Search results for ""author manus"
Liverpool University Press Introducing English Medieval Book History: Manuscripts, their Producers and their Readers
This book offers an introduction to medieval English book-history through a sequence of exemplary analyses of commonplace book-historical problems. Rather than focus on bibliographical particulars, the volume considers a variety of ways in which scholars use manuscripts to discuss book culture, and it provides a wide-ranging introductory bibliography to aid in the study. All the essays try to suggest how the study of surviving medieval books might be useful in considering medieval literary culture more generally. Subjects covered include authorship, genre, discontinuous production, scribal individuality and community, the history of libraries and the history of book provenance.
Cornell University Press Sophocles' "Oedipus at Colonus": Manuscript Materials
From reviews of The Cornell Yeats series:"For students of Yeats the whole series is bound to become an essential reference source and a stimulus to important critical re-readings of Yeats's major works. In a wider context, the series will also provide an extraordinary and perhaps unique insight into the creative process of a great artists."—Irish Literary Supplement"I consider the Cornell Yeats one of the most important scholarly projects of our time."—A. Walton Litz, Princeton University, coeditor of The Collected Poems of William Carols Williams and Personae: The Shorter Poems of Ezra Pound"The most ambitious of the many important projects in current studies of Yeats and perhaps of modern poetry generally.... The list of both general and series editors, as well as prospective preparers of individual volumes, reads like a Who's Who of Yeats textual studies in North America. Further, the project carries the blessing of Yeats's heirs and bespeaks an ongoing commitment from a major university press.... The series will inevitably engender critical studies based on a more solid footing than those of any other modern poet.... Its volumes will be consulted long after gyres of currently fashionable theory have run on."—Yeats Annual (1983)Yeats first expressed interest in producing translations of Greek classical plays in March of 1903, in the early days of establishing the Abbey Theatre in Dublin. But not until two decades later did he turn his hand to creating his own versions of Sophocles' Oedipus the King and Oedipus at Colonus. Working from Victorian translations into English and French by classicists R. C. Jebb and Paul Masqueray, he completed Oedipus the King in the fall of 1926 and Oedipus at Colonus a year later. The second play, like the first, he gave directly to the Abbey players, prompting him to revise and hone his texts through many versions to achieve his stated goal of putting the play "into simple speakable prose" that he hoped would be his "contribution to the Abbey Repertory." The play had a successful run in September of 1927 but was not published until 1934.The edition presents photographs and transcriptions of three revised typescripts that Yeats prepared and extensively revised over a period of eight-and-a-half months and a reading text based on the first publication of the play, which is presented with an apparatus of collations from the many proofs for three different intended publications. Included also are photographs and transcriptions of the verse choruses, except for the two appearing in The Tower (1928), also in this series; an appendix of other typescripts and proofs that invite detailed treatment; and a brief account of the music written for the play by Lennox Robinson, who was also its first director. The texts are prefaced by a census of manuscripts, an introduction discussing Yeats's development of the play, and a chronology of composition.
Peeters Publishers Les Ordines Romani du Haut Moyen Age. Tome I: Les Manuscrits
Aschendorff Verlag Le Sacramentaire Gregorien: Ses Principales Formes d'Aures Les Plus Anmciens Manuscrits
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Rewriting Arthurian Romance in Renaissance France: From Manuscript to Printed Book
First comprehensive examination of the ways in which printers, publishers and booksellers adapted and rewrote Arthurian romance in early modern France, for new audiences and in new forms. Arthurian romance in Renaissance France has long been treated by modern critics as marginal - although manuscripts and printed volumes, adaptations and rewritings, show just how much writers, and especially publishers, saw its potential attractions for readers. This book is the first full-length study of what happens to Arthur at the beginning of the age of print. It explores the fascinations of Arthurian romance in the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, from the magnificent presentation volumes offered by Antoine Vérard or Galliot du Pré in the early years of the century to the perfunctory abbreviated Lancelot published by Benoît Rigaud in Lyon in 1591; from PierreSala's dutiful "translation" of Yvain to Jean Maugin's exuberant rewriting of the prose Tristan; from attempts at "new" romance like the little-known Giglan to the runaway best-seller Amadis de Gaule.The book's primary focus is the techniques and stratagems employed by publishers and their workshops to renew Arthurian romance for a new readership: the ways in which the publishers, the translators and the adapters of the Renaissance tailor romance to fit new cultural contexts. Their story - which is the story of the rise and fall of one of the great genres of the Middle Ages - allows privileged insights into socio-cultural and ideological attitudes in the France of the Renaissance, and into issues of literary taste, particular patterns of choice and preference. Jane H.M. Taylor is Emeritus Professor of French at Durham University.
