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Taylor & Francis Ltd Cities of the Global South Reader
The Cities of the Global South Reader adopts a fresh and critical approach to the fi eld of urbanization in the developing world. The Reader incorporates both early and emerging debates about the diverse trajectories of urbanization processes in the context of the restructured global alignments in the last three decades. Emphasizing the historical legacies of colonialism, the Reader recognizes the entanglement of conditions and concepts often understood in binary relations: first/third worlds, wealth/poverty, development/underdevelopment, and inclusion/exclusion. By asking: “whose city? whose development?” the Reader rigorously highlights the fractures along lines of class, race, gender, and other socially and spatially constructed hierarchies in global South cities. The Reader’s thematic structure, where editorial introductions accompany selected texts, examines the issues and concerns that urban dwellers, planners, and policy makers face in the contemporary world. These include the urban economy, housing, basic services, infrastructure, the role of non-state civil society-based actors, planned interventions and contestations, the role of diaspora capital, the looming problem of adapting to climate change, and the increasing spectre of violence in a post 9/11 transnational world.The Cities of the Global South Reader pulls together a diverse set of readings from scholars across the world, some of which have been written specially for the volume, to provide an essential resource for a broad interdisciplinary readership at undergraduate and postgraduate levels in urban geography, urban sociology, and urban planning as well as disciplines related to international and development studies. Editorial commentaries that introduce the central issues for each theme summarize the state of the field and outline an associated bibliography. They will be of particular value for lecturers, students, and researchers, making the Cities of the Global South Reader a key text for those interested in understanding contemporary urbanization processes.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Le Corbusier: Beton Brut and Ineffable Space (1940 – 1965): Surface Materials and Psychophysiology of Vision
This groundbreaking new perspective on Le Corbusier is based on exhaustive archival research and the study of neglected or completely unknown documents. It is innovative in showing the role of materials and construction techniques in the architecture of Le Corbusier and the book also delves into the project management and the construction of several buildings in the period 1940 – 1965. Each worksite, from the Unité d’Habitation (Housing Unit) in Marseille to the city of Chandigarh, and the Tokyo museum, the Carpenter Center in Cambridge and the Unité d'Habitation in Berlin, is analyzed in detail.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Maternal Lineage: Identification, Desire and Transgenerational Issues
Why do women want to have children? How does one ‘learn’ to be a mother? Does having babies have anything to do with sex? At a time when mothers are bombarded by prescriptive and contradicting advice on how to behave with their children, The Maternal Lineage highlights various psychological aspects of the mothering experience. International contributors provide clinical examples of frequent and challenging situations that have received scarce attention in psychoanalysis, such as issues of neglect and psychical abuse. The transgenerational repetition from mother to daughter of distressing mothering patterns is evident throughout the book, and may seem inevitable. However, clinical examples and theoretical research indicate that, when the support of partner and friends is not enough, the cycle can be brought to an end if the mother receives psychoanalytic-informed professional help. The Maternal Lineage is divided into four parts: An Introduction including a review of the literature focusing on the mother-daughter relationship Pregnancy and very early issues Subfertility and its effects on a woman’s psyche The psychological aspects of major mothering problems: miscarriages, post-natal depression, adolescent motherhood. This timely book will be of value to psychoanalysts, psychotherapists and health professionals – obstetricians, psychiatrists, midwives and social workers.
Taylor & Francis Ltd African American Writing
Co-published by Routledge and Edition SynapseAlthough there are any number of single-volume anthologies on individual writers and movements (e.g. the Harlem Renaissance), African American Writing is the first multi-volume collection to provide users with full coverage of a crucial literary tradition, a tradition that now spans slave texts to novels by Nobel Prize-winning authors, and which is, in the learned editor's words, intrinsic to America's self-articulation'.As serious scholarly work on and around the literary output of African Americans flourishes as never before, this new five-volume collection, co-published by Routledge and Edition Synapse, meets the need for an authoritative reference work to help users navigate and make sense of the subject's vast literature and the continuing explosion in research output.African American Writing is edited by A. Robert Lee, formerly Professor of American Literature at Nihon University
Taylor & Francis Ltd Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2011: Proceedings of the international conference on Ergonomics & Human Factors 2011, Stoke Rochford, Lincolnshire, 12-14 April 2011
The broad and developing scope of ergonomics - the application of scientific knowledge to improve people’s interaction with products, systems and environments - has been illustrated for 25 years by the books which make up the Contemporary Ergonomics series. This book presents the proceedings of the international conference on Ergonomics & Human Factors 2011. In addition to being the leading event in the UK that features ergonomics and human factors across all sectors, this is also the annual conference of the Institute of Ergonomics & Human Factors.Individual papers provide insight into current practice, present new research findings and form an invaluable reference source. The volumes provide a fast track for the publication of suitable papers from international contributors, with papers being subject to peer review since 2009.A wide range of topics are covered in these proceedings, including transport, user centred design, safety culture, military, accidents, healthcare, manufacturing, human factors integration, education, the 24-hour society, sociotechnical systems and green ergonomics.As well as being of interest to mainstream ergonomists and human factors specialists, Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors will appeal to all those who are concerned with people’s interactions with their working and leisure environment including designers, manufacturing and production engineers, health and safety specialists, occupational, applied and industrial psychologists, and applied physiologists.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Neurobiology of the Gods: How Brain Physiology Shapes the Recurrent Imagery of Myth and Dreams
