Search results for ""Author Kind"
Penguin Books Ltd Notes on a Scandal
'Fascinating, brilliant, horribly addictive' Guardian From the day that Sheba Hart joins the staff at St George's, history teacher Barbara Covett is convinced that she has found a kindred spirit. When Sheba is discovered having an illicit affair with one of her pupils, Barbara appoints herself Sheba's chief defender. Yet all is not as it first appears in this dark story and as Sheba will eventually discover, a friend can be as treacherous as any lover. 'Superbly gripping' Daily Telegraph
Highlights Press Preschool Colors, Shapes, and Patterns
A unique blend of age-appropriate tracing and writing activities are combined with puzzles to make learning fun while helping preschoolers build colour, shape and pattern recognition and develop lifelong learning confidence. Identifying shapes and colours and recognising patterns are important steps toward kindergarten readiness, and Highlights (TM) infuses Fun with a Purpose(R) into these essential learning activities. With vibrant art and engaging prompts, this single-subject workbook exposes preschoolers to basic colours, shapes and patterns through tracing practice and the fun of puzzles and other activities. Hidden Pictures(R) puzzles and humour reinforce the fun.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Narrative Praxis: Ein Handbuch für Beratung, Therapie und Coaching
Was ist unter narrativer Therapie und weitergehend narrativer Praxis zu verstehen? Welche konzeptionellen und methodischen Weiter- und Neuentwicklungen hat sie in den letzten Jahren erfahren? Wie kann in verschiedensten Kontexten und Settings narrativ gearbeitet werden, welche Impulse für schulenübergreifendes, beraterisches und therapeutisches Tun ergeben sich daraus? Dieses umfassende Handbuch informiert fundiert und facettenreich über Begrifflichkeiten und theoretische Hintergründe, vor allem aber über die Praxis narrativen Vorgehens in psychosozialen und organisationsbezogenen Arbeitsfeldern. Aus der narrativen Therapie von White und Epston, der Philosophie von Deleuze und Braidotti und aus anderen Quellen gespeist steuern mehr als 45 Autorinnen und Autoren von nationalem und internationalem Rang eine große Bandbreite an neuen kreativen Arbeitsansätzen bei, untermauern narratives Verständnis mit theoretischen Grundlagentexten, präsentieren aktuelle Ergebnisse narrativer Forschung und geben sozialkritischen Perspektiven Raum. Dieses Handbuch eröffnet therapeutisch, beraterisch und wissenschaftlich Tätigen in Zeiten des ständigen gesellschaftspolitischen Wandels eine Vielfalt neuer Denk- und Handlungsmöglichkeiten. Mit Beiträgen von: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Brigitte Boothe, Maria Borcsa, Britta Boyd, Rudi Dallos, Dan Dulberger, Sol D’Urso, David Epston, Simon Forstmeier, Thomas Friedrich-Hett, Katarzyma Gdowska, Alma R. Galván-Durán, Deliana Garcia, Julia Hille, Peter Jakob, Milena Kansy, Mathias Klasen, Thomas Klatetzki, Heiko Kleve, Tobias Köllner, Tom Levold, Gabriele Lucius-Hoene, Elisabeth Christa Markert, Afiya Mangum Mbilishaka, Jan Müller, Michael Müller, Jan Olthof, Meinolf Peters, Peter Rober, Tom Rüsen, Carl Eduard Scheidt, Thomas Schollas, Jasmina Sermijn, Monica Sesma, Claudia Schiffmann, Heidrun Schulze, Sally St. George, Jürgen Straub, Arist von Schlippe, Sabine Trautmann-Voigt, Arlene Vetere, Gerhard Walter, Kaethe Weingarten, Dietmar J. Wetzel, Jim Wilson, Dan Wulff. Die Beiträge von David Epston, Jan Olthof und Peter Jakob, Dan Wulff et al., Peter Rober, Jim Wilson (Wie man Bilder für therapeutische Geschichten mit Kindern findet), Rudi Dallos und Arlene Vetere, Kaethe Weingarten et al. sowie Afiya Mangum Mbilishaka wurden von Astrid Hildenbrand aus dem Englischen übersetzt.
Images Publishing Group Pty Ltd Designing Spaces for Early Childhood Development: Sparking Learning & Creativity
Contemporary pedagogy contends that children's growth and development takes place through experiences. This book is intended to uncover the relationship between child development and early childhood space design through an exciting selection of kindergarten, childcare, and nursery designs from around the world, each of which provides authentic, stimulating, and meaningful environments full of rich and active hands-on experiences to facilitate children's access to nature and human connection as they discover the world and assimilate everything they need to grow and thrive. Rather than merely the design of preschool buildings, the book focuses on the quality of the space. A brief editor's note is given for each case to highlight the important elements of the design, use, and function that help children to shape their own personal curriculum. A short interview - a dialogue with the architect - is also offered after some of the projects for readers to gain greater insight into the ideas and processes of the architects. Highly illustrated with stunning full-colour throughout, this book hopes to spark the design inspirations of kindergarten architects, interior designers, outdoor playground designers, and child educators on how to design a quality space for children.
