Search results for ""Author Kind"
David Fickling Books The Magic Place
A stunning, elegant and uplifting adventure about searching for the most magical place of all - home. Have you ever dreamed of somewhere better? A life more colourful and full of joy? Escape with our sparky heroine, Clementine, and find your own magic place. A story to kindle hope in the heart of every child who reads it . . .
Green Writers Press Clark the Colorblind Chameleon
How difficult would it be for a little chameleon that can’t change colors because he is colorblind? Clark The Colorblind Chameleon is a modern-day fable written for a Kindergarten class when they were targeting a child for his differences. This story is especially timely with the political atmosphere of intolerance for anyone who is different. Often those very differences lead to brilliant creations and new ways of viewing and understanding each other, ultimately enriching our lives. Clark almost gets caught by a hungry cat, as he is the only chameleon who turns the wrong color and can be seen. Through the help of the Wise Chameleon, he learns how to work hard and push through his discouragement. After all his hard work, he not only can match colors, but discovers a talent for changing into fantastic colors no chameleon has ever done before!
McGraw-Hill Education McGraw-Hill's Spanish for Educators, Premium Second Edition
Communicate with your Spanish-speaking students and parents with confidence!McGraw-Hill's Spanish for Educators, Second Edition, gives you more than 3,000 Spanish words and phrases and the basic grammar needed to use them properly and with confidence. You will learn vocabulary that covers every aspect of a student's school career, from kindergarten enrollment through high school graduation.Designed to get you up and running quickly with all the Spanish you need to build stronger relationships with Spanish-speaking students and families, this practical guide features:• English-Spanish mini-dictionary• Spanish grammar primer• Hundreds of practical, hands-on exercises• Bilingual forms and letters for parents• Review of key vocabulary and pronunciation• Audio recordings of hundreds of key expressions, available via the McGraw-Hill Language Lab app
Waldorf Early Childhood Association North America School Readiness Today: A Report from the Pedagogical Section of the Goetheanum
The transition, at the age of six or seven, from kindergarten to school is an important stage of child development.This little book offers valuable insights into understanding and discerning school readiness, and includes colour illustrations of children's drawings which illustrate this developmental stage in an insightful, and concrete, way.Based on research presented at the International Association for Steiner-Waldorf Early Childhood Education conference at the Goetheanum, this book will be helpful for both teachers and parents.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Arzneimittel-Kompass 2022: Qualität der Arzneimittelversorgung
Der Arzneimittel-Kompass 2022, der sowohl als Open-Access-Publikation als auch als gedrucktes Buch erscheint, widmet sich dem Schwerpunktthema „Qualität der Arzneimittelversorgung“. Dabei stehen die Qualitätssicherung und das Qualitätsmanagement in der zweiten Ausgabe des Arzneimittel-Kompass im Fokus. Namhafte Autorinnen und Autoren analysieren Stärken und Schwächen in der Arzneimittelversorgung und beschreiben die Umsetzungsherausforderungen, die der komplexe Prozess einer optimalen Versorgung der Bevölkerung mit Arzneimitteln mit sich bringt. Der Arzneimittel-Kompass 2022 geht unter anderem den folgenden Fragen nach: Was wird unter Qualität in der Arzneimittelversorgung verstanden? Wie ist die Qualität in der Arzneimittelversorgung spezifischer Gruppen von Patientinnen und Patienten wie beispielsweise von Kindern, älteren Menschen oder MS-Erkrankten zu bewerten? Sind Defizite bei der Verordnung von Kontrazeptiva, bei der Hormonersatztherapie, an der Schnittstelle von ambulanter und stationärer Versorgung oder von Patientinnen und Patienten mit Covid-19 erkennbar? Welche Hürden und Hindernisse gilt es zu bewältigen, um diese Defizite auszugleichen? Wie kann das Wissen über eine qualitativ hochwertige Arzneimittelversorgung auch in der Praxis umgesetzt werden? Zentrale Entwicklungen im Arzneimittelmarkt werden analysiert und beschriebenDie Ausgaben für Arzneimittel und Impfstoffe, die im Jahr 2021 mit 52,0 Mrd. € einen neuen Höchststand erreicht haben, werden differenziert in den Blick genommen. Die Auswertungen basieren auf 810 Millionen Verordnungen von mehr als 210.000 Ärztinnen und Ärzten für 73,3 Mio. GKV-Versicherte. Besondere Beachtung gilt den Trends in den Marktsegmenten Generika, Biosimilars, Patentarzneimittel und Orphan Drugs. Die Wirksamkeit der gesetzlichen Regulierungsinstrumente wird gleichfalls betrachtet. Ein Blick auf die Arzneimittelversorgung in Deutschland im Vergleich zu anderen europäischen Ländern rundet diesen Teil ab.Die Herausgeberinnen und HerausgeberDer Arzneimittel-Kompass 2022 wird von Helmut Schröder, Dr. Carsten Telschow und Dr. Melanie Schröder vom Wissenschaftlichen Institut der AOK (WIdO), Prof. Dr. med. Petra Thürmann von der Universität Witten-Herdecke und Prof. Dr. med. Reinhard Busse von der Technischen Universität Berlin herausgegeben.
Scheidegger und Spiess AG, Verlag Meret Oppenheim – My Album: From Childhood to 1943
The complex, enigmatic work of Meret Oppenheim (1913–1985) has lost nothing of its fascination to the present day. Much has been written about her career and her art. Yet very little is known about the real person Meret Oppenheim, who always remained secretive about herself and banned publication of any personal documents until 20 years after her death. In 1958, Oppenheim put together an album that she titled Von der Kindheit bis 1943 (From Childhood to 1943). It has a dual identity of a diary and a work of art in itself. It assembles photos, objects, notes and brief texts, as well as ideas and concepts for art works, and offers very personal insights into Oppenheim’s private life and thought. This book features the entire album in true-size colour reproductions and, for the first time ever, with the full text translated into English. This is supplemented with a previously unpublished autobiographical text by Oppenheim, which she wrote in 1957-58 on the request of the French scholar Yves Poupard-Lieussou for his never completed project of a bio-bibliographical history of Dada and Surrealism. An introduction by the editors Lisa Wenger and Martina Corgnati rounds out this beautiful book that offers entirely new perspectives on one of the most distinguished woman artists. Text in English and German.
Penguin Books Ltd The Lost Spells: An enchanting, beautiful book for lovers of the natural world
Beautiful books make unforgettable gifts. This pocket-sized treasure is the perfect present for fans of nature, language and rich artwork, adult and child alike!Kindred in spirit to The Lost Words but fresh in its form, The Lost Spells introduces a beautiful new set of natural spell-poems and artwork by beloved creative duo Robert Macfarlane and Jackie Morris.Each "spell" conjures an animal, bird, tree or flower -- from Barn Owl to Red Fox, Grey Seal to Silver Birch, Jay to Jackdaw -- with which we share our lives and landscapes. Moving, joyful and funny, The Lost Spells above all celebrates a sense of wonder, bearing witness to nature's power to amaze, console and bring joy.Written to be read aloud, painted in brushstrokes that call to the forest, field, riverbank and also to the heart, The Lost Spells summons back what is often lost from sight and care, teaching the names of everyday species, and inspiring its readers to attention, love and care.'Luminously beautiful. An amulet in dark times, to be carried like a talisman out into the world, where it is very much needed' Dara McAnulty'A book about spells that succeeds in being spell-binding in its own right . . . It already feels like a true classic. Buy one copy for yourself and any others for as many children as you can afford' Books for Keeps
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Normativer Individualismus in Ethik, Politik und Recht
Menschliches Handeln gegenüber anderen bedarf der Rechtfertigung. Diese kann verschiedene Anknüpfungspunkte wählen, so etwa Interessen, Bedürfnisse, Werte. In normativer Hinsicht ist entscheidend, worauf man sie zurückführt. Sind es in letzter Instanz nur Individuen? Oder gelten in letzter Instanz auch Kollektive und Werte? Daran knüpft sich eine Vielzahl an Folgefragen. Zu klären gilt etwa, welche Individuen maßgeblich sind und ob diese auch sich selbst gegenüber Pflichten haben. Lässt sich ein normativer Individualismus mit der Verpflichtung des Einzelnen durch den Staat vereinbaren? Ist er auch dann noch überzeugend, wenn es um Kinder geht, für die andere entscheiden? Der Sammelband widmet sich diesen Fragen, indem er aus verschiedenen Perspektiven nach den Voraussetzungen wie Folgen eines normativen Individualismus fragt.
Harriman House Publishing Eyewitness
By the close of the last millennium Dorling Kindersley had become one of the most recognisable brands in publishing. Across the range of illustrated household reference titles, from children's books to travel guides, its distinctive look of colourful images cut out against a white background could be seen on bookshelves throughout the country - and indeed the publishing world. Apart from three minor acquisitions, DK had grown organically over 25 years to be a publicly listed company with a turnover of GBP200 million, some 1500 employees, publishing arms across the English language markets, a 50-strong international sales force that dealt with more than 400 publishers, a direct selling business with 30,000 independent distributors, and had expanded its skills for delivering handsomely designed reference books into the new media of videos, CD-ROMs and online educational content. Then a series of catastrophic printing decisions brought the company to its knees, and ultimately into the arms of Pearson. Christopher Davis is uniquely positioned to tell the story of DK's rise and fall. He joined the company at its foundation and in due course became Group Publisher.The narrative he provides is a dual one, encompassing the visionary genius of Peter Kindersley and the publishing revolution he fomented, and charting the remarkable, sometimes precarious, frequently hilarious, roller-coaster ride as the company grew from a handful of people in a studio in South London to a substantial global business. In the rapidly changing publishing climate of today, this book is also a nostalgic reminder of a time when creativity could flourish unburdened by the shackles of corporate bureaucracy.
Verso Books Proletarian China: A Century of Chinese Labour
In 2021, the Chinese Communist Party celebrated a century of existence. Since the Party's humble beginnings in the Marxist groups of the Republican era to its current global ambitions, one thing has not changed for China's leaders: their claim to represent the vanguard of the Chinese working class. Spanning from the night classes for workers organised by student activists in Beijing in the 1910s to the labour struggles during the 1920s and 1930s; from the turmoil of the Cultural Revolution to the social convulsions of the reform era to China's global push today, this book reconstructs the contentious history of labour in China from the early twentieth century to this day (and beyond). This will be achieved through a series of essays penned by scholars in the field of Chinese society, politics, and culture, each one of which will revolve around a specific historical event, in a mosaic of different voices, perspectives, and interpretations of what constituted the experience of being a worker in China in the past century.Contributors: Corey Byrnes, Craig A. Smith, Xu Guoqi, Zhou Ruixue, Lin Chun, Elizabeth J. Perry, Tony Saich, Wang Kan, Gail Hershatter, Apo Leong, S.A. Smith, Alexander F. Day, Yige Dong, Seung-Joon Lee, Lu Yan, Joshua Howard, Bo Ærenlund Sørensen, Brian DeMare, Emily Honig, Po-chien Chen, Yi-hung Liu, Jake Werner, Malcolm Thompson, Robert Cliver, Mark W. Frazier, John Williams, Christian Sorace, Zhu Ruiyi, Ivan Franceschini, Chen Feng, Ben Kindler, Jane Hayward, Tim Wright, Koji Hirata, Jacob Eyferth, Aminda Smith, Fabio Lanza, Ralph Litzinger, Jonathan Unger, Covell F. Meyskens, Maggie Clinton, Patricia M. Thornton, Ray Yep, Andrea Piazzaroli Longobardi, Joel Andreas, Matt Galway, Michel Bonnin, A.C. Baecker, Mary Ann O'Donnell, Tiantian Zheng, Jeanne L. Wilson, Ming-sho Ho, Yueran Zhang, Anita Chan, Sarah Biddulph, Jude Howell, William Hurst, Dorothy J. Solinger, Ching Kwan Lee, Chloé Froissart, Mary Gallagher, Eric Florence, Junxi Qian, Chris King-chi Chan, Elaine Sio-Ieng Hui, Jenny Chan, Eli Friedman, Aaron Halegua, Wanning Sun, Marc Blecher, Huang Yu, Manfred Elfstrom, Darren Byler, Carlos Rojas, Chen Qiufan.
Peeters Publishers Broze levens, krachtige vrouwen: Zussen, moeders en tantes Goubau in de achttiende eeuw
Drie dochters uit de adellijke Antwerpse familie Goubau, in 1715 als kinderen wees geworden, zochten als tieners en twintigers hoe zij hun familie zowel materieel als emotioneel bij elkaar konden houden. De drie zussen Goubau steunden op tantes, neven en nichten, grootmoeders, vriendinnen en enkele ooms om hun persoonlijke levens en familiale ambities te realiseren. In hun brieven leren we hoe hun netwerk functioneerde en hoe zelfstandig zij waren. De langst levende van de drie, Joanna Theresia Goubau, geraakte door haar huwelijk met James Dormer stevig in de Antwerpse elite verankerd en combineerde voor de kinderen zorgen met zakendoen, ook nadat ze weduwe geworden was. Een dubbelhuwelijk van haar dochter en haar stiefzoon met telgen uit de prominente familie van Brouchoven van Bergeyck zette de kroon op het werk en consolideerde de familie als een emotionele gemeenschap. Het familiearchief, nu bewaard in kasteel Cortewalle in Beveren, ontsluit ons hun wereld.
Mientras el malvado Ubel está arrasando todas las instituciones mágicas del Ether, acaparando el poder absoluto, Violeta Campana ha desaparecido en misteriosas y violentas circunstancias. Parece que solo el aventurero Boone Dias puede encontrarla, saltando de una escena de crimen mágica a otra, pero un sarcófago de combate, unos insidiosos piratas y un bosque habitado por un extraño organismo amenazan con interponerse en su camino.Matt Kindt y David Rubín finalizan con este tercer volumen una travesía en la que ciencia y magia se dan la mano para mostrar que a veces el ser humano también aprende de sus errores. Incluye una selección de bocetos e ilustraciones de artistas como Paul Azaceta, Farel Dalrymple y Gabriel Walta, entre otros.Tanto David Rubín como Matt Kindt fueron nominados en los premios Eisner 2018 por sus trabajos como dibujante y guionista respectivamente en 'Ether', entre otros, y el primer volumen de la serie, que ya va por su segunda edición, fue seleccionado por
Palgrave USA The Tarnished Garden
The Manhattan School for Magic is the newest kindling school in New York, but Maeve O’Donnell knows she doesn't deserve her place there. Though her sister, Izzy, is one of the school's founders and a hero to those who can now kindle, Maeve can't control her magic—and one day it goes rogue, leaving her desperate to repair what she's broken. Then she discovers a garden in the tenement neighbourhood of the Tarnish, a hidden place where her magic actually works. She befriends talking kittens (that is, house dragons) who need her help to find their missing mother. But someone else is searching for the kittens, someone who doesn’t care how many magical sites they destroy to stop magic’s expansion. And Maeve’s unstable powers might be the only way to save her sister’s school from being snuffed out next.
Little, Brown & Company Badlands
Laura's worst fears have been realized: Kindle has been taken into custody and she is once again on the run. The noose awaits her in New York, but Laura is realizing that there are some things worse than death. Finally running out of places to hide, it may be time for Dr. Catherine Bennett to face her past.
Little, Brown & Company Today's Cerberus, Vol. 11
Valentine's Day is only two weeks away, and Chiaki already has admirers fighting for the right to give him chocolates! But when Orthros kidnaps Chiaki, it kinda kills the romance. Can the gang find a way to the underworld to mount a rescue? More importantly, can they accomplish their mission once Orthros's true scheme is revealed...?
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Trauerforschung: Basis für praktisches Handeln
Professionelle Angebote für Trauernde gibt es seit über drei Jahrzehnten. Viele Fachkräfte verfügen über einen großen Schatz an Erfahrungswissen in der Trauerbegleitung. Doch wie steht es um die Kenntnisse aus der Trauerforschung? Welche Faktoren wirken auf das Erleben posttraumatischen Wachstums ein? In welcher Weise sind Kinder bei der Verlustverarbeitung auf ihre Eltern angewiesen? Welche Funktionen könnte die Komplizierte Trauer in der modernen Gesellschaft haben? Verlustsituationen sind komplex. Verkürzte Darstellungen und vereinfachende Annahmen sind wenig hilfreich. Die Autorinnen stellen Kernthemen der Trauerforschung vor, damit Fachkräfte auf wissenschaftlich fundierter Basis Betroffene besser unterstützen können.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Erste Schritte mit JavaScript für Dummies Junior
Weißt du, was der Computer macht, wenn du ihm den JavaScript-Befehl alert (4 + 8) gibst? Dann erscheint auf dem Bildschirm ein schickes Fenster - natürlich mit der 12. Du siehst, Programmieren ist gar nicht so schwer. Du musst nur die Befehle kennen und wissen, was sie bewirken. Genau das lernst du in diesem Buch. Und damit das noch mehr Spaß macht, haben sich die Autoren Chris Minnick und Eva Holland für Kinder und Jugendliche ab 10 Jahre drei spannende Projekte für dich ausgedacht: einen Super-Rechner, einen animierten Roboter und ein Wörter-Spiel. Ran an die Tasten!
