Search results for ""Author John Wiley"
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc The Digital Era 3: Customs and Practices
For 200 years, industry mastered iron, fire, strength and energy. Today, electronics shape our everyday objects, integrating chips everywhere: computers, phones, keys, games, household appliances, etc. Data, software and calculation frame the conduct of men and the administration of things. Everything is translated into data: the figure is king. This third and last volume of the series examines the creative destruction induced by digital, modifying manners and customs, law, society and politics.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics 2: Semantics, Discourse and Applications
Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a scientific discipline which is found at the intersection of fields such as Artificial Intelligence, Linguistics, and Cognitive Psychology. This book presents in four chapters the state of the art and fundamental concepts of key NLP areas. Are presented in the first chapter the fundamental concepts in lexical semantics, lexical databases, knowledge representation paradigms, and ontologies. The second chapter is about combinatorial and formal semantics. Discourse and text representation as well as automatic discourse segmentation and interpretation, and anaphora resolution are the subject of the third chapter. Finally, in the fourth chapter, I will cover some aspects of large scale applications of NLP such as software architecture and their relations to cognitive models of NLP as well as the evaluation paradigms of NLP software. Furthermore, I will present in this chapter the main NLP applications such as Machine Translation (MT), Information Retrieval (IR), as well as Big Data and Information Extraction such as event extraction, sentiment analysis and opinion mining.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Transformation of Collective Intelligences: Perspective of Transhumanism
There is a great transformation of the production of knowledge and intelligibility. The "digital fold of the world" (with the convergence of NBIC) affects the collective assemblages of “thought”, of research. The aims of these assemblages are also controversial issues. From a general standpoint, these debates concern “performative science and performative society”. But one emerges and strengthens that has several names: transhumanism, post-humanism, speculative post-humanism. It appears as a great narration, a large story about the future of our existence, facing our entry into the Anthropocene. It is also presented as a concrete utopia with an anthropological and technical change. In this book, we proposed to show how collective intelligences stand in the middle of the coupling of ontological horizons and of the “process of bio-technical maturation”.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Ethical Efficiency: Responsibility and Contingency
Practical and conceptual, the Responsible Research and Innovation set of books contributes to the clarification of this new requirement for all sciences and technological innovation. It covers the multiple and international responsibilities, by using various philosophical resources, mostly discussing the following topics: ethics, contingency, normative economy, freedom, corporate social responsibility (CSR), participative technological evaluation, sustainable development, geoengineering, the precautionary principle, standards, interdisciplinarity, and climate management. The ethics of efficiency must be considered with regard to the logic of action or to economic, political, legal or scientific systems. This book presents a question on the central theme of responsible research and innovation (RRI), which has an ethical influence on effective logics. The issue is to question the opportunity and modularities of an ethical effective influence on the logics of efficiency of research and innovation. From the distinction of efficiency and effectiveness, lies the problem of efficacy, the ethical accord between the two. Thus appears the possibility of taking effective responsibility with respect to systematic injustices potentially linked to this efficiency. This book proposes categories to understand the ethical implications of research and innovation processes, under the aspect of their efficacy.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc The Digital Era 1: Big Data Stakes
For 200 years, industry mastered iron, fire, strength and energy. Today, electronics shapes our everyday objects, integrating chips: computers, phones, keys, games, household appliances, etc. Data, software and calculation frame the conduct of humankind, and everything is translated into data. The first volume in this series analyzes the stakes of the massive data which accumulate on the Internet, keeping track of our actions and gestures, the state of the world and our knowledge.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Discrete Mechanics
This book presents the fundamental principles of mechanics to re-establish the equations of Discrete Mechanics. It introduces physics and thermodynamics associated to the physical modeling. The development and the complementarity of sciences lead to review today the old concepts that were the basis for the development of continuum mechanics. The differential geometry is used to review the conservation laws of mechanics. For instance, this formalism requires a different location of vector and scalar quantities in space. The equations of Discrete Mechanics form a system of equations where the Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition plays an important role.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Participatory Mapping: New Data, New Cartography
