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Peepal Tree Press Ltd Joanstown and Other Poems
Between the title poem and other poems in the collection, Michael Gilkes sets up a dialogue about memory and experience through time. Joanstown celebrates, in the voice of both younger and older selves, the interweaving of a loved woman and a place. The elegant Georgetown of the 1940s, with its 'cross-stitching of avenues, bridges, canals' is transfigured by the presence of the beloved as she becomes the city's embodiment. The very concreteness of the recreation of a time when happiness came so easily, and of the genesis of a marriage whose seeming perfection leads to hubris, is made the more moving for the reader by the framing awareness of its evanescence.But there are other frames that transform the experience of loss into the consolations of art. In exploring the ancient hinterland of metamorphosis behind metaphor, Gilkes puts change at the heart of life. There is the transformation by love's fire of the lumpen boy, the class clown, 'a quasi-Quasimodo humped over a wooden desk', into the transfigured bridegroom whose 'body... floated towards the organ loft', or of the town's zinc roofs which 'curled like leaves' over the burning city, or of Joanstown's innocence inverted in the horror of Jonestown: 'carnage in paradise'. Another frame uses the base elements. In Guyana, fire and flood represent a constant cycle of destruction and renewal. This offers a rich source of visual metaphor but also brings to the poems a sense of time beyond the linearity of loss. The mud, rivers and rainforest of Guyana give birth, for instance, to the iridescent imagination of Wilson Harris, the 'steersman' whose example Gilkes so gracefully acknowledges.There are poems of lyric grace, intellectual playfulness and ironic wit; poems where Gilkes brings a painter's eye to his descriptions of both urban Guyana and its rainforests. Carefully sculpted sonnets, dramatic monologues, a pithy Creole letter and a calypso narrative show the range of Gilkes' voice, revealing him to be not only one of the Caribbean's most distinguished critics and dramatists, but a poet of major accomplishment. Joanstown won the 2002 Guyana Prize as the best collection of poetry.Michael Gilkes was born in Guyana in 1933 and left in 1961, but has never strayed far from Guyana and the Caribbean. He is one of the region's foremost literary critics and playwrights, as well as an actor, director, film-maker and university lecturer.
Taylor & Francis Inc Testing of Genetically Modified Organisms in Foods
Examine several methods of testing for genetically modified organisms and the reasons behind their strict regulation! Testing of Genetically Modified Organisms in Foods is the first study of the screening methods and tools utilized for determining the presence of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in food products. Leading experts in science, medicine, and government agencies examine the significant research and clinical developments in bio-engineered agriculture to bring you an accurate risk assessment of GMOs in relation to human consumption, economics, and the environment. This book focuses on three high-profile biotechnological commercial aspects of GMO inclusion in the world market: insect resistance, herbicide tolerance, and virus resistance. It also identifies new GM food crops that are in the laboratory and may soon be on your table. Testing of Genetically Modified Organisms in Foods looks at GMOs from the perspectives of both sides of the globethe European Union and the United States Department of Agriculturewho each have their own set of rules and opinions regarding safety issues and marketing of bioengineered food products. This book looks at the government standards of scientific testing for GMOs, and several chapters specifically analyze current screening methods. This book also explores the impact of GMOs on farming, agricultural economy, pesticide control, and world famine. Testing of Genetically Modified Organisms in Foods brings you current information on: the risks and benefits of agricultural biotechnologyto people and the environment the regulations and protocols of testing for GMOs that have been adopted by European and United States agencies scientific techniques that test for GMOs, including certified reference materials (CRMs) and matrix-based, protein-based, and DNA-based methods of testing the limitations of today’s GMO screening methods and the benefits of alternatives that may be used in the future the long-term risks associated with gene flow of GMOs to other plants, specifically focusing on liabilities, regulatory climates, and intellectual property rights Testing of Genetically Modified Organisms in Foods is generously enhanced with figures, tables, and graphs as well as references at the end of every chapter. The commercialization of agricultural biotechnology makes this text essential for scientists, planners, and students of food, agriculture and environmental science. Government officials and activists will find this book invaluable in debating current issues of agricultural biotechnology and food safety.
Cornell University Press The Angola Horror: The 1867 Train Wreck That Shocked the Nation and Transformed American Railroads
On December 18, 1867, the Buffalo and Erie Railroad’s eastbound New York Express derailed as it approached the high truss bridge over Big Sister Creek, just east of the small settlement of Angola, New York, on the shores of Lake Erie. The last two cars of the express train were pitched completely off the tracks and plummeted into the creek bed below. When they struck bottom, one of the wrecked cars was immediately engulfed in flames as the heating stoves in the coach spilled out coals and ignited its wooden timbers. The other car was badly smashed. About fifty people died at the bottom of the gorge or shortly thereafter, and dozens more were injured. Rescuers from the small rural community responded with haste, but there was almost nothing they could do but listen to the cries of the dying—and carry away the dead and injured thrown clear of the fiery wreck. The next day and in the weeks that followed, newspapers across the country carried news of the "Angola Horror," one of the deadliest railway accidents to that point in U.S. history. In a dramatic historical narrative, Charity Vogel tells the gripping, true-to-life story of the wreck and the characters involved in the tragic accident. Her tale weaves together the stories of the people—some unknown; others soon to be famous—caught up in the disaster, the facts of the New York Express’s fateful run, the fiery scenes in the creek ravine, and the subsequent legal, legislative, and journalistic search for answers to the question: what had happened at Angola, and why? The Angola Horror is a classic story of disaster and its aftermath, in which events coincide to produce horrific consequences and people are forced to respond to experiences that test the limits of their endurance. Vogel sets the Angola Horror against a broader context of the developing technology of railroads, the culture of the nation’s print media, the public policy legislation of the post–Civil War era, and, finally, the culture of death and mourning in the Victorian period. The Angola Horror sheds light on the psyche of the American nation. The fatal wreck of an express train nine years later, during a similar bridge crossing in Ashtabula, Ohio, serves as a chilling coda to the story.
John Wiley & Sons Inc African American Military Heroes
Throughout American history, succeeding in the military has demanded unflagging courage, strength of character, and a patriotic spirit. For an African American man or woman, serving in the military has also meant battling oppression and struggling against deep-seated prejudice. Those who persevered were not only warriors, nurses, or leaders—they were heroes and heroines. In this action-packed collection, you will meet thirty brave and determined African American military heroes, from the eighteenth century up to the present. You'll discover little-known facts about their families and careers, as well as the remarkable odds each of them overcame. Ranging from the Revolutionary War to Vietnam and the Persian Gulf War, these exciting stories show you how: Private Peter Salem, born into slavery, led the charge against the British redcoats at the Battle of Bunker Hill and turned the tide in America's fight for independence. Harriet Tubman, famous for her daring in the Underground Railroad, worked as a spy and nurse for the Union army during the Civil War. Private Henry Johnson, a member of the first black combat battalion in World War I, single-handedly withstood a German ambush and received the Croix de Guerre, France's highest honor for bravery in action. Brigadier General Hazel W. Johnson, chief of the Army Nursing Corps, blazed a trail in the struggle for racial integration in the armed forces during World War II, becoming the military's highest-ranking African American woman. General Colin L. Powell, recipient of the Purple Heart in Vietnam, steadily rose through army ranks to become the first African American chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, overseeing the U.S. invasion of Panama and Operation Desert Storm. This extraordinary collection highlights these and dozens of other absorbing stories of dedicated defenders of America. BLACK STARS Meet the courageous black stars who defended our liberty with uncommon valor—from the early years to modern times: Vernon J. Baker Guion S. Bluford Jr. Sherian Cadoria William H. Carney Austin Dabney Benjamin O. Davis Sr. Benjamin O. Davis Jr. Martin Robison Delany Charity Adams Earley Christian A. Fleetwood Henry O. Flipper Robert O. Goodman Jr. William Goyens Samuel L. Gravely Jr. Lemuel Haynes Michael A. Healy Daniel "Chappie" James Jr. Hazel W. Johnson Henry Johnson Dorie Miller Pinckney Benton Stewart Pinchback Colin L. Powell Peter Salem Deborah Sampson Robert Smalls Harriet Tubman John Bathan Vashon Peter Vogelsang George Washington Williams Charles A. Young
Cornell University Press Empire of Humanity: A History of Humanitarianism
Empire of Humanity explores humanitarianism’s remarkable growth from its humble origins in the early nineteenth century to its current prominence in global life. In contrast to most contemporary accounts of humanitarianism that concentrate on the last two decades, Michael Barnett ties the past to the present, connecting the antislavery and missionary movements of the nineteenth century to today’s peacebuilding missions, the Cold War interventions in places like Biafra and Cambodia to post–Cold War humanitarian operations in regions such as the Great Lakes of Africa and the Balkans; and the creation of the International Committee of the Red Cross in 1863 to the emergence of the major international humanitarian organizations of the twentieth century. Based on extensive archival work, close encounters with many of today’s leading international agencies, and interviews with dozens of aid workers in the field and at headquarters, Empire of Humanity provides a history that is both global and intimate. Avoiding both romanticism and cynicism, Empire of Humanity explores humanitarianism’s enduring themes, trends, and, most strikingly, ethical ambiguities. Humanitarianism hopes to change the world, but the world has left its mark on humanitarianism. Humanitarianism has undergone three distinct global ages—imperial, postcolonial, and liberal—each of which has shaped what humanitarianism can do and what it is. The world has produced not one humanitarianism, but instead varieties of humanitarianism. Furthermore, Barnett observes that the world of humanitarianism is divided between an emergency camp that wants to save lives and nothing else and an alchemist camp that wants to remove the causes of suffering. These camps offer different visions of what are the purpose and principles of humanitarianism, and, accordingly respond differently to the same global challenges and humanitarianism emergencies. Humanitarianism has developed a metropolis of global institutions of care, amounting to a global governance of humanity. This humanitarian governance, Barnett observes, is an empire of humanity: it exercises power over the very individuals it hopes to emancipate. Although many use humanitarianism as a symbol of moral progress, Barnett provocatively argues that humanitarianism has undergone its most impressive gains after moments of radical inhumanity, when the "international community" believes that it must atone for its sins and reduce the breach between what we do and who we think we are. Humanitarianism is not only about the needs of its beneficiaries; it also is about the needs of the compassionate.
Paul Holberton Publishing Ltd Hardy'S Wessex: The Landscapes That Inspired a Writer
This fascinating book tells the story of Thomas Hardy's Wessex. Accompanying a multi-venue exhibition, it explores Hardy's life and work.Internationally-acclaimed writer Thomas Hardy (1840-1928) is best known for his evocative depictions of the West Country landscape and its people, a region that he called 'Wessex'. What is less well-known is that this landscape also inspired him in many other aspects of his life, from campaigning for animal welfare to questioning the way society viewed women. This publication accompanies a blockbuster, multi-venue exhibition of the largest collection of Thomas Hardy memorabilia ever to be displayed at once. Hardy was born in the West Country, a few years after Queen Victoria came to the throne, and spent most of the rest of his life among its landscapes and people. When he turned writer, these landscapes and people re-emerged as his 'partly-real, partlydream country' of Wessex, in novels like Tess of the d'Urbervilles, Far from the Madding Crowd and Jude the Obscure.Hardy's Wessex now conjures up a range of mental images: from raging seas on the coast to haunting ancient monuments, Victorian towns packed with life to peaceful hillsides grazed by sheep. However, through Hardy's 87-year life span, the West Country changed dramatically. Ideas of the role of women, humans' responsibility to animals, the realities of war, love and courtship, superstition, social structure, religion and how people related to the world around them altered fundamentally. Through his stories and campaigning, Hardy was keen to show not only the rural idyll, but also the tensions and difficulties that lay beneath these views.These dramatic landscapes were the lens through which Hardy presented his worldview to his readership. From the tragedy of a woman saying farewell to her sailorlover on the end of Portland Bill, to a shepherd losing his flock and facing ultimate ruin on the chalky hills. The landscapes shape his characters, whose stories in turn convey his messages of social change to his readers.This publication will explore the impact that Wessex had on Hardy's works, and how living there shaped his views on the often divisive social issues of the period. Uniting beautiful landscape imagery with a selection of personal items from Hardy's life, this book will show you the man behind the literature.
