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Taylor & Francis Ltd Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing: VipIMAGE 2011
This book contains invited lecturers and full papers presented at VIPIMAGE 2011 - III ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing (Olhão, Algarve, Portugal, 12-14 October 2011). International contributions from 16 countries provide a comprehensive coverage of the current state-of-the-art in: Image Processing and Analysis; Tracking and Analyze Objects in Images; Segmentation of Objects in Images; 3D Vision; Signal Processing; Data Interpolation, Registration, Acquisition and Compression; Objects Simulation; Medical Imaging; Virtual Reality; Software Development for Image Processing and Analysis; Computer Aided Diagnosis, Surgery, Therapy and Treatment; Computational Bioimaging and Visualization; Telemedicine Systems and their Applications.Related techniques also covered in this book include the level set method, finite element method, modal analyses, stochastic methods, principal and independent components analyses and distribution models. Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing - VIPIMAGE 2011 will be useful to academics, researchers and professionals in Computational Vision (Image Processing and Analysis), Computer Sciences, Computational Mechanics and Medicine.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Constitutive Models for Rubber VII
All aspects of our lives, industry, health, travel and leisure, are utterly reliant on rubber materials, yet typically this notion rarely occurs to us. Increasingly, greater demands are made on elastomeric compounds and we seek elevated performance in terms of improved physical and chemical properties. In particular, we have come to expect rubber components (tyres, vibration isolators, seals etc) to exhibit exceptional wear and fatigue resistance, often at elevated temperatures. Unsurprisingly then, the emphasis in characterising isochoric materials has shifted significantly away from understanding and modelling hyperelastic material behaviour, to a position where we can confi dently design and manufacture rubber components having the functionality and resilience to meet the dynamic loading and harsh environmental conditions that are prevalent today.In consequence, state-of-the-art technology in terms of dynamic response and fatigue resistance are strongly represented here along with numerous insights into advanced elastomers used in novel applications.This development is not at the expense of research devoted to current test procedures and the constitutive equations and algorithms that underpin finite element methods. As a result, Constitutive Models for Rubber VII is not only essential reading for undergraduates, postgraduates, academics and researchers working in the discipline, but also for all those designers and engineers involved in the improvement of machines and devices by introducing new and novel elastomers possessing elevated properties.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Employment Lawcards 2012-2013
Routledge Lawcards are your complete, pocket-sized guides to key examinable areas of the undergraduate law curriculum and the CPE/GDL. Their concise text, user-friendly layout and compact format make them an ideal revision aid. Helping you to identify, understand and commit to memory the salient points of each area of the law, shouldn’t you make Routledge Lawcards your essential revision companions?Fully updated and revised with all the most important recent legal developments, Routledge Lawcards are packed with features: Revision checklists help you to consolidate the key issues within each topic Colour coded highlighting really makes cases and legislation stand out Full tables of cases and legislation make for easy reference Boxed case notes pick out the cases that are most likely to come up in exams Diagrams and flowcharts clarify and condense complex and important topics ' excellent starting point for any enthusiastic reviser. The books are concise and get right down to the nitty-gritty of each topic.' - Lex Magazine Routledge Lawcards are supported by a Companion Website offering: Flashcard glossaries allowing you to test your understanding of key terms and definitions Multiple Choice Questions to test and consolidate your revision of each chapter Advice and tips to help you better plan your revision and prepare for your exams Titles in the Series: Commercial Law; Company Law; Constitutional Law; Contract Law; Criminal Law; Employment Law; English Legal System; European Union Law; Evidence; Family Law; Human Rights; Intellectual Property Law; Jurisprudence; Land Law; Trusts Law
Taylor & Francis Ltd Information Science
Information Science is concerned with the theoretical and practical aspects of effective information provision and consumption. In particular, information scientists explore the theoretical underpinnings and practical competencies involved in the generation, collection, organization, processing, management, storage, retrieval, distribution, communication, and utilization of information.In today's knowledge societies (shaped, in the words of the editors of this new Routledge title, by an unabatedly accumulating abundance of information'), it is perhaps unsurprising that Information Science is more than ever a crucial site for scholarly exploration. And as serious research in and around the discipline flourishes as never before, this four-volume collection from Routledge's acclaimed Critical Concepts in Media and Cultural Studies series meets the urgent need for an authoritative reference work to make sense of a rapidly growing and ever more complex corpus of interdisciplinary
Taylor & Francis Ltd Law and Politics
Law and politics are deeply intertwined. Law is an essential tool of government action, an instrument with which government tries to influence society. Law is also the means by which government itself is structured, regulated, and controlled. It is no surprise, then, that law is an important prize in the political struggle and that law shapes how politics is conducted.As serious thinking about and around law and politics continues to flourish and develop, this new title in Routledge's Critical Concepts in Political Science series meets the need for an authoritative reference work to map and make sense of the subject's vast literature, and the ongoing explosion in research output. Edited by a leading scholar in the field, Law and Politics is a four-volume collection of foundational and cutting-edge contributions.The materials gathered in the first volume cover jurisprudence and constitutionalism. The assembled major works examine crucial questions such as:
Taylor & Francis Ltd Tricks of the Writer's Trade: And how to teach them to children aged 8-14
What links Cinderella to Harry Potter? What can The Simpsons teach us about character creation? What is the False Horizon moment? What are the two classic openings and five effective endings of a newspaper story? Aimed at primary and early secondary school teachers, Tricks of the Writer’s Trade uses a simple, straightforward and highly-entertaining method to reveal a myriad of writing approaches, from basic story structure through to advanced scriptwriting, and the techniques used by professional writers and journalists.Covering fiction and non-fiction writing, chapters include guidance on: Story structure Creating characters Persuasive writing Informative writing Scriptwriting Writing techniques By following its step-by-step approach and using the resources and materials provided, teachers can engage their pupils, improve their writing skills dramatically – and have fun while they’re doing it. Writing lessons will never be the same again!Tricks of the Writer’s Trade is an invaluable resource for all Primary Teachers, Key Stage Three English teachers and literacy coordinators as well as PGCE students.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Global Cities
