Search results for ""author carrie"
HarperCollins Publishers How to Pack: Travel Smart for Any Trip
This illustrated guide shows readers how to plan strategically for a trip in a whole new way. Written by a former consultant who has travelled more than 500,000 cumulative miles around the world, How to Pack includes guidelines for narrowing down one's wardrobe, how many pairs of shoes are really necessary and best practices for storing toiletries and makeup. Here, too, are instructions on selecting the right luggage, when to fold vs. roll clothing, and trip-specific packing lists. Hitha's tips are for today's modern traveller who doesn't want to sacrifice style for space, but who still wants to fit a 2-week vacation wardrobe into a carry-on bag.
Orion Publishing Co The Manchurian Candidate
'Brilliant...wild and exhilarating' New YorkerSgt Raymond Shaw is a hero of the first order. He's an ex-prisoner of war who saved the life of his entire outfit, a winner of the Congressional Medal of Honor, the stepson of an influential senator...and the perfect assassin. Brainwashed during his time as a POW he is a 'sleeper', a living weapon to be triggered by a secret signal. He will act without question, no matter what order he is made to carry out. To stop Shaw, his former commanding officer must uncover the truth behind a twisted conspiracy of torture, betrayal and power that will lead both to the highest levels of the government. - and to Shaw's own past...
Watkins Media Limited Daughters of Forgotten Light
Deep space penal colony Oubliette, population: scum.Lena "Horror" Horowitz leads the Daughters of Forgotten Light, one of three vicious gangs fighting for survival on Oubliette. Their fragile truce is shaken when a new shipment arrives from Earth carrying a fresh batch of prisoners and supplies to squabble over. But the delivery includes two new surprises: a drone, and a baby. Earth Senator Linda Dolfuse wants evidence of the bloodthirsty gangs to justify the government finally eradicating the wasters dumped on Oubliette. There's only one problem: the baby in the drone's video may be hers.File Under: Science Fiction [ Banged Up | Out of Mind | Girls Gone Bad | Moppet in Space ]
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Titanic: A Passenger's Guide Pocket Book
An examination of one of the most famous ships of all time, from a refreshingly different angle. Compiled from authentic period sources with nostalgic illustrations. Launched in May 1911, the triple-screw steamer Titanic was the pride of the White Star Line and at that time the largest passenger ship in the world. Built to carry passengers in comfort and luxury on the lucrative transatlantic route, her design, fittings and on-board facilites epitomised the spirit of the age in terms of elegance and style. Titanic: A Passenger's Guide is a unique guide to all aspects of the ship, incorporating authentic period literature – from sources including White Star Line themselves, Harland & Wolff shipyards, and important publications from the time.
Rebellion Publishing Ltd. Revenant Gun
The stunning conclusion to the mind-bending seriesShuos Jedao is awake... ...and nothing is as he remembers. He's a teenager, a cadet-a nobody-in the body of an old man; a general in command of an elite force. And he's the most feared, and reviled, man in the galaxy. Jedao carries orders from Hexarch Nirai Kujen to re-conquer the fractured pieces of the hexarchate. But he has no memory of ever being a soldier, let alone a general, and the Kel soldiers under his command hate him for a massacre he can't remember committing. Kujen's friendliness can't hide the fact that he's a tyrant. And what's worse, Jedao and Kujen are being hunted-by an enemy who knows more about Jedao than he does himself...
Amberley Publishing Class 25, 26 and 27 Locomotives in Scotland
These locomotives were introduced to British Rail in 1956 and were initially allocated to Eastfield Depot in Glasgow and Haymarket Depot in Edinburgh. They became known as Type 2s and were used for both passenger and freight services. In later years the Class 26 fleet became dedicated to various coal workings in the Ayrshire area. A number of Class 27 locos were later converted for push-pull operation on the busy Glasgow Queen Street–Edinburgh service from 1971 and lasted until 1980. This book covers all three classes from the BR era through to privatisation and beyond. All classes carried out sterling work all over Scotland and some are now preserved at various heritage lines throughout Scotland.
Taylor & Francis Ltd CIM Revision Cards: Assessing the Marketing Environment
Designed specifically with revision in mind, the CIM Revision Cards provide concise, yet fundamental information to assist students in passing the CIM exams as easily as possible. A clear, carefully structured layout aids the learning process and ensures the key points are covered in a succinct and accessible manner. The compact, spiral bound format enables the cards to be carried around easily, the content therefore always being on hand, making them invaluable resources no matter where you are. Features such as diagrams and bulleted lists are used throughout to ensure the key points are displayed as clearly and concisely as possible. Each section begins with a list of learning outcomes and ends with hints and tips, thereby ensuring the content is broken down into manageable concepts and can be easily addressed and memorised.
