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Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on the European Union and International Organizations
'This innovative collection of essays offers a uniquely comprehensive exploration of the way in which the EU engages with other international organizations and bodies. While both EU law and international law perspectives are examined, this book goes beyond mere legal analysis to address political and practical issues the EU encounters on the internal and the external fronts. It forms a major contribution to the literature on the relationship between the EU legal order and public international law and on the EU's role in international relations more generally.' - Geert De Baere, General Court of the EU and KU Leuven, Belgium 'As the European Union assumes an ever more prominent role as a global actor, there is a growing need to understand the ways and means of the EU's engagement with other international institutions. This volume, with contributions from renowned experts and scholars, is the first comprehensive study to address the various relationships in that category. It is the essential companion for practitioners and scholars in the fields of European law and international organization.' - Catherine Brölmann, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands 'This is a commendable and timely Research Handbook, published in an era in which forces of nationalism and populism question the benefits of globalization and existing mechanisms of global governance. In this rich collection of studies, Wessel and Odermatt bring together some 50 experts from academia and practice, to analyze the multifarious interrelationships between the EU and other international institutions (from the UN to the G20, from the WTO to Regional Fisheries Management Organizations, from NATO to the Council of Europe).' - Niels Blokker, Leiden University, the Netherlands The European Union has established relationships with other international organizations and institutions, mainly as a result of its increasingly active role as a global actor and the transfer of competences from the Member States to the EU. Containing chapters by leading scholars, this Research Handbook presents a comprehensive and critical assessment of these relationships, examining both the EU's representation and cooperation as well as the influence of these external bodies on the development of EU law and policy. Insightful and analytical, the Research Handbook explores the interaction of the EU with both formal and informal international institutions as it seeks to become more visible and active within these. The many challenges associated with the limits set by the EU and by international law and politics in relation to EU participation and the 'state-centred' international legal system are assessed. This unique Research Handbook will be a key resource for scholars and students of international and European law and political science, providing a unique overview of the less well-known international organizations in addition to the large institutions. The examination of the development of law and policy will also be of interest to the practitioners of these organizations and those at national ministries. Contributors include: F. Amtenbrink, A. Andrione-Moylan, J. Beqiraj, S. Blockmans, F. Bontekoe, G. Butler, M. Cantero Gamito, E. Castellarin, A.-L. Chané, C. Cinelli, S. Coban, L. de Almeida, R. Delarue, S. Donnelly, T. Emmerling, E. Fahey, J.-P. Gauci, P. Heckler, J. Jacobsson, K.E. Jørgensen, R. Kamphof, A. Khalfaoui, M. Killander, J. Klabbers, K. Laatikainen, E. Lannon, R. Lawson, L. Lourenço, C. Matera, H.-W. Micklitz, J. Odermatt, E. Paasivirta, E. Pichot, T. Peri in, T. Ramopoulos, R. Repasi, J. Selleslaghs, A. Södersten, H. Suzen, B. van der Meulen, P. Van Elsuwege, M. Vaugeois, F. Vlastou-Dimopoulou, M. Wallot, B. Wernaart, R.A. Wessel, J. Wouters, C.-H. Wu, F. Yilmaz
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research on Promoting Women’s Careers
Professors Vinnicombe, Burke, Blake-Beard, and Moore have assembled an internationally and intellectually diverse cast of contributors to chronicle and examine the implications of the seismic shift in women's roles in the global workforce. Collectively, they make a strong case for why advancing women s careers is a key business as well as societal issue that must be addressed if the full potential of all societal members is to be tapped. This book belongs on the bookshelf of all scholars of gender and career issues as an essential reference.'- Gary N. Powell, University of Connecticut, US'This is an excellent book posing key questions about women and careers in leadership, such as why do women have less access to the top jobs. It presents research on women's experiences in leadership, discusses the barriers they face as well as initiatives to promote their career advancement. I can see this being a critical resource for those who research and teach women in management.'- Fiona Wilson, University of Glasgow, UK'As more women take on highly visible leadership roles, such as CEO or C-suite executive, I am often asked whether there continues to be a need for research on women's career development. This book effectively answers the challenge behind that question by documenting the status of women in business and by marshaling empirical evidence of gender effects on careers. The chapters provide a rich, theoretically grounded overview of women's career development and action steps for accelerating the growth of women's representation in leadership.'- Alison M. Konrad, Western University, CanadaWhy is it that relatively few women achieve senior management positions despite their increasing levels of education and years of work experience? How can we change this?In a changing world where women have dominated as graduates from universities in the West, recent research has shown that the same trend is also strikingly evident in the newly emerging markets. Tapping into this female talent pool is extremely important and advancing women s careers has become a key business issue. This Handbook lays out a number of promising approaches. First the business case for doing so is presented. The challenges facing women are reviewed, followed by various programs that address particular needs such as mentoring, leadership development programs for women, work and family initiatives, and succession planning. Finally, case studies of award-winning organizational initiatives are described.The book identifies obstacles women face in career advancement and possible initiatives to address them. The work will be highly sought by scholars and doctoral students interested in women in organizations. Human resource managers and consultants will also find plenty of invaluable information in this resource.Contributors: D. Anderson, S.M. Barnett, S.A. Berry, G. Bhattacharya, D. Bilimoria, S. Blake-Beard, L. Brook, R.J. Burke, S. Caleo, S.D. Carter, S.S. Case, S. Dinolfo, E. Doldor, S.L. Fielden, K. Giscombe, J. Graham, A. Gupta, C.E.J. Härtel, G.F. Härtel, S.A. Haslam, R. Hawarden, M.E. Heilman, M.M. Hopkins, S.V. Horner, C.M. Hunt, M.M.S. Kats, S. Kumra, X. Liang, S. Mavin, L.L. Moore, J.T. Nadler, S.M. Nkomo, J.S. Nugent, A.J. Oetama-Paul, D.M. Ohse, D.A. O Neil, K. Peters, C. Quental, M.K. Ryan, R. Sealy, F. Sheridan, V. Srinivasan, M.S. Stockdale, N. Sultana, R. Sumner, J.M. Turell, A. Valenti, H. van Emmerik, S. Vinnicombe, J. Williams, W.M. Williams, A. Wittenberg-Cox
Human Kinetics Publishers Moving With Words & Actions: Physical Literacy for Preschool and Primary Children
The earlier that children develop a love for physical activity, the better able they are to acquire the healthy habits that will serve them well throughout their lives. Moving With Words & Actions is designed to help them develop that critical physical literacy. Moving With Words & Actions offers early childhood and physical education teachers more than 70 lesson plans that can be used immediately or can be used as models for creating additional lessons. The plans reinforce both physical literacy and language literacy; they use words related to children’s academic learning and understanding of their immediate environment to entice them to move. The lesson plans • Use an interdisciplinary approach, integrating academic concepts from language arts, math, science, health and nutrition, community awareness, and environmental awareness • Are highly adaptable for various settings, including those working with individualized education programs and 504 accommodation plans as well as those teaching in limited spaces • Offer great noncompetitive activities that are perfect for use by recess, lunchtime, and before- and after-school specialists • Have been field tested according to best practices to ensure age appropriateness Each lesson plan includes three learning tasks that help children apply a variety of action words and movement concepts to the moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activities prescribed in the tasks. Most tasks are easy to implement, requiring no equipment or specialized setting. What’s more, all lesson plans address SHAPE America’s National Standards and Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education, so preschool children will have a head start on their kindergarten learning. This SHAPE America book, based on the authors’ classic Movement-Based Learning, has been completely revamped with new lessons and new material to reflect current research, address the new standards and outcomes, and emphasize physical literacy. Part I offers expert guidance in selecting age-appropriate content, creating and implementing lesson plans, making the most of every lesson, and assessing your students’ learning and progress. In part I, you’ll explore the importance of words in young children’s lives and learn what constitutes an appropriate learning task and how that understanding should inform your teaching. These chapters also highlight two primary instructional strategies for this age group, identify five teaching practices to help student teachers create preservice lessons, and outline three assessment techniques for teachers in early-childhood settings. Part II supplies the lesson plans themselves, categorized by these units: • Healthy Bodies (examining body parts and the ways they move, and increasing awareness of healthy nutrition) • Our Community (enhancing children’s understanding of community helpers in familiar roles) • Living Creatures (helping children appreciate animals by imitating their movements, behaviors, and characteristics) • Science and Math (using action rhymes, riddles, and games to learn math and science concepts) • Language Arts (expanding on children’s language artss and movement vocabularies with alphabet challenges, action poems, movement riddles, and more) Moving With Words & Actions will help you plan lessons with confidence, use sound instructional strategies, and assess your students effectively as they learn how their bodies function, move, and grow in healthy ways. Children will enjoy the movement activities, which are fun in and of themselves; but, more importantly, they will be taking a solid first step toward becoming physically literate learners who will gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence they need to move with competence in multiple environments and lead active lives.
Human Kinetics Publishers Choreography: A Basic Approach Using Improvisation
Choreography: A Basic Approach Using Improvisation has long been a recognized standard in the field of dance education, and its fourth edition is replete with new and updated material and tools that will help students develop their skills in each step of the choreographic experience, from finding an idea to staging the performance. Choreography is equally suited for use in high school and university classes. You can use it to guide your students through the creative and choreographic processes, applying instructional strategies such as problem solving, updated technology integration, and connections to dance education standards. The latest edition of Choreography has these additions: • A new student web resource that includes 23 video clips that reinforce the book's content, show the creative and choreographic processes presented in the book, and help students apply the choreographic elements to their own work. • Updated or new chapter content that supports the dance education standards as they apply to the creative process, improvisation, and choreographic development and to the technical aspects of staging performances • Expanded movement explorations to help students discover movement using more than one sense; these explorations are arranged by learning style (auditory, visual, and kinesthetic/tactile) and range from easy to more challenging in level • Developing Your Skills sections revised to align with the National Coalition for Core Arts Standards processes of creating, performing, responding, and connecting; these sections help students apply what they have learned in the chapter as they relate to dance standards, and they are arranged from simple to complex to help students increase their learning The book also includes problem-solving exercises to focus student thinking on the explorations and experiences they encountered in the chapter. Factual and conceptual aspects of the chapter activities are then addressed in follow-up questions, helping to engage students in critical thinking as they learn to transfer their understanding to other situations. The new web resource will further students' creative and professional development in choreography. This resource contains video clips that show creative and choreographic processes presented in the book, editable forms and checklists that students can use, assignments that students can complete, and web links and resources for further study. Choreography also comes with an instructor guide that offers teacher-directed lesson plans and teaching tips. The book is arranged into four chapters. Chapter 1 focuses on improvisation as the key to the choreographic process, and it provides a framework for creating movement and dances to help students understand the dance-making process. The chapter also offers solutions to common beginning choreographic problems. Chapter 2 explains the use of the craft of choreography in designing and shaping the dance. It discusses the use of stage space, the use of various forms of technology to enhance dance, and how to make more out of less by manipulating and varying movements. Chapter 3 explores what to strive for in shaping and forming a dance, and it describes common dance forms. In Chapter 4, students are introduced to the stepps involved in putting their dance onstage. Chapters 3 and 4 also include Experience in Action features, which encourage students to delve deeper into the chapter topic, and Choreography Challenge features, which challenge students to test their skills. Choreography provides students with a complete choreographic experience, inviting them to share the joys of artistic expression through dance. As such, it is the go-to resource for teachers who are looking to provide meaningful experiences in a well-rounded learning environment and for students who are intent on improving their choreographic abilities.
Human Kinetics Publishers Biophysical Foundations of Human Movement
Biophysical Foundations of Human Movement, Third Edition, introduces readers to key concepts concerning the anatomical, mechanical, physiological, neural, and psychological bases of human movement. The text provides undergraduate students with a broad foundation for more detailed study of the subdisciplines of human movement and for cross-disciplinary studies. Readers will learn the multi-dimensional changes in movement and movement potential that occur throughout the life span as well as those changes that occur as adaptations to training, practice, and other lifestyle factors.This third edition includes the latest research and improved presentation to address areas of growth and change in the fields of human movement. The following are important updates to this edition: A new chapter on historical origins of human movement science provides students with an appreciation of the development of the field as well as its future directions. Content regarding exercise physiology has been reorganized to provide more discrete coverage of key concepts in nutrition. A new concluding section focuses on applications in the areas of prevention and management of chronic disease, prevention and management of injury, and performance enhancement in sport and the workplace, as well as the benefits of sport and exercise science to work, sport, and everyday living. Ancillary materials support instructors in teaching across disciplines as they assist students in understanding the breadth of content in this comprehensive text. Using a modular approach to teaching sport and exercise science, Biophysical Foundations of Human Movement, Third Edition, offers students a structured understanding of how the subdisciplines work independently and in tandem. Following a general introduction to the field of human movement studies, readers are introduced to basic concepts, life-span changes, and adaptations arising in response to training in each of the five major biophysical subdisciplines of human movement. Each subdiscipline is given a brief introduction, including the definition and historical development of the subdiscipline, the typical issues and problems it addresses, the levels of analysis it uses, and relevant professional training and organizations. Multi-disciplinary and cross-disciplinary approaches to human movement are also discussed along with contemporary applications. By studying the integration of knowledge from a number of the biophysical subdisciplines, students will be better prepared for advanced study and careers reliant on the integration of knowledge from various disciplines and perspectives.The third edition offers tools for retaining the material, including learning objectives and summaries in each chapter, a glossary, and lists of web-based resources. Throughout the text, special “In Focus” features highlight key organizations, individuals, and studies from around the world that have contributed to the current understanding of human movement. These features help readers appreciate the evolution of the field so that they may better understand its direction. Students interested in further study will find specialized texts for each of the subdisciplines listed in the Further Reading and References section of each chapter along with updated lists of websites.The third edition of Biophysical FFoundations of Human Movement offers a comprehensive introduction for students, scientists, and practitioners involved in the many professions grounded in or related to human movement, kinesiology, and sport and exercise science. By considering the effect of adaptations in each of the biophysical subdisciplines of human movement, Biophysical Foundations of Human Movement also illustrates the important role physical activity plays in the maintenance of health throughout the life span.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research on Promoting Women’s Careers
Professors Vinnicombe, Burke, Blake-Beard, and Moore have assembled an internationally and intellectually diverse cast of contributors to chronicle and examine the implications of the seismic shift in women's roles in the global workforce. Collectively, they make a strong case for why advancing women s careers is a key business as well as societal issue that must be addressed if the full potential of all societal members is to be tapped. This book belongs on the bookshelf of all scholars of gender and career issues as an essential reference.'- Gary N. Powell, University of Connecticut, US'This is an excellent book posing key questions about women and careers in leadership, such as why do women have less access to the top jobs. It presents research on women's experiences in leadership, discusses the barriers they face as well as initiatives to promote their career advancement. I can see this being a critical resource for those who research and teach women in management.'- Fiona Wilson, University of Glasgow, UK'As more women take on highly visible leadership roles, such as CEO or C-suite executive, I am often asked whether there continues to be a need for research on women's career development. This book effectively answers the challenge behind that question by documenting the status of women in business and by marshaling empirical evidence of gender effects on careers. The chapters provide a rich, theoretically grounded overview of women's career development and action steps for accelerating the growth of women's representation in leadership.'- Alison M. Konrad, Western University, CanadaWhy is it that relatively few women achieve senior management positions despite their increasing levels of education and years of work experience? How can we change this?In a changing world where women have dominated as graduates from universities in the West, recent research has shown that the same trend is also strikingly evident in the newly emerging markets. Tapping into this female talent pool is extremely important and advancing women s careers has become a key business issue. This Handbook lays out a number of promising approaches. First the business case for doing so is presented. The challenges facing women are reviewed, followed by various programs that address particular needs such as mentoring, leadership development programs for women, work and family initiatives, and succession planning. Finally, case studies of award-winning organizational initiatives are described.The book identifies obstacles women face in career advancement and possible initiatives to address them. The work will be highly sought by scholars and doctoral students interested in women in organizations. Human resource managers and consultants will also find plenty of invaluable information in this resource.Contributors: D. Anderson, S.M. Barnett, S.A. Berry, G. Bhattacharya, D. Bilimoria, S. Blake-Beard, L. Brook, R.J. Burke, S. Caleo, S.D. Carter, S.S. Case, S. Dinolfo, E. Doldor, S.L. Fielden, K. Giscombe, J. Graham, A. Gupta, C.E.J. Härtel, G.F. Härtel, S.A. Haslam, R. Hawarden, M.E. Heilman, M.M. Hopkins, S.V. Horner, C.M. Hunt, M.M.S. Kats, S. Kumra, X. Liang, S. Mavin, L.L. Moore, J.T. Nadler, S.M. Nkomo, J.S. Nugent, A.J. Oetama-Paul, D.M. Ohse, D.A. O Neil, K. Peters, C. Quental, M.K. Ryan, R. Sealy, F. Sheridan, V. Srinivasan, M.S. Stockdale, N. Sultana, R. Sumner, J.M. Turell, A. Valenti, H. van Emmerik, S. Vinnicombe, J. Williams, W.M. Williams, A. Wittenberg-Cox
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Learning in the Global Classroom: A Guide for Students in the Multicultural University
'In the age of the 'global village' this book will enable its future citizens to understand how they can improve their learning experience as they travel to and learn in different countries, contexts and environments. The authors have produced a rigorous yet easy to read book that is full of information, advice and practical tips for the International student. Reading and using this book will improve the quality of the experience for both the student and their teacher.'- Roger Palmer, Henley Business School, UK'This book provides an excellent insight into the means of gaining the most out of an international education. It is simple in language, invaluable in cross-cultural behaviour guidance, meaningful in challenging stereotypes, and useful in self-reflection. Quotes from students bring cultural differences to life.- Ayse Saka-Helmhout, University of Surrey, UK'Learning in the Global Classroom is an excellent reference for both university students and for academics who take their responsibilities seriously. This book makes study in another county more do-able, and is very timely given the increasing push for internationalization in universities. What could be an overwhelming challenge for the potential international student is tackled in a logical, reassuring way, with practical strategies that cover personal, social and academic issues. For most students, this text will be an 'ongoing' reference, to be referred to as situations arise. Issues that academics often complain about with regard to non-Western students are addressed, such as learning how to speak up in class discussions, critical thinking and punctuality. The text also offers sage advice that would be valuable to students who are returning to study after a prolonged absence. I will certainly recommend this book to both colleagues and students.'- Paddy O'Toole, Monash University, AustraliaThis unique and fascinating book is written for tertiary level students in the multi-cultural classroom, whether studying abroad or at home alongside international students. It relates a genuine understanding of the student perspective of learning in a multi-cultural classroom, highlighting how students possess different learning styles and attitudes to teaching and learning and demonstrating that students not only face language issues, but also numerous other unanticipated challenges. The contributors present both theoretical and practical examples of various teaching and learning strategies that international students will encounter, and reveal how to maximize the benefit of these different approaches. They provide invaluable guidance on how to overcome many of the often-unexpected factors that arise when students are faced by a different cultural environment or people who have different cultural expectations and behavior patterns. Students arrive in the tertiary classroom with a set of behaviors, characteristics and expectations derived from the educational practices of their home-country communities. With these in mind, the book asserts the importance of the student considering what they hope to learn, why they chose the particular institution enrolled with, and whether they will use their newly acquired skills in their own country, the country in which they are studying or somewhere else entirely. It illustrates that understanding exactly what a student wishes to achieve can greatly help get the best out of the international experience both inside and outside of the classroom. This highly original and insightful book will prove invaluable to all tertiary level students who move abroad to study, or who are studying in an international classroom at home.
