Search results for ""christian focus publications ltd""
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Reform: The Church at the Birth of Protestantism
1485–1600 Throughout the Christian lands of Europe, there was darkness. Not a physical darkness, but a spiritual one. For many years, the clarity of God’s grace given through Jesus Christ had dimmed. A system of human effort designed to achieve God’s favor meant people were confused about Scripture, about salvation, and about the purpose of life. But in those dark times, light dawned. Brave individuals challenged long–held teachings that had drifted from Scripture. Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Thomas Cranmer led movements of reformation in their nations, calling their followers to the clear teaching of the Bible, to Christ, to faith, to grace, to live to the glory of God. Others, such as Patrick Hamilton, William Tyndale, and Lady Jane Grey, sought to continue this enterprise, sometimes at the cost of their lives. The Risen Hope series is a narrative–driven history of the Church. Introducing key people and events from the last two thousand years, readers will be captivated by the fascinating stories and engaging writing style. Risen Hope replaces the out–of–print History Lives series. These bold Christians—called Protestants for their protest against the established and wayward Church practices of the day—sought to be faithful to Christ in their world, and in the process they offered in a new world that endures today.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Bless–ed: 52 Weekly Blessings You Have as a Believer and How to Help Your Lost Friends Find Theirs
In 52 short chapters, Bless–ed shows us the gifts God has given us, and how we can share them with our friends When we think about blessings, we often think about material gifts that God has provided. These are indeed things to be grateful for, but these are things that God has given to all people – what are the additional blessings we receive because we are his? Have you given thought to the knowledge that you have a forgiven past, a promising present and a certain, glorious future? Have you thanked God for giving you a proper view of health, balanced emotions and a fearless intellectual life? With one chapter for every week of the year, Larry Dixon looks at a different blessing that we have in our Christian life. He explains the blessing, gives Bible passages to examine, encourages us to take action with three action points, and also provides a guide for praying for unsaved friends to also know this blessing.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd The Most Unlikely Missionaries: Serving God’s Kingdom in the Middle Kingdom
The Gurvsy family arrived in China during 2017. Two years later they were back home, reeling from the experience and asking, ‘What happened?’. After being sent out to missional work, the Gurvsys look back at newsletters, diaries, examining memories and their culture shocks; all with the prayer–fuelled awareness of God, His ways, His Word and His promises. This book is a narrative made possible by reflection. It’s a story of waiting, action and benching. It’s less an account of missional life in Asia. Rather, a story which reflects the complexities, challenges, choices and changes humanity experiences while here on earth. It’s a letter to all who are called to go, be it at home, in work or overseas.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Male and Female He Created Them: A Study on Gender, Sexuality, & Marriage
Male & Female He Created Them is an 8–week study on gender, sexuality, and marriage. Authored by Denny Burk, David Closson, and Colin Smothers, it presents a biblical vision for contested issues such as homosexuality, transgenderism, and marriage. By the completion of this book, readers will have a better grasp on the Bible’s teaching about our identities as male and female, created in the image of God, and know how to apply Scripture to these issues in their ministries at church, home, and work.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Track: Dating, Marriage & Sex: A Student’s Guide to Dating, Marriage & Sex
A young person’s entry into biblical views of relationships. Chastity is a word that isn’t used much these days, but it means exercising sexual self–control in line with the moral teachings of the Bible. It means honoring God, respecting others, and embracing the liberating beauty of God’s order. But how do we do that in today’s recreational dating culture? And how do we think about dating and, ultimately, marriage? David Ayers has written this helpful little book to help you think through these questions, and understand why this is such an important part of the Christian life.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Jonah’s Journeys: The Minor Prophets, Book 6
This Jonah picture book clearly explains this minor prophet for 4–6 year–olds God told Jonah to go to Nineveh and tell the people there to stop doing bad things and turn back to God, but Jonah ran away. He took a boat in the opposite direction, so God sent a big storm and Jonah ended up in the belly of a big fish. When Jonah told the Ninevites God’s message, they turned away from their evil ways, but instead of rejoicing, Jonah was angry. This minor prophet has major lessons for readers today. Brian Wright and John Brown show us how Jonah points to Jesus, and teaches us about compassion and obedience.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Pride: Identity and the Worship of Self
