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Christian Focus Publications Ltd God’s Bible Timeline: The Big Book of Biblical History
With colour illustrations, pictures, and pull–out timelines, this history book brings the whole Bible to life! From Genesis to Revelation, from the beginning of time to the early church, from the first promise of a Saviour to the promise that one day that Saviour will return – this book spans all of time. Find out about how the God of all time spoke to his people and still speaks today through his Word. This absorbing book is split into 6 colour–coded sections: Creation to the Promised Land Living in the Promised Land From One Kingdom to Two Exile and Return The Messiah The Early Church The eighteen illustrated timelines place Bible events side–by–side with other historical events, helping readers to understand how biblical history fits with other historical accounts. These timelines also draw together events from different books of the Bible, clearly showing, for example, when in Israel and Judah’s history the prophets were speaking, and what else was happening at the time. The timelines are interspersed with descriptions of notable people, maps and illustrations depicting key locations and occasions, as well as explanations of why certain incidents are so important. Throughout the book there are icons drawing the reader’s attention to: Promise of the Messiah Covenants that God made Judah’s kings & prophets Israel’s kings & prophets Seeing these things laid out in such a clear format helps to identify the threads of redemptive history that are woven throughout the Bible. Written and designed by the same people who created the popular God’s Timeline, this companion book will help young and old readers alike to understand the chronology of the Bible. It also includes a pull–out poster of the whole timeline, and the main heroes and villains mentioned in the Bible.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Augustine of Hippo: His Life and Impact
Arguably the most significant theologian in Church history, Augustine is nonetheless a figure of dispute in protestant circles, distrusted for his views on ecclesiology, amongst other subjects. Yet his love for the Lord and articulation of the doctrine of grace ensure that his writings remain relevant and inspiring to many Christians today. For anyone looking to begin to understand this theological giant, Bradley Green’s biography offers a clear insight into Augustine’s life and beliefs. In the words of the patristic himself, ‘Take and Read’.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd The Missionary–Theologian: Sent into the World, Sanctified by the Word
Gospel doctrine is the lifeblood of mission. Most missionaries in church history have, in preparation for the field, committed themselves to rigorous study and extraordinary theological training, but there has been a move away from that in recent times. E.D. Burns contends that this is dangerous, leaving those who need it most ill–equipped to deal with the difficulties mission life brings. This brotherly and friendly plea challenges those who are already in, or are considering joining, the mission field to rest in Christ’s work and abide in His Word.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Prayer Is An Adventure
This beautifully illustrated edition of best–selling author Patricia St John’s beloved book on prayer will inspire children to speak to their Heavenly Father. Prayer is a vital part of child’s relationship with God. It is something they must be taught to do for themselves. It is a two–way communication. But it is crucial that they learn not only why prayer is important, but who is it that they pray to, how to pray and how their prayers might be answered. Using short everyday stories and examples from the Bible and the lives of well–known Christians Patrica St John walks the reader step–by–step through this simple but profound guide to prayer. This hardback full of gorgeous modern illustrations by Catherine Pape, and will be a great encouragement for 8–12 year olds who are taking their first steps in faith.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd First Steps Box Set: 10 book set
AN INTERACTIVE GUIDE AND INTRODUCTION TO THE CHRISTIAN LIFE – WARTS AND ALL! The First Steps series provides an innovative and engaging guide to the Christian Life for people who are just starting out on it, perhaps with no Church background or previous information whatsoever. Possibly excited and nervous at the same time. Each of the ten titles uses everyday language to clearly explain some of the key areas people need to grasp, but commonly struggle with. A unique feature is that you are introduced to a person in each book, who we see trying this out in real life situations. You can almost imagine being there with them. These ten titles can be followed step–by–step as a path, or in the order that seems most relevant to where you are right now. God – Is He Out There? War – Why Did Life Just Get Harder? Voices – Who Am I Listening To? Bible – Can We Trust It? Believe – What Should I Know? Character – How Do I Change? Training – How Do I Grow As A Christian? Church – Do I Have To Go? Relationships – How Do I Make Things Right? Service – How Do I Give Back? Each book will grab your