Search results for ""Author Kind"
Gill Irish Legends for Children
It includes the stories of 'The Children of Lir', 'Deirdre of the Sorrows', 'Setanta', 'The Salmon of Knowledge', 'Fionn and the Dragon', 'Oisin in Tir na n-Og'. Sensitively written, these stories can be read to or by children of every age. This book will also prove popular with adults, re-kindling magical stories from their own childhood. Other books by Yvonne Carroll Beginner's Irish Dictionary Irish Legends for Children Leprechaun Tales The Little Leprechaun Library The Very Little Leprechaun Tale
Penguin Books Ltd Notes on a Scandal
'Fascinating, brilliant, horribly addictive' Guardian From the day that Sheba Hart joins the staff at St George's, history teacher Barbara Covett is convinced that she has found a kindred spirit. When Sheba is discovered having an illicit affair with one of her pupils, Barbara appoints herself Sheba's chief defender. Yet all is not as it first appears in this dark story and as Sheba will eventually discover, a friend can be as treacherous as any lover. 'Superbly gripping' Daily Telegraph
Highlights Press Preschool Colors, Shapes, and Patterns
A unique blend of age-appropriate tracing and writing activities are combined with puzzles to make learning fun while helping preschoolers build colour, shape and pattern recognition and develop lifelong learning confidence. Identifying shapes and colours and recognising patterns are important steps toward kindergarten readiness, and Highlights (TM) infuses Fun with a Purpose(R) into these essential learning activities. With vibrant art and engaging prompts, this single-subject workbook exposes preschoolers to basic colours, shapes and patterns through tracing practice and the fun of puzzles and other activities. Hidden Pictures(R) puzzles and humour reinforce the fun.
Periplus Editions Gecko's Complaint: A Balinese Folktale (Bilingual Edition - English and Indonesian Text)
This colorfully illustrated multicultural children's book presents a classic Balinese fairy tale—providing an entertaining look into a rich oral tradition.Featured as a "Top Pick" on, Gecko's Complaint tells the story of a Gecko who once lived on the island we now call Bali, in a jungle dense with flowers and vines.After hundreds of fireflies disturb Gecko's sleep, he complains to kindly Raden, the jungle's lion leader. In his efforts to get to the bottom of Gecko's troubles, Raden discovers all too much complaining and far too many irritable animals. Can Raden help the animals with their troubles? Can peace and happiness return to the jungles of Bali?A simple yet absolutely delightful Balinese folktale for kids, this bilingual edition, which features both English and Indonesian text, is a perfect introduction to the true spirit of Bali. The Indonesian island of Bali has a strong art and storytelling tradition—folktales that have been passed down from generation to generation. As a nation with over 18,000 islands, Indonesia has hundreds of traditional languages and cultures, each with myths and legends to tell. With its backdrop of volcanoes, earthquakes, dense jungles, diverse wildlife and people, it is not surprising that Indonesia is rich with fabulous, imaginative tales.
Big Finish Productions Ltd The War Master 10: Rogue Encounters
Throughout his many lives, the Master has visited myriad places and planets. Some he has spared, others he has destroyed... but all have felt his presence, however fleeting. In the Time War, he helps a soldier save their world from Dalek assault... On Earth, he helps a young woman discover the truth about her boyfriend's abduction... At the Sublime Porte, he helps himself to a source of incredible power... And as the universe itself comes to an end, a lonely old man tries to help any way he can. But the Master is always waiting. Contains four new adventures: 10.1 Runtime by Tim Foley. When the Daleks threaten to alter the course of history, the Master has no choice but to save a world - and he only has an hour to do it. 10.2 Manhunt by Rochana Patel. After her boyfriend disappears on an American road trip, Alison Walker instantly becomes the prime suspect. But are the abductors from further afield than Earth? 10.3 The Sublime Porte by James Goss. Hijacking an archaeological dig, the Master excavates the mythical Sublime Porte. But he also unleashes a far more ancient force with it - and its name is Bilis Manger. 10.4 Alone by Scott Handcock. As the human race dwindles against the encroaching night, one man strives to find a solution to their plight. But can Professor Yana save the future when a dark past threatens his present? CAST: Derek Jacobi (The War Master), Ayesha Antoine (Jaxine), Samuel Barnett (Emlak), Nicholas Briggs (The Daleks), Jordan Broatch (Scrap), Nathaniel Curtis (Garth), Scott Haran (Andy), Loreece Harrison (Alison), Damian Lynch (Stallholder), Shai Matheson (Wilson), Murray Melvin (Bilis Manger), Nisha Nayar (Kindred), James G. Nunn (Rafe), Luke Nunn (Altan), Agness Nyama (Mercer), Aitch Wylie (Slug). Other parts played by members of the cast
Ideapress Publishing Wonderhell
WALL STREET JOURNAL BESTSELLER!AS SEEN ON GOOD MORNING AMERICA!Have you ever accomplished something you weren't so sureyou could do? Success has always been the end goal, but when you achieve it ...something infuriatingly predictable happens. You start wondering what more youcan do.Instead of success bringing you happiness, it hands you anincreased hunger to achieve something even bigger. And with that desire alsocomes uncertainty, self-doubt, anxiety and stress.Success, in other words, is kinda wonderful ... but it'salso kinda hell. Welcome to Wonderhell.Wonderhell is that space in your psyche where the burden ofyour newly discovered potential plops down, unpacks its backpack, and asks:Hey, you! Whatcha got for me?Living in an ambitious, results-oriented society, we oftenmischaracterize the turbu
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Stärke statt Macht: Neue Autorität in Familie, Schule und Gemeinde
Die Erschütterung der erzieherischen Autorität gilt als eine der entscheidenden Ursachen für den dramatischen Anstieg von Gewalt und Kriminalität unter Kindern und Jugendlichen. Doch kann elterliche und pädagogische Autorität heutzutage nicht mehr auf Furcht, blinden Gehorsam und Machtausübung gründen. Es müssen die in unserer Gesellschaft vorherrschende Werte von freiem Willen, Individualität und kulturellem Pluralismus berücksichtigt werden. Die Psychologen Haim Omer und Arist von Schlippe führen den Begriff der »neuen Autorität« ein, der das Ergebnis eines langjährigen Denk- und Erfahrungsprozesses darstellt. Zu den zentralen Konzepten dieser neuen Autorität gehören Präsenz und gewaltloser Widerstand. Die Anwendung hat sich auch im Schulbereich bewährt, wo Eltern und Lehrer ein Bündnis gegenseitiger Hilfe und Unterstützung bilden, und bindet im darüber hinaus auch Gemeindemitglieder erfolgreich ein.
