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Imperial College Press Surgical Talk: Revision In Surgery (2nd Edition)
As final examinations approach, medical students often become overwhelmed by the sheer volume of knowledge required to pass all subjects in one go, including surgery, medicine, obstetrics and gynaecology, pharmacology, and psychiatry. Students cannot know each of these subjects in as much detail as they did during their individual attachments and they need to concentrate on important topics rather than minutiae.Whereas existing textbooks cover many topics very well and in great detail, they are lengthy and difficult to read in a short space of time; some subjects are poorly covered and give no real understanding of practical management and logical thought processes — the exact requirements for passing finals.In this second edition, each chapter has been extensively rewritten and updated with the help of experts in their respective subjects.
Classiques Garnier Cinquante Pseaumes de David MIS En Francoys Selon La Verite Hebraique
Classiques Garnier Les Configurations de l'Imaginaire Pascalien
Classiques Garnier Madame de Stael, La Femme Qui Osait Penser
Edinburgh University Press Scottish Legal System Essentials, 4th Edition
McGraw-Hill Companies Loose-Leaf for Operations Management
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Social Representations: Explorations in Social Psychology
Serge Moscovici first introduced the concept of social representations into contemporary social psychology nearly forty years ago. Since then the theory has become one of the predominant approaches in social psychology, not only in continental Europe, but increasingly in the Anglo-Saxon world as well. While Moscovici's work has spread broadly across the discipline, notably through his contributions to the study of minority influences and of the psychology of crowds, the study of social representations has continued to provide the central focus for one of the most distinctive and original voices in social psychology today. This volume brings together some of Moscovici's classic statements of the theory of social representations, as well as elaborations of the distinctive features of this perspective in social psychology. In addition the book includes some recent essays in which he re-examines the intellectual history of social representations, exploring the diverse ways in which this theory has responded to a tradition of thought in the social sciences which encompasses not only the contributions of Durkheim and Piaget, but also those of Lévy-Bruhl and Vygotsky. The final chapter of the book consists of a long interview with Ivana Marková, in which Moscovici not only reviews his own intellectual itinerary but also gives his views on some of the key questions facing social psychology today. The publication of this volume provides an essential source for the study of social representations and for an assessment of the work of a social psychologist who has consistently sought to re-establish the discipline as a vital element of the social sciences.
Association for Scottish Literary Studies The International Companion to John Galt
Emerald Publishing Limited New Perspectives on Research, Policy & Practice in Public Entrepreneurship
The term "entrepreneurship" has usually been associated with private sector activities. The term has appeared frequently in public sector literature, with scholars challenged to find new multi-disciplinary frameworks. This collection contributes to the debate due to a confusing array of terminology on creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. Scholars and practitioners are looking for flexible and adaptable approaches to shaping organisations. Key challenges face public sector institutions and partners, and success will be dependent on how well the public sector finds new ways to deliver excellent public services, and leverage support and resources from non-state partners. Public sectors across the globe have a poor record on productivity despite a dramatic expansion in public expenditure, but the on-going global economic recession has brought into focus the "innovation and enterprise imperative" (Brown & Osborne, 2013). Innovation is embedded into daily routines and interactions with non-state actors, but these chapters illustrate ample evidence on how innovative actors can be. Scholars have contributed studies of flourishing innovation and enterprise in this important field.
SteinerBooks, Inc Four Large Watercolour Motifs of Rudolf Steiner: With a Lecture by Rudolf Steiner on Raphael
Edinburgh University Press The Trouble with Democracy: Political Modernity in the 21st Century
By placing political condition of our time in its long-term historical context, this book radically reconsiders key issues of political thought and gives you a comparative exploration of the current experiences of democracy in several world-regions.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Innovative Team: Unleashing Creative Potential for Breakthrough Results
New tools for tapping the creativity of teams and achieving breakthrough results The Innovative Team is an engaging business fable that reveals the impact our underlying work style preferences have on our teams and their results. The authors present a breakthrough thinking process for developing successful teams. They introduce a uniquely effective set of tools built on FourSight, a measure of problem-solving preferences field-tested by top consultants, which can help anyone from professionals to novices solve problems and achieve performance breakthroughs. FourSight enables teams to understand their patterns of thinking and manage themselves more deliberately toward accomplishing a goal. Written as a business fable that recounts the story of a team's journey from dysfunctional to high functioning Outlines a new and effective set of tools for enhanced team performance Details the four stages of a dynamic breakthrough thinking process The Innovative Team offers a great resource for management and leadership development professionals, team leaders, and anyone interested in kick-starting innovation in their workplaces and lives.