The Chinese University Press The Chu Silk Manuscripts from Zidanku, Changsha – Volume One: Discovery and Transmission
The Silk Manuscripts from Zidanku, Changsha (Hunan), are the only pre-Imperial Chinese manuscripts on silk found to-date. Dating to the turn from the 4th to the 3rd centuries BC (Late Warring States period), they contain several short texts concerning basic cosmological concepts, arranged in a diagrammatic arrangement and surrounded by pictorial illustrations. As such, they constitute a unique source of information complementing and going beyond what is known from transmitted texts.This is the first in a two-volume monograph on the Zidanku manuscripts, reflecting almost four decades of research by Professor Li Ling of Peking University. While the philological study and translation of the manuscript texts is the subject of Volume Two, this first volume presents the archaeological context and history of transmission of the physical manuscripts. It records how they were taken from their original place of interment in the 1940s and taken to the United States in 1946; documents the early stages in the research on the finds from the Zidanku tomb and its re-excavation in the 1970s; and accounts for where the manuscripts were kept before becoming the property, respectively, of the Arthur M. Sackler Foundation, New York (Manuscript 1), and the Freer and Sackler Galleries, Smithsonian Institution (Manuscripts 2 and 3). Superseding previous efforts, this is the definitive account that will sets the record straight and establishes a new basis for future research on these uniquely important artifacts.
Peeters Publishers Jean Potocki - Oeuvres IV.2: Manuscrit Trouve a Saragosse (version De 1804)
Dans ce volume IV, 2 des "Oeuvres" de Jean Potocki (1761-1815) est publie le texte du "Manuscrit trouve a Saragosse" dans la version dite "de 1804". Celle-ci a ete abandonnee par son auteur et remplacee par la version dite "de 1810" ou le meme materiau narratif se trouve reorganise, sensiblement modifie et conduit jusqu'a son achevement. cette version de 1810 est editee dans le volume IV, 1 de la serie. Les deux etats du roman-culte de Potocki presentent deux conceptions esthetiques tres differentes appliquees a une meme matiere romanesque. Bien que l'une d'elles soit demeuree inachevee, il sera desormais necessaire, pour se faire une idee pleine de ce chef-d'oeuvre, de prendre connaissance des deux versions. On dispose ainsi pour la premiere fois d'une edition integrale et fiable, etablie sur la base de toutes les sources disponibles, dont une partie etait restee inconnue a ce jour.Avec le volume IV, 2 des Oeuvers de Jean Potocki est livre un CD-Rom qui contient la transcription exacte de tous les documents originels connus du "Manuscrit trouve a Saragosse", manuscrits et imprimes, ainsi que le texte de trois ouvrages de chronologie de Potocki. On y trouvera egalement des reproductions de ses dessins conserves, des cartes et une serie de portraits de l'auteur et de ses proches.
Medieval Institute Publications Anglo-Saxon Textual Illustration: Photographs of Sixteen Manuscripts with Descriptions and Index
Illustrations and major decoration of sixteen Anglo-Saxon manuscripts, fully described and indexed, are reproduced here in 454 photographs, many for the first time. Manuscripts included are: the Athelstan Psalter, the Harley Psalter, the Bury Psalter, the Paris Psalter, the Boulogne Gospels, the Arenberg Gospels, the Trinity Gospels, the Eadui Codex, Pembroke College MS 301, the Bury Gospels, the Judith of Flanders Gospels (Pierpont Morgan MSS 709 and 708), the Monte Casino Gospel Book, the Hereford Gospels, the Psychomachia of Prudentius, and the Junius Manuscript.
