Search results for ""University Press of America""
University Press of America Linguistic Analysis and Text Interpretation: Essays on the Bill of Rights and on Keats, Shakespeare and Dreiser
This book develops a range of new methods of textual analysis and applies them to the illumination of important texts, both documentary and fictional. The methods are linguistic or rhetorical in character and are selected depending on the properties of the texts investigated. The documentary text examined is the record of a key Bill of Rights debate in the United States House of Representatives. Attention is paid both to the substance and to the style of argumentation used by those arguing for amendments and by those arguing against their consideration. The literary texts come from John Keats, William Shakespeare and Theodore Dreiser. The methods in their case range from speech act and politeness theory to the study of case roles, and translations of Othello are considered in order to investigate the implications of case role analysis for interpreting a Shakespearean play and for understanding the nature of translation. Overall, it is argued that the methods developed provide fresh insights into the interpretation of each text investigated. From a methodological point of view, it is suggested that the application of analytical methods to concrete text, as in these case studies, leads to the further refinement of such methods, permitting their application to other texts in the future.
University Press of America Masks of Mystery: Explorations in Christian Faith and Arts
In this book the author walks the reader through the nature of the arts, the nature of Christian faith, and the historical factors which have brought us to our current crises of faith and imagination. There is a connection between religious faith and artistic expression which rests in the archetypal images of human culture. In our era, that connection seems to be more of a disjunction. Current artistic expressions do not seem to project the same images as religious faith confesses. This is especially true in Western civilization. Both the arts and religious faith (specifically Christianity) are approached as manifestations of the activity of human beings. Only later do these activities become intellectualized in aesthetics and theology. Understanding the artist and the believer as existing human beings, the perceived disjunction can be eclipsed when we grasp the context in which the human artist and the human believer in this century find themselves at odds. The crux of the disjunction is not so much the artists' disbelief (as religious believers seem to assume) as it is the failure of traditional expressions of belief in meeting human needs and a concurrent tightening of the grip by believers on the traditional metaphors of their faith. Perhaps the resolution will come in the new metaphors of the artists and a simultaneous turning by believers to give attention to the attempts of artists to speak mystery anew.
University Press of America Political Philosophy and Ideology: A Critique of Political Essentialism
This book is a critique of political essentialism, the doctrine that states that there is a single nature and destiny for human kind and that an elite is indispensable for bringing this about through political action. A systematic value philosophy is contrasted with ideological politics which includes novel theories of justice, freedom, equality and their relation. This book argues against Marxist accounts of social changes, and that the cause of modern revolutions and their aftermath is ideology and not economic factors. Ideology is articulated by political intellectuals who direct political movements. It also argues against ideologically based political thought.
University Press of America Performing the Renewal of Community: Indigenous Easter Rituals in North Mexico and Southwest United States
Anthropologists—as well as the Yaquis and many of the other indigenous peoples of Mexico and of Latin America in general—have recognized the intense and penetrating symbolism which is ritualized in the Easter dramas. This book is about the role of the Easter rituals in the Yaqui way of life in both Arizona and Sonora. It contains detailed ethnographic descriptions of these ceremonies. Contents: Preface; PART I: Introduction; Lent and Semana Santa in Northwestern Mexico and Southwestern United States; Semana Santa; PART II: Variations in Holy Week Ceremonies; Holy Week in Potam; Yaqui Holy Week: Potam, Rio Yaqui, and Pascua, Arizona, Compared; Some Notes on European Liturgical Drama and the Cahitan Semanas Santas; The Chapayeka Complex: Change and Persistence of Forms; Waehma: Space, Time, Identity, and Theater at New Pascula, Arizona; Easter, Keruk, and Wigita; The Jupare Mayo Easter Ceremonial; Lenten Ceremonials in Two Villages of the Mayo Valley; An Opata Holy Week Ceremonial Complex; Semana Santa Rituals and Modernization: Cultural Continuity and Change in Meresichic (Marobavi) Sonora, Mexico, 1955-1985; Tohono O'Odham (Papago) Easter in the Baboquivari District; Raramuri Easter; Tarahumara Easter Ceremonialism and the Mesoamerican Civil Religious Hierarchy; The Holy Days Among the Coras of Jesus Maria; Bivak: Semana Santa Among the Huichol of San Andres Cohamiata; PART III: Conclusions.
