Search results for ""author gerhard""
Steidl Publishers Joseph Beuys: Honey is flowing in all directions (2002)
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz
Spektrum Akademischer Verlag Einführung in die Geologie Deutschlands
Hatje Cantz CyberArts 2021: International Compendium Prix Ars Electronica
The Prix Ars Electronica is one of the most prestigious prizes in media art, since 1987. The jury of experts includes Computer/Film/VFX, Digital Musics & Sound Art or Artificial Intelligence & Life Art.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Die Neue Eu-Produktsicherheitsverordnung: General Product Safety Regulation (Gpsr)
Birkhauser Luxury for All: Milestones in European Stepped Terrace Housing
The stepped terraced house is a type of building that meets modern housing requirements: it is economical and offers ample living space with the comfort of terrace and garden. Rising to popularity with the advent of new social movements it was forgotten with the progressive erosion of the new ideas of society and relegated them to obscurity or even to their disqualification as eyesores. Yet the enduring satisfaction of residents and ecological advantages of green houses make terraced housing as attractive as ever. The buildings studied in the book are not only architectural icons today; even today, one can still learn from them about what residential buildings need. One proponent of this building style was Harry Glück; part of his text pleading the case for a green city is printed here.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Design Commons: Practices, Processes and Crossovers
This book directly links the notion of the commons with different design praxes, and explores their social, cultural, and ecological ramifications. It draws out material conditions in four areas of design interest: social design, commons and culture, ecology and transdisciplinary design. As a collection of positions, the diversity of arguments advances the understanding of the commons as both concepts and modes of thinking, and their material translation when contextualised in the domain of design questions. In other words, it moves abstract social science concepts towards concrete design debates. This text appeals to students, researchers and practitioners working on design in architecture, architecture theory, urbanism, and ecology.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Evolutionary Analysis of Economic Policy
This important book analyses evolutionary approaches to economic policy. Its main purpose is to explore the policy implications of evolutionary economics, in particular of approaches inspired on the one hand by Schumpeter and revived by Nelson and Winter which deal with industrial evolution under constant institutions and, on the other hand, of approaches inspired by Hayek and North, which analyse the ways in which institutions themselves evolve. Hitherto evolutionary economists have paid little attention to policy issues, and the relatively few policy implications that they have produced are divergent. Whereas the Neo-Schumpeterian approach has often been used to support political interventions, the Hayekian viewpoint holds that economic policy detracts from economic performance. More systematic evolutionary analysis of economic policy is required if these one-sided findings are to be transcended. Furthermore, such analysis can be expected to develop a coherent theory of economic policy which will plug the gaps and rectify the errors (such as approval of socialist planning and Japanese industrial policies) of both neoclassical and alternative approaches to policy. Evolutionary economists and policy analysts will find this book of great interest, as will economists and students of economics who are interested in enlarging their views with excursions outside the standard curriculum.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Acoustic Echo and Noise Control: A Practical Approach
Authors are well known and highly recognized by the "acoustic echo and noise community." Presents a detailed description of practical methods to control echo and noise Develops a statistical theory for optimal control parameters and presents practical estimation and approximation methods
Edition Axel Menges Opus 87: Egon Eiermann, Haus Eiermann, Baden- Baden
Even though he had made a name for himself in the 1930s with his Berlin single-family homes, Eiermann later on found it difficult to accept commissions for this building type when, during the period of the 'economic miracle', he was approached by numerous people interested to get a design by him. Only the Hardenberg House in Baden-Baden satisfied him, but above all his own house, which he also built in Baden-Baden in 195962. This house in particular, built after his success with the German Pavilion at the 1958 Brussels Worlds Fair and at the same time as the Berlin Gedächtniskirche and the German Embassy in Washington, was to become one of the main works of his post-war creative output. As a builder in his own right, he was able here to uncompromisingly realise his ideal image of living for himself and