A striking consequence of contemporary globalization has been an increase in the importance and prestige of cities. Whereas only a generation or so ago cities were commonly viewed as problems', the sites of society's ills, today they are more readily seen as solutions', places where twenty-first century dilemmas can most successfully be resolved. Hence, argue the editors of this new four-volume collection from Routledge, while globalization is generally viewed as eroding the influence of states, cities have come to the fore as the new spatial frame of the future. The old modern international organization of states as a worldwide mosaic of borders is being challenged by transnational spaces of flows organized through city nodes in global networks.As serious work on and around the subject flourishes as never before, Global Cities answers the need for an authoritative reference work to map and make sense of a vast body of literature and a continuing explosion in researc
Taylor & Francis Ltd Population Studies
Demography is the scientific study of human populations. Classical demography has at its core three processes: fertility, migration, and mortality. To be human is to be part of the demographic process, so contemporary studies of population focus not only on the implications of population size and change, but also on how social influences affect individual behaviour and how actions at the individual level contribute to the composition of the population.Globally, population issues are of increasing concern to governments and other policy-makers. Particularly over the last fifty years or so, there have been many iterations of the population problem'. From overpopulation to population ageing, to ultra-low fertility, this new four-volume collection from Routledge brings together the most important thinking about, and theories on, population to enable users to make sense of a vastand rapidly expandingcorpus of scholarship.With a full index, together with a comp
Taylor & Francis Ltd World History: Journeys from Past to Present - VOLUME 2: From 1500 CE to the Present
World History: Journeys from Past to Present uses common themes to present an integrated and comprehensive survey of human history from its origins to the present day. By weaving together thematic and regional perspectives in coherent chronological narratives, Goucher and Walton transform the overwhelming sweep of the human past into a truly global story that is relevant to the contemporary issues of our time. Revised and updated throughout, the second edition of this innovative textbook combines clear chronological progression with thematically focused chapters. In this volume, chapters are divided into three parts as follows: PART 4. BRIDGING WORLDS (1300-1800 CE) PART 5. TRANSFORMING LIVES (1500-1900) PART 6. FORGING A GLOBAL COMMUNITY (1800- Present) The expanded new edition boasts an impressive full-color design with a host of illustrations, maps and primary source excerpts integrated throughout. Chapter opening timelines supply context for the material ahead, while end of chapter questions and annotated additional resources provide students with the tools for independent study. Each chapter and part boasts introductory and summary essays that explain and guide the reader in comprehending the relevant theme.In addition, the companion website offers a range of resources including an interactive historical timeline, an indispensable study skills section for students, tips for teaching and learning thematically, and PowerPoint slides, lecture material and discussion questions in a password protected area for instructors. This textbook provides a basic introduction for all students of World History, while at the same time incorporating the thematic perspectives that encourage critical thinking, link to globally relevant contemporary issues, and stimulate further study.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Business and Gender
Serious thinking on business and gender has blossomed over the past few decades. What began as a tentative examination of the ways women and men might differ has evolved into a complex and vibrant field of international research and study. Edited by a leading scholar in the field, this new four-volume collection, part of the Major Works Critical Perspectives on Business and Management series, brings together the very best and most influential works on business and gender. Organized thematically, the gathered materials reflect the academic fields of psychology, sociology, management, and organizational studies, and include quantitative studies, qualitative research, and theoretical or conceptual papers.With a new introduction by the editor to place the collected material in its historical and intellectual context and including a comprehensive index, this collection is a convenient and authoritative reference resource on business and gender for both student and scholar.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Critical Criminology
Critical Criminology is now a well-establishedif heterogeneous and contentiousfield of study. The work of critical criminologists supports numerous international journals, regional organizations, and global conferences. As the field continues to flourish as never before, this new title from Routledge, edited by two distinguished scholars, meets the need for an authoritative, one-stop reference work to make sense of the wide range of approaches, theories, and concepts that have informed Critical Criminology.In four volumes, the collection assembles the best and most influential empirical, theoretical, and political contributions made by critical criminologists from around the world, with special attention to new directions in the fieldsuch as cultural criminology, masculinities studies, and feminist criminologies. The gathered works cover not only the history of Critical Criminology and cutting-edge theories, but also explore a variety of research methods used by leadin
Taylor & Francis Ltd Health Psychology
Taylor & Francis Ltd Organic Compounds in Soils, Sediments & Sludges: Analysis and Determination
The increasing awareness of the effects of pollutants in the eco-system and on the development of suitable methods of analysis has stimulated a lot of research recently. This volume comprehensively discusses the range of methods available for the analysis and determination of organic compounds in soils, river and marine sediments and industrial sludges. A review is provided of the instrumentation used in soil and sediment laboratories and an indication of the types of organics that can be determined by each technique. Subsequent chapters discuss the analysis of various types of organics in a logical and systematic manner. Guidance is provided on the applicability of techniques in certain environments, the advantages and disadvantages of using one method over another, likely interference, the sensitivity of particular techniques, and detection limits. The work will be of interest to agricultural chemists, agriculturists concerned with ways in which organic chemicals used in crop or soil treatment permeate the ecosystem and to biologists and scientists involved in fish, plant and insect life. Toxicologists, public health workers, oceanographers, and environmentalists will also find the book beneficial.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Numerical Modeling of AAR
