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Yale University Press The American West: A New Interpretive History
A fully revised and updated new edition of the classic history of western America “A classic for the twenty-first century, The American West stands as the best one volume treatment of the American West in a generation—a masterful overview, replete with triumph and tragedy, pain and possibility.”—Karl Jacoby, Columbia University “This new edition of The American West is, quite simply, stunning. Incorporating cutting-edge scholarship without losing the vision and clarity of the original, it weaves a cast of protagonists around a clear and gripping narrative. Comprehensive, bold, punchy, this is a textbook that reads like a novel.”—Pekka Hämäläinen, Oxford University The newly revised second edition of this concise, engaging, and unorthodox history of America’s West has been updated to incorporate new research, including recent scholarship on Native American lives and cultures. An ideal text for course work, it presents the West as both frontier and region, examining the clashing of different cultures and ethnic groups that occurred in the western territories from the first Columbian contacts between Native Americans and Europeans up to the end of the twentieth century.
Oxford University Press Modern Fortran Explained: Incorporating Fortran 2023
Fortran remains one of the principal programming languages used in high-performance scientific, numerical, and engineering computing. A series of significant revisions to the standard versions of the language have progressively enhanced its capabilities, and the current standard - Fortran 2023 - brings with it further additions and improvements. The language as defined by its most recent standards, with their introduction of object-oriented programming and of coarrays, is often referred to generically as 'Modern Fortran', and this term is increasingly used in the literature. Thus, we see that Fortran's particular advantages as a high-end numerical language, especially where arrays are the main form of data object and/or where complex arithmetic is involved, are still to the fore. It is able to attain the highest achievable optimization, mainly because multi-dimensional arrays are 'natural' objects and because its pointers are highly constrained. There is every sign that Modern Fortran will continue to be used to tackle major scientific computing problems in the next decade and beyond and will long remain a living tribute to its early pioneers. This third edition of Modern Fortran Explained expands on the second. The material contained in the four final chapters of the second edition have been merged into the main text, thereby offering, in 20 chapters, a comprehensive and uniform description of Fortran 2018. The additional features now brought by the 2023 standard, which are mostly relatively minor in nature, are described in two final chapters, the first on generic programming and the second on the other features. This structure enables the reader to distinguish clearly between what is old and what is new. This new edition, written by experts in the field, three of whom have actively contributed to Fortran 2023, is thus a complete and authoritative description of Fortran in its latest form, with the intention that it remain the main reference work in the field.
Arcadia Publishing San Francisco in World War II
Berrett-Koehler Publishers Leveraging the Impact of 360-Degree Feedback: Second Edition
OUP Oxford Letters from an American Farmer
Penguin Putnam Inc The Time Machine / The Invisible Man
Steidl Publishers Ralph Ellison: Photographer
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Institutional Reform, Regulation and Privatization: Process and Outcomes in Infrastructure Industries
This book provides evolutionary and institutional perspectives on the reform of infrastructure industries, tracing the development of this process in a number of sectors and countries.The contributors contend that infrastructure based industries such as telecommunications, public transport, water management and energy have been increasingly exposed to the dynamism of the market since becoming privatized, and have therefore been stimulated into short-term efficiency and long-term innovation. Drawing on institutional economic theory backed up with case studies such as the California energy crisis, the Dutch gas industry, oil and electricity companies in Spain and the privatization of Schipol airport in Amsterdam, the book focuses on process, driving forces, and actors' roles to explain how new balances are established between competing institutions. The degree to which the processes of institutional change are predictable and the effects of deliberate strategic interventions of governments or private actors are explored. Specific technical and sector aspects and their influence on institutional change in various infrastructures are also discussed.This book will strongly appeal to academics and practitioners in politics or industry with an interest in industrial, evolutionary institutional or public sector economics.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Journal of Medieval Military History: Volume XI
A collection which highlights "the range and richness of scholarship on medieval warfare, military institutions, and cultures of conflict that characterize the field". History 95 [2010] The comprehensive breadth and scope of the Journal are to the fore in this issue, which ranges widely both geographically and chronologically. The subjects of analysis are equally diverse, with three contributions dealing with theCrusades, four with matters related to the Hundred Years War, two with high-medieval Italy, one with the Alans in the Byzantine-Catalan conflict of the early fourteenth century, and one with the wars of the Duke of Cephalonia inWestern Greece and Albania at the turn of the fifteenth century. Topics include military careers, tactics and strategy, the organization of urban defenses, close analysis of chronicle sources, and cultural approaches to the acceptance of gunpowder artillery and the prevalence of military "games" in Italian cities. Contributors: T.S. Asbridge, A. Compton Reeves, Kelly DeVries, Michael Ehrlich, Scott Jessee, Donald Kagay, Savvas Kyriakidis, Randall Moffett, Aldo A. Settia, Charles D. Stanton, Georgios Theotokis, L.J. Andrew Villalon, Anatoly Isaenko.