his family in architecture. Eiermann himself tried to explain the house, which only crystallised in a longer planning genesis, primarily from the functional side: main house and annexe, the latter for garage, studio and guest apartment, the elongated main house in bulkhead construction under a flat sloping roof. In fact, the house is convincing in its sophisticated functionality. But it does not stop there. The complex group of buildings on a steep hillside site with its stagelike terraces, the staged interplay of views from the inside to the outside and, at night, also from the outside to the inside, is an extremely artificial structure even from its basic disposition. The Eiermanntypical façade, with its exterior walkway and white linkage as well as the corrugated Eternit roof provide a ponderous contrast. Together with echoes of traditional Japanese houses and gardens, but above all with the adoption of motifs from sailing- ship building give this house an unmistakable character. Since 2020, the house has new owners, on whose behalf the Stuttgart architects 'no where' (Henning Volpp and Karl Amann) have undertaken an extremely careful renovation. Eiermann's estate, which is kept at saai, the Archive for Architecture and Engineering at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), provided the historical drawings and photographs for this volume. The photographs were primarily taken by Horstheinz Neuendorff, an architectural photographer who was on friendly terms with the architect. Since the early sixties, Neuendorff had been commissioned by Eiermann to capture his new buildings in black-and-white photographs of a high artistic standard. Color photographs of the current condition were newly made by Olaf Becker from Munich. Gerhard Kabierske is an art historian specialising in architectural history and monument preservation. 19932020 he worked at the saai in Karlsruhe where he was responsible, among other things, for the Eiermann archive.
Twisted Spoon Press Cake & Prostheses: mini dramas and short prose
Edition Axel Menges Venezia oscura
Text in English and German. Ullmann has explored Venice photographically for more than twenty years. This book shows the famous city from a very individual point of view, not emphasising the tourist highlights, but investigating the 'essence' of Venice in a number of impressive photographs.
Peter Lang AG Antworten Auf Den Internationalen Terrorismus: Gewaehrleistung Der Inneren Sicherheit Durch Bund Und Laender
Nova Science Publishers Inc Hydraulic Engineering: Structural Applications, Numerical Modeling & Environmental Impacts
Nova Science Publishers Inc Handbook of Disease Outbreaks: Prevention, Detection & Control
Steidl Publishers Daniel Humm: Eat More Plants. A Chef’s Journal
Deutscher Universitatsverlag Die Therapie mit Lithiumsalzen: Ein Kompendium für die Praxis
Europäische Verlagsanst. Die graublaue Strickjacke
Auer-System-Verlag, Carl Bipolare Strungen
Ulmer Eugen Verlag Der Gerber Handbuch fr die Lederherstellung
Borntraeger Gebrueder Karlsruhe und seine Region Nordschwarzwald Kraichgau Neckartal sdlicher Odenwald OberrheinGraben Pflzerwald und westliche Schwbische Alb
Reclam Philipp Jun. Der Erste Weltkrieg Eine kurze Geschichte
John Wiley & Sons Inc Nonlinear Solid Mechanics: A Continuum Approach for Engineering
Nonlinear Solid Mechanics a Continuum Approach for Engineering Gerhard A. Holzapfel Graz University of Technology, Austria With a modern, comprehensive approach directed towards computational mechanics, this book covers a unique combination of subjects at present unavailable in any other text. It includes vital information on 'variational principles' constituting the cornerstone of the finite element method. In fact this is the only method by which Nonlinear Solid Mechanics is utilized in engineering practice. The book opens with a fundamental chapter on vectors and tensors. The following chapters are based on nonlinear continuum mechanics - an inevitable prerequisite for computational mechanicians. In addition, continuum field theory (applied to a representative sample of hyperelastic materials currently used in nonlinear computations such as incompressible and compressible materials) is presented, as are transversely isotropic materials, composite materials, viscoelastic materials and hyperelastic materials with isotropic damage. Another central chapter is devoted to the thermodynamics of materials, covering both finite thermoelasticity and finite thermoviscoelasticity. Also included are: * an up-to-date list of almost 300 references and a comprehensive index * useful examples and exercises for the student * selected topics of statistical and continuum thermodynamics. Furthermore, the principle of virtual work (in both the material and spatial descriptions) is compared with two and three-field variational principles particularly designed to capture kinematic constraints such as incompressibility. All of the features combined result in an essential text for final year undergraduates, postgraduates and researchers in mechanical, civil and aerospace engineering and applied maths and physics.
