelllinien, verbunden mit einem Qualitätsmanagement, um Kontaminationen mit Mycoplasmen und Kreuzkontaminationen zu vermeiden bzw. rechtzeitig zu entdecken, zum anderen für die Reduktion der Verwendung von fetalem Kälberserum oder um dieses gänzlich zu vermeiden.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Ölhydraulik: Grundlagen, Bauelemente, Anwendungen
Dieses Lehrbuch führt in die Ölhydraulik ein, die in nahezu allen Bereichen des Maschinenbaus eine Schlüsseltechnologie für flexible Antriebe mit hoher Leistungsdichte darstellt. Beispiele dafür sind im stationären Bereich die Werkzeugmaschinenindustrie, der Pressenbau, die Hütten- und Walzwerksindustrie, die Fördertechnik, die Kunststoffmaschinenindustrie und der Prüfmaschinenbau, sowie im mobilen Bereich die Baumaschinenindustrie, der Straßenfahrzeugbau, der Landmaschinenbau, der Schiffbau und der Flugzeugbau. Neben den physikalischen Grundlagen werden die Funktionsweisen, die Konstruktion und die Anwendungsmöglichkeiten hydraulischer Bauelemente vermittelt. Geeignet als vorlesungsbegleitendes Kompendium ermöglichen mehr als 50 Beispiele bzw. Übungsaufgaben mit ausführlicher Darstellung der Lösung ein Selbststudium. Die vorliegende Auflage wurde überarbeitet und um das Kapitel "Grundlagen der Simulation hydraulischer Antriebssysteme" erweitert.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Sensoren für die Prozess- und Fabrikautomation: Funktion – Ausführung – Anwendung
Das inhaltlich erweiterte und in Praxis wie Ausbildung gut aufgenommene Buch bietet einen Überblick über physikalische Grundlagen und Funktionen von Sensoren in der Fabrikautomation. Es ist nach Aufgaben von Sensoren gegliedert und zeigt an vielen Beispielen Wirkungsweise und Anwendung, auch in der Robotik. Für Begriffe der Sensorik wird die englische Übersetzung angegeben. Im Minilexikon werden 264 Fachtermini erklärt.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC International Arbitration in Germany: A Handbook
While the availability and efficacy of arbitration in London, Paris and New York is well known, and the popularity of the Swiss system widely accepted, less is known about the mechanisms available for arbitrating international disputes in Germany. In fact, Germany boasts a well-developed system of arbitration which is streamlined, efficient and inexpensive, but which has been hitherto overlooked in favour of other jurisdictions. This new work by experienced German arbitrators, explains in detail the workings of the German system for international arbitration – the basis of its code, its institutional architecture and its procedural features. Thus this work presents, for the first time, the full workings of the German system to an English-speaking audience.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Evolutionary Analysis of Economic Policy
This important book analyses evolutionary approaches to economic policy. Its main purpose is to explore the policy implications of evolutionary economics, in particular of approaches inspired on the one hand by Schumpeter and revived by Nelson and Winter which deal with industrial evolution under constant institutions and, on the other hand, of approaches inspired by Hayek and North, which analyse the ways in which institutions themselves evolve. Hitherto evolutionary economists have paid little attention to policy issues, and the relatively few policy implications that they have produced are divergent. Whereas the Neo-Schumpeterian approach has often been used to support political interventions, the Hayekian viewpoint holds that economic policy detracts from economic performance. More systematic evolutionary analysis of economic policy is required if these one-sided findings are to be transcended. Furthermore, such analysis can be expected to develop a coherent theory of economic policy which will plug the gaps and rectify the errors (such as approval of socialist planning and Japanese industrial policies) of both neoclassical and alternative approaches to policy. Evolutionary economists and policy analysts will find this book of great interest, as will economists and students of economics who are interested in enlarging their views with excursions outside the standard curriculum.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship and Creativity