Where does science end and religion begin? Can "spiritual" images and feelings be understood on a neurobiological level without dismissing their power and mystery?In this book, psychiatrist Erik Goodwyn addresses these questions by reviewing decades of research, putting together a compelling argument that the emotional imagery of myth and dreams can be traced to our deep brain physiology, and importantly, how a sensitive look at this data reveals why mythic or religious symbols are indeed more "godlike" than we might have imagined. The Neurobiology of the Gods weaves together Jungian depth psychology with research in evolutionary psychology, neuroanatomy, cognitive science, neuroscience, anthropology, mental imagery, dream research, and metaphor theory into a comprehensive model of how our brains contribute to the recurrent images of dreams, myth, religion and even hallucinations. Divided into three sections, this book provides: definitions and foundations an examination of individual symbols conclusive thoughts on how brain physiology shapes the recurring images that we experience. Goodwyn shows how common dream, myth and religious experiences can be meaningful and purposeful without discarding scientific rigor. The Neurobiology of the Gods will therefore be essential reading for Jungian analysts and psychologists as well as those with an interest in philosophy, anthropology and the interface between science and religion.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Critical International Relations
Critical approaches to International Relations are now central to both current scholarship and contemporary teaching. Indeed, in the last decade or so, serious work that embraces traditions including, among others, the postcolonial, poststructuralist, psychoanalytic, feminist, deconstructive, genealogical, and interpretive, has moved decisively from the periphery to centre stage. Moreover, Critical International Relations increasingly draws on critical approaches in other disciplines, such as Human Geography, Literary Studies, Performance Studies and the visual arts, as well as Critical Historiography and Critical Legal Studies.To help users navigate and make sense of such an enormous, growingand ever more complexcorpus of scholarship, Routledge is pleased to announce this new four-volume collection edited by Jenny Edkins. Critical International Relations answers the need for a one-stop reference resource to enable scholars and students readily to acquaint themselves w
Taylor & Francis Ltd Health Security and Governance
It is increasingly recognized that the pandemic potential of many diseases holds the power to wreck economies, divide societies, and, indeed, to jeopardize the viability of nation states. In consequence, there is a growingand urgentneed to understand and address such threats.As research in and around health security blossoms as never before, this new four-volume collection from Routledge's acclaimed Critical Concepts in Military, Strategic, and Security Studies series meets the need for an authoritative reference work to make sense of a rapidly growing, and ever more complex, cross-disciplinary corpus of literature. Edited by a prominent scholar, the collection is a careful assembly of foundational and canonical work, together with innovative and cutting-edge applications and interventions.Including a full index and other navigational aids, together with a comprehensive introduction, newly written by the editor, which places the collected material in its historical and
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Philosophy of Psychology
The study of human behaviour, and the minds that produce that behaviour, has been an occupation of scholars, artists, and philosophers for millennia. But it was not until the turn of the twentieth century that psychology came into its own as a distinct field of studyand, more importantly, as a scientifically legitimate field of study. When we view psychology as a science, certain questions naturally emerge: what sorts of phenomena does psychology seek to explain? What is distinctive about the kinds of explanations adduced in this science? How do these explanations integrate with theories and explanations in other fields of study? Does psychology aim to explain all mental phenomena, or are there some areas, such as consciousness, that will be forever beyond its explanatory powers?Due to its very nature, psychology is a field that both philosophers and scientists have critically examined over the years. This critical examination has, in turn, generated a literature that
Taylor & Francis Ltd Midlife Transformation in Literature and Film: Jungian and Eriksonian Perspectives
In this book, Steven F. Walker considers the midlife transition from a Jungian and Eriksonian perspective, by providing vivid and powerful literary and cinematic examples that illustrate the psychological theories in a clear and entertaining way.For C.G. Jung, midlife is a time for personal transformation, when the values of youth are replaced by a different set of values, and when the need to succeed in the world gives place to the desire to participate more in the culture of one’s age and to further its development in all kinds of different ways. Erik Erikson saw "generativity," an expanded concern for others beyond one's immediate circle of family and friends, as the hallmark of this stage of life. Both psychologists saw it as a time for growth and renewal. Literary texts such Virginia Woolf's Mrs Dalloway, Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra, or Sophocles' Oedipus the King, and films such as Fellini's 8 ½ and Campion's The Piano, have the capacity to represent, sometimes more vividly and with greater dramatic concentration than actual life histories or case studies, the archetypal nature of the drama and in-depth transformation associated with the midlife transition. Midlife Transformation in Literature and Film focuses on the specific male and female archetypal paradigms and presents them within the general context of midlife transformation. For men, the theme of death of the young hero presides over the crisis and the transformative ordeal, whereas for women the theme of tragic abandonment acts as the prelude to further growth and independence. This book is essential reading for anyone studying Jung, Erikson, or the midlife transition. It will interest those who have already been through a midlife transition, those who are in the midst of one, as well as those who are yet to experience this challenging period.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Pests and Pathogens: Management Strategies
The need and demand to feed the ever-increasing global population pose major challenges for increasing crop productivity in an eco-friendly manner. The cultivation of crops under input-intensive conditions has however resulted in an enhanced vulnerability of high-yielding cultivars to a multitude of pests and pathogens at all phenological stages. The disease spectrum and intensity are continuously changing because of the dynamic nature of crop systems, pests and pathogens. Disease management has therefore become the major functional component of the crop production systems. This reference volume and manual covers the complete spectrum of current issues in pest and pathogen disease management: Insect pests: pathogens of rice, sorghum, chickpea and castor and their management; Molecular marker-assisted breeding and transgenic crops for disease management; Management of forest insect pests; Effect of climate change on insects, pathogens, plants and pesticide usage; Botanicals & microbial pesticides and insect resistance to synthetic pesticides, and Integrated pest management and bioinformatics' solutions. The text is supported by a full color photograph section. Most chapters represent studies down in India and South East Asia. Scientists and practitioners working in other subtropical and tropical areas will also benefit from the information and strategies provided in this volume. Edited by three experienced specialists, this volume will benefit researchers and professionals in crop science, plant diseases and bioinformatics.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Interactive InDesign CC: Bridging the Gap between Print and Digital Publishing