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Destruction de la Destruction
Taylor & Francis Inc Molecular Morphology in Human Tissues: Techniques and Applications
Molecular Morphology in Human Tissues: Techniques and Applications presents the most advanced molecular morphological techniques to date. This integrated approach to molecular morphology provides powerful analytical and diagnostic tools at the genome level, making the diagnosis and management of cancer, viral infections, and other diseases more precise and reliable. The pioneers of these techniques contribute step-by-step protocols with tips, guidelines, and other suggestions from their own notebooks, enabling experienced scientists as well as beginners to apply the most progressive detection methods available and to obtain optimal results.
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig,Germany Gerhard Richter. Atlas. Vol. 5: Annotated Catalogue Raisonné of the Plates
Peter Lang AG Demokratie in Der Schule: Fallstudien Zur Demokratiebezogenen Schulentwicklung ALS Innovationsprozess
Jan Thorbecke Verlag Bischofsstadt Ohne Bischof?: Prasenz, Interaktion Und Hoforganisation in Bischoflichen Stadten Des Mittelalters (1300-1600)
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Wiener Zeitschrift Fur Die Kunde Sudasiens Und Archiv Fur Indische Philosophie, Band 36/Supplement
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Das Ritual Der Feuergrundung (Agnyadheya): Darstellung Und Interpretation
Tvz - Theologischer Verlag Zurich Urbaner Lebens- Und Konsumstil
Steidl Publishers Joseph Beuys: Four Books in a Box
Birkhauser Verlag AG Institutiones calculi differentialis
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Übungsbuch EEG bei Kindern und Jugendlichen: Atlas mit 370 Beispielen
Dieser Übungsatlas für Neuropädiater und Neurologen beinhaltet eine didaktisch aufgearbeitete Sammlung von EEG-Beispielen mit wissenschaftlichen Definitionen und knappen Fallbeschreibungen. Das breite Spektrum an Kurvenmaterial reicht vom Neugeborenen bis zum jungen Erwachsenenalter und hilft dem EEG-Lernenden, eigene Befunde zu erheben und zu bewerten.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Rehabilitation in Kardiologie und Angiologie
Alle im Praxisalltag auftretenden Fragen zur Rehabilitation von Herz- und Gefäßpatienten werden in dem Buch ausführlich behandelt. Die Autoren stellen sowohl Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der kardiovaskulären Rehabilitation im stationären (Anschlußheilbehandlung) als auch im ambulanten Bereich (Herzgruppen) kritisch dar. Dazu gehören Therapieempfehlungen, mögliche Komplikationen oder Gefahren, Kontraindikationen und die Abwägung, wann welche Maßnahme in welcher Institution und bei welchen Patienten sinnvoll einzusetzen ist. Das Buch wird ergänzt durch Empfehlungen für die personelle, apparative und logistische Ausstattung von Rehabilitationskliniken und ambulanten Herzgruppen. Somit leistet das Buch einen fundierten und praxisbezogenen Beitrag zur kardiologischen Rehabilitationsmedizin.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Modelle als Wege des Theologisierens: Religionsunterricht besser planen und durchfuhren
Among the important topics of the curriculum, the work offers a model framework that provides the necessary guidance. The model frame condenses the possible ways of understanding a topic. It can help each religious teacher to know his or her own point of view and to relate it to the positions of the students, the theology and the curriculum. She knows the strengths and weaknesses of the different positions and can help the students to further develop their own positions. Operating with models thus protects against one-sidedness and arbitrariness, because it locates theological positions in a multi-perspective network of justifications. In this way, religious teachers can consciously use the diversity of theological positions as a didactic resource.
