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John Wiley & Sons Inc Biorefinery of Inorganics: Recovering Mineral Nutrients from Biomass and Organic Waste
Provides complete coverage of the recovery of mineral nutrients from biomass and organic waste This book presents a comprehensive overview of the potential for mineral recovery from wastes, addressing technological issues as well as economic, ecological, and agronomic full-scale field assessments. It serves as a complete reference work for experts in the field and provides teaching material for future experts specializing in environmental technology sectors. Biorefinery of Inorganics: Recovering Mineral Nutrients from Biomass and Organic Waste starts by explaining the concept of using anaerobic digestion as a biorefinery for production of an energy carrier in addition to mineral secondary resources. It then discusses the current state of mineral fertilizer use throughout the world, offering readers a complete look at the resource availability and energy intensity. Technical aspects of mineral recovery organic (waste-)streams is discussed next, followed by an examination of the economics of biobased products and their mineral counterparts. The book also covers the environmental impact assessment of the production and use of bio-based fertilizers; modelling and optimization of nutrient recovery from wastes; and more. Discusses global production and consumption of mineral fertilizers Introduces technologies for the recovery of mineral NPK from organic wastes and residues Covers chemical characterization and speciation of refined secondary resources, and shows readers how to assess biobased mineral resources Discusses applications of recovered minerals in the inorganic chemistry sector Compares the economics of biobased products with current fossil-based counterparts Offers an ecological assessment of introducing biobased products in the current fertilizer industry Edited by leading experts in the field Biorefinery of Inorganics: Recovering Mineral Nutrients from Biomass and Organic Waste is an ideal book for scientists, environmental engineers, and end-users in the agro-industry, the waste industry, water and wastewater treatment, and agriculture. It will also be of great benefit to policy makers and regulators working in these fields.
University of Nebraska Press Palimpsests: Literature in the Second Degree
By definition, a palimpsest is “a written document, usually on vellum or parchment, that has been written upon several times, often with remnants of erased writing still visible.” Palimpsests (originally published in France in 1982), one of Gérard Genette’s most important works, examines the manifold relationships a text may have with prior texts. Genette describes the multiple ways a later text asks readers to read or remember an earlier one. In this regard, he treats the history and nature of parody, antinovels, pastiches, caricatures, commentary, allusion, imitations, and other textual relations. Gérard Genette is one of the most original and influential literary critics of modern France. He is the major practitioner of narratological criticism, a pioneer in structuralism, and a much-admired literary historian. Such works as Narrative Discourse and Mimologics (Nebraska 1995) have established his international reputation as a literary theorist of the first order.
Harvard University Press Capital Resurgent: Roots of the Neoliberal Revolution
The advent of economic neoliberalism in the 1980s triggered a shift in the world economy. In the three decades following World War II, now considered a golden age of capitalism, economic growth was high and income inequality decreasing. But in the mid-1970s this social compact was broken as the world economy entered the stagflation crisis, following a decline in the profitability of capital. This crisis opened a new phase of stagnating growth and wages, and unemployment. Interest rates as well as dividend flows rose, and income inequality widened. Economists Gérard Duménil and Dominique Lévy show that, despite free market platitudes, neoliberalism was a planned effort by financial interests against the postwar Keynesian compromise. The cluster of neoliberal policies--including privatization, liberalization of world trade, and reduction in state welfare benefits--is an expression of the power of finance in the world economy.The sequence of events initiated by neoliberalism was not unprecedented. In the late nineteenth century, when economic conditions were similar to those of the 1970s, a structural crisis led to the first financial hegemony culminating in the speculative boom of the late 1920s. The authors argue persuasively for stabilizing the world economy before we run headlong into another economic disaster.
Intersentia Ltd European Yearbook of Disability Law: Volume 5
The European Yearbook of Disability Law is part of the ongoing research programme of the Maastricht Centre for Human Rights of Maastricht University and the Centre for Disability Law and Policy of the National University of Ireland Galway. The European Yearbook of Disability Law reviews the significant developments at European level regarding disability law and policy. The Yearbook contains a series of articles on current challenges and developments from senior analysts and academics working in the field. It aims to provide critical insight in the evolution of European disability law and policy and offers analyses of pressing challenges in a broad range of fields. The core of the Yearbook consists of a review of the preceding year's significant events, as well as policy and legal developments within the institutions of the European Union. It reviews major EU policy developments, studies and other publications, legislative proposals, and case law from the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights.
