Search results for ""taylor francis ltd""
Taylor & Francis Ltd Shell Structures: Theory and Applications (Vol. 2): Proceedings of the 9th SSTA Conference, Jurata, Poland, 14-16 October 2009
Shell Structures. Theory and Applications, Volume 2 contains 77 contributions from over 17 countries, reflecting a wide spectrum of scientific and engineering problems of shell structures. The papers are divided into six broad groups: 1. General lectures; 2. Theoretical modeling; 3. Stability; 4. Dynamics; 5. Numerical analysis; 6. Engineering design, and will be of interest to academics, researchers, designers and engineers dealing with theoretical modelling, computerized analyses and engineering design of thin-walled structures and shell structural elements.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Literacy Policies and Practices in Conflict: Reclaiming Classrooms in Networked Times
Current U.S. school reform efforts link school success, student achievement, and teacher performance to standardized tests and narrowly prescribed curricula. How do test-driven, mandated curricula in urban school systems overtly and subtly impact teachers’ efforts to provide technologically advanced, challenging classroom environments that foster literacy development for all students? How do these federal policies affect instruction at the classroom level?The premise of this book is that, in order for teachers to confront and/or counteract the pressures placed on them from these policies, it is necessary to first understand them. This book takes a close look at the tensions that exist between federal mandates and contemporary literacy needs and how those tensions impact classroom practices. Providing a clear sociopolitical overview and analysis, it combines theoretical explanations with examples from current ethnographic research. Readers are challenged to (re)consider whether meeting test performance benchmarks should be the hallmark of school success when the goal of test performance supersedes the goal of producing highly literate, productive citizens of the future.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Being and Nothingness: An Essay in Phenomenological Ontology
First published in French in 1943, Jean-Paul Sartre’s L’Être et le Néant is one of the greatest philosophical works of the twentieth century. In it, Sartre offers nothing less than a brilliant and radical account of the human condition. The English philosopher and novelist Iris Murdoch wrote to a friend of "the excitement – I remember nothing like it since the days of discovering Keats and Shelley and Coleridge". This new translation, the first for over sixty years, makes this classic work of philosophy available to a new generation of readers.What gives our lives significance, Sartre argues in Being and Nothingness, is not pre-established for us by God or nature but is something for which we ourselves are responsible. At the heart of this view are Sartre’s radical conceptions of consciousness and freedom. Far from being an internal, passive container for our thoughts and experiences, human consciousness is constantly projecting itself into the outside world and imbuing it with meaning. Combining this with the unsettling view that human existence is characterized by radical freedom and the inescapability of choice, Sartre introduces us to a cast of ideas and characters that are part of philosophical legend: anguish; the "bad faith" of the memorable waiter in the café; sexual desire; and the "look" of the Other, brought to life by Sartre’s famous description of someone looking through a keyhole. Above all, by arguing that we alone create our values and that human relationships are characterized by hopeless conflict, Sartre paints a stark and controversial picture of our moral universe and one that resonates strongly today.This new translation includes a helpful Translator’s Introduction, a comprehensive Index and a Foreword by Richard Moran, Brian D. Young Professor of Philosophy, Harvard University, USA.Translated by Sarah Richmond, University College London, UK.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Media and the Environment
Most of what we understand about the environment', we know through the media, broadly defined, and related communication processes. Indeed, such processes have played a vital role in defining the environment' as a crucial concept, and in bringing environmental issues and problems to public and political attention. Thus, at least since the emergence and rise of the modern environmental movement in the 1960s, the mass media have been a central public arena for publicizing environmental issues and for contesting claims, arguments, and opinions about our use and abuse of the environment. (Moreover, the learned editor of this new Routledge collection avers, this applies not only to our beliefs and knowledge about those aspects of the environment which are regarded as problems or issues for public and political concern, but extends much deeper to the very ways in which weas individuals, cultures, and societiesview, perceive, value, and relate to our environment and nature generally.)<
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Design of Lighting
This fully updated edition of the successful book The Design of Lighting, provides the lighting knowledge needed by the architect in practice, the interior designer and students of both disciplines. The new edition offers a clear structure, carefully selected material and linking of lighting with other subjects, in order to provide the reader with a comprehensive and specifically architectural approach to lighting. Features of this new edition include: technical knowledge of lighting in the context of architectural design; an emphasis on imagination in architectural light and presentation of the tools necessary in practice for creative design; additional chapters on the behaviour of light and on the context of design; a strong emphasis on sustainable design and energy saving, with data and examples; analyses of actual lighting schemes and references to current standards and design guides; an up-to-date review of lamp and lighting technology, with recommendations on the choice of equipment; a revision of the calculation section, with examples and step-by-step instructions, based on recent student feedback about the book.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Event Management
Edited by a leading scholar in the field, this new title from Routledge's Critical Perspectives on Business and Management series is a four-volume collection of canonical and cutting-edge research in Event Management.The origins of the serious study of Event Management are comparatively recent, but the subject has evolved rapidly, often drawing on scholarship, research, and practice from a number of other disciplines and cognate areasprimarily, Sports Studies, Leisure Studies, and Hospitality Studies, but also Business Studies, Organization Studies, Management Studies, Political Science, and Sociology. Event Management is now a vibrant and dynamic field of study and research, and the sheer scale of the growth in its output makes this collection especially timely. A wide range of social-science journals have published Event Management-related material and this collection makes readily available foundational pieces of scholarshipas well as cutting-edge researchfrom these dispar
Taylor & Francis Ltd TTPR 43.3
First published in 2011. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The New Extremism in 21st Century Britain
Since the 1990s, there has been a growing concern about the resurgence of extremist and radical movements in the Western world. Although a variety of challenges to the liberal democratic order have emerged, the main focus of concern among academics, policy-makers and practitioners within Europe and beyond has been on the growth and activities of Islamists and to a lesser extent the extreme right. However, these forms of extremism are seldom placed alongside each other, and in a manner that is sensitive to both the causes and consequences of extremist mobilization. This book presents new empirical research on the causes of these two ‘new’ extremisms in 21st Century Britain and the appropriate responses to it by both the state and civil society. Both forms of extremism pose vital questions for those concerned with the development of a more cohesive and stable society. Unlike many studies, this volume adopts a holistic approach, bringing together experts from a variety of disciplines to examine the factors that cause support and the potential policy responses, including key questions such as: What is the current level of support for Islamism and right-wing extremism? Who votes for extreme right parties such as the BNP in modern Britain and, despite its recent gains, why has the extreme right achieved only limited success? What are the steps of recruitment into radical violent takfiri jihadism? How effective are current responses to Islamism and the extreme right, such as those offered by Preventing Violent Extremism (PVE), wider public policy and policing? What is the potential role of political actors, media and civil society in responding to the extremist challenge? Challenging broad assumptions and bringing together leading scholars in this rapidly developing field, this work is essential reading for all those with an interest in terrorism, fascism, political extremism, social cohesion and the future of race relations.
