Search results for ""author gerhard""
Gabler Global Sourcing: An Analysis of the Implications for Organization Design
Gerhard Trautmann explains the relationship between global sourcing strategy and organization design.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Rationality in an Uncertain World
Bohlau Verlag Studien zu Politik und Verwaltung: Gegenwart und Zukunft
Birkhauser Color - Communication in Architectural Space
Colors are an element of both the natural and the man-made environments. They convey messages of all kinds and perform a wide variety of functions, informing, organizing, warning. But they also serve an aesthetic purpose, affecting the statement, effect, and acceptance of objects and spaces. While people’s reactions to color vary widely, in design questions it is still possible to establish generally valid color concepts to match the expectations of the various groups of users. This book offers a guide based on a wide range of scientific findings and may be consulted as an authoritative reference by the architecture student and the professional alike. The three editors, Dr. B. Rodeck, Prof. G. Meerwein, and F. H. Mahnke have taught for many years at the Salzburger Seminare für Farbe und Umwelt der IACC.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Krisenintervention kompakt: Theoretische Modelle, praxisbezogene Konzepte und konkrete Interventionsstrategien
Der professionelle Umgang mit Menschen in Krisen bedeutet für alle davon betroffenen Berufsgruppen eine große Herausforderung. Krisenhafte Entwicklungen sind meistens keine pathologischen Phänomene, sondern normale Reaktionen auf Situationen der Überforderung. Sie können sich langsam anbahnen, aber auch überraschend in laufenden psychotherapeutischen Behandlungen, während einer Beratung oder in der ärztlichen Praxis auftreten. Ausreichende Kenntnisse, Kompetenzen und Fertigkeiten zur Durchführung einer Krisenintervention gehören deshalb zur Basisausbildung unterschiedlicher Berufsgruppen, stellt der professionelle Umgang mit Menschen in Krisen doch eine große Herausforderung dar. Dieser Essential-Band vermittelt die wichtigsten theoretischen Hintergründe und Interventionsstrategien auf einen Blick. Er bietet Praktikerinnen und Praktikern in konkreten Situationen Orientierung, vermittelt Kernwissen und gibt Einblicke in die Praxis der Krisenintervention. Eine unverzichtbare Lektüre auch für Personen im Ausbildungskontext!
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Cardiac Mapping
The expanded guide to cardiac mappingThe effective diagnosis and treatment of heart disease may vitally depend upon accurate and detailed cardiac mapping. However, in an era of rapid technological advancement, medical professionals can encounter difficulties maintaining an up-to-date knowledge of current methods. This fifth edition of the much-admired Cardiac Mapping is, therefore, essential, offering a level of cutting-edge insight that is unmatched in its scope and depth.Featuring contributions from a global team of electrophysiologists, the book builds upon previous editions� comprehensive explanations of the mapping, imaging, and ablation of the heart. Nearly 100 chapters provide fascinating accounts of topics ranging from the mapping of supraventricular and ventriculararrhythmias, to compelling extrapolations of how the field might develop in the years to come. In this text, readers will find: Full coverage of all aspects of cardiac mapping, and imaging Explorations of mapping in experimental models of arrhythmias Examples of new catheter-based techniques Access to a companion website featuring additional content and illustrative video clips Cardiac Mapping is an indispensable resource for scientists, clinical electrophysiologists, cardiologists, and all physicians who care for patients with cardiac arrhythmias.
