Search results for ""author john c."
Shambhala Publications Inc Dzogchen: The Self-Perfected State
The New Press The Radical Reader: A Documentary History of the American Radical Tradition
From Thomas Paine's "Common Sense" to Kate Millett's "Sexual Politics," these documents sparked, guided, and distilled the most influential movements in American history. Brief introductory essays by the editors provide a rich biographical and historical context for each selection.
Edinburgh University Press Praeterita: Outlines of Scenes and Thoughts Perhaps Worthy of Memory in My Past Life
Taylor & Francis Inc The Handbook of Groundwater Engineering
This new edition adds several new chapters and is thoroughly updated to include data on new topics such as hydraulic fracturing, CO2 sequestration, sustainable groundwater management, and more. Providing a complete treatment of the theory and practice of groundwater engineering, this new handbook also presents a current and detailed review of how to model the flow of water and the transport of contaminants both in the unsaturated and saturated zones, covers the protection of groundwater, and the remediation of contaminated groundwater.
University of Notre Dame Press Hellenism in the Land of Israel
Israeli Jews’ response to and appropriation of Greek culture is the subject of the essays in this rich volume. Contributors provide evidence of Greek cultural influence in Judea and Galilee, from before the Maccabean revolt into the rabbinic period. They also probe the limits of that influence, the persistence of Semitic languages and thought patterns, and the exclusiveness of Jewish religion. While Greek thought had a significant impact on Judaism, Jews remained distinct in the Greco-Roman world. Hellenistic Judaism’s relationship to Greek culture was never simply one of assimilation or repudiation. Similarly, the Hebrew and Aramaic-speaking Judaism of the homeland remained distinct from the Hellenistic Judaism of the Diaspora.
Everyman History of My Life
The name of Giacomo Casanova, Chevalier de Seingalt (1725-1798), in now synonymous with amorous exploits, and there are plenty of these, vividly narrated, in him memoirs. But Casanova was not just an energetic lover. In his time he was diplomat, business man, trainee priest, traveller, prisoner, magician, confidence trickster, gambler, professional entertainer and chalatan. He financed business projects, organised lotteries, wrote opera libretti and dabbled in high politics. Above all he was an autobiographer of enduring brilliance and subtlety who left behind him what is probably the most remarkable confession ever written. Casanova was a Venetian who explored to the full all the possibilities 18th century Venice offered by way of love and profit before being imprisoned, escaping from gaol, and fleeing from the city to begin travels which took him across Europe. In Moscow and London, Berlin and Constantinople, he met the famous men and women of the time - Catherine the Great, Voltaire, Louis XV, Rousseau - and recorded his encounters for the memoirs he wrote in retirement at the end of his life. These memoirs are by turns subtle, touching, thrilling, wonderfully comic and quite irresistible. Although the present edition includes one third of Casanova's enormous (though unfinished) book, it contains all his major adventures and all is greatest affairs of the heart. 'Casanova is unsurpassed as the recreator of the daily talking interests of 18th century Europe. he ranges from slut to patrician, from closet to cabinet, waterfront to palace.' - V S PRITCHETT
Nova Science Publishers Inc Uzbekistan: Profiles, Foreign Relations & Human Rights
Flame Tree Publishing His Last Bow (A Sherlock Holmes Mystery)
Little treasures, the FLAME TREE COLLECTABLE CLASSICS are chosen to create a delightful and timeless home library. Each stunning, gift edition features deluxe cover treatments, ribbon markers, luxury endpapers and gilded edges. The unabridged text is accompanied by a Glossary of Victorian and Literary terms produced for the modern reader. The Last Bow features a series of adventure mysteries starring the great detective Sherlock Holmes and the inimitable Dr Watson: "The Adventure of Wisteria Lodge", "The Adventure of the Cardboard Box", "The Adventure of the Red Circle", "The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans", "The Adventure of the Dying Detective", "The Disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax", "The Adventure of the Devil's Foot" and "His Last Bow. The War Service of Sherlock Holmes
Flame Tree Publishing The Valley of Fear (A Sherlock Holmes Mystery)
Little treasures, the FLAME TREE COLLECTABLE CLASSICS are chosen to create a delightful and timeless home library. Each stunning, gift edition features deluxe cover treatments, ribbon markers, luxury endpapers and gilded edges. The unabridged text is accompanied by a Glossary of Victorian and Literary terms produced for the modern reader. Holmes and Watson find themselves drawn into an intricate murder case that bears the hallmarks of the dastardly genius Professor Moriarty.
