Search results for ""author john c."
Nova Science Publishers Inc School Improvement: International Perspectives
Historic England Boston, Lincolnshire: Historic North Sea port and market town
This book examines the history of Boston in Lincolnshire as reflected in its buildings and townscape from medieval times to the present day. Boston has a position as an important market from medieval times and as a major port with links with Europe and America. The homes and warehouses of its citizens show the evidence of this. Boston’s religious and public buildings are discussed, and its physical expansion throughout the 19th and into the 20th century are examined. Other important influences on the town’s development include fen drainage, the role of agriculture and manufacturing, and transport links. Bringing the story up to date, problems created by the town’s remoteness from large centres of population, a low-wage agricultural economy and the impact of 1970s redevelopment are discussed, where they have affected the physical appearance of the town. A final chapter looks at how successful regeneration projects have been in Boston and how these can be built upon to promote a more prosperous future for the town that recognises the important role heritage can play in achieving it.
Edinburgh University Press Has Devolution Delivered?
One of the key aims of devolution in Scotland was to change the way people felt about their country and the way they were governed. This book draws on a unique range of Scottish Election Studies and Scottish Social Attitudes surveys to explore the early success -- or otherwise -- of devolution in meeting this objective. It asks how the Scottish public has reacted to the initial experience of devolution, and the lessons this experience might have for the future of devolution. The following questions are considered: * How have public attitudes towards the governance of Scotland within the Union evolved from pre-devolution to the end of the first term of the Scottish Parliament? * What has happened to support for the principal advocates for leaving the Union, the SNP? * Why are fewer people voting in devolved elections than in UK elections? * To what degree does the behaviour of those who vote reveal a sense of involvement in the work of the Parliament? * What are voters' attitudes to the additional member electoral system? * Who are regarded as fellow Scots by those who all themselves 'Scottish'? * What are Scots' attitudes towards the Pakistani and English minorities in Scotland? Drawing on rich sources, this book presents a comprehensive and complete analysis of the Scottish public's evolving view of devolution. Key Features: * Provides a short history of devolution including how the 1999 and 2003 elections were fought and their outcomes * Looks at public attitudes to 4 key objectives many hoped devolution would achieve: (i) a better-governed country; (ii) a public more involved in how the country is governed; (iii) an electorate with more influence; (iv) the development of open civic nationalism, not one based on narrow notions of ethnicity * Asks what we should expect of devolution over the next decade based on what we have learnt about public opinion in Scotland * Written by an established team of writers known for their work in Scottish survey analysis
Raw Vision Ltd Raw Erotica: Sex, Lust and Desire in Outsider Art
Oxford University Press GCSE Geography OCR B Student Book
Please note this title is suitable for any student studying: Exam Board: OCR Level: GCSE Subject: Geography First teaching: September 2016 First exams: June 2018 GCSE Geography OCR B is a student-friendly resource for the 2016 OCR GCSE Geography B (9-1) specification written specially to target the demands of the course. Accessible, clear, and thorough, this Student Book engages all your students with stimulating, up-to-date examples and relevant case studies. Clearly-written objectives open each unit, setting out for students what they need to learn, and high-quality photos, maps, and diagrams aid explanations. Motivating differentiated activities, chapters on fieldwork and decision-making exercises, and practice questions all reinforce the book's rigour. Answers to all activities are included in the Teacher Handbook on Kerboodle (school purchase only). The Student Book for this course has been endorsed by OCR.