Cornerstone The Ethical Capitalist: How to Make Business Work Better for Society
__________________*A road-map for a kinder, fairer capitalism that is fit for the 21st century*Financial Times Book of the Month‘The founder of Richer Sounds is one of the finest entrepreneurs we have.’ Archie Norman, chairman of Marks & Spencer__________________Capitalism has lost its way.Every week brings fresh news stories about businesses exploiting their staff, avoiding their taxes, and ripping off their customers. Every week, public anger at the system grows. Now, one of Britain’s foremost entrepreneurs intervenes to make the case for putting business back firmly in the service of society, and setting out on a new path to a kinder, fairer form of capitalism. Drawing on four decades of hands-on management experience, the founder of Richer Sounds argues that ethically run businesses are invariably more efficient, more motivated and more innovative than those that care only about the bottom line. He uncovers the simple tools that the best leaders use to make their businesses fair, revealing how others can follow suit. And he also delves into the big questions that modern capitalism has to answer if it is to survive and to thrive.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Ambulanzmanual Pädiatrie von A-Z
Dieses Buch passt in die Kitteltasche jedes Kinder- und Jugendarztes! Bei der Erstversorgung erkrankter Kinder gilt die Devise: Richtig einschätzen, schnell entscheiden, sicher handeln – auf Station, in der Ambulanz und in der Notaufnahme, Tag und Nacht. Das Ambulanzmanual Pädiatrie hat sich als nützlicher Begleiter bewährt, um das eigene Wissen schnell aufzurufen und in jeder Situation adäquat reagieren zu können.Nach A-Z praktisch gegliedert, sind alle gängigen Krankheitsbilder, typischen Leitsymptome und weitere wichtige Themen der Kinder- und Jugendmedizin sofort auffindbar und in komprimierter Form nachzulesen. Fallstricke und mögliche Komplikationen springen unmittelbar ins Auge.Das Ambulanzmanual Pädiatrie wurde von Münchner Klinikärzten aus den Alltagserfahrungen heraus entwickelt und erfolgreich eingesetzt. Seine Spezialität: es enthält Symptome und Notfälle, wie sie in der Ambulanz wirklich vorkommen, von Acne vulgaris über Erbrechen bis zu Meningitis.Für die 5. Auflage wurde das gesamte Buch einschließlich des Medikamententeils auf den neuesten Stand gebracht. Speziell wurde die Therapie von Infektionen überarbeitet, zudem wurde die Dosisanpassung bei Niereninsuffizienz eingearbeitet.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Internet für Dummies
Dieses Buch begleitet Sie bei Ihren ersten Schritten in die große, weite Welt des Internets. Finden Sie den passenden Anbieter und machen Sie Ihren Computer fit für den Sprung ins WWW. Lernen Sie sich zielsicher online zu bewegen und die Seiten zu finden, die Sie suchen, verschicken Sie E-Mails, regeln Sie Ihre Finanzen mit E-Banking und erstellen Sie vielleicht sogar Ihre erste eigene Website. Doch auch der Spaß soll nicht zu kurz kommen! Shoppen auf eBay oder Amazon, Musik herunterladen, Videos auf YouTube anschauen oder lustige Flash Games spielen - all das und noch viel mehr werden Sie mit diesem Buch online entdecken. Ein großes Thema ist natürlich auch Ihre Sicherheit: Internet für Kinder, Antivirensoftware, Firewall oder Spamfilter - hier finden Sie alles, was Sie für einen gelungenen und sicheren Interneteinstieg brauchen und wissen müssen.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Stärke statt Macht: Neue Autorität in Familie, Schule und Gemeinde
Die Erschütterung der erzieherischen Autorität gilt als eine der entscheidenden Ursachen für den dramatischen Anstieg von Gewalt und Kriminalität unter Kindern und Jugendlichen. Doch kann elterliche und pädagogische Autorität heutzutage nicht mehr auf Furcht, blinden Gehorsam und Machtausübung gründen. Es müssen die in unserer Gesellschaft vorherrschende Werte von freiem Willen, Individualität und kulturellem Pluralismus berücksichtigt werden. Die Psychologen Haim Omer und Arist von Schlippe führen den Begriff der »neuen Autorität« ein, der das Ergebnis eines langjährigen Denk- und Erfahrungsprozesses darstellt. Zu den zentralen Konzepten dieser neuen Autorität gehören Präsenz und gewaltloser Widerstand. Die Anwendung hat sich auch im Schulbereich bewährt, wo Eltern und Lehrer ein Bündnis gegenseitiger Hilfe und Unterstützung bilden, und bindet im darüber hinaus auch Gemeindemitglieder erfolgreich ein.
Pajama Press A World of Mindfulness
The meditative picture book that Kirkus Reviews recommends as “a practical introduction to the mindfulness meditation, as an example of the practice, and as a guide”—now in paperback! Parents, educators, and health practitioners everywhere are recognizing the importance of mindfulness practice, particularly for children. Meditation and yoga are becoming common activities in kindergarten classes and beyond. Taking time to be still and pay attention to their thoughts and bodies helps kids feel calm, focused, and in control. In A World of Mindfulness, meditative text reflects on the sensory ways children experience life, from the feeling of their muscles when they run…to the sound of a turning page…to the memory-laden taste of fresh-baked cookies. Positive and negative emotions are alike acknowledged and affirmed, and a strong sense of self is reinforced. Richly illustrated by fourteen artists with all-new original art, A World of Mindfulness will create its own quiet moments as children revisit its lavish pages. A closing note about mindfulness practice rounds out this board book, making it a helpful resource for homes, classrooms, and beyond.
Astra Publishing House The Forever Sea
The first book in a new environmental epic fantasy series set in a world where ships kept afloat by magical hearthfires sail an endless grass sea.On the never-ending, miles-high expanse of prairie grasses known as the Forever Sea, Kindred Greyreach, hearthfire keeper and sailor aboard harvesting vessel The Errant, is just beginning to fit in with the crew of her new ship when she receives devastating news. Her grandmother—The Marchess, legendary captain and hearthfire keeper—has stepped from her vessel and disappeared into the sea.But the note she leaves Kindred suggests this was not an act of suicide. Something waits in the depths, and the Marchess has set out to find it.To follow in her grandmother’s footsteps, Kindred must embroil herself in conflicts bigger than she could imagine: a water war simmering below the surface of two cultures; the politics of a mythic pirate city floating beyond the edges of safe seas; battles against beasts of the deep, driven to the brink of madness; and the elusive promise of a world below the waves. Kindred finds that she will sacrifice almost everything—ship, crew, and a life sailing in the sun—to discover the truth of the darkness that waits below the Forever Sea.
