Search results for ""Author John Wiley"
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Digital Filters Design for Signal and Image Processing
Dealing with digital filtering methods for 1-D and 2-D signals, this book provides the theoretical background in signal processing, covering topics such as the z-transform, Shannon sampling theorem and fast Fourier transform. An entire chapter is devoted to the design of time-continuous filters which provides a useful preliminary step for analog-to-digital filter conversion. Attention is also given to the main methods of designing finite impulse response (FIR) and infinite impulse response (IIR) filters. Bi-dimensional digital filtering (image filtering) is investigated and a study on stability analysis, a very useful tool when implementing IIR filters, is also carried out. As such, it will provide a practical and useful guide to those engaged in signal processing.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc X-Ray Diffraction by Polycrystalline Materials
This book presents a physical approach to the diffraction phenomenon and its applications in materials science. An historical background to the discovery of X-ray diffraction is first outlined. Next, Part 1 gives a description of the physical phenomenon of X-ray diffraction on perfect and imperfect crystals. Part 2 then provides a detailed analysis of the instruments used for the characterization of powdered materials or thin films. The description of the processing of measured signals and their results is also covered, as are recent developments relating to quantitative microstructural analysis of powders or epitaxial thin films on the basis of X-ray diffraction. Given the comprehensive coverage offered by this title, anyone involved in the field of X-ray diffraction and its applications will find this of great use.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Particle Swarm Optimization
This is the first book devoted entirely to Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), which is a non-specific algorithm, similar to evolutionary algorithms, such as taboo search and ant colonies. Since its original development in 1995, PSO has mainly been applied to continuous-discrete heterogeneous strongly non-linear numerical optimization and it is thus used almost everywhere in the world. Its convergence rate also makes it a preferred tool in dynamic optimization.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Corporate Takeover Targets: Acquisition Probability
The term "takeover", of which the first form is mergers and acquisitions (M&A), refers to the transfer of control of a business from one group of shareholders to another. Considering the importance of this issue and the real drives behind takeovers, it has become imperative to identifying companies that are vulnerable to takeover by two types: tender offer and exchange offer. This book thus presents the legal aspects, the theoretical justifications and the empirical contributions of takeovers, and analyzes the economic and financial characteristics of targets in order to assess the probability of being acquired. An empirical approach based on two quantitative studies is then applied to the European market, which is still virgin territory in terms of academic research. Finally, acquisition probability models have been developed and they have a 72% forecast accuracy average rate of targets. Corporate Takeover Targets is aimed at students and researchers in economic and management, as well as M&A consultants.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Responsibility and Freedom: The Ethical Realm of RRI
Responsible Research and Innovation appears as a paradoxical frame, hard to conceptualize and difficult to apply. If on the one hand research and innovation appear to follow logics blind to societal issues, responsibility is still a blurred concept interpreted according to circumstances. Different perspectives are implied in the RRI discourse rendering difficult also its application, because each social dimension proposes a different path for its implementation. This book will try to indicate how such conflictual understanding of RRI is caused by a reductive interpretation of ethics and, consequently, of responsibility. The resulting framework will represent an ethical approach to RRI that could help in overcoming conflictual perspectives and construct a multi-layer approach to research and innovation.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Ionic and Electrochemical Equilibria
This book is part of a set of books which offers advanced students successive characterization tool phases, the study of all types of phase (liquid, gas and solid, pure or multi-component), process engineering, chemical and electrochemical equilibria, and the properties of surfaces and phases of small sizes. Macroscopic and microscopic models are in turn covered with a constant correlation between the two scales. Particular attention has been paid to the rigor of mathematical developments. This sixth volume is made up of two parts. The first part focuses on the study of ionic equilibria in water or non-aqueous solvents. The following are then discussed in succession: the dissociation of electrolytes, solvents and solvation, acid-base equilibria, formation of complexes, redox equilibria and the problems of precipitation. Part 2 discusses electrochemical thermodynamics, with the study of two groups: electrodes and electrochemical cells. The book concludes with the study of potential-pH diagrams and their generalization in an aqueous or non-aqueous medium.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Live Cell Assays: From Research to Regulatory Applications
