Search results for ""author carrie"
Facet Publishing Practical Tips for Equality Diversity and Inclusion in Libraries
Increasing diversity and inclusion can help libraries to fit their collections and services to those who need them and to bring in skilled staff who may have previously been overlooked, both of which are key to serving their communities. This book, written by a librarian with a decade of experience in diversity and inclusion issues, gives clear examples of steps to take and case studies of current initiatives.Topics covered include: creating a diversity and inclusion policy and ensuring the associated actions are carried out ensuring the library space is accessible and welcoming to all assessing collections to ensure they are diverse and catalogued using modern, inclusive language. Readers will be equipped to assess their own library, talk about challenges with more confidence, and make concrete changes to improve diversity and inclusion.
Ablaze, LLC Savage Garden Omnibus Vol 1
In 18th century England, Gabriel, an orphan girl from a fallen noble family befriends a young man named Jeremy, who was rumored to be an illegitimate child of a nobleman. After an incident occurs, Gabriel must impersonate her friend Jeremy, taking his place at an all boys academy for nobles, a place that may seem like heaven to others, but in reality hides a harshness and brutality which she could never have imagined. Savage Garden is a shojo fantasy that carries an eerie and mysterious ambiance, with captivating characters and an art style that perfectly portraits the period setting. A dark, gender bending tale with a romantic triangle that will keep you intrigued til the end. Collecting the first two Korean volumes into English for the first time.
Peeters Publishers Between "Satricum" and "Antium": Settlement Dynamics in a Coastal Landscape in "Latium Vetus"
Between Satricum and Antium' presents a study carried out by the Groningen Institute of Archaeology of the territories of two ancient settlements, both situated in the coastal landscape of ancient Latium on the Thyrrhenian seaboard, ca. 60 km south of Rome. Starting with the earliest traces of human presence in the Palaeolithic, the book deals in depth with the settlement dynamics in the area from the Middle Bronze age to the medieval period. Systematic archaeological surveys, studies of existing site inventories and relevant artefact studies are all combined in this well-illustrated volume that provides a detailed account of the appearance of the first permanent dwellings during the Bronze and Iron Ages, of the rise of Archaic and Roman rural and maritime settlement and of the gradual process towards incastellamento during the Middle Ages.
Taylor & Francis Ltd A Sustainable Future for the Mediterranean: The Blue Plan's Environment and Development Outlook
'Here's a work arriving just at the right moment and contributingnew insights at precisely the time when public opinion remains sceptical of the not very promising future we are preparing for our children, when governments balk at explaining to their electorates the vital but unpopular decisions that have to be taken and when civil society, with few ways and means, is finally becoming involved. This remarkable work will help all actors to understand the inter-linkages between economic activities and the environment in the Mediterranean Basin and take concerted, effective action to build a positive, sustainable future' Mohamed Ennabli, former Minister of the Environment and Land Use Panning, Tunisia 'The Blue Plan has carried out a remarkable assessment of the serious environmental probems and insufficiently targeted cooperation in the Mediterranean, and also of new financing systems to be implemented, which would increase the capacities of local authorities and economic and social partners' Georges Corm, former Minister of Finance, Lebanon The Mediterranean Basin and its surrounding countries is a microcosm of the environmental and sustainability challenges facing people across the world. Depending on the development path it takes in the future, the region can either become a positive model for the regional regulation of globalization, or, more onerously, it might reinforce global instability. This unique volume is the definitive, authoritative assessment of the environment and development of the Mediterranean Basin and its 22 countries and territories, spanning five decades from 30 years in the past to 20 years into the future. Produced by the Blue Plan within the framework of UNEP/Mediterranean Action Plan and backed by the EU and national governments, it brings together the work of more than 100 researchers from dozens of national, regional and local governments and research groups into the only comprehensive insight into sustainable development issues in the region. Core coverage includes water, energy, transport, cities, rural and coastal areas, as well as related issues such as climate change, population growth, geopolitical changes, unemployment and poverty, pollution, economic and environmental policies, regional cooperation and the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. Information is clearly presented through hundreds of full-colour maps, graphs, tables and a wealth of case studies. This is a must-have reference for all levels of government, NGOs and libraries, as well as practitioners, academics and businesses involved in economics, natural resource management, land and maritime transport, water, energy, infrastructure, urban and rural development, agriculture, fishing and aquaculture, tourism and coastal management. Countries and territories covered: Spain, France, Italy, Monaco, Malta, Cyprus, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro, Albania, Greece, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Palestinian Territories, Israel, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco. Preface by Lucien Chabason, Chairman of the Blue Plan.
Amberley Publishing Beastly Merseyside
Animals have featured in the lives and cultures of the people of Merseyside since the dawn of time, and in so many ways. Beastly Merseyside describes this, and tells wonderful stories about these animals, and about the roles they have played. Horses have carried us and our weaponry into battle for millennia, right up to the wars of the twentieth century. They have ploughed our fields, carried our goods, and pulled our carts, wagons, carriages, stagecoaches, canal barges, buses, trams, and ambulances. We have been racing horses on Merseyside for centuries. We have hunted animals for food, from rabbits and ducks to those great leviathans of the sea, the whales. Liverpool’s whaling fleet was once one of the most important in Britain. We have also hunted, and in some cases still hunt, animals simply for ‘sport’. This has included dog-fighting, cockfighting, bear and bull baiting, as well as fox hunting, hare coursing, and shooting. Animals have entertained us on the streets, in the days of dancing bears and organ grinders’ monkeys; in circuses; and in the very many zoos we have had on Merseyside, again over many centuries. Animals have also rescued us, provided comfort to us, and helped us to see and hear. In Beastly Merseyside, popular local historian Ken Pye tells tales about the likes of Mickey the Chimp, Liverpool’s own ‘King Kong’; the execution of Rajah the Elephant; Pongo the Man Monkey; the amazing Hale Duck Decoy; the ‘Lion in the Wheelbarrow’; the nineteenth-century Knowsley Great Aviary and the modern safari park; and why and how the Liver Bird became the emblem of Liverpool. Full of well-researched, informative, and entertaining facts, this book really shows just how vital a role animals of all kinds have played, and continue to play, in our lives and communities.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Cranio-Sacral Integration, Foundation, Second Edition
This completely updated and revised edition of the seminal foundation text to Cranio-Sacral Therapy presents a unique integration of a wide spectrum of approaches, providing practitioners and students with an up-to-date and authoritative understanding of the discipline.The book covers the fundamentals of theory as well as the practical skills and techniques needed to carry out Cranio-Sacral work and is colour-coded for ease of use. It includes detailed instructions for treatments, which are clearly explained in extensive case histories and full-colour photographs and illustrations. Based upon the syllabus of the College of Cranio-Sacral Therapy in London, UK, this is an unparalleled resource for practitioners of Cranio-Sacral Therapy and Cranial Osteopathy, and an essential reference for students.