Random House Publishing Group The Long Lavender Look
Random House Publishing Group The Scarlet Ruse
Kayode Publications The Iceman Inheritance: Prehistoric Sources of Western Man's Racism, Sexism and Aggression
North Atlantic Books,U.S. Dreams of the Presidents: From George Washington to Barack Obama
Random House USA Inc A Purple Place for Dying: A Travis McGee Novel
Houghton Mifflin The Gathering Storm: Vol 1: The Second World War
Hodder & Stoughton Resilience: Bounce back from whatever life throws at you
This brand new book takes a positive and dynamic approach to surviving whatever life throws at you, exploring the range of skills, attitudes and abilities you need to survive and thrive in difficult times, both personally and professionally. While some people are more naturally resilient than others, the book asserts that resilience is a quality that can be learnt and developed, whatever your stage in life or personal situation. Based on extensive new research, and backed-up with real-life case studies and examples of people who display resilient behaviour (including those who have turned adversity into advantage), the book shows how you too can bounce back from bad times, learning how to take back control, know when to press ahead or cut your losses, and see opportunity where others see threat. The book concludes with a 10-point plan to help you pull all the strands together, building resilience, a skill for life. Key contents include: Understanding yourself and your personal 'Resilience Quotient' Making judgements and taking decisions Assessing risk and solving problems Managing stress Being true to yourself.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Indigenous Psychologies: A Special Issue of the International Journal of Psychology
Indigenous psychologies are attempts to portray the concepts, and to present the evidence, about human behaviour and experience from a point of view within the cultural traditions of the group. It takes a position that distances itself from a uniform (usually Western) psychology, and explores human psychological variation in its own cultural contexts. Indigenous psychologies provide important alternatives to the existing unitary psychology, but in their very diversity we may discover variations and communalities that could provide the basic material to create a more truly pan-human psychology. Thus, diversity in psychological knowledge may allow for the eventual development of a more representative psychology that will likely be very different from current conceptions of human behaviour.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Four Point Bending
Cracking is recognized as one of the main causes of pavement deterioration, and is the primary cause of the need for maintenance and rehabilitation. Researchers around the world are working on the problem of cracking in asphalt pavements, with the goal of developing better understanding of the mechanics of cracking, creating test methods for assessing the risk of cracking for different materials and designs, and implementing these results into improved design methods and specifications. This Third Conference on Four-point bending held at the University of California, Davis, USA, follows two successful previous conferences, held at the Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, in 2007, and at the University of Minho, Portugal in 2009. The primary objective of these conferences is to provide an exchange of ideas and experience and to disseminate that knowledge among researchers, government and private agencies and consultants, about the use of the four-point bending test to evaluate stiffness and fatigue resistance of bituminous mixtures. These proceedings include 23 papers from 15 countries that have been subjected to peer review by a scientific committee composed of experts in asphalt materials, design and testing. Themes of the papers cover a range of topics, including modelling of the four-point beam test, applications to mechanistic design, asphaltic materials evaluation, comparisons with other tests and non-asphaltic materials evaluation.Four Point Bending is of interest to academics and professionals interested in pavement engineering.
Otago University Press History of New Zealand and its Inhabitants
Bookstorm A History of Telecommunications
‘Mr Watson, come here, I want to see you.’It’s been almost 150 years since Alexander Graham Bell said these immortal words on the first ever phone call, to his assistant in the next room. Between 10 March 1876 and now, the world has changed beyond recognition. And telecommunications, which has played a fundamental role in this change, has itself evolved into an industry that was the sole preserve of science fiction.When the world’s first modern mobile telephone network was launched in 1979, there were just over 300 million telephones. Today, there are more than eight billion, most of which are mobile. Most people in most countries can now contact each other in a matter of seconds. Soon we’ll all be connected, to each other, and to complex computer networks that provide us with instant information, but also observe and record our actions. No other phenomenon touches so many of us, so directly, each and every day of our lives.This book describes how this transformation came about. It considers the technologies that underpin telecommunications – microcircuits, fibre-optics and satellites – and touches on financial aspects of the industry: privatisations, mergers and takeovers that have helped shape the $2-trillion telecom market. But for the most part, it’s a story about us and our need to communicate.
Fantagraphics Prince Valiant Vol. 23: 1981-1982
Manchester University Press Odd Men out: Male Homosexuality in Britain from Wolfenden to Gay Liberation: Revised and Updated Edition
From government ministers and spies to activists, drag queens and celebrities, Odd men out charts the tumultuous history of gay men in 1950s and 60s Britain. It takes us from the earliest tentative steps towards decriminalisation to the liberation movement of the early 1970s. Along the way, it catalogues shocking repression, including laws against homosexual activity and the use of brutal medical ‘treatments’. Odd men out draws on medical data and opinion polls, broadcast recordings, theatrical productions, and extensive interviews with key players, as well as an in-depth analysis of the Wolfenden Report and the circumstances surrounding its creation. It brings to life pivotal moments in gay mens’ cultural representation, ranging across the West End and emerging writers like Joe Orton, the British film industry, the BBC, national newspapers, fashion catalogues and music magazines. Celebrating the joy of gay lives as well as the hardships, Odd men out preserves the voices of a disappearing generation who revolutionised what it meant to be a gay man in twentieth-century Britain.