attention using six symbols that run throughout each one. A person experiencing what’s in the book, before you have to. Illustrations that really bring it to life. Stop signs to ensure you’ve grasped it. Key Bible verses to give you confidence in what you’ve read. One significant and relevant Bible verse to easily remember and hold onto. A brief summary of what you’ve just covered, before going any further. Let’s jump in and take a look at what’s instore for us. GOD – IS HE OUT THERE? Probably the best title to start with as we need to be sure that God exists in the first place, discover who He is and what He’s like, and how this affects me, my life and my world. WAR – WHY DID LIFE JUST GET HARDER? As with anything that is new, we may come up against unexpected problems that risk throwing us off course. Being aware of this is key, and also knowing that anything this amazing is worth fighting for, combined with the surprising news is we’re not left to do this on our own! VOICES – WHO AM I LISTENING TO? We’re bombarded with messages demanding our attention and it can be difficult to know who to listen to, or what is the best decision to make. God is well aware of this and has provided loads of clarity. BIBLE – CAN WE TRUST IT? The Bible may have all the answers we’re looking for, but if we don’t trust it, we’re not going to believe it. How can we be sure it’s true and trustworthy? BELIEVE – WHAT SHOULD I KNOW? Nobody understands the whole Bible right away – so what are some of the key truths we need to grasp, to get started? CHARACTER – HOW DO I CHANGE? None of us wants to be a hypocrite, so how can my character match who I say I am? TRAINING – HOW DO I GROW AS A CHRISTIAN? This looks at the wonderful opportunities we get, to grow and mature as a Christian, at just the right time and pace. CHURCH – DO I HAVE TO GO? Here comes a trick issue! Love it or dread it, it is home for the Christian on this planet. Let’s blow away some myths and false expectations, so we can really feel at home there. RELATIONSHIPS – HOW DO I MAKE THINGS RIGHT? How do we deal, as different people now, with all the various relationships we have? How can we heal broken ones, protect all the ones that are good, and accept that some will always be difficult? SERVICE – HOW DO I GIVE BACK? We’re told its good to give back, but what does that actually mean and how do we do it? Especially when we have to serve people we have a problem with. SUITABLE FOR: People Exploring For Themselves One–To–One Mentoring Small Group Discussions Training Courses
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Athanasius of Alexandria: His Life and Impact
From the foreword: Until his death in 373, Athanasius was the most formidable opponent of Arianism in the Roman Empire. Ultimately, for him, this fight was not a struggle for ecclesial power or even for the rightness of his theological position. It was a battle for the souls of men and women. Athanasius rightly knew that upon one’s view of Christ hung one’s eternal destiny. As he wrote to the bishops of Egypt in 356: “as therefore the struggle that is now set before us concerns all that we are, either to reject or to keep the faith, let us be zealous and resolve to guard what we have received, bearing in mind the confession that was written down at Nicaea.” And by God’s grace, his victory in that struggle has been of enormous blessing to the church ever since.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Teaching 2 Kings: From Text to Message
2 Kings begins with the succession of Elijah by Elisha and flows largely downward right up to the exile of Judah in Babylon. Amidst the numerous kings and serious failings there are always the vital signs that the true God is still on the throne and working out his purposes in his people and beyond. Like many other books containing Old Testament narrative, 1 and 2 Kings are both well–known and obscure. Certain stories are very familiar, others seldom preached or taught. It is our hope that this book will greatly help many people dig deeply into this epic narrative and serve people well by teaching it faithfully, relevantly and thoroughly. Teaching 1 and 2 Kings (of which this is the second volume of two) is an important contribution to our ‘Teaching the Bible’ series. Bob’s guiding hand will be of great assistance to anyone seeking to understand the familiar passages better and explore the lesser known stories well.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Zechariahs Encouragement
This attractively illustrated retelling of the book of Zechariah will teach young readers about the major lessons found in this minor prophet. Long ago in Israel, God sent a young prophet named Zechariah (whose name means, the Lord remembers) to encourage his people. They had stopped rebuilding God's temple and had become distracted and discouraged,so God showed Zechariah eight visions to encourage the people to finish the temple and live right. Brian Wright and John Brown show how Zechariah's prophecy ultimately points to Jesus. This minor prophet offers major lessons, teaching readers about grace and encouraging obedience, two aspects of the Christian life as essential today as when Zechariah first wrote.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Relationships – How Do I Make Things Right?
