Search results for ""christian focus publications ltd""
Christian Focus Publications Ltd 1 Kings: The Wisdom And the Folly
1 Kings is a continuation of a narrative of the history of Israel which begins in 1 Samuel and continues through into 1 & 2 Kings.While we so often struggle with the events and issues of the book of 1st Kings, Ralph Davis helps us to see how it we can apply to the contemporary settings of the 21st century. As usual Ralph Davis uses pastoral application and laces it with his own sense of humour. He is noted for tackling scholarship head on.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Ten Boys Who Used Their Talents
Lightkeepers; The internationally best–selling series from an award–winning biographer J S Bach; Paul Brand; John Bunyan; James Clerk Maxwell; Wilfred Grenfell; C.S. Lewis; Samuel Morse; Ghillean Prance; C.T. Studd; George Washington–Carver; What can you do for God? These ten boys grew up to become successful men. The two things they have in common is that they all put to good use the talents and gifts they had, and they all believed that God had given them to be used. Paul Brand took medicine into new lands to bring hope to the sick, Ghillean Prance’s love of the world around him led to Kew Gardens, still a centre of excellence in studying God’s creation, C S Lewis opened the door into Narnia and opened the hearts of many to new faith; C T Studd excelled on the cricket and the mission field; Wilfred Grenfell was an energetic explorer of the Arctic; J S Bach’s music still inspires millions, as Christ inspired him; James Clerk Maxwell’s faith in God’s ordering of the universe led to key discoveries in science; Samuel Morse patented many inventions one of which has saved many lives; George Washington governed a country as he followed the Lord; John Bunyan was imprisoned to shut him up yet wrote a classic that still speaks today.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Morning And Evening – Matt Burgundy
A wealth of Biblical meditations from Spurgeon with applications that are relevant for contemporary Christians. Spurgeon’s characteristically pithy comments hit home with a wit and elegance rarely found in other writing. Christians young and old will find his words challenging and stimulating. Complete and unabridged in a beautiful matt burgundy edition.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Creation And Change: Genesis 1:1–2:4 in the Light of Changing Scientific Paradigms
In this book, Professor Douglas Kelly persuasively argues for a literal interpretation of the six–day account of creation found in Genesis chapters 1 and 2. He assesses both the biblical details and the scientific data to show that there is a convincing and scientifically viable case for this understanding. This new edition, written twenty years after the original, contains important revisions and additional chapters, bringing this insightful and relevant volume up–to–date with developments in this field.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Confessions of Sin And Assurances of Pardon: A Pocket Resource
Our Father is the God of all comfort, the God who strengthens us, the God who sustains us - but He is also the God who forgives us. Understanding our sin and understanding the magnificence of our King and LORD go hand in hand. From the Book of Common Prayer to Bible verses to contemporary teachers, Confessions of Sin and Assurances of Pardon contains 100 prayers to lead and focus your mind on the problem of sin and God's answer of salvation. Use this resource to enrich Bible studies, devotionals, family worship, or even church services.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Little Lights Box Set 2
These five beautifully illustrated hardbacks continue the Little Lights series and cover the lives of David Livingstone, John Calvin, Martin Luther, Eric Liddell and Mary Slessor.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd The Shorter Catechism Hb
The Westminster Assembly of 1643 to 1649 produced three documents of lasting value to the Church: The Westminster Confession of Faith, The Larger Catechism, and The Shorter Catechism.Since then, The Shorter Catechism has become well known as a manual of doctrine for both children and adults who require an introduction to the Christian faith. It is an ideal way to give structure to the discipling of new believers. This edition contains the addition of scripture proof texts and notes by Roderick Lawson.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Christian Freedom
Christian Freedom provides an accessible entry into Samuel Bolton's original work, The True Bounds of Christian Freedom, first published in 1645. This book is not simply an academic discussion of the issues; Samuel Bolton constantly reminds his readers of the gospel, and the great transformation that has happened to a person who has trusted in Jesus Christ. Bolton shows us clearly that real Christian obedience comes from a changed heart, and is motivated by love for God. He deals with the practical question of what happens when Christians fall into sin, and encourages us to rely on what Christ has done for us, rather than on our performance.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Faith of Our Father: Expositions of Genesis 12-25