This Handbook focuses on the interdependent relationship between entrepreneurship and creativity. This relationship is analyzed from the perspective of different disciplines, including economic geography, sociology, education, economics, psychology, and also in different spatial contexts.Creativity and entrepreneurship are central concepts for understanding the driving forces in 21st century capitalist economies and societies. Rolf Sternberg and Gerhard Krauss provide an expert introduction to the role of creativity in the field of entrepreneurship, and vice versa. This Handbook assembles some of the leading scholars in the field to provide empirical and conceptual contributions, which provide the reader with a unique guide to the progress of research in this area. Of particular interest are the exploration of the influence of the spatial context, and the overview of government policy attempts to support entrepreneurship and creative economic development.This book will appeal to researchers and scholars interested in entrepreneurship and creativity issues, coming from a wide range of academic disciplines. These readers will find an up-to-date presentation of existing and new directions for research in their domains. The Handbook will also be of great interest to policymakers at the national, regional and local level, who will find valuable insights about the linkages between creativity, entrepreneurship and economic development.Contributors: M. Andersson, O. Atzema, A. Cropley, D. Cropley, I. Diego, M. d'Oviedo, H. Etzkowitz, M. Fritsch, M. Grossetti, B. Heebels, D. Hjorth, C. Karlsson, G. Krauss, B. Lange, H. Naffakhi-Charfeddine, A. Penaluna, K. Penaluna, D. Ponzini, A. Sorgner, R. Sternberg, M. Stuetzer, I. van Aalst, H. Westlund
Klett (Ernst) Verlag,Stuttgart Deutsche Grammatik - Ein Handbuch fur den Auslanderunterricht
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Dynamics And Bifurcation Of Patterns In Dissipative Systems
Understanding the spontaneous formation and dynamics of spatiotemporal patterns in dissipative nonequilibrium systems is one of the major challenges in nonlinear science. This collection of expository papers and advanced research articles, written by leading experts, provides an overview of the state of the art. The topics include new approaches to the mathematical characterization of spatiotemporal complexity, with special emphasis on the role of symmetry, as well as analysis and experiments of patterns in a remarkable variety of applied fields such as magnetoconvection, liquid crystals, granular media, Faraday waves, multiscale biological patterns, visual hallucinations, and biological pacemakers. The unitary presentations, guiding the reader from basic fundamental concepts to the most recent research results on each of the themes, make the book suitable for a wide audience.
Museum Tusculanum Press Magnús Eiríksson: A Forgotten Contemporary of Kierkegaard
Arnoldsche Claus Bury: Hanau New Town Map
The Hanau City Map project by Claus Bury relates to the new city of Hanau, which was formed from 1597 on and is characterised by its strictly geometric pattern of streets and star-shaped ramparts. The walk-on granite sculpture on the square directly next to the Walloon-Dutch church references the city map engraved in copper in 1632 by Matthäus Merian and revitalises Hanau’s historical 17th century topography through its relief-like recesses and encompassing seating areas. An installation spanning centuries that brings the history, present, and future into a flourishing dialogue for the visitors of Hanau. Text in English and German.
Peter Lang AG Feirefiz - Das Schriftstueck Gottes
Brill U Schoningh Von Der Deutschen Flugscheibe Zum Nazi-UFO: Metamorphosen Eines Medialen Phantoms 1950-2020
Orbis Books (USA) On the Side of the Poor: The Theology of Liberation
Skyhorse Publishing Nazi Spymaster: The Life and Death of Admiral Wilhelm Canaris
Birkhauser Herzog & de Meuron Elbphilharmonie Hamburg
The Elbphilharmonie is Hamburg’s new landmark and is already an icon of contemporary architecture. In this book, Herzog & de Meuron document their project: extensive archive material, plans, and photographs are used to illustrate the process of the creation of this once-in-a-hundred-years building from the first sketch and the various design stages with their many challenges, through to completion of the finished building. The dialog between historical brick plinth and contemporary glass crystal, the combination of different functions, the development of the spectacular large concert hall, the design of a public plaza for the population are just some of the many aspects that contribute to the attractiveness of the building.
