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Taylor & Francis Ltd Surveillance and Security: Technological Politics and Power in Everyday Life
This is a volume of original contributions from scholars in eight different humanities and social science disciplines. The aim of the book is to present a range of surveillance technologies used in everyday life and investigate the politics of their use. It is truly an interdisciplinary project that will find purchase in courses on security studies and the sociology of culture and the sociology of science. Courses on security studies and its impact on culture can be found in a variety of academic departments including STS, criminology, sociology, women's studies, anthropology, political science and justice studies.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Developing Cultures: Essays on Cultural Change
Developing Cultures: Essays on Cultural Change is a collection of 21 expert essays on the institutions that transmit cultural values from generation to generation. The essays are an outgrowth of a research project begun by Samuel Huntington and Larry Harrison in their widely discussed book Culture Matters the goal of which is guidelines for cultural change that can accelerate development in the Third World. The essays in this volume cover child rearing, several aspects of education, the world's major religions, the media, political leadership, and development projects.The book is companion volume to Developing Cultures: CaseStudies.(0415952808).
Taylor & Francis Ltd Narrative, Political Unconscious and Racial Violence in Wilmington, North Carolina
This work examines the counter-narratives of social actors that may be used as resources to promote and create social change, particularly racial change. A policy implication emanating from this research is to institute an educational component for the North Carolina public school curriculum that addresses the racial violence in Wilmington in 1898. A model syllabus is provided.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Iberian Worlds
Iberian Worlds is an imaginative, short text that dramatically depicts important globalization themes and processes through the important flows and impacts Spain and Portugal have had with many important regions of the world for many centuries. Spain and Portugal have long histories at the cutting-edge of world relations, managing far-flung empires, and author Gary McDonogh stresses this historical perspective as well as foregrounding the vast present world fostered by the "Iberian project" - Latin America, Southern Europe, parts of Asia and Africa, in which Spain and Portugal possess enormous power.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Rebordering of North America: Integration and Exclusion in a New Security Context
The U.S.-Mexico and U.S.-Canada borders are the two busiest land crossings in the world. Canada and the United States are each other's largest trading partners and Mexico is America's second largest trading partner with trade between the two nations more than tripling since the start of NAFTA. The many immediate ripple effects of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon included a dramatic tightening of North American border controls and a hardening of the policy discourse about cross-border flows. This is the first book that explores the implications of September 11th and the new war on terrorism for border controls, cross-border relations, and economic integration in North America. The volume makes a unique contribution to important scholarly and policy discussions over the meaning and management of borders in an increasingly borderless (regional and global) economy, and adds fuel to broader debates over the changing nature of borders and territorial politics in a radically transformed security environment.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Boss Ladies, Watch Out!: Essays on Women, Sex and Writing
A new collection of essays on literature and sexuality by one of the wittiest and most iconoclastic critics writing today.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Violence and Politics: Globalization's Paradox
Violence and Politics points out a paradox of contemporary political violence: it appears to be growing in scope and complexity even in this era of unprecedented democratic and economic growth. These essays cover a number of timely issues including pro-life terrorism, hate crimes, Islam's connection (or stereotyped connection) to violence, rape as a war crime, ethnic conflicts, and violence against those protesting for civil rights for women, gays and lesbians and blacks. Contributors cross disciplines and subdisciplines to examine the counter-intuitive persistence of violence in advanced democracies and in steadily improving developing countries.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Stepping Out of Line: Becoming and Being a Feminist
What does it mean to be a feminist today? Why do some women become feminists and others do not? At a time when 'feminist' is a label that many young women shun, Stepping Out of Line offers an insightful account of the struggle of becoming and being a feminist. Cheryl Hercus offers a compelling new argument for why some women embrace feminism and why others do not. In doing so, she moves beyond the stereotypes of what feminism means while providing a new understanding of feminist social movements of resistance and collective action.