New York University Press Black in Latin America
Selected as a 2012 Outstanding Title by AAUP University Press Books for Public and Secondary School Libraries The history of how six Latin American countries acknowledge—or deny—their African past 12.5 million Africans were shipped to the New World during the Middle Passage. While just over 11.0 million survived the arduous journey, only about 450,000 of them arrived in the United States. The rest—over ten and a half million—were taken to the Caribbean and Latin America. This astonishing fact changes our entire picture of the history of slavery in the Western hemisphere, and of its lasting cultural impact. These millions of Africans created new and vibrant cultures, magnificently compelling syntheses of various African, English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish influences. Despite their great numbers, the cultural and social worlds that they created remain largely unknown to most Americans, except for certain popular, cross-over musical forms. So Henry Louis Gates, Jr. set out on a quest to discover how Latin Americans of African descent live now, and how the countries acknowledge—or deny—their African past; how the fact of race and African ancestry play themselves out in the multicultural worlds of the Caribbean and Latin America. Starting with the slave experience and extending to the present, Gates unveils the history of the African presence in six Latin American countries—Brazil, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Mexico, and Peru—through art, music, cuisine, dance, politics, and religion, but also the very palpable presence of anti-black racism that has sometimes sought to keep the black cultural presence from view. In Brazil, he delves behind the façade of Carnaval to discover how this ‘rainbow nation’ is waking up to its legacy as the world’s largest slave economy. In Cuba, he finds out how the culture, religion, politics and music of this island is inextricably linked to the huge amount of slave labor imported to produce its enormously profitable 19th century sugar industry, and how race and racism have fared since Fidel Castro’s Communist revolution in 1959. In Haiti, he tells the story of the birth of the first-ever black republic, and finds out how the slaves’s hard fought liberation over Napoleon Bonaparte’s French Empire became a double-edged sword. In Mexico and Peru, he explores the almost unknown history of the significant numbers of black people—far greater than the number brought to the United States—brought to these countries as early as the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and the worlds of culture that their descendants have created in Vera Cruz on the Gulf of Mexico, the Costa Chica region on the Pacific, and in and around Lima, Peru. Professor Gates’ journey becomes ours as we are introduced to the faces and voices of the descendants of the Africans who created these worlds. He shows both the similarities and distinctions between these cultures, and how the New World manifestations are rooted in, but distinct from, their African antecedents. “Black in Latin America” is the third instalment of Gates’s documentary trilogy on the Black Experience in Africa, the United States, and in Latin America. In America Behind the Color Line, Professor Gates examined the fortunes of the black population of modern-day America. In Wonders of the African World, he embarked upon a series of journeys to reveal the history of African culture. Now, he brings that quest full-circle in an effort to discover how Africa and Europe combined to create the vibrant cultures of Latin America, with a rich legacy of thoughtful, articulate subjects whose stories are astonishingly moving and irresistibly compelling.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Benchmarking Strategies: A Tool for Profit Improvement
Like top-notch athletes, corporations need to stay in fighting shape to compete. And assessing the fitness-both functionally and financially-of every corporate operation and activity is the role played by the benchmarking process. Not simply a detailed company physical that isolates operational weaknesses and fiscal bloat, when effectively implemented, benchmarking also represents the cure-a set of best practice guidelines for maximizing performance, guiding the company toward corporate health, while cleaning up operating inefficiencies and financial waste. Written by a leading benchmarking authority, Benchmarking Strategies is a state-of-the-art how-to manual for transforming your organization into a lean, optimally performing endurance runner-no matter what sort of shape your company is in now. In a practical, user-friendly format, Reider helps you identify just what sort of businesses your company is in (and not in), develop a set of benchmarks and basic business principles as part of a corporate strategic plan, identify areas or functions that need improvement, implement best practices in a companywide program of continuous improvement, and develop performance measures to chart genuine gains as a learning organization. A best practice is defined not simply as an operational change that is cost effective, but one that moves the company toward fulfilling the expectations of its stakeholders (from boards of directors, CEOs, and frontline employees to vendors and customers). The book then offers a practical vision of achievable excellence in which every activity affects every other and every employee and department is a shaper of corporate destiny. In clear, practical language, Benchmarking Strategies de-cants the often unwieldy theory behind corporate improvement into expert advice on: * Benchmarking principles, techniques, and implementation * Identifying your company's basic operational principles * Benchmarks for organizational growth-including cost reductions, price and sales volume increases, and new distribution channels * Strategies for gaining competitive advantage-not just meeting your competition but surpassing them * How effective benchmarking encompasses both internal and external needs Offering the insight, wisdom, and hard-nosed realism of a seasoned coach, Benchmarking Strategies is the essential manual to making excellence an ongoing reality in every corner of your firm and to transforming a good organization into a world-class competitor. Find out how operationally and financially fit your company really is . . .and the secret to transforming it into a tough competitor if it isn't. Both the diagnosis and the cure for an out-of-shape organization, benchmarking is one of the most effective regimens available for transforming any company into an optimally functioning, world-class performer. Used in a program of continuous improvement, benchmarking is a process that allows a company to measure the efficiency and effectiveness of each of its activities and operations and put in place a set of best practices designed to move the company toward improved performance and profits. And Benchmarking Strategies shows you exactly how. Written by one of its leading experts, Benchmarking Strategies is a practical manual to benchmarking principles, techniques, and implementation, outlining just how to set up benchmarking criteria, monitor overall progress-while fulfilling the expectations of the company's various stakeholders. Inside, you'll find expert guidance on: * Developing benchmarks and basic business principles for your company as part of a detailed corporate strategic plan. * Identifying internal operational areas or functions to benchmark and establishing best practice target triggers for building internal excellence in Using external benchmarks to compare your company to competitors, industry, and best-in-class functions to become the best you can be.
Sidestone Press Mensch-Tier-Verhältnisse in Monjukli Depe: Eine Analyse des sozialen Zusammenlebens in einer neolithisch-äneolithischen Siedlung in Turkmenistan
Wie gestaltete sich das soziale Zusammenleben zwischen Menschen und nichtmenschlichen Arten als eine eng verwobene Gemeinschaft in prähistorischer Zeit? In verschiedensten Disziplinen der Geistes-, Sozial- und Lebenswissenschaften werden verstärkt gesellschaftliche Grundannahmen über nichtmenschliche Arten hinterfragt. Die aus dieser Wende entstandenen neuen Fragestellungen verbreiten sich auch in der Archäologie. Archäolog*innen haben begonnen, traditionelle Ansätze zu überdenken, um Beziehungen zwischen Menschen und (anderen) Tieren in all ihrer Diversität zu erforschen. Im Zuge dieses Perspektivwechsels in der Erforschung von Mensch-Tier-Verhältnissen intensiviert sich auch die Auseinandersetzung mit sozialen, politischen und ideologischen Dimensionen verschiedener Lebensweisen in frühen Gesellschaften. Wir erkennen zunehmend, welche zentrale Rolle Mensch-Tier-Beziehungen bei der Gestaltung und Konstruktion auch prähistorischer Gesellschaften eingenommen haben.In diesem Band wird das gängige archäologische Narrativ von Tieren als passiver, ausbeutbarer Nahrungsressource in Frage gestellt. Damit zeichnet das Buch ein komplexes Bild prähistorischer Mensch-Tier-Verhältnisse. Es legt eine multiperspektivische Studie zu soziokulturellen Praktiken und Vorstellungen damaliger Menschen anhand der spätneolithischen (ca. 6200-5600 v.u.Z) und frühäneolithischen (ca. 4800-4350 v.u.Z.) Siedlung Monjukli Depe im heutigen Turkmenistan vor, die sich von gegenwärtigen westlichen Kategorisierungsformen der Beziehungen zwischen Menschen und Tieren deutlich unterscheiden. Auf Basis einer umfangreichen Sammlung von rund 53.000 Tierknochen aus den Ausgrabungen in Monjukli Depe verfolge ich als analytischen Untersuchungsrahmen einen integrativen Ansatz, der 1.) die archäozoologische Untersuchung der faunalen Überreste, 2.) die Analyse der zoomorphen Repräsentationen als miniaturisierte Tonobjekte sowie 3.) Multi-Isotopenanalysen am ausgewählten Skelettmaterial kombiniert.Das Werk zeigt Wege auf, natur- und kulturwissenschaftliche Sichtweisen in einem analytischen Spektrum an Methoden so zu integrieren, dass Interspezies-Relationen in vergangenen Gemeinschaften holistischer und damit realistischer als bislang rekonstruiert werden können. Die Neubetrachtung der Gemeinschaft als Interspezies-Gebilde stellt den innovativen Ansatz schließlich in einen gesellschaftspolitischen Rahmen. Der Band bietet damit auch einen Referenzrahmen für multiperspektivisch ausgerichtete Untersuchungen von Interspezies-Relationen.English AbstractHow did the social coexistence of humans and non-human species contribute to the formation of interwoven communities in prehistoric times? In various disciplines in the humanities, social and life sciences, assumptions regarding non-human species in societal contexts are coming increasingly under scrutiny. The new questions arising therefrom are spreading into archaeology, where scholars have started to rethink traditional approaches and explore practices, interactions, and relationships between humans and (other) animals. As part of this shift in perspective, more attention is being paid to social, political, and ideological dimensions of lifeways in early societies. With it comes a growing recognition that human-animal relationships occupied a central place in shaping and constructing societies throughout human history.This book presents a multi-perspectival study of socio-cultural practices and conceptions of the people who lived in the prehistoric settlement of Monjukli Depe (Turkmenistan). These differ significantly from contemporary Western categorizations of human-animal relations. Based on a collection of over 50,000 animal remains from the excavations at Monjukli Depe, I pursue an integrative approach that includes 1) zooarchaeological studies of faunal remains, 2) analyses of zoomorphic representations in the form of miniaturized clay objects, and 3) multi-isotopic analyses of selected skeletal material.I suggest ways to integrate scientific and socio-cultural perspectives into an analytical spectrum of methods, enabling interspecies relations in past communities to be reconstructed more holistically and thereby more realistically than has previously been the case. The volume provides a work for future investigations of interspecies relations in other geographic and temporal contexts.
City Lights Books Under the Dome: Walks with Paul Celan
An arresting memoir of the final years and tragic suicide of one of twentieth-century Europe’s greatest poets, published on the centenary of his birth."Daive's memoir sensitively conjures a portrait of a man tormented by both his mind and his medical treatment but who nonetheless remained a generous friend and a poet for whom writing was a matter of life and death."—The New Yorker"Jean Daive's memoir of his brief but intense spell as confidant and poetic confrère of Paul Celan offers us unique access to the mind and personality of one of the great poets of the dark twentieth century."—J.M. CoetzeePaul Celan (1920–1970) is considered one of Europe's greatest post-World-War II poets, known for his astonishing experiments in poetic form, expression, and address. Under the Dome is French poet Jean Daive's haunting memoir of his friendship with Celan, a precise yet elliptical account of their daily meetings, discussions, and walks through Paris, a routine that ended suddenly when Celan committed suicide by drowning himself in the Seine. Daive's grief at the loss of his friend finds expression in Under the Dome, where we are given an intimate insight into Celan's last years, at the height of his poetic powers, and as he approached the moment when he would succumb to the debilitating emotional pain of a Holocaust survivor.In Under the Dome, Jean Daive illuminates Celan's process of thinking about poetry, grappling with questions of where it comes from and what it does: invaluable insights about poetry's relation to history and ethics, and how poems offer pathways into a deeper grasp of our past and present. This new edition of Rosmarie Waldrop’s masterful translation includes an introduction by scholars Robert Kaufman and Philip Gerard, which provides critical, historical, and cultural context for Daive’s enigmatic, timeless text."Under the Dome breathes with Celan while walking with Celan, walking in the dark and the light with Celan, invoking the stillness, the silence, of the breathturn while speaking for the deeply human necessity of poetry."—Michael Palmer, author of The Laughter of the Sphinx"The fragments textured together in this more-than-magnificent rendering of Jean Daive’s prose poem by this master of the word, Rosmarie Waldrop, grab on and leave us haunted and speechless."—Mary Ann Caws, author of Creative Gatherings: Meeting Places of Modernism and editor of the Yale Anthology of Twentieth Century French Poetry"Rosmarie Waldrop's brilliant translation resonates with her profound knowledge of both Celan's and Daive's poetry and the passion for language that she shares with them. The text brings these three major poets together in a highly unusual and wholly successful collaboration."—Cole Swensen, author of On Walking On"Rosmarie Waldrop takes up Celan’s question to Jean Daive as her own. I cannot unread her inimitable ease in these pages. This is a book that contends with time."—Fady Joudah, author of Footnotes in the Order of Disappearance"Daive's writing is a highly punctuated recollection, a memoir, perhaps a testimony, but also surely a way of attending to the time of the writing, the conditions and coordinates of Celan's various enunciations, his linguistic humility. … Celan’s death, what Daive calls 'really unforeseeable,' remains as an 'undercurrent' in the conversations recollected here, gathered up again, with an insistence and clarity of true mourning and acknowledgement."—Judith Butler, author of The Force of Nonviolence
Open University Press Surviving Your First Year at University: A Student Toolkit
"Going to University is an exciting time but it can also feel scary and overwhelming. This excellent guide helps demystify some of the technicalities, so students can easily navigate the system… Recommended reading for anyone keen to make the most of this brilliant life opportunity."Lynda Brady, Pro Vice Chancellor (Student Experience), Edge Hill University, UK.“… It is clear the authors have considered the transition to university life from a range of perspectives, not just an academic one, which is particularly helpful for the challenges students face entering higher education.”Christie Pritchard, Student Learning Manager, University of Plymouth, UK.“This book is a must read… There is something in it for everyone who wants to start university, just started or is already there.”Nils Lenoch, Copenhagen Business Academy, Denmark.“In this book Catherine O’Connor with Liz Thomas’ shares an honest and direct message about life as you begin University and leave as a graduate... from this book you can learn all the tips and tricks on how to manoeuvre University life for the first time.”Fiona Nashie, University of Westminster, UK.“The past year or so has been a challenging time for students and teachers alike. Many of the skills needed to survive university life have gone unused for a multitude of students around the world. I believe that this book will be very useful for students who could not attend their first year on campus… The author highlights all the essential skills that will be required to achieve a satisfying experience at university. It has been very useful to me personally in dealing with any anxiety, or apprehension, regarding starting higher education due to the extended time away from social interactions with various people that are crucial for personal, and professional development.”Sherdil Asif, Student, University of Westminster, UK.Surviving your First Year at University is the ideal companion for new and existing students who want to get the most out of their university experience. Whether you are worried about money, mental health, time management or organising your course load this handy book is packed with advice on how to make the most of your degree. O’Connor and Thomas share their wisdom on topics including:•Understanding and navigating the university system•Coping with social and cultural change •Overcoming the challenges of living away from home•Creating opportunities for personal growth•Using your degree as a platform for your career aspirations•Special tips for International students•Maintaining physical and mental well-being The book describes in detail how a university works and what to expect in day-to-day life there. There are practical tips on coping with academic demands, examinations, money management, lifestyle and self-care.This text is an invaluable toolkit for all students who want to succeed at university.Catherine O’Connor is an Education Consultant and Author, with 25 years’ experience in the university sector at Trinity College Dublin and Dublin City University, Ireland. She is a regular contributor to the media and a subject expert on transition to higher education, career development and the future of work.Liz Thomas is a researcher and consultant in the field of higher education with over twenty years’ experience. Her research focuses on getting into university, experience and success in higher education, and progression to the labour market or further study.
