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Gallaudet University Press,U.S. Deaf Epistemologies, Identity, and Learning: A Comparative Perspective
Goedele A. M. De Clerck presents cross-cultural comparative research that examines and documents where deaf flourishing occurs and how it can be advanced. She spotlights collective and dynamic resources of knowledge and learning; the coexistence of lived differences; social, linguistic, cultural, and psychological capital; and human potential and creativity. Deaf Epistemologies, Identity, and Learning argues for an inclusive approach to the intrinsic human diversity in society, education, and scholarship, and shows how emotions of hope, frustration, and humiliation contribute to the construction of identity and community. De Clerck also considers global to local dynamics in deaf identity, deaf culture, deaf education, and deaf empowerment. She presents empirical research through case studies of the emancipation processes for deaf people in Flanders (a region of Belgium), the United States (specifically, at Gallaudet University in Washington, DC), and the West African nation of Cameroon. These three settings illuminate different phases of emancipation in different contexts, and the research findings are integrated into a broader literature review and subjected to theoretical reflection. De Clerck's anthropology of deaf flourishing draws from her critical application of the empowerment paradigm in settings of daily life, research, leadership, and community work, as she explores identity and well-being through an interdisciplinary lens. This work is centered around practices of signed storytelling and posits learning as the primary access and pathway to culture, identity, values, and change. Change driven by the learning process is considered an awakening and through this awakening, the deaf community can gain hope, empowerment, and full citizenship. In this way, deaf people are allowed to shape their histories, and the result is the elevation of all aspects of deaf lives around the world.
FrommerMedia Frommer's Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks
Frommer's guidebooks, unlike those of many of our competitors, are written by local experts (not outsiders)—like Elisabeth Kwak-Hefferan, a Montana resident, naturalist, and noted travel journalist. In this handy, pocket-size book, she'll help you sort through all the options at these storied national parks so you can tailor an adventure that's right for you. Fully researched after the Yellowstone floods. This guide contains:· Insider advice on the best ways to experience some of the country's most dazzling natural landscapes, including tips on the best views, the best backcountry trails, the best scenic drives, and the best activities outside of the parks· Insightful commentary on park landmarks and specific trails, from the majestic Old Faithful Geyser to the iconic multicolored Mammoth Hot Springs to the solitary Signal Mountain Summit Trail· Detailed practical information, including tips on safety, advice for beginning backpackers, and when and where to go to avoid crowds· Opinionated write-ups of hotels, campgrounds, and restaurants—no bland descriptions or lukewarm recommendations here· Exact prices listed for every business and activity, so there's no guessing or nasty surprises· Helpful maps throughout· Planning tips for getting there, getting around, saving money, and getting the most from your tripAbout Frommer’s: There’s a reason that Frommer’s has been the most trusted name in travel for more than 60 years. Arthur Frommer created the bestselling guide series in 1957 to help American service members fulfill their dreams of travel in Europe. Since then, we have published thousands of titles, becoming a household name by helping millions upon millions of people realize their own dreams of seeing our planet. Travel is easy with Frommer’s.
New India Publishing Agency Advances in Soil Borne Plant Diseases
This book is an attempt to provide critical and up-to-date review and synthesis of various facets of soil borne plant diseases taking stock of present state of art in soil borne plant pathogens. The contributors from various national laboratories, centers of excellence in research institutes and university with mastery over the subjects illustrate and review the progress, application of knowledge on soil borne plant diseases besides updating the readers with recent paradigm shift in soil borne plant diseases taking in to account the art and science of ecology and epidemiology, disease resistance, physico-chemical and biological aspects of solarization, bio-control processes, molecular detection, genomics of bio-control, PGPR activity and the art of managing soil borne diseases in a sustainable way. The book also comprises special s on typical major soil borne fungal genera such as Rhizoctonia, Fusarium, Verticillium, Phytophthora and Sclerotium besides endoparasitic nematodes, Heterodera, Meloidogyne their biology, perpetuation and population dynamics and the topics on soil borne diseases of important crops like wheat, cotton and temperate fruits add to the importance and utility of the volume. The recent development in bio-control, mass production, registration, quality control, the principles of solar heating, use of mycorrhiza, utilization of on-farm wastes combined with sub-lethal heating and its utility in hot arid region are some of the special features of the volume. The philosophy of IDM with due consideration to ecology and economic parameters have been covered. The book caters the need of knowledge hungry students, teachers, researchers, policy makers, extension workers of general plant pathology, microbiology, microbial ecology, biological control, molecular biology, general biology and all well wishers of farmers.
Claeys & Casteels Publishers BV European Energy Studies, Volume VIII: The European Energy Union: The quest for secure, affordable and sustainable energy
This timely book shows how the creation of a European Energy Union might be an effective and viable solution to the energy security problems that the European Union is facing. The aim is to make it easier to trade energy inside the EU. The EU currently has to rely on energy-rich countries for its energy needs, many of whom are politically and economically unstable; this places the EU in a vulnerable position. The book explores the institutional and legal framework for the creation of a European Energy Union, whose aim is to achieve affordable, secure, and sustainable energy. The book explores what the EU is politically prepared to accept as part of its united energy security. Combined with the perception of energy security being a pressing matter, the general disenchantment surrounding the European ideal in the wake of the economic crisis makes the task of ensuring affordable, secure, and sustainable energy a formidable challenge. In that vein, the European Energy Union could well be the flagship of this new outset towards a more prosperous, energy-secure, and united Europe—bearing in mind that EU member states wish to guard their sovereignty over national energy systems. In the past, there have been divisions between EU member states when trying to draft a united energy policy. The European Energy Union tries to rectify this deficiency. This book proposes the emulation of the EU’s common commercial policy to reach a common position in EU energy policy. It analyzes the role of the Energy Community and the Euro-Mediterranean Energy Partnership as avenues to further integrate energy markets beyond European borders, especially with the Eastern and Southern neighbours of the EU. It also dwells on the advancements that could arise in terms of pan-European energy infrastructure through the anticipated financial boost resulting from, inter alia, the Investment Plan for Europe, the European Structural and Investment funds, and the Connecting Europe Facility. Finally, it provides an analysis of climate change mitigation by focusing on the importance of decarbonizing the economy and analyzing the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change. Highlights: First book to analyze the European Energy Union and the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change. Explains the five pillars of the European Energy Union. Cross-examination of the EU’s competence in the areas of energy and trade to surmise whether a more harmonized European energy strategy could, legally and conceptually, be realized anytime soon.
University of Pennsylvania Press The Story of the Negro
The Story of the Negro is a history of Americans of African descent before and after slavery. Originally produced in two volumes, and published here for the first time in one paperback volume, the first part covers Africa and the history of slavery in the United States while the second part carries the history from the Civil War to the first part of the twentieth century. Booker T. Washington was born into slavery, worked menial jobs in order to acquire an education, and became the most important voice of African American interests beginning in the latter part of the nineteenth century. The Story of the Negro is valuable in part because it is full of significant information taken from hundreds of obscure sources that would be nearly impossible to assemble today. For instance, Washington discusses the rise of African American comedy with names, places, and dates; elsewhere he traces the growth and spread of African American home ownership and independent businesses in the United States; and his discussion of slavery is informed by his own life. Washington wanted African Americans to understand and embrace their heritage, not be ashamed of it. He explains, as an example, the role of music in the lives of the slaves and then notes how, nearly a generation later, many African Americans were "embarrassed" by this music and did not want to learn traditional songs. Washington is able to reflect on the first fifty years of his life embracing a range of experiences from share-cropping to dinner at the White House. It is just this autobiographical element that makes the volume compelling. Washington, with his indefatigable optimism, worked his entire life to achieve equality for African Americans through practical means. Founder of the first business association (the National Negro Business League), leader of the Tuskeegee Institute, where George Washington Carver conducted research, and supporter of numerous social programs designed to improve the welfare of African Americans, Washington was considered during his lifetime the spokesperson for African Americans by white society, particularly those in positions of power. This led to criticism from within the African American community, most notably from W. E. B. Du Bois, who considered Washington too accommodating of the white majority, but it took Washington's farsightedness to recognize that the immediate concerns of education, employment, and self-reflection were necessary to achieve the ultimate goal of racial equality.
Hamilcar Publications Bundini: Don't Believe The Hype
“Mr. Snyder writes lyrically, and his research appears to be impeccable: It’s hard to imagine that anyone has slipped through his interview net… When Bundini died, Ali was abroad and unable to attend the funeral, but he sent flowers with a card that read: ‘You made me the greatest.’ Many members of the boxing fraternity, George Foreman and Larry Holmes included, think that Ali wasn’t exaggerating. Mr. Snyder’s affecting portrait will convince the rest of us as well.” —Gordon Marino, Wall Street Journal“I think Bundini was the source of Muhammad Ali’s spirit. I wouldn’t even call him a trainer or cornerman, he was more important than a trainer. Ali had an unmeasurable determination and he got it from Bundini.” —George Foreman“When you talk about Bundini, you are talking about the mouthpiece of Muhammad Ali, an extension of Muhammad Ali’s spirit. There would never have been a Muhammad Ali without Drew Bundini Brown.” —Khalilah Camacho-Ali (Muhammad Ali’s second wife)“Bundini gave Ali his entire heart. Bundini played a very important part in Ali’s career. He was Ali’s right hand man. He knew exactly how to motivate him. He was the one guy who could really get him up to train and get him ready to fight.” —Larry HolmesFifty years after he coined the iconic phrase Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee, Drew “Bundini” Brown remains one of boxing’s most mysterious and misunderstood figures. His impact on the sport and the culture at large is undeniable. Cornerman and confidant to two of the greatest fighters ever—Sugar Ray Robinson and Muhammad Ali—Brown lived an extraordinary American life.After a poverty-stricken childhood in Jim Crow Florida, Brown came of age traveling the world as a naval steward. On being discharged, he settled in New York City and spent wild nights in the jazz joints of Harlem, making a name for himself as the charismatic street philosopher and poet some called “Fast Black.” He married a white woman from a family of Orthodox Jewish immigrants, in dramatic defiance of 1950s cultural norms, and later appeared in films such as the blaxploitation classic, Shaft.In Bundini, Todd Snyder digs deep into Brown’s expansive story, revealing not only how he became Muhammad Ali’s “hype man,” but also, as boxing’s greatest motivator, how he became a model for others who seek to inspire, in any endeavor.
Lehigh University Press Theatre in Dublin, 1745–1820: A Calendar of Performances
Theatre in Dublin,1745–1820: A Calendar of Performances is the first comprehensive, daily compendium of more than 18,000 performances that took place in Dublin’s many professional theatres, music halls, pleasure gardens, and circus amphitheatres between Thomas Sheridan’s becoming the manager at Smock Alley Theatre in 1745 and the dissolution of the Crow Street Theatre in 1820. The daily performance calendar for each of the seventy-five seasons recorded here records and organizes all surviving documentary evidence pertinent to each evening’s entertainments, derived from all known sources, but especially from playbills and newspaper advertisements. Each theatre’s daily entry includes all preludes, mainpieces, interludes, and afterpieces with casts and assigned roles, followed by singing and singers, dancing and dancers, and specialty entertainments. Financial data, program changes, rehearsal notices, authorship and premiere information are included in each component’s entry, as is the text of contemporary correspondence and editorial contextualization and commentary, followed by other additional commentary, such as the many hundreds of printed puffs, notices, and performance reviews. In the cases of the programs of music halls, pleasure gardens, and circuses, the playbills have generally been transcribed verbatim. The calendar for each season is preceded by an analytical headnote that presents several categories of information including, among other things, an alphabetical listing of all members of each company, whether actors, musicians, specialty artists, or house servants, who are known to have been employed at each venue. Limited biographical commentary is included, particularly about performers of Irish origin, who had significant stage careers but who did not perform in London. Each headnote presents the seasons’s offerings of entertainments of each theatrical type (prelude, mainpiece, interlude, afterpiece) analyzed according to genre, including a list of the number of plays in each genre and according to period in which they were first performed. The headnote also notes the number of different plays by Shakespeare staged during each season and gives particular attention to entertainments of “special Irish interest.” The various kinds of benefit performance and command performances are also noted. Finally, this Calendar of Performances contains an appendix that furnishes a season-by-season listing of the plays that were new to the London patent theatres, and, later, of the important “minors.” This information is provided in order for us to understand the interrelatedness of the London and Dublin repertories.
Unnamed Press Cyber Mage
"Hossain’s giddy new novel, another inventive blend of mythology and cyberpunk gizmology... puts a clever spin on both high fantasy and hard science tropes as ancient djinns wield futuristic technology to go head-to-head with humans empowered with their own technowizardry. Fans of both genres will find this an enjoyable romp." ―Publishers Weekly Welcome to Dhaka, Bangladesh in 2089. A city notorious for its extreme population density has found an unexpected way to not just survive a global climate apocalypse, but thrive: pump enough biological nanotech into the neighborhood and all of the bodies together form a self-sustaining, and even temperate, microclimate. Of course, this means that millions of humans have to stay put in order to maintain a livable temperature, and people are getting restless. All of the nanotech has also led to some surprises: certain people no longer need food or water while others can live without functioning organs. So the mercenary Djibrel has to carry a machete wherever he goes. Only a swift beheading can ensure the job gets done anymore. Djibrel navigates the crowded streets, humans teeming with genetic mutations, looking for answers about what happened to the Djinn, a magical super race of genies who seem to have disappeared, or merged, with humans for survival. What Djibrel doesn’t know is that his every move is being tracked by the infamous Cyber Mage—better known to his parents as Murzak, a privileged snarky teenager who regularly works for a Russian crime syndicate with a band of elite hackers, like his best friend ReGi, who resides in North Africa’s FEZ (Free Economic Zone). Respected and feared online, Murzak is about to embark on one of his biggest challenges: attending high school IRL. But when he discovers a brand new type of AI, operating on a dark web from the abandoned Kingdom of Bahrain that he thought was just an urban myth, Murzak and Djibrel will have to face the unimaginable in an already inconceivable world. In this laugh-out-loud-funny and totally original new novel, Saad Z. Hossain continues his signature genre mashup of SF and fantasy, challenging and subverting everything previously imagined about our future and climate change. A scathing critique of corporate greed, Hossain shows us how to think beyond the naïve ideas of preening moguls like Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk.