American Psychiatric Association Publishing Pocket Guide for the Assessment and Treatment of Eating Disorders
An exceptionally practical book for clinicians who are interested in evaluating and treating eating disorders in children and adults, Pocket Guide for the Assessment and Treatment of Eating Disorders, provides expert guidance in a succinct and accessible format. Most people with eating disorders lack access to specialty services, leaving the majority undiagnosed and untreated. The editors and contributors, Stanford University researchers and clinicians, have written the book for nonspecialists in hopes that it will foster the development of relevant clinical skills and allow them to help patients with eating disorders in their practices. This book is squarely aimed at the big picture while highlighting the most important additional details. The first chapter provides an overview of all the major eating disorders and also includes a discussion of issues related to screening, race, culture, and gender that are cross-cutting and applicable to all the diagnostically themed chapters. Each of the remaining chapters focuses on a specific diagnostic group and is organized systematically to allow the reader to easily identify comparable elements across diagnostic groupings quickly.Helpful features of the book include: • Consistent chapter structure for ease of access. Each chapter begins with a brief introduction, followed by a key diagnostic checklist, diagnostic rule outs, risks and epidemiology, psychiatric and medical comorbidity, clinical presentations, evidence-based interventions, treatments illustrated, a clinical decision-making flow chart, common outcomes, resources and further readings, and references.• Stand-alone chapters, allowing the user to access all the pertinent information without prerequisite preparation.• Short narrative vignettes describing each of the major evidence-based interventions for each diagnostic grouping. These model effective practitioner-patient interactions and help readers improve their clinical skills. In addition, there are vignettes across the age spectrum, affording the reader valuable exposure to a full range of cases.• Emphasis on evidence-based treatments. Evidential support is graded based on slightly modified criteria developed by the American Psychological Association, with Levels 1 to 4—from established treatments to those of questionable efficacy.• Generous use of tables and figures, comprising all the major content in a concise, easily understandable fashion. Authoritative, accessible, and designed to fit in a lab coat pocket, Pocket Guide for the Assessment and Treatment of Eating Disorders is a practical book which will help busy clinicians quickly find the most relevant and updated information, without overwhelming them with detail.
APress Quick Start Guide to FFmpeg: Learn to Use the Open Source Multimedia-Processing Tool like a Pro
Create, edit, modify and convert multimedia files using FFmpeg, the most versatile open source audio and video processing tool available for Linux, Mac and Windows users. After reading this book, you will be able to work with video and audio files, images, text, animations, fonts, subtitles and metadata like a pro. It begins with a simple introduction to FFmpeg executables — ffmpeg, ffprobe and ffplay, and explains how you can use them to process multimedia containers, streams, audio channels, maps and metadata. It then describes how you can easily edit, enhance and convert audio, video, image and text files. There are dedicated chapters for filters, audio, subtitles and metadata, as well as FFmpeg tips and tricks. Sample lists of FFmpeg filters, encoders, decoders, formats and codecs are also available as appendices. Quick Start Guide to FFmpeg is for anyone who needs to edit or process multimedia files including studio professionals, broadcast personnel, content creators, podcasters, librarians, archivists and webmasters. It will be indispensable for those wanting to process a variety of multimedia files from the command line and inside shell scripts or custom-built software. You Will Learn To: Convert from one format to another e.g. video-to-video, video-to-audio, video-to-image, image-to-video, video-to-animation, animation-to-video, text-to-audio, text-to-video Edit video files by cutting them with and without re-encoding, appending, resizing, changing frame rate and aspect ratio, mixing in audio Use filters to rotate, flip, crop, overlay (side-by-side or inset), remove logos, blur, smooth and sharpen, apply transitions as well as speed up or down playback Edit audio files by changing, normalizing or compressing volume, mixing and splitting channels and detecting silence. Also, learn to generate waveforms as video or images Add subtitles, place them anywhere on the screen, use custom fonts and colors, and use different languages Learn how to import, export and remove metadata, add MP3 tags (including album art), set global and stream-specific metadata, export and remove metadata This Book For:Content creators and bloggers from professional studio employees to Youtubers and hobbyists who need to process their own multimedia content; multimedia archivists and librarians; regular Linux desktop users
Orion Publishing Co The Rearranged Life of Oona Lockhart: The topsy turvy life affirming adventure
THE GOOD MORNING AMERICA BOOK CLUB PICKAMAZON EDITORS' 20 BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR'With its countless epiphanies and surprises, Oona proves difficult to put down' USA Today'By turns tragic and triumphant, heartbreakingly poignant and joyful, this is ultimately an uplifting and redemptive read' Guardian___________OONA'S LIFE IS OUT OF ORDER Brooklyn, 1982. Oona Lockhart is about to celebrate her 19th birthday and ring in the New Year. But at the stroke of midnight, she finds herself in her fifty-one-year-old body, thirty-two years into the future.Every birthday, Oona leaps into a different year of her life at random. Still young on the inside, but ever changing on the outside, who will she be next year? Nineties Club Kid? World traveller? Wife to a man she's never met? As the years pass, Oona must learn to navigate a life that's out of order . . . but is it broken? Surprising, magical and poignant, Margarita Montimore's debut is an uplifting joyride through an ever-changing world that shows us what it means to truly live for now.People can't get enough of Oona Lockhart:'A heartfelt novel' Kirkus 'Surprising and touching' Publishers Weekly 'A wonderful and exciting read about living in the moment' Woman's Way'Wow what a book! The perfect blend of angst, romance, pop-culture, and time travel . . . such a fun concept' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'I am not a huge time travel reader but the way it was done here was so intriguing . . . Oona had many emotions to deal with, so many decisions to make based on snippets of her life she was putting together like a puzzle' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'If Rebecca Searle's THE DINNER LIST and Blake Crouch's RECURSION had a book baby, it would be THE REARRANGED LIFE OF OONA LOCKHART . . . full of heart, humour and geeky genre fun' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'I have never read anything like this . . . I loved seeing [Oona's] growth and progression as she is maturing and understanding more of what should be experienced' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'I stayed up late to read this . . . the concept was so beautifully executed . . . it's one of those stories that keeps your brain churning about the "what-if"s and the endless possibilities that a concept creates' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'I just loved the way Oona bounced back around at different time periods of her life, and I found myself completely entranced to see what part of her life I would get to see next' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
APA Publications Insight Guides Ireland (Travel Guide with Free eBook)
This Insight Guide is a lavishly illustrated inspirational travel guide to Ireland and a beautiful souvenir of your trip. Perfect for travellers looking for a deeper dive into the destination's history and culture, it's ideal to inspire and help you plan your travels. With its great selection of places to see and colourful magazine-style layout, this Ireland guidebook is just the tool you need to accompany you before or during your trip. Whether it's deciding when to go, choosing what to see or creating a travel plan to cover key places like Dublin and Connemara, it will answer all the questions you might have along the way. It will also help guide you when you'll be exploring the Aran Islands or discovering the Glens of Antrim on the ground. Our Ireland travel guide was fully-updated post-COVID-19. The Insight Guide Ireland covers: Dublin, Excursions from Dublin, The Southeast, Cork and Surroundings, The Southwest, Limerick and the Shannon Region, The Cliffs of Moher, The Burren Galway and the West, and Inland Ireland.In this guide book to Ireland you will find: IN-DEPTH CULTURAL AND HISTORICAL FEATURES Created to provide a deeper dive into the culture and the history of Ireland to get a greater understanding of its modern-day life, people and politics. BEST OFThe top attractions and Editor's Choice featured in this Ireland guide book highlight the most special places to visit.TIPS AND FACTSUp-to-date historical timeline and in-depth cultural background to Ireland as well as an introduction to Ireland's food and drink, and fun destination-specific features. PRACTICAL TRAVEL INFORMATION A-Z of useful advice on everything, from when to go to Ireland, how to get there and how to get around, to Ireland's climate, advice on tipping, etiquette and more.COLOUR-CODED CHAPTERS Every part of the destination, from Cork to Inland Ireland has its own colour assigned for easy navigation of this Ireland travel guide.CURATED PLACES, HIGH-QUALITY MAPSGeographically organised text, cross-referenced against full-colour, high-quality travel maps for quick orientation in Dublin, Belfast and many other locations in Ireland.STRIKING PICTURESThis guide book to Ireland features inspirational colour photography, including the stunning Glendalough and the spectacular Rock of Cashel.FREE EBOOK Free eBook download with every purchase of this travel guide to Ireland to access all the content from your phone or tablet, for on-the-road exploration.
APA Publications Insight Guides Germany (Travel Guide with Free eBook)
This Insight Guide is a lavishly illustrated inspirational travel guide to Germany and a beautiful souvenir of your trip. Perfect for travellers looking for a deeper dive into the destination's history and culture, it's ideal to inspire and help you plan your travels. With its great selection of places to see and colourful magazine-style layout, this Germany guidebook is just the tool you need to accompany you before or during your trip. Whether it's deciding when to go, choosing what to see or creating a travel plan to cover key places like Berlin, Lake Constance and Frankfurt, it will answer all the questions you might have along the way. It will also help guide you while exploring Hamburg or discovering Munich on the ground. Our Germany travel guide was fully-updated post-COVID-19. The Insight Guide Germany covers: Berlin and the Eastern States, Munich and the deep South, Frankfurt and the seven states, Hamburg and the coast.In this guide book to Germany you will find: IN-DEPTH CULTURAL AND HISTORICAL FEATURES Created to provide a deeper dive into the culture and the history of Germany to get a greater understanding of its modern-day life, people and politics. BEST OFThe top attractions and Editor's Choice featured in this Germany guide book highlight the most special places to visit.TIPS AND FACTSUp-to-date historical timeline and in-depth cultural background to Germany as well as an introduction to Germany's food and drink, and fun destination-specific features. PRACTICAL TRAVEL INFORMATION A-Z of useful advice on everything, from when to go to Germany, how to get there and how to get around, to Germany's climate, advice on tipping, etiquette and more.COLOUR-CODED CHAPTERS Every part of the destination, from Berlin and the Eastern States, to Munich and the deep South, has its own colour assigned for easy navigation of this Germany travel guide.CURATED PLACES, HIGH-QUALITY MAPSGeographically organised text, cross-referenced against full-colour, high-quality travel maps for quick orientation in Dresden, Leipzig, and many other locations in Germany.STRIKING PICTURESThis guide book to Germany features inspirational colour photography, including the stunning Cologne Cathedral, and the spectacular Schloss Sanssouci.FREE EBOOK Free eBook download with every purchase of this travel guide to Germany to access all the content from your phone or tablet, for on-the-road exploration.
APA Publications Insight Guides Northern Spain (Travel Guide with Free eBook)
This Insight Guide is a lavishly illustrated inspirational travel guide to Northern Spain and a beautiful souvenir of your trip. Perfect for travellers looking for a deeper dive into the destination's history and culture, it's ideal to inspire and help you plan your travels. With its great selection of places to see and colourful magazine-style layout, this Northern Spain guidebook is just the tool you need to accompany you before or during your trip. Whether it's deciding when to go, choosing what to see or creating a travel plan to cover key places like Picos de Europa, the Guggenheim Museum, it will answer all the questions you might have along the way. It will also help guide you when you'll be exploring Bilbao or discovering San Sebastian on the ground. Our Northern Spain travel guide was fully-updated post-COVID-19. The Insight Guide NORTHERN SPAIN covers: Eastern and Central Pyrenees, The Basque Country, Cantabria, Picos de Europa, Asturias, Castilla Y León, Galicia.In this guide book to Northern Spain you will find: IN-DEPTH CULTURAL AND HISTORICAL FEATURES Created to explore the culture and the history of Northern Spain to get a greater understanding of its modern-day life, people and politics. BEST OFThe top attractions and editor's choice featured in this Northern Spain guide book highlight the most special places to visit.TIPS AND FACTSUp-to-date historical timeline and in-depth cultural background to Northern Spain as well as an introduction to Northern Spain's food and drink and fun destination-specific features. PRACTICAL TRAVEL INFORMATION A-Z of useful advice on everything from when to go to Northern Spain, how to get there and how to get around, as well as Northern Spain's climate, advice on tipping, etiquette and more. CURATED PLACES, HIGH-QUALITY MAPSGeographically organised text cross-referenced against full-colour, high-quality travel maps for quick orientation in León, Navarra and many more locations in Northern Spain.COLOUR-CODED CHAPTERS Every part of the destination, from Pamplona to Galicia has its own colour assigned for easy navigation of this Northern Spain travel guide.STRIKING PICTURESThis guide book to Northern Spain features inspirational colour photography, including the stunning Santiago de Compostela and the spectacular Ordesa National Park.FREE EBOOK Free eBook download with every purchase of this travel guide to Northern Spain to access all the content from your phone or tablet, for on-the-road exploration.