With a growing focus on digital destinations, the publishing landscape is evolving at a dizzying speed and InDesign CC is at the forefront of the digital frontier. Known as the premiere layout application for magazine and print collateral, InDesign is also a powerful creation tool for both static and interactive PDF, Flash SWF, EPUB, and apps that can be published for sale in various app stores.This tutorial-based guide to InDesign CC provides you with a hands-on experience of the EPUB creation process, InDesign animation, Digital Publishing Suite app creation, creation of interactive PDFs, and a host of techniques that serve equally well in both print and digital production. This extensively detailed book is filled with over 700 screenshots, explicit diagrams, and step-by-step real-world exercises to get you up and running with:*InDesign Animation*Buttons, forms, and other interactive elements*Interactive PDFs*EPUB*App building with DPS*The fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and GREP*A treasure trove of trips and techniques that will forever transform your work with InDesign.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Groundwater Geophysics in Hard Rock
In hard rock terrain, shallow water wells generally have a poor to moderate yield. Sinking wells deeply to tap yielding fracture zones often backfires, because the borehole may miss the saturated fracture zones at depths. A wrong approach to groundwater exploration in hard rock has therefore often led to unnecessary recurring expenditures and waste of time, something that could have been avoided by a systematic and proper geophysical approach. The combination of various geophysical techniques with environmental conditions is essential to constrain the interpretation and reduce uncertainties in this respect. This book presents the approach to groundwater exploration in hard rocks, various geophysical techniques and combinations to be used, interpretation of data with case studies and drilling results and the preparation of different utility maps.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Helping Beyond the 50-Minute Hour: Therapists Involved in Meaningful Social Action
"Slacktivism" is a term that has been coined to cynically describe the token efforts that people devote to some cause, without long-term or meaningful impact. We wear colored wristbands, pins, or ribbons proclaiming support for a particular organization. We might post something on social network sites or send messages to friends about causes dear to our hearts. We might even volunteer our time to work on behalf of marginalized, oppressed, or neglected groups—or donate money to a charity. Yet the key feature of significant social action is follow through—continuing efforts over a period of time so as to build meaningful relationships, provide adequate support, and conduct evaluations to measure results and make needed adjustments that make programs even more responsive.This book is intended as an inspiration for practicing psychotherapists and counselors, as well as students, to become actively involved in a meaningful effort. The authors have searched far and wide to identify practitioners representing different disciplines, helping professions, geographic regions, and social action projects, all of whom have been involved in social justice efforts for some time, whether in their own communities or in far-flung regions of the world. Each of them has an amazing story to tell that reveals the challenges they’ve faced, the incredible satisfactions they’ve experienced, and what lessons they’ve learned along the way. Each story represents a gem of wisdom, revealing both questions of faith, as well as of sustained action. The authors have been encouraged to dig deeply in order to talk about the honest realities of their work. After reading their stories, you will be ready to pick a cause that speaks to you and begin your own work.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Lecture Notes on Impedance Spectroscopy: Measurement, Modeling and Applications, Volume 3
Impedance Spectroscopy is a powerful measurement method used in many application fields such as electrochemistry, material science, biology and medicine, semiconductor industry and sensors.Using the complex impedance at various frequencies increases the informational basis that can be gained during a measurement. It helps to separate different effects that contribute to a measurement and, together with advanced mathematical methods, non-accessible quantities can be calculated. This book is the third in the series Lecture Notes on Impedance Spectroscopy (LNIS). The series covers new advances in the field of impedance spectroscopy including fundamentals, methods and applications. It releases scientific contributions from the International Workshop on Impedance Spectroscopy (IWIS) as extended chapters including detailed information about recent scientific research results.This book is of interest for graduated students, engineers, researchers and specialists dealing with impedance spectroscopy. It includes fundamentals of impedance spectroscopy as well as specific theoretical and practical aspects from many applications in various fields.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Alfred Hitchcock
Will there ever be an end to the supply of books about Alfred Hitchcock?', pleaded the Times Literary Supplement in 2008. It is a fair question for, as Michael Walker pointed out in Hitchcock's Motifs, more has been written about Hitchcock (18991980) than any other film director. Indeed, Jane E. Sloan's 1993 Hitchcock bibliography revealed that well over seventy-five scholarly books and nearly 1,000 articles had been published by 1990; and those figures have, of course, continued inexorably to rise.So, while the prospective viewer of Vertigo or Rear Window is likely to feel a compelling need for some preparation before consuming the film itself, the daunting quantity (and variable quality) of Hitchcock criticism makes it difficult to discriminate the useful from the tendentious, superficial, and otiose. That is why this new Routledge title, compiled by Neil Badmington, is so urgently needed. In four volumes, the collection meets the need for
Taylor & Francis Ltd Criminal Law Statutes 2012-2013