We all have relationships – with parents, siblings, partners, friends. And all of our relationships are, in some way, broken. We mess things up, they mess things up, people get hurt. The Bible has a lot to say about how we should relate to other people, how to make things right when we’ve done something stupid and what we should do when someone has hurt us. But most importantly it tells us to make sure that our relationship with Jesus comes first, and that everything else flows from there.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd One Thing: Developing a Passion for the Beauty of God
The goal of our creation was not simply that we might be happy, but happy in appreciating God's own glory. Not in reviewing our own accomplishments or in the enjoyment of our own sensual appetites. Not in the development of a healthy self-esteem or in the acquisition of a four-bedroom home with a three-car garage. We were made to glorify God and enjoy him forever. Nothing is more important than understanding this truth. This inspiring work helps us see that beauty has the power to convince the inquiring mind of truth. The soul's contact with God's beauty elicits love and forges in us a new affection that no earthly power can overcome. Enjoying God in the revelation of his beauty is the solution to our struggle with sin, the catalyst for substantive and lasting change and is the soul's satisfaction, with which no rival pleasure can hope to compete.So what is it about God that when known and seen and experienced empowers the human soul to feel sickened in the presence of sin and satisfied in the divine embrace? That word again: Beauty.Apatheism affects not just those outside the church but those inside the church who can't be bothered with their own religion let alone someone else's.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Acts: A Visual Guide
Acts: A Visual Guide presents the exciting story of the book of Acts vividly! Each section is a study in visual form – hand–drawn illustrations based on messages by Kevin DeYoung – guiding you through the biblical text and opening up the truths in a unique, compelling way. Designed to be read with your Bible open next to you, or while listening to Kevin DeYoung’s messages, the illustrations become a handbook, helping to unpack and dig deeper into Scripture. Each page shows the progression of the verses and their implications, applying the truths to how we live our lives. The format also lends itself well to the intertwining nature of the Bible, incorporating cross–references to other passages, helping you to open up the Word for yourself and weave the message into the context of the whole Bible. This exciting format is accessible to anyone and can be used either as an overview of Acts or as an aid to a deep, devotional study. – Taken entirely from sermons by Kevin DeYoung – Covers the whole book of Acts, breaking it down into 60 illustrated sections – A unique, fast–paced format which captures the energy of the original text – For more information, and to find a link to the messages, go to How to use this book The clue is in the name: this is foremost a guide and companion. It is designed to be read with your Bible open next to you, or whilst listening to the Kevin DeYoung talks. The message is found in Scripture, while the illustrations become a handbook, helping to unpack and dig deeper into that message. Each page shows the progression of the verses and their implications, applying the truths to how we live our lives. The format lends itself well to the intertwining nature of the Bible, demonstrating connections which a written commentary might find cumbersome to explain. The notes also incorporate cross–references to other verses and passages from the Bible, helping you to open up the Word for yourself and weave the message into the context of the whole Bible. This is Acts as you’ve never experienced it before!
