Search results for ""author carrie"
John Wiley & Sons Inc High-Impact Consulting: How Clients and Consultants Can Work Together to Achieve Extraordinary Results
In this new and revised edition of the landmark book High-Impact Consulting, Robert H. Schaffer reveals how senior managers unwittingly collude with their consultants to perpetuate the great waste inherent in "the five fatal flaws of conventional consulting." Drawing on his own work with companies-- Motorola, Rio Tinto, IBM, General Reinsurance Corporation, The World Bank, and other successful organizations-- Schaffer offers a field-tested approach to working with consultants that has proven to get results. He identifies the key elements of an effective project design?particularly that project objectives are defined in terms of client results rather than just consultant deliverables. The process enables clients to be certain that the work is carried out in ways that ensure success.
Eye Books Touching Tibet
An affectionate travelogue that conveys not only impressions of everyday life and descriptions of unique Tibetan customs and traditions but brings us Tibetan history, politics, and religion from a fresh, unstudied perspective Despite the determined efforts of the Dalai Lama to publicize the Tibetan cause, for many the people, culture, history, and traditions of this country remain mysterious. Niema Ash was one of the first Westerners to enter the country when its borders were briefly opened, and in this highly absorbing and personal account, she relates with wit, compassion, and sensitivity her encounters with people whose humor, spirituality, and sheer enthusiasm for life have carried them through years of oppression and suffering. This journey into a forbidden kingdom gives a fresh insight into the real heart of Tibet.
Princeton University Press Fearful Symmetry: A Study of William Blake
This brilliant outline of Blake's thought and commentary on his poetry comes on the crest of the current interest in Blake, and carries us further towards an understanding of his work than any previous study. Here is a dear and complete solution to the riddles of the longer poems, the so-called "Prophecies," and a demonstration of Blake's insight that will amaze the modern reader. The first section of the book shows how Blake arrived at a theory of knowledge that was also, for him, a theory of religion, of human life and of art, and how this rigorously defined system of ideas found expression in the complicated but consistent symbolism of his poetry. The second and third parts, after indicating the relation of Blake to English literature and the intellectual atmosphere of his own time, explain the meaning of Blake's poems and the significance of their characters.
Danann Media Publishing Limited The History of The Raf and The Lancaster Bomber
THE HISTORY OF THE RAF AND THE LANCASTER BOMBER celebrates and commemorates over 100 years of the Royal Air Force. With access to rare RAF archives, Mike Lepine uses photographs and documents to bring the story of the people, planes and missions to life as never before. With a special feature on the Lancaster Bomber which took its maiden flight as a prototype in 1941 and flew in battle in 1942. From its genesis in the horrors of the First World War when pilots were open to the elements in craft made of little more than wood and fabric, to the iconic air battles of the Second World War, through to the lifesaving missions carried out in today’s trouble zones, The History of the RAF looks at the men, women and aircraft that are at the heart of this great service.
The University Press of Kentucky The Sailor: Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Transformation of American Foreign Policy
"As with sailing, so with politics: make your cloth too taut and your ship will dip and heel, but slacken off and trim your sails, and things head up again." - Euripides, OrestesThe Great Depression of the 1930s and the global crisis of World War II created ripe conditions for change in both US and international politics, setting off many questions regarding America's role in the world. The power and influence held by the United States at this time informed Franklin Roosevelt's belief that the country was optimally positioned to become a world leader. As such, his decisions and actions preceding the war were a critical juncture in twentieth-century US foreign policy and responsible for the nation's eventual entrance into the war. Scholarship often presents the 32nd President as an isolationist with little continuity or initiative in his approach to world politics. Based on a new, interpretive framework, however, FDR's actions take on a more purposeful tack.The Sailor: Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Transformation of American Foreign Policy, 1933-1945 examines Roosevelt's worldview and political ideology throughout his career to understand how they shaped the policies he developed in response to the crises that arose during his presidency. Author David Schmitz explains why Roosevelt found the traditional foreign policy of neutrality inadequate and shows how the president spurred a new, internationalist approach in the United States' dealings with other actors on the global stage. Arguing against existing scholarship that suggests FDR rarely made informed foreign policy decisions, Schmitz claims that the president was consistent and calculating in his outlook and actions involving international affairs and the direction of American foreign policy. Guided by a vision of peace and American security, Schmitz argues that Roosevelt pursued a "Third Way" between imperialism and revolution: a pro-Western nationalism built upon organized, international collaboration with a focus toward promoting and protecting American values and institutions.Schmitz shows how Roosevelt intentionally carried out this vision in the hopes of bringing about "an end to the beginnings of all wars."The Sailor is an important interpretive analysis of the Roosevelt administration's foreign policy. By challenging previously held assumptions, Schmitz constructs a new narrative about FDR's overall attitude to the US and its role in a postwar world. He shows how FDR successfully transformed US neutrality into US internationalism, forever changing the direction of American foreign policy. This work will appeal to scholars and general readers alike, specifically, those interested in Franklin Roosevelt, World War II, and American foreign relations.
