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World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Stochastic Analysis In Mathematical Physics - Proceedings Of A Satellite Conference Of Icm 2006
The ideas and principles of stochastic analysis have managed to penetrate into various fields of pure and applied mathematics in the last 15 years; it is particularly true for mathematical physics. This volume provides a wide range of applications of stochastic analysis in fields as varied as statistical mechanics, hydrodynamics, Yang-Mills theory and spin-glass theory.The proper concept of stochastic dynamics relevant to each type of application is described in detail here. Altogether, these approaches illustrate the reasons why their dissemination in other fields is likely to accelerate in the years to come.
Classiques Garnier Une Formation Au Travail Pour Tous ?: La Loi Astier, Un Projet Pour Le Xxe Siecle
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd European Insolvency Law: Reform and Harmonization
Critically analyzing the substantive law of insolvency in the EU countries as a whole, this book carries out horizontal cross-cutting analysis of the data gathered from a study of national insolvency laws. It selects particular areas for detailed discussion and considers the pros and cons of particular legislative solutions. Using the US and Norway as comparator countries, the expert authors identify areas where disparities in national laws produce problems that have impacts outside national boundaries. They analyse these against key policy goals including; improving economic performance throughout the EU, Promoting a more competitive business environment, efficient asset allocation and building more stable and sustainable human capital in terms of support for entrepreneuers and responses to consumer overindebtedness. The book also considers possible reform and harmonisation measures situated against the wider contextual background of the Capital Markets Union and the Europe 2020 agenda of promoting jobs and growth. Discerning and practical, European Insolvency Law will appeal to academics in both insolvency and finance as well as Insolvency practitioners and lawyers. Its reform suggestions will be of interest to EU Member States' government departments as well as providing a useful reference for Consumer associations and Debt charities.
St Augustine's Press Same Sex Attraction – A Parents Guide
Dark Horse Comics,U.S. The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys: California (deluxe Edition)
Taylor & Francis Inc European Landscape Dynamics: CORINE Land Cover Data
Four unique pan-European CORINE Land Cover datasets—CLC1990, CLC2000, CLC2006, and CLC2012— and three datasets concerning changes between 1990 and 2012 have presented the first-ever opportunity to observe the European landscape by means of land cover and its change. This book brings together all these datasets to demonstrate the methods of identification, analysis and assessment of the European land cover and its changes that took place during the intervals of 1990–2000, 2000–2006, and 2006–2012. It provides examples in which CLC data plays a role in offering solutions to European environmental problems such as the monitoring of urban dynamics, land fragmentation, ecosystems mapping and assessment, and high nature value farmland characteristics. Existing environmental problems require new approaches, and European Landscape Dynamics: CORINE Land Cover Data indicates a set of outlooks for CLC data generation that produce more detailed levels of analysis and bottom-up approaches while addressing the relationship of CLC data to the Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe (INSPIRE). It also discusses the future of CLC data generation. A valuable resource of up-to-date information, it is useful to professionals such as scientists, territorial planners, and environmentalists as well as students of geosciences and all those who are interested in cognition of the European landscape, its changes and development.
Taylor & Francis Inc In Situ Hybridization in Electron Microscopy
In situ hybridization is a technique that allows for the visualization of specific DNA and RNA sequences in individual cells, and is an especially important method for studying nucleic acids in heterogeneous cell populations. in situ Hybridization in Electron Microscopy reviews the three main methods developed for the ultrastructural visualization of genes: ° hybridization on ultrathin sections of tissue embedded in hydrophilic resin (post-embedding method)° hybridization prior to embedding (pre-embedding)° hybridization on ultrathin sections of frozen tissue (frozen tissue method). For each technique, the different stages are described in detail: the preparation of tissue, pretreatment, hybridization, and visualization of the hybridization products. The book combines theory and practice, starting with the basic principles, then breaking down the experimental process into successive steps illustrated by numerous diagrams, detailed protocols, and tables. This is all done in a format that uses parallel columns to convey useful comments next to the theory and practical details alongside each stage of the protocol. Additionally, the summary tables provide the criteria for choosing the probe type and technique, and a detailed index aids in the search for information. in situ Hybridization In Electron Microscopy is an essential companion for applying these methods at the electron microscopic level.
Dalkey Archive Press Hoppla! 1 2 3
The tale is simple, if grim: a disenfranchised teenage boy from the housing projects on the outskirts of Paris rapes and murders the manager of the supermarket where his mother works. But Gerard Gavarry is a writer who knows how literary inventiveness can shed new light on a serious subject, and Hoppla! tells its story three times, in three separate sections, each in a different tone or mode and with different sets of images and vocabularies. The first relies on tropical images and the characters speak in a lexicon borrowed from the coconut industry--as if the Parisian suburbs had been transported to an exotic shore; the second is nautical in nature; the third invokes the mythology of the centaur, and ancient Greece butts up against modern-day France. Gavarry's bloody and poetic narrative takes dead aim at the social, political, and personal roots of violence, and argues for the transformative power of fiction.