Taylor & Francis Ltd RPRS 13:2
First published in 2008. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Spontaneity: A Psychoanalytic Inquiry
Psychoanalytic theory frequently explains psychopathology from the perspective of either inadequate early care or as the result of environmental factors. In this book the author suggests that poor mental health can be a result of our incapacity to respond to internal and external stimuli, and indicates that spontaneity is essential in the development of many aspects of the self.It is not what happens to us, but how we react to events, that forms who we are. Spontaneity presents an original approach to issues of agency, spontaneity and creativity in psychoanalysis by exploring questions including: active internalisation paradox forgiveness responsibility empathy self de-creation. This book will be essential reading for psychoanalysts, psychotherapists, philosophers and psychologists. It will also prove to be engaging for those interested in psychoanalytic theory and theories of subjectivity.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Parents and Toddlers in Groups: A Psychoanalytic Developmental Approach
This book explores how psychoanalytic principles can be applied when working with parents and toddlers in groups. Illustrated with lively observations, it discusses how these parent-toddler groups can be an effective medium for early intervention during a period which is critical for the negotiation of a child’s central emotional issues. Parents and Toddlers in Groups demonstrates the particular challenges of the toddler phase and its contribution to an individual’s future development and relationships. Focusing on an approach developed by the Anna Freud Centre and comprising chapters from a range of expert contributors, topics include: the history, theory and practice of parent-toddler groups at the Anna Freud Centre how this approach has been adapted and applied across a wide range of settings and cultures the findings of research projects carried out on parent-toddler groups. This book will be a valuable resource for practitioners wanting to reach parents and young children in community, educational and a variety of other settings. It will also appeal to child psychotherapists and psychologists working in CAMHS teams.
Taylor & Francis Ltd International Influence Beyond Conditionality: Postcommunist Europe after EU enlargement
The European Union’s (EU) membership conditionality has been perceived as a highly effective means of influence on non-member states in the run-up to the 2004 and 2007 enlargements. According to the incentive-based explanation that dominates the literature, conditionality has been particularly effective when the EU offered a credible membership incentive and when governments did not consider the domestic costs of compliance threatening to their hold on power.This volume challenges much of the existing work on EU enlargement and postcommunist transition, however, by testing the conditionality thesis in the post-accession setting. Whereas a conditionality hypothesis would predict deteriorating compliance among the newest member states, several contributions here actually find the opposite. Enduring compliance among postcommunist states with the acquis, as well as with less formally institutionalized EU preferences for economic liberalization and minority protection, calls into question the role that conditionality plays in eliciting conformity. Simultaneously, support for the conditionality hypothesis in areas such as political party development and EU relations with Turkey and the western Balkans suggests conditionality’s effects vary across countries and issues. As the first study to systematically examine the relationship between international institutions and postcommunist states after enlargement, this volume provides new insights into how external actors exercise their power in domestic politics.This book was published as a special issue of the Journal of European Public Policy.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Melanie Klein in Berlin: Her First Psychoanalyses of Children
In this book Claudia Frank discusses how Melanie Klein began to develop her psychoanalysis of children. Melanie Klein in Berlin: Her First Psychoanalyses of Children offers a detailed comparative analysis of both published and unpublished material from the Melanie Klein Archives.By using previously unpublished studies, Frank demonstrates how Klein enriched the concept of negative transference and laid the basis for the innovations on both technique and theory that eventually led not only to changes in child analysis, but also to changes in the analysis of adults. Frank also uncovers the influence that this had on Klein's later theories of the paranoid-schizoid and depressive positions, and on her understanding of psychotic anxieties.The first seven chapters in the book provide an explanation of the essence of Klein's approach to child psychoanalysis covering topics including: the inevitability and usefulness of negative transference development of play early conscious and unconscious phantasies. Part two provides a translation of Klein's unpublished notes on the treatments of four of the children she analysed in Berlin: 7-year-old Grete, 2-year-old Rita, 7-year-old Inge and 6-year-old Erna.Melanie Klein in Berlin is the first text to make extensive use of Klein's unpublished papers, clinical notes, diaries and manuscripts. It will appeal to anyone involved in child psychoanalysis and the development of Melanie Klein's thinking.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Bearing Light: Flame Relays and the Struggle for the Olympic Movement
The Flame Relay and the Olympic Movement is the first book-length scholarly study in English of the contemporary Olympic flame relay. Reporting for the first time on years of intensive ethnographic research and organizational intervention, MacAloon literally follows the Olympic flame through twenty years of intercultural encounter, conflict, and negotiation. Focusing on the frequently harmonious, sometimes perilous encounters among Greek flame relay officials, cultural agents, and discourses, foreign Olympic Games organizing committees, and such transnational actors as the IOC and its corporate sponsors since 1984, a context is created for understanding the significance for the Olympic movement and for globalization studies of the 2004 Athens flame relay, the first to travel the entire world. Through intensive interviews and co-participations with leading Greek and American actors and the contributions of young Greek researchers who worked backstage on the relay, Bearing Light demonstrates how culturally parochial the managerial regime of "world’s best practices" often turns out to be and yet how inescapable it has become for those who wish to communicate across cultural and political boundaries. This dilemma, the contributors argue, constitutes the practical form in which the struggle to preserve a sense of "Olympism" and "the Olympic Movement" against the demands and prerogatives of today’s Olympic sports industry is being chiefly fought out.This book was previously published as a special issue of Sport in Society
Taylor & Francis Ltd Blair's Educational Legacy?
