Search results for ""christian focus publications ltd""
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Track: Gaming: A Student’s Guide to Gaming
Gaming is multi–billion–dollar industry, which has been growing massively in the last few years. It seems that everyone is gaming in one way or another. You might not think that the Bible has anything to say about gaming, but Reagan Rose has written this helpful book on what our relationship with gaming should look like. Track is a series of books designed to disciple the next generation in the areas of culture, doctrine, & the Christian life. While the topics addressed aren’t always simple, they are communicated in a manner that is.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd 40 Years Behind Bars: The Inside Story of Prison Fellowship Scotland
There are around 8,000 people incarcerated in Scotland. For 40 years, Prison Fellowship Scotland has been working with prisoners and their families, providing practical help and care, and sharing the good news about Jesus. 40 Years Behind Bars tells the stories of the work of Prison Fellowship Scotland, from the perspective of the people closest to the work – prisoners, volunteers and prison workers, amongst others. These uplifting first–hand accounts give voices to many who are unheard, and an insight into the real difference God makes in the lives of those trapped in cycles of addiction and abuse. From weekly groups where anyone and everyone is welcomed, to the Sycamore Tree course, encouraging victim awareness and restorative justice Prison Fellowship Scotland, and other Prison Fellowships around the world, show the love of God in a tangible way to prisoners and their families. Learn more about the impact this incredible organisation has had in 40 Years Behind Bars.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Systematic Theology (Volume 3): The Holy Spirit and the Church
This highly anticipated third volume in Douglas Kelly’s systematic theology focuses on the person and work of the Holy Spirit and on the Church. Kelly traces the work of the Spirit throughout the Old Testament and New Testament, as well as his ongoing work in the Church today. Issues involved in our coming into the immediate reality of God’s dwelling within us are discussed, including tongues. Closely intertwined with the work of the Spirit, Kelly also examines the Church – a major theme in Old and New Testament. Scripture speaks of it as an ‘assembly’, composed of those who are called out of the world and into it. From its presupposition in Israel to its place in the fulfillment of the Covenant. Kelly touches on all aspects of the church, including unity, governance, the sacraments, and the election of the members of the body. This modern systematic theology written from a reformed and non–dispensational view by a worldwide respected professor is sure to delight scholars everywhere.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd When Home Hurts: A Guide for Responding Wisely to Domestic Abuse in Your Church
A pastoral guide to dealing wisely with domestic abuse in the local church. This book is intended to equip pastors, church leaders and church members to respond with the heart of God to situations of domestic abuse that occur in their local church. Prioritising the safety of the victim at all times, Jeremy Pierre and Greg Wilson seek to help you be the kind of church leader, church member, friend, parent, sibling, or neighbor who responds wisely. We want the church to be a new normal for those grown accustomed to abuse. A home that doesn’t hurt those inside, but instead welcomes them into the tender care of the Lord. Split into three sections, When Home Hurts begins with an overview to provide a framework for understanding abuse and the people caught up in it, before moving on to advice on how to help in the short and long terms. This very practical, pastoral book acknowledges the reality and the horror of domestic abuse, but also the reality and power of God to heal. It will be a helpful guide to anyone who suspects abuse within their church family but is unsure how to help without making things worse. The five appendices at the end of the book offer helpful answers to difficult questions as well as additional resources. Section 1 – How to Understand Abuse Understanding Your Role as Agent of God’s Love Understanding Abuse Dynamics Discerning Abuse Dynamics Section 2 – How to Help in the Short Term Caring for the Victim Confronting the Abuser Considering Collateral Damage Section 3 – How to Help in the Long Term Helping the Move from Victim to Overcomer Helping the Move from Abuser to Servant Leading Your Church to Respond with Wisdom and Compassion Appendix A – FAQs in the Initial Stages Appendix B – FAQs on Separation, Divorce, and Reunification After Abuse Appendix C – The Authority of Scripture and Abuse Research Appendix D – Resources Appendix E – Care Advocate Role Description
Christian Focus Publications Ltd For the Mouth of the Lord Has Spoken: The Doctrine of Scripture
There is no book better than the Bible. It is God’s own word. He breathed it into existence. He does wonderful things in and by it. But there is hardly a book more assailed, mocked, and assaulted than the Bible. New Testament Professor Guy Prentiss Waters delves into the doctrine of Scripture. Addressing the revelation, inspiration, inerrancy, sufficiency and perspicuity of the Bible, he also engages with what some other prominent theologians had to say on the subject.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd God’s Bible Timeline: The Big Book of Biblical History