University Press of America Panta 1: The Philosophical Basis of the New Testament
Panta 1 shows that the authors of the New Testament understood Christianity and their world from the point-of-view of the pre-Socratic philosopher, Heraclitus of Ephesus who lived around 500 B.C. His philosophy served as the point of view of most of the authors of the New Testament. These statements are supported by examining the historical context of the New Testament, the texts of both the philosopher and the New Testament, and the concepts that they both endorse. Part One examines the bases of much of the New Testament scholarship as it has been formulated for the past century. This part pays particular attention to a critique of David Strauss, and of the tendency in modern theology to reinterpret the New Testament according to modern philosophical or ideological agenda. Part Two examines the philosophy of Heraclitus, based primarily on the commentary by Charles H. Kahn (Cambridge University Press, 1989). Part Three shows affinities between Heraclitus and the books of the New Testament, beginning with John. The author also proposes a theory concerning the identity of Tyrranus in the book of Acts. Part Four examines the Gospel of Thomas, and an interesting writing from the Nag Hammadi library. Part Five contains suggestions concerning Christian Theology and topics including God, Jesus, sin, atonement, and others are discussed.
University Press of America The Days of Wine and Roses Are Over: Governor Hugh Carey and New York State
The Days of Wine and Roses Are Over is an in-depth study of Hugh Carey's tenure as Governor of New York from 1975 through 1982. This book covers his life beginning with his youth, congressional career, and 1974 gubernatorial primary and general election campaigns. The steps he took from 1975 through 1978 to keep both New York City and state out of bankruptcy are analyzed. He not only lobbied the federal government vigorously and successfully to secure aid for the city but compelled the metropolis to abandon a well-trodden path of financial recklessness. This book outlines his touchy relations with Democratic Party leaders and the State Legislature and narrates his surprisingly difficult albeit successful reelection bid in 1978, a campaign in which he first had to defeat his own Lieutenant Governor before taking on his Republican challenger. The Carey Administration had a hand in many important projects, the modernization of New York City's subways and the rescue of homeowners living in the Love Canal neighborhood being just two, before Carey committed several serious blunders which lowered voters' opinion of him that he decided not to run for reelection in 1982. Through it all, this man with the embarassingly-low poll ratings turned into a superb governor.
University Press of America Against the Stream: The Adoption of Traditional Christian Faiths by Young Adults
Against the Stream examines the phenomenon of young adult conversion and return to traditional Christian religiosity. The book is based on 50 case studies of young adults who have converted or returned to three tradition-based faiths: conservative and traditionalist Roman Catholicism; the conservative Reformed (or Calvinist) tradition; and Eastern Orthodoxy. The book provides an account of these young adults' beliefs as well as how they relate their faith to everyday life and social issues, and illuminates the challenges of adhering to religious traditions in a society shaped by pluralism and religious consumerism. These young adults are going 'against the stream' by refusing to take a pick-and-choose approach to religious beliefs. Choice plays a major role in how these young adults adopt and adapt these faiths to their lives. Such selective retrievals of tradition for these young adults provide benefits and solutions for the ills and dislocations created by modernity, such as the fragmentation, secularism, and politicization of society. Co-published with Religion Watch.
University Press of America 'What Profit for Us?': Remembering the Story of Joseph
This book offers a fresh reading of the biblical story of Joseph, alert to, and explicit about current literary methodology. Joseph is sold south by traders; then his brothers must go down to barter for food; and finally all his kin relocate in Egypt to survive famine. The relentless pull of the characters into various literal and figurative pits mingles with their struggles to emerge. The major mystery presented to both characters and readers—who is responsible for the descent of Joseph into Egypt?—develops into a much deeper question articulated by the brothers about the significance of the journey: 'What profit for us?' The conversation among characters is the repeated effort to interpret and thus understand, even control, the details of the descents so that survival is possible. The significance of the Joseph story for characters and readers is in the re-enacting, re-playing, remembering, re-interpreting of the events so that they can be grasped and integrated. The characters' strategies become a model for what the readers must do with the text.
University Press of America Christian Social Thought in Great Britain Between the Wars
After the devastation of the Great War, thinkers in Great Britain engaged in a process of agonized reappraisal of the moral and political directions the country was to take. This book accounts for the contribution of Christian thinkers, emphasizing the ethical socialism to which they were heir, particularly the Christian tradition of social commentary and political action from the nineteenth century. This was, broadly speaking, the Christian socialism championed by F.D. Maurice and others, carried into the twentieth century by men like Charles Gore and famously embodied in William Temple. Christian Social Thought in Great Britain Between the Wars pays special attention to the League of the Kingdom of God and the Christendom Group in the Church of England; and it argues that, given the confusion and anxiety of the age, Christian theorists for the most part neither rose above nor sunk beneath its standards of discourse.