The United Kingdom General Election on 1st May 1997 gave a landslide victory to a re-vitalised Labour Party. Tony Blair became Prime Minister with a huge Commons majority of 179 over all other parties. Such a majority meant that extensive changes of policy could be implemented with little effective opposition. During the election campaign Tony Blair had repeatedly claimed that the top three priorities of a New Labour government would be 'education, education, education' , and on page two of the Labour Party's election manifesto a smiling Blair is seen with Nelson Mandela - the unacknowledged originator of the oratorical education triplet. Following a third Election victory in 2005 and after over ten years as Prime Minister, Blair finally stepped down to Gordon Brown in mid-2007, but only after a promotional ‘final tour’ that lasted several months. Towards the end, Blair devoted considerable efforts to try to ensure that his legacy would be positive and that he would be remembered for more than his role in the Iraq war. But what is his legacy in the field of education? This book brings together the assessments of key educational researchers who have been centrally involved with both the critique and implementation of various policy developments. It is now time to make a solid academic evaluation of his influence on education. This book is timely, and relates directly to the central policy themes of the last decade. It considers the relationships between theory and practice and examines the nature of policy and politics. Each contribution will review empirical data and policy changes relating to Blair’s period as Prime Minister and will make an assessment of the enduring effects of changes in policy. Each will assess the long-term and lasting effects as well as the shorter-term responses. This book was published as a special issue of the Oxford Review of Education.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Holocene Palaeoenvironmental History of the Central Sahara: Palaeoecology of Africa Vol. 29, An International Yearbook of Landscape Evolution and Palaeoenvironments
The environmental setting within the Central Sahara was subject to considerable changes during Late Quaternary, mainly driven by major global climate variations, although human impact increased constantly since Early Holocene.Such global events can be reconstructed with the help of reliefs, sediments and palaeosoils and their specific morphological, chemical and mineralogical properties. The project’s focus is to ascertain new and established data on climate variations and associated palaeoenvironmental changes within the Central Sahara and to systematically collate and correlate them to results obtained from the Afro-Asian dry land belt and adjacent areas. The joint analysis of Late Quaternary landscape development and present environmental conditions in the Central Sahara will result in the modelling of Late Pleistocene and Holocene palaeoenvironments, emphasising various aspects. This book will be of interest to all concerned with environmental changes in desert ecosystems in the past and at present and related development problems of Saharan countries, especially Ecologists, Botanists, Earth scientists and Climatologists. It will be valuable for advanced undergraduates and postgraduates as a reference for review and overview articles as well as a source of information for new original manuscripts on the topic of Late Pleistocene and Holocene landscape evolution in the lower latitudes of Africa. Palaeobotanists, Palynologists, Geomorphologists and Quaternarists will equally find this edition useful for their work.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Shovel-Truck Systems: Modelling, Analysis and Calculations
This book provides a comprehensive analysis of the exploitation process of shovel-truck systems using modelling, analysis and calculations following specific procedures:- analyzing the reliability and accessibility of shovels- discussing the functioning of a truck-repair shop system- reliability of trucks- existence of haulers reserve- repair shop service capability- possibility of occurrence of a queue of failed trucks- selection of structural truck system parameters- reliability of repair stands- constructing a set of unconditional efficiency measures for the system- outlining of system productivity measuresThe book also aimed to provide a penetrative analysis of 6 stochastic mechanisms, namely the:(1) Influence of reliability and accessibility of power shovels on system efficiency and decisions making(2) Influence of reliability of hauling machines on the number of repair stands and trucks needed(3) Influence of truck accessibility on the number of haulers and repair stands needed(4) Influence of reliability of repair stands on the number of failed trucks in a queue waiting for repair, on the number of trucks in work state and the number of repair stands needed(5) Influence of all these properties on the number of trucks at power shovels, system efficiency and productivity(6) Influence of implementation of type of priority in truck dispatching on system performance parameters.The book will be of interest to all mining engineers and civil engineers involved in use and development of shovel-truck systems, technology and planning. Moreover, it can be used as textbook for advanced courses in mine mechanization.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Primary Religious Education - A New Approach: Conceptual Enquiry in Primary RE
The role of Religious Education within the primary school and how it should be implemented has been the subject of worldwide debate. Responding to the delivery of the non-statutory framework for RE and the recent emphasis on a creative primary curriculum Primary Religious Education - A New Approach models a much needed pedagogical framework, encouraging conceptual enquiry and linking theory to its implementation within the wider curriculum in schools.The book outlines this new conceptual approach to Religious Education and is based upon the Living Difference syllabus successfully implemented in Hampshire, Portsmouth, Southampton and Westminster. It demonstrates how to implement the requirements of the new QCDA curriculum and Ofsted criteria for effective RE and is rapidly gaining both national and international support. Through this approach, Religious Education is discussed within the larger context of primary education in the contemporary world. This book will help you to teach RE in a creative way in the primary classroom by providing: historical commentaries an overview of existing approaches case studies based upon developments in religious literacy connections to initiatives such as Every Child Matters and cross-curricular links to other areas of the curriculum, including PSHE. With an all-encompassing global context, this book provides tutors, students and practicing teachers with a firm basis for developing their thinking about the subject of RE, how it is placed in the primary curriculum and how it may be successfully implemented in schools.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Clinical Linguistics
