Search results for ""taylor francis ltd""
Taylor & Francis Ltd British Elections & Parties Review
The "British Elections and Parties" series publishes research on parties, elections and voting behaviour in Britain, providing analyses of current and historical developments. It is produced under the auspices of the Political Studies Association's Election, Public Opinion and Parties study group.Volume 9 includes research based around four themes: electoral reform; partisanship and voting; parliamentary behaviour; and the attitudes of the young. It provides a source of data on public opinion polls, a summary of local election results, UK referendums, key economic indicators, political parties and a chronology of major political events in 1998.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Arab and Jewish Immigrants in Latin America: Images and Realities
This collection of essays addresses various aspects of Arab and Jewish immigration and acculturation in Latin America. The volume examines how the Latin American elites who were keen to change their countries' ethnic mix felt threatened by the arrival of Arabs and Jews.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Military Power: Land Warfare in Theory and Practice
The contributors here consider the multifarious aspects of the Anglo-American approach to war. All the contributors are concerned to base their work on the overall historical context. They explore the relationship between theory and practice in military operations.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Political Change: A Collection of Essays
Published in the year 1973, Political Change is a valuable contribution to the field of Politics. The problem in the social sciences has been to improve the quality of the relationship between the creative and didactic sides and produce more interesting and verifiable hypotheses and propositions. The literature dealing with this problem has grown and become increasingly technical. This collection of essays are between creativity and didactics. Some are experiments in the mind, as it were plundering history for purpose. Others seek criteria for a politics of development. Still others are more analytical, seeking criteria for theory, as in the articles on political studies, and on political systems. In all, however, there is a common thread, the creation and use of intermediate categories and their applications to real-life historical or contemporary development situations.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Some Account of the Trade in Slaves from Africa as Connected with Europe
First published in 1842, this account has particular reference to the actions of the British Government.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Striving for Divine Union: Spiritual Exercises for Suhraward Sufis
Part of the RoutlegeCurzon Sufi Series, which is aimed at being accessible both to the general reader and the student/scholar in the fieldThe book discusses new important ways of thinking about the sufi hermeneutics of the Qu'ran and its contribution to Islamic intellectual and spiritual lifeRelevant to Islamic and Qur'anic studies, as well as the more general areas of Philosophy and Religion
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Mongolic Languages
An up-to-date survey of the whole language familyPreviously there was little available linguistic material on the Mongolic LanguageMongolic-speaking groups once dominated the Medieval Mongol Empire of Chinggis Kahn, the largest single continental power
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Collected Works of M. A. Czaplicka
Since her death in 1921, the celebrated Polish anthropologist Marya Antonina Czaplicka''s life and works have retained a remarkable contemporary significance. This is the first publication to gather together the complete writings of Czaplicka and includes letters and other previously unpublished material.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Poems of John Donne: Volume One
John Donne (1572-1631) is firmly fixed in the canon of English literature. "No man is an island" and "For whom the bell tolls" are just two of his phrases known by virtually everyone. The Poems of John Donne is a two volume edition of Donnes poems based on a comprehensive re-evaluation of his work from composition to circulation and reception. Donnes output is tremendously varied in style and form and demonstrates his ability to change his writing according to context and occasion. This edition presents the text of all his known poems, from the epigrams, songs and satires written for fellow young men about town, to the more mature verse-epistles and memorial elegies written for his patrons. Volume One contains the Epigrams, Verse Letters to Friends, Love Lyrics, Love Elegies and Satires.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Integral Methods in Science and Engineering
Based on proceedings of the International Conference on Integral Methods in Science and Engineering, this collection of papers addresses the solution of mathematical problems by integral methods in conjunction with approximation schemes from various physical domains. Topics and applications include: wavelet expansions, reaction-diffusion systems, variational methods , fracture theory, boundary value problems at resonance, micromechanics, fluid mechanics, combustion problems, nonlinear problems, elasticity theory, and plates and shells.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Generalized Cauchy-Riemann Systems with a Singular Point
A theory of generalized Cauchy-Riemann systems with polar singularities of order not less than one is presented and its application to study of infinitesimal bending of surfaces having positive curvature and an isolated flat point is given. The book contains results of investigations obtained by the author and his collaborators.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Developments in Nonstandard Mathematics