Gregory R Miller & Company Gerhard Richter: Books
Gerhard Richter (born 1932) is predominantly known for his paintings and drawings, which strike a playful balance between photo-realism and abstraction, while at once delving into often controversial political commentary. His works have explored a multitude of media, from photo-based, monochrome and brightly colored paintings to ink-doused papers and thin, multicolored strips of pure pattern. Beyond his artistic works, and particularly in recent years, Richter has published extensively on his vision of art and artistic values: in letters, interviews, public statements, excerpts and articles, Richter has established himself as a brilliant advocate of contemporary painting. Richter has also increasingly explored the possibilities of the book as medium in a series of extraordinary artist's books. Gerhard Richter: Books takes an in-depth look at his work in this medium. It features a book-length interview with the artist by internationally renowned art critic and historian Hans Ulrich Obrist, who walks us through the Richter archive and discusses the work with the artist himself, affording the reader an entirely new perspective on his works. The book also includes a new text by Kunstmuseum Winterthur director Dieter Schwarz.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Demokratie Und Wohlfahrtspflege: Mit Einem Vorwort Von Franziska Giffey
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig First view inside an Atom: - Encounters with Gerhard Richter between Art and Science
University Press of America Proceedings of the Sixth International Kant Congress: Current Continental Research
This volume of invited papers includes contributions from Douglas P. Dryer, Gerhard Funke, Stephan Korner, Gerold Prauss, Nicholas Rescher, Manfred Riedel, Alberto Rosales, Nathan Rotenstreich, John R. Silber, Jules Vuillemin, and Josef Simon. There is also a selected Kant bibliography for 1981 to 1985 prepared by Rudolf Malter in cooperation with Achim Koddermann. Co-published with the Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology.
The Catholic University of America Press The Pope: His Mission and Task
This book offers an introduction to the theological and historical aspects of the papacy, an office and institution that is unique in this world. Throughout its history up to our present time, the Petrine ministry is both fascinating and challenging to people, both inside and outside the Catholic Church.Gerhard Cardinal Müller speaks from a particular and personal viewpoint, including his experience of working closely with the pope every day as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. He addresses, in particular, those dimensions of the papal office which are crucial for understanding more deeply the pope as a visible principle of the church's unity.500 years after the Protestant reformation, The Pope offers insights into the ecumenical controversies about the papacy throughout the centuries, in their historical context. The book also exposes prejudices and cliches, and points to the authentic foundation of the Petrine ministry.
S. Hirzel Verlag Evolutionare Erkenntnistheorie
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Coworking (R)evolution: Working and Living in New Territories
The digitalization of work processes and the generalization of IT are creating unprecedented opportunities. An increasing part of the workforce is experimenting with new forms of work, as freelancers, self-employed or highly skilled employees with greater autonomy. International in scope, this book comprehensively explores these new models of work, mobility and life trajectories, and the increasing role of non-metropolitan coworking spaces.This interdisciplinary book investigates new trends in relationships between work, life plans, work-life balance, and mobility in the context of ongoing societal digitalization. An expert group of contributors adopts a comparative approach in assessing the coworking phenomenon. They examine the social embeddedness of collaborative workspaces and consider topics such as social exchange, cooperation, and collaboration, critically assessing the question of individual and collective mobilities, and exploring the historical roots of coworking and its developing meanings and uses in practice.Gathering a wide variety of studies which investigate the diversity of social trajectories, institutional context, social transition, cooperation, policy measures, and mobility patterns, this book will be an interesting read for academics and students in the fields of organizational behavior, human geography, sociology of work, cities, and regional studies. Politicians interested in territorial development, elected officials, workers of municipalities and regions, and journalists who cover work issues, will similarly find this to be a beneficial read.
University of Illinois Press Commemorating Hell: The Public Memory of Mittelbau-Dora
This powerful, wide-ranging history of the Nazi concentration camp Mittelbau-Dora is the first book to analyze how memory of the Third Reich evolved throughout changes in the German regime from World War II to the present. Building on intimate knowledge of the history of the camp, where a third of the 60,000 prisoners did not survive the war, Gretchen Schafft and Gerhard Zeidler examine the political and cultural aspects of the camp's memorialization in East Germany and, after 1989, in unified Germany. Prisoners at Mittelbau-Dora built the V-1 and V-2 missiles, some of them coming into direct contact with Wernher von Braun and Arthur Rudolph, who later became leading engineers in the U.S. space program. Through the continuing story of Mittelbau-Dora, from its operation as a labor camp to its social construction as a monument, Schafft and Zeidler reflect an abiding interest in the memory and commemoration of notorious national events. In extending the analysis of Mittelbau-Dora into post-war and present-day Germany, Commemorating Hell uncovers the intricate relationship between the politics of memory and broader state and global politics, revealing insights about the camp's relationship to the American space pioneers and the fate of the nearby city of Nordhausen.