Alma Books Ltd A Regicide
Boom! Studios The Art of Boom! Studios
Abrams Terrible Two Go Wild
Everyone’s favorite pranksters are at it again! School’s out, and Miles and Niles are running wild in the woods outside town: climbing trees, exploring caves, and, yes, pranking. But these leafy, lazy days of mischief darken when bully Josh Barkin and his cadets from a nearby kids’ boot camp discover the merrymakers—and vow to destroy them. Are our heroes’ sharp minds any match for these hooligans’ hard fists? The latest installment of the witty, on-target illustrated series is another “fast paced, laugh-out-loud novel” (School Library Journal) that proves once again that, in the hands of the powerless, pranks can be tools of justice—plus, they’re funny.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Water Policy Reform: Lessons in Sustainability from the Murray–Darling Basin
Agriculture in the Murray-Darling Basin of Australia represents a controversial 'policy experiment' comprising large capital investments, innovation and enterprise across a hundred-year period. This book, which contains contributions from some of Australia's foremost economic, social science and public policy researchers and writers, examines the evolution of public policy frameworks that transformed water management from initial exploitation for irrigation as a dominant single use to a dynamic multiple use resource system. Water Policy Reform provides both analytical insights and examples of successes and failures in developing water policy in a complex and politically-contested environment. As such, this work attempts to develop a comprehensive management plan for the Basin and provides novel and invaluable lessons for an increasingly global problem. This well-researched study will interest both economists and those with public policy interest in academia and the public sector, including development agencies concerned with sustainable water resource management. Contributors: D. Adamson, O. Banerjee, J. Bennett, S. Chambers, J. Connor, L. Crase, T. Cummins, S. Driml, T. Goesch, P. Gooday, D. Hatton MacDonald, T. Mallawaarachchi, A. McClintock, M. Morrison, N. Nguyen, D. Pannell, J. Quiggin, H. Ross, A. Ryan, P. Schrobback, S. Tapsuwan, A. Watson, M. Young, Z. Zarezadeh
Hodder Education Making Sense of History: 1745-1901
Deliver engaging, enquiry-driven lessons and help pupils gain a coherent chronological understanding of and across periods studied with this complete offering for Key Stage 3 History. Designed for the 2014 National Curriculum this supportive learning package makes history fun and inspiring to learn. Making Sense of History consists of four Pupil's Books with accompanying Dynamic Learning Teaching and Learning resources. Structured around big picture overviews and in-depth enquiries on different topics, the course develops pupils understanding of history and their ability to ask and explore valid historical questions about the past.- Help pupils come to a sound chronological understanding of the past and identify the most significant events, connections and patterns of change and continuity with specifically tailored big pictures of the period and of the topics within it.- Develop pupils' enquiry skills and help them become motivated and curious to learn about the past with purposeful and engaging enquiries and a focus on individuals' lives.- Ensure pupils' progress in their historical thinking through clear and balanced targeted coverage of the main second order concepts in history.- Support and stretch your pupils with differentiated material, including writing frames to support literacy and ideas for more challenge provided in the Dynamic Learning Teaching and Learning Resources.- Make assessment become a meaningful and manageable process through bespoke mark schemes for individual pieces of work.
Kogan Page Ltd Developing Mental Toughness: Strategies to Improve Performance, Resilience and Wellbeing in Individuals and Organizations
How can individuals and organizations understand and measure mental toughness to deal with stress and challenge, and so improve performance? This fully updated third edition of Developing Mental Toughness provides the answers to unlock this potential. Tracing its development from sports psychology into the business sector, Developing Mental Toughness provides a reliable psychometric measure to apply at the organizational level. With coverage on how mental toughness relates to other behaviours and can be applied to employability, leadership, performance, creativity, emotional intelligence and motivation, the practical guidance and exercises in this book make it essential reading for academics, managers and coaches alike. This third edition includes an expansion of the 4Cs model to include concepts on learning orientation and resilience and new chapters on evidence-based practice and using the Mental Toughness Questionnaire (MTQ48) to gain richer self-awareness. Featuring case studies from Deloitte and Ethiad, Developing Mental Toughness is the practical coaching guide for developing capabilities and resilience.