Birkhauser Herzog & de Meuron Elbphilharmonie Hamburg
The Elbphilharmonie is Hamburg’s new landmark and is already an icon of contemporary architecture. In this book, Herzog & de Meuron document their project: extensive archive material, plans, and photographs are used to illustrate the process of the creation of this once-in-a-hundred-years building from the first sketch and the various design stages with their many challenges, through to completion of the finished building. The dialog between historical brick plinth and contemporary glass crystal, the combination of different functions, the development of the spectacular large concert hall, the design of a public plaza for the population are just some of the many aspects that contribute to the attractiveness of the building.
Jan Thorbecke Verlag Social Functions of Urban Spaces Through the Ages / Soziale Funktionen Stadtischer Raume Im Wandel
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Die Altpleistozanen Baren Von Deutsch-Altenburg (Niederosterreich): Early Pleistocene Bear Remains from Deutsch-Altenburg (Lower Austria)
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Wiener Zeitschrift Fur Die Kunde Sudasiens Band XLIX 2005: Vienna Journal of South Asian Studies
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Feldkirchen in Kartnen: Ein Zentrum Norischer Eisenverhuttung
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Wiener Zeitschrift Fur Die Kunde Sudasiens Und Archiv Fur Indische Philosophie
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Kleine Schriften / Abhandlungen Und Beitrage Zur Griechischen Inschriftenkunde
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Handbuch zur visuellen Diagnose von Ernährungsstörungen bei Kulturpflanzen
Die 2. Auflage dieses Handbuchs ermöglicht Praktikern und Studierenden der Land- und Forstwirtschaft sowie des Garten-, Obst- und Weinanbaus das Erkennen von Schadsymptomen an Kulturpflanzen direkt im Feldbestand, die durch abiotische Ernährungsstörungen verursacht werden, und hilft dabei, die Ursachen durch gezielte Boden- und Pflanzenanalysen zu ermitteln. Dadurch wird das Handbuch zu einer nützlichen Informationsquelle für Anwender und auch Landwirtschaftsberater. Einfache Diagnoseschlüssel helfen beim Bestimmen von Nährstoffmangel oder -überschuss.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Botanik: Die umfassende Biologie der Pflanzen
As compact as possible and as comprehensive as necessary. The first edition of the "Lüttge/Kluge/Thiel" sets a new standard among German botany textbooks. It covers the entire field, from general and molecular basics right up to ecology and applications in biotechnology. The expert knowledge of the didactically experienced authors guides botany majors from the first semester of a bachelor degree right up to master's and beyond. Clear illustrations, chapter summaries, boxes on current research topics, glossaries and problems at the end of each chapter guarantee well-structured learning and perfect exam preparation - the best a textbook can offer. Website: WWW.WILEY-VCH.DE/HOME/BOTANIK
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Calling and Vocation: From Martin Luther to the Modern World of Work
Tvz - Theologischer Verlag Zurich Karl Barth Gesamtausgabe: Band 8: Predigten 1913
Pearson Education Limited Living Leadership: A Practical Guide for Ordinary Heroes
Reassess your leadership style, discover how to connect with people, and become a leader who can make things happen in the real world. Built on a unique four-year experiment working alongside real leaders in real businesses, Living Leadership explodes the myth of the charismatic, transformational leader, to show that real progress comes from the dramatically ordinary aspects of leadership. From building relationships, to working with the grain of the organisation rather than against it, and to knowing our limitations as much as pushing every boundary, the new edition of this book will challenge you to push your leadership skills to a new level. “Living Leadership shows how, when you take away the myths and misconceptions, leading can genuinely be made easier.” Hans Straberg, CEO, Electrolux “A ‘how to’ book that redefines leadership in terms of the realities and choices facing people in organisations today.” Professor Michael Osbaldeston, Director of Cranfield School of Management
Birkhauser Building to Suit the Climate: A Handbook
In future, buildings that make sense from a bioclimatic perspective will not be the exception; planners will simply be expected to design them. With its wealth of facts, this book serves as a concrete aid to planning and design. With the planning process as its roadmap, it accompanies the planner from the basic evaluation stage through conception and implementation planning all the way to building operation. The building-related characteristics of the various climatic zones form the basis for the made-to-measure development of integrated building solutions. Well-conceived graphics illustrate planning contexts and facilitate efficient planning decisions and realistic predimensioning. Materials, systems, and technologies are described, and their areas of application are pointed out. Reference parameters, costs, and the presentation of interrelationships equip the planner to make a strategic and well-informed selection.