Lonely Planet Global Limited Lonely Planet's Best in Travel 2024
Lonely Planet's annual bestseller returns to mark our 50th anniversary. This special edition sets the travel agenda for the year to come, with an inspirational list of 50 incredible destinations to experience over the forthcoming year. Expect a mix of emerging travel hotspots, underappreciated places and fresh-takes on well-known locations. Inside Lonely Planet's Best in Travel 2024: An expert panel judge and select 5 ranked lists of 10 destinations, covering the themes of: Top 10 Countries, Top 10 Regions, Top 10 Cities, Top 10 Best Value Destinations and Top 10 Sustainable Travel Destinations Voted on by Lonely Planet's writers, staff and community Each destination profile features timely reasons to visit in 2024, expertly curated itineraries and practical advice to have the best travel experience when visiting Featured Top 10 Lists: Top 10 Countries: Mongolia; India; Morocco; Chile; Benin; Mexico; Uzbekistan; Pakistan; Croatia; St Lucia Top 10 Regions: Western Balkans' Trans Dinarica Cycling Route; Kangaroo Island, South Australia; Tuscany, Italy; Donegal, Ireland; País Vasco, Spain; Southern Thailand; Swahili Coast, Tanzania; Montana, USA; Saafelden Leogang, Austria; Far North Scotland Top 10 Cities: Nairobi, Kenya; Paris, France; Montreal, Canada; Mostar, Bosnia; Philadelphia, USA; Manaus, Brazil; Jakarta, Indonesia; Prague, The Czech Republic; Izmir, Turkey; Kansas City, Missouri Top 10 Sustainable Travel Spots: Spain; Patagonia, Argentina & Chile; Greenland; Wales' Trails; The Portuguese Way / Caminho Português de Santiago; Palau; Hokkaido, Japan; Ecuador; Baltic Trails of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania; Eco-lodges in South Africa Top 10 Best Value Destinations: The Midwest, USA; Poland; Nicaragua; Danube Limes, Romania; Normandy, France; Egypt; Ikaria, Greece; Algeria; Southern Lakes & Central Otago, New Zealand; Night trains, Europe About Lonely Planet: Lonely Planet, a Red Ventures Company, is the world's number one travel guidebook brand. Providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveller since 1973, Lonely Planet reaches hundreds of millions of travellers each year online and in print and helps them unlock amazing experiences. Visit us at and join our community of followers on Facebook (, Twitter (@lonelyplanet), Instagram (, and TikTok (@lonelyplanet).'Lonely Planet. It's on everyone's bookshelves; it's in every traveller's hands. It's on mobile phones. It's on the Internet. It's everywhere, and it's telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.' – Fairfax Media (Australia)
John Wiley & Sons Inc Intelligent Credit Scoring: Building and Implementing Better Credit Risk Scorecards
A better development and implementation framework for credit risk scorecards Intelligent Credit Scoring presents a business-oriented process for the development and implementation of risk prediction scorecards. The credit scorecard is a powerful tool for measuring the risk of individual borrowers, gauging overall risk exposure and developing analytically driven, risk-adjusted strategies for existing customers. In the past 10 years, hundreds of banks worldwide have brought the process of developing credit scoring models in-house, while ‘credit scores' have become a frequent topic of conversation in many countries where bureau scores are used broadly. In the United States, the ‘FICO' and ‘Vantage' scores continue to be discussed by borrowers hoping to get a better deal from the banks. While knowledge of the statistical processes around building credit scorecards is common, the business context and intelligence that allows you to build better, more robust, and ultimately more intelligent, scorecards is not. As the follow-up to Credit Risk Scorecards, this updated second edition includes new detailed examples, new real-world stories, new diagrams, deeper discussion on topics including WOE curves, the latest trends that expand scorecard functionality and new in-depth analyses in every chapter. Expanded coverage includes new chapters on defining infrastructure for in-house credit scoring, validation, governance, and Big Data. Black box scorecard development by isolated teams has resulted in statistically valid, but operationally unacceptable models at times. This book shows you how various personas in a financial institution can work together to create more intelligent scorecards, to avoid disasters, and facilitate better decision making. Key items discussed include: Following a clear step by step framework for development, implementation, and beyond Lots of real life tips and hints on how to detect and fix data issues How to realise bigger ROI from credit scoring using internal resources Explore new trends and advances to get more out of the scorecard Credit scoring is now a very common tool used by banks, Telcos, and others around the world for loan origination, decisioning, credit limit management, collections management, cross selling, and many other decisions. Intelligent Credit Scoring helps you organise resources, streamline processes, and build more intelligent scorecards that will help achieve better results.
HarperCollins Publishers Elsewhere
In ELSEWHERE, master storyteller Dean Koontz, has created a brilliant and terrifying speculative thriller with hat-tips to George Orwell, Ray Bradbury and HG Wells. In the little South Californian town of Suavidad Beach, Jeff Coltrane is raising his daughter Amity on his own, ever since his wife Michelle went missing seven years ago. He’s doing a pretty good job of it, and though Amity misses her mom she pours her excess love into her pet mouse Snowball: she’s on a promise for her own puppy if she proves she can take good care of the mouse. Then one day their itinerant friend Ed – known locally as ‘Mr Spooky’ – hands into Jeff’s care a small box containing ‘the key to everything’, with the warning that it’s worth around $76 billion, and that he has a demonic posse on his tail searching for it, and that because it's both so powerful and so valuable, they’ll never give up their quest to get their hands on it. He’ll come back for it in a year: but on no account during that time is Jeff to open the box. Jeff quickly hides it away, which is just as well, since some sinister ‘federal’ agents soon turn up on his doorstep, making threats and looking for Ed. With his beloved wife missing, having the key to everything in his possession proves to be just too much of a temptation for Jeff, and not long afterwards he opens the box and activates the key. It seems, to begin with, that nothing has changed; but then he starts to notice subtle differences around the house, and outside, the weather has changed and they appear to have different neighbours. Down in the town, everything is a little more shabby. In the park, Amity kicks over some pebbles, before realising they are bloodied teeth. There’s the smell of burning books on the air. And up on the ridgeline overlooking the town, thirteen large crows are perched like the living totems of a clan of malicious wizards… The screen of the key reads ELSEWHERE 1.13.It offers three options: HOME, SELECT or RETURN. Somewhere out there in the multiverse, Michelle – adored wife and mother – is still alive. But dare Jeff and Amity – and Snowball – use the key to track her down, with the demonic posse after them and unknown terrors in the other versions of their world?
Transworld Publishers Ltd Great Circle: The soaring and emotional novel shortlisted for the Women’s Prize for Fiction 2022 and shortlisted for the Booker Prize 2021
THE NEW YORK TIMES AND TIMES BESTSELLER_______________________'A gripping historical adventure that feels sharp, fresh and modern' STYLIST'So beautiful, so daring, so complete' TAYLOR JENKINS REID'A masterpiece' NIGELLA LAWSON'Extraordinary' NEW YORK TIMES'Wonderful' GOOD HOUSEKEEPING MAGAZINE_______________________A soaring, breathtakingly ambitious novel that weaves together the astonishing lives of a 1950s vanished female aviator and the modern-day Hollywood actress who plays her on screen.Marian Graves is driven by a need for freedom and danger. From her days as a wild child in prohibition America to the blitz and glitz of wartime London, she is determined to live an independent life.But it is an obsession with flight that consumes her most.Having become one of the most fearless pilots in her time, she sets out to do what no one has done before: to circumnavigate the globe from pole to pole.But shortly before completing the journey, her plane disappears, lost to history.Over half a century later, troubled film star Hadley Baxter is offered to play Marian in the comeback role of a lifetime. From the first pages of the script, Hadley is drawn inexorably to the female pilot.It is a role that will lead her to an unexpected discovery, throwing fresh and spellbinding light on the story of the unknowable Marian Graves._______________________WATERSTONES FICTION BOOK OF THE MONTH JUNE 2022SHORTLISTED FOR THE WOMEN'S PRIZE FOR FICTION 2022SHORTLISTED FOR THE BOOKER PRIZE 2021A ROYAL READING ROOM PICK 2023SHORTLISTED FOR THE HWA GOLD CROWN 2022TIME MAGAZINE BOOK OF THE YEAR 2021NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER MAY 2021TIMES BESTSELLER JUNE 2022_______________________'Full of adventure, passion and tragedy' THE TIMES'Soars from the very first page' SUNDAY EXPRESS'Luminous, masterful. Glides seamlessly through the 20th century' TELEGRAPH, Best Fiction of 2021'Breathtaking' OBSERVER'Truly exceptional storytelling, combining a sweeping arc of history with writing that, at sentence level, is near-flawless.' THE BOOKSELLER'A tour-de-force' DAILY EXPRESS'Impressive and gripping' SUNDAY TIMES'Surprising and moving at every turn' GUARDIAN'Audacious and Immersive' DAILY MAIL'Accomplished and ambitious' FINANCIAL TIMESReaders love GREAT CIRCLE:***** What a read! Immense story with beautifully created characters***** The story is so well researched and planned; historical fiction standing side by side with history itself***** This is a stunning achievement, my perspective feels fundamentally transformed through reading it***** A wonderful saga, covering a large chunk of the twentieth century
Little, Brown Book Group The Paris Seamstress: Transporting, Twisting, the Most Heartbreaking Novel You'll Read This Year
**THE FRENCH PHOTOGRAPHER is now available in ebook**THE INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER'This has to be the most beautiful book I've read in a very long time' *****'The best book I have read!' *****'Superbly written with characters I truly cared and worried about' *****'If you like Kate Morton or Lucinda Riley, you'll like this too' *****Crossing generations, society's boundaries and international turmoil, The Paris Seamstress is a beguiling, transporting story perfect for fans of Lucinda Riley, Kate Furnivall, Kate Morton and Penny Vincenzi.***************What must Estella sacrifice to make her mark?1940: Parisian seamstress Estella Bissette is forced to flee France as the Germans advance. She is bound for Manhattan with a few francs, one suitcase, her sewing machine and a dream: to have her own atelier.2015: Australian curator Fabienne Bissette journeys to the annual Met Gala for an exhibition of her beloved grandmother's work - one of the world's leading designers of ready-to-wear. But as Fabienne learns more about her grandmother's past, she uncovers a story of tragedy, heartbreak and secrets - and the sacrifices made for love.PRAISE FOR NATASHA LESTER...'Fascinating and impeccably researched' GILL PAUL'A fantastically engrossing story. I love it' KELLY RIMMER'A beautiful story in every way' THE LADY'Intrigue, heartbreak... I cannot tell you how much I loved this book' RACHEL BURTON'If you enjoy historical fiction (and even if you don't) you will love this book' Sally Hepworth'A gorgeously rich and romantic novel' Kate Forsyth'Stunning . . . Will have you captivated' Liz Byrski'This romance will have you enchanted' Woman's Day'Natasha Lester is our generation's Louisa May Alcott' Tess Woods'What a GEM!' Sara Foster'Natasha Lester brings bold, brave women to life' Courier Mail 'I love this book' Rachael Johns'Exquisite!' Vanessa Carnevale'Engaging' Herald Sun'An essential addition to Australian fiction' AusRomToday'Utterly compelling' Good Reading 'Emotion that will touch your heart and soul deeply' Jodi Gibson 'Fascinating, evocative and meticulously researched' Annabel Abbs'Entertaining and provocative' Perth Festival 'Lester has woven a fine, original story of everlasting quality.' BetterReading 'A captivating tale' Daily Examiner 'A delightful and multi-faceted romp through the jazz era' Natalie Salvo'Excellent historical fiction' The Book Muse 'You will love this even if you're not a regular reader of historical fiction' Jess Just Reads 'Storytelling at its finest' Great Reads & Tea Leaves
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Hike: Adventures on Foot
It's hard to beat the satisfaction of travelling on foot - settling into a steady rhythm, surrounded by incredible scenery, with the freedom to stop wherever takes your fancy. This endlessly rewarding - and sustainable - activity is joyously celebrated in Hike, which reveals 125 of the most scenic and spectacular walking trails across the globe. It's the ultimate inspiration for exploring under your own steam: ramble along coastal paths in Europe, scale soaring mountain peaks in Africa and trek through amber-hued canyons in North America.Compiled by a team of outdoor enthusiasts, this book is packed with ideas for your next hiking trip. Awe-inspiring images and compelling descriptions of each trail will have you itching to get walking, while handy maps, elevation profiles and practical information - including things like distance and total elevation gain - will help you plan the nitty gritty of your trip. We've also included the best places to explore en route - whether that's lunch spots, epic viewpoints or nearby must-see sights - as well as suggestions for alternative ways to tackle a trail. Hike is your ticket to the adventure of a lifetime. Inside Hike, you will find: -Practical top tips for getting the most out of each hike - including recommended stops, viewpoints en route and how to make the hike shorter/longer depending on how much time you have.Organised Chapters: Hikes are arranged within each chapter geographically, and include the distance and total ascent to help readers to find a suitable route.- Includes maps and elevation profiles - Covers 125 hikes, from straightforward day walks to epic cross-country treks- Carefully curated selection of rides, chosen by hiking and travel experts - Each chapter covers a different continent (North America, Central and South America, Europe, Africa and the Middle East, Asia, Australasia)At DK Eyewitness, we believe in the power of discovery. We make it easy for you to explore your dream destinations. DK Eyewitness travel guides have been helping travellers to make the most of their breaks since 1993. Filled with expert advice, striking photography and detailed illustrations, our highly visual DK Eyewitness guides will get you closer to your next adventure. We publish guides to more than 200 destinations, from pocket-sized city guides to comprehensive country guides. Named Top Guidebook Series at the 2020 Wanderlust Reader Travel Awards, we know that wherever you go next, your DK Eyewitness travel guides are the perfect companion.