Elsevier Science Publishing Co Inc Sustainable Marine Resource Utilization in China: A Comprehensive Evaluation
Sustainable Marine Resource Utilization in China: A Comprehensive Evaluation thoroughly analyzes the basic conditions and status quo of the sustainable utilization of Chinese marine resources and its effects on economic and social development. This book constructs evaluation models for marine ecological carrying capacity, marine resource utilization benefits, and management levels with the application of many methods, including the super efficiency model, ecological footprint model, entropy method and system dynamics. The principles and practical experiences of the sustainable utilization of Chinese marine resources are also summed up. This book provides a needed resource for university professors, students and researchers interested in the management of marine resources and the environment, and particularly those who are concerned with China's marine development.
Amberley Publishing Beastly Merseyside
Animals have featured in the lives and cultures of the people of Merseyside since the dawn of time, and in so many ways. Beastly Merseyside describes this, and tells wonderful stories about these animals, and about the roles they have played. Horses have carried us and our weaponry into battle for millennia, right up to the wars of the twentieth century. They have ploughed our fields, carried our goods, and pulled our carts, wagons, carriages, stagecoaches, canal barges, buses, trams, and ambulances. We have been racing horses on Merseyside for centuries. We have hunted animals for food, from rabbits and ducks to those great leviathans of the sea, the whales. Liverpool’s whaling fleet was once one of the most important in Britain. We have also hunted, and in some cases still hunt, animals simply for ‘sport’. This has included dog-fighting, cockfighting, bear and bull baiting, as well as fox hunting, hare coursing, and shooting. Animals have entertained us on the streets, in the days of dancing bears and organ grinders’ monkeys; in circuses; and in the very many zoos we have had on Merseyside, again over many centuries. Animals have also rescued us, provided comfort to us, and helped us to see and hear. In Beastly Merseyside, popular local historian Ken Pye tells tales about the likes of Mickey the Chimp, Liverpool’s own ‘King Kong’; the execution of Rajah the Elephant; Pongo the Man Monkey; the amazing Hale Duck Decoy; the ‘Lion in the Wheelbarrow’; the nineteenth-century Knowsley Great Aviary and the modern safari park; and why and how the Liver Bird became the emblem of Liverpool. Full of well-researched, informative, and entertaining facts, this book really shows just how vital a role animals of all kinds have played, and continue to play, in our lives and communities.
Vintage Publishing The History of Parliament: the House of Commons, 1790-1820 [5 volume set]
These 5 volumes cover the period of Britain's long wars with France, and a huge expansion of the business of the House of Commons: Charles Abbot, Speaker from 1802-1817 estimated that the amount of business carried on in the House had quintupled between 1761 and 1813. They include the period of the Union with Ireland and the introduction of 100 Irish MPs. They contain 2,142 biographical articles and 314 constituency articles. The biographical pieces include works on Henry Addington, Sir Frances Burdett, Edmund Burke, George Canning, Viscount Castlereagh, Henry Dundas, Charles James Fox, Spencer Perceval and William Pitt the Younger as well as all the other important, and not soimportant, political figures.
Archaeopress Excavations at Chester. The Northern and Eastern Roman Extramural Settlements: Excavations 1990-2019 and other investigations
Excavations at Chester: the northern and eastern Roman extramural settlements presents the results of fifteen archaeological investigations carried out within the canabae to the north and east of the Roman legionary fortress at Chester between 1990 and 2019. The results demonstrate that there was sparse development of the canabae to the north of the fortress during the 1st and 2nd centuries; instead, this area was predominantly used for the extraction of building materials – sandstone and clay. By the 3rd century, the final phase of usage took the form of a small cemetery, the first to be examined in this area. Subject to more constraints, the sites investigated within the eastern canabae close to the fortress produced limited evidence for urban plot divisions, whilst those further east provided evidence for the division and management of agricultural land forming the prata legionis.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Mindful Law Student: A Mindfulness in Law Practice Guide
The Mindful Law Student is an innovative guide to learning about mindfulness and integrating mindfulness practices into the law school experience. Through the use of metaphor, insight, mindfulness practices, and relaxation, and self-care exercises, students are reminded of the tools they have long carried with them to navigate the exciting and challenging environment of law school and the practice of law. Scott Rogers brings readers on a journey through the law school experience with seven hypothetical students who experience situations that make tangible the challenges, benefits, and promise of mindfulness. He provides real-world examples of applying mindfulness in law school using language of the law to impart mindfulness insights and practices.This novel guide is an approachable and valuable resource for any law student.
New York University Press Ramayana Book Five: Sundara
The fifth and most popular book of the Ramáyana of Valmíki, Súndara recounts the adventures of the monkey hero Hánuman leaping across the ocean to the island citadel of Lanka. Once there, he scours the city for the abducted Princess Sita. The poet vividly describes the opulence of the court of the demon king, Rávana, the beauty of his harem, and the hideous deformity of Sita's wardresses. After witnessing Sita’s stern rejection of Rávana's blandishments, Hánuman reveals himself to the princess, shows her Rama's signet ring as proof of identity, and offers to carry her back to Rama. Co-published by New York University Press and the JJC Foundation For more on this title and other titles in the Clay Sanskrit series, please visit
Phaidon Press Ltd Francis Alÿs: Revised & Expanded Edition
A fully updated and expanded edition of the artist's first comprehensive monograph, more than a decade since its original publication Francis Alÿs examines the patterns of various urban sites before weaving his own fables into their tangled social fabric with wit, sensitivity, and an acutely personal connection to his subject matter. A scene such as a Volkswagen Beetle struggling up a hill or a man pushing a block of ice can carry a message that resonates far beyond the work's simple parameters. As Alÿs puts it, 'Sometimes doing something poetic can become political, and sometimes doing something political can become poetic.'