Exisle Publishing Grandpa's Noises
Oxford University Press Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 1:: Sherlock Holmes: Two Plays
"The most consistent of all series in terms of language control, length, and quality of story." David R. Hill, Director of the Edinburgh Project on Extensive Reading.
New York University Press Televised Redemption: Black Religious Media and Racial Empowerment
How Black Christians, Muslims, and Jews have used media to prove their equality, not only in the eyes of God but in society. The institutional structures of white supremacy—slavery, Jim Crow laws, convict leasing, and mass incarceration—require a commonsense belief that black people lack the moral and intellectual capacities of white people. It is through this lens of belief that racial exclusions have been justified and reproduced in the United States. Televised Redemption argues that African American religious media has long played a key role in humanizing the race by unabashedly claiming that blacks are endowed by God with the same gifts of goodness and reason as whites—if not more, thereby legitimizing black Americans’ rights to citizenship. If racism is a form of perception, then religious media has not only altered how others perceive blacks, but has also altered how blacks perceive themselves. Televised Redemption argues that black religious media has provided black Americans with new conceptual and practical tools for how to be in the world, and changed how black people are made intelligible and recognizable as moral citizens. In order to make these claims to black racial equality, this media has encouraged dispositional changes in adherents that were at times empowering and at other times repressive. From Christian televangelism to Muslim periodicals to Hebrew Israelite radio, Televised Redemption explores the complicated but critical redemptive history of African American religious media.
O'Reilly The Geek Atlas
The history of science is all around us, if you know where to look. This traveler's guide helps you learn about 128 destinations around the world where discoveries in science, mathematics, or technology occurred. Featuring photos and illustrations, it is organized geographically by country, complete with latitudes and longitudes for GPS devices.
Gallaudet University Press,U.S. The Deaf History Reader
Fitness Information Technology, Inc, U.S. Sponsorship for Sport Managers
Penguin Putnam Inc The Purgatorio
In The Purgatorio, Dante describes his journey to the renunciation of sin, accepting his suffering in preparation for his coming into the presence of God. This brilliant translation of Dante?s canticle crystallizes the great poet?s immortal conception of the aspiring soul.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd ON ECONOMIC INSTITUTIONS: Theory and Applications
Institutionalist analysis is increasingly used as a key research tool for economists confronted with the shortcomings of mainstream economic analysis and the problems presented by the transformation of socio-economic systems in Eastern Europe. On Economic Institutions brings together leading economists working in a wide range of research traditions who examine theories of institutions and institutional change. This important volume shows that the failure of most neoclassical economic analysis to consider economic institutions is a major shortcoming in scholarship which seeks to describe and understand crucial economic phenomena. After discussing the dynamics of institutional change, the contributors examine the explanatory variables necessary for researching institutions and pay particular attention to 'efficiency' as the key variable used by neoclassical institutional analysis. Later chapters examine the processes of institutional change focusing on issues such as path dependency, selection mechanisms and institutional dynamics, and methodological issues in analysing economic institutions. An introduction by the editors places these papers in context and traces the development of economic research across the various schools.Economists from both neoclassical and institutionalist schools, as well as economic historians, are making increasing use of institutionalist analysis as a key research tool. In bringing together cutting-edge theory and research on economic institutions, this important volume will be welcomed by scholars working in evolutionary and institutionalist research traditions, as well as by organizational theorists and sociologists.
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd Quiet food: A recipe for sanity
This is more than just another recipe book. It celebrates food and asks us to experience the magic of preparing it. It introduces us to the possibility of making cooking and eating an exquisite, meditative, occasion - an antidote to our fast food junk culture. Ultimately, our enjoyment of things depends on the quality of attention we give them. Cooking and eating are no exception. To help you do this, the 'Zenecdotes' accompanying the moody pictures in this book will put a Buddha smile on your face as you wait for the bread to rise...