This book is intended for applications of online digital mapping, called mashups (or composite application), and to analyze the mapping practices in online socio-technical controversies. The hypothesis put forward is that the ability to create an online map accompanies the formation of online audience and provides support for a position in a debate on the Web.The first part provides a study of the map: - a combination of map and statistical reason- crosses between map theories and CIS theories- recent developments in scanning the map, from Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to Web map.The second part is based on a corpus of twenty "mashup" maps, and offers a techno-semiotic analysis highlighting the "thickness of the mediation" they are in a process of communication on the Web. Map as a device to "make do" is thus replaced through these stages of creation, ranging from digital data in their viewing, before describing the construction of the map as a tool for visual evidence in public debates, and ending with an analysis of the delegation action against Internet users.The third section provides an analysis of these mapping practices in the case study of the controversy over nuclear radiation following the accident at the Fukushima plant on March 11, 2011. Techno-semiotic method applied to this corpus of radiation map is supplemented by an analysis of web graphs, derived from "digital methods" and graph theory, accompanying the analysis of the previous steps maps (creating Geiger data or retrieving files online), but also their movement, once maps are made.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Software Architecture 1
Over the past 20 years, software architectures have significantly contributed to the development of complex and distributed systems. Nowadays, it is recognized that one of the critical problems in the design and development of any complex software system is its architecture, i.e. the organization of its architectural elements. Software Architecture presents the software architecture paradigms based on objects, components, services and models, as well as the various architectural techniques and methods, the analysis of architectural qualities, models of representation of architectural templates and styles, their formalization, validation and testing and finally the engineering approach in which these consistent and autonomous elements can be tackled.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Acoustic Particle Velocity Measurements Using Lasers: Principles, Signal Processing and Applications
This book concerns the presentation of particle velocity measurement for acoustics using lasers, including Laser Doppler Velocimetry (LDV or Anemometry (LDA)) and Particle Imagery Velocimetry (PIV).The objective is first to present the importance of measuring the acoustic velocity, especially when the acoustic equations are nonlinear as well as characterizing the near fields. However, these applications need to use non-invasive sensors. Some optical techniques, initially developed for fluid mechanics, have been adapted to the field of acoustics in recent years. This book summarizes 15 years of research in this area, highlighting the improvements that have been made, particularly in signal processing, and showing applications for which they have proven to be a carrier of innovation.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Proceedings of CEISIE '09
These proceedings cover a selection of papers presented at the 5th China - Europe International Symposium on Software Industry-oriented Education (CEISIE 2009) with particular focus given to enterprise applications in industry, integration and interoperability of enterprise applications and software, as well as enterprise application-oriented training and education.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Defects in Organic Semiconductors and Devices
Defects play a key role in the physical properties of semiconductors and devices, and their identification is essential in assessing the reliability of electronic devices. Defects in Organic Semiconductors and Devices introduces the fundamental aspects of defects in organic semiconductors and devices in relation to the structure of materials and architecture of electronic components. It covers the topics of defect formation and evolution, defect measurement techniques and their adaption to organic devices, the effects of defects on the physical properties of materials and their effects on the performance and lifetime of organic devices. Identifying defects and determining their characteristics in the structure of organic devices such as OLEDs, OFETs and OPVs make it possible to better understand degradation processes and develop solutions to improve the reliability of such devices. This book is intended for researchers and students in university programs or engineering schools who are specializing in electronics, energy and materials.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Dual Innovation Systems: Concepts, Tools and Methods
Technical superiority is one of the keys to military domination. Thus, defense industries have supported the development of increasingly efficient systems and made significant contributions to technical progress. However, since the late 1980s, defense industries� technological initiative has been questioned and new sources of innovation have been sought by turning to the civilian sphere. A duality was born from this marriage of defense and civil innovation which developed their synergies in order to improve the innovation process in both areas. Dual Innovation Systems uses a systemic approach to investigate this dual approach to innovation and how it promotes improvements in the research and development processes of the defense and civilian areas. It also presents a variety of tools for measuring the performance of a dual innovation system.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Cybersecurity of Industrial Systems