With colour illustrations, pictures, and pull–out timelines, this history book brings the whole Bible to life! From Genesis to Revelation, from the beginning of time to the early church, from the first promise of a Saviour to the promise that one day that Saviour will return – this book spans all of time. Find out about how the God of all time spoke to his people and still speaks today through his Word. This absorbing book is split into 6 colour–coded sections: Creation to the Promised Land Living in the Promised Land From One Kingdom to Two Exile and Return The Messiah The Early Church The eighteen illustrated timelines place Bible events side–by–side with other historical events, helping readers to understand how biblical history fits with other historical accounts. These timelines also draw together events from different books of the Bible, clearly showing, for example, when in Israel and Judah’s history the prophets were speaking, and what else was happening at the time. The timelines are interspersed with descriptions of notable people, maps and illustrations depicting key locations and occasions, as well as explanations of why certain incidents are so important. Throughout the book there are icons drawing the reader’s attention to: Promise of the Messiah Covenants that God made Judah’s kings & prophets Israel’s kings & prophets Seeing these things laid out in such a clear format helps to identify the threads of redemptive history that are woven throughout the Bible. Written and designed by the same people who created the popular God’s Timeline, this companion book will help young and old readers alike to understand the chronology of the Bible. It also includes a pull–out poster of the whole timeline, and the main heroes and villains mentioned in the Bible.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Augustine of Hippo: His Life and Impact
Arguably the most significant theologian in Church history, Augustine is nonetheless a figure of dispute in protestant circles, distrusted for his views on ecclesiology, amongst other subjects. Yet his love for the Lord and articulation of the doctrine of grace ensure that his writings remain relevant and inspiring to many Christians today. For anyone looking to begin to understand this theological giant, Bradley Green’s biography offers a clear insight into Augustine’s life and beliefs. In the words of the patristic himself, ‘Take and Read’.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd The Missionary–Theologian: Sent into the World, Sanctified by the Word
Gospel doctrine is the lifeblood of mission. Most missionaries in church history have, in preparation for the field, committed themselves to rigorous study and extraordinary theological training, but there has been a move away from that in recent times. E.D. Burns contends that this is dangerous, leaving those who need it most ill–equipped to deal with the difficulties mission life brings. This brotherly and friendly plea challenges those who are already in, or are considering joining, the mission field to rest in Christ’s work and abide in His Word.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Prayer Is An Adventure
This beautifully illustrated edition of best–selling author Patricia St John’s beloved book on prayer will inspire children to speak to their Heavenly Father. Prayer is a vital part of child’s relationship with God. It is something they must be taught to do for themselves. It is a two–way communication. But it is crucial that they learn not only why prayer is important, but who is it that they pray to, how to pray and how their prayers might be answered. Using short everyday stories and examples from the Bible and the lives of well–known Christians Patrica St John walks the reader step–by–step through this simple but profound guide to prayer. This hardback full of gorgeous modern illustrations by Catherine Pape, and will be a great encouragement for 8–12 year olds who are taking their first steps in faith.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd First Steps Box Set: 10 book set
AN INTERACTIVE GUIDE AND INTRODUCTION TO THE CHRISTIAN LIFE – WARTS AND ALL! The First Steps series provides an innovative and engaging guide to the Christian Life for people who are just starting out on it, perhaps with no Church background or previous information whatsoever. Possibly excited and nervous at the same time. Each of the ten titles uses everyday language to clearly explain some of the key areas people need to grasp, but commonly struggle with. A unique feature is that you are introduced to a person in each book, who we see trying this out in real life situations. You can almost imagine being there with them. These ten titles can be followed step–by–step as a path, or in the order that seems most relevant to where you are right now. God – Is He Out There? War – Why Did Life Just Get Harder? Voices – Who Am I Listening To? Bible – Can We Trust It? Believe – What Should I Know? Character – How Do I Change? Training – How Do I Grow As A Christian? Church – Do I Have To Go? Relationships – How Do I Make Things Right? Service – How Do I Give Back? Each book will grab your attention using six symbols that run throughout each one. A person experiencing what’s in the book, before you have to. Illustrations that really bring it to life. Stop signs to ensure