Wordsworth Editions Ltd Antony and Cleopatra
Edited, introduced and annotated by Cedric Watts, M.A., Ph.D., Emeritus Professor of English, University of Sussex. Antony and Cleopatra is one of Shakespeare's greatest tragedies: a spectacular, widely-ranging drama of love and war, passion and politics. Antony is divided between the responsibilities of imperial power and the intensities of his sexual relationship with Cleopatra. She, variously generous and ruthless, loving and jealous, petulant and majestic, emerges as Shakespeare's most complex depiction of a woman: ‘Age cannot wither her, nor custom staleHer infinite variety.’ Unsurpassed in sumptous eloquence and powerful characterisation, Anthony and Cleopatra deservedly retains its popularity in the theatre. Its insights into the corruptions of power and the ambiguities of desire remain timely. This volume is part of the Wordsworth Classics' Shakespeare Series, in which each volume has been edited by Cedric Watts. Readers wishing to know more of Cedric Watts’ work should buy his ‘Shakespeare Puzzles’, published by PublishNation (ISBN 978-1-291-66410-2), available from Amazon (both in printed and Kindle editions) and through all good bookshops.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Narrative Praxis: Ein Handbuch für Beratung, Therapie und Coaching
Was ist unter narrativer Therapie und weitergehend narrativer Praxis zu verstehen? Welche konzeptionellen und methodischen Weiter- und Neuentwicklungen hat sie in den letzten Jahren erfahren? Wie kann in verschiedensten Kontexten und Settings narrativ gearbeitet werden, welche Impulse für schulenübergreifendes, beraterisches und therapeutisches Tun ergeben sich daraus? Dieses umfassende Handbuch informiert fundiert und facettenreich über Begrifflichkeiten und theoretische Hintergründe, vor allem aber über die Praxis narrativen Vorgehens in psychosozialen und organisationsbezogenen Arbeitsfeldern. Aus der narrativen Therapie von White und Epston, der Philosophie von Deleuze und Braidotti und aus anderen Quellen gespeist steuern mehr als 45 Autorinnen und Autoren von nationalem und internationalem Rang eine große Bandbreite an neuen kreativen Arbeitsansätzen bei, untermauern narratives Verständnis mit theoretischen Grundlagentexten, präsentieren aktuelle Ergebnisse narrativer Forschung und geben sozialkritischen Perspektiven Raum. Dieses Handbuch eröffnet therapeutisch, beraterisch und wissenschaftlich Tätigen in Zeiten des ständigen gesellschaftspolitischen Wandels eine Vielfalt neuer Denk- und Handlungsmöglichkeiten. Mit Beiträgen von: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Brigitte Boothe, Maria Borcsa, Britta Boyd, Rudi Dallos, Dan Dulberger, Sol D’Urso, David Epston, Simon Forstmeier, Thomas Friedrich-Hett, Katarzyma Gdowska, Alma R. Galván-Durán, Deliana Garcia, Julia Hille, Peter Jakob, Milena Kansy, Mathias Klasen, Thomas Klatetzki, Heiko Kleve, Tobias Köllner, Tom Levold, Gabriele Lucius-Hoene, Elisabeth Christa Markert, Afiya Mangum Mbilishaka, Jan Müller, Michael Müller, Jan Olthof, Meinolf Peters, Peter Rober, Tom Rüsen, Carl Eduard Scheidt, Thomas Schollas, Jasmina Sermijn, Monica Sesma, Claudia Schiffmann, Heidrun Schulze, Sally St. George, Jürgen Straub, Arist von Schlippe, Sabine Trautmann-Voigt, Arlene Vetere, Gerhard Walter, Kaethe Weingarten, Dietmar J. Wetzel, Jim Wilson, Dan Wulff. Die Beiträge von David Epston, Jan Olthof und Peter Jakob, Dan Wulff et al., Peter Rober, Jim Wilson (Wie man Bilder für therapeutische Geschichten mit Kindern findet), Rudi Dallos und Arlene Vetere, Kaethe Weingarten et al. sowie Afiya Mangum Mbilishaka wurden von Astrid Hildenbrand aus dem Englischen übersetzt.
Seven Seas Entertainment, LLC Happy Kanako's Killer Life Vol. 6
When Kanako accidentally applies to work at an assassination agency, the timid office worker discovers that she has a knack for bumping people off! Will she ever earn the respect of Sakurai, her prickly and kinda hot co-worker - and why is she still having silly workplace problems when she works with hitmen?! This full-colour manga is dangerously funny!
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Infantile Zerebralparese: Diagnostik, konservative und operative Therapie
Die Orthopädische Kinderklinik Aschau – mit Herrn Dr. Döderlein an der Spitze – ist ein bekanntes und renommiertes Haus, wenn es um Kinder mit Infantiler Zerebralparese geht. Sein Expertenwissen vermittelt Dr. Döderlein mit der „Infantilen Zerebralparese“, die nun in der 2. vollständig überarbeiteten und aktualisierten Auflage vorliegt. In die Behandlung von Patienten mit Infantiler Zerebralparese sind viele Berufsgruppen involviert. Übereinstimmend setzen die Therapien an den Problemen mit den Bewegungsorganen an, die das Krankheitsbild prägen. Bewusst spricht Dr. Döderlein alle Berufsgruppen an, die an der Versorgung der Patienten beteiligt sind - er möchte die Entwicklung einer gemeinsamen Sprache fördern. Das Buch vermittelt das Wesentliche einer zielgerichteten Diagnostik und der konservativen und operativen Therapie. Neben der vergleichenden Darstellung der normalen und der pathologischen Entwicklung werden Ursachen, Diagnostik und Klassifikation der Gangstörungen beschrieben. Sie bieten Hilfestellung bei Entscheidungen in Bezug auf die Therapie. Neuestes aus der konservativen Therapie wird vorgestellt und die Operationen sind ausführlich beschrieben und bebildert. Einige Operationsdarstellungen sind für Elterngespräche gedacht, um an Hand der Bilder erklären zu können, was wie und warum operativ gemacht wird.