Cell assays include all methods of measurements on living cells. Confined for a long time to research laboratories, these emerging methods have, in recent years, found industrial applications that are increasingly varied and, from now on, regulatory. Based on the recent explosion of knowledge in cell biology, the measurement of living cells represents a new class of industry-oriented research tests, the applications of which continue to multiply (pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, environment, etc.). Cellular tests are now being positioned as new tools at the interface between chemical methods, which are often obsolete and not very informative, and methods using animal models, which are expensive, do not fit with human data and are widely discussed from an ethical perspective. Finally, the development of cell assays is currently being strengthened by their being put into regulatory application, particularly in Europe through the REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals) and cosmetic directives.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Guided Randomness in Optimization, Volume 1
The performance of an algorithm used depends on the GNA. This book focuses on the comparison of optimizers, it defines a stress-outcome approach which can be derived all the classic criteria (median, average, etc.) and other more sophisticated. Source-codes used for the examples are also presented, this allows a reflection on the "superfluous chance," succinctly explaining why and how the stochastic aspect of optimization could be avoided in some cases.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Flows and Chemical Reactions in Heterogeneous Mixtures
This book - a sequel of previous publications 'Flows and Chemical Reactions' and 'Chemical Reactions in Flows and Homogeneous Mixtures' - is devoted to flows with chemical reactions in heterogeneous environments. Heterogeneous media in this volume include interfaces and lines. They may be the site of radiation. Each type of flow is the subject of a chapter in this volume. We consider first, in Chapter 1, the question of the generation of environments biphasic individuals: dusty gas, mist, bubble flow. Chapter 2 is devoted to the study at the mesoscopic scale: particle-fluid exchange of momentum and heat with determination of the respective exchange coefficients. In Chapter 3, we establish simplified equations of macroscopic balance for mass, for the momentum and energy, in the case of particles of one size (monodisperse suspension). Radiative phenomena are presented in Chapter 5.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc New Techniques in Digital Holography
A state of the art presentation of important advances in the field of digital holography, detailing advances related to fundamentals of digital holography, in-line holography applied to fluid mechanics, digital color holography, digital holographic microscopy, infrared holography, special techniques in full field vibrometry and inverse problems in digital holography
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Advanced Smartgrids for Distribution System Operators, Volume 1
The dynamic of the Energy Transition is engaged in many region of the World. This is a real challenge for electric systems and a paradigm shift for existing distribution networks. With the help of "advanced" smart technologies, the Distribution System Operators will have a central role to integrate massively renewable generation, electric vehicle and demand response programs. Many projects are on-going to develop and assess advanced smart grids solutions, with already some lessons learnt. In the end, the Smart Grid is a mean for Distribution System Operators to ensure the quality and the security of power supply. Several books have been written to provide a definition of Smart grids, explore the different technical evolution needed and explain / analyse what would be the benefits. All those books are conducted on theoretical basis by academics and strategy consultants. This new book will propose a complementary and singular approach based on a practical experience from DSO's.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Al-based Energetic Nano Materials: Design, Manufacturing, Properties and Applications
Over the past two decades, the rapid development of nanochemistry and nanotechnology has allowed the synthesis of various materials and oxides in the form of nanopowders making it possible to produce new energetic compositions and nanomaterials. This book has a bottom-up structure, from nanomaterials synthesis to the application fields. Starting from aluminum nanoparticles synthesis for fuel application, it proposes a detailed state-of-the art of the different methods of preparation of aluminum-based reactive nanomaterials. It describes the techniques developed for their characterization and, when available, a description of the fundamental mechanisms responsible for their ignition and combustion. This book also presents the possibilities and limitations of different energetic nanomaterials and related structures as well as the analysis of their chemical and thermal properties. The whole is rounded off with a look at the performances of reactive materials in terms of heat of reaction and reactivity mainly characterized as the self-sustained combustion velocity. The book ends up with a description of current reactive nanomaterials applications underlying the promising integration of aluminum-based reactive nanomaterial into micro electromechanical systems.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Information Warfare
Cyberspace is one of the major bases of the economic development of industrialized societies and developing. The dependence of modern society in this technological area is also one of its vulnerabilities. Cyberspace allows new power policy and strategy, broadens the scope of the actors of the conflict by offering to both state and non-state new weapons, new ways of offensive and defensive operations. This book deals with the concept of "information war", covering its development over the last two decades and seeks to answer the following questions: is the control of the information space really possible remains or she a utopia? What power would confer such control, what are the benefits?