Pan Stanford Publishing Pte Ltd Radiation in Medicine and Biology
This book focuses on the conventional and emerging applications of radiations, which include radio waves and ultraviolet and gamma radiations. It discusses new techniques in radiation therapy and the effects of ionizing radiations on biological systems. The applications of radiations in the synthesis and use of nanoparticles along with the effects of hypergravity indicate a new trend. The book offers a concise account of the latest studies carried out so far and shows the new initiatives to be undertaken in the field of medicine and biology. It covers the medical use of radiations, such as ferrous sulfate–benzoic acid–xylenol orange dosimetry, Co-60 tomotherapy, radio-electro-chemotherapy, and fractional radiotherapy, and radiobiological effects, such as the effects of cell phone radiations on human health parameters and the combined effects of radiations and hypergravity on plants.
Unicorn Publishing Group The Ypres Times Volume Two (1927-1932): The Complete Post-War Journals of the Ypres League
The Ypres Times was the journal of the remembrance movement, the Ypres League. Founded in 1921, the League was the creation of Henry Beckles Willson and Beatrix Brice. Both Brice and Beckles Willson understood the crucial significance of Ypres to the British Empire, and believed it their sacred duty to maintain the memory of those who had fought and fell in its defence. As the League’s journal, the Ypres Times published a huge range of material. It carried reminiscences of veterans, discussions about the rebuilding of Ypres, the developing work of the Imperial War Graves Commission in the salient, and the erection and unveiling of unit memorials. The Ypres Times reproduced for the first time, in facsimile format and bound in three volumes provides a fascinating insight into the way the British Empire’s central commemorative site was understood and imagined in the twenties and thirties.
Inner Traditions Bear and Company The Corona Transmissions: Alternatives for Engaging with COVID-19—from the Physical to the Metaphysical
A collection of new perspectives on COVID-19 from authoritative voices outside the mainstream• Includes contributions from 35 well-known authors, doctors, herbalists, First Nations teachers, economists, astrologers, and others, such as Richard Strozzi-Heckler, Annabel Lee, Matthew Wood, Gabriel Cousens, M.D., Rob Brezsny, and Robert Simmons • All royalties for this book go to the Land Peace foundation, serving First Nations tribes in Maine The pandemic of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is the biggest event of our lifetimes. This global experience has affected human history, ecology, epidemiology, and supply chains with the suddenness of 9/11, yet with a far greater extent, duration, and toll--the end of which is not yet in sight. Exploring a broad spectrum of new perspectives on COVID-19, from the physical to the metaphysical, from ecological to political, from apocalyptic to proto-utopian, and from scientific facts and health tips to imaginings, visionings, poems, and awakenings, this anthology offers an antidote to the barrage of data and speculation from the mainstream. The 35 contributors, including Laura Aversano, Charles Eisenstein, Zoe Brezsny, Meryl Nass, M.D., Bobby Byrd, and Joel and Michelle Levey, address the virus as a fellow being, allowing it to speak to us and through us. They attempt to describe, understand, interpret, and decipher the virus at biological, serological, epidemiological, social, political, astrological, and ontological levels. The virus is explored in terms of cultural critique, divination, prophecy, warning, elucidation, and opportunity. Medical doctors, herbalists, naturopaths, indigenous healers, and homeopathic physicians tell us about coronavirus history, treatments, and prevention protocols; yoga teachers about cultivating inner balance and harmony; and economists, poets, psychotherapists, and First Nations teachers about the vast effects of the virus and the way forward. They explore how the disease speaks directly and how it meticulously addresses our relationship to Gaia, to its animal, plant, and mineral kingdoms, to each other, and to the economies and dystopia we have created. As a visionary whole, The Corona Transmissions asks you to respond, to engage your wisdom and creative imagination, to resist easy categorization and resolutions, and to participate in a collective dance and chant for healing, peace, equality, and a habitable future. Viruses do not live except by virtue of us carrying them. We are the living ones and our bodies, minds, hearts, and spirits will prevail.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Transnationalism in Contemporary German-Language Literature
Investigates the concept of transnationalism and its significance in and for German-language literature and culture. Transnationalism has become a key term in debates in the social sciences and humanities, reflecting concern with today's unprecedented flows of commodities, fashions, ideas, and people across national borders. Forced and unforced mobility, intensified cross-border economic activity due to globalization, and the rise of trans- and supranational organizations are just some of the ways in which we now live both within, across, and beyond national borders. Literature has always been a means of border crossing and transgression-whether by tracing physical movement, reflecting processes of cultural transfer, traveling through space and time, or mapping imaginary realms. It is alsobecoming more and more a "moving medium" that creates a transnational space by circulating around the world, both reflecting on the reality of transnationalism and participating in it. This volume refines our understanding of transnationalism both as a contemporary reality and as a concept and an analytical tool. Engaging with the work of such writers as Christian Kracht, Ilija Trojanow, Julya Rabinowich, Charlotte Roche, Helene Hegemann, Antje Rávic Strubel, Juli Zeh, Friedrich Dürrenmatt, and Wolfgang Herrndorf, it builds on the excellent work that has been done in recent years on "minority" writers; German-language literature, globalization, and "world literature"; and gender and sexuality in relation to the "nation." Contributors: Hester Baer, Anke S. Biendarra, Claudia Breger, Katharina Gerstenberger, Elisabeth Herrmann, Christina Kraenzle, Maria Mayr, Tanja Nusser, Lars Richter, Carrie Smith-Prei, Faye Stewart, Stuart Taberner. Elisabeth Herrmann is Associate Professor of German at Stockholm University. Carrie Smith-Prei is Associate Professor of German at the University of Alberta. Stuart Taberner is Professor of Contemporary German Literature, Culture and Society at the University of Leeds and is a Research Associate in the Department of Afrikaans and Dutch; German and French at the University of the Free State, South Africa.