Taylor & Francis Inc PCR/RT- PCR in situ: Light and Electron Microscopy
Although the polymerase chain reaction has revolutionized genetic analysis by amplifying rare nucleic acid sequences, the in situ application is the only method that allows the localization of amplified signal within tissue structure. The applications of in situ polymerase chain reaction have greatly enhanced the field of investigation in many disciplines, including viral infections, gene modification, tumor diagnosis, gene therapy, and cellular distribution of rare mRNA copies. PCR/RT-PCR in situ: Light and Electron Microscopy covers methods of in situ polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR), two new approaches in visualizing very low amounts of DNA and RNA in tissues and cell cultures at the light and electron microscopy levels. Written by experts in this field, the book provides theoretical consideration, as well as practical approaches to in situ PCR. The authors provide detailed protocols for each step, including the preparation of tissue samples, the rationale for the design of primers and revelation. They also emphasize the need for appropriate controls to meet the requirements of in situ PCR and RT-PCR specificity. Organized in a user-friendly two-column format, this book will provide you with tools necessary to perform and optimize these sensitive and powerful techniques in your research protocols.
Pluto Press From the Local to the Global: Key Issues in Development Studies
The international development sector has found itself confronting new challenges to poverty eradication and the promotion of human rights. Climate change has loomed large as a crisis for development practitioners and environmentalists, affecting the most vulnerable in the Global South. The ongoing financial crisis has created recurrent recessions in the global North, while causing budget lines to be reduced for development aid. This textbook highlights the extent to which the local and global are interconnected in today's globalised economy. It questions the legitimacy of the neoliberal model of development which propelled us into the crisis. Including chapters on Latin America, China and sub-Saharan Africa, and topics such as debt injustice, gender and migration, this completely revised third edition takes stock of the international development environment as it embarks on new policy frameworks to confront new challenges.
The University of Chicago Press History of the Surrealist Movement
"With its unprecedented depth and range, this massive new history of Surrealism from veteran French philosopher and art critic Durozoi will be the one-volume standard for years to come. . . . The book discusses expertly the main surrealist artists like Jean Arp, Max Ernst, René Magritte, Yves Tanguy, Salvador Dalí and Joan Miró, but also treats with considerable understanding the surrealist writing by Louis Aragon, Paul Eluard, Robert Desnos, Julien Graçq and, of course, the so-called 'Pope of Surrealism,' André Breton. . . . This book should turn up in all serious collections on 20th century art."—Publishers Weekly, starred reviewFrom Dada to the Automatists, and from Max Ernst to André Breton, Gérard Durozoi here provides the most comprehensive history of the Surrealist movement. Tracing the movement from its origins in the 1920s to its decline in the 1950s and 1960s, Durozoi tells the history of Surrealism through its activities, publications, and reviews, demonstrating its close ties to some of the most explosive political, as well as creative, debates of the twentieth century.Drawing on a staggering amount of documentary and visual evidence—including 1,000 photos—Durozoi illuminates all the intellectual and artistic facets of the movement, from literature and philosophy to painting, photography, and film, thus making History of the Surrealist Movement its definitive encyclopedia.
Biteback Publishing Clean Brexit: Why leaving the EU still makes sense - Building a Post-Brexit for all
FULLY UPDATED PAPERBACK EDITION On 23 June 2016, in the biggest ever vote in British history, 17.4 million people chose to leave the EU. So what does the future now hold after this momentous decision? What will life be like in Britain after we end our European marriage? Will Brexit precipitate the doom and gloom that many predict? Drawing on years of experience at the cutting edge of economic, business and policy issues, plus extensive discussions with leading politicians and diplomats across the UK, Europe and the world, Clean Brexit answers these questions - and more. Economists Liam Halligan and Gerard Lyons believe great days lie ahead. Brexit is an opportunity to strike deals with the world's fastest-growing economies, boosting British trade and job prospects. Freed from the EU's regulatory stranglehold, the UK can thrive, spreading wealth throughout the whole of the country. Directly elected MPs will once again have the final say over our laws, borders, taxes and trade negotiations. Important, balanced and accessible, Clean Brexit is the ultimate guide to making a success of Britain's divorce from the EU - and a source of strength for voters elsewhere in Europe who have long demanded EU reform, but have been rebuffed.