How to manage the cybersecurity of industrial systems is a crucial question. To implement relevant solutions, the industrial manager must have a clear understanding of IT systems, of communication networks and of control-command systems. They must also have some knowledge of the methods used by attackers, of the standards and regulations involved and of the available security solutions. Cybersecurity of Industrial Systems presents these different subjects in order to give an in-depth overview and to help the reader manage the cybersecurity of their installation. The book addresses these issues for both classic SCADA architecture systems and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) systems.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Sedimentary Crisis at the Global Scale 1: Large Rivers, From Abundance to Scarcity
The Earth’s oceans are currently undergoing unprecedented changes: rivers have suffered a severe reduction in their sediment transport, and as a result, sediment input to the oceans has dropped lower than ever before. These inputs have varied over millennia as a result of both natural occurrences and human actions, such as the building of dams and the extraction of materials from riverbeds. Sedimentary Crisis at the Global Scale 1 examines how river basins have been affected by the sedimentary crises of various historical epochs. By studying global balances, it provides insights into the profound disruption of the solid transport of fluvial bodies. The book also explores studies of various rivers, from the Amazon, which remains relatively unaffected, to dying rivers such as the Colorado and the Nile.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Military Nuclear Accidents: Environmental, Ecological, Health and Socio-economic Consequences
The use of atomic energy for military purposes has given rise to a variety of nuclear accidents from the outset. This applies to all levels of use: from the manufacture of weapons to their commissioning. This book provides an overview of the potential impact of such accidents. The prospective consequences of local and global nuclear war are detailed. Similarly, for each accident, the environmental, ecological, health and socio-economic consequences are reviewed. The contamination of the environment and its fauna and flora is detailed and the effects of ionizing radiation are reported. The same is provided for human populations and the adverse effects on the health and physical and mental states of the populations concerned. The economic cost of accidents is also evaluated. The research presented in this book is based on scientifically recognized publications, and reports from the military forces of the various countries concerned and from the national and international organizations competent in this field (IAEA, WHO, UNSCEAR, IRSN, ICPR, etc.).
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Co-innovation Dynamics: The Management of Client-Supplier Interactions for Open Innovation
Over the last 30 years, the pace of innovation has exploded while available resources have become increasingly scarce. Open Innovation is the solution, with client–supplier relationships being the main expedient. However, collaborating in innovation is full of obstacles, from uncertainties in innovation as a whole to difficulties with managing a business relationship. Co-innovation Dynamics, based on a deep-dive ethnographic inquiry enlightened by state-of-the-art management research, presents the daily life story of a collaborative innovation project. Also, based on two other qualitative and quantitative studies on co-innovation management, this book offers lessons and tips on how to manage the dynamics of collaborative innovation in the client–supplier relationship.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Electronic Music Machines: The New Musical Instruments
Since 1960, with the advent of musical electronics, composers and musicians have been using ever more sophisticated machines to create sonic material that presents innovation, color and new styles: electro-acoustic, electro, house, techno, etc. music. The music of Pierre Henry, Kraftwerk, Pink Floyd, Daft Punk and many others has introduced new sounds, improbable rhythms and a unique approach to composition and notation. Electronic machines have become essential: they have built and influenced the music of the most recent decades and set the trend for future productions. This book explores the theory and practice related to the different machines which constitute the universe of musical electronics, omitting synthesizers which are treated in other works. Sequencers, drum machines, samplers, groove machines and vocoders from 1960 to today are studied in their historical, physical and theoretical context. More detailed approaches to the Elektron Octatrack sequencer-sampler and the Korg Electribe 2 groove machine are also included.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Organic Electronics 1: Materials and Physical Processes