Orion Publishing Co The Garden of Empire: A sweeping fantasy epic full of magic, secrets and war
WAR MAKES MONSTERS OF EVERYONE.Foolish Cur, once named Wen Alder, finds that his allies in the rebellion might cross any line if it means freedom from the Empire. But he can't overcome a foe as strong as Emperor Tenet alone.REBELLION HAS UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES.Koro Ha, Foolish Cur's former tutor, discovers the Empire is not so forgiving of those who raise a traitor. And their suspicion may cost him and his people more than he can imagine.THE GODS ARE LURKING IN THE SHADOWS.As war against the Empire rages, Foolish Cur knows there is a greater threat. The emperor plans his own coup against the gods, and they will wreak destruction if he tries. To stop him, Foolish Cur might have to risk everything - and resort to ancient magics that could tear the world apart.This is perfect for fans of Robin Hobb and Shelley Parker-Chan.Readers can't get enough of The Garden of Empire:'This book is a complete package of beautiful prose, well written characters, well explained magic with good battle scenes and immersive world-building' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'A gripping, riveting, highly entertaining, well plotted, and well told story. A page turner that kept me hooked. A story which is epic and intimate and the same time. Loved it, loved it, loved it' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'The plot was amazing. It kept me engaging and there was not even a small moment throughout the book when I didn't enjoy it. It had a huge twist in the story that I didn't see coming. The themes of rebellion, war and its consequences, leadership, betrayals, family, friendship, duties, power are employed very well' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'We are treated to rich characterization, vivid description, a believable lush world, amazing magic, and wrenching moral conflicts' Goodreads review, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'A thrilling sequel to The Hand of the Sun King. The magic system is still one of the most unique I've read' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'Magic in this series feels like a magic of an old style. While I love some of the more mechanistic descriptions of magic in some modern books, I love the way magic is more of an art than a science' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'This focus on wider, ancient powers is elegant and vividly described, the increasing complexity was cleverly integrated and really opens the plot up to something that I think, come the third book, could be utterly shattering' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Little, Brown Book Group Red Hot Front
'With the tough matriarch at its heart, this second instalment of Brett's Great Yarmouth-set series is brilliant seaside noir, the action playing out at cracking pace in the rough and seedy resort' Sunday Times Crime Club'Be prepared to immerse yourself in Great Yarmouth's murky underworld with this great thriller' Five Stars, The Sun - 'Book of the Week'Tatiana Goodwin has finally begun to piece her life back together after the events of the past year. Having taken over her late husband Rich's empire, Tatty has put together a massive deal to capitalise on his dirty dealings - and hopefully extricate herself from a life of crime she'd been unwillingly drawn into.But following a suspicious fire in the firm's new HQ, and a number of unexplained deaths in the town, it soon becomes clear that there's more than one person who's after the Goodwin family assets. With her daughter in a rocky relationship and her teenage son Zach beginning to follow in the footsteps of his gangster father, everything is getting a little too close to home for Tatty's liking . . .As the family is pulled further into the criminal underworld she sought to protect them from, Tatty has some difficult decisions to make - before her enemies make them for her. 'Things are hotting up . . . But the book offers more than just crime: the characterisation is strong and the relationships between the various family members and their associates and enemies skilfully depicted. A particular treat for anyone familiar with Yarmouth' East Anglian Daily Times'Brett's knuckleduster-hard story goes behind the tawdry neon of the day-tripper strip. A promising series . . . Fans of Martina Cole will look forward to this' Peterborough Today Praise for Time to Win: 'The Godfather in Great Yarmouth' Ian Rankin'An atmospheric and riveting tale' Guardian* * * * * The Sun'Harry Brett writes a fun plot with witty elegance' The Times'Fearsomely good' Nicci French'A 21st century Long Good Friday' Tony Parsons'Taut and atmospheric' Eva Dolan'Gripping, compelling, original crime drama' Dreda Say Mitchell'Darkly brooding and atmospheric' M.J. McGrath'Time to Win redraws the landscape of British noir' Stav Sherez'A tour de force' William Ryan'I loved Time to Win' Julia Crouch'Gritty and stark' Sunday Mirror'Time To Win is firmly in the top flight of crime writing' Crime Scene
Simon & Schuster Ltd Devil's Table: The Isles of Scilly Mysteries: 5
THE ISLES OF SCILLY MYSTERIES #5 'An absolute master of pace, plotting and character' ELLY GRIFFITHSA MISSING CHILD St Martin’s is shrouded in bitterly cold fog when Jade Minear and her twin brother, Ethan, are attacked in a field, late at night. Ethan manages to return home but the shocking events of Jade’s disappearance have rendered him mute.A LONG-HELD GRUDGE On a small island where there are few places a child can hide, DI Ben Kitto must battle the elements to search for Jade. When his investigation reveals that the Minear family have many enemies on the island, Kitto grows increasingly worried that Jade is in danger.A KILLER HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT . . . Meanwhile, someone on the island knows exactly where the girl is. Someone with a deep-seated hatred of Jade's family. To find the truth, Kitto must investigate the lives of the people he has known all of his life. Because one of them is lying – and it isn’t long until a body is found . . .PRAISE FOR KATE RHODES: ‘Gripping, clever and impossible to put down. I’ve been a Kate Rhodes fan for years and in Ben Kitto she has created a detective who is just as complex and compelling as Kate’s elegant plotting and stunning prose. The claustrophobia and paranoia of the island are so brilliant evoked, I could almost feel the tide encroaching as time ran out to find the killer' ERIN KELLY ‘Absorbing and complex, Hell Bay kept me guessing until the final pages’ RACHEL ABBOTT 'A vividly realised protagonist whose complex and harrowing history rivals the central crime storyline' SOPHIE HANNAH 'Beautifully written and expertly plotted; this is a masterclass' GUARDIAN 'Expertly weaves a sense of place and character into a tense and intriguing story' METRO 'Rhodes does a superb job of balancing a portrayal of a tiny community oppressed by secrets with an uplifting evocation of setting' Jake Kerridge, SUNDAY EXPRESS ‘The whole book tingles with tension. I hope it does for the Scilly Isles what Ann Cleeves did for Shetland' MEL MCGRATH 'I love reading Kate's books in the way I love reading Sophie Hannah – a poet writing crime fiction is a great thing . . . It is at once a locked-room mystery, a story of the returning hero, and an examination of fear and abuse. It has the air of a twenty-first century Agatha Christie' JULIA CROUCH
Island Press Urban Street Design Guide
The NACTO Urban Street Design Guide shows how streets of every size can be reimagined and reoriented to prioritise safe driving and transit, cycling, walking, and public activity. Unlike older, more conservative engineering manuals, this design guide emphasises the core principle that urban streets are public places and have a larger role to play in communities than solely being conduits for traffic. The well-illustrated guide offers blueprints of street design from multiple perspectives, from the bird's eye view to granular details. Case studies show how to implement best practices, as well as provide guidance for customizing design applications to a city's unique needs. Urban Street Design Guide outlines five goals and tenets of world-class street design: Streets are public spaces - streets play a much larger role in the public life of cities and communities than just thoroughfares for traffic; Great streets are great for business - well-designed streets generate higher revenues for businesses and higher values for homeowners; Design for safety - traffic engineers can and should design streets where people walking, parking, shopping, cycling, working, and driving can cross paths safely; and, Streets can be changed - transportation engineers can work flexibly within the building envelope of a street, and many city streets were created in a different era and need to be reconfigured to meet new needs. Elaborating on these fundamental principles, the guide offers substantive direction for cities seeking to improve street design to create more inclusive, multi-modal urban environments. It is an exceptional resource for redesigning streets to serve the needs of 21st century cities, whose residents and visitors demand a variety of transportation options, safer streets, and vibrant community life.
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery: Reconstructive Knee Surgery
Take your mastery to the next level! Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery©: Reconstructive Knee Surgery is your ideal source for perfecting today’s most advanced and effective surgical techniques for knee reconstruction. Each chapter presents a world-leading orthopaedic surgeon’s preferred approach to a specific knee problem, replete with expert technical pearls to help you achieve optimal patient outcomes.Key Features Overcome a full range of challenges in reconstructive knee surgery with in-depth sections on extensor mechanism/patellofemoral problems, meniscus surgery, ligament injuries/instability, and reconstruction of the articular cartilage and synovium. Update your skills with comprehensive updates throughout reflecting all of the latest advances in the field, including many new chapters, new topics, and new surgical innovations. See exactly how to proceed thanks to thousands of high-quality, step-by-step photographs and drawings. Produce the best outcomes through comprehensive discussions of indications and contraindications, decision making, operation room methodology, and pitfalls. Your book purchase includes a complimentary download of the enhanced eBook for iOS, Android, PC & Mac. Take advantage of these practical features that will improve your eBook experience: The ability to download the eBook on multiple devices at one time — providing a seamless reading experience online or offline Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links that allow you to search within this book, or across your entire library of VitalSource eBooks Multiple viewing options that enable you to scale images and text to any size without losing page clarity as well as responsive design The ability to highlight text and add notes with one click Look for other great titles in the Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery series!
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC A Cultural History of Marriage in the Age of Enlightenment
Could an institution as sacred and traditional as marriage undergo a revolution? Some people living during the so-called Age of Enlightenment thought so. By marrying for that selfish, personal emotion of love rather than to serve religious or family interests, to serve political demands or the demands of the pocketbook, a few but growing number of people revolutionized matrimony around the end of the eighteenth century. Marriage went from being a sacred state, instituted by the Church and involving everyone to – for a few intrepid people – a secular contract, a deal struck between two individuals based entirely on their mutual love and affection. Few would claim today that love is not the cornerstone of modern marriage. The easiest argument in favor of any marriage today, no matter how star-crossed the individuals, is that the couple is deeply and hopelessly in love with one another. But that was not always so clear. Before the eighteenth century very few couples united simply because they shared a mutual attraction and affection for one another. Yet only a century later most people would come to believe that mutual love and even attraction were necessary for any marriage to succeed. A Cultural History of Marriage in the Age of Enlightenment explores the ways that new ideas, cultural ideals, and economic changes, big and small, reshaped matrimony into the institution that it is today, allowing love to become the ultimate essential ingredient for modern marriages. A Cultural History of Marriage in the Age of Enlightenment presents an overview of the period with essays on Courtship and Ritual; Religion, State and Law; Kinship and Social Networks; the Family Economy; Love and Sex; the Breaking of Vows; and Representations of Marriage.
The University of Chicago Press The Chemical Age: How Chemists Fought Famine and Disease, Killed Millions, and Changed Our Relationship with the Earth
A dynamic and sweeping history that exposes how humankind’s affinity for pesticides made the modern world possible—while also threatening its essential fabric. For thousands of years, we’ve found ways to scorch, scour, and sterilize our surroundings to make them safer. Sometimes these methods are wonderfully effective. Often, however, they come with catastrophic consequences—consequences that aren’t typically understood for generations. The Chemical Age tells the captivating story of the scientists who waged war on famine and disease with chemistry. With depth and verve, Frank A. von Hippel explores humanity’s uneasy coexistence with pests, and how their existence, and the battles to exterminate them, have shaped our modern world. Beginning with the potato blight tragedy of the 1840s, which led scientists on an urgent mission to prevent famine using pesticides, von Hippel traces the history of pesticide use to the 1960s, when Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring revealed that those same chemicals were insidiously damaging our health and driving species toward extinction. Telling the story of these pesticides in vivid detail, von Hippel showcases the thrills and complex consequences of scientific discovery. He describes the invention of substances that could protect crops, the emergence of our understanding of the way diseases spread, the creation of chemicals used to kill pests and people, and, finally, how scientists turned those wartime chemicals on the landscape at a massive scale, prompting the vital environmental movement that continues today. The Chemical Age is a dynamic, sweeping history that exposes how humankind’s affinity for pesticides made the modern world possible—while also threatening its essential fabric.