Hermes Science Publishing Ltd Géomarketing et géolocalisation: Un marketing spatial dynamique
Nova Science Publishers Inc Wind Turbines: Types, Economics & Development
McGraw-Hill Education Matching Supply with Demand: An Introduction to Operations Management ISE
Cachon Matching Supply with Demand, 4e is a clear, concise and more rigorous approach to an introductory Operations management course. Written by Wharton authors who use their guiding principles “real operations, real solutions” to bring the text and concepts to life, writing the majority of chapters from the perspective of specific companies. The “real solutions” refers to providing students with tools and strategies they can implement in practice and apply the author's models in a realistic operational setting. The authors strive for “real simple” by using as little mathematical notation as possible, focusing on many real-world examples and consistent terminology and phrasing throughout.
McGraw-Hill Education Operations Management ISE
Cachon Operations Management 3e is designed for undergraduate students taking an introductory course in Operations Management. This text will share many of the strengths of Matching Supply with Demand: An Introduction to Operations Management.Operations Management by Cachon comprehensively spans the relevant domain of topics, is accessible to a typical undergraduate student (i.e., limited real world business experience), incorporates the latest research and knowledge, and provides thorough pedagogical support for instructors along with innovative learning support for students.Connect is the only integrated learning system that empowers students by continuously adapting to deliver precisely what they need, when they need it, and how they need it, so that your class time is more engaging and effective.
Manchester University Press European Regionalism and the Left
Written against a background of global economic and political turmoil, including crisis and uncertainty surrounding the European Union, European Regionalism and the Left offers new critical insights into a range of fundamental problems facing the project of European integration. Issues covered include: the limits and possibilities of European Monetary Union; the impact of European regionalism on the political organisations of the European left; European regionalism and the crisis of social democracy; Russia and the limits to EU regionalism; and the contradictions of Eurocentric politics in an age of globalisation.The book brings together contributions from international scholars drawing on a rich diversity of critical approaches to international political economy, European integration studies, European politics and social theory. Unlike many earlier critical studies of this subject, European Regionalism and the Left consciously eschews any specific radical theoretical narrative or research programme in favour of an open-ended critical engagement with the political economy of contemporary Europe. As such it attempts to open up left analyses of Europe to broader traditions of critical inquiry.
Titan Books Ltd Assassin's Creed: Into the Animus: Inside a Film Centuries in the Making
Become a part of history with this exploration of the art and creation of the Assassin's Creed film. Based on the highly popular game series, the fight between the Assassins and Templars comes to the big screen in Assassin's Creed, directed by Justin Kurzel. This visually stunning book chronicles the creation of this historical epic in vivid detail, including interviews with stars Michael Fassbender and Marion Cotillard.
Pushkin Press Childhood: Two Novellas
There will be a club. Important messages have been sent already. If anybody wants to ruin it, he will be punished. Eleven-year-old Elmer inhabits a childhood of superstition, private lore and secret societies. When a new boy, pale, spindly Werther, arrives in the neighbourhood, a subtle game of fascination and persecution begins. In wartime Amsterdam, a young boy watches as Germans occupy the city. At first his parents' friends, the Boslowits family, think they have little to fear. Then, slowly, terribly, their fate is sealed. These two haunting novellas, from the acclaimed author of The Evenings, evoke the world of childhood, in all its magic and strangeness, darkness and cruelty. Here, the things seen through a child's eyes are far from innocent.
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt The Present Just Peace/Just War Debate: Two Discussions or One?