Dalkey Archive Press Making a Novel
A literary exploration into the serendipitous convergences underpinning the writing of a novel (here, Ge rard Gavarry s masterful Hoppla! 1 2 3), this rare and revealing glimpse into the creative process pulls back the curtain on the composition of a playful and self-conscious work of fiction.
Wooden Books Sciencia: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Astronomy for All
Curious about quarks, quasars and the fantastic universe around you? Ever wanted to explore a mathematical proof? Need some trigonometry fast? Want to swat up on physics, chemistry, or learn some new biology? Ever wondered why your scratches itch just before you go to sleep? Beautifully illustrated and packed with fascinating and useful information, SCIENCIA is the ultimate one-stop science reference book for inquisitive readers of all ages. Whether you just want to brush up on what you learnt at school, still are at school or never went to school, these pages will test you, stretch you, and make you brainier. Scientia brings together the six bestselling science books from the 'Wooden Books' series. Together they cover almost the whole of the A-level syllabus in mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology.
Classiques Garnier Scenes de la Vie Orientale: Les Femmes Du Liban
Klincksieck Corot, Un Artiste Et Son Temps
Les Belles Lettres Sectes Religieuses En Grece Et a Rome Dans l'Antiquite Paienne
Rowman & Littlefield Liberalism at the Crossroads: An Introduction to Contemporary Liberal Political Theory and Its Critics
Liberalism at the Crossroads offers succinct, accessible, and well-written surveys of the ideas of the leading participants in the contemporary philosophical debate about liberalism. Christopher Wolfe brings together analyses of leading liberal thinkers from across the spectrum as well as influential critics of liberalism, including John Rawls, Ronald Dworkin, Robert Nozick, Michael Sandel, Richard Rorty, Joseph Raz, and William Galston. For the second edition, each chapter has been thoroughly revised, and new chapters on Susan Moller Okin, Richard Posner, and John Finnis have been added to include representatives of liberal feminism, law and economics, and natural law. The result is an invaluable overview of contemporary political theory, ideal for both students and scholars.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage
Wide-ranging essays on intangible cultural heritage, with a focus on its negotiation, its value, and how to protect it. Awareness of the significance of intangible cultural heritage (ICH) has recently grown, due to the promotional efforts of UNESCO and its Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (2003). However, the increased recognition of intangible heritage has brought to light its undervalued status within the museum and heritage sector, and raised questions about safeguarding efforts, ownership, protective legal frameworks, authenticity and how global initiatives can be implemented at a local level, where most ICH is located. This book provides a variety of international perspectives on these issues, exploring how holistic and integrated approaches to safeguarding ICH offer an opportunity to move beyond the rhetoric of UNESCO; in partiular, the authors demonstrate that the alternative methods and attitudes that frequently exist at a local level can be the most effective way of safeguarding ICH. Perspectives are presented both from "established voices", of scholars and practitioners, and from "new voices", those of indigenous and local communities, where intangible heritage lives. It will be an important resource for students of museum and heritage studies, anthropology, folk studies, the performing arts, intellectual property law and politics. Michelle Stefano is Folklorist-in-Residence, University of Maryland BaltimoreCounty; Peter Davis is Professor of Museology, International Centre for Cultural and Heritage Studies, Newcastle University; Gerard Corsane is Senior Lecturer in Heritage, Museum and Galley Studies, International Centre for Cultural and Heritage Studies, School of Arts and Cultures, Newcastle University. Contributors: Marilena Alivizatou, Alissandra Cummins, Kate Hennessey, Ewa Bergdahl, George Abungu, Shatha Abu-Khafajah, Shaher Rababeh, Vasant Hari Bedekar, Christian Hottin, Sylvie Grenet, Lyn Leader-Elliott, Daniella Trimboli, Léontine Meijer-van Mensch, Peter van Mensch, Andrew Dixey, Susan Keitumetse, Richard MacKinnon, Alexandra Denes, Christina Kreps, Harriet Deacon, D. Jared Bowers, Gerard Corsane, Paula Assuncao dos Santos, Elaine Müller, Michelle L. Stefano, Maurizio Maggi, Aron Mazel
