Search results for ""christian focus publications ltd""
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Billy Graham
Witness Billy Graham's journey from humble beginnings on a North Carolina farm to becoming one of the most influential figures of the twentieth century. At the age of sixteen, Billy Graham committed his life to Christ during a Christian revival meeting and it wasn't long before it became clear that God had plans for his life. With the help of his wife, Ruth, and many other friends and colleagues Billy set out to preach to the world. Through the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, he preached to over 80 million people in more than 185 countries. Millions more were reached through his television, video, film, and radio ministries. He faced up to all of Christianity's major twentiethcentury opponents: Communism, Apartheid,segregation and terrorism. From paying the bail money to get Martin Luther King Jr. out of jail to addressing the memorial service in Washington after the collapse of the World Trade Centre, Billy Graham was there for people with practical help and a timeless m
Christian Focus Publications Ltd The Sacred Flame
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Adoniram Judson: Danger on the Streets of Gold
Even when Adoniram abandoned his belief in God and travelled far from him loving family, God had plans to bring him home and then send him to the other side of the world – to Burma. He was to become America’s first overseas missionary – a story brimful of romance, intrigue and some dangerous pirates.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Come Ye Children: Practical help telling children about Jesus
'A thankless task.' 'A waste of time.' Two of the ways worn out people have described the Christian training of children. You don't have to feel that way! In this book you will find encouragement, practical help and biblical principles. You will also go away with a new vision of the importance of the work in which you are involved. C.H Spurgeon shows us that telling young people about Jesus is the most important task given to anyone, be they parent, teacher or youth leader.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Spurgeon’s Own Hymn Book
Charles Haddon Spurgeon was passionate about congregational worship. Arising from devout affection, the frustration he found while using the the compilations of hymns available in his day, spurred him to compile this selection of hymns for use in his congregation. Over 1,000 psalms, hymns and spiritual songs include not only direct praise, but doctrine, experience and exhortation, enabling the saints to edify one another in their singing. Cross–references to Spurgeon’s other works ensure that this will be a valuable addition to any library. This beautiful gift edition includes a foreword by Spurgeon scholar Tom Nettles added Spurgeon essay ‘How Shall We Sing?’ elegant hardback cloth bound cover
Christian Focus Publications Ltd The Fiery Edge of Love: A Collection of Quotes from Samuel Rutherford
Samuel Rutherford was a 17th Century Scottish Presbyterian preacher whose writings have had a profound impact on Christians throughout the generations. He was one of the Scottish Commissioners to the Westminster Assembly, and his best–known work, Lex, Rex, had far reaching influence. This collection of quotes, collated by editor Malcolm MacLean, give an idea of the power his words had. Although no more than a sentence or two, each of these quotes has a profundity which leaves the reader thinking long after they have closed the book. The quotations are split into topics: Jesus and the Gospel Jesus – His Person and Work Communion with Jesus God Christian Living Christian Service Thinking of Heaven Eternity and Time For those who have never read Samuel Rutherford’s works before, this is a delectable introduction, encouraging you to seek out his full works. For those who need no introduction to his writings, these quotes are a quick reminder of the great truths he strived to preach and the great God he strived to proclaim.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Under the Thorn Tree: When Revival Comes
Richard Bewes first experienced revival as a child, to the sound of thousands of African voices singing. In Under the Thorn Tree, he retells this and many other stories from his lifetime of working and living to further the Kingdom of Christ. Revival comes with the sole pursuit of Jesus – He encompasses everything.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd The Lamb Wins: A Guided Tour through the Book of Revelation
What is the average person to make of the book of Revelation, with its vivid imagery and its apocalyptic visions? Richard Bewes steers his readers through the minefields of controversy and bizarre interpretations. He picks out the great themes and landmarks that are the message of Christ to every generation of believers.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Why Everything Matters: The Gospel in Ecclesiastes