Taylor & Francis Inc XIth International Symposium on Amyloidosis
Edited by a stellar team of scientists compiling more than 120 papers into a single volume, the XIth Annual International Symposium on Amyloidosis represents the most important review of the state-of-the-science and future directions of this rapidly growing field. An unparalleled cast of pioneering researchers, including keynote speaker and Nobel Laureate Dr. Stanley Prusiner, present groundbreaking research in systemic amyloidosis including the mechanisms of disease and cellular toxicity, AA amyloidosis, familial amyloidosis, AL amyloidosis, clinical trials, and emerging Divided into six sections, the book begins with a study of the mechanisms of fibril formation and cellular response. It investigates possible horizontal transmission, charge differences of deposits in AL and NALCDD, and novel assays to detect amyloid induced apoptosis. The second section considers AA and localized amyloidosis and presents advances in non-invasive imaging, amyloid typing, and the translocation of systemic amyloidosis. The section on familial and TTR amyloidosis features an original report on hereditary gelsolin amyloidosis in an Iranian family, as well as other novel and rare mutations. An extensive section on AL amyloidosis introduces ALBASE as a platform analysis tool, AL amyloidosis in the elderly, and a study of the therapeutic potential of naturally occurring antibodies. Section five focuses on new and emerging diagnostic and translational approaches including characterization and identification through biopsy, mass spectrometry, proteomics, and the use of an amyloid "chip". The book concludes with clinical trials of diflunisal and high dose melphalan-dexamethasone and autologous stem cell transplantation. translational approaches.Focusing on new basic and translational medicine approaches in systemic amyloidosis, XIth Annual International Symposium on Amyloidosis provides clinicians and researchers with an invaluable single source reference to the most up-to-date research in the field.
Stanford University Press Flourishing Enterprise: The New Spirit of Business
The notion of responsible business has infiltrated our markets, and "going green" is now a part of our mindset. But, sustainability as we know it is not enough. Flourishing—the aspiration that humans and life in general will thrive on the planet forever—should be a key goal for every business today. This is a bold concept, like sustainability was a decade ago. Just as sustainability has become a matter of course, so too will flourishing become a cornerstone of business tomorrow. How are companies to attain this big-picture goal? Drawing together decades of research along with in-depth interviews, Flourishing Enterprise argues that many strategic, organizational, and operational efforts to be sustainable reach the potential of flourishing when they incorporate one additional ingredient: reflective practices. Offering more than a dozen such practices, this book leads readers down a path to greater business success, personal well-being, and a healthier planet. Readers will find that adding reflective practices to existing business efforts does not require more work; it simply changes the way we do our work and, more importantly, the results we achieve. Cultivating emotional and spiritual health is the next frontier; this future-oriented guide develops these core competencies while stretching the ongoing conversation about profitable, sustainable business.
Emerald Publishing Limited Resource Theory: Explorations and Applications
This volume serves as an update on current developments in resource theory and presents a representative sample of contemporary research conducted within this theoretical perspective. "Resource Theory" presents empirical evidence supporting the cross-cultural validity of this framework. Attention is focused on a broad range of social-psychological phenomena that have been fruitfully explored using this theoretical approach. Key features include social exchange theory, cross-cultural theory and social relationships.
Bodleian Library Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly, Paris, December 1948
‘There are few historical developments more significant than the realisation that those in power should not be free to torture and abuse those who are not.’ – Amal Clooney On 10 December 1948, in Paris, the United Nations General Assembly adopted an extraordinarily ground-breaking and important proclamation: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This milestone document, made up of thirty Articles, sets out, for the first time, the fundamental human rights that must be protected by all nations. The full text of the document is reproduced in this book following a foreword by human rights lawyer Amal Clooney and a general introduction which explores its origins in the ‘Four Freedoms’ described by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, the role his wife Eleanor Roosevelt took on as chair of the Human Rights Commission and of the drafting committee, and the parts played by other key international members of the Commission. It was a pioneering achievement in the wake of the Second World War and continues to provide a basis for international human rights law, making this document’s aims ‘as relevant today as when they were first adopted a lifetime ago.’