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Beyond-CMOS Nanodevices 1
This book offers a comprehensive review of the state-of-the-art in innovative Beyond-CMOS nanodevices for developing novel functionalities, logic and memories dedicated to researchers, engineers and students. It particularly focuses on the interest of nanostructures and nanodevices (nanowires, small slope switches, 2D layers, nanostructured materials, etc.) for advanced More than Moore (RF-nanosensors-energy harvesters, on-chip electronic cooling, etc.) and Beyond-CMOS logic and memories applications.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Mechanical Vibration and Shock Analysis, Random Vibration
The vast majority of vibrations encountered in the real environment are random in nature. Such vibrations are intrinsically complicated and this volume describes the process that enables us to simplify the required analysis, along with the analysis of the signal in the frequency domain. The power spectrum density is also defined, together with the requisite precautions to be taken in its calculations as well as the processes (windowing, overlapping) necessary to obtain improved results. An additional complementary method – the analysis of statistical properties of the time signal – is also described. This enables the distribution law of the maxima of a random Gaussian signal to be determined and simplifies the calculation of fatigue damage by avoiding direct peak counting.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Formal Languages, Automata and Numeration Systems 1: Introduction to Combinatorics on Words
Formal Languages, Automaton and Numeration Systems presents readers with a review of research related to formal language theory, combinatorics on words or numeration systems, such as Words, DLT (Developments in Language Theory), ICALP, MFCS (Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science), Mons Theoretical Computer Science Days, Numeration, CANT (Combinatorics, Automata and Number Theory). Combinatorics on words deals with problems that can be stated in a non-commutative monoid, such as subword complexity of finite or infinite words, construction and properties of infinite words, unavoidable regularities or patterns. When considering some numeration systems, any integer can be represented as a finite word over an alphabet of digits. This simple observation leads to the study of the relationship between the arithmetical properties of the integers and the syntactical properties of the corresponding representations. One of the most profound results in this direction is given by the celebrated theorem by Cobham. Surprisingly, a recent extension of this result to complex numbers led to the famous Four Exponentials Conjecture. This is just one example of the fruitful relationship between formal language theory (including the theory of automata) and number theory.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Advanced Graph Theory and Combinatorics
Advanced Graph Theory focuses on some of the main notions arising in graph theory with an emphasis from the very start of the book on the possible applications of the theory and the fruitful links existing with linear algebra. The second part of the book covers basic material related to linear recurrence relations with application to counting and the asymptotic estimate of the rate of growth of a sequence satisfying a recurrence relation.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Kinematic Analysis of Human Movement
After a quick survey of the famous pioneers of human movement analysis and the actual needs in different domains, this book presents the main types of systems available on the market (with the pros and cons), and then details the most widely used: the optoelectronic systems using passive markers. The theoretical background for joint kinematics calculation is explained, specifying the international standardization for parameters reports. One chapter is dedicated to measurement errors and their management, followed by several applications, mostly in the clinical field.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Wall Turbulence Control
Wall turbulence control is a major subject, the investigation of which involves significant industrial, environmental and fundamental consequences. Wall Turbulence Control addresses recent advances achieved in active and passive wall turbulence control over the past two decades. This valuable reference for scientists, researchers and engineers provides an updated view of the research into this topic, including passive control, optimal and suboptimal control methodology, linear control and control using adaptive methods (neural networks), polymer and bubble injection, electromagnetic control and recent advances in control by plasma.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Capillary Flows in Heterogeneous and Random Porous Media
Capillary phenomena occur in both natural and human-made systems, from equilibria in the presence of solids (grains, walls, metal wires) to multiphase flows in heterogeneous and fractured porous media. This book, composed of two volumes, develops fluid mechanics approaches for two immiscible fluids (water/air or water/oil) in the presence of solids (tubes, joints, grains, porous media). Their hydrodynamics are typically dominated by capillarity and viscous dissipation. This first volume presents the basic concepts and investigates two-phase equilibria, before analyzing two-phase hydrodynamics in discrete and/or statistical systems (tubular pores, planar joints). It then studies flows in heterogeneous and stratified porous media, such as soils and rocks, based on Darcy’s law. This analysis includes unsaturated flow (Richards equation) and two-phase flow (Muskat equations). Overall, the two volumes contain basic physical concepts, theoretical analyses, field investigations and statistical and numerical approaches to capillary-driven equilibria and flows in heterogeneous systems