Classiques Garnier Entre Saint Augustin Et Saint Thomas: Les Jansenistes Et Le Refuge Thomiste (1653-1663): A Propos Des 1re, 2e Et 18e Provinciales
John Wiley & Sons Inc Principles of Anatomy and Physiology
From the very first edition, Principles of Anatomy and Physiology has been recognized for its pioneering homeostatic approach to learning structure and function of the human body. The 16th edition continues to set the discipline standardby combining exceptional content and outstanding visuals for a rich and comprehensive experience. Highly regarded authors, Jerry Tortora and Bryan Derrickson motivate and support learners at every level, from novice to expert, and equip them with the skills they need to succeed in this class and beyond.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Playing With Planets
If you think the future is a mystery, think again. With a solid foothold in realism, an extraordinary insight into scientific and technological developments, and a dry sense of humor, Nobel laureate Professor Gerard 't Hooft confidently dissects fact from fiction and shows us what our future might really hold. Professor 't Hooft takes the reader firmly by the hand and, within the boundaries of solid physics and proven laws of nature, takes us on a ride into the world of the future, which holds remarkable surprises for us all. “Do you dream of intergalaxy space travel, time warps, and mini-mes?” 't Hooft asks. “Then please, get yourself some more science fiction books, for fiction it is. But for those who are interested in the real world, let me tell you what we CAN expect for the future.” We meet robots with a sense of irony, ride elevators into space, and build floating cities; let us just say that Playing with Planets, which is translated from the original Dutch edition by Professor 't Hooft's daughter Saskia, supports the old adage that truth is indeed stranger than fiction.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Introduction to the Human Body, EMEA Edition
A comprehensive approach to learning anatomy and physiology This updated edition offers a balanced introduction to the complexities of the human body. Class-tested pedagogy and figures are seamlessly woven into the narrative to ensure that students gain a solid understanding of the material. Outstanding visual elements provide students with greater clarity and a more engaging learning experience of the structure, functions and organ systems of the body.
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Discours de Metaphysique Et Correspondance Avec Arnauld
Classiques Garnier Les Normes Du Dire Au Xvie Siecle
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Advanced Introduction to Sustainable Careers
Elgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful introductions to major fields in the social sciences, business and law, expertly written by the world’s leading scholars. Designed to be accessible yet rigorous, they offer concise and lucid surveys of the substantive and policy issues associated with discrete subject areas.This insightful Advanced Introduction provides a road map for building and maintaining a sustainable career. Delving into the meaning of a ‘sustainable career’, the book examines the factors that threaten a career’s sustainability, such as economic turbulence, changes in organizational practices, and advances in technology, offering actions that can be taken to overcome these threats and strengthen the sustainability of careers.Key Features: Identifies the role of gender in building a sustainable career Introduces a new model of career sustainability, emphasizing the relevance of employees’ home life in building a sustainable career Demonstrates how building a sustainable career is the shared responsibility of employees and their families, employers, and society Establishes that some groups in society are substantially more vulnerable than others and require additional or different resources to build and maintain a sustainable career This Advanced Introduction will be a valuable guide for scholars and advanced students of sustainable careers, human resource management, and organizational behavior. It will also be useful for practitioners and policy makers in these fields as well as individuals who want to build a more sustainable career.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Advanced Introduction to Sustainable Careers
Elgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful introductions to major fields in the social sciences, business and law, expertly written by the world’s leading scholars. Designed to be accessible yet rigorous, they offer concise and lucid surveys of the substantive and policy issues associated with discrete subject areas.This insightful Advanced Introduction provides a road map for building and maintaining a sustainable career. Delving into the meaning of a ‘sustainable career’, the book examines the factors that threaten a career’s sustainability, such as economic turbulence, changes in organizational practices, and advances in technology, offering actions that can be taken to overcome these threats and strengthen the sustainability of careers.Key Features: Identifies the role of gender in building a sustainable career Introduces a new model of career sustainability, emphasizing the relevance of employees’ home life in building a sustainable career Demonstrates how building a sustainable career is the shared responsibility of employees and their families, employers, and society Establishes that some groups in society are substantially more vulnerable than others and require additional or different resources to build and maintain a sustainable career This Advanced Introduction will be a valuable guide for scholars and advanced students of sustainable careers, human resource management, and organizational behavior. It will also be useful for practitioners and policy makers in these fields as well as individuals who want to build a more sustainable career.