Rebellion Publishing Ltd. Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 35
Anything Goes In Sin City!The floating multi-story metropolis of illegal delights known as "Sin City" has anchored outside Mega-City one, and Dredd has seemingly been sent aboard to keep what order can be kept on a lawless floating city. His real task? Locate Ula Danser, the De-Megification terrorist determined to destroy the Mega-Cities at any cost! But Danser isn't working alone – Dredd's old enemy Orlok is coming to meet her, and he's carrying a cargo intended to pay back everything Dredd did to East-Meg one – with interest!
Anness Publishing Signs, Symbols & Dream Interpretation, The Illustrated Encyclopedia of: The visual vocabulary and secret language that shape our thoughts and dreams and dictate our reactions to the world, with more than 2200 vivid images
Many symbols carry an elemental power that transcends boundaries and holds significance for other cultures. This new and updated edition is a comprehensive and beautiful book that discusses and illustrates thousands of these symbols and assesses their position in language, art, literature, mythology, magic, religion and psychology. In the second half of the book, how we dream and how we interpret dreams is analysed as a way of accessing our subconscious fears, desires and preoccupations. The erudite text provides a wealth of cultural background to primal metaphors that are part of mankind's universal language. The book is both a journey of discovery into the importance of symbolism and dreaming and a vast visual resource of signs and symbols.
Springer International Publishing AG Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy: In Clinical Practice
This book is a comprehensive guide to extracorporeal stone wave lithotripsy (ESWL) that includes a step-by-step approach for treating every possible kidney stone position. The book has an easy to read structure that will help readers understand ESWL quickly.Written by leading experts who have used ESWL to treat over 23000 patients, this book brings together years of practical knowledge and expertise in one concise volume. The book aims to utilise this knowledge and allow people to independently carry out kidney stone treatment on patients. Diagrams and illustrations show the methods and techniques needed in ESWL, as well as the potential complications.
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc Milagros
Let the ancient power of milagros work miracles for you! Based on traditional Latin American talismans, these tiny silver charms are reminders that a miracle can fit in the palm of your hand. Throughout Latin America and the American Southwest, milagros are offered at shrines and sacred sites by believers as requests for divine assistance, or as thanks for blessings received. Modern day milagros may be carried in a pocket to protect from illness or harm, kept in the office to insure success, or placed in the car to avoid accidents--whenever you need a little magic in your life. Milagros: A Book of Miracles is a wonderful introduction to this ancient tradition. Filled with beautiful milagro-inspired imagery, thoughtful meditations and reflections to enhance your daily life, and inspiring true stories of real people who have been touched by the magic of these ancient charms, this book proves that miracle do happen! IF YOU BELIEVE ...A young newlywed pins a milagro to a statue of St. Francis after her husband suffers a near-fatal accident. After his miraculous full recovery, she returns every year to give thanks. A heartbroken man carries a heart-shaped milagro in his pocket after losing the love of his life-shortly after, they are reunited. A surgery patient fastens a milagro above his heart and is restored to better health than his doctors ever anticipated. Milagros--Spanish for miracles--come in an endless variety of shapes and sizes. Since before recorded history, these offerings to the gods have been an essential part of Latin American culture. More than just symbolic gifts, milagros are thought to be magical: if you believe and make your desire known with good faith, the milagro may work its wondrous power. This book is an inspiring introduction to the beauty anddivine blessings of these ancient talismans.
Watkins Media Limited vN
Amy Peterson is a self-replicating humanoid robot known as a VonNeumann.For the past five years, she has been grown slowly as part of a mixed organic/synthetic family. She knows very little about her android mother's past, so when her grandmother arrives and attacks her mother, Amy wastes no time: she eats her alive. Now she carries her malfunctioning granny as a partition on her memory drive, and she's learning impossible things about her clade's history - like the fact that she alone can kill humans without failsafing...File Under: Science Fiction [Von Neumann Sisters | Fail Safe Fail | The Squid & the Swarm | Robot Nation]
Hamad Bin Khalifa University Press Don't Kill Rita
Text in Arabic. Ahmed is fleeing from Syria's inferno to Moscow, where he received his university education years ago, without a plan or a return ticket. All he carries with him is a promise to return to his beloved, and his only connection to her and sole possession: his phone. In Moscow, he becomes entangled in further complications while searching for his friend's wife who has seemingly disappeared with another man. Hoping to prove the accusations against Rita false and ultimately preventing an inevitable crime, Ahmed is desperate for their twisted love story to work out as he sees it as his last sign of hope in the face of a brutal world that is collapsing before him and shattering his idyllic dreams.