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Medical Imaging Based on Magnetic Fields and Ultrasounds
This book describes the different principles and equipment used in medical imaging. The importance of medical imaging for diagnostics is rapidly increasing. A good working knowledge of all the different possible physical principles involved in medical imaging is now imperative. This book covers many of these principles including matter photon interactions, the principles of detectors, detectors and information processing for radiology, X-ray tomography, positron tomography, single photon tomography and optical tomography.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Laser Velocimetry in Fluid Mechanics
In fluid mechanics, velocity measurement is fundamental in order to improve the behavior knowledge of the flow. Velocity maps help us to understand the mean flow structure and its fluctuations, in order to further validate codes.Laser velocimetry is an optical technique for velocity measurements; it is based on light scattering by tiny particles assumed to follow the flow, which allows the local fluid flow velocity and its fluctuations to be determined. It is a widely used non-intrusive technique to measure velocities in fluid flows, either locally or in a map.This book presents the various techniques of laser velocimetry, as well as their specific qualities: local measurements or in plane maps, mean or instantaneous values, 3D measurements. Flow seeding with particles is described with currently used products, as well as the appropriate aerosol generators. Post-processing of data allows us to extract synthetic information from measurements and to perform comparisons with results issued from CFD codes. The principles and characteristics of the different available techniques, all based on the scattering of light by tiny particles embedded in the flow, are described in detail; showing how they deliver different information, either locally or in a map, mean values and turbulence characteristics.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Program Specialization
This book presents the principles and techniques of program specialization — a general method to make programs faster (and possibly smaller) when some inputs can be known in advance. As an illustration, it describes the architecture of Tempo, an offline program specializer for C that can also specialize code at runtime, and provides figures for concrete applications in various domains. Technical details address issues related to program analysis precision, value reification, incomplete program specialization, strategies to exploit specialized program, incremental specialization, and data specialization. The book, that targets both researchers and software engineers, also opens scientific and industrial perspectives.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Fractal Geography
Our daily universe is rough and infinitely diverse. The fractal approach clarifies and orders these disparities. It helps us to envisage new explanations of geographical phenomena, which are, however, considered as definitely understood.Written for use by geographers and researchers from similar disciplines, such as ecologists, economists, historians and sociologists, this book presents the algorithms best adapted to the phenomena encountered, and proposes case studies illustrating their applications in concrete situations.An appendix is also provided that develops programs written in Mathematica. Contents 1. A Fractal World.2. Auto-similar and Self-affine Fractals.3. From the Fractal Dimension to Multifractal Spectrums.4. Calculation and Interpretation of Fractal Dimensions.5. The Fractal Dimensions of Rank-size Distributions.6. Calculation and Interpretation of Multifractal Spectrums.7. Geographical Explanation of Fractal Forms and Dynamics.8. Using Complexity Theory to Explain a Fractal World.9. Land-use Planning and Managing a Fractal Environment.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Tools for Signal Compression: Applications to Speech and Audio Coding
This book presents tools and algorithms required to compress/uncompress signals such as speech and music. These algorithms are largely used in mobile phones, DVD players, HDTV sets, etc. In a first rather theoretical part, this book presents the standard tools used in compression systems: scalar and vector quantization, predictive quantization, transform quantization, entropy coding. In particular we show the consistency between these different tools. The second part explains how these tools are used in the latest speech and audio coders. The third part gives Matlab programs simulating these coders.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Qualitative Spatial and Temporal Reasoning
Starting with an updated description of Allen's calculus, the book proceeds with a description of the main qualitative calculi which have been developed over the last two decades. It describes the connection of complexity issues to geometric properties. Models of the formalisms are described using the algebraic notion of weak representations of the associated algebras. The book also includes a presentation of fuzzy extensions of qualitative calculi, and a description of the study of complexity in terms of clones of operations.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Simulation of Complex Systems in GIS