Big Finish Productions Ltd The War Master 10: Rogue Encounters
Throughout his many lives, the Master has visited myriad places and planets. Some he has spared, others he has destroyed... but all have felt his presence, however fleeting. In the Time War, he helps a soldier save their world from Dalek assault... On Earth, he helps a young woman discover the truth about her boyfriend's abduction... At the Sublime Porte, he helps himself to a source of incredible power... And as the universe itself comes to an end, a lonely old man tries to help any way he can. But the Master is always waiting. Contains four new adventures: 10.1 Runtime by Tim Foley. When the Daleks threaten to alter the course of history, the Master has no choice but to save a world - and he only has an hour to do it. 10.2 Manhunt by Rochana Patel. After her boyfriend disappears on an American road trip, Alison Walker instantly becomes the prime suspect. But are the abductors from further afield than Earth? 10.3 The Sublime Porte by James Goss. Hijacking an archaeological dig, the Master excavates the mythical Sublime Porte. But he also unleashes a far more ancient force with it - and its name is Bilis Manger. 10.4 Alone by Scott Handcock. As the human race dwindles against the encroaching night, one man strives to find a solution to their plight. But can Professor Yana save the future when a dark past threatens his present? CAST: Derek Jacobi (The War Master), Ayesha Antoine (Jaxine), Samuel Barnett (Emlak), Nicholas Briggs (The Daleks), Jordan Broatch (Scrap), Nathaniel Curtis (Garth), Scott Haran (Andy), Loreece Harrison (Alison), Damian Lynch (Stallholder), Shai Matheson (Wilson), Murray Melvin (Bilis Manger), Nisha Nayar (Kindred), James G. Nunn (Rafe), Luke Nunn (Altan), Agness Nyama (Mercer), Aitch Wylie (Slug). Other parts played by members of the cast
Seven Seas Entertainment, LLC Happy Kanako's Killer Life Vol. 6
When Kanako accidentally applies to work at an assassination agency, the timid office worker discovers that she has a knack for bumping people off! Will she ever earn the respect of Sakurai, her prickly and kinda hot co-worker - and why is she still having silly workplace problems when she works with hitmen?! This full-colour manga is dangerously funny!
Munksgaard International Publishers Ecological Bulletins, The Use of Population Viability Analyses in Conservation Planning
The scope of this volume is intentionally broad. We review applications of spatially realistic occupancy models and age- or stage-structured demographic models as well as individual-based demographic models. These three main Population Viability Analysis (PVA) approaches initially are compared with other conservation assessment tools in an overview by Akcakaya, Lacy and Sjogren-Gulve and Hanski, with a special chapter on plant PVAs by Menges, all using illustrative examples. Fleishman et al. subsequently outline how nested subsets analyses can help discern focal species, taxa whose habitat requirements may encompass those of larger species groups and can be subjected to PVAs. Kindvall then compares the predictive accuracy of simpler occupancy models versus a democratic model for predicting local extinctions and colonizations in a bush-cricket metapopulation. Thereafter, four case studies which use the three model categories are presented (papers by Berglind, Ebenhard, Lennartsson, and Vos et al.). The volume concludes with Gardenfors' paper on the use of PVAs in the classification of threatened species, and Lacy's presentation of the structure and logic of VORTEX, a widely used demographic and genetic PVA model.
Familius LLC 437 Edible Wild Plants of the Rocky Mountain West: Berries, Roots, Nuts, Greens, Flowers, and Seeds
From self-sufficiency expert Caleb Warnock comes the ultimate guidebook to living off the land. Packed with over 1,450 photographs of 437 edible wild berries, roots, nuts, greens, and flowers, this essential field guide will provide you with invaluable information on plant identification, flavor, seasonality, history, common synonyms, eating and preparation instructions, and more! It’s the most exhaustive reference book of its kind.Includes Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming.
Vintage Publishing The Gospel According to Jesus Christ
Saramago's Jesus is the son not of God but of Joseph. Mary Magdalene is his lover not his convert. In the wilderness he tussles not with the Devil – a kindly and necessary evil – but with God, a fallible, power-hungry autocrat. And he must die not for the sins of the fathers but for the sins of the Father. By investigating these simple inversions Saramago has woven a dark parable; a secular gospel of astonishing richness and depth.‘An original, wild and beautiful book’ Times Literary Supplement
Orion Publishing Co A Peaceful Retirement: The twelfth novel in the Fairacre series
Miss Read looks forward to her retirement - but it doesn't go quite as planned...When Miss Read took early retirement, she anticipated days of relaxation and calm. She couldn't have been more wrong! Instead she finds herself as busy and in demand as ever: on holiday in Florence, helping with church and school affairs and offering a kindly ear to her eccentric neighbours.As village life continues as always, Miss Read embarks on a local project and discovers a new talent, opening up an exciting chapter in her life.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Intelligenzminderung: Eine ärztliche Herausforderung
Die Kenntnis der verschiedenen Ausprägungsarten von geistiger Behinderung und Minderbegabung ist entscheidend für Diagnose und Therapie. Früh beginnende Fördermaßnahmen sind notwendig, damit Kinder die Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten erlernen, die ihnen eine Teilhabe am sozialen Leben ermöglichen. Bei der Reihe „Manuale psychischer Störungen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen“ steht der Patient im Mittelpunkt. Die Bücher bieten Betroffenen Tipps und Tricks zur Bewältigung des Alltags, Therapeuten erhalten wissenschaftlich fundierte Informationen.