Christian Focus Publications Ltd 50 World Changing Events in Christian History
The increase in terrorism, the push for gender fluidity, the eradicating of Christianity from schools - During these worrying times, Earl Blackburn shows that learning about our history can be one of the best tools for encouraging us in our faith. Hearing stories of the perseverance of Christian heroes such as John Wycliffe, Martin Luther, and William Wilberforce is inspirational for everyday struggles; while seeing how God has grown His church through times of hardship and persecution helps us to have courage about the church of today.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Sounds from Heaven: The Revival on the Isle of Lewis, 1949-1952
The recounting of the story of revival on the Scottish Isle of Lewis in the late 1940s. It is a fascinating blend of history, biography and testimony. It includes the eye-witness accounts from Duncan Campbell and Mary Peckham.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Proverbs: A Mentor Commentary
The escalating growth of our technological knowledge in the last century has been nothing short of breathtaking – but has it rendered us wiser? Or godlier? We have lost something priceless, and seem to be trying to replace it with more and more ‘information’. We need wisdom! Communications technology leaves us no rest to work things out: mostly we just react, and worry, and fail – and react again. We make business decisions; ethical decisions; relationship decisions; against a continuously moving landscape that doesn’t allow them to be satisfying… consistent… dependable. To cope we must have wisdom! There is no better starting point than the Book of Proverbs. Its purpose is to impart wisdom to those who want it. From its pages God promises to set us on ‘The path of life’ (Prov. 15:24). ‘You don’t understand! I don’t have time! ‘You do…because, after years of painstaking study, John Kitchen has produced a work that is authoritative, comprehensive and insightful. He examines the chronology, authorship, composition, structure and context of Proverbs and does the hard work of providing cross–references alerting the reader to rich veins running beneath the surface of Proverbs and other Biblical books. You want wisdom to help run your life? Think you are running out of time? Then this is a priceless, timeless book that will reward your investment as you seek to gain wisdom, rather than knowledge.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Cracking the Foundation of the New Perspective on Paul: Covenantal Nomism versus Reformed Covenantal Theology
The New Perspective on Paul claims that the Reformed understanding of justification is wrong – that it misunderstands Paul and the Judaism with which he engages. The New Perspective’s revised understanding of Second Temple Judaism provides the foundation to a new perspective. This important book seeks to show that this foundation is fundamentally faulty and cannot bear the weight it needs to carry, thus undermining the entirety of the New Perspective on Paul itself.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Track Grief
Paul Tautges' compassionate, biblical guide to grief is an invaluable addition to the Track series for young adultsThe reality of death means that we all encounter grief at some point in our lives. But what does the Bible say about how we handle the aftermath of separation? Paul Tautges compassionately addresses the struggles we face when dealing with loss, all the while pointing to the hope and comfort that can be found in Christ. Biblical Comfort: Explore the timeless wisdom of scripture and find solace in knowing the God who grieves. Track: Grief gently guides you through biblical passages that provide strength, reassurance, and the promise of God's eternal love during times of sorrow. Practical Tools: Track: Grief equips you with practical tools to navigate the grieving process with grace. Engage with the thoughtprovoking questions in each chapter, and prayer through what you read,and learn to rely on God, even when navigating the challenging terrain of grief. Contents:Loss is
Christian Focus Publications Ltd The KingdomMinded Pastor
Joel Littlefield's short, highly practical book will inspire pastors to develop coalitions, for their own good, to strengthen the local church, and advance the Kingdom of God. Joel Littlefield wants to see God at work in his community, and invites other pastors to share the vision: for men, women and children to surrender to the lordship of Christ through the regenerating work of the Spirit; for new churches to be planted and declining churches revitalised; for congregations to be about the work of making disciples of Christ. Pastors with this gospelminded mindset can be hugely helped in this way: by forming coalitions with other likeminded local pastors. Littlefield argues that in cultivating friendships and fellowship with one another, pastors will not only build one another up, but will benefit their own churches, and the work of the gospel in their local community. With very practical guidance on how to go about forming these alliances for joint action,Littlefield helps identif
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Christ Fulfills All
Get a better understanding of the whole structure of the Bible with this easy introduction to covenant theologyThe Bible is written in covenant language. The more you understand the structure of the Bible the better you will understand the major message of the Bible and see how everything fits together. There is a unity to the message of the Bible, centered around covenant theology, related to God's plan to restore broken human beings who have rebelled against him. Covenant theology explains how we became broken and how God plans to save us. The gospel itself is dependent on the covenantal framework of Scripture. Richard P. Belcher, Jr., John D. and Frances M. Gwin Professor of Old Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary, brings his extensive understanding of the way covenants underpin the whole Bible to this book, and introduces us to the concepts in such a way that no prior knowledge is required. IncludesPoints of Interest' sidebarsReading list for further studyChapter headi
Christian Focus Publications Ltd A Conversation With Jesus… on Truth
What is truth? This question, asked by Pilate, a Roman governor in Jerusalem, has echoed down through the centuries and still has ramifications today. His job as representative of Rome and Roman law required that he discover out the truth about the charges brought against the prisoner before him. So he asked Jesus. The answer Jesus gives and Pilate’s reaction are enlightening. The truthfulness of Jesus’ words matter. Will you respond in the same way as Pilate?