‘Focused content, layout and price - Routledge competes and wins in relation to all of these factors’ - Craig Lind, University of Sussex, UK ‘The best value and best format books on the market.’ - Ed Bates, Southampton University, UK Routledge Student Statutes present all the legislation students need in one easy-to-use volume. Developed in response to feedback from lecturers and students, this book offer a fully up-to-date, comprehensive, and clearly presented collection of legislation - ideal for LLB and GDL course and exam use. Routledge Student Statutes are: • Exam Friendly: un-annotated and conforming to exam regulations • Tailored to fit your course: 80% of lecturers we surveyed agree that Routledge Student Statutes match their course and cover the relevant legislation • Trustworthy: Routledge Student Statutes are compiled by subject experts, updated annually and have been developed to meet student needs through extensive market research • Easy to use: a clear text design, comprehensive table of contents, multiple indexes and highlighted amendments to the law make these books the most student-friendly Statutes on the market Competitively Priced: Routledge Student Statutes offer content and usability rated as good or better than our major competitor, but at a more competitive price • Supported by a Companion Website: presenting scenario questions for interpreting Statutes, annotated web links, and multiple-choice questions, these resources are designed to help students to be confident and prepared.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Business and Government
Business and government are two of the most important actors in shaping our lives. This new four volume collection from Routledge's Major Works series, Critical Perspectives on Business and Management, will explore four key areas of the relationship: First, what is the balance of power between business and government? Second, what trends are apparent in the balance of power between business and government? Third, how effective is the relationship between business and government in terms of promoting economic growth and development? Fourth, can business be mobilized, and if so how, to help solve societal problems by means other than legislation?In addressing these questions the editor will gather together the key writings both classic works and contemporary scholarship - to meet the need for an authoritative reference work to make sense of the subject's vast literature. With a new introduction by the editor and a full index, this will be a valuable one stop research resource
Taylor & Francis Ltd Tubular Structures XIV
Tubular Structures XIV contains the latest scientific and engineering developments in the field of tubular steel structures, as presented at the 14th International Symposium on Tubular Structures (ISTS14, Imperial College London, UK, 12-14 September 2012). The International Symposium on Tubular Structures (ISTS) has a long-standing reputation for being the principal showcase for manufactured tubing and the prime international forum for presentation and discussion of research, developments and applications in this field. Various key and emerging subjects in the field of hollow structural sections are covered, such as: special applications and case studies, static and fatigue behaviour of connections/joints, concrete-filled and composite tubular members and offshore structures, earthquake and dynamic resistance, specification and standard developments, material properties and section forming, stainless steel and aluminum structures, fire resistance, castings and fabrication innovations. Research and development issues presented in this topical book are applicable to buildings, bridges, offshore structures, entertainment rides, cranes, trusses and towers.Tubular Structures XIV is thus a pertinent reference source for architects, civil and mechanical engineers, designers, steel fabricators and contractors, manufacturers of hollow sections or related construction products, trade associations involved with tubing, owners or developers of tubular structures, steel specification committees, academics and research students all around the world.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management, Resilience and Sustainability: Proceedings of the Sixth International IABMAS Conference, Stresa, Lake Maggiore, Italy, 8-12 July 2012
Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management, Resilience and Sustainability contains the lectures and papers presented at The Sixth International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management (IABMAS 2012), held in Stresa, Lake Maggiore, Italy, 8-12 July, 2012. This volume consists of a book of extended abstracts (800 pp) and a DVD (4057 pp) containing the full papers of 555 contributions presented at IABMAS 2012, including the T.Y. Lin Lecture, nine Keynote Lectures, and 545 technical papers from 40 countries.The contributions deal with the state-of-the-art as well as emerging concepts and innovative applications related to all main aspects of bridge maintenance, safety, management, resilience and sustainability. Major topics covered include: advanced materials, ageing of bridges, assessment and evaluation, bridge codes, bridge diagnostics, bridge management systems, composites, damage identification, design for durability, deterioration modeling, earthquake and accidental loadings, emerging technologies, fatigue, field testing, financial planning, health monitoring, high performance materials, inspection, life-cycle performance and cost, load models, maintenance strategies, non-destructive testing, optimization strategies, prediction of future traffic demands, rehabilitation, reliability and risk management, repair, replacement, residual service life, resilience, robustness, safety and serviceability, service life prediction, strengthening, structural integrity, and sustainability.This volume provides both an up-to-date overview of the field of bridge engineering as well as significant contributions to the process of making more rational decisions concerning bridge maintenance, safety, serviceability, resilience, sustainability, monitoring, risk-based management, and life-cycle performance using traditional and emerging technologies for the purpose of enhancing the welfare of society. It will serve as a valuable reference to all involved with bridge structure and infrastructure systems, including students, researchers and engineers from all areas of bridge engineering.
Taylor & Francis Ltd eWork and eBusiness in Architecture, Engineering and Construction: ECPPM 2012
Since 1994, the European Conferences of Product and Process Modelling ( have provided a review of research, development and industrial implementation of product and process model technology in the Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Facilities Management (AEC/FM) industry. Product/Building Information Modelling has matured significantly in the last few years and has never been closer to having a permanent impact on the AEC/FM industry as a mainstream technology. In this context the 9th European Conference of Product and Process Modelling provided a forum for leading experts to discuss the latest achievements, emerging trends and future directions in product and process modelling technology in this dynamic and fragmented industry, focusing on integrated project working, value-based life cycle management and intelligent and sustainable buildings and construction. eWork and eBusiness in Architecture, Engineering and Construction 2012 provides a comprehensive overview of topics including BIM in all life-cycle stages, ICT for energy efficiency, smart buildings and environmental performance, energy and building simulation, knowledge and semantic modelling, visualization technologies as well as tools and methods to support innovations in design and construction processes. It further includes the proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on eeBuildings Data Models (Energy Efficiency Vocabularies), which aim to identify ICT Energy Efficiency Vocabularies and Ontologies to foster interoperability of Energy Efficiency Management Systems. eWork and eBusiness in Architecture, Engineering and Construction 2012 will be of interest to academics and professionals working in the interdisciplinary area of information technology in architecture, engineering and construction.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Green ICT & Energy: From Smart to Wise Strategies