Taylor & Francis Ltd German Bodies: Race and Representation After Hitler
German Bodies explores the cultural representations of German identity and citizenship before and after World War II, and offers a critical analysis of race, violence, and modernity in German history and contemporary German society. Uli Linke examines how Germans invested the body with meanings that had significance for the larger body politic and investigates how this fits within the larger consumer culture, social memory and the postwar democratization of the country. The book is divided into three sections discussing different aspects of the German cult of the body: Aryan aesthetics, as in the postwar obsession with white nudity; blood aesthetics, as in the demonization of immigrants as a blood-contagion; and cultural violence, as in the images of genocide and dismemberment evoked in political protests during German reunification.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Arms on the Market: Reducing the Risk of Proliferation in the Former Soviet Union
Almost overnight, the massive military-industrial assets of the Soviet Union came under the jurisdiction of fifteen states instead of one established government. While only four states inherited weapons of mass destruction, most of the fifteen states of the former Soviet Union can produce sensitive materials and equipment. Because all the states serve as transit points for both legal commerce and illegal smuggling, developing export control systems in all the newly independent states (NIS) has become the cornerstone of the global effort to reduce the risk of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.Arms on the Market is the first book to tackle this difficult subject. Not only does it explore the various theoretical approaches that help us understand the development of export control systems in the nis, but it also introduces a unique method for measuring and comparing export control development.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Lyotard: Philosophy, Politics and the Sublime
Jean-Franois Lyotard, the highly influential twentieth-century philosopher of the postmodern, has had an enormous impact on the course and commitment of contemporary philosophy. Lyotard: Philosophy, Politics, and the Sublime is a thoroughgoing reassessment of his extraordinary legacy and contribution to contemporary cultural, political, ethical, and aesthetic theory, and an indispenable guide to key issues in his philosophy. Fifteen distinguished scholars have contributed new, original essays examining the main themes in Lyotard's work with a focus on the special intersections of philosophy, psychoanalysis, politics, and the experience of the sublime in art. The volume includes an up-to-date bibliography of works by and about Lyotard, previously unpublished photographs of Lyotard, and an incisive essay by Lyotard himself on the philosophical significance of Freud's case of Emma.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Reproductions of Reproduction
Reproductions of Reproduction is about the loss of the paternal metaphor and how the ensuing scramble to relocate it has set off a series of representational crises. Examining the sudden popularity of such figures as cyborgs, bodybuilders, and vampires; shifts in legislation about abortion, paternity and copyright; the transition to a digital-based society; the emergence of lesbian and gay studies; the growing infatuation with hyper-realistic patterns in television, this book argues that each of these manifestations represents an attempt to resituate the paternal metaphor. While this shift affects our understandings of everything from narratives to law to time, it also suggests a point of potential political intervention, allowing us to identify the full implications of these changes.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Understanding Political Science Statistics: Observations and Expectations in Political Analysis
In politics, you begin by asking theoretically interesting questions. Sometimes statistics can help answer those questions. When it comes to applied statistics, students shouldn’t just learn a vast array of formula—they need to learn the basic concepts of statistics as solutions to particular problems. Peter Galderisi demonstrates that statistics are a summary of how to answer the problem: learn the math but only after learning the concepts and methodological considerations that give it context. With this as a starting point, Understanding Political Science Statistics asks students to consider how to address a research problem conceptually before being led to the appropriate formula. Throughout, Galderisi looks at problems through a lens of "observations and expectations," which can be applied to myriad statistical techniques, both descriptive and inferential. This approach links the answers researchers get from their individual data analysis to the research designs and questions from which these analyses are derived.By emphasizing the underlying logic of statistical analysis for greater understanding and drawing on applications and examples from political science (including law), the book illustrates how students can apply statistical concepts and techniques in their own research, in future coursework, and simply as an informed consumer of numbers in public discourse.The following features help students master the material: Legal and Methodological sidebars highlight key concepts and provide applied examples on law, politics, and methodology; End-of-chapter exercises allow students to test their mastery of the basic concepts and techniques along the way; A Sample Solutions Guide provides worked-out answers for odd-numbered exercises, with all answers available in the Instructor’s Manual; Key Terms are helpfully called out in both Marginal Definitions and a Glossary; A Companion Website ( with further resources for both students and instructors; A diverse array of data sets include subsets of the ANES and Eurobarometer surveys; CCES; US Congressional district data; and a cross-national dataset with political, economic, and demographic variables; and Companion guides to SPSS and Stata walk students through the procedures for analysis and provide exercises that go hand-in-hand with online data sets.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Trouble in the Middle: American-Chinese Business Relations, Culture, Conflict, and Ethics
This book will help readers better understand the ethical and cultural assumptions that both American and Chinese business cultures bring to business relationships in China. It analyzes the relationships developed between the two cultures, areas where they conflict, and how these conflicts are (or are not) resolved.These relationships are investigated in three stages. The author: describes and interprets American business experience in China describes and interprets Chinese business experience in China, including interaction with Americans compares these two business cultures as they are experienced in China to investigate the relationships between them, centering the cultural analysis on ethical issues. Feldman's thorough research gets to the crux of how American and Chinese executives perceive the ethical and cultural aspects of doing business. The result is a book that will prove helpful to all those looking to expertly navigate Chinese-American business relationships.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Relational Approaches in Gestalt Therapy
Lynne Jacobs and Richard Hycner assemble an international group of Gestalt theorists and clinicians for an engaging and insightful investigation into the integration of relational approaches within Gestalt therapy.The book is divided thematically into three sections. The first section speculates on the history and development of relationality in terms of Gestalt therapy. Chapters that discuss the patient-therapist relationship comprise the second section, and include explorations into uncertainty in interpretation and understanding, attunement and optimal responsiveness, working with shame, and negotiating individuality and "betweenness." The last section opens up to groups and organizations, applying relational approaches to Gestalt therapeutic encounters with more than one patient.
Taylor & Francis Ltd How to Talk to a Borderline
In How to Talk to a Borderline, Joan Lachkar introduces Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and outlines the challenges and difficulties it presents to clinicians. She expands current understanding of BPD by outlining eight different kinds of borderline personality disorders and how each of these requires specific communication techniques and methods. Case examples are offered throughout the text and in some cases describe the kinds of partners borderlines attract. This book offers new approaches to communicating, working with, and treating borderline personality disorders while integrating more contemporary treatment methods.