This reference book presents the theory and methodology to conduct a finite element assessment of concrete structures subjected to chemically induced volumetric expansion in general and alkali aggregate reaction in particular. It is limited to models developed by the author, and focuses on how to best address a simple question: if a structure suffers from AAR, how is its structural integrity jeopardized, and when would the reaction end.Subjects treated are:• Brief overview of AAR: nature of the chemical reactions, AAR in both dams and nuclear power plants, and how does it impact the mechanical properties of concrete.• Constitutive model for both the AAR expansion, and concrete nonlinearities (both smeared and discrete crack models).• Validation of the model along with a parametric study to assess what are the critical parameters in a study.• Selection of material properties for an AAR finite element simulation, followed by applications in dams and massive reinforced concrete structures.• Micro Model for improved understanding of the essence of the reaction, along with a newly proposed mathematical model for the kinetics of the reaction.• Review of relevant procedures to estimate the residual expansion of a structure suffering from AAR, along with a proposed approach to determine when the reaction will end.The book is extensively illustrated with numerous figures and provides guidance to engineers confronted with swelling in concrete infrastructures.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Magic and Witchcraft
Magic and witchcraft have been important components of almost every human culture throughout history, and continue to be so in the present day, both globally and in the West. These topics have attracted an enormous amount of scholarship, but publications are often scattered, and scholars working in one area rarely address research produced in others. These volumes bring together important representative publications spanning antiquity to the present day, and setting Western developments in a global context. Significant attention has been given to the major witch hunts of early modern Europe, because scholarship on early modern witchcraft has often driven the field. But other periods and regions are not neglected. Important theoretical issues are also addressed, such as the conceptual relationship between magic, science, and religion, and the role of gender in the perception (and persecution) of magical practices in many parts of the world.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Company Law Statutes 2012-2013
‘Focused content, layout and price - Routledge competes and wins in relation to all of these factors’ - Craig Lind, University of Sussex, UK ‘The best value and best format books on the market.’ - Ed Bates, Southampton University, UK Routledge Student Statutes present all the legislation students need in one easy-to-use volume. Developed in response to feedback from lecturers and students, this book offers a fully up-to-date, comprehensive, and clearly presented collection of legislation - ideal for LLB and GDL course and exam use. Routledge Student Statutes are: • Exam Friendly: un-annotated and conforming to exam regulations • Tailored to fit your course: 80% of lecturers we surveyed agree that Routledge Student Statutes match their course and cover the relevant legislation • Trustworthy: Routledge Student Statutes are compiled by subject experts, updated annually and have been developed to meet student needs through extensive market research • Easy to use: a clear text design, comprehensive table of contents, multiple indexes and highlighted amendments to the law make these books the most student-friendly Statutes on the market Competitively Priced: Routledge Student Statutes offer content and usability rated as good or better than our major competitor, but at a more competitive price • Supported by a Companion Website: presenting scenario questions for interpreting Statutes, annotated web links, and multiple-choice questions, these resources are designed to help students to be confident and prepared.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Gender and Chinese Society
Compiled and introduced by Xiaowei Zang, Professor of Chinese Studies at the University of Sheffield, this new title from Routledge's Critical Concepts in Asian Studies series is a collection of classic and the very best cutting-edge scholarship on themes and issues around gender in historical and contemporary China.The collection will enable users to make sense of the diversity and complexity of gendered China. Key topics covered include: gender, marriage, and the family; gender inequality; gender and migration; and gender and empowerment.Fully indexed and with a comprehensive introduction newly written by the editor, which carefully situates the collected material in its intellectual context, Gender and Chinese Society is an essential reference work. Indeed, it is destined to be welcomed by scholars and students as a vital one-stop research resource.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Seismic Performance of Concrete Buildings: Structures and Infrastructures Book Series, Vol. 9
This book aims to provide a powerful tool for both under- and post-graduate students as well as for structural designers, one that will enrich their knowledge and help them achieve a sound conception of and insight into seismic design of concrete buildings.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Project Management
Projects are all around us, from the research paper we are currently working on to the major organizational changes we observe in companies. They are a purposeful, time-limited integration of diverse knowledge to reach a unique outcome, and therefore, useful vehicles to manage deliberate change initiatives within and beyond organisations, from the launch of a new product to the acquisition of a new firm.Especially in the 2000s we have seen a rapid expansion of project management, popularization and use of project management across different businesses, so that project and project management has become more and more crucial not only to organisations but to society and economy. However, project management is not new. The deliberate management of projects emerged in the 1950s from the pragmatic need to improve execution of large and complex undertakings, with high degree of novelty and uncertainty.An umbrella of tools, techniques and procedures, such as work breakdown str
Taylor & Francis Ltd Peacebuilding
The controversies raised by the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan, the situation in Iraq, and the management of the Arab Spring' uprisings have demonstrated anew that achieving peace is not merely a matter of ending wars. Indeed, the consequences of conflicts often extend far beyond the termination of local hostilities, impeding the reconstruction of war-torn societies, and making the resumption of violence more likely than not. Moreover, in today's interdependent world, such consequences may jeopardize not only the stability of directly concerned states, but may also undermine regional, even global, peace. As a result, the call to build genuine, just, and sustainable peace conditionsexemplified by the establishment in 2006 of the UN Peacebuilding Commission, Fund, and Support Officehas never been more urgent, and underscores the pressing need for a comprehensive analysis and understanding of the critical concept of peacebuilding'.This new four-volume Routledge Major W