you’ve grasped it. Key Bible verses to give you confidence in what you’ve read. One significant and relevant Bible verse to easily remember and hold onto. A brief summary of what you’ve just covered, before going any further. Let’s jump in and take a look at what’s instore for us. GOD – IS HE OUT THERE? Probably the best title to start with as we need to be sure that God exists in the first place, discover who He is and what He’s like, and how this affects me, my life and my world. WAR – WHY DID LIFE JUST GET HARDER? As with anything that is new, we may come up against unexpected problems that risk throwing us off course. Being aware of this is key, and also knowing that anything this amazing is worth fighting for, combined with the surprising news is we’re not left to do this on our own! VOICES – WHO AM I LISTENING TO? We’re bombarded with messages demanding our attention and it can be difficult to know who to listen to, or what is the best decision to make. God is well aware of this and has provided loads of clarity. BIBLE – CAN WE TRUST IT? The Bible may have all the answers we’re looking for, but if we don’t trust it, we’re not going to believe it. How can we be sure it’s true and trustworthy? BELIEVE – WHAT SHOULD I KNOW? Nobody understands the whole Bible right away – so what are some of the key truths we need to grasp, to get started? CHARACTER – HOW DO I CHANGE? None of us wants to be a hypocrite, so how can my character match who I say I am? TRAINING – HOW DO I GROW AS A CHRISTIAN? This looks at the wonderful opportunities we get, to grow and mature as a Christian, at just the right time and pace. CHURCH – DO I HAVE TO GO? Here comes a trick issue! Love it or dread it, it is home for the Christian on this planet. Let’s blow away some myths and false expectations, so we can really feel at home there. RELATIONSHIPS – HOW DO I MAKE THINGS RIGHT? How do we deal, as different people now, with all the various relationships we have? How can we heal broken ones, protect all the ones that are good, and accept that some will always be difficult? SERVICE – HOW DO I GIVE BACK? We’re told its good to give back, but what does that actually mean and how do we do it? Especially when we have to serve people we have a problem with. SUITABLE FOR: People Exploring For Themselves One–To–One Mentoring Small Group Discussions Training Courses
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Athanasius of Alexandria: His Life and Impact
From the foreword: Until his death in 373, Athanasius was the most formidable opponent of Arianism in the Roman Empire. Ultimately, for him, this fight was not a struggle for ecclesial power or even for the rightness of his theological position. It was a battle for the souls of men and women. Athanasius rightly knew that upon one’s view of Christ hung one’s eternal destiny. As he wrote to the bishops of Egypt in 356: “as therefore the struggle that is now set before us concerns all that we are, either to reject or to keep the faith, let us be zealous and resolve to guard what we have received, bearing in mind the confession that was written down at Nicaea.” And by God’s grace, his victory in that struggle has been of enormous blessing to the church ever since.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Teaching 2 Kings: From Text to Message
2 Kings begins with the succession of Elijah by Elisha and flows largely downward right up to the exile of Judah in Babylon. Amidst the numerous kings and serious failings there are always the vital signs that the true God is still on the throne and working out his purposes in his people and beyond. Like many other books containing Old Testament narrative, 1 and 2 Kings are both well–known and obscure. Certain stories are very familiar, others seldom preached or taught. It is our hope that this book will greatly help many people dig deeply into this epic narrative and serve people well by teaching it faithfully, relevantly and thoroughly. Teaching 1 and 2 Kings (of which this is the second volume of two) is an important contribution to our ‘Teaching the Bible’ series. Bob’s guiding hand will be of great assistance to anyone seeking to understand the familiar passages better and explore the lesser known stories well.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd How Could a Loving God Send anyone to Hell?
The question of whether God can be loving and send people to hell is one people have been asking for a long time. Surely a God who sends people to hell cannot love them? Starting with a look at who God is and how we relate to Him, Benjamin Skaug looks at the difficult topic of hell, and what the Bible says about it.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd If It's Not Too Much Trouble - 2nd Ed.: The Challenge of the Aged Parent
"Professional carer" - it's almost a contradiction in terms.Let down by the 'system' Ann Benton, aided by a team of helpers, charts the journey of her father-in-law from unsatisfactory hospital care, through spectacularly absent 'care in the community', to being looked after at home. In eight easy-to-digest chapters she gives a Christian perspective on caring for your aged parent as well as giving practical tools to help those who find themselves in the same situation. Ann brings out the positive benefits of caring for those unable to look after themselves in her light-hearted, poignant and straightforward manner.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Believe – What Should I Know?