Aiora Press Moscov Selim
Georgios Vizyenos (1849-1896) is one of Greeces best-loved writers. Moskov Selim is set in Thrace, a corner of Europe where Greece, Turkey and Bulgaria meet. Selim is a Muslim name, yet Moskov implies that he is a Russian. Vizyenos fascinating and moving story is set during a time of constant wars between Russians and Turks whose outcome would decide the future of south-east Europe: Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria were becoming independent of the Ottoman empire, while Greece was to gain huge territories at the empires expense. Although Istanbul would remain in Turkey, it would no longer be the seat of the Ottoman Sultan, who, as caliph, was the leader of the worlds Muslims. Vizyenos story evokes a time when Greeks and Turks could share each others joys and pains despite the hostile relations between their governments. Listening to the protagonists life story, the narrator of Moskov Selim discovers that this Turk is a kindred spirit, despite the gulf of nationality and religion that separates them.
Simon & Schuster Sam the Man & the Rutabaga Plan
Sam the Man has a new school project. He’s got to “babysit” the—eep!—worst vegetable ever this second hilarious chapter book in a new series from Frances O’Roark Dowell.Sam the Man is back, and he needs a NEW plan. Sam has already solved a chicken problem, but this time, he’s having rutabaga issues. Rutabaga? Yes, Rutabaga. You see, Sam thought he was quite clever, missing school while his classmates were picking out their vegetable for a two-week science project. But, instead of being able to skip the project, he gets stuck with the vegetable that no one else wanted: the rutabaga! What even is this thing? It’s dirty and kinda purple, and it does not look like something Sam would ever eat. Sam the Man is not a vegetable man to begin with, and he doesn’t think he’ll ever be a rutabaga man. But after drawing a little face on it, he starts to grow fond of the curious veg. Then it dawns on him that vegetables don’t last forever…so he changes his plan: he has to keep this rutabaga happy—and rot-free—for as long as he can. To do that, he’ll have to make the best dirt possible. All he needs is a little help from nature, and, of course, his chickens!
Cicerone Press Scrambles in the Dark Peak: Easy summer scrambles and winter climbs
A guidebook to 41 scrambles in the Peak District National Park. Covering the Dark Peak and Roaches areas, the routes are graded 1–3 and range from those that are suitable for adventurous walkers to harder routes that require some climbing experience.Alongside a route description, information on approach, link routes, variants and extensions is provided allowing the routes to be adapted to suit you. 1:25,000 OS maps are included for each route Four winter routes are described including Mam Tor and Black Tor gullies Easy access from Manchester and Sheffield Local points of interest include Kinder Scout and Bleaklow Advice on equipment, access and conservation restrictions
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Wombles
"The Wombles" is the first ever Wombles book and introduces the stern but kindly Great Uncle Bulgaria; Orinoco, who is particularly fond of his food and a subsequent forty winks; general handyman extraordinaire Tobermory, who can turn almost anything that the Wombles retrieve from Wimbledon Common into something useful; Madame Cholet, who cooks the most delicious and natural foods to keep the Wombles happy and contented; and, last but not least, Bungo, one of the youngest and cheekiest Wombles of all, who has much to learn and is due to venture out on to the Common on his own for the very first time...
Seven Seas Entertainment, LLC Happy Kanako's Killer Life Vol. 1
When Kanako accidentally applies to work at an assassination agency, the timid office worker discovers that she has a knack for bumping people off! Will she ever earn the respect of Sakurai, her prickly and kinda hot co-worker - and why is she still having silly work place problems when she works with hitmen?! This full-colour manga is dangerously funny!
Nick Hern Books Three Sisters On Hope Street
A funny, vibrant and moving version of Chekhov's Three Sisters, set amongst the Jewish community in wartime Liverpool. From the award-winning writer Diane Samuels (Kindertransport) and well-known actress and writer Tracy-Ann Oberman. Liverpool, 1946. A year after the sudden death of their father, sisters Gertie, May and Rita Lasky share their once grand home on Hope Street with their asthmatic brother Arnold, Auntie Biel (who still keeps her packed suitcase under the spare bed) and old family friend Dr Nate Weinberg (who claims, hand on heart, to be on the wagon). As the sisters regularly welcome GIs and pilots from the nearby American base, each continues her own search for meaning amidst the shattered remains of their city, in a rapidly changing world. Three Sisters on Hope Street was first staged at the Everyman Theatre, Liverpool, in 2008, transferring to Hampstead Theatre, London.