With typical wit and wisdom Dale Ralph Davis opens up chapters 12-25 of Genesis. These beautiful and insightful expositions guide you through some of the early chapters of the Bible and will deepen your understanding of this important area of Scripture which help shape our understanding. This is an ideal resource for pastors as well small groups and personal study.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Trailblazer Missionaries & Medics Box Set 2
The exciting true stories of heroes of the faith for 9– to 14–year olds This giftbox collection of colorful trailblazer stories will delight young minds. Each book in this box set contains the story of a Christian who traveled abroad to minister to people’s physical and spiritual needs. These biographies follows the trailblazer’s journey to faith, and on to the work that God had planned for them. With lots of dialogue, these engaging stories show how God uses normal individuals to bring about his purpose. Each book in the Trailblazer series features: Thinking Further Topics for each chapter to help readers think about how what they’ve read applies to their life today Timeline of important events in the lifetime of each book’s subject John G. Paton, in the heat of the South Sea Island and far away from home, wasn’t afraid of hard work. He was strong, determined and he trusted in God. This book is written by Kay Walsh. Amy Carmichael‘s story is one of bravery and adventure. Read how she saved the lives of children from destruction and showed the love of God to India. Written by Kay Walsh, this book includes a summary of Amy Carmichael’s life and Prayer Suggestions. Adoniram Judson was America’s first overseas missionary. He travelled to Burma and then begins a story brimful of romance, intrigue…and pirates! This book is written by award–winning author Irene Howat. Hudson Taylor was a sickly child. He was often ill and had very poor eyesight. But God chose him to evangelise the Chinese. Written by Catherine MacKenzie, this book includes maps of China and a collection of quotes from Hudson Taylor. Paul Brand was a missionary to lepers. His work and compassion changed how the world saw this disease and the people who suffer from it. This book is written by Lucille Travis.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Teaching 1 Kings: From Text to Message
1 Kings begins with the last days of David, continues with the glorious days of Solomon's reign but then disobedience and decline resulting in a divided kingdom and idolatry. Elijah and Elisha confront the evil perpetrated by the kings and they point people to the one true God.This useful resource, alongside the others in this growing 'Teaching the Bible Series', is for those who have the privilege and joy of teaching or preaching a particular book or theme from the Bible. Whether you're a leader of a small group, preacher or a youth worker, it will help you to communicate the message from 1 Kings whether it is a word for believers or the opportunity to teach evangelistically.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Far Above Rubies: The Life of Bethan Lloyd–Jones
The galleries of the great heroes of faith contain many inspirational women; although not always placed in as prominent a position for all to see, their service has been invaluable in God’s kingdom. The wife of Dr Martyn Lloyd–Jones was such a woman. Bethan Lloyd–Jones’ portrait has long been hidden in a part of the gallery known only to her family and certain close friends. Lynette G. Clark brings this portrait into view, capturing the wit, wisdom and faith of a godly wife, mother and friend.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Hannah More: The Woman Who Wouldn't Stop Writing
Well educated and with a gift for writing, Hannah More was set to become one of the leading lights in the literary and artistic circles of the 1700s. Gradually, however, she realised that only Jesus Christ could bring her fulfilment. Hannah More is best known today for her penmanship but also for her defence of women's rights and her anti-slavery stance. Her life of would-be-fame was changed to a life of faith.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Spurgeon’s Sorrows: Realistic Hope for those who Suffer from Depression
Christians should have the answers, shouldn’t they? Depression affects many people both personally and through the ones we love. Here Zack Eswine draws from C.H Spurgeon, ‘the Prince of Preachers’ experience to encourage us. What Spurgeon found in his darkness can serve as a light in our own darkness. Zack Eswine brings you here, not a self–help guide, rather ‘a handwritten note of one who wishes you well.’
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Hudson Taylor: An Adventure Begins
Hudson Taylor was a sickly child. He was often ill and had very poor eyesight. But God chose him to evangelise the Chinese. So at the age of 21 Hudson Taylor left the United Kingdom to sail half way round the world to China. Why did he do this? He did it to tell the Chinese people about the good news of Jesus Christ and to give them a message of hope. This story covers Hudson’s childhood and traumatic teenage years as well as his life as a well–known pioneer missionary.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Witness Men: True Stories of God at work in Papua, Indonesia
In 1938, in the remote highlands of a mountainous island, explorers discovered thousands upon thousands of tribal people. Missionaries began to come, to bring the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Little did they know that many of the people of the tribes were waiting . . . waiting . . . for someone to come and help them out of the darkness of their old way of life. Witness Men consists of true missionary stories that took place throughout the highlands of Papua, Indonesia, from 1955 to 2010, when one of the tribes received their first New Testaments.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd No Tears in Heaven
No Tears in Heaven speaks of the great joy of the Christian Faith – Heaven. This book brings together, in a new way, a number of Charles Haddon Spurgeon’s exhilarating teachings on Heaven. The writings of Spurgeon, in his typically beautiful and penetrating style, will deepen our anticipation of Heaven and challenge us to a closer walk with God.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Return of the White Book: True Stories of God at work in Southeast Asia
The hill tribes of Southeast Asia told legends that one day the White Book that their ancestors had lost would be brought back to them. When the Karen tribe saw the Bible in 1813 through the mission of Adoniram Judson, they recognised the White Book of their stories. This is the amazing true story of how the faith spread through the land of Myanmar, formerly Burma.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd My Exceeding Joy: Psalms 38–51
Filled with the characteristic warm humour and biblical clarity that readers have come to expect, Dale Ralph Davis’ exposition of Psalms 38–51 will help readers to get to know God’s Word better. Each chapter begins with Davis’ own translation of the Psalm from the Hebrew, before delving into his exposition. Peppered with sports anecdotes and references to military history, this book follows in the same vein as The Way of the Righteous in the Muck of Life: Psalms 1–12; Slogging Along in the Paths of Righteousness: Psalms 13–24; and In the Presence of my Enemies: Psalms 25–37. For those who enjoyed Davis’ previous works, this will not disappoint. For those who are unfamiliar with his writings, allow this book to direct your eyes to the God of the psalmist and find your exceeding joy in him.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd From the Marrow Men to the Moderates: Scottish Theology 1700–1800
One of Scotland’s most popular theologians traces the theological debates and disagreements of the eighteenth century The eighteenth century saw many changes within the Scottish church. The Kirk was divided by the Patronage Act of 1712 into Moderates (men favoured by the landed gentry) and Evangelicals (men favoured by the people). The Marrow Controversy highlighted theological strife within the Church. Ebenezer Erskine’s Protest against patronage led to the first major rift in the Church of Scotland with the Secession of 1733. Through all these, Donald Macleod is our reliable guide. Drawing attention to the major characters of the period and gives a faithful account of the theological discussions, including the social, economic, ethnic, and personal factors involved. He also subjects these discussions to theological evaluation. A fascinating look at a crucial period for anyone with an interest in theological history.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd The Special Baby
The shepherds passed on the good news. ‘Baby Jesus was born to take away the sins of the world.’ The message is still true today – have you passed it on? Read this story in the Bible in Luke chapters 1 and 2
Christian Focus Publications Ltd The Big Crash
God had promised his people a land of their own, but there was a big problem in the way: the city of Jericho. With its high walls and big strong gates it seemed like there was no way the Israelites could get in. Then God told them to do something very strange! Find out how God kept his promises in Hazel Scrimshire’s retelling of Joshua 6:1–20. This colourfully illustrated board book is ideal for little ones under 3.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Intentional Interruptions: Learning to be Interrupted the Way God Intended