University Press of America The World's Greatest Hypnotists
Today, hypnotism is recognized as an effective therapeutic tool and its importance is growing. This book shows how hypnotism reached its present status of acceptance, through two centuries of pioneering effort by several fascinating personalities. Special emphasis is placed on the life and work of Dr. Milton H. Erickson, the foremost mid-20th century exponent of hypnotism and the acknowledged father of modern hypnotherapy. This is the first book to provide a thorough narrative and biographical account of hypnotism's progress from 1775 to the present day. In addition to the history of hypnotism from its shamanistic origins to the modern clinical applications of today, this book looks forward to still greater advances in the use of hypnosis for the relieving and blocking of pain, and in enhancing the human immune system.
University Press of America Good Murders and Bad Murders: A Consumer's Guide in the Age of Information
No descriptive material is available for this title.
University Press of America Guides for the Journey: John MacMurray, Bernard Lonergan, and James Fowler
Guides for the Journey is an introduction to the lives and thoughts of three significant thinkers: John Macmurray, Bernard Lonergan, and James Fowler. The book shows how their work is helpful in interpreting our lives and the world in which we live. Written for the introductory student or reader, this book makes Macmurray, Lonergan, and Fowler's work more accessible and is the first book to actually compare the thought of the three. Throughout the book, quotations from their writings help the reader to absorb and appreciate the texture and meaning of their work. Readers are not presumed to be familiar with philosophy or the meaning of technical terms used. An index and a glossary of names and key terms provide easy reference tools. Endnotes and a bibliography will stimulate further reading on the subject. Guides for the Journey is highly appropriate for university courses in religion as well as religious workshops and lectures. Contents: List of Tables; Preface; Acknowledgments; Introduction; Endnotes; John Macmurray (1891-1976); Endnotes; Macmurray's Characterization of the Personal Life; Endnotes; Bernard Lonergan; Endnotes; Lonergan's Understanding of Understanding; Endnotes; James Fowler (b.1940); Endnotes; Fowler's Faith Development Theory; Endnotes; A Summing Up; Endnotes; Glossary; Bibliography; Index.
University Press of America Korea: A World in Change
NOTE: Series number is not an integer: VIII
University Press of America The Prussian Army 1640-1871
This text focuses on the history of the Prussian army from the Thirty Years War to the unification of Germany in the Franco-Prussian War. The author uses an entertaining, readable format to describe the rise of militarism in Prussia. The book focuses on Frederick William's role in Prussian military history, providing special attention to descriptions of land battles and combat for non-technical readers. It concludes with a brief analysis of militarism in Germany and a comment on the fate of common Prussian soldiers in peace and in war. This book serves as an introductory text. It will be highly appropriate for a variety of disciplines, including history, political science, and sociology. More specifically, it will provide beneficial reading in ROTC programs and education programs on military or peace studies.
University Press of America The African and the African American University: A Historical and Sociological Analysis
This is a historical and sociological analysis of the African and African-American higher education system. Its central themes concern university structure, bureaucracy and transplantation. It also provides an analysis of all factors which have affected both African and African-American higher education through history. Contents: Preclassical Universities and their Influence; The Influence of the Fertile Crescent; Contributions of Western Asia and Egypt; The Curriculum of the Egyptian Higher Education System; European Universities; The Roots of the Modern African University; The Scientific Outlook of the Medieval University; African Universities; The University of Sankore; Interpretive Reflection; The Colonial African University 1946-1963; The First Colleges; The National University; The Addis-Ababa Conference; The Mission of the African University; The University in South Africa; The Influence of Apartheid; The African American University; The Origins of the African American University; African American Youth in Academia; Reflections on Training Institutions; The Role of Intellectuals; The Strategic Intellectual Planner.
University Press of America Entrepreneurship in Micro-Enterprises: A Strategic Analysis of Manufacturing Industries in Kenya: Textiles, Woodwork, and Metalwork
This timely and important work studies Kenya's small scale manufacturers. What makes the book unique is Gray's sub-sector approach, which focuses on the particular industries of tailoring, woodwork and metalwork. Gray investigates the development of these sub-sectors by taking a strategic management approach. Such an approach allows the author to assess enterprise competitiveness and profitability within industries. Readers will find that the information in this book serves as a well-needed supplement to the literature on the World Bank's July 1995 decision to focus more on micro-enterprise development. The book will appeal to many different audiences including development agencies concerned with the economic development community and the international academic community. Business and social science students who are interested in how work is organized in the family and the effects of modernization on traditional society will also benefit from reading this book.