Taylor & Francis Ltd An International Psychology of Men: Theoretical Advances, Case Studies, and Clinical Innovations
This text is the first to provide a contextual understanding of the clinical issues that affect men and masculinity across a wide range of cultural and national settings. It demonstrates that gender can no longer be viewed as an isolated characteristic; in an era of increased globalization, mental health professionals need to take ethnic and cultural issues into account to provide adequate care for male patients. Numerous international perspectives are offered by the contributing authors, authorities from countries such as Australia, Argentina, Denmark, Canada, India, Ireland, and South Africa, on theoretical and clinical innovations for working with men. Their chapters also offer insight into the socio-cultural contexts for counseling men in and from their respective countries by exploring the ways in which "being a man" is socially defined, what unique challenges men face, and how these challenges can be negotiated within their specific cultural settings. Topics addressed will include boyhood notions of manhood, relationship concerns and power, fatherhood, and men’s body image across the life span. This text will ultimately enable mental health practitioners to have a better understanding of how to work more effectively with male clients.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Children of Divorce: Stories of Loss and Growth, Second Edition
Featuring excerpts of essays collected from over one thousand young adults while in the throes of divorce, this book paints a picture of the pain and the hope shown by the storytellers. By framing the narratives with an analysis of the most recent divorce literature, the authors provide readers with a greater and more vivid understanding of the effects of divorce.Challenging the contention that most children will be irretrievably hurt by their parents' divorce, some stories clearly demonstrate the strength and resilience many have learned in dealing with a divorce in the family. Emphasis is placed on how hope about the possibilities of having close relationships - as well as a willingness to create stronger families in their own lives - represent abiding motivations in this sample of young people. The authors hope that the use of the raw input of respondents will make the experiences more realistic and ultimately help people deal with major loss events in their lives.Highlights of the new edition include: A new chapter (7) that demonstrates the messiness of divorce (infidelity, dysfunctional interactions, multiple marriages/relationships, and the financial expense), the fading stigma of divorce, the latest divorce rates, the increased average age of first time marriages, and the recent hook-up phenomenon wherein young people are showing a reluctance to commitment Updated throughout with the most current demographic data, new findings from the top researchers in the field, and the latest intervention programs A review of the Divorce Variability and Fluidity Model (DVFM) that helps predict variability in adjusting to divorce More suggestions to help children adapt to divorce, including material on parenting education classes and mediation as a method for easing the process A list of readings and suggested websites for further review More tables and graphs to summarize key concepts. An ideal supplement for courses on divorce, family studies, close relationships, and loss and trauma taught in human development and family studies, and clinical, counseling, and social psychology, as well as communication, social work, and sociology, these engaging stories also appeal to practitioners and those interested in the effects of divorce in general.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Persons in Context: The Challenge of Individuality in Theory and Practice
In contemporary forms of psychoanalysis, particularly intersubjective systems theory, the turn towards contextualism has permitted the development of new ways of thinking and practicing that have dispensed with the notion of isolated individuality. For many who embrace this "post-subjectivist" way of thinking and practicing, the recognition that all human experience is fundamentally immersed in the world makes the question of individuality seem confusing, even anachronistic. Yet the challenge of individuality remains an important and pressing issue for contemporary theory and practice; many clinicians are left to wonder about the role of "individual" experience and how to approach it conceptually or clinically. This volume of original essays gives the problem of individuality its due, without losing sight of the importance of contextualized experience. Drawing on a variety of disciplinary backgrounds - philosophical, developmental, biological, and neuroscientific - the contributors address the tension that exists between individuality and the emergence of contextualism as a dominant mode of psychoanalytic theory and practice, thereby providing unique insights into the role and place of individuality both in and out of the clinical setting. Ultimately, these essays demonstrate that individuality, no matter how it may be defined, always occurs within a contextual web that forms the basis of human experience. Contributors: William J. Coburn, Philip Cushman, James L. Fosshage, Roger Frie, Frank M. Lachmann, Jack Martin, Donna Orange, Robert D. Stolorow, Jeff Sugarman
Taylor & Francis Ltd Environmental Management in a Low Carbon Economy
Each government recognises that there is a potential loss of competitive advantage of its business sector if future economic growth strategies are not aligned with a low carbon future. Some multinational organizations recognise this imperative and the importance of aligning business activities to a more sophisticated and flexible environmental management system that also incorporates quality, safety, occupational health and corporate ethics. An organisation’s Environmental Management System (EMS) has, traditionally, been designed to address legislative and regulatory requirements. It has now become a measure of an organisations attitude to balancing environmental, economic, cultural and social needs of its trading communities.By using real world case studies this text positions EMS as a core and critical management tool and a key requirement for businesses long term survival. It provides fundamental building blocks to implement an environmental management system and clearly illustrates how it can be positioned within an organization to deliver innovative products and services to compete in a low carbon economy. Environmental Management in a Low Carbon Economy will prepare students and professionals alike with the ability and understanding to implement an environmental management system which in turn will aid organizations in facilitating their transition to operate in a low carbon economy.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Green Infrastructure for Landscape Planning: Integrating Human and Natural Systems