Entangled Publishing, LLC Neverwraith
Yasir has always felt he was meant for more… he has no idea how much. A native son of the Island Republic of Kindara, he is ripped from his homeland as a small boy, escaping an invasion that decimated his family. For the past decade, he has been living with his uncle in the small town of Oakwood Grove, Georgia, while dealing with life as an outsider - in more ways than one. All that would change over the course of a few weeks, thanks to a series of unfortunate incidents that brings Yasir into the spotlight, complete with new friends, the affections of a girl who he swore didn’t know he existed - and enemies. He has been told all his life that he must hide in plain sight, with no reasonable explanation, only vague references to a reckoning, should he be found. But what no one knows - including Yasir himself - is that the horrors of that tragic event have awakened something that would change the course of his life forever. With the help of a Kindaran priestess, he has the chance to find out who he truly is, and why he is so important. But first… he has to get through high school.
Floris Books The Magical Wishing Fish: The Classic Grimm's Tale of the Fisherman and His Wife
One day a poor fisherman catches a fish that says he's an enchanted prince and begs to be set free. But when the fisherman tells his wife the story, she demands that the fish grants a wish in return.The magical wishing fish grants them a new house, riches and power. But as his wife's requests become more and more extreme, the kindly fisherman starts to wish only that they were as happy as they'd been when they were poor.This classic Brothers Grimm tale of being careful what you wish for is beautifully brought to life with soft, detailed illustrations by Loek Koopmans. A wonderful new adaptation that brings light-hearted humour and warmth to the traditional morality tale of the fisherman and his wife; a story retold throughout the world.
Seven Seas Entertainment, LLC Ojojojo Omnibus 3-4
Jigokumeguri Haru is rich, famous, and friendless. Thanks to her cold, stuck-up personality, she goes from school to school, looking for a place to fit in - but with no luck. When she crosses paths with Kawayanagi Tsurezure, she discovers that he gives her antisocial tendencies a run for their money. Has she finally found a kindred spirit?
Familius LLC 437 Edible Wild Plants of the Rocky Mountain West: Berries, Roots, Nuts, Greens, Flowers, and Seeds
From self-sufficiency expert Caleb Warnock comes the ultimate guidebook to living off the land. Packed with over 1,450 photographs of 437 edible wild berries, roots, nuts, greens, and flowers, this essential field guide will provide you with invaluable information on plant identification, flavor, seasonality, history, common synonyms, eating and preparation instructions, and more! It’s the most exhaustive reference book of its kind.Includes Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming.
Vintage Publishing The Gospel According to Jesus Christ
Saramago's Jesus is the son not of God but of Joseph. Mary Magdalene is his lover not his convert. In the wilderness he tussles not with the Devil – a kindly and necessary evil – but with God, a fallible, power-hungry autocrat. And he must die not for the sins of the fathers but for the sins of the Father. By investigating these simple inversions Saramago has woven a dark parable; a secular gospel of astonishing richness and depth.‘An original, wild and beautiful book’ Times Literary Supplement
Orion Publishing Co A Peaceful Retirement: The twelfth novel in the Fairacre series
Miss Read looks forward to her retirement - but it doesn't go quite as planned...When Miss Read took early retirement, she anticipated days of relaxation and calm. She couldn't have been more wrong! Instead she finds herself as busy and in demand as ever: on holiday in Florence, helping with church and school affairs and offering a kindly ear to her eccentric neighbours.As village life continues as always, Miss Read embarks on a local project and discovers a new talent, opening up an exciting chapter in her life.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Raus aus der Ohnmacht: Das Konzept Neue Autorität für die schulische Praxis
Heutzutage sind Schulen mit ganz anderen Aufgaben und Anforderungen konfrontiert. Wissensvermittlung ist zu einem Teilbereich geworden, die Förderung sozialer und personaler Kompetenzen rückt dagegen mehr und mehr ins Zentrum. Auch Eltern sind heute kritischer und stellen die Autorität von Lehrpersonen schnell einmal infrage. Traditionelle erzieherische Vorstellungen und Methoden sind nicht mehr legitim oder bleiben bei den Schülern und Schülerinnen oft wirkungslos. Es ist kein Geheimnis, dass die alltäglichen Auseinandersetzungen im Klassenzimmer einer der gewichtigsten Gründe für Lehrpersonen sind, ein Burnout zu erleiden oder den Beruf zu wechseln. Umso wichtiger werden Fragen wie etwa: Wie schaffen Schulen eine gute Lernatmosphäre, wie kann auffälligen Kindern und Jugendlichen Respekt beigebracht werden, wie werden Ruhe und Sicherheit erreicht? 'Raus aus der Ohnmacht' heißt die Devise für Lehrerinnen und Lehrer. In diesem Buch findet sich eine geballte Ladung an Erfahrung und systematischem Vorgehen mit und nach den Prinzipien der Neuen Autorität. Die vielen Beispiele belegen auf eindrückliche Weise, wie wirksam und entlastend ihre Anwendung ist.