Taylor & Francis Ltd Roman Jakobson
Although Roman Jakobson (18861982) styled himself a Russian philologist', that epithet covers only a fraction of his disciplinary breadth and international impact. In a long and prolific career, he wrote about theoretical and applied linguistics, phonology, prosody, poetics, semiotics, translation theory, psycholinguistics, language universals, literary history and criticism, and historical and descriptive linguistics, especially Slavic. His robust voice and distinctive ideas attracted attention not only from language scholars, but also from literary critics, anthropologists, historians of culture, and even from neurologists.As serious work on Jakobson's thinking and influence continues to flourish, this long-awaited new title in Routledge's Critical Assessments of Leading Linguists series brings together the best analysis ofand commentary onthe work of one of the twentieth century's most versatile and influential language scholars. Criticism of Jakobson is as diverse as the
Taylor & Francis Ltd The New Geographies of Energy: Assessment and Analysis of Critical Landscapes
The New Geographies of Energy: Assessment and Analysis of Critical Landscapes is a pioneering collection of new geographic scholarship. It examines such vitally important research topics as energy dilemmas of the United States, large trends and patterns of energy consumption including China’s role, "peak oil", energy poverty, and ethanol and other renewable energy sourcing.The book offers advances in key emerging areas of energy research, each distinguished in the following sections: (i) geographic approaches to energy modeling and assessment; (ii) fossil fuel landscapes; (iii) the landscapes of renewable energy; (iv) landscapes of energy consumption; and (v) an overview of the new geographies of energy (Karl Zimmerer, Annals Nature-Society and Energy issue editor) and an essay on America’s oil dependency (Vaclav Smil, renowned energy geographer). In addition there is a specially commissioned book review.This book was published as a special issue of the Annals of the Association of American Geographers.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Human Capital
In recent decades, human capital has become one of the most popular and influential research programmes in the academy. Its influence is not limited to economics, but has proved to be significant to many other social sciences; indeed, it has infused social and political debates about education and training. Moreover, human capital has become part of the jargon of many non-economists. Now, to help make sense of this critical concept, Routledge announces a new four-volume collection. It provides an extensive overview of the breadth and depth of human-capital research, highlighting not only the evolution of its theoretical and empirical development, but also the variety of topics that it has spawned. Edited and with a new introduction by a leading scholar, this collection gathers together the very best and most influential works.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Manufacturing Enterprise in Asia: Size Structure and Economic Growth
Issues relating to the size of firms in manufacturing are central to the discussion of development strategies. This book offers an interpretation of growth trajectories in selected Asian economies in terms of the size-structure of enterprises in the manufacturing sector of these economies.The book presents a comparative survey of distribution of enterprises by size across Asia, including India, Japan, Taiwan, Korea, Thailand, Bangladesh and Vietnam. A broad survey of official data on the size structure of manufacturing helps to identify three distinct patterns of manufacturing sector development and makes the connection between enterprise development and the overall impact on the economy. The book goes on to investigate the problem of the peculiar dual size structure of manufacturing in India, with its two modes at the low and high end of the size distribution and conspicuous ‘missing middle’, and the effect that this has on the economy. This pattern is contrasted with the ‘East Asian, model with a more even size distribution, and the more recent experience of the newly developing countries of Asia with size distribution skewed to the right. It is an important contribution to studies on Asian Economics and Manufacturing Industries.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The New Partridge Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English Dictionary of Slang and Unconvetional English
Booklist Top of the List Reference Source The heir and successor to Eric Partridge''s brilliant magnum opus, The Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English, this two-volume New Partridge Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English is the definitive record of post WWII slang.Containing over 60,000 entries, this new edition of the authoritative work on slang details the slang and unconventional English of the English-speaking world since 1945, and through the first decade of the new millennium, with the same thorough, intense, and lively scholarship that characterized Partridge''s own work.Unique, exciting and, at times, hilariously shocking, key features include: unprecedented coverage of World English, with equal prominence given to American and British English slang, and entries included from Australia, New Zealand, Canada, India, South Africa, Ireland, and the Caribbean em
Taylor & Francis Ltd European Union Lawcards 2011-2012
Routledge Lawcards are your complete, pocket-sized guides to key examinable areas of the undergraduate law curriculum and the CPE/GDL. Their concise text, user-friendly layout and compact format make them an ideal revision aid. Helping you to identify, understand and commit to memory the salient points of each area of the law, shouldn’t you make Routledge Lawcards your essential revision companions?Fully updated and revised with all the most important recent legal developments, Routledge Lawcards are now packed with even more features: New revision checklists help you to consolidate the key issues within each topic Colour coded highlighting really makes cases and legislation stand out New tables of cases and legislation make for easy reference Boxed case notes pick out the cases that are most likely to come up in exams More diagrams and flowcharts clarify and condense complex and important topics Routledge Lawcards are supported by a Companion Website at offering: Flashcard Glossaries allowing you to test your understanding of key terms and definitions Multiple Choice Questions to test and consolidate your revision of each chapter Advice and tips to help you better plan your revision and prepare for your exams Titles in the Series: Business Law; Commercial Law; Company Law; Constitutional Law; Contract Law; Criminal Law; Employment Law; English Legal System; Equity and Trusts Law; European Union Law; Evidence; Family Law; Human Rights; Intellectual Property Law; Jurisprudence; Land Law; Tort Law.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Urban Identity: Learning from Place