We are busy and constantly bombarded. Notifications, pings, alerts: we carry in our pockets devices that are designed to capture and keep our attention. We are never fully present, always thinking ahead to the next thing, distracted by an email, playing worries over in our minds. But what effect is this having on our lives, relationships and, most importantly, our spiritual health? We need rest – the rest that only Christ can give. But this book is not simply meant to get you off your phone, make more time to stop, or help you simplify and digitally detox. Instead, you are invited into the greatest life imaginable, where we have the openness to be interrupted by God and used in a way that will bring Him glory. At the end of each chapter, Thomas encourages us to take time to ponder and pray – or Selah – and gives us guiding questions to consider. A challenging read for anyone who feels overwhelmed by all that calls on their attention and for those who long for peace.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Challenging Leaders: Preventing and Investigating Allegations of Pastoral Malpractice
A practical guide for church leaders looking to prevent, or navigate accusations of, pastoral malpractice. Good spiritual leadership is vital to the health of a church. When leaders misuse their position and are controlling, egotistical and proud, they abuse the trust they have been given by the Lord. Abuse of power is not a new phenomenon however, it is an ancient biblical category, and must be addressed. There are delicate situations to be navigated. Drawing lines between abuse and normal, appropriate pastoral care, including warning, admonition and discipline is crucial, as is discovering when accusations are false. The author team behind this book bring many years of pastoral experience, as well as wisdom and training in the area of abuse within the church. This book is for – Those struggling to navigate this hazardous landscape – Church leaders working through these issues – Churches seeking to create a healthy Christian community Contents include Spiritual Abuse and Scripture Healthy Church Culture Abusive Church Culture Trauma and those who Suffer Developing Healthy Procedures Media and Abuse
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Is God for Real?
A story–based introduction to apologetics answers some big questions, and encourages kids to keep asking them 10–year–old Samantha and her brother, Joshua, have some big questions about God, and their parents are ready to help them explore the answers. Join them as they find out what the Bible has to say, and what it means for their lives. Each chapter in this book addresses a big question, including: Who is God? What is the Trinity? Is God for Real? How Did We Get the Bible? Did God Really Create Everything? Did Jesus Rise from the Dead? Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen? How Can I Be Saved? Why Don’t My Friends Believe? The conversation between parents and children makes the explanation easy to read, and the chapter ends with a passage of Scripture to read, a verse or two to memorize and a few discussion questions.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd The Tinker’s Progress: The Life and Times of John Bunyan
Known primarily for his allegorical work, The Pilgrim’s Progress, John Bunyan was also a preacher, a gifted theologian and interpreter of Scripture. Academically, he was not a learned man, but when it came to practical and experiential mastery of the Scriptures and their theology, he was as gifted as anyone. His writings have a beauty and practicality not often found. He teaches that the greater the Christian’s understanding of truth, the stronger their own passion for Jesus will be, and the greater their worship and doxology will become. Jacob Tanner’s enlightening biography traces Bunyan’s life from his humble beginnings to his calling home to the Celestial City. From his debaucherous youth to glimpses of grace and eventual calling to ministry. There are lessons here for any twenty–first century Christian. He can teach men to be mature, fathers to be loving, husbands to be faithful, pastors to be tender, saints to suffer well, Christians to be steadfast. One of his greatest lessons to modern Christians is how to live faithfully for Christ in a world that is antagonistic to God.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Memorable Loss: A Story of Friendship in the Face of Dementia
Dementia is experienced in different forms, in different ways and is coped with differently by different people, but with nearly 10 million new cases every year, it is something many people face. It’s tough on those with the disease, but it is also incredibly hard for the loved ones around them. Karen Martin’s story about her friend Kathleen, however, is overwhelmingly one of love and persistence. Despite their nearly half–century age difference, their commonality drew them to each other, and their genuine friendship uplifted them both. Charting the story from pre–diagnosis to Kathleen’s eventual passing, this moving tale highlights the difficulties and joys of facing dementia, through the lens of friendship.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Jonathan Edwards and the Christian Pilgrim: Our Journey Towards Heaven