Forma Edizioni Milan
In recent years, Milan has become a metropolis involved in transformations that are well worthy of interest for the architectural and urbanistic experiments that have been carried out. The complex dialectics between innovation and respect for the existing urban form is the distinctive characteristic of the city: recovery of downgraded neighbourhoods, redevelopment of decommissioned industrial zones, technological experimentation, and vertical development are the aspects that mark Milan as a strongly contemporary city. This guide is being launched in answer to a moment of great focus on Milan. As it guides the reader through the wide range of contemporary architectural projects, it emphasises the unique nature of its complex character. The transformations are still underway and for this reason, it is difficult to foresee how a city of such size will manage to redefine its personal equilibrium: but this too is part of the contemporary nature of Milan.
University of Washington Press An Affair with Korea: Memories of South Korea in the 1960s
In 1966 Vincent S. R. Brant lived in Sokp’o, a poor and isolated South Korean fishing village on the coast of the Yellow Sea, carrying out social anthropological research. At that time, the only way to reach Sokp’o, other than by boat, was a two hour walk along foot paths. This memoir of his experiences in a village with no electricity, running water, or telephone shows Brandt’s attempts to adapt to a traditional, preindustrial existence in a small, almost completely self-sufficient community. This vivid account of his growing admiration for an ancient way of life that was doomed, and that most of the villagers themselves despised, illuminates a social world that has almost completely disappeared.
University of Nebraska Press The Orphan Trains: Placing Out in America
"From 1850 to 1930 America witnessed a unique emigration and resettlement of at least 200,000 children and several thousand adults, primarily from the East Coast to the West. This 'placing out,' an attempt to find homes for the urban poor, was best known by the 'orphan trains' that carried the children. Holt carefully analyzes the system, initially instituted by the New York Children's Aid Society in 1853, tracking its imitators as well as the reasons for its creation and demise. She captures the children's perspective with the judicious use of oral histories, institutional records, and newspaper accounts. This well-written volume sheds new light on the multifaceted experience of children's immigration, changing concepts of welfare, and Western expansion. It is good, scholarly social history."—Library Journal
IAEA Assessment of Prospective Cancer Risks from Occupational Exposure to Ionizing Radiation
Artificial sources of radiation are commonly used in the manufacturing and service industries, research institutions and universities, and the nuclear power industry. As a result, workers can be exposed to artificial sources of radiation. There are also a significant number of workers, such as underground miners and aircrew, who are exposed to naturally occurring sources of radiation. This publication, prepared in collaboration with the International Labour Organization, and with reference to IAEA Safety Standards Series No. GSR Part 3 provides guidance for individuals and organizations on the assessment of prospective cancer risks due to occupational exposure to ionizing radiation for prevention purposes. It describes cancer risk assessment theory, models and methodologies, and offers practical examples of carrying out these assessments.
The History Press Ltd The SS Terra Nova (1884-1943): Whaler, Sealer and Polar Exploration Ship
SS Terra Nova was most famous for being the vessel to carry the ill-fated 1910 polar expedition led by Robert Falcon Scott, but the story of this memorable ship, built in wood to enable flexibility in the ice, continued until 1943, when she sank off Greenland. This newly designed and updated edition presents the definitive illustrated account of one of the classic polar exploration ships of the ‘heroic age’. Put together from accounts recorded by the men who sailed in her, it tells the sixty-year history of a ship built by a famous Scottish shipbuilding yard, in the nineteenth-century days of whaling and sealing before coal gas and electricity replaced animal oils.
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften The Status and Development of N+N Sequences in Contemporary English Noun Phrases
This volume aims to carry out a comprehensive analysis of those nouns within the structure of the noun phrase which are referred to as N+N sequences (e.g. drug addiction, computer cluster). They are studied from three perspectives, namely their status as syntactic constructs, their evolution as becoming morphological items through a process of lexicalisation – whereby they gradually acquire properties of a semantic, morphological, orthographic and phonological nature –, and their use in which several variables such as speech community, mode and textual category are in operation. Additionally, this volume touches upon the problems in establishing clear-cut boundaries between morphology and syntax in order to define their status and evolution. A comprehensive corpus analysis rounds off the study.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Suppliers to the Confederacy: English Arms and Accoutrements
In this book researchers Craig Barry and David Burt provide a fresh look at the incredible impact the English had on supplying the Confederacy and its effect on the U.S. Civil War. New research includes the discovery of lost information on many of the commercial gun makers. The book also looks at all the implements and accoutrements issued with the Enfield rifle musket, including the cap pocket, pouch, ball bags and knapsacks; right down to the muzzle stopper. Each piece of equipment is examined in great detail and is accompanied by detailed photographs and discusses most of the patterns of British equipment carried by Confederate soldiers’ and how they were supposed to be used. The book also looks at how this equipment was purchase, from where and by whom, and how it was shipped over to the Confederate States.