Pajama Press Lili Macaroni
An award-winning picture book about resilience, self-esteem, and the power of talking about emotions Lili Macaroni loves drawing butterflies, counting the stars, and being exactly who she is—Lili Macaroni. That is, until she starts kindergarten. There her classmates tell her that her hair is like a pumpkin, her eyes are squinty blueberries, and her laugh is like a parrot’s squawk. She has never felt such unhappiness before. It makes her want to erase herself and draw a brand-new Lili. Then she reconsiders. Does she really want to erase her hair that’s just like Mom’s? Her eyes just like Grandma’s? Her Grandpa’s infectious laugh? With her parents’ help, she creates a polka-dotted butterfly to wear at her collar, publicly announcing her own resilience and symbolically letting her sorrows be flown away. And when she explains the butterfly to her classmates, Lili discovers she has begun a powerful conversation, and that everyone has some trouble to be carried away on butterfly wings. In this accessible exploration of emotions and self-esteem, Nicole Testa and Annie Boulanger create a relatable heroine with inborn ingenuity and warm family support.
Little, Brown & Company The Children Of Willesden Lane: A Memoir of Music, Love and Survival
Based on the true story of her mother, Mona Golabek describes the inspirational story of Lisa Jura Golabek's escape from Nazi-controlled Austria to England on the famed Kindertransport. Lisa Jura is the only one of 3 sisters to receive the chance of a way out of Austria as her family chooses to send her to London, where she will be able to pursue her dreams of becoming a concert pianist. Separated from her beloved family she bravely endures the trip and a disastrous posting outside London before ending up at the Willesden Lane orphanage. It is there that Lisa's story truly comes to life. There her music inspires the other children and they in turn cheer her on in her efforts to make good on the promise she made to her family to fulfil her musical potential. Through hard work and sheer pluck she wins a scholarship to study piano at the Royal Academy. As she supports herself and her studies she forges a new life but dreams of re-connecting with the family she left behind. The resulting tale delivers a message of the power of music to uplift the human spirit and to grant the individual soul endurance, patience and peace.
WW Norton & Co Black Folk Could Fly: Selected Writings by Randall Kenan
Virtuosic in his use of literary forms, nurtured and unbounded by his identities as a Black man, a gay man, an intellectual, and a Southerner, Randall Kenan was known for his groundbreaking fiction. Less visible were his extraordinary nonfiction essays, published as introductions to anthologies and in small journals, revealing countless facets of Kenan’s life and work. Flying under the radar, these writings were his most personal and autobiographical: memories of the three women who raised him—a grandmother, a schoolteacher great-aunt, and the great-aunt’s best friend; recollections of his boyhood fear of snakes and his rapturous discoveries in books; sensual evocations of the land, seasons, and crops—the labor of tobacco picking and hog killing—of the eastern North Carolina lowlands where he grew up; and the food (oh the deliriously delectable Southern foods!) that sustained him. Here too is his intellectual coming of age; his passionate appreciations of kindred spirits as far-flung as Eartha Kitt, Gordon Parks, Ingmar Bergman, and James Baldwin. This powerful collection is a testament to a great mind, a great soul, and a great writer from whom readers will always wish to have more to read.
Getty Trust Publications Living Matter: The Preservation of Biological Materials in Contemporary Art: An International Conference Held in Mexico City, June 3-5, 2019
Eggshells, flowers, onion peels, sponge cake, dried bread, breast milk-these are just a few of the biological materials that some contemporary artists have used to make art. But how can works made from such perishable ingredients be preserved? And what ethical and conceptual dilemmas might be posed by doing so? Because they are prone to rapid decay, even complete disappearance, biological materials used in art pose a range of unique conservation challenges. This groundbreaking book probes the moral and practical challenges associated with displaying, collecting, and preserving these unique works of art. Theoretical considerations are complemented by a range of specific case studies, thereby affording a comprehensive and richly detailed overview of current thinking and practices on this topic. With contributions by conservators, scholars, curators, and artists, Living Matter is the first publication to address broadly these provocative issues, exploring the role of biological materials in the creative process and presenting a wide variety of possible approaches to their preservation. The free online edition of this publication is available at /publications/living matter/ and includes videos and zoomable illustrations. Also available are free PDF, EPUB, and Kindle/MOBI downloads of the book.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Rekindling Life: A Common Front
As the environmental crisis accelerates, we can easily feel overwhelmed, but our feeling of powerlessness is partly due to a misunderstanding of the natural world. We tend to think of nature as a cathedral on fire, like Notre Dame engulfed in flames. But the living world is not a cathedral on fire – if it were, the battle would already be lost. The living world is itself a fire that reconstitutes itself continuously and creates countless forms of life as soon as we leave it the space and time to do so. So the problem we face today is not to stop the fire – rather, it is how to defend and rekindle the embers of life that are all around us.Drawing lessons from conservationist initiatives aimed at allowing the natural forces of forests to take over again through a process of free evolution, and from agro-ecological farming initiatives which make lands hospitable for wildlife, Baptiste Morizot shows how specific actions can release the prodigality of life, its jungle-like power to regenerate itself. Actions like these are possible because the power of the living world lies in its abundance and creativity: the biosphere is a living fire that covers the earth, and it can always start up again if we know how to defend and kindle its embers.
Harvard University Press Moralia, VI: Can Virtue Be Taught? On Moral Virtue. On the Control of Anger. On Tranquility of Mind. On Brotherly Love. On Affection for Offspring. Whether Vice Be Sufficient to Cause Unhappiness. Whether the Affections of the Soul are Wors
Eclectic essays on ethics, education, and much else besides.Plutarch (Plutarchus), ca. AD 45–120, was born at Chaeronea in Boeotia in central Greece, studied philosophy at Athens, and, after coming to Rome as a teacher in philosophy, was given consular rank by the emperor Trajan and a procuratorship in Greece by Hadrian. He was married and the father of one daughter and four sons. He appears as a man of kindly character and independent thought, studious and learned. Plutarch wrote on many subjects. Most popular have always been the forty-six Parallel Lives, biographies planned to be ethical examples in pairs (in each pair, one Greek figure and one similar Roman), though the last four lives are single. All are invaluable sources of our knowledge of the lives and characters of Greek and Roman statesmen, soldiers and orators. Plutarch’s many other varied extant works, about sixty in number, are known as Moralia or Moral Essays. They are of high literary value, besides being of great use to people interested in philosophy, ethics, and religion. The Loeb Classical Library edition of the Moralia is in fifteen volumes, volume XIII having two parts. Volume XVI is a comprehensive Index.