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Making Sense of Place: Multidisciplinary Perspectives
Essays dealing with the question of how "sense of place" is constructed, in a variety of locations and media. The term "sense of place" is an important multidisciplinary concept, used to understand the complex processes through which individuals and groups define themselves and their relationship to their natural and cultural environments, and which over the last twenty years or so has been increasingly defined, theorized and used across diverse disciplines in different ways. Sense of place mediates our relationship with the world and with each other; it providesa profoundly important foundation for individual and community identity. It can be an intimate, deeply personal experience yet also something which we share with others. It is at once recognizable but never constant; rather it isembodied in the flux between familiarity and difference. Research in this area requires culturally and geographically nuanced analyses, approaches that are sensitive to difference and specificity, event and locale. The essayscollected here, drawn from a variety of disciplines (including but not limited to sociology, history, geography, outdoor education, museum and heritage studies, health, and English literature), offer an international perspectiveon the relationship between people and place, via five interlinked sections (Histories, Landscapes and Identities; Rural Sense of Place; Urban Sense of Place; Cultural Landscapes; Conservation, Biodiversity and Tourism). Ian Convery is Reader in Conservation and Forestry, National School of Forestry, University of Cumbria; Gerard Corsane is Senior Lecturer in Heritage, Museum and Galley Studies, International Centre for Cultural and Heritage Studies, Newcastle University; Peter Davis is Professor of Museology, International Centre for Cultural and Heritage Studies, Newcastle University. Contributors: Doreen Massey, Ian Convery, Gerard Corsane, Peter Davis, David Storey, Mark Haywood, Penny Bradshaw, Vincent O'Brien, Michael Woods, Jesse Heley, Carol Richards, Suzie Watkin, Lois Mansfield, Kenesh Djusipov, Tamara Kudaibergonova, Jennifer Rogers, Eunice Simmons, Andrew Weatherall, Amanda Bingley, Michael Clark, Rhiannon Mason, Chris Whitehead, Helen Graham, Christopher Hartworth, Joanne Hartworth, Ian Thompson, Paul Cammack, Philippe Dubé, Josie Baxter, Maggie Roe, Lyn Leader-Elliott, John Studley, Stephanie K.Hawke, D. Jared Bowers, Mark Toogood, Owen T. Nevin, Peter Swain, Rachel M. Dunk, Mary-Ann Smyth, Lisa J. Gibson, Stefaan Dondeyne, Randi Kaarhus, Gaia Allison, Ellie Lindsay, Andrew Ramsay
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Time In Powers Of Ten: Natural Phenomena And Their Timescales
With a Foreword by Steven WeinbergIn this richly illustrated book, Nobel Laureate Gerard 't Hooft and Theoretical Physicist Stefan Vandoren describe the enormous diversity of natural phenomena that take place at different time scales.In the tradition of the bestseller Powers of Ten, the authors zoom in and out in time, each step with a factor of ten. Starting from one second, time scales are enlarged until processes are reached that take much longer than the age of the universe. After the largest possible eternities, the reader is treated to the shortest and fastest phenomena known. Then the authors increase with powers of ten, until again the second is reached at the end of the book.At each time scale, interesting natural phenomena occur, spread over all scientific disciplines: orbital and rotation periods of planets and stars, decay times of elementary particles and atoms, biological rhythms and evolution processes, but also the different geological time scales. remove
Yale University Press The Essential Works of Thomas More
The first comprehensive one-volume collection of St.Thomas More’s writing“[A] tremendous scholarly undertaking. . . . Accessible and transparent to both scholars and the general audience.”—Renaissance and Reformation In this book, Wegemer and Smith assemble More’s most important English and Latin works for the first time in a single volume. This volume reveals the breadth of More’s writing and includes a rich selection of illustrations and artwork. The book provides the most complete picture of More’s work available, serving as a major resource for early modern scholars, teachers, students, and the general reader.