Simon & Schuster Ltd Asteroid Hunters
Dr Carrie Nugent is an asteroid hunter - one of the select group of scientists working diligently to map our cosmic neighbourhood. For the first time ever we are reaching the point where we may be able to prevent a natural disaster resulting from an asteroid collision. Nugent will delve into the impact asteroids have had in the past: the extinction of the dinosaurs, the earth-sized hole Shoemaker-Levy 9 left in Jupiter just a few years ago, how the surprise hit on Chelyabinsk in Russia could have started a war and unlucky Ms Anne Hodges - the only person (that we know of) in modern history to be the victim of a direct hit. Nugent will also reveal the cutting-edge work that she is part of - using NASA's NEOWISE telescope to track down near-Earth asteroids. NEOWISE has seen over 158,000 asteroids and discovered over 30,000. We will also get a rare glimpse into the work of this band of asteroid hunters and their techniques. Asteroid orbits are chaotic which means a small early change has a big impact later on. The successful hunt and mapping of asteroids could mean nothing less than saving life on Earth.
Orion Publishing Co The Dead-Tossed Waves
Carrie Ryan's sensational new novel reveals more of the secrets of the world after the return of the Unconsecrated and introduces a new heroine who must tangle with her mother's secrets.Gabry lives a quiet life, secure in her town next to the sea and behind the Barrier. She's content to let her friends dream of the Dark City up the coast while she watches from the top of her lighthouse. Home is all she's ever known and, and all she needs for happiness. But life after the Return is never safe and there are threats even the Barrier can't hold back. Gabry's mother thought she left her secrets behind in the Forest of Hands and Teeth, but, like the dead in their world, secrets don't stay buried. And now, Gabry's world is crumbling. One night beyond the Barrier . . .One boy Gabry's known forever and one veiled in mystery . . .One reckless moment, and half of Gabry's generation is dead, the other half imprisoned. Now Gabry knows only one thing: if she has any hope of a future, she must face the forest of her mother's past.
Flipped Eye Publishing Limited Flood Season
After over a decade working as a musician under the name Kae Sun, Kwaku Darko-Mensah Jnr. makes a full-blooded return to the bones of his craft – poetic exploration and wordplay. His début pamphlet, Flood Season, begins with seeds of perennial flooding, a phenomenon as familiar to residents of Accra as it is to residents of Assam, and blossoms into an exploration of diasporic belonging, the tensions between who we are and the clichés that surround our nation states. Ultimately, the poems hint that we might all be routinely, “caught in the delicate act of restraining/ Home in clasped hands/ Held to the ear, listening for a way back”. Flood Season carries the weight of its musings with an ease akin to water uprooting a misplaced house, and fizzes with the joy of a burst dam.
Plough Publishing House The Living Word: Inner Land – A Guide into the Heart of the Gospel, Volume 5
What makes the Bible more than ink on paper? The living word, Eberhard Arnold writes, is greater than the words of the Bible, which even the devil used to tempt Jesus. The scriptures on their own can never produce the righteousness, mercy, and faithfulness that count before God. But when the Holy Spirit speaks this living word into the hearts of those who have set out on the way of discipleship to Christ, the deepest meaning of the scriptures are opened up to them. Those who have accepted this living word, which never contradicts the Bible, also agree with one another. Transformed from within, they receive the strength, clarity, and unity they need to carry out the task God has given them – to make God’s kingdom a reality on earth. The final volume of five in Inner Land, The Living Word includes a preface by Eberhard Arnold’s son J. Heinrich Arnold, who has written elsewhere: “My father not only believed that Inner Land was the most important book he had written; he also believed and told me that he included in this book everything in his life he had ever experienced of Christ, of the suffering of humankind, of the murderous spirit of mammon, of human life and divine life altogether.” About Innerland: It is hard to exaggerate the significance of Innerland, either for Eberhard Arnold or his readers. It absorbed his energies off and on for most of his adult life – from World War I, when he published the first chapter under the title War: A Call to Inwardness, to 1935, the last year of his life. Packed in metal boxes and buried at night for safekeeping from the Nazis, who raided the author’s study a year before his death (and again a year after it), Innerland was not openly critical of Hitler’s regime. Nevertheless, it attacked the spirits that animated German society: its murderous strains of racism and bigotry, its heady nationalistic fervor, its mindless mass hysteria, and its vulgar materialism. In this sense Innerland stands as starkly opposed to the zeitgeist of our own day as to that of the author’s. At a glance, the focus of Innerland seems to be the cultivation of the spiritual life as an end in itself. Nothing could be more misleading. In fact, to Eberhard Arnold the very thought of encouraging the sort of selfish solitude whereby people seek their own private peace by shutting out the noise and rush of public life around them is anathema. He writes in The Inner Life: “These are times of distress. We cannot retreat, willfully blind to the overwhelming urgency of the tasks pressing on society. We cannot look for inner detachment in an inner and outer isolation...The only justification for withdrawing into the inner self to escape today's confusing, hectic whirl would be that fruitfulness is enriched by it. It is a question of gaining within, through unity with eternal powers, a strength of character ready to be tested in the stream of the world.” Innerland, then, calls us not to passivity, but to action. It invites us to discover the abundance of a life lived for God. It opens our eyes to the possibilities of that “inner land of the invisible where our spirit can find the roots of its strength and thus enable us to press on to the mastery of life we are called to by God.” Only there, says Eberhard Arnold, can our life be placed under the illuminating light of the eternal and seen for what it is. Only there will we find the clarity of vision we need to win the daily battle that is life, and the inner anchor without which we will lose our moorings.