Ize Press The Remarried Empress Vol. 7
With Duke Ergi's help, Navier and Heinrey successfully escaped to the Western Kingdom! But many of the people of Heinrey's homeland do not take kindly to news of Navier's arrival, in light of their loyalty to the former queen, Krista. With her reputation on the line, Navier must navigate a new political minefield, riddled with dangers even within the palace. And when Krista insists Navier and Heinrey leave their wedding preparations to her, it begs the questionjust what are her true intentions...?
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Infantile Zerebralparese: Diagnostik, konservative und operative Therapie
Die Orthopädische Kinderklinik Aschau – mit Herrn Dr. Döderlein an der Spitze – ist ein bekanntes und renommiertes Haus, wenn es um Kinder mit Infantiler Zerebralparese geht. Sein Expertenwissen vermittelt Dr. Döderlein mit der „Infantilen Zerebralparese“, die nun in der 2. vollständig überarbeiteten und aktualisierten Auflage vorliegt. In die Behandlung von Patienten mit Infantiler Zerebralparese sind viele Berufsgruppen involviert. Übereinstimmend setzen die Therapien an den Problemen mit den Bewegungsorganen an, die das Krankheitsbild prägen. Bewusst spricht Dr. Döderlein alle Berufsgruppen an, die an der Versorgung der Patienten beteiligt sind - er möchte die Entwicklung einer gemeinsamen Sprache fördern. Das Buch vermittelt das Wesentliche einer zielgerichteten Diagnostik und der konservativen und operativen Therapie. Neben der vergleichenden Darstellung der normalen und der pathologischen Entwicklung werden Ursachen, Diagnostik und Klassifikation der Gangstörungen beschrieben. Sie bieten Hilfestellung bei Entscheidungen in Bezug auf die Therapie. Neuestes aus der konservativen Therapie wird vorgestellt und die Operationen sind ausführlich beschrieben und bebildert. Einige Operationsdarstellungen sind für Elterngespräche gedacht, um an Hand der Bilder erklären zu können, was wie und warum operativ gemacht wird.
Entangled Publishing, LLC Neverwraith
Yasir has always felt he was meant for more… he has no idea how much. A native son of the Island Republic of Kindara, he is ripped from his homeland as a small boy, escaping an invasion that decimated his family. For the past decade, he has been living with his uncle in the small town of Oakwood Grove, Georgia, while dealing with life as an outsider - in more ways than one. All that would change over the course of a few weeks, thanks to a series of unfortunate incidents that brings Yasir into the spotlight, complete with new friends, the affections of a girl who he swore didn’t know he existed - and enemies. He has been told all his life that he must hide in plain sight, with no reasonable explanation, only vague references to a reckoning, should he be found. But what no one knows - including Yasir himself - is that the horrors of that tragic event have awakened something that would change the course of his life forever. With the help of a Kindaran priestess, he has the chance to find out who he truly is, and why he is so important. But first… he has to get through high school.
Seven Seas Entertainment, LLC Captive Hearts of Oz Vol. 3
Dorothy, along with her beloved dog Toto, finds herself whisked away by a tornado to the mysterious land of Oz. Something about this strange place feels oddly familiar, but Dorothy just wants to go home. Following the advice of a kindly Witch, Dorothy must travel to the Emerald City and seek out the Wizard of Oz, who alone has the power to send her back to her world. Alongside a trio of fascinating new companions, and a mysterious young man known as "Zero," Dorothy must follow the Yellow Brick Road on her journey to escape Oz and some of its less than friendly denizens, the evil Witches. Buried secrets and conflicted romance await Dorothy as she travels through the wonderful land of Oz!
Union Square & Co. Butterflies on the First Day of School
Have you ever felt butterflies in your stomach? This picture book explores that feeling on a scary but exciting occasion: the first day of school Rosie can't wait to start kindergarten: she's had her pencils sharpened and her backpack ready for weeks. But suddenly, on the night before the big day, her tummy hurts. Rosie's mom reassures her that it's just butterflies in her belly and she'll feel better soon. Much to Rosie's surprise, when she says hello to a new friend on the bus, a butterfly flies out of her mouth! As the day goes on, Rosie frees all her butterflies - and even helps another shy student let go of hers, too.
Random House USA Inc ¡El español es mi superpoder! (Sesame Street) (Spanish is My Superpower! Spanish Edition)
Rosita de Sésamo aprende a responder cuando extraños en el supermercado le dicen a ella y a su Mami que no hablen español. Este libro de bolsillo ilustrado se basa en el video del mismo nombre en el sitio web de Sesame Street en las Comunidades. Sesame Street's Rosita learns how to respond when strangers at the supermarket tell her and her Mami not to speak Spanish—this illustrated paperback is based on the video of the same name on the Sesame Street in Communities website.Rosita y su Mami se enfrentan al racismo cuando les dicen que se abstengan de hablar español en el supermercado. Mientras discuten el inquietante encuentro, a Rosita se le recuerda lo valioso y especial que es hablar dos idiomas. ¡Y que la capacidad de hacerlo es como tener un superpoder! Este importante libro, inspirado en el video del mismo nombre en el sitio web de Sesame Street en las Comunidades, resulta de gran ayuda para presentarles a niños pequeños el delicado tema del racismo. Sesame Workshop, la organización educativa sin fines de lucro detrás de Sésamo, tiene como objetivo ayudar a los niños a crecer más inteligentes, fuertes y bondadosos a través de sus muchas iniciativas a nivel local e internacional. Dichos proyectos cubren una amplia esfera de temas para familias de todo el mundo. Rosita and her Mami experience racism when they are told not to speak Spanish at the supermarket. While discussing the upsetting encounter, Rosita is reminded how smart and special she is to speak two languages. And that the ability to do so is like having a superpower! This important book—inspired by the video of the same name on the Sesame Street in Communities website—is a helpful way to introduce a tough yet important topic to young children.Sesame Workshop, the nonprofit educational organization behind Sesame Street, aims to help kids grow smarter, stronger, and kinder through its many unique domestic and international initiatives. These projects cover a wide array of topics for families around the world.