Classiques Garnier Les Filles Du Feu
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Cities and the Urban Land Premium
This is an excellent book built around an analysis of uniquely detailed datasets and providing very clear empirical insights to a range of important analytical questions in urban economics. The relevance of the book goes well beyond Europe to the wider international arena and exposition is so clear that the book serves a dual purpose - it can be used both to throw light on the empirics of key issues while at the same time it can also serve as a teaching book. Highly recommended.'- Philip McCann, University of Groningen, the Netherlands'Cities are back and so is urban economics. This book documents and explains the resurgence of cities in general and Dutch cities in particular: this is refreshing given the almost total concentration of recent analysis on the US and to a lesser extent the UK. Not only is there a clear account of what agglomeration economies mean and how they reveal themselves in Dutch cities, particularly Amsterdam, but there is a proper emphasis on the consumption aspects of cities. People like them, they like living in them and they benefit from that. It is not all about cities making workers more productive. Another excellent feature of this book is that it gives proper emphasis to land markets and how the good things cities generate get reflected in the price of land and housing. Nor is it all about abstract models and the private sector - there is proper emphasis on the importance of good urban governance and how it can be effectively paid for. The book is accessible and illustrated with great diagrams and maps. It is a good read for all interested in modern urban development.'- Paul C. Cheshire, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK'Cities and the Urban Premium advances our understanding of urban phenomena through the detailed quantitative description of the characteristics and evolution of the urban system in the Netherlands. Its scope and use of the latest theories and ideas in urban economics, effectively translated to the practical concerns of policy makers in the specific context of the Netherlands, make it a unique book. One that should be an invaluable companion of everyone involved in urban policy.'- Esteban Rossi-Hansberg, Princeton University, USAfter a long period of suburbanization, cities have been in vogue again since the 1980s. But why are people prepared to spend far more money on a small house in the city centre than on a large house in the countryside - and why doesn't this apply to all cities? The authors of this book argue that the appeal of the city in the 21st century is not only determined by the production side of the economy, but also by the consumption side: its array of shops, cultural activities and, for example, an historic city center.All these factors translate into a huge disparity in land prices as well as different wages for urban and rural citizens. This study maps out these variations, with an economic approach to spatial planning and an emphasis on land rents as a basis for cost-benefit analysis. The use of land prices as a reflection of the appreciation for urban amenities is an ideal measurement tool in the cost-benefit analyses for local investments and spatial planning policies, and sheds new light on the organization of public administration.This accessible book will be of interest to geographers, economists and social scientists, as well as policymakers involved in urban planning, seeking an in-depth understanding of land prices and the increasing importance of cities in the 21st century.
University of Toronto Press Social Myths and Collective Imaginaries
Myths are commonly associated with illusions or with deceptive, dangerous discourse, and are often perceived as largely the domain of premodern societies. But even in our post-industrial, technologically driven world, myths - Western or Eastern, ancient or modern, religious or scientific - are in fact powerful, pervasive forces. In Social Myths and Collective Imaginaries, G rard Bouchard conceptualizes myths as vessels of sacred values that transcend the division between primitive and modern. Myths represent key elements of collective imaginaries, past and present. In all societies there are values and beliefs that hold sway over most of the population. Whether they come from religion, political institutions, or other sources, they enjoy exalted status and go largely unchallenged. These myths have the power to bring societies together as well as pull them apart. Yet the study of myth has been largely neglected by sociologists and other social scientists. Bouchard navigates this uncharted territory by addressing a number of fundamental questions: What is the place of myth in contemporary societies and in the relations between the cultural and the social? How do myths take form? From what do they draw their strength? How do they respond to shifting contexts? Myths matter, Bouchard argues, because of the energy they unleash, energy that enables a population to mobilize and rally around collective goals. At the same time myths work to alleviate collective anxiety and to meet the most pressing challenges facing a society. In this bold analysis, Bouchard challenges common assumptions and awakens us to the transcendent power of myth in our daily lives and in our shared aspirations.
Fordham University Press The Synagogues of New York's Lower East Side: A Retrospective and Contemporary View, 2nd Edition
It has often been said that nowhere in the United States can one find a greater collection of magnificent and historic synagogues than on New York’s Lower East Side. As the ultimate destination for millions of immigrant eastern European Jews during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, it became the new homeland and hoped-for goldene medinah (promised land) for immigrants fleeing persecution, poverty, and oppression, while struggling to live a new and productive life. Yet to many visitors and students today these synagogues are shrouded in mystery, as documentary information on them tends to be dispersed and difficult to find. With The Synagogues of New York’s Lower East Side, Gerard R. Wolfe fills that void, giving readers unparalleled access to the story of how the Jewish community took root on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. Using archival photographs taken by Jo Renee Fine and contemporary shots taken by Norman Borden alongside his text, Wolfe focuses on the synagogues built or acquired by eastern European Ashkenazi Jewish immigrants during the great era of mass immigration, painting vivid portraits of the individual congregations and the new and vital culture that was emerging. For many, the Lower East Side became the portal to America and the stepping-stone to a new and better life. Today, the synagogues in which these immigrants worshiped remain as a poignant visual reminder of what had become the largest Jewish community in the world. Originally published in 1978, The Synagogues of New York’s Lower East Side became the authoritative study of the subject. Now completely revised and updated with new text, photographs, and maps, along with an invaluable glossary, Wolfe’s book is an essential and accessible source for those who want to understand the varied and rich history of New York’s Lower East Side and its Jewish population. Its readable and illuminating view into the diversity of synagogues—large and small, past and present—and their people makes this book ideal for teachers, students, museum educators, and general readers alike.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Spinal Disorders & Treatment: The NYU-HJD Comprehensive Textbook