Thinkers Publishing The Passed Pawn: Power of the Passer
The purpose of this series is to introduce the reader to advanced training concepts, using the same methods of presentation and instruction that were taught to great players by famous trainers that they have worked with. The series will commence with the The Passed Pawn and we will examine how to handle such pawns. Every chess player who wishes to improve his level in the difficult subject of chess is obliged to study methodically and understand the existing principles that govern the theory of the opening, middlegame and endgame. Most chess players focus more on the study of opening theory than other aspects of the game. The reasons are probably clear: opening theory is easier to learn and can provide immediate results, although this is based more on the opponent’s ignorance than our own abilities. Even for a chess trainer, it is easier to teach some variations from this or that opening or a set of simple tactical motifs than to engross himself in the exposition of middlegame and endgame theory. Yes, middlegame and endgame theory does exist. The great difficulty in approaching it lies in the fact that it does not follow absolute and clear-cut paths, but rather involves deep research in the ideas and logic by which specific types of positions are treated. Moreover, unlike opening theory, the theory of the middlegame and the endgame does not change rapidly based on modern developments; it remains almost intact through the years. In view of the above, any chess player who wishes to follow a chess career or simply become a better player must refrain from the commonplace and assume a different approach. He must develop a good understanding of middlegame and endgame theory, so as to be able in his games to proceed in a proper way after his chosen opening has reached its conclusion. The chess player can differentiate himself only in the opening; there, each one of us brings forth his own beliefs and convictions, and in general his own experiences and references. Objectively, no opening loses — but also no opening wins. The opening is just the beginning of the journey and serves to offer us a comfortable start. But to reach the end of this journey successfully we have to count on our knowledge and experience, as regards middlegame and endgame theory. Endgame theory teaches us two fundamental issues. First, how to extract the maximum from a basic theoretical position with little material, where the experts, from practice comprising thousands of games, have reached definite conclusions. Second, the way in which we can handle an endgame, depending on the material remaining on the board, and the ideas and plans we should employ. This second issue is significantly more difficult to master because, apart from making full use of the first one (we must be aware of the possible outcomes of the endgame in question) it is greatly influenced by our experience and understanding, which are basically derived from the images and impressions we have from related positions. A primary role is played here by the effort we have invested in studying. In middlegame theory, things are even tougher. We are obliged to study various types of positions with specific strategic and tactical attributes, so as to understand the underlying ideas and be able to employ them ourselves in similar situations. While many chess players have studied these topics and acquired knowledge, it is the application of this knowledge in practice that helps differentiate between them. Chess is not a simple activity, but it becomes so much more attractive when we acquire this knowledge.
Big Finish Productions Ltd Doctor Who: Classic Doctors, New Monsters: Volume 1
A brand new boxset of four adventures, featuring monsters from the new series of Doctor Who! 1.1 FALLEN ANGELS by Phil Mulryne. 2015: When sightseers Joel and Gabby Finch encounter a strange man in Edwardian cricketing garb in the Sistine Chapel, their honeymoon suddenly takes a terrifying turn. 1511: Michelangelo is commissioned to create some very special sculptures by a mysterious sect. But as he carves, angels seem to emerge fully-formed from the rock. Almost as if they are alive. From Michelangelo's workshop to the catacombs of Rome, the Fifth Doctor must keep his wits about him and his eyes wide open as he confronts the Weeping Angels. 1.2 JUDOON IN CHAINS by Simon Barnard and Paul Morris. The Sixth Doctor is no stranger to courtroom drama, but faces a very different challenge when he prepares to defend a most unusual Judoon. After an environmental clearance mission goes wrong, Captain Kybo of the Nineteenth Judoon Interplantary Force is stranded in Victorian England, bound in chains, an exhibit in a circus show. But he has allies: Eliza Jenkins - known to audiences as 'Thomasina Thumb' - and the larger-than-life 'clown' in the colourful coat.Uncovering a trail of injustice and corruption, the Doctor and Kybo soon find themselves on trial for their lives. 1.3 HARVEST OF THE SYCORAX by James Goss. In the far future, humanity has a remedy for everything. Whatever the problem, Pharma Corps has the answer and a designer disease tailored to every human's blood-type. Zanzibar Hashtag has no need to be sad, scared, stressed, or depressed ever again. That is, until vicious aliens arrive on her space station intent on opening its Vault. What will it mean for the human race if the Sycorax take control of what's inside? And when the Seventh Doctor arrives on the scene, can he convince Zanzibar to care about her life long enough to help him? 1.4 THE SONTARAN ORDEAL by Andrew Smith. An instant of the Time War brings centuries of conflict to the planet Drakkis, and the Eighth Doctor is there to witness the terrible results. A Sontaran fleet, desperate to join the epic conflict, follows in its wake to take advantage of the fallout. But when Commander Jask is beamed down to the ravaged surface, there is more to his arrival than first appears.Soon, an unlikely champion joins forces with the Time Lord to fight for the future of her world, and together they must face the Sontaran Ordeal.This epic release brings together elements of the TV Doctor Who series both classic (viewed as the era up to 1996) and the 2005 revival. Writer James Goss is the novelist trusted by the Douglas Adams estate to adapt several of the late author's Doctor Who works to book form. This set includes a number of actors recognised by fans for their work in various cult TV shows - Josette Simon (Blake's 7), Trevor Cooper (Star Cops), Dan Starkey (Doctor Who), Christopher Ryan (The Young Ones).CAST: Peter Davison (The Doctor), Colin Baker (The Doctor), Sylvester McCoy (The Doctor), Paul McGann (The Doctor) Sacha Dhawan (Joel Finch), Diane Morgan (Gabby Finch), Matthew Kelly (Michelangelo), Joe Jameson (Piero), Nicholas Briggs (Captain Kybo), Kiruna Stamell (Eliza Jenkins), Trevor Cooper (Jonathan Jaggers Esq), Tony Millan (Justice Burrows/Jonty), Sabina Franklyn (Herculania), Nicholas Pegg (Business Owner), Nisha Nayar (Zanzibar), Jonathan Firth (Cadwallader), Rebecca Callard (Shadrak), Giles Watling (The Sycorax Chief), Josette Simon (Sarana Teel), Dan Starkey (Jask), Christopher Ryan (General Stenk/Flitch), Sean Connolly (Tag Menkin/Ensign Stipe).
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Roosevelt's and Churchill's Atlantic Charter: A Risky Meeting at Sea that Saved Democracy
Winston Churchill was no stranger to storms. They had engulfed him in various ways throughout his long career and he had always turned to face them with jutting jaw and indomitable spirit. Dark clouds had hovered over him from the moment he became Britain's Prime Minister in May 1940\. Now, fifteen harrowing months later, he was setting out to meet President Franklin Roosevelt, the one man who could offer real assistance in his hour of need. And another storm awaited - this time one of a meteorological kind as his ship, HMS _Prince of Wales_, ran into a howling gale within hours of leaving its base at Scapa Flow. Churchill demanded to be escorted to the Captain's cabin. His escort was a nervous young officer who feared that, in total darkness up swaying stairs, the Prime Minister, a man of some girth, might fall into the roiling sea. But Churchill relished it, remarking later that it was like an adventure after being trapped in No.10 Downing Street. The storm was so bad that the three-destroyer escort, sailing alongside to ward off the very real prospect of the battleship being torpedoed by German U-Boats, could not keep up. Undaunted, Churchill gave the order 'Full steam ahead!' The risks were considerable, especially as Churchill had brought the bulk of his senior military staff with him. When he heard of it, the Canadian Prime Minister thought him mad. When the secret journey was revealed a few days later, Members of Parliament were aghast. But, Churchill knew where his deliverance lay, and he knew that he could no longer postpone a meeting with the man who held Britain's fate in his hands. After five days, the coast of Newfoundland hove into view and when Britain's Prime Minister was piped aboard USS _Augusta_ at Placentia Bay, there began a meeting which, in hindsight, could be seen as one of immense profit for the future of mankind. It was a meeting that allowed FDR and Churchill to get to know each other and become friends. It was also a meeting that, somewhat unexpectedly, produced a document, strangely never signed, called The Atlantic Charter - an eight point agreement designed to act as a guide for how the world's nations should behave towards each other in the post-war years. Many of the principles laid out in this document are incorporated into the Charter of the United Nations. In this book, the authors seek not only to explain how this document came into being - bits of it being scrawled out on scraps of paper over dinner - but to delve into the lives of the two most prominent and influential figures of the twentieth century. For most people belonging to younger generations, they are but legendary names from history. In addition the authors have added biographies of the men who helped them change history - Harry Hopkins and Sumner Welles; Lord Beaverbrook and Lord Cadogan as well Randolph Churchill, the rambunctious and often misunderstood son who had a greater influence on his father's life than many critics were willing to accept. The creation of the Atlantic Charter stands as a pivotal moment in time - the moment two great leaders, men of courage, empathy and imagination, stood alone against tyranny to save the world.
Cuento de Luz SL La huella
The Footprint ― The brilliant work of the artist and, specifically, the realism with which Luzón brings this story to life forces us to experience the protagonist's emotions in every stroke. “Throughout the book, a striking contrast emerges an animal world with human feelings.”The compositions and techniques with which the artist plays to recreate the various scenarios and breathe life into the protagonist’s emotions overwhelm the reader to the point where it is impossible not to empathize with him. Images and verses that envelop us in an atmosphere as turbulent as friendship can be a difficult beginning, with an initial rejection of the different, what we call “strange,” which quickly finds that gift of life called friendship, the one that allows us to face and even forget all the adversities that cross our path. A strong and intense friendship that carries us along on a river of fun and well-being and that both Sobrino and Luzón manage to make us feel between the pages of this beautiful album.Companionship can be one of the most beautiful experiences to be discovered in childhood, but it can also be one of the most painful when it breaks down. That’s why this story isn’t just about how good it is to have a great friend. Sometimes things go wrong; paths diverge, and, without expecting it, lives that were once one become separated forever. Dealing with the grief you experience, especially for a child, is not easy.This is why this beautiful book gives us a powerful message of hope and illusion:“That those who were here may have left an indelible mark, but they also leave a space that can be filled by others who are ready to make us immensely happy.”. Because in childhood, during emotional turmoil, friendship can be a wonderful experience or the most significant lesson.La huella ― A lo largo de la infancia, los niños pueden sentirse muy afectados y tremendamente tristes ante la ruptura de una amistad o ante las circunstancias que lo obliguen a separarse de su mejor amigo.Este hermoso álbum ilustrado representa un extraordinario recurso para abordar el duelo por separación, contribuyendo al aprendizaje de una correcta gestión emocional. El brillante trabajo de la artista, Carolina Luzón y, concretamente, el realismo con el que da vida a los personajes de este libro nos permite vivir las emociones de su protagonista en cada trazo y nos lleva a empatizar con él Javier Sobrino nos recuerda la maravillosa complicidad que se genera con la amistad y cuán felices puede llegar a hacernos. Pero también nos advierte de la posibilidad de su ruptura o término por distanciamiento.Por eso nos deja este precioso y emotivo libro donde nos regala un poderoso mensaje para enfrentar ese duelo con ilusión y esperanza:“Puede que alguien nos haya dejado una huella con su partida, pero también deja la oportunidad de que otros lleguen a nuestras vidas para hacernos felices”.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on Human Rights and Intellectual Property
This remarkable book covers the impact of human rights on intellectual property law in the most comprehensive review ever undertaken. It is destined to influence the future development of this field and constitutes an essential resource for both scholars and practitioners.'- Jerome H. Reichman, Duke University School of Law, US'Professor Geiger has assembled an extraordinary group of leading legal scholars, human rights lawyers, judges, and international civil servants to provide comprehensive, up-to-the-minute coverage of all the major issues implicated by the interaction between human rights and intellectual property. This volume will be required reading for anyone interested in this increasingly important topic.'- Beebe Barton, New York University School of Law, US'Intellectual property law draws boundaries around human creativity. In doing so it intersects with the principles and values of the human rights tradition. In this remarkable volume, Professor Christophe Geiger has brought together a great team of scholars to explore this intersection. The result is a Research Handbook that is comprehensive in its coverage of jurisdictions, issues and debates. It is an indispensable starting point for researchers wishing to understand the field and its many topics.'- Peter Drahos, Australian National University and Queen Mary University of London, UKResearch Handbook on Human Rights and Intellectual Property is a comprehensive reference work on the intersection of human rights and intellectual property law. Resulting from a field-specific expertise of over 40 scholars and professionals of world renown, the book explores the practical and doctrinal implications of human rights considerations on intellectual property law and jurisprudence.The various chapters of the book scrutinize issues related to interactions among and between norms of different legal families and the role of human rights in the development of a balanced intellectual property legal framework. The innovative approach of the book is reflected in its structure: the first part provides a foundation for the human rights and intellectual property discourse; the second sheds light on the human rights implications for the development of intellectual property; and the third (characterized by a human rights perspective) is devoted to the specific issues of interaction between human rights and intellectual property.Exploring in depth a variety of interactions between human rights and intellectual property law, the book will be of great interest to academics and experts working within human rights, intellectual property, development, international relations and international public law.Contributors include: A. Abdel-Latif, T. Aplin, C. Ávila Plaza, D.B. Barbosa, A.Brown, C. Chiarolla, J. Christoffersen, C.M. Correa, T. Dreier, P. Ducoulombier, L.Falcon, S. Farran, S. Frankel, D. Gangjee, M. Ganzhorn, C. Geiger, D. Gervais, G. Ghidini, J. Griffiths, H. Grosse Ruse-Khan, L.R. Helfer, P. von Kapff, A. Kupzok, J.D. Lipton, D. Matthews, T. Mylly, A. Peukert, A. Plomer, J.M. Samuels, M. Senftleben, X. Seuba, C. Sganga, R. Smith, A. Stazi, T. Takenaka, C. Trautmann, D. Voorhoof, C. Waelde, H. Wager, J. Watal, G. Westkamp, P.K. Yu
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Evolution of China’s Anti-Monopoly Law
This is an extraordinary collection of essays, most previously available only in Chinese, by the leading world authority on China's Anti-Monopoly Law. They are necessary reading for a holistic understanding of the law as a unique product of its history, its purposes and foundations, and its early applications. Probably no other scholar could produce such a thoughtful, clear, and both theoretically and practically helpful collection.'- Eleanor M. Fox, New York University School of Law, USChina's Anti-Monopoly Law (AML) is one of the youngest and most influential antitrust laws in the world today. This book aims to provide a better understanding of the evolution of China's AML to the international community, through a collection of essays from the most prominent antitrust scholar in China, Professor Xiaoye Wang.Xiaoye Wang provides a unique and invaluable 'insider perspective' into how China and its incipient antitrust regime work. This book therefore serves as a key reference text, which comprehensively outlines the historical background of China's enactment of the AML, engages in comparative legal analysis to explain the basic contents of the law, analyses its existing problems, and considers the various challenges it will face in implementation. This book also records the AML's difficult legislative journey, and reflects upon the views and different perspectives that the Chinese society has on the market economy, market competition, and other important theoretical questions.Antitrust practitioners and in-house lawyers, academics and policymakers alike will be interested in this book. China has become too important an antitrust jurisdiction, and too important a market, for any person with an interest in antitrust to ignore.Contents: 1. Why Needs China Anti-Monopoly Law? 2. Anti-monopoly Law and Building a Harmonious Society 3. Anti-monopoly Law and China's Economic Reform 4. Market Access of the Non-Public Economy and Anti-Monopoly Law 5. Legal Suggestions for Reforming Monopoly Industries 6. China's Competition Law in the Global Competition 7. The Impacts of the WTO Competition Policy Negotiation in China 8. WTO Accession and the Formulation of China s Anti-Monopoly Law 9. The Prospect of Anti-monopoly Legislation in China 10. The Goals of China s Anti-Monopoly Law 11. Anti-Monopoly Law and Industry Price Self-Discipline 12. Anti-Monopoly Regulation of the Market Behaviour of Public Utility Enterprises 13. The Legal Regulation of Administrative Restrictions on Competition 14. Anti-Monopoly Law in the Compulsory Licensing of Intellectual Property 15. Some Issues Surrounding the Anti-Monopoly Enforcement Authority in China 16. Issues Surrounding the Drafting of China's Anti-monopoly Law 17. Unfair Competition and Anti-Competition 18. Comments on Merger Control under China's Anti-monopoly Law 19. Highlights of China's New Anti-monopoly Law 20. Analysis and Comment on China's Anti-Monopoly Law 21. China's Anti-monopoly Enforcement Agency Should Say No to the BHP-Rio Tinto Merger 22. Comments on MOFCOM's Decision on Coca-Cola/Huiyuan 23. Reflections on the NDRC Case Against China Telecom and China Unicom 4. China's Anti-Monopoly Law for Three Years: Achievements and Challenges Index