Chronicle Books The Brilliant Deep: Rebuilding the World's Coral Reefs
The Brilliant Deep is the proud recipient of the ALA Notable Children’s Books Award, the NSTA-CBC Best STEM Trade Books Award, the Junior Library Guild Selection and the ILA Teacher’s Choices. All it takes is one: one coral gamete to start a colony in the ocean, one person to make a difference in the world, one idea to help us heal the earth. The ongoing conservation efforts to save and rebuild the world's coral reefs—with hammer and glue, and grafts of newly grown coral—are the living legacy of environmental scientist Ken Nedimyer, founder of the Coral Restoration Foundation. In telling the story of this sea conservation pioneer and marine life protector, Kate Messner and Matthew Forsythe create a stunning tribute to the wonders of nature and the power of human hope—a power even the smallest readers can access in their quest to aid our extraordinary planet. Recommended by experts for children who are reading independently and transitioning to longer books, The Brilliant Deep is perfect for the following reading categories: • Books for Kids Ages 5-9 • Children’s Books for Kindergarten – 3rd Grade • Nonfiction Science Studies Education • Summer Reading
Roaring Brook Press Real Friends
Following little Shannon's life from kindergarten through fifth grade, Real Friends captures the emotional roller coaster ride of friendship, from navigating the tricky waters of cliques and bullies to her never-ending struggle to stay in "The Group." Shannon's honest and heartfelt story reminds us of how hard it was to learn what real friends are-and why finding them is worth the journey.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Experiments
This open access book is a pedagogical text on nuclear reactor experiments, covering almost all the experiments that can be carried out at the University Training Reactor, Kindai University (UTR-KINKI) with respect to reactor physics and radiation detection, and additionally including academic materials of test and research reactors, nuclear instrumentation, nuclear laws and regulations, in this main body. The book is an excellent primer for students who are interested in reactor physics, radiation detection, nuclear laws and regulations at universities, and the best textbook for students who have started to study the nuclear energy related fields to understand the basic theories and principles of the experiments in the fields of reactor physics and radiation detection. UTR-KINKI has been used for educational reactor experiments and basic research in a wide range of fields related to the use of radiation (neutrons, gamma-ray, beta-ray, alpha-ray, and X-ray), including reactor physics, radiation detection, radiation health physics, activation analysis, radiation biology, medical applications and archaeology. Also, UTR-KINKI has been actively engaged in nuclear education with its long history of operation, and has gained extensive experience in educational activities for undergraduate and graduate students, elementary, junior high and high school teachers, junior high and high school students, and general audiences.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Verhandeln - Das Buch: Ihr Wegweiser zum Verhandlungserfolg
Verhandlungen sind von entscheidender Bedeutung für unser Leben und für die Art und Weise, wie wir alles, was einen Wert hat, verbreiten, erschaffen, schützen, klären und organisieren. Verhandlungen schaffen Frieden, sorgen dafür, dass unsere Kinder ins Bett gehen, vermeiden Gerichtsverhandlungen und retten Ehen. Verhandlungen sind das Herz des Geschäftslebens. Sie können für Unternehmen den Unterschied zwischen dem finanziellen Überleben und der Insolvenz bedeuten. Sie können entscheiden, ob Unternehmen wachsen oder schrumpfen. Heutzutage braucht jeder, der sich im Geschäftsleben bewegt, Verhandlungsgeschick. In einer Welt, in der einem jeder den "richtigen Verhandlungsweg" erklären will, sagt Steve Gates die Wahrheit: Es gibt keinen richtigen Weg. Stattdessen versorgt "Verhandeln - Das Buch" den Leser mit allen benötigten Informationen und Fähigkeiten und versetzt ihn so in die Lage, den bestmöglichen Abschluss unter den gegebenen Umständen zu erzielen. Steve Gates stellt sein Regelwerk für "komplette Verhandler" vor, das aus 14 Verhaltensweisen und 10 Charakteristika besteht. Im Anschluss nutzt er die Idee eines Ziffernblatts, beschreibt eine Auswahl von Verhandlungssituationen und wie man am besten hierauf reagiert. Die Neuauflage berücksichtigt unter anderem den gestiegenen Stellenwert des Zugangs zu Informationen. Sie fokussiert auf das Wesentliche und wurde aktualisiert und modernisiert.
Penguin Young Readers My School Stinks!