This book contains expository papers and articles reporting on recent research by leading world experts in nonstandard mathematics, arising from the International Colloquium on Nonstandard Mathematics held at the University of Aveiro, Portugal in July 1994. Nonstandard mathematics originated with Abraham Robinson, and the body of ideas that have developed from this theory of nonstandard analysis now vastly extends Robinson's work with infinitesimals. The range of applications includes measure and probability theory, stochastic analysis, differential equations, generalised functions, mathematical physics and differential geometry, moreover, the theory has implicaitons for the teaching of calculus and analysis. This volume contains papers touching on all of the abovbe topics, as well as a biographical note about Abraham Robinson based on the opening address given by W.A>J> Luxemburg - who knew Robinson - to the Aveiro conference which marked the 20th anniversary of Robinson's death. This book will be of particular interest to students and researchers in nonstandard analysis, measure theory, generalised functions and mathematical physics.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Representations on Krein Spaces [Hot] and Derivations of C*-Algebras
This text provides a comprehensive treatment of representations on indefinite metric spaces, and their applications to the theory of *-derivations of C*-algebras.The book consists of two parts. The first studies the geometry of indefinite metric spaces (Krein and (Pi)(kappa)-spaces) and describes the theory of J-symmetric operator algebras and representations of *-algebras and groups on these spaces in a systematic form. For representations on (Pi)(kappa)-spaces, many significant new results are obtained; this establishes a possible approach to the general theory of representations.In the second part, different techniques of the theory of J-symmetric representations on Krein spaces are applied to the theory of *-derivations of C*-algebras implemented by skew-symmetric and dissipative operators. Various results are obtained, which establish a link between the deficiency indices of skew-symmetric operators implementing *-derivations of C*-algebras and dimensions of representations of these algebras. The problem of isomorphism of skew-symmetric operators is also touched upon.Numerous properties of the domains of *-derivations are investigated. These domains constitute an important subclass of differentiable Banach *-algebras, that is dense *-subalgebras of C*-algebras with properties in many respects similar to the properties of algebras of differentiable functions. The Weyl operator commutation relations are examined in the general context of *-derivations of C*-algebras. Powersí and Arvesonís indices of one-parameter semigroups of *-endomorphisms of the algebra B are considered, and various notions of the index of a *-derivation are introduced and studied.Application of the theory of J-symmetric representations on Krein spaces to the theory of *-derivations of C*-algebras is a new research area of growing interest and there are many exciting advances to be made in this field. The book covers a fairly large and complex body of material, and will serve as a stimulus to further research activity in this area.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Best Practice in Corporate Governance: Building Reputation and Sustainable Success
An earlier book, A Strategic Approach to Corporate Governance (Gower, 1999), examined corporate governance from a philosophical and 'big picture' standpoint. This book digs deeper and explores the operational issues around corporate governance, giving examples of good practice. It is a 'how to' book, which focuses on processes and practical issues, making the case for corporate governance in terms of measurable business benefits and competitive advantage. The author explores a number of key themes: ¢ How corporate governance has expanded in scope and importance worldwide. ¢ How to engage with the wider range of stakeholders whose support is essential for success in a competitive world. ¢ How to distribute power to those who need to use it to perform effectively at all levels in the organisation. ¢ How to encourage the behaviours needed to effect good governance. ¢ How to embed best practice in the daily routine of the organisation. ¢ How to adapt best practice to meet the needs of different organisations. ¢ How effective corporate governance can build sustainable business success. ¢ How corporate governance may evolve to meet the needs of the future. Corporate governance should address the needs of people seeking to cooperate effectively in a shared endeavour. It should be adopted, not imposed and Adrian Davies provides an eloquent and authoritative guide to this process.
Taylor & Francis Ltd How to Measure Customer Satisfaction
Customer satisfaction and loyalty are key differentiators between the better and poorer performing businesses in most markets. Satisfaction drives loyalty and loyalty drives business performance. This new edition of How to Measure Customer Satisfaction takes readers step-by-step through designing and implementing a CSM survey, highlighting blunders that are commonly made and explaining how to make sure that the measures produced are accurate and credible. It also covers ways of gaining understanding and ownership of the CSM programme throughout the organization and clarifies the business case for customer satisfaction. If you are committed to the future of your company, the ability to measure what your customers think of you is essential - and so is this book!