University Press of America Social Transition in China
Social Transition in China brings together the views of eleven Chinese scholars as presented at the International Symposium on Socio-Economic Transition and Cultural Reconstruction in China. These contributors combine first-hand knowledge of China with study in the United States to provide qualified assessments of the social changes brought about in China by the economic reform begun by Deng Xiaoping. They examine the change to a free market, a more democratic government, and the modernization of China through the details of political change, the rural atmosphere, and the attitudes held by the people of contemporary China.
University Press of America Domestic Policy Narratives and International Relations Theory: Chinese Ecological Agriculture as a Case Study
China is rapidly changing and its role in the world is becoming larger with each transformation. As China's economic and political power grows, Western nations must develop better ways of dealing with Chinese ambitions on the world stage. In this compelling work, Michael McCoy urges American policy makers to move beyond past perceptions of China as a political threat and an economic gold mine to consider Chinese political identity and actions from a Chinese perspective. He investigates American and Chinese interpretations of various sociopolitical concepts, arguing that a discernment of the different meanings is necessary to understand subsequent actions and avoid confusion and fear. Specifically, McCoy explores how Chinese domestic policy narratives reflect Chinese political identity, which in turn authorizes specific actions at the national and international level. Using post-modern discourse analysis, he examines the implementation of a Chinese domestic policy known as Ecological Agriculture, considering it as ritual, myth, and metaphor. His analysis reveals the power relations and forms of interaction within and between diverse social groups that are an integral part of Chinese political identity and culture. Highly original and insightful, McCoy's study will be of great value to those with an interest in Chinese development, international relations, comparative politics, and policy analysis.
University Press of America The Fear, The Trembling, and the Fire: Kierkegaard and Hasidic Masters on the Binding of Isaac
This book is an investigation into authenticity, certainty, and self-hood as they arise in the story of the binding of Isaac. Gellman provides a new interpretation of Kierkegaard with select Hasidic commentary. Contents: INTRODUCTION: Background to the Book; Hasidism and Existentialism; Preview of the Chapters; THE FEAR AND THE TREMBLING: Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling; The Problem of Hearing and the Problem of Choice; The 'Ethical' for Kierkegaard; The 'Voice of God' for Kierkegaard; The Resolution of the Problems; THE UNCERTAINTY: Mordecai Joseph Leiner of Izbica; Maimonides, Saadia, and Gersonides; The Existentialist Interpretation; The Theological Interpretation; SINNING FOR GOD: The Teleological Suspension of the Ethical; Averah Lishmah-Mordecai Joseph Leiner of Izbica and Zadok Hakohen of Lublin; Divine Determinism; Repentance from Fear and from Love; Averah Lishmah and the Teleological Suspension of the Ethical; THE DOUBLE-MINDEDNESS: Abraham's Prophetic Utterance; Heavy and Light Double Mindedness; The Fire-Elimelech of Lyzhansk; Judah Aryeh Leib of Gur; Abraham's Double-Mindedness; THE PASSION: Abraham Issac Kook; Hegel and Kierkegaard on Religion and Philosophy; Abraham and Idolatry; The Akedah According to Rav Kook; God's Mercy; Rav Kook and Kierkegaard on the Self; Index.
University Press of America The Writer's Mind: Making Writing Make Sense
This book gives students a series of principles to look for in prose, so that they, possibly for the first time, can begin to see what makes writing effective and what makes it cumbersome and unclear; by editing with these principles in mind, the students on the very first day are doing something with their own prose. Quick-reading, concise segments present the skills needed to write efficient and effective prose. Students quickly learn how to write with clarity, grace and freshness, and how to write feeling, seeing, and reasoning. Many samples of prose are used to illustrate the principles discussed in the text, and writing and editing exercises provide useful practice. Reprinted from the 1984 Scott, Foresman and Company edition.
University Press of America The Italian Renaissance and Its Influence on Western Civilization
This book is an enlarged and improved version of the previous edition. It offers a unique and comprehensive approach to Renaissance Studies, presenting the many themes and intellectual advances in an organized and thought-provoking way. Contents: Introduction; Structure of the Book; Renaissance Themes; Renaissance City Centers; Outstanding Individuals; Concluding Thoughts.
University Press of America Italy in the Last Fifteen Hundred Years
An updated edition of the original, published in 1986 by UPA; the book is divided into four parts: From Byzantium to the Communes, 476-1122; From the Communes to the High Renaissance, 1122-1534; Italy Between the Hapsburgs and the French, 1534-1814; Italy in the Modern World. The author describes recent events in the Epilogue.