A study of identity politics through a biblical lens, looking at idolatry of the self and the elevations of sexual identity. Our culture is obsessed with identity and it has been the cause of tense interaction with (and within) the Church. Rather than being a new challenge to the Christian faith, however, the identity issue is a very old one; it is fundamentally one of idolatry. Who we are, who we think we are, and how God in Christ restores our knowledge of ourselves in covenant with him, are central Biblical themes. But these things will only appear with clarity if we have the courage to tackle the idolatries of our own age at the root, and stand true to our calling as Christians to worship God and him alone.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd The Reluctant Queen: and Other Reformation Women
The women in this book – Lady Jane Grey, Anne Askew, Katherine Parr and Catherine Willoughby were Christian women of outstanding courage and conviction. Each was transformed by the teachings of the Reformation and experienced its dramas and dangers. Elaine Snuggs has researched widely and deeply to portray for us four remarkable women living through a fascinating period in history, a period with immense consequences for England and indeed the world. The women are both well known (Katharine Parr, sixth and surviving wife of Henry VIII, and Lady Jane Grey, the Nine Days Queen) and not so well known (martyr Anne Askew and Catherine Willoughby, Duchess of Suffolk). These were not flawless heroines but in their times of trial showed themselves to be brave, intelligent, educated women, of strong character and radiant spirit, living for the Lord who had saved them and whom they had come to know as the only Saviour and Redeemer by grace alone through faith alone. See how God has exercised his sovereignty in history – in the public sphere as well as in the lives of individuals, and be inspired to love Christ more, and live for him.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd No Shadow of Turning: Divine Immutability and the Economy of Redemption
How does God’s unchanging nature impact the salvation of his people? While divine immutability enjoyed a broad affirmation through much of Christian theological antiquity, it has fallen on harder times in modernity. Seen as a holdover from overly philosophical theology, divine immutability has often been characterized as rendering God static and incapable of having meaningful relationships with his creation. This book aims to swim upstream from this claim and demonstrate that divine immutability does not handicap soteriology but is a necessary and vital component of God’s economy of redemption as triune changelessness protects and promotes the redemption of God’s creatures. By anchoring the economy of redemption in divine immutability, we see the benefit of rooting all of God’s economic work in the immanent life of God. This book aims to be a work of dogmatic theology and therefore will arrive at this thesis by way of exegetical, historical, and philosophical theology. In harmony, these fields will interact with varying deviations and denials of divine immutability and ultimately conclude that a classical articulation of God’s changelessness does most justice to the economy of redemption.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd The Illustrated Westminster Shorter Catechism
For almost 400 years families have been using The Westminster Shorter Catechism as a guide to understanding the basics of the Christian faith. This new, illustrated edition breathes fresh life into these timeless questions and answers, helping a new generation to learn the primary truths drawn from the Bible and laid out by our fathers in the faith. Ira Miniof’s striking images will help families engage with and meditate on the meaning of each entry. A valuable addition to any family’s library. Also includes a short glossary of practices and concepts used, and an index of Scripture proofs. The entries are separated into sections for ease of reference: Our Faith (Questions 1–38) Life’s Purpose Holy Scripture What We Should Believe About God God’s Plan Creation God’s Providence Sin Covenant of Grace Our Savior Three Offices of the Savior Savior’s Humiliation Savior’s Exaltation Effective Calling Benefits in this Life Benefits at Death Benefits at the Resurrection God’s Law (Questions 39–87) The Moral Law Introduction to the Ten Commandments The First Commandment The Second Commandment The Third Commandment The Fourth Commandment The Fifth Commandment The Sixth Commandment The Seventh Commandment The Eighth Commandment The Ninth Commandment The Tenth Commandment Transgressions and Punishment How Can We Be Saved? The Means of Grace (Questions 88–99) The Means of Grace The Word of God The Sacraments Baptism The Lord’s Supper Prayer The Lord’s Prayer Our Father In Heaven Hallowed Be Your Name Your Kingdom Come Your Will be Done, On Earth As It Is In Heaven Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread And Forgive Us Our Debts, As We Also Have Forgiven Our Debtors And Lead Us Not Into Temptation, But Deliver Us From Evil For Yours Is The Kingdom, And The Power, And The Glory, Forever. Amen