The University of Chicago Press Modularity in Development and Evolution
Modularity in Development and Evolution offers the first sustained exploration of modules from developmental and evolutionary perspectives. Contributors discuss what modularity is, how it can be identified and modeled, how it originated and evolved, and its biological significance. Covering modules at levels ranging from genes to colonies, the book focuses on their roles not just in structures but also in processes such as gene regulation. Among many exciting findings, the contributors demonstrate how modules can highlight key constraints on evolutionary processes.A timely synthesis of a crucial topic, Modularity in Development and Evolution shows the invaluable insights modules can give into both developmental complexities and their evolutionary origins.
Little Tiger Press Group Heroes: Inspirational people and the amazing jobs they do
Not all heroes wear capes… …But some do have impressive costumes, amazing masks and astonishing super-human abilities. This book showcases more than one hundred real-life superheroes, bona fide boffins, awe-inspiring athletes and sublime scientists and celebrates their astounding accomplishments. From the fearless firefighters who tackle blistering blazes to deft doctors that save lives on a daily basis, the world is crammed full of incredible people and the staggering things they've achieved can inspire us all.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Business-Etikette in Europa: Stilsicher auftreten, Umgangsformen beherrschen
Europa mit seinen vielfältigen und spezifischen Kulturstandards ist wirtschaftlich einer der größten Handelspartner der Welt. Viele internationale Unternehmen sind bereits auf europäischem Boden aktiv oder möchten auf diesem Markt präsent sein. Die damit verbundenen Anforderungen an die persönlichen interkulturellen Handlungskompetenzen sind stark gestiegen und wachsen immer noch. Dieses Buch ist an der Geschäftswirklichkeit internationaler Fach- und Führungskräfte ausgerichtet. Es gibt aktuelle Handlungsempfehlungen und zeigt die Veränderungen sowie Hintergründe des interkulturellen Verhaltens auf dem europäischen Parkett auf. Durch die zahlreichen und intensiven Expertenbefragungen profitieren die Leser auch in der dritten, durchgesehenen Auflage von den Erfahrungen hochrangiger Wirtschaftsprofis. Dargestellt werden Umgangsformen bei den wichtigsten Handelspartnern Deutschlands: Frankreich, Großbritannien, Italien, Niederlande, Österreich, Polen, Russland, Schweden, Schweiz, Spanien, Türkei und Tschechische Republik.
Theologischer Verlag Oscar Cullmann: Ein Leben Fur Theologie, Kirche Und Okumene
HENI Publishing The Richter Interviews
The Richter Interviews collects together a series of conversations between Hans Ulrich Obrist and Gerhard Richter over the course of more than two decades of discussion and collaboration. Subjects range from Richter’s place within art history to artists’ books, architecture, religion, unrealised projects and his advice for young artists. The collection also includes a previously unpublished interview focused on Richter’s much-lauded window for Cologne Cathedral, unveiled in 2007. Obrist’s vast knowledge and interrogating mind coupled with his longstanding friendship with Richter make him a unique interlocutor for an artist whose work spans more than 60 years and ranges from painting to photography, glass to printmaking, watercolours to books. Obrist deftly guides the reader through a dazzling array of topics and offers an invaluable historical perspective on Richter’s place within the art world of the 20th and 21st centuries. Illustrations of discussed artworks by Richter feature throughout the texts for visual reference – making this an indispensable guide to the thinking and creative processes of one of the world’s most admired artists.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Biomaterials In Modern Medicine: The Groningen Perspective
This useful book is written from a medical perspective and is aimed at academics as well as medical and biomedical engineering students who want to become involved in the design, development, manufacturing or use of prostheses or medical devices. It covers basic information on the complexities of implant and medical device development. The design process, technology assessment, animal experiments, histocompatibility, tissue compatibility and infections are described. In addition, examples of biomaterial applications are presented, showing the diversity of biomaterials.This is the first book that guides the reader through the complicated process of medical product development. Different technical and medical aspects of medical implants are highlighted by a group of authors who are actively involved in biomaterial research at the University Medical Center of Groningen, one of the leading hospitals in The Netherlands.