University of Washington Press Montana: A History of Two Centuries
Montana: A History of Two Centuries first appeared in 1976 and immediately became the standard work in its field. In this thoroughgoing revision, William L. Lang has joined Michael P. Malone and Richard B. Roeder in carrying forward the narrative to the 1990s. Fully twenty percent of the text is new or revised, incorporating the results of new research and new interpretations dealing with pre-history, Native American studies, ethnic history, women's studies, oral history, and recent political history. In addition, the bibliography has been updated and greatly expanded, new maps have been drawn, and new photographs have been selected.
Odd Dot BuildABear A Wish from the Heart
This novelty book for kids ages 0 to 3 celebrates the endearing Build-a-Bear heart ceremonyit''s the perfect reminder that each cuddly companion carries a wish from their heart, given to them by you! Filled with love and warmth, this book includes your very own interactive heart to move from page to page, marking the beginning of a lifelong friendship and treasured memories ahead. Turn each page for a new sweet message about your bear''s heart and how special it is. It''s the perfect book for Valentine''s Day or any day you want to spread some love.In a world full of wonder, your heart knows best. It's making friends that matters, much more than the rest.
Columbia Books on Architecture and the City Questions Concerning Health – Stress and Wellness in Johannesburg
At a moment when the world's population increasingly lives in urban settings, the public health of cities-or the intersection of stress and wellness with architecture and urbanism-is a matter of pressing concern for designers. Questions Concerning Health reports on this critical terrain, focusing particularly on Johannesburg, South Africa (a notable test case in which the term "social equivalency," used by epidemiologists, also carries considerable historical and spatial resonance). Among the book's research findings is that health is an intensively local phenomenon that demands intensively local responses in the form of more sensitive architectural typologies as well as urban planning. Questions Concerning Health presents a number of essays by experts on urban health and Johannesburg in particular, including the design proposals of eight students who participated in the research studio.
Little, Brown Book Group The Lost Girl
When three men are found hanged in locations around Colchester, Detective Inspector Phil Brennan gets the shock of his life. Not only are the victims dressed to look like him, but each carries a defaced tarot card in the pocket of their identical leather jackets, scrawled across with one name: Phil Brennan.The bodies aren't found in random locations - they're all in places where DI Brennan has caught a murderer. Someone is sending him a message. And he thinks he knows who it is...Shocking and thrilling, in this dramatic new Tania Carver thriller DI Phil Brennan and his wife, psychologist Marina Esposito, have their lives turned upside down as the past comes back to haunt their present with terrifying consequences.
New Directions Publishing Corporation The Sinistra Zone
Entering a weird, remote hamlet, Andrei calls himself “a simple wayfarer,” but he is in fact highly compromised: he has no identity papers. Taken under the wing of the military zone’s commander, Andrei is first assigned to guard the blueberries that supply a nearby bear reserve. He is surrounded by human wrecks, supernatural umbrellas, birds carrying plagues, albino twins. The bears — and an affair with a married woman — occupy Andrei until his protector is replaced by a new female commander, “a slender creature, quiet,diaphanous, like a dragonfly,” and yet an iron-fisted harridan. As things grow ever more alarming, Andrei becomes a “corpse watchman,” standing guard over the dead to check for any signs of life, and then …
Vintage Publishing Our Man In Havana
Discover Graham Greene’s blackly comic and timely espionage thriller, set amid the vice and squalor of pre-revolutionary Havana.‘British Intelligence being sent up something rotten’ Daily Telegraph Wormold is a vacuum cleaner salesman in a city of power cuts. His adolescent daughter spends his money with a skill that amazes him, so when a mysterious Englishman offers him an extra income he's tempted. In return all he has to do is carry out a little espionage and file a few reports. But when his fake reports start coming true, things suddenly get more complicated and Havana becomes a threatening place.WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY CHRISTOPHER HITCHENS
Vintage Publishing The Tale of the Unknown Island
"A man went to knock at the king's door and said, Give me a boat. The king's house had many other doors, but this was the door for petitions. Since the king spent all his time sitting by the door for favours (favours being offered to the king, you understand), whenever he heard someone knocking on the door for petitions, he would pretend not to hear..." Why the petitioner required a boat, where he was bound for, and who volunteered to crew for him and what cargo it was found to be carrying the reader will discover as this short narrative unfolds. And at the end it will be clear that what night appear to be a children's fable is in fact a wry, witty Philosophical Tale that would not have displeased Voltaire or Swift.