Kohlhammer Feuerwehrgesetz Baden-Wurttemberg
Birkhauser Luxus für alle: Meilensteine im europäischen Terrassenwohnbau
Das Terrassenhaus entspricht als Bautyp modernen Wohnbau-Anforderungen: es ist ökonomisch und bietet bei geringem Bodenverbrauch hohen Wohnkomfort mit Terrasse und Garten. Populär geworden mit den sozialen Bewegungen in den 1960er-Jahren, geriet es mit der fortschreitenden Erosion der Idee von Gesellschaft wieder in Vergessenheit und wurde gar als Bausünde abqualifiziert. Doch die anhaltende Bewohnerzufriedenheit und die ökologischen Vorteile eines begrünten Hauses machen das Terrassenhaus mehr denn je attraktiv. Die im Buch untersuchten Bauten sind heute nicht nur architektonische Ikonen; man kann auch von ihnen immer noch lernen, was der Wohnungsbau heute braucht. Ein Vertreter dieses Bautyps war Harry Glück, dessen Plädoyer für die grüne Stadt hier in Teilen abgedruckt wird.
Lit Verlag My Favourite Things: Object Preferences in Medieval and Early Modern Material Culture Volume 55
Birkhauser Verlag AG Number Theory: An Introduction via the Density of Primes
Now in its second edition, this textbook provides an introduction and overview of number theory based on the density and properties of the prime numbers. This unique approach offers both a firm background in the standard material of number theory, as well as an overview of the entire discipline. All of the essential topics are covered, such as the fundamental theorem of arithmetic, theory of congruences, quadratic reciprocity, arithmetic functions, and the distribution of primes. New in this edition are coverage of p-adic numbers, Hensel's lemma, multiple zeta-values, and elliptic curve methods in primality testing.Key topics and features include: A solid introduction to analytic number theory, including full proofs of Dirichlet's Theorem and the Prime Number Theorem Concise treatment of algebraic number theory, including a complete presentation of primes, prime factorizations in algebraic number fields, and unique factorization of ideals Discussion of the AKS algorithm, which shows that primality testing is one of polynomial time, a topic not usually included in such texts Many interesting ancillary topics, such as primality testing and cryptography, Fermat and Mersenne numbers, and Carmichael numbers The user-friendly style, historical context, and wide range of exercises that range from simple to quite difficult (with solutions and hints provided for select exercises) make Number Theory: An Introduction via the Density of Primes ideal for both self-study and classroom use. Intended for upper level undergraduates and beginning graduates, the only prerequisites are a basic knowledge of calculus, multivariable calculus, and some linear algebra. All necessary concepts from abstract algebra and complex analysis are introduced where needed.
Penguin Random House Children's UK A Ladybird Book: Mountains
Mountains exist on every continent and in almost every country. But did you know that the longest mountain range on the planet exists deep beneath our ocean's surface? Or that some of the most marvellous mountains are on other planets and moons? This book takes readers on an adventure, exploring some of the planet's most iconic mountains and hostile landscapes, as well as the animals and plants that call mountains their home.You can build your own encyclopedia with A Ladybird Book.Other titles available in this series:The Ancient EgyptiansAnimal HabitatsBaby AnimalsClimate ChangeElectricityThe Human BodyInsects and MinibeastsPlanet EarthRainforestsThe RomansSea CreaturesThe Solar SystemThe Stone AgeTrainsTreesVolcanoesWeatherWindrush
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Demokratie Und Wohlfahrtspflege: Mit Einem Vorwort Von Franziska Giffey
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig First view inside an Atom: - Encounters with Gerhard Richter between Art and Science
University Press of America Proceedings of the Sixth International Kant Congress: Current Continental Research
This volume of invited papers includes contributions from Douglas P. Dryer, Gerhard Funke, Stephan Korner, Gerold Prauss, Nicholas Rescher, Manfred Riedel, Alberto Rosales, Nathan Rotenstreich, John R. Silber, Jules Vuillemin, and Josef Simon. There is also a selected Kant bibliography for 1981 to 1985 prepared by Rudolf Malter in cooperation with Achim Koddermann. Co-published with the Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology.