Search results for ""duke university press""
MD - Duke University Press Spiritual Mestizaje
Demonstrates the centrality of Gloria Anzaldúas concept of spiritual mestizaje to the queer feminist Chicana theorists life and thought, and its utility as a framework for interpreting contemporary Chicana narratives.
MD - Duke University Press Cosmopolitan Archaeologies
A collection exploring the implications of applying the cosmopolitan ideals of obligations to others and respect for cultural difference to archaeological practice.
MD - Duke University Press The Correspondence of Richard Price Volume III
MD - Duke University Press Memory against Culture
Assesses the contemporary practice of anthropology and its emerging shape as a discipline across the globe. This title explores the place of linguistics in contemporary language-centered anthropology, and ponders how studies of material culture imbue objects with "otherness."
MD - Duke University Press Networking Futures
An innovative ethnography of transnational activist networking within the movements against corporate globalization.
MD - Duke University Press Beyond Biopolitics
Offers ways to conceptualize biopolitics as the ground for today's reformulation of governance
MD - Duke University Press In the Name of Humanity
Anthropological and cultural critics ask what it means to govern, fight, and care in the name of humanity, examining the question through the lenses of biotechnology, the environment, and human rights.
MD - Duke University Press Online a Lot of the Time
A theorization of how rituals that would formerly have required participants to gather in one physical space are reformulated for the Web.
MD - Duke University Press The Dictators Seduction
An analysis of the ways that General Rafael Trujillos dictatorship (1930–1961) pervaded everyday life in the Dominican Republics capital, Santo Domingo.
MD - Duke University Press Johannesburg
Contains essays that include an investigation of representation and self-stylization in Johannesburg, an ethnographic examination of friction zones and practices of social reproduction in inner-city Johannesburg, and a discussion of the economic and literary relationship between Johannesburg and Maputo, Mozambique's capital.
MD - Duke University Press Dictablanda
In 1910 Mexicans rebelled against an imperfect dictatorship; after 1940 they ended up with what some called the perfect dictatorship. This book brings together historians, anthropologists, sociologists, and political scientists to offer a radical new understanding of the emergence and persistence of the modern Mexican state.
MD - Duke University Press The Argentina Reader
An interdisciplinary anthology that includes many primary materials never before published in English.
MD - Duke University Press Alimentary Tracts
Interpreting South Asian and diasporic texts, Parama Roy argues that who eats and with whom, who starves, and what is rejected as food are questions fundamental to empire, decolonization, and globalization.
MD - Duke University Press Grand Designs
A history of industrial design reform in 19th century Britain, this book demonstrates that preoccupations with trade, labour, and manufacture lay at the heart of Victorian-era debates about cultural institutions. It shows how Victorians vied to upend aesthetic hierarchies in an imperial age and in the process, to refashion London's public culture.
MD - Duke University Press Medicating Race
In Medicating Race, Anne Pollock traces the intersecting discourses of race, pharmaceuticals, and heart disease in the United States over the past century, from the founding of cardiology through the FDA's approval of BiDil, the first drug sanctioned for use in a specific race.
MD - Duke University Press Barbies Queer Accessories
MD - Duke University Press Mad Men Mad World
In this comprehensive analysis of the TV series Mad Men, scholars explore the groundbreaking drama in relation to fashion, history, architecture, civil rights, feminism, consumerism, art, cinema, and the serial format.
MD - Duke University Press Chinese Modern
An analysis of the Chinese experience of modernity through the literary works, films and other cultural artefacts that represent it. Examines crucial episodes in the creation of Chinese modernity during the turbulent 20th-century, this book will be useful to students of China, Asian studies, literary criticism, and cultural studies.
MD - Duke University Press Art beyond Itself
Art is expanding into urban development and the design and tourism industries. Art practices based on objects are displaced by practices based on contexts. Aesthetic distinctions dissolve as artworks are inserted into the media, urban spaces, digital networks, and social forums. This book deals with this topic.
MD - Duke University Press Incongruous Entertainment
A look at the camp cult appeal of MGM musicals of the 1940s and 50s to gay men today, along with an historical analysis of the films' production histories
MD - Duke University Press The Libertine Colony
Explores the founding discourses of race, hybridity, savagery, and degenercy in the seventeenth and eighteenth century French Caribbean, in particular the way many of these discourses were used to describe French settlers.