The Bible isn’t just a big book full of stories from a long time ago. It also tells us what we are to believe about God, life and what happens after this life. Christians sometimes use a lot of complicated words to describe these things, but this brief breakdown of everything you need to know is easy to understand. Chapter Headings include: Who is God? Who is God the Son? Who is God the Spirit? Angels and Demons Creation and Fall Atonement and Election Sanctification and Perseverance Heaven and Hell The Return of Jesus
Christian Focus Publications Ltd The Army of God: Spurgeon’s Vision for the Church
The figures associated with Charles Haddon Spurgeon’s ministry are staggering. Between his preaching and the printings of his sermons, he reached hundreds of thousands of people, in his lifetime and in the years since. But he was not an itinerant preacher or writer or philanthropist. He faithfully served the Metropolitan Tabernacle from his arrival in 1854 to his death in 1892. Undergirding everything else was this central responsibility: Spurgeon was the pastor of a church. What was Spurgeon’s ecclesiology and how did it affect how he ordered and led his local church? Chang examines Spurgeon’s Reformed ecclesiology and Baptist polity and looks at how they were shaped by his militant church outlook.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Ezekiel Vol 2: A Mentor Commentary
Ezekiel was a prophet during the dark days of the exile of his people in Babylon, both before and after the destruction of the city of Jerusalem. Speaking to a people who had lost everything, Ezekiel nevertheless had the difficult task of making Judah aware of their rebellion against God – and of its consequences. Through all the unusual and confusing turns of Ezekiel’s account, John L. Mackay provides a scholarly treatment of the Old Testament prophet, without losing a sense of reverence and devotion towards the God Ezekiel served. Offering great depths of exegesis and great warmth of pastoral insight, these two exhaustive volumes are aimed at the pastor and student.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd William Wilberforce: The Freedom Fighter
From the book:'No! No! cried the little boy, 'Please no! I want to stay with my Mother!' 'Be quiet!' shouted the man who roughly pulled his mother from him. She was taken to a raised platform and offered for sale, immediately. The heart-broken mother was to be separated from her little boy for the rest of her life.This was the fate of thousands of women and children in the days before slavery was abolished. One man fought to bring freedom and relief from the terrors of the slave trade; it took him forty-five years. His name was William Wilberforce.This is his exciting story that shows the amazing effect his faith in Christ and his love for people had on transforming a nation.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Genesis: The Beginning of God’s Plan of Salvation
Genesis provides us with a foundation for correctly understanding the world. Within Genesis, the character and the role of human beings within the world God has created is revealed. In reading Genesis we find on every occasion, in his dealings with mankind, God steps in by his grace and demonstrates that he is in control.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd The Abiding Presence
Introduction by Sinclair B. Ferguson. No ordinary book of memoirs concludes with the promise, 'I am with you always, even to the end of the world.' But the biography of Jesus is no mere commemoration of the departed; his promise makes the Evangelists' account a living history. "Take the Gospel record in your hands", says Hugh Martin, "and you have the means of causing you to realize Christ's presence." Whether you are burdened, anxious, failing, sorrowful, or hardened, Jesus' promise means that his perfect words come with power to people in every condition and that he is present with his people in every situation.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Her–Story: 366 Devotions from 21 Centuries of the Christian Church
Women were an integral part of Jesus’ life and ministry as described in all four Gospels, and they are integral to the life of the church wherever Christianity has spread. In whatever position they found themselves, whether queens or slaves, they lived for their Saviour and sought to bring others to Him. Her–Story brings together well–known names, such as Fanny Crosby and Joni Eareckson Tada to lesser known Christians from across the centuries, in 366 devotions. The recurring theme – their love for Jesus.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Track Purity in a PornSaturated Culture
Director of Training and Resources for Biblical Counselling UK, Helen ThorneAllenson gives us this essential guide for young women to what the Bible says about pornography. We live in a world where pornography is easy to access. At the click of a button, it tempts us to use our devices and bodies to get a cheap hit of excitement, devoid of any real human interaction or care. But God calls us to a life which is the opposite of that. Helen ThorneAllenson shares not only a convincing explanation as to why looking at porn is unhelpful but also some practical tips for breaking the habit. Contents:Section 1: Understanding PornPurposeValueSection 2: Understanding Why We Use PornCuriosityComfortControlSection 3: Pursuing ChristStrategiesHopeCommunityBeautyEach chapter ends with questions for reflection and discussion, and there is a list of helpful resources at the back of the book. This book contains no graphic detail about the contents of porn. There is no manipulating you to feel