Urban Identity is the second in the successful Learning from Place series that draws upon the wealth of experience in the Academy of Urbanism. This edition deals with the subject of urban identity and character. Why is it that all modern towns and cities look the same, as they become dominated by identikit buildings, multi-national corporations, even arbitrarily imposed urban design rules? How can we preserve and foster the sense of local identity and character that so value without falling into the trap of historical pastiche?Four leading urban thinkers take this theme as the staring point for chapters on urban identity. The classical architect Robert Adam delivers a broadside to modern architecture that he sees as the multi-national face of globalism. The architect and academic John Worthington ponders the difference between how a place is seen, its identity and how it wants to be seen, its brand. While the architects Anthony Reddy from Ireland and Frank Walker from Scotland explore the notion of local and national identity in architecture and design. These chapters are interspersed with five chapters by leading practitioners inspired by the shortlisted places for the Academy’s second annual awards. The surveyor Chris Balch revels in the life of three great European cities while Brian Evans, Chris Brett celebrate three towns that are really great small cities. David Rudlin looks at three creative quarters and what they contribute to the economic and social life of their host cities while Frank McDonald takes us on a journey down three great streets and David Taylor and Anthony Alexander applaud three urban places created created and improved in recent years. Like the first book in this series, Urban Identity brims with fascinating and sometimes controversial insights and opinions on urbanism. Illustrated again by the drawings of David (Harry) Harrison and poems by Ian MacMillan and packed with photographs and plans of the places visited by the Academy as part of their awards scheme.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Urban Habitat Constructions Under Catastrophic Events: COST C26 Action Final Report
COST is an intergovernmental framework for European Cooperation in Science and Technology, allowing the coordination of nationally-funded research on a European level. Part of COST was COST Action C26 ‘Urban Habitat Constructions Under Catastrophic Events’, which started in 2006 and held its final conference in Naples, Italy, on 16-18 September 2010. The participation of 23 European countries confi rmed the international interest of COST Action C26. The main objective of COST Action C26 was to increase the knowledge of the behaviour of constructions in urban habitat under catastrophic events (earthquakes, fi re, wind, impact, explosions etc.), in order to predict their response when both the applied loading and the inherent structural resistance are combined in such a way that the safety level reaches unacceptable values, leading in some cases to a premature collapse.The activity of COST C26 Action was developed by four Working Groups (WGs), each dealing with the main issues related to catastrophic events: WG 1 “Fire resistance”; WG 2 “Earthquake resistance”; WG3 “Impact and explosion resistance”; WG 4 “Risk assessment for catastrophic scenarios in urban areas”. In addition, an “ad hoc” Working Group on “Lexicon” was created. The Final Report represents the results of the COST C26 Action, summarized in fi ve chapters: (I) Characterization of catastrophic actions on constructions; (II) Analysis of behaviour of constructions under catastrophic events; (III) Evaluation of vulnerability of constructions; (IV) Protecting, strengthening and repairing; (V) Strategy and guidelines for damage prevention, where each WG contributed to its specifi c subject.This Final Report of COST Action C26 Urban Habitat Constructions Under Catastrophic Events will be of interest to academics and engineers in civil and structural engineering, especially those involved in fire resistance, earthquake resistance,impact and explosion resistance, and resistance to Infrequent Loading Conditions.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Water-Rock Interaction XIII
In the late 18th century, Neptunists and Plutonists had controversial opinions about the formation of the Earth and its lithological units. The former believed that rocks formed from the crystallization of minerals in the early Earth’s oceans, the latter believed that rocks were formed in fire. Both theories ignored the importance of continuous water-rock interaction processes at Earth´s surface and underground, which can enhance and define the type of volcanic activity, can cause the formation of secondary hydrothermal minerals and respective ore deposits, or simply alter the natural landscape by weathering. Although not visible at first glance, water-rock interaction plays a significant role in the daily life of humans. Many primary necessities of modern society, such as the availability of high-quality drinking water, the supply of fossil fuel and renewable energy types, the abundance of precious minerals, the remediation of contaminated natural sites, and the reconnaissance of geological hazards require a profound understanding of physicochemical processes interacting between liquid, solid and gas phases.Since 1974, when the first Water-Rock Interaction Symposia (WRI-1) was held in Prague (Czechoslovakia, now the Czech Republic), the Working Group on Water-Rock Interaction of the International Association of GeoChemistry (IAGC) has organized an international meeting every three years to present and discuss the most recent results in geochemical technologies. In 2010, WRI-13 attracted about 300 geoscientists affiliated with universities, research institutions, regulatory agencies and from private industry, from 35 countries to Guanajuato, Mexico. The 231 papers published in this volume describe novel advances in research related to interactive processes between the hydrosphere and the lithosphere. Innovative field-based studies, theoretical approaches and small-scale lab experiments are applied to reconstruct and combine pieces of the complex hydrological puzzle, and to confront society´s impact on the environment. The papers reveal details on high-temperature reactions during the formation of hydrothermal ore deposits and geothermal reservoirs, practical case studies on groundwater quality and karst systems, environmental issues by mine tailings, novel technologies for the attenuation and remediation of contaminated sites, water/mineral interfacial processes on a micro- to macroscopic scale, the kinetics of weathering during low temperature conditions, examples for the advanced modeling of flow and transport processes as well as for CO2 reservoir injection, biochemical factors in surface and underground media, and the application of novel isotope techniques in rock/water/gas systems. Special emphasis in many papers is given on environmental concerns in abandoned mining districts, the occurrence and hazards of non-metals (especially arsenic) in exploited groundwater systems, and an increasing interest in mitigating CO2 emission by its injection into underground reservoirs.The papers in this volume are of wide-ranging interest to professionals and students in Earth sciences, including geochemistry, hydrochemistry, hydrology, geology, mineralogy, volcanology and environmental sciences, but also to decision-makers and engineers involved in the management of energy and natural resources, as well as professionals concerned about environmental issues.