Roaring Brook Press Real Friends
Following little Shannon's life from kindergarten through fifth grade, Real Friends captures the emotional roller coaster ride of friendship, from navigating the tricky waters of cliques and bullies to her never-ending struggle to stay in "The Group." Shannon's honest and heartfelt story reminds us of how hard it was to learn what real friends are-and why finding them is worth the journey.
Seven Seas Entertainment, LLC Ojojojo Omnibus 3-4
Jigokumeguri Haru is rich, famous, and friendless. Thanks to her cold, stuck-up personality, she goes from school to school, looking for a place to fit in - but with no luck. When she crosses paths with Kawayanagi Tsurezure, she discovers that he gives her antisocial tendencies a run for their money. Has she finally found a kindred spirit?
Sourcebooks, Inc A Moon of My Own
Travel the world with the moon in this imaginative picture book, featuring beautiful silhouetted art, STEM/STEAM activities, and moon facts. Perfect for the toddler or young reader in your life, storytime, and preschool and kindergarten classrooms.Read on the International Space Station as part of Story Time from Space!Join an adventurous young girl as she journeys to all seven continents with her friend the moon. The moon is the girl's constant companion as it lights up the Eiffel Tower, Great Wall of China, the Amazon Rainforest, and more. Simple text and striking silhouetted illustrations accompany the story, and encourage young readers to think about geography, science, and the phases of the moon.Each night you seem a little different from the night beforeBut I always know its youNo matter how far I go, you're right there with meI'm really lucky to have a Moon of my ownBackmatter includes:Explore More for Kids: information on all the places the girl visits in the book including a map of the seven continents, and information on the phases of the moonExplore More for Teachers and Parents: facts about the moon, recommended educational resources, and activities for the classroom and at home such as a Moon Phase Journal, a Moon and Sun demonstration with a ball, and moon art
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Verhandeln - Das Buch: Ihr Wegweiser zum Verhandlungserfolg
Verhandlungen sind von entscheidender Bedeutung für unser Leben und für die Art und Weise, wie wir alles, was einen Wert hat, verbreiten, erschaffen, schützen, klären und organisieren. Verhandlungen schaffen Frieden, sorgen dafür, dass unsere Kinder ins Bett gehen, vermeiden Gerichtsverhandlungen und retten Ehen. Verhandlungen sind das Herz des Geschäftslebens. Sie können für Unternehmen den Unterschied zwischen dem finanziellen Überleben und der Insolvenz bedeuten. Sie können entscheiden, ob Unternehmen wachsen oder schrumpfen. Heutzutage braucht jeder, der sich im Geschäftsleben bewegt, Verhandlungsgeschick. In einer Welt, in der einem jeder den "richtigen Verhandlungsweg" erklären will, sagt Steve Gates die Wahrheit: Es gibt keinen richtigen Weg. Stattdessen versorgt "Verhandeln - Das Buch" den Leser mit allen benötigten Informationen und Fähigkeiten und versetzt ihn so in die Lage, den bestmöglichen Abschluss unter den gegebenen Umständen zu erzielen. Steve Gates stellt sein Regelwerk für "komplette Verhandler" vor, das aus 14 Verhaltensweisen und 10 Charakteristika besteht. Im Anschluss nutzt er die Idee eines Ziffernblatts, beschreibt eine Auswahl von Verhandlungssituationen und wie man am besten hierauf reagiert. Die Neuauflage berücksichtigt unter anderem den gestiegenen Stellenwert des Zugangs zu Informationen. Sie fokussiert auf das Wesentliche und wurde aktualisiert und modernisiert.
Penguin Young Readers My School Stinks!
"Just might convince complaining children that their school isn't so bad after all."--Kirkus reviews A hilarious back-to-school story told through journal entries about a boy who finds himself at a new school where the other students are REAL animals. Perfect for fans of Ryan T. Higgins's We Don't Eat Our Classmates and Elise Parsley's If You Ever Want to Bring an Alligator to School, Don't!Dear Diary,Today is the first day at my new school and I think there's been a mistake. My desk mate stinks, my locker buddy bites, and my teacher is unbearable! I told Mom my classmates are WILD ANIMALS but she said all little kids are wild animals. I think I'm going to be sick tomorrow. Celebrate back to school (and even calm some back-to-school nerves) with this clever and funny story about a boy who accidentally winds up at a school for animals, but soon realizes friends can come in all shapes, sizes, and species. A great read for kindergarten through second grade! Praise for My School Stinks!: "Along with being a good choice for children anxious about their own upcoming “first day,” this offers a nifty exercise in reading between the lines."--Booklist "An encouraging new-kid narrative told from an entertaining perspective." --Publishers Weekly
Harvard University Press Moralia, VIII: Table-talk, Books 1-6
Eclectic essays on ethics, education, and much else besides.Plutarch (Plutarchus), ca. AD 45–120, was born at Chaeronea in Boeotia in central Greece, studied philosophy at Athens, and, after coming to Rome as a teacher in philosophy, was given consular rank by the emperor Trajan and a procuratorship in Greece by Hadrian. He was married and the father of one daughter and four sons. He appears as a man of kindly character and independent thought, studious and learned. Plutarch wrote on many subjects. Most popular have always been the forty-six Parallel Lives, biographies planned to be ethical examples in pairs (in each pair, one Greek figure and one similar Roman), though the last four lives are single. All are invaluable sources of our knowledge of the lives and characters of Greek and Roman statesmen, soldiers and orators. Plutarch’s many other varied extant works, about sixty in number, are known as Moralia or Moral Essays. They are of high literary value, besides being of great use to people interested in philosophy, ethics, and religion. The Loeb Classical Library edition of the Moralia is in fifteen volumes, volume XIII having two parts. Volume XVI is a comprehensive Index.
