Search results for ""Author . Rainer""
Gabriel Verlag Das Vaterunser
Gabriel Verlag Die Ostererzählung
Gabriel Verlag Die Zehn Gebote
Gabriel Verlag Zusammen Die Geschichte von den Bilder und den Wortmenschen
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Normativitt und Macht Zur Analyse sozialer Rechtfertigungsordnungen
Insel Verlag GmbH Briefwechsel mit Rainer Maria Rilke
Franckh-Kosmos Tagaktive Nachtfalter
Duncker & Humblot Hugo Grotius ALS Wegbereiter Des Menschenrechts Auf Asyl Und Des Modernen Rechts Zum Schutz Gefluchteter Personen VOR Ernsthaftem Schaden
Lübbe Die Blutliste
Eulenspiegel Verlag Wie die Mathematik in die Welt kam
Philipp Reclam Jun Verlag GmbH Die Aufzeichnungen Des Malte Laurids Brigge
Westermann Schulbuch Horizonte Geschichte 10 Schlerband Berlin und Brandenburg Ausgabe 2016
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Deutschbuch Gymnasium 8 Jahrgangsstufe Bayern Schulaufgabentrainer mit Lsungen
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Lernstufen Mathematik 8 Schuljahr Arbeitsheft mit eingelegten Lsungen und CDROM Differenzierende Ausgabe NordrheinWestfalen
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Parallelo 5. Schuljahr. SachsenAnhalt Schulbuch Mit digitalen Hilfen Erklärfilmen und Wortvertonungen
Braun Publishing AG Berlin. Der Architekturführer
Seagull Books Collected Poems The Swiss List Seagull Titles Chicago
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Microscopic Chaos, Fractals And Transport In Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics
A valuable introduction for newcomers as well as an important reference and source of inspiration for established researchers, this book provides an up-to-date summary of central topics in the field of nonequilibrium statistical mechanics and dynamical systems theory.Understanding macroscopic properties of matter starting from microscopic chaos in the equations of motion of single atoms or molecules is a key problem in nonequilibrium statistical mechanics. Of particular interest both for theory and applications are transport processes such as diffusion, reaction, conduction and viscosity.Recent advances towards a deterministic theory of nonequilibrium statistical physics are summarized: Both Hamiltonian dynamical systems under nonequilibrium boundary conditions and non-Hamiltonian modelings of nonequilibrium steady states by using thermal reservoirs are considered. The surprising new results include transport coefficients that are fractal functions of control parameters, fundamental relations between transport coefficients and chaos quantities, and an understanding of nonequilibrium entropy production in terms of fractal measures and attractors.The theory is particularly useful for the description of many-particle systems with properties in-between conventional thermodynamics and nonlinear science, as they are frequently encountered on nanoscales.
Manas Publications Surviving Terrorism: How to Understand, Anticipate and Respond to Terrorist Attacks
Encounter Books,USA How Nations Escape Poverty
During the 20th century, Vietnam and Poland were both victims not only of devastating wars, but also of socialist planned economies that destroyed whatever war hadn’t already. In 1990, Vietnam was still one of the poorest countries in the world, while Poland was one of the poorest in Europe. But in the three decades since then, both countries have drastically improved their citizens’ standards of living and escaped the vicious cycle of national poverty. In this book, Rainer Zitelmann identifies the reasons behind the sensational growth of both nations’ economies, drawing out the lessons that other countries can learn from these two success stories. To explain the source of their success, he returns to Adam Smith’s 1776 treatise, The Wealth of Nations: the only way to overcome poverty is through economic growth, Smith wrote, and economic freedom
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Magnificent 19th Century Furniture: Historicism in Germany and Central Europe
The Historicism movement in art (1830-1920) was perhaps the most democratic of all. European furniture makers sought to recapture the magic and affluence displayed in early, highly stylized and aristocratic pieces of the Gothic, Rococo, Renaissance, Baroque, and Classicism periods--but at a fraction of the cost. These artists brought a great deal to their reproductions, applying a contemporary practicality that resulted in pieces of crafty pomp, opulence, and exaggerated beauty that were priced to reach the growing bourgeoisie. Historicism furniture pieces are not only art history documents of the most diverse cultures and styles of the 19th century, but they are also individual collector's items, their value not determined by objectively derived pricing factors alone. To that end, this book enlists the help of an international jury of furniture experts, from renowned art auction houses and antique dealer companies and restorers, to appraise and price over 15,000 featured pieces. Historicism is directly related to the strengthened bourgeoisie, to wealth and the newly rich, as well as to the foundation of nations. With this social and economic background, the furniture of the 19th century can be better comprehended and appreciated.