Taylor & Francis Ltd Implementing Virtual Teams: A Guide to Organizational and Human Factors
Many organizations worldwide are currently exploring the potential gains to be made from working with virtual teams. Although many different things are meant by use of 'virtual' (and indeed by 'teams'), usually it denotes groups of people with common purpose and goals working in different locations and often different time zones; they will be interconnected via a variety of telecommunications networks, perhaps including the Internet and intranet, video conferencing, shared white boards, as well as telephone, mail and e-mail. For organizations implementing such virtual teams there is a great need for guidance, in terms of the organizational structure and support which needs to be put in place. This book offers a practical guide to developing virtual teams, providing both an overview of what is involved and also a clear simple framework around which organizations can build their own implementation process. Although the different support technologies are discussed (at a generic level), the thrust of the book is on the organizational and human factors issues which must be addressed to make virtual teams a success. It contains detailed case studies to show how virtual teams work and where they can go wrong.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Necessary But Not Sufficient: A Theory of Constraints Business Novel
After reading the newspapers and following the sharp oscillations of the stock market, it becomes apparent that hi-tech companies are of a different breed. Never before have the chances of making a fortune been so realistic and never before have large companies been so fragile. What is really going on inside these hi-tech companies? What types of pressures and challenges are they facing? And how do they cope? Computer software providers, especially the ones that specialise in handling the data needs of organizations, are prime examples of these volatile companies. In the nineties we witnessed their growth from small businesses into multi-billion dollar giants. No wonder investors were attracted. In 1998 it was easy for such companies to raise as much money as they wanted. But now, investment funds have dried up. Why? And more importantly, is there a way to reverse the trend? This book gives the answers.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Quality Costing
Quality costs help to show the importance of quality-related activities to management; they demonstrate the cost of non-quality to an organization; they track the causes and effects of the problem, enabling the working out of solutions using quality improvement teams, and then monitoring progress. As a technique in the introduction and development of TQM, quality costing is a powerful tool for enhancing a company’s effectiveness. Quality Costing provides pragmatic advice on how to set about introducing and developing a quality costing system and using the data that emerges. This third edition (strengthened by additional data from a range of organizations) provides sound practical guidance on how to define, identify, collect, measure, analyse, report and use quality costs. This established text has proved invaluable to managers and quality professionals, students and academics alike - the new edition ensures its continued position as the leading book in the field.
Taylor & Francis Ltd A Handbook for Training Strategy
When the first edition of Martyn Sloman’s Handbook appeared, it made an immediate impact on the HRD community. Its starting point was the idea that traditional approaches to training in the organization were no longer effective. The Handbook introduced a new model and set out the practical implications. The world of HRD has moved on, and Martyn Sloman has now drastically revised the text to reflect the increased complexity of organizational life and the many recent developments in the field. His aim remains the same: to help readers to develop a framework in which training can be effectively managed and delivered. In Part I of the text the author draws attention to the opportunities created for training by the current emphasis on competition through people. In Part II he poses the question: ’What should training managers be doing to ensure that training in their organization is as good as it can be?’ Here he stresses the need to keep training aligned with business objectives, and to encourage line managers to work alongside the human resource professionals. The third and final Part considers the trainer as a strategic facilitator and examines the skills required. Martyn Sloman writes as an experienced training manager and his book is concerned, above all, with implementation. Thus the text is supported by questionnaires, survey instruments and specimen documents. With its combination of thought-provoking argument and practical guidance, the Handbook will continue to serve all those with an interest in organizational training.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Managing Projects at Work