Peeters Publishers Catulle: Une Poetique De L'indicible
Nous avons choisi d'aborder Catulle par ce qu'il nous laisse: un desordre et un secret.Ce desordre est une source d'imaginaire: en effet, la memoire du lecteur s'ingenie a en reconstituer les themes par le biais des personnages notamment.La "dissemination poetique" creee paradoxalement par le regroupement metrique engendre, avec ce double mouvement de liaison et de separation qui caracterise Catulle, une dynamique temporelle troublante. L'espace poetique fragmente (volontairement ou non) appelle un temps unifie, les hiatus appellent les ressemblances. Dans le monde catullien, chaque etoile fait signe et cherche sa constellation.Il nous est ainsi apparu d'emblee que le travail de reprise, de retour, de ressassement meme de l'ecriture allait de pair avec une poetique de l'inexprime. Qu'il s'agisse de passions lyriques ou allegoriques, l'auteur decline sa culture affective tout en cherchant des structures ideales et des styles multiples soumis aux exigences des genres. L'ellipse et la digression figurent assez bien l'insatisfaction de l'artiste face au langage explicite et au trace rectiligne; il cultive l'implicite et le detour, il detourne les signes au profit des surprises qu'ils enferment. Meme pour toujours redire, il redit autrement. C'est le chatoiement du langage versicolore ou ses brusques contrastes qui l'interessent surtout.D'ou l'importance des voix differentes, des figures qui escortent chaque poeme afin qu'impressions diffuses et violentes deviennent expressions stylistiques. La mimetique catullienne serre les emotions au plus pres, par le dialogue notamment, mais aussi elle les place a distance grace au tissage des images dont l'"ecphrasis" et l'allegorie sont les lieux majeurs.Ainsi la rhetorique evolutive de Catulle suit le processus des recherches stylistiques les plus personnelles: notre seconde partie tente de visiter l'atelier du poete, en considerant les aspects rhetoriques et stylistiques de son oeuvre. Parole romaine et accents italiques croisent une preciosite grecque valorisante. Catulle use d'une oralite ludique et festive, il la dote de capacites inventives nouvelles; sa parole est ouverte aussi bien aux eclats du forum qu'a la verve de l'insulte, il capte la vie des mots quotidiens et stylise les effets: il retranscrit dans les registres choisis, en fonction d'une situation, d'un contexte enonciatif fictif, les petites et grandes dramaturgies du ressenti. Le poete explore les modes d'expression pour en souligner le caractere emotionnel. Il ne les choisit pas sans leur insuffler la force d'une persuasion sensible.Catulle s'avise des charmes trompeurs et veridiques, pourtant, de la parole: le locuteur se revele souvent grace a ce paradoxe, avec ses manques, ses exces, hyperbole et litote reunies. Mais l'arbitre des elegances passionnelles ne serait-il pas le "carmen", ce chant fluide de la chanson eolienne qui peu a peu se ritualise dans le distique? Catulle tourne l'hexametre vers le pentametre, il cadre une pensee (concettisme avant l'heure?) et lui imprime un mouvement de seduction: le poete sans doute cherche a rendre desirable sa parole, il en fait un symbole sensible. Il active, pour ce faire, les ressources lexicales et rythmiques, visant une facture achevee du poeme. Le poeme 64, souvent analyse, figure un art inquiet qui tend a se stabiliser.Mais toujours la recherche poetique des expressions du moi se fait en dialogue double: en amont, avec les poetes grecs - Sappho, Callimaque notamment - il rassemble la violence et la grace, son erotisme devient passion. En aval, avec les poetes de l'elegie - Properce, Tibulle, Ovide - il trace la route ou s'aventurent les paradoxes du desir et les illusions du coeur, mais aussi la beaute des images. Il figure jusque chez Horace, Seneque et Martial ce mouvement intermediaire d'absorption de l'hellenisme "baroque" et sa reaction classique: Catulle evolue vers une poetique de la profondeur, entre l'ombre et la lumiere des figures.
Orenda Books Deep Blue Trouble
With her lover, JT, behind bars and heading for death row, single-mother Florida bounty-hunter Lori Anderson takes on an off-the-books job that could threaten everything… ‘A real cracker’ Mark Billingham ‘My kind of book’ Lee Child ‘Like Midnight Run, but much darker … really, really good’ Ian Rankin A web of lies. A killer on the run. An impossible choice… Single-mother Florida bounty hunter Lori Anderson’s got an ocean of trouble on her hands. Her daughter Dakota is safe, but the little girl’s cancer is threatening a comeback, and Lori needs JT – Dakota’s daddy and the man who taught Lori everything – alive and kicking. Problem is, he’s behind bars, and heading for death row. Desperate to save him, Lori does a deal, taking on off-the-books job from shady FBI agent Alex Monroe. Bring back on-the-run felon, Gibson ‘The Fish’ Fletcher, and JT walks free.This is one job she’s got to get right, or she’ll lose everything… Breathlessly paced, and bursting with high-voltage action and edge-of-your-seat jeopardy, Deep Blue Trouble is the unmissable next instalment of the Lori Anderson series, featuring one of the most memorable and fearless female characters in crime fiction. Praise for the Lori Anderson Series ‘This is romping entertainment that moves faster than a bullet’ Jake Kerridge, Sunday Express ‘If you like your action to race away at full tilt, then this whirlwind of a thriller is a must’ Deirdre O’Brien, Sunday People ‘Stripper-turned-bounty hunter Lori, with her sickly young daughter in tow, gets into high-octane escapes when she sets out to bring her former lover and mentor to justice. Lively’ Sunday Times ‘The non-stop twists and turns … draw in readers like a magnet and keep them hooked to the action right up to the emotional conclusion’ Burnley Gazette ‘Sultry and suspenseful, it marks a welcome first vow for an exceptional new voice’ Good Reading Magazine ‘Gripping, entertaining and utterly addictive, this is a cracking start to an enthralling new crime series…’ Lancashire Evening Post ‘Suspense, action, romance, danger and a plot that will keep you reading into the wee small hours. I loved it’ Lisa Gray, Daily Record ‘Fresh, fast and zinging with energy’ Sunday Mirror ‘ Readers will cheer her every step of the way’ Publishers Weekly ‘A whole hell of a lot of fun’ New Books Magazine ‘Fresh, compelling and beautifully written’ S.J.I. Holliday ‘Fast-paced, engaging and hugely entertaining’ Simon Toyne ‘Brilliant and pacey’ Steve Cavanagh ‘Excitement and exhilaration flies off every page’ David Young ‘A hell of a thriller’ Mason Cross ‘A series that will run and run’ Howard Linskey ‘A blistering debut’ Neil Broadfoot ‘If you love romantic suspense, you’ll love this ride’ Alexandra Sokoloff ‘Deft and assured’ Chris Whitaker ‘A stunning debut from a major new talent’ Zoë Sharp ‘Delivers thrills at breakneck pace’ Marnie Riches ‘One of my favourite debut novels for a long, long time’ Luca Veste ‘A gritty debut that will appeal to Sue Grafton fans’ Caroline Green ‘Great action scenes and great atmosphere’ C.J. Carver ‘Crazy good … full-tilt action and a brilliant cast of characters’ Yrsa Sigurđardóttir ‘Quite simply one of the best debut novels I have ever read’ Angela Marsons
Coach House Books The Sleeping Car Porter
LONGLISTED FOR THE 2024 DUBLIN LITERARY AWARDWINNER OF THE 2022 SCOTIABANK GILLER PRIZEWINNER OF THE CITY OF CALGARY W.O. MITCHELL BOOK PRIZEWINNER OF THE 2023 GEORGES BUGNET AWARD FOR FICTIONFINALIST FOR THE 2023 GOVERNOR GENERAL'S AWARD FOR ENGLISH-LANGUAGE FICTIONPUBLISHERS WEEKLY TOP 20 LITERARY FICTION BOOKS OF 2022OPRAH DAILY: BOOKS TO READ BY THE FIRETHE GLOBE 100: THE BEST BOOKS OF 2022CBC BOOKS: THE BEST CANADIAN FICTION OF 2022SHORTLISTED FOR THE CAROL SHIELDS PRIZE FOR FICTIONSHORTLISTED FOR THE 2022 REPUBLIC OF CONSCIOUSNESS PRIZE When a mudslide strands a train, Baxter, a queer Black sleeping car porter, must contend with the perils of white passengers, ghosts, and his secret love affair The Sleeping Car Porter brings to life an important part of Black history in North America, from the perspective of a queer man living in a culture that renders him invisible in two ways. Affecting, imaginative, and visceral enough that you’ll feel the rocking of the train, The Sleeping Car Porter is a stunning accomplishment. Baxter’s name isn’t George. But it’s 1929, and Baxter is lucky enough, as a Black man, to have a job as a sleeping car porter on a train that crisscrosses the country. So when the passengers call him George, he has to just smile and nod and act invisible. What he really wants is to go to dentistry school, but he’ll have to save up a lot of nickel and dime tips to get there, so he puts up with “George.” On this particular trip out west, the passengers are more unruly than usual, especially when the train is stalled for two extra days; their secrets start to leak out and blur with the sleep-deprivation hallucinations Baxter is having. When he finds a naughty postcard of two queer men, Baxter’s memories and longings are reawakened; keeping it puts his job in peril, but he can’t part with the postcard or his thoughts of Edwin Drew, Porter Instructor. "Suzette Mayr’s The Sleeping Car Porter offers a richly detailed account of a particular occupation and time—train porter on a Canadian passenger train in 1929—and unforcedly allows it to illuminate the societal strictures imposed on black men at the time—and today. Baxter is a secretly-queer and sleep-deprived porter saving up for dental school, working a system that periodically assigns unexplained demerits, and once a certain threshold is reached, the porter loses his job. Thus, success is impossible, the best one can do is to fail slowly. As Baxter takes a cross-continental run, the boarding passengers have more secrets than an Agatha Christie cast, creating a powder keg on train tracks. The Sleeping Car Porter is an engaging and illuminating novel about the costs of work, service, and secrets." – Keith Mosman, Powell's Books "I thought The Sleeping Car Porter was fantastic! It strikes a balance between being about the struggles of being black and gay at that time while not being too heavy handed with it. I enjoyed his constant mental math on how many demerits he might receive for each infraction. The reader really gets a sense of the conflict that Baxter is going through. I really liked reading a book from the perspective of a porter." – Hunter Gillum, Beaverdale Books
City Lights Books Notes on the Assemblage
The Books We Love in 2016 - The New Yorker Best Poetry Collections of 2015 - The Washington Post Best Books 2015: Poetry - Library Journal Best Books of 2015 - NPR Books 16 Best Poetry Books of 2015 - BuzzFeed Books Juan Felipe Herrera, the first Latino Poet Laureate of the United States and son of Mexican immigrants, grew up in the migrant fields of California. Exuberant and socially engaged, reflective and healing, this collection of new work from the nation's first Latino Poet Laureate is brimming with the wide-open vision and hard-won wisdom of a poet whose life and creative arc have spanned chasms of culture in an endless crossing, dreaming and back again. "[This year] Juan Felipe Herrera's Notes on the Assemblage has been a ladder of hope ..."--Ada Limon, The New Yorker "Juan Felipe Herrera's family has gone from migrant worker to poet laureate of the United States in one generation. One generation. I am an adamant objector to the Horatio Alger myth of pulling oneself up by the bootstraps, but Herrera's story is one of epic American proportions. The heads carved into my own Mount Rushmas would be Cesar Chavez, Dolores Huerta, Frida Kahlo, El Chapulin Colorado, Selena, and Juan Felipe Herrera. Notes from the Assemblage further carves out Herrera's place in American letters."--David Tomas Martinez "At home with field workers, wage slaves, the homeless, little children, old folks, artists, traditionalists, the avant-garde, students, scholars and prisoners, the bilingual Juan Felipe Herrera is the real thing: a populist treasure. He will fulfill his appointment as U.S. Poet Laureate with the same high energy, savvy, passion, compassion, commitment and playfulness that his art and life's have always embodied. Bravo! Bravo!"--Al Young "While reporters can give you the what, when, and where of a war, a poet with the enormous gifts of Juan Herrera can give you its soul."--Ishmael Reed "I am proud that Juan Felipe Herrera has been appointed U.S. Poet Laureate, bringing his truthful, beautiful voice to all of us universally. As the first Chicano Laureate, he will empower all diverse cultures."--Janice Mirikitani "Herrera is ...a sometimes hermetic, wildly inventive, always unpredictable poet, whose work commands attention for its style alone . ..Many poets since the 1960s have dreamed of a new hybrid art, part oral, part written, part English, part something else: an art grounded in ethnic identity, fueled by collective pride, yet irreducibly individual too. Many poets have tried to create such an art: Herrera is one of the first to succeed."--The New York Times "Herrera has the unusual capacity to write convincing political poems that are as personally felt as poems can be."--National Public Radio
John Wiley & Sons Inc Viscoelastic Properties of Polymers