Emerald Publishing Limited Armed Forces and Conflict Resolution: Sociological Perspectives
The study of armed forces and conflict resolution has undergone important developments at the turn of the millennium, driven by emerging events. The fall of the Berlin Wall, the end of the Cold War, the resurgence of nationalism and religious wars, ethnic cleansing, September Eleven, the War on Terror, and asymmetric warfare, the United Nations' inability to manage and successfully conclude military operations, are so many flash points of how much things have changed since the Cold War. The action of militaries has become more important, more difficult, more controversial, and, at the same time, insufficient, without parallel methods and political actions for resolving conflicts. As scholars conceptions of conflicts have changed, so have their understanding of conflict resolution and peace. This latter scholarship now spans analyses of the role of governments, civil institutions, and organized groups. The studies of building and sustaining peace now span institutional, inter-actional, and interpersonal levels in order to conceptualize a more holistic, long-term vision of peace.This book brings together contributions from scholars of various social science disciplines on three themes that appeared significant for the study of the phenomenon of conflict and conflict resolution. The first theme is centered on the new aspects of war in the twenty-first century where asymmetric warfare has changed many rules of the game, imposing a profound transformation on the military, not only tactical, but also structural, preparatory, mental and ideological.The second theme regards the delicate relations between the armed forces and societies. The ever-greater technicality of military operations and their lower comprehensibility to the broad public as a result, together with increased sensitivity in many countries in regard to the use of violence and death, have created social situations and problems that deserve to be investigated. The third theme, building and sustaining peace, operationalizes different types and levels of violence and conflict. It assesses ongoing efforts, for instance, governments trying to contain or diffuse conflict, businesses and national service schemes building peaceful civil spheres, and the efforts of organized groups to claim, shape, and extend the spheres of life that are free of conflict.
University of Nebraska Press Give the Word: Responses to Werner Hamacher's "95 Theses on Philology"
Werner Hamacher’s witty and elliptical 95 Theses on Philology challenges the humanities—and particularly academic philology—that assume language to be a given entity rather than an event. In Give the Word eleven scholars of literature and philosophy (Susan Bernstein, Michèle Cohen-Halimi, Peter Fenves, Sean Gurd, Daniel Heller-Roazen, Jan Plug, Gerhard Richter, Avital Ronell, Thomas Schestag, Ann Smock, and Vincent van Gerven Oei) take up the challenge presented by Hamacher’s theses. At the close Hamacher responds to them in a spirited text that elaborates on the context of his 95 Theses and its rich theoretical and philosophical ramifications. The 95 Theses, included in this volume, makes this collection a rich resource for the study and practice of “radical philology.” Hamacher’s philology interrupts and transforms, parting with tradition precisely in order to remain faithful to its radical but increasingly occluded core. The contributors test Hamacher’s break with philology in a variety of ways, attempting a philological practice that does not take language as an object of knowledge, study, or even love. Thus, in responding to Hamacher’s Theses, the authors approach language that, because it can never be an object of any kind, awakens an unfamiliar desire. Taken together these essays problematize philological ontology in a movement toward radical reconceptualizations of labor, action, and historical time.