MD - Duke University Press Survival of a Perverse Nation Morality and Queer Possibility in Armenia
MD - Duke University Press The Story of What Is Broken Is Whole An Aurora Levins Morales Reader
MD - Duke University Press Artist Audience Accomplice Ethics and Authorship in Art of the 1970s and 1980s
MD - Duke University Press Heavyweight Black Boxers and the Fight for Representation
MD - Duke University Press Mu 49 Marks of Abolition
MD - Duke University Press Blues Mamas and Broadway Belters Black Women Voice and the Musical Stage
MD - Duke University Press Shooting for Change Korean Photography after the War
MD - Duke University Press Secularism as Misdirection Critical Thought from the Global South
MD - Duke University Press Immanuel Wallerstein and the Problem of the World
Leading cultural theorists consider the meaning and implications of world-scale humanist scholarship by engaging with Immanuel Wallersteins world-systems analysis.
MD - Duke University Press The Absent City
An English translation of 1992 best-selling fiction novel that explores the nature of totalitarian regimes and life in the aftermath of a long dictatorship.
MD - Duke University Press Anecdotal Theory
Anecdote and 'theory' have diametrically opposed connotations: humorous versus serious, specific versus general, trivial versus overarching, and short versus grand. This work addresses major questions of feminist theory. It explains that for the practice of anecdotal theory derives from the lineages of psychoanalysis, deconstruction, and feminism.
MD - Duke University Press Global Shadows
A leading anthropologist of Africa considers that continent's place within an egregiously imbalanced world economic and social order
MD - Duke University Press The End of Nomadism
MD - Duke University Press The Creolization of Theory
This bold intervention in debates about the role of theory in the humanities advocates the development of a reciprocal, relational, and intersectional critical methodology attentive to the legacies of colonialism.
MD - Duke University Press Improvising Medicine
Focused on Botswana's only dedicated oncology ward, Improvising Medicine renders the experiences of patients, their relatives, and clinical staff during a cancer epidemic.
MD - Duke University Press Technologies of the Gendered Body Reading Cyborg Women
From female body building to virtual reality, from cosmetic surgery to cyberpunk, from reproductive medicine to public health policies to TV science programs, this book articulates the key issues concerning the status of the body for feminist cultural studies in a postmodern world.
MD - Duke University Press Sleaze Artists
Continuing film lovers' ongoing conversation about the low, the bad, and the sleazy face of cinema, this book examines the ineffable quality of "sleaze" in relation to a range of issues, including the production realities of low-budget exploitation pictures and the ever-shifting terrain of reception and taste.
MD - Duke University Press Driftless Photographs from Iowa
Features a collection of photographs, which portray contemporary rural Iowa. These photographs show what is happening in many rural and out-of-the-way communities all over the United States, where people find ways to get by in the wake of closing factories and the demise of family farms.
MD - Duke University Press Between You and Me
A reconsideration of queer American art culture of the mid-twentieth century
MD - Duke University Press Identities in Motion
Considers questions of Asian American Identity and issues of homeland and home in Asian American film.
MD - Duke University Press Unsettling Accounts
Asks what happens when perpetrators publicly admit or discuss their actions. This book contends that public confessions do not settle the past. It argues that this debate and the public confessions that trigger it are healthy for democratic processes of political participation, freedom of expression, and contestation of political ideas.
MD - Duke University Press Embers of the Past
A leading Latin Americanist exhorts scholars to reclaim the indigenous subjectivities still perceived by many as "not modern" and excluded from the production, distribution, and organization of knowledge.
MD - Duke University Press Subject to Colonialism African SelfFashioning and the Colonial Library
Employing literary, historical, and anthropological techniques, this title attempts to generate a new understanding of issues that permeate discussions of Africa by disrupting the centrality of postcolonial texts and focusing instead on the cultural and intellectual production of colonial Africans.
MD - Duke University Press The Case for Palestine
A history of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians from the perspective of international law that examines the extent to which legitimate interests remain to be fulfilled.
MD - Duke University Press The Guatemala Reader
Brings together more than 200 texts and images in a broad introduction to Guatemala's history, culture, and politics
MD - Duke University Press Depression A Public Feeling
Ann Cvetkovich combines memoir and cultural critique in search of ways of writing about depression as a public cultural and political phenomenon rather than as a personal medical pathology.
MD - Duke University Press Monumental Matters The Power Subjectivity and Space of Indias Mughal Architecture
Monumental Matters analyzes the role of Mughal architecture—magnificent tombs, mosques, forts, and palaces, such as the Taj Mahal—in Indias cultural politics from the colonial era to the present.