Green infrastructure integrates human and natural systems through a network of corridors and spaces in mixed-use and urban settings. Austin takes a broad look at green infrastructure concepts, research and case studies to provide the student and professional with processes, criteria and data to support planning, design and implementation.Key topics of the book include: The benefits of green infrastructure as a conservation and planning tool Requirements of ecosystem health Green infrastructure ecosystem services that contribute to human physical and psychological health Planning processes leading to robust green infrastructure networks Design of green infrastructure elements for multiple uses. The concept of ecosystem services is extensively developed in this book, including biological treatment of stormwater and wastewater, opportunities for recreation, urban agriculture and emersion in a naturalistic setting. It defines planning and design processes as well as the political and economic facets of envisioning, funding and implementing green infrastructure networks.The book differs from others on the market by presenting the technical issues, requirements and performance of green infrastructure elements, along with the more traditional recreation and wildlife needs associated with greenway planning, providing information derived from environmental engineering to guide planners and landscape architects.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Art Direction Handbook for Film & Television
In this new and expanded edition of The Art Direction Handbook, author Michael Rizzo now covers art direction for television, in addition to updated coverage of film design. This comprehensive, professional manual details the set-up of the art department and the day-to-day job duties: scouting for locations, research, executing the design concept, supervising scenery construction, and surviving production. Beyond that, there is an emphasis on not just how to do the job, but how to succeed and secure other jobs. Rounding out the text is an extensive collection of useful forms and checklists, as well as interviews with prominent art directors.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Marine Insurance Fraud
This book provides a comprehensive and coherent legal analysis of the impact of fraud on the position of various parties to a marine insurance contract, as well as the cover provided by standard marine policies. The issues under discussion in this invaluable guide are also equally relevant in the context of non-marine insurance contracts. Helpfully divided into two parts; the first part deals with the impact of fraud committed by parties to an insurance contract i.e. the assured, brokers and insurers.The second part analyses the extent to which standard marine policies cover the fraudulent and dishonest activity of third parties to an insurance contract.This book will be of huge practical assistant to practitioners specialising in marine insurance as well as insurance generally, and to professionals, academics and post-graduate students.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Sports History
Once winners started to be recorded Sports History began. Academic Sports History, however, was much longer in coming and there was no concerted productivity in the field till the 1970s. Two strands developed: one out of Physical Education whose practitioners mainly saw Sports History as facts and stories about past performances; the other started by historians and focusing on the socialmatters of gender, ethnicity, identity, and class. Now a well-established discipline, Sports History is studied throughout the world. This new four-volume collection gathers together the key material, exemplifying the very best in Sports History scholarship. Including a new introduction and a full index, Sports History is a valuable one-stop research resource.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Time Charters
Acclaimed as the standard reference work on the law relating to time charters, this new edition provides a comprehensive treatment of the subject, accessible and useful both to shipping lawyers and to shipowners, charterers, P&I Clubs and other insurers. It provides full coverage of both English and U.S. law, now updated with all the important decisions since the previous edition.The English decisions covered in the new edition include: The Kos (the Supreme Court on the effect of withdrawing a ship with cargo on board); The Athena (nature of off-hire; meaning of 'loss of time’/'time thereby lost'); The Kyla (damage to ship and frustration); The Silver Constellation, The Savina Caylyn and The Rowan (oil company approval of chartered ships); The Captain Stefanos, The Saldanha, The Triton Lark and The Paiwan Wisdom (effects of piracy); The Kildare and The Wren (damages for early termination); The T S Singapore (off-hire where ship going 'towards but not to' the port ordered), and The Lehmann Timber, The Bulk Chile and The Western Moscow (owners' liens) The new edition also features many significant new U.S. decisions, including: Stolt-Nielsen v. Animal Feeds Intl. (Supreme Court rules class-action arbitration not permitted unless parties agree in arbitration agreement); ATHOS I (Circuit Court finds that safe berth provision in charterparty is a warranty and not merely a due diligence obligation); The M/V SAMHO DREAM (arbitrators direct petitioner to post $14.2M security on respondent’s counterclaim) and Maroc Fruit Board v. M/V VINSON (CP arbitration clause incorporated in bill of lading not "signed" or "contained in an exchange of letters or telegrams" under NY Convention).