Rowman & Littlefield Eating Dangerously: Why the Government Can't Keep Your Food Safe ... and How You Can
Americans are afraid of their food. And for good reason. In 2011, the deadliest food-borne illness outbreak in a century delivered killer listeria bacteria on innocuous cantaloupe never before suspected of carrying that pathogen. Nearly 50 million Americans will get food poisoning this year. Spoiled, doctored or infected food will send more than 100,000 people to the hospital. Three thousand will die. We expect, even assume, our government will protect our food, but how often do you think a major U.S. food farm get inspected by federal or state officials? Once a year? Every harvest? Twice a decade? Try never. Eating Dangerously sheds light on the growing problem and introduces readers to the very real, very immediate dangers inherent in our food system. This two-part guide to our food system's problems and how consumers can help protect themselves is written by two seasoned journalists, who helped break the story of the 2011 listeria outbreak that killed 33 people. Michael Booth and Jennifer Brown, award-winning health and investigative journalists and parents themselves, answer pressing consumer questions about what's in the food supply, what "authorities" are and are not doing to clean it up, and how they can best feed their families without making food their full-time jobs. Both deeply informed and highly readable, Eating Dangerously explains to the American consumer how their food system works—and more importantly how it doesn’t work. It also dishes up course after course of useful, friendly advice gleaned from the cutting-edge laboratories, kitchens and courtrooms where the national food system is taking new shape. Anyone interested in knowing more about how their food makes it from field and farm to store and table will want the inside scoop on just how safe or unsafe that food may be. They will find answers and insight in these pages.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Organisierte Geselligkeit: Deutsche und britische Vereine im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert
Text in German. Do sociable associations for music, sport and gardening contribute to social integration in the 19th and 20th centuries? The study asks itself this question and compares the development of German and British clubs over two centuries. It shows that clubs in both countries had a socially integrative effect, but also served to carry out social exclusions, highlight differences in status and consolidate dependencies. In Great Britain, the popular commercial culture inspired the formation of associations, associations were given material support by economic companies such as press publishers or breweries. In Germany, on the other hand, the state exercised the formative influence by first controlling leisure clubs and then promoting them for "non-profit" purposes.
Floris Books Speed Bonnie Boat: A Tale from Scottish History Inspired by the Skye Boat Song
"Speed, bonnie boat, like a bird on the wing,'Onward!' the sailors cry;Carry the lad who's born to be kingOver the sea to Skye."Sung throughout the world, the Skye Boat Song evocatively brings alive the story of Bonnie Prince Charlie's famous journey from the Outer Hebrides to Skye, off Scotland's west coast, after his defeat at the Battle of Culloden.This stunning picture book, inspired by the lyrics of the traditional Scottish folksong, illustrates the true story of one of Scotland's most famous heroes and introduces children to this dramatic period of Scottish history. The beautiful landscapes and seascapes of Scotland's west coast are captured by Alfredo Belli's stunning illustrations.