Ecclesiastes is for people who have their doubts about God, but can’t stop thinking about him. The author of Ecclesiastes had his doubts, too, and these have enabled him to speak to skeptics as well as believers down through the centuries.Ecclesiastes is a book rich in literary artistry and multi–layered depths of spiritual meaning. Philip G. Ryken explores this wonderful Old Testament book, and reminds us again of the need to trust God with the questions, even when we do not have all the answers.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Approaching God
Michael A. Milton uncovers the treasures of one of the Bible's regularly overlooked books in this pastoral treatment of Leviticus. God's call changed everything for the Israelites. Amid the vast, severe wilderness landscape of the Sinai region, in sunscorched sorrow and disappointment over a recent national sin the creation and worship of an idol of smelted jewelry life abruptly changes. With the first line of Leviticus, And the Lord called, God interrupts time and space, regret and reason, futility and hope. He reveals the pattern of the gospel: the holiness of God, the problem of human sin, God's plan of salvation, His call to holiness through His gracious provision. He shows a way for sinful humans to live in the presence of a holy God. Leviticus for modernday ChristiansThis call doesn't just affect the ancient Israelites Milton shows how Leviticus still speaks to Christ's followers today. This book of the law points consistently to Jesus, the fullness and fulfilment of every
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Time for Favour
The extraordinary story of the birth of the Scottish mission to the JewsIn the middle of the nineteenth century, God began to lay on the hearts of his people in the Church of Scotland a concern for the evangelisation of the Jews. The response resulted in a quarter of a million eastern European Jews finding salvation in their Messiah in the second half of the same century. John Stuart Ross, author of The Power and the Glory: John Ross and the Evangelisation of Manchuria and Korea, brings his thorough research and engrossing writing style once more to this fascinating story. Time for Favour features some of the most remarkable figures in the history of missions an archetypal eccentric absentminded professor, a group of dedicated young ministers full of romantic ideas about the Holy Land and the Jews, headstrong and sometimes morally weak missionaries. Here you will read the story of fallible but heroic men and women who were prepared to forsake everything, even their lives,because the
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Clash of Visions: Populism and Elitism in New Testament Theology
Each year thousands die for the Jesus they read about in the Bible. At the same time scholars worldwide reject central truths of the Book. Here is an analysis of two contrasting approaches to biblical interpretation: one which has encouraged many to abandon the Christian heritage, the other which has informed the largest numeric increase of professing Christians in world history in recent generations and which is projected to continue.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Reasoning in the Public Square
Christians are called to visibly live out our faith,but we also need to be able to reasonably explain what we believe and why. Graham Nicholls' practical book will help us do just that. It's easy to think that our faith is personal, something which should be expressed behind closed doors or with other Christians. But we are called to be a light to the world, to be able to give a reason for our faith. Graham Nicholls' practical book helps us to think through not only why we should do that, but how we can do it. The world needs to hear the gospel, and there are a whole host of ways we can publicly proclaim our faith. From identifying the key battle lines where there is friction between Christianity and modern Western society, to engaging with mainstream media; from street preaching to an evangelistic online presence, Nicholls exhorts Christians to be salt and light wherever God gives them opportunities. As a pastor, and as Director of Affinity, an organisation which helps equip
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Track Rest
Can't stop, won't stop. We don't rest well. The unlimited opportunities and impossible expectations we are surrounded by are exhausting. Something in us wants to do more, be more and have more. We're addicted to busyness. In this chaotic world of hustle and bustle, is real rest even possible? Pastor and counsellor William P. Smith invites you to press pause and learn to embrace the way of life God intends. Refreshingly, even in the chaos of modern life, we can have a busy schedule but maintain a quiet soul. But God created us to need rest. This addition to the Track series walks through the goodness of rest, and why God's people have been commanded to rest. Practical and relatable, Smith unpacks what true, soul nourishing rest could look like for students today. Readers will be encouraged us to live within divinely set boundaries, embracing God's good rhythm and enjoy the peace that He promises. Contents:We Don't Rest WellA God Who RestsGod's People RestWhat Goes into Resting?Wha