This book provides a comprehensive view of the field of geographical modeling by dividing the topic into three parts. The first part of the work establishes the foundations of geographical modeling through the use of more general concepts, including: structure, organization, system, geometries, topologies, metrics, material, and object. Finally, introduction of the concept of time leads to the theories of process and spatial interaction, which are fundamental in geography. The second part of the book tackles the use of computer tools for dynamic model building, which are the geographic cellular automata (GCA), and presents several models applied to various themes, such as urban growth, natural risks by flood simulations, as well as more political themes, such as the use of European funds, or the development of voting patterns in France. Finally, a general model of the geographic agents system (GAS) which can be used as a basis for the construction of a model-building platform for dynamic spatial models is presented.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Carbon-based Solids and Materials
It is well known that solid carbons can be found in various guises with different forms of bulk phases (graphites, diamonds and carbynes) as well as more molecular forms (fullerenes,nanotubes and graphenes) resulting from recent discoveries. The cause of this rich polymorphism is analyzed in the first part of this book (chapters 1-5) with the propensity of carbon atoms for forming different types of homopolar chemical bonds associated with variable coordination numbers. Precursor organic molecules and parent compounds are also described to establish specific links with this rich polymorphism. Then in a second part (chapters 6-10) a comparative review of the main classes of bulk physical properties is presented. This approach emphasizes in particular the electronic behavior of (pi) polyaromatic systems organized in plane and curved atomic sheets. Finally in a third part (chapters 11-15) the surface and interface characteristics are introduced together with the texture and morphology of these multiscale carbon materials. An overview of the main field of applications is related showing the large use and interest for these solids.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Vapor Surface Treatments
There are many different vapor phase surface treatments of materials that can be used to produce a wide variety of end results, but each of them are of increasing importance in the pursuit of high performance advanced materials. These techniques differ significantly in the physical or chemical nature of the gas–surface interactions involved, and also in the thickness and morphology of the coatings produced. Applications include advanced semiconductors, optics, and nanotechnology, as well as many more. This book details the most important techniques used in industrial applications, providing coverage from the basic physics to the technical details of each, with emphasis on the macroscopic engineering of the processes and the microscopic characterization of the produced coatings. Vacuum evaporation, cathodic sputtering and ion implantation produce thin films mainly by physical interactions; gas cementation, nitridation, carbonitridation and pack cementation produce thicker surface modifications involving chemical reactions. A section of the book is devoted to chemical vapor deposition (CVD) processes, with dedicated chapters dealing with i) principles and industrial applications, ii) the use of plasma and lasers to assist deposition, and iii) macroscopic modeling of reactors. Alain Galerie has drawn contributions from leading experts at top research universities to produce a complete overview of the vapor phase surface treatments which have an increasing role in modern surface engineering.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Tomography
The principle of tomography is to explore the structure and composition of objects non-destructively along spatial and temporal dimensions, using penetrating radiation, such as X- and gamma-rays, or waves, such as electromagnetic and acoustic waves. Based on computer-assisted image reconstruction, tomography provides maps of parameters that characterize the emission of the employed radiation or waves, or their interaction with the examined objects, for one or several cross-sections. Thus, it gives access to the inner structure of inert objects and living organisms in their full complexity. In this book, multidisciplinary specialists explain the foundations and principles of tomographic imaging and describe a broad range of applications. The content is organized in five parts, which are dedicated to image reconstruction, microtomography, industrial tomography, morphological medical tomography and functional medical tomography.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Materials and Surface Engineering in Tribology
This title is designed to provide a clear and comprehensive overview of tribology. The book introduces the notion of a surface in tribology where a solid surface is described from topographical, structural, mechanical, and energetic perspectives. It also describes the principal techniques used to characterize and analyze surfaces. The title then discusses what may be called the fundamentals of tribology by introducing and describing the concepts of adhesion, friction, wear, and lubrication. The book focuses on the materials used in tribology, introducing the major classes of materials used, either in their bulk states or as coatings, including both protective layers and other coatings used for decorative purposes. Of especial importance to the tribology community are sections that provide the latest information on Nanotribology, Wear, Lubrication, and Wear-Corrosion: Tribocorrosion and Erosion-Corrosion.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc End-to-End Quality of Service: Engineering in Next Generation Heterogenous Networks