Clinical Linguistics involves the application of linguistic theories and procedures to the study, characterization, and treatment of communicative disorders. Although linguists have long applied their science to a variety of language problems, Clinical Linguistics did not emerge as an autonomous discipline until the publication of Crystal's influential Clinical Linguistics in 1981. Despite its youth, this specialist area has quickly evolved into a highly productive field of inquiry. From its inception, Clinical Linguistics has had a strong international presence. The field is interdisciplinary, with relevance to theoretical and applied linguistics, speech and language therapy, psychology, and education.The Clinical Linguistics literature has been especially eclectic, appearing in diverse scientific and professional publications. Many of these sources have limited circulation, a fact that challenges individuals and research libraries to maintain a comprehensive collec
Taylor & Francis Ltd Edward Said
Edward Said is perhaps best known as the author of the landmark study Orientalism, a book which changed the face of critical theory and shaped the emerging field of post-colonial studies, and for his controversial journalism on the Palestinian political situation.Looking at the context and the impact of Said's scholarship and journalism, this book examines Said's key ideas, including: the significance of 'worldliness', 'amateurism', 'secular criticism', 'affiliation' and 'contrapuntal reading' the place of text and critic in 'the world' knowledge, power and the construction of the 'Other' links between culture and imperialism exile, identity and the plight of Palestine a new chapter looking at Said's later work and style This popular guide has been fully updated and revised in a new edition, suitable for readers approaching Said's work for the first time as well as those already familiar with the work of this important theorist. The result is the ideal guide to one of the twentieth century's most engaging critical thinkers.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Education and Training in Geo-Engineering Sciences: Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Engineering Geology, Rock Mechanics
In recent years the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE), the International Association for Engineering Geology and Environment (IAEG), and the International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM) have concluded a Cooperation Agreement, leading to the foundation of the Federation of International Geo-engineering Societies (FIGS). One major aim of the FIGS is to coordinate scientific and technical activities in areas with overlapping interests between the Members. Since education and training is, obviously, such an area, the 1st International Conference on Education and Training in Geo-Engineering Sciences: Soil Mechanics, Geotechnical Engineering, Engineering Geology and Rock Mechanics (Constantza, Romania, 2 - 4 June 2008) can be rightfully considered as an event supporting FIGS in carrying out its functions for the international geo-engineering community.This book presents papers from the conference in Constantza, and covers a broad range of topics, such as: - Curricular matters in geo-engineering education, teaching; - Learning and assessment in geo-engineering education; - Challenges in geotechnical engineering education;- Issues in education and training in Engineering Geology, and - The link university -professional world in geo-engineering. A significant number of contributions was prepared by distinguished representatives of the three Sister Societies, while the volume also includes a number of reports on education and training in geo-engineering sciences in 23 countries. This book will be invaluable to university teachers, academics and professionals, involved in education and training in geo-engineering sciences.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Educational Administration and History: The state of the field
In the past 40 years there have been a number of significant developments across the fields of educational administration and history. In this volume, the authors have selected a number of key issues to illustrate and trace these changes. The seven articles by leading scholars in the field offer an analysis of contemporary educational administration, history and policy debates and how this has impacted on teachers, leaders, schools and the education sector. This book offers readers a valuable insight into continuing and contemporary debates in the field and the authors offer a refreshing interpretation of these debates. This book provides a rich analysis from a range of theoretical, methodological perspectives and highlights the extent to which these debates remain a contemporary concern.This book was published as a special issue of the Journal of Educational Administration and History.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Rise of China: Beijing’s Strategies and Implications for the Asia-Pacific
Despite the growing internal social unrest and disparity of economic development, the People’s Republic of China is the third largest world economy and the second largest defense spender. Showing no clear signs of slowing down, China’s rise is seen as both an opportunity and a challenge by the major world powers. This book examines every aspect of Beijing's strategies, ranging from political, economic and social challenges, to the Taiwan and Hong Kong issues, to the implications of these strategies in terms of China's place within the Asia Pacific, and indeed within the world system.Written by a stellar line-up of international contributors the book will appeal to students and scholars of Chinese politics, foreign policy, political economy and social policy, and China-watchers alike.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Ambiguities of Empire: Essays in Honour of Andrew Porter
This book comprises essays offered by friends, colleagues, and former students in tribute to Andrew Porter, on the occasion of his retirement from the Rhodes Chair in Imperial History at the University of London. The contributors, including many distinguished historians, explore through a variety of case studies ‘ambiguities of empire’ and of imperial and quasi-imperial relationships, reflecting important themes in Professor Porter’s own writing.Whilst the range of articles reflects the breadth of Andrew Porter’s scholarly collaborations and interests, the chapters focus in particular on two aspects of imperial history which have been the subject of his particular attention: religion and empire and the end of empire. The book contains original pieces on the history of British imperialism currently the subject of considerable scholarly attention. The book will be invaluable to students and scholars of empire, religion and colonialism.This book was published as a special issue of the Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Gifted and Talented Education
The education of gifted and talented pupils is an established domain of study but research in the area has increased dramatically, particularly in the past fifteen years. The reason for this burgeoning interest relates principally not to conventional educational concerns but rather to the desire of governments around the world to maximize intellectual capital better to compete in a globalized economy. Nurturing those with exceptional ability is now seen as a societal necessity rather than simply an educational objective. A secondary aspect of this societal interest relates to equity; gifted and talented programmes are at the forefront of national and international educational policy and they are increasingly being adopted in the pursuit of meritocracy as a mechanism to improve life chances and to stimulate social mobility.As serious thinking about and around the education of the gifted and talented continues to flourish, this new title in the Routledge series, Major Themes in
Taylor & Francis Ltd After the Third World?