De Gruyter Jeremias Altmann – YOUNG PROPHECIES / MACHINES: Zwei Werkserien / Two Series of Works
Zwei Werkserien von Jeremias Altmann In seiner künstlerischen Arbeit beschäftigt sich Jeremias Altmann mit den Themen Maschine, Mensch und Entwicklung. Die aufwendig gestaltete Künstlermonografie präsentiert die beiden Werkserien YOUNG PROPHECIES und MACHINES. In der Serie YOUNG PROPHECIES rekonstruiert Altmann seine eigenen Kinderzeichnungen. Die Auseinandersetzung mit dem Innenleben technischer Apparaturen im zeitlichen Wandel ist Ausgangspunkt für die Serie MACHINES. Die Präsentation der Serien wird ergänzt durch einen essayistischen Text des Künstlers, von Fragen kindlicher Entwicklungspsychologie bis zu Reflexionen zum Spannungsfeld Mensch/Maschine. Die ungewöhnliche Gestaltung des Buches mit zwei Leserichtungen erlaubt das spielerische Erforschen der Serien: Leseroutinen werden aufgebrochen; Texte und Bilder sind zu einer besonderen Einheit verwoben. Präsentation zweier außergewöhnlicher Werkserien des Künstlers Jeremias Altmann Unkonventionell gestaltetes Buchobjekt mit zwei Leserichtungen Mit Beiträgen von Barbara Herbst, Antonia Hoerschelmann, Esther Mlenek, Günther Oberhollenzer und Nina Schedlmayer
Pegasus Books The Tsarina's Lost Treasure: Catherine the Great, a Golden Age Masterpiece, and a Legendary Shipwreck
A riveting history and maritime adventure about priceless masterpieces originally destined for Catherine the Great.On October 1771, a merchant ship out of Amsterdam, Vrouw Maria, crashed off the stormy Finnish coast, taking her historic cargo to the depths of the Baltic Sea. The vessel was delivering a dozen Dutch masterpiece paintings to Europe’s most voracious collector: Catherine the Great, Empress of Russia. Among the lost treasures was The Nursery, an oak-paneled triptych by Leiden fine painter Gerrit Dou, Rembrandt’s most brilliant student and Holland’s first international superstar artist. Dou’s triptych was long the most beloved and most coveted painting of the Dutch Golden Age, and its loss in the shipwreck was mourned throughout the art world. Vrouw Maria, meanwhile, became a maritime legend, confounding would-be salvagers for more than two hundred years. In July 1999, a daring Finnish wreck hunter found Vrouw Maria, upright on the sea floor and perfectly preserved. The Tsarina’s Lost Treasure masterfully recounts the fascinating tale of Vrouw Maria—her loss and discovery—weaving together the rise and fall of the artist whose priceless masterpiece was the jewel of the wreckage. Gerald Easter and Mara Vorhees bring to vivid life the personalities that drove (and are still driving) this compelling tale, evoking Robert Massie’s depiction of Russian high politics and culture, Simon Schama’s insights into Dutch Golden Age art and art history, Gary Kinder’s spirit of, danger and adventure on the beguiling Archipelago Sea.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Variations on the Canon: Essays on Music from Bach to Boulez in Honor of Charles Rosen on His Eightieth Birthday
Masterful essays honoring the great pianist and critic Charles Rosen, on masterpieces from Bach and Beethoven to Chopin, Verdi, and Stockhausen. Charles Rosen, the pianist and man of letters, is perhaps the single most influential writer on music of the past half-century. While Rosen's vast range as a writer and performer is encyclopedic, it has focused particularly on theliving "canonical" repertory extending from Bach to Boulez. Inspired in its liveliness and variety of critical approaches by Charles Rosen's challenging work, Variations on the Canon offers original essays by some of the world's most eminent musical scholars. Contributors address such issues as style and compositional technique, genre, influence and modeling, and reception history; develop insights afforded by close examination of compositional sketches; and consider what language and metaphors might most meaningfully convey insights into music. However diverse the modes of inquiry, each essay sheds new light on the works of those composers posterity has deemed central to the modern Western musical tradition. Contributors: Pierre Boulez, Scott Burnham, Elliott Carter, Robert Curry, Walter Frisch, David Gable, Philip Gossett, Jeffrey Kallberg, Joseph Kerman, Richard Kramer, William Kinderman, Lewis Lockwood, Sir Charles Mackerras, Robert L. Marshall, Robert P. Morgan, Charles Rosen, Julian Rushton, David Schulenberg, László Somfai, Leo Treitler, James Webster, and Robert Winter. Robert Curry is principalof the Conservatorium High School and honorary senior lecturer in the Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Sydney; David Gable is Assistant Professor of Music at Clark-Atlanta University; Robert L. Marshall is Louis, Frances, and Jeffrey Sachar Professor Emeritus of Music at Brandeis University.
Skyhorse Publishing Preschool Fun Activity Book for Curious Kids: More Than 300 Early Learning Exercises Teaching Numbers, the Alphabet, Colors, and More!
Full color activities for young children ages 2 to 5. Fun and prepares kids for Kindergarten Teaches alphabet, numbers, basic phonics, and more.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Ambulanzmanual Pädiatrie von A-Z
Dieses Buch passt in die Kitteltasche jedes Kinder- und Jugendarztes! Bei der Erstversorgung erkrankter Kinder gilt die Devise: Richtig einschätzen, schnell entscheiden, sicher handeln – auf Station, in der Ambulanz und in der Notaufnahme, Tag und Nacht. Das Ambulanzmanual Pädiatrie hat sich als nützlicher Begleiter bewährt, um das eigene Wissen schnell aufzurufen und in jeder Situation adäquat reagieren zu können.Nach A-Z praktisch gegliedert, sind alle gängigen Krankheitsbilder, typischen Leitsymptome und weitere wichtige Themen der Kinder- und Jugendmedizin sofort auffindbar und in komprimierter Form nachzulesen. Fallstricke und mögliche Komplikationen springen unmittelbar ins Auge.Das Ambulanzmanual Pädiatrie wurde von Münchner Klinikärzten aus den Alltagserfahrungen heraus entwickelt und erfolgreich eingesetzt. Seine Spezialität: es enthält Symptome und Notfälle, wie sie in der Ambulanz wirklich vorkommen, von Acne vulgaris über Erbrechen bis zu Meningitis.Für die 5. Auflage wurde das gesamte Buch einschließlich des Medikamententeils auf den neuesten Stand gebracht. Speziell wurde die Therapie von Infektionen überarbeitet, zudem wurde die Dosisanpassung bei Niereninsuffizienz eingearbeitet.
Astra Publishing House The Forever Sea
The first book in a new environmental epic fantasy series set in a world where ships kept afloat by magical hearthfires sail an endless grass sea.On the never-ending, miles-high expanse of prairie grasses known as the Forever Sea, Kindred Greyreach, hearthfire keeper and sailor aboard harvesting vessel The Errant, is just beginning to fit in with the crew of her new ship when she receives devastating news. Her grandmother—The Marchess, legendary captain and hearthfire keeper—has stepped from her vessel and disappeared into the sea.But the note she leaves Kindred suggests this was not an act of suicide. Something waits in the depths, and the Marchess has set out to find it.To follow in her grandmother’s footsteps, Kindred must embroil herself in conflicts bigger than she could imagine: a water war simmering below the surface of two cultures; the politics of a mythic pirate city floating beyond the edges of safe seas; battles against beasts of the deep, driven to the brink of madness; and the elusive promise of a world below the waves. Kindred finds that she will sacrifice almost everything—ship, crew, and a life sailing in the sun—to discover the truth of the darkness that waits below the Forever Sea.