This book is written for all managers, in any function, who are tasked with delivering projects at work. It is of particular interest to those managers who have to deal with small- to medium-sized projects in addition to their usual responsibilities. Straightforward and user friendly, this book takes the reader through a series of steps which results in the effective delivery of a project. Managing Projects at Work breaks down into two stages. By the end of stage one the reader will know how to build a ’Defensible Plan’ for successful project implementation. This process, which follows a step-by-step sequence, draws out in a unique way all the resources and support needed for an effective project delivery. The outcome is a confident project manager who can justify and secure what is needed for the stress-free implementation of the project. Stage two deals with implementing the ’Defensible Plan’ under proper control, through motivated and well-led people. Gordon Webster’s approach suits projects as diverse as introducing new systems or procedures, launching a new product, opening a new branch, factory or department; even organizing a conference or moving offices. Its practical methodology has been developed as a result of working over many years with managers whose projects had gone off track, usually for the same reasons. From these observations the unique and entirely effective ’Defensible Plan’ and its implementation were born. By adopting this approach readers can build in success from the beginning and see consistent project delivery, along with control of their working life.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Developing Managers Through Project-Based Learning
Every educator knows that the most effective way to learn is by ’doing’ - and nowhere is that truth more clearly seen than in management development. This wide-ranging book explains what is involved in planning and running project-based management development programmes and demonstrates the benefits for both the individuals and the organizations concerned. Drawing on the unrivalled experience of PA-Sundridge Park Management Centre in this field, the authors: ¢ show how to set up the necessary frameworks ¢ describe programmes for different levels of management, including 'top teams' ¢ examine the role of the sponsor ¢ point out the potential pitfalls and indicate how to avoid them ¢ look at the influence of national culture. With summaries and checklists, and case studies focusing on ICI, Allied Domecq, Volvo, Gestetner, Lloyds Bank Insurance Services, The Inland Revenue, London Underground and others, the emphasis throughout is very much on the practical. For anyone concerned with improving managerial performance, this is a book that will repay careful study.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Facilitating
How to manage change, and how to ensure continuous improvement: these are perhaps the two most important challenges confronting businesses today. And increasingly facilitating is being seen as the best way to deal with both. Facilitators - and managers operating in a facilitative style - work on helping individuals, groups and organizations to enhance their performance. This book shows how that can be done. The first part deals with the nature of facilitation and why those involved need to understand the basis of human behaviour. The second covers the management of change at different levels. The third provides practical guidelines on the relevant skills. The fourth looks at the kinds of situation where facilitators can be effective and includes case studies from a wide variety of settings. The final part deals with facilitative styles of management. For any manager or trainer determined to release the unfulfilled potential of their organization and the people in it, this book is the ideal starting point.
Taylor & Francis Ltd IBSS: Economics: 1980 Volume 29
First published in 1982. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Intl Biblio Pol Sc 1962 Vol 11
Taylor & Francis Ltd Intl Biblio Econom 1963 Vol 12
First published in 1964. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Cultured Landscape: Designing the Environment in the 21st Century
This book poses important philosophical questions about the aims, values and purposes of landscape architecture. The editors, highly regarded in their field, have drawn together a distinguished team of writers who provide unique individual perspectives on contemporary themes from a wide base of knowledge. Altogether, this key international study raises awareness of the landscape and encourages innovative ways of thinking about quality in design.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Water Purification Using Heat Pumps
This book is the result of a long-term co-operative research and professional development programme between the Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE), Mexico, and the University of Salford, UK. It provides the design basis for the fabrication of small and large scale commercial absorption heat pump systems, and includes a comprehensive treatment of the economics of heat pump systems. It charts the development of heat pump technology from theoretical principles to the operation of practical systems for the purification of water, both for human consumption and a wide variety of industrial purposes.In addition to the increasing demand for potable water there is a rapidly increasing demand for clean water in industries ranging from foodstuffs and pharmaceuticals to electronics. This book will be essential reading for industrial engineers and others concerned with the cost-effective, environmentally friendly production of clean water.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Ductility of Seismic-Resistant Steel Structures
This book is a state-of-the-art report on the ductility of steel structures, containing a comprehensive review of the technical literature available, and presenting the results of the authors' own extensive research activities in this area. Analytical and numerical methods are described, and a wealth of practical information is provided. Ductility of Seismic-Resistant Steel Structures will be of great use to advanced students, researchers, designers and professionals in the field of civil, structural and earthquake engineering.