Prometheus Books To Light the Flame of Reason: Clear Thinking for the Twenty-First Century
To Light the Flame of Reason is all about the art of clear thinking, an art that is needed now more than ever in the world we now live in. Written for anyone who wants to navigate better in this world filled with populist dogmas, anti-science attitudes, and pseudo-philosophy, authors Christer Sturmark and Douglas Hofstadter provide a set of simple tools for clear thinking, as well as a deeper understanding of science, truth, naturalism, and morality. It also offers insights into the rampant problems of extremism and fundamentalism – and suggestions for how the world can move towards a new enlightenment. The book argues that we need to reawaken the basic values and ideals that defined the original age of enlightenment. We need to accept the idea that the world we inhabit is part of nature, and that it has no trace of supernatural or magical forces. Ethical questions should be detached from religion. This doesn’t mean that the questions become any easier— just that ideas are tested and judged without being profoundly tainted and constrained by religious dogmas.Such a form of secular humanism builds on the power of free thought — the power to investigate and understand the natural world. Although not everything can be investigated or understood, the sincere quest for knowledge and understanding establishes a flexible, nondogmatic attitude toward the world. Curiosity and openness lie at the core of such an attitude. The scientific method of careful and open- minded testing, as well as science’s creative and reflective ways of thinking, provides key tools. What clear, science-inspired thinking helps us to understand, among many other things, is that a person can be good and can be motivated to carry out morally good actions without ever bowing to, or being limited by, supposedly divine forces.To Light the Flame of Reason will appeal to adults who are trying to figure out how to deal with the ever-increasing daily bombardment of conflicting messages about what is right, true, sensible, or good, and it should appeal even more to teenagers and university students who are struggling to find a believable and reliable philosophy of life that can help guide them in their choices of what and whom to trust, and how to act, both on the personal and the social level.Today, more people have greater access to information and knowledge than ever was dreamt of before, and more people are concerned about the world situation. More people have the chance, through their own actions, to make a difference.Each one of us, as an individual, matters. It is thus vitally important that each of us should choose, in a conscious and reflective manner, our own views of reality, of the world, and of humanity. And this means that it is crucial for us all to train ourselves in the art of thinking clearly.Christer Sturmark along with Pulizer Prize winning author Douglas Hofstdter argue that we must refocus our efforts on cultivting a secular society, and in doing so, we will rediscover the values and ethics that are so foreign in today’s society.
Titletown Publishing, LLC Poisoned: Chicago 1907, a Corrupt System, an Accused Killer, and the Crusade to Save Him
A gripping tale of murder, sorcery, and criminal justice in turn-of-the-century Chicago, Poisoned is the fascinating true story of a mysterious Bohemian fortune teller charged with murdering a half-dozen people by slowly poisoning them with arsenic. Poisoned details the horrific murders, and the incredible events that followed Herman Billik's conviction: last second reprieves; legal battles carried all the way to the Supreme Court; frenzied mass demonstrations; corpses secretly exhumed in the middle of the night; and the revelation that key witnesses lied under oath. The case affected political campaigns, involved a Chicago Mayor, and featured an eventual showdown in the race for Governor of Illinois between two of the story's central figures. Indeed, if it were not true, no one would ever believe it.
Nick Hern Books Classical Monologues for Women
THE GOOD AUDITION GUIDES: Helping you select and perform the audition piece that is best suited to your performing skills Each Good Audition Guide contains a range of fresh monologues, all prefaced with a summary of the vital information you need to place the piece in context and to perform it to maximum effect in your own unique way. Each volume also carries a user-friendly introduction on the whole process of auditioning. Classical Monologues for Women contains 50 monologues drawn from classical plays throughout the ages and ranging across all of Western Theatre: * Classical Greek and Roman * Elizabethan and Jacobean * French and Spanish Golden Age * Restoration and Eighteenth Century * Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries Also available: Classical Monologues for Men
Nick Hern Books Classical Monologues for Men
THE GOOD AUDITION GUIDES: Helping you select and perform the audition piece that is best suited to your performing skills Each Good Audition Guide contains a range of fresh monologues, all prefaced with a summary of the vital information you need to place the piece in context and to perform it to maximum effect in your own unique way. Each volume also carries a user-friendly introduction on the whole process of auditioning. Classical Monologues for Men contains 50 monologues drawn from classical plays throughout the ages and ranging across all of Western Theatre: * Classical Greek and Roman * Elizabethan and Jacobean * French and Spanish Golden Age * Restoration and Eighteenth Century * Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries Also available: Classical Monologues for Women
Michael O'Mara Books Ltd She Said: Witty Words from Wise Women
She Said is a wonderful celebration of the wit and wisdom of women through the ages.In it you’ll find writers, artists, politicians, actors, musicians, fashionistas, from Sappho to Beyoncé and Dorothy Parker to Carrie Fisher, all of whom have two things in common: brilliant minds and barbed wits that sting with their precision.Featuring women from as far back as 700 BC and right up to the modern day, the quotations and classic one-liners found here will inspire and delight, whether they are cheeky retorts from the outspoken, barbed reflections from the thoughtful or righteous indignation from the slighted.In the words of Elizabeth von Arnim (1866–1941), 'A woman's tongue is a deadly weapon and the most difficult thing in the world to keep in order.'
WW Norton & Co American Revolutions: A Continental History, 1750-1804
Often understood as a high-minded, orderly event, the American Revolution grows in this masterful history like a ground fire overspreading Britain’s mainland colonies, fuelled by local conditions and resistant to control. Emerging from the rivalries of European empires and their allies, the revolution pivoted on western expansion as well as resistance to new British taxes. In the seaboard cities, leading Patriots mobilised popular support by summoning crowds to harass opponents. Along the frontier, the war often featured guerrilla violence that persisted long after the peace treaty. The smouldering discord called forth a movement to consolidate power in a Federal Constitution but it was Jefferson’s “empire of liberty” that carried the Revolution forward. This magisterial history reveals the American Revolution in its time, free of wishful hindsight.