Classiques Garnier Album de Poesies Des Villeroy: Manuscrit Francais 1663 de la Bnf
Getty Trust Publications Illuminated Manuscripts of Germany and Central Europe in the J.Paul Getty Museum
This book presents a lavishly illustrated survey of the art of illumination from the collection of the J. Paul Getty Museum. It features 71 full-colour reproductions. This sumptuous volume presents more than 70 full-colour reproductions of some of the most highly-prized German and Central European manuscript illuminations in the world. This outstanding volume is the perfect introduction to an exquisite art form that flourished for centuries before the advent of the printing press and one that is now making a comeback in the world of bespoke art and design. The full-colour reproductions of these masterpiece works range from a sumptuously illuminated Ottonian texts from the late 10th and early 11th centuries to a copy of Rudolf von Em's Weltchronik, produced in the early fifteenth century, and chivalric and dynastic manuscripts from the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries.
Verlag Vittorio Klostermann Wiener Ausgabe: Band 8.2: Synopse Der Manuskriptbande V-X
Nova Science Publishers Inc Guidelines for Writing & Preparing a Manuscript for International Publication
Houghton Library,U.S. The Marks in the Fields: Essays on the Uses of Manuscripts
Running Press Musicians Notebook Revised Manuscript Paper For Inspiration And Composition Miniature Editions
The Medieval and Modern Centre Late Medieval Irish Law Manuscripts: A Reappraisal of Methodology and Content
Editorial Vicens Vives Tots per un i un per tots manuscrita pinyata
Harrassowitz Manuscripta Theologica. Die Handschriften in Quarto
Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica de la Universidad de Málaga Los manuscritos nazares de Ctar Mlaga documentos y estudios
El 30 de junio de 2003 en Cútar, provincia de Málaga, aparecieron unos documentos árabes escondidos en el muro de una casa. Eran tres volúmenes y varios documentos sueltos, todos escritos en lengua árabe, hoy restaurados y referenciados con las signaturas L-14028: Corán; L-14029; L-14030. El primero, un Corán posiblemente de finales del siglo XII y primeros del XIII, fue editado por la Junta de Andalucía. Los otros dos volúmenes de carácter misceláneo y de época nazarí son los que aquí se presentan. El denominado L-14029 contiene copias de una serie de obras de consulta completas o parciales, a modo de obra de cabecera de un alfaquí que necesita acudir a ella para aclarar algún caso relativo a su trabajo. Las obras incluidas en el volumen L14030 entran más en la esfera de lo personal o colectivo y contiene, entre otros, poemas, sermones, tradiciones, capítulos de carácter religioso, de magia y de astronomía popular. Los textos árabes o documentos figuran al final del libro para respeta
Visor libros, S.L. Los manuscritos de un emcee muerto
El manuscrito de barro ESPASA NARRATIVA
Una mezcla perfecta de erudición y espíritu aventurero29 de mayo de 1525. Un peregrino es asesinado poco antes de llegar a la ciudad de Burgos; se trata de una más de un serie de extrañas muertes que se vienen produciendo en las diferentes etapas del Camino Francés. El arzobispo de Santiago le pide a Fernando de Rojas que se haga cargo de la investigación del caso.El célebre pesquisidor tendrá que hacer el Camino de Santiago en pos de las huellas de los criminales y para ello contará con la ayuda de Elías do Cebreiro, clérigo y archivero de la catedral compostelana. En su recorrido se encontrarán con toda clase de retos y peligros, se adentrarán en lugares recónditos y misteriosos y conocerán a numerosos viajeros, cada uno con su secreto a cuestas.Gracias a su cuidada ambientación histórica, esta novela muestra una cara inédita de la ruta jacobea en una época de gran turbulencia en la que la peregrinación está en entredicho a causa de
Hal Leonard Corporation Sonata For Clarinet And Piano: Revised Edition - Based on Manuscript Sources
Classiques Garnier Rousseau Juge de Jean Jaques: Manuscrit Condillac, Avec Les Variantes Ulterieures
Peeters Publishers Catalogue of the Additional Armenian Manuscripts in the Chester Beatty Library, Dublin
The Chester Beatty Library in Dublin has a world-famous collection of oriental manuscripts assembled by the late Sir Alfred Chester Beatty during the last century. A catalogue of the Armenian manuscripts was prepared by the eminent historian of Armenian art, Sirarpie Der Nersessian, in the 1950's. The present catalogue presents some manuscripts which Dr. Der Nersessian did not catalogue and those which entered the collection after her catalogue was completed. It was prepared by Michael Stone, Professor of Armenian Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Nira Stone, lecturer in Armenian Art at the same university. It deals in considerable detail with each manuscript, its codicology, its structure and its text (M.E. Stone) and a study of its illuminations (Nira Stone). The book contains onomastic and iconographical indexes. It completes the publication of the Armenian manuscripts of the Chester Beatty Library and will eventually be followed by a further volume dedicated to other Armenian holdings, notably old printed books and metal bindings.
