Search results for ""duke university press""
MD - Duke University Press A Time for Tea
Provides an examination of the production, consumption, and circulation of tea. This book reveals how the female tea-pluckers seen in advertisements came to symbolise the heart of colonialism in India. It exposes how this image has distracted from working conditions, low wages, and coercive labour practices enforced by the patronage system.
MD - Duke University Press Colonial Fantasies
Uncovering Germany's colonial legacy and imagination, this book describes the significance of colonial fantasies, and explores imaginary colonial encounters of Germans with natives in late-eighteenth and early-nineteenth-century literature. This book is of interest to historians, literary theorists, cultural critics, students, and scholars.
MD - Duke University Press Visible Histories Disappearing Women Producing Muslim Womanhood in Late Colonial Bengal
Examines how Muslim women came to represented as invisible, backward, and victimized in the written history of late colonial Bengal. This title argues that their near-invisibility, except as victims, in normative histories of India was central to the consolidation of national identity in the colonial period and beyond.
MD - Duke University Press Life beside Bars
MD - Duke University Press Blues Mamas and Broadway Belters Black Women Voice and the Musical Stage
MD - Duke University Press The Essential Jill Johnston Reader
MD - Duke University Press Learning to Lead Undocumented Students Mobilizing Education
MD - Duke University Press When Monsters Speak A Susan Stryker Reader
MD - Duke University Press The Ethnographers Way A Handbook for Multidimensional Research Design
MD - Duke University Press Shooting for Change Korean Photography after the War
MD - Duke University Press Violent Intimacies The Trans Everyday and the Making of an Urban World
MD - Duke University Press Grime Glitter and Glass The Body and the Sonic in Contemporary Black Art
MD - Duke University Press Visual Disobedience Art and Decoloniality in Central America
MD - Duke University Press dear elia Letters from the Asian American Abyss
Scholars Press Realia Dei: Essays in Archaeology and Biblical Interpretation in Honor of Edward F. Campbell Jr. at His Retirement
Originally Published by Scholars PressNow Available from Duke University Press
Fresco Fine Art Publications Relational Undercurrents: Contemporary Art of the Caribbean Archipelago
Relational Undercurrents accompanies an exhibition curated by Tatiana Flores for the Museum of Latin American Art in Long Beach, California, which forms part of the Getty Foundation's Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA. This initiative examines the artistic legacy of Latin America and U.S. Latinos through a series of exhibitions and related programs. This exhibition catalog and volume edited by Flores and Michelle Ann Stephens calls attention to the artistic production of the Caribbean islands and their diasporas, challenging the conventional geographic and conceptual boundaries of Latin America. The editors offer an "archipelagic model," which proposes a mapping of the Caribbean from the perspective of its islands as distinct from its continental coasts. The exhibition, organized around the four themes of Conceptual Mappings, Perpetual Horizons, Landscape Ecologies, and Representational Acts, highlights thematic continuities in the art of the insular Caribbean, placing Hispanophone artists in visual conversation with those from Anglophone, Francophone, Dutch, and Danish backgrounds. It includes over eighty artists, among them Tania Bruguera, Allora & Calzadilla, Christopher Cozier, Jorge Pineda, Edouard Duval-Carrié, and Ebony G. Patterson. In accompanying essays, curators, critics, and scholars discuss particular artistic traditions in Cuban, Puerto Rican, Dominican, and Haitian art and theorize the broader decolonial and archipelagic conceptual frameworks within which such works are produced. Relational Undercurrents will be on display that the Museum of Latin American Art from September 2017 through January 2018. Publication by the Museum of Latin American Art in collaboration with Fresco Books / SF Design, LLC. Distributed by Duke University Press.