Taylor & Francis Ltd International Directory of Building Research Information and Development Organizations
Every entry follows a standard pattern: after the address and telephone number of the institution there is a brief description of its history and financial support, followed by the names of the senior staff, total number of staff, the institution's structure and services, its main research programmes and a list of its publications. For this new edition a subject index has been added, allowing the reader to identify centres of research activity on individual construction topics throughout the world. The world-wide investment in construction industry research is enormous. This unique directory is a guidebook to that investment which will enable its readers to isolate sources of advice on practical problems, information on national standards and requirements and potential research collaborators.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Land and Nationalism in Fictions from Southern Africa
In this volume, Graham investigates the relation between land and nationalism in South African and Zimbabwean fiction from the 1960s to the present. This comparative study, the first of its kind, discusses a wide range of writing against a backdrop of regional decolonization, including novels by the prize-winning authors J.M Coetzee, Nadine Gordimer, Bessie Head, Chenjerai Hove, and Yvonne Vera. By employing a range of critical perspectives—cultural materialist, feminist and ecocritical—this book offers new ways of thinking about the relationship between literature, politics and the environment in Southern Africa.The return of land has been central to the material and cultural struggles for decolonization in Southern Africa, yet between the advent of democracy in Zimbabwe (1980) and South Africa (1994) and Zimbabwe’s decision to fast-track land redistribution in 2000, it has been limited land reform rather than widespread land redistribution that has prevailed. During this period nationalist discourses of reconciliation and economic development replaced those of revolution and decolonization. This book develops a critique of both forms of nationalistic narrative by focusing on how different and often opposing idea of land and nation are reflected, refracted and even refused in the fictions.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Science Education from People for People: Taking a Stand(point)
Contributing to the social justice agenda of redefining what science is and what it means in the everyday lives of people, this book introduces science educators to various dimensions of viewing science and scientific literacy from the standpoint of the learner, engaged with real everyday concerns within or outside school; develops a new form of scholarship based on the dialogic nature of science as process and product; and achieves these two objectives in a readable but scholarly way. Opposing the tendency to teach and do research as if science, science education, and scientific literacy could be imposed from the outside, the authors want science education to be for people rather than strictly about how knowledge gets into their heads. Taking up the challenges of this orientation, science educators can begin to make inroads into the currently widespread irrelevance of science in the everyday lives of people. Utmost attention has been given to making this book readable by the people from whose lives the topics of the chapters emerge, all the while retaining academic integrity and high-level scholarship.Wolff Michael Roth has been awarded the Distinguished Contributions Award by The National Association for Research in Science Teaching, for his contributions to research in this field.He has also been elected to be the Fellow of the American Association for Advancement of Science (AAAS) and Fellow of the American Educational Research Association.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Mobile Learning Communities: Creating New Educational Futures
Mobile Learning Communities explores the diverse ways in which traveling groups experience learning ‘on the run’. This book provides empirical evidence that draws on the authors’ 17 years of continuing research with international occupational Travelers. It engages with themes such as workplace learning, globalization, multiliteracies, and emerging technologies which impinge on the ways mobile groups make sense of themselves as learning communities. International in focus, this book deals with an issue of increasing global significance and shows the complexities of the lives and learning experiences of such mobile cultures and their strategies for earning, learning, and living, thus challenging simplistic and stereotypical images of traveling groups still found in mainstream media and popular culture.Mobile Learning Communities brings together for the first time mobilities and learning communities into a single and comprehensive focus. It provides a detailed analysis of how mobile groups position themselves and how they are positioned by others. This text will appeal to scholars in the field of distance education and educational technology and to researchers in education, cultural studies, and sociology. It will also be of interest to educational instructors, policy-makers, and administrators, as well as teacher educators and pre-service teachers. It paints a vivid picture of the experience of mobility through the words of the mobile learners themselves, but also critiques existing notions of learning and suggests ways of creating new educational futures for all learners and educators.