Orion Publishing Co Pegasus Descending
A superb Dave Robicheaux mystery from the multi award-winning crime writer.Dave Robicheaux left his drinking days behind him many years ago, but he still feels guilt over a tragic event he wasn't sober enough to prevent. Dallas Klein, a gambling addict and bar buddy of Dave's when Dave was posted to Miami PD, was killed in an armed robbery he'd been forced to engineer. Two decades later, several incidents in Dave's life in Iberia Parish link to those involved. First he meets Dallas' daughter, Trish, who keeps odd company and is blackballed by the local casinos. Then the supposed suicide of a young girl appears to be connected to the man Dallas owed money to back in the Miami days. Dave's inability to let things alone gets him involved with two very powerful criminals, both wanting to protect their sons from the trouble they court, and both with the attitude of the privileged and white. When a young black drug dealer gets on the wrong side of the boys, tensions run high and there are more needless deaths - causing Dave to come to blows with the FBI, the DA's office and a thug who has little regard for any life but his own.Praise for one of the great American crime writers, James Lee Burke:'James Lee Burke is the heavyweight champ, a great American novelist whose work, taken individually or as a whole, is unsurpassed.' Michael Connelly'A gorgeous prose stylist.' Stephen King'Richly deserves to be described now as one of the finest crime writers America has ever produced.' Daily MailFans of Dennis Lehane, Michael Connelly and Don Winslow will love James Lee Burke: Dave Robicheaux Series1. The Neon Rain 2. Heaven's Prisoners 3. Black Cherry Blues 4. A Morning for Flamingos 5. A Stained White Radiance 6. In the Electric Mist with Confederate Dead 7. Dixie City Jam 8. Burning Angel 9. Cadillac Jukebox 10. Sunset Limited 11. Purple Cane Road 12. Jolie Blon's Bounce 13. Last Car to Elysian Fields 14. Crusader's Cross 15. Pegasus Descending 16. The Tin Roof Blowdown 17. Swan Peak 18. The Glass Rainbow 19. Creole Belle 20. Light of the World 21. Robicheaux Hackberry Holland Series1. Lay Down My Sword and Shield 2. Rain Gods 3. Feast Day of Fools 4. House of the Rising SunBilly Bob Holland Series1. Cimarron Rose 2. Heartwood 3. Bitterroot 4. In The Moon of Red Ponies * Each James Lee Burke novel can be read as a standalone or in series order *
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Pediatric Physical Examination: An Illustrated Handbook
Known for its accuracy, consistency, and portability, Pediatric Physical Examination: An Illustrated Handbook, 3rd Edition teaches the unique range of skills needed to assess children of all ages. Spiral-bound for quick reference in clinical settings, this photo-rich, step-by-step guide to physical examination for advanced practice providers prepares you to expertly examine children from birth through adolescence. Body system chapters begin with fetal development and take you through the key developmental stages of childhood. For infants and young children, Duderstadt uses the quiet-to-active approach favored by pediatric experts and considered more effective for this age-group than the traditional head-to-toe approach used for adults. This edition features a new chapter on newborn physical examination, expanded coverage of skin conditions and new Red Flag highlights that help you recognize high-priority health issues. Expert guidance for the pediatric exam employs the quiet-to-active approach to the examination and assessment of infants - including preterm infants - and young children. This pediatric assessment approach, which starts with listening and moves on to touching, yields the best results in this age group. Richly illustrated in full color to help facilitate learning, with more than 300 photos and drawings that familiarize you with assessment techniques and common assessment findings. Easy-to-use two-column format provides quick access to concise guidance for the pediatric physical exam. Quick-reference special features, including: Information Gathering tables highlight questions and data needed from the patient/guardian, with questions conveniently separated by age group, to guide history-taking. Concise Conditions tables summarize common abnormal findings for each examination area. Pediatric Pearls highlight effective physical examination findings and techniques gleaned from years of expert practice. Family, Cultural, and Racial Considerations sections address the increasingly important areas of family and cultural assessment to prepare you for differences to anticipate when assessing children of various cultural or racial groups. Evidence-Based Practice Tips highlight useful research findings that guide clinical practice. Bulleted Summary of Examination lists at the end of each examination chapter highlight key assessment points associated with each body system and serve as a convenient learning aid and quick reference. End-of-chapter Charting examples demonstrate how to record physical examination findings in the health record and familiarize you with documentation language and format. Convenient spiral binding lets you lay the book flat or fold it back for easy visualization and quick reference in clinical settings. NEW! Completely new Newborn Assessment chapter equips you to provide comprehensive assessment of newborn patients. UPDATED! Expanded coverage of skin conditions equips you to effectively assess the common pediatric skin conditions that you will encounter in day-to-day practice. NEW and UNIQUE! Red Flag feature alerts you to recognize such issues as trauma, neglect, health issues related to conflict-related geographic displacement, and other high-priority health issues that practitioners encounter (e.g., croup, developmental delay). UNIQUE! Interprofessional Collaboration feature promotes engagement with other healthcare and non-healthcare professionals, such as Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, physicians, medical specialists, counselors, or other professional resources. NEW! Updated content throughout, including the latest coverage of gender considerations, autism spectrum disorder screening, and electronic documentation (charting via the EHR).
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Food Insecurity & Hydroclimate in Greater Horn of Africa: Potential for Agriculture Amidst Extremes
This book will benefit users in food security, agriculture, water management, and environmental sectors. It provides the first comprehensive analysis of Greater Horn of Africa (GHA)’s food insecurity and hydroclimate using the state-of-the-art Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) and its Follow-on (GRACE-FO)’s, centennial precipitation, hydrological models’ and reanalysis’ products. It is here opined that GHA is endowed with freshwater (surface and groundwater) being home to the world's second largest freshwater body (Lake Victoria) and the greatest continental water towers (Ethiopian Highlands) that if properly tapped in a sustainable way, will support its irrigated agriculture as well as pastoralism. First, however, the obsolete Nile treaties that hamper the use of Lake Victoria (White Nile) and Ethiopian Highland (Blue Nile) have to be unlocked. Moreover, GHA is bedevilled by poor governance and the ``donor-assistance” syndrome; and in 2020-2021 faced the so-called ``triple threats’’ of desert locust infestation, climate variability/change impacts and COVID-19 pandemic. Besides, climate extremes influence its meagre waters leading to perennial food insecurity. Coupled with frequent regional and local conflicts, high population growth rate, low crop yield, invasion of migratory pests, contagious human and livestock diseases (such as HIV/AIDs, COVID-19 & Rift Valley fever) and poverty, life for more than 310 million of its inhabitants simply becomes unbearable. Alarming also is the fact that drought-like humanitarian crises are increasing in GHA despite recent progress in its monitoring and prediction efforts. Notwithstanding these efforts, there remain challenges stemming from uncertainty in its prediction, and the inflexibility and limited buffering capacity of the recurrent impacted systems. To achieve greater food security, therefore, in addition to boosting GHA's agricultural output, UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs suggest that its “inhabitants must create more diverse and stable means of livelihood to insulate themselves and their households from external shocks”. This is a task that they acknowledge will not be easy as the path ahead is “strewn with obstacles namely; natural hazards and armed conflicts”. Understanding GHA’s food insecurity and its hydroclimate as presented in this book is a good starting point towards managing the impacts of the natural hazards on the one hand while understanding the impacts associated with extreme climate on GHA's available water and assessing the potential of its surface and groundwater to support its irrigated agriculture and pastoralism would be the first step towards “coping with drought” on the other hand.The book represents a significant effort by Prof Awange in trying to offer a comprehensive overview of the hydroclimate in the Greater Horn of Africa (GHA). Prof Eric F. Wood, NAE (USA); FRSC (Canada); Foreign member, ATSE (Australia).
Lonely Planet Global Limited Lonely Planet Banff, Jasper and Glacier National Parks
Lonely Planet's Banff, Jasper and Glacier National Parks is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip. Hike the Skyline Trail, watch for bears, and ride the rapids; all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of Banff, Jasper and Glacier National Parks and begin your journey now! Inside the Lonely Planet's Banff, Jasper and Glacier National Parks Travel Guide: User-friendly highlights and itineraries help you tailor your trip to your personal needs and interests Insider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spots Essential info at your fingertips - hours of operation, phone numbers, websites, transit tips, prices, emergency information, park seasonality, hiking trail junctions, viewpoints, landscapes, elevations, distances, difficulty levels, and durations Focused on the best hikes, drives, and cycling tours Honest reviews for all budgets - eating, sleeping, camping, sightseeing, going out, shopping, summer and winter activities, and hidden gems that most guidebooks miss Contextual insights give you a richer, more rewarding travel experience - history, geology, wildlife, and conservation Over 52 full-color trail and park maps and full-color images throughout Useful features- Travel with Children,Clothing and Equipment, andDay and Overnight Hikes Covers Banff National Park and Around, Jasper National Park, Glacier National Park and Around, Waterton Lakes National Park and more The Perfect Choice: Lonely Planet's Banff, Jasper and Glacier National Parks, our most comprehensive guide to this region's national parks, is perfect for both exploring top sights and taking roads less traveled. Looking for more extensive coverage? Check out Lonely Planet's Canada for a comprehensive look at all the country has to offer. Looking for a comprehensive guide that recommends both popular and offbeat experiences, and extensively covers all of Vancouver's neighborhoods? Check out Lonely Planet's Vancouver and Victoria city guide. About Lonely Planet: Lonely Planet is a leading travel media company, providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveler since 1973. Over the past four decades, we've printed over 145 million guidebooks and phrasebooks for 120 languages, and grown a dedicated, passionate global community of travelers. You'll also find our content online, and in mobile apps, videos, 12 international magazines, armchair and lifestyle books, ebooks, and more, enabling you to explore every day. 'Lonely Planet guides are, quite simply, like no other.' New York Times 'Lonely Planet. It's on everyone's bookshelves; it's in every traveler's hands. It's on mobile phones. It's on the Internet. It's everywhere, and it's telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.' Fairfax Media (Australia)
Lonely Planet Global Limited Lonely Planet The Best Things in Life are Free
The second edition of Lonely Planet’s The Best Things in Life are Free is the ultimate guide for travellers who want to find the best value for their next trip. From parks, museums and exercise classes that are free, to insider ideas on food and drink experiences offered at great value. Continent by continent, our on-the-ground experts provide planning tips plus plenty of recommendations to pinpoint bargains.Presented in a beautiful hardback format that features details such as debossing and foil on the cover, this is the perfect book for any traveller on a budget that’s wanting to get the best bang for their buck.Featuring money-saving tips for 130 cities and regions across 85 countriesEach continent has its own chapter that features a toolkit with an introduction to its top budget destinations as well as transport and accommodation information. Themed experiences include Arts & Culture; Festivals & Events; Food & Drink; Outdoors & Adventure; Wellness; and Wildlife Encounters.Africa Recommendations for 17 countries including: Egypt, Mauritius, Morocco, South Africa, Tanzania Special feature: - Africa’s Best Affordable Wildlife Encounters Asia Recommendations for 18 countries including: China, India, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand Special features: - Terrific Temples at Tiny Prices- Asia’s Best Cheap Gourmet Grub- Asia’s Best Discount Wildlife Encounters- Best Wet & Wild Activities- Asia’s Best Low-Cost Treks Europe Recommendations for 22 countries including: France, Iceland, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Spain Special features:- Europe’s Best Places to Escape a Crowd- Europe’s Best Free Museums & Galleries- Food-Market Magic- Europe’s Best Wild Swimming- Europe’s Best Tours By Public Transport- Europe’s Best Free Walking Tours North & Central America Recommendations for 10 countries including: USA, Belize, Canada, Costa Rica, Nicaragua Special features:- Top 10 All-American Adventures- Best Street Food- Best National Park Wonders - Free Sports Experiences South America Recommendations for 10 countries including: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Uruguay Special features:- Ruins That Won’t Wreck Your Budget- Wine Tasting on a Budget- How to Party at Carnival in Rio- South America’s Wildest Experiences Oceania Recommendations for 8 countries including: Australia, Fiji, French Polynesia, New Zealand, Tahiti Special features:- Top Cultural Encounters- Best Free Walks- Best Aquatic Adventures About Lonely Planet: Lonely Planet is a leading travel media company, providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveller since 1973. Over the past four decades, we've printed over 145 million guidebooks and phrasebooks for 120 languages, and grown a dedicated, passionate global community of travellers. You'll also find our content online, and in mobile apps, videos, 14 languages, armchair and lifestyle books, ebooks, and more, enabling you to explore every day.
Lonely Planet Global Limited Lonely Planet Spanish Phrasebook & Dictionary
Lonely Planet's Spanish Phrasebook and Dictionary is your handy passport to culturally enriching travels with the most relevant and useful Spanish phrases and vocabulary for all your travel needs. Order tapas with confidence, ask directions to the local flamenco and mingle with locals over sangria; all with your trusted travel companion. Get More From Your Trip with Easy-to-Find Phrases for Every Travel Situation! Feel at ease with essential tips on culture, manners, idioms and multiple meanings Order with confidence, explain food allergies, and try new foods with the menu decoder Save time and hassles with vital phrases at your fingertips Never get stuck for words with the 3500-word two-way, quick-reference dictionary Be prepared for both common and emergency travel situations with practical phrases and terminology Meet friends with conversation starter phrases Get your message across with easy-to-use pronunciation guides Inside Lonely Planet's Spanish Phrasebook and Dictionary: Full-colour throughout User-friendly layout organised by travel scenario categories Survival phrases inside front cover for at-a-glance, on-the-fly cues Convenient features 5 Phrases to Learn Before You Go 10 Ways to Start a Sentence 10 Phrases to Sound like a Local Listen For - phrases you may hear Look For - phrases you may see on signs Shortcuts - easy-to-remember alternatives to the full phrases QandA - suggested answers to questions asked Covers Basics - time, dates, numbers, amounts, pronunciation, reading tips, grammar rules Practical - travel with kids, disabled travellers, sightseeing, business, banking, post office, internet, phones, repairs, bargaining, accommodation, directions, border crossing, transport Social - meeting people, interests, feelings, opinions, going out, romance, culture, activities, weather Safe Travel - emergencies, police, doctor, chemist, dentist, symptoms, conditions Food - ordering, at the market, at the bar, dishes, ingredients The Perfect Choice: Lonely Planet's Spanish Phrasebook and Dictionary, a pocket-sized comprehensive language guide, provides on-the-go language assistance; great for language students and travellers looking to interact with locals and immerse themselves in local culture. About Lonely Planet: Lonely Planet is a leading travel media company, providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveller since 1973. Over the past four decades, we've printed over 145 million guidebooks and phrasebooks for 120 languages, and grown a dedicated, passionate global community of travellers. You'll also find our content online, and in mobile apps, videos, 14 languages, armchair and lifestyle books, ebooks, and more, enabling you to explore every day. 'Lonely Planet guides are, quite simply, like no other.' New York Times 'Lonely Planet. It's on everyone's bookshelves; it's in every traveller's hands. It's on mobile phones. It's on the Internet. It's
Basic Books The Seven Military Classics Of Ancient China
The Seven Military Classics is one of the most profound studies of warfare ever written. It presents us with an Eastern tradition of strategic thought that emphasizes outwitting one's opponent through speed, stealth, flexibility, and a minimum of force,an approach very different from that stressed in the West, where the advantages of brute strength have overshadowed more subtle methods.Safeguarded for centuries by the ruling elites of imperial China, even in modern times these writings have been known only to a handful of Western specialists. In this volume are seven separate essays, written between 500 b.c. and a.d. 700, that preserve the essential tenets of strategy distilled from the experience of the most brilliant warriors of ancient China.Only one of these seven essays, Sun Tzu's famous Art of War, has been readily available in the West. Thanks to this faithful translation of the complete Seven Military Classics, the insights of these ancient Chinese texts are now accessible in their entirety.It's not uncommon to see a salaryman" on a crowded Tokyo subway studying one of the many popular Japanese editions of these essays. But why do so many businesspeople in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan study a 2,000-year-old military text? Because it embodies the strategic tradition of outwitting an opponent through speed, stealth, flexibility, and a minimum of effort. These principles have been proven both on the battlefield and in the marketplace. Now they are available in the West for the first time in their entirety.The lessons found in this book were exploited by such pivotal Asian war leaders as Japan's Yamamoto, China's Mao Tse-tung, and Vietnam's Giap to inflict terrible defeats on their enemies. And in more recent times, when Japan and others have decided to win their laurels on the field of international economic competition, these principles have been a key to the achievements of many Asian corporations. Executives in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan regularly study the Seven Military Classics. Unfortunately, even those far-sighted Western business leaders who have read Sun Tzu have glimpsed only a fraction of the knowledge their best Asian competitors use to plan corporate strategy,until now.Those who appreciate Chinese literature and philosophy will also discover much that is new in these pages. Here is a substantial but previously inaccessible body of thought that stands in contrast to Confucianism, which deprecated the military sphere in favour of self-cultivation and the ethical life. The Seven Military Classics of Ancient China remedies a serious gap in Western knowledge of Asian thought. This accurate translation is based on the best available classical Chinese manuscripts, some only recently discovered by archaeologists. It is a uniquely important contribution to the world's military literature and is essential reading for anyone interested in China's rich cultural heritage or in the timeless principles of successful strategy.