Christian Focus Publications Ltd The Selfish Servant
This is a story that Jesus told. The selfish servant is in a spot of trouble. But his master is nice to him instead of rough and tough. What will the servant do now? Can you spot the scroll in every picture?This is part of a series that will be an instant hit with young children whilst at the same time giving them early knowlege of the teachings of Jesus.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Day By Day With J.C. Ryle: A New daily devotional of Ryle’s writings
J.C. Ryle has become one of the most loved of British authors on church matters. He was the first Bishop of Liverpool, managing to establish a thriving diocese in that most sectarian of English cities. Although a convinced evangelical he was regarded as fairminded by those who disagreed with him. Even Ryle’s opponents in church politics wept when he died. His books have remained in print for a hundred years because Ryle was able to touch the person in the street with clear teaching on doctrinal matters. He showed how the Bible was relevant. His writings thus lend themselves to a devotional format and here is a new selection different to any that have gone before. Here Eric Russell has arranged writings according to themes that develop the reader’s understanding on a topic before moving on to new pastures. It is as refreshing as it is profound.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Joni Eareckson Tada: Swimming Against the Tide
Joni Eareckson is a well-known Christian speaker and author from America but there was a day when she was a teenage girl in a bathing costume with nothing on her mind but boys, make up and her beloved horse, Tumbleweed. However, all that changed one morning when an innocent dive turned into a tragic accident. Joni's story is a wonderful testimony to God's grace and power in someone's life. Healing may have been an amazing miracle that didn't happen but Joni's ongoing work with thousands of disabled people throughout the world is a miracle in itself.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Ten Boys Who Made History
These Christian stalwarts were once young boys playing games, learning from mistakes and growing up in quite a different world. But was it that different? Irene Howat has researched the lives of these men of God and draws out lessons we can all relate to, especially youngsters today. These boys made history… Charles Spurgeon; Jonathan Edwards; Samuel Rutherford; D L Moody; Martyn Lloyd Jones; A W Tozer; John Owen; Robert Murray McCheyne; Billy Sunday; George Whitefield.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd How God Used a Thunderstorm
The mountains are dark and looming as the lightening splits across the sky. The forest offers shelter and in the distance the traveller spots a lamp. Rushing towards the door he doesn’t realise that someone has planned this journey – there is a woman in the house who needs to hear about her loving Savior, Jesus Christ. God has sent the traveller to tell her about himself. There are lots of stories in this book. Read about the thunderstorm, some hidden treasure and a Bible in a suitcase as well as many other stories about how we should live for God and read his word.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd My First Book of Questions and Answers
Children always have questions about what it means to be a Christian. Do they need a long philosophical answer? Not always and it is simple answers to deep questions that feature in this book. If you have ever wanted to know how to explain the Christian faith to young children in bite-sized chunks then the 114 profound questions and answers, backed by scripture proofs provide an invaluable tool to get you started.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Exodus: A Mentor Commentary
The book of Exodus is about a journey: a journey out of Egypt, but more particularly a journey from a land where God’s power, sovereignty and continuing interest in his people could be easily questioned, to a place where God dwelt in the midst of his people. Exodus describes God’s power, his redemption of his people, his covenant requirements at Sinai, and the rules of his worship. John L. Mackay interacts with other scholars in either text or footnotes. In addition to exploring the meaning of the text he examines the chonology, authorship, composition and structure of Exodus. At the end of each section he provides a reflective comment.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Ten Girls Who Made History
These Christian women were once little girls playing with dolls, making mistakes and growing up in quite a different world. But was it that different? Irene Howat has researched the lives of these famous women of God and draws out lessons we can all relate to, especially youngsters today. Featuring Ida Scudder, Betty Green, Janette Li, Mary Jane Kinnaird, Bessie Adams, Emma Dryer, Lottie Moon, Florence Nightingale, Henrietta Mears and Elizabeth Elliot.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd When Grace Comes Home: How the 'doctrines of grace' change your life