Christian Focus Publications Ltd David Livingstone
Journey alongside one of Christianity's most courageous pioneers in Vance Christie's biography for preteens. Born into humble beginnings in Scotland in 1813, Livingstone's faith and passion for exploration shaped his extraordinary life. Inspired by the Gospel's call to serve others, Livingstone pursued a path of missionary work and exploration, driven by a deep conviction to share the love of Christ with those in distant lands. Despite facing adversity and hardship, he remained steadfast in his belief that God had called him to Africa to spread the message of salvation. Livingstone encountered incredible challenges throughout his expeditions, from treacherous jungles to fierce wildlife, yet he persevered, trusting in God's guidance every step of the way. His adventures led him to discover breathtaking natural wonders and to forge friendships with African tribes. His legacy extends beyond his explorations: his unwavering commitment to ending the slave trade and uplifting the opp
Christian Focus Publications Ltd A Pastors Heart
This collection of essays, written in honor of beloved pastor, Harry L. Reeder III, points not only to his life but beyond it to the God he served. Collected by Harry L. Reeder III's son, Ike, and edited by Derrick E. Brite, this selection of essays on the multifaceted and different elements of ministry is written by men who acknowledge Reeder's influence on their lives and ministries. You will find essays on evangelism,discipleship, shepherding, and Christian education. There are writings on mission and vision, leadership and staff leadership, and on the pastor and cultural engagement. The book is designed to be helpful to young pastors, as a guide to beginning their journey to biblical spiritual formation in their ministry calling. But it will also be useful for those further along in their ministry. ContentsEditor's Note Derrick E. BriteIntroduction Ike ReederHarry & Cindy Reeder: A Biographical Sketch Ike Reeder1. On Mission, On Message, In Ministry George Grant2. Preaching th
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Fulfil Your Ministry
Delve into the depths of Paul's experiential and godly wisdom in 2 Timothy and Titus, and find encouragement for your own ministryThese are difficult days for those who pastor God's people. In many parts of the world, especially in the West, culture and society have turned away from their Christian past, as if from something both passé and repulsive. Churches are profoundly divided over how to cope with this disorientating situation, and there is much unseemly confrontation. It is no wonder then that many people who might previously have considered giving their lives to fulltime ministry in the church are now uneasy and uncertain at the prospect. And yet it is at just such a time when huge swathes of the population are ignorant of even the basics of the faith, and churchgoers are often left confused and bewildered by the deep public rifts in the church that we need trustworthy spiritual guides. Paul, an apostle, missionary church planter, and a pastor of great experience, wrote to
Christian Focus Publications Ltd 101 Quotes to Help You Through the Mess of Life
Sometimes life can be difficult and messy, and we just need a little bit of encouragement. Five minutes to refocus our mind on what is important can make a huge difference. Featuring quotes from St. Augustine, Corrie ten Boom, R. C. Sproul and Matt Chandler alongside related Bible verses, this little book is packed full of Gospel goodness. In the muck of life, let this little book point your heart towards the One who can lift us out of the pit.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd In the Presence of My Enemies: Psalms 25–37
The Psalms can be very helpful, but they can also be hard. Following on from The Way of the Righteous in the Muck of Life and Slogging Along the Paths of Righteousness, Dale Ralph Davis delves into Psalms 25 to 37. Using his own recognisable humour and razor–sharp observations these expositions help us to engage with the conflict in these twelve psalms.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Voices – Who am I listening to?
Life is so confusing! There are a myriad of voices clambering for our attention – which one is the ‘right one’? Decisions, rather than being biblical, or good, or even moral, often feel like a stab in the dark, hoping for the best. This third title in the First Steps series looks at the wisdom offered in the book of Proverbs. God has not left us to navigate life as best we can alone – guidance is waiting if we only take the time to look.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd War – Why Did Life Just Get Harder?