"Just might convince complaining children that their school isn't so bad after all."--Kirkus reviews A hilarious back-to-school story told through journal entries about a boy who finds himself at a new school where the other students are REAL animals. Perfect for fans of Ryan T. Higgins's We Don't Eat Our Classmates and Elise Parsley's If You Ever Want to Bring an Alligator to School, Don't!Dear Diary,Today is the first day at my new school and I think there's been a mistake. My desk mate stinks, my locker buddy bites, and my teacher is unbearable! I told Mom my classmates are WILD ANIMALS but she said all little kids are wild animals. I think I'm going to be sick tomorrow. Celebrate back to school (and even calm some back-to-school nerves) with this clever and funny story about a boy who accidentally winds up at a school for animals, but soon realizes friends can come in all shapes, sizes, and species. A great read for kindergarten through second grade! Praise for My School Stinks!: "Along with being a good choice for children anxious about their own upcoming “first day,” this offers a nifty exercise in reading between the lines."--Booklist "An encouraging new-kid narrative told from an entertaining perspective." --Publishers Weekly
Pushkin Press The Little Sparrow Murders
An old friend of Kosuke Kindaichi's invites the scruffy detective to visit the remote mountain village of Onikobe in order to look into a twenty-year-old murder case. But no sooner has Kindaichi arrived than a new series of murders strikes the village - several bodies are discovered staged in bizarre poses, and it soon becomes clear that the victims are being killed using methods that match the lyrics of an old local children's song... The legendary sleuth investigates, but soon realises that he must unravel the dark and tangled history of the village, as well as that of its rival families, to get to the truth.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Das Alte Testament Deutsch (ATD) - Neubearbeitungen: Kapitel 1-20
Jeremia erlebte so einschneidende Erlebnisse wie die Kultzentralisation Josias, den Niedergang des assyrischen Reiches und den Aufstieg der babylonischen Macht sowie die erste Eroberung und endgÃ"ltige Zerstörung Jerusalems. Sein Leben war ein Zeichen, ein Bild seiner VerkÃ"ndigung. Zum Zeichen kommenden Unheils blieb er ehe- und kinderlos. So bildete er in seiner Gegenwart vorweg ab, was in Zukunft alle erleben sollten: Trauer, Klage, Gericht. Der Auftrag zur VerkÃ"ndigung, dem er sich zunächst heftig widersetzte, bevor er ihn annahm, bestimmte sein ganzes Leben. Jeremia äuÃ
Random House USA Inc ¡El español es mi superpoder! (Sesame Street) (Spanish is My Superpower! Spanish Edition)
Rosita de Sésamo aprende a responder cuando extraños en el supermercado le dicen a ella y a su Mami que no hablen español. Este libro de bolsillo ilustrado se basa en el video del mismo nombre en el sitio web de Sesame Street en las Comunidades. Sesame Street's Rosita learns how to respond when strangers at the supermarket tell her and her Mami not to speak Spanish—this illustrated paperback is based on the video of the same name on the Sesame Street in Communities website.Rosita y su Mami se enfrentan al racismo cuando les dicen que se abstengan de hablar español en el supermercado. Mientras discuten el inquietante encuentro, a Rosita se le recuerda lo valioso y especial que es hablar dos idiomas. ¡Y que la capacidad de hacerlo es como tener un superpoder! Este importante libro, inspirado en el video del mismo nombre en el sitio web de Sesame Street en las Comunidades, resulta de gran ayuda para presentarles a niños pequeños el delicado tema del racismo. Sesame Workshop, la organización educativa sin fines de lucro detrás de Sésamo, tiene como objetivo ayudar a los niños a crecer más inteligentes, fuertes y bondadosos a través de sus muchas iniciativas a nivel local e internacional. Dichos proyectos cubren una amplia esfera de temas para familias de todo el mundo. Rosita and her Mami experience racism when they are told not to speak Spanish at the supermarket. While discussing the upsetting encounter, Rosita is reminded how smart and special she is to speak two languages. And that the ability to do so is like having a superpower! This important book—inspired by the video of the same name on the Sesame Street in Communities website—is a helpful way to introduce a tough yet important topic to young children.Sesame Workshop, the nonprofit educational organization behind Sesame Street, aims to help kids grow smarter, stronger, and kinder through its many unique domestic and international initiatives. These projects cover a wide array of topics for families around the world.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Trauernde begleiten: Eine Orientierungshilfe
Trauernden Menschen gegenÃ"berzutreten, ist nicht leicht. Wie kann man Trauernde begleiten, wie sie unterstÃ"tzen? Zum Beispiel, als Freund, als Nachbar, als beruflich Betroffener? Das sind zentrale Anliegen in diesem Buch von Stephanie Witt-Loers. Die Fachbuchautorin verknÃ"pft Theorie und Praxis eng miteinander und klärt anschaulich wesentliche Fragen zum Thema Trauer. Trauernde laufen Gefahr, außer dem Verstorbenen auch noch ihre sozialen Bindungen und den Kontakt zu ihrer Umgebung zu verlieren. Damit das nicht geschieht, ermutigt die Autorin auf den Trauernden zuzugehen und sich der Begegnung mit Trauernden zu stellen. Hier möchte Stephanie Witt-Loers unterstÃ"tzen, Orientierung geben und begleiten. Anregen möchte sie auch, sich mit eigenen Trauererfahrungen und Gedanken zum Themenbereich Tod und Trauer auseinanderzusetzen. Denn jeder von uns kann selbst trauernd sein oder zum Trauernden werden. Das Buch ist ein wertvolles Nachschlagewerk in der Begegnung mit betroffenen Menschen und wird fÃ"r Familien, Freunde, Nachbarn, Kollegen aber auch in Institutionen, in Hospizen, in Krankenhäusern, Arzt- und Hebammenpraxen, in Gemeinden, in Vereinen, in Firmen und in Schulen UnterstÃ"tzung und Begleitung sein.Die AutorinStephanie Witt-Loers ist Kinder- und Familientrauerbegleiterin und Trauerbegleiterin in eigener Praxis. Sie ist Fachbuchautorin und arbeitet unter anderem auch am Kindertrauerzentrum Thalita des Kinder- und Jugendhospizes Balthasar in Olpe. Als Fortbildungsreferentin ist sie fÃ"r Lehrer, Erzieher, Hebammen, Pflegepersonal, Sozialpädagogen, Seelsorger, Ãrzte, Trauerbegleiter sowie im Hospiz Arbeitende tätig und hält Vorträge zum Themenbereich. Die Autorin ist Mutter von drei Kindern und lebt mit ihrer Familie in Bergisch Gladbach.