Fantagraphics Prince Valiant Vol. 19: 1973-1974
Triarchy Press Differences That Make a Difference: An Annotated Glossary of Distinctions Important in Management
Russell Ackoff's long and distinguished career as the doyen of Design and Systems Thinking was built around a collection of deceptively simple - but often overlooked - principles and observations. In "Differences That Make a Difference" - the last of his many books - Ackoff determined to distill the wisdom of a lifetime into a 'glossary' that would be easily accessible to managers, employees, students, and academics alike. His aim was to dissolve (not solve or resolve) some of the many disputes in professional and private life that revolve around meaning and (mis)understanding. For example, development and growth do not mean the same thing. A cemetery or rubbish heap can grow without developing, whereas a person continues to develop long after he or she has stopped growing. Ackoff understood that getting to the bottom of differences like this one could have far-reaching practical consequences for improving our organizational health. In "Differences That Make a Difference", he has succeeded magnificently in creating what Charles Handy in his Foreword calls 'a manual for clear thinking'. And if the world ever needed clear thinking...
Skira Andrei Sharov
Penguin Putnam Inc Paradise Lost and Other Poems
J Ross Publishing State and Local Taxation: Principles and Planning
Penguin Putnam Inc Dark Night of the Soul
Random House USA Inc A People's Future of the United States: Speculative Fiction from 25 Extraordinary Writers
Spektrum Akademischer Verlag Einsamkeit: Woher sie kommt, was sie bewirkt, wie man ihr entrinnt
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC King Henry VI Part 3: Third Series
In their lively and engaging edition of this sometimes neglected early play, Cox and Rasmussen make a strong claim for it as a remarkable work, revealing a confidence and sureness that very few earlier plays can rival. They show how the young Shakespeare, working closely from his chronicle sources, nevertheless freely shaped his complex material to make it both theatrically effective and poetically innovative. The resulting work creates, in Queen Margaret, one of Shakespeare's strongest female roles and is the source of the popular view of Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick as 'kingmaker'. Focusing on the history of the play both in terms of both performance and criticism, the editors open it to a wide and challenging variety of interpretative and editorial paradigms.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Journal of Medieval Military History: Volume VII: The Age of the Hundred Years War
The newest work on the Hundred Years War and other aspects of military history in the late middle ages. This seventh volume of the Journal of Medieval Military History has a particular focus on western Europe in the late middle ages, and specifically the Hundred Years War; however, the breadth and diversity of approaches found in the modern study of medieval military history remains evident. Some essays focus on specific texts and documents, including Jean de Bueil's famous military treatise-cum-novel, Le Jouvencel; other studies in the volumedeal with particular campaigns, from naval operations to chevauchées of the mid-fourteenth century. There are also examinations of English military leaders of the Hundred Years War, approaching them from prosopographical and biographical angles. The volume also includes a seminal piece, newly translated from the Dutch, by J.F. Verbruggen, in which he employs the financial records of Ghent and Bruges to illuminate the arms of urban militiamen at the end ofthe middle ages, and analyzes their significance for the art of war. Contributors: RICHARD BARBER, PETER HOSKINS, NICOLAS SAVY, DOUGLAS BIGGS, JOAO GOUVEIA MONTEIRO, GILBERT BOGNER, MATTHIEU CHAN TSIN, J.F. VERBRUGGEN, NICHOLAS GRIBIT, CLIFFORD J. ROGERS.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Journal of Medieval Military History: Volume IV
Latest volume in the leading forum for debate on aspects of medieval warfare. The essays in this latest edition of the Journal, by leading experts in the field, are a witness to the flourishing state of the subject, and provide significant contributions to various important on-going debates and controversies. They include wide-ranging discussions of state formation and the role of women in medieval warfare, and an energetic argument against viewing medieval warfare as cavalry-dominated. A trio of articles dealing with issuesof bravery and cowardice, though based on Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-Norman evidence, advance our knowledge of one of the all-pervasive aspects of the military history of the middle ages. Similarly, an experimentally-based study of theeffectiveness of arrows against mail armor reaches conclusions that will cast light on combat from Visigothic Spain to Crusader Outremer to fifteenth-century Bohemia. In addition, the Journal includes in-depth studies of Iberianwar-dogs, the naval battle of Zierikzee at the start of the fourteenth century, and [reflecting the editors' broad understanding of the scope of the field] the war-related activities of Dutch magistrates at the turn of the sixteenth century. Contributors: STEPHEN MORILLO, BERNARD S. BACHRACH, RUSS MITCHELL, RICHARD ABELS, STEVEN ISAAC, WILLIAM SAYERS, JAMES P. WARD, J. F. VERBRUGGEN, ROBERT BURNS