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Heart Songs for Every Saint
William Philip encourages readers to use the Psalms as their own heart songs, in any circumstance. Don't just admire the Psalms, use them. Psalms are Spiritinspired prayers that help us to pray rightly and truly. They give us words we trust, and treasure as our own heart songs, as we engage with God through times of both darkness and light. William Philip shows us that in the Psalms we find a profound revelation of God, His nature, and His ways, as well as His relationship with His people. They help us deal with all aspects of our sojourning faith, both individually and in the corporate life of the church. They give us real working models' for living day by day as Christians. Heart Songs for Every Saint takes six of these psalms, and shows how they can be prayed in real life situations:When God Seems Absent: Psalms 10 A Song of ProtestRight Sacrifices for Real Sinners: Psalm 51 A Song of PenitenceWhen We in Darkness Walk: Psalm 88 A Song of PainSafe in the Shadow of the Al
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Mark
Eric C. Redmond traces the servant ministry of Jesus in the gospel of Mark, revealing him as the authoritative Son of God in this Focus on the Bible layman's commentary. Part of the Focus on the Bible series of commentaries for laypeopleExamines text passage by passageReveals overall themes and key pointsReflective questions with each chapterAlthough the shortest of the gospel accounts, the book of Mark is not lacking in rich content. Written to a largely nonJewish audience, it arose from a need for a quickly written, simple account of the life of Christ that affirmed his deity. Eric C. Redmond, Professor of Bible at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, opens up this fastmoving book for us and highlights the key points about Jesus' life which Mark emphasises. Mark shows how the servant ministry of Jesus reveals him as the authoritative Son of God to those who have simple faith in him,granting them entrance into the kingdom of God, and calling them to like service in the way of God. Th
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Church – Do I Have to Go?
Church can sometimes be an intimidating thing. It can look like a building full of perfect people who have perfect lives. Not a place where someone who has messed up belongs. But that’s not true. The Church is God’s people who meet together because they love and need God, and love and need each other. Garrett Kell explains what the Church is, and why it matters whether we go or not.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Adventures in Acts Vol. 1
This first of a twovolume set depicts the exciting adventures of the Early Church, as found in the Acts of the Apostles, for 7 to 11yearolds. The book in the Bible known as Acts is all about what Jesus did after he went back to heaven after the resurrection. In it we see how the good news about Jesus spread all over the known world. David Luckman retells every story from Acts in language that is easy to understand and, with help from illustrations by Silvana Di Marcello, shows how Jesus' death and resurrection wasn't the end of the story. Volume One contains stories from the beginning of Acts up to chapter thirteen, and Volume Two contains chapters fourteen to twentyeight. Each twopage spread features one story, as well as these additional features:Look Back Read a passage from earlier in the Bible and see how God planned these events from long ago. Check This Out Read another passage from the Bible that relates to this one and see how they connect. Think Spend some time thi
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Jesus Stories
Beloved children's author Carine Mackenzie unfolds the parables of Jesus for families to enjoy together. Carine Mackenzie, whose children's books have sold millions of copies worldwide, takes the stories that Jesus used to teach his listeners about God's way, and unpacks them in a way that the whole family can enjoy together. The short stories teach about things like prayer,forgiveness, and the Kingdom of God, and Carine's knowledge of how to help children understand the meaning behind the story shines through. With beautiful colour illustrations, this book will be a great addition to your family's library.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd The Scuttlebutt Letters
In the style of The Screwtape Letters, with a satire that will make you both cringe and laughoutloud, Natalie Brand demonstrates the havoc unleashed by careless words. Scuttlebutt (naval slang for the ship's gossip) is the affectionate nickname given to the Tongue by the Heart, as he reprimands the Tongue for steering the whole person into catastrophe; enjoying morsels of gossip, creating smokescreens of lies. From the Bible's teaching on speech,particularly the Proverbs, the reader will taste the bitter destruction of the Tongue. But as the Heart rebukes the Tongue it becomes increasingly clear that something isn't right there is another villain, a deeper poison, lurking within. What can be done if the Tongue remains untameable? Will the Heart get away with his hypocrisy? Is there redemption for either?An immensely challenging little book for anyone with a tongue or a heart!