Taylor & Francis Ltd John Kenneth Galbraith The Economic Legacy
One hundred years after his birth, J. K. Galbraith's The Great Crash 1929 is again on the bestseller lists. And in the current financial and economic tumult, familiar Galbraithian concernssuch as the power and dominance of overweening corporations, national and global poverty, and the careless destruction of the natural environmentonce again loom large in the public consciousness.Galbraith's contemporaries included such towering intellects as Paul Samuelson, Robert Solow, Milton Friedman, Wassily Leontief, Simon Kuznets, James Meade, Nicolas Kaldor, and Joan Robinson. These intellectual giants took Galbraith and his ideas seriously. Today, however, Galbraith remains professionally unpopular, and many economists have either forgotten his contribution, or fail sufficiently to acknowledge their intellectual debt to him.This new four-volume collection from Routledge remedies this failing by highlighting Galbraith's centrality to the crucial economic debates of the
Taylor & Francis Ltd Transport Economics
An effective transport infrastructureand its associated servicesare widely regarded as key components of an efficient, equitable, and sustainable society. But the link between transport provision (especially car ownership) and growing global levels of, for example, social exclusion, congestion, pollution, and road deaths is also increasingly recognized. The need to understand how to satisfy a seemingly insatiable appetite for mobility while minimizing its harmful impacts grows ever more crucial.The subdiscipline of transport economics has made a substantial contribution towards a more sophisticated understanding of such dilemmas, and how detailed strategy and policy might be better developed and implemented. Indeed, especially in the last thirty years or so, there has been a veritable explosion in research output, and this new four-volume collection from Routledge's Critical Concepts in Economics series meets the need for an authoritative reference work to help make sense of
Taylor & Francis Ltd Native American Writing
Co-published by Routledge and Edition SynapseIf white settlers landing in the New World brought with them smallpox, oppression, and Christianity, they also conveyed the cultural practice of writing. Adopters of this technology from within Native America and First Nations Canada began to adapt their own vast resources of spoken tribal literatures to this new modenovels, stories, poetry, and drama, as well as autobiography. How did this sumptuous oral tradition, creation stories, coyote, and other trickster mythologies, a whole fund of story-telling humour, become scriptural, generating a proliferation of texts whose luminous modern authors include N. Scott Momaday, Leslie Marmon Silko, Gerald Vizenor, Louise Erdrich, James Welch, Luci Tapahonso, Tom King and Beth Brant? More particularly, how have Native American writers understood and addressed fundamental issues such as: tribal identity; the politics of sovereignty and land claims; mixed-blood heritage; memo
Taylor & Francis Ltd Re-thinking Water and Food Security: Fourth Botin Foundation Water Workshop
This book provides an overview, by leading world experts, on key issues in global water and food security. The book is divided in a series of over-arching themes and sections. The first part of the book provides an overview of water and food security. The second and third sections look at global trade and virtual water trade, and provide some specific examples on the application of the water footprint at different scales. The fourth section sets the context into wider debates related to global sustainable production and consumption. The last section of the book addresses the role of the silent groundwater revolution to help address water and food security; the water/energy nexus, and the potential for generating ´new´ water.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Teaching English as an Additional Language 5-11: A whole school resource file
"It has made me more aware of the difficulties faced by ESL students on a daily basis across the curriculum." Year 4 teacher, Lynne Cadenhead, Aberdeen"Lots of ideas that should be encompassed in the whole school plan." Key Stage One Coordinator, Susan Hills, who has taught in Durham, Norfolk and North East Lincolnshire in both Independent & State schools "It helped me to bridge the gap between two cultures." Teacher, British International School, Beijing, ChinaThere are increasing numbers of children with little or no English entering English speaking mainstream lessons. This often leaves them with unique frustrations due to limited English language proficiency and disorientation. Teachers often feel unable to cater sufficiently for these new arrivals. Teaching English as an Additional Language Ages 5-11 is designed to support every 5-11 year old child new to the English language who is beginning their education in an English speaking mainstream curriculum. It provides teachers with the tools needed to support young learners’ survival language needs and help them achieve a smooth transition into their new learning environment. Packed full of advice, guidance, resources and support for teachers managing beginners to the English language in the mainstream English speaking school, it also includes: 68 flexible sessions for children to learn survival language - sessions are based on assessment for learning and can be adapted easily into weekly lesson plans; A DVD to support each session containing visuals of commonly used vocabulary; Audio examples of English language word pronunciation and sentence structures; Fully downloadable worksheets and lesson plans. The text offers expert guidance on: Strategies to help EAL new arrivals embrace their new cultural experience; Assessing the EAL new arrivals in their English language skills; Teaching EAL new arrivals to use a second language writing system; Delivering survival language intervention sessions; Developing effective language learning strategies; Managing EAL new arrivals in the mainstream classroom; Resources that you use to support EAL new arrivals; Evaluating EAL provision for new arrivals and setting targets for whole school improvement. This flexible and user-friendly resource can be used with the English National Curriculum, International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (PYP), the International Primary Curriculum (IPC), and other English speaking curricula. It will be a must-have for all schools looking to support newly arrived children with speaking English as an additional language.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Values Education Resource File
Taylor & Francis Ltd Crime