Taylor & Francis Ltd This Modern Romance: The Artistry, Technique, and Business of Engagement Photography
Love is less confined than ever, as is our desire to capture it.Engagement photography has become an essential and valuable component of wedding photography for both your clients and your photography business. Successfully booking romantic portrait sessions and providing your couples with creative, playful, and beautiful images can mean a lasting –and lucrative- relationship. Award winning photographer Stephanie Williams shares her approach to engagement photography, including her thoughts on the psychology of shooting and directing couples, current industry trends, and the use of blogs and social media. Discover photography tips on romantic styling, workflow, and branding that will help get your engagement sessions recognized by prospective clients and industry publications. Whether you are an aspiring photographer or established professional, this book is sure to inform and inspire your next photo shoot.Read tips and testimonials from prominent wedding professionals, bloggers, editors and stylists, as well as Stephanie’s actual clients.Learn how to build your brand and get your work published.Improve or refresh your technical skill through practical lighting, equipment, and technique guidance.Diversify the way you interact with clients and style your shoots.Be inspired through gorgeous photographs.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Collected Papers of Bertrand Russell, Volume 5: Toward Principia Mathematica, 1905–08
This volume of Bertrand Russell's Collected Papers finds Russell focused on writing Principia Mathematica during 1905–08. Eight previously unpublished papers shed light on his different versions of a substitutional theory of logic, with its elimination of classes and relations, during 1905-06. A recurring issue for him was whether a type hierarchy had to be part of a substitutional theory. In mid-1907 he began writing up the final version of Principia, now using a ramified theory of types, and eleven unpublished drafts from 1907-08 deal with this. Numerous letters show his thoughts on the process.The volume's 80-page introduction covers the evolution of his logic from 1896 until 1909, when volume I of Principia went to the printer.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Green Development: Environment and Sustainability in a Developing World
The concept of sustainability lies at the core of the challenge of environment and development, and the way governments, business and environmental groups respond to it. Green Development provides a clear and coherent analysis of sustainable development in both theory and practice. Green Development explores the origins and evolution of mainstream thinking about sustainable development and offers a critique of the ideas behind them. It draws a link between theory and practice by discussing the nature of the environmental degradation and the impacts of development. It argues that, ultimately, ‘green’ development has to be about political economy, about the distribution of power, and not about environmental quality. Its focus is strongly on the developing world.The fourth edition retains the broad structure of previous editions, but has been updated to reflect advances in ideas and changes in international policy. Greater attention has been given to the political ecology of development, market-based and neoliberal environmentalism, and degrowth. This fully revised edition discusses: the origins of thinking about sustainability and sustainable development, and its evolution to the present day; the ideas that dominate mainstream sustainable development (including natural capital, the green economy, market environmentalism and ecological modernisation); critiques of mainstream ideas and of neoliberal framings of sustainability, and alternative ideas about sustainability that challenge ‘business as usual’ thinking, such as arguments about limits to growth and calls for degrowth; the dilemmas of sustainability in the context of forests, desertification, food and farming, biodiversity conservation and dam construction; the challenge of policy choices about sustainability, particularly between reformist and radical responses to the contemporary global dilemmas. Green Development offers clear insights into the challenges of environmental sustainability, and social and economic development. It is unique in offering a synthesis of theoretical ideas on sustainability and in its coverage of the extensive literature on environment and development around the world. The book has proved its value to generations of students as an authoritative, thought-provoking and readable guide to the field of sustainable development.
Taylor & Francis Ltd John Winthrop: Founding the City Upon a Hill
Puritan politician, lawyer, and lay theologian John Winthrop fled England in 1630 when it looked like Charles I had successfully blocked all hopes of passing Puritan-inspired reforms in Parliament. Leading a migration, he came to New England in the hopes of creating an ideal Puritan community and eventually became the governor of Massachusetts. Winthrop is remembered for his role in the Puritan migration to the colonies and for delivering what is probably the most famous lay sermon in American history, "A Model of Christian Charity." In it he proclaimed that New England would be "a city upon a hill"--an example for future colonies. In John Winthrop: Founding the City upon a Hill, Michael Parker examines the political and religious history of this iconic figure. In this short biography, bolstered by letters, sermons, and maps, John Winthrop introduces students to the colonial world, the Pequot Wars, and the history of American Exceptionalism.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Information Economics
How does information affect economic relations? What of the strategic issues surrounding the use of information: the make-buy-or-copy decision; the working and failure of markets; and the important role of outguessing each other in a macroeconomic context? Now, to help advanced students and researchers make sense of these and other dizzying questions, Routledge announces a new title in its acclaimed Critical Concepts in Economics series. Edited by David E. M. Sappington, a leading scholar in the field, Information Economics is a mini library' that brings together in four volumes the foundational and the very best cutting-edge research.With a comprehensive introduction, newly written by the editor, which places the collected material in its historical and intellectual context, Information Economics is an essential collection and is destined to be valued as a vital one-stop resource.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Geometric Computation: Foundations for Design
Geometric Computation: Foundations for Design describes the mathematical and computational concepts that are central to the practical application of design computation in a manner tailored to the visual designer. Uniquely pairing key topics in code and geometry, this book develops the two key faculties required by designers that seek to integrate computation into their creative practice: an understanding of the structure of code in object-oriented programming, and a proficiency in the fundamental geometric constructs that underlie much of the computational media in visual design.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Green Criminology