This book provides the connection between the growing body of literature on sustainability and the topics of energy and ICT. It aims to show how stakeholders active in this area need to play their part ensuring that the ICT-sector evolves towards a sector that can lead through “greening by IT” and also shows that it can “green its own IT” as well. This is the first book that integrates two seemingly incompatible approaches to sustainability: efficiency and effectiveness. The book builds on the efficiency initiatives already taken by industry, but it is not a “how-to-do-it manual”. It offers insight in state of the art approaches to green IT and greening by IT. Attention to important stakeholders outside the sector, e.g. policy makers and the field of education, makes this book comprehensive. A more encompassing view on ICT and sustainability is offered to the reader and, as such, managers in higher education, educators, CIO’s, policymakers and regulators are inspired to integrate their efforts and to contribute to a transition of one of the most important and prominent sectors in our global economy.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Political Knowledge
Since at least the time of Plato, political scientists and philosophers have been concerned about what citizens and rulers should know if they are to be governedand governwell. Moreover, the increasing complexity of modern societies has revivified thinking about and around the critical concept of political knowledge. Vital questions arise, such as: does effective democracy demand an informed electorate? is such an aspiration realistic, given the size and reach of modern governments? how can electorates compensate for their ignorance, given the vast amount of information that might be necessary to make sound political judgements? or is such ignorance rational'? This new collection from Routledge brings together canonical and cutting-edge research to interrogate these and other issues. Edited by leading scholars, Political Knowledge assembles in four volumes the best and most important schola
Taylor & Francis Ltd Better than Best Practice: Developing teaching and learning through dialogue
Better than Best Practice offers a new way of thinking about classroom practice, professional development, and improving teaching and learning. This companion book and website together offer a selection of rich and realistic video-based case studies, context and narrative, step-by-step guidance through key issues, and commentary and debate from a range of expert contributors. Carefully chosen video clips from primary school literacy lessons show real teachers in a variety of often knotty situations: classroom conversations that take unexpected turns; grappling with assessment; managing disagreements, to name a few. The book explores the educational potential of classroom talk and, in particular, the promise and problems of dialogic pedagogy. With an emphasis on the complexity and ‘messiness’ of teaching, Better than Best Practice considers how to learn from observing and discussing practice in order to develop professional judgment. It offers practical advice on how to organise and facilitate video-based professional development in which teachers share their practice with colleagues in order to learn from one another’s challenges, problems, dilemmas and breakthroughs. This exciting new resource argues that critical discussions of practice, which highlight dilemmas instead of prescribing solutions, help to develop and support thoughtful, flexible, and insightful practitioners: an approach that is better than best practice.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Onwards and Upwards: Supporting the transition to Key Stage One
How can teachers ensure that the transition from the Early Years Foundation Stage to Key Stage One is a positive experience for children? What are the issues for children, parents and teachers and how should teachers respond to these? This book introduces the concept of transition and identifies the key problem areas for children and adults focusing on the differences in philosophy and practice between the EYFS and Key Stage One, whilst also giving emphasis to the opportunities that are provided by the transition process.It stresses the need for a balanced approach and the importance of sustained shared thinking from the EYFS through Key Stage One and provides practical strategies for achieving this. Onwards and Upwards: Supporting the Transition to Key Stage One includes detailed guidance on: preparing for the transition to Key Stage One the role of the teacher the balance between adult-led and child initiated activity play and the use of the outdoor environment creating a stimulating environment that supports a balanced approach Throughout the book, Kathleen Orlandi emphasises the child’s perspective and draws on naturalistic observations of children before, during and after a period of transition. With case studies, key quotes from children, examples of practice and suggestions for planning, and questions for reflective practice, this textbook will be invaluable for students and practitioners in the EYFS and Key Stage One, as well as those responsible for CPD.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Urban Habitat Constructions Under Catastrophic Events: Proceedings of the COST C26 Action Final Conference
COST is an intergovernmental framework for European Cooperation in Science and Technology, allowing the coordination of nationally-funded research on a European level. Part of COST was COST Action C26 ‘Urban Habitat Constructions Under Catastrophic Events’, which started in 2006 and held its final conference in Naples, Italy, on 16-18 September 2010. The main objective of COST Action C26 was to increase the knowledge of the behaviour of constructions in urban habitat under catastrophic events (earthquakes, fire, wind, impact, explosions etc.), in order to predict their response when both the applied loading and the inherent structural resistance are combined in such a way that the safety level reaches unacceptable values, leading in some cases to a premature collapse.Urban Habitat Constructions Under Catastrophic Events collects 151 papers from internationally recognized outstanding experts from 46 countries that were presented at the final conference: 82 contributions from COST experts and 69 from external authors. They are subdivided into 5 sections, which exactly correspond to the 5 Chapters of the Final Report of the COST Action C26 activity: (I) Characterization of catastrophic actions on constructions; (II) Analysis of behaviour of constructions under catastrophic events;(III) Evaluation of vulnerability of constructions; (IV) Protecting, strengthening and repairing; (V) Strategy and guidelines for damage prevention.Urban Habitat Constructions Under Catastrophic Events will be of interest to academics and engineers in civil and structural engineering, especially those involved in fire resistance, earthquake resistance, impact and explosion resistance, and resistance to Infrequent Loading Conditions.