Crime films have, since the earliest days of cinema, been popular with audiences, industry and critics alike and encompassed a diverse range of subjects, styles and themes. The genre provides a range of pleasures for the spectator, from taking on the role of the detective in the pursuit of clues in the ‘whodunit’, to the more illicit thrills of identification with an anti hero. In the many incarnations of the crime film such as the gangster, film noir, political and detective thrillers, the genre explores the anxieties of different historical moments.Sarah Casey Benyahia provides an overview of the development of the crime film and examines the key theories and ideas involved in the study of the genre. These include; the investigative structure and narration of the crime film, the aesthetics of violence and issues of representation and ideology. These areas are explored through contemporary and classic, Hollywood and European cinema with case studies on the history of the genre, the role of the detective, the 'family crime' film and the conspiracy thriller.Crime provides a broad framework to the study of the genre through the introduction of narrative, genre and audience theories as well as detailed analysis of specific films. Films discussed include: Scarface (1932) Mildred Pierce (1945) Dirty Harry (1971) The Parallax View (1974) Reservoir Dogs (1992) Mystic River (2002) Hidden (2005) Gone Baby Gone (2007) Zodiac (2007) The Millennium Trilogy (2009) The Secret in Their Eyes (2010)
Taylor & Francis Ltd Essential Maths for Engineering and Construction: How to Avoid Mistakes
Don’t let your mathematical skills fail you! In Engineering, Construction, and Science examinations, marks are often lost through carelessness or from not properly understanding the mathematics involved. When there are only a few marks on offer for a part of a question, there may be full marks for a right answer and none for a wrong one, regardless of the thought that went into the answer. If you want to avoid losing these marks by improving the clarity both of your mathematical work and your mathematical understanding, then Essential Maths for Engineering and Construction is the book for you.We all make mistakes; who doesn’t? But mistakes can be avoided when we understand why we make them. Taking mistakes commonly made by undergraduate students as its entry point, this book not only looks at how you can prevent mistakes, but also provides a primer for the fundamental mathematical skills required for your degree discipline.Whether you struggle with different types of interest rates, geometry, statistics, calculus, or any of the other mathematical areas vital to your degree, this book will guide you around the pitfalls.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Philosophy and Gender
How are philosophy' and gender' implicated? Throughout history, philosophersmostly men, though with more women among their number than is sometimes supposedhave often sought to specify and justify the proper roles of women and men, and to explore the political consequences of sexual difference. The last forty years, however, have seen a dramatic explosion of critical thinking about how philosophy is a gendered discipline; there has also been an abundance of philosophical work that uses gender as a central analytic category. In particular, feminist philosophy has become established as a major field of inquiry, and it is now complemented by related emerging areas, including the philosophy of race and the philosophy of sex and love.For those working in Philosophy and Gender dizzying questions such as the following arise: What justifications were used historically for the exclusion or inclusion of women in political life, and what is their contemporary resona
Taylor & Francis Ltd Illegal Markets and the Economics of Organized Crime
This book showcases recent advances in the theoretical and empirical understanding of the economic aspects of organised crime and illegal markets. It provides new insights into defining and quantifying the influence of organised crime by drawing on innovative approaches to studying criminal networks and organisations such as the Hells Angels. The book includes analysis of the structure of illegal drug markets from international leaders in the field. Finally the text includes empirical case studies of the diverse markets where organised crime is currently active including the illegal market for crystal methamphetamine in Australia, tiger products in China and the falcon and fur trades in Russia. This book was based on a special issue of Global Crime.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Safety and Reliability of Bridge Structures
Recent surveys of the U.S. infrastructure’s condition have rated a staggering number of bridges structurally deficient or functionally obsolete. While not necessarily unsafe, a structurally deficient bridge must be posted for weight and have limits for speed, due to its deteriorated structural components. Bridges with old design features that cannot safely accommodate current traffic volumes, and vehicle sizes and weights are classified as functionally obsolete. Such deficiencies may adversely affect the performance of transportation systems in emergency situations or for disaster response. This narrative has become part of the public debate sparked by the collapse of the I-35W Bridge over the Mississippi River in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, on August 1, 2007. Ever since, numerous technical and news articles have been written to answer the persistent question, why did the bridge collapse?Exhaustive examination of the details of a specific bridge failure, typically, reveals the reasons for the collapse and lessons are drawn from the experience. Each bridge failure, since the Tacoma Narrows Bride disaster in 1940, has served as a wakeup call for the bridge engineering community, initiating radical changes in the design and construction standards. However, a paradigm shift is necessary in the inspection and monitoring practices of the bridge engineering community to provide preventive maintenance and restore the public’s confidence in the safety of bridges.Concerns about bridge safety and reliability go beyond geographical boundaries and are shared by bridge engineers from different countries. This book contains a number of selected papers that were presented at the Fifth New York City Bridge Conference, held on August 17-18, 2009. These papers cover a wide range of topics in the design, construction, maintenance, monitoring and rehabilitation of bridge structures.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Constitutive Models for Rubber VI
Recent developments in order to represent the material behaviour of filler-reinforced elastomers under realistic operating conditions are collected in this volume. Special topics are finite element simulations and methods, dynamic material properties, experimental characterization, lifetime prediction, friction, multiphysics and biomechanics, reinforcement, ageing, fracture and fatigue as well as micro- and macromechanical approaches. Constitutive Models for Rubber VI is of interest to research and development engineers in the industry, and to postgraduates and researchers in all disciplines of engineering and materials science.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Economic Justice, Labor and Community Practice