Viscoelastic behavior reflects the combined viscous and elastic responses, under mechanical stress, of materials which are intermediate between liquids and solids in character. Polymers the basic materials of the rubber and plastic industries and important to the textile, petroleum, automobile, paper, and pharmaceutical industries as well exhibit viscoelasticity to a pronounced degree. Their viscoelastic properties determine the mechanical performance of the final products of these industries, and also the success of processing methods at intermediate stages of production. Viscoelastic Properties of Polymers examines, in detail, the effects of the many variables on which the basic viscoelastic properties depend. These include temperature, pressure, and time; polymer chemical composition, molecular weight and weight distribution, branching and crystallinity; dilution with solvents or plasticizers; and mixture with other materials to form composite systems. With guidance by molecular theory, the dependence of viscoelastic properties on these variables can be simplified by introducing certain ancillary concepts such as the fractional free volume, the monomeric friction coefficient, and the spacing between entanglement loci, to provide a qualitative understanding and in many cases a quantitative prediction of how to achieve desired results. The phenomenological theory of viscoelasticity which permits interrelation of the results of different types of experiments is presented first, with many useful approximation procedures for calculations given. A wide variety of experimental methods is then described, with critical evaluation of their applicability to polymeric materials of different consistencies and in different regions of the time scale (or, for oscillating deformations, the frequency scale). A review of the present state of molecular theory follows, so that viscoelasticity can be related to the motions of flexible polymer molecules and their entanglements and network junctions. The dependence of viscoestic properties on temperature and pressure, and its descriptions using reduced variables, are discussed in detail. Several chapters are then devoted to the dependence of viscoelastic properties on chemical composition, molecular weight, presence of diluents, and other features, for several characteristic classes of polymer materials. Finally, a few examples are given to illustrate the many potential applications of these principles to practical problems in the processing and use of rubbers, plastics, and fibers, and in the control of vibration and noise. The third edition has been brought up to date to reflect the important developments, in a decade of exceptionally active research, which have led to a wider use of polymers, and a wider recognition of the importance and range of application of viscoelastic properties. Additional data have been incorporated, and the book s chapters on dilute solutions, theory of undiluted polymers, plateau and terminal zones, cross-linked polymers, and concentrated solutions have been extensively rewritten to take into account new theories and new experimental results. Technical managers and research workers in the wide range of industries in which polymers play an important role will find that the book provides basic information for practical applications, and graduate students in chemistry and engineering will find, in its illustrations with real data and real numbers, an accessible introduction to the principles of viscoelasticity.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Knowledge Encyclopedia Dinosaur!: Over 60 Prehistoric Creatures as You've Never Seen Them Before
Journey back in time to explore the prehistoric world like you've never known before with this children's encyclopedia perfect for young dinosaur lovers. Forming part of a fantastic series of kid's educational books, this bold and brilliant dinosaur book for kids uses ground-breaking CGI imagery to reveal the prehistoric world as you've never seen it before. Informative, diverse in subject matter, easy-to-read and brimming with beautiful graphics, young dino lovers can explore the incredibly detailed cross-sections and cutaways that reveal the inner workings of all things dinosaur-related!This charming children's encyclopedia opens the prehistoric world in new ways, with: -Packed with facts, charts, timelines that cover a vast range of topics. -Encompassing a visual approach with illustrations, photographs and extremely detailed 3D images.-Crystal clear text distills the key information.-DK's encyclopedias are fact-checked by subject experts to offer accuracy beyond online sources of information.This fully-updated edition of Knowledge Encyclopedia Dinosaur! is the perfect encyclopedia for children aged 9-12, ideal for inquisitive minds, covering over 60 prehistoric creatures, from the age of dinosaurs to the Ice Age. Jam-packed with fun facts about your favourite dinosaurs and lesser-known species, such as the Velociraptor having three large killer claws on eat foot to hunt down prey, and the long-necked diplodocus stretching the length of three school buses, this dinosaur encyclopedia is a must-have volume for children. Explore, Discover And Learn!DK's Knowledge Encyclopedia Dinosaur! uncovers the marvels of our world in unprecedented detail and with stunning realism. Encompassing engaging facts about over 60 species of dinosaur, including a closer look at dinosaur diversity, fossilization, and the new era of dinosaurs. With this incredible enyclopedia, you can spend quality time exploring the dynamic world of dinosaurs with your children, accompanied by impressive visuals to engage their senses. A must-have volume for curious kids with a thirst for knowledge, this enthralling encyclopedia is structured in such a way that your child can read a bit at a time, and feel comfortable to pause and ask questions. Doubling up as the perfect gift for young readers, who are always asking questions about the prehistoric world. At DK, we believe in the power of discovery. This thrilling kid's encyclopedia is part of the Knowledge Encyclopedia educational series. Celebrate your child's curiosity as they complete the collection and discover diverse facts about the world around them. Dive into the deep blue with Knowledge Encyclopedia Ocean! Journey into the vastness of the universe with Knowledge Encyclopedia Space! And hone your knowledge on how the human body works with Knowledge Encyclopedia Human Body! Whatever topic takes their fancy, there's an encyclopedia for everyone!
Lonely Planet Publications Lonely Planet World's Best Street Food mini
Travel the world from the comfort of your kitchen! From taco carts and noodle stalls to hawker markets and gelaterias, it's on the street that you'll find the heart of a cuisine and its culture. From the people who have been delivering trustworthy guidebooks to every destination in the world for 40 years, Lonely Planet's World's Best Street Food is your passport to the planet's freshest, tastiest street-food flavours. Each of the 100 recipes includes easy-to-use instructions, ingredients and mouth-watering photography plus a section detailing how the dish has evolved. There are also tasting notes that explain how best to sample each dish - whether that's in a beachside lobster shack in Maine, a hawker market in Singapore or standing at the bar in a Sicilian cafe - to truly give you a flavour of the place. Includes: Acaraje - Brazil Arancino - Italy Arepas - Venezuela Bakso - Indonesia Bamboo rice - Taiwan Banh mi -Vietnam Baozi - China Bhelpuri - India Breakfast burrito - USA Brik - Tunisia Bsarra - Morocco Bun cha - Vietnam Bunny chow - South Africa Burek - Bosnia & Hercegovina Ceviche de corvina - Peru Chicken 65 - India Chilli crab - Singapore Chivito al pan - Uruguay Chole batura - India Choripan - Argentina Cicchetti - Italy Cocktel de Camaron - Mexico Conch - Bahamas Cornish pasty - England Currywurst - Germany Elote - Mexico Falafel - Israel Fuul mudammas - Egypt Garnaches - Belize Gimbap - South Korea Gozleme - Turkey Gyros - Greece Hainanese chicken rice - Malaysia & Singapore Hollandse Nieuwe haring - The Netherlands Hot dog - USA Jerked pork - Jamaica & Caribbean Islands Juane - Peru Kati roll - India Kelewele - Ghana Khao soi - Thailand Knish - USA Kuaytiaw - Thailand Kushari - Egypt Langos - Hungary Maine lobster roll - USA Mangue verte - Senegal Meat pie - Australia Mohinga - Myanmar (Burma) Murtabak - Malaysia & Singapore Otak-otak - Singapore, Malaysia & Indonesia Oyster cake - Hong Kong Pane, Panelle e Crocche - Italy Pastizzi - Malta Peso pizza - Cuba Phat kaphrao - Thailand Phat thai - Thailand Pho - Vietnam Pierogi - Poland Pizza al taglio - Italy Poisson cru - French Polynesia Poutine - Canada Pupusa - El Salvador Red red - Ghana Roasted chestnuts - Europe& & Sabih - Israel Samsas - Central Asia Sarawak laksa - Malaysia Sfiha - Lebanon Som tam - Thailand Spring roll - China Stinky tofu - Taiwan Takoyaki - Japan Tamale - Mexico Tea eggs - Taiwan & China Walkie-talkies - South Africa Yangrou chuan - China Zapiekanka - Poland About Lonely Planet: Started in 1973, Lonely Planet has become the world's leading travel guide publisher with guidebooks to every destination on the planet, as well as an award-winning website, a suite of mobile and digital travel products, and a dedicated traveller community. Lonely Planet's mission is to enable curious travellers to experience the world and to truly get to the heart of the places they find themselves in.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Knowledge Encyclopedia Science!
Explore science like you've never known it before with this children's encyclopedia perfect for budding scientists!Forming part of a fantastic series of kid's educational books, this bold and brilliant kid's encyclopedia uses ground-breaking CGI imagery to reveal the world as you've never seen it before. Informative, diverse in subject matter, easy-to-read and brimming with beautiful graphics, young learners can explore the incredibly detailed cross-sections and cutaways that reveal the scientific inner workings of just about everything!This charming children's encyclopedia opens the world in new ways, with: -Packed with facts, charts, timelines, and infographics that cover a vast range of topics. -Encompassing a visual approach with illustrations, photographs and extremely detailed 3D images.-Crystal clear text distills the key information.-DK's encyclopedias are fact-checked by subject experts to offer accuracy beyond online sources of information.This fully-updated edition of Knowledge Encyclopedia Science! is the perfect encyclopedia for children aged 9-12, ideal for inquisitive minds, providing young readers with an engaging introduction to core science topics, demonstrating how all the major scientific principles fit together and using awe-inspiring illustrations to reveal how biology, chemistry and physics is used every day in the world around us. Jam-packed with spectacular scientific facts, including graphics, facts, and data boxes, this science encyclopedia is sure to delight budding young scientists. Explore, Discover And Learn!DK's Knowledge Encyclopedia Science! uncovers the marvels of our world in unprecedented detail and with stunning realism. Encompassing incredible computer-generated images to reveal and explain science as never before, you can spend quality time exploring the world of science with your children, whether it's looking inside a cell, pulling apart a Formula 1 racing car, or examining the forces that hold the Universe together, accompanied by impressive visuals to engage their senses. A must-have volume for curious kids with a thirst for knowledge, this enthralling encyclopedia is structured in such a way that your child can read a bit at a time, and feel comfortable to pause and ask questions. Doubling up as the perfect gift for young readers, who are always asking questions about the inner workings of our planet! At DK, we believe in the power of discovery. This thrilling kid's encyclopedia is part of the Knowledge Encyclopedia educational series. Celebrate your child's curiosity as they complete the collection and discover diverse facts about the world around them. Dive into the deep blue with Knowledge Encyclopedia Ocean! Travel back in time to when dinosaurs roamed the earth with Knowledge Encyclopedia Dinosaur! And hone your knowledge on how the human body works with Knowledge Encyclopedia Human Body! Whatever topic takes their fancy, there's an encyclopedia for everyone!
Encounter Books,USA What to Expect When No One's Expecting: America's Coming Demographic Disaster
Look around you and think for a minute: Is America too crowded? For years, we have been warned about the looming danger of overpopulation: people jostling for space on a planet that's busting at the seams and running out of oil and food and land and everything else. It's all bunk. The "population bomb" never exploded. Instead, statistics from around the world make clear that since the 1970s, we've been facing exactly the opposite problem: people are having too few babies. Population growth has been slowing for two generations. The world's population will peak, and then begin shrinking, within the next fifty years. In some countries, it's already started. Japan, for instance, will be half its current size by the end of the century. In Italy, there are already more deaths than births every year. China's One-Child Policy has left that country without enough women to marry its men, not enough young people to support the country's elderly, and an impending population contraction that has the ruling class terrified. And all of this is coming to America, too. In fact, it's already here. Middle-class Americans have their own, informal one-child policy these days. And an alarming number of upscale professionals don't even go that far--they have dogs, not kids. In fact, if it weren't for the wave of immigration we experienced over the last thirty years, the United States would be on the verge of shrinking, too. What happened? Everything about modern life--from Bugaboo strollers to insane college tuition to government regulations--has pushed Americans in a single direction, making it harder to have children. And making the people who do still want to have children feel like second-class citizens. What to Expect When No One's Expecting explains why the population implosion happened and how it is remaking culture, the economy, and politics both at home and around the world. Because if America wants to continue to lead the world, we need to have more babies.