Industrial Press The Storeroom Roadmap
For the first time, storeroom execution is made clear through a detailed discussion of the world-renowned “Storeroom Roadmap.” This roadmap identifies all 32 of the formal storeroom processes and practices that are universally conducted by all maintenance warehouses, in all industries, around the world. This new book will put those processes on the map, located where the activities make the most sense to begin the journey. The processes are spelled out in the sequence necessary to build a storeroom that is effective first, and then improve efficiencies. The guiding element of the work is the understanding and application of the Storeroom Roadmap. This roadmap lays out the ‘grid’ or categories necessary for good, as well as outstanding storerooms. More than that, the roadmap and subsequent process explanations provide the reader with detailed, step-by-step instructions on where to start, and where to go next. This is a treasure map. The treasu
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Hobbes. Le Pouvoir Entre Domination Et Resistance
Amberley Publishing Women of Science: 100 Inspirational Lives
Women have played a vital role in scientific discovery, although at times their participation has gone unrecognised. Their scholarly research and discoveries have provided a rich tapestry to add to the scientific endeavours of the world. It is important that these women be viewed through the lens of their time, placing their achievements in context throughout the past few centuries. Their scientific fields of excellence include medicine, biology, astronomy, mathematics, physics, meteorology, geology, zoology and engineering, along with their various sub-categories. The significant contributions by women to science date from the earliest times and this book brings together the stories of those who have left their mark, despite the significant hurdles they have faced. There are many women who deserve recognition in this way, including the much vaunted Madame Curie and Ada Lovelace, and there are others whose talent is undoubted although they have not received the plaudits they deserve. This book considers the lives and work of talented women from different eras, countries and scientific fields.
Simon & Schuster Audio The Power of Positive Thinking: Ten Traits for Maximum Results
Loqueleo Quien Fue Benjamin Franklin?
Oxford University Press Inc The Oxford Handbook of the New Private Law
The Oxford Handbook of the New Private Law reflects exciting developments in scholarship dedicated to reinvigorating the study of the broad field of private law. This field embraces the traditional common law subjects (property, contracts, and torts), as well as adjacent, more statutory areas, such as intellectual property and commercial law. It also includes important areas that have been neglected in the United States but are beginning to make a comeback. These include unjust enrichment, restitution, equity, and remedies more generally. "Private law" can also mean private law as a whole, which invites consideration of issues such as the public-private distinction, the similarities and differences between the various areas of private law, and the institutional framework supporting private law - including courts, arbitrators, and even custom. The New Private Law is an approach to these subjects that aims to bring a new outlook to the study of private law by moving beyond reductively instrumentalist policy evaluation and narrow, rule-by-rule, doctrine-by-doctrine analysis, so as to consider and capture how private law's various features fit and work together, as well as the normative underpinnings of these larger structures. This movement has begun resuscitating the notion of private law itself in the United States and has brought an interdisciplinary perspective to the more traditional, doctrinal approach prevalent in Commonwealth countries. The Handbook embraces a broad range of perspectives to private law - including philosophical, economic, historical, and psychological, to name a few - yet it offers a unifying theme of seriousness about the structure and content of private law. It will be an essential resource for legal scholars interested in the future of this important field.
New York University Press Disagreements of the Jurists: A Manual of Islamic Legal Theory
A masterful overview of Islamic law and its diversity Al-Qadi al-Nu'man was the chief legal theorist and ideologue of the North African Fatimid dynasty in the tenth century. This translation makes available for the first time in English his major work on Islamic legal theory (usul al-fiqh), which presents a legal model in support of the Fatimid claim to legitimate rule. Composed as part of a grand project to establish the theoretical bases of the official Fatimid legal school, Disagreements of the Jurists expounds a distinctly Shi'i system of hermeneutics. The work begins with a discussion of the historical causes of jurisprudential divergence in the first Islamic centuries and goes on to engage, point by point, with the specific interpretive methods of Sunni legal theory. The text thus preserves important passages from several Islamic legal theoretical works no longer extant, and in the process throws light on a critical stage in the development of Islamic legal theory that would otherwise be lost to history. An English-only edition.
Emerald Publishing Limited ICE Manual of Geotechnical Engineering
Many civil engineers leave university with some knowledge of applied mechanics, geology and some soil and rock mechanics but often a limited grounding in geotechnical engineering. A good geotechnical engineer needs to appreciate the balance between theoretical principles, practical experience and the uncertainties present when dealing with the ground in its natural state. The ICE Manual of Geotechnical Engineering is intended to address this need by delivering an authoritative and comprehensive reference providing the core geotechnical engineering principles, practical techniques, and the major questions engineers should keep in mind when dealing with real-world engineering challenges – all within a consistently coherent framework.