Christian Focus Publications Ltd The Soul Winner: Advice on Effective Evangelism
Spurgeon was one of the most effective evangelists of all time. Under his ministry Victorian London saw revival on a scale never seen since. Yet Spurgeon would be the first to point your finger away from himself to the true author of repentance and reformation - he realised that without God at work, he could do nothing. Here is a collection of his lectures and talks to take people away from human inspired gimmickry and slavish mimicry to think through for themselves how to enable God to work in their lives and ministry.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd All of Grace: An earnest word with those seeking salvation
Using plain language and word pictures, Spurgeon shares an earnest word for those who are seeking salvation. It has been written to show clearly how much we all need grace and how much grace is available for our needs. The writer would like to compel us, by his words, to come to Jesus Christ and receive that grace. A classic on a great subject written by one of the greatest preachers who ever lived.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd The Proud Prayer
Jeus told this story about two men who prayed. One is respected by people and one is sorry for doing wrong. Who does Jesus want us to be like. Can you find in the every picture?This is part of a series that will be an instant hit with young children whilst at the same time giving them early knowlege of the teachings of Jesus.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Ten Girls Who Made a Difference
Would you like to make a difference? These ten girls grew up to do just that…Katherine Luther, Bethan Lloyd–Jones, Sabina Wurmbrand, Susanna Wesley, Ann Judson, Edith Schaeffer, Ruth Bell Graham, Monica of Thagaste, Susannah Spurgeon, Maria Taylor. Read this book and find out what God wants you to do.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Colour the Bible Book 6: 1 Timothy - Revelation
There are 66 books in the bible and lots to learn. Copy the missing words and colour the pictures. You'll learn about God and his Word. Extra verses are included which teach about what the Bible does and and who Jesus is.You will also discover about 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude and Revelations.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Colour the Bible Book 5: Romans - Thessalonians
There are 66 books in the bible and lots of things to learn. Copy the missing words and colour the pictures. You' ll learn about God and his Word. Extra verses sre included which teach about what the bible does and who Jesus is.You will also discover about Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians and 2 Thessalonians.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Gladys Aylward: No Mountain Too High
Many looked on Gladys Aylward's expedition to mainland China as foolhardy and dangerous. It was. On her own, as a single female, she carried her passport and other documents, along with the only money and belongings that she had, in a small briefcase with a teapot and a saucepan tied to the handle. After having purchased her one-way ticket to China, she left the United Kingdom with a single-minded determination to do what God had commanded her. She knew she was meant to go to China - even if no mission was prepared to support her. Unconventional is the only way to describe this journey to the country that would eventually become her home. A theme that would continue throughout her mission work in China where she thwarted authorities, became involved in the Chinese resistance and rescued over 100 children from the invading Japanese army.Written for 9-14 year olds.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd A Young Person’s Guide to Knowing God
This book was written by Patricia St John especially for all young people who want to learn about God and get to know Him for themselves. Every chapter deals with a basic Christian belief and tackles some of the most searching questions the author was asked, including: Who is God and what is he like? Why is there so much suffering in the world? Wasn’t I born a Christian? Does Jesus care about me? Can I really know God? Through enjoyable real–life stories, prayers and thought–provoking questions, the reader will discover what Christians believe and what friendship with Jesus can mean in their lives.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Teaching the Christian Hope: Unlocking Biblical Eschatology for the Bible Teacher
What does the future hold? The world is lacking in any real hope. Our culture is characterised by blind people hurtling headlong into hedonism - making sure that all the right boxes of experience are ticked before we die. What can the church offer?This is a book for Bible teachers and readers about what are often regarded as controversial and difficult areas of Scripture; it sets out to enable us to teach with clarity and purpose what will happen in the 'End Times'.There are six major themes connected with the Christian hope in the future. Each chapter uses one or two key passages that explain one of the major themes of eschatology and then covers the main elements that need to be answered within that theme.The hallmark of this series of books is that each one teaches the truth of God's Scriptures and also offers real help for those involved in teaching the material to others. Each chapter is clearly divided into 'teachable' sections with headings and sub-headings. These aid the reader to recognise the teaching flow of the doctrinal elements under discussion.Do you want to know the future? Here's how it can be faced with hope.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd C.S. Lewis: The Story Teller