Wisdom from Jonathan Edwards on the journey towards death, with application for modern life. Death is inevitable. Whether we’re facing the death of a loved one, or our own passing from this world to the next, we cannot avoid it. Death is something we never get used to. But it is something that we can get ready for. Deborah Howard has taken Jonathan Edwards’ intensely encouraging sermon on the Christian Pilgrim and, drawing on her own experiences as a hospice nurse, has written this book to encourage us to live with our final destination in mind. Focussing on scripture truth, the reader is encouraged to think about the journey that leads us towards our final destination. How are we spending our lives, as we live in the light of eternity? This combination of classic sermon and modern application makes this book an essential addition to any Christian’s bookshelf.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd A Good Return: Biblical Principles for Work, Wealth and Wisdom
The world of work is expanding. New technologies, industries and means of meeting apart–and–still–together, have presided in the transition of the workplace into a fast, digital and busier–than–ever era. In whichever sector you care to name, work is increasing exponentially, for reducing rewards and benefits. It is more than easy to complain, drag one’s feet while getting out of the door, and face daily tasks with an apathetic attitude. A Good Return does not provide maxims to get you through the day. Instead, it is a book that encourages Christians to view their workspace, be it field, car, classroom or office, as an avenue of worship. John C. Lennox has crafted a book with thoughtful, biblical and evangelical deliberation on our behaviour in, and towards, our work. With his trademark clarity, faithfulness and wisdom, Lennox curates room for a wider discussion on Christian approaches toward salaries, time management, motivation and attitudes amidst a workspace environment.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Always Good News: Why the Message of Jesus is Good Every Day
We live in a bad news world filled with relentlessly disturbing headlines – war and crime, poverty and pandemics, racism and oppression, mass murder and disaster. And we all experience discouragement in our personal lives as well – temptation and regret, pain and suffering, failure and disappointment, decline and death. Though the world is overflowing with bad news, the message of Jesus is bigger and brighter than all of it, giving us hope in the midst of every negative experience of our lives. It’s always good news!
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Nahum and the Ninevites: The Minor Prophets, Book 8
The book of Nahum in illustrated storybook form for 4–6 year–olds God is good, a strong refuge in times of trouble; He cares for those who trust in Him. But He will sweep away His enemies like a mighty flood and drive them into darkness. In the book of Nahum, God promises to punish the Assyrians, who had been oppressing Israel. Their capital, Nineveh, was full of murder and lies, so God destroys it. Nahum’s name means comfort. God’s people can find comfort in his prophecy, which shows how God will defeat all our enemies. He even sent His Son, Jesus, to defeat sin, death and the devil. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Nahum is a minor prophet, but his book teaches major lessons. Brian Wright and John Brown show how we can learn about the power and mercy of God in this illustrated rendering of the prophecy of Nahum for 4–6 year–olds.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Little Hands Story Bible
There is a story that runs throughout the whole Bible. It’s one that will never end and that you can be a part of. It’s a story of love, and sometimes of despair, but ultimately it’s a story of hope. A hope that you can share. These 69 stories take children through this story and show how the world around them has a purpose – one that affects them. Each story includes scripture references, a question that focuses on the story, something to spot in the lovely pictures and an idea to stay with you through the day.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Why We’re Protestant: The Five Solas of the Reformation, and Why They Matter
One of the key questions the Protestant Reformation asked and answered was: how does a person get right with God? In approaching this question, the Reformers set out to rediscover and establish the bounds of essential Christianity through five declarations: sola Scriptura (Scripture alone), sola gratia (grace alone), sola fide (faith alone), solus Christus (Christ alone), and sola Deo gloria (the glory of God alone). Nate Pickowicz’s guide will help us understand not only the Reformation, but the Christian faith itself.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd The Beauties of Boston: A Selection of the Writings of Thomas Boston