How does Calvinism affect the way you view - worship, humility, adversity, outlook, evangelism, holiness, assurance, liberty, prayer, guidance and living faith? Terry Johnson illuminates the practical implications of Calvinism and how God's grace changes every aspect of your life.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd The Holy Spirit: His Gifts and Power
The fraud and manipulation, which abounds in the church under the pretence that it is the work of the Holy Spirit, make this book required reading. Things excellent in themselves and acknowledged by all Christians are often counterfeited; the more worthy any thing is, the more destructive is the abuse of it. All believers must “try the spirits” because false prophets and false teachers deprive us of liberty. Some people claim to know the Spirit’s inward enlightenment, but the darkness of Satan fills their imaginations. This false light is of no use to the souls of men; it is in opposition to Christ and his work. The only way to tackle this is by giving a plain and scriptural account of the nature and work of the Holy Spirit. His work did not end at Pentecost, otherwise all faith in Christ would have ceased, and Christianity also. The Spirit continues to work in the hearts of men, convicting of sin; producing godly sorrow and humility; regenerating and sanctifying; supplying grace and helping in prayer. John Newton spoke of Owen’s work as, “An epitome, if not the masterpiece of his writings.” No one who cares about the church in the 21st century can afford to ignore this exhaustive guide. This is a very lightly edited text with a new layout and is fully subtitled which makes it more accessible to a new generation of readers.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd The Lord's Day
Are we missing out on God's blessing by the way we celebrate the Lord's Day - are we too legalistic or too lax? Is the Spirit grieved by our disrespect to God or frustrated by our thralldom to unnecessary restrictions? These and other questions are answered in The Lord's Day. Joey Pipa is known for his warm pastoral application of Scriptural principles. Here, he takes an authoritative look at the 'first day.'
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Richard Wurmbrand: A Voice in the Dark
Arrested by the Government of Romania in the 1960s, Richard Wurmbrand was convicted of a crime - Loving Jesus. Using a flashback technique Catherine Mackenzie retells Richard's gripping, and at times gruesome story. Despite suffering years of mental and physical torture, God used Richard to witness to many people from prison guards to government officials. Even after his release from prison Richard prayed that if God could use him to reach others for Christ, to send him back. God heard his prayer and Richard was re- arrested and sent to prison for another period of torture. His story is inspirational.Thinking further topics and a timeline are features of the series and are included in this reprint.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Reformed Theological Writings
Prof R. A Finlayson was one of the most influential figures in the Free Church of Scotland in the twentieth century. As a preacher, conference speaker, editor of the monthly editor of the Monthly Record and as a professor of Systematic Theology at the Free Church college he exercised a fruitful ministry within and beyond his own denomination.He wrote over a thousand articles, 32 of which are in this volume. They are divided into 3 sections: General Theology, Issues Facing Evangelicals and The Westminster Confession.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Hudson Taylor & Maria: A Match Made in Heaven
The story of Hudson Taylor is one of adventure and excitement - of improbable answers to prayer, opposition from the establishment and triumphs of faith. Even more interesting is the story of the relationship at the heart of it all - the story of Hudson and Maria Taylor.There are few love stories as enchanting as that of Hudson Taylor, the pioneering missionary, and Maria Dyer. Their relationship and short marriage flourished in the bitterest of circumstances because their lives were firmly rooted in their devotion to God, as well as to each other.They were a perfect match, (though not perfect people), a couple who show us how to share our lives at the deepest level.John Pollock draws his material extensively from original letters and papers. What unfolds is a picture of courage and adventure in Imperial China, a lost world of pigtails, Mandarins and dragon-roofed temples. It also shows how Maria played a crucial role in shaping the ministry of a Yorkshire lad who, against oriental and western opposition, changed the way that missionaries work.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd How to Be a Bible Princess
