Search results for ""Author . Rainer""
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Deutschbuch Gymnasium 8 Jahrgangsstufe Bayern Schulaufgabentrainer mit Lsungen
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Lernstufen Mathematik 8 Schuljahr Arbeitsheft mit eingelegten Lsungen und CDROM Differenzierende Ausgabe NordrheinWestfalen
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Parallelo 5. Schuljahr. SachsenAnhalt Schulbuch Mit digitalen Hilfen Erklärfilmen und Wortvertonungen
Braun Publishing AG Berlin. Der Architekturführer
Seagull Books Collected Poems The Swiss List Seagull Titles Chicago
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Microscopic Chaos, Fractals And Transport In Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics
A valuable introduction for newcomers as well as an important reference and source of inspiration for established researchers, this book provides an up-to-date summary of central topics in the field of nonequilibrium statistical mechanics and dynamical systems theory.Understanding macroscopic properties of matter starting from microscopic chaos in the equations of motion of single atoms or molecules is a key problem in nonequilibrium statistical mechanics. Of particular interest both for theory and applications are transport processes such as diffusion, reaction, conduction and viscosity.Recent advances towards a deterministic theory of nonequilibrium statistical physics are summarized: Both Hamiltonian dynamical systems under nonequilibrium boundary conditions and non-Hamiltonian modelings of nonequilibrium steady states by using thermal reservoirs are considered. The surprising new results include transport coefficients that are fractal functions of control parameters, fundamental relations between transport coefficients and chaos quantities, and an understanding of nonequilibrium entropy production in terms of fractal measures and attractors.The theory is particularly useful for the description of many-particle systems with properties in-between conventional thermodynamics and nonlinear science, as they are frequently encountered on nanoscales.
Manas Publications Surviving Terrorism: How to Understand, Anticipate and Respond to Terrorist Attacks
Encounter Books,USA How Nations Escape Poverty
During the 20th century, Vietnam and Poland were both victims not only of devastating wars, but also of socialist planned economies that destroyed whatever war hadn’t already. In 1990, Vietnam was still one of the poorest countries in the world, while Poland was one of the poorest in Europe. But in the three decades since then, both countries have drastically improved their citizens’ standards of living and escaped the vicious cycle of national poverty. In this book, Rainer Zitelmann identifies the reasons behind the sensational growth of both nations’ economies, drawing out the lessons that other countries can learn from these two success stories. To explain the source of their success, he returns to Adam Smith’s 1776 treatise, The Wealth of Nations: the only way to overcome poverty is through economic growth, Smith wrote, and economic freedom
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Magnificent 19th Century Furniture: Historicism in Germany and Central Europe
The Historicism movement in art (1830-1920) was perhaps the most democratic of all. European furniture makers sought to recapture the magic and affluence displayed in early, highly stylized and aristocratic pieces of the Gothic, Rococo, Renaissance, Baroque, and Classicism periods--but at a fraction of the cost. These artists brought a great deal to their reproductions, applying a contemporary practicality that resulted in pieces of crafty pomp, opulence, and exaggerated beauty that were priced to reach the growing bourgeoisie. Historicism furniture pieces are not only art history documents of the most diverse cultures and styles of the 19th century, but they are also individual collector's items, their value not determined by objectively derived pricing factors alone. To that end, this book enlists the help of an international jury of furniture experts, from renowned art auction houses and antique dealer companies and restorers, to appraise and price over 15,000 featured pieces. Historicism is directly related to the strengthened bourgeoisie, to wealth and the newly rich, as well as to the foundation of nations. With this social and economic background, the furniture of the 19th century can be better comprehended and appreciated.