The emergence of the 'Third World' is generally traced to onset of the Cold War and decolonization in the 1940s and 1950s. In the 1960s and 1970s the "three worlds of development" were central to the wider dynamics of the changing international order. By the 1980s, Third Worldism had peaked entering a period of dramatic decline that paralleled the end of the Cold War. Into the 21st century, the idea of a Third World and even the pursuit of some form of Third Worldism has continued to be advocated and debated. For some it has passed into history, and may never have had as much substance as it was credited with, while others seek to retain or recuperate the Third World and give Third Worldism contemporary relevance. Beginning with a comprehensive introduction this edited volume brings together a wide range of important contributions. Collectively they offer a powerful overview from a variety of angles of the history and contemporary significance of Third Worldism in international affairs. The question remains; did the Third World exist, what was it, does it still have intellectual and political purchase or do we live in a global era that can be described as After the Third World? This book was previously published as a special issue of Third world Quarterly.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Eliminating Poverty Through Development in China
In recent years China has achieved impressive economic growth, and also made remarkable progress in human development. However, contemporary China is still faced with the great challenge of widespread poverty. This not only constitutes a barrier against China’s pursuit of sustainable economic growth, but also poses a potential threat to China’s attempts to construct a harmonious society in the future. This book, written by three renowned poverty-reduction experts under the aegis of the China Development Research Foundation - one of China’s leading think-tanks - and drawing on the research of over twenty of China’s top scholars in this field, examines China’s efforts to eliminate poverty through development. It analyses all of the key issues, providing a review of China’s past record in poverty alleviation, comparing this with the experiences of other countries, identifying the new characteristics and trends in poverty in recent years, and discussing the factors responsible. It assesses the objectives and success of the poverty alleviation policies adopted by the Chinese government in a comprehensive way, and puts forward suggestions for policy makers. Overall, this book is a valuable account of China’s own thinking on its problems of poverty, and the best ways to tackle it and achieve sustainable economic development.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Fashion
Over the last forty years or so academic interest in fashion has burgeoned, and, since the 1970s at least, attempts to define, analyse, and critically explain fashion phenomena have become vital areas of research and study in almost all disciplines within the humanities and social sciences.As serious academic work on and around the theory and practice of fashion continues to flourish as never before, this new title in the Routledge Major Works series, Critical Concepts in Media and Cultural Studies, meets the need for an authoritative reference work to make sense of a rapidly growing and ever more complex corpus of literature, and to provide a map of the area as it has emerged and developed. It is a landmark collection of foundational and the best cutting-edge scholarship in the field and is organized in four volumes.What is meant by fashion? Volume I provides a conspectus of some of the most important definitions and philosophies of fashion. The philosophical sources
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Law and Consumer Credit Information in the European Community: The Regulation of Credit Information Systems
Consumer credit information systems are the tools used by the majority of lenders to manage credit risk, with lenders accessing credit reference databases managed by third party providers to evaluate a consumer’s credit application. So far, the subject of consumer credit reporting has been left to the predominant attention of the economic and business management scholarship and little or no consideration has been paid by lawyers. This book aims to rectify this by examining the legal framework and compliance in the European Community (EC) of such consumer information sharing arrangements which have become increasingly integrated in the credit granting practices of the Member States. The book looks at the laws which surround and affect consumer credit reporting, including bank secrecy obligations. Consumer credit reporting and its relationship to human rights is also explored, as every individual is in the EC is entitled to informational privacy. The book asks questions such as to what extent should the privacy of consumers be balanced against the aims and functions of consumer credit reporting, and how do the financial information sharing arrangements comply with the positive law, particularly the European data protection legislation?
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Evolution of Strategic Thought: Classic Adelphi Papers
The Adelphi Papers monograph series is the International Institute for Strategic Studies' principal contribution to policy-relevant, original academic research. Collected on the occasion of the Institute's 50th anniversary, the twelve Adelphi Papers in this volume represent some of the finest examples of writing on strategic issues. They offer insights into the changing security landscape of the past half-century and glimpses of some of the most significant security events and trends of our times, from the Cold War nuclear arms race, through the oil crisis of 1973, to the contemporary challenge of asymmetric war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Taylor & Francis Ltd AS Communication and Culture: The Essential Introduction
AS Communication and Culture: The Essential Introduction is fully revised for the current GCE Communication and Culture Advanced Subsidiary specification with full colour throughout, over 120 images, new case studies and examples. The authors introduce students step-by-step to the skills of reading communication texts and understanding the link between communication and culture, as well as taking students through the tasks expected of them to pass the AQA AS Communication and Culture exam. The book is supplemented with a website featuring additional activities and resources, quizzes and tests.Areas covered include: an introduction to communication and culture cultural and communication codes semiotics, communication process and models the individual and contemporary culture cultural contexts and practices how to do the coursework how to do the exam examples from advertising, fashion, music, magazines, body language, film and more. AS Communication and Culture: The Essential Introduction clearly guides students through the course and gives them the tips they need to become proficient in understanding and deconstructing communication texts and everyday culture.