Universitatsverlag Winter Emotion in Postmodernism
Schnell & Steiner Geschaffen Wie Aus Einem Guss - Festschrift Fur Michael Brandt Zum 65. Geburtstag: Ausgewahlte Beitrage Zur Mittelalterlichen Kunst
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig,Germany Gerhard Richter: Two Grey Double Mirrors for a Pendulum in Munster
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Symposion 2015: Vortrage Zur Griechischen Und Hellenistischen Rechtsgeschichte (Coimbra, 1.-4. September 2015)
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Samenatlas: Teil 3: Fabaceae Teil 4: Hypericaceae
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Symposion 2007: Vortrage Zur Griechischen Und Hellenistischen Rechstsgeschichte Papers on Greek and Hellenistic Legal History
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Studies in Hinduism: Pancarata and Visistadvaitvedanta
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus / Studien zur Umwelt des Neuen Testaments: Beiträge zur religiösen Sprache im Neuen Testament und in seiner Umwelt
Der Sammelband enthält dreizehn z.T. noch unveröffentlichte Aufsätze Gerhard Sellins, die mehrheitlich in den beiden letzten Jahrzehnten entstanden sind. Ein GroÃteil der Beiträge fragt nach dem hermeneutischen Potential, der pragmatischen Funktion und theologischen Bedeutung bildlicher Formen religiöser Sprache (Metapher, Symbol, Allegorie) im hellenistischen Judentum und frÃ"hen Christentum. Dabei wird deutlich, dass mythisch geprägte religiöse Sprachbilder keineswegs, wie oftmals angenommen wird, Relikte einer Ã"berholten Weltansicht oder primitive Ausdruckformen sind, die in die eigentliche Sprache Ã"bersetzt und auf den "Begriff" gebracht werden mÃ"ssen. Vielmehr spiegeln sie ein auf Erfahrung beruhendes Wirklichkeits- und Existenzverständnis, das nur in Form bildlicher Rede aussagbar ist. Diese Einsicht fÃ"r die Rede von Gott fruchtbar zu machen, wie sie exemplarisch in den Gleichnissen Jesu, aber auch in den neutestamentlichen Wundererzählungen zur Anschauung gebracht wird, ist ein zentrales Anliegen des Verfassers.Weitere Beiträge gehen auf das kontrovers diskutierte Verhältnis von MÃ"ndlichkeit und Schriftlichkeit in den Anfängen der EvangelienÃ"berlieferung ein. Unter diesem Aspekt problematisieren sie die (scheinbar) funktionale Verbindung von "Gattung" und "Sitz im Leben" der einzelnen Erzähleinheiten in den synoptischen Evangelien. Dabei werden im Rekurs auf Ergebnisse der neueren Oralitätsforschung nicht nur die methodischen Voraussetzungen der klassischen Formgeschichte einer kritischen PrÃ"fung unterzogen, sondern auch die dem redaktionsgeschichtlichen Ansatz unterliegenden Prämissen auf ihre Tragfähigkeit hin befragt. Die den Band beschlieÃende Abschiedsvorlesung zeigt anhand von vier Beispielen Wege auf, biblische Texte heute lesen und verstehen zu lernen.