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Discours de Metaphysique Et Correspondance Avec Arnauld
Classiques Garnier Les Normes Du Dire Au Xvie Siecle
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Advanced Introduction to Sustainable Careers
Elgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful introductions to major fields in the social sciences, business and law, expertly written by the world’s leading scholars. Designed to be accessible yet rigorous, they offer concise and lucid surveys of the substantive and policy issues associated with discrete subject areas.This insightful Advanced Introduction provides a road map for building and maintaining a sustainable career. Delving into the meaning of a ‘sustainable career’, the book examines the factors that threaten a career’s sustainability, such as economic turbulence, changes in organizational practices, and advances in technology, offering actions that can be taken to overcome these threats and strengthen the sustainability of careers.Key Features: Identifies the role of gender in building a sustainable career Introduces a new model of career sustainability, emphasizing the relevance of employees’ home life in building a sustainable career Demonstrates how building a sustainable career is the shared responsibility of employees and their families, employers, and society Establishes that some groups in society are substantially more vulnerable than others and require additional or different resources to build and maintain a sustainable career This Advanced Introduction will be a valuable guide for scholars and advanced students of sustainable careers, human resource management, and organizational behavior. It will also be useful for practitioners and policy makers in these fields as well as individuals who want to build a more sustainable career.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Advanced Introduction to Sustainable Careers
Elgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful introductions to major fields in the social sciences, business and law, expertly written by the world’s leading scholars. Designed to be accessible yet rigorous, they offer concise and lucid surveys of the substantive and policy issues associated with discrete subject areas.This insightful Advanced Introduction provides a road map for building and maintaining a sustainable career. Delving into the meaning of a ‘sustainable career’, the book examines the factors that threaten a career’s sustainability, such as economic turbulence, changes in organizational practices, and advances in technology, offering actions that can be taken to overcome these threats and strengthen the sustainability of careers.Key Features: Identifies the role of gender in building a sustainable career Introduces a new model of career sustainability, emphasizing the relevance of employees’ home life in building a sustainable career Demonstrates how building a sustainable career is the shared responsibility of employees and their families, employers, and society Establishes that some groups in society are substantially more vulnerable than others and require additional or different resources to build and maintain a sustainable career This Advanced Introduction will be a valuable guide for scholars and advanced students of sustainable careers, human resource management, and organizational behavior. It will also be useful for practitioners and policy makers in these fields as well as individuals who want to build a more sustainable career.
John Wiley & Sons Inc An Introduction to Linear Programming and Game Theory
Praise for the Second Edition: "This is quite a well-done book: very tightly organized, better-than-average exposition, and numerous examples, illustrations, and applications." —Mathematical Reviews of the American Mathematical Society An Introduction to Linear Programming and Game Theory, Third Edition presents a rigorous, yet accessible, introduction to the theoretical concepts and computational techniques of linear programming and game theory. Now with more extensive modeling exercises and detailed integer programming examples, this book uniquely illustrates how mathematics can be used in real-world applications in the social, life, and managerial sciences, providing readers with the opportunity to develop and apply their analytical abilities when solving realistic problems. This Third Edition addresses various new topics and improvements in the field of mathematical programming, and it also presents two software programs, LP Assistant and the Solver add-in for Microsoft Office Excel, for solving linear programming problems. LP Assistant, developed by coauthor Gerard Keough, allows readers to perform the basic steps of the algorithms provided in the book and is freely available via the book's related Web site. The use of the sensitivity analysis report and integer programming algorithm from the Solver add-in for Microsoft Office Excel is introduced so readers can solve the book's linear and integer programming problems. A detailed appendix contains instructions for the use of both applications. Additional features of the Third Edition include: A discussion of sensitivity analysis for the two-variable problem, along with new examples demonstrating integer programming, non-linear programming, and make vs. buy models Revised proofs and a discussion on the relevance and solution of the dual problem A section on developing an example in Data Envelopment Analysis An outline of the proof of John Nash's theorem on the existence of equilibrium strategy pairs for non-cooperative, non-zero-sum games Providing a complete mathematical development of all presented concepts and examples, Introduction to Linear Programming and Game Theory, Third Edition is an ideal text for linear programming and mathematical modeling courses at the upper-undergraduate and graduate levels. It also serves as a valuable reference for professionals who use game theory in business, economics, and management science.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Military Uniforms: Assessments & Procurement
Nova Science Publishers Inc Catastrophe in Japan: The Earthquake & Tsunami of 2011
Nova Science Publishers Inc United States Federal Budget Process
John Wiley & Sons Inc Principles of Anatomy and Physiology
Anatomy and Physiology is a complex subject spanning many health science disciplines. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology has always been recognized for its pioneering homeostatic approach to learning the subject. This International Adaptation of the 16th edition combines exceptional content and outstanding visuals for a rich and comprehensive classroom experience and continues to set the standard for the discipline. It has been paired with a comprehensive Study Guide, offering a thoughtfully designed course in Anatomy and Physiology. Highly regarded authors, Jerry Tortora and Bryan Derrickson motivate and support learners at every level, from novice to expert, and equip them with the skills they need to succeed in this class and beyond.