Taylor & Francis Ltd AIDS and Business
The spread of HIV/AIDS affects businesses in all sectors, all industries and all countries. For companies and organizations everywhere, the question is no longer whether to take action on HIV/AIDS but which actions to take. Complete with an impressive collection of complex background and research on HIV/AIDS and a foreword by Dr. Peter Piot, former Executive Director of UNAIDS, this volume collects case studies of managers worldwide faced with challenging HIV/AIDS-related management decisions. AIDS and Business will fascinate the general reader seeking an understanding of the HIV/AIDS pandemic and to the advanced reader looking to develop a more sophisticated understanding of the impact of the disease.The case studies in this volume, set in nine countries, detail the issues facing businesses operating in areas where HIV/AIDS prevalence is growing. The topics discussed include understanding the role of social and cultural factors in the spread of HIV, the different organizations and institutions fighting the epidemic, designing an HIV communications campaign, HIV testing, ethical issues, marketing ethics and CSR, condoms marketing, and designing an HIV workplace program. Useful as a resource on HIV/AIDS and business, a set of case studies, or a training tool, this book contains a unique range of tools for learning to understand the epidemic, designed from a grounded and practical business perspective.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Reaching Out: The Psychology of Assertive Outreach
Assertive outreach is a means of helping people with serious and persistent mental health difficulties who have not engaged with conventional mental health services. Reaching Out examines the application of psychological approaches in assertive outreach – a process which involves forming new relationships and offering hope to people who have been alienated from traditional methods.Reaching Out begins with a discussion of topics including: engagement the team approach assessments team case formulation managing stress and burnout for staff. The second half of the book focuses on the task of delivering psychological therapies and considers a range of models including psychodynamic therapy, family therapy, cognitive behaviour therapy and community approaches.Reaching Out: The Psychology of Assertive Outreach demonstrates that the relationship between staff and service users is essential to the process of recovery and personal growth. The approach will apply not only to assertive outreach teams, but also to clinical psychologists, counsellors and other mental health professionals who are interested in psychological approaches to outreach work.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Digital Welfare for the Third Age: Health and social care informatics for older people
This book is about the ways digital technology can contribute to the welfare of older people. The Internet, mobile phones and other technologies have changed how we live and work. Such technologies also shape how services for older people are organised in ways that potentially place carers and older people at the centre of service provision. Telecare can make homes ‘smart’ so that they are more comfortable and less risky for people who can take advantage of devices that help make them independent members of their community. Digital Welfare is part of the broader project in Britain and elsewhere to adopt new information and communications technologies (ICTs) to organise and deliver health and social welfare services. This includes mundane technologies like an alarm to call for help to complex telecare ‘smart homes’ and electronic patient records. The intended and unintended consequences of such new technologies must be explored if we are to benefit from these innovations. Based on recent research this book seeks to highlight and examine the new opportunities and dilemmas that confront older people and all those concerned with their welfare in the network society.This edited collection provides original contributions from leading academics and researchers in the field to access the evidence for improved professional integration and user-centred health and social care services for older people arising from health informatics. Digital Welfare for the Third Age will be of interest to all those working with older people.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Urban Water Cycle Processes and Interactions: Urban Water Series - UNESCO-IHP
Effective management of urban water should be based on a scientific understanding of the impact of human activity on both the urban hydrological cycle – including its processes and interactions – and the environment itself. Such anthropogenic impacts, which vary broadly in time and space, need to be quantified with respect to local climate, urban development, cultural, environmental and religious practices, and other socio-economic factors.Urban Water Cycle Processes and Interactions represents the fruit of a project by UNESCO’s International Hydrological Programme on this topic. The volume begins by introducing the urban water cycle concept and the need for integrated or total management. It then explores in detail the manifold hydrological components of the cycle, the diverse elements of urban infrastructure and water services, and the various effects of urbanization on the environment – from the atmosphere and surface waters to wetlands, soils and groundwater, as well as biodiversity. A concluding series of recommendations for effective urban water management summarize the important findings set forth here.Urban Water Series - UNESCO-IHP VolumesFollowing from the Sixth Phase of UNESCO’s International Hydrological Programme (2002–2007), the Urban Water Series – UNESCO-IHP addresses fundamental issues related to the role of water in cities and the effects of urbanization on the hydrological cycle and water resources. Focusing on the development of integrated approaches to sustainable urban water management, the Series should inform the work of urban water management practitioners, policy-makers and educators throughout the world.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Tibetan Government-in-Exile: Politics at Large
This book provides a detailed account of the structure and political strategies of the Tibetan government-in exile, the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA), in northern India. Since its founding in 1959, it has been led by the 14th Dalai Lama who struggles to regain the Tibetan homeland. Based on a theoretical approach on exile organizations – and extensive empirical studies in Asia – this book discusses CTA’s political strategies to gain national loyalty, and international support, in order to secure its own organizational survival and the ultimate goal: the return to Tibet.The book is organized around the two fundamental questions: firstly, how the CTA fosters its claims to be the sole representative of all Tibetans over the last decades in exile; and, secondly, which policies have been carried out in order to regain the homeland. The book is divided into four substantial chapters: the historical background, providing a review of pre-1959 political Tibet a theoretical section which covers the critical position of exile organizations an examination of the exile Tibetan community and government from the early years an analysis of crucial CTA policies. Innovative and unique, this book combines a political science approach with Tibetan studies to analyse exile-Tibetan politics in particular, and exile governments in general.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Naming Race, Naming Racisms
Eschewing social scientific approaches, which tend to examine race and racism in terms of quasi-static ideal types, this book surveys differing historical contexts from the era of scientific racism in the nineteenth-century to the post-racial racism of the post 9/11 period, and from Europe to the United States, in order to understand how racism has been articulated in differing situations. It is distinguished by the attention it pays to the on-going power of racial discourse in the contemporary period as a legitimating factor in oppression. It exemplifies methodological openness, combining the work of historians, philosophers, religious scholars, and literary critics, and includes differing theoretical models in pursuing a critical approach to race: cultural studies; trauma theory and psychoanalysis; critical theory and consideration of the "new racism"; and postcolonialism and the literature on globalization. It brings together the work of leading academics with younger practitioners and is capped off by an interview with world-renowned intellectual Cornel West on black intellectuals in America.This book was previously published as a special issue of Patterns of Prejudice.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Entertainment Media in Indonesia
Entertainment media now comprise one of the world’s largest industries, yet they remain one of the least studied aspects of contemporary mass media. Every day hundreds of millions of people watch television programs that might broadly be described as ‘entertainment’, notably in the rapidly developing countries of Asia. However we still have little idea of what drives the production of Asian entertainment television, how audiences engage with television or how political and social élites understand the impact of television on the massive audiences. While India and China have attracted recent media attention, Indonesia has remained largely unnoticed. As Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world, is engaged in rapid modernization and the transition to democracy in significant part through the mass media, serious attention is long overdue. The topics covered include: talent shows, crime and supernatural Reality TV, travel programmes, talent quests and popular music This book, with contributions from recognized experts on Indonesian media, is therefore of particular importance not just for explaining what is going on in Indonesian popular television, but also for establishing a theoretical framework for the study of entertainment media in other societies. The collection is essential for anyone wishing to know about entertainment media, Asian television and contemporary approaches to the study of Asian mass and popular media.