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Teaching Leviticus: From Text to Message
The book of Leviticus remains a mystery to many Christians, which is a great pity, for Leviticus is not only theologically rich, but also essential for grasping the full–orbed message of the gospel. The book’s central concern is clear: preparing people to live near Yahweh’s presence and survive the encounter; yet the message of Leviticus remains one of grace. It is God who desires to live with his people, and it is God who provides means and instructions to make such an arrangement possible. Geoffrey Harper’s guide to this complex but crucial book will be helpful to small group leaders and preachers who want to teach Leviticus but are unsure where to start. This series is designed to help the pastor/preacher, a small group leader or a youth worker teach their way through a Biblical book. It will help you in planning and executing a lesson advising on background, structure, key points and application.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Track: Missions: A Student’s Guide to Missions
All of us have someone else to thank for receiving the good news of salvation. Mission is a means to a greater goal – God’s name being glorified in the salvation of sinners. We should long to see God’s fame being spread as far as possible. Throughout the Bible God chose to reach the nations through the preaching of His own people. Emilio Garofalo Neto helps us think through mission, the place it has in our world today, and our role in the mission of Christ.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Faith Undaunted: Embracing Faith and Knowledge in a Post–Truth Era
Christian faith is a matter for the emotions, but also a matter for the intellect. Donald MacLeod delves into not only what he believes, but why he believes, and how that belief affects how he lives his life. Arguing for the importance of reason and logic in personal faith, he equips the reader to resist relativist influences that are permeating the twenty–first–century church. Winsomely written, Professor MacLeod shows once again why he is a beloved teacher and writer.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Trust God and Don’t Be Afraid: 40 Bible Readings about Faith
Have you ever felt afraid? Most people have. So, it is not surprising then, that in the Bible the words “fear not” or “do not be afraid” occur quite frequently. The God who made us, knows all about our fears. This book reminds us that God is with us. The God who helped His people in the past to face difficulties without fear, will also help us if we trust in Him.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd 66 Books: One Story: A Guide to Every Book of the Bible
If you’ve read the Bible, you probably know some of the important battles, a good chunk of the life of Jesus, maybe a Psalm or two – but what do you know about the minor prophets and the epistles? Do you have some loose ends that need tying up? This is where a book like this helps. The Bible has one author – God – so we need to see the Bible as a whole, as God’s Word. Every book of the Bible is the breath of God and the plan of Salvation spans all of Scripture. In this Bible overview each book of the Bible is summarised; background given; themes and theology explained.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Hymn Workouts: 100 Exercises to Set Your Heart Ablaze
Spiritual fitness for Christians whose growth has stagnated Many of us feel like our spiritual growth has stalled. Our routines have hardened into ruts. Around us, we see other Christians with the same struggles and we start to think that treading water is the basic rhythm of the Christian life. Often the problem of stagnating faith is down to one simple fact – we all have a bias towards ease. Our spiritual routines involve passively reading our Bibles, not lingering long enough to comprehend or retain what was read, and a few distracted minutes spent in prayer. This book of spiritual workouts is meant to push complacent souls back out into the space of exertion and discovery. It will engage and sharpen the faculties of the mind – memory, imagination, intellect, conscience and will. Each workout, thematically grouped, features a hymn, richly steeped in scripture. There is a Bible passage to read, a list of the scripture references made in the hymn, and three reflection questions to meditate on. The 100 exercises are grouped into these themes: The Holiness of God The Mystery of the Gospel Incarnation and Life Death Resurrection and Ascension Final Judgement and New Creation Spiritual Fellowship The Father The Son The Holy Spirit The Church Spiritual Transformation Inward Motivation Mature Character Spiritual Disciplines Bible Reading Prayer Repentance and Mortification Practicing the Presence of God Whole–Life Discipleship Spiritual Trials Suffering and Affliction Temptation and Spiritual Warfare Facing Death
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Matthew: A Call for Unity and Responsibility in the Church