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Prostestant Traditions and the Soul of Europe
Classiques Garnier Les Provinciales
Les Belles Lettres Dialogue Des Langues
Les Belles Lettres Baldus T.I: Livres I-V
BIS Publishers B.V. The Time is Now: Toolkit for Change: Challenge, Inspire, Pitch and get serious results for positive impact
Climate change is real. Time to spring into action. Introducing: The Time is Now, a toolkit for serious change. Use this timely card game to challenge, inspire, pitch and get serious results for positive impact. The kit consists of 60 tool cards that trigger questions and inspire possible solutions by fellow players. Questions like: what can you do to stay out of a polluting hospital? What would your holiday look like with zero CO2 emissions? How do you co-travel to the office? With whom would you work together for a healthier living and working environment? Invite your colleagues, friends and family and move to a more sustainable planet one step at a time. In three rounds you'll discover new options, practical solutions, and put these in the simplest plan of approach, you have ever seen. Share your plans, stick them to the wall or on your companies' message board and create real change. With the workshop version the game ends in making a canvas with things you can start doing tomorrow, next week and this year. Use the The Time is Now toolkit to grow ideas and start changing the world around you and inspire to make changes. Make a difference, one step at a time. The Time really is Now! * From the authors of The Startup Game * Challenge, inspire, pitch and get serious results for positive impact. * Translate complex and scientific models and tools into everyday professional and private life. * Inspired by the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's). * Generate more effective ideas than any other toolbox in just 45 minutes.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Sequential Decision-Making Problems: Representation and Solution
Numerous formalisms have been designed to model and solve decision-making problems. Some formalisms, such as constraint networks, can express "simple" decision problems, while others take into account uncertainties (probabilities, possibilities...), unfeasible decisions, and utilities (additive or not). In the first part of this book, we introduce a generic algebraic framework that encompasses and unifies a large number of such formalisms. This formalism, called the Plausibility–Feasibility–Utility (PFU) framework, is based on algebraic structures, graphical models, and sequences of quantifications. This work on knowledge representation is completed by a work on algorithms for answering queries formulated in the PFU framework. The algorithms defined are based on variable elimination or tree search, and work on a new generic architecture for local computations called multi-operator cluster DAGs.
Dark Horse Comics,U.S. The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys: California Library Edition
Dark Horse Comics,U.S. The Umbrella Academy Volume 3: Hotel Oblivion (deluxe Edition)
Dark Horse Comics,U.S. The Umbrella Academy Library Editon Volume 2: Dallas
Taylor & Francis Ltd Memory: Neuropsychological, Imaging and Psychopharmacological Perspectives
Memory: Neuropsychological, Imaging and Psychopharmacological Perspectives reviews critically the impact of recent neuropsychological and biological discoveries on our understanding of human memory and its pathology. Too often, insights from clinical, neurological and psychopharmacological fields have remained isolated and mutually unintelligible. Therefore the first part of this book provides both clinicians and neuroscientists with a broad view of the neuropsychology of memory, and the psychobiological processes it involves, including recent advances from imaging technology and psychopharmacology research. In the second part the authors go on to cover a comprehensive range of memory assessments, dysfunctions, impairments and treatments. This compendium of current research findings will prove an invaluable resource for anyone studying, researching or practising in the field of memory and its disorders.