Emerald Publishing Limited Perspectives on Libraries as Institutions of Human Rights and Social Justice
Academic, public, school, and special libraries are all institutions of human rights and social justice, with an increasingly apparent commitment to equality, to ethical principles based on rights and justice, and to programs that meet needs related to human rights and social justice. Key topics at the intersection of information, human rights, social justice, and technology include information access and literacy, digital inclusion, education, and social services, among many others. Edited by Ursula Gorham, Natalie Greene Taylor, and Paul T. Jaeger, this volume is devoted to the ideals, activities, and programs in libraries that protect human rights and promote social justice. With contributions from researchers, educators, and practitioners from a range of fields, this book is an important resource for library professionals in all types of libraries, a reference for researchers and educators about all types of libraries, and an introduction to those in other fields about the contributions of libraries to human rights and social justice.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Journal of Medieval Military History: Volume XIII
Highlights "the range and richness of scholarship on medieval warfare, military institutions, and cultures of conflict that characterize the field". History 95 (2010) Warfare on the periphery of Europe and across cultural boundaries is a particular focus of this volume. One article, on Castilian seapower, treats the melding of northern and southern naval traditions; another clarifies the military roles of the Ayyubid and Mamluk miners and stoneworkers in siege warfare; a third emphasizes cultural considerations in an Icelandic conflict; a fourth looks at how an Iberian prelate navigated the line between ecclesiastical and military responsibilities; and a fifth analyzes the different roles of early gunpowder weapons in Europe and China, linking technological history with the significance of human geography. Further contributions also consider technology, two dealing with fifteenth-century English artillery and the third with prefabricated mechanical artillery during the Crusades. Another theme of the volume is source criticism, with re-examinations of the sources for Owain Glyndwr's (possible) victory at Hyddgen in 1401, a (possible) Danish attack on England in 1128, and the role of non-milites in Salian warfare. Contributors: Nicolás Agrait, Tonio Andrade, David Bachrach, Oren Falk, Devin Fields, Michael S. Fulton, Thomas K. Heeboll-Holm, Rabei G. Khamisy, Michael Livingstone, Dan Spencer, L.J. Andrew Villalon
Harvard University Press Philippics 7–14
Invectives against Antony.Cicero (Marcus Tullius, 106–43 BC), Roman advocate, orator, politician, poet, and philosopher, about whom we know more than we do of any other Roman, lived through the stirring era that saw the rise, dictatorship, and death of Julius Caesar in a tottering republic. In Cicero’s political speeches and in his correspondence we see the excitement, tension, and intrigue of politics and the part he played in the turmoil of the time. Of about 106 speeches, 58 survive (a few incompletely), 29 of which are addressed to the Roman people or Senate, the rest to jurors. In the fourteenth century Petrarch and other Italian humanists discovered manuscripts containing more than 900 letters, of which more than 800 were written by Cicero, and nearly 100 by others to him. This correspondence affords a revelation of the man, all the more striking because most of the letters were not intended for publication. Six works on rhetorical subjects survive intact and another in fragments. Seven major philosophical works are extant in part or in whole, and there are a number of shorter compositions either preserved or known by title or fragments. The Loeb Classical Library edition of Cicero is in twenty-nine volumes.
University of Washington Press Bhakti and Power: Debating India's Religion of the Heart
Bhakti, a term ubiquitous in the religious life of South Asia, has meanings that shift dramatically according to context and sentiment. Sometimes translated as “personal devotion,” bhakti nonetheless implies and fosters public interaction. It is often associated with the marginalized voices of women and lower castes, yet it has also played a role in perpetuating injustice. Barriers have been torn down in the name of bhakti, while others have been built simultaneously. Bhakti and Power provides an accessible entry into key debates around issues such as these, presenting voices and vignettes from the sixth century to the present and from many parts of India’s cultural landscape. Written by a wide range of engaged scholars, this volume showcases one of the most influential concepts in Indian history—still a major force in the present day.