APA Publications Rough Guide Staycations Cotswolds (Travel Guide with Free eBook)
Inspirational and informative pocket guide, shining a spotlight on the best of holidaying at home in the UK through clearly laid-out walking and driving itineraries.Explore the best of Cotswolds with this unique Rough Guide Staycation to Cotswolds, packed full of insider information and stunning images. From making sure you don't miss out on must-see attractions like Stratford-upon-Avon, Cheltenham and Gloucester to discovering hidden gems, including the stunning National Arboretum in Westonbirt, a picturesque hike along the Cotswold Way, and a typical Cotswold-stone manor house at Snowshill Manor, the easy-to-follow, ready-made walking and driving routes will save you time, help you plan, and enhance your staycation in Cotswolds. This book has been fully updated post-COVID-19 and it comes with a free eBook.The Rough Guide Staycations to Cotswolds covers: Gloucester and the Vale of Berkeley, South Cotswolds, Stroud and the Mill Valleys, Cirencester to the Churn Valley, Cheltenham and the Cotswold Escarpment, Towns and Gardens around the North Cotswolds, around Stow-on-the-Wold and the Coln and Windrush Valleys.Inside this travel guide you will find:INFORMATION FOR EVERY TYPE OF TRAVELLERProvides practical information for every kind of trip to Cotswolds, from discovering local history in Cirencester to getting out in nature in Cotswold Escarpment and finding family-friendly activities in Westonbirt.8 READY TO FOLLOW WALKS AND TOURSFeatures over 8 detailed easy to follow walking tour itineraries, including South Cotswolds, Stroud and the Mill Valleys.LOCAL HIGHLIGHTSCarefully curated list of Cotswolds's unmissable sights and unique attractions for those who want to make the most of their stay.RAINY DAY RECOMMENDATIONSUncover plenty of options, whatever the weather throws at you like wandering around Gloucester Cathedral. INSIDER RECOMMENDATIONSTips on how to beat the crowds, save time and money and find the best local spots for boating, cycling, walking, horse riding.Find a curated list of where to stay and what to do, from active pursuits to themed trips.HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL INSIGHTSLearn more about Cotswolds's rich history with fascinating cultural insights throughout.PRACTICAL TRAVEL TIPSFrom transport to hours of operation, we've got you covered whatever you choose to see and do around Cotswolds including getting there, getting around by public transport, accommodation, detailed food and drink highlights, and sports and activities in the region.METICULOUS MAPPINGPractical full-colour maps, with clearly numbered sights relating to major points of interest in the main text. Find your way around Stow-on-the-Wold and the Coln and many more locations in Cotswolds without needing to go online.FREE EBOOK Free eBook download with every purchase of a printed book to access all content from your phone or tablet for on-the-road exploration.
Lonely Planet Global Limited Lonely Planet Brazilian Portuguese Phrasebook & Dictionary
Lonely Planet's Brazilian Portuguese Phrasebook and Dictionary is your handy passport to culturally enriching travels with the most relevant and useful Brazilian Portuguese phrases and vocabulary for all your travel needs. Order feijoada, ask for directions to Carnaval in Rio and converse with locals; all with your trusted travel companion.Get More From Your Trip with Easy-to-Find Phrases for Every Travel Situation!Feel at ease with essential tips on culture, manners, idioms and multiple meaningsOrder with confidence, explain food allergies, and try new foods with the menu decoderSave time and hassles with vital phrases at your fingertipsNever get stuck for words with the 3500-word two-way, quick-reference dictionaryBe prepared for both common and emergency travel situations with practical phrases and terminologyMeet friends with conversation starter phrasesGet your message across with easy-to-use pronunciation guidesInside Lonely Planet's Brazilian Portuguese Phrasebook and Dictionary:Full-color throughoutUser-friendly layout organized by travel scenario categoriesSurvival phrases inside front cover for at-a-glance, on-the-fly cuesConvenient features5 Phrases to Learn Before You Go10 Ways to Start a Sentence10 Phrases to Sound like a LocalListen For - phrases you may hearLook For - phrases you may see on signsShortcuts - easy-to-remember alternatives to the full phrasesQandA - suggested answers to questions askedCoversBasics - time, dates, numbers, amounts, pronunciation, reading tips, grammar rulesPractical - travel with kids, disabled travelers, sightseeing, business, banking, post office, internet, phones, repairs, bargaining, accommodations, directions, border crossing, transportSocial - meeting people, interests, feelings, opinions, going out, romance, culture, activities, weatherSafe Travel - emergencies, police, doctor, pharmacist, dentist, symptoms, conditionsFood - ordering, at the market, at the bar, dishes, ingredientsThe Perfect Choice: Lonely Planet's Brazilian Portuguese Phrasebook and Dictionary, a pocket-sized comprehensive language guide, provides on-the-go language assistance; great for language students and travelers looking to interact with locals and immerse themselves in local culture.About Lonely Planet: Lonely Planet is a leading travel media company, providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveller since 1973. Over the past four decades, we've printed over 145 million guidebooks and phrasebooks for 120 languages, and grown a dedicated, passionate global community of travellers. You'll also find our content online, and in mobile apps, videos, 14 languages, armchair and lifestyle books, ebooks, and more, enabling you to explore every day.'Lonely Planet guides are, quite simply, like no other.' New York Times'Lonely Planet. It's on everyone's bookshelves; it's in every traveller's hands. It's on mobile phones. It's on the Internet. It's everywhere, and it's telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.' Fairfax Media (Australia)
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Deepest Map: The High-Stakes Race to Chart the World's Oceans
The dramatic and action-packed story of the last mysterious place on earth—the world’s seafloor—and the deep-sea divers, ocean mappers, marine biologists, entrepreneurs, and adventurers involved in the historic push to chart it, as well as the opportunities, challenges, and perils this exploration holds now and for the future.Five oceans—the Atlantic, the Pacific, the Indian, the Arctic, and the Southern—cover approximately 70 percent of the earth. Yet we know little about what lies beneath them. By the early 2020s, less than twenty-five percent of the ocean’s floor has been charted, most close to shorelines, and over three quarters of the ocean lies in in what is called the Deep Sea, depths below a thousand meters. Now, the race is on to completely map the ocean’s floor by 2030—an epic project involving scientists, investors, militaries, and private explorers who are cooperating and competing to get an accurate reading of this vast terrain and understand its contours and environment. In The Deepest Map, Laura Trethewey documents this race to the bottom, following global efforts around the world, from crowdsourcing to advances in technology, recent scientific discoveries to tales of dangerous dives in untested and costly submersibles. The lure of ocean exploration has attracted many, including the likes of James Cameron, Richard Branson, Ray Dalio, and Eric Schmidt. The Deepest Map follows a cast of intriguing characters, from early mappers such as Marie Tharp, a woman working in the male-dominated fields of oceanography and geology whose discoveries have added significantly to our knowledge; Victor Vescovo, a man obsessed with reaching the deepest depths of each of the five oceans, and his young, brilliant, and fearless mapper Cassie Bongiovanni; and the diverse entrepreneurs looking to explore and exploit this uncharted territory and its resources.In The Deepest Map, ocean discovery converges with humanity's origin story; in mapping the ocean floor, scientists are actively tracing our roots back to the most inhospitable places on earth where life began—and flourished. But for every conservationist looking to protect the seafloor, there are others who see its commercial potential. Will a new map exacerbate pollution and the degradation of this natural resource? How will the race remake political power structures in years to come? Trethewey probes these questions as countries and conglomerates wrestle over the riches that may lie at the bottom of the sea.The future of humanity depends on our ability to protect this vast, precious, and often ignored resource. A true tale of science, nature, technology, and an extreme outdoor adventure The Deepest Map illuminates why we love—and fear—the earth’s final frontier and is a crucial addition to the increasingly urgent conversation about climate change.
Canelo The Christmas Season: An uplifting, funny and inclusive romance that Regency readers will love!
You are cordially invited to your Happy Ever After...Emma Love is a matchmaker who believes in old fashioned courtship, over swiping left or right. She's inspired by Jane Austen, Bridgerton and a thousand and one perfect romance stories, where matches were made at elegant soirees and not by sliding into your intended's DMs.This year, Emma is inviting you to a very special social season, where a hopeful singleton might find their own Mr Darcy waiting under the mistletoe. At a series of glamorous, festive, and, most importantly, romantic events, Emma is making it her mission to find love for everyone this Christmas Season.How will she fare trying to find perfect matches for the Price twins, both too busy trying to outdo the other to ever look for love? Can she encourage the sexy Season rake, Theo, to change his ways? And what of Hope Lucas, who Emma has failed to match before, but who still has faith that Mr Right is out there?And with Emma so focused on finding everybody else’s happy ever after, is she at risk of letting her own perfect match slip away?Welcome to the Christmas Season.An uplifting, original and romantic read that fans of Lex Croucher and Lindsey Kelk will love.Readers are loving The Christmas Season:'A heartwarming, magical romance guaranteed to give you the warm and fuzzies.' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader Review'Perfect for the upcoming holiday season. The cover is absolutely gorgeous...but the storyline is equally adorable.' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader Review'With an element of Bridgerton...this is a cute little romantic book about finding love but also finding yourself. Prefect winter read by the fire.' Reader review'The concept is fantastic. I love the idea of a modern Regency season where people are encouraged to let go of the instant gratification of online dating and seek meaningful connections.' Reader Review'A quick and cute read...I adore the concept of an old-fashioned season in modern times.' Reader Review'This was a super lightweight, very quick read...gave me Love Actually vibes.' Reader ReviewPraise for Ally Sinclair:'I loved it! Clever, romantic, funny and completely different!’ Katie Fforde'I adored this witty, joyous romp of a tale.' Liz Fenwick‘Such a good book. I liked the characters, I loved reading their stories as they unfurled.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader Review'What a fun read!…Three very modern romances occur against a backdrop of Regency recreation.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader Review‘Devoured this book…A modern-day must for lovers of Jane Austen. Cannot wait for the next book in the series. Highly recommend.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader Review‘I loved this book, the characters and the atmosphere. It was perfection.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader Review'This was such a cute read! It takes readers back in time…Emma and Mr Knight were an irresistible combo.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader Review‘I loved the way Ally Sinclair brought elements of Jane Austen and flair of Bridgerton into a funny romance. I loved it.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader Review
Dorling Kindersley Ltd DK Eyewitness Cruise Guide to Europe and the Mediterranean
The ideal travel companion, full of insider advice on what to see and do, plus detailed itineraries and comprehensive maps for exploring Europe and the Mediterranean on a cruise.Cruise Norway's awe-inspiring fjords, enjoy some sunshine along the beautiful Cote d'Azur, stop off in Morocco's colourful bazaars or explore Edinburgh's rich culture and history: everything you need to know is clearly laid out within colour-coded chapters. Discover the best of cruising Europe and the Mediterranean with this indispensable travel guide.Inside DK Eyewitness Travel Guide Cruise Guide to Europe and the Mediterranean:- Over 45 colour maps help you navigate with ease- Simple layout makes it easy to find the information you need- Comprehensive tours and itineraries of Europe and the Mediterranean, designed for every interest and budget- Illustrations and floorplans show in detail Westminster Abbey in London, the Sagrada Família in Barcelona, the Palazzo Ducale in Venice, St Peter's Basilica in Rome, the ancient ruins of Ephesus in Turkey, the Acropolis in Athens, the Musée du Louvre in Paris, and much more- Colour photographs of Europe and the Mediterranean's historic and vibrant cities, stunning landscapes - from Nice's beautiful beaches to Norway's dramatic fjords - plus ancient sights, architectural highlights and more- Detailed chapters cover Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Great Britain, Ireland, France, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Malta, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Israel, Turkey, Greece, Cyprus and Croatia- Historical and cultural context gives you a richer travel experience: learn about each country's history and culture, unique architecture, ancient sights, museums and galleries, as well as the history of cruise travel and more- Experience the culture with features on the vikings in Norway; scotch whisky in Scotland; the wines of France; Mediterranean flora and fauna; and the Bosphorus- Essential travel tips: our expert choices of where to stay, eat, shop and sightsee, plus transport, visa and health information, and a detailed survival guide to help you plan and book a cruiseDK Eyewitness Travel Guide Cruise Guide to Europe and the Mediterranean is a detailed, easy-to-use guide designed to help you get the most from your cruise around Europe and the Mediterranean.DK Eyewitness: winner of the Top Guidebook Series in the Wanderlust Reader Travel Awards 2017. "No other guide whets your appetite quite like this one" - The IndependentWant to see more of Europe? Try our DK Eyewitness Travel Guide Europe.About DK Eyewitness Travel: DK's highly visual Eyewitness guides show you what others only tell you, with easy-to-read maps, tips, and tours to inform and enrich your holiday. DK is the world's leading illustrated reference publisher, producing beautifully designed books for adults and children in over 120 countries.