Taschen GmbH Vienna 1900
Poets and intellectuals brushed shoulders in bustling coffeehouses, young avant-gardists heralded a new era in social and sexual liberalism, waltzes resounded through the Ringstrasse, the Vienna Secession preached: “To every age its art — to every art its freedom;” and tremors warned of looming political disintegration when the Austrian capital passed into a new century. Across economics, science, art, and music, Vienna blossomed into a “laboratory of modernity,” one which nurtured some of the greatest artistic innovators—from Egon Schiele’s unflinching nude portraits to Gustav Klimt’s decadent Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I, from the ornamental seams and glass floors of Otto Wagner to Ditha Moser’s calendars adorned in golden deities. Discover the zeitgeist, the scandals, and the extraordinary protagonists in this introduction to a transformative epoch. Across painting, sculpture, architecture, and design, we explore all the movers and shakers through insightful profiles and crisp double-page reproductions. Marking the centenary of the deaths of some of its brightest talents, this collection joins Vienna in its 2018 celebration of Modernism.
Universitatsverlag Regensburg GmbH Europeanization Through Private Law Instruments
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Romische Historische Mitteilungen 60/2018
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Toxisch
Durch den Konsum von Rauschdrogen ballern sich tagtäglich Millionen von Menschen aus ihrer subjektiv gefühlten Realität heraus. Angefangen bei Alkohol und Nikotin haben wir es heute mit einem verantwortungslosen, unkultivierten und gefährlichen Konsumverhalten zu tun. Dieses Buch stellt die durchaus erlaubte und provokative Frage, ob die derzeitige Drogenpolitik noch „up to date“ ist, bzw. wo sie durch ihre restriktive Herangehensweise nicht völlig versagt hat!? Wo liegen die Ursachen dieses Konsumverhaltens und wie ist es um einen liberalisierten und aufgeklärten Umgang mit gewissen Substanzen bestimmt? Mit diesem mutigen und investigativen Werk nehmen die beiden Autoren eine authentische Perspektive zum Thema Rauschdrogen in Deutschland ein. Und sie wissen, wovon sie reden! Ein Buch für User, Neugierige, Eltern, Pädagogen, Therapeuten, Ärzte, Sozialarbeiter, Interessierte der Drogenverbotsdebatte und alle, denen etwas daran liegt, dass die Gesellschaft in Sachen Suchtprävention und Selbstbestimmungsrecht von Konsumenten endlich wach wird und handelt.Inklusive Videointerviews mit den Autoren und Geleitworte von Kriminalbiologe Dr. Mark Benecke, Jugendrichter Andreas Müller und dem Grimme-Preisträger $ick.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Drahtlose ZigBee-Netzwerke: Ein Kompendium
Mit drahtlosen Sensor-/Aktor–Netzwerken (DSAN) können kostengünstig Netzwerke für Mess- und Steueraufgaben in Bereichen wie z. B. Umwelt- und Katastrophenschutz, Medizin oder Home-Automation aufgebaut werden. Die ZigBee-Allianz beschreibt in ihrer ZigBee-Spezifikation einen Stack mit allen erforderlichen Funktionen für ein solches Netzwerk. Das Buch behandelt alle relevanten Themen, die für die Realisierung eines DSANs nach der ZigBee-Spezifikation notwendig sind. Nach dem Durcharbeiten ist der Leser in der Lage ein DSAN zu konzipieren, Funkmodule mit Sensoren und Aktoren aufzubauen und ein stabiles Funknetz zu installieren.
Campus Verlag Law Beyond the State: Pasts and Futures
Law beyond the State brings together contributions by renowned experts on international and European Union law to celebrate the centennial of Goethe‒Universität Frankfurt. The essays explore Frankfurt’s contribution to the development of international law; the historical development of international law; how this form of law can be used as a tool to improve the world and create a better future for all; the essential relevance of the spiritual dimension of legal orders, including the European Union, to ensuring their values will be taken seriously; and the possibility, offered by the Internet, for all persons concerned with global lawmaking to participate effectively in relevant decision-making processes.