Taylor & Francis Ltd eWork and eBusiness in Architecture, Engineering and Construction: Proceedings of the European Conference on Product and Process Modelling 2010, Cork, Republic of Ireland, 14-16 September 2010
Since 1994, the European Conference on Product and Process Modelling has provided a discussion platform for research and development in Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Facilities Management sectors.eWork and eBusiness in Architecture, Engineering and Construction 2010 provides strategic knowledge on the achievements and trends in research, development, standardisation and industrial implementation of product and process information technology. The book contains contributions from leading experts, bringing together expertise, knowledge, and ongoing research and visions for the evolution of the expanding world of ICT-based applications that address information, process and project management in the dynamic construction sector. Also included are recent research programmes and the latest results from FP7, E2B, EG-ICE, ERABUILD, the European Construction Technology Platform, Science Foundation Ireland, Enterprise Ireland, Sustainable Energy Ireland and other funding agencies. The book is divided into three main themes: • Complex Engineering Systems • Processes and Construction Management • Energy-EfficiencyeWork and eBusiness in Architecture, Engineering and Construction 2010 will be of interest to academics and professionals working in Architecture, Engineering and Construction.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Hesitancy and Experimentation in Enlightenment Spain and Spanish America
Published in memory of Ivy L. McClelland, a pioneer-scholar of Spain’s eighteenth century, this volume of original essays contains, besides an Introduction to her career and internationally influential writings, three previously unpublished essays by McClelland and nine studies by other scholars, all of which are focused on elucidating the Enlightenment and its characteristic manifestations in the Hispanic world.Among the Enlightenment writers and artists, works and genres, themes and issues discussed, are: Nicolás Moratín and epic poetry, Lillo’s The London Merchant and English and French influences on eighteenth-century Spanish drama, José Marchena and literary historiography, oppositions and misunderstandings within Spanish society as reflected in El sí de las niñas, Goya and the visual arts, Quintana’s Pelayo and historical tragedy, Enlightenment discourse, the Periodical Press, theatre as propaganda, the ideology and politics of Empire, the roots of revolt in late viceregal Quito, women’s experience of Enlightenment in Spain, social and cultural difference in colonial Peru, ideological debate and uncertainty during the Age of Reason, eighteenth-century Spain on the nineteenth-century stage, and public opinion in Spain on the eve of the French, and European, Revolution.First published as a Special Issue of the Bulletin of Spanish Studies (LXXXVI [November–December 2009], Nos 7–8), this book will be of value and stimulus to all scholars concerned to investigate and interpret the culture, theatre, ideology, society and politics of the Enlightenment in Spain, Europe and Spanish America.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Cultivating the Arts in Education and Therapy
The constituency for education and therapy in the arts is rapidly expanding beyond the conventional school and clinical settings to include the wider community. In Cultivating the Arts in Education and Therapy, Malcolm Ross integrates traditional Chinese Five Element Theory, also known as The Five Phases of Change, with contemporary Western psychological and cultural studies, to form a new Syncretic Model of creative artistic practice.The Syncretic Model is explored and validated through an analysis of interviews with practising, successful artists, and in a comprehensive review of the latest neuro-scientific research into human consciousness and emotion. The book addresses the well-documented difficulties experienced by arts teachers and therapists intervening in, supporting and evaluating the creative development of individual students and clients. This groundbreaking text repositions the arts as central to the effective initiation and management of change in contemporary society. Besides being of wide general interest, it will have particular relevance for practising and trainee arts teachers, arts therapists and community artists. With the demand for their services growing and pressure to demonstrate effectiveness mounting, the arts community is looking to build bridges between the different arts, and between arts education and therapy across national boundaries. This book offers a fresh, coherent, and challenging framework for a revitalized reflective practice from an experienced authority in the field.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Lives of Jonathan Swift
Contemporaries were mesmerized by the outrageous wit of Jonathan Swift (16671745), a writer still widely regarded as the greatest satirist of all time. Soon after Swift's death, his friends and enemies raced to publish the definitive account of the Dean of St Patrick's. Now, Routledge brings these major works together for the first time in a new, three-volume, facsimile collection, supplemented with a full introduction, bibliographies, and other textual apparatus.The collection's editor avers that these highly influential biographies of one of the leading literary figures of his generation remain incompletely understood. The persistence of a number of myths can be traced back to these studies of Swift, including his own pseudo-biographical fragment on his early life. It is crucial that many of these biographies were written or commissioned by friends and allies of Swift and that some were writtenor were informed byhis enemies. The collection's editor makes clear that the live
Taylor & Francis Ltd Limnology
Limnology provides an in-depth and current overview of the field of limnology. The result of a major tour de force by two renowned and experienced experts, this unique and richly illustrated reference presents a wealth of data on limnology history, water as a substrate, lakes’ origins and aquatic biota. Besides a general part, it gives special focus to neotropical limnology, prevalently applicable in countries in the Southern Hemisphere.Starting with the essentials, some definitions and a historical account, this volume then details the main interaction mechanisms with physical and chemical factors, diversity and geographical distribution. With regard to the major continental aquatic systems, it treats the dynamics, variability and characterization of lakes, reservoirs, flooded areas, saline lakes, estuaries and coastal lagoons. The impact of human activity on water resources and the need for the rehabilitation of watersheds, watershed ecosystems and estuaries are addressed subsequently. To illustrate theory, the final part includes research examples in limnology, ecology and environmental sciences in different geographical contexts, as well as ideas for new investigations.This reference volume is intended for researchers and professionals working on inland waters, lakes and rivers within the fields of biology, ecology, environment, forestry, geochemistry, geophysics, and water management. It will also benefit students in the aforementioned areas and readers involved with limnology in related disciplines, such as earth sciences, environmental, water and geological engineering.