Harvard University Press Metamorphoses, Volume II: Books 9–15
The poetry of change.Ovid (Publius Ovidius Naso, 43 BC–AD 17), born at Sulmo, studied rhetoric and law at Rome. Later he did considerable public service there, and otherwise devoted himself to poetry and to society. Famous at first, he offended the emperor Augustus by his Ars amatoria, and was banished because of this work and some other reason unknown to us, and dwelt in the cold and primitive town of Tomis on the Black Sea. He continued writing poetry, a kindly man, leading a temperate life. He died in exile. Ovid's main surviving works are the Metamorphoses, a source of inspiration to artists and poets including Chaucer and Shakespeare; the Fasti, a poetic treatment of the Roman year of which Ovid finished only half; the Amores, love poems; the Ars amatoria, not moral but clever and in parts beautiful; Heroides, fictitious love letters by legendary women to absent husbands; and the dismal works written in exile: the Tristia, appeals to persons including his wife and also the emperor; and similar Epistulae ex Ponto. Poetry came naturally to Ovid, who at his best is lively, graphic and lucid. The Loeb Classical Library edition of Ovid is in six volumes.
Simon & Schuster The Vampire Dare!
Why is everyone so crazy for Vampires, Daphne wonders. Well, Vampires can’t die or get wrinkly that’s what makes them so magical. And it’s kinda cool to be bitten by a vampire because you’ll live forever. So, when the teachers announce a costume day next Friday, (even though Halloween is long past), Daphne wants to be the best vampire ever! But what is cool and what is nerdy in Vampire Land? Daphne’s about to find out!
Little, Brown & Company Kaiju Girl Caramelise, Vol. 7
He knows. After that whole crazy battle over Tokyo with the other kaiju, Minami-kun knows that Kuroe is actually also Harugon-and she’s terrified to find out how he really feels. Fleeing instead of facing him head-on, she ends up back on the island of her birth. But there’s some strange people with masks over there, and it’s kinda hard to tell whether they’re friend or foe...
DK DK Workbooks: Geography Pre-K: Learn and Explore
Ideal for ages 3 to 5, this workbook is packed with simple, fun exercises that will help your child understand basic geography concepts. It’s the perfect introduction to the fascinating world of geography. Your child will discover new hints, tips and facts with every page they turn. From humans and the natural world, to earth and the solar system. This Pre-K workbook helps boost children’s geography skills. It unpacks basic geography concepts through fun activities and exercises. Your child will explore world maps, and learn about the continents, countries, oceans, rivers, deserts and mountains of our planet. With the help of leading educational experts, the DK Workbooks: Geography series is the perfect addition to schoolwork. Level-by-level, these homeschooling books offer parents at-home practice work that your kids will enjoy! They even come with gold stars for completed activities and a certificate of accomplishment as a reward for finishing the workbook. There is also a parents' section that contains answers, tips and guidance to provide support. It’s packed with learning materials and activities that explain geography for kids in an easy-to-follow format. Through fact boxes, exercises, puzzles and mazes, your child will build knowledge, develop cognitive thinking and get ahead of the curve. Our curriculum meets Common Core standards, so your child can build some extra confidence for school. Learn And Explore Written for pre-kindergarten, this workbook includes: • Easy-to-understand explanations of key concepts • Illustrations to support understanding • Exercises and activities that make learning easy and fun Explore our other DK Workbook ranges Once your little geographer has worked through DK Workbooks: Geography Pre-K, we have Kindergarten and First Grade workbooks ready for them to continue studying. For other subjects they enjoy, look at our DK Workbooks range, which includes DK Workbooks: Science, DK Workbooks: Math and DK Workbooks: Language Arts.
Tourbillon The Pop-Up Guide: Space
What's out in space? Can we travel to other planets? What do astronauts do? Children can find out the answers to these questions and more in this accessible and interactive guide. The multilayered 3-D scenes leap off every page, allowing young readers to experience space in a unique way. • 10 big multilayered pop-ups, one on every spread! • Descriptive text and labeled illustrations for quick and easy learning • Built-in elastic bands that allow readers to display their favorite scenes on a bookcase or desk • Sturdy construction that's perfect for at-home or on-the-go From exploring the planets and landing on the moon to planning future space missions, this first title in the new Pop-Up Guide™ series brings to life dramatic settings that capture children's imagination and encourage them to find out more. • Great family read-aloud book • Books for 3–5 years old • Books for preschool and kindergarten students
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Arzneimittel-Kompass 2022: Qualität der Arzneimittelversorgung
Der Arzneimittel-Kompass 2022, der sowohl als Open-Access-Publikation als auch als gedrucktes Buch erscheint, widmet sich dem Schwerpunktthema „Qualität der Arzneimittelversorgung“. Dabei stehen die Qualitätssicherung und das Qualitätsmanagement in der zweiten Ausgabe des Arzneimittel-Kompass im Fokus. Namhafte Autorinnen und Autoren analysieren Stärken und Schwächen in der Arzneimittelversorgung und beschreiben die Umsetzungsherausforderungen, die der komplexe Prozess einer optimalen Versorgung der Bevölkerung mit Arzneimitteln mit sich bringt. Der Arzneimittel-Kompass 2022 geht unter anderem den folgenden Fragen nach: Was wird unter Qualität in der Arzneimittelversorgung verstanden? Wie ist die Qualität in der Arzneimittelversorgung spezifischer Gruppen von Patientinnen und Patienten wie beispielsweise von Kindern, älteren Menschen oder MS-Erkrankten zu bewerten? Sind Defizite bei der Verordnung von Kontrazeptiva, bei der Hormonersatztherapie, an der Schnittstelle von ambulanter und stationärer Versorgung oder von Patientinnen und Patienten mit Covid-19 erkennbar? Welche Hürden und Hindernisse gilt es zu bewältigen, um diese Defizite auszugleichen? Wie kann das Wissen über eine qualitativ hochwertige Arzneimittelversorgung auch in der Praxis umgesetzt werden? Zentrale Entwicklungen im Arzneimittelmarkt werden analysiert und beschriebenDie Ausgaben für Arzneimittel und Impfstoffe, die im Jahr 2021 mit 52,0 Mrd. € einen neuen Höchststand erreicht haben, werden differenziert in den Blick genommen. Die Auswertungen basieren auf 810 Millionen Verordnungen von mehr als 210.000 Ärztinnen und Ärzten für 73,3 Mio. GKV-Versicherte. Besondere Beachtung gilt den Trends in den Marktsegmenten Generika, Biosimilars, Patentarzneimittel und Orphan Drugs. Die Wirksamkeit der gesetzlichen Regulierungsinstrumente wird gleichfalls betrachtet. Ein Blick auf die Arzneimittelversorgung in Deutschland im Vergleich zu anderen europäischen Ländern rundet diesen Teil ab.Die Herausgeberinnen und HerausgeberDer Arzneimittel-Kompass 2022 wird von Helmut Schröder, Dr. Carsten Telschow und Dr. Melanie Schröder vom Wissenschaftlichen Institut der AOK (WIdO), Prof. Dr. med. Petra Thürmann von der Universität Witten-Herdecke und Prof. Dr. med. Reinhard Busse von der Technischen Universität Berlin herausgegeben.