Zondervan NASB, The Grace and Truth Study Bible (Trustworthy and Practical Insights), Hardcover, Green, Red Letter, 1995 Text, Comfort Print
Knowledge that TransformsWithout truth, we will be subject to every wind of distraction. Without grace, our lives will ring hollow. The Grace and Truth Study Bible is designed to help you understand and be formed by Scripture. Rich passage-by-passage study notes are theologically sound, guiding you to a deep understanding of each text, while always keeping in view the transformative affirmation and goodness of God’s nature and redemptive plan.Dr. R. Albert Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and one of the foremost voices for evangelicals worldwide, heads up the editorial team for the NASB Grace and Truth Study Bible. This group of scholars and pastors is committed to delivering a trustworthy and approachable guide to Scripture to Bible readers. The warmhearted and faithful notes will provide first-time Bible readers reliable guidance while simultaneously nourishing veteran students of the Word with fresh insights. Unwavering in its commitment to evangelical steadfastness, this study Bible paints a stunning canvas of the goodness of God’s redemptive plan revealed in the gospel of Jesus.Universally recognized as the gold standard among word-for-word translations, the beloved New American Standard Bible, 1995 Text, is now easier to read with Zondervan’s exclusive NASB Comfort Print® typeface. Available in a variety of sophisticated designs, the NASB Grace and Truth Study Bible gives you the translation celebrated for faithfulness to the original biblical languages in a portable, easy-to-read format.Features: The full text of the New American Standard Bible, 1995 Text Insightful and practical bottom-of-the-page study notes faithfully illuminate Scripture passage by passage Bible Book Introductions invite you into the Scripture text without overwhelming technical terms or outlines Center-column cross reference system for deeper study NASB concordance Words of Jesus in red Elegant two-color page design 16 pages of full-color Bible maps Satin ribbon marker Project leadership by general editor Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr., president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Exclusive Zondervan NASB Comfort Print typeface Print Size: 9 (Study Notes: 8)
John Wiley & Sons Inc Frequency Selective Surfaces: Theory and Design
"...Ben has been the world-wide guru of this technology, providing support to applications of all types. His genius lies in handling the extremely complex mathematics, while at the same time seeing the practical matters involved in applying the results. As this book clearly shows, Ben is able to relate to novices interested in using frequency selective surfaces and to explain technical details in an understandable way, liberally spiced with his special brand of humor... Ben Munk has written a book that represents the epitome of practical understanding of Frequency Selective Surfaces. He deserves all honors that might befall him for this achievement." -William F. Bahret. Mr. W. Bahret was with the United States Air Force but is now retired. From the early 50s he sponsored numerous projects concerning Radar Cross Section of airborne platforms in particular antennas and absorbers. Under his leadership grew many of the concepts used extensively today, as for example the metallic radome. In fact, he is by many considered to be the father of stealth technology. "This book compiles under one cover most of Munk's research over the past three decades. It is woven with the physical insight that he has gained and further developed as his career has grown. Ben uses mathematics to whatever extent is needed, and only as needed. This material is written so that it should be useful to engineers with a background in electromagnetics. I strongly recommend this book to any engineer with any interest in phased arrays and/or frequency selective surfaces. The physical insight that may be gained from this book will enhance their ability to treat additional array problems of their own." -Leon Peters, Jr. Professor Leon Peters, Jr., was a professor at the Ohio State University but is now retired. From the early sixties he worked on, among many other things, RCS problems involving antennas and absorbers. This book presents the complete derivation of the Periodic Method of Moments, which enables the reader to calculate quickly and efficiently the transmission and reflection properties of multi-layered Frequency Selective Surfaces comprised of either wire and/or slot elements of arbitrary shape and located in a stratified medium. However, it also gives the reader the tools to analyze multi-layered FSS's leading to specific designs of the very important Hybrid Radome, which is characterized by constant band width with angle of incidence and polarization. Further, it investigates in great detail bandstop filters with large as well as narrow bandwidth (dichroic surfaces). It also discusses for the first time, lossy elements used in producing Circuit Analog absorbers. Finally, the last chapter deals with power breakdown of FSS's when exposed to pulsed signals with high peak power. The approach followed by most other presentations simply consists of expanding the fields around the FSS, matching the boundary conditions and writing a computer program. While this enables the user to obtain calculated results, it gives very little physical insight and no help in how to design actual multi-layered FSS's. In contrast, the approach used in this title analyzes all curves of desired shapes. In particular, it discusses in great detail how to produce radomes made of FSS's located in a stratified medium (Hybrid Radomes), with constant band width for all angles of incidence and polarizations. Numerous examples are given of great practical interest. More specifically, Chapter 7 deals with the theory and design of bandpass radomes with constant bandwidth and flat tops. Examples are given for mono-, bi- and tri-planar designs. Chapter 8 deals with bandstop filters with broad as well as narrow bandwidth. Chapter 9 deals with multi-layered FSS of lossy elements, namely the so-called Circuit Analog Absorbers, designed to yield outstanding absorption with more than a decade of bandwidth. Features material previously labeled as classified by the United States Air Force.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Political Economy of East Asia
The post-war growth of the East Asian economies is an unprecedented achievement in world economic history. The newly-industrializing countries of Hong Kong, the Republic of Korea, Singapore and Taiwan were first to emulate Japan's economic success; more recently, the People's Republic of China and several Southeast Asian countries have experienced extremely high rates of economic growth and rapid industrial transformation.This comprehensive six volume set brings together the best work published on the political economy of the East Asia region, including studies of Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines. The collections will be welcomed by specialists in Asian studies, comparative politics, international political economy and economics.The series can be purchased either by title - each of which consists of two volumes - or as a complete six volume set.JAPANJapan's economic transformation in the postwar period occurred at an historically unprecedented pace. Rapid urbanization accompanied economic growth and brought major changes in the social and political systems.These authoritative volumes analyse the factors behind Japan's economic success and the consequences that it has had both for Japan's political system and for Japan's role in the global economy.Volume I focuses on the process of policy making in Japan, especially on the issue of the relative importance of the bureaucracy and its relations with other key actors. The second part of the volume contains the most important contributions to the debate on whether industrial policy was the principal reason for Japan's economic success.Volume II contains sections on industrial culture and organization that examine Japanese corporate systems, the role of flexible production, the unique nature of Japanese society and the advantages and drawbacks of Japan's industrial groupings, as well as the regulatory framework under which Japan's firms operate. The final readings focus on the question of whether Japan's trading pattern is abnormal for an economy of its level of development and natural resources, and how this pattern will evolve in the future.CHINA, KOREA AND TAIWANThis two volume set focuses on the political economy of Korea, Taiwan, China and Hong Kong four of the most rapidly growing countries in the contemporary world economy.The first chapters in this collection are comparative studies of the political economy of the newly-industrializing countries in general; these construct an East Asian 'model' as a tool for comparative analysis. Later comparative work reproduced in the first volume focuses specifically on Korea and Taiwan and is concerned with explaining the different evolution of state-society relations in these two countries. Among the subjects included are economic adjustment, financial systems, agriculture, trading companies, and policies on foreign direct investment and trade.The second part of Volume II consists of papers on the political economy of China since beginnings of the economic liberalization process in 1978. Besides reviewing the achievements of China in this period, the chapters discuss the continuing contradictions of market liberalization under the auspices of the Chinese Communist Party. The final papers in Volume II review the political economy of Hong Kong, how its economy has been shaped by government policies, and the increasing importance of economic links with mainland China.SINGAPORE, INDONESIA, MALAYSIA, THE PHILIPPINES AND THAILANDThis two volume set focuses on the political economy of five of the member states of ASEAN, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.The readings document how Singapore has enjoyed consistently high rates of growth since the mid-1960s thanks to a mixture of liberal trade policies and judicious government intervention. By the early 1990s it per capita income had surpassed that of many Western European countries.Singapore was the only Southeast Asian country to be included in the original list of newly industrializing countries. In the decade after the mid-1980s, Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand also all enjoyed very high rates of economic growth. Their recent success reflects the benefits, first, of policy reform that has reduced economic distortions and, second, of high levels of foreign direct investment from Northeast Asia. The readings identify some of the continuing struggles between proponents of liberalization and advocates of protectionism who have benefited from the patrimonial politics characteristic of these three countries.The reading on the fifth country in this volume, the Philippines, analyse how the country's development has been held back by the 'crony capitalism' of the Marcos years and by the failure to introduce measures that would reduce the power of the traditional landed elites.
Andrews McMeel Publishing Japanese Farm Food
Japanese Farm Food, now available in paperback, offers a unique look into life on a Japanese farm through 165 simple, clear-flavored recipes along with personal stories and over 350 stunning photographs. It is a book about love, community, and life in rural Japan. Gourmand World Cookbook Awards 2012: USA Winner, Best Japanese Cuisine Book "Our life centers on the farm and the field. We eat what we grow." --Nancy Singleton Hachisu,Japanese Farm Food offers a unique window into life on a Japanese farm through the simple, clear-flavored recipes cooked from family crops and other local, organic products. The multitude of vibrant images by Kenji Miura of green fields, a traditional farmhouse, antique baskets, and ceramic bowls filled with beautiful, simple dishes are interwoven with Japanese indigo fabrics to convey an intimate, authentic portrait of life and food on a Japanese farm. With a focus on fresh and thoughtfully sourced ingredients, the recipes in Japanese Farm Food are perfect for fans of farmers' markets, and for home cooks looking for accessible Japanese dishes. Personal stories about family and farm life complete this incredible volume.American born and raised, Nancy Singleton Hachisu lives with her husband and teenage sons on a rural Japanese farm, where they prepare these 165 bright, seasonal dishes. The recipes are organized logically with the intention of reassuring you how easy it is to cook Japanese food. Not just a book about Japanese food, Japanese Farm Food is a book about love, life on the farm, and community. Covering everything from pickles and soups to noodles, rice, and dipping sauces, with a special emphasis on vegetables, Hachisu demystifies the rural Japanese kitchen, laying bare the essential ingredients, equipment, and techniques needed for Japanese home cooking."Nancy Hachisu is...intrepid. Outrageously creative. Intensely passionate. Committed. True and real. I urge you to cook from this book with abandon, but first read it like a memoir, chapter by chapter, and you will share in the story of a modern-day family, a totally unique and extraordinary one." --Patricia Wells"This book is both an intimate portrait of Nancy's life on the farm, and an important work that shows the universality of an authentic food culture." --Alice Waters"The modest title Japanese Farm Food turns out to be large, embracing and perhaps surprising. Unlike the farm-to-table life as we know it here, where precious farm foods are cooked with recipes, often with some elaboration, real farm food means eating the same thing day after day when it’s plentiful, putting it up for when it's not, and cooking it very, very simply because the farm demands so much more time in the field than in the kitchen. This beautiful, touching, and ultimately common sense book is about a life that's balanced between the idea that a life chooses you and that you in turn choose it and then live it wholeheartedly and largely. Thank you, Nancy, for sharing your rich, intentional and truly inspiring life." --Deborah Madison"Nancy Hachisu’s amazing depth of knowledge of Japanese food and culture shines through in every part of this book. You will feel as if you live next door to her...savoring and learning her down-to-earth approach to cooking and to loving food." --Hiroko Shimbo"Taking a peek into Nancy Hachisu's stunning Japanese Farm Food is like entering a magical world. It's a Japan that used to be, not the modern Japan defined by the busyness of Tokyo, but a more timeless place, a place whose rhythms are set by seasons and traditions and the work of the farm. Japanese Farm Food is so much more than a cookbook. This book has soul. Every vegetable, every tool has a story. Who grew this eggplant? Who made this soy sauce? Nancy doesn't have to ask, "Where does my food come from?" She knows. Here's a woman who grows and harvests her own rice, grain by grain. Not that she asks or expects us to do the same at all. What she does offer is a glimpse into her life in rural Japan, with its shoji screens and filtered light, and recipes from her farm kitchen that you can't wait to try." --Elise Bauer,"Japanese Farm Food is a lovely book about the culture, landscape, and food of Japan, a true insider's view of the Japanese kitchen, from farm to table, by a passionate and talented writer." --Michael Ruhlman
Nova Science Publishers Inc The Role of Social Workers in a Broken World: A Christian Faith Perspective
The world today is a much more dangerous place in many aspects than it used to be years back. Much has changed in many arenas of life and the general situation seems to be getting worse by the day. This is a world that still seems to be in a pretty dismal condition and offers little to no prospect for progress of improvement. Today, people appear to be inclined toward greed, oppression, violence, threat, conquest, exploitation and even self-exploitation. For example, poverty is pushing more people into despondency and this in some cases has resulted in people fleeing their homelands in search of supposedly better lives in the developed nations. Some people are fleeing their homelands as refugees, seeking refuge in other developed countries. Many who take this path risk their lives through running away or escaping across unfriendly and wild oceans where many drown and die before reaching their destiny. Environmental degradation is another challenge that is affecting lives of many people. The ones suffering the most are people in developing countries where the effects of environmental degradation have contributed to drought that is adversely impacting their livelihoods and disturbing their daily lives through such induced practices as load shedding. Load shedding is periodic loss of electric power in homes brought about by reduced water levels and this has affected the production of hydroelectric power. Even in the United States the impact of environmental degradation or commonly known as global warming has taken its toll in some states where drought has negatively impacted many communities. Although much of the environmental injustice is being perpetuated by the rich and some developing countries including the United States and China. These countries have refused to take responsibility for the misery their actions have caused to many peoples especially those in the developing countries. One particular example is in the area of bio-medics in which we have see a proliferation in the number of viruses. These viruses have caused untold misery and mayhem in some parts of the world. The latest viral incident has been the novel COVID-19 that broke out in Wuhan, China in 2020 and immediately became a pandemic causing hundred of thousands of preventable deaths across the globe. The first cases were reported in Wuhan since early April of 2020. In the area of politics the story is no better as we now have a new crop of politicians who are narcissistic self-declared gods and who are driven by their egocentric and insatiable desire for gain and wealth at the expense of the masses. This political scenario, unfortunately, is what we are witnessing now. We have a political system that is driven and dictated by the wealthy and powerful. Most of these individuals are doing everything in their power to feed on and exploit people's fears all for their own aggrandizement. This book utilizes different angles to discuss these critical issues using a Christian lens. It also simultaneously highlights brokenness as the resulting consequence of the issues highlighted above. When people are victims of poverty, of viral pandemics, of environmental inequity and have no immediate hope or resolve to redress their situation, they are broken. When they flee their homelands and often risk their lives across unforgiving and turbulent oceans, they are broken. When they are timid and exploited by a political machinery that feeds on their vulnerability, they are broken. When environmental injustice affects the welfare and wellbeing of many people who do not have any power or privilege, they become broken by the consequence of this injustice. From a Christian perspective, the only answer to these challenges is God. God offers an unflinching, ceaseless and powerful revelation of love and compassion for the broken. The Bible, which testifies to this, contains scriptures that are a harbinger of Jesus's love for humanity and of how He is interested in mediating, mending and restoring broken humanity to His image. This book espouses faith and spirituality as central elements for victory against the current economic and social malaise. These two are tried and tested weapons that can effectively confront the current ills. The book discusses how spirituality and belief in God and how taking Him by His word is the only credible answer and hope for broken individuals, families, groups and communities. It provides a poignant discussion of how brokenness affects individuals, families and communities and offers practical suggestions of how brokenness can be addressed through the use of different platforms nested within a Christian perspective. Each of the following twenty chapters: A Broken World; War and Brokenness; Physical and Social Environment; International Refugee Crisis; Being Broken; Brokenness and Transformation; Reflecting and Brokenness; Staying Strong; Navigating Brokenness through Life; Social Work and Life; Brokenness, Social Work and Church; Storms and Brokenness; Standing Firm when Broken; Finding Meaning In a Broken World; Life is short but Eternity is Long, Long, Long; Rejoicing in a Broken World; The Holy Spirit in Brokenness; The Blessed Hope; Spirituality in Brokenness and; Inspirational Insights is unique and offers a persuasive and compelling argument for restoration and hope even in the midst of brokenness. The chapters offer solid discourse on ways in which the church and other stakeholders might use spiritual practices that could remedy brokenness and restore hope in those who are impacted by this malady. Although the book seems to provide practical suggestions for social workers, it is a very useful resource to other helping professions who are working and coming into contact with broken individuals daily.