Edinburgh University Press Private Law and Human Rights: Bringing Rights Home in Scotland and South Africa
Scotland and South Africa are mixed jurisdictions, combining features of common law and civil law traditions. Over the last decade a shared feature in both Scotland and South Africa has been a new intense focus on human rights. In Scotland the European Convention on Human Rights now constitutes an important element in the foundation of all domestic law. Similarly, the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, adopted in 1996, has as its cornerstone a Bill of Rights that binds not only the legislature, the executive, the judiciary and all organs of state, but also private parties. Of course the "constitutional moments" from which these documents sprang were very different and the Scottish and South African experience in some aspects could not be more dissimilar. Yet in many respects the parallels are close and compelling. This book, written by experts from both jurisdictions, examines exactly how human-rights provisions influence private law, looking at all branches of the subject. Moreover, it gives a unique perspective by comparing the approach in these kindred legal systems, thus providing a benchmark for both. Key Features: Twenty comparative case studies in private law and human rights A challenging collaboration between South African and Scots Universities Considers the impact of a bill of fundamental human rights upon the legal relationships between private individuals
Springer Basiswissen Urologie
I. Grundlagen- 1. Symptome und Diagnostik.- 2. Urologische Diagnostik.- II. Krankheitsbilder.- 3. Wichtige Anomalien der Urogenitalorgane.- 4. Entzündungen.- 5. Harnsteinerkrankung (Urolithiasis).- 6. Neubildungen des Urogenitalsystems (Tumoren).- 7. Störungen der Harnentleerung und -speicherung.- 8. Sexualpathologie des Mannes.- 9. Urologie und Sexualpathologie der Frau.- 10. Urologische Erkrankungen im Kindesalter.- 11. Verletzungen der Urogenitalorgane.- 12. Besondere urologische Eingriffe.- 13. Dringliche Sprechstundensituationen in der Urologie.- III. Prüfungsteil.- 14.MC-Fragen.- 15. MC-Antworten.- 16. Klinische Fälle.- 17. Lösungen zu den Übungsfragen.- IV. Serviceteil.
Roaring Brook Press Real Friends
Following little Shannon's life from kindergarten through fifth grade, Real Friends captures the emotional roller coaster ride of friendship, from navigating the tricky waters of cliques and bullies to her never-ending struggle to stay in 'The Group.' Shannon's honest and heartfelt story reminds us of how hard it was to learn what real friends are - and why finding them is worth the journey.
Little, Brown & Company So Im a Spider So What Vol. 14 manga
Because I went a little cray-cray, I'm now the weakest god without any way to actually USE abilities! I mean, yeah, eating a GMA bomb is definitely a don't try this at home, kids kinda thing, but really, it's not like I had much of a choice! And now I'm stuck like thisa god with no way to protect myself, traveling with a Demon Lord who may or may not want to kill me...
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Internet für Dummies
Dieses Buch begleitet Sie bei Ihren ersten Schritten in die große, weite Welt des Internets. Finden Sie den passenden Anbieter und machen Sie Ihren Computer fit für den Sprung ins WWW. Lernen Sie sich zielsicher online zu bewegen und die Seiten zu finden, die Sie suchen, verschicken Sie E-Mails, regeln Sie Ihre Finanzen mit E-Banking und erstellen Sie vielleicht sogar Ihre erste eigene Website. Doch auch der Spaß soll nicht zu kurz kommen! Shoppen auf eBay oder Amazon, Musik herunterladen, Videos auf YouTube anschauen oder lustige Flash Games spielen - all das und noch viel mehr werden Sie mit diesem Buch online entdecken. Ein großes Thema ist natürlich auch Ihre Sicherheit: Internet für Kinder, Antivirensoftware, Firewall oder Spamfilter - hier finden Sie alles, was Sie für einen gelungenen und sicheren Interneteinstieg brauchen und wissen müssen.
The American University in Cairo Press Egypt’s Desert Dreams: Development or Disaster? (New Edition)
Egypt has placed its hopes on developing its vast and empty deserts as the ultimate solution to the country's problems. New cities, new farms, new industrial zones, new tourism resorts, and new development corridors, all have been promoted for over half a century to create a modern Egypt and to pull tens of millions of people away from the increasingly crowded Nile Valley into the desert hinterland. The results, in spite of colossal expenditures and ever-grander government pronouncements, have been meager at best, and today Egypt's desert is littered with stalled schemes, abandoned projects, and forlorn dreams. It also remains stubbornly uninhabited. Egypt's Desert Dreams is the first attempt of its kindto look at Egypt's desert development in its entirety. It recounts the failuresof governmental schemes, analyzes why they have failed, and exposes the main winners of Egypt's desert projects, as well as the underlying narratives and political necessities behind it, even in the post-revolutionary era. It also shows that all is not lost, and that there are alternative paths that Egypt could take.
Teachers' College Press Teacher as Curator: Formative Assessment and Arts-Based Strategies
Teacher as Curator provides a roadmap for using creative strategies to engage both educators and students in the learning process. Focusing on key qualities of culturally and linguistically responsive arts learning, chapters specifically demonstrate how arts integration strategies and formative assessment can be a catalyst for change in the classroom. Readers will be inspired by teachers and practitioners who have donned the role of curator to achieve significant results. Kindergarten–college educators will find research-based protocols and practices that they can translate into any educational setting. In digestible chapters, this resource provides a theoretical base for building artistic literacy into the curriculum and for developing multimodal opportunities for students to demonstrate their understanding of content.Book Features: Explores the role of curation in the classroom. Highlights processes for innovation and multimodal learning. Showcases the work of teachers from different subjects and grade levels. Provides examples of integrated learning through lesson planning, curatorial maps, and learning stories. Highlights strategies that can deepen artistic literacy and engage students through formative assessment.