Taylor & Francis Ltd International Assistance and State-University Relations
This book explores the goals, efforts and outcomes of international assistance to higher education over the past three decades and investigates how these have impacted changing State-university relations. Focusing on the case study of Indonesia, Bastiaens demonstrates how international aid facilitated and at times actively encouraged changing patterns of state-university relations from state control towards greater institutional autonomy. Through the use of various case studies from throughout the country and critical analysis of the relationships between international donors and domestic reformers, Bastiaens shows how the educational system of Indonesia was able to diversify resources, generate income, and become increasingly autonomous from government.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Political Justice and Religious Values
Why do individuals and groups hold distinctive theological views? Why do these beliefs change? In what ways do theological interpretations influence concepts of spiritual and political justice? How and why do these concepts of justice affect policy preferences held by religious liberals and conservatives? Much has recently been written about the relationship between power, conservative politics, and evangelical religious groups, but very little attention has been paid to so-called "progressive" religious groups among Protestants, Catholics, and Jews and their relationship to political thought and action.This wide-ranging and interdisciplinary work, ideal for use in college courses on religion and social issues, explores the impact of theological interpretations about God, the individual, society, church, and government on attitudes toward procedural and distributive justice. Major issues revolve around civil liberties, sexual choice, gender equality, world peace, prison reform, and income distribution
Taylor & Francis Ltd Machine and Metaphor: The Ethics of Language in American Realism
American literary realism burgeoned during a period of tremendous technological innovation. Because the realists evinced not only a fascination with this new technology but also an ethos that seems to align itself with science, many have paired the two fields rather unproblematically. But this book demonstrates that many realist writers, from Mark Twain to Stephen Crane, Charles W. Chesnutt to Edith Wharton, felt a great deal of anxiety about the advent of new technologies – precisely at the crucial intersection of ethics and language. For these writers, the communication revolution was a troubling phenomenon, not only because of the ways in which the new machines had changed and increased the circulation of language but, more pointedly, because of the ways in which language itself had effectively become a machine: a vehicle perpetuating some of society’s most pernicious clichés and stereotypes – particularly stereotypes of race – in unthinking iteration. This work takes a close look at how the realists tried to forge an ethical position between the two poles of science and sentimentality, attempting to create an alternative mode of speech that, avoiding the trap of codifying iteration, could enable ethical action.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Actress: Hollywood Acting and the Female Star
The Actress: Hollywood Acting and the Female Star investigates the contemporary film actress both as an artist and as an ideological construct. Divided into two sections, The Actress first examines the major issues in studying film acting, stardom, and the Hollywood actress. Combining theories of screen acting and of film stardom, The Actress presents a synthesis of methodologies and offers the student and scholar a new approach to these two subjects of study.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Ray Davies: Not Like Everybody Else
Ray Davies: Not Like Everybody Else is a critical biography of Ray Davies, with a focus on his music and his times. The book studies Davies’ work from the Kinks’ first singles through his 2006 solo album, from his rock musicals in the early 1970s to his one-man stage show in the 1990s, and from his films to his autobiography. Based on interviews with his closest associates, as well as studies of the recordings themselves, this book creates the most thorough picture of Davies’ work to date. Kitts situates Davies’ work in the context of the British Invasion and the growth of rock in the '60s and '70s, and in the larger context of English cultural history. For fans of rock music and the music of the Kinks, this book is a must have. It will finally place this legendary innovator in the pantheon of the great rock artists of the past half-century.Thomas M. Kitts, Professor of English and Chair of the Division of English/Speech at St. John’s University, NY, is the co-editor of Living on a Thin Line: Crossing Aesthetic Borders with The Kinks, the author of The Theatrical Life of George Henry Boker, articles on American literature and popular culture, reviews of books, CDs, and performances, and a play Gypsies. He is the book review editor of Popular Music and Society and the editor of The Mid-Atlantic Almanack.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Reworking the Ballet: Counter Narratives and Alternative Bodies
Challenging and unsettling their predecessors, modern choreographers such as Matthew Bourne, Mark Morris and Masaki Iwana have courted controversy and notoriety by reimagining the most canonical of Classical and Romantic ballets. In this book, Vida L. Midgelow illustrates the ways in which these contemporary reworkings destroy and recreate their source material, turning ballet from a classical performance to a vital exploration of gender, sexuality and cultural difference.Reworking the Ballet: Counter Narratives and Alternative Bodies articulates the ways that audiences and critics can experience these new versions, viewing them from both practical and theoretical perspectives, including: eroticism and the politics of touch performing gender cross-casting and cross-dressing reworkings and intertextuality cultural exchange and hybridity.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Broadcasting the Blues: Black Blues in the Segregation Era