Spinal Disorders & Treatment: The NYU-HJD Comprehensive Textbook is a collection of concise and detailed reviews of spine disorders and management. There are separate comprehensive sections on basic science and clinical evaluation, non-surgical management, spinal injections and surgical treatment. The book is divided into three parts; the first part covers basic sciences, biomechanics, neurological diagnosis, examination and evaluation of various disorders. The second part covers non-invasive therapeutic intervention including pharmacological management, psychosocial management, and alternative medicine for treatment of spinal disorders. The final part is an introduction to spinal injections, including detailed description of various injecting techniques for trigger Point, sacroiliac, peripheral joint, and intra-articular facet. Current evidence-based practices have been included in each chapter to keep surgeons and neurologists up-to-date and practically sound. Key Points Authored by experts in the field of orthopaedic and neurosurgery at the New York University of Medicine Comprehensive and authoritative text enhanced by over 560 full colour images Evidence-based, up-to-date information
SAGE Publications Inc Organizational Creativity: A Practical Guide for Innovators & Entrepreneurs
Reignite your creative-thinking skills to produce innovative solutions Organizational Creativity: A Practical Guide for Innovators and Entrepreneurs by Gerard J. Puccio, John F. Cabra, and Nathan Schwagler, is a compelling new text designed to transform the reader into a creative thinker and leader. Arguing that creativity is an essential skill that must be developed, the authors take a highly practical approach, providing strategies, tools, and cases to help readers hone their creative abilities. Whether students are preparing to become entrepreneurs or to work in an established firm, this text will help them survive and thrive in an era of innovation and change.
Tan Books & Publishers Inc. Hungry Souls Supernatural Visits Messages and Warnings from Purgatory
Brepols N.V. Princely Funerals in Europe, 1400-1700: Commemoration, Diplomacy, and Political Propaganda
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Diabetes Drug Notes
DIABETES DRUG NOTES Diabetes is becoming more common in both older and younger generations and in keeping with this escalation in cases, there are an ever increasing number of drugs and drug classes that are suitable to treat hyperglycaemia. In a unique blend of diabetes practice, clinical pharmacology, and cardiovascular medicine, Diabetes Drug Notes describes the principles of clinical pharmacology with regards to diabetes prescribing. Each drug class for the treatment of diabetes is covered in detail, along with the effect on the cardiovascular and renal systems caused by each drug. Building upon the success of their “Drug Notes” series for Practical Diabetes and their “Drugs for Diabetes” series in the British Journal of Cardiology, the team of experts focuses on the glycaemic management of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, with other effects of antidiabetic drugs covered as well. Diabetes Drug Notes also includes: Comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of the drugs for the glycaemic management of patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes Expert reflection on prescribing considerations for special groups, as well as common pitfalls in prescribing Detailed case histories to illustrate relevant information Summaries of recent guidelines related to diabetic intervention Diabetes Drug Notes is a user-friendly guide for a general diabetes medical, nursing, and pharmacology readership, as well as those who support them.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to Political Geography
A Companion to Political Geography presents students and researchers with a substantial survey of this active and vibrant field. Introduces the best thinking in contemporary political geography. Contributions written by scholars whose work has helped to shape the discipline. Includes work at the cutting edge of the field. Covers the latest theoretical developments.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Service Efficient Network Interconnection via Satellite: EU Cost Action 253
A Local Area Network (LAN) is a network usually within a single office or building that links desktop computers with each other and with peripherals such as servers and printers. The interconnect is the electrical and functional association of two different services, often provided by different suppliers, and it is from LAN inter-connection that telecoms operators seek to profit. The application of LAN interconnection via satellite can be used to complement and extend existing terrestrial public access networks through interconnection of clusters of broadband islands (such as LANs and MANs) in remote regions, where terrestrial lines are expensive to install and operate. Examples include: * Hospitals/clinics in remote and rural areas can be connected to the central hospitals in a tele-medicine environment * Remote offices can be connected to the central office to facilitate tele-working * University/colleges can be inter-connected to provide tele-education facilities Similarly, the possibility to provide access to such facilities in developing regions of the world is also viable and particularly attractive in the short to mid-term. Private LAN connection facilities could also be made available to the corporate user, offering the possibility to establish broadband internet access within a closed user group. Such a scenario could be of interest to the financial sector. By gathering the knowledge and experiences of well-known satellite systems experts from different parts of Europe this comprehensive volume provides detailed analysis on technical aspects for interconnecting local area network using satellite. Starting from traffic source modelling for different