Wayne State University Press Far Company: Poems by Cindy Hunter Morgan
Poems that underscore how we commune with those long loved and long gone. In Far Company, we hear Cindy Hunter Morgan thinking about the many ways we carry the natural world inside of us as a kind of embedded cartography. Many of these poems commune not only with lost ancestors but also past poets. We hear conversations with Emily Dickinson, James Wright, Walt Whitman, and W. S. Merwin. These poets, who are part of Hunter Morgan's poetic lineage, are beloved figures in the far company she keeps, but the poems she writes are distinctly hers. Poet Larissa Szporluk remarked, "The poems in this collection are quiet and deceptively simple. My first response was to be amazed by a seeming innocence in delivery—straightforward, picturesque, and compassionate—that then matured like a crystal into something precious and masterful. We are left with the whole forest having met all the trees one by one. There is so much respect in this collection—respect for natural processes that include intergenerational relationships, shared territories, and myths.The poems in Far Company reveal a mind and a heart negotiating both self and world with compassion and invention. They are cinematic in the way they navigate loss, memory, dislocation, hope, and love—abstractions evoked in deeply specific and nuanced ways. There is the drone that flies over Hunter Morgan's grandparents'farm before the house burns and the stag-handled knife in a pocket, its single blade "folded inside like a secret" on a train in Greece. But this collection is full of quieter cinema, too—a grandfather bending to cinch the girth of a horse, days "green / with snap peas and wild tendrils," and "raindrops beading like sweat/ on the lips of snapdragons." The root of this book is Hunter Morgan's love for family and her love for the land her family has shared.These poems map a journey to many places, inward and outward, and engage with the natural world and the built world, moving between both of those environments in ways that acknowledge the complexities of such crossings. Often melancholic but never sentimental, this collection belongs with any reader who seeks out literature in the organic world.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Louis XIV's Assault on Privilege: Nicolas Desmaretz and the Tax on Wealth
The government of Louis XIV developed two taxes during the last thirty years of the king's reign that forced the privileged to pay. This book is a study of how those taxes developed and what caused them to be adopted. Louis XIV's Assault on Privilege examines Nicolas Desmaretz, one of the most important finance ministers of the Bourbon monarchy. McCollim brings to life the man who was arguably the central figure in the final transformative years of Louis XIV's reign. Controller General Desmaretz was the nephew of famed finance minister Jean-Baptiste Colbert and had extensive experience in the administration prior to 1683 when he suffered disgrace. His expertisewas so renowned in his day that other chief financial officials sought his advice in secret. Desmaretz has been called the ablest man ever to head French finances, and the war financing problems he faced from 1708-14 the greatestchallenge faced by the Bourbon monarchy until the French Revolution. Desmaretz became one of the chief financial officials early in the War of the Spanish Succession and took full charge of French finances from 1708-15.In that time, he introduced one of the two most radical financial measures ever taken by the Bourbon monarchy: the dixième, a tax on income. This tax revolutionized the relationship of French elites to the Crown because iteliminated the issue of status that affected all other forms of taxation: the dixième fell on all income, no matter the recipient. The tax lasted until 1717, appeared again during the Wars of the Polish (1733-35) and Austrian (1743-48) Successions, and became permanent, in a reduced form, as the vingtième, in 1749. The story of the dixième has been oddly ignored by fiscal historians. In his rich analysis, McCollim lays outfor historians precisely how the royal financial council actually made policy. His book establishes once and for all that from the perspective of state finance, and state taxation, the post-1710 French monarchy had left far behindthe institutional framework of the seventeenth century. Gary B. McCollim received his doctoral degree in history from The Ohio State University and is a retired federal employee.
Little, Brown & Company Soldier Secretary: Warnings from the Battlefield & the Pentagon about America’s Most Dangerous Enemies
"This is an important book for the country." -- Sean HannityIf you know one thing about Chris Miller, it's that he was President Donald Trump's final Secretary of Defense, elevated to that position in the days after the 2020 election. If you know a second thing about Chris Miller, it's that he oversaw the U.S. Armed Forces during one of the most controversial and tumultuous periods the military has experienced in decades, culminating in the shocking events at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. Yet Chris Miller is no political partisan. On the contrary, Miller has spent his adult life in the crosshairs of America's most dangerous enemies--from Middle Eastern deserts to the bowels of U.S. intelligence agencies--and emerged as one of the leading national security minds of his generation.Needless to say, Chris Miller has stories to tell. In Soldier Secretary, he reveals for the first time everything he saw--in a book that is candid, thought-provoking, and like that of no Secretary of Defense before him. This book is not just the inside story of what happened during the Trump administration--it's the inside story of what happened to America, its military, and its institutions during the two decades after September 11, 2001.Part badass, part iconoclast, Miller is an irreverent, heterodox, and always-fascinating thinker whose personal journey through war and the White House has led him to some shocking conclusions about the state of American power in 2021. With a perspective that will surprise and interest both Republicans and Democrats, Miller argues for a radical rethinking of U.S. national security strategy unlike anything since the creation of the joint armed forces in the 1980s. He offers a roadmap for how the United States can win in the era of unrestricted warfare by shedding the bloated defense bureaucracy, bringing American forces home from endless conflicts, renewing our national unity, and beating China at its own game.Miller is a true American warrior whose incredible journey from Iowa to Afghanistan to Iraq to the White House endeared him to the troops, prepared him for the unprecedented crisis of January 6, and left him deeply concerned about the future of our military and the future of our nation.
Scholastic US Bob Books: Emerging Readers Workbook
Workbook Ages: 4 to 6 Stage 2: Emerging Readers Don't miss the companion workbook to the bestselling learn-to-read boxed sets! Millions of books have been sold in the Bob Books program thanks to its silly stories, familiar artwork, and easy-to-comprehend text. For the first time, children can now extend their reading journey into these jumbo workbooks, which feature custom content built around each Bob Books storybook. Complete with full-colour art and two sheets of stickers, the Bob Books: Emerging Readers Workbook is the perfect way to engage young readers, increase reading comprehension, and nurture pride and confidence in their reading skills. This jumbo workbook corresponds with three Bob Books box sets: Advancing Beginners Sight Words: Year 1 (Kindergarten) Sight Words: Year 2 (First Grade) ABOUT BOBS BOOKS Bob Books is America's no.1, award-winning, learning-to-read series trusted for over 40 years. Bob Books is a true first reader series, designed to make helping children learn to read simple and straightforward. The clean layout, short words, and simple phonics make learning to read a fun and natural step for a child that knows the alphabet. Companion workbooks extend children's reading journey by allowing them to practice the skills learned in the books. Bob Books is designed to give young children the tools to cross from learning letters to reading words. The award-winning beginning reader book sets start slowly and progress from books with three letter words, to books with more than one sentence per page. By meeting children at the right level, parents are often amazed at how quickly their child is able to sound out words when reading their first Bob Book. Bob Books covers four reading stages... Pre-Readings Skills Recognize shapes, patterns, and other pre-reading skills Stage 1: Starting to Read From learning the alphabet to sounding out your first words Stage 2: Emerging Readers Sentences become longer and sight words are introduced Stage 3: Developing Readers Words and sentences become longer, and new rules are introduced
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Food Processing By-Products and their Utilization
Food Processing By-Products and their Utilization An in-depth look at the economic and environmental benefits that food companies can achieve—and the challenges and opportunities they may face—by utilizing food processing by-products Food Processing By-Products and their Utilization is the first book dedicated to food processing by-products and their utilization in a broad spectrum. It provides a comprehensive overview on food processing by-products and their utilization as source of novel functional ingredients. It discusses food groups, including cereals, pulses, fruits, vegetables, meat, dairy, marine, sugarcane, winery, and plantation by-products; addresses processing challenges relevant to food by-products; and delivers insight into the current state of art and emerging technologies to extract valuable phytochemicals from food processing by-products. Food Processing By-Products and their Utilization offers in-depth chapter coverage of fruit processing by-products; the application of food by-products in medical and pharmaceutical industries; prebiotics and dietary fibers from food processing by-products; bioactive compounds and their health effects from honey processing industries; advances in milk fractionation for value addition; seafood by-products in applications of biomedicine and cosmeticuals; food industry by-products as nutrient replacements in aquaculture diets and agricultural crops; regulatory and legislative issues for food waste utilization; and much more. The first reference text to bring together essential information on the processing technology and incorporation of by-products into various food applications Concentrates on the challenges and opportunities for utilizing by-products, including many novel and potential uses for the by-products and waste materials generated by food processing Focuses on the nutritional composition and biochemistry of by-products, which are key to establishing their functional health benefits as foods Part of the "IFST Advances in Food Science" series, co-published with the Institute of Food Science and Technology (UK) This bookserves as a comprehensive reference for students, educators, researchers, food processors, and industry personnel looking for up-to-date insight into the field. Additionally, the covered range of techniques for by-product utilization will provide engineers and scientists working in the food industry with a valuable resource for their work.
Fordham University Press White Eagle, Black Madonna: One Thousand Years of the Polish Catholic Tradition
In 1944, the Nazis razed Warsaw’s historic Cathedral of St. John the Baptist. “They knew that the strength of the Polish nation was rooted in the Cross, Christ’s Passion, the spirit of the Gospels, and the invincible Church,” argued Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński in a letter celebrating the building’s subsequent reconstruction. “To weaken and destroy the nation, they knew they must first deprive it of its Christian spirit.” Wyszynski insisted that Catholicism was an integral component of Polish history, culture, and national identity. The faithfulness of the Polish people fortified them during times of trial and inspired much that was noble and good in their endeavors. Filling a sizable gap in the literature, White Eagle, Black Madonna is a systematic study of the Catholic Church in Poland and among the Polish diaspora. Polish Catholicism has not been particularly well understood outside of Poland, and certainly not in the Anglophone world, until now. Demonstrating an unparalleled mastery of the topic, Robert E. Alvis offers an illuminating vantage point on the dynamic tension between centralization and diversity that long has characterized the Catholic Church’s history. Written in clear, concise, accessible language, the book sheds light on the relevance of the Polish Catholic tradition for the global Catholic Church, a phenomenon that has been greatly enhanced by Pope John Paul II, whose theology, ecclesiology, and piety were shaped profoundly by his experiences in Poland, and those experiences in turn shaped the course of his long and influential pontificate. Offering a new resource for understanding the historical development of Polish Catholicism, White Eagle, Black Madonna emphasizes the people, places, events, and ritual actions that have animated the tradition and that still resonate among Polish Catholics today. From the baptism of Duke Mieszko in 966 to the controversial burial of President Lech Kaczyński in 2010, the Church has accompanied the Polish people during their long and often tumultuous history. While often controversial, Catholicism’s influence over Poland’s political, social, and cultural life has been indisputably profound.
Fordham University Press Medieval Cultures in Contact
Medievalists have long considered topics of cultural contact such as antagonism or exchange between western Europe and the Islamic world, the west’s debts to Byzantium, European expansion during the Crusades, and Mediterranean trade. Medieval Cultures in Contact grows out of such traditional themes of European identity and its relations with others, but its essays pose new questions and view the topic from different perspectives. In recent generations, the study of non-European cultures for their effects on the west has changed to consideration of diverse medieval cultures as separate and worth studying on their own. The change is due in part to the influences of other disciplines, such as comparative literature, the social sciences, and subaltern studies. With the increased interest in such groups, cultures in contact is no longer necessarily European contact with one group or another, with Europeans the common ground in each encounter; it now extends to a much wider range of cultures and their interactions. The approach to cultures in contact running through many essays of this volume is that the meeting of cultures promotes historical change in the original societies and creates new societies at the point of contact. The medieval world was rich in the meeting of cultures that created new circumstances and results, some based on borders between cultures, others on internal reactions to contact. The essays in Medieval Cultures in Contact consider many diverse locales, periods, and protagonists in which or on whom the meeting of cultures was formative. The topics include the origin of western Christian culture in Bede’s England, the contact of east and west in the Islamic and Asian worlds, the western perceptions of the east in German literature, and cross-cultural influences in several Mediterranean regions. The relations between the Christian majority and the culture of the Jewish minority in northwestern Europe, and the interaction between the occupational cultures of minstrels and clerics are related issues. The second section of the volume presents two models for teaching cultural contacts in the middle ages: one discusses the need to recognize such interactions as part of medieval history, and two linked essays show how literary diversity has been treated in practice.