Harvard University Press A History of Private Life: Volume V: Riddles of Identity in Modern Times
This fifth and final volume in an award-winning series charts the remarkable inner history of our times from the tumult of World War I to the present day, when personal identity was released from its moorings in gender, family, social class, religion, politics, and nationality. Nine brilliant and bold historians present a dynamic picture of cultures in transition and in the process scrutinize a myriad of subjects—the sacrament of confession, volunteer hotlines, Nazi policies toward the family, the baby boom, evolving sexuality, the history of contraception, and ever-changing dress codes. They draw upon many unexpected sources, including divorce hearing transcripts, personal ads, and little-known demographic and consumer data.Perhaps the most notable pattern to emerge is a polarizing of public and private realms. Productive labor shifts from the home to an impersonal public setting. Salaried or corporate employment replaces many independent, entrepreneurial jobs, and workers of all kinds aggressively pursue their leisure time—coffee and lunch breaks, weekends, vacations. Zoning laws segregate industrial and commercial areas from residential neighborhoods, which are no longer a supportive “theater” of benign surveillance, gossip, and mutual concern, but an assemblage of aloof and anonymous individuals or families. Scattered with personal possessions and appliances, homes grow large by yesterday's standards and are marked by elaborate spatial subdivisions; privacy is now possible even among one's own family. Men and women are obsessed with health, fitness, diet, and appearance as the body becomes the focal point of personal identity. Mirrors, once a rarity, are ubiquitous. In the search for sexual and individualistic fulfillment, romantic love becomes the foundation of marriage. Couples marry at an older age; families are smaller. The divorce rate rises, and with it the number of single-parent households. Women, entering the workforce in unprecedented numbers, frequently function as both breadwinner and homemaker. The authors interrelate these dramatic patterns with the changing roles of state and religion in family matters, the socialization of education and elder care, the growth of feminism, the impact of media on private life, and the nature of secrecy.Comprehensive and astute, Riddles of Identity in Modern Times chronicles a period when the differentiation of life into public and private realms, once a luxury of the wealthy, gradually spread throughout the population. For better or worse, people can now be alone. This fifth volume, differing significantly from the French edition, portrays Italian, German, and American family life in the twentieth century. The authors of these additional chapters—Chiara Saraceno, Ingeborg Weber-Kellermann, and Elaine Tyler May—enlarge and enhance the already broad European and Atlantic canvas that depicts the modern identity.
Elsevier Science & Technology Biomechanics of Coronary Atherosclerotic Plaque: From Model to Patient
Biomechanics of Coronary Atherosclerotic Plaque: From Model to Patient, First Edition, is the first comprehensive text to focus on important biomechanical studies conducted in the last decade that have increased our understanding of coronary atherosclerotic plaque initiation, growth, and rupture, as well as improving the design of medical devices and clinical interventions, including surgical procedures. The book provides students, researchers, engineers, clinicians, and interventional cardiologists with an overview of the main topics related to the biomechanics of atherosclerosis, in a single volume written by several experts in the field. This volume is part of the Biomechanics of Living Organs book series. The biomechanics of human soft tissues and organs has been an emerging research field since the publication of Y.C. Fung’s original book series in the 1990s. The publication of such books entirely dedicated to a specific biomechanical subject is necessary to advance scientific research in the field of biomechanics and to transfer important knowledge to future generations. Therefore, this series of volumes on the biomechanics of living organs has been created. This series began in July 2017 with the publication of a first volume on the fundamentals of Hyperelastic Constitutive Laws for Finite Element Modeling of Living Organs. The current volume on the Biomechanics of Coronary Atherosclerotic Plaque, is the latest in this new series.