John Wiley & Sons Inc An Introduction to Linear Programming and Game Theory
Praise for the Second Edition: "This is quite a well-done book: very tightly organized, better-than-average exposition, and numerous examples, illustrations, and applications." —Mathematical Reviews of the American Mathematical Society An Introduction to Linear Programming and Game Theory, Third Edition presents a rigorous, yet accessible, introduction to the theoretical concepts and computational techniques of linear programming and game theory. Now with more extensive modeling exercises and detailed integer programming examples, this book uniquely illustrates how mathematics can be used in real-world applications in the social, life, and managerial sciences, providing readers with the opportunity to develop and apply their analytical abilities when solving realistic problems. This Third Edition addresses various new topics and improvements in the field of mathematical programming, and it also presents two software programs, LP Assistant and the Solver add-in for Microsoft Office Excel, for solving linear programming problems. LP Assistant, developed by coauthor Gerard Keough, allows readers to perform the basic steps of the algorithms provided in the book and is freely available via the book's related Web site. The use of the sensitivity analysis report and integer programming algorithm from the Solver add-in for Microsoft Office Excel is introduced so readers can solve the book's linear and integer programming problems. A detailed appendix contains instructions for the use of both applications. Additional features of the Third Edition include: A discussion of sensitivity analysis for the two-variable problem, along with new examples demonstrating integer programming, non-linear programming, and make vs. buy models Revised proofs and a discussion on the relevance and solution of the dual problem A section on developing an example in Data Envelopment Analysis An outline of the proof of John Nash's theorem on the existence of equilibrium strategy pairs for non-cooperative, non-zero-sum games Providing a complete mathematical development of all presented concepts and examples, Introduction to Linear Programming and Game Theory, Third Edition is an ideal text for linear programming and mathematical modeling courses at the upper-undergraduate and graduate levels. It also serves as a valuable reference for professionals who use game theory in business, economics, and management science.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Military Uniforms: Assessments & Procurement
Nova Science Publishers Inc Catastrophe in Japan: The Earthquake & Tsunami of 2011
Nova Science Publishers Inc United States Federal Budget Process
John Wiley & Sons Inc Principles of Anatomy and Physiology
Anatomy and Physiology is a complex subject spanning many health science disciplines. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology has always been recognized for its pioneering homeostatic approach to learning the subject. This International Adaptation of the 16th edition combines exceptional content and outstanding visuals for a rich and comprehensive classroom experience and continues to set the standard for the discipline. It has been paired with a comprehensive Study Guide, offering a thoughtfully designed course in Anatomy and Physiology. Highly regarded authors, Jerry Tortora and Bryan Derrickson motivate and support learners at every level, from novice to expert, and equip them with the skills they need to succeed in this class and beyond.
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Prostestant Traditions and the Soul of Europe
Classiques Garnier Les Provinciales
Les Belles Lettres Dialogue Des Langues
Les Belles Lettres Baldus T.I: Livres I-V
BIS Publishers B.V. The Time is Now: Toolkit for Change: Challenge, Inspire, Pitch and get serious results for positive impact
Climate change is real. Time to spring into action. Introducing: The Time is Now, a toolkit for serious change. Use this timely card game to challenge, inspire, pitch and get serious results for positive impact. The kit consists of 60 tool cards that trigger questions and inspire possible solutions by fellow players. Questions like: what can you do to stay out of a polluting hospital? What would your holiday look like with zero CO2 emissions? How do you co-travel to the office? With whom would you work together for a healthier living and working environment? Invite your colleagues, friends and family and move to a more sustainable planet one step at a time. In three rounds you'll discover new options, practical solutions, and put these in the simplest plan of approach, you have ever seen. Share your plans, stick them to the wall or on your companies' message board and create real change. With the workshop version the game ends in making a canvas with things you can start doing tomorrow, next week and this year. Use the The Time is Now toolkit to grow ideas and start changing the world around you and inspire to make changes. Make a difference, one step at a time. The Time really is Now! * From the authors of The Startup Game * Challenge, inspire, pitch and get serious results for positive impact. * Translate complex and scientific models and tools into everyday professional and private life. * Inspired by the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's). * Generate more effective ideas than any other toolbox in just 45 minutes.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Sequential Decision-Making Problems: Representation and Solution
Numerous formalisms have been designed to model and solve decision-making problems. Some formalisms, such as constraint networks, can express "simple" decision problems, while others take into account uncertainties (probabilities, possibilities...), unfeasible decisions, and utilities (additive or not). In the first part of this book, we introduce a generic algebraic framework that encompasses and unifies a large number of such formalisms. This formalism, called the Plausibility–Feasibility–Utility (PFU) framework, is based on algebraic structures, graphical models, and sequences of quantifications. This work on knowledge representation is completed by a work on algorithms for answering queries formulated in the PFU framework. The algorithms defined are based on variable elimination or tree search, and work on a new generic architecture for local computations called multi-operator cluster DAGs.
Dark Horse Comics,U.S. The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys: California Library Edition
Dark Horse Comics,U.S. The Umbrella Academy Volume 3: Hotel Oblivion (deluxe Edition)
Dark Horse Comics,U.S. The Umbrella Academy Library Editon Volume 2: Dallas