University of Minnesota Press Total Liberation: The Power and Promise of Animal Rights and the Radical Earth Movement
When in 2001 Earth Liberation Front activists drove metal spikes into hundreds of trees in Gifford Pinchot National Forest, they were protesting the sale of a section of the old-growth forest to a timber company. But ELF’s communiqué on the action went beyond the radical group’s customary brief. Drawing connections between the harms facing the myriad animals who make their home in the trees and the struggles for social justice among ordinary human beings resisting exclusion and marginalization, the dispatch declared, “all oppression is linked, just as we are all linked,” and decried the “patriarchal nightmare” in the form of “techno-industrial global capitalism.” In Total Liberation, David Naguib Pellow takes up this claim and makes sense of the often tense and violent relationships among humans, ecosystems, and nonhuman animal species, expanding our understanding of inequality and activists’ uncompromising efforts to oppose it. Grounded in interviews with more than one hundred activists, on-the-spot fieldwork, and analyses of thousands of pages of documents, websites, journals, and zines, Total Liberation reveals the ways in which radical environmental and animal rights movements challenge inequity through a vision they call “total liberation.” In its encounters with such infamous activists as scott crow, Tre Arrow, Lauren Regan, Rod Coronado, and Gina Lynn, the book offers a close-up, insider’s view of one of the most important—and feared—social movements of our day. At the same time, it shows how and why the U.S. justice system plays to that fear, applying to these movements measures generally reserved for “jihadists”—with disturbing implications for civil liberties and constitutional freedom. How do the adherents of “total liberation” fight oppression and seek justice for humans, nonhumans, and ecosystems alike? And how is this pursuit shaped by the politics of anarchism and anticapitalism? In his answers, Pellow provides crucial in-depth insight into the origins and social significance of the earth and animal liberation movements and their increasingly common and compelling critique of inequality as a threat to life and a dream of a future characterized by social and ecological justice for all.
Rutgers University Press Into Africa: A Transnational History of Catholic Medical Missions and Social Change
Winner of the 2016 Lavinia Dock Award from the American Association for the History of Nursing Awarded first place in the 2016 American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year Award in the History and Public Policy category The most dramatic growth of Christianity in the late twentieth century has occurred in Africa, where Catholic missions have played major roles. But these missions did more than simply convert Africans. Catholic sisters became heavily involved in the Church’s health services and eventually in relief and social justice efforts. In Into Africa, Barbra Mann Wall offers a transnational history that reveals how Catholic medical and nursing sisters established relationships between local and international groups, sparking an exchange of ideas that crossed national, religious, gender, and political boundaries. Both a nurse and a historian, Wall explores this intersection of religion, medicine, gender, race, and politics in sub-Saharan Africa, focusing on the years following World War II, a period when European colonial rule was ending and Africans were building new governments, health care institutions, and education systems. She focuses specifically on hospitals, clinics, and schools of nursing in Ghana and Uganda run by the Medical Mission Sisters of Philadelphia; in Nigeria and Uganda by the Irish Medical Missionaries of Mary; in Tanzania by the Maryknoll Sisters of New York; and in Nigeria by a local Nigerian congregation. Wall shows how, although initially somewhat ethnocentric, the sisters gradually developed a deeper understanding of the diverse populations they served. In the process, their medical and nursing work intersected with critical social, political, and cultural debates that continue in Africa today: debates about the role of women in their local societies, the relationship of women to the nursing and medical professions and to the Catholic Church, the obligations countries have to provide care for their citizens, and the role of women in human rights. A groundbreaking contribution to the study of globalization and medicine, Into Africa highlights the importance of transnational partnerships, using the stories of these nuns to enhance the understanding of medical mission work and global change.
University of Pennsylvania Press In the Heat of the Summer: The New York Riots of 1964 and the War on Crime
On the morning of July 16, 1964, a white police officer in New York City shot and killed a black teenager, James Powell, across the street from the high school where he was attending summer classes. Two nights later, a peaceful demonstration in Central Harlem degenerated into violent protests. During the next week, thousands of rioters looted stores from Brooklyn to Rochester and pelted police with bottles and rocks. In the symbolic and historic heart of black America, the Harlem Riot of 1964, as most called it, highlighted a new dynamic in the racial politics of the nation. The first "long, hot summer" of the Sixties had arrived. In this gripping narrative of a pivotal moment, Michael W. Flamm draws on personal interviews and delves into the archives to move briskly from the streets of New York, where black activists like Bayard Rustin tried in vain to restore peace, to the corridors of the White House, where President Lyndon Johnson struggled to contain the fallout from the crisis and defeat Republican challenger Barry Goldwater, who had made "crime in the streets" a centerpiece of his campaign. Recognizing the threat to his political future and the fragile alliance of black and white liberals, Johnson promised that the War on Poverty would address the "root causes" of urban disorder. A year later, he also launched the War on Crime, which widened the federal role in law enforcement and set the stage for the War on Drugs. Today James Powell is forgotten amid the impassioned debates over the militarization of policing and the harmful impact of mass incarceration on minority communities. But his death was a catalyst for the riots in New York, which in turn foreshadowed future explosions and influenced the political climate for the crime and drug policies of recent decades. In the Heat of the Summer spotlights the extraordinary drama of a single week when peaceful protests and violent unrest intersected, the freedom struggle reached a crossroads, and the politics of law and order led to demands for a War on Crime.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Transmission Lines and Communication Networks: An Introduction to Transmission Lines, High-frequency and High-speed Pulse Characteristics and Applications
Electrical Engineering/Circuits and Systems Transmission Lines for Digital and Communication Networks An IEEE Press Classic Reissue In the recent past, knowledge of transmission line behavior was not essential to understanding digital logic design. Slow signals, relatively short wires, logic probes and the treatment of wave forms as sequences of ones and zeros made it possible to design logic without a solid understanding of fields. That has changed dramatically. Today, with edge rates and gate delays moving into the picosecond realm, innovative product designers must be able to understand and model the essential distributed element nature of electrical circuits. Those who don't will lag far behind the competition. Keeping pace with these developments, IEEE Press is pleased to bring back into print this definitive reference on high-speed transmission line behavior. First written in 1969, this book provides a level of detail on high-speed signaling problems that remains unmatched to this day. Engineers who want to move beyond the introductory level of field theory will find the practical applications they need for solving difficult real-world problems. In this Book You Will Find Thorough Coverage of: * The realistic behavior of wiring, including skin effects * Series and parallel losses * Complex issues such as phase and group velocity, and the resulting pulse and edge spreading * Cross coupling of signals from physically adjacent transmission lines * Superconducting transmission lines An indispensable resource for scientists, circuit and package designers, and system architects, this book is also appropriate for students of computer-aided design and technology. Also of Interest from IEEE Press... Routing in Third Dimension: From VLSI Chips to MCMs by Naveed A. Sherwani, Siddharth Bhingarde, and Anand Panyam, Intel Corporation 1995 Hardcover 416pp ISBN 0-7803-1089-6 IEEE Product No. PC4473 This book provides a complete and in-depth discussion of formal algorithms appropriate for state-of-the-art VLSI and MCM technologies. Principles of Data Conversion System Design by Behzad Razavi, AT&T Bell Laboratories 1995 Hardcover 272pp ISBN 0-7803-1093-4 IEEE Product No. PC4465 This text deals with the design and implementation of integrated circuits for analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversion.
Harvard University Press Mason-Dixon: Crucible of the Nation
“A magisterial yet highly nuanced account that ventures back and forth across Mason and Dixon’s fabled demarcation line as audaciously as 18th-century raiding parties once did.”—Harold Holzer, Wall Street JournalThe first comprehensive history of the Mason-Dixon Line—a dramatic story of imperial rivalry and settler-colonial violence, the bonds of slavery and the fight for freedom.The United States is the product of border dynamics—not just at international frontiers but at the boundary that runs through its first heartland. The story of the Mason-Dixon Line is the story of America’s colonial beginnings, nation building, and conflict over slavery.Acclaimed historian Edward Gray offers the first comprehensive narrative of the America’s defining border. Formalized in 1767, the Mason-Dixon Line resolved a generations-old dispute that began with the establishment of Pennsylvania in 1681. Rivalry with the Calverts of Maryland—complicated by struggles with Dutch settlers in Delaware, breakneck agricultural development, and the resistance of Lenape and Susquehannock natives—had led to contentious jurisdictional ambiguity, full-scale battles among the colonists, and ethnic slaughter. In 1780, Pennsylvania’s Act for the Gradual Abolition of Slavery inaugurated the next phase in the Line’s history. Proslavery and antislavery sentiments had long coexisted in the Maryland–Pennsylvania borderlands, but now African Americans—enslaved and free—faced a boundary between distinct legal regimes. With the passage of the Fugitive Slave Act in 1850, the Mason-Dixon Line became a federal instrument to arrest the northward flow of freedom-seeking Blacks. Only with the end of the Civil War did the Line’s significance fade, though it continued to haunt African Americans as Jim Crow took hold.Mason-Dixon tells the gripping story of colonial grandees, Native American diplomats, Quaker abolitionists, fugitives from slavery, capitalist railroad and canal builders, US presidents, Supreme Court justices, and Underground Railroad conductors—all contending with the relentless violence and political discord of a borderland that was a transformative force in American history.
Hachette Books The Wake Up: Closing the Gap Between Good Intentions and Real Change
2022 NAUTILUS BOOK AWARDS GOLD WINNER2022 NATIONAL ANTIRACIST BOOK FESTIVAL SELECTION2021 PORCHLIGHT PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT & HUMAN BEHAVIOR BOOK OF THE YEARAs we become more aware of various social injustices in the world, many of us want to be part of the movement toward positive change. But sometimes our best intentions cause unintended harm, and we fumble. We might feel afraid to say the wrong thing and feel guilt for not doing or knowing enough. Sometimes we might engage in performative allyship rather than thoughtful solidarity, leaving those already marginalized further burdened and exhausted. The feelings of fear, insecurity, inadequacy are all too common among a wide spectrum of changemakers, and they put many at a crossroads between feeling stuck and giving up, or staying grounded to keep going. So how can we go beyond performative allyship to creating real change in ourselves and in the world, together?In The Wake Up, Michelle MiJung Kim shares foundational principles often missing in today's mainstream conversations around "diversity and inclusion," inviting readers to deep dive into the challenging and nuanced work of pursuing equity and justice, while exploring various complexities, contradictions, and conflicts inherent in our imperfect world. With a mix of in-the-trenches narrative and accessible unpacking of hot button issues-from inclusive language to representation to "cancel culture"-Michelle offers sustainable frameworks that guide us how to think, approach, and be in the journey as thoughtfully and powerfully as possible. The Wake Up is divided into four key parts:* Grounding: begin by moving beyond good intentions to interrogating our deeper "why" for committing to social justice and uncovering our "hidden stories."* Orienting: establish a shared understanding around our historical and current context and issues we are trying to solve, starting with dismantling white supremacy.* Showing Up: learn critical principles to approach any situation with clarity and build our capacity to work through complexity, nuance, conflict, and imperfections.* Moving Together: remember the core of this work is about human lives, and commit to prioritizing humanity, healing, and community.The Wake Up is an urgent call for us to move together while seeing each other's full and expansive humanity that is at the core of our movement toward justice, healing, and freedom.
University of Texas Press Bird Student: An Autobiography
At thirteen, George Miksch Sutton planned a school of ornithology centered around his collection of bird skins, feathers, bones, nests, eggs, and a prized stuffed crow. As an adult, he became one of the most prominent ornithologists and bird artists of the twentieth century. He describes his metamorphosis from amateur to professional in Bird Student.Born in 1898, Sutton gives us his clearest memories of his boyhood in Nebraska, Minnesota, Oregon, Illinois, Texas, and West Virginia with his closely knit family. Recognizing birds, identifying them correctly, drawing them, and writing about them became more and more important to him. His intense admiration for Louis Agassiz Fuertes had a good deal to do with his beginning to draw birds in earnest, and his correspondence and his 1916 summer visit with the generous Fuertes taught him to look at birds with the eyes of a professional artist and to consider the possibility of making ornithology his career.By 1918, Sutton had talked himself into a job at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh, which gave him fresh opportunities to learn and travel, and his 1920 field trip to the Labrador Peninsula stimulated his lifelong interest in arctic birds. Further expeditions to James Bay, the east coast of Hudson Bay—on leave from his job as state ornithologist of Pennsylvania—and Southampton Island at the north end of Hudson Bay, in search of the elusive blue goose and its nesting grounds, give us glimpses of field methods before the days of sophisticated equipment. Sutton ends his autobiography in 1935, with an account of his graduate days at Cornell University and his position as curator of the Fuertes Memorial Collection of Birds.Bird Student is about raising young roadrunners and owls and prairie dogs, sailing (and being stranded) in arctic waters, preparing specimens in the hold of a ship, hunting birds and caribou and bears in almost inaccessible regions, canoeing in the Far North, camping in Florida, and delivering speeches in Pennsylvania. Sutton's gift for mixing facts and philosophy lets us see the evolution of a naturalist, as his inherent curiosity and innocent enjoyment of beauty led to a permanent desire to preserve this beauty.