Quinnipiac University Press More Heroes of Ireland's Great Hunger
The heroics and humanitarian contributions of those who came to the aid of their fellow men and women during the Great Hunger of 1845 and 1852 has been largely ignored and forgotten until recently. Many of the neglected heroes were prepared to put their lives on the line and, in a number of instances, suffered permanent health damage in coming to the aid of the starving and diseased. They include landlords, poets, clergymen and philanthropists. This volume follows on from the collection of essays on Famine Heroes and shows that there were many who were on the front line in coming to the assistance of their fellow man during this period of large-scale emigration, starvation and death. At a time when the world continues to deal with the horrors and legacies of the COVID pandemic with many front line workers putting their lives at risk, the heroics of those who gave their time, energy and resources-and lives-during the calamity of the Great Hunger is recorded and acknowledged in this collection. This edited collection is a follow up to Heroes of Ireland's Great Hunger (2021)
Dixi Books Publishing OOD Edu and the Best House Ever
Edu is eight years old, 4 feet tall and weighs 53 pounds. Like most other children, he loves chocolate bread, climbing trees and stopping by his famous candy store for the great smell. Edu does not like pepper, or cola, or the sound of flies crashing against the window of his bedroom. He is restless, a dreamer, intrepid, energetic, a little impatient and very, very magical. Edu usually plays at the cabins. Every day, after lunch, he dismantles the kitchen chairs to build very complicated structures, which he covers with tablecloths that turn them into castles, skyscrapers or houses with a garden. Because Edu, above all, wants to be an architect. That is why he sets out to investigate in past times, to help him discover the keys to good design. A search that will take us to know the landmarks of architecture, while immersing us in the challenge of finding the best house in the world.
John Libbey & Co Cellular & Molecular Aspects of Glucuronidation
Dark Horse Comics,U.S. The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys: National Anthem
L'Erma Di Bretschneider The Epigrammata Antiquae Urbis (1521) and Its Influence on European Antiquarianism
Classiques Garnier La Boheme Galante
Classiques Garnier Oeuvres Completes: La Boheme Galante - Petits Chateaux de Boheme
Human Kinetics Publishers Sport and Public Policy: Social, Political, and Economic Perspectives
Sports figures, events, and organizations affect our society in vast, varied, and sometimes unexpected ways. To gain a broad-based understanding of how sport interfaces with public policy issues, a variety of viewpoints must be considered. Sport and Public Policy: Social, Political, and Economic Perspectives is the only text that examines some of the most compelling policy issues affecting the sports world from an interdisciplinary perspective—including economics, history, urban planning, not-for-profit administration, public health communications, political science, and philosophy. With contributions from a wide range of scholarly disciplines, this contemporary resource enhances traditional conversation and gives readers a fresh outlook on economic and political issues in sport. Sport and Public Policy presents a contemporary view of how to understand and analyze complex and controversial topics. It begins by examining issues related to professional sports—including the unique nature of American sports leagues, the decisions and conflicts involved in the organization of sports leagues and events, and labor strikes and conflicts. It then examines professional sports, cities, and public finance. Readers are drawn into thought-provoking discussion of issues such as the public investment in sports facilities and recent trends in stadium and arena construction. The book also presents an example of a unique model of not-for-profit community ownership in action, which readers can implement in their own cities. Sport and Public Policy explores amateur sports by presenting a fresh perspective on the link between sports and society, the dwindling levels of African-American participation in baseball, and whether or not the National Collegiate Athletic Association’s actions align with its stated principles and values. It also challenges the reader to think globally through a discussion of how sports affect and are affected by international relations, how a changing world economy is affecting the Olympic games, Major League Baseball’s efforts at global expansion, and the effects of global consumer marketing efforts. The chapters encourage readers to consider their role as participants in sports and use their great power to make individual choices that influence their communities. To enhance the learning experience, Sport and Public Policy offers the following: An application and implementation section in select chapters helps readers understand how to apply the content in their own roles in the sport industry or society. The case studies added to most chapters illustrate how the information and research are being applied in the real world. Some of the hottest topics in the sports world are covered from a public policy perspective, giving readers a new angle from which to analyze issues now and in the future. Sport and Public Policy is a timely resource that will be valued by many. Researchers will use it as a springboard for further study of how sport affects our society economically, socially, and politically. Practitioners and anyone else interested in the role of sport in America will find the book creates a critical new awareness of sport’s interface with public policy and the potentially far-reaching implicattions of their decisions.