Due to their special properties, organic semiconductors enable the development of large-area, low-cost devices, paving the way for flexible and nomadic applications that advantageously replace those made with traditional semiconductors. This book describes the properties and deposition methods of organic semiconductors, transparent conductive materials or metals which are used in the fabrication of organic devices. The physical processes (optical, electrical and interface) that control the mechanisms in the formation and transport of the charge carriers of the materials are studied and explained in detail. Organic Electronics 1 introduces the fundamental and applied aspects of the field of organic electronics. It is intended for researchers and students in university programs or engineering schools specializing in electronics, energy and materials.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc The Digital Era 2: Political Economy Revisited
Over 200 years, industry has mastered iron, fire, power and energy. Today, electronics shape our everyday objects with the widespread integration of chips; from computers and telephones to keys, games and white goods. Data, software and computation structure our behavior and the organization of our lives. Everything is translated into data: the digit is king. Consisting of three volumes, The Digital Era explores technical, economic and social phenomena that result from the generalization of the Internet. This second volume discusses the impact of digital technology on the evolution of market relations and the media and examines the reasons why such changes put political economy to the test.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Knowledge Management: The Creative Loop
Knowledge management is a strategic issue for companies, and international standards such as ISO recently integrate it into its requirements. However, it is still an ill-defined concept, and methodologies to implement it are not very well known. This book is the result of over twenty years of research in different labs and application in a wide range of public or private companies around the world. It gives a global and coherent view both from the theoretical and practical point of views.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc From Additive Manufacturing to 3D/4D Printing 2: Current Techniques, Improvements and their Limitations
Additive manufacturing, which was first invented in France and then applied in the United States, is now 33 years old and represents a market of around 5 billion euros per year, with annual growth of between 20 and 30%. Today, additive manufacturing is experiencing a great amount of innovation in its processes, software, engineering and materials used. Its strength as a process has more recently allowed for the exploration of new niches, ranging from applications at nanometer and decameter scales, to others in mechanics and health. As a result, the limitations of the process have also begun to emerge, which include the quality of the tools, their cost of manufacture, the multi-material aspects, functionalities and surface conditions. Volume 2 of this series presents the current techniques, improvements and limits of additive manufacturing, providing an up-to-date review of this process.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Innovation Collective Intelligence and Resiliency in Healthcare Organizations
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Phase Type Distribution: Theory and Application wi th Tool Support
The topic of the book is phase type distributions that have been recognized as an important tool in the quantitative analysis of systems (such as communication networks, logistic networks, manufacturing plants, etc.). The book provides up-to-date and comprehensive guide to phase type distributions. The complete theoretical background, including definitions and characteristics of phase type distributions, is provided in a way that is accessible to a wide range of readers. Throughout the book, theory is accompanied by detailed application examples that illustrate the practical usage of phase type distributions. The application examples are developed using a software tool, called BuTools, which is freely available for all interested readers.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Inventory of Biodiversity Today
Our knowledge of living organisms is still very limited, with less than 20% of the world's species known to date. It is therefore essential to increase our efforts to inventory biodiversity. This is the goal of scientific research, but it is also a vital responsibility in the face of the sixth extinction. With so many species set to disappear before they can be analyzed, the compilation of this inventory now represents a major challenge. Thanks to the collaborative work of numerous researchers from the Institut de systématique, évolution, biodiversité (ISYEB) and other institutions, Inventory of Biodiversity Today presents the latest methods of field data collection and analysis. Strategies have diversified and are providing new and ever-more-precise data on a growing number of specimens. All of these data are integrated to delimit and describe living species, and are accessible to as many people as possible, so we can all take action on a daily basis to better understand a
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Biosphere Reserves and Sustainable Development Goals 2
Since 1971, UNESCO's Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme has embraced a number of principles that link the political, scientific and academic spheres. Biosphere Reserves and Sustainable Development Goals 2 is a reminder of the fundamental issues involved in governance. The diversity and multiplicity of stakeholders, and the complexity of the interplay between them, as well as their organization, are decisive factors in the proper management of resources and territories. The book also presents a number of case studies demonstrating that, between the strong development aspirations of their populations, the impact of human activities and the need to conserve their biological heritage, the biosphere reserves of the southern Mediterranean are facing major issues: agricultural pollution, forest fires, water use in a context of climate change, etc.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Protection of Electrical Networks