Broadcasting the Blues: Black Blues in the Segregation Era is based on Paul Oliver's award-winning radio broadcasts from the BBC that were created over several decades. It traces the social history of the blues in America, from its birth in the rural South through the heyday of sound recordings. Noted blues scholar Paul Oliver draws on decades of research and personal interviews with performers--some of whom he "discovered" and recorded for the first time--to draw a picture of how the blues aesthetic developed, giving new insights into the role blues played in American society before racial integration.The book begins by outlining the history of the blues from African music through country stomps, ragtime songs, and field hollers. From the heroic figures of black folksong--including the steel-driving railroad worker John Henry and the destructive Boll Weevil--to the content of the emerging blues, the author discusses the "meaning" behind the often coded words of the blues, evoking topics such as playful sexuality, magic and medicine, the stresses of segregation, and commentary on national events. Finally, the author traces the history of blues documentation, showing how our views of the early blues have been shaped through a complex interplay of social forces, and indicating possible lines for future research.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Protest and the Body in Melville, Dos Passos, and Hurston
This book analyzes the work of Herman Melville, John Dos Passos, and Zora Neale Hurston alongside biographical materials and discourses on the body. Thomas McGlamery views each of these authors' literary output as an effort to "work through" the political meanings associated with the body, examining how they negotiate identities of class, gender, race, sexuality, and age.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Feminist Utopian Novels of the 1970s: Joanna Russ and Dorothy Bryant
This book presents an exploration of the reinvented utopia that provided second-wave feminists of the 1970s with a conceptual space to articulate the politics of change. Tatiana Teslenko argues that utopian fiction of this decade offered a means of validating the personal as well as the political, and of criticizing a patriarchal social order. Teslenko reveals feminists' attempt through fiction to envision a new political order.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Parents and Children Communicating with Society: Managing Relationships Outside of the Home
The volume opens a new frontier in parent-child communication research as it brings together veteran researchers and newcomers to explore the communication of parents and children as they create relationships outside the family. The chapters herein examine communication processes and problems of parents and children as they interact with childcare, healthcare, education, and youth sports; investigate the unique challenges facing various types of families as they communicate outside the family (e.g., stepfamilies and gay/lesbian/bisexual families); and consider the role of media in family relationships outside of home.The primary audiences for the volume includes scholars, researchers and graduate students studying communication in families, children’s communication, communication in personal relationships, organizational communication, group communication, and health communication. It will also be of interest to psychologists who study families, children, and organizations; sociologists who study families, children, and organizations; education researchers; teachers; coaches; family physicians; and family therapists. graduate students It has the potential for use in courses in family communication, family studies, family sociology, and child development.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Bait and Switch: Human Rights and U.S. Foreign Policy
It has become routine for the US government to invoke human rights to justify its foreign policy decisions and military ventures. But this human rights talk has not been supported by a human rights walk. Policy makers consistently apply a double standard for human rights norms: one the rest of the world must observe, but which the US can safely ignore.Based on extensive interviews with leading foreign policy makers, military officials, and human rights advocates, Mertus tells the story of how America's attempts to promote human rights abroad have, paradoxically, undermined those rights in other countries. The second edition brings the story up-to-date, including new sections on the second half of the Bush administration and the Iraq War, and updates on Afghanistan.The first edition of Bait and Switch won the American Political Science Association's 2005 Best Book on Human Rights.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Gramsci and Trotsky in the Shadow of Stalinism: The Political Theory and Practice of Opposition
This book examines the legacy of Antonio Gramsci and Leon Trotsky in the shadow of Stalinism in order to reassess the very different and distorted academic reception of the two figures, as well as to contribute to the revitalization of Marxism for our time. While Gramsci and Trotsky lived and died in a similar fashion, as revolutionary Marxist leaders and theoreticians, their reception in academia could not be more different. Gramsci has become tremendously popular, becoming a central figure in many disciplines, while Trotsky remains largely ignored. Saccarelli argues that not only is Gramsci popular for the wrong reasons--being routinely distorted and depoliticized--even when rescued from his contemporary users, Gramsci remains inadequate. Conversely, the fact that Trotsky remains beyond the pale of "theory" is a terrible indictment of the current state of academic thinking.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Introduction to Art Therapy: Sources & Resources