Feiwel and Friends Henna Is . . .
A picture book that serves young readers as a lyrical love letter to henna, written by Muslim Book Reviewer Award winner Marzieh Abbas and brilliantly illustrated by Anu Chouhan. Henna is so much more than a form of temporary body art.Henna is natureseeds sprouted into shrubs, leaves kissed by tropical rain.Henna is colorthe orange of juicy mangoes, sun-kissed brown, or black as the feathers of crows.Henna is fragranceearthy and nutty, lemony and clove-y.The intricate patterns of flowers, feathers, vines, and other symbols painted and stained onto skin has been a tradition in cultures all around the world for thousands of years. Beautiful and eye-catching, henna also carries the scents, textures, and colors of family and identity.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Punky Aloha
Meet Punky Aloha: a girl who uses the power of saying "aloha" to experience exciting and unexpected adventures!Punky loves to do a lot of things—except meeting new friends. She doesn’t feel brave enough.So when her grandmother asks her to go out and grab butter for her famous banana bread, Punky hesitates. But with the help of her grandmother’s magical sunglasses, and with a lot of aloha in her heart, Punky sets off on a BIG adventure for the very first time.Will she be able to get the butter for grandma?Punky Aloha is a Polynesian girl who carries her culture in her heart and in everything she does. Kids will love to follow this fun character all over the island of O’ahu.
Hachette Children's Group The No-Dig Children's Gardening Book: Easy and Fun Family Gardening
Don't like endless digging and weeding? Don't let that stop you from getting into gardening! The simple and achievable gardening projects in this book are perfect for parents and young children to do together. All are based on Charles Dowding's trademark no-dig technique, which perfectly lends itself to gardening with little ones who can't manage heavy digging and who will quickly grow bored of endless weeding.Projects are broken down into easy, step-by-step processes, designed to be carried out by children. Attractive, full-bleed photography is supplemented with fun illustration and fully illustrated factual spreads. Running throughout the gardening projects are extra little facts about plants and wildlife, as well as things to look out for when you are outdoors.
Elsevier Science Publishing Co Inc Sustainable Marine Resource Utilization in China: A Comprehensive Evaluation
Sustainable Marine Resource Utilization in China: A Comprehensive Evaluation thoroughly analyzes the basic conditions and status quo of the sustainable utilization of Chinese marine resources and its effects on economic and social development. This book constructs evaluation models for marine ecological carrying capacity, marine resource utilization benefits, and management levels with the application of many methods, including the super efficiency model, ecological footprint model, entropy method and system dynamics. The principles and practical experiences of the sustainable utilization of Chinese marine resources are also summed up. This book provides a needed resource for university professors, students and researchers interested in the management of marine resources and the environment, and particularly those who are concerned with China's marine development.
HarperCollins Publishers The Hidden City (The Tamuli Trilogy, Book 3)
‘Others may vie for the top position … but Eddings reigns supreme’ Publishers Weekly David Edding’s Tamuli Trilogy reissued with a brand new livery. Queen Ehlana has been taken prisoner and held in the Hidden City as the time for battle approaches. The face of the enemy has been unmasked as Cyrgon, the sinister god of the Cyrgai. Corrupted further by unspeakable magic, he threatens to destroy the world in his lust for power. In exchange for their help in defeating Cyrgon and saving his beloved Ehlana, Sparhawk has offered freedom to the Troll-Gods trapped in their sacred jewel, the Blue Rose. However, this carries its own cost . . . But what price is too high when the fate of the world and everything you hold dear are threatened.
Amberley Publishing One Man's Railway: 0 Gauge in the Garden
This book is about one ordinary person’s efforts, largely carried out single-handedly and with limited funds, to build a model railway layout in his garden that runs just like the real thing. It is based on Brymbo in North Wales, where the GWR and LNER were joined by the LMS in the search for mineral wealth. Allen Jackson’s recreation runs between three sheds and features empty and loaded coal trains travelling from colliery to steelworks; pickup goods; branch passenger and excursion traffic; and even its very own CCTV and system to aid signalling. Packed with wonderful illustrations including photographs and layout diagrams, this book is a wonderful tribute to a lifetime’s hobby and will delight railway modellers both young and old.
Imperial College Press Black Hole At The Center Of The Milky Way, The
Reviewing the fundamental instrumental techniques and current observational results, this book unveils the mysteries of the physical processes in the central parsec of our Milky Way: the super-massive black hole embedded in a central stellar cluster as well as the gas and dust in the circumnuclear region.The observations described cover the entire electromagnetic spectrum from decimeter radio-waves to high energy X-ray and γ-rays, and a comprehensive summary of up-to-date astrophysical interpretations is given.The emphasis is put on observational techniques, image processing aspects, and a detailed presentation of the most cutting-edge work carried out in the near-infrared wavelength regime. These recent results include both the first orbits of stars around the central black hole and the multiwavelength variability of the central source.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Confederate Cavalryman vs Union Cavalryman: Eastern Theater 1861–65
During the intense, sprawling conflict that was the American Civil War, both Union and Confederate forces fielded substantial numbers of cavalry, which carried out the crucial tasks of reconnaissance, raiding, and conveying messages. The perception was that cavalry’s effectiveness on the battlefield would be drastically reduced in this age of improved infantry firearms. This title, however, demonstrates how cavalry’s lethal combination of mobility and dismounted firepower meant it was still very much a force to be reckoned with in battle, and charts the swing in the qualitative difference of the cavalry forces fielded by the two sides as the war progressed. In this book, three fierce cavalry actions of the American Civil War are assessed, including the battles of Second Bull Run/Manassas (1862), Buckland Mills (1863) and Tom’s Brook (1864).