A modern communication network can be described as a large, complex, distributed system composed by higher interoperating, smaller sub-systems. Today, the proliferation and convergence of different types of wired, wireless, and mobile networks are crucial for the success of the next generation networking. However, these networks can hardly meet the requirements of future integrated-service networks, and are expected to carry multimedia traffic with various Quality of Experience (QoE) and Quality of Service (QoS) requirements. Providing all relevant QoS/QoE issues in these heterogeneous networks is then an important challenge for telecommunication operators, manufacturers, and companies. The impressive emergence and the important demand of the rising generation of real-time Multi-service (such as Data, Voice VoD, Video-Conference, etc.) over communication heterogeneous networks, require scalability while considering a continuous QoS. This book presents and explains all the techniques in new generation networks which integrate efficient global control mechanisms in two directions: (1) maintain QoS requirements in order to maximize network resources utilization, and minimize operational costs on all the types of wired-wireless-mobile networks used to transport traffic, and (2) mix the QoS associated with home, access, and core networks in order to provide Quality of Service/Quality of Experience expected by users of new services.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Photonic Waveguides: Theory and Applications
This book presents the principles of non-linear integrated optics. The first objective is to provide the reader with a thorough understanding of integrated optics so that they may be able to develop the theoretical and experimental tools to study and control the linear and non-linear optical properties of waveguides. The potential use of these structures can then be determined in order to realize integrated optical components for light modulation and generation. The theoretical models are accompanied by experimental tools and their setting in order to characterize the studied phenomenon. The passage from theory to practice makes the comprehension of the physical phenomena simple and didactic. The book also gives a presentation of the industrial applications of the integrated optical components. The studied topics range from the theory of waveguides and the linear and non-linear optical characterization techniques to photonic crystals. This last field constitutes a major challenge of photonic technologies of the 21st century.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Automatic Control of Bioprocesses
Giving an overview of the challenges in the control of bioprocesses, this comprehensive book presents key results in various fields, including: dynamic modeling; dynamic properties of bioprocess models; software sensors designed for the on-line estimation of parameters and state variables; control and supervision of bioprocesses.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB
This book uses MATLAB as a computing tool to explore traditional DSP topics and solve problems. This greatly expands the range and complexity of problems that students can effectively study in signal processing courses. A large number of worked examples, computer simulations and applications are provided, along with theoretical aspects that are essential in order to gain a good understanding of the main topics. Practicing engineers may also find it useful as an introductory text on the subject.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Management Control and Creativity: Challenges of Managing Innovation Processes
Innovation is an essential growth lever for organizations. Like any strategic element, it must be managed to ensure the right decision is made at the right time. When we talk about management, we naturally also consider management control. However, using management tools can be a danger to developing creativity – an essential element of innovation. This book examines the interdependencies between management control and creativity. By comparing two organizational contexts, we highlight the vital role of organizations as generators of creativity. We also underline the acceptance of an imbalance between the elements in tension, which can lead to the questioning and fostering of innovation; and the role of senior management as mediators between organizations and local actors.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc EcoDesign and Ecological Transition
Successive IPCC reports consistently stress the devastating impact of human activity on the climate. An ecological transition seems essential to modify our economic and social system, while meeting the needs of current and future generations. As the main culprits of environmental destruction, companies must modify their production methods to reduce their negative impact on the environment. Eco Design and Ecological Transition presents an innovative approach to eco design, a method that aims to offer products or services with a reduced environmental impact compared to conventional production methods, from the extraction of resources to the end of the product's life. The book also analyzes the potential of the circular economy and frugal innovation. It shows that innovation, to be sustainable, must be both environmentally and socially sustainable. From a systemic point of view, it examines the ability of players, particularly companies, to change their strategies in order to combin
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Applied Geotechnics for Construction Projects, Volume 1: Soil and Experimental Data