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial La biblioteca de los libros rechazados / The Library of Rejected Manuscripts
Boydell & Brewer Ltd A Descriptive Catalogue of the Hebrew Manuscripts of Corpus Christi College, Oxford
The group of Hebrew manuscripts at Corpus Christi College Oxford forms one of the most important collections of Anglo-Jewish manuscripts in the world. Although few in number, the College's holdings are outstanding in rarity and value. Corpus Christi College was founded at a time when universities were putting considerable effort into providing better facilities for the study of Greek and Hebrew. Bishop Richard Fox, the founder of Corpus Christi, and John Claymond, the college's first President, therefore ensured that the library should be adequately stocked with the necessary printed books and manuscripts. In a famous letter to Claymond in June 1519, Erasmus predicted a great future forthe College and alluded to its well-stocked trilingual library (Hebrew, Greek, and Latin). Although few in number, the College's Hebrew manuscripts are outstanding in rarity and value. Seven Hebrew manuscripts donated byClaymond were probably produced in Oxford and Cambridgeshire in the thirteenth century. They include texts from the Hebrew Bible - the Tanakh - presented in parallel Hebrew and Latin versions, often with a literal translation into Latin written directly above the Hebrew text. It is thought that the manuscripts were the product of co-operation between Jewish and Christian scholars, and were used by non-Jews to learn Hebrew and understand the primary textsof a shared scriptural tradition. In addition to the Claymond bequest, the collection contains a second, nearly complete copy of Rashi's commentaries, and an Ashkenazi prayer book both produced in northern Europe in the twelfth century. The prayer book is one of the oldest surviving prayer books produced in Europe. It later came into the possession of a Sephardic Jew who settled in England, and who used some of its blank pages to record business. He did this in Judaeo-Arabic (Arabic written in Hebrew letters). This document is the only one written in this language in England during the Middle Ages to survive. Taken together, the Corpus collection forms one of the most important collections of Anglo-Jewish manuscripts in the world. PETER E. PORMANN is Professor of Classics and Graeco-Arabic Studies and Director of the John Rylands Research Institute at the University of Manchester.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd A Descriptive Catalogue of the Greek Manuscripts of Corpus Christi College, Oxford
Corpus Christi College was founded at a time when universities were putting considerable effort into providing better facilities for the study of Greek and Hebrew. Bishop Richard Fox, the founder of Corpus Christi, and John Claymond, the college's first President, therefore ensured that the library should be adequately stocked with Greek printed books and manuscripts. In a famous letter to Claimond in June 1519, Erasmus predicted a great future for the College and alluded to its well-stocked library. Claymond gave the library more than half the present collection of Greek manuscripts, besides seven in Hebrew. His Greek books came largely from the collection of William Grocyn, who had gone to Florence in 1488 to study with Angelo Poliziano and Demetrius Chalcondyles, and doubtless acquired some of his manuscripts there. Remarkably, at the end of the fifteenth century there was a local source of supply for some Greek texts, in the person of Ioannes Serbopoulos, a refugee from Constantinople who had taken up residence near Reading, who supplied Grocyn with MSS 23 and 106 in 1499 and 1495 respectively. It is worth noting in passing that when Grocyn arrived in Florence the printing of Greek texts had barely begun, but by the time the College was founded the demand for manuscript copies of the principal texts used by students and scholars was much reduced, thanks largely to the editions issued by Aldus Manutius After the substantial initial acquisitions of manuscripts the College was not fortunate enough to attract significant additions to its collection, and there is nosign that it contemplated an active policy of enlarging this element of the library's holdings. But it is worth noting that the one manuscript in the collection which is of truly outstanding importance, the ninth-century copy of Aristotle's zoological works (MS 108), was given by one of the Fellows in 1623.