Bohlau Verlag Heinrich III.: Dynastie - Region - Europa
Brepols N.V. Christ on the Cross: The Boston Crucifix and the Rise of Monumental Wood Sculpture, 970-1200
Steidl Publishers Mat Hennek: Silent Cities
Steidl Publishers Robert Frank: Books and Films, 1947–2019
Books on Demand Verdichtungen
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Unternehmenssanktionen in Der Europaischen Union
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Handbuch Brücken: Entwerfen, Konstruieren, Berechnen, Bauen und Erhalten
Hervorragende Fachautoren beschreiben ihre Erfahrungen zu Tragwerkstypen, Berechnungs-, Herstellungs- und Bauausführungsverfahren sowie Bauüberwachungsmethoden. Gegenüber den beiden vorangegangenen Auflagen wird im Einführungskapitel auf die neuere Entwicklung der Verwendung von Hochleistungsbeton im Brückenbau sowie auf Brücken aus Textilbeton eingegangen. Des Weiteren werden in diesem Kapitel integrale und semiintegrale Brücken behandelt, es werden Entwicklungen in der Bauweise mit verbundlosen internen Spanngliedern und die Nachrechnung von Brücken behandelt. Dazu wurden auch die sechs in den Jahren 2010 bis 2014 mit Brückenbaupreisen ausgezeichneten Brücken aufgenommen, sodass nun alle zehn von 2006 bis 2014 mit dem Brückenbaupreis ausgezeichneten Brücken im Buch enthalten sind. Die folgenden Kapitel, in denen auf das Entwerfen, Konstruieren, Berechnen, Bauen und Erhalten der Brücken eingegangen wird, wurden aktualisiert, indem die aktuellen EUROCODES berücksichtigt sind. Das Kapitel 12, Überwachung ,Prüfung, Bewertung und Beurteilung von Brücken, wird um den Abschnitt 12.7, Kontinuierliche, rechnergestützte, Dauerüberwachung (Monitoring) erweitert, indem an einem Beispiel, der Gärtnerplatzbrücke in Kassel, die Dauerüberwachung mit Hilfe von Schwingungstestdaten demonstriert wird. Nicht nur für Bauingenieure und Studierende des Bauingenieurwesens, sondern auch für alle, die am Brückenbau und seiner Entwicklung interessiert sind, ist dieses Buch ein unverzichtbarer Begleiter.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Industrial Inorganic Pigments
Inorganic Pigments significantly change our surroundings. They are irreplaceable for the coloring of construction materials - their applications range from concrete to artist's colors, from industrial paints to toners in photocopiers, from coloring in foodstuffs to raw materials for catalysts. This book offers everything there is to know about inorganic pigments in a concise and thorough presentation: their manufacturing processes, their applications and markets, their testing procedures and standards, and also the health and environmental regulations relating to them. The reader is provided with more than 800 up-to-date references to the pertinent literature, which will be extremely useful for further studies. Over 30 first-class authors from leading chemical companies have created a uniform and clearly structured text, giving an excellent overview of the subject area. This book will be of benefit to all chemists, materials specialists, engineers, application technicians and students in pigment-related fields. '... the book under review is a class by very useful information to the paint chemist regarding the basics and application aspects of the various pigments used in the chemical industry.' (Bulletin of Electrochemistry)
Springer International Publishing AG A Neuro-Psychoanalytical Dialogue for Bridging Freud and the Neurosciences
The book presents an overview of the term neuropsychoanalysis and traces its historical and scientific foundations as well as its cultural implications. It also turns its attention to some blind spots, open questions, and to what the future may hold. It examines the cooperative and conflicted relationship between psychoanalysis and neuroscience. Articles from different fields investigate the neurological basis of psychoanalysis as well as the psychological terms of neurology. They also discuss what psychoanalysis has to offer neuroscience. In addition, the emerging neuro-psychoanalytical dialogue is enriched here by the voice of a culturally informed history of science. The book brings leading authorities on these topics into conversation with each other, creating an unprecedented opportunity to better understand the ‘language’ of the psyche. Specific concerns include the discussion of corporeality, how the body figures into psychoanalysis, the meaning of the unconscious in connection with dreams, unconscious fantasies, and the field of epigenetics. Following a historical perspective the book provides a re-reading of Freud's drive theory, exploring his concept of ‘life’ at the threshold of science and culture as well as the relationship between various representations, somatic states and the origin of drive. Overall, the book argues that if the different methodological approaches of psychoanalysis and neuroscience are acknowledged not only for their individual uniqueness but also as a dialectic, then the resulting epistemological and methodological dialogue might open up a fascinating body of neuropsychoanalytical knowledge.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship and Creativity