BBC Audio, A Division Of Random House John Finnemore’s Souvenir Programme: Series 9: The BBC Radio 4 comedy sketch show
The complete ninth series of BBC Radio 4's award-winning sketch show'One of our best sketch writers' ObserverJohn Finnemore returns with his multi-award-winning sketch show, but this series is very different to the previous eight. There are still sketches and songs, and it's still written and performed by him and his usual fantastic ensemble cast - but with no live studio audience, John has taken the opportunity to try something new.Each episode in this series of Souvenir Programme consists of scenes from one person's life, played in reverse order. There's no narrative as such - it's still a sketch show - but as we follow the characters back in time, from lockdown Zoom calls to childhood birthdays and funerals, the individual sketches link up to form an overall picture, portraying the sprawling history of an entire multi-generational family.And, as if that wasn't enough, there are also some terrific tall tales, a paean of praise, and a truly unforgettable earworm...Clever, complex, hilarious and poignant, these Souvenir Programmes with a twist star Lawry Lewin as Russ, Margaret Cabourn-Smith as Deborah, Simon Kane as Jerry, Carrie Quinlan as Vanessa and John Finnemore as Newt.Cast and creditsWritten and performed by John FinnemoreEnsemble cast: Margaret Cabourn-Smith, Simon Kane, Lawry Lewin, Carrie QuinlanOriginal music composed by Susannah Pearse and Sally Stares, and arranged by Susannah Pearse and Tim SuttonRecorded and edited by Rich Evans at Syncbox PostProduction coordinator: Beverly TaggProducer: Ed MorrishA BBC Studios production© 2021 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd(p) 2021 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd
New York University Press Ramayana Book Five: Sundara
The fifth and most popular book of the Ramáyana of Valmíki, Súndara recounts the adventures of the monkey hero Hánuman leaping across the ocean to the island citadel of Lanka. Once there, he scours the city for the abducted Princess Sita. The poet vividly describes the opulence of the court of the demon king, Rávana, the beauty of his harem, and the hideous deformity of Sita's wardresses. After witnessing Sita’s stern rejection of Rávana's blandishments, Hánuman reveals himself to the princess, shows her Rama's signet ring as proof of identity, and offers to carry her back to Rama. Co-published by New York University Press and the JJC Foundation For more on this title and other titles in the Clay Sanskrit series, please visit
Rowman & Littlefield Notes and Remembrances, 1871-1872
This is an eyewitness account of the brutal ending of the civil war in France in 1871; the military destruction of the Commune of Paris by the national government in Versailles; and the subsequent legal judgments rendered against the insurgents. Ludovic Halévy, better known as a librettist and novelist, was not only a gifted writer, but a practical note taker who carried a notebook and pencils everywhere he walked. He recorded the sights, sounds, and smells of those days, as perhaps only a man of the theater would have, providing a readable account not likely to be encountered in conventional histories. The special horror of civil war, and the irrational behavior of the crowd under such circumstances, has never been better portrayed. This is a book that will delight readers of popular history as well as students seeking the inside story.
John Wiley & Sons Inc High-Impact Consulting: How Clients and Consultants Can Work Together to Achieve Extraordinary Results
In this new and revised edition of the landmark book High-Impact Consulting, Robert H. Schaffer reveals how senior managers unwittingly collude with their consultants to perpetuate the great waste inherent in "the five fatal flaws of conventional consulting." Drawing on his own work with companies-- Motorola, Rio Tinto, IBM, General Reinsurance Corporation, The World Bank, and other successful organizations-- Schaffer offers a field-tested approach to working with consultants that has proven to get results. He identifies the key elements of an effective project design?particularly that project objectives are defined in terms of client results rather than just consultant deliverables. The process enables clients to be certain that the work is carried out in ways that ensure success.
Eye Books Touching Tibet
An affectionate travelogue that conveys not only impressions of everyday life and descriptions of unique Tibetan customs and traditions but brings us Tibetan history, politics, and religion from a fresh, unstudied perspective Despite the determined efforts of the Dalai Lama to publicize the Tibetan cause, for many the people, culture, history, and traditions of this country remain mysterious. Niema Ash was one of the first Westerners to enter the country when its borders were briefly opened, and in this highly absorbing and personal account, she relates with wit, compassion, and sensitivity her encounters with people whose humor, spirituality, and sheer enthusiasm for life have carried them through years of oppression and suffering. This journey into a forbidden kingdom gives a fresh insight into the real heart of Tibet.
Princeton University Press Fearful Symmetry: A Study of William Blake
This brilliant outline of Blake's thought and commentary on his poetry comes on the crest of the current interest in Blake, and carries us further towards an understanding of his work than any previous study. Here is a dear and complete solution to the riddles of the longer poems, the so-called "Prophecies," and a demonstration of Blake's insight that will amaze the modern reader. The first section of the book shows how Blake arrived at a theory of knowledge that was also, for him, a theory of religion, of human life and of art, and how this rigorously defined system of ideas found expression in the complicated but consistent symbolism of his poetry. The second and third parts, after indicating the relation of Blake to English literature and the intellectual atmosphere of his own time, explain the meaning of Blake's poems and the significance of their characters.
Danann Media Publishing Limited The History of The Raf and The Lancaster Bomber
THE HISTORY OF THE RAF AND THE LANCASTER BOMBER celebrates and commemorates over 100 years of the Royal Air Force. With access to rare RAF archives, Mike Lepine uses photographs and documents to bring the story of the people, planes and missions to life as never before. With a special feature on the Lancaster Bomber which took its maiden flight as a prototype in 1941 and flew in battle in 1942. From its genesis in the horrors of the First World War when pilots were open to the elements in craft made of little more than wood and fabric, to the iconic air battles of the Second World War, through to the lifesaving missions carried out in today’s trouble zones, The History of the RAF looks at the men, women and aircraft that are at the heart of this great service.
Archaeopress Excavations at Chester. The Northern and Eastern Roman Extramural Settlements: Excavations 1990-2019 and other investigations
Excavations at Chester: the northern and eastern Roman extramural settlements presents the results of fifteen archaeological investigations carried out within the canabae to the north and east of the Roman legionary fortress at Chester between 1990 and 2019. The results demonstrate that there was sparse development of the canabae to the north of the fortress during the 1st and 2nd centuries; instead, this area was predominantly used for the extraction of building materials – sandstone and clay. By the 3rd century, the final phase of usage took the form of a small cemetery, the first to be examined in this area. Subject to more constraints, the sites investigated within the eastern canabae close to the fortress produced limited evidence for urban plot divisions, whilst those further east provided evidence for the division and management of agricultural land forming the prata legionis.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Mindful Law Student: A Mindfulness in Law Practice Guide
The Mindful Law Student is an innovative guide to learning about mindfulness and integrating mindfulness practices into the law school experience. Through the use of metaphor, insight, mindfulness practices, and relaxation, and self-care exercises, students are reminded of the tools they have long carried with them to navigate the exciting and challenging environment of law school and the practice of law. Scott Rogers brings readers on a journey through the law school experience with seven hypothetical students who experience situations that make tangible the challenges, benefits, and promise of mindfulness. He provides real-world examples of applying mindfulness in law school using language of the law to impart mindfulness insights and practices.This novel guide is an approachable and valuable resource for any law student.