University of Texas Press America: Icons and Ingenuity
Winner of the 2012 Los Angeles Book Festival Photography/Art Book Award, Dan Winters’ America: Icons and Ingenuity is the first retrospective of the career of this talented artist. Winters has spent more than two decades creating memorable photographs for such publications as the New York Times Magazine, Vanity Fair, GQ, and Rolling Stone. Best known for his iconic celebrity portraits, Winters has photographed public figures ranging from the Dalai Lama to President Barack Obama, Hollywood celebrities from Leonardo DiCaprio to Helen Mirren, and artistic luminaries from Jeff Koons to William Christenberry. His style of portraiture is instantly recognizable, characterized by impeccable lighting, muted backgrounds, and the contemplative postures of his sitters.Winters’ lifelong fascination with science, technology, and human ingenuity finds similar expression in significant groups of photographs: close-up studies of honeybees and airplanes and a magnificent series devoted to the last three launches of NASA’s space shuttles. These photographs reveal an aspect of Winters’ career that is less familiar than his commercial work but equally compelling.In addition to the popular icons, America includes expressions of Winters’ personal vision. This lyrical body of work shows the same keen eye for lighting and composition, but with a decidedly more intimate ambiance: photographs of his wife and son, spare cityscapes, and elegant collages.America: Icons and Ingenuity also includes a biographical essay that traces his development in a varied and productive career that is, itself, a work in progress.
University of Virginia Press Jefferson, Lincoln and Wilson: The American Dilemma of Race and Democracy
Arcadia Publishing San Francisco in World War II
Berrett-Koehler Publishers Leveraging the Impact of 360-Degree Feedback: Second Edition
St Mary's Press,U.S. Saint Mary's Press: Glossary of Theological Terms
Edinburgh University Press The Greek Imaginary: From Homer to Heraclitus, Seminars 1982-1983
Offers in English for the first time philosopher Cornelius Castoriadis's earliest surviving lectures on the ancient Greeks Includes renowned scholar Pierre Vidal-Naquet's essay, 'Castoriadis and Ancient Greece'" (1999), which provides an introduction and memorial to Castoriadis's research Includes Castoriadis's previously untranslated, substantive essay, "'Political Thought'" (1979), which presages many of the key themes in the seminars Includes Castoriadis's thematic reports on his teaching in the 1980-1984 seminars Includes an "Editors' Introduction" plus extensive editorial commentary on the seminars and an Analytic Table of Contents provided by the academic editor of the French edition of the volume (from 2004) Includes a "Foreword" by the translator, which highlights key terms in the seminars This book collects 12 previously untranslated lectures by Castoriadis from 1982 to 1983. Castoriadis focuses on the interconnection between philosophy and democracy and the way both emerge within a self-critical imaginary already in development in the work of early Greek poets and Presocratic philosophers. Displaying both mastery of the relevant scholarship and original interpretation, he reveals the birth of a society that?would place its highest value in?calling itself and its institutions into question.?He argues that this spirit would?develop?directly?into?the twin signatures of the Greek world, namely?radical philosophy, on the one hand, and?radical democratic practices, on the other. ?Like no previous interpreter, Castoriadis allows us to feel the existential need, already present in the earliest Greek thinkers, to question the significance of human existence and to share in shaping its meaning. The Greeks not only did this, he argues, they also began the equally important work of?establishing the institutions to support such a project. "
Penguin Putnam Inc The Time Machine / The Invisible Man
Steidl Publishers Ralph Ellison: Photographer
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Institutional Reform, Regulation and Privatization: Process and Outcomes in Infrastructure Industries
This book provides evolutionary and institutional perspectives on the reform of infrastructure industries, tracing the development of this process in a number of sectors and countries.The contributors contend that infrastructure based industries such as telecommunications, public transport, water management and energy have been increasingly exposed to the dynamism of the market since becoming privatized, and have therefore been stimulated into short-term efficiency and long-term innovation. Drawing on institutional economic theory backed up with case studies such as the California energy crisis, the Dutch gas industry, oil and electricity companies in Spain and the privatization of Schipol airport in Amsterdam, the book focuses on process, driving forces, and actors' roles to explain how new balances are established between competing institutions. The degree to which the processes of institutional change are predictable and the effects of deliberate strategic interventions of governments or private actors are explored. Specific technical and sector aspects and their influence on institutional change in various infrastructures are also discussed.This book will strongly appeal to academics and practitioners in politics or industry with an interest in industrial, evolutionary institutional or public sector economics.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Journal of Medieval Military History: Volume XI