University Press of Florida Pedro Menéndez de Avilés and the Conquest of Florida: A New Manuscript
Pedro Menéndez de Avilés (1519-1574) founded St. Augustine in 1565. His expedition was documented by his brother-in-law, Gonzalo Solís de Merás, who left a detailed and passionate account of the events leading to the establishment of America's oldest city.Until recently, the only extant version of Solís de Merás's record was one single manuscript that Eugenio Ruidíaz y Caravia transcribed in 1893, and subsequent editions and translations have always followed Ruidíaz's text. In 2012, David Arbesú discovered a more complete record: a manuscript including folios lost for centuries and, more important, excluding portions of the 1893 publication based on retellings rather than the original document.In the resulting volume, Pedro Menéndez de Avilés and the Conquest of Florida, Arbesú sheds light on principal events missing from the story of St. Augustine's founding. By consulting the original chronicle, Arbesú provides readers with the definitive bilingual edition of this seminal text.
Skyhorse Publishing The Book Bible: How to Sell Your Manuscript—No Matter What Genre—Without Going Broke or Insane
A Brilliant, Buoyant Guide to Publishing Your Book Hundreds of thousands of books come out every year worldwide. So why not yours? In The Book Bible, New York Times bestseller and wildly popular Manhattan writing professor Susan Shapiro reveals the best and fastest ways to break into a mainstream publishing house. Unlike most writing manuals that stick to only one genre, Shapiro maps out the rules of all the sought-after, sellable categories: novels, memoirs, biography, how-to, essay collections, anthologies, humor, mystery, crime, poetry, picture books, young adult and middle grade, fiction and nonfiction. Shapiro once worried that selling 16 books in varied sub-sections made her a literary dabbler. Yet after helping her students publish many award-winning bestsellers on all shelves of the bookstore, she realized that her versatility had a huge upside. She could explain, from personal experience, the differences in making each kind of book, as well as ways to find the right genre for every project and how to craft a winning proposal or great cover letter to get a top agent and book editor to say yes. This valuable guide will teach both new and experienced scribes how to attain their dream of becoming a successful author.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Index of Middle English Prose: Handlist XV: Manuscripts in Midland Libraries
`The Index of Middle English Prose when completed will be a monumental achievement.' REVIEW OF ENGLISH STUDIES This handlist indexes 82 manuscripts from twelve Midlands collections. The collections examined are diverse in origin: the cathedral libraries include Hereford and Worcester, whose collections include manuscripts in their possession continuously since the middle ages, and Gloucester, Lichfield, Peterborough and Southwell Minster, whose early libraries were largely dispersed at the dissolution or during the Civil War and whose present libraries are modern foundations. Also included are manuscripts on deposit in Record Offices in Gloucester and Leicester, the private collections on deposit in Nottingham University Library and manuscripts acquired by university or college libraries inthe twentieth century. Of note are several Wycliffite bibles, a number of sermon collections (including one not previously described), several works by Rolle, Hilton's Scale of Perfection, Chaucer's prose tales and the chronicle Brut.Dr VALERIE EDDEN is Senior Lecturer in the Department of English,University of Birmingham.