Matthew was a tax collector, a disgrace to his people. But Jesus, in his grace, called him to be a disciple and to write a book about him for his own people, the Jews. The central theme of Matthew is two–fold: Jesus is the fulfilment of the promises in the Hebrew Scriptures and Jesus is the Messiah. John D. Hannah’s valuable contribution to the Focus on the Bible series is a layman’s commentary to this crucial book. Moving through the book, he shows how Matthew records the claims of Jesus to be King, and the rejection of Jesus as King.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Thomas Cranmer: The King’s Ambassador
Sometimes we want our heroes to have no faults. We want them to do the right thing, standing tall, with no stain on their life or character. But everyone makes mistakes. The life of Thomas Cranmer shows that God uses failures in his church for his own glory. He moved amongst Kings and Queens, influencing the throne of England and the centre of national power. But he lived at a time when the power of the monarch was absolute and sometimes the decisions you made were a matter of life and death. Thomas Cranmer’s life is perhaps best known for a decision he made that he later regretted and deeply repented of. But his final legacy is the truth that he held on to the last.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd How Jesus Cares: 31 Devotions about Christ and his love for you
When we read God’s Word and see the wonder of who Jesus is and what he has done we see that God’s Son has given us his very best. His love and care for us took him to the Cross for us. With these 31 devotions and prayers you will discover Christ’s care for his people and how he deserves our love and worship. Find out How Jesus Cares through stories such as: Nicknames, Just Do It, and David’s Big Three. These stories were first told at The Tron Church in Glasgow, Scotland.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Track: Worldview: A Student’s Guide to Worldview
We all view the world through a certain lens. Depending on our upbringing, geography, experiences and a whole host of other influences, we will see life a certain way. Our understanding of truth, justice, love, and good and evil is shaped by what we hear and are taught. Using real–life stories and poignant historical overviews, Sharon James writes to equip the next generation with the wisdom needed to think through some of the most divisive cultural issues of our day.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Imperfect Reflections: The Art of Christian Journaling
Discover your journal’s potential to be a tool for spiritual growth Kirsten Birkett encourages us to pick up our notebooks and pens and use journaling as a tool to grow in godliness. Writing is a powerful act. It takes time and allows us the space to turn emotions like sadness or anger into joy. The Puritans used diaries as a way to give themselves spiritual counsel. It helped them to remember God’s mercies, to reflect on how He has been at work, and to be thankful. This book is a helpful guide for those who want to start the practice of journaling, or who want to direct their journaling in a more intentional way. Put pen to paper and create a record of your spiritual life. Chapter headings include: Introduction: How This All Got Started Chapter 1: Write Chapter 2: Write Wisdom Chapter 3: Write Forgiveness Chapter 4: Write Thankfulness Chapter 5: Write Prayer Chapter 6: Write Witness Chapter 7: Write Bible Chapter 8: The Covid Diaries 2020 Appendix: Write as the Puritans Did
Christian Focus Publications Ltd What Jesus Did: 31 Devotions about the life of Jesus
Since before the beginning of time God has been at work. He created the world; he promised to send a saviour; and he sent his Son to die for us. With these 31 devotions and prayers you will see the impact of the life of Christ from before Creation to the Resurrection. Find out What Jesus Did through stories such as: Making Christmas Last; When Jesus Became a Refugee; and How Do I know Jesus Loves me? These stories were first told at The First Presbyterian Church in Columbia, South Carolina.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd The Magnificent Time Machine
Take a deep breath. You’re going to become a time traveller. This journey will take you back to the Cross and the beginning of time itself. Your adventure hinges on God the Father’s Plan to give his one and only Son to save sinners. Trace God’s plan of redemption back through time, all the way to creation, with this charmingly illustrated children’s book by Sinclair Ferguson. The story will help children see that creation, the cross, the resurrection and our lives today are all part of God’s big story.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd What Jesus Does: 31 Devotions about Jesus and the Church
What is a life with Jesus like? How does the Son of God impact me? Through 31 devotions about Jesus, family and the church we discover what being friends with Jesus really means. Find out about Jesus, his friends and family, the disciples and the church through stories such as: Jesus Knows Your Name; Ready Steady Think; and Who Loves Church? These stories were first told at The First Presbyterian Church in Columbia, South Carolina.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Liberated: How the Bible Exalts and Dignifies Women