Baen Books Invisible Wars: The Collected Dead Six
The Dead Six series is an inventive and action-packed military adventure series with a touch of conspiracy and big dollop of descriptive firepower! Now, for the first time, all of the Dead Six novels are available in a single omnibus edition. Inside you will find: Dead Six: Michael Valentine has been recruited by the government to conduct a secret counter-terror operation in the Persian Gulf nation of Zubara. The unit is called Dead Six. Their mission is to take the fight to the enemy and not get caught. Lorenzo, assassin and thief extraordinaire, is being blackmailed by the world's most vicious crime lord. His team has to infiltrate the Zubaran terrorist network and pull off an impossible heist or his family will die. When Dead Six compromises his objective, Lorenzo has a new job: Find and kill Valentine. Swords of Exodus: On the far side of the world, deep in former Soviet Central Asia, lies a stronghold called the Crossroads. It is run with an iron fist by a brutally effective warlord. Enter Lorenzo, thief extraordinaire, and Michael Valentine, implacable mercenary warrior. Their task: team with a shadowy organization of modern day Templars and take down a brutal slave lord. Alliance of Shadows: Europe has spiraled into chaos. In the midst of the disorder, mercenary Michael Valentine and his team are trying to track down an evil woman bent on total power. They’re on their own, with few friends, few resources—and racing against the clock. Plus, two short stories set in the Dead Six universe: "Sweothi City" by Larry Correia, and the two-part short story "Rock, Meet Hard Place" by Mike Kupari and Peter Nealen. Features a brand-new introduction by Correia and Kupari! About Larry Correia: “[E]verything I like in fantasy: intense action scenes, evil in horrifying array, good struggling against the darkness, and most of all people—gorgeously flawed human beings faced with horrible moral choices that force them to question and change and grow.”—Jim Butcher “[A] no-holds-barred all-out page turner that is part science fiction, part horror, and an absolute blast to read.”— “If you love monsters and action, you’ll love this book. If you love guns, you’ll love this book. If you love fantasy, and especially horror fantasy, you’ll love this book.”— “A gun person who likes science fiction—or, heck, anyone who likes science fiction—will enjoy [these books] . . . The plotting is excellent, and Correia makes you care about the characters . . . I read both books without putting them down except for work . . . so whaddaya waitin’ for? Go and buy some . . . for yourself and for stocking stuffers.”—Massad Ayoob “This lighthearted, testosterone-soaked sequel to 2009's Monster Hunter International will delight fans of action horror with elaborate weaponry, hand-to-hand combat, disgusting monsters, and an endless stream of blood and body parts.”—Publishers Weekly on Monster Hunter Vendetta About Mike Kupari: “After co-writing Dead Six and Swords of Exodus with Larry Correia, Kupari makes his solo debut with this space opera that is bound to attract fans of Mike Shepherd’s Kris Longknife series or Elizabeth Moon’s Vatta’s War books. An excellent choice for both teen and adult sf readers.” —Library Journal on Her Brother's Keeper "Page-turning action."—Galveston County Daily News
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Santa Maybe: Don't miss out on this absolutely hilarious and festive romantic comedy!
Get in the Christmas spirit with this charming and funny festive rom-com perfect for fans of Elena Armas, Sophie Kinsella and Catherine Walsh! It's going to be a holly jolly Christmas... Toy Store owner Elodie Martin is not one to get into the festive spirit but nothing gets her fired up more than the chance to get one over on her nemesis, Callum Ashley – the frosty, infuriatingly handsome owner of the local department store. Christmas is the only time she can compete thanks to her grandad Jim, everyone's favourite Santa Claus. But when he has to unexpectedly hang up his red suit, Elodie is at risk of losing the business for good and has no choice but to rely on last-minute replacement out-of-work actor Nick Winter. Can a sprinkling of Christmas magic warm Callum's heart and help Elodie find her happily-ever-after? Or is it just possible that love is to be found a little bit closer to home? Readers love Santa Maybe!: 'Oh my heart!!! Mary Jayne Baker has straightened her crown and taken her seat back on the throne, fully deserving of a QUEEN title... I have literally been transported by this book... impossible to put down... It's a must read!!' littlemissbooklover87, 5* Review 'Santa Maybe is a great big love triangle with tinsel and flashing tree lights decked all over it... Impossibly, breathtakingly romantic... Invitingly sigh-worthy... reality wrapped in a shimmery sheen of hopes and hearts fulfilled.' SparklyPrettyBriiiight, 5* Review 'A five-star read that is worthy of any Santa list... So sweet and funny and had me so wrapped up that I sobbed buckets!!... I am well into the Christmas spirit now.' NetGalley 5* Review 'Aw, what a wonderful festive romance and with such a perfect ending!... This is such a brilliant story and the perfect festive romance to read this Christmas!... The ending is good and so perfect... I can't believe how much I have enjoyed reading this and how I couldn't stop turning the pages! Just want to re-read it again already!' thestrawberrypost 'A gorgeous story that takes all the ingredients of a perfect romantic comedy, and adds that extra sprinkle of Christmas magic to the mix... There is so much here to laugh out loud about, but Baker also knows how to reduce you to a weeping mess – and I loved every extra sparkly magical festive moment.' @brownflopsy, 5* Review 'I loved this so much... Think Miracle on 34th Street vibes, I could see this as a movie, it really was so good!!!!' @reemareads, 5* Review 'It had a You've Got Mail vibe to it and I loved that... Super festive and uplifting... If you're looking for a super festive and speedy read then I'd definitely recommend Santa Maybe.' @youngcreativepress 'Loved this christmassy read. Lovely story very enjoyable will be rereading come December.' @SarahOates10, 5* Review 'Fun festive rom com in book form, that made me smile... Enjoyable quick read, savour with a mug of hot chocolate and marshmallows.' @librarianwithattitude1 'This is a sweet and lovely story; it will make you laugh and believe in love... Because, let's be honest, love is a little bit magic, it happens the moment you least expect it and it transforms your life... You'll have to read the book to know all the answers! And believe me when I say that this is a book that will make you smile!' Varietats2010 'Wonderful Christmas book... filled with so much love, warmth and Christmas spirit. Wonderful.' NetGalley 5* Review 'I have never read a Mary Jayne Baker book I didn't love. This one was no exception... A fun book which I enjoyed reading, whatever the season.' Goodreads 5* Review 'Another smash. This book is funny and clever, with a resolution to a potential love triangle that was done in a careful and believable manner... Add this to your Christmas reads.' Sikonat, 5* Review 'An absolute joy to read – it was gorgeously festive and I was so invested in the characters, even the ones I didn't want to like.' christmaslover1985, 5* Review
Naval Institute Press Leadership Embodied: The Secrets to Success of the Most Effective Navy and Marine Corps Leaders
Leadership is a most demanding undertaking. How do some people make it seem so simple, so natural and instinctive? In the age-old debate as to whether leaders are born or made, Thomas contends that the answer is both. Great leaders throughout history were born with certain capabilities. Preparation honed those capabilities. Then that ability and preparation were combined with a will to lead. When circumstances demanded, the great leaders of history pulled these attributes together to create results that drove the course of history.While leaders are present in every aspect of human undertaking, we chose to illustrate each of the components of leadership through the most dramatic and demanding of all human undertakings--war and the preparations for war. Wartime leaders are leaders "writ with a darker pen." Wartime challenges are, because of the life and death nature of the affair, more monumental and exacting. In the selection of individuals to illustrate each point, we chose wartime leaders as well as those who guided their subordinates and organizations in preparation for combat. Further we chose American leaders with a distinct and obvious bias towards the navy and Marine Corps.Multiple reasons led us to our approach for Leadership Embodied. First, a biography is perhaps the most effective method for imparting leadership lessons. Simple listings of prescriptive traits or descriptive qualities are patronizing and, frequently, boring. Second, our biographical examples are familiar to most--or at least they should be. Finally, all of these historical selections have dramatically shaped today's institutions, practices, and customs within the naval services. These are not marginal figures with marginal influence. The individuals included, and their respective leadership attributes, should be required reading for any student of leadership. Each has a particular lesson for midshipmen on their journey to becoming a navy or Marine Corps officer.This book does not promise to be a panacea. There is no short cut. Leadership does not follow a prescribed path. We study examples to inspire us to become better, to be strong when it is easy to give in, and to know others have gone before us and faced insurmountable odds. Leadership, as an ill-defined social science, crosses boundaries with several disciplines including sociology, psychology, philosophy, and history. We have selected a method that combines the psychological "profile" of effective leaders and the historical context of the impact their leadership brought to organizations and events. Our hope for this book is that these case studies illustrate the basic elements--in themselves the very essence--of leadership. It is through inherent talent, arduous preparation, and practical experience that we become capable leaders. The reader brings the first to the table; then we offer a small token in the second pursuit; and circumstances enable the third.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Human Values and Biodiversity Conservation: The Survival of Wild Species
This pioneering book explores the influence of human values on the willingness of individuals to pay for the conservation of individual wildlife species (and classes of these), to be for or against their survival, and to favor or oppose their harvesting.Clement Tisdell combines original theories, survey results and experimental findings to assess the economic benefit of conserving particular wild species and to suggest strategies for a sustainable future. With a detailed analysis of 25 species, covering the three classes (mammals, birds and reptiles), this book examines how variations in knowledge and social factors can influence individuals' evaluation of species. Moreover, economics and ecology are combined to propose sound policies for wildlife management and to provide estimates of the net economic benefit of conserving particular species.The first work to provide such extensive analysis of human values and conservation, this book is an essential resource for economists, ecologists and all those interested in wildlife management, environment and nature conservation.Contents: PART I: BACKGROUND 1. Human values and the conservation of wild species: an overview 2. Basic theory: the economic value of wild species, their conservation and use PART II: VALUES AND SUPPORT FOR THE CONSERVATION OF INDIVIDUAL SPECIES AS WELL AS SUSTAINABLE USE STRATEGIES 3. Changed values and increased support for wildlife conservation as a result of ecotourism: a sea turtle study 4. The economic worth of conserving the Asian elephant 5. Australia's curious tree-kangaroos: important influences (particularly knowledge) on support for their conservation 6. The social net economic benefit of conserving an endangered marsupial glider: economic and ecological considerations 7. Support for conserving the likeable koala versus that for a critically endangered species of wombat 8. The hawksbill turtle its conservation and use: public values, attitudes and policies 9. Saltwater crocodiles: human values, conservation and sustainable use PART III: VALUES AND SUPPORT FOR THE CONSERVATION OF MULTIPLE SPECIES AS WELL AS SUSTAINABLE USE STRATEGIES 10. Public support for conserving reptile species: stated values for different species and comparative support for their conservation 11. Influences of knowledge on wildlife valuation and support for conserving species 12. The relative importance of likeability and endangerment for payments to conserve species 13. The similarity principle and public support for the survival of wildlife species 14. The comparative probability of species of mammals, birds and reptiles being selected for survival when only a limited number of species can be chosen 15. Public support for sustainable wildlife harvesting and biodiversity conservation: a case study 16. Public attitudes to wildlife use by Indigenous Australians: conservation issues, marketing and the economic viability of aboriginal wildlife enterprises Index
Prometheus Books King David and Boss Daley: The Black Disciples, Mayor Daley and Chicago on the Edge
In Chicago in mid-twentieth century amid the haze and smoke of urban renewal and the sounds of the wrecking balls and bulldozers, there lived two men, both street-savvy, one Black, one Irish, one young, one old and both leaders of their clans. Each ruled with an iron fist. Each embodied the fighting spirit of the turbulent 1960s. One was David Barksdale, the Black Disciples leader, a Black youth club that would give birth to America's largest street gang; the other was Richard J. Daley, the legendary Mayor of the City of Chicago. He was one of the longest-serving, most prominent mayors in American history and the last of the big-city "bosses." Although the two never met, at least not face-to-face, their fates were linked by a time of change, an era of protest, which was a decisive moment of transformational power that was on the verge of a violent uprising in America's second-largest city. This is a book that is as lively as its subject. A braided narrative of two larger than life people, it has the boldness to combine two oddly related 1960s stories into a single narrative that is both intimate and epic. One captures the unlikely story of a Negro boy whose share-cropping family migrated from rural Mississippi to Chicago, where he started a street gang that became the largest in America. The book's other path follows America's last big city "boss," whose persona is legendary and bigger than life. While historians, political pundits, and those who knew him speak of "Hizzonor" as being a proud, Irish-Catholic who was the long-time godfather of the Chicago Democratic Party and Mayor who saved Chicago from becoming another Detroit or Cleveland, they also acknowledge that he was a fierce segregationist. He had a contentious relationship with civil rights leaders like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Richard Daley also played a significant role in the history of the United States Democratic Party.Williams an internationally recognized gang expert and interventionist, eloquently tells the story of these men, their clans, and their on-going struggle for power, status, and legacy. However unheard of and unimaginable, some of the incidents may seem, this is not a work of fiction. Everything written comes from archival documents, official reports, focus groups, in-depth interviews, or first-hand accounts. The action takes place mostly in Chicago's Englewood neighborhood. Still, there are some occasions where the action takes place in Bronzeville, the Woodlawn community, on the West Side of the City and downtown.