University Press of America Mid Journey
University Press of America Colloquial Spanish in Context: Beyond Subjunctive Barriers
The subjunctive is more than a trap for unwary students; it is truly a key component of the Spanish language, a basic structure that the whole language depends on. Condorito comic strips provide the basis for the Spanish grammar examined in this book as they perfectly capture fleeting colloquial Spanish in a permanent concrete form. This book is an invaluable resource for mastering Spanish grammar because although native speakers control the subtle nuances of the subjunctive mode perfectly, they cannot explain it. The explanations in this book encourage the learner to extrapolate and expand on the particular grammar point being presented.
University Press of America The Story of 'Hernan der Norweger' Auschwitz Prisoner #79235: As told by Herman Sachnowitz to Arnold Jacoby
This book is an English translation of the Norwegian memoirs of Herman Sachnowitz of Larvik, Norway, Auschwitz prisoner #79235. Out of the 780 Norwegian Jews imprisoned in Auschwitz, only 9, including Sachnowitz, returned home alive. The book chronicles Hernan's two years as a slave-worker at Bunna Werke and as a member-first-chair trumpet of the Buna camp orchestra. It is a gripping story that takes the reader right to the heart of the death-camp experience. The fear, the deprivation, the degradation that finally threatened to destroy the prisoner's will to live is described with agonizing realism.
University Press of America Corridors of Mirrors: The Spirit of Europe in Contemporary British and Romanian Fiction
Corridors of Mirrors examines the current notion of Europe as expressed in Romanian and British fiction. Brînzeu, working from both historical and contemporary literature, surveys symbolic notions of the common cultural links which seem to embody 'European' identity. In particular, the author examines the shift in post-Iron Curtain literary concepts of this ancient identity.
University Press of America Human Rights in Africa: The Conflict of Implementation
Human Rights in Africa is an in depth examination of the concept of human rights as it is applied in the world today, with a focus on Africa. Though the goals of human rights are to benefit mankind, the concept is not devoid of ideology and a particular social orientation. The ethos of the concept as formulated today in a world of disproportionate resources, avarice, competition, and greed, makes it difficult to implement in certain societies. The intellectualization of the concept has made it easy for many to lose sight of the fact that human rights should ultimately be linked to how best human dignity can be protected in a particular society given the realities of that society, as opposed to an artificial imposition of a rigid regime on peoples who do not understand what the concept means.
University Press of America Process Catholicism: An Exercise in Ecclesial Imagination
Process Catholicism offers an imaginative alternative to the present Catholic ecclesiology that the church in the U.S. currently struggles with, which derives from a one-sided determination of how church relationships should be understood, structured, and carried out. Process thought consists of a dynamic, organic, empirical, aesthetic, and panentheistic worldview that is applied to Jesus' relationships and Vatican II's treatment of the church, utilizing the basic concepts of Alfred North Whitehead's notion of a society. Kinast develops the concept of process Catholicism in terms of an ecclesial environment, a preferential option for novelty, a presumption in favor of new developments and movements within the church, and a process treatment of the major test cases facing the Catholic church, such as the ordination of women, inculturation, and public theological dissent.
University Press of America Evelyn Underhill: Spirituality for Daily Living
This book explores Evelyn Underhill's spirituality for daily living by describing aspects of her life and writings that are relevant for contemporary Christians in their daily living. It combines scholarly research and pastoral applications. The first part focuses on three influences on her life: experiences and images, her study of the mystics, and her work with spiritual guides. The second part discusses Underhill's spirituality for daily living based on a study of her letters, retreats, and other spiritual writings. The third part presents her legacy for the third millennium: her study of mysticism, her spiritual guidance, and her spirituality for daily living. This work highlights aspects of her life with which readers may identify, for example: her own return to the Anglican communion after fourteen years; her ecumenical dialogue with the Orthodox church and her lifelong attraction to the mystical and sacramental aspect of Roman Catholicism; her study of Sufi mystics bringing her into interfaith dialogue; her pacifist stance in World War II; and her prophetic contribution to the Anglican church as a woman spiritual director, retreat preacher, theologian, spiritual writer, and spiritual resource for today.
University Press of America The Art of the Footnote: The Intelligent Student's Guide to the Art and Science of Annotating Texts
The Art of the Footnote reacquaints students and writers with the footnote as the most effective method for presenting all of the information that is necessary to make every manuscript lucid for every reader. This book shows why footnotes are valuable, even essential, as a part of writing in the context of the scientific and historical methods of research; how easy it is to become thoroughly familiar with the various types of notes and when to employ them; and how to create footnotes which are both clear and helpful to the reader. This book will be helpful in writing undergraduate term papers to large monographs because it describes specific cases in which footnoting is appropriate and it illustrates those with examples drawn from a variety of writings.