All too often, our heads can feel like they are caught in a dark, lonely battle between what we want to do and what we know we should do. God feels distant and we feel dirty. The second book in the First Steps series tackles the fundamental, day–to–day difficulties experienced by every Christian, and looks at the question Why Did Life Just Get Harder?
Christian Focus Publications Ltd A Child’s First Book About Marriage: God’s Way is Always Best
The world’s view of marriage can often be very different to what the Bible says. But who is right, and who should we listen to? From a very young age, children are confronted with and can be confused by these conflicts. This hardback, illustrated title helps to explain the beauties of God’s plan for marriage to children of any age, introducing them to a different, counter–cultural way of viewing these aspects of life and faith.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Track Living Out Reformed Theology
Huh? What exactly do you mean by thatHarrison Perkins, a senior research fellow for the Craig Centre for the Study of the Westminster Standards, introduces us to some of the main themes of Reformed theology in this addition to the Track series.Starting with its principal foundations the grace and love of God Harrison goes on to tackle some of the trickier aspects of Reformed theology, such as predestination. With a clear and comprehendible explanation, he demonstrates how these doctrines apply to the life of the believer. Contents:Why Study Reformed Theology?The Grace of GodThe Sovereign Love of GodThe Word of GodThe People of GodThe Experience of God's GraceAppendix A: Next StepsAppendix B: Further Reading Appendix C Glossary of TermsTrack is a series of books designed to disciple the next generation in the areas of culture, doctrine, and the Christian life. While the topics addressed aren't always simple, they are communicated in a manner that is. With the intention of the cont
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Risen Hope Box Set
A narrativedriven, engaginglywritten history of the church. Meet some of the key people who God used to shape His Church and see how He has been at work throughout history. The Risen Hope series is a narrativedriven journey through the history of the Church. Introducing key people and events from the last two thousand years, readers will be captivated by the fascinating stories and engaging style. Continuing the legacy of its predecessor, the History Livesseries, the Risen Hope series is a breath of fresh air on the church history scene. This fivevolume box set contains all the books in the Risen Hope series and covers all of church history. Included in the box are:Redemption: The Church in Ancient Times (3 BC476 AD)Reign: The Church in the Middle Ages (4761485)Reform: The Church at the Birth of Protestantism (14851600)Renewal: The Church that Expands Outward (16001890)Resolve: The Church that Endures Onward (18902023)An incredible story to educate and inspire young readers with t
Christian Focus Publications Ltd A Time to Mourn
To a Christian, the death of an unbeliever is heartbreaking. But even in the darkness of grief, there can be light. Will Dobbie's nuanced examination of the hope found in the Bible offers more than shallow comfort. The death of unbelieving loved ones is a taboo. Often we don't know how to grieve, or how to comfort Christian friends who have experienced that loss. Where do we find hope when all seems hopeless? The answer is in the character of the God who reveals Himself in the pages of Scripture. With the tone of a pastor,who knows how hard it is to lose an apparently unbelieving friend, Will Dobbie directs our eyes towards the One who alone knows for certain the destiny of the departed. He points us to theGod who, in the case of thelost,shares our heartache and comforts us, the God who is loving and compassionate as well as just and holy and wise. Ultimately, he shows us the God whois glorious. Will does not shy away from tough questions along the way. If hell is real, how lovin
Christian Focus Publications Ltd A Home for Virginia
When an old miner is left with the job of bringing up the newborn Virginia he doesnt realise that it will change his life forever. As he cleans the dust and cobwebs away for the new arrival, we see that is also what the Holy Spirit does in our lives. He starts a work in our hearts and our lives are changed forever.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Amy Carmichael: Rescuer By Night
'I can't see! It's dark everywhere. What place is this? Where am I?'Jeya was only four years old and was terrified as she tried to peer about the dark and gloomy temple. Between the pillars was a huge stone body. She shivered when she saw its face. This, she knew, was Kali, the goddess of death and destruction.Why was Jeya there? Who would leave a little girl in the dark like that? Certainly not the God of love - he sent a woman to rescue these children from destruction - Amy Carmichael. And she had been a little girl herself once a little girl with long dark hair, and deep brown eyes. Once she had even begged God to make them blue - but he hadn't. And as Amy leaned over to pick little Jeya up and rescue her from a life of temple-slavery - she was very glad that God hadn't listened to her prayers. Blue eyes were not the eyes of India - but Amy's brown eyes were.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd 2 Chronicles: God’s Blessing of His Faithful People