Princeton University Press Letters of Medieval Jewish Traders
Modern international business has its origins in the overseas trade of the Middle Ages. Of the various communities active in trade in the Islamic countries at that time, records of only the Jewish community survive. Thousands of documents were preserved in the Cairo Geniza, a lumber room attached to the synagogue where discarded writings containing the name of God were deposited to preserve them from desecration. From them Professor Goitein has selected eighty letters that provide a fascinating glimpse into the world of the medieval Jewish traders. As the letters vividly illustrate, international trade depended on a network of personal relationships and mutual confidence. Organization was largely through partnerships, based usually on ties of common religion but often reinforced by family connections. Sometimes the partners of Jews were Christians or Muslims, and the letters show these merchants working together in greater harmony than has been thought, even in partnerships that lasted through generations. The services rendered to a friend or partner and those expected from him were great, and the book opens with an angry letter from a merchant who believed he had been let down by his friend. The life of a trader was full of dangers, as the letter describing a shipwreck illustrates, and put great strain on personal relationships. One of the most moving letters is that written to his wife by a man absent in India for many years while endeavoring to make the family's fortunes. Although never ceasing to love her and longing to be with her, he offers to divorce her if she feels she can wait for him no longer. A decisive event in the life of the great Jewish philosopher, Moses Maimonides, was the death of his brother David, who drowned in the Indian Ocean. Printed here is the last letter David wrote, describing his safe crossing of the desert and announcing his intention to go on to India, against his brother's instructions. Professor Goitein has provided an introduction and notes for each letter, and a general introduction describing the social and spiritual world of the writers, the organization of overseas trade in the Middle Ages, and the goods traded. The letters demonstrate that although it reached from Spain to India, the traders' world was a cohesive one through which these men could move freely and always feel at home. Originally published in 1974. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Handbook of Family Development and Intervention
Like all complex living systems, a family, during its life course, proceeds through predictable stages of development. Yet every family is different, its uniqueness defined and continually redefined by an open-ended array of structural, biological, and sociocultural variables. And, as with all living things, a family's continued well-being depends upon its ability to adapt to changes arising from both within the family system and without. First postulated in the 1940s, these basic ideas constitute the conceptual core of modern family development theory. From them has blossomed an impressive body of knowledge about family health and illness, without which much of the progress occurring in family therapy over the past half-century would not have been possible. This book does much to promote continued progress in the practical application of family development theory by affording family therapists an unparalleled opportunity to acquaint themselves with the most important trends in family development theory to emerge over the past decade. In it you will find contributions from leading theorists, researchers, and clinicians, arranged so as to provide a systematic treatment of the latest thinking on family development seen from both the systemic viewpoint and that of individual members of the system. Comprehensive in scope, this book explores the patterns, processes, and dynamics inherent in "traditional" families, as well as in important structural variants such as single-parent and gay and lesbian families and families with special needs and problems, including divorce, physical abuse, and disabilities. Since progress in the social sciences is as much about formulating viable new ways of seeing as it is about determining quantifiable facts, the editors offer equal time to an array of influential and sometimes radically conflicting schools of thought, including sociobiology, social psychology, constructionism, multiculturalism, postmodernism, and feminism. Mainstream family therapists will find much in this handbook that they will consider controversial. In some cases readers may even be outraged by the views expressed. Yet, thanks to the high caliber of scholarship, intellect, and professionalism evidenced throughout, none of the ideas advanced in Handbook of Family Development and Intervention can be easily dismissed, and all have something of value to offer the thoughtful, dedicated family therapist. Handbook of Family Development and Intervention is a valuable professional resource for all couples and family therapists. It is also must reading for graduate students in family psychology, family therapy, social work, and counseling. "In this magnificent volume, the editors make a major contribution that integrates individual and family development concepts and therapeutic applications by bringing together scholarly yet fresh contributions. The inclusion of various family forms and of families with special needs makes this volume especially relevant to the treatment of contemporary families as we enter the new millennium. This superb Handbook should be mandatory reading and an excellent reference for teachers, researchers, and therapists at all levels of development."—Celia J. Falicov, PhD President, 1999 2001 American Family Therapy Academy
John Wiley & Sons Inc The New Money Management: A Framework for Asset Allocation
THE NEW MONEY MANAGEMENT In his bestselling Portfolio Management Formulas and TheMathematics of Money Management, Ralph Vince brought the complexmathematics of probability and modern portfolio management theorydown to earth for traders and investors. He introduced innovativenew ways they could be used to maximize account managementdecisions. Now, in this groundbreaking new book, Vince takes aquantum leap forward to provide investment professionals with aproven new approach to portfolio management that overturns nearly ahalf-century of accepted wisdom about asset allocation and moneymanagement. The culmination of Ralph Vince's years spent probing the limits ofthe mathematics of portfolio management, The New Money Managementelaborates on his celebrated Optimal f notion--a concept which willbe familiar to readers of either of Vince's previous books--toprovide a revolutionary portfolio management model designed tooptimize account performance, not just in the long run, but atvirtually any given point in time. Unlike traditional models which focus on risk and reward ascompeting entities, the approach to portfolio constructiondescribed in this book concentrates on obtaining optimal synergyamong all of the various components of a given portfolio. Unlikeprevious portfolio models which assumed an a priori distribution toreturns, usually with returns being normally distributed, this newmodel is applicable to any distributional form of return. In The New Money Management, Ralph Vince once again demonstrateshis critically acclaimed talent for talking about highly complexconcepts in practical, real-world terms. Writing in a lively,anecdotal style, and relying on a bare minimum of math, he gentlyguides readers through the maze of complex theoretical issues whilearming them with a set of easy-to-understand, easy-to-use formulasand investment strategies that they can put into practiceimmediately. The New Money Management is an indispensable resource for allinvestment professionals, especially traders in stocks, options,and futures; institutional investors; and portfolio managers. From a leading pioneer in portfolio theory, a revolutionary newapproach to maximizing ongoing account equity . . . In his most original and accessible book yet, computer tradingsystems expert Ralph Vince introduces investment professionals to arevolutionary portfolio management model designed to optimizeaccount performance, not just in the long run, but at virtually anygiven point in time. "Ralph Vince has done it again. His work is original andlevel-headed, and contributes more than anyone else to ourunderstanding of risk. Vince's work is required reading for anyportfolio manager." --Barbara Rockefeller, President RockefellerAsset Management, Inc. "Ralph Vince's optimal concept is the single best strategy fordetermining how many contracts or number of shares to buy whenfirst entering a trade. This latest book breaks new ground in thefield of money management." --Howard A. Bernstein, President HBCapital Management, Inc. "I would encourage all progressive portfolio managers to understandRalph Vince's methodology. His works continue to be a rigorouslywell-researched and documented method of risk control and assetallocation. His focus is unique in our industry." --Michael J.McCarthy, Portfolio Manager Signalert Corporation "A great book, if you want to get rich quickly without going brokefirst, to help you formulate your risk and trading strategy."--Harry Ploss Private Managed Futures Investor and Actuary
Lehigh University Press Pioneer Chinese Christian Women: Gender, Christianity, and Social Mobility
Chinese Christian women before 1919 have been largely invisible in the records of China missions and Chinese Christianity. With few exceptions we have known little about them either as individuals or as a group. In this volume the contributors’ goal is to bring to light the life and work of these pioneer Chinese Christian women. The contributors have scoured a variety of sources in order to recreate the role of early Chinese women Christians in the church and in Chinese society and also to illustrate how gender affected their under-standing of Christianity and their career choices. How did the Chinese context alter their relations with the church and with both Christian and non-Christian communities? What was the legacy of pioneer Chinese Christian women? To provide context for this study, the work opens with an essay on women in imperial China, examining the ideal, the stereotypes, and the reality. Essays on Chinese Christian educators, doctors, nurses, and evangelists indicate the role of the missionaries and the church in making mobility and broadened horizons possible for women. They reveal also the contributions of these women and homemakers to a changing China. Chinese women before 1919, though a minority of church membership, were in many ways the mainstay of the church: the most faithful in attendance at worship services and Mass, responsible for teaching Sunday School, leading the choir, and organizing Bible study classes. They visited the sick, engaged in charity work, prepared the altar for services, and performed various other services. Many women followed their husbands in joining the church, but Roman Catholic Virgins, Protestant Bible women, and church workers were primarily responsible for evangelizing among women and children since Western male missionaries found it almost impossible to proselytize among women in Chinese society. Missionaries soon realized that establishing Chinese Christian families was essential to the stability and continuity of congregations, and Christian wives and mothers were vital to creating Christian homes and rearing children in the faith. Particularly during periods of persecution, such as the years from 1724 to 1846 and the recent era of the Anti-Rightist Campaigns and the Cultural Revolution, the Catholic Virgins and Christian families can be credited with the survival of Chinese Christianity. With liberalization during the 1980s many of these Christian families emerged as the basis for a growing Chinese church. The Christian church and Christian missions provided avenues for women’s social mobility as well. Missionary wives founded girls schools and eventually most central stations included a primary and secondary school for girls. Virgins and Bible women memorized or learned to read religious texts. Thus, a significant proportion of female converts attained literacy and, with this, new self-esteem. The first women's colleges prepared women for new careers and economic independence, while the establishment of hospitals opened up careers for women as doctors and nurses.
The Lilliput Press Ltd Out of the Ordinary: A Life through Gender and Spiritual Transitions
Now available for the first time in Ireland and the UK - more than half a century after it was written - is the memoir of Michael Dillon/Lobzang Jivaka (1915-62), the Anglo-Irish doctor and Buddhist monastic novice chiefly known to scholars of sex, gender, and sexuality for his pioneering transition from female to male between 1939 and 1949, and for his groundbreaking 1946 book Self: A Study in Ethics and Endocrinology. Here at last is Dillon/Jivaka's extraordinary life story told in his own words. Out of the Ordinary captures Dillon/Jivaka's various journeys - to Oxford, into medicine, across the world by ship - within the major narratives of his gender and religious journeys. Moving chronologically, Dillon/Jivaka was from Lismullin House, County Meath, but spent his childhood in Folkestone, England, where he was raised by spinster aunts, telling of his days at Oxford immersed in theology, classics, and rowing. He recounts his hormonal transition while working as an auto mechanic and fire watcher in Bristol during World War II and describes his surgical transition under Sir Harold Gillies while Dillon himself attended medical school at Trinity College, Dublin (1945-51). He details his travels as a ship's surgeon in the British Merchant Navy with extensive commentary on his engagement with colonial and postcolonial subjects in Asia, followed by his 'outing' by the British press while he served aboard The City of Bath. Out of the Ordinary is not only a unique record of early gender affirmation but also a compelling account of religious conversion in the mid-twentieth century. Dillon/Jivaka chronicles his gradual shift from Anglican Christianity to the esoteric spiritual systems of George Gurdjieff and Peter Ouspensky, to Theravada and finally Mahayana Buddhism. He concludes his memoir with the contested circumstances of his Buddhist monastic ordination in India and Tibet. Ultimately, while Dillon/Jivaka died before becoming a monk, his novice ordination was significant: it made him the first white European man to be ordained in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. This first-person narrative, written in the early 1960s and first published more than a generation later in the US by Fordham University Press, is both ahead of its time and distinctly of its time and class, with Dillon's views being sometimes enlightened, sometimes colonial. A Foreword by Susan Stryker from the Fordham University Press edition describes Dillon as 'a seeker after truth, who traveled wherever his queries led him'. An Afterword, 'A Mapless Journey', by London-based literary agent Andrew Hewson - unique to the Lilliput Press edition - traces the typescript memoir's provenance and preservation prior to its eventual publication. An introductory biographical essay by consultant psychologist Aidan Collins gives an overview of the timeline of this remarkable individual's history. Out of the Ordinary is a landmark publication that sets free a singular voice from within the history of the transgender movement.
Nova Science Publishers Inc An Introduction to Aluminosilicates
The book first reviews the main advances in methods of obtaining synthetic montmorillonite for environmental and biomedical areas. The perspectives and main challenges in the application of these materials is critically analysed. The authors next study Polyhydroxy metal complexes of Al, Fe, Zr, Cr and Ti (inorganic pillarizing agents) for the synthesis of pillared clays. Information is provided on the possibility of using amorphous aluminosilicates as a modifying additive in the formulation of cement-based dry building mixtures. The physicochemical properties of the additive are considered, and the results of XRD and DTA analyzes are presented. The authors investigate the molecular orientation and surface morphology of organized molecular films with regard to solid-state structures for organo-modified aluminosilicates by a surface pressure-area isotherm, in-plane and out-of plane X-ray diffraction, and atomic force microscopy. A new method for the synthesis of amorphous mesoporous aluminosilicates with acidic properties and a narrow pore size distribution in the range of 2-7 nm is also explored. The urease immobilization of composite adsorbents polyacrylamide -- bentonite, polyacrylamide -- chitosan, and polyacrylamide chitosan -- bentonite is assessed, produced from polyacrylamide as a hydrogel, bentonite as an aluminosilicate mineral, and chitosan as a polysaccharide. Following this, the authors provide a brief overview of literature data where crystalline aluminosilicates have been utilized for the capture and immobilization of radionuclides. The physiochemical properties of as-synthesized layered aluminosilicate are characterized by small angle PXRD, FTIR, porosity studies, thermal studies, 27Al MAS NMR, and morphological studies. Subsequently, this compilation addresses the way in which magnetic nanoparticles have proven to be frequently occurring building blocks for hybrid structure construction and, moreover, have shown innovative prospects as multifunctional adsorbents. Modern methods for the synthesis of highly dispersed micro- and micromesoporous mordenite with a high degree of crystallinity, as well as high crystallinity mordenite with a hierarchical porous structure, methods for modifying the mentioned crystalline aluminosilicates as a result of postsynthetic treatments, and modern adsorption and catalytic systems based on them are described. Next, the high activity and selectivity of high crystallinity zeolite Y with a hierarchical porous structure in the synthesis of practically important oligomers of various unsaturated compounds is established. The authors highlight that the aluminosilicate present in kaolin may also be used in the production of zeolitic materials, and some details of this application are explained. The adsorptive features of PAAm-Ch-Z for Th4+ are investigated in view of its dependency on pH, concentration, time, temperature and ionic strength. The parameters derived from the compatibility of experimentally obtained data to Langmuir, Freundlich and Dubinin-Radushkevich, van t'Hoff, pseudo frist-/second-order and Weber Morris models are utilized in the evaluation of adsorption and its thermodynamics and kinetics. Lastly, the authors consider a possible mechanism for the generation of an acetyl-zeolite intermediate via transfer from different acetyl donors through theoretical studies using a cluster model of H-ZSM-5 zeolite designed by three TO4 tetrahedral units.