Waterside Press The Curious Mr Howard: Legendary Prison Reformer
The name John Howard (1726-1790) is well-known as that of the man after whom the UK's oldest penal reform charity, the Howard League, is named. Tessa West's new book breaks fresh ground in looking at both Howard's immense legacy in terms of prison reform as well as his fascinating character and personal life. Based on extensive research it provides a vivid and intriguing picture of the man and his times which will be of interest to a wide range of readers interested in knowing what drove so singular a figure. John Howard's curiosity in prisons goes without saying, as his own writings show, including his iconic The State of the Prisons in England and Wales. As a self-appointed inspector of prisons - and in that sense the first to carry out such a task - Howard would knock on the door of penal establishments across the UK and in other countries - often unannounced or invited - where once inside he would observe, listen and make copious records of events behind prison walls. And he was a curious fellow altogether. Amongst the diverse epithets applied to him are: extraordinary, indefatigable, restless, benevolent, solid, selfless, charismatic, eccentric, obsessive, energetic, modest and above all singular. Forever concerned with minutiae, not without friends but lacking close social contacts or time for admiration, the workaholic Howard frequently travelled alone and in dangerous places for months on end. Permanently on the move and forever retracing his steps, he was equally at home in Russia, Germany, Holland and other countries as he was when carrying out his carefully planned routines in Bedford, Warrington, Cambridge or London. A perfectionist with a huge personal reputation he brought his influence, genius and philanthropy to bear wherever he went.
Thomas Nelson Publishers KJV, Personal Size Reference Bible, Verse Art Cover Collection, Genuine Leather, Brown, Red Letter, Comfort Print: Holy Bible, King James Version
Crafted to be an easy-to-carry large print Bible with cross references and striking verse imprinted on the cover allows this Bible to be an ideal choice to take with you wherever you go. This edition is published in large KJV Comfort Print type, which was designed exclusively for Thomas Nelson to be the most readable at any size.The KJV Personal Size Reference Bible is a feature-rich edition with easy-to-read large Comfort Print type. Including features like words of Christ in red, book introductions, end-of-page references, and a concordance, this Bible offers the tools to dive deeply into God’s Word. As part of the Verse Art Cover Collection, this edition is in an easy-to carry format with an inspiring cover designed to encourage readers to spend more time in God’s Word regardless of where they are.Features include: Presentation page to personalize this special gift by recording a memory or a note Extensive end-of-page cross-references allow you to find related passages quickly and easily Book introductions provide an overview of background and historical context Miracles and parables of Jesus call out important events during Jesus’ earthly ministry Concordance for looking up a word’s occurrences throughout the Bible Full color maps show the layout of Israel and other biblical locations for better context Words of Christ in red help you quickly identify Jesus’ teachings and statements One-year reading plan which guides you through the entire Bible Two double-faced satin ribbons make it easy navigate and keep track of where you were reading Easy-to-read 10-point KJV Comfort Print
Oxford University Press Inc The Divine Hours™ Pocket Edition
When Phyllis Tickle's marvelous devotional trilogy The Divine Hours™ appeared, readers responded with gratitude, praise, and a great many requests for an edition of hourly prayers that they could easily carry with them--an edition that would make this ancient form of Christian worship compatible with the pace and mobility of modern life. Now, in The Divine Hours Pocket Edition™, Tickle has gathered one full week of fixed-hour prayers, providing an ideal companion for travellers, office-workers, people on retreat or pilgrimage, as well as newcomers to this age-old spiritual practice. As Tickle writes in her introduction, "prayer is always a place as well as an action, and the daily offices are like small chapels or wayside stations within the day's courses." Seven of these daily offices are offered for each day of the week, and each office contains the Call to Prayer, the Request for Presence, the Greeting, the Reading, the Gloria, the Psalm, the Small Verse, the Lord's Prayer, the Petition, and the Final Thanksgiving. Tickle draws her texts primarily from the Book of Common Prayer and the writings of the Church Fathers, and includes memorable devotional and meditative poems by Cleland McAfee, Charles Wesley, Phos Hilaron, and others. Tickle also provides a chapter of "Traditional, Seasonal, and Occasional Prayers" in order to accommodate special dates like Advent, Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving; major life-changes such as marriage, birth, death, and illness; and moments of special petition or thanksgiving. For all those who want to carry a "small chapel" of prayers with them, The Divine Hours Pocket Edition™ offers a convenient, easy-to-use, and deeply spiritual guide to a devotional practice that extends all the way back to Christ and the twelve Apostles.