Geotechnical engineering is now a fundamental component of construction projects. The first volume of this book therefore paves the way for the development of a lasting partnership between soil and foundations. Applied Geotechnics for Construction Projects 1 first defines, identifies and classifies soils, exploring their complexities and weaknesses, and then outlines the basic principles of stresses and strains that establish and develop within soils. The third chapter of the book introduces and develops methods of soil investigation in order to experimentally determine the geotechnical parameters that are useful in the design stage of construction projects. Each chapter of this first volume is illustrated with photographs of example construction sites and concludes with concrete examples of real projects. The result is a combination of geotechnical expertise and lessons learned from experience, both of which are highly valuable in the field of applied geotechnics for construction projects.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Rheology, Physical and Mechanical Behavior of Materials 1: Physical Mechanisms of Deformation and Dynamic Behavior
This book studies the flow of materials and the influence of strain rates on the relationship between imposed stresses and the dynamic deformations obtained. It provides applications for shaping, molecular molding, shrink-fit assembly and welding, including details of the various specific processes for implementation at high strain rates, illustrated by numerous industrial examples. Rheology, Physical and Mechanical Behavior of Materials 1 presents analyses of plasticity mechanisms at microscopic and macroscopic scales, and of the various forms of stressstrain behavior laws according to working speeds, mechanisms, athermics, viscoplasticity and formability limits at types and speeds of change. It is aimed at researchers involved in the mechanics of deformable media, as well as industrial design and manufacturing departments
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Sustainable Intercultural Urbanism at the Service of the African City of Tomorrow
Most African cities are human settlements that lack the systems needed for effective land use planning. In fact, the disorganization that prevails has become so complex that the concept of urbanism itself has been called into question. This book highlights the need to restore urban planning in African cities through sustainable development and interculturality. Furthermore, it addresses the balance of power between urban planning and sustainable development and explores the historical and postcolonial aspects of urban planning in African cities. A case study focusing on the development of sustainable cities and neighborhoods in the M'Zab Valley is also included, as well as topics such as urban greening, climatic threats and the problem of state agro-industrial land transactions, which compete with sustainable urban planning. Sustainable Intercultural Urbanism at the Service of the African City of Tomorrow is a valuable reference for researchers and practitioners interested in urban issues in African cities. These cities, in particular sub Saharan cities, have long been excluded from any discourse on sustainable cities and urban planning; this book places the focus on these cities and acknowledges their varied urban realities. The intention is to spark a new debate on sustainable urban planning in African cities based on intercultural sustainable urbanism, which is key to thinking about and building ecological, intercultural, compact, intelligent and postcolonial cities.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Valuation of the Liability Structure by Real Options
The valuation of the liability structure can be determined by real options because the shares of a company can be regarded as similar to the purchase of a financial call option. Therefore, from this perspective, debt can be viewed as the sale of a financial put option. As a result, financial analysts are able to establish different valuations of a company, according to these two financing methods. Valuation of the Liability Structure by Real Options explains how the real options method works in conjunction with traditional methods. This innovative approach is particularly suited to the valuation of companies in industries where an underlying asset has high volatility (such as the mining or oil industries) or where research and development costs are high (for example, the pharmaceutical industry). Integration of the economic value of net debt (rather than the accounting value) and integration of the asset volatility are the main advantages of this approach.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc From Euclidean to Hilbert Spaces: Introduction to Functional Analysis and its Applications
From Euclidian to Hilbert Spaces analyzes the transition from finite dimensional Euclidian spaces to infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces, a notion that can sometimes be difficult for non-specialists to grasp. The focus is on the parallels and differences between the properties of the finite and infinite dimensions, noting the fundamental importance of coherence between the algebraic and topological structure, which makes Hilbert spaces the infinite-dimensional objects most closely related to Euclidian spaces.The common thread of this book is the Fourier transform, which is examined starting from the discrete Fourier transform (DFT), along with its applications in signal and image processing, passing through the Fourier series and finishing with the use of the Fourier transform to solve differential equations.The geometric structure of Hilbert spaces and the most significant properties of bounded linear operators in these spaces are also covered extensively. The theorems are presented with detailed proofs as well as meticulously explained exercises and solutions, with the aim of illustrating the variety of applications of the theoretical results.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Emotions and Values in Equity Crowdfunding Investment Choices 2: Modeling and Empirical Study