This book, designed for engineers, technicians, designers and operators working with electrical networks, contains theoretical and practical information on the design and set-up of protection systems. Protection of Electrical Networks first discusses network structures and grounding systems together with problems that can occur in networks. It goes on to cover current and voltage transformers, protection functions, circuit breakers and fuses. Practical explanations of how protection systems function are given, and these, together with tables of settings, make this book suitable for any reader, irrespective of their initial level of knowledge.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc The Functional Service Economy: A Networked Innova tion Model
This book outlines out the features of a Functional Service Economy. It describes the required social and economic changes to shift from a production-oriented economy to a functional and service-oriented economy.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Damage Mechanics in Metal Forming: Advanced Modeling and Numerical Simulation
The aim of this book is to summarize the current most effective methods for modeling, simulating, and optimizing metal forming processes, and to present the main features of new, innovative methods currently being developed which will no doubt be the industrial tools of tomorrow. It discusses damage (or defect) prediction in virtual metal forming, using advanced multiphysical and multiscale fully coupled constitutive equations. Theoretical formulation, numerical aspects as well as application to various sheet and bulk metal forming are presented in detail.Virtual metal forming is nowadays inescapable when looking to optimize numerically various metal forming processes in order to design advanced mechanical components. To do this, highly predictive constitutive equations accounting for the full coupling between various physical phenomena at various scales under large deformation including the ductile damage occurrence are required. In addition, fully 3D adaptive numerical methods related to time and space discretization are required in order to solve accurately the associated initial and boundary value problems. This book focuses on these two main and complementary aspects with application to a wide range of metal forming and machining processes. Contents 1. Elements of Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics.2. Thermomechanically-Consistent Modeling of the Metals Behavior with Ductile Damage.3. Numerical Methods for Solving Metal Forming Problems.4. Application to Virtual Metal Forming.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Oxydative Ageing of Polymers
This book aims to rehabilitate kinetic modeling in the domain of polymer ageing, where it has been almost abandoned by the research community. Kinetic modeling is a key step for lifetime prediction, a crucial problem in many industrial domains in which needs cannot be satisfied by the common empirical methods.The book proposes a renewed approach of lifetime prediction in polymer oxidative ageing. This approach is based on kinetic models built from relatively simple mechanistic schemes but integrating physical processes (oxygen diffusion and stabilizer transport), and use property (for instance mechanical failure) changes. An important chapter is dedicated to radiation-induced oxidation and its most important applications: radiochemical ageing at low dose rates and photo-chemical ageing under solar radiation. There is also a chapter devoted to the problem of ageing under coupled oxidation and mechanical loading.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Fracture Mechanics and Crack Growth
This book presents recent advances related to the following two topics: how mechanical fields close to material or geometrical singularities such as cracks can be determined; how failure criteria can be established according to the singularity degrees related to these discontinuities. Concerning the determination of mechanical fields close to a crack tip, the first part of the book presents most of the traditional methods in order to classify them into two major categories. The first is based on the stress field, such as the Airy function, and the second resolves the problem from functions related to displacement fields. Following this, a new method based on the Hamiltonian system is presented in great detail. Local and energetic approaches to fracture are used in order to determine the fracture parameters such as stress intensity factor and energy release rate. The second part of the book describes methodologies to establish the critical fracture loads and the crack growth criteria. Singular fields for homogeneous and non-homogeneous problems near crack tips, v-notches, interfaces, etc. associated with the crack initiation and propagation laws in elastic and elastic-plastic media, allow us to determine the basis of failure criteria. Each phenomenon studied is dealt with according to its conceptual and theoretical modeling, to its use in the criteria of fracture resistance; and finally to its implementation in terms of feasibility and numerical application. Contents 1. Introduction.Part 1: Stress Field Analysis Close to the Crack Tip2. Review of Continuum Mechanics and the Behavior Laws.3. Overview of Fracture Mechanics.4. Fracture Mechanics.5. Introduction to the Finite Element Analysis of Cracked Structures.Part 2: Crack Growth Criteria6. Crack Propagation.7. Crack Growth Prediction in Elements of Steel Structures Submitted to Fatigue.8. Potential Use of Crack Propagation Laws in Fatigue Life Design.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Competitive Inteligence 2.0: Organization, Innovation and Territory