University of Pennsylvania Press Piedras Negras Archaeology, 1931-1939
Situated on the banks of the Usumacinta River in northwestern Guatemala, Piedras Negras is an important Maya site known for its carved monuments and panels. Between 1931 and 1938 the University Museum conducted research at Piedras Negras, excavating the site core, producing an excellent site map, and documenting architectural developments to an unprecedented standard. Project member Tatiana Proskouriakoff revolutionized Maya historiography with her architectural reconstructions and visionary synthesis of the position and dating of texts and monuments at the site. Innovative excavation methods included test pitting, probing in more modest structures, and the identification of new building types such as sweat baths. More importantly, the Piedras Negras project developed the logistical and methodological criteria that are now standard in the field. Fewer than a dozen copies of the preliminary papers were issued between 1933 and 1936; the later descriptive and interpretive essays of the architecture series have likewise become rare. Piedras Negras Archaeology, 1931-1939 reintroduces to the scholarly community and public these pioneering works, meticulously scanned and edited from the fragile originals, with all the maps, tables, line art, and photographs from the initial reports, and an interpretive essay and index for modern readers. University Museum Monograph, 122
Georgetown University Press Human Dignity and the Future of Global Institutions
What does human dignity mean and what role should it play in guiding the mission of international institutions? In recent decades, global institutions have proliferated -- from intergovernmental organizations to hybrid partnerships. The specific missions of these institutions are varied, but is there a common animating principle to inform their goals? Presented as an integrated, thematic analysis that transcends individual contributions, Human Dignity and the Future of Global Institutions argues that the concept of human dignity can serve as this principle. Human dignity consists of the agency of individuals to apply their gifts to thrive, and requires social recognition of each person's inherent value and claim to equal access to opportunity. Contributors examine how traditional and emerging institutions are already advancing human dignity, and then identify strategies to make human dignity more central to the work of global institutions. They explore traditional state-created entities, as well as emergent, hybrid institutions and faith-based organizations. Concluding with a final section that lays out a path for a cross-cultural dialogue on human dignity, the book offers a framework to successfully achieve the transformation of global politics into service of the individual.
Arcturus Publishing Ltd Norse Fairy & Folk Tales
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Green Schools Globally: Stories of Impact on Education for Sustainable Development
This book brings together stories of the green schools movement ((Eco Schools, Enviroschools, Green Schools, Sustainable Schools, ResourceSmart Schools etc) in several countries around the world, with a focus on the impact of the movement on the development and implementation of education for sustainable development in each of the countries. In particular, each story will explain the history of the movement per country, its current status, achievements, obstacles and broader impact.There have been a number of evaluations of these school movements at a national or more local level, and numerous articles and chapters have been published on aspects of these schools’ activities, but to date these have not been brought together in a single volume that focuses attention on the impact of the movement on education for sustainable development in each country. This is the purpose of this volume.The green schools movement focuses on a whole school approach which aims to include everyone (students, teachers and the local community), to improve school environments, including resource usage and the environmental footprint of the school, to motivate students to take on environmental problems and seek resolutions particularly at a local level but also thinking globally, and to improve students' attitudes and behaviours as part of developing a sustainable mind set.
Fordham University Press On Earth as in Heaven: Ecological Vision and Initiatives of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew
Over the past two decades, the world has witnessed alarming environmental degradation—climate change, the loss of biodiversity, and the pollution of natural resources—together with a failure to implement environmental policies and an ever-widening gap between rich and poor. As this new volume of his writings reveals, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew has continually proclaimed the primacy of spiritual values in determining environmental ethics and action. For him, the predicament we face is not primarily ecological but in fact spiritual: The ultimate aim is to see all things in God, and God in all things. On Earth as in Heaven demonstrates just why His All Holiness has been dubbed the “Green Patriarch” by former Vice President Al Gore (recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize for his environmental activism) and the media. This third and final volume of the spiritual leader’s selected writings showcases his statements on environmental degradation, global warming, and climate change. It contains numerous speeches and interviews in various circumstances, including ecological symposia, academic seminars, and regional and international events, over the first twenty years of his ministry. This volume also encompasses a selection of pastoral letters and exhortations—ecclesiastical, ecumenical, and academic—by His All Holiness for occasions such as Easter and Christmas, honorary doctorates, and academic awards. On Earth as in Heaven is a rich collection, essential for religious scholars, those looking for a deeper understanding of Orthodox Christianity, and anyone concerned with the environmental and social issues we face today.
Smithsonian Books We Return Fighting: World War I and the Shaping of Modern Black Identity
History Press Ski Jumping in Washington State: A Nordic Tradition