Verlag Herder Gott Geht Unter Die Haut: Glauben Aus Leidenschaft
Bohlau Verlag Christen Und Totalitare Herrschaft in Den Landern Ostmittel- Und Sudosteuropas Von 1945 Bis in Die 1960er Jahre
Seagull Books London Ltd Collected Poems
Rainer Brambach, one of the most widely appreciated Swiss poets in the 1950s and '60s, was notorious for walking to the beat of his own drum, denying convention and standing his ground against popular styles and trends. He grew up in Basel and left school at the age of fourteen to become a manual laborer. He spent much of World War II in prison and in labor camps, an experience which greatly influenced his writing. After the war, Brambach began to make his name as a poet. Recognition and awards notwithstanding, Brambach remained an outsider in the literary world and lived for many years in poverty. Marked by his disregard for material values, a profound engagement with the landscape of the Upper Rhine, and a lasting commitment to humanity, Brambach’s poems are direct, unadorned, and free of pomp or ideology. His quiet images conjure up landscapes, small rural scenes, and interiors of bars and cafes. Brambach was, above all, an observer whose poems provide insights of deceptive simplicity that form a poetic essence confirming the significance of this author’s voice. This collection of poems, masterfully translated by noted writer and poet Esther Kinsky, represents the first major English translation of a significant European poet.
Stanford University Press The Ambivalences of Medieval Religious Drama
What is medieval religious drama, and what function does it serve in negotiating between the domains of theology and popular life? This book aims to answer these questions by studying three sets of these dramas: tenth-century Easter plays, twelfth-century Adam plays, and fifteenth- and sixteenth-century Passion plays. However, the author’s intent is not to present a genre history. Instead, he seeks to mediate between the historical development of the plays and a systematic unfolding of the archetypal structure within which the plays grasp salvation history and act it out. His theoretical approach is grounded in the work of Niklas Luhmann, which strongly emphasizes the priority of social functions over institutional structures. The book’s textual basis is truly European—including works from Germany, France, England, and Spain—and goes beyond “literary” texts to engage a range of sources from sparsely documented folk rituals to high medieval theology. These sources enable the author to encompass the complex structure of popular feasts and religious celebrations that centered on Easter. His methodological program—a systematically informed, structured analysis sensitive to the historical context—identifies recurrent patterns of distortion in these feasts and celebrations vis-à-vis their model, the chapters of Scripture dealing with Christ’s death and resurrection. Eschewing the conventional view of medieval theater as a depiction of medieval theology, the author convincingly shows that below their textual surfaces, the Easter theatrical and religious celebrations must have served as collective rituals of compensation in whose context the figure of Christ (often, specifically, the actor incarnating the figure) took over the role of the scapegoat. This demonstrates another of the book’s major contributions, that a collaboration between medieval studies and contemporary cultural theory is not only viable but richly rewarding.
Peter Lang AG Des Mots Et Des Pots En Bantou: Une Approche Linguistique de l'Histoire de la Céramique En Afrique
Psychosozial Verlag GbR Die kreative Bewältigung von Verzweiflung Hass und Gewalt
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Leidenschaft: Goethes Weg zur Kreativität: Eine Psychobiographie
Goethe was not only a child genius, a beloved poet, and an important politician throughout his life he also sometimes missed and suffered for it. Yet he had the special ability to accept mental anguish and to implement it for the further development of his own creativity.Since Goethes time psychology has made great progress, and especially neurobiology has made great discoveries about the nature of the human mind. Nevertheless, we have few documents that so deeply illustrate the development of creativity as Goethes letters and his works not to mention the detailed descriptions delivered by his family and friends, both male and female. His path to creativity can even today be an inspiration and a beacon to guide all of us to discover our own creative tendencies. Thus, a study of Goethes path to creativity is not solely an intellectual delight, but also one with very practical benefits.