York Medieval Press Re-using Manuscripts in Late Medieval England: Repairing, Recycling, Sharing
A fresh appraisal of late medieval manuscript culture in England, examining the ways in which people sustained older books, exploring the practices and processes by which manuscripts were crafted, mended, protected, marked, gifted and shared. During the "long fifteenth century" (here, 1375-1530), the demand for books in England flourished. The fast-developing book trade produced them in great quantity. Fragments of manuscripts were often repurposed, as flyleaves and other components such as palimpsests; and alongside the creation of new books, medieval manuscripts were also repaired, recycled and re-used. This monograph examines the ways in which people sustained older books, exploring the practices and processes by which manuscripts were crafted, mended, protected, marked, gifted and shared. Drawing on the codicological evidence gathered from an extensive survey of extant manuscript collections, in conjunction with historical accounts, recipes and literary texts, it presents detailed case studies exploring parchment production and recycling, the re-use of margins, and second-hand exchanges of books. Its engagement with the evidence in - and inscribed on - surviving books enables a fresh appraisal of late medieval manuscript culture in England, looking at how people went about re-using books, and arguing that over the course of this period, books were made, used and re-used in a myriad of sustainable ways.
Getty Trust Publications Illuminated Manuscripts from Belgium and the Netherlands at the J.Paul Getty Museum
This is a lavishly illustrated survey of the J. Paul Getty's collection of illuminated manuscripts from Belgium and the Netherlands. During the Middle Ages, the region now occupied by Belgium and Netherlands flourished economically and artistically. While widely known as the era of Jan van Eyck - the master oil painter - the 15th and 16th centuries also witnessed the greatest flowering of the art of illumination anywhere in Europe. The region's colourful, naturalistically painted books were eagerly sought after across the continent. "Illuminated Manuscripts of Belgium & the Netherlands" is a magnificently illustrated volume that includes works by the finest and most original artists for the most discerning patrons - "The Prayer Book of Charles the Bold", illuminated by Lievin van Lathem for the Duke of Burgundy, 1469; "The Visions of Tondal" by Simon Marmion for Margaret of York, Duchess of Burgundy, 1475; "The Spinola Hours", 1510-20, considered to be one of the most important Flemish manuscripts of the 16th century; and "The Brandenburg Prayer Book", illuminated by Simon Bening for Cardinal Albrecht of Brandenburg, 1525-30.
Little, Brown Book Group Wilde The Importance of Being Earnest Embellished Manuscripts Collection Ultra 12month Dayatatime Softcover Flexi Dayplanner 2025 Elastic Band Closure
A man as tormented as he was beloved, Oscar Wilde (1854 1900) overcame a life of extraordinary ups and downs to become a world-renowned playwright, author and poet. Oppressed by a largely homophobic world, Wilde remained resilient. He used his experiences to form brilliant, if controversial, literary works, including The Importance of Being Earnest. Today, he is remembered as one of the most influential writers of the Victorian era.
Pennsylvania State University Press Everyday Magicians: Legal Records and Magic Manuscripts from Tudor England
Most of the women and men who practiced magic in Tudor England were not hanged or burned as witches, despite being active members of their communities. These everyday magicians responded to common human problems such as the vagaries of money, love, property, and influence, and they were essential to the smooth functioning of English society. This illuminating book tells their stories through the legal texts in which they are named and the magic books that record their practices.In legal terms, their magic fell into the category of sin or petty crime, the sort that appeared in the lower courts and most often in church courts. Despite their relatively lowly status, scripts for the sorts of magic they practiced were recorded in contemporary manuscripts. Juxtaposing and contextualizing the legal and magic manuscript records creates an unusually rich field to explore the social aspects of magic practice. Expertly constructed for both classroom use and independent study, this book presents in modern English the legal documents and magic texts relevant to ordinary forms of magic practiced in Tudor England. These are accompanied by scholarly introductions with original perspectives on the subjects. Topics covered include: the London cunning man Robert Allen; magic to identify thieves; love magic; magic for hunting, fishing and gambling, and magic for healing and protection.
Abbeville Press Inc.,U.S. The Grand Medieval Bestiary (Dragonet Edition): Animals in Illuminated Manuscripts
As the 587 colourful images in this magnificent volume reveal, animals were a constant—and delightful—presence in illuminated manuscripts throughout the Middle Ages. They were illustrated not only in bestiaries—the compendiums of animal fact and fable that were exceedingly popular in the 12th and 13th centuries—but in every sort of manuscript, sacred and profane, from the Gospels to the Romance of the Rose. This book is arranged in manner of a proper bestiary, with essays on the medieval lore and iconography of one hundred creatures alphabetised by their Latin names, from the alauda, or lark, whose morning song was thought to be a hymn to Creation, to the vultur, whose taste for carrion made it a symbol of the sinner who indulges in worldly pleasures. The selection includes a number of creatures that would now be considered fantastic, including the griffin, the manticore, and of course the fabled unicorn.