Pearson Education Limited Applied Behavior Analysis, Global Edition
Appropriate for all upper-level courses in basic principles, applications, and behavioural research methods. This text provides an accurate, comprehensive, and contemporary description of applied behavior analysis in order to help students acquire fundamental knowledge and skills. Applied Behavior Analysis provides a comprehensive, in-depth discussion of the field, offering a complete description of the principles and procedures for changing and analysing socially important behaviour. The 3rd Edition features coverage of advances in all three interrelated domains of the sciences of behavior–theoretical, basic research, and applied research. It also includes updated and new content on topics such as negative reinforcement (Ch. 12), motivation (Ch. 16), verbal behavior (Ch. 18), functional behavioural assessment (Ch. 25), and ethics (Ch. 29).
Taylor & Francis Ltd A Practical Guide to Peritoneal Malignancy: The PMI Manual
Peritoneal malignancy is a rapidly growing field within surgical oncology. National and International treatment programmes and training curricula are being established worldwide to co-ordinate treatment and management of these challenging clinical problems. A large body of evidence now exists, but the practical implications of this evidence base remain unclear. The Peritoneal Malignancy Institute in Basingstoke, the largest centre in the world, is at the forefront of new developments and techniques. This manual combines the experience of the PMI with the latest evidence to provide a practice-oriented guide to the successful set up and running of a peritoneal malignancy unit.
Equinox Publishing Ltd Summer Farms: Seasonal Exploitation of the Uplands from Prehistory to the Present
Summer farms occur throughout the world where there are rich pastures that can only be utilised for part of the year, mainly because they are under snow and ice during the winter. In Europe transhumance is often a major event when the cattle and other livestock leave their home villages and move up into the mountains, and likewise on their return. The best known sites in Europe are perhaps those found in the Alpine areas, but they occur everywhere where there are suitable highland areas to exploit. Traditionally they have been the subject of the studies of ethnographers and anthropologists, especially in the second half of the 20th century when technological and economic changes led to the gradual abandonment of the farms and to other ways of exploiting the highlands. The last of these farmers are gradually disappearing and with them the oral records and memories. Now it is archaeologists who are leading the recording of this material and also looking at the history of such farming from prehistory and from the Bronze Age with the rise in importance of `Secondary Products’ such as cheese which could be stored for use over winter. Much of the evidence can only be gathered by surface survey and by excavation, though in some cases there are good written sources which have yet to be fully exploited. This volume provides case studies, as well as brief summaries of other projects in Europe, extending from the Black Sea in the east to northern Spain and Iceland in the west, though with a concentration on the Alpine area. One thing that emerges is the very varied nature of these sites in terms of their chronology, who went to the farms, the distances travelled, and the other activities associated with transhumance such as mining. In some cases the products were primarily for the subsistence of the agricultural population, but in other cases they were traded and could produce a large amount of profit. This is the first overview of these sites in Europe written from an archaeological point of view.
Edinburgh University Press Revolution or Evolution?: The 2007 Scottish Elections
The Scottish parliamentary and local elections of 2007 were significant for two key reasons: the SNP was brought to power for the first time in its history, posing a fundamental challenge to the 300-year Scottish-English Union; and the local elections used the Single Transferable Vote - the first time such an electoral system has been used in Great Britain since 1945. This book explores the significance of these two developments, asking whether they herald a revolutionary break with the past or simply mark a continuing evolution of existing patterns of Scottish politics. It uses a unique source of evidence - representative high quality annual sample surveys of the Scottish public that since 1999 have regularly measured how people in Scotland have reacted to devolution and how they have behaved in elections. Readers will gain an unparalleled insight into the identities, attitudes and electoral behaviour of people in Scotland during the first decade of devolution.