Birlinn General The Fife Pilgrim Way: In the Footsteps of Monks, Miners and Martyrs
This book is the essential companion for anyone exploring the new Fife Pilgrim Way, whether on foot, by car or bicycle or simply as an armchair traveller. Packed with history, vivid anecdote and nearly 100 colour illustrations, it brings to life the fascinating communities and the characters along the route in whose footsteps modern pilgrims are treading. Setting off with Celtic saints and St Margaret from Culross and North Queensferry, marching with miners through the West Fife coalfields, carrying on with Covenanters and Communists, and ending among the martyrs, relics and ghosts of the haunted city of St Andrews, this gripping narrative presents a journey through Scottish history, ancient and modern, with spiritual reflections along the way.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Hail Mary
Delight in a stunning celebration of the principal prayer of the Roman Catholic Church with this beautifully illustrated edition of Hail Mary. Gorgeous images of the natural world accompany these traditional words – it's the perfect gift that will be cherished forever. Hail Mary is the basic prayer taught to young children on their introduction to the Catholic Church and the mother of Jesus. Prayer is something anyone can do and you don’t have to use complicated or flowery language; this prayer is simple and is easily memorised by children who will carry it forever throughout life. With beautifully delicate illustrations by the fantastic Julianna Swaney, this is the perfect gift book to gift on all Christian occasions, including christenings, first communions and confirmations.
Johns Hopkins University Press A World of Difference
Is a willingness to carry an inquiry to the point of undecidability necessarily at odds with political engagement? In A World of Difference Barbara Johnson extends and rethinks the theoretical perspectives on literature opened up by her earlier book, The Critical Difference. Through subtle and probing analyses of texts by Wordsworth, Poe, Baudelaie, Mallarmé, Thoreau, Mary Shelley, Zora Neale HUrston, Gwendolyn Brooks, and others, she attempts to transfer the analysis of "difference" from the realm of linguistic universality or deconstructive allegory into contexts in which difference is very much at issue in the world. New to the paperback edition is a preface that readdresses the question of the politics of deconstruction in the context of current discussion about the life and works of Paul de Man.
Penguin Putnam Inc The Eagle Has Landed
As the Allied forces slowly begin turning the tide of war, Hitler vehemently orders the impossible—kidnap Winston Churchill, or kill him. A crack team of commandos led by a disgraced war hero must venture into the heart of England to carry out their mission, or die trying.Meanwhile, in a quiet seaside village, a beautiful widow and an IRA assassin have already laid the groundwork for what will be the most treacherous plot of the war. It begins on November 6, 1943, when Berlin receivs the fateful message..."First rate...a fascinating adventure story." —San Francisco Chronicle"The master's master of World War II spycraft storytelling...A superb and mysterious tale." —United Press International
JP Medical Ltd Pocket Tutor Neuroimaging
Titles in the Pocket Tutor series give practical guidance on subjects that medical students and foundation doctors need help with ‘on the go’, at a highly-affordable price that puts them within reach of those rotating through modular courses or working on attachment. Topics reflect information needs stemming from today’s integrated undergraduate and foundation courses: Common presentations Investigation options (e.g. ECG, imaging) Clinical and patient-orientated skills (e.g. examinations, history-taking)The highly-structured, bite-size content helps novices combat the ‘fear factor’ associated with day-to-day clinical training, and provides a detailed resource that students and junior doctors can carry in their pocket.
Cengage Learning, Inc Fundamental Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
FUNDAMENTAL STATISTICS FOR THE BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES focuses on providing the context of statistics in behavioral research, while emphasizing the importance of looking at data before jumping into a test. This practical approach provides you with an understanding of the logic behind the statistics, so you understand why and how certain methods are used -- rather than simply carry out techniques by rote. You'll move beyond number crunching to discover the meaning of statistical results and appreciate how the statistical test to be employed relates to the research questions posed by an experiment. An abundance of real data and research studies provide a real-life perspective and help you understand concepts as you learn about the analysis of data.
Titan Books Ltd Disenchantment: Untold Tales Vol.1
Here lies the first of THREE all-new, all-comic volumes chronicling the stories you didn't see on screen. Adventure above the clouds, in the forest, and beyond the seas... well, beyond one sea. But it's a new one! There are Beans to meet and beans to eat and beans to plant and Beans who just can't. There are giants in the sky and beers on tap, a unicorn and something that is not at all a unicorn. Including "educational" and "informational" inserts to enhance your reading pleasure! Let us carry you back to Dreamland for new quests, new friends, new foes, and maybe a cocktail along the way, in these exciting comic adventures! Bean, Elfo, and Luci await!