Peeters Publishers Jean Potocki - Oeuvres IV.1: Manuscrit Trouve a Saragosse (version De 1810)
Dans ce volume IV, 1 des Oeuvres de Jean Potocki (1761-1815) est publie le texte du "Manuscrit trouve a Saragosse" dans la version achevee telle qu'elle a ete reellement ecrite par son auteur, version dite "de 1810". Celle-ci differe sensiblement de celle - dite "de 1804" - qu'il avait elaboree precedemment, sans toutefois la conduire a son terme. La version de 1804 est editee dans le vol. IV, 2 de la presente serie. Ces deux etats du roman-culte de Potocki presentent deux conceptions esthetiques tres differentes appliquees a une meme matiere narrative. Bien que l'une d'elles soit demeuree inachevee, il sera desormais necessaire, pour se faire une idee pleine de ce chef-d'oeuvre, de prendre connaissance de ces deux versions. On dispose ainsi pour la premiere fois d'une edition integrale et fiable, etablie sur la base de toutes les sources disponibles, dont une partie etait restee inconnue a ce jour.
Paperblanks Monet, Water Lilies (Embellished Manuscripts Collection) Midi Lined Hardcover Journal
A key member of the Impressionist movement, Claude Monet (1840–1926) painted more than 250 canvases inspired by the play of light and colour upon the lily pond at his Giverny home. This Paperblanks Embellished Manuscript journal sets an 1888 letter written by Monet to Berthe Morisot, a fellow Impressionist, against a backdrop of one of these famous oil paintings.
Paperblanks Monet, Water Lilies (Embellished Manuscripts Collection) Ultra Unlined Hardcover Journal
A key member of the Impressionist movement, Claude Monet (1840–1926) painted more than 250 canvases inspired by the play of light and colour upon the lily pond at his Giverny home. This Paperblanks Embellished Manuscript journal sets an 1888 letter written by Monet to Berthe Morisot, a fellow Impressionist, against a backdrop of one of these famous oil paintings.
Abbeville Press Inc.,U.S. Illuminated Manuscripts: Treasures of the Pierpont Morgan Library New York
Glorious works of art as well as documents of bygone eras, painted illuminated manuscripts supply perhaps the greatest and by far the best-preserved evidence of daily life during the Middle Ages and Renaissance. This Tiny Folio draws on one of the greatest collections in the world to illustrate the angels, demons, and everyday denizens of the medieval world.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Studies on Medieval Liturgical and Legal Manuscripts from Spain and Southern Italy
Though it may not be immediately obvious why articles on topics from such distantly removed areas of western Europe - the Iberian peninsula and southern Italy - should appear in the same volume (the fourth collection by Roger Reynolds), the materials covered illustrate that they are indeed closely related, both in their differences and their similarities. Both peninsulas had their own indigenous liturgies and music (Old Spanish and Beneventan), distinctive written scripts (Visigothic and Beneventan), and legal and theological traditions, and repeatedly these worked their influence on other areas of western Europe. Although there were frequent attempts by the papacy and secular rulers from the 9th to the 13th century to suppress these distinctive traditions in both areas, elements of these nonetheless survived well into the 16th century and beyond. Despite the differences in these traditions, the articles in this volume also demonstrate through manuscript evidence the continued exchange of the distinctive customs between the Iberian peninsula and southern Italian cultures from the very early Middle Ages through the 12th century.
Peeters Publishers Mustafa 'Ali's «Künhü'l-ahbar» and its Preface According to the Leiden Manuscript
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht The Mahavadanasutra: A New Edition Based on Manuscripts Discovered in Northern Turkestan
Visor libros, S.L. Cancionero de poesías varias manuscrito 1587 de la Biblioteca Real de Madrid