Yeehoo Press The Palace Rat
Perfect for fans of Kevin Henkes’ Mouse Adventures and Leo Lionni’s Frederick, or young readers taking their first steps towards independence!Henri is a palace rat living as the pampered pet of King Louis the XVI! He’s waited on paw and foot . . . but not everybody is happy about it. When a dastardly plan by the royal staff casts Henri out to the streets, he must find his own way safely home. Country mice take Henri in and kindly show him their ways of living. To survive, Henri will eat field strawberries, fashion new clothes out of rags to match the latest Parisian styles, and sleep on grass nests, dreaming of his return to the palace. In no time, Henri will become a popular figure, spinning rich and colorful tales of palace life for growing audiences. Yet every great tale must have a happy ending . . . and when the time comes for Henri to determine how his own story will conclude, will he choose to stay with his new friends on the street or return to his regal life of comfort?
Pajama Press A World of Mindfulness
The meditative picture book that Kirkus Reviews recommends as “a practical introduction to the mindfulness meditation, as an example of the practice, and as a guide”—now in paperback! Parents, educators, and health practitioners everywhere are recognizing the importance of mindfulness practice, particularly for children. Meditation and yoga are becoming common activities in kindergarten classes and beyond. Taking time to be still and pay attention to their thoughts and bodies helps kids feel calm, focused, and in control. In A World of Mindfulness, meditative text reflects on the sensory ways children experience life, from the feeling of their muscles when they run…to the sound of a turning page…to the memory-laden taste of fresh-baked cookies. Positive and negative emotions are alike acknowledged and affirmed, and a strong sense of self is reinforced. Richly illustrated by fourteen artists with all-new original art, A World of Mindfulness will create its own quiet moments as children revisit its lavish pages. A closing note about mindfulness practice rounds out this board book, making it a helpful resource for homes, classrooms, and beyond.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Pocket Guide Anästhesie
Dieses handliche Kitteltaschenbuch vermittelt anhand von zahlreichen Übersichten, Tabellen und stichwortartigen Fakten absolutes Praxiswissen für den Berufsalltag von Anästhesisten. Gespickt mit vielen Hinweisen zum ganz konkreten Vorgehen sowie auf Fallstricke, Gefahrensituationen und Besonderheiten, bietet es vor allem dem Berufsanfänger in der Anästhesiologie das nötige Wissen, um sowohl bei Erwachsenen als auch bei Kindern eine sichere Anästhesie, Analgesie oder Sedierung durchzuführen.
Knock Knock Knock Knock Today Vibes: Classic Pad
Harness all the good vibes and accomplish all the things on your to-do list with this super practical, slightly playful notepad. It’s got plenty of room to prioritize tasks and errands, jot last-minute notes, and notice the good stuff in your life. Productivity—it’s a vibe! A daily planner + checklist + vibe check! Be the full focus planner kinda person you always dreamed of! 6 x 9 inches, 60 sheets
Union Square & Co. The Nutcracker
Revel in the magic of a Christmas tradition. The Nutcracker features the full text of Alexandre Dumas's "The History of a Nutcracker", the story that inspired the classic ballet. Lavishly illustrated with more than 100 vintage drawings from the nineteenth century, this beautifully designed book kindles the spirit of the holidays through its tale of an enchanted nutcracker made human one Christmas through the love of a young girl.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Intelligenzminderung: Eine ärztliche Herausforderung
Die Kenntnis der verschiedenen Ausprägungsarten von geistiger Behinderung und Minderbegabung ist entscheidend für Diagnose und Therapie. Früh beginnende Fördermaßnahmen sind notwendig, damit Kinder die Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten erlernen, die ihnen eine Teilhabe am sozialen Leben ermöglichen. Bei der Reihe „Manuale psychischer Störungen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen“ steht der Patient im Mittelpunkt. Die Bücher bieten Betroffenen Tipps und Tricks zur Bewältigung des Alltags, Therapeuten erhalten wissenschaftlich fundierte Informationen.
HarperCollins Publishers Collins International Foundation – Collins International Science Foundation Plus Teacher's Guide
Collins International Science Foundation and Foundation Plus provide inspirational, fun and age-appropriate learning for children in early years and kindergarten classes. The materials have been developed in consultation with expert practitioners to be easy to use in the classroom and to support children following a range of early years curricula and who are preparing for their first year of primary education in an international school, including schools following the Cambridge Assessment International Education primary framework. The course introduces young children to concepts they will later study in science in an age-appropriate way through topic-based discovery and activity-based learning, with plenty of opportunities to explore science through games and hands-on exploration. Careful progression ensures children develop the skills they need to be ready for science in their first year of primary and beyond. Each level comprises Activity Books A, B and C – one for each term – supported by a carefully selected collection of colourful stimulus materials in the Reading Anthology and Teacher’s Guide. Schools can opt to use the course over one or two school years. The Teacher’s Guides provide accessible support for teachers and teaching assistants, including detailed guidance, ideas for science in the early years classroom, support for assessment, advice on resources, songs and games, and additional photocopiable activity sheets. Collins International Science Foundation and Foundation Plus can be used on their own, or alongside Collins International English Foundation and Foundation Plus and Collins International Maths Foundation and Foundation Plus to provide a comprehensive early-years programme.