Stata Press A Gentle Introduction to Stata, Revised Sixth Edition
Alan C. Acock's A Gentle Introduction to Stata, Revised Sixth Edition is aimed at new Stata users who want to become proficient in Stata. After reading this introductory text, new users will be able to not only use Stata well but also learn new aspects of Stata.Acock assumes that the user is not familiar with any statistical software. This assumption of a blank slate is central to the structure and contents of the book. Acock starts with the basics; for example, the part of the book that deals with data management begins with a careful and detailed example of turning survey data on paper into a Stata-ready dataset. When explaining how to go about basic exploratory statistical procedures, Acock includes notes that will help the reader develop good work habits. This mixture of explaining good Stata habits and explaining good statistical habits continues throughout the book.Acock is quite careful to teach the reader all aspects of using Stata. He covers data management, good work habits (including the use of basic do-files), basic exploratory statistics (including graphical displays), and analyses using the standard array of basic statistical tools (correlation, linear and logistic regression, and parametric and nonparametric tests of location and dispersion). He also successfully introduces some more advanced topics such as multiple imputation and multilevel modeling in a very approachable manner. Acock teaches Stata commands by using the menus and dialog boxes while still stressing the value of Stata commands and do-files. In this way, he ensures that all types of users can build good work habits. Each chapter has exercises that the motivated reader can use to reinforce the material.The tone of the book is friendly and conversational without ever being glib or condescending. Important asides and notes about terminology are set off in boxes, which makes the text easy to read without any convoluted twists or forward referencing. Rather than splitting topics by their Stata implementation, Acock arranges the topics as they would appear in a basic statistics textbook; graphics and postestimation are woven into the material naturally. Real datasets, such as the General Social Surveys from 2002, 2006, and 2016, are used throughout the book.The focus of the book is especially helpful for those in the behavioral and social sciences because the presentation of basic statistical modeling is supplemented with discussions of effect sizes and standardized coefficients. Various selection criteria, such as semipartial correlations, are discussed for model selection. Acock also covers a variety of commands available for evaluating reliability and validity of measurements.The revised sixth edition is fully up to date for Stata 17, including updated discussion and images of Stata's interface and modern command syntax. In addition, examples include new features such as the table command and collect suite for creating and exporting customized tables as well as the option for creating graphs with transparency.
Elsevier Health Sciences Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis
See how energy therapies can normalize physiology and restore your patients' health! Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis, 2nd Edition provides a deeper understanding of energy and energy flow in the human body. Using well-established scientific research, this book documents the presence of energy fields, discerns how those fields are generated, and determines how they are altered by disease, disorder, or injury. It then describes how therapeutic applications can restore natural energy flows within the body. Written by recognized energy medicine expert Dr. James Oschman - who is also a physiologist, cellular biologist, and biophysicist - this resource shows how the science of energetics may be used in healing diseases that conventional medicine has difficulty treating. Easy-to-understand coverage simplifies the theory of energy medicine and the science behind it, providing detailed, coherent explanations for a complex subject. Well-established scientific research shows why and how energy medicine works. Multi-disciplinary approach covers energy medicine as it applies to various healthcare disciplines, from acupuncture to osteopathy to therapeutic touch and energy psychology. NEW! Additional views of the Living Matrix in this edition increase the number to 10 views, more accurately showing physiological and regulatory processes - the web of factors that determine our health. NEW Basic Physics and Biophysics chapters introduce and simplify the concepts of electricity, magnetism, electromagnetism, and resonance. NEW chapters on medical devices and inflammation bring to light the connection between energy medicine and inflammation, showing effective energy techniques such as devices that use energy fields and hands-on techniques in combating disease. UPDATED research on acupuncture and related therapies showcases exciting new work from prestigious laboratories in the U.S. and abroad on the anatomy and biophysics of the acupuncture meridian system. NEW Sciences of the Subconscious and Intuition and The Energetic Blueprint of Life and Health chapters cover the important topics of energy psychology and epigenetics. NEW Regulatory Energetics chapter includes topics such as communication, control, regulation, coordination, integration, feedback, and energy flow - all crucial to understanding living systems and the healing process. NEW Energy Medicine in Daily Life chapter includes examples of simple energy medicine tools that can sustain health, happiness and longevity, and why and how they are so effective. NEW evidence from quantum physics describes the latest implications of quantum principles and quantum mechanics as related to devices and therapies in energy medicine. NEW content on the mechanisms involved in intuition and the unconscious mind emphasizes the emerging topics of trauma energetics and energy psychology, along with the importance of intuition in therapeutics. NEW chapters on the history of developments in electrobiology and electrophysiology discuss neuroscience applications in diagnosis and therapeutics, linking the new inflammation model of disease with energy medicine. NEW historical content covers the individuals who have created the field of energy medicine, with descriptions of their techniques and references to their literature. NEW Appendix I summarizes the regulations governing devices used in the practice of energy medicine. NEW Appendix II lists legal, ethical, and other CAM resources available to energy practitioners.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Visitors' Historic Britain: Northumberland: Romans to Victorians
Northumberland to the Romans it was Ad Fines, the limit of the Empire, the end of the Roman World. It was here in 122 AD that the Emperor Hadrian decided to build a wall stretching from coast-to-coast to provide protection, to show the might of the Empire, and as a statement of his grandeur. Visitors to Northumberland can walk the Wall visiting milecastles, Roman frontier forts and settlements such as Housesteads (where you can see the oldest toilets you ll ever see) or Vindolanda (where you can take part in an archaeological dig) where wooden tablets detailing life on this frontier (the oldest example of written language in Britain) were discovered, or the remains of Roman temples and shrines (such as the Mithraeum at Carrawburgh). After the Romans left, Northumberland became the heart of one of the greatest kingdoms of Anglo-Saxon Britain, Northumbria. The home of Saints, scholars and warrior kings. Visitors can see the ancient seat of this kingdom at the medieval Bamburgh Castle, visit Hexham Abbey (built in 674 AD), or tour the magnificent remains of the 7th century Priory at Tynemouth (where three kings are buried Oswin (d. 651), Osred (d. 790), and the Scottish King Malcolm III (d. 1093). No other county in Britain has as many medieval remains as Northumberland. From the most grand such as Alnwick Castle (known as the Windsor of the North, the home of the Dukes of Northumberland, the capital of Northumberland, and, to many, Hogwarts!) to humble remains such as the Chantry at Morpeth. At Warkworth visitors can tour the medieval church (scene of a 12th century Scottish massacre), Warkworth Castle (another Percy possession and the setting for a scene in Shakespeare s Henry IV), a medieval hermitage, and the fortified bridge gatehouse (one of the only surviving examples in Britain). Northumberland was ravaged during the Anglo-Scottish Wars and this led to the development of family clans of Border Reivers who were active during the 16th and early 17th centuries. Raiders, looters, blackmailers and courageous cavalrymen the Reivers have left many surviving remnants of their harsh time. Peel Towers dot the landscape alongside Bastle Houses. The active can even walk in the footsteps of the Reivers by following the Reivers Way long distance path. Victorian Northumberland was dominated by both farming and, increasingly, by the industrial genius of some of its entrepreneurs. The greatest of these, Lord Armstrong (known as the Magician of the North), has left behind one of the most magnificent tourist sites in Britain; his home at Cragside. Carved from a bare hillside and transplanted with millions of trees and shrubs and crowned with the beautiful Cragside House visitors can walk the grounds taking advantage of various trails and spotting wildlife such as red squirrels before visiting the first house in the world to be lit by electricity!
Pearson Education (US) Blockchain for Business
The Pragmatic Guide to Driving Value and Disrupting Markets with Blockchain "Blockchain’s potential to transform businesses has generated a tremendous amount of excitement across industries. However, it can be difficult for decision makers to develop a practical approach to blockchain for their specific business requirements. By identifying and clearly describing the value of blockchain for enterprises, as well as the processes required to harness blockchain to achieve business objectives, Blockchain for Business presents a startlingly concise yet comprehensive roadmap for business leaders. This book is an excellent resource for anyone looking to leverage blockchain to transform their business." — Dr. Won-Pyo Hong, President & CEO of Samsung SDS “Much has been written about blockchain in the past few years: what it is and what it is not (at various levels of detail), as well as the technology’s long-term strategic value for companies, industries, and economies. However, what we’ve been missing is a practical, operational, ‘how to’ set of steps for creating, implementing, and operating a blockchain-based solution. This book aims to fill that gap. It’s an invaluable tool for anyone ready to take the plunge and start taking advantage of this remarkable technology.” —Irving Wladawsky-Berger, research affiliate, MIT; columnist, WSJ CIO Journal; VP Emeritus, IBM "I will never be able to adequately express how useful this book will be to my class. In addition the great chapters on cybersecurity, I loved the Integration Models, especially 'Coexistence with Systems of Record.' Legacy integration with Blockchain is a critical barrier, and you nailed it!" —Thomas Doty, JD, LLM - Adjunct Professor, University of New Hampshire Law Blockchain enables enterprises to reinvent processes and business models and to pursue radically disruptive applications. Blockchain for Business is a concise, accessible, and pragmatic guide to both the technology and the opportunities it creates. Authored by three experts from IBM’s Enterprise Blockchain practice, it introduces industry-specific and cross-industry use cases, and reviews best-practice approaches to planning and delivering blockchain projects. With a relentless focus on real-world business outcomes, the authors reveal what blockchain can do, what it can’t do yet, and where it’s headed. Understand five elements that make blockchain so disruptive: transparency, immutability, security, consensus, and smart contracts Explore key use cases: cross-border payments, food and drug safety, provenance, trade finance, clinical trials, land registries, and more See how trusted blockchain networks are facilitating entirely new business models Compare blockchain types: permissioned, permissionless, private, public, federated, and hybrid Anticipate key technical, business, regulatory, and governance challenges Build blockchain financial models, investment rubrics, and risk frameworks Organize and manage teams to transform blockchain plans into reality Whether you’re a senior decision maker, technical professional, customer, or investor, Blockchain for Business will help you cut through the hype and objectively assess blockchain’s potential in your business. Register your product for convenient access to downloads, updates, and/or corrections as they become available.
St Augustine's Press Treatise on Law – The Complete Text
This is a new English translation of St. Thomas Aquinas’s Treatise on Law, found in Questions 90–108 of the First Part of the Second Part of the Summa Theologiae. In fact, it is the only free-standing English translation of the entire Treatise, which includes both a general account of law (Questions 90–92) and also specific treatments of what St. Thomas identifies as the five kinds of law: the eternal law (Question 93), the natural law (Question 94), human law (Questions 95–97), the Old Law (Questions 98–105), and the New Law (Questions 106–108). All other extant editions of Treatise on Law stop with the human law, and are thus approximately one-third the size of the full Treatise. St. Thomas’s account of law is firmly embedded within a general moral theory that begins with a rich conception of human flourishing, i.e., the good for human beings (Questions 1–5). This good consists, first and foremost, in our ultimate and intimate union with the Persons of the Blessed Trinity – a union that in our present state we can grasp intellectively and pursue affectively only with God’s supernatural assistance. It is within this framework that we order our loves and pursue the more proximate goals they open up to us as human beings in this life. Given the appropriate goals, the next question is how we can get from where we are, in the grips of the consequences of Original Sin, to where we want to be. The answer is: by means of (a) human actions that are good, i.e., rightly ordered toward our ultimate end and (b) the habits that these actions either engender or flow from. In analyzing human actions (Questions 6–21) and their relation to the passions (Questions 22–48), St. Thomas gives a general account of what he calls the ‘intrinsic principles’ of human actions and their associated habits – both virtues (Questions 49–70) and vices (Questions 71–89). It is only then that he turns to what he calls the ‘extrinsic principles’ of good human actions, viz., law (Questions 90–108) and grace (Questions 109–114). According to St. Thomas, law, far from supplanting virtue as a basic principle of action, serves as an independent principle of action that complements virtue and is itself capable of being factored into practical deliberation. The reason is that all of God’s precepts, prohibitions, and punishments are aimed at promoting the good of the whole universe and, more particularly, the good for human beings, both individually and within the various forms of social life. Because of this, law serves as both a restraint on bad actions and a spur to good action, i.e., a restraint on actions that take us away from virtue and genuine human flourishing and a spur to actions that promote virtue and flourishing. There are many benefits of having the whole treatise rather than just the first few questions, as has been the standard practice in previous editions of the Treatise on Law. To mention just a few of these benefits, the question on the moral precepts of the Old Law (question 100) helps to illuminate in many different ways the earlier questions on natural law and human law (questions 94–97). Again, the questions on the ceremonial and judicial precepts of the Old Law (questions 101–105) demon-strate in depth the symbiotic relationship that St. Thomas takes to obtain between the Old Testament and the New Testament. The questions on the New Law provide an introduction to the Christian way of life that will be described in incomparable detail in the Second Part of the Second Part, the bulk of which is structured around the treatment of the three theological virtues and the four cardinal virtues.
Sidestone Press Une maison sous les dunes : Beg ar Loued, Île Molène, Finistère: Identité et adaptation des groupes humains en mer d’Iroise entre les IIIe et IIe millénaires avant notre ère
Depuis 2001, des recherches archéologiques sont menées dans l’archipel de Molène. Ce secteur s’avère particulièrement riche en vestiges du Néolithique et de l’Age du Bronze. Une concentration exceptionnelle de monuments mégalithiques y a été mise en évidence.Plusieurs habitats sont attestés par la présence de dépotoirs domestiques. A la pointe de Beg ar Loued (île Molène), l’un de ses amas coquilliers fit l’objet d’un premier sondage en 2003 marquant le début d’une série de campagnes de fouilles. Dès la deuxième année, celle-ci prit un tournant décisif avec la reconnaissance des premiers murs en pierres sèches, correspondant à un bâtiment conservé sous la dune. Pendant près d’une décennie, ce site fit l’objet de fouilles par une équipe interdisciplinaire. Les données obtenues par l’étude de l’habitat renseignent sur la chronologie des différentes occupations du site et permettent de documenter la transition IIIe-IIe millénaire avant notre ère, fourchette chronologique encore très mal connue dans la moitié nord de la France.Outre l’apport d’une chronologie relative, l’approche architecturale donne une meilleure compréhension des choix ayant présidé aux différentes phases de construction du bâtiment occupé pendant plus de trois siècles. Les éléments de la culture matérielle (céramique, lithique, métallurgie) viennent aussi soulever le voile sur une période essentiellement connue en Bretagne à travers les monuments funéraires.Pour la première fois dans cette région, grâce à la conservation des vestiges organiques, il est permis d’esquisser l’économie (élevage, agriculture pêche, collecte des coquillages, etc.) des hommes ayant occupé les rivages de la mer d’Iroise. Leur mode de vie suggère une communauté sédentaire à économie vivrière, exploitant l’ensemble des ressources insulaires sans pour autant être coupée du continent (style céramique, métallurgie).Afin de mieux comprendre l’évolution globale de cet environnement insulaire, de nouvelles recherches ont été menées sur les variations du niveau marin corrélées à l’étude du paysage végétal, de la géomorphologie, de la géologie et de la faune.English abstractSince 2001, archaeological research has been conducted in the Molène Archipelago, an area that is particularly rich in remains from the Neolithic and the Bronze Age, with an exceptional concentration of megalithic monuments. Several settlements are attested by the presence of domestic refuse dumps. At the point of Beg ar Loued (Molène Island), one of those shell middens was the object of an initial sondage in 2003, and that marked the beginning of a long series of excavations. Fieldwork took a decisive turn during the second year with the recognition of the first dry stone walls, belonging to a building preserved within the sand dunes. For nearly a decade, this site has been excavated by an interdisciplinary team. The data that have been obtained from this fieldwork provide information on the chronology of the various periods of occupation of the site and help to document the 3rd–2nd millennium BC transition, a period still largely unknown in the northern half of France. In addition to providing a relative chronology, the architectural approach gives us a better understanding of the choices that governed the different construction phases of the building, which was occupied for over three centuries. The elements of material culture (pottery, lithics, metalwork) also shed light on a period essentially known in Brittany through its funerary monuments. For the first time in this region, thanks to the preservation of organic remains, it is possible to sketch the lifestyle (livestock management, agriculture, fishing, shell gathering, etc.) of the people who occupied the shores of the Iroise Sea. In order to understand better the overall trends in this insular environment, new researches have been carried out on sea level changes in tandem with the study of the palaeoenvironment, geomorphology, geology and wildlife.