Green Criminology embraces a wide and rapidly growing network of researchers and scholars around the world who are actively engaged in the study of environmental crime and ecological justice. Transgressions against humans, eco-systems, and animals constitute the main focus of Green Criminology and this new four-volume collection from Routledge provides an authoritative, one-stop reference work to make sense of the wide range of approaches, theories, and concepts that have informed its development and growth.Themes covered in the collection include: the conceptual foundations of Green Criminology; victimization and offending; criminal-justice responses to environmental crime; and emerging environmental issues, such as climate change, that demand urgent criminological attention. Topics range from transnational environmental crimes, such as the illegal dumping of waste and illegal trade in wildlife, through to prosecution and sentencing in relation to environmental crimes
Taylor & Francis Ltd Innovations in Behavioural Health Architecture
***WINNER OF A NAUTILUS 2018 SILVER MEDAL BOOK AWARD***Innovations in Behavioural Health Architecture is the most comprehensive book written on this topic in more than 40 years. It examines the ways in which healthcare architecture can contribute, as a highly valued informational and reference source, to the provision of psychiatric and addictive disorder treatment in communities around the world. It provides an overview of the need for a new generation of progressively planned and designed treatment centres – both inpatient and outpatient care environments – and the advantages, challenges, and opportunities associated with meeting the burgeoning need for treatment settings of this type. Additional chapters address the specifics of geriatric psychiatry and its architectural ramifications in light of the rapid aging of societies globally and provide a comprehensive compendium of planning and design considerations for these places in both inpatient and outpatient care contexts. Finally, the book presents an expansive and fully illustrated set of international case studies that express state-of-the-art advancements in architecture for behavioural healthcare.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Elements of Parametric Design
Driven by new computer and digital fabrication tools, the architectural designs that are being built are pushing boundaries of form, customization and construction. Pushed by practices wanting and needing to produce novelty, computer-aided design systems are increasingly parametric – that is, they represent designs that change with their input data. Such systems give more control and capability to designers, but require much more comprehensive understanding if they are to be used effectively.Mastering these ideas requires skill as designer, mathematician and computer scientist. This book teaches what new knowledge and skills designers need to master the parametric and how they can learn and use it. It demonstrates clearly how using patterns to think about and work with parametric modelling helps designers master the new complexity of the design systems.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Autogenic Structures
This book offers an alternative vision for the future of architecture, a timely and invaluable contribution to the debate concerning emergent surfaces and the next generation of building membranes in this era of extreme computational control.Areas covered include: the future relationship between structure and ornament the value of mass customization for the next generation of modular building components the role of smart materials in creating a sustainable universe. Critical essays are combined with cutting-edge work to form an inspiring manual of varied digital and analog techniques. Highly illustrated with over 300 photographs, illustrations, and drawings, Autogenic Structures is for anyone curious to learn about a visionary approach to the development of architecture.
Taylor & Francis Ltd International Economics
Thought-provoking and clearly explained, the new edition provides students of international economics and international business with a rigorous explanation of global economic theory and policy, both current trends and historic developments. It explores key models through case studies and review questions, enabling students to challenge the reporting of economic events by press and government alike. Split into 2 parts – International Trade and International Finance – the text explains conceptual building blocks before applying them to current events and controversies. Key issues discussed include: the influence of transportation costs economies of scale and the new economic geography the evaluation of preferential trade agreements european Economic and Monetary Union the integration of international financial markets international financial crises, China and other emerging economies. Fully illustrated with tables and figures to allow students to visualise the issues discussed, the lively prose gives this book a refreshing approach. An accompanying website also provides context and coverage of the international financial crisis of October 2008, including the so-called ‘credit crunch’ and the collapse of some banking institutions.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Human Rights and Foreign Aid: For Love or Money?
By trying to alleviate poverty abroad, foreign development assistance tries to meet, among other things, basic human needs, which some schools of thought classify as basic human rights. However, because development abroad has often been treated as a tool for the pursuit of donor interests, rather than as an end to itself, it often ends up not only neglecting basic human rights, but making them worse. Bethany Barratt develops this argument by presenting a systematic external examination of the internal documentation of aid rationale in three major donor countries (Britain, Canada and Australia). The book sets the discussion of these documents in the context of the foreign policy process and structure of each donor, and contrasts it with the results of statistical analyses of key factors in aid. It shows that different criteria are applied to the various categories of recipient states, resulting in an inconsistent treatment of recipient rights as an aid criterion. While the book demonstrates important gulfs between rhetoric and reality, between elected policymakers and aid implementing agencies, and between the donors themselves, it comes to relatively optimistic conclusions about the general direction of foreign assistance and its increasingly pure focus on poverty alleviation.This substantive and important book will be invaluable to students, researchers and policymakers in the fields of politics, economics and development.