Pluto Press Open Marxism 4: Against a Closing World
The publication of the first three volumes of Open Marxism in the 1990s has had a transformative impact on how we think about Marxism in the twenty-first century. 'Open Marxism' aims to think of Marxism as a theory of struggle, not as an objective analysis of capitalist domination, arguing that money, capital and the state are forms of struggle from above and therefore open to resistance and rebellion. As critical thought is squeezed out of universities and geographical shifts shape the terrain of theoretical discussion, the editors argue now is the time for a new volume that reflects the work that has been carried out during the past decade. Emphasising the contemporary relevance of 'open Marxism' in our moment of political and economic uncertainty, the collection shines a light on its significance for activists and academics today.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Surveyors of the Fabric of Westminster Abbey, 1906-1973: Reports and Letters
Reports of the surveyors of Westminster Abbey in the twentieth century provide a wealth of information on this most important building. The annual reports of the Surveyors of the Fabric in the twentieth century give much detailed information about the maintenance and major restoration of Westminster Abbey and its contents. The Surveyors, William Lethaby, Walter Tapper, Charles Peers and Stephen Dykes Bower, had to deal with many problems and challenges between 1906 and 1973. Not least of these were two World Wars and the most extensive programme of cleaning and re-decoration since the timeof Sir Christopher Wren. Lethaby brought to light original decoration on medieval tombs, lost to sight for centuries under grime and shellac used by his predecessor Gilbert Scott; Tapper had to carry out emergency restoration tothe fan vault of Henry VII's chapel after a stone crashed to the floor; Peers was required to deal with the evacuation of hundreds of treasures during the 1939-45 war and with repairs to bomb damaged areas after it. Dykes Bower, meanwhile, was the most controversial of the Surveyors of this period. His replacement of medieval roof timbers drew criticism, although these were riddled with decay and death watch beetle. The nave could have looked vastly different if his design for a Cosmati work floor had gone ahead. But the Abbey interior would not look as it does today without his massive contribution to the cleaning of the brown stonework and re-decoration of the dirty and damaged Tudor and Jacobean monuments. The Abbey's current Surveyor, Ptolemy Dean, outlines the legacies of the work of these Surveyors of the modern age in his introduction; Christine Reynolds, the Abbey's Assistant Keeper of the Muniments, adds valuable notes from other sources within the archives to supplement the fascinating accounts of work carried out in the most historically significant church in England.
Thomas Nelson Publishers KJV, Personal Size Reference Bible, Verse Art Cover Collection, Genuine Leather, Brown, Red Letter, Thumb Indexed, Comfort Print: Holy Bible, King James Version
Crafted to be an easy-to-carry large print Bible with cross references and striking verse imprinted on the cover allows this Bible to be an ideal choice to take with you wherever you go. This edition is published in large KJV Comfort Print type, which was designed exclusively for Thomas Nelson to be the most readable at any size.The KJV Personal Size Reference Bible is a feature-rich edition with easy-to-read large Comfort Print type. Including features like words of Christ in red, book introductions, end-of-page references, and a concordance, this Bible offers the tools to dive deeply into God’s Word. As part of the Verse Art Cover Collection, this edition is in an easy-to carry format with an inspiring cover designed to encourage readers to spend more time in God’s Word regardless of where they are.Features include: Presentation page to personalize this special gift by recording a memory or a note Extensive end-of-page cross-references allow you to find related passages quickly and easily Book introductions provide an overview of background and historical context Miracles and parables of Jesus call out important events during Jesus’ earthly ministry Concordance for looking up a word’s occurrences throughout the Bible Full color maps show the layout of Israel and other biblical locations for better context Words of Christ in red help you quickly identify Jesus’ teachings and statements One-year reading plan which guides you through the entire Bible Two double-faced satin ribbons make it easy navigate and keep track of where you were reading Easy-to-read 10-point KJV Comfort Print
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Research in University Pedagogy: Towards a Discipline-based Approach?
This book offers an overview of the research carried out in didactics on the teaching and learning of science at university from the perspective of university pedagogy. The first part sheds light on the links between university pedagogy and didactics, by studying the nature and place of disciplinary pedagogical knowledge at university and the training of academics through the prism of professionalization. The second part questions the teaching practices of academics from a disciplinary approach, from the point of view of the impact of the research discipline on the declared practices, or that of the links between the resources mobilized in research and teaching activities. The third part proposes a sociological look at these practices, in terms of the analysis of the discourses of institutional actors or of practices in situ. The book concludes with a synthesis that develops the main issues, challenges and difficulties that remain at the end of this book.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC I Want Those Shoes
'Shoes possess magic powers,' writes journalist and shoe obsessive Paola Jacobbi as she totters her way through the history of women's footwear and wonders why it is that women ( from Imelda Marcos to Carrie Bradshaw) love their shoes so, so much. Jacobbi pontificates (sandals are the bikini of footwear); psychoanalyses (the relationship between shoes and sex); and has fiery opinions (ankle boots are quite simply a no-no). She also has plenty of good advice: choosing the right heel for your physique, how to keep shoes lasting long and how to judge a man by his footwear. Witty, charming and stylish, I Want Those Shoes is an irresistible little book, almost as irresistible as buying that one last pair...
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Chosen: A Dark Breed Novel
"Chosen" is the third installment of an exciting, dark paranormal series in which one woman carries the weight of the world on her shoulders in the ultimate battle between all things of the night and mortals. "Chosen's" main character, Kyana, is part vampire and part Lychen warrior-and is a hot, compelling, smart, and complicated heroine whom readers will love. Strong sales for Marjorie M. Liu, Nalini Singh, Jeaniene Frost, and Pamela Palmer have shown that readers have a voracious appetite for dark and sexy paranormals about vampires, shapeshifters, and demons-and Sable Grace has them all! Perfect for fans of Jeaniene Frost, Nalini Singh, and Pamela Palmer.
Hachette Children's Group The Llama Bridesmaid
Need a bridesmaid? No prob-llama! Lulu the llama loves to help people! When she finds out that Apple Tree Farm is in trouble, she wants to help Farmer James save their home. A wedding at the farm could be the answer to their problems, so Lulu can't wait to get stuck in. From the cake to the flowers, Lulu wants everything to be perfect - but sometimes she gets a bit carried away . . . Can Lulu's new friend, a little girl named Avani, help the llama bridesmaid save the bride's big day? The future of Apple Tree Farm is depending on it!This funny, heart-warming story is full of wedding joy and llama drama!
Allison & Busby The Serpent Pool: The evocative and compelling cold case mystery
The Lake District's cold case specialist, DCI Hannah Scarlett, is determined to uncover the truth behind Bethany Friend's apparent suicide in the Serpent Pool. Why would Bethany, so afraid of water, drown herself? Hannah fears that her partner, bookseller Marc Amos, is keeping dark secrets. Does he hold the key to Bethany's past - and why was his best customer burnt to death in an Ullswater boathouse? Hannah still carries a torch for Daniel Kind, who is researching Thomas De Quincey and the history of murder. Once Daniel and Hannah suspect connections between Bethany's drowning and a current sequence of killings, death comes dangerously close to home.