Princeton University Press Tales of the Narts: Ancient Myths and Legends of the Ossetians
An exciting collection of mythology about heroes, heroines, villains, and monsters in the intriguing world of the nomad warriors of the CaucasusThe Nart sagas are to the Caucasus what Greek mythology is to Western civilization. Tales of the Narts expands the canon of this precious body of lore by presenting a wide selection of fascinating tales that are part of a living tradition among the peoples of Ossetia in southern Russia. A mythical tribe of nomad warriors, the Narts are courageous, bold, and good-hearted, but also capable of envy, cruelty, and violence. In this wonderfully vivid and accessible collection, colorful and exciting heroes, heroines, villains, and monsters pursue their destinies though a series of exploits, often with the intervention of ancient gods.
Harvard University Press The Abolitionist Imagination
The abolitionists of the mid-nineteenth century have long been painted in extremes--vilified as reckless zealots who provoked the catastrophic bloodletting of the Civil War, or praised as daring and courageous reformers who hastened the end of slavery. But Andrew Delbanco sees abolitionists in a different light, as the embodiment of a driving force in American history: the recurrent impulse of an adamant minority to rid the world of outrageous evil.Delbanco imparts to the reader a sense of what it meant to be a thoughtful citizen in nineteenth-century America, appalled by slavery yet aware of the fragility of the republic and the high cost of radical action. In this light, we can better understand why the fiery vision of the "abolitionist imagination" alarmed such contemporary witnesses as Herman Melville and Nathaniel Hawthorne even as they sympathized with the cause. The story of the abolitionists thus becomes both a stirring tale of moral fervor and a cautionary tale of ideological certitude. And it raises the question of when the demand for purifying action is cogent and honorable, and when it is fanatic and irresponsible. Delbanco's work is placed in conversation with responses from literary scholars and historians. These provocative essays bring the past into urgent dialogue with the present, dissecting the power and legacies of a determined movement to bring America's reality into conformity with American ideals.
Penguin Putnam Inc Who Was William Shakespeare?
The beloved plays of Shakespeare are still produced everywhere, yet the life of the world's most famous playwright remains largely a mystery. Young Will left the town of Stratford to pursue theater in London, where his work eventually thrived and made him a famous and wealthy man. With black-and-white illustrations that include a diagram of the famous Globe theater, Celeste Davidson Mannis puts together the pieces of Shakespeare's life and work for young readers.
Pearson Education (US) Applied Behavior Analysis
This text provides an accurate, comprehensive, and contemporary description of applied behavior analysis in order to help readers acquire fundamental knowledge and skills Applied Behavior Analysis provides a comprehensive, in-depth discussion of the field, offering a complete description of the principles and procedures for changing and analyzing socially important behavior. The 3rd Edition features coverage of advances in all three interrelated domains of the sciences of behavior–theoretical, basic research, and applied research–and two new chapters, Equivalence-based Instruction (Ch. 19) and Engineering Emergent Learning with Nonequivalence Relations (Ch. 20). It also includes updated and new content on topics such as negative reinforcement (Ch. 12), motivation (Ch. 16), verbal behavior (Ch. 18), functional behavioral assessment (Ch. 27), and ethics (Ch. 31). The content of the text is now connected to the BCBA® and BCABA® Behavior Analyst Task List, 5th Edition.
Random House USA Inc The Life of Alexander the Great
Monash University Publishing Bibliography of Australian Literature Supplement
The Merlin Press Ltd Histories of Labour: National and Transnational Perspectives
Palgrave Macmillan Equality: From Theory to Action
How can egalitarian ideals be put into action? This ground-breaking book sets out a new interdisciplinary model for equality studies. Integrating normative questions about the ideal of equality with empirical issues about the nature of inequality, it applies a new framework to a wide range of contemporary inequalities. Proposing far-reaching changes in the economy, politics, law, education and research practices, it sets out innovative political strategies for achieving those aims. It is an invaluable resource for both academics and activists.