Introduction to Art Therapy: Sources and Resources, is the thoroughly updated and revised second edition of Judith Rubin’s landmark 1999 text, the first to describe the history of art in both assessment and therapy, and to clarify the differences between artists or teachers who provide "therapeutic" art activities, psychologists or social workers who request drawings, and those who are trained as art therapists to do a kind of work which is similar, but qualitatively different. This new edition contains downloadable resources with over 400 still images and 250 edited video clips for much richer illustration than is possible with figures alone; an additional chapter describing the work that art therapists do; and new material on education with updated information on standards, ethics, and informing others. To further make the information accessible to practitioners, students, and teachers, the author has included a section on treatment planning and evaluation, an updated list of resources – selected professional associations and proceedings – references, expanded citations, and clinical vignettes and illustrations. Three key chapters describe and expand the work that art therapists do: "People We Help," deals with all ages; "Problems We Treat," focuses on different disorders and disabilities; and "Places We Practice," reflects the expansion of art therapy beyond its original home in psychiatry. The author’s own introduction to the therapeutic power of art – as a person, a worker, and a parent – will resonate with both experienced and novice readers alike. Most importantly, however, this book provides a definition of art therapy that contains its history, diversity, challenges, and accomplishments.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Black Literate Lives: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
Black Literate Lives offers an innovative approach to understanding the complex and multi-dimensional perspectives of Black literate lives in the United States. Author Maisha Fisher reinterprets historiographies of Black self-determination and self-reliance to powerfully interrupt stereotypes of African-American literacy practices. The book expands the standard definitions of literacy practices to demonstrate the ways in which 'minority' groups keep their cultures and practices alive in the face of oppression, both inside and outside of schools. This important addition to critical literacy studies:-Demonstrates the relationship of an expanded definition of literacy to self-determination and empowerment-Exposes unexpected sources of Black literate traditions of popular culture and memory-Reveals how spoken word poetry, open mic events, and everyday cultural performances are vital to an understanding of Black literacy in the 21st centuryBy centering the voices of students, activists, and community members whose creative labors past and present continue the long tradition of creating cultural forms that restore collective, Black Literate Lives ultimately uncovers memory while illuminating the literate and literary contributions of Black people in America.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Pressure Proofing: How to Increase Personal Effectiveness on the Job and Anywhere Else for that Matter
Do you feel uneasy when you try to relax? Are you overwhelmed by the deadlines you have to meet? Do you get rattled when things don’t go your way? Are you inpatient with people who work more slowly than you? Do you often get angry? Do you feel things are hopeless? Do you feel like not getting out of bed, instead pulling the covers over your head?More and more people have these reactions, in spite of the fact that we know more about pressure, anxiety, anger, and depression, and in spite of the fact that computers are supposed to make our lives and jobs easier. For the individual, these unhealthy reactions can lead to deteriorating health and a variety of social problems. For an organization, it often means low employee morale and declining productivity.In Pressure Proofing, Dr. Klarreich tackles the many people problems in the workplace and anywhere else for that matter. He shows how to identify the thoughts that bring on unhealthy reactions, and how to turn those thoughts around by debunking.Drawing on years of experience as a clinical psychologist, Dr. Klarreich then shows us, using quizzes, case histories, and practical programs, how these reactions can be conquered so that we can regain our health, productivity, and personal effectiveness. Pressure Proofing provides an inspiring, empowering, and engaging approach to addressing these issues.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Volition, Rhetoric, and Emotion in the Work of Pascal
This study identifies and analyzes a compelling theory and practice of persuasion that integrates the complexity of human desire. It demonstrates how the philosophical component in Pascal's description of the will makes a seamless integration into a vehicle of persuasion and poetics, providing a privileged viewpoint for understanding the author's complete works, arguing that the notion of will is of fundamental importance in Pascal's anthropology as well as in his rhetoric. This avenue of interpretation is both fruitful and difficult, because the word "volonte" means very different things in Pascal and in modern French. Beginning by contextualizing the notion of 'volonte' and explaining its expanded use in the seventeenth-century lexicon, the author then endeavors to show that Pascal borrows an essentially Augustinian paradigm of desire to create a depiction of the will divided against itself, surreptitiously yearning for what its bearer does not want.