Hippocrene Books Inc.,U.S. The Best of Afghan Cooking
The most comprehensive collection of authentic Afghan recipes published in English, this cookbook brings the legendary hospitality and foods of the Afghan table to readers everywhere. Since ancient times, Afghanistan’s location in the heart of Central Asia has made it a crossroads for multiple cultures and culinary influences. The ancient city of Kabul was a hub for European, Chinese and Indian merchants as well as intellectuals and spiritual leaders. In this context, Afghanistan’s rich and multifaceted culinary identity evolved. To this day, Afghans retain the tradition of preparing food with freshly harvested ingredients. In most villages, flour is still ground in local mills and cows are milked daily, and the milk is then processed into fresh butter or yogurt. Kabobs, ranging from chicken, beef, lamb and fish, are seasoned with delicate spices before grilling. A variety of fresh vegetables, fruits, and herbs, along with lentils and meat, are used to prepare traditional stews called qurmas. Considered Afghanistan’s national food, rice dishes called palow are cooked with meat, onions, and distinctive spices such as cumin, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, and black pepper. Dough prepared with fresh ingredients is shaped into bread, cookies, and cakes before being baked in a preheated ground oven called a tandoor. Aromatic spices and crunchy roasted nuts combined with fresh milk and wheat create unique desserts that are simple to prepare but deliver impressive results Kabul native Zarghuna Adel brings a lifetime of cooking experience and years of research into this unique cookbook, which features authentic Afghan recipes that were lost or forgotten in the course of four decades of war and displacement. This volume features over 225 recipes, each with easy-to-follow instructions and a color photograph. Fifteen chapters cover the range of Afghan culinary offerings, from appetizers, soups, salads, and main dishes to condiments and desserts, and each chapter includes a detailed introduction to the history, origins, and cultural traditions that surround the recipes. Sample recipes: · Ashak (leek dumplings with yogurt and ground beef) · Kabob Teka (marinated lamb and vegetable kabobs) · Badenjan Borani (eggplant appetizer with tomatoes and yogurt) · Chapli Kabob (fried spicy ground beef patties) · Qabeli Palow (long grain rice with onions, spices and tender meat) · Halwa Ardi (wheat flour halwa with cardamom and nuts) · Rout (fluffy sweet bread with sesame and nigella seeds) · Chai Chawa (green tea with ginger, fennel and walnuts)
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Operation 'Dragoon' and Beyond: Then and Now
From the Riviera, to the Rhine and on to the Colmar pocket, all three operations are covered in this volume by Jean Paul Pallud, and each show the action and locations in our unique then and now style. The project of a landing operation in southern France was debated between American and British Allies from mid-1943, the Americans favouring the idea, the British expressing doubts on the value of such an operation. The Russians intervened in November when, at the Eureka conference at Teheran Joseph Stalin, the leader of the Soviet state, declared he was much interested in an operation in southern France. President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill agreed to launch Operation Anvil in southern France at the same time as Operation 'Overlord', the Normandy landings. Convinced that the Allied forces in the Mediterranean would better be used in the Italian campaign, Churchill appealed directly to Roosevelt in June to cancel 'Anvil' but Roosevelt answered that he was definitely for 'Anvil'. On July 2, the Combined Chiefs-of-Staff directed General Sir Henry Maitland Wilson, the C-in-C Mediterranean Theatre, to launch Operation 'Dragoon', a three-division assault against the coast of southern France by August 14. Under the shield of a large naval task force the US VI Corps and French forces landed on the beaches of the Riviera on August 15. Opposition from scattered German forces was weak. As the swiftly defeated German forces withdrew to the north through the Rh ne valley, pressed by the leaders of VI Corps, the French captured the ports of Marseille and Toulon, soon bringing them into operation. Troops from Operation 'Dragoon' met with the Allied units from Operation 'Overlord' on September 15. At the same time Headquarters of the US 6th Army Group, under Lieutenant General Jacob L. Devers, became operational taking command of the US Seventh Army and the French 1 re Arm e. The swift campaign soon came to a stop at the Vosges mountains, where Armeegruppe G was able to establish a stable defence line. The leaders of the 6th Army Group reached the Rhine in mid-November but there would be no crossing. Eisenhower ordered Devers to use whatever force necessary to clear the area between the Vosges and the Rhine and to turn the Seventh Army north as quickly as possible, attacking west and east of the Low Vosges. In spite of its uncertain antecedents, the well-planned Operation 'Dragoon' and the forces involved along with German unpreparedness and disarray contributed to a surprisingly rapid success that liberated most of southern France in just four weeks.
Societe d'etudes latines de Bruxelles-Latomus Primores Galliarum. Sénateurs et chevaliers romains originaires de Gaule de la fin de la République au IIIe siècle: III. Étude sociale. 1. Les racines
Un peu moins de trois cents Gallo-Romains ont appartenu aux deux ordres nobiliaires romains au cours du Haut-Empire, chevaliers pour les trois quarts, sénateurs pour le quart restant. La reconnaissance de cette appartenance est le résultat d’une application de critères d’origine géographique aux sénateurs et chevaliers romains présumés originaires de Gaule ou présumés tels à divers titres, qui a conduit à écarter, dans l’état actuel de la documentation, un nombre assez élevé de personnages considérés comme ayant appartenu à l’ordre sénatorial ou à l’ordre équestre pour des raisons individuelles ou un statut présumé de groupes. Il s’agit en ce cas d’une part de Gaulois assurés mais dont l’appartenance à l’un des deux ordres nobiliaires ne peut être qu’une erreur ou une trop fragile hypothèse, d’autre part de sénateurs ou de chevaliers parfaitement authentiques mais pour lesquels une origine de Gaule ne pose sur de fondements dépourvus de solidité ou qui ne suffisent pas à asseoir une conviction. Ces deux élites nobiliaires ont connu simultanément une triple évolution. Une évolution chronologique des effectifs connus: ils ont progressé de manière parallèle pour les sénateurs et les chevaliers jusqu’à la fin du 1er siècle, en laissant derrière eux les effectifs sénatoriaux et équestres des provinces hispaniques, africaines et micrasiatiques ; une baisse a commencé dans la seconde moitié du IIe siècle et s’est généralisée au IIIe siècle, plus rapidement et plus profondément, au moins en apparence, pour les sénateurs dont les effectifs connus furent, comme ceux des chevaliers, de plus en plus largement distancées par ceux des nobles d’Afrique et d’Asie Mineure. Cette évolution chronologique s’est accompagnée d’une évolution de la répartition géographique de ces primores. La Narbonnaise est présente dans la prosopographie sénatoriale et équestre dès la fin de la République, mais le premier chevalier connu des Trois Gaules date de l’époque augustéenne et la première attestation d’un sénateur de l’une de ces provinces de l’époque claudienne. Ce retard a duré pour le recrutement sénatorial jusqu’au début du IIe siècle, tandis que les effectifs des chevaliers croissaient oins inégalement. Au IIe siècle le contraste entre la Narbonnaise et le reste de la Gaule s’est atténué à la suite de la diminution du nombre des sénateurs et des chevaliers connus dans la province du Sud-Est, alors que dans les Trois Gaules le nombre des premiers augmentait légèrement et que se maintenait le nombre des seconds, les deux provinces rhénanes restant en retrait. Au cours du IIIe siècle s’est produit un renversement des valeurs au bénéfice de la Gaule conquise par César, les régions rhénanes fournissant alors ses assises les plus larges au recrutement équestre. Les primores gallo-romains ont aussi connu une évolution d’ordre sociologique. Commencée par l’octroi du droit de cité au chefs indigènes, expliquant l’accès privilégié de ceux-ci à l’ordre équestre et par lui à l’ordre sénatorial, l’extension progressive du recrutement équestre puis sénatorial du Sud-Est vers les régions de l’intérieur et du Nord de la Gaule a continué jusqu’au deuxième tiers du IIe siècle au profit des milieux dirigeants traditionnels, mais aux chefs indigènes des peuples du Sud-Est et aux descendants des dynastes aquitains ou bataves ont succédé des notables de moindre envergure ; enfin ont accédé à leur tour à l’ordre équestre des militaires de carrière venus avant tout des régions du Nord-Est.
Societe d'etudes latines de Bruxelles-Latomus Primores Galliarum. Sénateurs et chevaliers romains originaires de Gaule de la fin de la République au IIIe siècle: I. Méthodologie
Un peu moins de trois cents Gallo-Romains ont appartenu aux deux ordres nobiliaires romains au cours du Haut-Empire, chevaliers pour les trois quarts, sénateurs pour le quart restant. La reconnaissance de cette appartenance est le résultat d’une application de critères d’origine géographique aux sénateurs et chevaliers romains présumés originaires de Gaule ou présumés tels à divers titres, qui a conduit à écarter, dans l’état actuel de la documentation, un nombre assez élevé de personnages considérés comme ayant appartenu à l’ordre sénatorial ou à l’ordre équestre pour des raisons individuelles ou un statut présumé de groupes. Il s’agit en ce cas d’une part de Gaulois assurés mais dont l’appartenance à l’un des deux ordres nobiliaires ne peut être qu’une erreur ou une trop fragile hypothèse, d’autre part de sénateurs ou de chevaliers parfaitement authentiques mais pour lesquels une origine de Gaule ne pose sur de fondements dépourvus de solidité ou qui ne suffisent pas à asseoir une conviction. Ces deux élites nobiliaires ont connu simultanément une triple évolution. Une évolution chronologique des effectifs connus: ils ont progressé de manière parallèle pour les sénateurs et les chevaliers jusqu’à la fin du 1er siècle, en laissant derrière eux les effectifs sénatoriaux et équestres des provinces hispaniques, africaines et micrasiatiques ; une baisse a commencé dans la seconde moitié du IIe siècle et s’est généralisée au IIIe siècle, plus rapidement et plus profondément, au moins en apparence, pour les sénateurs dont les effectifs connus furent, comme ceux des chevaliers, de plus en plus largement distancées par ceux des nobles d’Afrique et d’Asie Mineure. Cette évolution chronologique s’est accompagnée d’une évolution de la répartition géographique de ces primores. La Narbonnaise est présente dans la prosopographie sénatoriale et équestre dès la fin de la République, mais le premier chevalier connu des Trois Gaules date de l’époque augustéenne et la première attestation d’un sénateur de l’une de ces provinces de l’époque claudienne. Ce retard a duré pour le recrutement sénatorial jusqu’au début du IIe siècle, tandis que les effectifs des chevaliers croissaient oins inégalement. Au IIe siècle le contraste entre la Narbonnaise et le reste de la Gaule s’est atténué à la suite de la diminution du nombre des sénateurs et des chevaliers connus dans la province du Sud-Est, alors que dans les Trois Gaules le nombre des premiers augmentait légèrement et que se maintenait le nombre des seconds, les deux provinces rhénanes restant en retrait. Au cours du IIIe siècle s’est produit un renversement des valeurs au bénéfice de la Gaule conquise par César, les régions rhénanes fournissant alors ses assises les plus larges au recrutement équestre. Les primores gallo-romains ont aussi connu une évolution d’ordre sociologique. Commencée par l’octroi du droit de cité au chefs indigènes, expliquant l’accès privilégié de ceux-ci à l’ordre équestre et par lui à l’ordre sénatorial, l’extension progressive du recrutement équestre puis sénatorial du Sud-Est vers les régions de l’intérieur et du Nord de la Gaule a continué jusqu’au deuxième tiers du IIe siècle au profit des milieux dirigeants traditionnels, mais aux chefs indigènes des peuples du Sud-Est et aux descendants des dynastes aquitains ou bataves ont succédé des notables de moindre envergure ; enfin ont accédé à leur tour à l’ordre équestre des militaires de carrière venus avant tout des régions du Nord-Est.
Select Books Inc Take Me with You
During the spring of my fourteenth year, I ran away from home. On a cold night in early February, I disappeared into a Kansas snowstorm. My family lived outside Kansas City. For much of our time together, Dad preached at Edwardsville Christian Church. We lived in the parsonage, a two-bedroom box just south of the railroad tracks separating the white and black parts of town. As the Civil Rights movement heated up, Mom crossed the tracks whenever she could. For that, and for other indiscernible reasons, Dad beat her. My story begins during America's Civil Rights movement, a time when my family fell apart and my future became a struggle between parents and ways of life. Much of my struggle took place within my father's house. In running away, I found a new life. But I wasn't alone. My journey also marked a rebirth for mom and for Jefferson Jackson, the black Baptist preacher who became my father and who raised me. Together, we lived in hiding and in poverty. From that beginning, I've risen to the highest levels of international charity, serving as senior vice president of World Vision U.S. and vice president of PATH before joining Global Impact as CEO. Take Me with You delivers a first-person narrative of a boy who found his future by running away. My childhood and escape from abuse has influenced my present work and driven a personal inspiration to leave a lasting mark on humanity. Today, as the CEO and President of Global Impact, I've made a career of trying to stop cycles of abuse, racism, and inequality. I'm the sum of my story, this memoir rooted in love, faith, and moral courage. Take Me with You is one boy's story about choosing love, forgiveness, and the charity within--and about choosing to be positive. Take Me with You is a call to action to help those in need, especially children. As the statistics reveal, there is an alarming need both in the United States and throughout the world: * In 2013, 14.7 million children under the age of 18 were in poverty in the America * More than one in three African American children live in food-insecure households * Today, nearly 18,000 children under age 5 will die of mostly preventable causes, such as diarrhea, malaria, and pneumonia. This translates to more than 6.5 million per year * Globally, nearly half of under five deaths are attributable to undernutrition * Globally, 51 million under-five-year-olds were wasted (malnourished) and 17 million were severely wasted in 2013 * 4 in 10 children fail to meet minimum learning standards worldwide * Each year, between 2000 through the present, there have been at least 10 million children under age 18 who had lost either one or both parents to AIDS * In 2013, 4 in 5 deaths due to malaria were in children under five I hope that my story will inspire you and encourage you to do whatever you can to change a life for the better. All children--whether in the United States or in third-world countries--deserve to have a fighting chance in life. You have the choice to live your life in a way that will change another person's life for the better, and maybe transform your own along the way. Go ahead, make your mark.