Adventures into another world, stories of mystery and wonder, these are what fascinated and excited Clive. He was just a boy but would sit for hours writing stories where animals came to life and lived and spoke just like human beings. This little boy grew up to become the world famous writer C. S. Lewis. However throughout his life he preferred to be called Jack. The reasons for this peculiar change of name and other interesting facts and stories about C. S. Lewis are retold in this book. It was written in the centenary year of his birth - this is a reprint. This book takes you into the life of C. S. Lewis, the child, the scholar, the husband, the writer and the believer in God. Derick Bingham has researched this book thoroughly and has lovingly retold the story of this great storyteller.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Thomas Boston: His Life & Times
Few British pastors can claim to have written a book that is amongst the 'life-books of their generation', yet Boston is one. His Fourfold State of Man has been the instrument of countless conversions and could be said to have changed the zeitgeist of his era as effectively as Luther's Commentary on Galations, Alleine's Alarm to the Unconverted, Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, Edwards' Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, Wilberforce's True Christianity or Lewis' Mere Christianity.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Is There Anybody Out There? - Second Edition: A Journey from Despair to Hope
Since the publication of 'A child called "it"' by Dave Pelzer there hasn't been a story like this. But this is not just another harrowing story about an excruciating childhood and the ravages on a life it produces. The difference is that Mez not only escaped from his 'trial by parent' but he discovered a hope that has transformed his life. He in turn has helped others find hope in their lives. Mez's story is told with a frankness and wit that hides much of the pain and despair that was his everyday experience. Do you like happy endings? Mez still suffers from his experiences but you'll be amazed at how far you can be restored from such a beginning.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd What is the Church?
The church is not a building. It is a people that God has called together and made alive by faith. Although the activities of the church are important this book begins with who God’s people are – recognizing that the church’s activity results from its identity. When we call children to be a part of the church, we are calling them to be a part of a gospel people. And, as a gospel people, the church is a believing family, a community of missionaries, servants, learners and worshipers. This book is a call to God’s people to live as the people that God has made them to be.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd God Made Food
Thank you, God, for giving us food and appetite. Thank you, Jesus, for showing your power when you fed the hungry people. You are wonderful.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Crook in the Lot: Living with that thorn in your side
First published in 1737 this book holds a special place among the tremendous amount of Puritan literature that was produced during that time. Thomas Boston was renowned for his clearly understood English and the manner in which he maintained that clarity while conveying messages of great depth. The Crook in the Lot is introduced to us by J. I. Packer. In an extensive prologue he shows how Boston’s advice remains deeply relevant today. Boston was not preaching merely from his theological understanding, he was speaking from direct personal experience. Boston had real “thorns” to deal with himself, ranging from his wife’s paralyzing depression to his own experiences living for years with what were probably kidney stones. He brings his own unique combination of wonderfully profound and yet immensely practical advice to bear to give us a work of lasting impact.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd The Dawkins Letters: Revised Edition – Challenging Atheist Myths
When Richard Dawkins published The God Delusion, David Robertson wanted an intelligent Christian response – and so he wrote it. This honest book draws on Robertson’s experience as a debater, letter writer, pastor and author to clarify the questions and the answers for thinkers and seekers, and to respond to Dawkins in a gentle spirit.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Our Home Is Like a Little Church