This new edition of the Christian classic includes an introduction from Sinclair Ferguson From the introduction: Thomas Boston never sought a prominent congregation or pulpit. He knew that, at the end of the day, the only thing that makes a pulpit lastingly prominent is the manner in which God’s word is preached from it in the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. The Beauties of Boston is a book that has been treasured by many Christians in past generations. It is full of rich gospel truth and health–giving spiritual prescriptions. Part of its ‘beauty’ is that while a big book it is not really a long book, but a series of smaller and manageable passages that will – as The Marrow of Modern Divinity did for Boston himself – stimulate thought, enhance understanding of the gospel, point us to Christ, and strengthen both mind and spirit in the knowledge and service of God. Thomas Boston was born at Duns in Berwickshire in 1676. After studying in Edinburgh, he was licensed to preach by the Presbytery of Duns and Chirnside in 1697. Shortly afterwards, he published his first book, A Soliloquy on The Art of Man–fishing, based on the words of Jesus in Matthew 4:19, ‘Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.’ In 1699, he became the minister of the small congregation in a village called Simprin, located quite close to his birthplace. He was there until 1707 when he became minister in Ettrick, and he would serve there until his death in 1732. The collected writings of Boston are found in twelve volumes, and from them the selections in The Beauties of Boston were selected by the editor. Boston’s best–known book is Human Nature in Its Fourfold State. It was published in his lifetime, as were two others books by him: a Collection of Sermons and an edition of the Marrow of Modern Divinity which he annotated. After his death, several volumes of his writings were published, including his View of the Covenant of Works and of Grace, The Christian Life, A Body of Divinity, and The Crook in The Lot.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Proving Ground: 40 Reflections on Growing Faith at Work
An honest and realistic look at why how we work matters. There is no such thing as untested Christian faith. The Bible shows us how testing experiences are common to every Christian and are part of God’s good work in making us the people he wants us to be. As we spend so much of our time working, (whether in the home, in voluntary work, study or in a paid job), our work, like every part of our life, provides opportunities to prove for ourselves that God is real and at work in his world for good. Graham Hooper has written this challenging and encouraging book for all Christians, but particularly for those struggling to ‘live out’ their faith at work, or questioning the worth of what they are doing. Graham writes with the conviction that the Bible’s teaching about work is inclusive, covering every type of work at every stage of life; that the Bible is a message of good news with a universal application; and that it is also honest and realistic about the pressures of daily work and the way these often test our faith in a just and loving God. It’s this truly biblical view of work, grounded in Graham’s own experience, which he presents in this book. Chapter headings include: Part A: Understanding our Motives Necessity Getting Ahead Ambition Competition Rewards Contentment or Adventure? Pride Self–Image Part B: Living Our Values Accountability Faithfulness Service Dealing with Corruption Living with Integrity Prayer at Work A Witness to What? Setting Priorities Part C: Transforming Relationship Being the Boss Working for the Boss Bullying and Harassment Dealing with Conflict The Blame Game Exploitation Loneliness Part D: Testing Situations Trapped Frustrated Bored Stifled Creativity Pressured to Conform Aimless Envious Setback Redundant Stressed Part E: Keeping Focused… on ‘the Big Picture’ God at Work Not in Vain Identity and Worth The Right Work? Career or Calling Measuring Success Leaving a Legacy
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Who Needs the Church?: Why We Need the Church (and Why the Church Needs Us)
A thought–provoking introduction to the importance of the local church It seems that increasing numbers of professing Christians in the West do not attend church. Church, to many, has become a place to go when it is convenient, to have one’s needs met. Terry L. Johnson asks whether our individualistic, dismissive attitude to the gathering of the local church can be squared with that of the New Testament. Examining what the Bible has to say about the church, Johnson shows why the local body of believers is an essential part of the life of every believer – and the role that each individual believer plays in the life of the church. This thought–provoking, challenging book will benefit every believer. Contents I. Introduction 1. Our Collapsing Ecclesiology II. What Scripture teaches 2. Jesus and the Church 3. Keys of the Kingdom 4. Where Jesus is 5. The Good Shepherd and the Sheep 6. The Apostles and the Church 7. One Anothers and Community 8. Life Together 9. Covenantal Priority III. Clarifying Perspectives 10. Definitional Confusion 11. Visible or Invisible? 12. Hypocrites at Church 13. Denominationalism 14. Parachurch or Quasi–church? IV. Historic Perspectives 15. Mother Church 16. Body and Bride 17. Slighting the Church 18. Sola Ecclesia:A Sixth Sola?