If you were a princess you'd have the best wardrobe in the world with new dresses in it every day - and a tiara to match. But is that all there is to being a princess? And what does it mean to be a real Bible princess? Abigail, Jehosheba, Esther and The Queen of the South were women and royalty who honoured God. Pharaoh's daughter and Michal were princesses who showed bravery but were they true followers of the Lord? Jezebel and Herodias' daughter are two royal women who did not love God. All their stories are in the Bible and all can teach us in their own way how to be a Bible princess, daughters of the King, women and girls of righteousness.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Repentance: Turning from sin to God
The most important message for every person is that of the need for repentance – by one of the last great Puritan preachers, Thomas Boston (1676–1732).With wonderful exposition, Boston opens up a multitude of scripture passages on an issue that it is the duty of every Christian to tell the world of – the impending judgment that awaits each one of us, the call for repentance now, and a message of hope and assurance only to be found in Christ.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd God Made Water
Thank you, God, for water. We need it for drinking and washing. Thank you, that we can also have our sins washed away through your Son, Jesus Christ.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Keeping the Heart: How to maintain your love for God
This is John Flavel’s classic work on union and fellowship with God. In a comprehensive and helpful manner Flavel helps us understand better what ‘keeping the heart’ means. He tells us why we should take this commission seriously and speaks about there being particular times when we need to be especially wary of being distracted from our goal. He then shows how we can go on to develop a greater ability in keeping our hearts in tune with God. His advice is timeless, sensitive and profound. Flavel was an English Puritan who became a non–conformist after the ‘Great Ejection’ of 1662. It was 10 years before he was licenced to preach again, and then only in his own home. His writings, when collected in the 19th century, filled 6 volumes. Flavel’s writings are known for their practical nature. He was instrumental in promoting the ‘Happy Union’ of Presbyterians and Congregationalists.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Contours of Pauline Theology: A Radical New Survey of the Influences on Paul's Biblical Writings
New Paperback edition. The Apostle Paul is a controversial church figure. Many theologians accuse Paul of starting a new religion: of hijacking early Christianity in a different direction. Is this a fair charge?Tom Holland points us to a neglected fact, that the Jews in the first century AD would view concepts of salvation through the Exodus of Israel from Egypt to the promised land. Until now, a real elephant in the centre of the hermeneutical room.Such a viewpoint opens up new understanding on Pauline studies - it is true of this book that it will change your view of the New Testament and deserves to radically alter New Testament studies in Universities, Theological Colleges and Seminaries around the world.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Teaching Daniel: From Text to Message
This useful resource, alongside the others in this growing Teaching the Bible Series, is for those who have the privilege and joy of teaching or preaching a particular book or theme from the Bible. Whether you're a leader of a small group, preacher or a youth worker, it will help you to communicate the message of Daniel.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Teaching Romans: Volume 1: Unlocking Romans 1-8 for the Bible Teacher
There are commentaries and there are books on preaching - but very few books that combine elements of both to enable the preacher or Bible teacher to prepare a series on specific sections of Scripture.This series gives the Bible teacher suitable tools to understand the context of Biblical books; doctrinal themes; the methods of interpretation; the key interpretation points and how to communicate that message for the hearer.Whilst very useful for preachers, this book is also aimed at equipping small group study leaders, youth workers and other Bible teachers.The books are purposefully practical. Section One contains 'navigation' material to enable you to access the text of Romans. Section 2 works systematically through a suggested preaching or Bible study series. Preaching outlines and Bible study questions are included for each passage.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Glory in the Glen: A History of Evangelical Revivals in Scotland 1880–1940