A collection which highlights "the range and richness of scholarship on medieval warfare, military institutions, and cultures of conflict that characterize the field". History 95 [2010] The comprehensive breadth and scope of the Journal are to the fore in this issue, which ranges widely both geographically and chronologically. The subjects of analysis are equally diverse, with three contributions dealing with theCrusades, four with matters related to the Hundred Years War, two with high-medieval Italy, one with the Alans in the Byzantine-Catalan conflict of the early fourteenth century, and one with the wars of the Duke of Cephalonia inWestern Greece and Albania at the turn of the fifteenth century. Topics include military careers, tactics and strategy, the organization of urban defenses, close analysis of chronicle sources, and cultural approaches to the acceptance of gunpowder artillery and the prevalence of military "games" in Italian cities. Contributors: T.S. Asbridge, A. Compton Reeves, Kelly DeVries, Michael Ehrlich, Scott Jessee, Donald Kagay, Savvas Kyriakidis, Randall Moffett, Aldo A. Settia, Charles D. Stanton, Georgios Theotokis, L.J. Andrew Villalon, Anatoly Isaenko.
Taylor & Francis Inc XIth International Symposium on Amyloidosis
Edited by a stellar team of scientists compiling more than 120 papers into a single volume, the XIth Annual International Symposium on Amyloidosis represents the most important review of the state-of-the-science and future directions of this rapidly growing field. An unparalleled cast of pioneering researchers, including keynote speaker and Nobel Laureate Dr. Stanley Prusiner, present groundbreaking research in systemic amyloidosis including the mechanisms of disease and cellular toxicity, AA amyloidosis, familial amyloidosis, AL amyloidosis, clinical trials, and emerging Divided into six sections, the book begins with a study of the mechanisms of fibril formation and cellular response. It investigates possible horizontal transmission, charge differences of deposits in AL and NALCDD, and novel assays to detect amyloid induced apoptosis. The second section considers AA and localized amyloidosis and presents advances in non-invasive imaging, amyloid typing, and the translocation of systemic amyloidosis. The section on familial and TTR amyloidosis features an original report on hereditary gelsolin amyloidosis in an Iranian family, as well as other novel and rare mutations. An extensive section on AL amyloidosis introduces ALBASE as a platform analysis tool, AL amyloidosis in the elderly, and a study of the therapeutic potential of naturally occurring antibodies. Section five focuses on new and emerging diagnostic and translational approaches including characterization and identification through biopsy, mass spectrometry, proteomics, and the use of an amyloid "chip". The book concludes with clinical trials of diflunisal and high dose melphalan-dexamethasone and autologous stem cell transplantation. translational approaches.Focusing on new basic and translational medicine approaches in systemic amyloidosis, XIth Annual International Symposium on Amyloidosis provides clinicians and researchers with an invaluable single source reference to the most up-to-date research in the field.
Stanford University Press Flourishing Enterprise: The New Spirit of Business
The notion of responsible business has infiltrated our markets, and "going green" is now a part of our mindset. But, sustainability as we know it is not enough. Flourishing—the aspiration that humans and life in general will thrive on the planet forever—should be a key goal for every business today. This is a bold concept, like sustainability was a decade ago. Just as sustainability has become a matter of course, so too will flourishing become a cornerstone of business tomorrow. How are companies to attain this big-picture goal? Drawing together decades of research along with in-depth interviews, Flourishing Enterprise argues that many strategic, organizational, and operational efforts to be sustainable reach the potential of flourishing when they incorporate one additional ingredient: reflective practices. Offering more than a dozen such practices, this book leads readers down a path to greater business success, personal well-being, and a healthier planet. Readers will find that adding reflective practices to existing business efforts does not require more work; it simply changes the way we do our work and, more importantly, the results we achieve. Cultivating emotional and spiritual health is the next frontier; this future-oriented guide develops these core competencies while stretching the ongoing conversation about profitable, sustainable business.