This Handbook focuses on the interdependent relationship between entrepreneurship and creativity. This relationship is analyzed from the perspective of different disciplines, including economic geography, sociology, education, economics, psychology, and also in different spatial contexts.Creativity and entrepreneurship are central concepts for understanding the driving forces in 21st century capitalist economies and societies. Rolf Sternberg and Gerhard Krauss provide an expert introduction to the role of creativity in the field of entrepreneurship, and vice versa. This Handbook assembles some of the leading scholars in the field to provide empirical and conceptual contributions, which provide the reader with a unique guide to the progress of research in this area. Of particular interest are the exploration of the influence of the spatial context, and the overview of government policy attempts to support entrepreneurship and creative economic development.This book will appeal to researchers and scholars interested in entrepreneurship and creativity issues, coming from a wide range of academic disciplines. These readers will find an up-to-date presentation of existing and new directions for research in their domains. The Handbook will also be of great interest to policymakers at the national, regional and local level, who will find valuable insights about the linkages between creativity, entrepreneurship and economic development.Contributors: M. Andersson, O. Atzema, A. Cropley, D. Cropley, I. Diego, M. d'Oviedo, H. Etzkowitz, M. Fritsch, M. Grossetti, B. Heebels, D. Hjorth, C. Karlsson, G. Krauss, B. Lange, H. Naffakhi-Charfeddine, A. Penaluna, K. Penaluna, D. Ponzini, A. Sorgner, R. Sternberg, M. Stuetzer, I. van Aalst, H. Westlund
Taylor & Francis Ltd 1917 and the Consequences
The Russian Revolution of 1917 has been one of the most important events of modern history. It changed the course of the events not only in Russia but, on a wider scale, across the world while it influenced the flow of history throughout the twentieth century until the fall of the Soviet Union and, to some extent, well beyond this time. Radical change in Russia triggered social revolutions and reformations across Europe, while authoritarian systems shaped their societies according to the Russian model. This book analyses these forces, particularly at the European periphery which has been underexplored until this volume.
Emerald Publishing Limited Stains on the Screen: Design Bibliography
Research in Philosophy and Technology
Peter Lang AG Vladimir Solov'ev Und Friedrich Nietzsche: Eine Deutsch-Russische Kulturelle Jahrhundertbilanz
Nova Science Publishers Inc Biohydrogen: Production, Applications & Technology
Duke University Press Theodor W. Adorno: An Introduction
Theodor W. Adorno (1903–1969) was one of the twentieth century’s most important thinkers. In light of two pivotal developments—the rise of fascism, which culminated in the Holocaust, and the standardization of popular culture as a commodity indispensable to contemporary capitalism—Adorno sought to evaluate and synthesize the essential insights of Western philosophy by revisiting the ethical and sociological arguments of his predecessors: Kant, Nietzsche, Hegel, and Marx. This book, first published in Germany in 1996, provides a succinct introduction to Adorno’s challenging and far-reaching thought. Gerhard Schweppenhäuser, a leading authority on the Frankfurt School of critical theory, explains Adorno’s epistemology, social and political philosophy, aesthetics, and theory of culture.After providing a brief overview of Adorno’s life, Schweppenhäuser turns to the theorist’s core philosophical concepts, including post-Kantian critique, determinate negation, and the primacy of the object, as well as his view of the Enlightenment as a code for world domination, his diagnosis of modern mass culture as a program of social control, and his understanding of modernist aesthetics as a challenge to conceive an alternative politics. Along the way, Schweppenhäuser illuminates the works widely considered Adorno’s most important achievements: Minima Moralia, Dialectic of Enlightenment (co-authored with Horkheimer), and Negative Dialectics. Adorno wrote much of the first two of these during his years in California (1938–49), where he lived near Arnold Schoenberg and Thomas Mann, whom he assisted with the musical aesthetics at the center of Mann’s novel Doctor Faustus.