Canelo Old Bones Lie: An unputdownable Scottish detective thriller
DI Clare Mackay is about to face a test of her loyalty…When a report comes in that a van containing two prison officers and a convicted jewel thief is missing, the police in St Andrews work quickly to locate the vehicle. Their efforts prove in vain when no trace is found and they realise the wives of both officers also appear to have left the area. Is this a case of corrupt guards springing a felon, or innocent people caught in the crossfire?DI Clare Mackay leads the team but has to do without her right hand man; DS Chris West is a cousin to one of the missing prison officers and must not be involved in the case. With a new sergeant at her side plus a previously unencountered DCI, Clare’s people skills are pushed to the limit. Especially once she realises her boss is keeping her on the sidelines. Just what is it that Clare doesn’t know? And if she has to choose between keeping secrets from a friend, or letting slip something that could see a culprit go free, which path will she take?A compelling addition to the bestselling series by a much-loved Scottish crime author, perfect for fans of Caro Ramsay, Lin Anderson and Alex Gray.Praise for Old Bones Lie‘This is an absolute cracker of a book. An authentic, twisty and compelling detective novel written by a new star of Tartan Noir.’ Neil Lancaster, author of The Blood Tide‘Old Bones Lie is a fine example of the police procedural. Tightly plotted, cogently told with an ensemble of characters following the clues and navigating various twists like the professionals they are to reach a solution that is neither pat nor unbelievable. A hugely enjoyable read indeed.’ Douglas Skelton, author of An Honourable Thief‘A combination of razor-sharp plotting, wholly believable characters and rock-solid writing – another excellent instalment to the DI Clare Mackay series.’ Alison Belsham, author of Death in Kabul‘Old Bones Lie is Marion Todd at her very best - forensically intriguing and a bloody good read... literally.’ Jonathan Whitelaw, author of The Bingo Hall Detectives‘It’s impossible to escape Marion’s grip on you in this captivating, compelling hunt for lost souls, buried truth and a heartless killer.’ Morgan Cry, author of Six Wounds‘Brilliant storytelling, tense and riveting with the reassuring presence of the wonderful DI Clare Mackay, I loved Old Bones Lie!’ G.R. Halliday, author of Dark Waters‘Marion Todd has excelled herself this time! 5 stars.’ Andrew James Greig, author of Whirligig‘Gripping and complex. This is Marion Todd’s best yet. Her writing deepens and matures with each new book.’ Allan Martin, author of the Inspector Angus Blue novels‘Another brilliant instalment to the DI Clare Mackay series. I couldn't stop reading. Plenty of twists and turns along the way, and just when you think you have it figured - you don't!’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader review‘Marion Todd is one of my favourite authors and this book in the DI Mackay series doesn’t disappoint with twists and turns from start to finish. Great read, couldn’t put it down.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader review‘The story starts with a bang and carries the reader with both great writing and a very good story. For me, Marion Todd is now sitting comfortably alongside Caro Ramsay as the two best crime writers in Scotland today.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader review‘Old Bones Lie starts at a really fast pace and remains unrelenting as the story unfolds…The depth of research is plain to see, but the skill is in the storytelling, and I honestly believe that this is her best yet… ’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader review
Simon & Schuster Ltd The History of Bees
***THE NUMBER ONE INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER*** ‘Fans of Cloud Atlas and Never Let Me Go will love The History of Bees’ Good Housekeeping‘Dystopian and electric, this book is set to blow minds everywhere' Stylist'Haunting and poignant ... an important and wonderful book' Dave Goulson, bestselling author of Bee Quest In the spirit of Station Eleven and Never Let Me Go, this dazzling and ambitious literary debut follows three generations of beekeepers from the past, present, and future, weaving a spellbinding story of their relationship to the bees – and to their children and one another – against the backdrop of an urgent, global crisis.England, 1851. William is a biologist and seed merchant, who sets out to build a new type of beehive—one that will give both him and his children honour and fame.United States, 2007. George is a beekeeper and fights an uphill battle against modern farming, but hopes that his son can be their salvation.China, 2098. Tao hand paints pollen onto the fruit trees now that the bees have long since disappeared. When Tao’s young son is taken away by the authorities after a tragic accident—and is kept in the dark about his whereabouts and condition—she sets out on a grueling journey to find out what happened to him.Haunting, illuminating, and deftly written, The History of Bees joins these three very different narratives into one gripping and thought provoking story that is just as much about the powerful relationships between children and parents as it is about our very relationship to nature and humanity. Praise for The History of Bees: ‘Spectacular and deeply moving. Lunde has elegantly woven together a tale of science and science fiction, dystopia and hope, and the trials of the individual and the strengths of family’ Lisa See, New York Times bestselling author ‘Such is the genius of debut novelist Maja Lunde that her tale of three eras—the long past, the tenuous present and the biologically damned future—is strung on the fragile hope of the survival of bees’ Jacquelyn Mitchard, New York Times bestselling author ‘As a lover of honeybees and a fan of speculative fiction, I was doubly smitten by The History of Bees. Maja Lunde’s novel is an urgent reminder of how much our survival depends on those remarkable insects. It is also a gripping account of how—despite the cruelest losses—humanity may abide and individual families can heal’ Jean Hegland, author of Into the Forest ‘By turns devastating and hopeful, The History of Beesresonates powerfully with our most pressing environmental concerns. Following three separate but interconnected timelines, Lunde shows us the past, the present, and a terrifying future in a riveting story as complex as a honeycomb’ Bryn Greenwood, New York Times bestselling author‘Here is a story that is sweeping in scope but intimate in detail’ Laura McBride, author of We Are Called to Rise'A brilliant and beautiful novel' Jan Askelund, Stavanger Aftenblad 'She does everything right […] She paints on a broad canvas, the topic is highly important and the language is both comprehensive and precise' Geir Vestad, Hamar Arbeiderblad'One can easily understand the buzz …' Maria Årolilja Rø, Adresseavisa'The settings portrayed in the novel are impressively visual and each character is perfectly naturally rooted in his or her own era and environment' Janneken Øverland, Klassekampen'Maja Lunde will reach a big audience with The History of Bees. (…) She has written a novel many will read in one go, and then sit down and think, about life, the world and the future. That is unique and it is very well done' Annette Orre,'The History of Bees is a fascinating and brilliantly written novel that elegantly moves between the various stories and timelines' Oddmund Hagen, Dag og Tid
BenBella Books The Park Avenue Face: Secrets and Tips from a Top Facial Plastic Surgeon for Flawless, Undetectable Procedures and Treatments
Your face defines you. It influences how people perceive you at work, at play, and even at home. But what if something about your face doesn't make you feel like the real you? In The Park Avenue Face, dual board-certified facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Andrew Jacono reveals how to achieve flawless, undetectable plastic surgery so you can fix what you don't like, restore what you've lost, or prevent signs of aging. From his elite Park Avenue aesthetic surgery center, Dr. Jacono has enhanced tens of thousands of faces not by prescribing an arbitrary standard of beauty, but by amplifying each patient's individual beauty for totally natural results. A global authority in advanced facial plastic surgery, he has presented clinical research and conducted live surgery in front of peer audiences at over 100 plastic surgery symposiums around the world, including at Harvard, Yale and Stanford Universities. Now, he's ready to share his expertise with you. High-end Park Avenue clients want to fight the signs of aging while highlighting their best features. They want lips that look like their own lips, eyes that look like their own eyes. They want facial features in line with their ethnicities. Park Avenue clients want to look powerful yet approachable, wise yet fresh, and above all, natural. With Dr. Andrew Jacono's advice, you can have the Park Avenue Face no matter who you are or where you live. The Park Avenue Face also highlights a trend unique to the United States—a distinct difference between conceptions of beauty on the west coast versus the east coast. Where the West Coast Style is often about changing your personal signature, the East Coast Style prioritizes maintaining your personal signature. Through this up-close look at coastal trends, the reader will learn how to define and achieve a natural look—a face that reflects the person they have always been, and the person they strive to be, not someone they don't recognize in the mirror. If you want a face with character and depth that looks ageless and don't want a stretched, artificial or generic look, Dr. Jacono will show you how to get there. If you are considering any kind of facial enhancement, from minor and non-invasive treatments such as simple injections or a laser treatment to more involved surgical procedures such as a full-on facelift, this is your resource. The Park Avenue Face will show you how to avoid the quacks, the fads, the financial waste, and the dangers. Dr. Jacono will help you determine how you want to look and how best to get there. Featuring fascinating patient anecdotes, dozens of before-and-after photographs showing what the various procedures can accomplish and line drawings by veteran medical illustrator William Winn, this comprehensive guide will fully prepare you to step into a doctor's office and discuss your facial enhancement options. You'll know how each treatment works, how long you will take to recover, and how much change you can expect. If there is something about your face you think is holding you back—decide if making a change is right for you. Let The Park Avenue Face guide you to becoming your best you.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Sustainable Development in International Law Making and Trade: International Food Governance and Trade in Agriculture
This book provides a magisterial account of the history, conceptualization, and institutionalization of the concept of sustainable development in international law and policy-making. It provides helpful and insightful illumination of these issues, both at a general level and specifically through an extended case study of the evolution of the WTO Agreement on Agriculture - a particularly appropriate choice of case study given that agriculture implicates a wide range of divergent values, including the economic benefits of free trade; promoting access to affordable food; protecting small subsistence farmers, especially in developing countries; and minimizing environmental degradation through over-exploitation of natural resources such as fisheries, soil depletion or contamination. An overarching and constructive theme of the book is the need for greater legal coherence in international law making across these various domains which are often fragmented in institutional silos that lack effective integrating mechanisms.'- Michael Trebilcock, University of Toronto, Canada'Sustainable development, now made fully operational thanks to the contribution of Elisabeth Bürgi Bonanomi, can support policy reforms that will improve global governance, thus ensuring that the trade regime is shaped to support the policy objectives that it is meant to serve. The area of food and agriculture is in many ways a case study of a lack of consistency across policy areas. It is now high time to overcome this failure. I have no doubt that this volume represents a major contribution towards this end.'- Olivier De Schutter, Member of the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural RightsThe concept of sustainable development has become a fundamental discourse in international decision making. To enable pragmatic sustainable development governance, legally coherent, mutually supportive multilateral treaties are both necessary and important. This timely book provides an accessible insight into how the concept of sustainable development can be made operational for coherent law making through its translation into legal terms.The book is split into two informative points of inquiry. The first part of the book explores the origins of the sustainable development debate and sheds light on how the international community has inadequately operationalized the concept to utilize its full potential. In this view, Elisabeth Bürgi Bonanomi illustrates how sustainable development can facilitate coherent international law making when it is understood as a multidimensional legal principle and methodical norm. The second part of the book adopts this notion as an analytical lens on the WTO Agreement on Agriculture, placing the focus specifically on food security and food sustainability. The overarching discussion contributes to one of the most intricate debates of international food governance and investigates the unresolved question of what a sustainable and coherent agricultural trade agreement could look like.Providing a comprehensive overview of sustainable development law, its origins, and its current theories, scholars and students with a background in international public law, trade, and investment law, development and human rights law, international relations, and environmental policy will find this book a valuable reference tool. Practitioners and policy-makers will benefit from the insight into the search for politically coherent and sustainable legal agreements.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Understanding Ponzi Schemes: Can Better Financial Regulation Prevent Investors from Being Defrauded?
Ponzi schemes are a particularly vicious form of financial fraud, in that the overly trusting victims, who are often wiped out, typically share an affiliation with the fraudster. They are interesting, in that they share some features with legitimate financial phenomena (such as stock manias) and shed light on the human tendency towards behaving foolishly, especially when encouraged or modeled by others. In Understanding Ponzi Schemes, Mervyn Lewis has written what is probably the best and most comprehensive book on the topic. Extremely readable, this book uses both theoretical models and real-life case studies to provide readers with an answer to two questions: 'How do Ponzi schemes work and why are they successful?' Lewis also provides useful answers to a third question: 'What can regulators and individuals do to be protected from future incarnations of Charles Ponzi?'''- Stephen Greenspan, University of Connecticut, US and author of Annals of Gullibility'Starting with very readable (and well-referenced) accounts of various Ponzi fraudsters from Ponzi himself through to Madoff and Stanford, lessons are drawn from such diverse disciplines such as psychology and statistical analysis to advocate novel approaches to the regulation of Ponzi schemes. A 'must read' for regulatory policy-makers and a fascinating read for the general reader, Professor Lewis is to be congratulated for advancing the debate on this age-old phenomenon by suggesting distinctive and innovative strategies to tackle it.'- Eva Lomnicka, Dickson Poon School of Law, King's College London, UK'Readers looking for a clear explanation of how Ponzi schemes work and description of recent and historical examples, both large and small scale, will find that in this very readable book. But the author, Professor Mervyn Lewis, goes well beyond those topics by drawing on behavioural economics and psychology to help understand how 'victims' get caught in such schemes, and the motives and behaviours of the scheme operators. That analysis also provides a valuable checklist for readers to help them avoid becoming victims.'- Kevin Davis, University of Melbourne, AustraliaA Ponzi scheme is one of the simplest, albeit effective, financial frauds to engineer, and new schemes keep coming forward. Despite this, however, people continue to invest in them. How are we to account for the seemingly never-ending lure of such schemes? In providing answers to this central question, this concise and well-researched book examines how Ponzi schemes operate, how they differ from pyramid schemes, Ponzi finance and other financial arrangements.The author questions whether the victims have only themselves to blame, why fraudsters think that they can avoid detection, and what important insights behavioural finance theory and psychology can add. Particular attention is paid to the reasons behind the failure of financial regulation, and the types of regulatory changes needed to protect investors and avoid repetitions. The analysis is informed by case studies of 11 Ponzi schemes in the US, UK, Australia and New Zealand.Finance and business academics interested in the operation of Ponzi schemes, and how they differ from pyramid schemes, will find this book invaluable, as will students of economics, finance, behavioural decision-making and psychology. Lawyers, psychologists, regulatory agencies and financial institutions will also benefit considerably from the analysis.
Human Kinetics Publishers Rehabilitation of Musculoskeletal Injuries
Rehabilitation of Musculoskeletal Injuries, Fifth Edition With HKPropel Online Video, presents foundational concepts that support a thorough understanding of therapeutic interventions and rehabilitative techniques. Updated with the latest research in evidence-based practice, this text prepares students for careers in health care while serving as a valuable reference for experienced clinicians. Readers will learn what to expect when treating clients, how to apply evidence-based knowledge, and how to customize individual rehab programs. Related online video demonstrates 47 of the most challenging or novel techniques and can be used in the classroom or in everyday practice.Titled Therapeutic Exercise for Musculoskeletal Injuries in previous editions, the revised title supports the advancement of the field and better reflects the concepts and understanding of total rehabilitation of the patient. The content featured in Rehabilitation of Musculoskeletal Injuries aligns with the accreditation standards of the Board of Certification (BOC) and prepares students for the BOC athletic trainers’ exam. Respected clinician Peggy A. Houglum, who has more than 50 years of experience in the field, leads the expert author team to provide evidence-based perspectives, updated theories, and real-world applications. The latest edition is enhanced with contributions from new authors Daniel E. Houglum and Kristine L. Boyle-Walker, who have over 54 combined years of experience as athletic trainers, physical therapists, and instructors.The fifth edition of Rehabilitation of Musculoskeletal Injuries places a greater emphasis on higher-order skills. Although it continues to present therapeutic exercise interventions, added content includes the other aspects of rehabilitation that would be applied to patients in clinical situations, including therapeutic interventions of modalities. Specific aspects of examination that are necessary to designing a rehabilitation program are also included. This edition also includes a new section on joint manipulation and a new chapter on functional adaptations in rehabilitation that focuses on providing emotional support as well as physical support in helping patients return to activities of daily living. Video content is expanded with 11 new clips that highlight therapeutic techniques, and more than 450 color photos and 750 illustrations help to enhance comprehension and clarify complicated concepts.Rehabilitation of Musculoskeletal Injuries, Fifth Edition, provides thorough coverage of healing concepts, examination, and assessment techniques, ensuring students move from a solid understanding of the foundational skills and knowledge required of clinicians to comprehension of advanced problem-solving skills to make reliable rehabilitation decisions. The text demonstrates how to create rehabilitation programs using various modalities, manual therapy, and therapeutic exercise, and it highlights special considerations and applications for specific body regions.Learning aids include case studies that emphasize practical application, Evidence in Rehabilitation sidebars that focus on peer-reviewed research and its practical application, and Clinical Tips that illustrate key points in each chapter. Additional learning aids include chapter objectives, lab activities, key terms, critical thinking questions, and references. For maximum flexibility to match course needs, instructors wanting to teach specific topics can adopt particular chapters or sections of the book through the Human Kinetics custom ebook program.Note: A code for accessing online videos is included with all new print books.