types of applications and services to different types of transmission techniques and networking functions for supporting such services, different case studies are presented to analyse the performance of such technologies. By providing an insight to current and future developments in satellite communications systems and by covering a broad range of materials in technical aspects in relation to satellite communication systems technologies, this volume will be of tremendous use to researchers, academia and industry. * First book to present such a thorough description of the reliability functions of satellite systems * Discusses IP over satellite * Provides a unique analysis and description of different simulation tools that are under development for evaluating the performance of satellite systems * Includes a chapter devoted to traffic modelling for satellite systems * Reviews current research and developments in security and discusses how such security functions can be implemented over satellite networks * Addresses different types of routing strategies and includes three different case studies which have been carried out to analyse the performance of different routing strategies
Manchester University Press Histories of Nursing Practice
How did skilled nursing practice develop to become an essential part of the modern health system? This book provides some important answers to this question. It traces the history and development of nursing practice in Europe and North America, exploring two broad categories of nursing work: the ‘hands-on’ clinical work of nurses in hospitals and the work of nurses in public health, which involved health screening, health education and public health crisis management. The book contains rich case studies of nursing practice across diverse settings in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. As well as examining ‘what nurses did’, it explores the significance and meaning of nursing work, for nurses themselves, their patients and their communities, and examines developments in practice against a backdrop of social, cultural, political and economic drivers and constraints.This book will be of interest to academics and clinical nurses alike. It is also an ideal textbook for undergraduate nursing programmes, providing students with rich accounts of the history of their own disciplinary practice.
Messenger Publications Bright Wings, Dappled Things: Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins SJ & Photographs by Fr Browne SJ
Two Jesuit priests from different centuries and different lands, each with a particular artistic genius, brought together for the first time. Gerard Manley Hopkins is regarded as one of the greatest poets of the Victorian era, and his poems continue to grow in popularity. This volume contains a selection of poems. Francis Browne is considered one of the greatest photographers of the twentieth century, and his story is well-known, from the publications of the Titanic photos to the discovery after his death of 42,000 images. This volume brings together the work of these two Jesuit artists in a beutiful and balanced book which will make a really special gift to anyone interested in poetry, photography or both. The book has a lovely nostalgic quality which will appeal to many.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Thermal Energy Management in Vehicles
THERMAL ENERGY MANAGEMENT IN VEHICLES Comprehensive coverage of thermal energy management systems and components in vehicles In Thermal Energy Management in Vehicles, a team of distinguished researchers delivers a robust and authoritative account of thermal energy management systems and components in vehicles. Covering three main areas—the thermal management of internal combustion engines, mobile air-conditioning, and thermal management of hybrid electric vehicles and electric vehicles—the book discusses and proposes simulation models for many of the components and systems introduced in the book. The authors also cover state-of-the-art and emerging technologies, as well as likely future industry trends, and offer an accompanying website with supplementary materials like downloadable models. Readers will also find: Material that bridges the gap between academia and industry Proposed simulation models for vehicular components and systems Fulsome discussions of industry trends likely to take hold in the near future Accompanying online resources, including downloadable simulation models, on a complimentary website Perfect for researchers, graduate students, and practitioners in automotive engineering, Thermal Energy Management in Vehicles will also benefit anyone seeking a comprehensive treatment of vehicular thermal energy management systems and components.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Education Policy
This insightful Handbook is an essential guide to educational policy around the world. As shifting geopolitics, intensified climate change, and widening economic inequalities persist, the need for informed educational policy is critical.Bringing together a unique collection of international case studies by scholars and practitioners from over twenty countries, the Handbook highlights how the contextual nature of educational policy and its implementation acknowledges both global trends and local nuance. Chapters explore key contemporary topics including the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on international educational policy; opportunities for academic modernization in Ukrainian society; gender equality in Korean and Japanese universities; and inclusive education policies throughout the world, including India, South Africa, and Uruguay. It further discusses the ways in which governmental, non-governmental, and global education specialists are shaping new agendas focused on equity and responding to global crises. Offering new perspectives on educational policy in a post-pandemic world, this comprehensive Handbook will be crucial reading for students and scholars of education policy, politics and public policy, sociology, and university management. It will also be beneficial for educational research associations and international development agencies, including UNESCO, the Asian Development Bank, and the World Bank.
Georgetown University Press Peacemaking: Moral and Policy Challenges for a New World
In this title, distinguished theologians, policymakers, military strategists, political scientists, economists, ethicists, and peace advocates explore the moral and religious dimensions of the challenges involved in shaping a just and peaceful post-Cold War world. Topics include morality and foreign policy; human rights, self determination, and sustainable development; global institutions; the use of force; and, education and action for peace. This title is distributed for the United States Catholic Conference.