New Directions Publishing Corporation The Sinistra Zone
Entering a weird, remote hamlet, Andrei calls himself “a simple wayfarer,” but he is in fact highly compromised: he has no identity papers. Taken under the wing of the military zone’s commander, Andrei is first assigned to guard the blueberries that supply a nearby bear reserve. He is surrounded by human wrecks, supernatural umbrellas, birds carrying plagues, albino twins. The bears — and an affair with a married woman — occupy Andrei until his protector is replaced by a new female commander, “a slender creature, quiet,diaphanous, like a dragonfly,” and yet an iron-fisted harridan. As things grow ever more alarming, Andrei becomes a “corpse watchman,” standing guard over the dead to check for any signs of life, and then …
Vintage Publishing Our Man In Havana
Discover Graham Greene’s blackly comic and timely espionage thriller, set amid the vice and squalor of pre-revolutionary Havana.‘British Intelligence being sent up something rotten’ Daily Telegraph Wormold is a vacuum cleaner salesman in a city of power cuts. His adolescent daughter spends his money with a skill that amazes him, so when a mysterious Englishman offers him an extra income he's tempted. In return all he has to do is carry out a little espionage and file a few reports. But when his fake reports start coming true, things suddenly get more complicated and Havana becomes a threatening place.WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY CHRISTOPHER HITCHENS
Vintage Publishing The Tale of the Unknown Island
"A man went to knock at the king's door and said, Give me a boat. The king's house had many other doors, but this was the door for petitions. Since the king spent all his time sitting by the door for favours (favours being offered to the king, you understand), whenever he heard someone knocking on the door for petitions, he would pretend not to hear..." Why the petitioner required a boat, where he was bound for, and who volunteered to crew for him and what cargo it was found to be carrying the reader will discover as this short narrative unfolds. And at the end it will be clear that what night appear to be a children's fable is in fact a wry, witty Philosophical Tale that would not have displeased Voltaire or Swift.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Microwave Assisted Organic Synthesis
The first reports on the application of microwaves in organic synthesis date back to 1986, but it was not until the recent introduction of specifically designed and constructed equipment, which countered the safety and reproducibility concerns, that synthetic application of microwaves has become established as a laboratory technique. Microwave assisted synthesis is now being adopted in many industrial and academic laboratories to take advantage of the novel chemistry that can be carried out using a variety of organic reaction types. This book demonstrates the underlying principles of microwave dielectric heating and, by reference to a range of organic reaction types, it’s effective use in synthetic organic chemistry. To illustrate the impact microwave assisted organic synthesis can have on chemical research, case studies drawn mainly from the pharmaceutical industry are presented.
City Lights Books Nochita
"Nochita shimmers with humor and delight, she burns with stark raving intelligence."--Mary Gaitskill "In Nochita, Dia Felix builds an extraordinarily rich and inventive language to carry the kaleidoscopic point of view of her young protagonist. What a pleasure to open a book and find such exuberant and committed artistry. A stunning debut."--Janet Fitch "There is a way some writers say hello on the first page that gets me excited to be in their conversation. Nochita has it with teeth!! I love this book and the weird strong eye it has on the world, melting clothes off bodies with a creme brulee torch. Nochita is quite the dance to read through, kind of like shaking a bad morning off and realizing you really love this world. Makes me smile, like Dia Felix writes, 'I think I can latch on to this machine now."' BUY THIS BOOK, don't just stand there reading my fucking blurb!!"--CAConrad, author of The Book Of Frank Daughter to a divorced new age guru, Nochita wanders through the cracks of California's counter-culture, half feral child, half absurdist prophet. When tragedy strikes she is sent to live with her father, a working-class cowboy with a fragile grasp on sobriety and a dangerously mean fiancee. Stuck with adults chillingly unable to care for her, Nochita takes to the streets, a runaway with nothing to run from, driven forward by desperation, hope, and an irrepressible wonder. Nochita is a poetic novel dazzling in its detail, stylistically daring, by turns hallucinatory, darkly funny, and brutally real. At its heart is the singular voice of Nochita, tender and fierce, alone and alive and utterly unforgettable. Dia Felix is a writer and filmmakerand an award-winning digital media producer for museums (SF Exploratorium, Museum of Arts and Design). She currently teaches and mentors teens in experimental documentary filmmaking. She is the founder and editor of Personality Press. Born and raised in California, she currently lives in New York. Nochita is her first book.
Hachette Children's Group Heartstopper Volume 1: The bestselling graphic novel, now on Netflix!
Now in a gorgeous special-edition hardback: with an extra never-before-in-print mini-comic THE DREAM, beautiful endpapers and an exquisite foiled cover, this is an unmissable edition. Heartstopper is the bestselling LGBTQ+ graphic novel series about life, love, and everything that happens in between. *Also an acclaimed live-action Netflix series!*'Absolutely delightful. Sweet, romantic, kind. Beautifully paced. I loved this book.' RAINBOW ROWELL, author of Carry OnBoy meets boy. Boys become friends. Boys fall in love. Charlie and Nick are at the same school, but they've never met ... until one day when they're made to sit together. They quickly become friends, and soon Charlie is falling hard for Nick, even though he doesn't think he has a chance.But love works in surprising ways, and Nick is more interested in Charlie than either of them realised.By Alice Oseman, winner of the YA Book Prize, Heartstopper is about love, friendship, loyalty and mental illness. It encompasses all the small moments of Nick and Charlie's lives that together make up something larger, which speaks to all of us.'The queer graphic novel we wished we had at high school.' Gay TimesThis special-edition hardback contains an extra never-before-in-print mini-comic, THE DREAM, in black and white; beautiful endpapers and an exquisite foiled cover. Collect all four Heartstopper hardbacks in 2023! Volume 1 includes extra black-and-white mini-comic THE DREAMVolume 2 includes extra black-and-white mini-comic FLOWER SHOPVolume 3 includes extra black-and-white mini-comic THE HAIR CUTVolume 4 includes extra black-and-white mini-comic A VERY SPECIAL DAYHeartstopper was Children's #1 bestseller in the TCM chart on 23 April 2022.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Architect's Guide to Developing and Managing an International Practice
Start or grow your architectural firm with this masterful guide to international practice, featuring country-specific information for over 185 countries The Architect’s Guide to Developing and Managing an International Practice is the definitive resource for architects considering or already engaged in projects outside the United States. Offering expert guidance on every essential aspect of international expansion and management success, this comprehensive volume covers recruiting, licensing, strategic planning, current trends, emerging technologies, and more. Author L. Bradford Perkins clarifies and expands upon the major issues that architects face when they begin to explore how to enter a new international market for their services. This real-world guide is designed for young architects and architectural students thinking about working overseas, for firm leaders pursuing international projects for the first time, and for established global firms seeking to expand or refine their ongoing international practices. It includes advice drawn from dozens of conversations with leading architects who have worked in dozens of countries around the world. A must-read for architecture and design professionals wanting to successfully win and carry out work abroad, this book will help you: Plan an entry into international practice Pick the best initial or next international market for your services Sell and contract for your services Manage the financial aspects of international practice Invoice and collect what is owed to you Enhance your domestic practice with international work Understand the telecommunication, software, and technology platforms required Identify and avoid the common problems of international practice Understand how experienced global firms effectively deal with risks and issues Written by the co-founder of Perkins Eastman Architects, an international architectural firm with more than 1000 employees and work experience in over 60 countries, The Architect’s Guide to Developing and Managing an International Practice is an indispensable reference and guide for any architect planning to seek work outside the United States.