Our Home is like a Little church was written to teach preschool children the Christian doctrine of the home as a place of worship where the father teaches his family God's commands and leads them to worship the one true God.The home is the front line of ministry to children-not the Sunday school or public church gathering. All the practices present in a Christian worship service-the Scriptures, prayer, and praise-should be present in the home as well. Our Home is Like a Little Church teaches this truth by repeatedly putting church and home side by side-on adjacent pages.God expects parents to teach their children when they sit down for meals, when they drive along the road, when they lie down for bed, and when they get up in the morning. These "pastoral" duties can be daunting so this book also serves as a reminder that these duties are done in light of God's grace shown to us through Jesus' work on the cross.Parents and children together can read this engaging little book in order to discover what God's plans are for worshipping Him inside their home.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd The Marrow of Modern Divinity
An attractively laid out edition of the Christian classic with explanatory notes from well–known puritan Thomas Boston An intriguing book, quite unlike any other The Marrow of Modern Divinity defies pigeon–holing. It was written in the 1600s by an author of whom we know little, yet it proved to be a critically important and controversial theological text. Penned as dialogue between a minister (Evangelista), a young Christian (Neophytus), a legalist (Nomista) who believes Christianity is a set of rules to be obeyed and Antinomista who thinks it’s okay to sin because God will forgive him anyway, it makes for a wonderfully insightful book that remains tremendously relevant for our world today. This newly laid out and eagerly awaited edition includes explanatory notes by the famous puritan Thomas Boston, an introduction by Philip Ryken and an historical introduction by William Vandoodewaard.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd David Brainerd: A Flame for God
“…I hardly ever so longed to live to God and to be altogether devoted to Him; I wanted to wear out my life in his service and for his glory …” David Brainerd Introduction by John Macarthur. David Brainerd was devoted to live for his Lord. He lived a short life but in his four years as a missionary he was blessed with a period of revival amongst the Indians to whom he had been ministering. By considering the life of Brainerd this book will be of tremendous spiritual benefit to you as you read of a young man plagued with depression and yet made so effective under God.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Galatians: A Mentor Commentary
While Dr. McWilliams' exposition of Galatians keeps in mind the various mischaracterizations of Paul's epistle that have become dominant, his purpose is not primarily polemical. The author sees Paul's paramount concern to be acceptance with God through the work of Christ. McWilliams affirms: "everywhere in every way Paul's concern is with the gospel; he is concerned with the personal salvation of sinners." Written principally, though not exclusively as an aid to preachers, Galatians is an exposition that is scholarly yet readable, combining the rare qualities of depth and brevity. Galatians is sent out to the reading public with the prayer that it might be used of God to extend the gospel of Jesus Christ and the truth of justifying righteousness through the proclamation of free grace to sinners who need the message of salvation through Christ alone!Mentor commentaries combine a high view of scripture with access to the latest academic theological research. This unique combination allows the reader to see what recent scholarly research has discovered without losing sight of the inerrancy of scripture.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Genius, Grief & Grace: A Doctor Looks at Suffering & Success
Dr. Gaius Davies introduces us to Martin Luther, John Bunyan, William Cowper, Lord Shaftesbury, Gerard Manly Hopkins, Christina Rossetti, Amy Carmichael, J.B. Phillips, C.S. Lewis, Martyn Lloyd Jones and Frances Ridley Havergal. After a brief biographical introduction to each person, he shows us how he or she all had their particular trial, and how grace operated in each of them. He is not afraid to show how anxiety, guilt, depression and doubt can be present in the finest of Christian lives, but also goes on to show how divine grace can transform human weakness.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Living Sacrifice: Willing to be Whittled as an Arrow
What place does ‘sacrifice’ have in the modern world? The Bible says it is central – and that sacrifice is not only a vital key to the future, it is the essence of a Christian’s life, today. Helen Roseveare skilfully weaves stories of sacrifice together with Christian teaching on the subject to show you how sacrifice is the key to joy.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Romans: Revelation of God’s Righteousness
Dale Leschert wrote that – “Paul’s epistle to the Romans may possibly be the most influential letter ever written. Apart from its immediate impact upon the first century, it has indirectly altered the direction of the church and secular history through its instrumentality in the conversion of several of Christianity’s most outstanding leaders.” Explore this book that has changed hearts across time and the globe with Paul Barnett.