The book of Chronicles has had a chequered past. Neglected for many years under the fortunate name of Paraleipomen or ‘Things omitted’, meant that they occupied a subordinate position in the Scriptures until the 4th century AD when the title ‘A Chronicle of the whole Sacred History’ was suggested instead. This has since been shortened to Chronicles and the rest is, literally history. Probably penned by Ezra, Chronicles is a selective history of the Jews encouraging them to trust that God is intimately involved in their story. Written at a time when the Jews were newly out of captivity and with their capital city in ruins, Chronicles assures them of God’s faithfulness. If they would obey and serve him then his people would still enjoy his blessing. Cyril Barber has also written Focus on the Bible’s commentary on 1 Chronicles.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd How God Stopped the Pirates
As the pirates near the helpless ship they raise their grappling irons and prime their cannons for battle. The captain stands ready to defend his vessel and the lives of the people on board. The missionaries go to their cabins to pray. Can anyone stop these pirates? God can.There are lots of stories in this book. Read about the pirates, a burglar and a Russian servant girl as well as many other stories about the amazing things that missionaries get up to as well as how God can change lives.Scriptural references are taken from the King James Version of the Bible and the questions are based on this. Suitable for 7-12 year olds.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd When Grace Transforms: The character of Christ’s Disciples put forward in the Beatitudes
Terry Johnson stresses that the Beatitudes are Jesus’ handbook to living a fuller life. This better, more contented and satisfying life is only for the people who believe in him, because, as Terry demonstrates, the Sermon on the Mount was preached to the disciples and not to the general population. This blows a horrible hole in the theories of those who try to take this collection of Jesus’ teachings as a guide to more harmonious living outside the church. God’s blessings here are on his people in a special way, not on the population as a whole. To this end Terry doesn’t allow for the word ‘blessed’ to be translated ‘happy’, as it trivialises some very serious points Jesus makes. He explains the beatitudes, showing both what they don’t mean, and opening up what they do. His conclusions are strong, challenging, and immensely practical. You will be engaged in the impact of Jesus’ words as you never have before.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Ten Girls Who Changed the World
Isobel Kuhn questioned whether God even existed. Mary Slessor grew up in a slum with an alcoholic father. Joni Eareckson broke her neck during a diving accident and Corrie Ten Boom just lived with her family in a little watch shop in Harlaam, Holland. What is so special about these girls and how did they change their world? Isobel Kuhn believed in God and then obeyed his call to travel to Asia to tell the Lisu people about God. Mary Slessor, put herself through evening classes and eventually became one of the first white women to venture into the interior of Africa. Joni Eareckson struggled through her treatment and endless hospital visits to become the inspiration to many Christians. Corrie Ten Boom spent most of her life just living in Holland until the Nazis started killing the Jews. Corrie Ten Boom put her life on the line to save the lives of many Jews in the hiding place, a hidden room behind her wardrobe in a little watch shop in Haarlem, Holland. Mary Slessor (Missionary in Africa), Corrie Ten Boom (hid Jews in Nazi Germany), Evelyn Brand (Missionary in India), Joni Eareckson , Gladys Aylward (Missionary in China), Jackie Pullinger (Missionary in Hong Kong), Amy Carmichael (Missionary in India), Elisabeth Fry (Worked among the sick, prisoners and homeless), Catherine Booth (Co–Founder of The Salvation Army) and Isobel Kuhn (Missionary in Asia)
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Curing the Heart: A Model for Biblical Counseling
This book is really a text book for anyone involved or interested in Christian counselling. Both the authors teach the subject at a theological seminary in the States. Their influences include Jay Adams, a leading Christian psychologist, and Francis Schaeffer. This model of psychology is very much more prescriptive than anything in secular counselling, or in many Christian circles, but the authors are consistent in their approach and they have been teaching the material for many years. There are good appendices to aid the reader.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Mary Jones and her Bible
Heartwarming, real life story of Mary Jones, a young girl living in rural Wales in the late 1700s. Mary was a popular girl who loved her parents, worked hard and was keen to learn but most of all she longed to have a bible of her own. But Mary knew that bibles were hard to come by and if she was fortunate enough to find one, it would be expensive so her dearest wish looked as if it would be an impossible dream! An inspiring story of a young girl’s commitment to God and love for His word.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Miraculous Healing: Why does God heal some and not others?