Pan Macmillan The Mindfulness Moments Colouring Book: Anti-stress Colouring and Activities for Busy People
Previously published as Mindfulness Moments.Take a few minutes out of your day, wherever you are, and colour your way to peace and calm.Working with your hands is one of the best ways to soothe anxiety and eliminate stress. This stunning, pocket-sized colouring and activity book offers practical exercises in mindfulness that draw on your creativity and hone your focus.The Mindfulness Moments Colouring Book is the third book from international bestselling illustrator Emma Farrarons. Perfectly sized to carry around in your pocket or bag, this gorgeous adult colouring book includes ideas for mindfulness activities, all beautifully embellished with exquisite scenes and intricate, sophisticated patterns.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Loco Spotter’s Guide
Since the 1800s locomotives have steamed, chugged and sparked their way into the nation’s affections. These powerful engines were the drivers of the Industrial Revolution, and to the present day carry passengers and freight to every corner of Britain. But do you know your Locomotion from your Rocket, or your Gresley Class A4 from your Princess Coronation Class? How heavy is the Flying Scotsman? And who designed the Britannia Class? The Loco Spotter’s Guide answers all of these questions, with first-class illustrations portraying more than 60 of the most important steam, diesel and electric designs, including all-important specifications and technical details to aid any would-be loco spotter.
HarperCollins Publishers Blue’s Clues Pocket Library
Blue’s Clues Pocket Library – the perfect way for children to enjoy stories on the go! Join Blue, Josh and their household friends in these six mini board books as they have fun in their daily lives, from playtime to bedtime. Learn what Blue’s favourite weather is, help her to count, and play a game of Blue’s Clues along the way. Enjoy the books and then flip them over to make your very own Blue’s Clues & You! puzzle picture – then pop them back into their little box to keep them safe and tidy for another day! This set is small enough to carry with you, so the books can be used to entertain children wherever you go.
Orion Publishing Co A Dark and Hungry God Arises: The Gap Cycle 3
The third instalment in the GAP sequence: Stephen Donaldson's fascinating universe peopled with characters of a passion and intensity only he could create.After a terrifying encounter with the Amnion aliens, Nick Succorso made for the safety of Thanatos Minor, the infamous bootleg shipyard where illegals from all over the galaxy come to repair their ships (and indulge their exotic tastes in entertainment). But the Amnion are waiting, and for Nick, Morn Hyland and her force-grown son Davies, the safe haven has turned into a vision of hell.Now Angus Thermopyle heads for Thanatos Minor, programmed to carry out a secret mission that could have nightmarish consequences for them all ...
HarperCollins Publishers Little Gems – Carnival of the Clocks
Superstar illustrator Nick Sharratt takes inspiration from a celebration of the winter solstice in this charming and colourful Little Gem. Superstar illustrator Nick Sharratt takes inspiration from a celebration of the winter solstice in this charming and colourful Little Gem. On a dark winter’s evening at the end of December, something strange is happening in the school playground. Lessons finished long ago, but there are lots of children still at school and they’re all carrying … clocks! Clocks of every shape and size – big, small, round and square, heart-shaped, star-shaped. What’s going on? Join the children and find out as they celebrate the winter solstice on the shortest day of the year – marching through the town in the Carnival of the Clocks!
Llewellyn Publications,U.S. Llewellyn's Complete Book of Essential Oils: How to Blend, Diffuse, Create Remedies, and Use in Everyday Life
Recognised throughout history for their pleasing aromas and their spiritual power, essential oils are must-have tools on the journey to wellness in mind, body, and spirit. Llewellyn's Complete Book of Essential Oils is a thorough guide to working with these remarkable extracts, with detailed profiles for sixty-eight essential oils and fourteen carrier oils. Author Sandra Kynes also includes remedies for seventy-five specific ailments. Filled with tips, techniques, and dozens of recipes, this book is designed to help you discover the most important and up-to-date information about essential oils.
Bristol University Press Doing Human Service Ethnography
EPDF and EPUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. Human service work is performed in many places – hospitals, shelters, households, prisons, schools, clinics – and is characterised by a complex mixture of organising principles, relations and rules. Using ethnographic methods, researchers can investigate these site-specific complexities, providing multi-dimensional and compelling analyses. Bringing together both theoretical and practical material, this book shows researchers how ethnography can be carried out within human service settings. It provides an invaluable guide on how to apply ethnographic creativeness and offers a more humanistic and context-sensitive approach in the field of health and social care to generating valid knowledge about today’s service work.
University of Washington Press Civil Society in Central Asia
Central Asia, known as the home of Tamerlane and the Silk Road, is a crossroads of great cultures and civilizations. In 1991 five nations at the heart of the region—Kazakstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan— suddenly became independent. Today they sit strategically between Russia, China, and Iran and hold some of the world’s largest deposits of oil and natural gas. Long-suppressed ethnic identities are finding new expression in language, religion, and occasional civil conflicts. Civil Society in Central Asia is a pathbreaking collection of essays by scholars and activists that illuminates the social and institutional forces shaping this important region’s future. An appendix provides a guide to projects being carried out by local and international groups.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Virology Labfax: Student Edition
For an active scientist, tracking down the data needed for planning and carrying out experiments can be time-consuming and frustrating. Now the Labfax series of reference databooks provides all the essential information required, quickly and accurately. Virology Labfax is a unique single source of reference to key data and information required by the virologist on an almost daily basis. A select team of editors and contributors have compiled this manual to provide a guide to researchers in the most important basic and applied aspects of virology. Collects in one volume an extensive range of data on a wide range of topics essential to virology and virological research. Provides a rapid and simple introduction to the many subdisciplines of virology.