Cengage Learning, Inc Milady Standard Esthetics : Advanced
MILADY STANDARD ESTHETICS: ADVANCED, SECOND EDITION is an essential tool for students enrolled in advanced esthetics programs and critical for anyone serious about achieving a higher level of success in the beauty and wellness field. This new edition demonstrates Milady's commitment to providing the most current, cutting-edge educational resources to esthetic students and professionals anxious to expand and perfect their skills in one of the fastest growing industries of the day. It responds to the increasing demand for a more robust knowledge of skin care principles and techniques resulting from trends in medical esthetics as well as in hospitality and tourism. MILADY STANDARD ESTHETICS: ADVANCED encompasses the broad areas of advanced skin sciences, including skin disorders and the updated ABC's of skin cancer; advanced esthetic techniques and devices; spa and alternative therapies; and working in a medical setting, including plastic surgery procedures and pre- and post-medical treatments. An introductory section addresses changes in esthetics to keep the student up-to-date on the newest technology and products, plus the final two chapters delve into financial business and marketing skills vital for rounding out success in the world of esthetics.
Imperial College Press Surgical Talk: Lecture Notes In Undergraduate Surgery (3rd Edition)
This textbook is an introduction and guide to undergraduate surgery. It has been a bestseller since its first edition in 2001.The philosophy of this book is to focus on the level of knowledge and the approach that would be expected of the better students reaching the end of their undergraduate training. Avoiding a book that is too cumbersome, we have tried to make this volume readable and enjoyable, using various techniques to help the reader remember key facts: the text has been deliberately written in a tutorial-like story format as opposed to a set of lists, since this makes it easier to understand and remember.In addition to general surgery, the book contains sections on trauma, orthopaedics, urology and ENT, making it the only comprehensive textbook for medical students wishing to learn top tips in surgery.Subjects that are poorly covered in other main texts — such as fluid balance management and minor surgical procedures — are dealt with in a tutorial fashion in this book, and there is a section on how to problem-solve even in the context of areas unknown to the student.This book is useful for medical students and also for junior doctors during their day-to-day working lives, as well as those coming up to postgraduate exams.Each chapter is written by an authoritative author, alongside the book editors, and they have ensured it remains in the spirit of the bestselling previous editions.
Cambridge University Press Anxiety in Older People: Clinical and Research Perspectives
Historically, clinicians and researchers have focused on depression and dementia in older people, paying little attention to anxiety except as a complication of these disorders. However, increased research into late-life anxiety has seen a growth in scientific literature and clinical interest. This important book brings together international experts to provide a comprehensive overview of current knowledge in relation to anxiety in older people, highlighting gaps in both theory and practice, and pointing towards the future. Early chapters cover the broader aspects of anxiety disorders, including epidemiology, risk factors, diagnostic issues, association with insomnia, impaired daily functioning, suicidality, and increased use of healthcare services. The book then explores cross-cultural issues, clinical assessment, and pharmacological and psychological interventions across a variety of settings. An invaluable resource for mental health professionals caring for older people including researchers, psychiatrists, psychologists, specialist geriatric nurses and social workers.
Marquette University Press Intellect, Affect, and God: The Trinity, History, and the Life of Grace
The wealth of reflection of the contributing authors of this volume—often relatively young—confirms that the influence of Lonergan's thought continues to expand in the areas of philosophy, theology, and the social sciences. It also reveals how Robert M. Doran has expanded on the thought of Lonergan on issues such as psychic conversion and the four-point hypothesis and that these developments are being widely received in diverse interdisciplinary areas including systematic theology, interreligious dialogue, priestly formation, ecology, scriptural hermeneutics, world Christianity, theopolitics, sociology, etc. This collection of essays is relevant not only to Lonergan scholars but to all who are curious about the relevance of Lonergan and Doran studies to contemporary issues.With essays by Brian Bajzek, Jeremy W. Blackwood, Lucas Briola, Anne M. Carpenter, John P. Cush, John D. Dadosky, Darren J. Dias, Gregory P. Floyd, Joseph K. Gordon, Jonathan Heaps, Ryan Hemmer, Christopher Krall, SJ, Cecille Medina-Maldonado, Joseph C. Mudd, Jacob M. Mudge, Joseph Ogbonnaya, Cyril Orji, Gordon Rixon, SJ, Josephat John Rugaiganisa, Eugene R. Schlesinger, Andrew T. Vink, Gerard Whelan, SJ, and Jaime Vidal Zuñiga.