Classiques Garnier Les Nuits d'Octobre
Classiques Garnier Les Nuits d'Octobre - Contes Et Faceties
Amsterdam University Press Leeuwenhoek's Legatees and Beijerinck's Beneficiaries: A History of Medical Virology in The Netherlands
Leeuwenhoek’s Legatees and Beijerinck’s Beneficiaries: A History of Medical Virology in The Netherlands offers a tour of the history of Dutch medical virology. Beginning with the discovery of the first virus by Martinus Beijerinck in 1898, the authors investigate the reception and redefinition of his concept in medical circles and its implications for medical practice. The relatively slow progress of these areas in the first half of the twentieth century and their explosive growth in the wake of molecular techniques are examined. The surveillance and control of virus diseases in the field of public health is treated in depth, as are tumour virus research and the important Dutch contributions to technical developments instrumental in advancing virology worldwide. Particular attention is paid to oft forgotten virus research in the former Dutch colonies in the East and West Indies and Africa.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage
Wide-ranging essays on intangible cultural heritage, with a focus on its negotiation, its value, and how to protect it. Awareness of the significance of intangible cultural heritage (ICH) has recently grown, due to the promotional efforts of UNESCO and its Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (2003). However, the increased recognition of intangible heritage has brought to light its undervalued status within the museum and heritage sector, and raised questions about safeguarding efforts, ownership, protective legal frameworks, authenticity and how global initiatives can be implemented at a local level, where most ICH is located. This book provides a variety of international perspectives on these issues, exploring how holistic and integrated approaches to safeguarding ICH offer an opportunity to move beyond the rhetoric of UNESCO; in partiular, the authors demonstrate that the alternative methods and attitudes that frequently exist at a local level can be the most effective way of safeguarding ICH. Perspectives are presented both from "established voices", of scholars and practitioners, and from "new voices", those of indigenous and local communities, where intangible heritage lives. It will be an important resource for students of museum and heritage studies, anthropology, folk studies, the performing arts, intellectual property law and politics. Michelle Stefano is Folklorist-in-Residence, University of Maryland BaltimoreCounty; Peter Davis is Professor of Museology, International Centre for Cultural and Heritage Studies, Newcastle University; Gerard Corsane is Senior Lecturer in Heritage, Museum and Galley Studies, International Centre for Cultural and Heritage Studies, School of Arts and Cultures, Newcastle University. Contributors: Marilena Alivizatou, Alissandra Cummins, Kate Hennessey, Ewa Bergdahl, George Abungu, Shatha Abu-Khafajah, Shaher Rababeh, Vasant Hari Bedekar, Christian Hottin, Sylvie Grenet, Lyn Leader-Elliott, Daniella Trimboli, Léontine Meijer-van Mensch, Peter van Mensch, Andrew Dixey, Susan Keitumetse, Richard MacKinnon, Alexandra Denes, Christina Kreps, Harriet Deacon, D. Jared Bowers, Gerard Corsane, Paula Assuncao dos Santos, Elaine Müller, Michelle L. Stefano, Maurizio Maggi, Aron Mazel
John Wiley & Sons Inc International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology 2006, Volume 21
This is the twenty-first in the most prestigious series of annual volumes in the field of industrial and organizational psychology. The series provides authoritative and integrative reviews of the key literature of industrial psychology and organizational behaviour. The chapters are written by established experts and topics are carefully chosen to reflect the major concerns in both the research literature and in current practice. Reflecting the ethos of the series as a whole, this twenty-first volume provides scholarly, state-of-the-art overviews of developments across a diverse range of areas, including: attribution theory, performance appraisal, women at work, international management, task analysis, and qualitative research methods. Each chapter offers a comprehensive and critical survey of the chosen topic, and each is supported by a valuable bibliography. For advanced students, academics and researchers, as well as professional psychologists and managers, this remains the most authoritative and current guide to new developments and established knowledge in the field of industrial and organizational psychology.
David & Charles 100 Plants That Heal: The Illustrated Herbarium of Medicinal Plants
Unleash the power of nature’s pharmacy for healing and self-care. Immerse yourself in a world of wonder as you explore 100 Plants That Heal, which will leave you wanting to unlock the secrets of nature's medicine cabinet. Discover the common medicinal plants, their fascinating history, and therapeutic properties, while learning techniques to prepare safe herbal remedies such as infusions, tinctures, oils, and lotions. In this remarkable guide, you’ll: Quickly recognize plants during your foraging adventures through exceptional photographic plates. Dive into each species, with a wealth of information on its dedicated page. Embrace a wide range of common plants, from almond to yarrow, understanding their healing potential. Find practical tips for environmentally responsible plant picking. Authored by a respected ethnobotanist and doctor of phytotherapy, this book will nourish your knowledge of natural science, making it your essential companion to herbal medicines and natural beauty products.