Human Kinetics Publishers Dance Cultures Around the World
Written by a diverse group of authors from across the globe, Dance Cultures Around the World offers students a rich and in-depth look at 25 different cultures of dance. Through a dynamic collaboration with the chapter authors, editors Lynn E. Frederiksen and Shih-Ming Li Chang have carefully created a unique multimedia resource that includes vetted links to dance videos, images, and other materials. The text, suitable for high school and undergraduate general education and dance courses, addresses cross-cultural dynamics, colonialism, diaspora, politics, and more as critical factors in learning about cultures of dance around the world.As stated in the preface, “Every culture has some form of dance. However, why people dance—and further, how they define and create dance—are the difficult questions at the core of this text. Once you understand why dance exists and examine the factors that explain particular dance forms, you can engage more fully with many cultures of dance, including your own.”Written by cultural insiders, the chapters illuminate contexts and histories of dances often misinterpreted through the notion of dance as a universal language. “Just as you would not expect to understand a foreign language simply because it is human speech, you cannot expect to understand foreign dance without some ‘translation.’ The multiple layers of meaning and history in foreign dances are often left unrevealed, and therefore the opportunity for true cross-cultural understanding is missed.” To ensure rich cross-cultural engagement, the insiders “translate” their dance cultures, showing how influential forces affect both the qualities of the dance and its place in society.Dance Cultures Around the World offers a wealth of information: It explores dance cultures in nine geopolitical regions. It reveals patterns that operate in each region, adjusting for historical, political, and geographical differences. It enriches the reader’s experience of their own culture, as well as those of others, as they learn what dance is in various cultures, who dances, and why they dance. Each chapter begins with a vignette describing a signature dance or dance-related feature of the culture, followed by an introduction to its history and geography. Significant events, people, and qualities of the dance culture are highlighted throughout the chapters.Instructors and students have access to online resources through HKPropel. Instructor resources include a sample syllabus, chapter summaries, and suggested answers for chapter discussion questions; a presentation package with PowerPoint slides; a test package with over 700 multiple-choice, true-false, and fill-in-the-blank questions; and ready-made chapter quizzes. Student resources include links to videos, articles, and websites for further learning; key terms and definitions; references and resources; an application activity for each chapter; and chapter quizzes.Dance Cultures Around the World gives readers an overview of dance cultures and provides an insider’s perspective on how dance develops and evolves around the world. Together with the online resources in HKPropel, the book gives students and instructors a well-crafted gateway to dance cultures across the globe.Note: A code for accessing HKPropel is included with all print books.
Human Kinetics Publishers Psychological Dynamics of Sport and Exercise
Psychological Dynamics of Sport and Exercise, Fourth Edition, reflects the latest developments in the field of sport and exercise psychology and presents various applications in a range of physical activity settings. The text emphasizes practical theory, which allows students pursuing careers in teaching, coaching, consulting, exercise instruction and leadership, sports medicine, rehabilitation, and athletic training environments to enhance physical activity experiences for all based on the best available knowledge. With emphasis on practical application, readers can incorporate sport and exercise psychology into both their professional and personal experiences. Authors Diane L. Gill, Lavon Williams, and Erin J. Reifsteck highlight key theoretical work and research to provide guidelines for using sport and exercise psychology in professional practice and personal physical activities. The fourth edition of Psychological Dynamics of Sport and Exercise includes reorganized, revised content and relevant, up-to-date research to emphasize the areas of change and growth in the field in recent years. Specific updates to this edition include the following: • Part IV on emotion is now expanded to include two in-depth chapters—one focusing on emotion and performance and one on physical activity and mental health—as well as a third chapter on stress management • Part III on the popular topic of motivation is reorganized to emphasize contemporary research and connections to professional practice. • The chapter on aggression and social development now includes more current research on prosocial and antisocial behavior as well as an expanded section on positive youth development. • In-class and out-of-class lab activities replace case studies to provide scenario-based, experiential activities for a more applied learning experience. • Updated end-of-chapter summaries, review questions, and recommended readings reinforce key concepts and encourage further study. • Application Point sidebars have been updated to cover a wide variety of professions in order to connect the content with real-world application. • A newly added image bank helps instructors prepare class lectures. Content is organized into five parts representing major topics that are found in sport and exercise psychology curriculums. Part I provides an orientation, with chapters covering the scope, historical development, and current approaches to sport and exercise psychology. Part II focuses on the individual, with chapters on personality, attention and cognitive skills, and self-perceptions. Part III covers the broad topic of motivation, addressing the why question of physical activity behavior. Part IV looks at emotion, including the relationship between physical activity and emotion as well as stress management. Part V considers social processes in chapters on social influence, social development, and group dynamics, as well as cultural diversity. With more in-depth coverage than introductory-level texts, Psychological Dynamics of Sport and Exercise, Fourth Edition, brings sport and exercise psychology to life for students as they prepare for their professional lives. Emphasis is placed on sport and exercise psychology concepts as they apply to three key areas off kinesiology professions: physical education teaching, coaching, and consulting; exercise instruction and fitness leadership; and sports medicine, rehabilitation, and athletic training. By focusing on these professional settings, readers will understand how psychology concepts are integral to real-world situations outside of the classroom.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Economics of Services: Microfoundations, Development and Policy, Second Edition
Acclaim for the first edition:'This is a well-written, provocative book, featuring much new material, original data analyses and interesting insights. Despite the proliferation of books on various aspects of services, there is nothing quite like it around. In particular, examination of the challenges that the growth of services presents to conventional economics is very valuable.'- Ian Miles, University of Manchester, UK'This is an intriguing book that contains many interesting ways of conceptualising service from the perspective of economics. It makes a number of important contributions to the academic literature. It is one of the very few books and it might even be the only book to be written by an economist on the economics of services - it is thus a pioneer work and is of value in that it attempts to bring together the work that economists have done on services.'- John Bryson, University of Birmingham, UKDespite the fact that services have overtaken industry in terms of employment and GDP in developed countries, rigorous economic study of the service sector remains seriously neglected. The first edition of The Economics of Services initiated a redress of this oversight. Fully revised and updated, the second edition of this highly acclaimed textbook should be required complimentary reading to mainstream microeconomics textbooks for graduate students of economics and for advanced courses in labor, urban and regional economics, economic geography and economic history.The text emphasizes the distinction between intermediate producer services and final consumer services. Many of the former are traded in global markets much like material goods in general, whilst the markets for consumer services are markedly local. This requires quite different micro-foundations in each case. Other key issues explored include the productivity development and quality of service measurements, as well as the key role of urbanization for service sector growth.The critical issues for the future of the real economy, beyond the financial crisis, are also analyzed in depth. The author illustrates how a better understanding of the nature of the service economy is necessary for policy innovation, with a view to regenerating the welfare state.Contents: Preface Foreword to the Second Edition Part I: The Service Economy in Perspective 1. Two Approaches to Service Sector Definition and Measurement 2. Merit Goods Part II: Microeconomic Foundations 3. Production Cost of Non-storable Goods 4. Distribution Costs of Non-transportable Goods 5. The Basic Trade-off and the Resulting Market Areas 6. Market Forms and Competition 7. Supply and Demand at the System Level 8. Welfare Economics 1: Towards A-Efficiency 9. Welfare Economics 2: Towards X-Efficency Part III: Urbanisation and Service Sector Development 10. Unprecedented Rise in the Standard of Living 11. Structural Change of the Economy 12. Urban Service Industries Before the Private Car 13. Mass Motoring, Enlargement of Service Markets and Urban Sprawl 14. Towards Sustainability of the Service Sector Part IV: Public Policy Towards Services 15. Trust in Economic Growth Cannot Replace Allocation Policy 16. Is Cost Benefit Analysis the Answer? 17. Towards Social Balance 18. Increased Employment for Absolute Want Satisfaction 19. The Financial Challenge 20. Summary and Conclusions References Index
Human Kinetics Publishers Applied Research and Evaluation Methods in Recreation
The importance of research and evaluation in the park and recreation industry is becoming increasingly evident as agencies are being asked to justify their existence to a variety of stakeholders. By properly evaluating programs, recreation professionals can better understand the impact of their programs and, with data in hand, justify future investments. Applied Research and Evaluation Methods in Recreation helps students build the competencies they need in order to meet professional standards. Applied Research and Evaluation Methods in Recreation is the only text that integrates research, evaluation, and basic statistical analysis and links these concepts directly to the recreation field. Using a logical format and accessible language, the book provides students with the foundational knowledge they need in order to move through the research process. They’ll explore the various types of research commonly used in the field (including qualitative, quantitative, and action research) and then learn about the steps involved in designing a project, from developing the research problem, reviewing literature, and identifying variables and hypotheses to defining the population to study, developing the instrumentation plan, and choosing the appropriate data-collection tools. Then they’ll move on to evaluation concepts, including internal validity, data analysis, and reporting methods. The author’s approach to the material makes this textbook truly unique. Each chapter builds on the previous one to clearly explain the steps of the research process and show how all of the concepts are interrelated. Students will learn not only why the steps and concepts are important but also how they relate specifically to the field. Each chapter closes with features that help students apply what they’ve learned: a case study, exercises, and For the Investigator, an ongoing research project that uses a hypothetical recreation survey to give students realistic practice in recreation research. The text contains many other features that will help students better understand and apply the concepts they’ve learned. Chapter-opening scenarios offer examples of the kinds of research that students might be expected to undertake. Objectives highlight the key points of each chapter, and a glossary offers easy access to definitions of unfamiliar terms. Professional Perspectives sidebars describe real research projects from current professionals with an explanation of the project’s importance to the organization. Applied Research and Evaluation Methods in Recreation also includes an online student resource (OSR) that provides additional opportunities for students to apply the information they’ve learned. Students will analyze two scholarly articles—one qualitative and one quantitative—throughout the course based on the concepts learned in each chapter. The OSR also contains a case study for each chapter that can be used in assessing students’ comprehension of the concepts covered or as the basis of in-class discussion and exercises to help students better understand and apply the material. In addition, the For the Investigator project appears in the OSR so students can easily download documents and data related to it. Through the practical approach of Applied Research and Evaluation Methods in Recreation, students will gain the foundational knowledge they need in order too become confident in using their research and evaluation skills to meet the demands of their profession.
Harvard University Press Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson: Volume VIII: 1841–1843
In July 1841, Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote to Thomas Carlyle: “My whole philosophy…teaches acquiescence and optimism.” The journals in this volume, beginning in the summer of 1841, record the spiritual history of two years that can be viewed as the most critical test in Emerson’s life of his ability to maintain the two aspects of that philosophy.Early in 1842 his son Waldo died, and the man who only months before had described himself as “professor of the joyous Science” found himself once again confronting the full implications of grief. Seeking to comprehend the loss, he used his journals to articulate and rediscover the vital faith upon which his philosophy rested. In passages that went eventually into “Experience,” and in the earliest drafts of the poem “Threnody,” which appear for the first time in these pages, he discovered that even this harsh event had its “compensations.” Waldo’s death forced a reassessment of the convictions that gave life to his earlier writings. He transformed his numb responses into his most moving poetry and prose, giving new and significant meaning to his “old motto”: “I am Defeated all the time, yet to Victory I am born.”Emerson’s motto is revealing, for its concepts display aptly the bipolarity that characterizes so much of his thought during these crucial years. He carried on at length an internal debate between the active and passive life styles. He saw his friends committed in their various ways to a more emphatic practice of their philosophies than he was able to undertake. Moving between engagement and withdrawal, commitment and aloofness, action and passivity, he consistently sought that point of equilibrium where the opposing forces of his thought could be held in creative tension.As Emerson’s private experience deepened, he was becoming more completely the public man of letters: writing, publishing, editing The Dial, and lecturing. His travels brought him in contact with the leading men of his day, and with sights and exposures which even his beloved New England could not offer. Amidst the public duties, however, it was Concord which remained the still, vital center of his life. A brilliant and widely diversified range of visitors brought the world to Emerson’s home and inspired him to explore personal and literary issues which he would develop in his journals and later utilize in lectures and essays.Emerson saw his calling as that of a poet; these journals are abundant in verse. Working versions of some of his most noted poems reveal the complex relationship between his private and literary life and the manner in which he attempted to fuse the diversities of his thought. In the eight regular journals and three miscellaneous notebooks of this volume is the record of these fusions. This period of his life closes, as it opened, with “acquiescence and optimism.” But the creative skepticism which is so characteristic of the second series of essays and the poems of 1841–1843 is the mark of a “very real philosophy,” tempered and tried by adversity, by success, and by “Experience.”
Stanford University Press The Zohar: Pritzker Edition, Volume One
The first two volumes of The Zohar: Pritzker Edition, translated with commentary by Daniel C. Matt, cover more than half of the Zohar's commentary on the Book of Genesis (through Genesis 32:3). This is the first translation ever made from a critical Aramaic text of the Zohar, which has been established by Professor Matt based on a wide range of original manuscripts. The extensive commentary, appearing at the bottom of each page, clarifies the kabbalistic symbolism and terminology, and cites sources and parallels from biblical, rabbinic, and kabbalistic texts. The translator's introduction is accompanied by a second introduction written by Arthur Green, discussing the origin and significance of the Zohar. For ancillary materials, including the Aramaic text, please visit SUP's Zohar Home Page Further information on the Zohar: Sefer ha-Zohar, "The Book of Radiance," has amazed and overwhelmed readers ever since it emerged mysteriously in medieval Spain toward the end of the thirteenth century. Written in a unique Aramaic, this masterpiece of Kabbalah exceeds the dimensions of a normal book; it is virtually a body of literature, comprising over twenty discrete sections. The bulk of the Zohar consists of a running commentary on the Torah, from Genesis through Deuteronomy. This translation begins and focuses here in what are projected to be ten volumes. Two subsequent volumes will cover other, shorter sections. The Zohar's commentary is composed in the form of a mystical novel. The hero is Rabbi Shim'on son of Yohai, a saintly disciple of Rabbi Akiva who lived in the second century in the land of Israel. In the Zohar, Rabbi Shim'on and his companions wander through the hills of Galilee, discovering and sharing secrets of Torah. On one level, biblical figures such as Abraham and Sarah are the main characters, and the mystical companions interpret their words, actions, and personalities. On a deeper level, the text of the Bible is simply the starting point, a springboard for the imagination. For example, when God commands Abraham, Lekh lekha, Go forth... to the land that I will show you (Genesis 12:1), Rabbi El'azar ignores idiomatic usage and insists on reading the words more literally than they were intended, hyperliterally: Lekh lekha, Go to yourself! Search deep within to discover your true self. At times, the companions themselves become the main characters, and we read about their dramatic mystical sessions with Rabbi Shim'on or their adventures on the road, for example, an encounter with a cantankerous old donkey driver who turns out to be a master of wisdom in disguise. Ultimately, the plot of the Zohar focuses on the ten sefirot, the various stages of God's inner life, aspects of divine personality, both feminine and masculine. By penetrating the literal surface of the Torah, the mystical commentators transform the biblical narrative into a biography of God. The entire Torah is read as one continuous divine name, expressing divine being. Even a seemingly insignificant verse can reveal the inner dynamics of the sefirot—how God feels, responds and acts, how She and He (the divine feminine and masculine) relate intimately with each other and with the world.