There are parts of the Bible that I have struggled with, and bits that seemed far removed from my life as a twenty–first–century woman. I have wrestled with them, but as I read, I came to know that God offers more liberation, more freedom, and more fulfilment than I could dare to imagine. Equality for all people is a foundational principle in our culture and embedded in our law. The consensus is clear: all people are equally valuable. However, religion is seen as a stronghold that promotes inequality. There is a widespread belief that the Bible is sexist. Women fear that God does not want their good and instead, he wants to box them in and clip their wings. Our culture believes that they need to forget religion to achieve equality. This, however, is not the case. The principle of equality is established in the first pages of the Bible, and its message exalts and dignifies both men and women. Bible teacher, conference speaker and author Karen Soole shares what she has discovered as she has read the Bible and grappled with it over many years. She takes us through the Bible story from Genesis to Revelation and challenges the reader to decide whether God is offering life and liberation, or suffocation and oppression. It is an invitation to meet and know the God of the Bible, and to view his Word through the lens of his character. Chapter titles include Thirsty Made in God’s Image: Genesis 1 Made for Relationship: Genesis 2 Messing up the Design: Genesis 3 The Fallout How the Story Unfolds From Bad to Worse Worrying Laws Wisdom for All The Broken Bride The Wife Liberation Although this book is about women, it is not ‘only for women’. These things matter to everyone. This book was written for men and women, although it addresses concerns that women face in particular. These concerns are relevant to everyone.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Adam and the Covenant of Works
J. V. Fesko seeks to recover and defend the doctrine of the covenant of works in this second book in his three–part series. He argues that it is biblical and a necessary element for a right understanding of God, the world, Christ and our redemption. Understanding the nature of the triune God’s interaction with Adam ultimately sets the stage for the work of the last Adam, Jesus. The book is split into three sections: history, exegesis and doctrine. The chapter headings are: History Terms Do This and Live Adam’s Faith Covenant or Contract? Grace in the Covenant of Works The Covenant of Works and Sinai Exegesis Written on the Heart (Rom. 2:14–15) In the Day that you Eat (Gen. 2:16–17) Do This and Live (Lev. 18:5) They Broke the Everlasting Covenant (Isa. 24:5) Like Adam They Broke the Covenant (Hos. 6:7) These Are Two Covenants (Gal. 4:24) Adam, Israel, and Christ (Rom. 5:12–21) Captive to the Law (Rom. 7:16) Doctrine Statement of the Doctrine The Covenant of Works and Sinai Justification and the Covenant of Works Grace and Merit in the Covenant of Works Excursus on Genesis 1:26
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Behold: An Invitation to Wonder
Justin O. Huffman invites us to ponder the glorious, life–changing truths given to us in God’s Word. We are starving for want of wonder. In what we perceive to be the desert wasteland of daily life and regular responsibilities, our souls hunger for more. We instinctively feel there must be more to life than merely waiting for the next big movie to be released, or the next sport season to come back around, or the next holiday to arrive on the calendar. We long to be truly in awe. All the while, true wonders abound. They abound in the natural world, and they super–abound in the supernatural realm. What our souls are starving for is not merely to be awed, but to discover something or someone that is truly, permanently, and altogether awesome. God tells us, over and over again, to focus our starving souls on the superb reality of who He is, what He is doing, and what He promises to do for all who trust in Him. God invites us to pause within the pages of Scripture, to consider what we are reading, and thereby to feed on His majesty. And God’s invitation to glory in Him is nowhere more explicit than in the repeated command to ‘Behold.’ Justin O. Huffman invites us to meditate on ten of the occasions the command ‘Behold’ is used in the New Testament, and to feast on the wonderful truth we find there. Chapter Headings Immanuel, God with Us (Matthew 1:23) God’s Beloved Son (Matthew 3:17) The Fields are Ripe (John 4:35) Jesus’ True Family (Matthew 12:50) Jesus, Crucified and Risen (Matthew 20:18–19) Living to Tell the Good News (Acts 20:22–27) A Foundation or a Stumbling Stone (Romans 9:33) Now is the Day of Salvation (2 Corinthians 6:2) The Blessed Who Remain Steadfast (James 5:11) He is Coming (Revelation 1:7)
Christian Focus Publications Ltd A Certain Brightness: Bible Devotions for Troubled Times
The devotions in this book are short, encouraging, and a reminder of the light when everything seems dark. Philippa Wilson has begun each chapter with a five–word Bible phrase that is easily memorised and ended with a prayer. Beautiful illustrations by Rebekah Lesan make this an ideal book to give to friends who are struggling.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Christian Heroes: Just Like You
We all have heroes – people we admire, look up to, and want to be like. Here are twenty–one heroes who stood up for their faith. We remember them because they did great and brave things for their God. Learn about them, and find that you can be a Christian Hero too!