Facing economic upheaval and growing inequality, people in local communities are fighting for economic justice. Coalitions from labor, grassroots community organizations, the faith community, immigrant communities and other progressive forces are emerging across the U.S. and Canada and winning better jobs, benefits from local development and better working conditions. A multi-disciplinary group of scholars and activists provide background and analysis of these struggles and offer insights into successful community practice.From the vantage points of community organizing, labor studies, political science, urban studies, social policy and active practitioners, this volume presents both background on the problem of economic and social inequality and portrays cases of how community practice is being redefined, how unions are pursuing their goals via labor-community coalitions, and the issues confronted as these new and vital alliances form. Community practitioners from social work, urban planning, active union members and leaders, labor educators, and those in the partnerships they have formed all will find useful insights from these analyses.This book was published as a special issue of the Journal of Community Practice.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Dramatherapy and Destructiveness: Creating the Evidence Base, Playing with Thanatos
Dramatherapy uses the healing aspects of drama and theatre as part of the therapeutic process and is increasingly required to supply evidence of its effectiveness. This book aims to provide an evidence base for practice with destructive clients, and raise the profile of dramatherapy as a distinct therapeutic intervention in this field.Dramatherapy and Destructiveness discusses working with those suffering from conduct disorders, mood disorders, schizophrenia and personality disorders. Divided into three parts, topics of discussion include: theory and research underpinning the understanding of working with destructiveness in-depth case studies of dramatherapy with a wide range of clients analysis and evaluation of the evidence base for dramatherapy with these clients guidelines for best practice Dramatherapy and Destructiveness covers a wide range of client groups, settings, methods and therapeutic approaches. As well as being an invaluable resource for dramatherapists, this book will be of interest to other therapists, health professionals, social workers, teachers and artists.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The International Politics of Mass Atrocities: The Case of Darfur
The ongoing crisis in Darfur, Sudan has stimulated a huge amount of political and academic interest across the world. The crisis has been both reflective and constitutive of key areas of contestation and change within contemporary international society. This book examines the crisis in Darfur as a case study of some of the wider debates currently taking place within International Relations theory. Using the conceptual framework developed by English School theorists, specifically their concept of international society and the related idea of "good international citizenship", this book examines a wide range of issues: foreign policy analysis, theories of norm diffusion, international organizations, peace operations, international criminal justice and war law, the causes and nature of contemporary warfare, and the international relations of Africa.Making an important contribution to the debate about the meaning and limits of international society, this book will be of interest to students and scholars international relations theory, international security, foreign policy, international organizations, human rights, African politics, genocide studies and international law.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Shamans and Analysts: New Insights on the Wounded Healer
Shamans and Analysts provides a model by which to understand the wounded healer phenomenon. It provides evidence as to how this dynamic arises and gives a theoretical model by which to understand it, as well as practical implications for the way analysts' wounds can be transformed and used in their clinical work.By examining shamanism through the lens of contemporary approaches to archetype theory, this book breaks new ground through specifying the developmental foreground to the shaman archetype, which not only underpins the wounded healer but constitutes those regarded as ‘true Jungians’.Further areas of discussion include: Siberian shamanism contemporary archetype theory countertransference phenomena in psychotherapy socio-cultural applications of psychoanalytic theory. These original and thought-provoking ideas offer a revolutionary way to understand wounded healers, how they operate and how they should be trained, ultimately challenging traditional analyst / analysand stereotypes. As such this book will be of great interest to all Jungians, both in training and practice, as well as psychoanalysts, psychotherapists and counsellors with an interest in the concept of the wounded healer.
Taylor & Francis Ltd RPRS 14.2
First published in 2009. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Children, Spirituality, Loss and Recovery
The book demonstrates the hopeful stance the young take in response to ordinary suffering and significant trauma when adults talk with them about their losses. Its underlying themes convey the truth that loss and recovery are normal in the process of growing to maturity. It examines the strength of the child’s capacity for resilience through partnerships with adults who allow children to focus on the loss and tell the story of its meaning to someone who really hears it. The authors agree that adults need to perceive their own losses so that their attentiveness to the young is informed by wisdom that comes through self-understanding, but also agree that many adults do not offer that help to children because they believe it will make matters worse.The book reveals this fear as a false notion by dealing with childhood traumas such as acquired disability, warfare, HIV/AIDS, death of one’s parents and cultural dislocation. The authors are experienced practitioners who provide practical and theoretical insight into the dynamics of loss and recovery. The book offers hope for those who live and work with children and youth through its studied approach to addressing loss by describing young people’s potential to work towards wholeness even in the face of fundamental losses to their security.This book was published as a special issue of the International Journal of Children's Spirituality.
Taylor & Francis Ltd New Methods in Social Justice Research for the Twenty-First Century
This book provides a source of innovative theories and data for researchers grappling with social justice methodology and research methods in an environment constrained by funding agendas.This book foregrounds and promotes creativity and imagination within a critical frame of reference to challenge the status quo. It invites people into creative spaces for thinking about and researching ‘the social’. With/in these spaces both the processes of social justice research (methodology) and the presentation of the research (re-presentation) are seen as being intertwined.This book explores methodologies which include, but are not limited to: writing as inquiry; performance ethnography; emotional geographies; arts-based inquiry; autoethnography; evocative inquiry; reader’s theatre. This may include poetry, monologues, art, music, dance, and other creative mediums. Many of these methods are not new per se. What is new is the blurring of traditional research boundaries, for example between the social sciences and the arts, and the initial movement of these methods from the margins to the mainstream in the search for more successful ways to effect social justice outcomes.This book was published as a special issue of the International Journal of Social Research Methodology.