Lonely Planet Global Limited Lonely Planet Mexican Spanish Phrasebook & Dictionary
Lonely Planet's Mexican Spanish Phrasebook and Dictionary is your handy passport to culturally enriching travels with the most relevant and useful Latin American Spanish phrases and vocabulary for all your travel needs.Order Mexican delicacies at restaurants, bargain for the best price at markets, and discuss Mayan history with the locals; all with your trusted travel companion.Get More From Your Trip with Easy-to-Find Phrases for Every Travel Situation!Feel at ease with essential tips on culture, manners, idioms and multiple meaningsOrder with confidence, explain food allergies, and try new foods with the menu decoderSave time and hassles with vital phrases at your fingertipsNever get stuck for words with the 3500-word two-way, quick-reference dictionaryBe prepared for both common and emergency travel situations with practical phrases and terminologyMeet friends with conversation starter phrasesGet your message across with easy-to-use pronunciation guidesInside Lonely Planet's Mexican Spanish Phrasebook and Dictionary:Full-color throughoutUser-friendly layout organized by travel scenario categoriesSurvival phrases inside front cover for at-a-glance, on-the-fly cuesConvenient features5 Phrases to Learn Before You Go10 Ways to Start a Sentence10 Phrases to Sound like a LocalListen For - phrases you may hearLook For - phrases you may see on signsShortcuts - easy-to-remember alternatives to the full phrasesQandA - suggested answers to questions askedCoversBasics - time, dates, numbers, amounts, pronunciation, reading tips, grammar rulesPractical - travel with kids, disabled travelers, sightseeing, business, banking, post office, internet, phones, repairs, bargaining, accommodations, directions, border crossing, transportSocial - meeting people, interests, feelings, opinions, going out, romance, culture, activities, weatherSafe Travel - emergencies, police, doctor, pharmacist, dentist, symptoms, conditionsFood - ordering, at the market, at the bar, dishes, ingredientsThe Perfect Choice: Lonely Planet's Mexican Spanish Phrasebook and Dictionary, a pocket-sized comprehensive language guide, provides on-the-go language assistance; great for language students and travelers looking to interact with locals and immerse themselves in local culture.About Lonely Planet: Lonely Planet is a leading travel media company, providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveller since 1973. Over the past four decades, we've printed over 145 million guidebooks and phrasebooks for 120 languages, and grown a dedicated, passionate global community of travellers. You'll also find our content online, and in mobile apps, videos, 14 languages, armchair and lifestyle books, ebooks, and more, enabling you to explore every day.'Lonely Planet guides are, quite simply, like no other.' New York Times'Lonely Planet. It's on everyone's bookshelves; it's in every traveller's hands. It's on mobile phones. It's on the Internet. It's everywhere, and it's telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.' Fairfax Media (Australia)
Great Northern Books Ltd Northbound and Down: Alaska to Mexico by Bicycle
When Otto Ecroyd embarked on a voyage to sail a broken boat from Norway to France - and failed - he decided to do what any other hapless adventurer would do: cycle from Alaska to Mexico. But, as Otto says, he 'had never ridden further than across town.' So, with no experience, the wrong type of bike and with panniers overflowing with lentils, Otto pedals across vast American landscapes, cowers from juggernaut RVs, and all the while wonders when he will next meet a grizzly bear. En route, Otto's wit and self-deprecating charm ensure he wins many friends, from an array of regional characters, to a cosmopolitan mix of fellow long-distance cyclists, each with their own motivation for riding the hard miles. With some, he cycles leisurely in tandem; with others, in lungbusting sprints; and with others still, in bedraggled pelotons. But then, this is no grand depart from the daily grind to the upper echelons of sport, for Otto is not in it for the competition - just the adventure of a lifetime. Northbound and Down isn't Ranulph Fiennes crossing Antarctica, or 'The Man Who Cycled the World'. It's more entertaining than that. Three months in North America, 100km a day on a bike. The places, the people, the misadventures of the journey. Like a Bill Bryson book if Bill stayed out of the pub once in a while. The local wildlife in the northern frontier. The moose, the bears, the refugees from 'The Lower 48' states. The characters in cowboy country. People who defy any stereotype of heartland America, and those who definitely don't. Down the Pacific Coast, redwood forests, hippie surf towns, mansions and homeless camps. Californian plastic perfection and the weirdness of the American dream. The preparation for cycling 5,000 miles was questionable at best. The furthest Otto had ridden before landing in Anchorage was from London to Brighton. He rode through a golf course and along a motorway, did laps of Gatwick airport and rolled into Brighton two hours late, ready for bed. He learned how to fix a puncture from YouTube and discovered that not all Porsche drivers are dickheads. Otto's touring skills start from a low base. The steep learning curve and daily struggles with reality on the road bring humour to the book. The challenge and the shared experience with people along the way leads to a lasting sense of the rewards of adventure. Otto's motivations for embarking on this adventure were relatable ones. He was bored at work, too old to get wasted in every hostel in Latin America and too poor for a proper mid-life crisis. This is the story of a normal guy breaking out of the daily grind. Cheryl Strayed's 'Wild', but inspired by a struggle against a life on autopilot rather than a life collapsing. A whole middle class, middle career and middle fulfilled generation is in a similar position. They are searching for inspiration. Northbound and Down gives them a taste of this, without having to miss a mortgage payment. Northbound and Down is the everyman's take on breaking the everyday.
University Press of Kansas Postwar Journeys: American and Vietnamese Transnational Peace Efforts since 1975
Postwar Journeys: American and Vietnamese Transnational Peace Efforts since 1975 tells the story of the dynamic roles played by ordinary American and Vietnamese citizens in their postwar quest for peace-an effort to transform their lives and their societies. Hang Thi Thu Le-Tormala deepens our understanding of the Vietnam War and its aftermath by taking a closer look at postwar Vietnam and offering a fresh analysis of the effects of the war and what postwar reconstruction meant for ordinary citizens. This thoughtful exploration of US-Vietnam postwar relations through the work of US and Vietnamese civilians expands diplomatic history beyond its rigid conventional emphasis on national interests and political calculations as well as highlights the possibilities of transforming traumatic experiences or hostile attitudes into positive social change. Le-Tormala's research reveals a wealth of boundary-crossing interactions between US and Vietnamese citizens, even during the times of extremely restricted diplomatic relations between the two nation-states. She brings to center stage citizens' efforts to solve postwar individual and social problems and bridges a gap in the scholarship on the US-Vietnam relations. Peace efforts are defined in their broadest sense, ranging from searching for missing family members or friends, helping people overcome the ordeals resulting from the war, and meeting or working with former opponents for the betterment of their societies.Le-Tormala's research reveals how ordinary US and Vietnamese citizens were active historical actors who vigorously developed cultural ties and promoted mutual understanding in imaginative ways, even and especially during periods of governmental hostility. Through nonprofit organizations as well as cultural and academic exchange programs, trailblazers from diverse backgrounds promoted mutual understanding and acted as catalytic forces between the two governments. Postwar Journeys presents the powerful stories of love and compassion among former adversaries; their shared experiences of a brutal war and desire for peace connected strangers, even opponents, of two different worlds, laying the groundwork for US-Vietnam diplomatic normalization.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Diabetic Gourmet Cookbook: More Than 200 Healthy Recipes from Homestyle Favorites to Restaurant Classics
Scrumptious, healthy, crowd-pleasing recipes for people with diabetes and their loved ones The editors of Diabetic Gourmet Magazine understand that although people with diabetes must carefully monitor their eating habits, they still crave their favorite sweets and savory dishes. Now, with this all-new collection of healthy recipes that are perfect for everyday meals as well as for entertaining, you can enjoy making tasty dishes for yourself, your friends, and your family that are as good for you as they are delicious. The Diabetic Gourmet Cookbook features more than 200 original gourmet recipes complete with detailed nutritional information and diabetic exchanges for easy meal planning. By featuring healthy versions of traditional favorites-from pot roast to macaroni and cheese to banana cream pie-this mouthwatering collection shows how you can safely and effectively eat well if you have diabetes or special dietary needs and still enjoy wonderful food. You'll find easy-to-prepare recipes for appetizers, soups, salads, breads, desserts, sauces, and more along with a host of healthy cooking techniques-which makes The Diabetic Gourmet Cookbook essential for every health-conscious cook's kitchen. Pecan Winter Waffles * Huevos Rancheros * Blueberry Blintzes Topped with Lime Crema * Cranberry Apple Muffins * Baked Onion Rings * Brazilian Smoked Black Bean Soup * French Onion Soup * Refreshing Spring Tabbouleh * Spicy Thai Chicken * Crisp Cornmeal-Coated Catfish * Greek Gyros with Tzatziki Sauce * Chicken Francese * Creamy Coleslaw * Ginger-Lime Sugar Snap Peas * Cranberry-Orange Biscotti * Key Lime Cheesecake Squares * Georgia Peach Pie * Baklava * And many more tasty recipes!
New York University Press Black in Latin America
Selected as a 2012 Outstanding Title by AAUP University Press Books for Public and Secondary School Libraries The history of how six Latin American countries acknowledge—or deny—their African past 12.5 million Africans were shipped to the New World during the Middle Passage. While just over 11.0 million survived the arduous journey, only about 450,000 of them arrived in the United States. The rest—over ten and a half million—were taken to the Caribbean and Latin America. This astonishing fact changes our entire picture of the history of slavery in the Western hemisphere, and of its lasting cultural impact. These millions of Africans created new and vibrant cultures, magnificently compelling syntheses of various African, English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish influences. Despite their great numbers, the cultural and social worlds that they created remain largely unknown to most Americans, except for certain popular, cross-over musical forms. So Henry Louis Gates, Jr. set out on a quest to discover how Latin Americans of African descent live now, and how the countries acknowledge—or deny—their African past; how the fact of race and African ancestry play themselves out in the multicultural worlds of the Caribbean and Latin America. Starting with the slave experience and extending to the present, Gates unveils the history of the African presence in six Latin American countries—Brazil, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Mexico, and Peru—through art, music, cuisine, dance, politics, and religion, but also the very palpable presence of anti-black racism that has sometimes sought to keep the black cultural presence from view. In Brazil, he delves behind the façade of Carnaval to discover how this ‘rainbow nation’ is waking up to its legacy as the world’s largest slave economy. In Cuba, he finds out how the culture, religion, politics and music of this island is inextricably linked to the huge amount of slave labor imported to produce its enormously profitable 19th century sugar industry, and how race and racism have fared since Fidel Castro’s Communist revolution in 1959. In Haiti, he tells the story of the birth of the first-ever black republic, and finds out how the slaves’s hard fought liberation over Napoleon Bonaparte’s French Empire became a double-edged sword. In Mexico and Peru, he explores the almost unknown history of the significant numbers of black people—far greater than the number brought to the United States—brought to these countries as early as the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and the worlds of culture that their descendants have created in Vera Cruz on the Gulf of Mexico, the Costa Chica region on the Pacific, and in and around Lima, Peru. Professor Gates’ journey becomes ours as we are introduced to the faces and voices of the descendants of the Africans who created these worlds. He shows both the similarities and distinctions between these cultures, and how the New World manifestations are rooted in, but distinct from, their African antecedents. “Black in Latin America” is the third instalment of Gates’s documentary trilogy on the Black Experience in Africa, the United States, and in Latin America. In America Behind the Color Line, Professor Gates examined the fortunes of the black population of modern-day America. In Wonders of the African World, he embarked upon a series of journeys to reveal the history of African culture. Now, he brings that quest full-circle in an effort to discover how Africa and Europe combined to create the vibrant cultures of Latin America, with a rich legacy of thoughtful, articulate subjects whose stories are astonishingly moving and irresistibly compelling.
Columbia University Press Voice of America: A History
The Voice of America is the nation's largest publicly funded broadcasting network, reaching more than 90 million people worldwide in over forty languages. Since it first went on the air as a regional wartime enterprise in February 1942, VOA has undergone a spectacular transformation, and it now employs scores of reporters worldwide and broadcasts around the clock every day of every year, reaching listeners in the four-fifths of the world still denied a completely free press. Alan L. Heil, Jr., former deputy director of VOA, chronicles this remarkable transformation from a fledgling short wave propaganda organ during World War II to a global multimedia giant encompassing radio, the Internet, and 1,500 affiliated radio and television stations across the globe. Using transcripts of radio broadcasts and numerous personal anecdotes, Heil gives the reader a front-row seat to the greatest events of the past sixty years, from the Cold War and the Vietnam conflict to the Watergate and Lewinsky scandals, from Neil Armstrong's first steps on the moon in 1969 to ethnic strife in the Balkans and Rwanda in the mid-1990s, and from the outbreak of HIV/AIDS in the 1980s to the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. Yet Heil also relates the story of a perennially underfunded organization struggling against the political pressures, congressional investigations, massive reorganizations, and leadership purges that have attempted to shape-and, in some instances, control-VOA programming. Reporting first hand, high-quality news is a monumental task for any network, but the Voice faces obstacles unique to an organization that stands, as former director John Chancellor once observed, at "the crossroads of journalism and diplomacy." It is for this reason that many people still perceive VOA as an instrument of American propaganda. However, as a thirty-six-year veteran of VOA and its numerous policy wars, Heil believes that the Voice has always sought to deliver accurate, objective, and comprehensive news of the highest journalistic standard, news that reflects America's diversity and dynamism, and that presents not only U.S. policies but also critical debate about those policies. This in-depth history of VOA from its founding until its sixtieth anniversary is a vivid portrait of the people who made it great, depicting a news network that has overcome enormous challenges to steadfastly and faithfully report the most important news stories of our time.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology
Students learn best when they can relate what they are studying to familiar issues, problems, and experiences, and Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology, 4th Edition does just that. With a clear and concise focus on anatomy and physiology, this new edition explains the normal structure of the human body and how it functions to maintain a state of balance and health - and covers need-to-know principles in an easy-to-understand manner. It focuses on how tissues, organs, and body systems work together to carry out activities such as maintaining body temperature, regulating blood pressure, learning, and responding to stress. Completely updated with a brand new art program, this engaging, user-friendly text clarifies concepts that are often difficult for various career-level health professions students to grasp through reading only. UNIQUE! Tools for Learning pedagogical approach ties together learning objectives, Quiz Yourself boxes, and chapter summaries to help summarize key material, identify important topics, and seamlessly test your comprehension as you work through the text. UNIQUE! Concept-statement headings and subheadings, clearly visible throughout the text, transform simple descriptions into key ideas that you should learn in each section of content. Need-to-know information includes only basic anatomy and physiology content to avoid causing confusion. Chapter outlines at the beginning of each chapter provide a brief synopsis of the chapter and act as a guide for you to prioritize topics. Learning objectives appear after main headings to help you concentrate on important information. Chapter summaries illustrate how the topics covered in each chapter support the learning objectives. Quiz Yourself boxes at the end of each major section reinforce information as it is learned, measure mastery of learning objectives, and test your knowledge and comprehension of key topics within the chapter. Glossary, including key terms, pronunciations, definitions, and chapter references, emphasizes and defines essential terminology. Key terms, presented with pronunciations in bold throughout the text, show you what terminology is critical to gaining a solid understanding of anatomy and physiology. Illustrated tables, with illustrations integrated into the rows and columns, bring tables to life and combine the functionality of succinct tabular material with the added visual benefit of illustrated concepts. A conversational style facilitates learning and ensures you are not intimidated. End-of-chapter quizzes consist of fill-in-the-blank, multiple choice, and new vocabulary matching exercises that let you evaluate your understanding of chapter content. You can find the answers on Evolve. Review questions, including labeling exercises, at the end of each chapter focus on important concepts and applications and allow you to relate structure to function. Study Guide, for sale separately, mirrors the text's Table of Contents and includes study questions, labeling exercises, and crossword puzzles that provide you with a fun way to reinforce concepts learned in the text. Evolve site provides support and guidance for new instructors with minimal teaching experience - and facilitates student learning through a variety of interactive and supplemental resources. NEW! Audio chapter summaries on Evolve can be downloaded to your MP3 player, providing you with an easy, portable way to reinforce chapter concepts. NEW! Completely updated illustration program reinforces content and keeps the text fresh. NEW! Thoroughly updated content ensures material is accurate, current, and reflective of the latest research and topics related to anatomy and physiology. NEW! Key words with definitions and pronunciations, listed at the beginning of each chapter and in the Glossary, help reinforce your terminology comprehension. NEW! Matching vocabulary exercises added to chapter quizzes to help you identify important words and definitions. NEW! Answers to in-book questions on Evolve for instructors, instead of in the book, so instructors have the flexibility to provide or not provide answers to chapter quizzes and review questions from the book - and decide whether or not to use them for homework assignments.