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Deuteronomy: A Mentor Expository Commentary
The book of Deuteronomy finds the Israelites on the cusp of entering the land that had been promised to them since the days of Abraham. This second giving of the law is to be the bedrock of the society they build – to be people identified as the people of Yahweh. Douglas F. Kelly helpfully exposits this book considering not only its importance to the original hearers, but also the impact it has for the church today. The Mentor Expository Series holds to an inerrant view of Scripture. The series is thoroughly researched with helpful practical application. This is a resource for pastors and Bible teachers who want to draw on Christ–centered expository teaching and for the lay reader who wants to delve more deeply into the riches of the Word of God.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Little Lights Box Set 3
This box set contains the charmingly illustrated stories of five heroes of the Christian faith – C. S. Lewis, Gladys Aylward, Lottie Moon, John Knox and Charles Spurgeon. These hardback books will delight 4–7 year–old children.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd The Big Book of Questions and Answers: A Family Devotional Guide to the Christian Faith
Questions! Questions! Questions! Children are full of them. Where did I come from? What is God like? Is there only one God? The Big Book of Questions and Answers is a family guide to the Christian Faith. It contains a wealth of activities, prayers, and Bible references. These interactive resources will bring families closer together as they learn about the Christian faith.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd An Alarm to the Unconverted: Why You Need Jesus
What is conversion? What does it look like? And why does it matter? Joseph Alleine addresses these questions and more in this book, pleading with the unconverted to turn to Christ. Contrasting the life of the believer with the eternity facing those who are not in Christ this passionate appeal explains not only why, but how to give your life to God.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Good Choices, Bad Choices: Bible Characters Decide
The Bible teaches us that God always does what He says He will do. It is a great comfort to know, that God’s plans and purposes are not changed by men and women who make wrong or foolish choices. In a way that we cannot understand, God rules over everything, so that His promises are always fulfilled. From the first wrong choice made by Adam and Eve throughout the Bible we meet many people who chose well or who made foolish decisions. This book will help you to focus on God’s Word and His wisdom guiding you in your own day to day choices. Features: 44 devotional readings with scripture references and thinking further questions.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd The Fulfillment of the Promises of God: An Explanation of Covenant Theology
A variety of views and nuances of covenant theology exist within the Reformed church and the broader evangelical world. This book seeks to explain covenant theology as presented in the Westminster Confession of Faith as a starting point for discussions of covenant theology and as a foundation to evaluate other views. Some variations of covenant theology are minor and do not impact the system of doctrine of Reformed theology, but other variations are major and impact important doctrines associated with justification by faith. Attention is also given to the views of confessional Baptists, as well as those who are evangelicals and operate with a covenantal approach to Scripture. This book combines a straightforward explanation of basic covenant theology followed by more detailed analysis of other views.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd The Good Portion – Christ: Delighting in the Doctrine of Christ
Understanding the person of Christ is central to understanding the gospel. Jenny Reeves Manley unpacks Christ’s divinity and His humanity, before examining more fully Jesus’ work on earth, planned from before the beginning of time. He took our place on the cross set us free from our debt of sin. In the concluding chapters, the author explores further how Christ’s atonement enabled us to be redeemed to God and united to Christ.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd What Does the Bible Teach about Transgenderism?: A Short Book on Personal Identity
People all around us are seeking wholeness and happiness and acceptance. These are good things to seek. But if we seek them in the wrong places, we will surely reap calamity. This is just what’s happening today regarding the LGBTQ movement. People are being told that if they follow their heart, their deepest instincts and desires, they’ll be whole and happy and affirmed. But this is not true. Gavin Peacock and Owen Strachan delve into what God’s Word says about gender identity and transgenderism.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Why Should I Trust the Bible?