Taschen GmbH Egypt. People, Gods, Pharaohs
How much do we really know about Ancient Egypt? The pharaohs and pyramids are familiar history fodder, but what about the farmers, the soldiers, the laborers, and the families that made up the vast majority of this much mythologized civilization? With a thrilling spread of visual references, this TASCHEN adventure attempts to set the record straight by offering a distinctive everyday take on Ancient Egypt. Like a piece of published excavation, the book explores the many layers of this ancient society, digging down from the sacred or grandiose to the daily experiences and ordinary individuals. The democratic approach bestows this distant era with exciting vitality and relevance for all the family. As we explore everything from family arrangements to leisure activities to labor movements, we not only uncover the different experiences of this ancient land but also parallels and precedents to our own societies. The result is a particularly vivid encounter with an ancient age and with some of our most ingenious and influential forebears.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Landesrecht Sachsen-Anhalt: Textsammlung - Rechtsstand: 15. Februar 2017
V&R unipress GmbH Trauerarbeit / Maulwurf Krieg
Gabler Effektive Mitarbeiterführung: Praxiserprobte Tipps für Führungskräfte
Rainer Niermeyer und Nadia Postall zeigen, welche Führungsinstrumente und -techniken wirklich relevant sind und wie sie erfolgreich in der Praxis eingesetzt werden. Ob Führungsnachwuchskraft oder gestandener Manager – in diesem Buch erfahren Sie, wie Sie Mitarbeiter zielgerichtet unterstützen, lenken, fordern und fördern. Die erfahrenen Managementtrainer beschreiben die in der Praxis am besten bewährten Techniken und Instrumente für professionelle Meetings, Mitarbeitergespräche, Zielvereinbarungen sowie Mitarbeiterbeurteilungen. Alle Unterstützungsinstrumente für Ihre Praxis finden Sie zum Download unter beim Buchtitel.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Mediensoziologie: Handbuch Fur Wissenschaft Und Studium
Logos Verlag Berlin Customer Management: Vertriebs- Und Servicekonzepte Der Zukunft
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Between Cooperation and Hostility: Multiple Identities in Ancient Judaism and the Interaction with Foreign Powers
The question of why the cooperation of Jews with the Persian and Ptolemaic empires achieved some success and why it failed with regard to the Seleucids and the Romans, even turning into military hostility against them, has not been sufficiently answered. The present volume intends to show, from the perspectives of Hebrew Bible, Judaic, and Ancient History Studies, that the contrasting Jewish attitudes towards foreign powers were not only dependent on specific political circumstances. They were also interrelated with the emergence of multiple early Jewish identities, which all found a basis in the Torah, the prophets, or the psalms. The question of why the cooperation of Jews with the Persian and Ptolemaic empires achieved some success and why it failed with regard to the Seleucids and the Romans, even turning into military hostility against them, has not been sufficiently answered. The present volume intends to show, from the perspectives of Hebrew Bible, Judaic, and Ancient History Studies, that the contrasting Jewish attitudes towards foreign powers were not only dependent on specific political circumstances. They were also interrelated with the emergence of multiple early Jewish identities, which all found a basis in the Torah, the prophets, or the psalms.
De Gruyter Selbstbetrachtungen: Griechisch - Deutsch
Reaktion Books Kazimir Malevich: The Climax of Disclosure
The book traces Malevich's development from his beginnings in Ukraine and early years in Moscow - where he was closely involved in the Futurist circle - through to the late 1920s and beyond. The authors convincingly demonstrate that it is only through a close and sustained reading of Malevich's late - and still widely misunderstood - painterly oeuvre that his extraordinarily inventive stance can truly be comprehended.
The University of Chicago Press Theories of Translation: An Anthology of Essays from Dryden to Derrida
Spanning the centuries, from the seventeenth to the twentieth, and ranging across cultures, from England to Mexico, this collection gathers together important statements on the function and feasibility of literary translation. The essays provide an overview of the historical evolution in thinking about translation and offer strong individual opinions by prominent contemporary theorists. Most of the twenty-one pieces appear in translation, some here in English for the first time and many difficult to find elsewhere. Selections include writings by Scheiermacher, Nietzsche, Ortega, Benjamin, Pound, Jakobson, Paz, Riffaterre, Derrida, and others. A fine companion to The Craft of Translation, this volume will be a valuable resource for all those who translate, those who teach translation theory and practice, and those interested in questions of language philosophy and literary theory.