The recent “concept of 2.0", a consequence of "Web 2.0", discusses the emergence of a new style, emancipated from the Web, which finds applications in all areas of social activity: management, innovation, education , organization, territory, etc. This book considers the implications of the changing paradigm for competitive, economic and territorial intelligence applied to innovation, value creation and enhancement of territories. Competitive intelligence is therefore in the "2.0" and its values: perpetual beta, user-generated content, social relations, etc., horizontality, a renewed legitimacy. This book, collecting contributions from international experts, testifies to the heterogeneity and richness of possible approaches. It provides a totally new way of evaluating the impact of 2.0 with concrete examples, while analyzing the theoretical models allowing the reader to develop in other contexts the described cases of success.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Extractive Metallurgy 3: Processing Operations and Routes
Extractive metallurgy is the art and science of extracting metals from their ores and refining them. The production of metals and alloys from these source materials is still one of the most important and fundamental industries in both developed and developing economies around the world. The outputs and products are essential resources for the metallic, mechanical, electromagnetic, electrical and electronics industries (silicon is treated as a metal for these purposes). This series is devoted to the extraction of metals from ores, concentrates (enriched ores), scraps, and other sources and their refining to the state of either liquid metal before casting or to solid metals. The extraction and refining operations that are required may be carried out by various metallurgical reaction processes. Extractive Metallurgy 1 deals with the fundamentals of thermodynamics and kinetics of the reaction processes. Extractive Metallurgy 2 focuses on pyrometallurgical, hydrometallurgical, halide and electro-metallurgical (conversion) processes. Extractive Metallurgy 3 deals with the industrial processing operations, technologies, and process routes, in other words the sequence of steps or operations used to convert the ore to metal. Processes and operations are studied using the methodology of “chemical reaction engineering”. As the fundamentals of the art and science of Extractive Metallurgy are infrequently taught as dedicated university or engineering schools courses, this series is intended both for students in the fields of Metallurgy and Mechanical Engineering who want to acquire this knowledge, and also for engineers put in charge of the operation of an industrial production unit or the development of a new process, who will need the basic knowledge of the corresponding technology.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Stochastic Geometry for Image Analysis
This book develops the stochastic geometry framework for image analysis purpose. Two main frameworks are described: marked point process and random closed sets models. We derive the main issues for defining an appropriate model. The algorithms for sampling and optimizing the models as well as for estimating parameters are reviewed. Numerous applications, covering remote sensing images, biological and medical imaging, are detailed. This book provides all the necessary tools for developing an image analysis application based on modern stochastic modeling.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Wave Propagation in Fluids: Models and Numerical Techniques
This second edition with four additional chapters presents the physical principles and solution techniques for transient propagation in fluid mechanics and hydraulics. The application domains vary including contaminant transport with or without sorption, the motion of immiscible hydrocarbons in aquifers, pipe transients, open channel and shallow water flow, and compressible gas dynamics. The mathematical formulation is covered from the angle of conservation laws, with an emphasis on multidimensional problems and discontinuous flows, such as steep fronts and shock waves. Finite difference-, finite volume- and finite element-based numerical methods (including discontinuous Galerkin techniques) are covered and applied to various physical fields. Additional chapters include the treatment of geometric source terms, as well as direct and adjoint sensitivity modeling for hyperbolic conservation laws. A concluding chapter is devoted to practical recommendations to the modeler. Application exercises with on-line solutions are proposed at the end of the chapters.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Applied Metrology for Manufacturing Engineering
Applied Metrology for Manufacturing Engineering, stands out from traditional works due to its educational aspect. Illustrated by tutorials and laboratory models, it is accessible to users of non-specialists in the fields of design and manufacturing. Chapters can be viewed independently of each other. This book focuses on technical geometric and dimensional tolerances as well as mechanical testing and quality control. It also provides references and solved examples to help professionals and teachers to adapt their models to specific cases. It reflects recent developments in ISO and GPS standards and focuses on training that goes hand in hand with the progress of practical work and workshops dealing with measurement and dimensioning.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Geographical Information and Climatology