University Press of America Portraits of Jesus: A Reading Guide
This is an introductory guide to the ways Jesus is depicted in the New Testament. Both college students and the general reader will find here a variety of New Testament understandings of Jesus that are rooted in critical reading of the four Gospels and Pauline letters. This new edition adds historical context to the portraits of Jesus as each document is somewhat shaped by historical factors. This work presumes neither religious faith nor lack of faith; its aim is to inform and to stimulate some fundamental questions as well as to give the readers portraits as synthetic balance to the vital work of analysis.
University Press of America The Ultimatum of Pleasure: Behavioral Economics and Social Development
This book is dedicated to the research of the “pleasure phenomenon” as the most important factor in individual and socio-cultural development. In a society of mass consumption, pleasure—having turned into a commodity and a means of manipulation—defines civilizational development. The authors theorize that the pursuit of pleasure can destroy one’s self, culture, and environment. The recent rapid technological expansion has turned pleasure into a societal challenge. This study emphasizes the necessity of intrinsic transformation of marketing in the 21st Century which would shift the focus from seeking pleasure to controlling desires in a way that would benefit self, society, and the world.
University Press of America The Bungle Book: Some Errors by Which We Live
The Bungle Book presents a demythology of six salient concepts central to our modern self-understanding, The “suspects” of the self, the machine, and God, as well as the “senses” of home, love, and freedom are subjected to an intense analytical scrutiny that is back-dropped by the work of Gadamer, Heidegger, Lingis, Midgely, and other critical voices. Book-ended by a detailed introduction that asks us to “unexpect the expected” and a conclusion that suggests that we need to stop compulsively making sense of living on in order to become more sensible about its human ambiguities, The Bungle Book will be of interest to any who take seriously the contemporary challenge of a global and interconnected existence.
University Press of America Trade Warriors: The Guide to the Politics of Trade and Foreign Investment
This volume, packed with facts, examines Congress and the Bush administration's decisions on trade and investment. It takes the reader behind the scenes of the politics of trade and foreign investment in the United States, reports what American policy makers privately expect from Japan and the united Europe in the 1990s, and explains why the Bush administration is bowing to protectionist pressures. The first part offers a history, analysis, and chronology of U.S. trade policy spanning almost 200 years. The second part offers summaries of how members of Congress voted on trade issues, personal and political background on 35 Senators and 45 Representatives, ratings by business and labor groups, trade staff contacts for each member, key staff members on trade-related committees, and more. Of tremendous use to American and foreign businessmen, diplomats, lawyers, lobbyists, union officials, journalists, and professors of economics, business, public policy, and history.
University Press of America Media Effects on Voters: A Panel Study of the 1992 Presidential Election
How do today's voters react to the phenomenon of 'attack journalism' in this age of televised presidential campaigns? This book presents an intensive analysis of mass media effects on a panel of eighteen voters from Columbia, South Carolina during the 1992 presidential elections. Beginning with individual interviews in July of 1992 and continuing through November, Cavanaugh's study provides a long-term look at voters in the decision-making process as well as insight into how various news items affect their voting choices.
University Press of America The Scottish High Church Tradition in America: An Essay in Scotch-Irish Ethnoreligious History
In a comprehensive examination of the links between the ethnic and religious loyalties of Scotch-Irish immigrants, Fisk analyzes the process by which these two splinter branches of the Church of Scotland evolved into an important element in American Presbyterianism. The book traces the origins of post-Reformation religious turmoil in Scotland and explains the emotional attachment of the Covenanters and Seceders to their sectarian views. It then traces the migration of these two groups to Ireland, Pennsylvania and the Carolinas.
University Press of America Beyond the Hill: A Directory of Congress from 1984-1993
Where do most of the former members of Congress go after leaving office? This book is a chronicle of where former members are living, what they are doing, how they happened to leave Congress—voluntarily or not—and what they see for themselves in the future. Rebecca Borders and C. C. Dockery examine a focus group consisting of 350 former members of the United States House of Representatives and United States Senate who left office from 1984 through 1993. They provide a look into the lives of the former members without regard to party or ideology. It is an attempt to answer some of the personal, historical, and ethical questions that arise when a member of Congress leaves office. They also present in-depth interviews with several former members including Dick Cheney, Lindy Boggs, Roy Dyson, and William Proximire. Also included is a directory of their current activities. Copublished with The Center for Public Integrity.