John Wiley & Sons Health Professionals Guide to Gastrointestinal Nutrition
A comprehensive resource that addresses etiology of specific gastrointestinal disorders, diagnostic criteria, associated nutrition-related problems, risks and benefits of medical, nutritional, and surgical interventions, treatment guidelines, and emerging areas of research.
Bucknell University Press Alexander Wilson: Enlightened Naturalist
When talking about the Enlightenment, ornithology is seldom the first topic of conversation. Still, Enlightenment and ornithology converge in one important respect, that of abundance. In our time, new-wave ornithologists have renewed their faith in eighteenth-century expectations for the discovery of a gigantic number of bird species. It is at this intersection between abundant modern science and ambitious Enlightenment ideology that this remarkable collection of five essays on Alexander Wilson (1766-1813), the father of American ornithology, makes its original and delightful contribution. Alexander Wilson: Enlightened Naturalist recovers Wilson’s literary, artistic and musical pursuits, and the cultural contexts of his life in the Scotland of Robert Burns. It also explores Wilson’s scientific and philosophic contribution to American ornithology in American Ornithology; or The Natural History of the Birds of the United States, published in Philadelphia between 1808 and 1814. Alexander Wilson is richly illustrated, links to a web site of audio readings of Wilson’s Scots poems– links that are embedded in the ebook–and includes a tribute to the late Edward H. Burtt, Jr., who died shortly before publication.
Classiques Garnier Oeuvres Completes. Tome XII: Pandora - Promenades Et Souvenirs
Fordham University Press The Synagogues of New York's Lower East Side: A Retrospective and Contemporary View, 2nd Edition
It has often been said that nowhere in the United States can one find a greater collection of magnificent and historic synagogues than on New York’s Lower East Side. As the ultimate destination for millions of immigrant eastern European Jews during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, it became the new homeland and hoped-for goldene medinah (promised land) for immigrants fleeing persecution, poverty, and oppression, while struggling to live a new and productive life. Yet to many visitors and students today these synagogues are shrouded in mystery, as documentary information on them tends to be dispersed and difficult to find. With The Synagogues of New York’s Lower East Side, Gerard R. Wolfe fills that void, giving readers unparalleled access to the story of how the Jewish community took root on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. Using archival photographs taken by Jo Renee Fine and contemporary shots taken by Norman Borden alongside his text, Wolfe focuses on the synagogues built or acquired by eastern European Ashkenazi Jewish immigrants during the great era of mass immigration, painting vivid portraits of the individual congregations and the new and vital culture that was emerging. For many, the Lower East Side became the portal to America and the stepping-stone to a new and better life. Today, the synagogues in which these immigrants worshiped remain as a poignant visual reminder of what had become the largest Jewish community in the world. Originally published in 1978, The Synagogues of New York’s Lower East Side became the authoritative study of the subject. Now completely revised and updated with new text, photographs, and maps, along with an invaluable glossary, Wolfe’s book is an essential and accessible source for those who want to understand the varied and rich history of New York’s Lower East Side and its Jewish population. Its readable and illuminating view into the diversity of synagogues—large and small, past and present—and their people makes this book ideal for teachers, students, museum educators, and general readers alike.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Geometric and Topological Mesh Feature Extraction for 3D Shape Analysis
Three-dimensional surface meshes are the most common discrete representation of the exterior of a virtual shape. Extracting relevant geometric or topological features from them can simplify the way objects are looked at, help with their recognition, and facilitate description and categorization according to specific criteria. This book adopts the point of view of discrete mathematics, the aim of which is to propose discrete counterparts to concepts mathematically defined in continuous terms. It explains how standard geometric and topological notions of surfaces can be calculated and computed on a 3D surface mesh, as well as their use for shape analysis. Several applications are also detailed, demonstrating that each of them requires specific adjustments to fit with generic approaches. The book is intended not only for students, researchers and engineers in computer science and shape analysis, but also numerical geologists, anthropologists, biologists and other scientists looking for practical solutions to their shape analysis, understanding or recognition problems.
Imperial College Press Venous Clinic, The: Diagnosis, Prevention, Investigations, Conservative And Medical Treatment, Sclerotherapy And Surgery
Venous diseases are among the most commonly encountered problems at primary care level, yet they are poorly understood and often mismanaged. This concise, highly illustrated book will fill the need of all primary care staff and trainees for clear information on the diagnosis and management of the different conditions and their complications.
Smithsonian Books Longhorned Woodboring Beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae and Disteniidae): Primary Types of the Smithsonian Institution