"Frost sees all healing as coming from God. Miraculous indicates that healing takes place apart from means. He is anxious to "hold all truth in careful equipoise" and writes "in constant prayer". "He presents five cases of healing in which he was involved and parallels them with five cases where the same conditions obtained but healing did not occur. That drove him to bring his belief to the test of the Word of God. "He looks carefully at the teaching of those who claim that the wholeness of salvation includes physical healing for all as well as spiritual. He examines the texts they use and points out where they appear to err, weighing up the arguments for inevitable healing. He sees the Epistle of James as being written to an emerging Jewish Christian church, "spiritually undeveloped", and the instructions in chapter five permissive rather than mandatory."The post-Resurrection promises apply to the apostles only. Miracles were to provide indisputable evidence that Jesus was the Messiah more than an expression of deep compassion, though they were that as well. "Among his general conclusions he makes it clear that Christ heals today but exercises His own loving sovereignty in so doing - "Christ will choose health, strength and length of days...the saint is ever to remain submissive to God's will whatever this may mean". The book ends with a moving testimony of healing within his own family." Taken from a review by Evangelism magazine.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd The Mortification of Sin: Dealing with sin in your life
John Owen insisted on the importance of the Christian dealing effectively with their sinful tendencies and attitudes. He believed that God, through his Word and Spirit, had provided the guidelines and the power for this to be achieved. In this book, John Owen effectively dismisses various excuses for not engaging in self–scrutiny and yet avoids the current trend of self–absorption. In so doing he provides principles to help believers live lives of holiness.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd The Envy of Eve: Finding Contentment in a Covetous World
What’s truly at the heart of our desires? The Envy of Eve guides readers to understand how desires grow into covetousness and what happens when this sin takes power in our hearts. Covetousness chokes out the fruit of the Spirit in our lives, allowing discontentment to bloom. The key to overcoming is to get to the root of our problem: unbelief–a mistrust of God’s sovereignty and goodness. An ideal resource for deeper study or group discussion.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Matthew Henry: His Life and Influence
Matthew Henry (1662–1714) is highly–valued by contemporary preachers and Bible users. Here we get a closer look at the life of Matthew Henry by an author who has had a life–long interest in Matthew Henry and his writings. Matthew Henry was the son of a Puritan pastor who had been silenced by the government of the time. Nevertheless Philip Henry, a godly man reared his family on Christian principles and Matthew followed the Lord from an early age. Although it was difficult to find suitable ministerial training, Matthew Henry eventually studied for the ministry. With government opposition relaxing, he became a Presbyterian pastor in Chester in 1687 and later in London from 1712. It is astonishing to note the amount of preaching and writing that he accomplished despite suffering from ill–health and knowing intense sorrow in his family life.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Christ Set Forth: And the Heart of Christ Towards Sinners on the earth
This classic book gives us an opportunity to learn about Christ, his work and his death. Based upon Romans 8:34, Goodwin presents to us the Lord Jesus Christ, the example and the object of justifying faith. If the term Christology is a new one to you, then this book will help understand what it means. In true Christian Heritage style, it is attractively laid out with headings and subdividers to assist reading. The foreword is provided by J. I. Packer and a helpful introduction provided by Mark Jones.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Enough
What is our motivation for serving Jesus? Is it so that we might have good health and be wealthy? Galatians 1 tells us that the wealth and health prosperity gospel is no gospel at all! However what we can find is fullness in Christ and in him we find that indeed God is enough for us! This easy to read book addresses key themes that span global cultures. It counters the view that material abundance is the sign of God’s blessing and that poverty is a sign of God’s curse. It teaches that contentment cannot be found in earthly possession, achievement or position, outside of God but can only be found in the fullness of Christ for every believer. We find in Christ that we have fullness and purpose.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Plight of Man And the Power of God
Martyn Lloyd-Jones' preaching always had an emphasis on the desperate plight of man and the power of God to save. His preaching was crystal clear on the sovereignty of God in the salvation of sinners, a concept that does not sit comfortably in our day of pragmatism, programmes and self-help books. Nevertheless it remains at the core of what the world needs to hear. Based on Romans chapter 1, this wonderful book will help you understand what the gospel is. As we live in a world that seems to be spiralling out of control, you will want to hear this message again and again.