The Bible is a cobbled–together selection of ancient writings that have been changed so many times by so many people over hundreds of years that surely the text can no longer be trusted – right? Certainly, there are plenty of people who take this view. Timothy Paul Jones here addresses the fact that the Bible is a difficult book to believe. It is full of incidents that seem highly improbable, if not impossible. Written for people who are sceptical of its accuracy, and of its authority, this book takes a reasonable look at the claims made about the Bible.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Around the Wicket Gate: Help For Those Who Only Know About Christ
The greatest of all tragedies must be that of the person who dies just outside the gate of life. They are standing, as it were, just outside the wicket gate to the church grounds – seeing the beauty of the building, knowing the people going in – but not stepping over the threshold themselves. Almost saved but altogether lost. This is a book of immeasurable value to those who have some knowledge of the Christian Faith but who are resisting God’s call to commit their lives to him. No Christian should be without a copy, to either lend or give away to a friend or acquaintance who may be lingering at the gate. Around the Wicket Gate is written in Spurgeon’s unique style – sharp, penetrating, and easily readable. One of the most quoted preachers of modern times, his sermons have proved to be a blessing to millions. For someone thinking about Christianity, who has yet to accept Christ as their saviour, reading this book could help them towards the most important step they ever take.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Teaching Joshua: From Text to Message
The book of Joshua is an epic. Conquest, battles, scandal, tribalism, deceit, land registration and farewell speeches all make up this remarkable narrative. Some of the episodes are well known, other sections are largely passed over. However behind all the twists and turns, highs and lows is the God who makes and keeps promises. The book of Joshua is profoundly relevant for today and needs to be declared faithfully in its entirety. To be repeatedly reminded through the pages of Joshua that God is faithful to his promises and sovereign over his people, guiding them by his powerful word to his promised rest, is truth we must never tire of hearing. The book of Joshua has also been a battlefield on which the Christian faith and particularly the Old Testament has been attacked by new atheism, therefore digging deep into Joshua will strengthen and resource people to stand firm amidst such opposition. Teaching Joshua is a great addition to the growing ‘Teaching the Bible’ series. Doug Johnson has done a brilliant job of both guiding the reader towards the main thrust of each passage whilst not overlooking the detail or the various complexities. Teaching Joshua will be a great aid to those who have the privilege and the joy of preaching or teaching this particular book. Whether you are a small group leader, preacher, youth worker or someone who simply wants help with their personal Bible study, this book will help you to understand and communicate the message of Joshua.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Elizabeth Prentiss: More Love
Elizabeth was a bright young girl who knew what it was to have a heart sore with troubles. Born in Portland, Maine in the United States, Elizabeth was deeply impacted by the death of her father, who suffered from tuberculosis. However, in those early days she found that Jesus Christ and his love was her strength. Living life as a Christian wife and mother didn’t mean that suffering became part of her past. She also had health problems and two of her own children died. Elizabeth Prentiss continued to turn to her loving Heavenly Father for love and support, while also using her talent with the pen to bring glory to God and help to others in their time of need. Her hymn ‘More Love to Thee’ was a declaration of love to her Saviour – Once earthly joy I craved, Sought peace and rest; Now Thee alone I seek, Give what is best; This all my prayer shall be: More love, O Christ, to Thee, More love to Thee, More love to Thee!