GB Publishing Org Absurd
Pointless, risky, absurd. Yes, that is the beauty of it - absurdly determined to metamorphose themselves into a glossy photograph seen in a glossy magazine that caused a spark of desire within the tinder-dry kindling of their imagination. They were consumed with all that the photograph promised until that reality could be made theirs: to achieve all of the experience, the life's journey implied within it, to redefine their already long lives, to change themselves, to fast-track to the achievement of the decades of experience exemplified by those young adventurers in that glossy photograph in that glossy magazine. What an absurd notion. For no other reason, it had to be: three quickly became five guys on heritage motorcycles, hooking up with an ex-Special Forces operative and a combat zone photographer to make it seven for a safari across the top of Africa. From Spain to Tangier, they traversed the Riff, navigated the Atlas Mountains, circled Cirque du Jaffar, and rode through the Gorges du Ziz. Rough-riding across Morocco has never been so much fun. Wild camping on the way under star-spattered sky, across unforgiving terrain where luxury is a warm sleeping bag. In places where if you don't guard it you lose it, and where changing co-ordinates on a fast and furious basis makes good sense. Through oft sudden lows where the warmth of a Moroccan welcome exceeds the heat from black coffee, honeyed mint teas, or a meal from a hot tajine. Until dusty boots touch down on the sands of the Sahara at Erg Chebbi to witness a new dawn rise.
Ordnance Survey The Peak District: 2016
This new-style edition of Pathfinder: Short Walks Peak District is fully updated and features 20 fantastic family walks ranging in length from 2 to 6 miles. Each walk is beautifully photographed and comes with a clear, large-scale Ordnance Survey route map. Set within the beauty of Britain's first National Park, Pathfinder: Short Walks Peak District expertly guides the reader along 20 short walks through the diverse and contrasting terrain of the Peak District. All the walks in Pathfinder: Short Walks Peak District have been devised with families in mind and are as suitable for newcomers to countryside walking as they are to seasoned ramblers. The walks within Pathfinder: Short Walks Peak District provide an accessible and enjoyable introduction to the Peak District's great diversity of character, from Chatsworth to Kinder Scout, Stanage Edge to the Goyt Valley, and Hayfield to Bakewell. Many routes in Pathfinder: Short Walks Peak District are specifically chosen to pass close to places of interest where you can extend the day at a local museum or visitor centre, or simply take the time to enjoy a picnic stop, pub or tearoom visit en route.Pathfinder Guides are Britain's best loved walking guides. They are the perfect companion for country walks throughout Britain. Each title features 28 circular walks with easy-to-follow route descriptions, all tried and tested by seasoned walkers. The routes range from extended strolls to exhilarating hikes, so there is something for everyone to enjoy..
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG JÃ"dische Religion, Geschichte und Kultur: Ãbersetzungen aus dem Deutschen im jÃ"dischen Palästina 1882-1948
Der aus dem deutschen Kulturraum ausgehende Einfluss auf den Jischuw - die jëdische Gemeinschaft in Palästina von der ersten organisierten Einwanderung 1882 bis zur Grëndung des Staates Israel im Jahr 1948 - war mannigfaltig. Na`ama Sheffi beschäftigt sich mit einer seiner herausragenden Erscheinungen: der Übersetzung deutschsprachiger Werke ins Hebräische und deren Rezeption sowie der unmittelbaren Wirkung deutscher Vorbilder auf die Schaffung eines modernhebräischen Literaturkorpus.Den Anfang bildeten bereits im späten 18. Jahrhundert in Europa die Übertragung von Werken, die dem Geist der jëdischen Aufklärung verpflichtet waren. Auch noch vor der Genese des Zionismus als nationalem Projekt intensivierte sich die Übersetzungstätigkeit ungeachtet des kleinen Leser- und Verlegerkreises sowie zahlreicher technischer Hindernisse. Fast 800 Werke der verschiedensten Genres - Romane, Dramen, Sachbëcher, Kinder- und Jugendliteratur - wurden während des untersuchten Zeitraums aus dem Deutschen ins Hebräische ëbertragen. Hinzu kommen noch mehrere hundert in Zeitschriften erschienene Gedichte, Prosastëcke und Essays. Wesentliche Befunde sind dabei die dominierende Rolle der aus dem Osten Europas stammenden Übersetzer sowie der sprunghafte Anstieg der Übertragungen in den Jahren des Nationalsozialismus und sodann in den drei letzten Jahren vor der Staatsgrëndung. Die Auswahl der Texte war weitgehend von nationalen Ideologien bestimmt: Anfangs dienten die Übertragungen weltanschaulich der Haskala, danach der Erneuerung der jëdischen Nation und der hebräischen Sprache und schließlich der Bewahrung der im Nationalsozialismus verfemten Literatur vor allem jëdischer Autoren.
Ideapress Publishing Wonderhell
WALL STREET JOURNAL BESTSELLER!AS SEEN ON GOOD MORNING AMERICA!Have you ever accomplished something you weren't so sureyou could do? Success has always been the end goal, but when you achieve it ...something infuriatingly predictable happens. You start wondering what more youcan do.Instead of success bringing you happiness, it hands you anincreased hunger to achieve something even bigger. And with that desire alsocomes uncertainty, self-doubt, anxiety and stress.Success, in other words, is kinda wonderful ... but it'salso kinda hell. Welcome to Wonderhell.Wonderhell is that space in your psyche where the burden ofyour newly discovered potential plops down, unpacks its backpack, and asks:Hey, you! Whatcha got for me?Living in an ambitious, results-oriented society, we oftenmischaracterize the turbu
Seven Seas Entertainment, LLC Captive Hearts of Oz Vol. 3
Dorothy, along with her beloved dog Toto, finds herself whisked away by a tornado to the mysterious land of Oz. Something about this strange place feels oddly familiar, but Dorothy just wants to go home. Following the advice of a kindly Witch, Dorothy must travel to the Emerald City and seek out the Wizard of Oz, who alone has the power to send her back to her world. Alongside a trio of fascinating new companions, and a mysterious young man known as "Zero," Dorothy must follow the Yellow Brick Road on her journey to escape Oz and some of its less than friendly denizens, the evil Witches. Buried secrets and conflicted romance await Dorothy as she travels through the wonderful land of Oz!