Search results for ""duke university press""
MD - Duke University Press When Monsters Speak
MD - Duke University Press The Ethnographers Way A Handbook for Multidimensional Research Design
MD - Duke University Press The Fold From Your Body to the Cosmos
MD - Duke University Press dear elia Letters from the Asian American Abyss
MD - Duke University Press Tomorrowing
MD - Duke University Press Apartheid Remains
MD - Duke University Press Transnational Feminist Vistas
MD - Duke University Press Queering the Domestic
MD - Duke University Press Expansive Trajectories
MD - Duke University Press Strange Affinities
A collection of essays analyzing the production of racialized, gendered, and sexualized difference, and the possibilities for progressive coalitions, or strange affinities, afforded by nuanced comparative analyses of racial formations.
MD - Duke University Press Pop Out
Andy Warhol was queer in more ways than one. A fabulous queen, a fan of prurience and pornography, a great admirer of the male body, he was well known to the gay audiences who enjoyed his films. This title demonstrates that to ignore Warhol's queerness is to miss what is valuable, interesting, sexy, and political about his life and work.
MD - Duke University Press Things Fall Away
An argument that subaltern experiences that are devalued and overlooked in progressive late-twentieth-century Philippine literature have been essential to the social and economic changes wrought by globalization.
MD - Duke University Press Political Policing
Examines the nature and consequences of US police training in Brazil and other Latin American countries. This book uncovers how US strategies to gain political control through police assistance - in the name of hemispheric and national security - has spawned torture, murder, and death squads in Latin America.
MD - Duke University Press ReadytoWear and ReadytoWork
Presents the story of urban growth, the politics of labour, and the relationships among the many immigrant groups who came to work on the sewing machines of the women's garment industry in the US. This book also provides an examination of gender and ethnicity, historical conflict and consensus, and notions of class and cultural difference.
MD - Duke University Press Talking to the Dead
Presents an ethnography of seven Gullah/Geechee women from the South Carolina lowcountry. By looking in depth at this long-standing spiritual practice, this book highlights the subversive ingenuity that lowcountry inhabitants use to thrive spiritually and to maintain a sense of continuity with the past.
MD - Duke University Press New Organs Within Us Transplants and the Moral Economy
An ethnographic analysis of organ transplantation in Turkey, based on the stories of kidney-transplant patients and physicians in Istanbul.
MD - Duke University Press Biological Relatives
Sarah Franklin explores the history and future of in vitro fertilization (IVF) thirty-five years and five million babies after its initial success as a form of technologically-assisted human reproduction.
MD - Duke University Press In the Place of Origins
A theoretical account of how spirit mediums mediate the Thai experience of capitalist modernity.
MD - Duke University Press The Body Multiple Ontology in Medical Practice
Suitable for those in medical anthropology, philosophy, and the social study of science, technology, and medicine, this book looks at the day-to-day diagnosis and treatment of atherosclerosis.
MD - Duke University Press Chinese Narrative Poetry
MD - Duke University Press The Lima Reader
Covering more than 500 years of history, culture, and politics, The Lima Reader seeks to capture the many worlds and many peoples of Peru’s capital city, featuring a selection of primary sources that consider the social tensions and cultural heritages of the “City of Kings.”
MD - Duke University Press Cultural Marxism in Postwar Britain
Tracing the development of British cultural Marxism from beginnings in postwar Britain to the emergence of British cultural studies at Birmingham, this book shows this history to reflect a coherent intellectual tradition, one that represents an implicit and explicit theoretical effort to resolve the crisis of the postwar British Left.
MD - Duke University Press Gender and Slave Emancipation in the Atlantic World
A comparative perspective on the way ideas of gender relations and identities shaped the struggle over resources, cultural practices, and political rights that followed the end of slavery in the Atlantic world
MD - Duke University Press Miniature Messages
An analysis of the messages about history, culture, and politics that Latin American nations have encoded in the design and text of their postage stamps.
MD - Duke University Press Beyond Exoticism
Considers how western cultures' understandings of racial, ethnic, and cultural difference have been reflected in music from seventeenth-century operas to the scores of late-twentieth-century television advertisements, arguing that the commonly used term "exoticism" glosses over such differences in many studies of western music.
MD - Duke University Press Managing African Portugal
Shows how Portugal's economic integration into the European Union (EU) in 1996 fundamentally changed ordinary encounters between African migrants and Portuguese citizens. This book examines this economic transition through transformations in popular ideologies of difference in workspaces in Lisbon between the mid-1990s and the early 2000s.
MD - Duke University Press Writing Taiwan
This collection is the first volume in English to examine the entire span of modern Taiwanese literature, from the first decades of the twentieth century to the present.
MD - Duke University Press The Fold
MD - Duke University Press Indigenous Feminisms Across the World
MD - Duke University Press Fantasies of Nina Simone
MD - Duke University Press Heavyweight Black Boxers and the Fight for Representation
MD - Duke University Press Grime Glitter and Glass The Body and the Sonic in Contemporary Black Art
MD - Duke University Press Black Girl Autopoetics Agency in Everyday Digital Practice
MD - Duke University Press Escaping Nature How to Survive Global Climate Change
MD - Duke University Press Knowing by Ear Listening to Voice Recordings with African Prisoners of War in German Camps 19151918
MD - Duke University Press Third Worlds Within Multiethnic Movements and Transnational Solidarity
MD - Duke University Press Survival of a Perverse Nation Morality and Queer Possibility in Armenia
MD - Duke University Press Landbridge Life in Fragments
MD - Duke University Press Escaping Nature How to Survive Global Climate Change
MD - Duke University Press Introducing Don DeLillo
A critical study of the work of contemporary American novelist Don DeLillo, which includes the comments of rock critics, syndicated columnists and scholars of American literature. It contains an expanded "Rolling Stone" interview with the author and extracts from his novels.
MD - Duke University Press Pictures and Progress
Featuring more than seventy images, Pictures and Progress brings to light the wide-ranging practices of early African American photographers, as well as the effects of photography on racialized thinking.
MD - Duke University Press Meaning in Motion
Brings together the work of critics who have ventured into the boundaries between dance and cultural studies to find new ways of approaching matters of embodiment, identity, and representation
MD - Duke University Press Spiritual Mestizaje
Demonstrates the centrality of Gloria Anzaldúas concept of spiritual mestizaje to the queer feminist Chicana theorists life and thought, and its utility as a framework for interpreting contemporary Chicana narratives.
MD - Duke University Press Cosmopolitan Archaeologies
A collection exploring the implications of applying the cosmopolitan ideals of obligations to others and respect for cultural difference to archaeological practice.
MD - Duke University Press The Correspondence of Richard Price Volume III
MD - Duke University Press Memory against Culture
Assesses the contemporary practice of anthropology and its emerging shape as a discipline across the globe. This title explores the place of linguistics in contemporary language-centered anthropology, and ponders how studies of material culture imbue objects with "otherness."
MD - Duke University Press Networking Futures
An innovative ethnography of transnational activist networking within the movements against corporate globalization.
MD - Duke University Press Beyond Biopolitics
Offers ways to conceptualize biopolitics as the ground for today's reformulation of governance