The University of Chicago Press The Craft of Translation
Written by some of the most distinguished literary translators working in English today, these essays offer new and uncommon insights into the understanding and craft of translation. The contributors not only describe the complexity of translating literature but also suggest the implications of the act of translation for critics, scholars, teachers, and students. The demands of translation, according to these writers, require both comprehensive scholarship in preparing to translate a text and broad creativity in recreating the text in a new language. Translation, thus, becomes a model for the most exacting reading and the most serious scholarship.Some of the contributors lay bare the rigorous methods of literary translation in comparisons of various translations of the same piece; some discuss the problems of translating a specific passage; others speak about the lessons learned over the course of a career in translation. As these essays make clear, translators work in the space between languages and, in so doing, provide insights into the ways in which a culture makes the world verbal. Exemplary readers both of authors and of their individual works, the translators represented in this collection demonstrate that the methodologies derived from the art and craft of translation can serve as a model to revitalize the interpretation and understanding of literary works.Readers will find the opportunity to look over the shoulders of the translators gathered together in this volume an exciting and surprising experience. The act of translation emerges both as a powerful integration of linguistic, semantic, cultural, and historical thinking and as a valuable commentary on how we communicate both within a culture and from one culture to another.
Transcript Verlag Media - Migration - Integration: European and North American Perspectives
Following economists and scientists, politicians of various European countries have realized that a modern society with a declining birthrate is in need of immigrants. What can journalists contribute, in order to enable migrants to feel at home in their receiving country? What can be missed and ruined by journalists and media with regard to the integration of ethnic minorities? Scholars from Austria, Canada, France, Germany, Russia, Switzerland, The Netherlands, and the U.S. present their findings on the matter of media integration of migrants. Can European media learn from experiences in the classic countries of immigration in North America?
Taschen GmbH The Art and Science of Ernst Haeckel. 40th Ed.
Ernst Haeckel (1834–1919) was a German-born biologist, naturalist, evolutionist, artist, philosopher, and doctor who spent his life researching flora and fauna from the highest mountaintops to the deepest ocean. A vociferous supporter and developer of Darwin’s theories of evolution, he denounced religious dogma, authored philosophical treatises, gained a doctorate in zoology, and coined scientific terms which have passed into common usage, including ecology, phylum, and stem cell. At the heart of Haeckel’s colossal legacy was the motivation not only to discover but also to explain. To do this, he created hundreds of detailed drawings, watercolors, and sketches of his findings which he published in successive volumes, including several marine organism collections and the majestic Kunstformen der Natur (Art Forms in Nature), which could serve as the cornerstone of Haeckel’s entire life project. Like a meticulous visual encyclopedia of living things, Haeckel’s work was as remarkable for its graphic precision and meticulous shading as for its understanding of organic evolution. From bats to the box jellyfish, lizards to lichen, and spider legs to sea anemones, Haeckel emphasized the essential symmetries and order of nature, and found biological beauty in even the most unlikely of creatures. In this book, we celebrate the scientific, artistic, and environmental importance of Haeckel’s work, with a collection of 300 of his finest prints from several of his most important tomes, including Die Radiolarien, Monographie der Medusen, Die Kalkschwämme, and Kunstformen der Natur. At a time when biodiversity is increasingly threatened by human activities, the book is at once a visual masterwork, an underwater exploration, and a vivid reminder of the precious variety of life.