This book includes two parts. The first part is more theoretical and general, and it covers fundamental principles : geospatial climate data measurement ; spatial analysis, mapping and climate ; geographical information, remote sensing and climatology ; and geographical information for initialisation of forecasting and climate models. The second part describes geographical information used in various climate applications of importance today, related to risk : urban climate ; air pollution ; hydrological problems linked to climatology ; forest fires.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Information Science
With regard to the problems identified by many researchers relating to the storage and processing of (semi-)structured digital data, accessibility and sharing, intellectual property, digital documents, information retrieval, information literacy, the relevance of information, information profiles of users, etc. the political projects for the Information Society cause some caution and embarrassment from a scientific point of view. This book gathers 13 contributions from Information Science researchers, and presents some scientific issues from the various domains which are, also, the issues in our present digital era.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc From Speech Physiology to Linguistic Phonetics
Communicating by speech is seemingly one of the most natural activities for humans. However, despite its apparent obviousness and ease, speech production is a very complex activity with multiple levels of organization involved with transforming cognitive intent into a meaningful sequence of sounds. This book establishes a connection between the physiology of speech and linguistics, and provides a detailed account of speech production processes, indicating how various languages of the world make use of human anthropophonic capacities. The book also offers new insights into the possible ways in which articulatory-based phonetics and phonology might be unified, making it essential reading matter for anyone involved in this field. Numerous illustrations are included which enhance the reader’s understanding.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Microfluidics
The recent development of microscale technologies makes it possible to design complex microsystems devoted to transport, dosing, mixing, analysis or even synthesis of fluids. Applications are numerous and exist in almost every industrial field, from biotechnology and healthcare to aeronautics and advanced materials manufacturing. Microfluidics is a relatively new research area, usually comprising work with microsystems and involving internal fluid flows with characteristic dimensions of the order of one micrometer (1 x 10 -6 m). This book provides engineers and researchers with a range of tools for modeling, experimenting on, and simulating these microflows, as a preliminary step in designing and optimizing fluidic microsystems. The various consequences of miniaturization on the hydrodynamics of gas, liquid or two-phase flows, as well as on associated heat transfer phenonema, are analyzed. The book is illustrated with examples that demonstrate the wide diversity of applications, and the breadth of novel uses of these fluidic microsystems.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Dynamics of Structures
This book covers structural dynamics from a theoretical and algorithmic approach. It covers systems with both single and multiple degrees-of-freedom. Numerous case studies are given to provide the reader with a deeper insight into the practicalities of the area, and the solutions to these case studies are given in terms of real-time and frequency in both geometric and modal spaces. Emphasis is also given to the subject of seismic loading. The text is based on many lectures on the subject of structural dynamics given at numerous institutions and thus will be an accessible and practical aid to students of the subject. Key features: Examines the effects of loads, impacts, and seismic forces on the materials used in the construction of buildings, bridges, tunnels, and more Structural dynamics is a critical aspect of the design of all engineered/designed structures and objects - allowing for accurate prediction of their ability to withstand service loading, and for knowledge of failure-causeing or critical loads
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Advanced Mapping of Environmental Data
This book combines geostatistics and global mapping systems to present an up-to-the-minute study of environmental data. Featuring numerous case studies, the reference covers model dependent (geostatistics) and data driven (machine learning algorithms) analysis techniques such as risk mapping, conditional stochastic simulations, descriptions of spatial uncertainty and variability, artificial neural networks (ANN) for spatial data, Bayesian maximum entropy (BME), and more.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Petri Nets: Fundamental Models, Verification and Applications