Taylor & Francis Ltd WaterRock Interaction Two Volume Set Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on WaterRock Interaction Kunming China 31 July 5 August 2007
The hydrosphere and lithosphere intersect in a zone a few kilometres wide at the earth's surface, resulting in the formation of magmas, metamorphic rocks and mineral deposits, and placing important controls on the evolution of landscapes. This interaction imparts chemistry to waters and provides the essential environment for ecosystems to flourish. It affects the transport and fate of pollutants in groundwater and surface water systems, influences the stability of landscapes and sub-surface structures and provides an important feedback mechanism for controlling carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. New analytical instrumentation and methods have allowed unprecedented characterization of the sources of, and processes affecting, the chemical constituents of water. Novel field and laboratory-based approaches have revealed the atomic level of the mineral-water interface and the critical role that microbes play in many water-rock interactions, including the toxification and det
Taylor & Francis Ltd Marketing Research
The essence of successful and sustainable marketing practice is founded on an understanding of existing and potential consumers. As marketing has grown around this principle, so the subdisciplineand industryof marketing research has flourished. This new four-volume collection in the Routledge Major Works series, Critical Perspectives on Business and Management, meets the need for an authoritative, up-to-date, and comprehensive reference work synthesizing its voluminous literature. Indeed, the sheer scale of the growth in related research outputand the breadth of the fieldmakes this collection especially timely and welcome. Marketing Research provides the most comprehensive collection of classic and contemporary contributions on the subject to date. It facilitates ready access to the most influential and important works across the field, combining theoretical and practical perspectives to encourage a broader appreciation of marketing research and the mutual influences within
Taylor & Francis Ltd Advanced Characterisation of Pavement and Soil Engineering Materials 2 Volume Set
Internationally, much attention is given to mechanistic pavement analysis, design and rehabilitation, their geotechnical aspects and the experimental determination of the necessary material model parameters. This conference on the Advanced Characterisation of Pavement and Soil Engineering (Athens, Greece, 20-22 June 2007) provided a forum for discussion of recent developments and research results. Topics included: - Constitutive Modeling - Experimental Laboratory Material Characterization- Finite Element Simulation- Subgrade Testing, Evaluation and Modeling- Open Graded HMA and Moisture Damage - Field Measurements and In Situ Characterization- Nondestructive Measurement Techniques and Analysis Tools- Accelerated Testing- Hot-Mix Asphalt design- Pavement Management and Design- Measurement and Modeling of Pavement Cracking- Permanent Deformation- Pavement Interface Characteristics - Innovative Pavement Materials and Interface
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Concept of the Public Realm
In its political form, the existence of a public realm is the basis of a shared relationship between rulers and ruled which makes politics more than mere power or domination. How to construct and maintain a public realm in the political sphere is, however, a matter of especial dispute at the present day, due partly to the increasing difficulty of making the distinction between public and private spheres which has been the basis of Western liberal democracy; partly to the tendency of public concerns to be identified with economic interests, which transforms citizens into consumers; partly to pressure for the acknowledgement of diversity of every kind, which creates the danger of fragmenting the public realm; and partly to globalization processes which have undermined the traditional identification of the public realm with national political institutions. Globalization has, in addition, raised the question of whether there can be a supra-national public realm and, more generally, of what form it is likely to assume in non-Western cultures. These are amongst the fundamental contemporary issues addressed by contributors to the present volume.This book was published as a special issue of the Critical Review of International, Social and Political Philosophy.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Design Quality in New Housing: Learning from the Netherlands
This book addresses the need for an in-depth study into design quality in new housing. The wider implications of policy and design are examined through a series of case studies of new housing projects in the UK and the Netherlands. Dutch interdisciplinary design and modern methods of construction are widely considered to be of the highest quality from which much can be learned and understood. This new guide offers architects the best practice for the design, policy and construction of new homes. The author considers proposals for the Thames Gateway and government incentives to create better quality housing, including the £60,000 house and design reviews. The wider implications of skills and training of architects, planners, design professionals and those parties involved in housing are also addressed.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Totalitarianism and Political Religions Volume III: Concepts for the Comparison Of Dictatorships - Theory & History of Interpretations
Available for the first time in English language translation, the third volume of Totalitarianism and Political Religions completes the set. It provides a comprehensive overview of key theories and theorists of totalitarianism and of political religions, from Hannah Arendt and Raymond Aron to Leo Strauss and Simone Weill. Edited by the eminent Professor Hans Maier, it represents a major study, examining how new models for understanding political history arose from the experience of modern despotic regimes. Where volumes one and two were concerned with questioning the common elements between twentieth century despotic regimes - Communism, Fascism, National Socialism, Maoism – this volume draws a general balance. It brings together the findings of research undertaken during the decade 1992-2002 with the cooperation of leading philosophers, historians and social scientists for the Institute of Philosophy at the University of Munich.Following the demise of Italian Fascism (1943-45), German National Socialism (1945) and Soviet Communism (1989-91), a comparative approach to the three regimes is possible. A broad field of interpretation of the entire phenomenon of totalitarian and political religions opens up. This comprehensive study examines a vast topic which affects the political and historical landscape over the whole of the last century. Moreover, dictatorships and their motivations are still present in current affairs, today in the twenty-first century. The three volumes of Totalitarianism and Political Religions are a vital resource for scholars of fascism, Nazism, communism, totalitarianism, comparative politics and political theory.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Newly Qualified Teacher's Handbook