Taschen GmbH Vienna 1900
Poets and intellectuals brushed shoulders in bustling coffeehouses, young avant-gardists heralded a new era in social and sexual liberalism, waltzes resounded through the Ringstrasse, the Vienna Secession preached: “To every age its art — to every art its freedom;” and tremors warned of looming political disintegration when the Austrian capital passed into a new century. Across economics, science, art, and music, Vienna blossomed into a “laboratory of modernity,” one which nurtured some of the greatest artistic innovators—from Egon Schiele’s unflinching nude portraits to Gustav Klimt’s decadent Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I, from the ornamental seams and glass floors of Otto Wagner to Ditha Moser’s calendars adorned in golden deities. Discover the zeitgeist, the scandals, and the extraordinary protagonists in this introduction to a transformative epoch. Across painting, sculpture, architecture, and design, we explore all the movers and shakers through insightful profiles and crisp double-page reproductions. Marking the centenary of the deaths of some of its brightest talents, this collection joins Vienna in its 2018 celebration of Modernism.
Ediciones Rialp, S.A. Cartas a un joven poeta
Entre 1903 y 1908, Franz Xaver Kappus, un joven de menos de veinte años, envía a Rilke sus ensayos poéticos, confiando en su consejo. Este, que lo mismo escribía a una desconocida empleada de correos que a un cura de pueblo con quien había coincidido en el autobús, escribirá al joven diez magníficas cartas, que constituyen un manual para la vida y un canto a la propia vocación.Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) nació en Praga y es considerado uno de los poetas más importantes del siglo XX. Buscador incansable, trató a muchos artistas de su época (Tolstoi, Cézanne, Zuloaga, Rodin, etc.). Sus obras fundamentales son las Elegías de Duino y los Sonetos a Orfeo. De sensibilidad colosal, habla de la mujer, de la muerte y del amor, de la soledad y la belleza, con una originalidad que perdura.
?Es trágica la suerte de los jóvenes que presienten que les será imposible vivir si no logran ser poetas, pintores o escultores y no encuentran el consejo verdadero, hundidos en el abismo del desaliento; buscando un maestro poderoso, no son palabras ni indicaciones lo que buscan, sino un ejemplo, un corazón ardiente, manos que sepan hacer grandeza. Es a usted a quien buscan.?
Kindermann Verlag Der Panther
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH Digital Communication
Lehmanns Media GmbH Willkommen im REISEBÜROSONDERZUG
Dpunkt.Verlag GmbH Microsoft Office 2021 Das Handbuch
Mächler, Andreas Verlag Aufregende Angeltage Mit Lachsen Huchen Seeforellen und kapitalen Hechten und Zweibeinern
Pfeil, Dr. Friedrich Die Frhzeit der Saurier in Deutschland Vom karbonischen Regenwald bis zur Entstehung der Dinosaurier
BusinessVillage GmbH Agiles Führen
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Auslanderrecht: Aufenthg - Freizugg/Eu - Asylvfg - Stag
Marix Verlag Geschichten vom lieben Gott
Bruckmann Verlag GmbH Auf den Spuren der Geschichte Allgäu
Motorbuch Verlag Skoda Octavia Limousine und Combi Benziner 141618 u20 LtrDiesel 19 Ltr TDI Reprint der 2 Auflage 2007
Klett-Cotta Verlag Kaiserdämmerung
Kösel-Verlag Ja es ist Weihnachten
Kösel-Verlag Jessas Maria und Josef
Insel Verlag GmbH Briefe an einen jungen Dichter
Suhrkamp Verlag Gluck
Insel Verlag GmbH Geschichten vom lieben Gott