Hay House Inc I Think, I Am!: Teaching Kids the Power of Affirmations
Through this book - newly repackaged with a fresh format and cover - children can learn and understand the powerful idea that they have control over their thoughts and words, and in turn, what happens in their life.Louise Hay was fond of saying: 'Your thoughts create your life!' Within the pages of I Think, I Am! kids will discover the difference between negative thoughts and positive affirmations. Fun illustrations by Manuela Schwarz adorn simple directions for how to make the change from negative thoughts and words to those that are positive. The happiness and confidence that come from this ability is something children will carry with them their entire lives!
Penguin Putnam Inc Happy St. Patrick's Day from the Crayons
The hilarious crayons from the #1 New York Times bestselling The Day the Crayons Quit are ready to celebrate St. Patrick's Day!St. Patrick's Day is almost here, and Green Crayon would like a break! (After all, he JUST had to carry a heavy load during Christmas...) His friends try to take over, but what's a leprechaun without green clothing? And a four-leaf clover can't be blue! And how in the world can the crayons make a rainbow without their good friend Green? A humorous, small hardcover St. Patrick's Day story from everyone's favorite school supplies. The perfect gift!
Springer International Publishing AG Limb Preservation for the Vascular Specialist: From Wound Care to Wound Closure
This book is a comprehensive guide to the essentials of arterial, venous, wound care, and multidisciplinary approaches to prevent major amputation and manage patients with critical limb threatening ischemia (CLTI). Limb preservation has become increasingly prioritized as endovascular techniques, equipment, understanding of multidisciplinary wound care, and other medical treatments have rapidly evolved. Quite often, these patients have CLTI, which is a primarily chronic arterial disease that carries a higher mortality rate than most cancers and cardiovascular diseases. Additionally, complex venous issues contribute to patients losing their limbs, causing significant morbidity to patients and immense cost to the medical system. Many of these patients have diabetes, kidney problems, and hypertension. Due to the advances in the treatment of CLTI and complex venous diseases, medical professionals have been able to decrease major amputations, which cause the higher mortality rate described above. The knowledge of all the approaches, techniques, and management of these patients, however, has been slow to be disseminated.Acting as a structured journey to all aspects of limb preservation, this book begins by covering the basics of understanding wound care patients. This involves beginning wound care management and properly diagnosing the potential underlying processes with non-invasive imaging. From here, clinical pearls and detailed guidance on considering arterial, venous, and lymphatic therapies are covered. Chapters then move into arterial and venous treatment algorithms, from unique to complex approaches, technique tips and tricks, infection and complication management, and future options. Understanding some of the newer approaches such as deep vein arterialization and hybrid surgical approaches is integral in the discussion. Finally, authors cover evaluating the wound post-procedure and long-term, deciding when re-intervention/surgery or amputation (and which type) is needed, and how to tackle the medication management of these complex patients (such as antiplatelets, anticoagulation, diabetes, and nutrition). Chapters are written by a multidisciplinary group of experts, all with an eye towards limb preservation.This is an ideal guide for endovascular specialists, surgeons, podiatrists, infectious disease specialists, and endocrinologists to be able to successfully increase the likeliness of limb preservation for their patients with CLTI and related conditions.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Time to Talk: Parent's Accounts of Children's Speech Difficulties
"Time to Talk" is about the experience of having a child with early difficulties in learning to talk. It is based on the accounts of the parents of 20 children who took part in a research project, evaluating the effectiveness of community-based speech and language therapy for pre-school children. The book aims to provide infromation for parents and professionals working with young children about the difficulties that may arise in their speech and language development. It also explores how referral to speech and language may be undertaken and describes what attendance at speech and language therapy may entail. While the focus throughout the book is on the parents' responses to their children's difficulties and the therapy process they underwent, the parents' accounts are supplemented with information from other research carried out in the field of early speech and language delays.
Hachette Children's Group Geology Rocks!: Weathering and Erosion
Explore the building blocks of our planet with fun jokes, cartoons and hands-on activities.Find out how weathering breaks rock and erosion carries away the pieces, carving our planet's surface into jagged peaks and deep valleys. Learn about fantastic features from caves and arches to beaches and dunes.This book is part of the Geology Rocks series. This collection of books examines the Earth's make up, from the different types of rock it is made from to discovering the structure of the planet itself and how tectonic plates relate to earthquakes and volcanoes. With a mix of photos and illustrations, these books are perfect for readers aged 7 and up.Other books in the series: Erosion and Weathering / Fossils / Earthquakes and Volcanoes/ The Rock Cycle/ Earth's Layers/ Types of Soil
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Surveyors of the Fabric of Westminster Abbey, 1906-1973: Reports and Letters
Reports of the surveyors of Westminster Abbey in the twentieth century provide a wealth of information on this most important building. The annual reports of the Surveyors of the Fabric in the twentieth century give much detailed information about the maintenance and major restoration of Westminster Abbey and its contents. The Surveyors, William Lethaby, Walter Tapper, Charles Peers and Stephen Dykes Bower, had to deal with many problems and challenges between 1906 and 1973. Not least of these were two World Wars and the most extensive programme of cleaning and re-decoration since the timeof Sir Christopher Wren. Lethaby brought to light original decoration on medieval tombs, lost to sight for centuries under grime and shellac used by his predecessor Gilbert Scott; Tapper had to carry out emergency restoration tothe fan vault of Henry VII's chapel after a stone crashed to the floor; Peers was required to deal with the evacuation of hundreds of treasures during the 1939-45 war and with repairs to bomb damaged areas after it. Dykes Bower, meanwhile, was the most controversial of the Surveyors of this period. His replacement of medieval roof timbers drew criticism, although these were riddled with decay and death watch beetle. The nave could have looked vastly different if his design for a Cosmati work floor had gone ahead. But the Abbey interior would not look as it does today without his massive contribution to the cleaning of the brown stonework and re-decoration of the dirty and damaged Tudor and Jacobean monuments. The Abbey's current Surveyor, Ptolemy Dean, outlines the legacies of the work of these Surveyors of the modern age in his introduction; Christine Reynolds, the Abbey's Assistant Keeper of the Muniments, adds valuable notes from other sources within the archives to supplement the fascinating accounts of work carried out in the most historically significant church in England.