A Petri net is a mathematical representation of a network. This book first introduces the basic models including time and stochastic extensions, in particular place-transition and high level Petri nets. Their modeling and design capabilities are illustrated by a set of representations of interest in operating and communication systems. The volume then addresses the related verification problems and proposes corresponding solutions by introducing the main notions needed to fully understand the behavior and properties behind Petri nets. Particular attention is devoted to how systems can be fully represented and analyzed in terms of their behavioral, time, and stochastic aspects by using the same formal approach and semantic basis. Finally, illustrative examples are presented in the important fields of interoperability in telecommunication services, programming languages, multimedia architectures, manufacturing systems, and communication protocols.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc A to Z of Sudoku
Sudoku is a logic puzzle that has become a worldwide phenomenon in the last few years: but where has it come from? How does it work? And what is the science behind sudoku – what are the rules for generating and solving grids? Answers to all of these questions can be found in the A-Z of Sudoku. As its title suggests, this book provides a “one stop shop” on sudoku, covering the history of the puzzle, its development and growth in the world’s media, before moving on to the mathematics of sudoku and various techniques that can be used to solve grids by hand. Next, the essentials of software development relating to sudoku are presented along with the recent branch of computer science devoted to solving such problems: constraint programming, showing how the principle behind solving sudoku grids can be used in other contexts. Finally, the book concludes with a large number of grids ranging in difficulty from “very easy” to “expert” which the reader can use to apply the techniques they have acquired from the book in a practical context. Those interested in finding out more about the theory behind sudoku, its origins, it applications in other fields and (of course) how to improve their ability to solve it will find this book a must-read.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Innovation, Between Science and Science Fiction
Fantasy and science fiction are both involved in the process of innovation in techno-scientific societies. Long regarded as a hindrance to rationality, and to science, science fiction has become the object of praise in recent decades. Innovative organizations use science fiction to stimulate the creativity of their teams, and more and more entrepreneurs are using its influence to develop innovation. Scientific practice relies in part on an imaginary dimension. The mapping of the technical imagination of science fiction has become an important strategic issue, as has its patentability. The conquest of space, the construction of cyberspace and virtual reality, biotechnologies and nanotechnologies are all at the center of futuristic fictions that participate in scientific speeches and discoveries.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Mathematics and Philosophy
This book, which studies the links between mathematics and philosophy, highlights a reversal. Initially, the (Greek) philosophers were also mathematicians (geometers). Their vision of the world stemmed from their research in this field (rational and irrational numbers, problem of duplicating the cube, trisection of the angle...). Subsequently, mathematicians freed themselves from philosophy (with Analysis, differential Calculus, Algebra, Topology, etc.), but their researches continued to inspire philosophers (Descartes, Leibniz, Hegel, Husserl, etc.). However, from a certain level of complexity, the mathematicians themselves became philosophers (a movement that begins with Wronsky and Clifford, and continues until Grothendieck).
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Management, Control and Evolution of IP Networks
Internet Protocol (IP) networks have, for a number of years, provided the basis for modern communication channels. However, the control and management of these networks needs to be extended so that the required Quality of Service can be achieved. Information about new generations of IP networks is given, covering the future of pervasive networks (that is, networks that arealways present), Wi-Fi, the control of mobility and improved Quality of Service, sensor networks, inter-vehicle communication and optical networks.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Reconfigurable Mobile Radio Systems: A Snapshot of Key Aspects Related to Reconfigurability in Wireless Systems
Different aspects of the reconfigurability of mobile radio systems are analyzed in this book. These include services, object modeling applied to software radio, flexible spectrum management, trade-offs for building a reconfigurable terminal, an example of a pure software radio modem, adaptive MIMO techniques and analog-to-digital converters.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Digital Filters Design for Signal and Image Processing
Dealing with digital filtering methods for 1-D and 2-D signals, this book provides the theoretical background in signal processing, covering topics such as the z-transform, Shannon sampling theorem and fast Fourier transform. An entire chapter is devoted to the design of time-continuous filters which provides a useful preliminary step for analog-to-digital filter conversion. Attention is also given to the main methods of designing finite impulse response (FIR) and infinite impulse response (IIR) filters. Bi-dimensional digital filtering (image filtering) is investigated and a study on stability analysis, a very useful tool when implementing IIR filters, is also carried out. As such, it will provide a practical and useful guide to those engaged in signal processing.