Taylor & Francis Ltd International Law and the Use of Armed Force: The UN Charter and the Major Powers
Since the UN Charter came into effect in 1945, there have been numerous incidents in which one or more of the five major powers (at least arguably) violated the Charter's Article 2(4) prohibition of force. Such incidents notwithstanding, this book demonstrates how the Charter restrains the major powers' military actions. As an instrument of international order, the Charter provides a framework of legal rules restricting the use of armed force. Although these rules are subject to auto-interpretation by the major powers (as a consequence of their veto), they create an expectation of compliance that subjects the major powers' military actions to international scrutiny. To reduce the likelihood of resistance from states threatened by such actions, major powers exercise prudential restraint, altering the manner and timing of their military actions in accordance with the legal arguments offered to justify those actions as consistent with the Charter and therefore not threatening to the existing international order.The book evaluates the efficacy of the Charter using large-N methods and five case studies: US intervention in the Caribbean, 1953–61; Anglo- French intervention in Egypt, 1956; Soviet intervention in Hungary, 1956; US–British intervention in Iraq, 1990–98; and US–British intervention in Iraq, 1999–2003. The book's extensive focus on the two Iraq cases provides a basis for timely evaluation of the continuing salience and possible reforms of the UN Charter system.This book will be of much interest to students of security studies, the UN, international law, and international relations.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Beginning Design Technology
Beginning Design Technology introduces how design technologies work together, including tools, materials, and software, such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Autodesk AutoCAD, and others. It teaches you how to think about each design tool, whether a software program or physical modelmaking, so that you will select one for its strengths for a specific task and know when and how to combine it with other tools.Topics include working with building information, texturing digital and physical artifacts, translating information from one form or file format to another, constructing at full-scale, and making digital and physical models. Chapter Summaries, exercises, discussion questions, a glossary, an appendix of common software commands, and an annotated bibliography will help you find what you need quickly and put the information into practice.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Chinese Insurance Contracts: Law and Practice
Chinese Insurance Contracts: Law and Practice is the first systematic text written in English on the law of insurance in China. This book offers a critical analysis of the major principles, doctrines and concepts of insurance contract law in China. At every point the analysis discusses the principles of the Insurance Law in detail, referring where appropriate to decided cases and also drawing attention to external influences. Readers are guided through the complexities of Chinese law in a clear and comprehensive fashion, and – significantly – in a manner that is accessible and meaningful for those used to a common law system.This book presents a comprehensive picture of Chinese insurance contract law, to facilitate a wider understanding of the relevant rules of law. Elements of insurance contract law are critically examined. In addition, this book presents rules of law on some special types of insurance contract, such as life insurance, property insurance, liability insurance, motor vehicle insurance, reinsurance, and marine insurance. The deficiencies and shortcomings of the law and practice will be identified and analysed; suggestions and recommendations on how to reform the law will be presented. Chinese Insurance Contracts also offers legal and practical advice to insurance professionals on how to draft clauses to avoid contractual pitfalls. It also uses cases to illustrate the difficulties which can arise in applying the principles in practice.This book will be essential reading for insurance companies and legal practitioners looking to do business in China, as well as reference for Chinese lawyers practising insurance law. It will also be a useful resource for students and academics studying Chinese law.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Jumpstart! Geography: Engaging activities for ages 7-12
This collection of simple to use and fun activities will jumpstart pupils’ understanding of the geographical skills of enquiry, outdoor learning, graphicacy and communication. Pupils will develop their knowledge and understanding of people, places and issues through being encouraged to ‘think geographically’ about the world they live in. Areas covered include:- Places in my world (personal geography) Continents and oceans of the world Human geography (including population, migration, towns and cities, and recreation) Physical geography( including rivers, forests, coasts and deserts Environment, Sustainable schools and global citizenship All sections include information on some useful knowledge and reference to important key concepts or big ideas in geography that are being developed through the fun activities. Jumpstart! Geography is an indispensable classroom resource that will celebrate geography and give children the opportunity to experience the thrill of finding out about their world. It will be a lifeline to any classroom teacher looking to teach geography in a fun and exciting way.
Taylor & Francis Ltd International Maritime Conventions (Volume 3): Protection of the Marine Environment
For the first time, this unique text brings together all private international maritime law conventions alongside expert commentary and analysis. Truly global in approach, the book covers each of the nineteen conventions currently in force, all scrutinised by this internationally-acclaimed author. It also examines important maritime conventions not yet fully ratified, including the topical Rotterdam Rules.This comprehensive resource provides a thorough treatment of both wet and dry shipping treaties, combining breadth of coverage with depth of analysis. In this third volume, the author covers the key conventions dealing with pollution and safety at sea. In particular, the author covers the following instruments: International Convention relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Oil Pollution Casualties, 1969 and Protocol of 1973 International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation, 1990 (OPRC Convention) with its Protocol of 2000 (OPRC-HNS Protocol) International Convention for the prevention of pollution from ships (MARPOL) and protocol of 1978 International Convention for the Safety of life at sea, 1974 (SOLAS) Convention on the prevention of marine pollution by dumping of wastes and other matters, 1972 as amended by the protocol of 1996 International Convention for the control and management of ship’s ballast water and sediments, 2004 International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978 Nairobi International Convention on removal of wrecks 18 may 2007 Port state control: the Paris Memorandum of Understanding and the European Directive 2009/16 EC European Traffic Monitoring and Information System International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1992 (CLC 1992) International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage, 1992, as amended by its Protocol of 2000 and its Supplementary Protocol of 2003 (the Fund Convention) International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage, 2001 International Convention on Liability and Compensation for Damage in Connection with Carriage of Hazardous and Noxious Substances by Sea, 1996 This book is an indispensable reference for maritime lawyers, academics and students of maritime law worldwide.