Taylor & Francis Ltd To Design Landscape: Art, Nature & Utility
To Design Landscape sets out a distinctively practical philosophy of design, in accessible format. Based on the notion that landscape design is a form-based craft addressing environmental processes and utility, Dee establishes a framework for approaching such craft with modesty and ingenuity, using the concept of "aesthetics of thrift".Employing numerous case studies-as diverse as Hellerup Rose Garden in Denmark; Bloedel Reserve, Bainbridge Island, USA; Rousham Gardens, Oxfordshire, UK and Tofuku-ji, in Kyoto, Japan - to illustrate her ideas, the book is a beautiful portfolio of Dee's drawings, which are both evocative and to the point.The book begins with a 'Foundations' section, which sets out the basis of the approach. 'Principles' chapters then elaborate eleven significant considerations applicable to any design project, regardless of context and scale. Following on, 'Strategies' chapters reinforce the principles, and suggest further ways of designing, adaptable to different conditions. Dee ends with a focus on 'Elements', case studies and verb lists providing sources for the designer to consider how the components - vegetation, water, terrain, structures, soils, weather, and the sky - might be engaged, mediated and joined.Catherine Dee’s book is for all those who would craft landscape, from the gardener, to the professional landscape architect, to the student of design
Taylor & Francis Ltd Addictions
The first edition of Addictions established itself as a valuable resource for students and professionals alike. This authoritative new edition builds on the success of the previous book, incorporating advances in research and practice over the last ten years. The book includes material on: the nature of addiction and who becomes addicted health consequences of alcohol and other drug dependence theories and causes of addiction. The authors, experts in the field, also include new material on the controversy surrounding the possible positive effects of alcohol and cannabis use, the increased risk of interpersonal violence, and new research on theories of addiction. Addictions will be essential reading for students, professionals and researchers seeking state of the art information about this rapidly growing field.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Education and Development
This series addresses the relation of education to knowledge-based growth and broader measures of development beyond growth, central features of the modern world in which education has a central role. This role includes the effects of education on pure economic growth including it's effects on the creation, adaptation, and dissemination of new ideas. Beyond this, the series presents pivotal research on the contribution of education to the many non-market private and social benefits beyond earnings. These non-market benefits largely define individuals' life chances and are, for a society, standard indicators of development.Education readers will be able to easily access the most recent and key research defining education's role in earnings, in growth, and in the flow of new ideas, all in volume one. The contributions of education to development outcomes beyond earnings, both private and social, are addressed in volume two. The introductions to the series and to each vol
Taylor & Francis Ltd Advertising
Academic analysts and practitioner-theorists of advertising draw on rich and innovative multidisciplinary resources where cultural and media analysis meet economics, anthropology, semiotics, gender studies, social psychology, linguistics, and applied neuroscience. This new four-volume collection from Routledge's acclaimed Critical Concepts in Media and Cultural Studies series answers the need for an authoritative reference work to make sense of this rapidly growing and ever more complex corpus of literature. The collection connects researchers and advanced students to the best in contemporary social and cultural theory, while maintaining a stringent focus on advertisingas industry, as cultural form, and as evolving (multi-) media technology.With the economics of media cultures in flux, the four volumes bring together a comprehensive collection of the best scholarship on advertising communication, tracking the evolution of the essential themes in the twentieth and twenty-first
Taylor & Francis Ltd Evolutionary Economics
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Intimate Room: Theory and Technique of the Analytic Field
The Intimate Room provides an original exploration of psychoanalytic thought, showing how contemporary psychoanalysis seeks to answer the challenges raised by today’s post-modern culture. Offering a deeply personal and insightful reading of Bion, this book acts as a stimulating guide to the development of the theory of the analytic field and both its technical and clinical implications. As such topics of discussion include: the concept of the internal setting the rhetoric of interpretation the 'subversive' notion of Nachträglichkeit the role played by characters in analytic discourse the bi-personal field as virtual reality new concepts of transference. Allowing the reader to engage with the inner space of analysis, The Intimate Room will be of interest to psychoanalysts, psychotherapists and all those with an interest in the field of psychoanalysis. It will also be a useful tool in psychoanalytic and psychotherapeutic work on a day-to-day basis.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Capacity Development for Improved Water Management
This collection of papers explains how knowledge and capacity development can contribute to improved, effective water management with a digest of lessons learned in the areas of development of tools and techniques, field applications and evaluation. The authors are prominent practitioners, capacity builders and academics within the water and capacity development sectors.Capacity Development for Improved Water Management starts with an introduction and overview of progress and challenges in knowledge and capacity development in the water sector. The next part presents tools and techniques that are being used in knowledge and capacity development in response to the prevailing challenges in the water sector, and a review of experience with capacity change in other sectors. In the third part a number of cases are presented that cover knowledge and capacity development experiences in the water resources and water services sectors. This part also presents experiences on water education for children and on developing gender equity. The fourth part provides experiences with the monitoring and evaluation of knowledge and capacity building.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Seeing and Being Seen: Emerging from a Psychic Retreat
Seeing and Being Seen: Emerging from a Psychic Retreat examines the themes that surface when considering clinical situations where patients feel stuck and where a failure to develop impedes the progress of analysis. This book analyses the anxieties and challenges confronted by patients as they begin to emerge from the protection of psychic retreats. Divided into three parts, areas of discussion include: embarrassment, shame, and humiliation helplessness, power, and dominance mourning, melancholia, and the repetition compulsion. As well as offering fresh ideas, Steiner bases his creative and integrative efforts on previous contributions by psychoanalysts including Freud, Klein, Rosenfeld, and Bion. As such, this book will be of interest to psychoanalysts, clinical psychotherapists, and all those with an interest in the psychoanalytic field.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Anteros: A Forgotten Myth
Anteros: A Forgotten Myth explores how the myth of Anteros disappears and reappears throughout the centuries, from classical Athens to the present day, and looks at how the myth challenges the work of Freud, Lacan, and Jung, among others. It examines the successive cultural experiences that formed and inform the myth and also how the myth sheds light on individual human experience and the psychoanalytic process.Topics of discussion include: Anteros in the Italian Renaissance, the French Enlightenment and English Modernism psychologizing Anteros: Freud, Lacan, Girard, and Jung three anterotic moments in a consulting room. This book presents an important argument at the boundaries of the disciplines of analytical psychology, psychoanalysis, art history, and mythology. It will therefore be essential reading for all analytical psychologists and psychoanalysts as well as art historians and those with an interest in the meeting of psychoanalytic thought and mythology.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Young People, Class and Place
Under the weight of apparently growing consumer affluence, globalisation and post-modern social theory, many have proclaimed the declining significance of social class and place to young people’s lives – and for social science. Drawing upon new, empirically grounded, theoretically innovative studies, this volume begs to differ. It argues that the youth phase provides a privileged vantage point from which to interrogate and think about broader processes of social change and social continuity. These themes are addressed by all the diverse contributions gathered here. The chapters include investigation of: the problems of growing up in gang neighbourhoods and young people’s use of space for leisure; new patterns of class formation and youth transition in Eastern Europe; the effects of classed labels and identities (such as ‘chav’ and charver’) in youth culture and schooling; the changing meanings of class and place for young women in changing socio-economic landscapes; new patterns of youth culture and transition among Black young men in East London; and how we think and theorise about change and continuity in youth studies. Together these new empirical studies and critical theoretical analyses confirm the continuing central importance of class and place in shaping the opportunities, transitions, sub-cultures and life-styles of young people. This book was based on a special issue of Journal of Youth Studies.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Evidence Saver
Taylor & Francis Ltd Hard Knocks: Domestic Violence and the Psychology of Storytelling
This book draws on interviews carried out over a period of eight years, as well as novels, films, and domestic violence literature, to explain the role of storytelling in the history of the battered women’s movement. The author shows how cultural contexts shape how stories about domestic abuse get told, and offers critical tools for bringing psychology into discussions of group dynamics in the domestic violence field. The book enlists psychoanalytic-feminist theory to analyse storytelling practices and to re-visit four areas of tension in the movement where signs of battle fatigue have been most acute. These areas include the conflicts that emerge between the battered women’s movement and the state, the complex relationship between domestic violence and other social problems, and the question of whether woman battering is a special case that differs from other forms of social violence. The volume also looks at the tensions between groups of women within the movement, and how to address differences based on race, class or other dimensions of power. Finally, the book explores the contentious issue of how to acknowledge forms of female aggression while still preserving a gender analysis of intimate partner violence. In attending to narrative dynamics in the history of domestic violence work, Hard Knocks presents a radical re-reading of the contribution of psychology to feminist interventions and activism. The book is ideal reading for scholars, activists, advocates and policy planners involved in domestic violence, and is suitable for students of psychology, social work, sociology and criminology.