Princeton University Press The Princeton Encyclopedia of Islamic Political Thought
The first encyclopedia of Islamic political thought from the birth of Islam to today, this comprehensive, authoritative, and accessible reference provides the context needed for understanding contemporary politics in the Islamic world and beyond. With more than 400 alphabetically arranged entries written by an international team of specialists, the volume focuses on the origins and evolution of Islamic political ideas and related subjects, covering central terms, concepts, personalities, movements, places, and schools of thought across Islamic history. Fifteen major entries provide a synthetic treatment of key topics, such as Muhammad, jihad, authority, gender, culture, minorities, fundamentalism, and pluralism. Incorporating the latest scholarship, this is an indispensable resource for students, researchers, journalists, and anyone else seeking an informed perspective on the complex intersection of Islam and politics. * Includes more than 400 concise, alphabetically arranged entries * Features 15 in-depth entries on key topics * Covers topics such as: * Central themes and sources of Islamic political thought: caliph, modernity, knowledge, shari'a, government, revival and reform * Modern concepts, institutions, movements, and parties: civil society, Islamization, secularism, veil, Muslim Brotherhood * Islamic law and traditional Islamic societies: justice, taxation, fatwa, dissent, governance, piety and asceticism, trade and commerce * Sects, schools, regions, and dynasties: Mu'tazilis, Shi'ism, Quraysh, Mecca and Medina, Baghdad, Indonesia, Nigeria, Central Asia, Ottomans * Thinkers, personalities, and statesmen: Mawardi, Shafi'I, Saladin, Tamerlane, Akbar, Ataturk, Nasser, Khomeini * Contains seven historical and contemporary maps of Muslim empires, postcolonial nation-states, populations, and settlements * Guides readers to further research through bibliographies, cross-references, and an index
Princeton University Press Entropy
The concept of entropy arose in the physical sciences during the nineteenth century, particularly in thermodynamics and statistical physics, as a measure of the equilibria and evolution of thermodynamic systems. Two main views developed: the macroscopic view formulated originally by Carnot, Clausius, Gibbs, Planck, and Caratheodory and the microscopic approach associated with Boltzmann and Maxwell. Since then both approaches have made possible deep insights into the nature and behavior of thermodynamic and other microscopically unpredictable processes. However, the mathematical tools used have later developed independently of their original physical background and have led to a plethora of methods and differing conventions. The aim of this book is to identify the unifying threads by providing surveys of the uses and concepts of entropy in diverse areas of mathematics and the physical sciences. Two major threads, emphasized throughout the book, are variational principles and Ljapunov functionals. The book starts by providing basic concepts and terminology, illustrated by examples from both the macroscopic and microscopic lines of thought. In-depth surveys covering the macroscopic, microscopic and probabilistic approaches follow. Part I gives a basic introduction from the views of thermodynamics and probability theory. Part II collects surveys that look at the macroscopic approach of continuum mechanics and physics. Part III deals with the microscopic approach exposing the role of entropy as a concept in probability theory, namely in the analysis of the large time behavior of stochastic processes and in the study of qualitative properties of models in statistical physics. Finally in Part IV applications in dynamical systems, ergodic and information theory are presented. The chapters were written to provide as cohesive an account as possible, making the book accessible to a wide range of graduate students and researchers. Any scientist dealing with systems that exhibit entropy will find the book an invaluable aid to their understanding.
V&R unipress GmbH Narratology, Hermeneutics, and Midrash: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Narratives from the Late Antiquity through to Modern Times
Island Press Communicating Global Change Science to Society: An Assessment and Case Studies
The Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE) was established by the International Council for Science (ICSU) in 1969, to bring together natural and social scientists to identify emerging or potential environmental issues and to address jointly the nature and solution of global environmental problems.National governments and research scientists may be equally concerned with issues of global environmental change, but their interests - and their timelines - are not the same. Governments are often focused on short-term effects and local impacts of global phenomena. Scientists, on the other hand, are loath to engage in speculation about the specific consequences of large-scale environmental trends.How then can we translate scientific understanding of these trends into public policy?"Communicating Global Change Science to Society" examines the growing number of instances in which governments and scientists have engaged in research projects in which the goal is to inform policy decisions. It assesses these experiences and suggests their implications for future collaborations.The book begins with a discussion of interactions between science and policy, particularly as they relate to the broad significance of environmental change. It then addresses concerns that emerge from this discussion, including how scientific research results are communicated in democratic societies, the uses (and misuses) of scientific findings, and what the natural and social sciences could learn from each other.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Demokratie Und Wohlfahrtspflege: Mit Einem Vorwort Von Franziska Giffey