White Pine Press As My Age Then Was, So I Understood Them: New and Selected Poems, 1981-2020
A career-spanning volume drawn from forty years of work and a selection of new poems.Stephen Corey’s work is intelligent, moving and engaging. Poem after poem is beautiful, effortless, and thought-provoking. The range of style and subject matter, the depth of thought and emotion, the elegance and resonance and simplicity of language, the affectionate voice and tone—all work to make this a truly important and memorable book.“Here is a life, and a life, and / a life,” Stephen Corey writes in the opening poem’s instructions to on how find the faded leaf—also a metaphor for the end of life—that one must imagine still colored after he is “gone.” The poem is echoed near the end of this stunningly rich and encompassing book in a poem addressed to his four daughters about what he has missed during his life. In between we encounter a world we thought we knew but have not seen in this way before: things as varied as Monarch butterflies, telephones, calligraphy, and bread, as well as other writers and texts that become lenses to show us “How we are growing undoes what we are” and see.Like the glassblower’s art in one of these major poems, “Breath makes another world.” And like his Michelangelo in a sequence that masterfully covers centuries, we see “the way a life we love can be steered, / beyond our control, beyond us.” And so, thanks to this important and needed book we too can live beyond ourselves; that, indeed, is the highest praise for any art.”—Richard Jackson, author of Broken Horizons and Where the Wind Comes From“Stephen Corey’s, As My Age Then Was, So I Understood Them, is sometimes bookish, in the best ways, and in addition to welcoming many of the stars in our pantheon (Shakespeare, O’Keeffe, Keats, Ginsberg, Woolf, and Whitman for example) there’s also the dual elegy for the poet’s father and Dickinson (the latter also has her own baseball poem), Emerson ‘at the moment of his first masturbation,” and a sequence in which Li Po and Tu Fu hop on a jet and tour America. What this means is that when Corey forays into “the real world” —keeping a hospital death watch, exploring and exalting carnal love, or delighting in his young daughter “playing Beethoven on my chest” — the poems are informed by both of his masters… by the “shelves of books” that are “the bones of my brain.””—Albert GoldbarthStephen Corey worked at the Georgia Review for thirty-six years in various positions including thirteen year as Editor before retiring in 2019. His first two poetry collections, The Last Magician (Water Mark Press, 1981) and Synchronized Swimming (Swallow’s Tale Press, 1984), were winners of national competitions. All These Lands You Call One Country (University of Missouri Press, 1992) and There Is No Finished World (White Pine Press, 2003) followed, and a half-dozen poetry chapbooks were interspersed along the way. His first prose collection was Startled at the Big Sound: Essays Personal, Literary, and Cultural (Mercer University Press, 2017), and a second is in process.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Urban Ecosystems: Function, Management and Development
This textbook on urban ecosystems answers important questions about the ecological structure, functions and socio-ecological development of cities worldwide. Based on how cities are developing today in an increasingly urbanized world, it explains ecological challenges for cities of the 21st century such as resource efficiency, climate change, moderation of quality of life and resilience. The book combines theories of urban development and ecology with practical applications and case studies, thus identifying potential for improvement and examples of good ecological urban development worldwide. It shows that cities are by far not only problem areas but also offer great potential for a good life and that the various urban ecosystems can make a considerable contribution to this. The "eco-city" is thus not a utopia,but a real goal that can be pursued step by step in a targeted manner, taking into account the local and regional context.Four renowned urban ecologists have contributed their specific experience in sub-areas without losing sight of the big picture. Jürgen Breuste is an urban ecologist and works at the Paris Lodron University in Salzburg, Austria, on the topics of sustainable urban development, urban biodiversity, ecosystem services and eco-cities. Dagmar Haase is Landschaftsökologin and works at the Humboldt University of Berlin on urban ecosystem services and land use modeling. Stephan Pauleit is a landscape planner and works at the Technical University of Munich on strategies for the sustainable development of urban landscapes. Martin Sauerwein is a geographer and works at the University of Hildesheim on geo-ecology in cultural landscapes, geoarchaeology and soil protection.The textbook addresses a broad audience of students, teachersand also to practitioners in the fields of ecology, urban ecology, urban development, sustainability, urban geography, nature and landscape conservation, spatial planning, landscape ecology, social sciences and urban studies. The numerous photos and graphics, many of them in four colors, as well as clear tables illustrate the facts. Case studies, examples and explanations allow a deeper insight. Questions at the end of each chapter allow the progress of knowledge to be checked, and a comprehensive bibliography for each chapter provides further studies.This book is a translation of the original German 1st edition Stadtökosysteme by Jürgen Breuste published by Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, part of Springer Nature in 2016. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content, so that the book will read stylistically differently from a conventional translation. Springer Nature works continuously to further the development of tools for the production of books and on the related technologies to support the authors.This springer essential is a translation of the original German 1st edition essentials,Stadtökosysteme by Jürgen Breuste published by Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, part of Springer Nature in 2016. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content, so that the book will read stylistically differently from a conventional translation. Springer Nature works continuously to further the development of tools for the production of books and on the related technologies to support the authors.
Manning Publications Learn PowerShell in a Month of Lunches: Covers Windows, Linux, and macOS
"Not only for MacOS and Linux users, but also a great resource for Windows PS users." - Bruce Bergman Learn PowerShell in a Month of Lunches: Covers Windows, Linux, and macOS is a task-focused tutorial for administering Linux and macOS systems using Microsoft PowerShell. Adapted by PowerShell team members Travis Plunk and Tyler Leonhardt from the bestselling Learn Windows PowerShell in a Month of Lunches by community legends Don Jones and Jeffrey Hicks, it features Linux-based examples covering core language features and admin tasks. Designed for busy IT professionals, this innovative guide will take you from the basics to PowerShell proficiency through 25 tutorials you can do in your lunch break. about the technologyThe PowerShell scripting language and administrative shell was initially created for Windows, providing a high-quality command-line interface and awesome automation features. As part of Microsoft's ongoing strategy to support non-Windows platforms with its Azure cloud service and .NET Core framework, PowerShell now runs on Linux and macOS. Like Bash, PowerShell can execute and script nearly any aspect of Linux, so you can easily manage repetitive daily tasks, servers, Cloud resources, Continuous Integration pipelines, and more. Because PowerShell is a full-featured programming language, however, it provides capability well beyond traditional shell scripting languages, such as the ability to treat OS components as objects. about the bookLearn PowerShell in a Month of Lunches: Covers Windows, Linux, and macOS is a user-friendly tutorial to managing Linux and macOS systems with PowerShell. It's based on the bestselling Learn Windows PowerShell in a Month of Lunches, which has introduced PowerShell to nearly 100,000 readers. You'll learn how PowerShell shapes up to Bash or Python scripting as you write and run simple scripts that automate boring daily tasks. As you progress through the book, you'll use PowerShell to write Continuous Integration Pipelines and manage cloud-based servers. Just set aside one hour a day for a month, and you'll be automating tasks faster than you ever thought possible! what's inside- Why you should use PowerShell on Linux and macOS- Background jobs and automation techniques- Simple scripting to automate repetitive daily tasks- Common syntax and commands cheat sheet- Each lesson takes you an hour or less about the readerFor IT professionals comfortable administering Windows or Linux. No previous experience with PowerShell or Bash required. about the authorTravis Plunk has been a Software Engineer on various PowerShell teams since 2013, and at Microsoft since 1999. He was involved in open sourcing PowerShell and has worked on the project full time since shortly after the project was announced. James Petty is a Microsoft MVP, and the CEO and Executive Director for the DevOps Collective and Tyler Leonhardt has been a Software Engineer on the PowerShell team since 2017, and at Microsoft since 2016. He is a core maintainer of the PowerShell extension for Visual Studio Code. Learn Windows PowerShell in a Month of Lunches was written by PowerShell community legends Don Jones and Jeffrey Hicks, who have years of experience as successful PowerShell trainers.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Grief in Children: A Handbook for Adults
For years, I have strongly advised adults to read Grief in Children because I believe it is the most sympathetically written and accessible book on the topic. It is the thoughtful distillation of many years' clinical experience of working with bereaved children and their families.'- from the foreword by Professor William YulePraise for the first edition:'This is a very user-friendly book. It is presented in a way which enables the reader to browse or go direct to a certain section, but at the same time is engaging enough to sustain one's interest to read the whole book.'- Australian Social Work'Dyregrov's writing is clear in its description, and explicit in its advice, and demonstrates that the daunting task of helping a child through grief is both manageable and rewarding... The book will, I'm sure, become required reading for all those touched by the care of bereaved children.'- Bereavement Care'... a handy, small book ideal for teachers, social workers, counsellors, parents and others faced with the task of understanding children in grief and trying to help them.'- Association for Child Psychology and Psychiatry Newsletter'There is valuable material on grief at various ages and development... The question "What makes the grief worse?" is neatly answered and a brief, but useful, section alerts the helper to differences in the grief experienced by boys and girls. The chapters on care for bereaved children are packed with good sense and practical suggestions. Many interesting ideas are given on ways to deal with bereavement in the setting of the classroom. There is much to commend this handbook. It is of manageable length, giving information concisely and supplementing it with well-chosen quotations. A valuable book which I would recommend to my colleagues and to parents, to those who run playgroups and to any who seek to help young people in bereavement.'- Lifeline (Magazine of the National Association of Bereavement Services)This fully updated second edition of Grief in Children provides an accessible overview of children's understanding of death at different ages and gives a detailed outline of exactly how the adults around them can best help them cope.Whether a child experiences the death of a parent, sibling, other relation or friend, or of a classmate or teacher, it is important for those caring for bereaved children to know how to respond appropriately to the child's needs. This book deals with a range of common physical and psychological responses and describes the methods of approaching grief in children that have been shown to work best. The author provides guidance on how loss and bereavement should be handled at school, explains when it is appropriate to involve expert professional help and discusses the value of bereavement groups for children and support for caregivers.Illustrated with case studies and incorporating current research, this book is essential reading for parents, carers, counsellors, teachers and all those concerned with the welfare of bereaved children.Dr Atle Dyregrov is a clinical psychologist and Director of the Center for Crisis Psychology in Bergen, Norway, which he founded with a colleague in 1988. He is a member of the executive board of The Children and War Foundation and a founding member of the European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. Dr Dyregrov is the author of numerous publications, journal articles, and books.Professor Emeritus William Yule is a clinical psychologist and Professor Emeritus of Applied Child Psychology at the Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London. He is Chair of the Children and War Foundation and Honorary Psychologist Advisor to the British Army. He was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award by the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies in 2005.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology
Students learn best when they can relate what they are studying to familiar issues, problems, and experiences, and Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology, 4th Edition does just that. With a clear and concise focus on anatomy and physiology, this new edition explains the normal structure of the human body and how it functions to maintain a state of balance and health - and covers need-to-know principles in an easy-to-understand manner. It focuses on how tissues, organs, and body systems work together to carry out activities such as maintaining body temperature, regulating blood pressure, learning, and responding to stress. Completely updated with a brand new art program, this engaging, user-friendly text clarifies concepts that are often difficult for various career-level health professions students to grasp through reading only. UNIQUE! Tools for Learning pedagogical approach ties together learning objectives, Quiz Yourself boxes, and chapter summaries to help summarize key material, identify important topics, and seamlessly test your comprehension as you work through the text. UNIQUE! Concept-statement headings and subheadings, clearly visible throughout the text, transform simple descriptions into key ideas that you should learn in each section of content. Need-to-know information includes only basic anatomy and physiology content to avoid causing confusion. Chapter outlines at the beginning of each chapter provide a brief synopsis of the chapter and act as a guide for you to prioritize topics. Learning objectives appear after main headings to help you concentrate on important information. Chapter summaries illustrate how the topics covered in each chapter support the learning objectives. Quiz Yourself boxes at the end of each major section reinforce information as it is learned, measure mastery of learning objectives, and test your knowledge and comprehension of key topics within the chapter. Glossary, including key terms, pronunciations, definitions, and chapter references, emphasizes and defines essential terminology. Key terms, presented with pronunciations in bold throughout the text, show you what terminology is critical to gaining a solid understanding of anatomy and physiology. Illustrated tables, with illustrations integrated into the rows and columns, bring tables to life and combine the functionality of succinct tabular material with the added visual benefit of illustrated concepts. A conversational style facilitates learning and ensures you are not intimidated. End-of-chapter quizzes consist of fill-in-the-blank, multiple choice, and new vocabulary matching exercises that let you evaluate your understanding of chapter content. You can find the answers on Evolve. Review questions, including labeling exercises, at the end of each chapter focus on important concepts and applications and allow you to relate structure to function. Study Guide, for sale separately, mirrors the text's Table of Contents and includes study questions, labeling exercises, and crossword puzzles that provide you with a fun way to reinforce concepts learned in the text. Evolve site provides support and guidance for new instructors with minimal teaching experience - and facilitates student learning through a variety of interactive and supplemental resources. NEW! Audio chapter summaries on Evolve can be downloaded to your MP3 player, providing you with an easy, portable way to reinforce chapter concepts. NEW! Completely updated illustration program reinforces content and keeps the text fresh. NEW! Thoroughly updated content ensures material is accurate, current, and reflective of the latest research and topics related to anatomy and physiology. NEW! Key words with definitions and pronunciations, listed at the beginning of each chapter and in the Glossary, help reinforce your terminology comprehension. NEW! Matching vocabulary exercises added to chapter quizzes to help you identify important words and definitions. NEW! Answers to in-book questions on Evolve for instructors, instead of in the book, so instructors have the flexibility to provide or not provide answers to chapter quizzes and review questions from the book - and decide whether or not to use them for homework assignments.
Intersentia Ltd The Acquisition of Immovables through Long-Term Use
Launched in 1993, The Common Core of European Private law is the oldest ongoing collective comparative law efort in Europe. Putting cases at their heart, each book in this series analyses a selected legal topic on the basis of real and fctional facts across diferent European and other jurisdictions. The likely outcome of the decision and its underlying legal rules are clearly set out case by case and jurisdiction by jurisdiction. In addition, the national reporters put the respective legal rules into the relevant cultural context. In this way, the collaborative efort brings not only the inner structures of national laws in Europe to the fore, but also the diferent cultural sensitivities forging their development in the frst place. It allows a reliable map of what is diferent and what is common in the various private laws across Europe to be drawn, without any specifc agenda for or against the further harmonisation of private law in Europe. The series comprises more than 20 volumes of work of more than 300 academics and is an invaluable tool to understand private law across Europe. In this book, which is part of the Common Core of European Private Law series, reporters consider legal institutions - such as the well-known acquisitive prescription and adverse possession - that allow squatters and other persons who have occupied the private or public land of others to acquire that land through mere long-term use. Rules permitting such acquisition have existed since Roman times and are said to promote legal certainty as regards ownership of land. The reporters investigate how these rules work in their legal systems today and whether this justifcation still holds water, especially given that land is now registered in most countries. Registration seems to obviate the necessity for rules permitting acquisition of land through mere long-term use, as land registration systems create clarity as to who owns the land. The continued existence of these rules also comprises a human-rights dimension. Landowners enjoy constitutional property protection under many constitutions and other legal instruments. The loss of protected ownership draws the constitutional validity of rules on long-term use into question. Yet, the rights to housing and human dignity are also relevant, especially where such users have lived on the land for extended periods and regard it as their home or where they are vulnerable to landlessness. As such, these rights must be balanced against each other. The reporters represent 19 jurisdictions from all over the world, including civil law, common law and mixed legal systems, and are from both the global north and the global south. A comparison between these legal systems and their experience with their rules on long-term use reveals a common core and guidelines against which these rules may be measured in other countries. As such, this book will be valuable to practitioners dealing with both private and public law, academic lawyers and government ofcials tasked with land use planning. With contributions by Miriam Anderson (University of Barcelona), Michel Boudot (Universite de Poitiers), Dmitry Dozhdev (Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences), Magdalena Habdas (University of Silesia in Katowice), Karoline Rakneberg Haug (Norwegian Parliamentary Ombud for Scrutiny of the Public Administration), Bjoern Hoops (University of Groningen), Eran S. Kaplinsky (University of Alberta), John A. Lovett (Loyola University New Orleans College of Law), Ernst J. Marais (University of Johannesburg), Francesco Mezzanotte (University of Roma Tre), Matti Ilmari Niemi (University of Eastern Finland), Alasdair Peterson (University of Glasgow), Hector Simon (University Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona), Jozef Stefanko (University of Trnava), Johan Van de Voorde (University of Antwerp), Filippo Valguarnera (Stockholm University), Leon Verstappen (University of Groningen), Emma J.L. Waring (University of York) and Una Woods (University of Limerick).