Les Belles Lettres Le Dernier Messie: Prophetie Et Souverainete Au Moyen Age
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Visualizing Anatomy and Physiology
This text is an unbound, binder-ready edition. Visualizing Anatomy and Physiology is a visually powerful textbook, illustrated for maximum pedagogical effect, up-to-the-minute in all aspects of anatomical science and physiology. Organized into 16 chapters, the material is designed to fit more easily into the shorter one-semester course. Chapters 1-16 provide motivating and engaging content as well as clinical and everyday relevance of the science of the discipline. This edition includes numerous assessment opportunities and tested visuals that are used to teach and explain, not just illustrate.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Visualizing Anatomy and Physiology
Visualizing Anatomy and Physiology is a visually powerful textbook, illustrated for maximum pedagogical effect, up-to-the-minute in all aspects of anatomical science and physiology. Organized into 16 chapters, the material is designed to fit more easily into the shorter one-semester course. Chapters 1-16 provide motivating and engaging content as well as clinical and everyday relevance of the science of the discipline. This edition includes numerous assessment opportunities and tested visuals that are used to teach and explain, not just illustrate.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Anatomy and Physiology for the Manual Therapies
Anatomy & Physiology for the Manual Therapies 1e is designed to meet the specific needs of students preparing for careers in the manual therapies, such as massage therapy and careers as physical therapy assistants. This book provides the most appropriate depth of coverage for each body system -- in both narrative and visuals -- and by including relevant applications linking the content to situations they will face in their careers. Specially written applications with a focus on massage and physical therapy are included. An outstanding illustration program is also integrated to highlight important concepts and special diagrams are presented that point to origin, insertion, and innervation of muscles. This is crucial knowledge for massage therapists, physical therapists, and occupational therapists.
WW Norton & Co Faces of Science: Portraits
Here a renowned photographer turns her camera on some of the greatest men and women of the scientific community. The seventy-seven extraordinary portraits included in Faces of Science make their subjects accessible to us and less formidable than they may have seemed in the past. Each image is paired with a short autobiographical essay explaining how the scientist became interested in his or her chosen field. The combination of word and image illuminates the individual character of each scientist, from Francis Crick and Richard Leakey to Miriam Rothschild and Mary Eubanks. It also reveals some of what they have in common: intellectual curiosity, a desire to help mankind, and an ability to work with others to accomplish their tasks. Faces of Science is both an inspiration and a confirmation of the human spirit.
Emerald Publishing Limited Exploring Criminal and Illegal Enterprise
This book examines the illegal behaviour of entrepreneurs and discusses how criminal entrepreneurs acquire information, learn from their entrepreneurial experiences, and utilize acquired knowledge to develop their organizations. The chapters demonstrate several dimensions of the entrepreneurial processes, such as imagination, innovation, calculated risk taking, alertness to opportunities, opportunity identification, as well as resource assemblage and leverage to exploit an opportunity - all in a criminal context. Illegal methods used by entrepreneurs to identify solutions to problems that lead to the generation of business opportunities are illustrated. Moreover, methods used by criminal entrepreneurs to circumvent barriers to the entrepreneurial process and business developments are highlighted. Issues relating to the formation of crimino-entrepreneurial ventures are critically discussed. Emerging issues relating to illegal corporate entrepreneurship are illustrated.
IEEE Computer Society Press,U.S. The Early History of Data Networks
Cornell University Press The Work of Art: Immanence and Transcendence
What art is—its very nature—is the subject of this book by one of the most distinguished continental theorists writing today. Informed by the aesthetics of Nelson Goodman and referring to a wide range of cultures, contexts, and media, The Work of Art seeks to discover, explain, and define how art exists and how it works. To this end, Gérard Genette explores the distinction between a work of art's immanence—its physical presence—and transcendence—the experience it induces. That experience may go far beyond the object itself.Genette situates art within the broad realm of human practices, extending from the fine arts of music, painting, sculpture, and literature to humbler but no less fertile fields such as haute couture and the culinary arts. His discussion touches on a rich array of examples and is bolstered by an extensive knowledge of the technology involved in producing and disseminating a work of art, regardless of whether that dissemination is by performance, reproduction, printing, or recording. Moving beyond examples, Genette proposes schemata for thinking about the different manifestations of a work of art. He also addresses the question of the artwork's duration and mutability.