HarperCollins Publishers Good Wives (Collins Classics)
HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics. ‘Love is the only thing that we can carry with us when we go, and it makes the end so easy.’ In mid-nineteenth-century Massachusetts, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy March continue to encounter both joys and sorrows along life’s path, as they journey into womanhood both close to home and further away. The highs and lows of the four young women’s lives are shared with each other, and supported by the bond of their sisterhood. This second part of ‘Little Women’ – sometimes published in a single volume – contains all the warmth and charm for which Louisa May Alcott’s writing is universally admired.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Integration of Large Scale Wind Energy with Electrical Power Systems in China
An in-depth examination of large scale wind projects and electricity production in China Presents the challenges of electrical power system planning, design, operation and control carried out by large scale wind power, from the Chinese perspective Focuses on the integration issue of large scale wind power to the bulk power system, probing the interaction between wind power and bulk power systems Wind power development is a burgeoning area of study in developing countries, with much interest in offshore wind farms and several big projects under development English translation of the Chinese language original which won the "Fourth China Outstanding Publication Award nomination" in March 2013
Royal Society of Chemistry Alternative Energy Sources for Green Chemistry
The use of alternative energy forms and transfer mechanisms is one of the key approaches of process intensification. In recent years, significant amounts of research have been carried out in developing chemical processing technologies enhanced by plasma, electric and magnetic fields, electromagnetic and ultra-sound waves and high gravity fields. Discussing the broad impact of alternative energy transfer technologies on reactions, separations and materials synthesis, this book reports on recent breakthrough results in various application areas. It provides a comprehensive overview of the current developments in the field. The book enables industrialists, academics and postgraduates in alternative-energy based processing to see the potential of alternative energies for green chemistry and sustainability of chemical manufacturing.
Emerald Publishing Limited Positive Psychology for Healthcare Professionals: A Toolkit for Improving Wellbeing
There has been an abundance of research carried out relating to the use of positive psychology, but a focus on staff working in care settings has been lacking. Positive Psychology for Healthcare Professionals presents applied positive psychology specifically for health and care staff, showcasing eleven different interventions that have proven to be effective in improving wellbeing. Positive Psychology Interventions are validated techniques, developed to include wellbeing enhancing activities, building effective user-friendly, cost-effective self-help strategies. This toolkit for improving wellbeing provides a more holistic roadmap to increase self-awareness of staff abilities, potential talents, and positive characteristics, through a strengths-based approach.
American Psychological Association Political Psychology in Latin America
This book explores Latin America through a political psychology lens. This book presents a broad spectrum of theoretical and methodological perspectives illustrating how political psychology has addressed critical social issues in Latin America and provides a selective summary of the work carried out by some of the leading Latin American researchers in political psychology. This volume will allow readers to identify the most relevant topics of this discipline in Latin America, including the specific structural conditions of inequality and intergroup conflict in the region, as well as the most relevant contributions from Latin America to the global field of political psychology, including strategies of resistance and resilience and reflections on the potential transforming power of citizens to effect change through political participation and collective action.
London Town Press The Secrets of Tropical Rainforests: Hot and Humid and Teeming with Life
The rainforest ranks with dinosaurs as an enduring source of fascination for children, but has the advantage of still being around to be experienced - at least for now. In 42 color photographs, The Secrets of Tropical Rainforests introduces readers to this amazing environment, the unusual relationships between its animals and plants, and human interaction with rainforests. The book carries a strong ecological message as it explores the rainforest's crucial importance in the world ecosystem, and its extraordinary combination of resilience and fragility. Young readers learn, for example, that killing a rainforest may mean losing potent weapons against kids' cancer. Structured just as the rainforest itself is, from the roots up to the canopy, this title will amaze and delight young readers.
New York University Press Artificial Parts, Practical Lives: Modern Histories of Prosthetics
From the wooden teeth of George Washington to the Bly prosthesis, popular in the 1860s and boasting easy uniform motions of the limb, to today's lifelike approximations, prosthetic devices reveal the extent to which the evolution and design of technologies of the body are intertwined with both the practical and subjective needs of human beings. The peculiar history of prosthetic devices sheds light on the relationship between technological change and the civilizing process of modernity, and analyzes the concrete materials of prosthetics which carry with them ideologies of body, ideals, body politics, and culture. Simultaneously critiquing, historicizing, and theorizing prosthetics, Artificial Parts, Practical Lives lays out a balanced and complex picture of its subject, neither vilifying nor celebrating the merger of flesh and machine.