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Therefore the Truth I Speak: Scottish Theology 1500 – 1700
The Scottish church was forever altered by the arrival of the Reformation in the sixteenth century. Its legacy endured, and provoked a flurry of theological re–examinations which form the foundation for much of our modern understanding of Reformed Theology. In this informed and accessible historical study, Donald MacLeod, one of Scotland’s current leading theologians, looks to the past to assess the impact of prominent theologians of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, always with an eye to demonstrating how their writings speak to contemporary challenges facing the Church today.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Idols of a Mother’s Heart
Even good things can become idols if we give them central importance in our lives. Having children changes everything, and as mothers, we risk looking for life, purpose and meaning in motherhood. While being a mother brings its unique set of challenges, these years of raising children and helping them grow in the nurture and admonition of the Lord provide an opportunity to grow in our own Christlikeness as well. Writing from her own personal experience as a mom, Christina Fox encourages mothers to prayerfully and thoughtfully examine their own hearts, and to let God use motherhood as a means of sanctification. Split into three sections, the first chapter looks at the meaning motherhood; chapters 2–4 are about idolatry; chapters 5–9 focus on a few different idols that mothers might worship (not an exhaustive list, but a common few); and the final chapters are about facing idols, dethroning them, and turning our heart back to the One true God. Chapter titles include: Part I 1. The Sanctifying Work of Motherhood 2. Made for Worship 3. What is Idolatry? 4. Identifying Idols in Our Lives Part II 5. The Idol of Children 6. The Idol of Achievement and Success 7. The Idol of Comfort 8. The Idol of Control 9. The Idol of Approval Part III 10. Turning from Our Idols 11. Turning to Christ
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Isaiah Vol 2: A Mentor Commentary
There are many academic commentaries, but very few hold to an inerrant view of Scripture as Mentor commentaries do. This series of expositions of Scripture successful refute wilder departures from orthodoxy whilst appreciating and learning from latest theological research. This expanding series includes commentaries on the Old and New Testament. Isaiah is a book of literary, historical, theological and ecclesial riches. Paul R. House contends that Isaiah wrote the whole book during his long ministry. Predicts the coming of the Messiah. Strives to treat Isaiah as a prophetic book, as a work that highlights major themes such as creation, sin in its many manifestations (e.g. covenant breaking), proper ethical behaviour, approaching judgement often described as ‘the day of Yahweh’, and renewal effected by Yahweh’s redeeming work. Yahweh displays indomitable determination to redeem in Isaiah. The creator will redeem his people. He will give them a permanent home in a new heavens and earth, a perfect Zion, and a safe place. The redeemed will come from many nations, and they will serve him in their lifetimes and beyond. Sin and death cannot stop this plan. All Yahweh’s covenants will be kept, the dead shall rise, justice will prevail, and the Davidic messiah will play the key role in this inexorable victory.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Jesus – the Best Friend
The best friend ever will never leave you. Jesus is the friend you can always trust. He is caring and loving and strong. Find out about Jesus who can be your friend and Saviour. He is the very best.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Called?: Pastoral Guidance for the Divine Call to Gospel Ministry
Only those who have an undeniable calling from God will be fit for the challenges and strains of the ministry life. But how do you test a calling and how do you proceed if you are certain its legitimacy? From the theology of being called, to selecting a seminary, to beginning life as a pastor, Michael Milton looks to the Word of God for answers and guidance, as well as drawing on his own experience as a Presbyterian minister.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Character – How Do I Change?
So, you’ve heard the Gospel, you’ve accepted Jesus as your saviour, you’re going to Church regularly – you’re definitely a Christian, but you don’t feel like you’re acting like one. The other Christians you know all seem to have it together but how do you get to that point? Even though none of us will be perfect in this life, we can grow to be more and more like Jesus. This book will tell you how.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Qualified for Heaven: The Story of Balazs Csiszer
Growing up in communist Romania in the 1980s to atheist parents, Balazs never even heard Christianity spoken about. However, this was not the end of his story. Qualified for Heaven tracks his journey to Christ from meeting some Christian girls in school to wrestling with his need for cleansing and forgiveness. Written for youths, but encouraging to all!