Christian Focus Publications Ltd God’s Daring Dozen Box Set 1: A Minor Prophet Series
Unique picture books vividly introduce the major truths of the Minor Prophets God’s Daring Dozen is the first children’s picture book series ever published on the Minor Prophets. The twelve books between Daniel and Matthew are unfamiliar to many believers, so this series accurately introduces these inspired writings with vivid images and simple words that engage children and adults alike. Each volume both retells the prophet’s message to his original audience and relates its rich truths to Jesus and God’s people today. This first boxed set contains: Haggai’s Feast, which teaches obedience and encourages courage Habakkuk’s Song, which teaches trust and deepens faith Zephaniah’s Hero, which teaches repentance and promotes righteousness Obadiah & the Edomites, which teaches humility and offers hope Subsequent sets will include Hosea, Joel, Amos, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Zechariah, and Malachi. God’s Daring Dozen delivers enduring messages that are very much relevant today. These biblically faithful, theologically rich, gospel–centered books teach truth, promote virtue, and inspire faith in God and in His Son. The Minor Prophets offer major lessons for all ages, and their timeless truths are now shared in story book form for the very first time!
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Is It Unspiritual to Be Depressed?: Loved by God in the Midst of Pain
Writing from his own experience as a pastor who has struggled with depression, anxiety and O.C.D., Paul Ritchie addresses some of the big questions that Christians with mental illnesses and those around them might ask. Although he deals frankly with the reality of mental illness in a fallen world, he shows how the gospel is good news for those suffering. He applies the truth of the gospel, assuring readers that they can take God at his word, even when their brain tells them to doubt. His final chapter also gives helpful advice for those who want to help friends or family who are depressed or anxious.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd The Trial of the 16th Century: Calvin & Servetus
A faithful examination of the role of John Calvin in the execution of Michael Servetus. The execution of Michael Servetus (1511–53) is one of the most debated events in the life of John Calvin (1509–1564). It has left an indelible stain on Calvin’s reputation, and unfortunately, the retelling of the story is often dependent on the historian’s relationship to Calvinism. Jonathan Moorhead here seeks to give a faithful narrative of the role of John Calvin in the execution of Michael Servetus. He examines the life of Servetus, with emphasis given to his education, publications, and relationship with John Calvin. Moorhead also gives attention to the role of Calvin in Servetus’ arrests, trials, and execution. Understanding the extent of Calvin’s power in Geneva at the time of the trial is critical to understanding the events, as is the context of executing heretics throughout history, and in particular, in the 16th Century. This book will challenge readers to think critically about the ethics of telling history, the standards of properly judging previous generations, and the benefits of this study for the building up of the Body of Christ. Servetus’ Education and Publications Servetus’ Arrest and Escape from Vienne The Authority of John Calvin Servtus’ Arrest, Trial and Execution in Geneva Final Considerations Conclusion
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Daily Readings – John Owen
365 daily readings from one of the greatest theologians of the Puritan movement John Owen (1616–1683) was one of the best known and most prolific English church leaders of the 17th Century. His writings have been a challenge and encouragement to believers throughout the centuries since and have influenced many leaders in the church today. In this attractively bound faux leather book, Lee Gatiss has selected a reading from John Owen’s writings for each day of the year. Theologically sharp, these readings will help you to see the majesty of God anew. Includes some extracts from Owen that are not currently in print anywhere else, and freshly translations of his Latin works. Each reading is just a page long but is packed with theological insight. Spending a little time with this giant of the faith every day will help you to delight in the joy of the gospel again.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Haggai’s Feast: Minor Prophets, Book 4
God’s blessings make us happy, His presence makes us strong. And when the Lord returns to us, He will right whatever is wrong! Haggai’s prophesies teach obedience and promote courage, two virtues as essential today as when he first wrote. The minor prophets offer major lessons for believers of all ages! These inspired truths are now shared in story book form for the very first time!