Taylor & Francis Inc Libraries and Electronic Resources: New Partnerships, New Practices, New Perspectives
Keep your library a step ahead in the changing world of information technology!As the Internet adds new dimensions to the relationship between information and user, digital libraries face new challenges in managing electronic resources. Libraries and Electronic Resources: New Partnerships, New Practices, New Perspectives addresses challenges and new roles for libraries in creating innovative models of scholarly communication, establishing standards for e-book publishing, influencing consortial site licensing on a global basis, and enhancing access to digital collections. This practical guide highlights current trends in e-resource management, focusing on economic, information, and publishing issues, and provides valuable information on the new roles libraries (and librarians) will play in the digital age.This vital book contains information on: the evolution of relationships between university presses and research libraries how the commercialization of scholarly publishing is at the center of the economic problems faced by libraries California Digital Library?s eScholarship program, which fosters faculty-led innovation in the scholarly publishing Project Euclid, a joint electronic publishing initiative of Cornell University Libraries and Duke University Press content standards for electronic books publishing global consortial activities in the area of site licenses for electronic resources new roles for librarians in creating digital libraries of instructional resources The successful digital library will be one that keeps pace with the ever-changing world of information technology. Library professionals must stay up to speed in adopting new models, working in tandem with educators to re-define the learning process to incorporate electronic publishing and resources. Libraries and Electronic Resources: New Partnerships, New Practices, New Perspectives is an essential guide to the Internet’s impact on e-resources management--past, present, and future.
Taylor & Francis Inc Libraries and Electronic Resources: New Partnerships, New Practices, New Perspectives
Keep your library a step ahead in the changing world of information technology!As the Internet adds new dimensions to the relationship between information and user, digital libraries face new challenges in managing electronic resources. Libraries and Electronic Resources: New Partnerships, New Practices, New Perspectives addresses challenges and new roles for libraries in creating innovative models of scholarly communication, establishing standards for e-book publishing, influencing consortial site licensing on a global basis, and enhancing access to digital collections. This practical guide highlights current trends in e-resource management, focusing on economic, information, and publishing issues, and provides valuable information on the new roles libraries (and librarians) will play in the digital age.This vital book contains information on: the evolution of relationships between university presses and research libraries how the commercialization of scholarly publishing is at the center of the economic problems faced by libraries California Digital Library?s eScholarship program, which fosters faculty-led innovation in the scholarly publishing Project Euclid, a joint electronic publishing initiative of Cornell University Libraries and Duke University Press content standards for electronic books publishing global consortial activities in the area of site licenses for electronic resources new roles for librarians in creating digital libraries of instructional resources The successful digital library will be one that keeps pace with the ever-changing world of information technology. Library professionals must stay up to speed in adopting new models, working in tandem with educators to re-define the learning process to incorporate electronic publishing and resources. Libraries and Electronic Resources: New Partnerships, New Practices, New Perspectives is an essential guide to the Internet’s impact on e-resources management--past, present, and future.
Peepal Tree Press Ltd Countersong to Walt Whitman
First published by Azul Editions in 1993, Countersong to Walt Whitman and Other Poems is the only book-length collection of Mir's poetry in English translation. The eight poems selected include several of his signature pieces from the late 1940s through the 1970s: “Countersong to Walt Whitman”; “There Is a Country in the World”; “If Somebody Wants to Know Which Is My Country”; “To the Battleship Intrepid”; “Not One Step Back”; “Amen to Butterflies”; “Concerto of Hope for the Left Hand”; “Meditation on the Shores of Evening.” The introduction by Silvio Torres-Saillant, author of Caribbean Poetics (Peepal Tree Press), and foreword by Jean Franco, author of Cruel Modernity (Duke University Press), enable a broader appreciation for the personal context and general impact of Mir's work. A selected bibliography of works by and about the poet, including an accounting of the prose he has published as a novelist, author of short stories, essayist, and historian, provides readers with ample resources for further appreciation of Mir's achievement. In his introduction, Torres-Saillant emphasizes: “The present bilingual edition... will give both Spanish- and English-speaking readers... the opportunity to recognize themselves in the poetic visage of one of the most authentic literary artists to have come from the Caribbean.” About the first publication, Roberto Márquez stated in the Village Voice: “The publication, in bilingual format, of this first book-length anthology of work by the Dominican Republic's internationally acclaimed and locally celebrated National Poet is an event—long anticipated, too long delayed... Colleague, contemporary, and the equal in lyric vitality, epic ambition, and communal significance to Pablo Neruda or Nicolás Guillén, Mir remains, with Martinique's Aimé Césaire, perhaps the most masterfully elegant and majestic among the living voices of a generation that boasts more than its share of world-class poets... [Mir's] poetry achieves a rare, exceptionally felicitous marriage of poetry and politics, of individual sensibility and the chronicling of quotidian collective drama, the still unfulfilled promise of Latin America, its landscape, peoples, and societies.”