The Newly Qualified Teacher’s Handbook is an essential companion for all new teachers. Practical, comprehensive and lively, this invaluable guide covers all aspects of your first crucial months and years, and will set your teaching career off on the right track.This updated and expanded second edition is the first book to draw on the new Induction Regulations for NQTs for September 2008 onwards. It gives tried and tested advice on everything you need to know, from induction to inspection, from getting your first job to continuing development. New features include a revised first chapter covering key areas of concern for trainees and NQTs, the updated statement of professional values and a comprehensive appendix detailing the code of conduct for teachers and further reading and references. Areas covered include: finding jobs and coping with them the interview process easing stresses and difficulties staffroom politics and etiquette what makes lessons effective the latest legislative requirements professional development and looking after the future. The Newly Qualified Teacher’s Handbook is an indispensable survival guide for all NQTs and trainees who want to sail swiftly and successfully through the first years of their teaching career.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Human Genes and Neoliberal Governance: A Foucauldian Critique
Original and interdisciplinary, this is the first book to explore the relationship between a neoliberal mode of governance and the so-called genetic revolution.Looking at the knowledge-power relations in the post-genomic era and addressing the pressing issues of genetic privacy and discrimination in the context of neoliberal governance, this book demonstrates and explains the mechanisms of mutual production between biotechnology and cultural, political, economic and legal frameworks.In the first part Antoinette Rouvroy explores the social, political and economic conditions and consequences of this new ‘perceptual regime’. In the second she pursues her analysis through a consideration of the impact of ‘geneticization’ on political support of the welfare state and on the operation of private health and life insurances. Genetics and neoliberalism, she argues, are complicit in fostering the belief that social and economic patterns have a fixed nature beyond the reach of democratic deliberation, whilst the characteristics of individuals are unusually plastic, and within the scope of individual choice and responsibility.This book will be of interest to all students of law, sociology and politics.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Aquifer Systems Management: Darcy’s Legacy in a World of Impending Water Shortage: Selected Papers on Hydrogeology 10
By 2050, the demand for water to sustain world agriculture will increase by seventy-five per cent in order to feed an estimated nine billion inhabitants. Increased amounts of water will be required for irrigation and for industrial and domestic use. Natural ecosystems will be threatened by the expansion of agricultural land and by a reduction in water availability, while climate change will exacerbate the situation. Management of available resources, particularly groundwater, will become more critical and aquifers will need to be managed for the benefit of all. These selected papers were first presented at the International Association of Hydrogeologists, Dijon 2006, and are divided into six themes: large aquifers, resource assessment; large aquifers, water salinity and evolution; karstic and carbonate aquifer systems; geothermal aquifer systems; aquifer contamination studies and aquifer monitoring systems and management. The volume also includes a short biography of Henry Darcy and illustrates his contribution to science. Five invited contributions describe modern methods for estimating the hydraulic conductivity of aquifers.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Text, Cases and Materials on Equity and Trusts
Text, Cases and Materials on Equity and Trusts has been considerably revised to broaden the focus of the text in line with most LLB core courses to encompass equity, remedies and injunctions and to take account of recent major statutory and case law developments. The new edition features increased pedagogical support to outline key points and principles and improve navigation; 'notes' to encourage students to reflect on areas of complexity or controversy; and self-test questions to consolidate learning at the end of each chapter. New to this edition: is a detailed examination of The Civil Partnership Act 2004 and the Charities Act 2006 important case law developments such as Stack v Dowden (constructive trusts and family assets), Oxley v Hiscock (quantification of family assets), Barlow Clowes v Eurotrust (review of the test for dishonesty), Abou-Ramah v Abacha (dishonest assistance and change of position defence), AG for Zambia v Meer Care & Desai (review of the test for dishonesty), Horley Town Football Club (gifts to unincorporated association), Re Loftus (defences of limitation, estoppel and laches), Templeton Insurance v Penningtons Solicitors (Quistclose trust and damages) and many more are new chapters on the equitable remedies of specific performance, injunctions, rectification, rescission and account are extracts from the Law Commission’s Reports and consultation papers on ‘Sharing Homes’ and ‘Trustee Exemption Clauses’ as well as key academic literature and debates. The structure and style of previous editions have been retained, with an emphasis on introductory text and case extracts of sufficient length to allow students to develop analytical and critical skills in reading legal judgments. Substantial author commentary helps the text give the flow, coherence and direction of a textbook whilst providing the reader with a wide range of primary and secondary material from a variety of sources.A supporting Companion Website provides twice-annual updates to the cases and legislation discussed within the text; answers to the questions contained within the text, and sample essay questions.