No nation on earth has a richer, more colourful, and more long–standing heritage of evangelical awakenings than Scotland – yet most people are unfamiliar with its dramatic legacy. Most historical studies stop at, or before, the Moody & Sankey Revival of 1873–74. It is commonly assumed that very few genuine revivals occurred since that date until the Lewis Revival of 1949–53. Tom Lennie thoroughly debunks this idea – showing that religious awakenings were relatively common in Scotland between these dates – and provides a comprehensive account of the many exciting revivals that have taken place throughout Scotland. The Awakenings in the Outer Hebrides and North East fishing communities, that had several unique and striking features, are considered in separate sections. Revivals amongst both children / students and Pentecostals are also given separate treatment. Of particular significance is the first comprehensive account of the 1930’s ‘Laymen’s Revival’ in Lewis. This fascinating, but near–forgotten, movement may have been even more powerful and influential than the later Lewis Revival. Glory in the Glen tells a thoroughly absorbing, and largely untold, story. It is the result of painstaking research, conducted over more than half–a–decade, from hundreds of source materials as well as personal interviews. Much of the material has never before been published.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd 18 Words: The Most Important Words you will Ever Know
If the modern world can be characterised by one thing it is probably the enormous increase in the number of words around – but that increase has also been accompanied by a seemingly corresponding decrease in understanding. J. I. Packer is a master wordsmith. He is also gifted with the ability of showing where truth lies in complicated reasoning. These skills combine to make 18 Words a fascinating read – and a life–changing one.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Lightkeepers Boys Box Set: Ten Boys
The exciting tales of these fifty boys who were used by God will inspire young readers. The stories of Billy Graham, C.S. Lewis, Martin Luther and many others are brought to life by award–winning author Irene Howat. Each book contains the stories of ten boys who grew up to be used by God in amazing ways. Readers will not only be amazed at the bravery, cleverness and faith of these boys, but will be inspired to look to the God who worked through each of them. The books contain ten easy to read chapters of equal length. Each character’s chapter begins with an incident or memory from their childhood, reminding the reader that people who grew up to do amazing things were once children just like them. The chapters have a fact file, a keynote, a think spot and a prayer to help think through and apply what has been learned in the chapter. The books also conclude with a quiz to see how much the reader remembers. This box set contains all five Ten Boys books in a cardboard slipcase. The set includes: Ten Boys Who Changed the World (Brother Andrew; John Newton; Billy Graham; Eric Liddell; William Carey; David Livingstone; Nicky Cruz; Adoniram Judson; George Muller; and Luis Palau) Ten Boys Who Used Their Talents (Wilfred Grenfell; C.S. Lewis; James Clerk Maxwell; Ghillean Prance; Paul Brand; Johann Sebastian Bach; Samuel Morse; George Washington Carver; C.T. Studd; and John Bunyan) Ten Boys Who Made History (Samuel Rutherford; John Owen; Jonathan Edwards; George Whitefield; Robert Murray McCheyne; Dwight L. Moody; Billy Sunday; Charles H. Spurgeon; Aiden W. Tozer; and Martyn Lloyd–Jones) Ten Boys Who Didn’t Give In (Polycarp; Alban; Sir John Oldcastle; Thomas Cranmer; George Wishart; James Chalmers’ Dietrich Bonhoeffer; Nate Saint; Ivan Moiseyev; and Graham Staines) Ten Boys Who Made a Difference (Augustine of Hippo; Jan Hus; Martin Luther; Ulrich Zwingli; William Tyndale; Hugh Latimer; John Calvin; John Knox; Lord Shaftesbury; and Thomas Chalmers) The Lightkeepers introduces readers aged 8–12 to the enjoyment of reading Christians biographies. The series also includes Ten Girls Who Changed the World; Ten Girls Who Used Their Talents; Ten Girls Who Made History; Ten Girls Who Didn’t Give In; Ten Girls Who Made a Difference; and Lightkeepers Girls Box Set.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd True to Her Faith: A Story of France in the Time of the Huguenots
Suzanne de l'Orme's Huguenot family is under severe persecution as are other Protestants in the nation of France. The 1500's are a difficult time to be alive if you are unwilling to compromise.Sent on an errand by her mother twelve year old Suzanne walks into an adventure that she fears she will never walk out of. Kidnapped by the authorities for being the child of a bible believing family Suzanne is interrogated and persecuted. If she will only disown her faith and her people she can be released from her prison and welcomed into the 'freedom' of the Roman Catholic Church.It is soon apparent that Suzanne will not give in and she is taken from the relative safety of the abbey to become a slave for a local farmer's family. Still refusing to discard her faith Suzanne's faith strengthens and grows through her struggles.Will this captivity be the end for the young girl or will this adventure end with a new beginning for Suzanne's life.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Ten Girls Who Used Their Talents
These ten girls all believed that God had given them given them special gifts, and they all put those talents to use. Helen used her skills as a doctor to bring the truth about Jesus to Africa; Maureen drove a bus and shared food with homeless communities; Mary cared for others even with her own disability. What are your gifts, and how can you use them to spread God’s kingdom?