Rebellion Publishing Ltd. Essential Judge Dredd: The Apocalypse War
When the citizens of Mega-City One’s massive city blocks declare war on each other, Judge Dredd realises it is merely a prologue to an all-out nuclear attack by East Meg One! As warheads rain down, Dredd leads a brave guerrilla resistance against the Sov forces, building to an earth-shattering decision that shakes his world to the core!This second wide-screen blockbuster volume in the Essential Judge Dredd graphic novel series presents The Apocalypse War, the mother of all ‘epic’ Dredd storylines, which forever fixed the character in readers' minds and ensured Carlos Ezquerra's title as the definitive Dredd artist in comics’ hall of fame.
University of Wales Press Industrial Politics and the 1926 Mining Lock-out: The Struggle for Dignity
The seven-month national mining lock-out of 1926 was one of the most important industrial disputes of the twentieth century. This work contributes to the social and political history of the industrial working class in 1926, drawing on fresh methodological perspectives relating to the study of labour.
Yale University Press Edinburgh
The historic capital of Scotland is well known as a fortified medieval city with castle and crown-steepled church, its Royal Mile leading down to the Abbey and Palace of Holyrood; as a merchant city of the Stuart period with Parliament House and closely built houses and tenements; as a Georgian town with the largest sequence of planned developments in Britain; as a Victorian town of churches and banks, hotels and pubs, of quiet surburbs; and as a twentieth-century city where the Festival and its Fringe have encouraged the rediscovery of old buildings and the planning of new ones. A comprehensive gazetteer is provided to all notable developments of central Edinburgh, the seaport town of Leith and the suburban neighbourhoods.
Hallewell Publications Walks Fort William and District
BBC Worldwide Ltd Rumpole: On Trial & other stories: Four BBC Radio 4 dramatisations
Julian Rhind-Tutt takes on the role of Rumpole in this fifth collection of cracking court cases.Rumpole on TrialSuffering from toothache, Rumpole is in no mood for his client’s boring testimony or Justice Gwent-Evans’ impatience. But when he argues with the judge, he is warned in no uncertain terms about his future conduct. Soon, Rumpole finds himself on trial and facing the end of his career…Rumpole and HildaRumpole’s long-suffering wife Hilda (‘She Who Must Be Obeyed’) narrates a fascinating tale of murder and romance that Horace would prefer to remain untold, and gives Rumpole – and us – a glimpse of her true, passionate nature.Rumpole and Memories of Christmas PastRumpole spends an unexpectedly rewarding Christmas in Norfolk; discusses the spirit of Christmas with the Mad Monk; and learns that the season of goodwill is shared by barristers and criminals alike.Rumpole and the New Year’s ResolutionsRumpole has an interesting encounter with Santa Claus at a Chambers Christmas party, finds himself on babysitting duty after a blackmail trial, and attends a traditional British panto – where he recognises a familiar face.Starring Julian Rhind-Tutt as Rumpole, Jasmine Hyde as Hilda and Nigel Anthony as Claude Erskine-Brown.A Catherine Bailey production for BBC Radio 4.
Vendome Press Behind the Blue Door
Penguin Books Ltd The Penguin Historical Atlas of the Medieval World
This new historical atlas - richly illustrated with photographs, artwork recreations and full-colour maps - explores the Middle Ages from the coming of the barbarian invasions in the fourth century to the first voyages to the New World in the sixteenth. Coverage of major events - the Hundred Years' War, the Christian Reconquest of Spain - is supplemented by discussion of such key topics as the medieval economy, the growth of towns and the spread of printing, resulting in a rich and multi-faceted introduction to Europe and its neighbours in the Middle Ages.
Penguin Books Ltd Le Morte D'Arthur Volume 1
Le Morte D'Arthur is Sir Thomas Malory's richly evocative and enthralling version of the Arthurian legend. Recounting Arthur's birth, his ascendancy to the throne after claiming Excalibur, his ill-fated marriage to Guenever, the treachery of Morgan le Fay and the exploits of the Knights of the Round Table, it magically weaves together adventure, battle, love and enchantment. Le Morte D'Arthur looks back to an idealized Medieval world and is full of wistful, elegiac regret for a vanished age of chivalry. Edited and published by William Caxton in 1485, Malory's prose romance drew on French and English verse sources to give an epic unity to the Arthur myth, and remains the most magnificent re-telling of the story in English.
Skira Andrei Sharov
Penguin Putnam Inc Paradise Lost and Other Poems