The History Press Ltd A Photographic History of the Orient Line
The Orient Line was once one of the most recognised names operating on the route between Great Britain and Australia, forming an important connection between the many peoples of the Empire. The great vessels of Orient Line included Oronsay, Orsova, Orcades and Oriana. Despite being formed with no mail subsidy and a dominant competitor in P&O, the Orient Line endured. It survived two world wars, the Great Depression and stormy seas – carrying everything from mail to royalty, troops to tourists. From the early days of the Orient Line of Clipper Ships through the era of steam driven liners, to the final Orient Line voyage, this book showcases the history of Orient Line with an exquisite collection of rare photographs.
Pluto Press Open Marxism 4: Against a Closing World
The publication of the first three volumes of Open Marxism in the 1990s has had a transformative impact on how we think about Marxism in the twenty-first century. 'Open Marxism' aims to think of Marxism as a theory of struggle, not as an objective analysis of capitalist domination, arguing that money, capital and the state are forms of struggle from above and therefore open to resistance and rebellion. As critical thought is squeezed out of universities and geographical shifts shape the terrain of theoretical discussion, the editors argue now is the time for a new volume that reflects the work that has been carried out during the past decade. Emphasising the contemporary relevance of 'open Marxism' in our moment of political and economic uncertainty, the collection shines a light on its significance for activists and academics today.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Crusaders
From the bestselling author of The Templars. 'Voyages, battles, sieges and slaughter: Dan Jones's tumultuous and thrilling history of the crusades is one of the best' SUNDAY TIMES. 'A powerful story brilliantly told. Dan Jones writes with pace, wit and insight' HELEN CASTOR. 'A fresh and vibrant account of a conflict that raged across medieval centuries' JONATHAN PHILLIPS. Dan Jones, best-selling chronicler of the Middle Ages, turns his attention to the history of the Crusades – the sequence of religious wars fought between the late eleventh century and late medieval periods, in which armies from European Christian states attempted to wrest the Holy Land from Islamic rule, and which have left an enduring imprint on relations between the Muslim world and the West. From the preaching of the First Crusade by Pope Urban II in 1095 to the loss of the last crusader outpost in the Levant in 1302-03, and from the taking of Jerusalem from the Fatimids in 1099 to the fall of Acre to the Mamluks in 1291, Crusaders tells a tale soaked in Islamic, Christian and Jewish blood, peopled by extraordinary characters, and characterised by both low ambition and high principle. Dan Jones is a master of popular narrative history, with the priceless ability to write page-turning narrative history underpinned by authoritative scholarship. Never before has the era of the Crusades been depicted in such bright and striking colours, or their story told with such gusto. PRAISE FOR THE TEMPLARS: 'A fresh, muscular and compelling history of the ultimate military-religious crusading order, combining sensible scholarship with narrative swagger' SIMON SEBAG MONTEFIORE. 'Dan Jones has created a gripping page-turner out of the dramatic history of the Templars' PHILIPPA GREGORY. 'The story of the Templars, the ultimate holy warriors, is an extraordinary saga of fanaticism, bravery, treachery and betrayal, and in Dan Jones they have a worthy chronicler. The Templars is a wonderful book!' BERNARD CORNWELL. 'Told with all Jones's usual verve and panache, this is a dramatic and gripping tale of courage and stupidity, faith and betrayal' MAIL ON SUNDAY. 'This is another triumphant tale from a historian who writes as addictively as any page-turning novelist' OBSERVER. 'The Templars is exhilarating, epic, sword-swinging history' TLS. 'Jones carries the Templars through the crusades with clarity and verve. This is unabashed narrative history, fast-paced and full of incident... Jones tells their story extremely well' SUNDAY TIMES.
John Murray Press Death of a Guru
Rabindranath R Maharaj was descended from a long line of Brahmin priests and trained as a Yogi. He meditated for many hours each day, but gradually disillusionment set in. In DEATH OF A GURU he describes vividly and honestly Hindu life and customs, tracing his difficult search for meaning and his struggle to choose between Hinduism and Christ.At a time when Eastern mysticism and religion fascinate many in the West, Maharaj offers fresh and important insights from the perspective of his own experience.DEATH OF A GURU has long been an excellent seller on HCB's backlist. It is the best-known Hindu to Christianity conversion story and has been used widely for evangelistic purposes. This edition carries an exciting new cover.