University Press of America A Commentary on Nietzsche's Ecce Homo
In this commentary on chapter one, "Why I am So Wise," of Nietzsche's Ecce Homo, the author dispels the long-standing impression that Ecce Homo is an irrational book in which the madness that claimed Nietzsche only months after he began writing it had already begun its work. Ecce Homo, it is alleged, is not egotistical, or narcissistic, or megalomaniacal. It is not a work of madness. In his linear exposition of this first chapter, the author presents Nietzsche's revelation of the tragic fact that his very aliveness was in a state of being overwhelmed, consumed, by powerful unconscious emotion, the condition he called decadence. Nietzsche's madness may have caused him to lose perspective on the meaning of having dwelt in "a world of exalted and delicate things," as he writes of himself in Ecce, but the original experience of elevation that comes of an abundance of life, of a surplus of life, certainly was not pathological.
University Press of America Church Universal and Triumphant: In Scholarly Perspective
Church Universal and Triumphant is a new religious movement in the Theosophical tradition. Since moving its headquarters to Montana in the early 1980s, the Church has frequently been in the news, for everything from illegal weapons purchases to the construction of controversial fallout shelters. Most recently it has been sensationalized in the media as the "next Waco." During the summer of 1993, a team of academic specialists conducted a unique, interdisciplinary study of this movement to, in part, determine whether the general public perception of this fascinating new religion was accurate. This volume reports the results of that study.
University Press of America Objectivity, Communication, and the Foundation of Understanding
This phenomenological investigation of lived experience suggests that human understanding inevitably relies on objectivist comprehensions due to ethical imperatives that are necessitated by communal existence. The analysis also indicates that human understanding and human communication can be considered commensurate processes that are oriented toward maintaining these objectivist comprehensions through the integration of meanings and the reconciliation of disparate meanings. Contents: Acknowledgments; INTRODUCTION; The Beginning of a Sojourn; The Intellectual Context; Dominant Themes; An Overarching Theme; Human Understanding; Statement of the Problem; Phenomenological Methodology; Researching the Lifeworld; Evidence Collection and Analysis; A MATERIAL DOMAIN; Specific Dimensional Concepts; Univocality; Narration and Description; Discussion; A SOCIAL DOMAIN; Fairness; Honesty; Trust; Responsibility; The Use of 'Right': A Special Case in Realist Discourse; Discussion; ANTINOMIES; Combining Realist and Hermeneutic Views; 'Rights' as Relative Entities; Discussion; SYNTHETIC DISCOURSE; Realist Parables and Formational Rationality; Transformational Rationality and Epiphanous Experiences; Discussion; JUSTIFICATION; Justifying; Exemplars of Justificatory Discourse; Discussion; INTEGRATION; Summary of Interpretative Effort; Consistency and Coherence; Human Understanding; Integrity and the Integration of Understanding; CONCLUSION; Objectivity and Cosmographical Necessity; The Critical and Ethnographic Studies; Future Research; Wider Implication and a Personal Transformation; Appendix A: Initial Contact Letter; Appendix B: Aide Memoir; Appendix C: Synthetic Discourse Examples; References; Index.
University Press of America Hannibal: The Life of Abraham Lincoln's First Vice President
This book describes the life of Abraham Lincoln's first vice-president, Hannibal Hamlin. The author describes Hamlin's ancestors and boyhood before tracing his career through the Maine legislature, U.S. House of Representatives, and his course as one of the most powerful senators in the country during the 1850s. Hamlin is most widely known for being the first vice-president to Abraham Lincoln, yet, ironically this position was his most powerless in his sixty years of public service.
University Press of America Etymidion II: A Students' Workbook for Vocabulary Building
This text is a workbook in etymology and vocabulary building from Latin and Greek elements. An introduction which gives a brief description of the foreign influence on English vocabulary is followed by exercises in spelling, usage, and the histories of words. The Latin and Greek sections introduce students to word formation in the classical tongues. Numerous exercises are included to practice the principles of compounding words and the word elements. The new edition adds fuller explanations and numerous vocabulary notes to show interesting relationships of words and word groups as well as more exercises and review material, based on feedback from students in the class during the last five years. Contents: Introduction: The Beginnings of English. PART I: LATIN WORDS IN ENGLISH. Latin Nouns and Adjectives; Formation of Adjectives; Noun Suffixes; Latin Verbs; Prefixes; Present Base; Suffixes. PART II: GREEK WORDS IN ENGLISH. Greek Words into English; Noun Base Compounds; Adjectives; Suffixes; Prefixes; Verb Bases. APPENDIX: SUFFIXES FROM LATIN. Latin Base Words; Greek Base Words; English to Latin; English to Greek.