Baker Publishing Group Golden Booklet of the True Christian Life
In this classic devotional, John Calvin urges readers to apply the Christian life in a balanced way to mind, heart, and hand. Rather than focusing on contemplative otherworldliness, the book stresses the importance of a devotedly active Christian life. In style and spirit, this book is much like Augustine's Confessions, Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, or Thomas à Kempis's Imitation of Christ. However, its intense practicality sets it apart, making it easily accessible for any reader seeking to carry out Christian values in everyday life. Chapter themes include obedience, self-denial, the significance of the cross, and how we should live our lives today.
John Wiley & Sons Inc MPLS-Enabled Applications: Emerging Developments and New Technologies
With a foreword by Yakov Rekhter "Here at last is a single, all encompassing resource where the myriad applications sharpen into a comprehensible text that first explains the whys and whats of each application before going on to the technical detail of the hows." —Kireeti Kompella, CTO Junos, Juniper Networks The authoritative guide to MPLS, now in its Third edition, fully updated with brand new material! MPLS is now considered the networking technology for carrying all types of network traffic, including voice telephony, real-time video, and data traffic. In MPLS-Enabled Applications, Third Edition, the authors methodically show how MPLS holds the key to network convergence by allowing operators to offer more services over a single physical infrastructure. The Third Edition contains more than 170 illustrations, new chapters, and more coverage, guiding the reader from the basics of the technology, though all its major VPN applications. MPLS Enabled-Applications contains up-to-date coverage of: The current status and future potential of all major MPLS applications, including L2VPN, L3VPN, pseudowires and VPLS. A new chapter with up to date coverage of the MPLS transport profile, MPLS-TP. MPLS in access networks and Seamless MPLS, the new architecture for extending MPLS into the access, discussed in depth for both the unicast and the multicast case. Extensive coverage of multicast support in L3VPNs (mVPNs), explaining and comparing both the PIM/GRE and the next generation BGP/MPLS solutions, and including a new chapter on advanced topics in next generation multicast VPNs. A new chapter on advanced protection techniques, including detailed discussion of 50 ms end-to-end service restoration. Comprehensive coverage of the base technology, as well as the latest IETF drafts, including topics such as pseudowire redundancy, VPLS multihoming, IRB and P2MP pseudowires. MPLS-Enabled Applications will provide those involved in the design and deployment of MPLS systems, as well as those researching the area of MPLS networks, with a thoroughly modern view of how MPLS is transforming the networking world. "Essential new material for those trying to understand the next steps in MPLS." —Adrian Farrel, IETF Routing Area Director "MPLS-Enabled Applications takes a unique and creative approach in explaining MPLS concepts and how they are applied in practice to meet the needs of Enterprise and Service Provider networks. I consistently recommend this book to colleagues in the engineering, education and business community." —Dave Cooper, Chief IP Technologist, Global Crossing Ltd
Octopus Publishing Group Codex Metallum: The secret art of metal decoded
***Decode the secret language of metal.Metal music has a rich and powerful visual language like no other genre. From death and the devil to mythology and the occult, the artworks of its greatest albums carry a complex hidden code of deeper meanings.Codex Metallum is your unique guide to these visual themes. Featuring the covers of 250 iconic albums from Black Sabbath to Slipknot and Motorhead to Pantera, as well as bespoke illustrations by Rammstein collaborators Fortifem, this one-of-a-kind book decodes the imagery of metal and unlocks the secrets hidden within.Packaged in an embossed, leather-effect case with metallic foil finishes, Codex Metallum is a stunning collector's item and essential reading for any metalhead.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Mindful Law Student: A Mindfulness in Law Practice Guide
The Mindful Law Student is an innovative guide to learning about mindfulness and integrating mindfulness practices into the law school experience. Through the use of metaphor, insight, mindfulness practices, and relaxation, and self-care exercises, students are reminded of the tools they have long carried with them to navigate the exciting and challenging environment of law school and the practice of law. Scott Rogers brings readers on a journey through the law school experience with seven hypothetical students who experience situations that make tangible the challenges, benefits, and promise of mindfulness. He provides real-world examples of applying mindfulness in law school using language of the law to impart mindfulness insights and practices.This novel guide is an approachable and valuable resource for any law student.