City Lights Books Woman in Battle Dress
Finalist for the 2016 PEN Center USA Award for Translation In 1809, at the age of eighteen, Henriette Faber enrolled herself in medical school in Paris--and since medicine was a profession prohibited to women, she changed her name to Henri in order to matriculate. She would spend the next fifteen years practicing medicine and living as a man. Drafted to serve as a surgeon in Napoleon's army, Faber endured the horrors of the 1812 retreat across Russia. She later embarked to the Caribbean and set up a medical practice in a remote Cuban village, where she married Juana de Leon, an impoverished local. Three years into their marriage, de Leon turned Faber in to the authorities, demanding that the marriage be annulled. A sensational legal trial ensued, and Faber was stripped of her medical license, forced to dress as a woman, sentenced to prison, and ultimately sent into exile. She was last seen on a boat headed to New Orleans in 1827. In this, his last published work, Antonio Benitez Rojo takes the outline provided by historical events and weaves a richly detailed backdrop for Faber, who becomes a vivid and complex figure grappling with the strictures of her time. Woman in Battle Dress is a sweeping, ambitious epic, in which Henriette Faber tells the story of her life, a compelling, entertaining, and ultimately triumphant tale. Praise for Woman in Battle Dress "Woman in Battle Dress by Antonio Benitez-Rojo, which has been beautifully translated from the Spanish by Jessica Ernst Powell, is the extraordinary account of an extraordinary person. Benitez-Rojo blows great gusts of fascinating fictional wind onto the all but forgotten embers of the actual Henriette Faber, and this blazing tale of her adventures as a military surgeon and a husband and about a hundred other fascinating things is both something we want and need to hear."--Laird Hunt, author of Neverhome "A picaresque novel starring an adventurous heroine, who caroms from country to country around the expanding Napoleonic empire, hooking up with a dazzling array of men (and women) as she goes. A wild ride!"--Carmen Boullosa, author of Texas: The Great Theft "As detailed as any work of history and as action filled as any swashbuckler, Woman in Battle Dress is not only Antonio Benitez Rojo's last and most ambitious book, but also his masterpiece. In this graceful English translation of Henriette Faber's autobiography--more than fiction, less than fact--American readers will have access to one of the most engaging novels to come out of Latin America in recent years."--Gustavo Perez-Firmat, Columbia University Antonio Benitez-Rojo (1931--2005) was a Cuban novelist, essayist and short-story writer. He was widely regarded as the most significant Cuban author of his generation. His work has been translated into nine languages and collected in more than 50 anthologies. One of his most influential publications, La Isla que se Repite, was published in 1989 by Ediciones del Norte, and published in English as The Repeating Island by Duke University Press in 1997. Jessica Powell has translated numerous Latin American authors, including works by Cesar Vallejo, Jorge Luis Borges, Ernesto Cardenal, Maria Moreno, Ana Lidia Vega Serova and Edmundo Paz Soldan. Her translation (with Suzanne Jill Levine) of Adolfo Bioy Casares and Silvina Ocampo's novel Where There's Love, There's Hate, was published by Melville House in 2013. She is the recipient of a 2011 National Endowment for the Arts Translation Fellowship in support of her translation of Antonio Benitez Rojo's novel Woman in Battle Dress.