Pearson Education (US) Classroom Assessment: Supporting Teaching and Learning in Real Classrooms
The second edition of this exceptionally lucid and practical assessment text provides a wealth of powerful concrete examples that help students to understand assessment concepts and to effectively use assessment to support learning. The book offers unique coverage of ways to use assessment to support student learning across the developmental span from Kindergarten through high school. Rather than treat assessment separately from instruction, this book's unique approach treats assessment as a central factor in the life of a teacher every day, whether it's part of planning instruction, composing small study groups, or communicating test results to pupils, parents and principals. The book also provides more coverage than any other classroom assessment text of how to adapt assessment to the needs of students with disabilities and students whose first language is not English.
Pan Macmillan Monkey Puzzle Make and Do Book
Packed with craft activities and over 200 stickers, Monkey Puzzle Make and Do book is a great gift for any child – ideal for rainy days and holidays.Where is Monkey's mummy? It's not too much fun being lost in the jungle, and little monkey wants his mum. A kindly butterfly is keen to help, but they don't seem to be having much luck and keep finding the wrong animals! Join in their adventures with this fun craft book – make your own jungle card game, create a pair of brilliant butterfly wings to wear, and find out lots of clever and creative ways to turn your handprints into your favourite jungle animals!Based on the bestselling picture book, Monkey Puzzle by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler, creators of The Gruffalo.
Princeton University Press Beethoven and His World
Few composers even begin to approach Beethoven's pervasive presence in modern Western culture, from the concert hall to the comic strip. Edited by a cultural historian and a music theorist, Beethoven and His World gathers eminent scholars from several disciplines who collectively speak to the range of Beethoven's importance and of our perennial fascination with him. The contributors address Beethoven's musical works and their cultural contexts. Reinhold Brinkmann explores the post-revolutionary context of Beethoven's "Eroica" Symphony, while Lewis Lockwood establishes a typology of heroism in works like Fidelio. Elaine Sisman, Nicholas Marston, and Glenn Stanley discuss issues of temporality, memory, and voice in works at the threshold of Beethoven's late style, such as An die Ferne Geliebte, the Cello Sonata op. 102, no. 1, and the somewhat later Piano Sonata op. 109. Peering behind the scenes into Beethoven's workshop, Tilman Skowroneck explains how the young Beethoven chose his pianos, and William Kinderman shows Beethoven in the process of sketching and revising his compositions. The volume concludes with four essays engaging the broader question of reception of Beethoven's impact on his world and ours. Christopher Gibbs' study of Beethoven's funeral and its aftermath features documentary material appearing in English for the first time; art historian Alessandra Comini offers an illustrated discussion of Beethoven's ubiquitous and iconic frown; Sanna Pederson takes up the theme of masculinity in critical representations of Beethoven; and Leon Botstein examines the aesthetics and politics of hearing extramusical narratives and plots in Beethoven's music. Bringing together varied and fresh approaches to the West's most celebrated composer, this collection of essays provides music lovers with an enriched understanding of Beethoven--as man, musician, and phenomenon.
Faber & Faber Evening at The Talk House
At Ted's instigation, the old gang gather once more at the almost legendary club The Talk House. Ten years on and presided over still by the kindly Nellie, there's the same genteel atmosphere, familiar drinks, unchanging special snacks. But the era of Walter Barclay is long gone.A playwright, a composer, an actress.The possibility of a pleasant night.Evening at The Talk House by Wallace Shawn premiered at the National Theatre, London, in November 2015.
Little, Brown & Company Kaiju Girl Caramelise, Vol. 6
Is it really over? After Kuroe and Minami had a massive argument where shekinda-sorta broke up with him, she’s been a total emotional wreck. However, when anUnidentified Flying Object, traveling at high speeds appears in front of Kuroe, it’s up toher to save Tokyo! But distracted as she is, she soon finds herself at the mercy of theother kaiju. Will Minami step up to save the day-or turn his back on the girl he onceloved...?
Titan Books Ltd Michael Moorcock's Elric Vol. 4: The Dreaming City
A stunning comic adaptation of the classic Elric of Melnibone novels by Michael Moorcock! The albino emperor, Elric of Melnibone, is exiled from his home and cursed to walk the land under the influence of the god of chaos, Arioch. With his sword Stormbringer, Elric must find his way through the unknown, unaware he is being sought by his long-lost love. But is she looking to re-kindle their love, or something far more sinister?