Taylor & Francis Ltd German Federalism in Transition: Reforms in a Consensual State
Federalism in Germany has come to be viewed as the root cause of the country’s current economic and social malaise. The federal political system which contributed enormously to the economic success and political stability of West Germany is now said to be outdated, overburdened and unworkable. German federalism is now widely seen as being synonymous with Reformstau (reform blockage) and Stillstand (inertia). Critics argue that the system urgently needs to change if Germany is to continue to compete in the global system.This major new text offers a unique scholarly evaluation of the major recent attempts to overhaul Germany’s federal political architecture. It brings together thematic chapters by leading authorities on German federalism to provide a comprehensive assessment of the reform processes to date, their inception, scope, objectives and outputs. The contributions provide new insights into the dynamics of reform in key policy areas such as economic policy, Europe and the tax equalisation system, as well as in the institutional frameworks for decision-making. It will be essential reading for students of Germany, its politics, law and economics.This book was published as a special issue of the German Politics.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The New Individualism: The Emotional Costs of Globalization REVISED EDITION
This is a new and revised edition of a book which has had a major impact upon the social sciences and public political debate. Anthony Elliott and Charles Lemert's THE NEW INDIVIDUALISM inspired readers with the dramatic suggestion that 'the reinvention craze' - from self-help and therapy culture to management restructurings and corporate downsizings - is central to a 'new individualism' sweeping the globe. Giving particular attention to the narratives of people seeking to define anew their lives in an age of globalization, the authors contend that an endless hunger for instant change and relentless emphasis on self-reinvention is fundamental to grasping the disorientating effects of the new individualism.This edition contains a substantial new Introduction in which Elliott and Lemert reply to some of the standard criticisms made of the theory of the new individualism, and also addresses the escalation of new individualist thinking in the wake of recent global crises.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Africa's Contemporary Challenges: The Legacy of Amilcar Cabral
This book reviews Cabral’s intellectual contribution to current debates on race, identity, nation building, democracy, leadership and ethics. The key leader of the national liberation movements of former Portuguese African colonies is considered to be one of their foremost intellectuals the continent has produced. This rare combination of freedom fighter, operational campaigner and astute political scientist justifies the academic interest in his contribution.Africa's Contemporary Challenges reviews the impact of Amilcar Cabral’s thinking, and its relationship with contemporary debates about race, identity, nation building, democracy, leadership or ethics. The complexity of Cabral’s vision and hopes for Africa continues to incite curiosity and interest. Cabral's tragic assassination in 1973 has removed the possibility of analysing his impact on post-independent Lusophone Africa, but his thoughts continue to be the most important reference.This book was published as a special issue of African Identities.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Theories, Policy, and Practice of Lifelong Learning in East Asia
As the centre of the world economy is moving to Asia, lifelong learning in Asia is attracting a great deal of attention in the educational field worldwide. Asia not only provides the largest education market, but also plays an increasingly important role in educational globalization. However, until now, only very limited literature has been available in English.This book addresses that gap and introduces global readers to the latest developments of theories, policies, and practical issues concerning lifelong learning in East Asia. Case studies on lifelong learning in East Asia - including mainland China, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Macau - are provided in this book. Lifelong learning in East Asia has been strongly influenced by Confucian culture as well as Western capitalism. This book analyses Confucian culture and the negotiation of Chinese and Western learning cultures in lifelong learning.This book will enable educators to understand the recent developments in lifelong learning in selected Confucian-heritage countries and regions, and promote effective international collaboration in lifelong learning worldwide. This book was published as a special issue of the International Journal of Lifelong Education.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Legacy of Ireland's Economic Expansion: Geographies of the Celtic Tiger
Ireland underwent a dramatic economic and social transformation from the 1990s onwards, earning it the title the "Celtic Tiger". Rapid economic growth was accompanied by substantial in-migration. However in the later 2000s Ireland is also experiencing a severe economic recession.This book examines the nature and geographies of the Celtic Tiger, focusing on the evolution of industries such as information and communication technology and pharamaceuticals. It also examines the changing nature of social ties in cities, trends amongst knowledge workers and the experiences of return migrants. It concludes with reflections on the nature of the Celtic Tiger phenomenon and how this will shape Ireland’s geography and society into the future. This book was published as a special issue of Irish Geography.