Flame Tree Publishing Alice in Wonderland Set of 3 Mini Notebooks
The Alice in Wonderland Set of 3 Mini Notebooks features a collection of three mini, foiled notebooks with alternating lined and blank pages. Each notebook has a different beautiful design by Sir John Tenniel: The White Rabbit, Alice and the Cheshire Cat and Alice Meets the Blue Caterpillar. With a sturdy cover and rounded corners, they are perfect to be carried everywhere! Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland remains one of the best-loved fantasy tales, with the White Rabbit, the Mad Hatter, the Caterpillar, the Queen of Hearts and the Cheshire Cat enjoying an enduring legacy in popular imagination. This gorgeous Collection includes works by Sir John Tenniel and shows some of the most iconic scenes and characters from the book. Flame Tree: The Art of Fine Gifts.
The University of Chicago Press Opera Observed: Views of a Florentine Impresario in the Early Eighteenth Century
In "Opera Observed", William C. Holmes provides a look behind the scenes into the world of early 18th-century Italian opera. Based on a store of recovered documents, mainly the personal papers of Luca Casimiro degli Albizzi, this social history illustrates the complexities of staging opera in the 1720s and '30s: the role of the impresario in planning an operatic season, financial and artistic difficulties, the importance of patronage, the power of individual singers and composers, considerations of set design, and the practice of altering librettos. A member of an illustrious Florentine family, Albizzi (1664-1745) served as one of the principal impresarios of the Pergola, Florence's earliest and greatest opera theatre. He also carried on an active correspondence with impresarios in other cities, freely giving his advice on various economic and artistic concerns.
Flame Tree Publishing Alice in Wonderland Set of 3 Midi Notebooks
The Alice in Wonderland Set of 3 Midi Notebooks features a collection of three midi, foiled notebooks with alternating lined and blank pages. Each notebook has a different beautiful design by Sir John Tenniel: The White Rabbit, Alice and the Cheshire Cat and Alice and the Caterpillar. With a sturdy cover and rounded corners, they are perfect to be carried everywhere! Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland remains one of the best-loved fantasy tales, with the White Rabbit, the Mad Hatter, the Caterpillar, the Queen of Hearts and the Cheshire Cat enjoying an enduring legacy in popular imagination. This gorgeous Collection includes works by Sir John Tenniel and shows some of the most iconic scenes and characters from the book. Flame Tree: The Art of Fine Gifts.
Little, Brown Book Group Equal: How we fix the gender pay gap
'Gracie tells the story of her struggle and eventual triumph as a way of encouraging us, of changing our society, of giving us all courage . . . Equal is a very important book' Sandi ToksvigEqual pay has been the law for half a century. But women often get paid less than men, even when they're doing equal work.Mostly they don't know because pay is secret. But what if a woman finds out? What should she do?In Equal, award-winning journalist Carrie Gracie covers her own experience of holding her employer - the BBC - to account and investigates why we're still being paid unequally. Equal will open your eyes, fix your resolve and give you the tools to act - and act now.'Equal tells a personal story that changed the public debate' Guardian'Pulls no punches' Sunday Times'Full of sound advice for women' Observer'A gripping personal story told with warmth and wit' Julia Gillard, former Australian Prime MinisterLonglisted for the Financial Times Business Book of the Year Award 2019
New Directions Publishing Corporation The Hölderliniae
Each hymn in Nathaniel Tarn’s new collection The Hölderliniae is a love song to the Poet of Poets, Friedrich Hölderlin?— the German Romantic poet-philosopher who spent the last thirty-six years of his life sequestered in a carpenter’s tower in the south of Germany. Tarn speaks through Hölderlin and Hölderlin speaks through Tarn in an act of spiritual and lyric possession unlike anything else in contemporary poetry. The French Revolution—which Hölderlin supported passionately until the Reign of Terror—illuminates our war-torn, ecologically precarious age, as the failures of our age recall past tragedies. Line after line carries Hölderlin’s hope in an ideal of a poetry that can englobe all the mind’s disciplines and make a universe of its own.
New Directions Publishing Corporation Blue Fasa
Nathaniel Mackey’s sixth collection of poems, Blue Fasa, carries forward what the New Yorker has described as the “mythological conception” and “descriptive daring” of his two intertwined serial poems. A long song that's one and more than one, this collection takes its title from two related black musical traditions, a West African griot epic as told by the Fasa, a clan in ancient Ghana, and trumpeter Kenny Dorham’s hard bop classic “Blue Bossa,” influenced by the emergence of Brazilian bossa nova. The book opens with the catch of the heart and the call of romance, as it follows a band of travelers, refugees from history, on their incessant migrations through time, place, and polity toward a truer sense of being and belonging.
DC Comics Batman: The Dark Knight Returns 30th Anniversary Edition
It's the thirtieth anniversary of THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS, and now DC Comics presents this classic title in a newly redesigned edition! Ten years after an aging Batman retired, Gotham City has sunk deeper into decadence and lawlessness. Now, when his city needs him most, the Dark Knight returns in a blaze of glory. Joined by Carrie Kelly, a teenaged Robin, Batman takes to the streets to end the threat of the mutant gangs that have overrun the city. And after facing off against his two greatest enemies, the Joker and Two-Face, for the final time, Batman finds himself in mortal combat with his former ally, Superman. The original 4-issue miniseries is presented here in its entirety.