Search results for ""Author . Rainer""
Bruckmann Verlag GmbH Mystische Pfade Thüringen
Bruckmann Verlag GmbH Wandergenuss Oberfranken und Fränkische Schweiz
Bruckmann Verlag GmbH Wandergenuss Kaiserstuhl und Markgrflerland 36 spannende Natur und Kulturerlebnisse auf aussichtsreichen Wegen
Bruckmann Verlag GmbH Polen mit dem Wohnmobil
Bruckmann Verlag GmbH Zeit zum Wandern Kaiserstuhl und Markgräflerland
Anaconda Verlag Rainer Maria Rilke Werke in vier Bänden Gedichte I Gedichte II Erzählende Prosa Schriften 4 Bände im Schuber
Insel Verlag GmbH Wenn Weihnachten naht
Insel Verlag GmbH Diese vollkommenen Wunderwerke Rodins Aquarelle
Insel Verlag GmbH Die Prosa
Insel Verlag GmbH Briefe an einen jungen Dichter
Verlag Herder Geschichten Vom Lieben Gott
Philipp Reclam Jun Verlag GmbH Duineser Elegien Die Sonette an Orpheus
Philipp Reclam Jun Verlag GmbH Gedichte
Arc Publications Pure Contradiction: Selected Poems
Rainer Maria Rilke's work spans the divide between turn-of-the-century Europe's decadence and its post First World War revolutionary modernism, always struggling to develop, to seek and reach beyond itself. This selection of poems from throughout Rilke's creative output is arranged chronologically, placing poems of similar themes and / or modes of expression close to one another, making bed-fellows of poems rarely seen together. Each poem is to a greater or lesser extent conscious of others. The aim is to illuminate the underlying themes which Rilke said he had arrived at very early in his life. In his powerful new translation, skilfully shaped into current English, Ian Crockatt succeeds in catching Rilke's blend of crafted sensuality and inward-focused spiritual searching, while his comprehensive introduction and notes to this selection are both informative and enlightening.
Pushkin Press Change Your Life
Rainer Maria Rilke developed one of the most singular poetic styles of the twentieth century. Visionary yet always anchored in the real world, his poems give profound expression to fundamental questions of love and death, of the chaos of the modern world as well as the spiritual consolation of art and nature. Change Your Life draws from across Rilke's career to offer a comprehensive view of his most essential poetry, featuring major selections from the great Duino Elegies and Sonnets to Orpheus alongside less frequently anthologised work. In these dazzling new translations by acclaimed poet Martyn Crucefix, Rilke's poems beguile with fresh insight and mystery.
Pushkin Press Duino Elegies
The captivating original English translation of Rilke's landmark poetry cycle, by Vita and Edward Sackville-West
University of Nebraska Press Hoarding New Guinea: Writing Colonial Ethnographic Collection Histories for Postcolonial Futures
Hoarding New Guinea provides a new cultural history of colonialism that pays close attention to the millions of Indigenous artifacts that serve as witnesses to Europe’s colonial past in ethnographic museums. Rainer F. Buschmann investigates the roughly two hundred thousand artifacts extracted from the colony of German New Guinea from 1870 to 1920. Reversing the typical trajectories that place ethnographic museums at the center of the analysis, he concludes that museum interests in material culture alone cannot account for the large quantities of extracted artifacts. Buschmann moves beyond the easy definition of artifacts as trophies of colonial defeat or religious conversion, instead employing the term hoarding to describe the irrational amassing of Indigenous artifacts by European colonial residents. Buschmann also highlights Indigenous material culture as a bargaining chip for its producers to engage with the imposed colonial regime. In addition, by centering an area of collection rather than an institution, he opens new areas of investigation that include non-professional ethnographic collectors and a sustained rather than superficial consideration of Indigenous peoples as producers behind the material culture. Hoarding New Guinea answers the call for a more significant historical focus on colonial ethnographic collections in European museums.
W. W. Norton & Company The Book of Hours
David Zwirner Letters to a Very Young Painter
Suhrkamp Verlag Die schonsten Gedichte
Ediciones Obelisco S.L. Cartas del Vivir
Ediciones Cátedra Historias del buen Dios Los apuntes de Malte Laurids Bridge
Ediciones Rialp, S.A. Cartas sobre Czanne
Rilke quiso publicar estas cartas dirigidas a su mujer, Clara Westhoff, donde deja de manifiesto el hondo influjo de su alma gemela, Cézanne. Rilke se empeña en pintar el mundo con palabras, y compartirá opiniones con Orlik, Paul Klee, Vogeler, Rodin o Pasternak. Hay también lugar en sus cartas para los deberes de todo artista: la sumisión a la naturaleza, la sinceridad, etc. Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) nació en Praga y es considerado uno de los poetas más importantes del siglo XX. Trató a muchos artistas de su época (Tolstoi, Cézanne y Zuloaga, y fue secretario de Rodin). Sus obras fundamentales son las Elegías de Duino, los Sonetos a Orfeo y las Cartas a un joven poeta, publicadas también en esta Selección Doce Uvas.
Innsalz, Verlag Goldi Goldinchen
Vitalis Verlag GmbH Larenopfer Frhe Gedichte
Schmetterling Verlag GmbH Russisch fr Besserwisser Band 1 Von Metros McDonalds und einer Kuh im Propeller
Verlag Der Autoren Fassbinder ber Fassbinder Die ungekrzten Interviews
Hamburger Lesehefte Gedichte
Levin Kurio Verlag Horrorschocker Grusel Gigant 3
Deutscher Wissenschafts V Krebs. Weckruf des Körpers
Wallstein Verlag GmbH Souveränität im Wandel
Ellert & Richter Verlag G Burgen und Schlösser in und um Hamburg
St. Benno Verlag GmbH Weihnachten ist eine Erfindung Gottes
Bruckmann Verlag GmbH Wochenend und Wohnmobil Kleine Auszeiten Franken
facultas.wuv Universitäts Psychologie kompakt
Insel Verlag GmbH Frhling
Insel Verlag GmbH Die Verwandlung der Welt ins Herrliche ber das Glck
Insel Verlag GmbH Der Dichter und sein Astronom
Insel Verlag GmbH Die Walliser VierzeilerLes Quatrains Valaisans Deutsch und franzsisch
Insel Verlag GmbH Im ersten Augenblick Bildbetrachtungen
Penguin TB Verlag Die SchießlerBibel
Penguin TB Verlag Himmel Herrgott Sakrament Auftreten statt austreten
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Public Sector Enterprise Resource Planning: Issues in Change Management
Worldwide, public sector organizations are implementing commercial packaged software solutions, or enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, to increase productivity and customer service as well as to deploy manageable business processes. To that end, this book provides workable solutions from experienced public sector program and project managers, consulting leaders and academic researchers who have proven expertise in large scale public sector ERP implementation.Existing research shows that while public sector enterprises generally agree by consensus, and thus have different management cultures than their private sector counterparts, their management practices are driven by a private sector model. Given the tremendous growth in public sector ERP spending and the risks associated with such politically-charged projects, new approaches to change management must be explored. The contributors present expertly researched federal, commercial and academic views on how public sector organizations are integrating their business processes, and how they relate to the private sector experience. The discussion covers all aspects of the new private sector management paradigm, including strategic planning, change management, process change, and information system implementation. The contributors provide details on the implementation steps, and make suggestions for how public sector program managers and contractor teams should plan change management and ERP initiatives. Researchers and students in the areas of management, public sector enterprises and public policy will find the volume's insights of great value. Managers with oversight in public sector organizations will find the volume of great practical interest.
University Press of New England Two Stories of Prague King Bohush The Siblings