Rudolf Steiner Press Strengthening the Will: The 'Review Exercises'
The review exercises bring the experiences of our daily lives to full awareness. By directing our attentive gaze to what has happened - whether in a single day or in whole phases of life - we kindle light in our will. Undertaking such a review backwards, in reverse sequence, or from an 'external perspective', requires a huge inner effort as we establish distance between ourselves and our daily experiences. In this essential handbook the editor has drawn together virtually all Rudolf Steiner's statements on the review exercises, supporting them with commentary and notes. Described from different perspectives and approaches, there are a surprising range of suggestions for carrying them out. Individual chapters focus on reviewing the day (transforming the power of memory); reviewing events in your life (awakening the higher self); reviewing the other's perspective (awakening social impulses); exercises in thinking backwards (illuminating the will); and more.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Oberon Anthology of Contemporary Norwegian Plays
‘If the essence of drama is conflict, the crossing of wills, of culture versus barbarism, the Norwegians have a natural spring to tap into – and it is explosive.’ – Line Rosvoll, Artistic Director of the Norwegian Centre of New Playwriting, from her Introduction. The Oberon Anthology of Contemporary Norwegian Plays brings together a selection of exciting playwrights reflecting the breadth and vitality of Norwegian theatre’s booming new writing scene. Six plays, translated by Neil Howard and published for the first time in English, demonstrate a common willingness to push formal boundaries and to find new ways to tackle the universal experiences of the human condition; grief and loss, violence, manipulation, abuse and despair. Grief Work by Eirik Fauske; Kinder K by Kristofer Grønskag; A Remarkable Person by Pernille Dahl Johnsen; Time Without Books by Lene Therese Teigen; Why Not Before by Liv Heløe; Watching Shadows by Hans Petter Blad
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd About Canada: Childcare
Answering frequently asked questions about Early Childhood Education and Childcare (ECEC) in Canada, this accessible investigation seeks to establish proper standards for childcare programs, kindergartens, and nursery schools, thereby supporting the development of youth and accommodating parents who work or study. Questions covered include Why doesn't Canada have an ECEC system, even though other countries do? What is missing in Canada's ECEC landscape and why? and Is ECEC primarily a public good, a private family responsibility, or an opportunity for profit-making? Identifying this system as a political issue, this argument proposes that Canada requires an integrated system of services, stating that the absence of universal public funding is detrimental to the future of the country's families, women, and children. Additional topics discussed include an analysis of the history of ECEC, politics and policies, and suggested improvements for the future.
Andrews McMeel Publishing Cat Ninja
Beware, villains! Cat Ninja may appear to be nothing more than a silly internet meme. But he is evil's greatest enemy, and the silent master of Kat Fu and carpet scratching! From Epic! Originals, Cat Ninja is a hilarious graphic novel series about a lovable cat with a heroic alter-ego.Raised from a kitten by a kindly old ninja master, Claude now spends his days as the pampered house cat of an eleven-year-old boy. But when trouble arises, Claude dons his mask and springs into action as Cat Ninja—Metro City's secret protector! In Book 1 of the series, follow our feline hero’s early exploits as he tries to keep his secret identity under wraps while thwarting the evil plans of slimy crooks, rampaging robots, and a certain rodent nemesis who lives under the same roof!
Penguin Books Ltd Our Mutual Friend
One of the BBC's '100 Novels That Shaped Our World''The great poet of the city. He was created by London' Peter AckroydOur Mutual Friend centres on an inheritance - Old Harmon's profitable dust heaps - and its legatees: young John Harmon, presumed drowned when a body is pulled out of the Thames, and kindly dustman Mr Boffin, to whom the fortune defaults. With brilliant satire, Dickens portrays a dark, macabre London, inhabited by such disparate characters as Gaffer Hexam, scavenging the river for corpses; enchanting, mercenary Bella Wilfer; the social-climbing Veneerings; and the unscrupulous street-trader Silas Wegg. Dickens's last completed novel is richly symbolic in its vision of death and renewal in a city dominated by the fetid Thames, and of the corrupting power of money.Edited with an Introduction and Notes by Adrian Poole
Simon & Schuster The Vampire Dare!
Why is everyone so crazy for Vampires, Daphne wonders. Well, Vampires can’t die or get wrinkly that’s what makes them so magical. And it’s kinda cool to be bitten by a vampire because you’ll live forever. So, when the teachers announce a costume day next Friday, (even though Halloween is long past), Daphne wants to be the best vampire ever! But what is cool and what is nerdy in Vampire Land? Daphne’s about to find out!
Little, Brown & Company Kaiju Girl Caramelise, Vol. 7
He knows. After that whole crazy battle over Tokyo with the other kaiju, Minami-kun knows that Kuroe is actually also Harugon-and she’s terrified to find out how he really feels. Fleeing instead of facing him head-on, she ends up back on the island of her birth. But there’s some strange people with masks over there, and it’s kinda hard to tell whether they’re friend or foe...
DK DK Workbooks: Geography Pre-K: Learn and Explore
Ideal for ages 3 to 5, this workbook is packed with simple, fun exercises that will help your child understand basic geography concepts. It’s the perfect introduction to the fascinating world of geography. Your child will discover new hints, tips and facts with every page they turn. From humans and the natural world, to earth and the solar system. This Pre-K workbook helps boost children’s geography skills. It unpacks basic geography concepts through fun activities and exercises. Your child will explore world maps, and learn about the continents, countries, oceans, rivers, deserts and mountains of our planet. With the help of leading educational experts, the DK Workbooks: Geography series is the perfect addition to schoolwork. Level-by-level, these homeschooling books offer parents at-home practice work that your kids will enjoy! They even come with gold stars for completed activities and a certificate of accomplishment as a reward for finishing the workbook. There is also a parents' section that contains answers, tips and guidance to provide support. It’s packed with learning materials and activities that explain geography for kids in an easy-to-follow format. Through fact boxes, exercises, puzzles and mazes, your child will build knowledge, develop cognitive thinking and get ahead of the curve. Our curriculum meets Common Core standards, so your child can build some extra confidence for school. Learn And Explore Written for pre-kindergarten, this workbook includes: • Easy-to-understand explanations of key concepts • Illustrations to support understanding • Exercises and activities that make learning easy and fun Explore our other DK Workbook ranges Once your little geographer has worked through DK Workbooks: Geography Pre-K, we have Kindergarten and First Grade workbooks ready for them to continue studying. For other subjects they enjoy, look at our DK Workbooks range, which includes DK Workbooks: Science, DK Workbooks: Math and DK Workbooks: Language Arts.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Sozialraumorientierte Schulsozialarbeit: Prozess- und Wirkungsevaluation des Modellprojekts ‚Stadtteil in der Schule‘
Der Band dokumentiert die Ergebnisse des Braunschweiger Projekts ‚Stadtteil in der Schule‘. Ziel des Projektes ist es, Teilhabechancen für Kinder in sozialen Brennpunkten zu erhöhen, indem GrundschülerInnen und deren Familien der Zugang zu vorhandenen sozialen und kulturellen Angeboten im Stadtteil bedarfsgerecht ermöglicht wird. Anders als klassische Ansätze der Schulsozialarbeit orientiert es sich nicht an individuellen Problemen. Es ist nicht Einzelfall-, sondern Sozialraumorientiert und hat das Gesamtsystem im Blick, also Schülerinnen und Schüler, Eltern, die schulischen Mitarbeiter, aber auch die Akteure des Gemeinwesens. “Stadtteil in der Schule” versucht Ressourcen der Schule und der Zivilgesellschaft für Kinder zu nutzen und nutzt Techniken der Netzwerkarbeit.