The New Press Refugee High: Coming of Age in America
Lit Hub's Most Anticipated of 2021 A year in the life of a Chicago high school that has one of the highest proportions of refugees of any school in the nation “A wondrous tapestry of stories, of young people looking for a home. With deep, immersive reporting, Elly Fishman pulls off a triumph of empathy. Their tales and their school speak to the best of who we are as a nation—and their struggles, their joys, their journeys will stay with you.” —Alex Kotlowitz, author of There Are No Children Here Winner of the Studs and Ida Terkel AwardFor a century, Chicago’s Roger C. Sullivan High School has been a home to immigrant and refugee students. In 2017, during the worst global refugee crisis in history, its immigrant population numbered close to three hundred—or nearly half the school—and many were refugees new to the country. These young people came from thirty-five different countries, speaking among themselves more than thirty-eight different languages. For these refugee teens, life in Chicago is hardly easy. They have experienced the world at its worst and carry the trauma of the horrific violence they fled. In America, they face poverty, racism, and xenophobia, but they are still teenagers—flirting, dreaming, and working as they navigate their new life in America. Refugee High is a riveting chronicle of the 2017–8 school year at Sullivan High, a time when anti-immigrant rhetoric was at its height in the White House. Even as we follow teachers and administrators grappling with the everyday challenges facing many urban schools, we witness the complicated circumstances and unique education needs of refugee and immigrant children: Alejandro may be deported just days before he is scheduled to graduate; Shahina narrowly escapes an arranged marriage; and Belenge encounters gang turf wars he doesn’t understand. Equal parts heartbreaking and inspiring, Refugee High raises vital questions about the priorities and values of a public school and offers an eye-opening and captivating window into the present-day American immigration and education systems.
Abrams It Never Ends: A Memoir with Nice Memories!
From the comedian, television writer, and host of the Best Show, a revealing and powerful memoir exploring a life of struggle and reinvention "Tom Scharpling possesses more than merely a generation-defining comedic mind. He has a heart as big as New Jersey, an eye as keen as a crow's, and a voice as powerful, pained, and righteous as a wounded god. I AM NOT BEING HYPERBOLIC." --John Hodgman, New York Times bestselling author of Vacationland Tom Scharpling is good at being funny, which is a miracle, considering what he's survived. Like hitting a deer and narrowly escaping with his life on the night of the 2016 election. But that's nothing compared to the struggles he had earlier in his life. It Never Ends is his memoir of a life writing comedy amidst a lifelong struggle with mental illness, a story he has never told before. It’s the heartbreaking account of his intense coming-of-age, and the lengths he's undertaken to pull away from the brink of self-destruction. Scharpling brought himself back to life first with punk zines and NBA coverage, then through the world of comedy, writing and executive producing Monk, and creating one of the most beloved, longest running comedy radio broadcasts/podcasts, The Best Show. Of course, there are also the tangents into auditioning for The New Monkees, why Billy Joel sucks, the siren call of the Sex and the City slot machines, and how he made a fool of himself in an elevator with Patti Smith. Tom is the quintessential underdog, and he wears that status on his sleeve as a badge of honor. With this memoir, he lifts the curtain to let the light in on the turmoil that still follows him, even as he racks up accolades and achievements. But most importantly, he reminds us that while many of us carry trauma and shame, we are not alone. It Never Ends is about rising above whatever circumstance you find yourself in and getting the most out of your life, while steamrolling the chumps along the way.
Seapoint Books & Media LLC Corinthian Resolve: The Story of the Marion-Bermuda Race
From the Intrroduction Since 0230 that morning, Karina had been enveloped in thick fog. The sky was completely obscured. Jack's Naviguesser" Mike couldn't take any sights. He did have a thermometer aboard, an essential piece of equipment for sailors traversing the Gulf Stream. Karina didn't carry the convenient hard-wired digital type used today. Instead he had a thermometer that he dipped in a bucket of seawater hoisted aboard for the purpose. The latest measurement showed that the ocean water temperature was beginning to rise. This was bad. Simultaneously rising wind speed and temperature are a combination Bermuda-bound sailors don't like to see. It means heavy wind would combine with current, unpredictable squalls, and often tumultuous heavy seas in the Gulf Stream. If the wind blew strongly counter to the current, waves could build to a frightening size. By 0600 Karina was straining under sustained winds of 35 knots, with gusts up to 40. Jack and his friends had furled the mizzen and genoa, reefed the main, and hanked on a working jib. At 1100, the water temperature spiked to 77 degrees; they were in the Stream. Moments later, Karina was knocked down on her beam ends by an enormous sea driven by a powerful Gulf Stream squall. Spreaders scraped the tops of waves. The RDF instrument came loose and crashed across the now vertical cabin sole. Amazingly, the beast still functioned when it was called on later in the race as Karina approached Bermuda." "Writer-sailor Mark Gabrielson's new book is a fine, often surprising sea story of men and women who share a distinctively contrarian understanding of what sailing really should bean adventure by amateur sailors in normal cruising boats making their damp, exciting way across rough seas to a beautiful, beckoning, remote destination."--John Rousmaniere author of Fastnet Force 10 and the Anappolis Book of Seamanship