Christian Focus Publications Ltd A Greater Glory: From Pitch to Pulpit
Premier league footballer turned pastor Gavin Peacock tells the story of his career and his faith in this fascinating, thought–provoking and personal read. ‘There is more to life than football, fame and fortune. There is a greater joy and a greater glory to be had.’ What makes a man walk away from his life as a professional footballer turned BBC pundit to become a church minister? They say it is every schoolboy’s dream to play in the F.A. Cup Final and it’s a dream that came true for Gavin Peacock. In his riveting autobiography follow Gavin’s journey from a child growing up in a footballing family to Chelsea captain; from a son following in his father’s footsteps to a husband and father supporting his own family; from pundit to preacher. Experience his highs and lows as he tells his story and explains the driving force behind it all – his love for football, his love for his family, and most importantly his love for God.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Do You Still Love Me?
Emanuela was brought up in communist Romania. Her parents were Christians but when Emanuela’s mother discovered she was suffering from breast cancer things changed for the whole family. Emanuela began to doubt God’s love – does he love me all the time, or only when I’m good? Emanuela’s mother died and the young woman’s doubts continued to grow at University. Why did Jesus have to die for her when she didn’t do all the ‘bad’ sins that others did. Why did her mother have to die? Emanuela came to discover over time and through God’s grace that God loved her all the time even when she didn’t obey him. All the bad things that can happen in your life Jesus can turn for good.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd How Christianity Transformed the World
Many people today would say that Christianity has done more harm than good to our world. Sharon James argues, however, in seeking to love their neighbour and reflect God’s moral character the followers of Jesus have had a largely positive impact on our society. James takes a number of areas – education, healthcare, justice, human dignity – and traces the ways in which these benefits have spread with the gospel. Chapter Headings: Freedom Religious Liberty Justice Protecting Life The Dignity of Women Philanthropy Healthcare Education for All The Creation Mandate and the Value of Work History: The Triumph of Christ
Christian Focus Publications Ltd The Return of Prayers
This classic book by Thomas Goodwin shows us the riches that are available to us through prayer. Focusing not only on how we may approach God in prayer, but also on how we know that God has indeed answered our prayers. There is a wealth of blessing here.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Tell God How You Feel: Helping Kids with Hard Emotions
We learn from an early age how to navigate the difficult emotions of life. Fear. Sadness. Worry. Loneliness. Rejection. For some of us, we learn to avoid painful emotions. Others of us may “feed” our emotions through various temporary distractions. Still others may hide or cover them up. Yet the Bible teaches us to bring all our hurts to God. Tell God How You Feel is a discipleship tool for parents to use in engaging their children with their emotions. It is designed to help children learn to bring their emotions to God and tell him what hurts. It teaches them the process of Biblical lament. In Tell God How You Feel, Christina Fox uses warm encouraging story times to help children engage with the vivid, descriptive words of the Psalms of Lament, helping them develop the habit of turning to God during hard and difficult times. These read aloud stories are ideal for family times with thoughtful questions and discussion starters at the end of each story.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Teaching 2 Peter & Jude: From Text to Message
The books of 2 Peter and Jude are some of the least preached in the New Testament. However, these dynamic little books have an important message to be declared to the church in the 21st century. The need to ‘contend for the faith’ is vital in a confusing church landscape of compromise, pragmatism and drift. These books are dense and brimming with truth and so our hope is that this book helps you see all that is contained within their pages. Teaching 2 Peter and Jude is a great addition to the growing ‘Teaching the Bible’ series. It will be a great aid to those who have the privilege and joy of teaching or preaching these particular books. Whether you are a small group leader, preacher, youth worker or someone who simply want help with their personal Bible study, this book will help you to comprehend and communicate the messages of 2 Peter and Jude.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Compel Them to Come In: Calvinism and the Free Offer of the Gospel
If we believe in God’s sovereign predestination, how can we offer Christ to sinners indiscriminately? How could someone who knew that no one can come to Christ unless the Father draws them still plead with them to look to the Saviour? The Bible clearly entreats us to go after the lost, so Donald Macleod tackles the objections raised by those who argue that since there is no universal redemption there should be no universal gospel offer.