University Press of America Self-Creation and History: Collingwood and Nietzsche on Conceptual Change
In Self-Creation and History, Michael Hinz focuses on the works of Collingwood and Nietzsche, showing how each construes traditional problems in metaphysics as problems generated in history and through conceptual change. Hinz focuses on two main problems that are intimately connected: (1) how to explain the historical generation and corruption of entire systems of thought and value, and (2) the present task of overcoming the current crises facing Western culture in a creative, progressive way. This study is unique in showing how both Collingwood and Nietzsche can be understood as addressing these problems and as having worked out the theoretical solutions to them. Contents: Introduction; PART I: CONSCIOUSNESS; Consciousness, The Self and Self Knowledge; Art and Language; Valuation and Presupposition; Reason and Refinement; PART II: CONCEPTUAL CHANGE; History, Genealogy; Metaphysics; PART III: CREATIVE CHANGE; Nietzsche: Creative Will; Collingwood: Progressive Mind; Self-Creation and Self-Redemption: Dionysus Versus the Crucified; Abbreviations; Bibliography; Index.
University Press of America Labor Relations: Japanese Business Novel
This book gives an insider's account of Japanese labor management. Its fictional narrative opens as a quasi-mystery with a television newscast reporting on a 400 million yen embezzlement by a chief accountant. Within this framework the novel charts the relationship between the store's labor union and its top management which is in cahoots with a governmental politician. This book describes department store sales strategies, the manipulations of administrators, and their psychological impact on the sales staff. Through its unique format, Labor Relations commands a socio-economic landscape ubiquitous in, if not typical of, the Japanese business world.
University Press of America Three Smaller Wisdom Books: Lao Zi's Dao De Jing, The Great Learning (Da Xue), and the Doctrine of the Mean (Zhong Yong)
These three wisdom books that Patrick Edwin Moran has translated were anonymously authored around the time of Confucius, though some textual evidence indicates that they were written down sometime during the late Zhou dynasty to the early years of the Han dynasty. Moran's commentaries are not meant to substitute for careful reading of the original texts, but to provide additional information and enhance the literary experience of the original. Also included is a pronunciation guide for all Chinese terms that appear in the book.
University Press of America Current Issues in Second Language Acquisition and Development
This book provides the most updated discussion of the most important issues facing students, scholars, and researchers in second language acquisition research and development. Contents: Current Issues in Second Language Acquisition and Development: An Introduction, Carol A. Blackshire-Belay; Section 1: Language Development and Transfer. Native Language Transfer and Universal Simplification, Robin Sabino; Aspect Transferability (Or: What Gets Lost in the Translation-and Why?), Terence Odlin; Creole Verb Serialization: Transfer or Spontaneity? Frank Byrne; Section 2: Learner Variables in Second Language Acquisition. Contexts for Second Language Acquisition, Elsa Lattey; Language Acquisition, Biography and Bilingualism, Ulrich Steinmuller; Acquisition of Japanese by American Businessmen in Tokyo: How Much and Why? Yoshiko Matsumoto; Section 3: Issues in Interlanguage Development. Abrupt Restructuring Versus Gradual Acquisition, Hanna Pishwa; Variability in Grammatical Analysis: On Recognizing Verbal Markers in Foreign Workers' German, Carol A. Blackshire-Belay; Sketch of an Interlanguage Rule System: Advanced Nonnative German Gender Assignment, Joe Salmons.
University Press of America Pragmatic Approaches to Shakespeare: Essays on Othello, Coriolanus and Timon of Athens
This book explores the intersection of linguistics and literature and offers new insight into linguistic methods of literary criticism. The methods include the analysis of questions of requests, topic analysis and its relation to the notion of dominance, and case grammar, with special reference to the concept of agentivity. Readers interested in language will value the contribution of this book to applied linguistics while readers interested in Shakespeare will welcome the fresh perspectives on the three selected plays. Rudanko demonstrates the usefulness of interdisciplinary cooperation between linguistics and literature and helps to break down artificial barriers between the two fields. Contents: Introduction; The Changing Othello: A Look at Some Adjacency Pairs in Othello; "That she may make, unmake, do what she list": Case Grammar and Othello and Iago's Soliloquies; Speech Acts in Coriolanus; Turning Down Requests: Politeness and Nastiness in Timon of Athens; Concluding Observations.
University Press of America Life Course and Generational Politics
These essays include descriptive, empirical and theoretical discussions of a new interdisciplinary field of study in the social sciences - life course and generational politics. They illustrate a number of different approaches and identify the conceptual and methodological issues involved.