Equity crowdfunding is a new way for seed stage start-ups to generate initial capital and, as such, raises questions around the choices made by investors within this area. Understanding it is important for investor protection, as investors are generally unaware of the factors that can influence their decisions. However, investing in equity crowdfunding places the investor in a unique decision-making framework, in which resources such as images, videos and storytelling are all mobilized by entrepreneurs and platforms as tools of persuasion. This context thus seems to favor more holistic and emotional decision-making, rather than a process that is rational and analytical. Volume 1 presents a transdisciplinary theoretical analysis, combining different fields within the social sciences, primarily finance, marketing and psychology. In this second volume, an explanatory model is developed on the basis of this theoretical framework, which is then empirically tested using data from laboratory experiments. This book also proposes the original theory of �emotional matching�, which is both justified and substantiated. It personalizes behavior and offers a new perspective based on project characteristics and investor preferences.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Elastoplastic Modeling
Elastoplastic behavior has long been part of the constitutive models incorporated in most computer codes, used in the design of civil and mechanical engineering structures. Elastoplastic Modeling offers a compact presentation of the fundamentals of classical elastoplastic modeling, the basis for many engineering applications currently implemented. This book provides a general background to enhance understanding of the modeling assumptions that govern the rationales of these applications. With this understanding comes the ability to assess their validation range and propose possible improvements. An instructive approach replaces excessive mathematical developments with a semi-phenomenological method, where mathematical modeling is driven by − and derived from − experimental observations. A logical track is followed, starting from material behavior modeling and leading to the analysis of the anelastic response of systems, subjected to quasi-static loading processes.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc The Skull of Quadruped and Bipedal Vertebrates: Variations, Abnormalities and Joint Pathologies
This book forms part of the set, Comparative Anatomy and Posture of Animal and Human, and focuses on the skulls of Quaternary mammals and of Man since the acquisition of upright posture. Although the vast majority of the quadruped fossil species have a balanced postural adaptation, with no asymmetries or maxillo-mandibular dysmorphoses, the Hominine species that has acquired this readjustment of the body as well as a bipedal adaptation to the ground, will experience a series of postural imbalances starting with malocclusion in the genus Homo. In order to arrive at this conclusion, the cranio-facial architectural biodynamics of several species of fossil and current mammals have been analyzed over three decades. In addition, hundreds of skulls of anatomically modern Hominids have been examined, highlighting their occlusal offsets, variations, anomalies and pathologies.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Open Innovation: Human Set-up
The purpose of this book is to explicitly describe the daily interactions that need to be implemented to transform these One To One, or One to Many, interactions into tangible (business partnerships) and intangible (relationship satisfaction) value. Through my experience, I will try to give an account of the words and behaviour of the crossed protagonists during all these years. My observations will allow to fully understand the perspectives that everyone gives themselves in interactions, in order to better understand the perceptions that result from them. It is the reality of the interactions themselves that will be exposed in order to know how to make the most of them.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Microprocessor 1: Prolegomena - Calculation and Storage Functions - Models of Computation and Computer Architecture
Since its commercialization in 1971, the microprocessor, a modern and integrated form of the central processing unit, has continuously broken records in terms of its integrated functions, computing power, low costs and energy saving status. Today, it is present in almost all electronic devices. Sound knowledge of its internal mechanisms and programming is essential for electronics and computer engineers to understand and master computer operations and advanced programming concepts. This book in five volumes focuses more particularly on the first two generations of microprocessors, those that handle 4- and 8- bit integers. Microprocessor 1 the first of five volumes presents the computation function, recalls the memory function and clarifies the concepts of computational models and architecture. A comprehensive approach is used, with examples drawn from current and past technologies that illustrate theoretical concepts, making them accessible.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Mobile Robotics
Mobile Robotics presents the different tools and methods that enable the design of mobile robots; a discipline booming with the emergence of flying drones, underwater mine-detector robots, robot sailboats and vacuum cleaners. Illustrated with simulations, exercises and examples, this book describes the fundamentals of modeling robots, developing the concepts of actuators, sensors, control and guidance. Three-dimensional simulation tools are also explored, as well as the theoretical basis for the reliable localization of robots within their environment. This revised and updated edition contains additional exercises and a completely new chapter on the Bayes filter, an observer that enhances our understanding of the Kalman filter and facilitates certain proofs.