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc Art Lab for Kids: 52 Creative Adventures in Drawing, Painting, Printmaking, Paper, and Mixed Media-For Budding Artists of All Ages: Volume 1
Art Lab for Kids is a refreshing source of wonderful ideas for creating fine art with children. This step-by-step book offers 52 fun and creative art projects set into weekly lessons, beginning with drawing, moving through painting and printmaking, and then building to paper collage and mixed media. Each lesson features and relates to the work and style of a contemporary artist and their unique style. The labs can be used as singular projects or to build up to a year of hands-on fine art experiences. Grouped by medium, the labs are set up loosely to build skills upon the previous ones; however, you can begin anywhere. Have fun exploring: drawing by creating a whimsical scene on a handmade crayon scratchboard. painting by using watercolors and salt to create a textured landscape. printmaking by using lemons, celery, mushrooms, and other produce to make colorful prints. paper by creating an expressive self-portrait using pieces of colored tissue paper. mixed media by making insects from patterned contact paper and watercolor pencils. Color photos illustrate how different people using the same lesson will yield different results, exemplifying the way the lesson brings out each artist’s personal style. Art Lab for Kids is the perfect book for creative families, friends, and community groups and works as lesson plans for both experienced and new art teachers. The popular Lab for Kids series features a growing list of books that share hands-on activities and projects on a wide host of topics, including art, astronomy, clay, geology, math, and even how to create your own circus—all authored by established experts in their fields. Each lab contains a complete materials list, clear step-by-step photographs of the process, as well as finished samples. The labs can be used as singular projects or as part of a yearlong curriculum of experiential learning. The activities are open-ended, designed to be explored over and over, often with different results. Geared toward being taught or guided by adults, they are enriching for a range of ages and skill levels. Gain firsthand knowledge on your favorite topic with Lab for Kids.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Digital Speech Transmission and Enhancement
DIGITAL SPEECH TRANSMISSION AND ENHANCEMENT Enables readers to understand the latest developments in speech enhancement/transmission due to advances in computational power and device miniaturization The Second Edition of Digital Speech Transmission and Enhancement has been updated throughout to provide all the necessary details on the latest advances in the theory and practice in speech signal processing and its applications, including many new research results, standards, algorithms, and developments which have recently appeared and are on their way into state-of-the-art applications. Besides mobile communications, which constituted the main application domain of the first edition, speech enhancement for hearing instruments and man-machine interfaces has gained significantly more prominence in the past decade, and as such receives greater focus in this updated and expanded second edition. Readers can expect to find information and novel methods on: Low-latency spectral analysis-synthesis, single-channel and dual-channel algorithms for noise reduction and dereverberation Multi-microphone processing methods, which are now widely used in applications such as mobile phones, hearing aids, and man-computer interfaces Algorithms for near-end listening enhancement, which provide a significantly increased speech intelligibility for users at the noisy receiving side of their mobile phone Fundamentals of speech signal processing, estimation and machine learning, speech coding, error concealment by soft decoding, and artificial bandwidth extension of speech signals Digital Speech Transmission and Enhancement is a single-source, comprehensive guide to the fundamental issues, algorithms, standards, and trends in speech signal processing and speech communication technology, and as such is an invaluable resource for engineers, researchers, academics, and graduate students in the areas of communications, electrical engineering, and information technology.
Taschen GmbH Goya
From court portraits for the Spanish royals to horrific scenes of conflict and suffering, Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes (1746–1828) made a mark as one of Spain’s most revered and controversial artists. A master of form and light, his influence reverberates down the centuries, inspiring and fascinating artists from the Romantic Eugène Delacroix to Britart enfants terribles, the Chapman brothers. Born in Fuendetodos, Spain, in 1746, Goya was apprenticed to the Spanish royal family in 1774, where he produced etchings and tapestry cartoons for grand palaces and royal residences across the country. He was also patronized by the aristocracy, painting commissioned portraits of the rich and powerful with his increasingly fluid and expressive style. Later, after a bout of illness, the artist moved towards darker etchings and drawings, introducing a nightmarish realm of witches, ghosts, and fantastical creatures. It was, however, with his horrific depictions of conflict that Goya achieved enduring impact. Executed between 1810 and 1820, The Disasters of War was inspired by atrocities committed during the Spanish struggle for independence from the French and penetrated the very heart of human cruelty and sadism. The bleak tones, agitated brushstrokes, and aggressive use of Baroque-like light and dark contrasts recalled Velázquez and Rembrandt, but Goya’s subject matter was unprecedented in its brutality and honesty. In this introductory book from TASCHEN Basic Art 2.0 we set out to explore the full arc of Goya’s remarkable career, from elegant court painter to deathly seer of suffering and grotesquerie. Along the way, we encounter such famed portraits as Don Manuel Osorio Manrique de Zúñiga, the dazzling Naked Maja, and The 3rd of May 1808 in Madrid, one of the most heart-stopping images of war in the history of art.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Burgerliches Gesetzbuch: Rom-Verordnungen U Euguvo U Eupartvo U Hup U Euerbvo: Band 6
Dr Ludwig Reichert Nameyen Ji Saireki Ciwan Re. Briefe an Einen Jungen Dichter: Zweisprachig Kurmanji-Kurdisch/Deutsch