Taylor & Francis Ltd International Maritime Conventions (Volume 1): The Carriage of Goods and Passengers by Sea
For the first time, this unique text brings together all private international maritime law conventions alongside expert commentary and analysis. Truly global in approach, the book covers each of the nineteen conventions currently in force, all scrutinised by this internationally-acclaimed author. It also examines important maritime conventions not yet in force, including the topical Rotterdam Rules.Split into three convenient volumes, this comprehensive resource provides a thorough treatment of both wet and dry shipping treaties, combining breadth of coverage with depth of analysis. In this first volume, the author covers conventions dealing with the Carriage of Goods and Passengers by Sea, in particular:- International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law Relating to Bills of Lading, 1924 and its Protocol of 1968 and 1979 (Hague-Visby Rules)- United Nations Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Sea, 1978 (Hamburg Rules)- United Nations Convention on the International Carriage of Goods wholly or Partly by Sea, 2008 (Rotterdam Rules)- Athens Convention Relating to the Carriage of Passengers and their Luggage by Sea, 1974 as amended by its Protocol of 2002 (Athens Convention)This book is an indispensable reference for maritime lawyers, academics and students of maritime law worldwide.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Now Urbanism: The Future City is Here
After more than a century of heroic urban visions, urban dwellers today live in suburban subdivisions, gated communities, edge cities, apartment towers, and slums. The contemporary cities we know are more often the embodiment of unexpected outcomes and unintended consequences rather than visionary planning. As an alternative approach for rethinking and remaking today’s cities and regions, this book explores the intersections of critical inquiry and immediate, substantive actions. The contributions inside recognize the rich complexities of the present city not as barriers or obstacles but as grounds for uncovering opportunity and unleashing potential. Now Urbanism asserts that the future city is already here. It views city making as grounded in the imperfect, messy, yet rich reality of the existing city and the everyday purposeful agency of its dwellers.Through a framework of situating, grounding, performing, distributing, instigating, and enduring, these contributions written by a multidisciplinary group of practitioners and scholars illustrate specificity, context, agency, and networks of actors and actions in the re-making of the contemporary city.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Wind Tunnel Testing of High-Rise Buildings
Since the 1960s, wind tunnel testing has become a commonly used tool in the design of tall buildings. It was pioneered, in large part, during the design of the World Trade Center Towers in New York. Since those early days of wind engineering, wind tunnel testing techniques have developed in sophistication, but these techniques are not widely understood by the designers using the results. As a direct result, the CTBUH Wind Engineering Working Group was formed to develop a concise guide for the non-specialist.The primary goal of this guide is to provide an overview of the wind tunnel testing process for design professionals. This knowledge allows readers to ask the correct questions of their wind engineering consultants throughout the design process. This is not an in-depth guide to the technical intricacies of wind tunnel testing, it focusses instead on the information the design community needs, including: a unique methodology for the presentation of wind tunnel results to allow straightforward comparison of results from different wind tunnel laboratories. advice on when a tall building is likely to be sufficiently sensitive to wind effects to benefit from a wind tunnel test background for assessing whether design codes and standards are applicable details of the types of tests that are commonly conducted descriptions of the fundamentals of wind climate and the interaction of wind and tall buildings This unique book is an essential guide for all designers of tall buildings, and anyone else interested in the process of wind tunnel testing for tall buildings.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The History of Nursing
The History of Nursing is a complex, shifting discipline engaged in an ongoing search for identity and purpose. If its earliest works were celebratory narratives of great deeds' and influential nurses', dominated by biographies of Florence Nightingale and tropes of imperial womanhood, then from at least the 1970s, academicsdrawn mainly from Women's History and Nursinghave argued for a move from such uncritical stances and towards more analytical and nuanced approaches. Lately, Nursing History has been characterized by the cultural turn', with a shift in focus from class, gender, and race, to the study of practices, ideologies, and life-worlds. Characterized by an emphasis on history from below', it aims to recapture the experiences of both nurses and patients, and to recover voices that never found their way into mainstream histories of healthcare or society.Now, a new title from Routledge's Major Themes in Health and Social Welfare series meets the need for an au
Taylor & Francis Ltd Entrepreneurial Finance
It is axiomatic that entities which bring together the factors of production play a vital role in any national economy. But, while entrepreneurial ventures may be a source of growth and innovation, they also face many challenges. In particular, access to finance can place particular constraints on a young firm's ability to flourish and develop. Moreover, entrepreneurial firms are often operated in a haphazard manner; their internal processes are unsystematic. Planning, forecasting, and budgeting processes are either not well developed or, in some cases, non-existent.Now, to help advanced students and researchers make sense of an enormousand growingcorpus of scholarship and practical thinking on the principles that underpin entrepreneurial finance, and the many associated issues and controversies that this topic generates, Routledge announces Entrepreneurial Finance, a new addition to its acclaimed Critical Concepts in Finance series. Edited by Darek Klonowski, P
Taylor & Francis Ltd Lecture Notes on Impedance Spectroscopy: Measurement, Modeling and Applications, Volume 1
Impedance Spectroscopy is a powerful measurement method used in many application fields such as electrochemistry, material science, biology and medicine, semiconductor industry and sensors. The International Workshop on Impedance Spectroscopy is an international workshop addressing fundamentals and applications of impedance spectroscopy. This book is the first in the series Lecture Notes on Impedance Spectroscopy (LNIS). The series covers new advances in the field of impedance spectroscopy including fundamentals, methods and applications. It releases scientific contributions as extended chapters including detailed information about recent scientific research results.