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Chemische Spielereien: Kreative Ideen für kleine und große Forscher
Vom Eiswürfelkran zum selbst gemachten Christbaumschmuck: mehr als 50 originelle Versuche zu den Grundlagen der Chemie mit Bildanleitung und kindgerechter Erklärung wecken auf spielerische Weise das Interesse an der Natur und an der Wissenschaft.
Esta nueva entrega de la serie 'Black Hammer', galardonada en los Eisner, retrotrae al lector a una aventura ambientada en la Segunda Guerra Mundial, que viene a añadir complejidad y emoción al universo creado por Lemire y Ormston.Durante la edad de oro de los superhéroes, un equipo de élite de las fuerzas aéreas llamado el Escuadrón Martillo Negro se unió para combatir a los nazis, una variedad de amenazas esotéricas y su guerrero aéreo supremo, el Cazador Fantasma.Este volumen recopila los números 1 a 4 de 'Black Hammer ?45' del equipo creativo formado por Ray Fawkes, Jeff Lemire y Matt Kindt, además de una selección de bocetos.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Hypomnemata.
Patchworkfamilien in der Spätantike thematisiert das Phänomen der Wiederverheiratung nach Scheidung oder Verwitwung in Gesellschaft, Recht und Mentalität der jÃ"dischen, heidnischen und römisch-christlichen Antike. Postuliert wird eine Kohärenz zwischen einem im Wandel befindlichen jÃ"dischen Eherecht im ersten nachchristlichen Jahrhundert und der beginnenden Ausbildung einer neuartig christlichen Sicht auf das Gebilde Familie. Der im jÃ"dischen Recht schwindende Rechtsschutz fÃ"r ersteheliche Kinder in Patchworkfamilien gehörte zum konkreten Erfahrungshorizont der ersten Christen und kann mit verantwortlich zeichnen fÃ"r die reaktionäre Herausbildung einer konservativ-christlichen Scheidungsmoral.
Scarecrow Press Masks from Antiquity to the Modern Era: An Annotated Bibliography
While masks are some of the more prominent artifacts in the art, religious and dramatic worlds, there has not to date been a complete bibliography of the books, catalogs, and articles in the field. The more than 1200 citations in this bibliography range from making masks in kindergarten to academic books on the anthropological theory of masks. Arrangement is by type of resource, subdivided by geographical area and/or subject. An extensive keyword index is provided to increase the accessibility of the literature. This bibliography should appeal to a diverse audience—including librarians, teachers, art scholars, and students of art at all levels.
Knock Knock Knock Knock Comfort Calm Stress Soothers Oracle Tub
This little tub o' stress-relief magic knows you've got this& it's gonna be OK! It's chock-full of soothing, grounded messages to help cultivate calm & talk back to anxiety. (Kinda like little tiny oracle cards! But cuter!) Draw one whenever you want an ahhh from the Universeand a haha! Repeat daily, weekly, hourly, or minute-ly as needed. Oracle deck + sweet lil tub = ah-dorable mindfulness dispenser! File under: best anxiety-relief items & mental health gifts ever! Sturdy box [4 x 2.75 inches] + 75 diecut feather-shaped messages of self-care & reassurance!
Ideapress Publishing Wonderhell: Why Success Doesn't Feel Like It Should . . . and What to Do About It
AS SEEN ON GOOD MORNING AMERICAHave you ever accomplished something you weren’t so sure you could do? Success has always been the end goal, but when you achieve it ... something infuriatingly predictable happens. You start wondering what more you can do.Instead of success bringing you happiness, it hands you an increased hunger to achieve something even bigger. And with that desire also comes uncertainty, self-doubt, anxiety and stress.Success, in other words, is kinda wonderful ... but it’s also kinda hell. Welcome to Wonderhell.Wonderhell is that space in your psyche where the burden of your newly discovered potential plops down, unpacks its backpack, and asks: Hey, you! Whatcha got for me?Living in an ambitious, results-oriented society, we often mischaracterize the turbulent emotions that surround success, deeming them a “necessary evil”—a byproduct of one’s rise to the top. We tend to think that we just need to survive these difficult moments, to hang on by our fingernails and somehow get through these stressful, unwanted side effects of our success. We torture ourselves with a never-ending internal dialogue: I can handle this. Can I handle this?But we are wrong. Learning to live in this newfound potential can be exciting rather than exhausting. Emotions like fear, anxiety, and heartbreak are not collateral damage, slings and arrows to be absorbed and swallowed down, silenced and pushed aside. Rather, each emotion is a portal that shows us what more we can do, if instead we recognize that on the other side of this wonderful hell that we so badly wanted is another and another and another . . . but only if we choose to accept it.
Wordsworth Editions Ltd Antony and Cleopatra
Edited, introduced and annotated by Cedric Watts, M.A., Ph.D., Emeritus Professor of English, University of Sussex. Antony and Cleopatra is one of Shakespeare's greatest tragedies: a spectacular, widely-ranging drama of love and war, passion and politics. Antony is divided between the responsibilities of imperial power and the intensities of his sexual relationship with Cleopatra. She, variously generous and ruthless, loving and jealous, petulant and majestic, emerges as Shakespeare's most complex depiction of a woman: ‘Age cannot wither her, nor custom staleHer infinite variety.’ Unsurpassed in sumptous eloquence and powerful characterisation, Anthony and Cleopatra deservedly retains its popularity in the theatre. Its insights into the corruptions of power and the ambiguities of desire remain timely. This volume is part of the Wordsworth Classics' Shakespeare Series, in which each volume has been edited by Cedric Watts. Readers wishing to know more of Cedric Watts’ work should buy his ‘Shakespeare Puzzles’, published by PublishNation (ISBN 978-1-291-66410-2), available from Amazon (both in printed and Kindle editions) and through all good bookshops.