Christian Focus Publications Ltd The Cambridge Seven: The True Story of Ordinary Men Used in no Ordinary way
Harold Schofield, a brilliant Oxford doctor who had laboured as a missionary in China for many years, was on his knees praying, ‘Lord, give me missionaries from British Universities to help in China’.The day he died, D. E. Hoste applied to Hudson Taylor for mission work in the China Inland Mission (Now Overseas Missionary Fellowship). Schofield’s prayer was answered as seven Cambridge students volunteered to leave behind cosy lives of wealth and privilege to serve God in whatever way they were led.These seven inspired thousands of others to think seriously of missionary service. Included among them was C.T. Studd, captain of England and the finest cricketer of his day – if he could give all that up, then so could anyone!The story of these seven are an inspiration that God can take people and use them in incredible ways – if they are willing to serve.As Pollock says in his book ‘Theirs is the story of ordinary men, and thus may be repeated’. Will it be repeated in your life?
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Teaching Amos: From text to message
The fundamental conviction underlying the series is that when the Bible is faithfully taught, God's voice is clearly heard. Few commentaries are written specifically with the preacher or Bible teacher in mind, and with the sermon or Bible talk as the point of reference. The preacher, the sermon or talk, and the listener are the 'key' drivers in this series. 'Teaching Amos' is written by Dr Bob Fyall, who has a particular passion for preaching and teaching the Old Testament. He is author of a number of books, including the Focus on the Bible volume on Daniel. Having first outlined a number of possible approaches to constructing a series of sermons or talks on Amos, Bob unlocks the text based on a suggested structure of nine sermons or talks. Individual chapters are specifically geared towards working from text to sermon, combining rigorous exposition with relevant application, always with an eye to the main teaching point of the passage. This volume will not only encourage better preaching on Amos, but serve as a timely reminder of the striking relevance of the prophet's message for today.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Ivan And the Daring Escape
Here is Ivan in a brand new adventure. This time he is trying to outwit the Moscow Secret Police who have imprisoned his best friend, Pyotr, in a children's home. Can Ivan rescue Pyotr? Can he find a way to get Pyotr's father, Pastor Kachenko, released from prison? Read how God uses Ivan's skill at football to help his friends and get the better of the Moscow Secret Police.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Ten Girls Who Didn’t Give in: Inspiring stories of martyrs
These ten girls grew up to become women who didn’t give in. Living as a Christian was difficult. They chose to do the right thing instead of the easy thing. Would you give in or would you resist? In a world where we give in too easily – be inspired by those who didn’t! These women chose eternal life, love, and joy, through obedience, hardship, and life–threatening – and life–taking, danger.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Ten Boys Who Didn’t Give in: Inspiring stories of martyrs
These ten boys grew up in hard times throughout history to become men who didn’t give in to the pressure against their faith. Living as a Christian was difficult, but they chose to do the right thing instead of the easy thing. In a world where we give in too easily, be inspired by the true stories of those who didn’t! Includes the stories of Nate Saint, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Thomas Cranmer, Polycarp, with the biographies of other great heroes of the faith.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd My First Book of Bible Promises
God never breaks his promises. Every word is true. These promises are for you so it is important that you read and understand them. Ask God to teach you and your family as you read this book together.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd The Way of the Righteous in the Muck of Life: Psalms 1–12
In the opening pages of the Psalms, believers discover foundational truth for right living and great delight as children of God. Trusted theologian Dale Ralph Davis leads readers through a careful study of Psalms 1–12 with clear application for daily life. These beautiful Psalms see the Psalmist go through both good and terribly bad times. The righteous rely on God, and the Psalms teach us how. This book is ideal for use by small groups, as a teaching guide or for reference.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Little Lights Box Set 1
These five beautifully illustrated hardback books give lessons from the lives of famous Christians from the past - Amy Carmichael, Hudson Taylor, Corrie ten Boom, George Muller and Helen Roseveare. Learn about God's plans for people's lives and His amazing provision.