mineditionUS School Is Coming
A touching, helpful story that tackles the school anxieties that so many young children face when starting kindergarten.School is right around the corner, but Martin isn't feeling very excited to begin kindergarten. His little sister, on the other hand, wishes she had a chance to pack a backpack, play ball with all her friends, and have teachers read stories to her. "He's so lucky!" she exclaims. Gently, Martin's mother helps him overcome his anxieties as she prepares him for what school will be like. By the time summer is over, Martin is feeling more confident than ever that school is the right place for a big kid like him.
De Gruyter Halsringe: Erkennen. Bestimmen. Beschreiben.
Zu den prachtvollsten Gattungen archäologischer Funde gehören die Halsringe. Sie bestehen aus Bronze, Silber oder Gold, sind aufwendig hergestellt und reich verziert. In der Vorzeit wurden sie von ausgewählten Männern, Frauen und Kindern getragen, repräsentierten Stand und Würde des Trägers und zeichneten ihn innerhalb seiner Gesellschaft aus. In Mitteleuropa gibt es Halsringe seit dem Beginn der Bronzezeit um 2200 v. Chr. Sie kommen bis in die Völkerwanderungszeit um 500 n. Chr. vor, bei den Ostseeanrainern sogar noch bis in das 10. und 11. Jahrhundert. Im vorliegenden Band 7 der Reihe Bestimmungsbuch Archäologie werden die einzelnen typischen Formen vorgestellt, beschrieben und abgebildet. Dazu kommen Angaben zur Datierung und Verbreitung der Formen sowie weiterführende Informationen.
Boom! Studios The Backstagers Vol. 1
When Jory transfers to an all-boys private high school, he’s taken in by the only ones who don’t treat him like a new kid, the lowly stage crew known as the Backstagers. Not only does he gain great, lifetime friends, Jory is also introduced to an entire magical world that lives beyond the curtain. With the unpredictable twists and turns of the underground world, the Backstagers venture into the unknown, determined to put together the best play their high school has ever seen. James Tynion IV (Detective Comics, The Woods) teams up with artist Rian Sygh (Munchkin, Stolen Forest) for an incredibly earnest story that explores what it means to find a place to fit in when you're kinda an outcast.
National Association for the Education of Young Children Serious Fun: How Guided Play Extends Children's Learning
Guided play is a powerful tool educators can use to help preschoolers and kindergartners learn essential knowledge and skills in the context of playful situations. Apply the information, strategies, and ideas in this book to: Provide content-rich, joyful learning experiences Balance child-guided and adult-guided play Set up play environments with learning goals in mind Offer suggestions and questions during play to prompt children’s reflection and deeper learning Young children’s natural curiosity and dynamic imaginations can lead to exciting and meaningful learning opportunities. Discover how to provide guided play experiences along with opportunities for unstructured play to support children’s knowledge in key areas and their lifelong enjoyment and pursuit of learning.
Images Publishing Group Pty Ltd Designing Spaces for Early Childhood Development: Sparking Learning & Creativity
Contemporary pedagogy contends that children's growth and development takes place through experiences. This book is intended to uncover the relationship between child development and early childhood space design through an exciting selection of kindergarten, childcare, and nursery designs from around the world, each of which provides authentic, stimulating, and meaningful environments full of rich and active hands-on experiences to facilitate children's access to nature and human connection as they discover the world and assimilate everything they need to grow and thrive. Rather than merely the design of preschool buildings, the book focuses on the quality of the space. A brief editor's note is given for each case to highlight the important elements of the design, use, and function that help children to shape their own personal curriculum. A short interview - a dialogue with the architect - is also offered after some of the projects for readers to gain greater insight into the ideas and processes of the architects. Highly illustrated with stunning full-colour throughout, this book hopes to spark the design inspirations of kindergarten architects, interior designers, outdoor playground designers, and child educators on how to design a quality space for children.
Cornerstone The Ethical Capitalist: How to Make Business Work Better for Society
__________________*A road-map for a kinder, fairer capitalism that is fit for the 21st century*Financial Times Book of the Month‘The founder of Richer Sounds is one of the finest entrepreneurs we have.’ Archie Norman, chairman of Marks & Spencer__________________Capitalism has lost its way.Every week brings fresh news stories about businesses exploiting their staff, avoiding their taxes, and ripping off their customers. Every week, public anger at the system grows. Now, one of Britain’s foremost entrepreneurs intervenes to make the case for putting business back firmly in the service of society, and setting out on a new path to a kinder, fairer form of capitalism. Drawing on four decades of hands-on management experience, the founder of Richer Sounds argues that ethically run businesses are invariably more efficient, more motivated and more innovative than those that care only about the bottom line. He uncovers the simple tools that the best leaders use to make their businesses fair, revealing how others can follow suit. And he also delves into the big questions that modern capitalism has to answer if it is to survive and to thrive.