Pearson Education Limited Heinemann Maths P7 Answer Book
For "Heinemann Mathematics P7", colour textbooks and workbooks are used by children to practise and record their understanding of concepts, skills and applications in number, measure, shape and handling data. They include a wide range of problem-solving and investigative work to develop children's ability to use and apply maths. The textbooks help promote children's recording skills using a variety of motivating contexts, and include activities to give further practice in applying maths. The format of the workbooks frees children to concentrate on the maths rather than on the presentation of their work, and each one contains a record-keeping grid to show work completed. The reinforcement sheets are for use selectively with those children who need extra practice of key maths topics, in addition to that provided in the textbooks and workbooks. Each sheet is clearly referenced to a workbook or textbook page for easier integration with the core work, and clear flagging in the textbooks and workbooks shows which topics are supported by a reinforcement sheet. All the extra work is at the same mathematical level as the core. The extension textbook provides additional work at every stage to consolidate and extend learning. Some of the work extends the range of a topic for all children, and some is specifically to stretch the more able. Some of the activities relate to topics in the textbooks and workbooks, and the remaining ones can be attempted at any time. The assessment and resources packs contain games and activities to enrich learning. These include photocopiable problem-solving activities and calculator work, and ideas for practical, theme-based work covering a range of maths topics. The corresponding teacher notes provide the starting point for each new maths topic, offering a wide choice of ideas for practical activities to introduce and develop the required skills. Guidance on which pages and components can be used to resource each topic is also included. Additional support includes detailed help with planning and preparing lessons and a scheme of work, clear highlighting of assessment opportunities, close cross-referencing to all the curricula, including the 1995 Order in England, and additional activities for consolidation and extension. This is the corresponding answer book.
Black Heron Press The Train to Orvieto
The Train to Orvieto, set in Orvieto, Florence, and Milan, Italy, and in the heartland of America, is an intimate story of love, loss, betrayal, and reconciliation that unfolds against an historical background of war and dramatic social change. It is a story enacted by fascinating three-dimensional characters and told by one of them, Fina, a history teacher who warns the reader, "The truth never mattered." It is a story depicting the clash of opposites—the desire for union with another and the need for solitude; loyalty and betrayal; change and tradition; the fatalism of rural Italy and the sense of familial and social duty, as against one's obligations to oneself—and it explores the classic theme of how the consequences of decisions made in youth carry through the remainder of one's life. The Train to Orvieto invites us to consider how much we re able to understand the truths of our own lives and what it costs to accept them.The novel consists of the three parts. The first part concerns Willa, her adventurous mother; the second Losine, Willa's elegant lover; and the third, Fina herself. Together, they compose a cross-cultural family saga of the marriage of Willa, a passionate artist from Ohio, and Gabriel, her possessive husband; and of Fina, a daughter who stands at the center of questions about who we are, what we can know of one another, and whether we can forgive.Part I begins in 1935. Fina's mother, Willa Carver, is determined to leave stifling Erhart, Ohio to become an artist in Italy. Her parents are opposed until her impecunious drawing teacher asks for Willa's hand. Willa is quickly sent to Italy chaperoned by the well-connected Sra. Farnese. The two women meet Gabriele Marcheschi, a soldier from Orvieto, on the train. He eagerly courts Willa and sets their marriage date without asking her. After their wedding, Orvieto's provincial culture presents daunting obstacles to Willa and her artistic ambitions.Part II begins in 1949. Michel Losine is a Milanese jeweler, smuggler, thief, faux archaeologist who specializes in locating people gone missing during WWII. A decade earlier in Germany he evaded capture with help from Fr. Eric, a priest whom he has come to Orvieto to thank for that assistance, albeit belatedly. He encounters Willa by chance. The meeting with Fr. Eric raises questions about faith and truth for Losine, and he also receives an unwelcome warning about Willa.Part III begins in 1968. Fina expects to marry Bruno, Gabriele's assistant, who is widely thought to be a "catch." When she is accepted to university in Milan, both Gabriele and Bruno try to prevent her from going. During the conflict, long-hidden family secrets are revealed. Fina's bitter parting propel her on a journey that leads to more revelations about a past that has imprisoned her entire family.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Polar Bear Expedition: The Heroes of America's Forgotten Invasion of Russia, 1918-1919
In the brutally cold winter of 1919, 5,000 Americans battled the Red Army 600 miles north of Moscow. We have forgotten. Russia has not."AN EXCELLENT BOOK." —Wall Street Journal • "INCREDIBLE." — John U. Bacon • "EXCEPTIONAL.” — Patrick K. O’Donnell • "A MASTER OF NARRATIVE HISTORY." — Mitchell Yockelson • "GRIPPING." — Matthew J. Davenport • "FASCINATING, VIVID." — Minneapolis Star Tribune An unforgettable human drama deep with contemporary resonance, award-winning historian James Carl Nelson's The Polar Bear Expedition draws on an untapped trove of firsthand accounts to deliver a vivid, soldier's-eye view of an extraordinary lost chapter of American history—the Invasion of Russia one hundred years ago during the last days of the Great War.In the winter of 1919, 5,000 U.S. soldiers, nicknamed "The Polar Bears," found themselves hundreds of miles north of Moscow in desperate, bloody combat against the newly formed Soviet Union's Red Army. Temperatures plummeted to sixty below zero. Their guns and their flesh froze. The Bolsheviks, camouflaged in white, advanced in waves across the snow like ghosts.The Polar Bears, hailing largely from Michigan, heroically waged a courageous campaign in the brutal, frigid subarctic of northern Russia for almost a year. And yet they are all but unknown today. Indeed, during the Cold War, two U.S. presidents, Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon, would assert that the American and the Russian people had never directly fought each other. They were spectacularly wrong, and so too is the nation's collective memory.It began in August 1918, during the last months of the First World War: the U.S. Army's 339th Infantry Regiment crossed the Arctic Circle; instead of the Western Front, these troops were sailing en route to Archangel, Russia, on the White Sea, to intervene in the Russian Civil War. The American Expeditionary Force, North Russia, had been sent to fight the Soviet Red Army and aid anti-Bolshevik forces in hopes of reopening the Eastern Front against Germany. And yet even after the Great War officially ended in November 1918, American troops continued to battle the Red Army and another, equally formiddable enemy, "General Winter," which had destroyed Napoleon's Grand Armee a century earlier and would do the same to Hitler's once invincible Wehrmacht.More than two hundred Polar Bears perished before their withdrawal in July 1919. But their story does not end there. Ten years after they left, a contingent of veterans returned to Russia to recover the remains of more than a hundred of their fallen brothers and lay them to rest in Michigan, where a monument honoring their service still stands.In the century since, America has forgotten the Polar Bears' harrowing campaign. Russia, notably, has not, and as Nelson reveals, the episode continues to color Russian attitudes toward the United States. At once epic and intimate, The Polar Bear Expedition masterfully recovers this remarkable tale at a time of new relevance.
Cornell University Press Enlightening the World: The Creation of the Statue of Liberty
Conceived in the aftermath of the American Civil War and the grief that swept France over the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, the Statue of Liberty has been a potent symbol of the nation's highest ideals since it was unveiled in 1886. Dramatically situated on Bedloe's Island (now Liberty Island) in the harbor of New York City, the statue has served as a reminder for generations of immigrants of America's long tradition as an asylum for the poor and the persecuted. Although it is among the most famous sculptures in the world, the story of its creation is little known. In Enlightening the World, Yasmin Sabina Khan provides a fascinating new account of the design of the statue and the lives of the people who created it, along with the tumultuous events in France and the United States that influenced them. Khan's narrative begins on the battlefields of Gettysburg, where Lincoln framed the Civil War as a conflict testing whether a nation "conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal... can long endure." People around the world agreed with Lincoln that this question—and the fate of the Union itself—affected the "whole family of man." Inspired by the Union's victory and stunned by Lincoln's death, Édouard-René Lefebvre de Laboulaye, a legal scholar and noted proponent of friendship between his native France and the United States, conceived of a monument to liberty and the exemplary form of government established by the young nation. For Laboulaye and all of France, the statue would be called La Liberté Éclairant le Monde—Liberty Enlightening the World. Following the statue's twenty-year journey from concept to construction, Khan reveals in brilliant detail the intersecting lives that led to the realization of Laboulaye's dream: the Marquis de Lafayette; Alexis de Tocqueville; the sculptor Auguste Bartholdi, whose commitment to liberty and self-government was heightened by his experience of the Franco-Prussian War; the architect Richard Morris Hunt, the first American to study architecture at the prestigious École des Beaux-Arts in Paris; and the engineer Gustave Eiffel, who pushed the limits for large-scale metal construction. Also here are the contributions of such figures as Senators Charles Sumner and Carl Schurz, the artist John La Farge, the poet Emma Lazarus, and the publisher Joseph Pulitzer. While exploring the creation of the statue, Khan points to possible sources—several previously unexamined—for the design. She links the statue's crown of rays with Benjamin Franklin's image of the rising sun and makes a clear connection between the broken chain under Lady Liberty's foot and the abolition of slavery. Through the rich story of this remarkable national monument, Enlightening the World celebrates both a work of human accomplishment and the vitality of liberty.
University of British Columbia Press Objects of Concern: Canadian Prisoners of War Through the Twentieth Century
Hockey magnate Conn Smythe, Trudeau cabinet minister Gilles Lamontagne, and the composer and former conductor of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra, Sir Ernest MacMillan, share something other than their fame: they all have the dubious distinction of having been captured by the enemy during Canada’s wars of the twentieth century. Like some 15,000 other Canadians, Smythe, Lamontagne, and MacMillan experienced the bewilderment that accompanied the moment of capture, the humiliation of being completely in the captor’s power, and the sense of stagnating in a backwater while the rest of the world moved forward.From prison camps in Eire, where POWs were allowed to keep pets and to be members of the local tennis clubs, to camps in Japan, where prisoners were often severely beaten, systematically starved, and overworked, Canadian prisoners of war throughout the twentieth century have faced a variety of conditions and experiences. But they did not fight their war alone and isolated. On the home front, many other people attempted to help them. Against the backdrop of the POW experience, Jonathan Vance provides the first comprehensive account of how the Canadian government and non-governmental organizations such as the Red Cross have dealt with the problems of prisoners of war.Beginning in the nineteenth century, Vance traces the growth of Canadian interest in the plight of POWs. He goes on to examine the measures taken to assist Canadian POWs during the two world wars and the Korean war. The book focuses in particular on the campaigns to ship relief supplies to prison camps and on attempts to secure the prisoners’ release.POWs have sometimes been seen as forgotten casualties whose privations were misunderstood during war and whose needs were neglected afterwards. This perception developed out of a tradition in POW memoirs which paid little attention to the efforts of politicians, civil servants, and individuals who devoted considerable time and energy to their cause. Vance argues that this impression is wrong and that, in fact, every effort was made to ameliorate conditions for men and women in captivity. In his book, he outlines the difficulties and confusion that arose from jurisdictional squabbling and lack of clear communication. Ironically, Vance concludes, obstacles were more often created by an overabundance of enthusiasm than by a lack of interest in the prisoners’ fate. Canada’s wartime bureaucracy, often praised by historians, is revealed as needlessly complex and, in many ways, hopelessly inefficient.In Objects of Concern, Jonathan Vance examines Canada’s role in the formation of an important aspect of international law, traces the growth and activities of a number of national and local philanthropic agencies, and recounts the efforts of ex-prisoners to secure compensation for the long-term effects of captivity. In doing so, he reminds Canadians of an aspect of war that has often been overlooked in conventional military history.
Princeton University Press Letters of Medieval Jewish Traders
Modern international business has its origins in the overseas trade of the Middle Ages. Of the various communities active in trade in the Islamic countries at that time, records of only the Jewish community survive. Thousands of documents were preserved in the Cairo Geniza, a lumber room attached to the synagogue where discarded writings containing the name of God were deposited to preserve them from desecration. From them Professor Goitein has selected eighty letters that provide a fascinating glimpse into the world of the medieval Jewish traders. As the letters vividly illustrate, international trade depended on a network of personal relationships and mutual confidence. Organization was largely through partnerships, based usually on ties of common religion but often reinforced by family connections. Sometimes the partners of Jews were Christians or Muslims, and the letters show these merchants working together in greater harmony than has been thought, even in partnerships that lasted through generations. The services rendered to a friend or partner and those expected from him were great, and the book opens with an angry letter from a merchant who believed he had been let down by his friend. The life of a trader was full of dangers, as the letter describing a shipwreck illustrates, and put great strain on personal relationships. One of the most moving letters is that written to his wife by a man absent in India for many years while endeavoring to make the family's fortunes. Although never ceasing to love her and longing to be with her, he offers to divorce her if she feels she can wait for him no longer. A decisive event in the life of the great Jewish philosopher, Moses Maimonides, was the death of his brother David, who drowned in the Indian Ocean. Printed here is the last letter David wrote, describing his safe crossing of the desert and announcing his intention to go on to India, against his brother's instructions. Professor Goitein has provided an introduction and notes for each letter, and a general introduction describing the social and spiritual world of the writers, the organization of overseas trade in the Middle Ages, and the goods traded. The letters demonstrate that although it reached from Spain to India, the traders' world was a cohesive one through which these men could move freely and always feel at home. Originally published in 1974. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.